tv The Situation Room CNN July 1, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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lead cnn pep check out our show page for video blogs and extras. i'm turn you over to brianna keilar filling in for wolf blitzer in "the situation room" right next door. brianna? price crisis from israel to syria to iraq, deadly violence is escalating. is the tinder box on the verge of exploding? ing >> tropical storm threat. arthur forms off florida, begins churning north threatening the upcoming holiday. who see a fourth of july washout. and crumbling roads. growing danger of another deadly bridge collapse like this one just as millions of americans head out on summer trips. why is congress slashing funds for desperately needed repairs? wolf blitzer is off today. i'm brianna keilar. and you're in "the situation room." the first bombs have fallen with more to come as israel unleashes vengeance on hamas.
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prime minister benjamin netanyahu glamts group for the kidnapping and killing can of three israeli teenagers. he says hamas must continue to pay for the murders and israel must forcibly attack. we will develops coverage of that as well as the crisis in iraq and we begin within senior international correspondent ben wedeman in jerusalem. tell us how tense the situation in israel is right now. >> brianna, it's very tense, even here in jerusalem, i was witness to a march by several hundred israelis in the center of the city, offfa road, where they were chanting death to the arabs. they were israeli police some on motorcycles, some on horses trying to keep them under control but it gives you an idea of the level of anger and passion that you can see just in the streets far from -- not far from where i'm standing. in addition to that, new details
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are emerging about the kidnapping of the three israeli teenagers whose bodies were found yesterday. >> translator: we lower our heads in deep pain and sorrow. >> as israelis bury three slain teenagers,' chilling recording has surfaced. israeli media outlets say it's an emergency call to police placed by one confident young men 16-year-old gilad shaar when he realized he was being kidnapped. israeli authorities say they did not leak the audio to the media and are refusing further comment.
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>> the three teens now are a symbol of israel's struggle with its palestinian foes. the nation is responding with an outpouring of grief. funerals were held a day after the bodies of the young men were found in a field near hebron. prime minister benjamin netanyahu delivering a eulogy and promising punishment for those responsible. >> translator: a broad moral gulf separates us from our enemies. they sanctify death. we sanctify life. >> reporter: the israeli military has begun to retaliate, stepping up air strikes in gaza overfight and partially destroying the west bank homes of two suspects. accused of kidnapping the teens 19 days ago while they were trying to hitchhike home from the west bank. israel calls the suspects hamas
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terrorists. >> these groups want to kill. these groups want to murder. these groups believe that through this or ji of violence that they are somehow cleansing the world for their warped and extreme religious views. >> reporter: hamas denies it was behind the killings, but warns that if netanyahu brings a war on gaza, the gates of hell will open to him. and now a palestinian news agency -- whose name translates as supporters of the islamic state is claiming responsibility. >> and brianna, this evening the zeal cabinet is meeting once again to ponder the next moves before that meeting, prime minister benjamin netanyahu benjamin netanyahu said israel is going to take a three-prong approach. first of all pursuing the kidnappers, the murderers of these three teenagers.
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it's also going to be cracking down on the infrastructure of hamas in the west bank and finally the prime minister said that israel will operate against hamas in the gaza strip. brianna. >> much more to come. ben wedeman, thank you so much. let's bringing in chief national security correspondent jim shut toe. how is the u.s. responding to all of this so far, jim? >> one thing you would expect and won you wouldn't expect. you have josh earnest encouraging restraint on all sides. you'd expect that message. but the other message you hear, as well is questioning who's behind it. josh earnest saying we're still seeking some details who precisely is responsible. the israeli government is saying it is hamas. we're going to punish hamas.
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there's been evidence the two the suspects had ties to hamas, questions whether senior leadership approved this. was this an approved operation or i an freelancing operation. >> they're saying they didn't know about this. right? >> hamas has not claimed responsibility. they're saying early on they praised the abductions but didn't claim responsibility for it. you know, do you trust hamas? that's one thing. you do have from the white house questioning whether you have hard evidence whether hamas approved this at the senior levels. that's part of the broader message from the administration saying let's not go to war over this. no one's going to win. >> the other thing sort of striking as all of this happens is that this follows a push by john kerry for middle east peace. >> it was his life work for the early part of his term. there weren't many people who thought it would go anywhere. to his credit, secretary of state john kerry stuck with it. it didn't go anywhere. and now you have it taking a step to what could be an even
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more violent situation there. i think more broadly, it shows that this is a difficult part of the world. you know, any policy response has a low chance of success. and you've seen the administration try a number of things, not getting involved in syria, syria expanded into iraq. now you have forces going into iraq. we'll see if that makes a difference. you are had a peace effort that failed in the middle east and now you have a situation like this. it shows that it is hard to find outcomes that tr solutions as opposed to just outcomes in this part of the world. >> thank you so much. now to iraq and the possibility of even more american forces being sent there. this as you can imagine is sparking growing concern about mission creep. correspondent barbara starr working that story for us. what are you hearing, barbara? >> brianna, officially the pentagon says it's absolutely not mission creep but i have to tell you, i've talked privately to several military officers who are worried it is just that the
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pentagon now admitting the number pending on pra president obama decides. >> is there a grand total? >> no, but. >> in terms of a grand total limit, i mean, he's the commander in chief. he makes these decisions. >> the sunni backed militants are now at the northwestern edges of baghdading. >> that hasn't let up. it's difficult to tell what will their intent is. >> leading the u.s. to escalate its involvement for one crucial reason. baghdad international airport. u.s. military officials believe the airport must be protected from attack. it's the only way to evacuate thousands of americans out of baghdad if the embassy or the city itself comes under fire. so the additional u.s. military personnel are going to the airport with armed helicopters and drones. if needed, they will fly overhead between the embassy and the airport looking for signs of
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isis on the move. northwest baghdad where the airport is located very much in the militant's crosshairs. it's the third escalation of u.s. force in two weeks. at the u.s. embassy in baghdad, there have been up to 200 troops working there for the last several years. but then on june 16th, 275 additional troops were ordered to beef up security. three days later, president obama announced up to 300 military advisors would be sent in after several iraqi divisions collapsed in the face of an isis advance. then on monday, 200 more troops were sent to baghdad to reinforce the embassy, the airport, and key roads. the pentagon insists there is no mission creep. not everyone buys that. >> we haven't defined what our mission is. how do we know when we've accomplished it? is the mission to prop up the iraqi government? is the mission to evacuate
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americans and get out of there? is the mission to resupply and support the iraqi army on the ground? i don't think we've heard a clear explanation from the president or the secretary of defense exactly what we're doing there. i know we're there to advise. >> and now perhaps, brianna, one of the real questions is the status of the iraqi forces if the fighting were to come to baghdad. will the iraqis stand and fight? >> a big outstanding question. barbara, thank you so much. let's talk about all of this with rear admiral john kirby, the pentagon press secretary. he's -- we still of course, our chief national security correspondent jim sciutto here, as well. this was interesting to me. we heard in barbara's report the concern about mission creep, that there are several military officers who are worried that that is the case. how is that not a major concern here? >> well, obviously, we're always concerned about mission. the mission is very clear. there's sort of two tracks to
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to. one is security assistance at the embassy and facilities in and around baghdad and the airport. number two is what we consider an assess and advise mission. right now we're in the assessment phase. eventually we'll get to the advise face. it's a two-track process, a two-track resourcing demand. that's the mission that we're on right now. >> is there any timetable for how long these troops will be there? >> they're going to be there for as long as they're needed but the president's been very clear that this is a limited short term duration mission for all these troops. there's no expectation they're going to be there for an inordinate amount of time but as long as needed. >> could there be more troops going? >> i can't -- it's not for me to rule that in or out. the commander in chief makes these decisions. what we've tried to do is be as flexible to the requirements as possible. i can't rule out there could be additional troops. if there are, they won't be in great number and again, they won't be there for a long period of time. >> what's the mission? >> twofold. one to help provide static
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security assistance for our facilities in and around baghdad and to allow the embassy to keep doing their job which is diplomatic relations with the government of iraq. the embassy is still open. we have is an obligation to protect them and our property there. number two, assess the state of the situationen ot ground, assess the iraqi security forbess and their readiness. >> then what? what if they're not ready? >> they're not doing so well at this point. >> after the assessment face which won't take more than a couple weeks, we perhaps to flow in perhaps additional advisors. the numbers could go up to help advise the sierk security forces do what they need to do in the field. >> what happens if u.s. troops come under fire in that mission particularly out beyond the wire of the u.s. embassy was sierk troops in forward positions? >> first of all they're not going to be out in the field. that said, they are armed and always have the right of
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self-defense. they know that. i would remind that you these advisors, these are largely special forces troops. they know how to take care of themselves. >> lastly, if there is no end date here, there's no real cap to the number, i mean, can't you see how people look at this and say, there could be mission creep? this is sort of open-ended? >> no, again, the missions are very clearly defined. within each one of those, the president has given a cap up to 475 in terms of security assistance. he made that clear in both letters to congress on that. for the advisors up to 300. we're not at that leb right now. we're about 180 on the ground fulfilling that mission for assess and advise. so we're not -- we're just over halfway what he actually authorized which was 300. >> if baghdad was under threat, if there was an assessment that baghdad could fall, would these troops go in there to defend baghdad? >> that's not the mission. the mission is security assistance for our property and also to assist and advise the
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the all-new c4 mattress at $1499.98. know better sleep with sleep number. self-promoting and vengeful. he played a key role in convincing the bush administration to invade iraq in the first places in 2003 and now he is a frontrunner in the race to replace prime minister nuri al maliki. brian todd is here with more on the very controversial return of
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ahmad chalabi. tell us more about this. >> many analysts say what iraq needs is a nelson mandela to can bring political enemies together. is chalabi iraq's nelson mandela? many have grave doubts. right now he's considered one of the top contenders to come in and unite iraq in one of its worst crises. he had president bush's ear, was a guest at the state of the union address and relentlessly campaigned for americaing to throw saddam hussein out under the premises iraq had the deadliest weapons. >> i believe the u.s. will find iraqi weapons of mass destruction. they found the software. we're talking to many of the scientists who were involved in these programs and they confirm the manufacture of those weapons. >> ahmaad chally by's pronouncements and intelligence he fed to officials influenced the bush administration's decision to invade.
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and the information was spectacularly bogus. now, chalabi is being talked about as a serious contender 0 replace nuri al maliki as prime minister. the very idea brings back bad memories for some.american observe ser vers. >> i can't believe this is a good leader for iraq on every single issue, he was either dishonest, self-promoting or vengeful towards his previous enemies and i just saw nothing good in the man. >> chalabi had american military and political leaders thinking the iraq war would be a cakewalk. later he was accuses of iping iranians off to american american intelligence secrets and banned from the u.s. embassy in baghdad. he denied the claims. before the war he was convicted and sentenced in a massive bank fraud case in jordan and escaped to london. there are also concerns how eb he would be as prime minister. during the war, chalabi who is shiia, headed up the effort to
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push top sunni leaders out of their jobs. despite that, a spokesman for cleric muqtada al sadr told us sadder's followers a key blocking in iraq's parliament believe challah bill is a viability candidate who who can be quantity quantity the government. james jeffrey likes chalabi, calls him courageous and says in the current spiral of violence, there aren't great alternatives. >> iraq is disintegrating before our eyes. this is a total emergency situation. the only way out of this thing is only chances of that is for iraq to find a replacement to the itch malaki. let's give this guy a chance. >> how does the obama administration feel about ahmed chalabi possibly becoming the next leader? the white house and state department says it's not the role of the u.s. to support any candidate. our efforts to the get chalabi to comment for the story were not successful. >> what are the chances here
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that chalabi might win? >> some argue he's got kind of a long shot here. he doesn't have much of a mass following and not much much a chance to win but he's a very savvy political operator. he's a moderate and his alliance with muqtada al sadr's is very important. that could give him momentum if they hold an election soon. >> and rear admiral john kirby, along winning jim sciutto, our chief national security correspondent. can we really trust chalabi? when you listen to everything laid out there in brian's piece? >> look, again it's not for the u.s. military to get involved in iraqi politics. these are decisions that the iraqi people have to make. our focus is on trying to make sure that the iraqi security forces are ready meet the theret. >> he's connected. he's known. he's moderate. he's savory. is he someone that the u.s. could work with? we're not going to pick sides.
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we want political leadership in iraq that's inconclusive and sectarian and can unite all the people of iraq together to meet this common threat. >> i want to follow up on something jim asked you which was what would happen if baghdad were under threat of isis? would the u.s. really stand by and let the airport fall? >> we think that baghdad's already under a legitimate threat by isil and the forces surrounding baghdad. we're also seeing iraqi security forces and shia militia start to reinforce their positions there. we have every indication to suggest they will fight to defend their capital. we talk about mission creep. it's not mission creep. it's mission discipline. we know what the two tracks of our mission are. they're security assistance for personality and property and trying to get to an advisory role for the iraqi security. >> i know the assess. part of the mission from u.s. military advisors is far from over. you say there's one positive
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side that you have the militias defending baghdad at this point. are you seeing any other positive signs they're doing better this week than when were when isis forces marched through cities in the north? >> absolutely. over second, sierk security forces started to move back to tikrit to try background and they did so. they're also -- they've retaken the baaji-refinery and they still old the haditha dam. they are making gains. >> i want to play sounds everybody david petraeus, someone intensely familiar where iraq. he was also the cia director. he said he saw this coming. this what is what he said an the aspen ideas festival. >> i think people who have watched this closely and i've been one of them have seen this coming. quite a good campaign they've been conducting reconnaissance. what really took place, as well
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is that the population was not reluctant to see some of these security force leaders and their members get pushed out. keep in mind, this is a part of the country that had come to feel disenfranchised again, cast off and not having a seat at the table. >> is this something that top brass saw coming? >> i think we've been watching isil and their progress not just in iraq but in this area. they go back and forth across that border. absolutely. and it's not something that just started yesterday. and i would remind you too that you know, some of the performance of the iraqi security forces up in the north wasn't so much a statement about training and readiness so much as will. and we believe that the government in iraq did not take full advantage of the opportunity that the isf was given in 2011 when we left. when they were trained and ready and competent with the threat. the threat has changed but there wasn't enough of a political
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process around and inclusive to keep ta will to fight going. >> interrogation officials told us for months they've been warning about isis's growing strength and even with the specificity saying isis had their targets set on baghdad. this is something that has been churning through, the question is the how would iraqi forces respond. obviously up north they did not respond. >> we think they're stiffening their spine in and around baghdad. >> we have heard reports of isis members marching through iraq with what appeared to be a scud missile. likely looted from iraqi military bases. this is the expectation we have pictures of this here. is this what happened? are those scud missiles that isis has? how concerned should we be? where did they come from? >> i have to take a little bit longer look at the video to say def tin live. they will have captured quite a bit of iraqi equipment from the north when they started grabbing
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ground up there. no question about that. . they seem to be taking the kinds of things that they can use, things that won't slow them down. again, i don't know much more about the scud missile. but it is a concern. the amount of gear they've been able to capture. >> this is a big deal to see something like this. >> we've spoken. to other military experts who said their best assessment, you're looking at videos that it looked old and didn't look operable. hard judgment to make in the field. there's also the question. there was a question early on whether helicopters might be captured, whether they could fly them. so can they launch the missile? that's still an open question. they're getting a lot of military gear which they're using and everything they pick up i think it's safe to say it's a dangerous thing for them to have. >> some of what they're doing is propaganda value in general, just to instill fear. >> we certainly see that in the pictures. jim sciutto, thank you so much. pentagon spokesman and rear admiral john kirby, appreciate you being with us.
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coming up tropical can storm arthur threatening to wash out fourth of july celebrations along the east coast. we are tracking that storm. and also lawmakers very quietly change a rule to keep new the dark about one of their biggest perks. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business.
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members of congress do not have to disclose who funds their travel. did you know that? that is the new guidance from the house ethics committee for members in a rule change that was approved, uh-huh, behind closed doors. our justice correspondent pamela brown has been looking into this. this is a pretty controversial stuff. >> it certainly is. in fact, cnn is just learning at least one congressman is file agofficial request asking the committee to reverse course on this. now, members of congress are
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allowed to accept trips overseas from private sponsor like non-profits as long as they disclose who is paying for the travel but the ethics committee quietly changed that requirement, a change that has transparency and government advocates up in arms. >> members of congress have had the travel bug for years visiting places like the old city in jerusalem to get a sense of the age old problems there. in fact, israel, france, turkey and ireland rank among the most popular destinations for lawmakers who are traveling there for free. because private sponsors pick up the tab totally millions of dollars. it used to be each member of congress must reveal who paid their tab on their personal financial disclosure forms. one of the most high profile forms lawmakers must file. now that requirement has changed. >> it's clearly been done to allow members to escape accountability for lavish trips.
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>>. >> if a member of congress takes an expensive trip, watchdog groups ask questions why did they need to take the trip. if they don't have to reveal it on their disclosure forms, people won't note about it. buried on page 35 in the guidelines provided to congress members states the change, meaning they get to travel regardless of dollar value and paid for a private source does not need to be reported. the unpublicize the change went unnoticed until a reporter with the national journal spotted it. the chairman of the house transparency caucus says that's part of the problem. >> i only know what i read in the newspapers. i did not note this has taken place. >> now, congress members must disclose all travel records to the clerk's office instead. the house ethics committee says the information is still accessible and the the change streamlines the process. congressman quigley disagrees.
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>> a wise supreme court justice said sunshine is the best disinfectant. it doesn't hurt us to be duply cative. it helps us at a time when trust in congress is at an all-time low to be as open and accountable as we can. >> the trips in question are financed by a private non-profit groups, usually build as fact finding missions. nancy pelosi is speaking out about the change in a statement asking the committee to reverse course. while the committee's aim was to simplify the disclosure process, congress must always move in a direction of more disclosure, not less she says. and in a at the same time, the committee tells cnn it is committed to effective and public disclosure and it continues to enforce the requirement that all house members and staff must continue to receive prior approval and file detailed about any trip within 15 days. the argument could be made that
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actually you can get access to their travels, congress men travels even sooner with this change. >> that you would get it 15 days later. i see that point. pamela, thank you so much. joining us now to discuss more, chief political analyst gloria borger and senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. is this a big deal? >> no, look, this is one of those -- this is one of those issues that sounds really important because of course, we're all for disclosure in the wake of the jake abramoff problems in 2006-2007. the super lobbyist who took people on -- >> you're not saying it's not a big deal because the short term -- >> you take a trip. you have to disclose 15 days after the trip. what this did was try and make the paperwork easiest and say you disclose 15 days. you don't have to duplicate it on your annual form. >> members of congress said let's figure out a way for the
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american people to hate us even more. >> that's the problem. >> i want to see it on the annual form. >> that's just fine. you can do that if you click a button. you can click a button. if you want to look up nancy pelosi's travel it's all there for. >> you you're kind of rolling your eyes. >> why change it to any less, any slower. yes, absolutelily. >> it's not slower. it's faster. >> it seems to me if you were a member of congress and your issue about disclosure, any change where it's less transparent it just seems like a dumb idea. >> here's the thing. my bottom line is they were trying to streamline it and trying to streamline it, they should have just left it alone. you don't don't want a teensy weensy appearance of not disclosing as much as you can. >> i want to turn now to immigration. and congress when you talk about them falling out of favor with americans, it's dead. this issue is pretty much dead
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for this congress. president obama has said i'm going to go it alone in this regard. i'm wondering, does he have a an potential here of overreaching? does president obama potentially overreach and embolden the republican base where you have speaker boehner suing him for going alone? >> already saying he's going to sue him. there's a big difference. >> it's a big difference. threatening to sue which is sort of a lot of drumming ahead of a midterm election. >> this is a hypothetical lawsuit about a hypothetical change. so it's like saying who's going to win a soccer game in the 73rd minute when there's no score. you don't know at this point who's going to win. but i think the president, he's not -- is anything he does congress, the republicans are going to hate. why shouldn't he try to change the law in a way he thinks is better? the idea that he will somehow offend congress's delicate
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sensibilities. he's trying to bring out his base. republicans are going to already have their committed motivated voters out in 2014 because it's the sixth year of a presidency. he's got to figure out how to get democrats -- >> my last question, i have to get in. it's really great. that is ruth bader ginsburg dissent on the hobby lobby case. it's inspired a t-shirt design. we have that. it's hilarious. notorious rbg. it even has its own song. listen. ♪ any decision to use contraceptives is not propelled by the government ♪ ♪ it's the woman's autonomous choice informed by her doctor ♪ >> i mean, look, you've got acoustic music going along with this. is this something that is going to rally democrats? >> not the song. >> good point. >> but i think the issue is a big one. i mean, you know, republican
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party ought to be a little careful talking about contraception considering how much trouble they've gotten into in the past elections on these issues about abortions in indiana, in missouri. this is a case where you know, women's employers are deciding what sort of contraception that they can get. and you know, i don't think that's a winner for them politically. >> and this is why the democrats are going to bring it up on the senate floor knowing full well that they will take a vote that they will lose but they will bring it up because they want women to come out and vote for them again in the midterm elections. so they can turn this loss which it was into some kind of a political momentum. >> gloria and jeffrey. >> substance matters too though. >> of course. >> thank you so much, jeffrey and gloria. really appreciate it. and coming up, look at this. . we're watching this guy, the first storm of the 2014 season
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barreling towards the east coast. and an urgent new warning from the obama administration that roadsen an bridges like this one are in danger of collapse. we've got details ahead. from safety... to fuel economy... to quality... today's chevrolet has it all. and it's a great time to buy. during the chevy 72 hour sale, you'll get 0% apr for 72 months. plus no monthly payments for the rest of the summer. 0% apr for 72 months plus no monthly payments for the rest
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the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. the first named storm of the 2014 hurricane season is threatening july 4th weekend as it picks up strength off the coast of florida and barrels towards the east coast. we're monitoring the situation with meteorologist chad meyers. what's up, chad? >> getting bigger, stronger, getting windier at the core. that's not good news because it wasn't forecast to get this much bigger till tomorrow morning. up to 50 miles per hour right now. gusts to around 60.
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there is the central dense overcast we call it. doesn't haven't an eye because it isn't a hurricane. there is the radar bringing some showers to the florida peninsula. the story won't be the showers. there will be lightning with it, as well. it's going to be the rip current. the rip currents that this is going to make all the way up the east coast. from here with the onshore flow like this blowing water on shore. and then that water has to go out and it finds its way over or through a sandbar and those are where the rip currents are the most dangerous. this storm runs up the east coast. it is forecast right there to be a 90-mile-per-hour storm. that's the latest 5:00 advisory. not 80 anymore, 90 miles per hour. skirting or skimming at least through parts of north carolina. but all along the coast, there will be those rip currents because the water is going to be pieing onto the coast. if you get all the way back out here, there will be rain for even into pennsylvania, d.c. all
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the way down to new york city. that's some of the outer bands that you'll see not ruining your fourth of july but getting it partially wet as the storm runs up the east coast. still a couple days away. we'll keep you advised. >> i'm getting my star ar spangled umbrella ready. thanks so much. there's an urgent warning from the obama administration about america's roads and bridges in serious need of repair. the nation may be actually on the brink of a highway crisis. now lawmakers are scrambling to find funds to maintain a safe system. rene marsh is on the road collecting out fra infrastructure and joining us now. hi, renee. >> hi, brianna. there is a deadline that comes along with that scramble to find cash. right now, we're live on the roadways here in washington, d.c. not far from the capitol where a battle is brewing. you want to know what's at stake? take a look here. you think traffic is bad now? well, it's projected it will
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only get worse if they don't fix the problem. if you don't drive, guess what, there are consequences for you, too. this summer, millions of americans hitting the road will cross bridges and roadways in dire need of improvement and repairs. getting to your destination likely won't be easy. expect traffic jams because decades old bridges and roads weren't built to handle today's traffic. >> if this congress does not act by the end of the summer, the highway trust fund will run out. >> dubbed the transportation fiscal cliff. a federal fund used to repair america's crumbling infrastructures just weeks away from going bankrupt. a potential crisis for commuters, considering the american society of civil engineers gives u.s. infrastructure a d plus. and one in nine of the nation's bridges are structurally deficient. look no further than delaware
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for what the impact could look like. an emergency shutdown of the critical eye 495 bridge, the problem? cracks and leaning support columns. >> old underground pipes breaking in cities across the country. causing major flooding. the president and transportation secretary anthony foxx say failure to fund, repairs and improvements will cost americans in more ways than one. >> how many jobs potentially at stake here? >> we're estimating 700,000 jobs at risk. >> in 2011, commuters wasted $2.9 billion gallons of gas just sitting in traffic costing the average consumer more than $800 per year according to one study. the highway trust fund gets revenue from an 18.4 cent per gallon gas tax. but the tax has not increased to keep up with inflation since 1993. now, it the clock is ticking as congress debates how to prevent
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the fund from going broke next month. >> we need to be able to get those investments moved into filling gasp, reducing congestion, lowering travel times. improving the ability of the american public to move around and for goods to move around. that can only happen if congress acts. >> well, today, states all across the country received letters essentially saying prepare for the worst. those checks are about to slow down. now, what lawmakers cannot decide on is how to pay for these roadways that we're looking at here essentially. they just don't agree on the best way to go about it. back to you, breeann ma. >> renee, we know you'll be following that. just ahead it's her first tv interview in a decade. we have the blunt new conversation with monica lewinsky, but first, more than $100 million of your donations to disabled veterans pocketed by fraudsters. a cnn investigation reveals
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rampant deception at a charity for vets. we have that next. we're moving our company to new york state. the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies.
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the national foundation's chief fund-raiser agreed it pay huge fines, change the way it does business, and possibly set a new and much more transparent course for charities across the nation. attorney general eric sneiderman calls the private fund-raising firm, quote, despicable in how it has deceived the mostly old and gullible out of hundreds of millions of dollars. >> some of these pleas put out were heart wrenching. helping some poor particular veteran get a car and get a better life. and we've now learned through investigation that in some of the stories those were fabricated. >> playing a $9.7 million dollar fine and forgiving nearly $13 million in debt still owed it by the disabled veterans national
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foundation. cnn has been chasing quadriga and veteran's national foundation for years, ever since we found out these two groups, one a company, one a charity, have been taking your generous donations to our nation's disabled veterans and pocketing almost all of the money. >> we are doing a story on quadriga. we're cnn. >> the investigation discovered quadriga had almost total control over the charity. the charity was just a scheme. >> they used their council to advise the charity. quadriga put up the money for the campaign but then it had total control and discretion over the funds going in. >> over $116 million raised by the veteran's charity over the years, $104 million of it went
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to the direct mail fund-raiser according to new york state. and most of the donations that it made, called gift and kind, like the coconut m & ms, useless to veterans. >> the abuse here spans the whole gamut. that's why this is such an interesting case. they were falsifying gift in kind. sending things that no disabled veteran needed. like m & ms, chef's hats. >> as a result of settlement, the founding board members, including its founder priscilla wilkowitz is being removed from the charity. the executive director already left and the chair sit banned from doing business from quadriga arts for three years. with the forgiven debt, quadriga art andity president must fully disclose fund-raising costs up
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front so would-be charity understand just how much of the donated money, your donated money, quadriga will keep for itself. >> the donor's intent was to help disabled veterans and take money people are trying to spend just to feed your own overhead and to pay your executives off as quadriga did here. it is pretty despicable. >> announcing that an uncle who helped run the company, has resigned. his nephew is running the company, mark shuloff. he said we have taken responsibility for mistakes made. we deeply apologize for our actions and have taken steps to ensure that this situation will never occur again. as for the disabled veterans national foundation, their forfounding memberes have been separating from that organization and now they have released a statement as well
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saying this is very significant and a positive step for the disabled veterans national foundation. that, they say, will enable us to improve the services we deliver, and increase transparency with our loyal donors. drew griffen, cnn, atlanta. >> coming up, as the crisis in iraq deepens, the u.s. is sending more troops into baghdad where we see mission unfold. her first tv interview in a decade, monica lewinski is speaking out and not pulling any punches. and your fourth of july weekend, stand by for the latest forecast. she keeps you on your toes.
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it is revenge, punishing strikes aimed at terrorists as violence and turmoil spread across the middle east. i'll ask president obama's top spokesman about fears of another destabilizing war. a drenching in the midwest. parts of the east coast bracing for much worse. the first tropical storm of the season is threatening to hit on the fourth of july. and monica lewinski's shame. former white house intern opens up about the public reaction to her affair with bill clinton. stand by for her first interview in a decade. >> it was a virgin to humiliation of that level until that day. >> wolf blitzer is off today. you're in "the situation room." >> the middle east is on alert for the possibility of more retaliatory strikes by israel as
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the nation mourns the deaths of three kidnapped teenagers and promises vengeance against hamas terrorists. we are following dangerous new developments across the region. the explosion of war and terror and the threat to the united states. white house press secretary josh earnest is standing by to talk about the unfolding crisis. but first to our chief national correspondent jim sciutto. >> in each of these situations spinning out of control, the rallying that hamas is quote threatening to open the gates of held if there is an offensive in gaza. in iraq, u.s. putting so much weight on appearing to fall apart. a region of crises next door. the war in syria spilled into iraq. and now israel, a relative oasis of calm, is on the drink of a new conflict.
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in syria, isis militant showing off weapons seized inside iraq including an old scud missile. an attempt to form a new iraqi government dissolve need a shouting match in parliament with dozens of sunni and kurdish members walking out. >> if there is a new prime minister, with a new policy, then we will be positive. otherwise, the country is going from bad to worse. >> the political stalemate comes just days after secretary of state john kerry urged iraqi leaders on all sides to urgently build a new government. now, prime minister al-maliki is under increasing pressure to step down. >> i think there is a broad sense that iraq's leaders understand the urgency here. now i think we will know very soon whether they really understand it. and whether they are willing to back up that sentiment with actions. >> today, with the nation buried three israeli teens abducted and
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murdered in the west bank as the government debates retaliation, many are bracing themselves for a new conflict, just weeks after u.s.-led peace talks broke down this spring. >> we are stuck in a region. critical to american interests. we can't leave and we can't transform it. and if you can't fix something, and you can't leave it behind, then you have to do the next best thing, which is to transact, which is to figure out what's vital and what's discretionary, what's doable from what isn't and act accordingly. >> the white house is extremely concerned about the deteriorating situation in israel urging all sides to prevent as white house spokesman josh earnest said one terrible act to lead it a much broader, much more destabilizing situation and you know that phrase, much broader, much stabilizing situation could go to so many places in that situation right now. >> jim view theo, thank you so much. we have more on rising tengs
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in israel after the burial of those three slain teenagers and the possibility of a another taler toal attack. ben has more on this from jerusalem. >> tens of thousands of israelis turned out for the funeral of the three israeli teenagers found in the afternoon. it was a somewhat different scene here in jerusalem where i saw hundreds of mostly young israelis chanting, death to arabs. there are reports of several palestinians being attacked by this angry mob. this evening the israeli cabinet is meeting again to ponder the next moves in the aftermath of the death of the three teenagers. we heard from israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu
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saying they will take a three-pronged approach. on one hand, doing its best to find the perpetrators of the kidnapping and killings of the three teenagers then crack down on the infrastructure of hamas in the west bank. finally he said, israel will operate against hamas in gaza, that word indicating perhaps israeli is not pondering a massive thrust against hamas and gaza. brianna. >> ben wedeman for us there. we are joined by white house press secretary josh earnest. thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. >> sure. how are you? >> good, thank you very much. i wanted to ask you, this is something you said where you are talking about seeking details about who precisely is responsible for the killings of these three israeli teens. israel at this point says it is hamas. these are hamas activists. does the u.s. share that opinion?
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>> well, brianna, what we noticed is that some leaders in hamas had actually indicated that they were pleased that these kidnappings had taken place. they celebrated news of kidnappings. there is obviously no room for that. there is an ongoing investigation to try and get to the bottom of what exactly happened here and in the meantime we will urge, you know, all sides to use as much restrain as possible when reacting to this situation. >> certainly. and we have heard hamas talking about the kidnappings. obviously there's a difference between kidnappings, where teens would be found alive, and now these deaths where hamas leaders are saying thattes this perhaps don't know as much about it. or they don't have all of the information about it. you said that it is understandable that the israeli reaction to hamas leaders really harolding these kidnappings. but is the military response of israel to the killings, 34
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targets, hamas targets, is that understandable? >> well, brianna, some of that is in response to rocket attacks we have seen in recent days that originated in gaza. certainly israel has not just the right but the responsibility to protect their borders and protect their country. and that's not a right that anybody should question. what we are most focused on though is making sure, as i mentioned earlier today, that we don't allow this terrible event to deinvolve into a much more destabilizing broader situation that would have bad impacts down the line. so you know, while the anger and emotion that we're seeing on the israeli side is entirely understandable, we are urging both sides to exercise some restraint so it doesn't devolve into a much more dangerous situation. >> have you seen that restraint? >> well, you know, we're watching both sides. what is interesting about this
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is that there actually is a useful security cooperation relationship that exist between the palestinian authority and israeli government. that is an indication that both sides recognize that there is an interest in both sides in protecting the security of both sides by cooperating. so we hope that that cooperation will continue on security relationships. there is cooperation that exist between the two governments. that cooperation is critical to making sure that we don't see this situation devolve into a more violent, more destabilizing, much broader situation. >> i want to turn to immigration, josh. such a big topic right now. chances of this moving forward in this congress, now dead. president obama saying that he wants to go it alone here. i wonder, does the president in his calculus here as he talks about moving ahead with executive actions, does he worry looking to 2015 where some say hey, there may be a clans it push immigration reform through
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congress then, does he worry that going it alone right now could damage his prospects for moving comprehensive immigration reform in the next congress? >> well, brianna, it's important for context, for your viewers to understand. that reason the president decided to move forward with the unilateral executive effort, to try to address problems that are created by our broken immigration system is simply because house republican leaders have refused for a year now to allow a piece of legislation that passed with bipartisan support in the senate to come to the floor and come up for a vote in the house of representatives. we are confident and most analyst are confident that if that legislation was put it vote, it would pass and the president would sign it. so the president is not pleased about the fact he has it resort to administrative action to try to address problems that were created by our broken immigration system. he is doing this because house republicans have left him with no other choice. they are refusing to address this problem and the president is now prepared it use all of
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the authority at his disposal. all of the authority invested in the presidency to try to figure out what we can do to mitigate some of the worst problems of our broken immigration system. now the president also stipulated yesterday when he talked about this that if congress changes course and house republicans do allow this bill to come up far vote andity pass in the house of representatives, the president is happy to allow the legislation to super seed what he is able to do administratively to solve the problem. we will continue to press with congress but we won't sit around and wait for them any longer. >> i want to ask you about his thinking, about when he goes to congress. we saw him when it came to syria. he went to congress, didn't get support. he ultimately decided not to proceed with some sort of military strike. some sort of airstrike against syria. many people would say, there were consequences from that.
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i wonder though, in this case, he is going it alone. what's the difference here? what's his thinking on when he goes it alone and when he doesn't? >> right. what are the consequences of the president -- they acknowledge for the first time in history that they had them. they signed the chemical weapons convention and work with the international commune it to rid their country of all of that declared chemical weapons stockpile. which we ultimately made -- >> but some people also argue it is for instance emboldened vladimir putin. that isis having fought in syria and now marching across iraq that it also em boldened that group. >> it is an oversimplistic analysis. what the goal of the military strike bo have been would be to make clear to alba shad to admit the chemicals weapons that he
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said he doesn't have at the time. bashar al-assad won't be able -- and with the russians ironically enough to remove all of the chemical weapons and are chemically destroyed in a u.s. vessel at sea. this is evidence of some of the president's successful implementation of a multilet ral foreign policy that is made sure that porld world is a safer place. because not only will al-assad never be able to use the weapons being destroyed, neither will a terrorist group or somewhere else that would take them to some other region of the world and use them against united states citizens. that won't happen because those weapons are being destroyed. >> i want it ask you while have you here, i want to talk about iraq. still several hundred troops being sent in. it remind us of something that president obama said back in
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2011. let's talk on the other side of this. >> okay. >> so today, i can report that as promised, the rest of the troops in iraq will come home at the end of the year. after nearly nine years, america's war in iraq will be over. >> i said the rest of our troops will come home by the end of the year. is he concerned he is going back on that promise? >> what changed is the security situation on the ground in iraq. we are disappointed to have seen that security situation deteriorate so rapidly. what president has done is he made two specific decision. first decision he made is that he is going to put some additional american troops into iraq for one specific purpose, our main goal, to protect american personnel currently in iraq. they are there to protect the embassy. those americans there need to leave baghdad in a hurry.
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they can do so and know the airport is secure. >> is some something, josh, when he ran in 2008, the crux of his campaign was leaving iraq and now you have troops going back in. i mean, that must be something in his thinking. does he worry about this? that what he said, what he campaigned on, what he said in 2011, now he is going back on? >> well, brianna, when the president took office, there were more than a hundred thousand american troops in iraq. what you and i are talking about are a couple hundred american troops going back to iraq with the principal goal of protecting american personnel in baghdad. that is a core priority of the president's -- of the president making sure that americans serving this country abroad and whatever country they are serving in, that they can represent interested safely. so that's why the president sent additional troops there. there is another contingent of up to 300 troops that work closely with iraq security forces, assess the situation on the ground, assess the ability
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of the iraq security forces and offer them advice and assistant. that is very different. that couple hundred troops there advising iraq's security force says different than the hundred thousand or more american troops who are on the ground in iraq when this president took office and on the front lines fighting people, fighting people who are shooting at them. in this situation, we have american troops, a small number, couple hundred, working closely with security forces. but they don't have a combat role there. they have an advise and assist role. it also reflects this president's belief that despite the deteriorating security situation in iraq, that ultimately it is a political solution requireed. that's why we are encouraging iraq's political leaders to come together, form a government and move forward in an inclusive governing agenda in that country. >> we are watching them struggle with that as well.
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josh earnest, white house press secretary, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. >> still ahead, isis terrorist moving toward baghdad, now going after holy shrines and enraging many muslims along wait. cnn will take you to the battle ground. an monica lewinski's first interview in a decade. she is blunt about the humiliation she endured when the world learned of her affair with bill clinton. >> it was just a violation after violation. means keeping seven billion ctransactions flowing.g, and when weather hits, it's data mayhem. but airlines running hp end-to-end solutions are always calm during a storm. so if your business deals with the unexpected, hp big data and cloud solutions make sure you always know what's coming - and are ready for it. make it matter.
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it isn't just the militant threat to the capital baghdad that has iraqis worried here. we have more from baghdad. report that arwa? >> reporter: that's right. there are many sacred sites in iraq. the point of trying to destroy these sites is to further the sectarian divide. the city is right now under very tight security. in the are aly 1800s, an army of sunni extreme its tried to destroy the shia shrines. the final resting place of one of shia islams most revered, hussein and his half brother, habass.
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now, isis, more extreme an merciless than al qaeda is vowing to level holy sites in karbula. releasing an audio message urging the group's followers to keep marching as he said the battle was not yet raging. saying it would rage in baghdad and here in the holy city of karbala to destroyed the sacred shrines. karbala's governor says reports of 35,000 have come forward. we have two camps in karbala that can train 3 to 4,000 at a time and their training is unconventional urban warfare, he says. we arrive at one of those camps in the desert. volunteers on a midday break from the searing sun. we are trying to create a special force, a computer
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engineer and volunteer himself, says. an offensive force. among those advising them are former members of the butter brigades. trained in iraq to fight saddam's regime. this terrain border's land isis declares as its own. just on the other side of the lake is iraq sunni heartland. isis just renamed itself the islamic state and claimed anbar as part of it. it enraged many muslims. for the last decade, 28-year-old majid had his money exchange stand just outside the karbala shrines. this place, even though we have security, we have good people. we don't feel safe, he tells us. everyone is on edge. people can't relax. iraq doesn't deserve this.
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if isis succeeds in destroying the sacred shrines, it could unleash a sectarian war, bloodier than anything iraq or the region has seen in recent history. today parliament meeting for the first time but failing to even get that political process started. not even at this stage. naming a speaker of parliament or his two deputies. >> that right, and that's really of so much concern. iraq under siege by islamic extremist israel is trading fresh fighting words with hamas. we can't forget syria steeped in three plus years after civil war. joining me to talk about the mideast melt down are military
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analyst tara maller now with the new america foundation and phillip mudd, also former counterterrorism arm. tara, i want to ask you about this. something that arwa mentioned at the end of her piece there. everyone says, when you look at iraq, it's a political solution -- really moving forward politically, inclusi inclusively, that is the solution to the problem in the region. but just today, parliament couldn't even get a quorum. >> they couldn't only get a quorum after the break, but groups are walking out of parliament at the session. until they make progress in the security situation, i don't see it getting any better. do i think it's going to take over baghdad? isis take over baghdad? no. but i think it could cause problems for certain areas. that's why you saw more troops go in by the administration to make sure that u.s. troops and diplomatic situation at the embassy are both okay.
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>> phil, let's talk about the political moves we are seeing in iraq. right now a question of who might replace the current prime minister al-maliki. he is even as infectual. one of the names we are hearing is akmed shalaki. he is accused of defrauding the u.s. as the bush administration considered whether to go to war in iraq. is this someone the u.s. can really trust? >> i think the concerns are bigger than whether he replaces al-maliki. he is another shia. step quickly into the scenario in iraq. you are looking at potential for dissent gracing. now we have the sunni extremist saying this spt just a fight between extremists and the government. it is a fight between the sunni minority and the shia majority that doesn't respect us. that's why the sunni extremists are going against shia shrines. believe it or not, they are the
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minority. they want to expand the fight to make it into a civil war so they can separate off just as kurds are separating off in the north. i think in the past week we are beginning to see the signs that iraq may divide into three segments. shia in the bottom. sunnis off west. and kurds up north. >> you think phil, tara just said that she thinks baghdad will hold. do you think so? >> yes. i think what the sunni extremists are trying to do is to cement their hold in the areas that they handle already. they want it make sure that sunni tribesman don't go back to the government. it is important for the sunni tribesman from the extremist perspective to be seen as fighting the shia. you will recollect that baghdad has a huge shia population that the extremists move down there. i think they will get whacked. they have to ensure that battle lines remain stable. >> it does not mean they can't
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cause problems. either attacks within baghdad which they have been doing p. they can still he is security and one of the worst case is if there are security situations at the embassy and we have to shut down or temporarily close or relocate or evacuate staff, those are worst case scenarios we need to watch for. that may not be a take over but that would be something to dramatically alter both the policy strategically and how they deal with iraq and the strategy in general. >> a possible, you think? >> a possibility between a mortar attack. we have seen those things happen before. you know, it just takes one person, suicide bomber, mortar attack to cause a significant security situation at the embassy. but i think the move today by administration is to guard against that and take steps to secure the embassy and so they can show they have more troops stationed there and the airport if something were to occur. >> and phil, before i let you guys go, we talked today to the
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pent go pentagon spokesman. some things we are hearing don't satisfy concerns about mission creep. what do you think about that. >> i don't see mission creep. executing the president's orders are harder than you think. think of all the geography the militant hold. and think of the u.s. military guys going in, manning multiple operation centers. those operation centers include imagery from drones. that's a specialized analyst. they include radio intercepts. absorbing debriefing from isis militant being captured. you have to collate this into operation centers. provide the security that will insure that we don't see another benghazi. i hear all of the commentary in the media and elsewhere, but as a former practitioner, i look at the 300 figure and say, there's no way can you absorb all of that intelligence in multiple facilities, following militants across that geographic spread with 300 or 400 people.
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i don't see mission creep. >> thanks to both of you? is just ahead, monica lewinski gives her first interview in a decade. hear the public shaming she endured. and bracing for tropical storm arthur. we will show you who is facing a fourth of july wash-out. that's why i take doctor recommended colace capsules. [ male announcer ] for certain medical conditions where straining should be avoided, colace softens the stool for effective relief from occasional constipation. go to for savings.
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maybe break our heart a little bit. >> tough going for the united states. from the beginning of the match it was lopsided. they have an expression in soccer that sometimes will field seems tipped because all of the players were at one end. that's what it felt like at this match. belgium getting chance after chance and really for the entire game, tim howard, u.s. goalie, a phenomenal performance. but in extra time, belgium comes through with two quick goals and even though the u.s. put on a great front, attacking toward the end of the game, it wasn't enough. so good u.s. effort certainly and something that americans can hold their heads high. tim howard who has been a main stay of the u.s. soccer program for so long now, 35 years old, likely his last world cup but man did he good out with a bang. such a great performance from him, even in defeat. >> rachel, we thought perhaps k suffering injuries. we thought that might help the
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u.s. did we see that play out at all even throughout the game? >> some belgium defense was weakened by injuries and there was points toward the end of the game where it looked like some of their players had been doubtful throughout the week but playing anyway might be getting tired. that's why the u.s. was getting traction. but look, this was a better team. the belgiums are made up of some of the world's best players. a young and up and coming team. they were the favorites to win the entire world cup. the americans knew that going in. but they were on such a confident roll, thinking, oh, maybe we can take them. it looked for a minute like they could at least equalize things and go to penalties kicks. wasn't to be. but this is a hugely successful run. you got to put this in perspective. even in crushing moment, even after a loss. this is a great run for them. they did better than anyone expected. they made it out of the group of death. an they just further kendeled the flame of soccer love for the
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country. when you look around and see people gathered at soldier field and kansas city even new york city and around the country, you got to think this game has such a bright future on the back of this world cup. >> we were watching those pictures at soldier field in chicago. people screaming out, i will say, quite dejected looking. as we follow this break news, u.s. losing out on that chance to go to quarterfinals in the world cup. i want to bring in brian todd. he is on freedom plaz why at a watch party in washington, d.c. what was the reaction there, brian, as this finished up? >> we're all very deflated now, brianna. this crowd thinned out moments ago. it was jam-packed until a couple moments ago. 45,000 people packed into freedom plaza in washington. braving 93 degree heat to watch the u.s. team. everyone filing out now. a u.s. fan, collin, your thoughts as the u.s. just lost
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this heart breaking game to belgium. >> it is bitter sweet. you have to admire u.s. fighting back. you have to ask yourself, where was the fight back? where was the fight for the other 90 minutes? >> what are your thoughts on this run bit u.s. team? pretty impressive? >> impressive. but you have to wonder what might have been. we got this many people out for a 4:00 game on a tuesday. if it was saturday in quarterfinals, how much attention there would have been. so yeah, your thaets thoughts on one hand you admire them. on the other hand, you think what could have been snpz collin, thank you. hope you enjoyed yourself today. fans very deflated but i have proud of the u.s. world cup. they barely lost. germany by one goal. belgium by one goal. in the round of 16. this crowd very, very deflated but very proud of the american soccer team. >> and that amazing game with portugal. i'm disappointed as well, brian todd. we will keep scooting along
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here. to chicago, george howl is at soldier field with fans who i'm sure were wishing for a different outcome behind you there, is george. what's the scene there? >> you saw the picture from here at soldier field. if we could take that wider shop to show you the scope of this place. thousands of people who came to watch this game, the word deflated fits. they were excited when we got that one goal, then just disappointed. people streaming out now. but one thing that was notable, you look at the excitement around soccer. tailgating that happened outside soldier field. a lot of people, people who may not have paid attention to soccer before, certainly a lot of new soccer fans here in the united states. people rooting for red, white and blue, it just didn't happen this time. >> counting the time until the next shot. all right. george howell thanks so much there, in chicago. now to salvador, brazil, where the game was played.
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tell us about the scene there, shasta. >> you know, obviously, this is disappointment here. i think it has to be said this has been a terrific run. not only for team usa but for the tens of thousands of fans that flew into brazil. americans had the most tickets to see the games in person. they've been flying all over the country. happy and really making brazilian friends. a great atmosphere. >> all right, shasta darlington. so many proud american fans there behind you. chris cuomo was at the match. he joins us on the phone from salvador, brazil. what a great tournament that this team had although certainly
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a disappointment today. >> absolutely. bitterness at losing the match is very telling about the promise of the team. they gave belgium everything they could handle in regular time. and howard was just the standout goalie of the tournament thus far. the belgium fans that we were sitting among were blown away by the ability of the defense to hold. and then they just had so many opportunities at the end and didn't convert. and that's the different in this match. but again, you know, for belgium, this was a must-win. a team with a ton of promise. a ton of superstars. called the golden generation. and they got all they could handle from an unsung american squad. when you look at the value both here in the tournament and cup, and back at home, the crowds that you're going to correspond with around the country, this is a huge victory at the cup and
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even bigger at home. >> sure. we saw even in the loss against germany, such a great game that u.s. played. i wondered chris, if you could share with those of us jealous of the fact you were in the stadium and you got go to the world cup. what was it like? what was it like to be there and be a part of it? >> here is the headline. you should be jealous. it was amazing to be inside tens of thousands of fans. such a dynamic match. so much action there back and forth. and here is something that was nice and unique for me. i've been to a lot of sporting event all over the world. a lot of the game and i can't tell you how many belgiums were celebrating plays by the u.s. in addition to their own. to be there in such an international crowd, to see how embraced the u.s. crowd was by the brazilians, just mobs of brazilians in the crowd and yellow, their color.
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and they were chanting usa. i believe as much as any americans were. there is a bigger goal. an amazing experience. but the unit that comes out of situations even in competition, is really impressive. i'm so happy to have been here. it is bitter sweet. s to be honest, the u.s. could have won this game. that is not something we have been able to say, against competition like belgium in the past. >> it is great time of people coming together. amazing. stand by with us, chris. you are our guy there on the ground. we will bring in rachel nichols to talk to you as well as give us a little look into the game. rachel? >> yeah, you know. it is interesting when you look at the barrage that belgium has at the beginning of the game. a lot of dejected faces at watch parties around the u.s. but tim howard holding the line the way he did, i'm thinking of all of the kid around the country who watch that game after school today, now going out into the yard as we speak,
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while their parent make dinner and they are kicking the ball around. one of those kids in every group is pretend tock tim howard. that's what you want if you're u.s. soccer. to ignite the passion. chris is talking about the kpek tagss of the american fans as well. the fact that american fans are bit are right now as he put it is a great sign. because it basically says that hey, we want to do better. we think we can do better. you guys remember at the beginning of this world cup that coach made headlines by saying quote it is not realistic to think that us, the u.s., this team could win the world cup. i absolutely guarantee you guys, that that sentence will never be uttered in u.s. soccer again. and that is a huge step. >> more cans definitely have such a taste now i think for soccer. really energizing to watch the team throughout all of this. and you know, i wonder having, you know looking at this game today, it seems that that score sort of belies how many saves tim howard had, right?
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>> amazing. just incredible. of the saves he had off of those shots, every single one he was just in perfect position. goals that he got beat on, still impressive positioning by him. he didn't make a single mistake. at some point it just became too much. but you really got to tip your hat. they have an expression in soccer and hockey. the goalie stood on his head. that's great. pretty much describes what he did. forwards, backwards, side ways, tim was there. this is probably his final world cup appearance. a guy playing professional soccer before he graduated from high school. such a rarity in the united states. now at 35 years old, really the backbone of that team and to be able, if he today go out, to go out on that kind of note. very well deserved for a very much loved play. >> and rachel, we are rolling footage now of the game. tell us about this. >> yeah, you're looking here at
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some of the saves that tim howard made and you know, really as you can tell, about standing on his head, you saw him on the side, on the top. all of these chances by belgium. here is the first goal. this is just the heart breaker because you felt as if they were holding it down, holding the line, kristin tell us where it felt like in the stadium at that moment. second goal you just saw there. i think a lot of americans felt at that point, oh, no, it's over. and this goal here, you can see clems men just lighting up. american team energized. attacking, attacking. a close set on that one. but just not enough time. they played to two extra periods that they ran out of time, but that's what it felt like for the u.s. team, on such an upswing toward the end of that game and they just couldn't punch it there before the clock ran out. >> rachel, thank you so much. we will monitor, obviously, the aftermath of all of this. coming up, a lot more of that
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we have breaking news. i might even call it heart breaking news. a do or die match for the u.s. ended just moments ago at world cup. the americans lost to belgium, 2-1. both teams scored during extra time. and this means that u.s. is now out of the competition. a huge disappointment, as you know. so many people in this country, have been embracing the world cup in a way that they never have before. and we of course wanted to cross the united states and also in brazil covering the result and reaction. and there is plenty of that. we will be taking you inside, actually, in just a moment with our chris cuomo, who is on the ground there. first to dan simon. he is actually in san francisco and he is at a belgium bar. dan, i will say, the loss of the
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u.s. is a win for belgium. what's it like there? >> oh, as you can imagine, brianna, it has been quite an experience. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: it has been quite an experience. i don't know if you can hear me, but as you can tell, they are celebrating a huge win here in downtown san francisco. this is all dndre's. what did you think of the game? >> it was a good game. the u.s. was pretty much in attacking mode which is surprising. and it was a really good game. it was fun. you guys had a really good run. >> reporter: team usa fans are here. we're now dealing with fans here in downtown san francisco. >> all right. we are having a hard time hearing dan simon.
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he is, i would say, the most disappointed in a belgian bar probably in the whole u.s. and also, of course, forced to wear the belgian colors as well. let's go to chris cuomo on the ground there, watching this game, that heartbreaking game happened. chris, tell us as well about the only goal here came from maybe someone you weren't even necessarily expecting it from from the u.s. >> reporter: well, that's true. that's true. green scored the goal, number 16. and he hadn't been a name we had been talking about a who the here. the side is young, and there are a couple names popping out consistently. the biggest one is obviously tim howard, and that's really the only name that you need to mention on the u.s. side tonight because he's the only one who took care of every opportunity. one of the americans -- i want to paint the picture of what i'm seeing. this american walks by. he's, like, how upset can you get about losing to belgium? they're supposed to be a great side. it's not like a geopolitical rival or something like that. and the person next to him patted him on the back has a
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belgium jersey on. and you're seeing brazilians with germans, with americans, with portuguese. you know, and if you think about it, how rare that is today. there's something about massive events like the world cup that is so much bigger than sport. and it sounds a little kumbaya and to distract from the fact that we lost the match, not at all. the word is bittersweet. the u.s. lost. they very well should have won. they should be upset. they missed opportunities in this match. they held tough with an amazing side. but that's just one facet of the game. and there is a bigger game afoot. and to see what i'm seeing now, all of these different colors, forget about the people. just the jerseys. >> yeah. >> reporter: who you are in this kind of crowd. and they're all as one, and they're leaving, they're patting americans on the back. and i don't think you can ask for better than that. >> oh, no doubt. chris cuomo, thank you so much. you really saw that in that belgian bar, i think. a lot of folks there saying the u.s. gave such a great effort. we'll be right back with more news. i'm their mom at the playground
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years of silence. her relationship with president bill clinton was uncovered in a far-reaching investigation by special counsel kenneth starr. and when he released the details -- >> that was one of the worst days of my life. i was a virgin to humiliation of that level until that day. i'm not even going to get into what, i don't know. >> reporter: white house supporters like dee dee myers wept on defense while lewinsky went through public ridicule. >> to have my narrative ripped from me and turned into the starr report and things that were turned over or things they dealt out of my computer that i thought were deleted, i mean, it was just a violation after violation. >> reporter: the coverage stunned many even at the time. >> there were nights, because i had young children, and i was a parent first, where i called home and just said, maybe this is a good night to mute the first part of the broadcast or keep the television off. >> reporter: still for a woman who says she wants her past left behind, lewinsky is talking
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about it a lot, telling "vanity fair" two months ago, "i was too young to understand the real-life consequences and too young to see that i would be sacrificed for political expediency." she has not, however, condemned the clintons, and hillary clinton promoting her book on abc returned the favor. >> i would wish her well. i hope that she is able to, you know, think about her future and construct a life that she finds meaning and satisfaction in. >> reporter: but lewinsky reveals pointed dissatisfaction with how she was treated by many people way back then. what is interesting here is the passion behind lewinsky's words, how much she's finally showing her feelings about all that happened. you can see it all for yourself on "the nineties: the last great decade." it begins july 6th at 9:00 p.m. eastern on the "national geographic channel. should be good viewing, brianna. >> it should be.
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tom foreman, thank you so much. and thank you so much for watching. i'm brianna keilar in "the situation room." "erin burnett outfront" starts right now. >> next, violence escalating in the middle east as israel and hamas trade threats. plus, a storm warning in place headed into the holiday weekend. will we see this year's first hurricane before the weekend's over? and the truth about counterfeit beauty aids. a medical professional tells us which types of products could potentially kill you. let's go "outfront." good evening, everyone, i'm don lemon in for erin burnett. outfront tonight, escalating violence in the middle east. israel and hamas trading threats and warnings after israel says hamas is responsible for the murder of three israeli teens. thousands of israelis gathered today to mourn those teens, kidnapped tw
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