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tv   New Day  CNN  July 4, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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good morning and welcome to a special hurricane arthur edition of "new day." it's friday. it's july fourth. everyone. happy fourth of july. it's a wet one for many of you. 6:00 in the east. chris is off today. we'll begin with that breaking news. hurricane arthur making landfall overnight packing dangerous 100-mile-an-hour winds in some places. let's take a look at where arthur is right now. that's where it is. the eye is approaching virginia, the virginia coast at least and the powerful category two storm will continue to make its way up the coast today, hopefully quickly and move in. arthur announces his arrival with torrential rain that really came down in thick sheets. wind that whipped trees in all sorts of directions. the big danger here is obviously large damaging waves, powerful winds and, of course, those dangerous rip currents. we're on the ground right in the path of the storm. we've got you covered on every angle and we'll begin with meteorologist indra petersons
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who is in kill devil hills, and we know the big concern is rip currents. >> yeah, definitely rip currents, but as we mentioned before i think last time you saw me the wind were definitely calmer and i talked about the big switch in the wind direction that was expected to happen. that's exactly what we're seeing right now. arthur, the first category 2 or stronger hurricane. one of the gusts coming right now to make landfall. the first category two stronger or stronger hurricane to make landfall since 2008. made landfall again. look the at east side. first the easterly winds and now we've shift that had direction coming out of north and switching into the west. can you see that the actual eye of the system is making its way offshore, but as it does so you get on the back side of the system where real some of the stronger winds come in. no, not right next to the eye, not talking about 100-mile-per-hour wind. we're still talking very strong winds. somewhere could be anywhere from 40 to 50-mile-per-hour, but the gusts, can you see knocked me over, can be as strong as 80
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miles per hour. what you have to consider is you have the storm itself. that has those winds whipping around about 100 miles per hour, but you have the motion of the storm that's real picked up now about 20 miles per hour to the northeast. you have to add those two together to really get the combination of some of these winds. can you actually see some of these really strong gusts. trying to keep my hat on, almost knocking me over. not sure how much you can see behind me but there's a huge drop-off at the ocean. that's one of the concerns as well is all of the this beach erosion that occurred interest this system that made its way in. only a good 10 or 20 feet here before you get to the actual hotel. you can see the damage the storm has down. down to the south, we keep talking about the sound. the switch in the wind direction is key because that water is shallow. once you see the westerly winds coming in it makes that storm surge very high and very quick and that's the concern. highway 12 reporting flooding all across that highway again.
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>> indra, it's amazing to see. >> at least 20 counties here now in a state of emergency. hurricane arthur making landfall at 11:15 thursday night. cnn's renee march camped out at atlantic beach when it hit >> reporter: winds are extremely strong and if you take a look at the skies you can see them lighting up. that's not lightning but transformers blowing out meaning people are without power at this point. >> reporter: despite the darkness along the outer banks north carolina's governor told the thousands without power to stay inside? wait for this storm to leave for a long period of time before you venture to the outside. >> the now category 2 hurricane living up to emergency manager fears. >> tree broken and crashed into this house here. >> sustained winds of at least 100 miles per hour. storm surges and dangerous rip currents are warding off fourth of july beach-goers. >> we want to warn our sustenance up the coast and our
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thousand of tourists who may be dealing with this for the first time that this is a serious storm. >> reporter: this is a photo from inside the eye of the storm, of the inner eye wall, now shrinking in size. the dajer, the smaller the eye gets the stronger the winds become. >> so we're most concerned now about flooding inland and also storm surges in our sounds and in our rivers further inland. >> reporter: governor pat mccrory says rescue and emergency crews are at the ready to assess damage and begin the cleanup effort. so where we are in kill devil hills, what we'll be dealing with are the strong winds coming in from the westerly direction. the biggest threat right now is the storm surge. remember the sound is off of the west. all that water got pushed away on the front side of the system. now that you're on the back side of the system all that water is going to come rushing right back with all the westerly winds so that storm surge coming up over highway 12 causing a lot of problems there, and one of the big concerns fresh in everyone's minds is we know it's the
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holiday. everyone will be trying to celebrate as the system makes its way offshore. the rip currents, that's a huge factor. they will still be here. all the water that made its way in, it wants to find its way out. that's the risk. do not want to be in the water today. i really hope everyone listens. huge danger out in the water once the system kicks out of here. >> indra is on the ground getting whipped around and getting a face full of sand at the same time. a mean surf. let's go over to our affiliate wral out of raleigh, north carolina. they are tracking arthur as coastal parts of the state continue to get pounded. they have reporters on the ground on the coast. >> the feast moving part of this storm is the big story. back to you. >> all right, colin, thank you very much for that live report. let's now turn our attention to atlantic beach. >> that's what happens as we're dipping into live coverage. right now 17,000 power customers are in the dark in counties along the coast. all of ocracoke island is
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without electricity at the moment. let's move down the north carolina coast to wrightsville beach where alyno machado is. it looks like things have started to get a little bit better where you are. >> yeah, kate, things are definitely looking a lot better here. just when you compare from a few hours ago, hurricane arthur brought a lot of rain and wind to this area. the surf though, still pretty rough, but that's nothing compared to what we saw here at the height of the storm. we're now starting to see some of the effects of hurricane arthur and what it did here. you can see apparently some beach erosion here but it's relatively minor compared to what could have happened in this area. now, in terms of widespread power outages or flooding or anything like that in this area, we have not seen that even though we got slammed here. for much of yesterday we saw period of very heavy rain and wind and then at about 7:00 or 8:00 last night eastern time for a period of about two hours
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there were very strong wind gusts and very heavy downpours, and the good news though is that for the most part people stayed home. people didn't come out at the peak of the storm which was a big concern here officials were having. a lot of tourists and people out trying to enjoy a beach vacation, and obviously hurricane arthur has affected some of those plans. kate? >> all right. you're absolutely right. definitely affected a lot of people's plans, especially coming in from out of town. thank you. joined now by bobbialston, county manager for dare county, joining us from the county's emergency management center in manteo, north carolina. tell me, we've got our reporters on the ground kind of seeing what the outer banks are looking like. what's it like? what have you been seeing and hearing from all your points of contact? >> well, we're just getting out. every night it was fairly quieter than expected. didn't get many calls. not much going on.
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people stayed indoors and that was a good thing. reports we're getting so far we're having some flooding down on highway 12 in the rodanthe area but the northern areas fared very well in the areas where we normally have problems on the ocean front. we haven't had any reported problems, kitty hawk looking good, sporadic power outages, trees down and that, but all in all everything so far is looking good, and we're just now getting our teams out to start really checking things out here at first light. >> so the teams will start be heading out. i believe that there were -- curfews were in kind of of different areas throughout the outer banks and those curfews are just starting to lift. >> that's correct. there were curfews in kill devil hills and national head and right now we're getting our teams out. >> so far so good and that's good news.
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>> yeah. >> what's it like, are they reporting back damage and the sattus of the road? what's today going to be like for you guys as everyone is trying to clean up from a sloppy mess? >> first thing we'll do is check the roads for the safety. right now you can get into the county so you can make sure it is safe to drive in. that will happen relatively quickly. if everything is clear we'll help people back through the county. hatteras island will remain closed until the bridge is down until we can assess highway 12. that may take a while because we've got to let the water recede and check the status of the pavement. those are our priorities going forward this morning and then we'll start recovery effort where we need to depending on what we find. >> that's an important point, the fact that folks might be waking up and seeing that maybe the winds are a little less. it doesn't look like they have as much rain as they need to be dealing with right now as first light comes up. access to some of the outer most points are still restricted. when do you think that folks will be able to get back in, because as you well know and i know you've been hearing it for
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days, folks want to get back to their vacation, if at all possible. >> yeah, we understand that, but safety is the most important thing and until we can get our teams out and make sure everything is safe it's really hard to give an estimate. we hope that it's sooner rather than later and we're doing everything we can do to make sure everything is as safe as quickly as we can. >> how long have you lived in dare county, rita cosby. >> 32 years. >> and you probably have weathered many of these storms and you know folks out there, many of them say, they can handle these storms and would much rather stay at home than leave and have to come back. do you think most folks did that? >> i think when it's time to evacuate, it's time to evac a. the risks are much greater than the reward of staying and people should heed those warnings. >> do you think people heeded the warnings this time? i know it was kind of a mixed bag of mandatory evacuations and voluntary evacuations. >> well, we' don't do voluntary
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evacuations in dare county. all the visitors heed the warnings and hope our residents do as well. >> what's the important message for everybody this morning, lights coming up and curfews expiring. what do you want to make sure people need to know? >> stay inside and allow the damage teams to get out. we want to be sure there's not power lines down or not any danger to them yet. they need to wait a little while and let the storm get out of here before they get up and around to check out their areas and make sure that there's enough life they can see and make sure they do things safely. >> when the light comes up and the main part of the storm is passed doesn't mean that the danger has because you need to get your crews out to assess what you need to. bobby, thank you so much. good luck. >> thanks for having me. >> as folks wake up this morning and start to try to figure out what the plan is for the day. you obviously want to know what
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the weather is like. got a team of meteorologists with us today. karen, how is it looking and when are we going to see the progress being made in terms of the way this -- this storm moves northeast? >> it is going to be fascinating to watch. now, arthur slammed onshore cape lookout, north call. 11 hours ago, 11:15 eastern time. it's just off the past, just drop pamlico sound and albemarle sound. i have to tell you, this is a national sea shore and it's very environmentally fragile. when these hurricanes come there's only a sliver of land and that water, all of it, rushing onshore and it's making for an extremely dangerous conditions there. we heard about the rip current yesterday, so what can we expect over the next few hours? well, as this pulls away from the coast, still some of the outer bands are pummeling portions of norfolk, virginia, and will accelerate towards the
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northeast. that's the whole hurricane is going to move off towards the northeast over the next 12 to 24 hours. we can see by about midday or 2:00 it is going to be off the coast of -- of new york city. washington, d.c., you'll pick up some heavy rain bands and so will atlantic city, and so will providence, rhode island. boston, a little different story. depending on how close this comes to shore, and can you see there's a lot of wiggle room here, just 10 or 15 miles to the east or to the west it's going to make a huge difference but you can better believe you'll expect between 1 and 4 inches of rainfall so there's going to be localized flooding. there could be some erosion issues and there will be some inland flooding, too. this storm system is going to race towards the eastern canadian maritimes. as it does, it's going to weaken and become tropical storm strength, so tropical storm watches as well as warnings are issued all the way up into the
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eastern canadian mayor types. you'll expect a pretty heavy surf here as well. but because our hurricane still is category 2 hurricane, still supporting winds of 100 miles an hour, it's still going to impact the mid-atlantic over the next 6 to 12 hours and into this afternoon into new england. back to you. kate, michaela. >> important to know. indra was even pointing out that it is holding on to its momentup. it's moving on and will pick up speed quickly which is a good thing to get it out of its way, holding on to the momentum with the strong winds to this point. >> and that flooding and the concern about the flooding and erosion, potentially lasting effects that we'll see through the weekend and through the next week. >> absolutely right. coming up next on "new day," we'll continue this breaking news coverage of hurricane arthur. everything you need to know and what it looked like overnight while were you sleeping and what it will look like at light comes up. >> gripping new details emerging about the father whose son, little boy, toddler, died in a hot car. we'll let you hear the startling
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hurricane edition of nude day. we'll have much more of our special coverage on hurricane arthur coming up in just a moment, but we also want to take you to another big story this morning. shocking new details revealed at a court hearing in georgia. prosecutors laying out the beginnings of their case against justin ross harris. he is the father accused of murder after leaving his toddler son in a hot car for some seven hours. as cnn's victor blackwell explains, the evidence was powerful and the story it tells disturbing. >> what was justin ross harris allegedly doing while his 22-month-old son cooper suffered in the back of his scorching suv? >> he was having up to six different conversations with different women. the most common term would be sexting. >> claims of raunchy text messages, suspicious internet searches and a plan to kill his son. >> evidence is showing right now that he's got this whole second
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livi life he's living with alternate personalities. >> they detailed x-rated messages allegedly exchanged the day cooper died including with a then 16-year-old girl. >> were photo being sent back and forth between the women during this day while the child is out in the car? >> yes. there's photos of his exposed erect penis being sent and photos of women's breasts being sent back to him. >> no visible reaction from the 33-year-old's wife leanna harris who sat with her family and supporters in the packed courtroom. >> he was a loving father. . he loved his son very much. we went on family vacations together, and he was a good dad. >> but just five days before cooper's death detective stoddard said internet searches said harris watched videos online about the dangers of being trapped in a hot car and
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that harris visited a web forum devoted to the child-free lifestyle. >> you don't have any evidence that he actually typed in a google search or a search for child-free. >> we're getting so far afield of the events of june the 18th, this has got nothing to do with those event whatsoever. the status of his marriage and his fantasy life has got nothing to do with the events of june the 18th. we're just getting so far afield, judge. this isn't relevant to anything. >> judge this, goes to his state of mind in the two weeks leading up to the death of the child. >> this occurred within two weeks? >> overrule the objection. >> the detective also testified the couple had financial problems and took out life insurance policies on cooper. >> they had two policies on cooper. the first policy is a $2,000 policy through the home depot. >> the second one, was this something they got back in 2013? >> yes. november 2012 is when he signed up for it. >> okay. >> was this something he still
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had at the time of the child's death? >> that is correct. >> and how much was the policy. >> a $25,000 policy. >> stoddard laid out the strange way he saw harris reacting the day cooper died. >> he started off trying to work himself up, and we're watching him on the cameras, and he's walking around and rubbing his eyes and he's trying -- it looks like he's trying to hyperventilate himself. no tears no, you know, real emotion coming out of him except for, you know, the huffing. >> and through the time you're talking with him about his son and his son's death did you ever see any tears coming from him? >> no. >> even more bizarre, how witnesses salinena harris reacted at the day care when she was told cooper never dropped off. >> in front of several witnesses all of a sudden she states ross must have left him in the car, and they are like what, there's no other -- no other reason. no other explanation. ross must have left him in the car and they try to console her and they are like, no, there's a
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thousand reasons. he could have taken him to lunch or something. we don't know yet and she's like no. >> then another shocker. >> were there any injuries to the child's face? >> there were. >> and what were those? >> the way it's explained, there were several marks on the child's face that would have come from the child or a scratch being made while the child was alive and then not healing, not scabbing over or anything like that and just soon after he passed away. >> were there any injuries to the child to the back of the child's snead. >> there were abrasions to the back of the child's head. >> after three hours of stunning testimony judge frank cox denied harris bond. the defense maintaining. >> it's not criminal negligence. it's a horrible tragedy and an accident. >> victor blackwell, cnn, marietta, georgia. >> that is a horrible story and difficult to listen to. >> again, that's the probable cause hearings, supposed to be short, fairly quick and it lasted three hours t.felt like
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we were in the case, in the trial already and we were weren't. >> just in the beginnings of this. >> i know. it's going to be very, very difficult to watch at times. >> sure. >> all right. we have a lot of other stories making headlines. let's get to christine romans. another day of all girls today. >> and a lot of news, a lot of news on this holiday. let's get straight to it. iraq's kurdish leader calling for independence as large parts of the country continue to fall to isis militant. u.s. officials are objecting to the calls saying the only solution to conflict is for the country to stay united. this as u.s. military officials say the door is still open to step up american forces in iraq if isis militants pose a threat to the u.s. mississippi's republican primary results now being challenged. tea party backed state senator fighting those result, serving papers to senator thad cochran's sons thursday. staffers and volunteers say they have combed through voting records in 51 counties. they claim to have found nearly 5,000 irregularities. we'll talk with mcdaniel later in the program.
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another supreme court decision this week slamming obamacare over its requirement for birth control coverage. the high court ruled wheaton college, a christian school, couldn't have to abide by the contraception mandate because of a religious objection providing birth control to employees and students. closely held companies like hobby lobby could be exempted if their owners objected on religious grounds. a newly released 911 call reveals a mother and son's terror as their car is swallowed up by a sinkhole. 15-year-old benjamin hernandez was delivering newspapers when his mother when the road gave out from under them. >> my son is having problems breathing. >> reporter: a frantic call for help after a mother and son plummet no a giant sinkhole while driving down a dark road in rural illinois. her son badly injured. >> thankfully he had so many injuries, thankfully he should be okay. i mean, he broke one arm. he had a fractured spine.
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>> unbelievable. >> broke some ribs. they drove into the sinkhole unbeknownst to them and suddenly another car drove on top of them. they had to be -- they had to rip the roof off the car to get both of them out so we wish them well. >> the chances of even driving no a sinkhole or having a sinkhole happen under your vehicle are so rare. >> darkness, pitch black, driving along and not even knowing the sinkhole was there and the next car drove right on top of them so really an amazing, amazing story. >> thanks. christine. coming up on "new day," the latest track of hurricane arthur, the east coast bracing for a rough holiday. look at that wind. where that storm is headed next and what you should do to prepare. marge: you know, there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber. try phillips fiber good gummies. they're delicious, and an excellent source of fiber to help support regularity. wife: mmmm husband: these are good! marge: the tasty side of fiber. from phillips.
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good to have you back with us here on "new day." we're tracking breaking news. hurricane arthur barreling up the east coast making its way now towards virginia. we have some video from last night. check this out. arthur announcing his arrival with torrential rain coming down in thick sheets, strong wind. big rains. meteorologist indra petersons is live in kill devil hills, north carolina. hearing a lot about power outages where you are. that wind is still a really big factor. >> yeah. definitely a huge wind event and the last time i checked in with you, guys, the rain coming in very hard. the very first time i saw you this morning we saw the eye pass next to it making its way offshore and we started off this morning with a very strong easterly wind. really strong winds coming in from the north.
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now switching that wind direction from kind of a northerly to more of a westerly direction as we get on the back side of the system and now the rain, that's one of the big things here. the rain is really coming down hard. still getting pretty good gusts here and there, like 0 to 50-mile-per-hour gusts is what i'm hearing. hard to say the exact numbers because of the observation of areas are right next to us. the best we can tell you right now. what's even working it's so windy out here. one of the big concerns now. remains to be the storm surge because now that we switched this wind direction off of the sound coming in from the west, what we're going to be seeing is that really shallow water really pile up quickly as it returns back to the eve. i say return. i constantly emphasize this because the winds are coming from the east first to push all of that water out of sound. all that water is now rushing back in, and since it's shallower is comes in very quickly. storm surge, that's what people predicted. three or four feet above the ground so you're talking about
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water this high. that takes lives. one of the big reason people lose their lives from hurricanes, and as far as where i am right here. we're losing. look at the big drop-off on the beach. the beach erosion that's already occurred from the storm. seeing a huge drop-off. one of the concerns of the little dabbling and farther down around the south to highway 12, really keep hearing about this water rising up and still having the potential. not in a westerly wind direction. farther to the north and off the sound as well and could be some kind of water making that way and that will be the biggest impact watching forward now. >> nasty surf behind you, and clearly the winds are kick around. know how strong you are. we're hearing from county officials down there that they have just now, as lights are coming up and the curfew is expiring, just now sending out emergency crews to get a check of what damage there is and what flooding there is and where they need to focus their efforts and getting a better picture
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throughout the morning as folks try to head back in. we'll be heading back to indra in just a second. now to christine romans who has been pulling together some of the best from our i-reporters, viewers like you. you're the eyes and ears on the ground. what are you seeing? >> lots of amazing photos and video coming in this morning. over social media. these photos were snapped by michael chory in oak island. actually vacationing from columbus, ohio and captured the first band of the storm of arthur rolling on store and reported tornado sirens going off in the early afternoon hours as well. pretty scary scene unfolding there. wow, look at the heavy surf. stay safe when you're out there ireporting. you don't know when things can turn to the worse. coming to us from myrtle beach, a really cool time lapse video,
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really cool time lapse from danny tennenbalm shot with an iphone over the span of ten minutes. gives you a unique glance of arthur moving on shore, gets darker and darker and what always surprises me the number of people, people are always drawn to the surf for these stores. be very, very careful. that time lapse really cool showing you over ten minutes with the iphone how the bands get darker and darker and start to lap onshore. go to and submit the best of what you're seeing. have to say it again. stay safe. if you're tweeting use the hurricane arthur photos using the #new year's day or #hurricanearthur. >> after the storm passes people want to say let's go to the beach. >> you'll get to it. >> indra is saying those
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currents could last and stick around and the surge as well. we'll keep following the hurricane and track arthur as it heads north. we'll tell you what you can expect for those fourth of july plans that might need some modification. >> just slight modifications. >> growing outrage in a small california town as more undocumented immigrants are expected to arrive there. a move many in the community have called an invasion. details coming up. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better
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hurricane arthur pounding land here in coastal north carolina. not pack being a lot of rain where i am, but the winds are extremely strong and if you take a look at the sky you can see them lighting up and that's not lightning. those are transformers blowing out meaning people are without power most likely at this point but, again, not a lot of rain, but we are seeing very strong winds as it makes its way to land. >> that's our renee marsh in the thick of it in the middle of the storm as it's coming through. we're going to be checking in with those moments throughout the morning to take a look at what to expect as hurricane arthur starts moving on from north carolina but our indra petersons is on the ground and is feeling the effects as we speak. another story that we're following. more protests are expected today
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in murrieta, california, where they are processing undocumented immigrants. dozens of arrangery protesters forcine ining three buses to bed away from an overcrowded facility in texas. what's next? >> attention u.s. border patrol. >> reporter: a lone internet radio host and his sidekick continue to protest outside the border patrol station in murrieta, california. >> they are bringing this in. >> reporter: he and others promise they will be out in force for an anticipated fourth of july arrival for more undocumented immigrants to this facility, a move dividing and polarizing this once quiet bedroom community in southern california.
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after this, a blockade by protesters forcing three buses of 140 undocumented migrants from central america, many of them women and children, to leave. this is this week's ground zero for u.s. immigration policy. what's driving these two sides in resident steve hessen who runs a plumbing company and never took a political stand before has gone from a bus protest to verbal sparring at the town hall and promised to keep the heat on. >> these people are probably so excited to be here, and all of a sudden they look out their windows going oh, my gosh, what's happening? >> reporter: you are blocking their way in. >> not because of them because of standing firm letting the officials know this is not the right way to handle this.
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>> reporter: on the other side resident piero rivera who has for the migrant side become a hero. after this protester spit in his face and other slung visual and verbal slurs at him. >> you [ bleep ]. >> completely uncalled for. we are here in a protest, in a protest. we act like adults. we're not here to fight. >> reporter: mirroring the national fight, both sides digging in and refusing to back down on this independence day. kyung law, cnn, marita, california. >> hopefully tensions will subside. a conversation needs to happen. action needs to happen, but name-calling and hurling insults at one another is not making any of this any easier. >> a lot of passion on both sides and that town is caught up in the middle of a national debate. >> sweet little town otherwise. >> coming up next on nudes yeah,
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. welcome back to a very special hurricane arthur. a special edition of "new day." we'll get back to where things are standing right now.
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we'll have more and we also want to turn to another story we're covering closely, a troubling case out of georgia. startling details were revealed in court about justin ross harris, the father accused of leaving his toddler to die in a hot car. a detective testified that harris was sending explicit text messages to six women, one of them believed to be underage, as his son was left dying in the car, and harris also, other details coming out, he had two life insurance policies out on the toddler. we'll let you hear some of the testimony yourselves. >> they tried to console her and we're like there's a thousand reasons. he could have taken him to lunch or something. we don't know yet and she's like no. >> did you uncover anything in what he was doing during that day while his child was out in the car? >> yes. >> okay. >> what did you uncover? >> he was having up to six different conversations with different women, it appeared,
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from the messages from kick mostly which is a messaging service. >> these conversations he was having with these females, were -- of what nature were they? >> the most common term would be sexting. >> was there anything about pri prison web searches. >> he also did a search how to survive prison. they had two policies on cooper, first was a $2,000 policy through home depot and the other was a $25,000 poll. >> i did his wife ever say anything to you about what he said to police? >> she had him sit down and she looks at him and she said, well, did you say too much? >> wow, let bring in cnn legal analyst and criminal defense attorney danny sefalos to discuss. there's a lot to get to in this, just the saddest story you ever heard. 22-month-old little boy died in a hot car which as we all know is a horrible death, as the medical examiner testified yesterday. what stuck out to you?
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what kags kind of the most -- maybe the way to ask it is the most surprising thing that came out? just a probable cause hearing. >> so many surprising things. what a leading question there. first, america got to see what a preliminary hearing is all about. it's not a try. it's the prosecution's show, but they have a very light burden to meet, but far and away the most shocking other than the time, these are usually very short, these preliminary hearings. it was the evidence, and we'd heard scuttlebutt that there would be shock evidence and the prosecution delivered. now there's evidence of what we call motive, that he was sexting with other women, up to six different women. one may have been under 18, but what's really surprising, and i want people to think about, and we're seeing this a lot in these cases, the prosecution increasingly introducing evidence of what we call motive. motive is why somebody does something. not necessarily intent. evidence to intent is evidence he may have looked in the back of the car or kissed the child
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good-bye, that this was not a mistake and consciously left the child in the car. >> in layman's terms they are going to the motive of why he might want to do it. that's maybe the problem for the prosecution that he did it. he had intent to leave this kid, that it wasn't a mistake, because that's what the defense was pretty much hitting on. >> the thrust of the defense's argument and their objections. they said, hey, judge, we're going pretty far afield and introducing evidence of why this guy is such a creepy guy and engaging in creepy behavior with other win. that is not necessarily evidence that he intentionally left the child in the car. >> creepy doesn't necessarily mean illegal. >> correct, exactly. >> but we see these more and more in the high profile cases. prosecution introduces evidence of the motive. this guy wanted to get away from his wife, and, therefore, one reason why he might have killed someone. >> how do the text messages, these explicit text messages, how does it play into this, because on one level you have the prosecution laying out that he was doing this while his son
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was left dying in a car, but on the other hand you have the defense who clearly is objecting, objecting, objecting. they don't want it to be part of the style at all. is there a chance while damning, maybe circumstantial evidence, it might not even be admitted. >> there's always a rule, we call it 403. there's a balancing test. sometimes evidence is probative and helps a jury understand and evidence, however probative it is, is far outweighed by the fact that it may be really prejudicial. >> what do you think about this? >> i'm a defense attorney. unfortunately, i'm biased but i certainly sympathize with the defense attorney's arguments that at some times the lead detective was talking about relationships or discussions that were happening in 2012, and you saw that in the preliminary hearing. the defense attorney said, hey, judge, how far back are we talking and once the prosecution limited that to the last two weeks the judge erred on the side caution and let it in. >> what do you make of the other
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surprises that came out in these internet searches? internet searches on child-free, what life would be like without a child, internet searches on how to survive in prison and also five days before cooper, the little boy died, he was looking at videos, the dangers of hot car. that's tough. >> it is tough, but when it comes to internet searches, we've seen internet searches komg come up before, a relatively new piece of evidence but what are they in fact? something the lead detective testified to, but if at trial they will still need to deduce evidence that these internet searches were actually conducted, that the defendant is the one who conducted them and, you know, as a broader issue when it comes to introducing internet search eds, what are browser searches? does your browser search really tell you about you or tell anyone about me, or is it -- >> my browser search is not going to have how to survive in prison. >> absolutely right. >> journalists are a good exam.
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we google anything. if you took a look at any of our browser searches it may paint a picture of someone who really doesn't tell the story of who katd is. >> what about the strange statements that he made when they took him into custody, the strange conversations that he had with his wife, that he's in custody. he's in the interview room and he's saying things like i can't believe this is happening to me. i'm going to be charged with a felony and his wife asking him did you say too much? that's how they are reacting after finding out their son died. >> two thoughts about that. to the extent that he may have given inconsistent statements or lied to the police, i think that is very probative of someone trying to conceal something, but, on the other hand, we have to consider too often in these cases everyone becomes an expert as to how someone should react to a situation or how someone should properly both and i think the psychology studies show that we all both and all react to intense stress in different ways. however, to the extent he gives -- he lies to police or
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gives inconsistent statements, that is going to be problematic, and that is evidence of somebody trying to conceal something. >> he seems really aware of the legal system, of what he could be facing in georgia law. >> absolutely right. and that's an interesting thing, too, is the first thing that the detective talked about, one of the first things is that the defendant engaged in what they call cop talk. he was familiar with the terminology and he was using the alphabet call desig faces, alpha, bravo, charlie and that's interesting because sometimes the more awareness you have of law enforcement and the justice system, that's evidence of your ability to get around it, so it's an interesting -- it's a catch-22. >> and then also the life insurance policies. >> well, again, that also is what we call motive evidence. remember, motive is never an element of a crime. intent is an element of a crime. intent is what was in your heart and mind when you did a deed, but motive is just evidence of why you might have done something. >> lay out really quickly for
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me, so he's in prison, still behind bars. did not grant bond. what happens next? what's the biggest challenge for the defense that you see now, and what's the biggest challenge for the prosecution? >> now we'll enter into a period we call discovery, and remember, at a preliminary hearing the rules of evidence aemploy and here say is admissible and a lead detective gets up and tells a narrative and a lot of this will be introduced at trial. now the defense will get those documents and the internet searches and all the evidence that the detective talked about and more, and they are going to test it. this is a very critical stage because now the defense asks for all the discovery, everything the police have in their arsenal, and the prosecution hands it over, and each side begins circling its wagons, preparing motions and gearing up for trial. >> what did this hearing tell you though in terms of where the defense is going to be headed and where the prosecution is going to be headed? >> i have to play devil's volk. one of the takeaways from this
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hearing is that this defendant absolutely engaging in creepy behavior, deplorable behavior in his personal life, but in terms of specific intent, the interesting thing about these cases is they happen much more frequently than people think and even more interesting is that it's about 60%, 40% that get prosecuted. 60% get prosecuted and 40% don't, and the reason for that disparity is because really all at the end of the day the cases are almost all the same. it's oh, my god, i made a horrific mistake and a prosecutor decides whether or not that mistake was reasonable, something more, maybe even intentional. as we go forward these cases are very short on actual specific intent. contrast with a video of me pointing a gun at someone. that shows intent to point a gun. all we have is evidence that he walked out to the car and the rest of us as a society are going to have to ask the question is that reasonable? should he have known or does
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what he did demonstrate that he knew what he was doing the whole time? >> and everyone should be careful to judge though the one element of the smell coming from the car. >> oh, yeah. >> that really stuck with the judge. >> yes, and the fact that he got in his car and drove for two miles before he stopped to check on the welfare of his son. that's definitely part of this. >> compelling, that is evidence of intent. >> great to see you. such a troubling case. we'll continue to follow it and in 20 minutes we'll talk with a friend of justin ross harris. what does she have to say about this shocking details that really came out in court? we're following that and also following a whole lot of news this morning, including more on hurricane arthur's track. let's get to it all. breaking news, direct hit. arthur makes landfall at full force overnight. >> we are seeing very strong winds as it makes its way to land. >> a vicious category 2 with wind gusts hitting 100 miles per
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hour. towns under tornado watches and trees toppled and power out for tens of thousands. >> please be safe and stay inside your home. >> hurricane winds still lashing the coast as arthur makes its fourth of july march north. we are live in the middle of it all. plus, bombshell hearing. >> did he discuss the issue of being afraid of children, his child dying in a car? >> yes. >> shocking allegations made in the case of the father accused of leaving his son in a hot car on purpose. >> there are also photos of women's breasts. >> sexting underage girls, life insurance on the child and searching online about hot cars, the benefits of being child-free and even how to survive in jail, and how his wife's reactions may provide more clues. we break down the damning testimony. this is a special edition of "new day." hurricane arthur hits. >> yes, he did. welcome to a special hurricane
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arthur edition of "new day." happy fourth of judgment chris is off. we've got all the news, a busy fourth of july to be talking to you about, breaking news especially. hurricane arthur slamming the east coast. take a look at radar right there. the storm inching towards virginia. not easing up though on north carolina just yet. arthur made landfall over north carolina late last night with dangerous winds of 100-mile-an-hour. just take a look at this. massive waves crashing into the piers, into the docks this morning as the winds picked up in nags head. >> as for what's next the storm will head up the shore line today keeping coastal communities on alert, and as we watch arthur down here, let's give you a look at the view from space. this is a photo, what an incredible image from astronaut reed wiseman showing arthur taking dead aim at the eastern united states. complete coverage from the storm. we start with meteorologist indra peter sox in kill devil
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hills, north carolina, for a couple of days. it's a cat 2 storm. it's moved on but effects are still being felt. >> michaela, the strongest hurricane we found on the u.s. mainland that made ranful since 2008. you can see here the beach erosion that's already happened and you can see that's what happened as the waves came onshore this morning with more of that easterly direction, but take a look behind me. this is our concern. you can actually see way back in the distance here someone is now swimming. that is the last thing you want to see with the big threat of a rip current and that will continue throughout the day even after the storm passes, definitely not what you want to be seeing. what you're noticing right now if you take a look at the ocean is it's starting to go backwards. there's reason for that. this morning all the beach erosion the wind was coming from the easterly direction bringing the waves onshore and now we've switched wind directions and now getting on the back side of the system so you're seeing the winds coming out of west and pushing all of the water right back into the ocean.
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now it's a thing for this side of the beach, not a good thing on the opposite side where we have this storm surge, as high as 6 feet in 20 minutes. think about that. i'm only 5'7". you have water going over your head that quickly. that's the danger and what causes deaths from hurricanes so that's a big concern as we move forward. what's predict mid this region is 3 to 4 feet of storm surge. it takes you 6 inches to knock you off your feet and with big wind events you can see winds kicking up around here. wind is already taking out power and about 17,000 people from north carolina all the way down into the northern portions of south carolina already. >> at least 20 counties here in north carolina now in a state of emergency. hurricane arthur making landfall at 11:15 thursday night. cnn's renee marsh camped out at atlantic beach when it hit. >> the winds are extremely strong and if you take a look at the sky you can see them
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lighting up and that's not lightning. those are transformers blowing up. that means people are without mother most likely. >> north carolina's governor told the thousands without power to stay inside. >> wait for this storm to leave for a long period of time before you venture to the outside. >> the now category two hurricane living up to emergency manager fears. >> trees broken and crashed into this house here. >> sustained winds of at least 100 miles per hour. storm surges and dangerous rip currents are warding off fourth of july beach-goers. >> we want to warn our citizens up the coast and our thousands of tourists who may be dealing with this for the first time that this is a serious storm. >> this is a photo from inside the eye of the storm of concern of the inner eye wall now shrinking in size. the danger, the smaller the eye gets the stronger the wins become. >> so we're most concerned now about flooding inland and also storm surges in our sounds and
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in our rivers further inland. >> governor pat mccrory says rescue and emergency crews are at the ready to assess damage and begin the cleanup effort. >> so the storm is now making its way offshore pulling away from us but there's still very strong winds as they continue to be on the back side of the system. you have to add the storm's wind, it's picked up speed at 20, 25 miles per hour. you add the two together to get the maximum speed on that back side. keep in mind, this storm, it's headed in your direction to the northeast, and it's going to stay pretty strong. still expecting it to be about 90 miles per hour south of cape cod so that's going tonight next concern. of course, other in the carolinas when this back side comes in, what happens with the storm surge and the really strong winds that continue to knock you off your foot at a moment's notice. >> we watch you brace yourself, it gives you an idea. i can't believe there's somebody that's decided to go into the water, exactly the thing that authorities don't want and are
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discouraging people from doing. continue to watch that situation for us. as you can tell, this storm has left quite a mark on north carolina. crews are now working to restore power to thousands who lost it. in fact, about 15,000 customers we're told are currently in the dark. add to it sand and debris now litter the coast, blown around by rain and wind like this. let's take you to kill devil -- we've been in kill devil hills. now let's head south to wrightsville beach. the storm is nothing north and we're going south. look at that. what a different scene. have you a short sleeve shirt on, you're standing, a bit of a breeze there and the sun seems to be out. >> the sun is definite will you out, michaela. it's amazing what a difference a few miles makes, a couple hundred miles makes and also a few hours because really we were feeling the effects of hurricane arthur for all of yesterday on and off. periods of rain and wind and then at night, probably around 7:00 or 8:00 eastern time, we
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really got the brunt of arthur. we got really strong wind gusts and also heavy downpours, and right now you couldn't even tell that this happened. it's amazing. all these people are out. the good news here, at least, is that there are no reports of widespread damage or power outages or flooding as far as we're -- as far as we know. authorities though say that they do plan to come out today during the day to assess and make sure that nothing really big happened here. michaela. >> all right. that's just evidence of what happens in the wake. look at the difference from there to where we saw indra just moments ago. all right. let's talk to warren judd, the chairman of the dare county board of commissioners and joins us on the phone this morning and he's joining us from kill devil hills. how was your evening? >> michaela, it was long and -- it was long and restless. >> i'm sure it was. what are you waking up to this
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morning now that the sun has come up? >> well, we're just now beginning to get our emergency personnel, the folks that evaluate things once we have daylight. we get them out on the roads and around, and we've -- we're beginning to get reports in, and -- and we're hearing better news than we expected, but it's really kind of too early to put any sort of county boyd assessment on it. we probably need another hour to 90 minutes to have a really good picture of where we are this morning. >> your hope is that you can get up and have a look at things before, you know, the folks that live there, the residents do, so you can get a clear assessment of what you can advise them to do. obviously a lot of concerns here. we understand that one of the concerns, of course, is the beach front but also the -- the highway 12. have you heard any word about highway 12? there were reports of flooding on that road.
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>> we do know that we have flooding in the rodanthe area. we think the beach towns are in good shape on highway 12. still waiting on one report from down at the very south end of the northern beaches, but water -- pretty good amount of flooding in the village of rodanthe. again, a very preliminary assessment. people are trying to look out windows and assess where they are standing at that time and once we get people out in the field. we'll -- we'll have a much better assessment. we haven't gotten a report yet from buxton village which is another area that -- that is prone to flooding on the highway. >> also heard reports of power outages, sir, a couple of your big power companies reporting some -- anywhere between 17,000 to 20,000 folks without power. obviously the hope is to get them back to having power as soon as possible. any word on that?
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>> on the -- on the -- on the northern island we -- if we have outages it's sporadic. >> okay. >> and the distribution more than transmission. we do have distribution problems that we're all aware of in hatteras village and some of the other villages own hatteras island, but, again, michaela, a little bit too early to speak with a great deal of confidence and conviction but we feel like the transportation -- moving the transportation lines are -- are good. the distribution is taking the power from the individual substations and transformers from people's homes into businesses. >> fair enough. we understand it's awfully early and tough to tell what the results of that storm passing through are going to be. >> do you feel that you have adequate resources at the ready to assess, to protect, to restore service and repair
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damage? >> yes, ma'am. the -- the beach towns -- the six towns all take care of think assessments with their planning department and different inspectors. their county will have people in the unincorporated areas of the county. as soon as we can get crews of people on hatteras island, even if we have to put them -- even if we have to take them by boat or something if the road is flooded. they will be on the ground. they will assess damage. we do this very quickly. we will have a very good estimate, probably we'll need to sharpen the figures over the weekend, but by the end of the day it's our plans that we have assessed the entire county and we know what we have as far as damage. we can begin making preliminary reports to the state if there's going to be any, you know, help coming from fema, those things. we should have those numbers well in hand by the end of the day. >> hopefully we'll be able to check back in with you and we
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know you're hardy peep. we know that many of you live through many a storm during this time. glad to hear it wasn't as bad as some were fearing. we want to say a big thank you to the chairman of dare county board of commission eers. thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> the eye of the storm has cleared the carolinas, but the threat is not over yet. arthur is set to move up the east coast over the next 24 hours. let's get the very latest from meteorologist karen maginnis to talk about the projected path, where it's going to move and what people could be feeling on the east coast. >> yes. there will be several impacts, kate, and this is kind of a high resolution, a 3-d view. here is the eye right now. this is an image over the last four hours. this is going to be racing up the eastern seaboard and into new england. what can you expect? well, we've already seen that very heavy surf in a lot of areas. also heavy downpours. we're looking at coastal
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flooding. there will be wind damage. there could be plenty of beach erosion. we just got our update from the national hurricane center or the one critical piece or one difference is that this is now moving to the northeast at 23 miles an hour, so that's good. the faster it moves, the less impact it's going to have along some of these very fragile coastal areas. michaela had mention it had earlier. the national sea shore is very ecologically fragile and this storm system essentially pounded this area for the past eight hours or so. that is going to produce substantial damage. they will have to go out and assess it. right now the winds are blowing offshore. that's on the back side of hurricane arthur which is still a category 2 hurricane, and as it moves up the mid-atlantic coast you'll get some heavy downpours. we're looking at 2 to 4 inches,
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maybe as much as 6 inches possible. there you can see it friday at just about 90 miles an hour, so we're looking at the winds coming down just a bit. it's getting into some colder water and then just off the coast of boston for this evening. the high tide in boston is at 5:04 so watch out for a tide 3 to 5 feet above that. kate? >> that's a really interesting point, karen. thanks so much. the governor of north carolina had said the good news that they were dealing with is that it hit at low tide so they didn't have the impact. didn't think it would be as much. boston, massachusetts, those areas might be dealing with quite a different scene tonight as it could be hitting at high tide. >> look at the difference between our reporters, how much beach there is. looked very calm where alina was and further where indra was. poem shouldn't be in the water at kill devil hills and we saw one person in the war. a different scene each few
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hundred miles. >> let's hope it moves faster and faster so the impact is less and less. let's get over to christine romans who has a look at our other top stories. >> in iraq isis militants have seized a major oil field in syria. the field produces 75,000 barrels of oil a day. it's the latest to fall under the control of the sunni extremists, this as u.s. military officials say the door is still open to increased american forces in iraq should isis militants pose a threat to the u.s. pentagon hat halted all flights of its f-35 fighter jet. these planes are grounded while investigators determine how one caught foyer as it was taking off from the elgin air force base last month. the latest setback for the lockheed martin-built fighter. a fleetwide inspection was triggered in june. at $398 billion, the f-35 is the pentagon's most expensive weapons program ever.
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mississippi's republican primary results now being challenged. tea party-backed state senator chris mcdaniel fighting those results serving papers to senator thad cochran's son thursday. campaign staffers and volunteers say they combed through investigate records in 51 counties and claim to have found nearly 5,000 irregularities. we'll talk with mcdaniel next hour. the white house is hosting military families for fireworks and barbecue on the south lawn today. in his weekly address this morning the president give a special thanks to members of the military and their families. >> you keep us safe and you keep the united states of america a shining beacon of hope for the world and for that you and your families deserve not only appreciation of a grateful nation but our enduring commitment to serve you as well as you've served us. >> this fourth of july is especially sweet for the obamas. today first daughter malia celebrates her 16th birthday. happy birthday. >> we brought you this story a little bit earlier and we'll take a closer look.
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a newly released 911 call reveals a mother and son's terror as their car is swallowed up by a sinkhole. 15-year-old benjamin hernandez was delivering newspapers with his mother when the road gave out from under them. >> my son is having trouble breathing. >> a frantic call for help after a mother and sun plummet into a giant sinkhole while drive down a dark rhode road in rural illinois. her son badly injured in the crash and then the unthinkable. >> another car! >> this pickup truck flies right over the gaping hole where juanita pakistan-india and her son benjamin are trapped. the driver cannot believer that he drove right on top of them. >> i just drove on top of you? >> are you okay? >> pickedia and her son were unable to escape. emergency crews had to rip apart the roof of the car. >> i remember hitting something
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and then all of a sudden i felt where my car fell down and that was it. >> 15-year-old benjamin suffered a fractured spine and broken rib, nose, right arm. >> it just happened so fast. is like all i remember is my mom waking me up screaming, telling me to wake up. >> the pair out delivering newspapers, had no idea heavy rain had washed away the road until it was too late. >> doing my best to hold on for him. we're just lucky to be here. that's all i can say. >> and you just feel for benjamin. he's in fair condition at a local hospital. his mother is doing fine. tearified by what happened obviously but doing fine. >> a lot of people feeling a lot of things when you see that storm but that family feeling gratitude. lucky to be alive. >> the fact that you would not only be driving along and then fall no a sinkhole but then another car would come up just behind. >> you first a sinkhole and driving right into the sink hole, the son is hurt and another car driving right on top of you, unbelievable.
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>> got youth on his side. hopefully he'll make a speedy recovery. >> short break here on "newsday." up neck the latest breaking news at hurricane arthur is making its way up the east coast. we're live with our correspondents in the thick of it. >> and stunning sordid details in court about what happened the day a georgia father left his son in a hot car for seven hours. a friend of justin ross harris from their college days joins us live. had a does she think of the charges? can i get my actual credit report... like, the one the bank sees? [ male voice ] sheesh, i feel like i'm being interrogated over here. [ male voice ] she's onto us. dump her. [ pay phone rings ] hello? oh, man. that never gets old. no, it does not. [ female announcer ] not all credit report sites are equal. members get personalized help and a real credit report. join now at
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day," and our coverage will continue in a moment to give you the latest you immediate to know but first another story. shocking courtroom allegations against the georgia father who stands accused of killing his child by leaving him for hours in a hot car. the prosecution painted quite a picture of justin ross harris, painted him as an unfaithful husband who wanted to be child-free, that he had life insurance policies out on the toddler and allegedly seconded women on the very day his son died. our next guest new harris in college. kristen ryker joins us now. good morning to you and thank you for getting up early. i can imagine this is a very unsettling place to find yourself in. somebody you know stands accused of killing his child. i want you to give us a sense of the justin ross harris that you know. you guys met in college. were you in the same graduate program, correct? >> we were actually undergrads together, a close group of
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people so we knee europe other pretty well. >> did you spend much time with him? >> yes. we had group projects and it was a very strenuous program so we saw a lot of each other. >> describe justin ross harris to us, as you know him. >> he was a genuinely nice guy. he was very hard working and intelligent. he was reliable and always willing to help others in need, whether it's a class project or a personal matter. before this tragedy i never heard anyone say a bad thing about him. he was just an overall great guy. >> so i can imagine you were probably quite surprised when you heard the news. tell me about the day you found out about this. >> i was controlling through facebook and i saw people that i know posting about it. we were all in shock because we all knew him. it's just still disbelief not knowing what to think. >> do you think he's capable of
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it. >> the ross i knew in college absolutely no. never intentional, so something just doesn't make sense. it just doesn't add up. >> have you found yourself trying to make sense of it? >> i'm trying to stay unbiased because of the man i knew in college. he was such a great guy. >> i understand that. that makes sense. yesterday we were watching this compelling really troubling testimony going on. heard a detective making accusations and bringing up some pretty shocking revelations about things like ross sexting women, about searching for various things on the internet. what is your reaction to this? does it fit and square with the reaction of the guy that you knew? >> the guy that i knew, absolutely not, but i feel it is unrelated to the actual case at
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hand with cooper, but, no, i could never have pictured him doing that. >> you don't feel that it has anything to do with -- with maybe the motive for what could have happened here? i don't think so. i'm trying to stay unbiased. i'm sure other people get a different opinion. >> do you have a sense that there was any trouble at home? >> not at all. >> he always talked about his wife and could you tell that he was happy and that he loved her. >> had you met her? >> no, i have not. >> and there's also some discussion in the testimony yesterday that he was depressed. does that seem like something that makes sense with the justin or the ross rather that you knew? >> when i knew him, no. you could walk into a rom and he would light it up. he would make a joke, tell a story, just a very happy person. >> kristen, sometimes you know, you have friends that you know, and they know you, but there are
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probably sides of you that your friends don't know about. do you think that that could be the case here, that we are not seeing the full picture of who this young man is? >> i'm not sure exactly what's going on, but that would have to be an extreme case of hiding for a long time, and i -- i don't see how -- how any of this happened. >> also mentioned in court that he just sort of displayed different sides of his personality. did you see different sides of his personality in those times you were sitting with him in college or maybe when you were out socializing after class? >> no, not at all. so it must have happened in the past two years, but not when i knew him, no. >> you say you're trying to make sense of it. what do you think could possibly have happened? we hear these stories a lot, unfortunately, someone being forgetful and loafing a child or
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a pet in a hot car, becoming distracted. when you look at the situation, what does your gut tell you? >> like i said, because of the great man i knew him to be i really want to be not believe it, but i'm also not sure exactly what the facts are because the media portrays different things and it gets taken out of proportion. >> you're right. we're not in the courtroom. we were not there and only he knows what happened that day. >> right. >> so kristen, what are your friends saying, the other people that knew him? i don't know if you're in contact with friends from college. are you talking amongst yourselves about the case and about ross and about how you all knew him? >> yes. on social media everyone is talking about it.
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it's the main topic, but everyone that knew him is still just in shock and disbelief. of course there are people saying terrible, terrible things about him, and it's just hard to read because they didn't know him and the great man that he was. >> i can tell you that this is really upsetting for you, and i'm not trying to upset you. i know this is very difficult when you know someone a certain way and you hear allegations of something terrible that they are being blamed for, it's really hard to reconcile those two things. are you watching the story online? are you watching the news? are you trying to just sort of give yourself some space from it? >> i'm trying to stay away from the gossip that people are saying and the media, but i did watch the hearing just to try to get be a idea of what authorities are saying? >> did it change your view of things?
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it made me a little we are toe think what if something like this terrible could happen, but still trying to stay unbiased just because of the man i knew. >> what did you see when you watched him in that hearing? he was there and we got to see him, some of us, for the first time. what did you see when you saw him? >> i'm not sure if i could emergency seeing his face. i saw he was distraught and cry at one point when they were talking about cooper. >> what do you know about his extended family? does he have siblings, parents that he's close with? >> i'm not really sure details of his family but i know his brother was talking at the hearing. >> kristen, i can imagine this is just almost unbearable for you, you know. we have, like i said before, we have ideas of who our people are
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and when they stand accused of something hoik this, hard to make sense of it all. >> right. >> i understand it's difficult for you to do this interview. i thank you for doing, it giving us a glimpse of the ross harris that you know and knew. our thoughts are with you. we know this is a difficult time for anybody that -- that is friends with him or a family member. kristen riker, thanks so much for joining us this morning on "new day." >> thank you. >> kate, a very different picture that she paints but still there are some questions. >> we'll continue to cover that case for sure. coming up next on "new day." where is hurricane arthur headed next? the latest storm track and we'll speak to some of the folks riding out storm. how it's been and what it looks like this morning and then it may be a wet fourth of july but some cities like boston decided their fireworks displays must still go on. take a look. ♪ so nice, so nice
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welcome back to "new day." for more of our coverage of hurricane arthur. the storm picking up speed as it makes its way up to nags head. very popular vacation spot and still feeling the effects of arthur this morning. that's where we have you're report this morning. the waives that you were seeing earlier. what's it looking like right now? >> we're seeing wind gusts, kate, take a look behind me, and
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can you see the waves have been crashing into jeannette's pier behind us here. the wind are still continuing to come on to the shore like this all morning long even as arthur moves away and up above the pier the turbines, the wind turbines that provide a lot of electricity for the pier, they have really been going all morning as well. we still have been seeing people come out here, as we have since early this morning. people have been coming out to check it out. more people are along the beach here as the day has -- daylight has come over nags head. more people want to come out and check it out here, but this is not an area that was under an evac aidation order so a lot of people stayed here and a lot of people had rentals for the fourth of july. they boarded up homes and got their bottled water and decided to ride it out. >> that's exactly right. many of the curfews they have lifted. folks will start coming out. we were talking to a county official earlier, they were just about to send out their own crews to give us a sense of
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where the damage and trouble spots are. talking to folks out of their homes, have they told you what they are seeing? >> right. well, we've not seen any damage from where we stand right here at the pier but we understand some people are in hotel rooms that have water leaking in. there was some flooding, certainly flooding on hatteras island but we're off the island. we understand that dare county officials were going to be going out and checking out the problem areas they had, also wanted to restrict people coming into the county at one point because they wanted to make sure that there was enough room for everybody who needed to be working on the problems to get around. they lift that had restriction and now a restriction for hatteras island. they don't want people going on the bonner bridge and frankly a lot of areas there are flooded right now. >> still, as it may be getting better, can you still -- i can almost feel the wind gusts as i'm watching you. still there's a bit of -- a lot to be dealing with this morning as light is coming up. erin kelly, thank you so much.
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good luck out there. >> want to continue to watch this situation. take a look at those rough waves in kill devil hills, north care. the eye of the storm has passed finally, but the surge still poses a danger. indra petersons has been in kill devil hills for a few days now, it seems, and you've been watching things progress. we saw somebody in the water. you've been talking about the wind whipping up the sand on the beach and the strong surf. tell us about conditions now. indra. still really in the wind shift. we were talking about the winds originally again, coming in from the east and that brought all of that water from the ocean well onshore so we had this huge drop here. you can actually see all the beach erosion. you can actually see how far it is, that's the concern here as now we talk about those winds switching directions because you're still talking about water rising that high, if not higher. now you're talking about the wind coming out of the west so that's the concern here as the
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ware comes off the sound. you're going to have that very shallow water. it can come in as a higher storm surge. you're talking about a good 3, 4 feet. doesn't sound like a lot but quickly in a matter of minutes, 15 to 20 minutes the water goes 5 feet. that can go over some people's heads and it's dangerous. only takes about 6 inches to knock you off of your feet. of course we continue to have the strong winds out here. out of nowhere it seems like they are calm and it really gusts up on you again. almost like have you to fight it out here, but, again, we're starting to see the rain come back again and we're seeing almost another round as the bands do switch in from the rest and i keep mentioning to everybody, whatever impact you saw on the front side of the system there's a complete opposite on the back side. they are stronger and even though this is making its way offshore. outer bands that we're really fighting here. power concerns, storm surge still going to be a concern here. many people, about 17,000 people already from the northern portions of south carolina and
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north koirl out of power. still have the threat of the winds as they rip out here. that will remain a concern an here on the oceanside you can see that water is going back in this direction and we're starting to see it recede back into the ocean. remember this, storm is going to stay strong. it's heading towards you guys and going to the northeast and holding on to its power. it will stay south of cape cod, again, south of cape could the. expected to have 90-mile-an-hour wind. a lot going on here, not only here in north carolina but also heading in your direction. guys? >> this is the thing. indra seems very slender, a fiercely strong woman and can stand up to the winds and the force. strong winds that are buffeting her around will. >> that's a mean surf behind her and one of the things you forget when you're watching on tv. you are not only getting the wind but the sand that's whipping into you as well. exfoliation that you don't want.
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coming up next on nude day, we'll have more of our coverage of hurricane arthur. we'll speak with a woman who is riding out the storm and see how she is holding up. >> and imagine that predicament, hanging on for dear life on the side of a cliff, a camera strapped to the rescuer's helmet captures every moment of that drama. really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business. from safety... to fuel economy...
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welcome back to "new day." hurricane arthur blasting the east coast with strong winds, heavy rain, and as you can see, kill devil hills still experiencing some pretty rough surf. people who live there really braced for the worst, but they did hope for the best. let's see how things have really gone for him. rita peters own a bed and breakfast. she joins us on the phone now. thanks so much for waking up and joining us. >> sure. >> i'm sure it was not even waking up and joining us. maybe a pretty long night for you. what was it like in the height of the storm? >> it really wasn't too bad. i mean, we've had -- we were here for irene and for sandy, and compared to those this one was really minimal. >> a lot of what i'm seeing on
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social media from folks on the outer banks was really just talking about the winds that they were seeing, shaking their homes. what was the biggest thing that you guys were feeling at the bed and breck past? >> i mean, we felt the winds, but, again, the winds hitting the house were not even near what we've experienced before. this is a 70-year-old house. it's been here for a while. we put the shutters down and you really don't know what's going on outside, so it wasn't bad at all. >> sounds like that 70-year-old house is going to be there for a whole lot longer. >> i hope so. >> no kidding. how many guests do you guys have staying with you this weekend? >> we were supposed to have a full house for the holiday weekend. we had one room that cancelled completely out. we have another that's probably heading in today, but we did have a couple -- four of our rooms that decided to come in and check out yesterday and weather the storm so they were here with us last night.
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>> do most of your guests come in from out of town? i worked in north carolina and know that a lot of folks that live in the outer banks, they have gone through this a lot. they are kind of storm veterans, if you will, but it's the folks coming in from vacation from out of town that i think have a lot of the concern. >> i think you're right. we did have one couple that was supposed to be with us for four days. they came from the boston area. they stayed through thursday and then they did decide to leave on thursday before the storm came. we have people here from raleigh, pittsburgh, and they were -- they were okay. one gentleman that is staying with us, he said he spent the last year in afghanistan so he could ride out a hurricane. he was okay with that. >> that is sure an important little bit of perspective right there, no kidding. >> yeah. >> what's going to happen today for you guys? i'm sure you'll get going. you've got a business to run.
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>> we're getting ready to make breakfast for our guests, and really, you know, a lot of times we might have water in our front yard, standing water. we don't even have that. route 12 in front of us is not -- doesn't have standing water so, i mean, we're really in pretty good shape. >> looks like you're luck they time around. thank you very much. have a great holiday weekend, and hopefully you and your guests will have a great time. >> what is she cooking for breakfast in. >> i don't want to know. i'm so hungry i can't hear someone talking about food. >> maybe get a little meal. >> thanks so much. >> and nice to know, a little perspective. lived through sandy and others and nice to know this one wasn't as bad. >> next up on "new day," a daring rescue of a stranded hiker. check this out. imagine being caught in that predicament. it's all caught on tape. we'll show you this terrifying ordeal ahead.
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welcome back. we're going to return to our hurricane arthur coverage but we're also following another big story, growing outrage at a small california town over immigration. more protests are expected today in murrieta, where the government is planning to bring in buses of undocumented immigrants for processing. some people there fear it could get uglier than what they saw even earlier this week, when dozens of angry protesters shouting "usa" as you hear there, as well as "go home" met three buses of these migrants transferred from overwhelmed border facilities in texas. really a whole lot going on
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there, big national debate obviously at the center of it. cnn's kyung lah has much more on it. >> attention u.s. border patrol. >> reporter: in a lone international radio host and his sidekick continue to protest outside the border patrol station in murrieta, california. he and others promise they'll be out in force for an anticipated fourth of july arrival of more undocumented immigrants to this facility, a move dividing and polarizing this once quiet bedroom community in southern california. >> usa! >> reporter: after this, the blockade by protesters, forcing three buses of 140 undocumented migrants from central america, many of them women and children, to leave. >> use the word illegal aliens. >> reporter: then a heated town hall pitting resident against resident along cultural lines. murrieta is this week's ground zero for u.s. immigration policy. >> i don't think the city is prepared for this, i don't think
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so. >> reporter: what is driving these two sides, murrieta resident steve hesson who runs a plumbing company and never took a political stand before has gone from a bus protest to verbal sparring at the town hall and promises to keep the heat on. >> the people are so excited to be here and look out the windows going oh my gosh, what's happening. >> reporter: you were blocking their way in. >> not because of them, because of standing firm, letting the officials know this is not the right way to handle this. >> latinos are the ones that run your country. >> reporter: lapierre better known for his mexican music has become for the migrant hero after this protester spit in his face and others slung visual slurs at him. >> that was completely uncalled
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for. we are here on a protest, and a protest, we act like adults. we're not here to fight. >> reporter: mirroring the national fight, both sides digging in and refusing to back down on this independence day. kyung lah, cnn, murrieta, california. >> and the hope is that tempers will stay clean and clear and calm in murrieta, california. cnn will be covering that story as kate mentioned. it is the center of a national debate right now about immigration. right now some insane video to show you, incredible video from a mountainside rescue in washington state. look at this guy, clinging on the side of a cliff. he's a hiker, got caught on a cliff with nowhere to go, some 5,000 feet up. ground teams would have taken hours to reach him, but there wasn't that much time so a chopper crew flew in, they jumped into action, were able to pull him to safety. christine romans, this is the stuff nightmares are made of. >> he did not think he could hold on any longer.
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they were running out of time. we hear about the rescues amazed by the story. the only thing impressive than the story are the pictures. >> okay i've got him. >> he's sitting on about a three-foot ledge or so. >> reporter: a stranded hiker clings desperatery to the side of a seattle area cliff, as this helicopter team plans how to rescue him. >> there is not much room, but get me down there and we'll see thousand works. >> copy that. >> reporter: the crew responding to a call for help from the hiker who was unsure how much longer he could hold on. >> rescue drop secure. >> reporter: thankfully he's able to maintain his grip as an emergency worker steps out of the helicopter and descends. camera strapped to his helmet documenting every moment of the perilous rescue. he reaches the hiker, securing him with the harness before the pair are lifted off the cliff and into the air. the rescuer's camera capturing their terrifying view as they are gradually hoisted to safety
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and secured inside the chopper. then finally back on solid ground, relief and gratitude from a hiker who was unsure if he would make it off the mountainside only hours earlier. terrifying. the hiker walks away. what is unclear is how in the world he became trapped in that position in the first place. hiking, finds himself 5,000 feet in this three-foot crevasse. >> what goes up must come down but came down a different way than it went up. >> why he was hiking up in the pass, that's craziness. >> i think the bravery and the strategy of those rescuers is unbelievable. you heard them say there's not much room for me but lower my down. and a handshake and a thanks, buddy. >> walked away under his own power. i'm still amazed by that. >> i can't look at the pictures. >> i'll have a nightmare about
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that. thanks for that. we'll take a short wreak and clear our minds. coming up on "new day" more hurricane coverage, thousands remain without power. crews are working to get it back as arthur rolls up the east coast. we're going to continue to bring you coverage, the latest on the storm where it's headed, what you can expect to feel. after a narrow defeat in a mississippi primary runoff, chris mcdaniel is challenging the election results and offering rewards for evidence of voter fraud. what is going on in mississippi? chris mcdaniel is going to join us live. and also just in case arthur dampened things for the fourth, some cities along the east coast celebrating the fourth of july a day early. perfect. take a look. ♪ ain't that america, home of the free ♪ ♪ little pink houses for you and me ♪ this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location.
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if your denture moves, it can irritate your gums. try fixodent plus gum care. it helps stop denture movement and prevents gum irritation. fixodent. and forget it. breaking news, direct hit. arthur makes landfall at full force overnight. >> we are seeing very strong winds as it makes its way to land. >> a vicious category 2 with wind gusts over 100 miles per
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hour. towns right-hand tornado watches, trees toppled and power out for tens of thousands. >> please be safe both inside your home and stay inside your home. >> reporter: hurricane winds still lashing the coast as arthur makes its fourth of july march north. we are live in the middle of it all. plus bombshell hearing. >> did he discuss the issue of being afraid of children, his child dying in a car? >> yes. >> reporter: shocking allegations made in the case of the father accused of leaving his son in a hot car on purpose. >> there are photos of women's breasts being sent back to him. >> reporter: sexting underaged girls, life insurance on the child and searching online about hot cars, the benefits of being child-free, and even how to survive in jail, and how his wife's reactions may provide more clues. we break down the damning testimony. this is a special edition of "new day," hurricane arthur hits. good morning and welcome to a special hurricane arthur edition of "new day." it is friday, fourth of july.
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happy fourth of july, everybody. lot of news happening though on this fourth, 8:00 in the east. chris is off today. we're following the breaking news all morning on hurricane arthur. the latest radar shows the storm now moving quickly up the east coast, but north carolina, which took a direct hit, is still feeling its wrath. >> arthur coming ashore late last night, as a category 2 hurricane. it rocked the outer banks with torrential rain, sustained winds of about 100 miles an hour. we know crews are now working to get the power back to some 18,000 customers who are waking up in the dark this morning. we've got complete coverage for you today of the storm. we're going to start with our meteorologists indra petersons, she's in kill devil hills, north carolina. it's so interesting because the split shot shows alina machado a couple hundred miles south of you and she's standing there looking like she's having a day at the beach. not the scene where you are, indra, at all. >> reporter: we're in the transition stone. i talk about the winds switching from the east to the west.
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over my left shoulder the clouds are moving so quickly, that's what you see when the system picks up its pace there. few times, once what nah while we see a hint of sunshine. we have a lot of outer bands to work through before we'll be done. every once in a while we get strong gusts. to my left is the huge level of beach erosion we got early this morning when the winds were coming in from the easterly direction. the ocean was up here and now from a north or westerly direction those winds are going back down or the waves are going back down into the ocean. that is just one side here of the outer banks. on the opposite side of us of course we have the sound so the opposite is happening there, where you're seeing the wind or water waves really piling up. remember the sound is shallower water. this is key, guys, when it's shallower the water rises even faster and higher. we're already hearing reports about five feet of storm surge and about less than 20 minutes so that's one of the concerns there and power outages as well.
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at least 20 counties here in north carolina now in a state of emergency. hurricane arthur making landfall at 11:15 thursday night. cnn's rene marsh camped out at atlantic beach when it hit. >> the winds are extremely strong. if you take a look at the skies you can see them lighting up. that is not lightning. those are transformers blowing out. that means people are without power most likely at this point. >> reporter: despite the darkness along the outer banks, north carolina's governor told the thousands without power to stay inside. >> wait for this storm to leave for a long period of time before you venture to the outside. >> reporter: the now category 2 hurricane living up to emergency managers' fears. >> the tree broke and crashed into part of this house here. >> reporter: sustained winds of at least 100 miles per hour. storm surges and dangerous rip currents are warding off fourth of july beachgoers. >> we want to warn our citizens up the coast and thousands of tourists who may be dealing with
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this for the first time that this is a serious storm. >> reporter: this is a photo from inside the eye of the storm, of concern the inner eye wall, now shrinks in size. the danger, the smaller the eye xwets the stro gets the stronger the winds become. >> we're concerned about flooding inland and storm surges in our sounds and rivers. >> reporter: governor pat mccrory says rescue and emergency crews are ready to assess and begin the cleanup effort. here is the concern, it is the fourth of july. we're hear at a beach vacation spot. so many people waking up, the sun is up, thinking that arthur is clearing out and it is moving out to sea but remember all that water came in needs to go back out but no longer will it be the wind waves moving back out. what you get are the strong rip currents so even as the system pulls out of here, people need to stay out of the water. we'll have this huge enhanced risk of rip currents. we're still going to have the storm surge out there, reports of highway 12, two and four feet
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of water, so everyone use caution in the regions as well and remember the storm may be exiting the carolinas but it is heading in our direction, it is staying south of the northeast but maybe that outward edge could hit cape cod with 90-mile-per-hour winds in the latest forecast. something you have to monitor as the system heads in your direction. >> indra, thank you so much. indra is saying the storm is headed north-northeast, but let's move a couple hundred miles away from indra, people in wrightsville beach, north carolina, may have dodged a bullet. it appears arthur's bark was worse than its bite. alina machado is live for us. what are you seeing? >> reporter: well, kate, you can see it is an absolutely gorgeous day in wrightsville beach. very different story from what we saw here most of yesterday. we saw lots of rain and wind and at night, probably around 7:00 or 8:00 eastern we saw the worst of arthur here in terms of heavy
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downpours and high, strong wind combusts. right now you can see people are out here on the beach, getting ready to enjoy their fourth of july weekend and the reason for that is because the pack here, the punch from arthur was very, very slight, no widespread outages in terms of power being out here, no widespread damage or flooding, so here in wrightsville beach, we're in good shape. kate? michaela? >> alina, that means that maybe some of the people in wrightsville beach can enjoy their fourth of july without worrying about the weather raining on their parade, pun intended. in light of day, people along the north carolina coast are waking up and getting their first glimpse of what arthur left behind as we mentioned. some 18,000 people have no electricity. there are also reports of damage to some structures. joining us now by phone, mike sprayberry, director of the north carolina division of emergency management. mr. sprayberry, very pleased could you join us this morning. sunup was about 6:15 this
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morning. what have you had a chance to see outside where you are? >> this is mike sharbenier from the north carolina department of transportation. i want to walk you through what we're seeing right now, we've been preparing to get crews staged. mission was getting everyone to safety from ocracoke island. this morning, crews are doing initial assessments. it's still difficult because we have rough conditions on highway 12 and hatteras island. we have sound side flooding pushing several feet of water over highway 12 and sand covering the roads. until that recedes our assessment is limited. preliminary assessments are showing no significant damage to the road which is good news but there's still a lot of work that needs to be done, clearing that needs to happen, inspections at the bonner bridge that need to happen, inspections of our ferry channel that need to happen. the message still from governor
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mccrory and the transportation secretary say there are still dangerous areas out there, areas that will be blocked and travel needs to be limited until we can get our crews out there to assess and clean up the damage. >> that's very important. excuse my gaffe there at the start. that is an important message. i want to zoom in a little bit more on that. here is the concern. we have been getting reports that some areas didn't get hit as hard as some other areas have seen. we know the difference in these weather patterns creates a different reality for different parts of the coastline. you said the flooding and the surge, that's your biggest concern for transportation right now. are you ready with equipment that can deal with that? >> we are. we have had crews and equipment staged for the last couple of days to be in those areas, those traditional hot spots that we know have trouble down along highway 12 especially after a big storm like this. many parts of the north carolina coast didn't have major impact. >> right. >> the message this morning is the state of north carolina
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wants to let people know the beaches will be open for business as soon as it's safe to do so. it's really hatteras island, ocracoke island. we want to get people back to the beaches, homeowners back and get businesses running but safety is the number one priority. the crews are in place but we have to inspect the pavement. we have to get the sand and water cleared off the roadway and we have the bonner bridge which is the only bridge from the mainland into hatteras island. we have to have crews get on a boat once it's safe to do and inspect that with sonar to make sure there's no structural damage to the bridge. lot of safety checks, things we'll do as quickly as possible. commerce and tourism is important. we want to get things back open as quickly as possible but we have to keep safety as the top priority >> that is such an important part of the area, such a beautiful part of the eastern coastline. we appreciate you that are getting out there as best you can and as fast as you can, especially the fact that this is a day you'd like to be with your families as well. thank you for joining us to give
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us an ytd of the work ongoing today as that coastline prepares to kind of get back to normal in the wake of hurricane arthur. let's get back over to christine romans now for some of today's other top stories. we're watching arthur but there is a lot going on this fourth. >> a land grab, isis militants seized a major oil field in syria. the field produces 75,000 barrels of oil a day, a string of villages and towns along the euphrates river also fell to sunni extremists as u.s. military officials say the door is still open to step up american forces in iraq, should isis militants pose a threat to the u.s. tensions still on the rise in the middle east as more rockets are fired near the gaza strip. the violence escalating amid growing unrest over the killing of a palestinian teenager. 16-year-old mohammed abdo kadir
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is being buried in east jerusalem. the high court said wheaton school does not have to abide by contraception mandate because of religious objection. earlier this week the justices said companies like hobby lobby could be exempted if their owners rejected on religious grounds. in a few hours the 98th annual nathan's hotdog eating contest kicks off. joey "jaws" chestnut looks to extend his streak of seven straight titles. this is history, folks. he'll try break his record of 69 hotdogs in ten minutes that he set last year. on the women's side -- >> she's no joke. >> sunny "the black widow" thomas has her stomach set on a fourth straight championship. last year she ate 45 hotdogs. >> you know what it does? it makes me want to not have a dog today. that's what it does. >> i actually will admit, i have never been able to actually watch. >> you ate 60, what?
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>> i've never been able to watch these things happen, these eating contests happen. it just really ruins whatever it is, it ruins it for me. so i love hotdogs too much to watch this happen. >> it's a good thing that chris isn't here. he has that slightly competitive edge. he'd want to outdo joey chestnut. >> they have something special, which is like, i think maybe multiple stomachs. >> i think you're right. >> hollow legs. >> nothing says america like processed meat 65 times in a row. >> christine you put it so eloquently. >> god bless america. >> and thomas jefferson would be so proud. >> the founding fathers, this is exactly what they were talking about. >> oh, my. coming up next on "new day," controversy swirling after mississippi's republican primary senator chris mcdaniel is crying fraud. there is a heated runoff that was happening. now it's challenging the results of that runoff. chris mcdaniel is going to be joining us live to talk about it. also bombshell testimony in a georgia toddler's death, why
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that little boy was left in a hot car and died. investigators say his father was sexting with a half a dozen women. and there's so much more, all the shocking details ahead. so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business. marge: you know, there's a more enjoyable way to get your fiber.
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so much for bold colors. so much for principle. i guess they can take some consolation in the fact that they did something tonight but once again compromising, by once again reaching across the aisle, by once again abandoning the conservative movement. >> that was mississippi state, senate candidate chris mcdaniel the night he lost a heated primary run-off race with
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incumbent republican senator thad cochran. he plans to challenge the race. the campaign believes there's been widespread voter fraud in the runoff and offering a cash reward for anyone who can provide evidence of it. this is a race that has gotten particularly ugly and gotten ugly fast. thad cochran's campaign offering one of the latest volleys. listen. >> i just think it's sort of the time has come now for the mcdaniel campaign to put up or shut up. if they've got hard evidence, bring it forward, but quit talking about exaggerated numbers, that they know are not true. >> mississippi state senator chris mcdaniel, candidate for the u.s. senate, mr. mcdaniel, thank you so much for coming in. happy fourth of july. >> thank you very much, happy fourth to you as well. >> thanks very much. there's no -- you really can't say it any other way, this race has gotten really, really ugly. you say that you are not going to give up. you are now planning to mount a
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legal challenge against the thad cochran campaign. when are you going to file that challenge? >> well, any day now. the integrity of the process matters. we believe that night on june the 24th there were thousands of irregularities and we already found thousands of irregularities in the proest is. likewise we have the integrity of the election along with the integrity of the republican party so we believe the people of the state want to see the truth. they want to understand what happened that night, and that's exactly what we plan to show them. >> is this about the integrity of the republican party or is this about winning a race? >> no, it's bigger than a campaign. it's bigger than a candidate. it's bigger than me no question about it. >> do you care about winning at this point? >> everyone cares but that's not what this is about. ma what theers is refound the fraud, irregularities and correct them and move forward so people can have faith in the system again. there are many mississippians angry and rightfully so because they feel their votes were nullified or diluted based on
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the irregular conduct. >> do you believe you have the votes to still win or is it past that? >> well, we believe it's past that. the irregularities we found exceed 5,000 different ballot problems right now. likewise there have been two allegations of criminal conduct on the part of the cochran camp. now, those allegations were distinct and separate in different parts of the state, so it's our responsibility to reach out there, find additional problems, if they exist, and finally if the corruption is out there, to end it once and for all. >> i've heard this from the cochran campaign, i heard this from other republicans, that you lost because the cochran campaign had a better runoff strat scree after that first primary, after that first primary vote. you may not like the rules in the way election law is set up in mississippi, but that's the way the state legislature has set it up. is this just sour grapes? >> no. primaries matter because republicans typically want to pick a republican nominee. democrats want to select their nominee and you select those nom
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fees based on platforms and other issues. what you never want to see is complete pushover or crossover into another primary where it's essentially controlled by the other party which is what happened that night in mississippi. >> but that is still allowed under the open primary laws of mississippi. you don't like it, you should take it up with the state legislature. >> no, it's not allowed, not in that full respect it's not, because if they voted on june the 3rd in a democratic primary, they are not allowed by law to cross over to june the 24th and vote in the republican primary or a runoff. that's not allowed. >> there is admittedly and i think you can agree to this, the way it's written is murky and confusing at best. some of the smartest minds in mississippi law, they are confused as it how it will be applied. the line you're talking about is this "no person shall be eligible to participate in any primary election unless he intends to support the nomination made in which he participants." intent, does it mean at that moment or forever? >> you've misread the law. you're dead wrong there.
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it has nothing to do with that piece of statutory code. i'm talking about a separate piece of code that prohibits crossovers that participated in the june the 3rd primary to come over in the republican runoff on june the 24th. that's an entirely different code section there. >> so you think you're going to find more, enough irregularities with what you're talking about right there to cover the almost 7,000-vote gap that separates you and thad cochran? >> right now we have found more than 5,000 irregularities. there are 19,000 absentee ballots we still haven't seen yet. there are two distinct and separate allegations of criminal conduct on the part of their camp. this is a serious issue. we're going to look into it for the integrity of the process and for the integrity of the republican party. absolutely. >> how long do you think this is going to drag out? >> it won't drag out too much longer. we have our people in the field. they'll be working all next week to find the additional irregularities that we believe are out there. we'll follow up on the different tips that we've heard from throughout the state, and after
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that, we'll have our evidence together to move forward. >> one thing that kind of raises some eyebrows is you're now offering a cash reward, offering $1,000 to folks who can provide evidence for you of voter fraud. do you really believe that you're going to not only get evidence of voter fraud, but that you're going to get evidence that is going to lead to arrests and convictions? that's a pretty high bar. >> it can be. any criminal statute can be a high bar but that's exactly what we owe the people of mississippi. if fraud was committed, if vote buying took place as alleged, we have an obl dwaigation to find and root it out. it needs to happen for the integrity of the election process. >> the cochran campaign says "this is a publicity stunt. this is more about chris mcdaniel's public image." also suggesting this is more about paying down the primary debt that you've wracked up than anything else, than it is about winning an election. is that true? >> it's not true. we don't have any primary debt,
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not one dime. what this is about is the integrity of the election, and here's what i will suggest to the cochran campaign. instead of accusations like that, instead of ridicule, instead of name calling, why not join us in this process? why not go out there hand in hand, find the corruption that exist, root it out once and for all. i think that's their obligation, wouldn't you? >> i want to ask you about this conference call. i've been on many a conference call with campaigns, many reporters do, they happen all the time. i have never been on one like this and i think many people would say they haven't as well. so our viewers know what we're talking about i want to play a part of the conference call with the thod cochran campaign that got completely out of control. listen to this.
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>> now these comments we don't know who that person was. it appears they're not supporting thad cochran which suggest they are supporters of yours. i want to give you this opportunity and the chance to condemn those racist remarks that were made with a lot of reporters listening. >> sure, absolutely. this has nothing to do with race from our perspective, nothing whatsoever. this is about ideology and principle. this is about the republican platform and conservative values, so certainly we condemn any racist comments whatsoever, but bear in mind, we have no idea who that person is, neither do you, and likewise -- >> i said that. >> yes, absolutely, so we're not -- you understand there are people out there we have no control over. we have no idea who that person is. >> do you regret that this has gotten so ugly for any part that you've played in this whole race that it's gotten so ugly?
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>> let me tell you what i regret. here's what i regret. the last two and a half weeks of that campaign they went out to democratic communities, predominantly african-american in our state. they called me a racist. they race baited, said if i was elected i would suppress their right to vote or do away with it, they said if i was elected that welfare would be cut off. they said if i was elected that funding to historically black colleges and universities would be cut off. i regret any campaign of divisiveness that deals with race in the manner they dealt with it. that was unfair. it's improper, and in so doing they ran a scare tactic campaign that pushed 42,000 at least democrats into the republican primary. do i think that's a problem? absolutely. because i don't think divisiveness and that race-baiting is run in the republican party. >> for the part that you've played, this is two people running in this race, any regrets you have in how ugly this has gotten? >> which examples do you have where we've been ugly? >> i'm just saying there are two
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people running in this race. do you think you've run a completely fair campaign? >> help me understand which examples do you have that show i haven't run a clean campaign? >> i'm asking if there are any regrets now that you're part in one of the ugliest primaries we've seen in a long time. >> i can't control the cochran's race baiter name calling. if you can find an example where we did something like that you let me know and we'll talk about it. >> are you concerned about your political future? you wanted to be the next u.s. senator from mississippi. do you think that this at all is going to damage or risk your political future in mississippi politics? >> it's not material. what matters right now is that we do the right thing. i am a conservative. i believe in conservative principles. i believe the party needs to fight for those principles. our party, senator cochran, has not fought for those principles to the extent that fighting for what i believe hurts me, then so be it. to the extent having courage in a fight like this hurts my political future then so be it. it's better we learn to stand and fight and keep surrendering.
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this is one of the fights and that's what we're going to do. >> you're going to fight on and cover the legal challenge if it doesn't go your way in the end. >> yes. >> are you going to accept the result and support thad kcochra? >> if the court rules against us, certainly we'll respect the court's decisions. as to endorsing or going forward with thad cochran or whoever else i'll have to make that call after this is said and done. >> do you think you can support him after this after what you said in the interview about him? >> what did i say about him? i was pointing out what they did. >> what's going on between you guys throughout the race. >> it's a good question. we want to find conservative leadership that doesn't have to do what they did to be successful. i'm going to have to think seriously about it after we get to the second phase of this, if it comes to that. >> appreciate your time. everyone wants to see what happens with the outcome of this race because at some point a senator from the great state of mississippi needs to head back to the u.s. senate. happy fourth of july. >> he why, you as well. thank you very much. >> thanks very much. michaela? >> great conversation, kate. we appreciate that. when we come back, more
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coverage of hurricane arthur. we're going to tell where you it is right now, where it is headed, what you can expect throughout the day. also a big story we've been keeping an eye on, justin ross harris,s with he sexting as his son lay dying in a hot car? that's one accusation that came out of a difficult to watch hearing in a tragic case. what else do police say proves it was murder? we'll take a look. [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪ ♪ but it's always about the very they lived. best.
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good morning. welcome back. time for the five things to know for your "new day." number one, hurricane arthur moving full steam ahead up the east coast. it made landfall overnight in north carolina, heavy winds and rain putting holiday plans for millions in jeopardy. georgia prosecutors say while justin ross harris' toddler's son was dying in a hot car he was sexting with six women including one who was underage. judge refused to grant bail in his murder case. more undocumented immigrants could arrive in the southern california town of murrieta today. there's concern it could spark more protests from local residents who called the transfer an invasion.
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mississippi's republican primary called into question tea party-backed state senator chris mcdaniel served papers to senator thad cochran's son thursday indicating he plans to challenge the results. mcdaniel told us he believes there was improper crossover voting. a big day for the horse men and women of the esophagus, the annual nathan's hotdog eating contest takes place on kony island, seven-time champ joey chestnut will try to break his own record of 69 hotdogs in ten minutes. we're always updating the five things you need to know. go to fo latest. we want to turn to a story that is causing a lot of people some consternation, it's a really troubling court case that we've been following, startling details were revealed in court about justin ross harris, the father accused of leaving his little son, a toddler, alone in
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a car for many, many hours, where he died. detective testified harris was sending explicit text messages as his son was dying. harris also had two life insurance policies on the toddler. you're going to hear some of the testimony for yourself right now. let's take a listen. >> ross must have left him in the car and trying to console her. they're like no, a thousand reasons, he could have taken him to lunch or something, we don't know yet. she's like, no. >> did you uncover anything at what he was doing during that day while the child was out in the car? >> yes. >> okay, what did you uncover? >> he was having up to six different conversations with different women it appeared from the messages from kik mostly, with i is a messaging service. >> these conversations he's having with these females, were these, of what nature were they? >> the most common term would be sexting. >> was there anything about prison or anything like that you noticed in the web searches? >> he did, he did a search how
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to survive prison. they had two two-policies on cooper, the first was a $2,000 policy through home depot a $25,000 policy. >> did his wife ever say anything to him about what he said to police? >> she asked him, she had him sit down and he starts going through this and looks at him and said "well did you say too much?" >> we want to bring in cnn legal analyst and criminal attorney, danny cevallos. it's almost too much to bear, a 22-month-old is gone and we're trying to figure out what happened. that testimony yesterday, you're a defense attorney. you're going to listen to it in a certain way, but you as a defense attorney are also going to try to stay a couple steps ahead of the prosecution. what did you see yesterday? what alerted you, what alarmed you? what would your plan of attack be? let's start at the top, what did you see? >> i just came from atlanta where the skcuttlebutt around te courthouse we were going to hear bombshell testimony and did we ever. the other part is we get to see
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the different procedure of a preliminary hearing, the prosecution's show. the takeaway is that yes there was some bombshell testimony and the police introduced a lot of evidence of what we call motive. motive isn't intent. they're not the same thing. >> very different. >> yes, but motive can be evidence of intent and the prosecution's position was all of this sexting, these searches, they didn't go necessarily to what he was doing at the time of, but they go g to his state of mind in the weeks preceding this incident. >> setting the stage if you will. >> exactly, and when it comes to the defense, their position was that all this motive evidence is improper character evidence. you're basically it trying to convict my client because of his bad character. he's a creep. he sexts people, may have sexted somebody underainge. he's a lousy guy, his character is bad and therefore he's a criminal. >> the prosecution says he was capable of bad things, the defense team that he has will say none of that is relevant,
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none of that is relevant. it leaves an unsavory taste in our mouth, considering the fact the man's wife is sitting in the courtroom listening to her husband's indiscretions. what is the work now that the defense has cut out for them? >> the defense has a lot of work. now that the case has been held over by the judge, they have to review all this discovery that we heard about at the preliminary hearing and i have to say the prosecution has done a lot of really strategic moves. first of all, charging felony murder. this is a complicated thing. felony murder is an unintentional killing, it's almost illegal fiction. doesn't make sense to call it murder. they use the child neglect which is oops i made a terrible mistake but in georgia, when a killing results as from an inherently dangerous felony, then you can be charged with felony murder, which is the highest degree of murder. georgia doesn't have degrees of
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murder. murder is murder, whether you intentionally kill or in this case you commit a crime of just negligence and the prosecution chooses to charge with you murder. it's a brilliant strategic move because the prosecution only has to prove negligence. criminal neglect. >> the neglect aspect of it, i think you could look in certain sides that just forgetful neglect or as you said, criminal neglect. how deep down is that do they have to go? they have to account for every moment, every action we hear about the police arriving at the vehicle. it was hot. the smell of a body that was already dead, and yet the father had gone back to the vehicle and put something in the car and then left. that's also difficult to overcome for the defense. >> you hit it perfectly. look, it's the rare case that we get direct evidence or a confession where a defendant says "you got me, i did it." so we have to draw inferences from behavior as to what was in
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someone's mind when they did something and that, if we separate all the sexting evidence, the crucial intent evidence was exactly that, coming out to the car, looking in the car. did he look in the car such as a reasonable person would never believe that you couldn't have noticed your boy in the back seat, even if he was facing backward. >> i want to talk to you about another intent angle of this is the internet searching. >> yes. >> the internet searching to me seems to speak volumes how much of it is admissible, how much of it can they prove was him. several people could have access to a computer, the things that he searched for, first blush it looks bad. he was searching for life, how to survive life in prison, how long it would take a child or an animal to die in a car. those are awful things just at first blush. >> right, but let me play devil's advocate. remember the police are obviously choosing the greatest hits, their favorite searches that he may have conducted.
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now, you consider all the different searches that people conduct in one day. i admittedly i don't necessarily look up some of the things he looked up. >> most of us don't. >> but they're picking the most damaging to him. so the thing that -- >> even if they're in there. >> absolutely they are damning, no question about it. the other thing about internet searches they have to be authenticated, we have to find out if he was the one who conducted them and what kind of seven are we talking about? what words were used? maybe i mean people sometimes write very specific questions into their browser. others write a few key words, what exactly were the searches. the internet makes suggestions, sometimes it's accurate, sometimes it's not. now taking a step back, if he conducted those searches, that's some real evidence the defense is going to have to contend with but i think the way they do that is make it seem less guilty than it appears right now. what kind of search was he conducting? were there other key words in that search that may broaden the scope of the search, and did he maybe just sort of surf along
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clicking on suggested websites? so really internet searches are a new form of evidence. >> they are. >> they are in a way a glimpse into our meandering minds, what we think about at any given moment and it's interesting to see how the courts incorporate them as evidence. >> danny cevallos, great to have you here on the fourth of july. thanks for making the time to get up early on a holiday. >> glad to be here. coming up, much more on hurricane arthur. what areas are most likely to feel the impact beyond north carolina? we'll have that after a break it. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. [ female announcer ] we love our smartphones. and now telcos using hp big data solutions are feeling the love, too. by offering things like on-the-spot data upgrades --
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welcome back. we're following that breaking news, hurricane arthur picking up speed, it's barreling up the east coast. the eye now in the waters near virginia, but not over land. the storm sure left its mark in north carolina, power knocked out to thousands, life guard stands flipped over, windows shattered, debris whipped around by fierce winds. what's next and who should be looking out? meteorologist indra petersons is live in kill devil hills, north carolina. indra, what's the latest? >> reporter: kate we're at the point in time right as i say this, the huge gusts continue to come in right now. the latest reports giving us gusts about a good 40 miles per hour out here, blowing all of the sand in your face but the good news is the system arthur actually continues to make its way offshore, it's headed out of the area. look up in the sky, every once in a while we get a little break in the cloud cover which is great news, for all of us out here we're starting to dry out but by no means does that mean the danger is gone out here. there are so many concerns.
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it is the fourth of july. people are now waking up and they think arthur's on its way out, thinking about having a beautiful beach day. remember all that water that came in, i can show you the huge erosion here on the peach. we had a good four or five feet of beach erosion and all the water that came in needs to make its way back into the ocean. the concern is when you talk about everyone vacationing here for the fourth of july holiday is the strong rip currents. remember it gets caught out there on the sandbars, finds that one hole in the sandbar from the storm and rushes out in one strong current and only takes seconds for people to get caught up in these and have them push out into shore. we've seen people swimming in the early hours, i can imagine as the sun comes out more people will be attempting to get out in the water. flooding and drowning is the biggest concern when you talk about hurricanes and again, on the opposite side right now you see the water retreating into the ocean from what we saw this morning. the first half we saw the
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easterly winds. on the back side of the system as it pulls out we talk about some of the westerly winds here and on the opposite side of the outer banks we have the sound. that's why we saw a lot of storm surge out there, three to four feet. you hear the number aboveground three to four feet, you say that's not a big deal, wrong. it takes six inches of water to knock you off your feet. although it comes in quickly it takes a long time to recede, it can take hours for the water to move out of the area. highway 12 we're still talking about flooding out there. that's another concern as the system pushes in your direction, kate. >> it's moving fast. thank you so much, indra. we'll be watching that throughout the day, of course. coming up next on "new day," as we celebrate independence day a surprising new find in our nation's founding document. could a typo alter how some interpret the meaning of the declaration of independence? conspiracies!
5:49 am
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♪ cause there ain't no doubt i love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the usa and happy fourth to everybody. welcome back. of course we are tracking hurricane arthur, but first, a little july 4th trivia for you. the declaration of independence of course one of the most iconic
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documents in our nation's history. did you know, though, there might be a pretty significant typo smack in the middle of it. the issue is with one of the most famous lines in the entire declaration. they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. according to a professor in princeton, new jersey, that period in the 1823 copper plate long presumed to be a precise copy should not be a period at all, it should be a comma. it may alter how we interpret the document's meaning. allen says the period here creates the impression that the list of self-evident truths ends with the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but swap it for a comma and the thrust of the sentence changes to understand the importance of government in securing those rights.
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refer to the original document you say? not so fast because well, take a look for yourself. that's what the original looks like due to poor preservation techniques during the 19th century. here is a clue, however. thomas jefferson's draft uses, let's go for it, here i can draw and show it to you right here it uses a semicolon, not a period. fascinating! look at history, right? >> the semicolon is one of the most confusing parts in english grammar. >> we just modeled it. thanks, thomas, really? >> my english teacher from high school would say don't go to kate on this one, she's not going to help you out. that is fascinating, thanks so much. >> you're welcome. let's ponder it, i need some help. coming up on "new day," much more on hurricane arthur, where the storm is now and what you can expect to see today. cut! [bell rings] jane. her long day on set starts with shoulder pain... ...and a choice take 6 tylenol in a day which is 2 aleve for...
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5:58 am
♪ r-o-c-k in the usa >> come on! ♪ in the usa you know the words! >> statue of liberty. >> oh my gosh that's right. time flies. it's been a busy day though. >> here she is. >> hurricane arthur. >> hello lady.
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hurricane arthur not dampening the nation's celebrations, just forcing some of them to go off a little bit early. with a beautiful display we want to show you as america celebrates independence day. >> that's not the beautiful celebration. there it is. >> gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. >> i love them. >> i know. i love fireworks. >> i like the surprise ones, you don't know how they're going to end. >> some did it yesterday, boston did it yesterday. so we'll see. >> clear weather for some places tomorrow. >> regardless, it's still the fourth of july. happy fourth, everybody. lot of news happening so let's get you over "the newsroom" with ana yes rah in for carol costello. >> great way to end the show this morning. never get old the fireworks. happy fourth. lots to talk about today in the "cnn newsroom." -- captions by vitac --
6:00 am
happening now in "the newsroom," hurricane arthur battles north carolina. >> obviously the wind gusts are getting very strong right off of the coast here. >> the winds are extremely strong and if you take a look at the skies, could you see them lighting up and that is not lightning. those are transformers blowing up. >> with winds of 100 miles per hour, arthur now churns its way up the east coast. plus gut-wrenching testimony in a case of justin harris, accused of leaving his little boy cooper to die in a hot car. >> evidence is showing us right now he has this whole second life he's living with alternate personalities and alternate personas. he was having up to six different conversations with different women, the most common term would be sexting. >> and that's not all. police now say harris and his wife were in financial trouble, and took out life insurance policies on their son.


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