tv The Situation Room CNN July 7, 2014 2:00pm-3:31pm PDT
2:00 pm lead for video, blogs and extras. subscribe to our magazine on flip board. that's it. i'm jake tapper. -- captions by vitac -- new terror afears bring tighter security at airports. the middle east exploding, israel responding to barrages of rocket fire with air strikes in gaza while jerusalem is on edge over the murders of teenagers and the beating of a young palestinian american. close call. dramatic video shows one airliner aborting a landing when another plane crosses its runway. for air traffic controllers really in control. i'm wolf blitzer, you are in "the situation room." next time you fly into the
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united states, get ready to turn on your phone, laptop, if you want to board the plane. tighter security goes into effect in overseas airports amid growing concern that al qaeda terrorists are designing undetectable bombs that could foil existing security measures. our analysts are standing by. let's turn first to our justice correspondent pamela brown with the very latest. >> reporter: according to a source, the big concern is that these electronic devices could be bombs in disguise. we are talking cell phones, laptops, gaming devices, tablets. passengers overseas heading to the u.s. are going to want to make sure their electronic devices are powered up so they can prove that their devices aren't bombs. if they are not able to do that, they may be forced to leave them behind. international passengers flying direct to the u.s. need to be ready to power up your cell phone and other electronic
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devices before boarding and prove it's a working device, not hiding explosives. the ramped-up security measures come as new intelligence warns terrorist groups including al qaeda and the arabia peninsula are intent on developing new bombs capable of fooling airport security measures. the tsa is asking airports in the middle east, europe and africa to watch passengers turn their devices on before boarding u.s. direct flights. and if those devices don't power up, they won't be permitted onboard the aircraft. >> coming into the u.s., they on times segregate you to a different part of the airport. at that point, you'll get additional, what tsa calls gate screening done again by security personnel. this time contracted by the air carrier themselves. >> one of the biggest worries, aqap master bomb maker. u.s. officials say asiri designed the underwear bomb that got through security and
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threatened to bring down a plane headed to amsterdam from detroit. he developed explosive devices hidden in printer cartridges and got them on several planes in 2010. >> the issue would be if you have multiple accomplices trying to board the same flight into the u.s. the idea here would be to disassemble that electronics and sort of pool those explosives together so you get a little bit of a bigger bang for the buck. which would cause, now you are looking at catastrophic damage to the aircraft. >> a u.s. homeland security official tells cnn some foreign airports are already enforcing the new measures. wolf, the d.a. just says it doesn't dictate to individual countries what to do with electronic devices that do not power up other than to say they cannot go on the plane coming to the u.s. it's up to these individual countries on what to do if a passenger has a cell phone, for example, and it won't turn on.
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>> you might lose the cell phone or won't be able to get on the plane. thanks, pamela brown for that report. let's dig deeper. joining us our cnn national security analyst bob berry, former cia officer. our cnn law enforcement analyst tom fuentes, former fbi assistant director. what do you make of this public rollout? why make all these announcements right now? why not do it? >> my concern turning on the laptop like that is if it's an explosive device, what if it explodes right in the line and kills all the people around you. true it didn't get on an aircraft, but if designed to go off that way, it's not a good thing either. >> how do you deal with that? >> if you have a design used in the past like the printer cartridges where you excrete the explosive in the laptop, that is a possibility, too.
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powering it up or off i don't think will be the end all, be all preventing this. you can have a detonator disi disguised as a thumb drive and later insert that into a computer. the explosive isn't just being able to get it on to the aircraft. it's a way to make it go off. that's one of the concerns they are looking at. >> historically, al qaeda made no secret it wants to damage the u.s. economy, blowing up a u.s. airliner with a lot of passengers onboard presumably could do that, right? people would be afraid to fly. >> absolutely that would do it. one airplane over the atlantic. i know what tsa is trying to do, but the fact is in 1996, the israelis assassinated a palestinian with a cell phone. that one powered up because they
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signalled it remotely while the phone was on. it killed a man. turning the power on and off makes no difference at all. the question is getting enough explosives on and a detonator. if you have people pooling explosives from laptops on an airplane setting up a bomb that, would probably work. >> how do you deal with this? what do do you? >> we are to a point you can't carry anything on an airplane. it's very difficult. it's not tsa doesn't know what it's doing, there is such a risk in aviation, it's almost impossible to preclude. >> tom, you studied this a long time. people are flying, obviously, all over the world. a lot of folks are coming to the united states. are they going to have to go instead of two hours early or three hours earlier, four hours earlier to check in? >> they may have to. it's going to take a lot longer to go through. talking about airports, they will have a lot more people in the airport which may have fire
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laws being violated. they might not have the room physically to have that many passengers arrive that much earlier than flights. that is a huge issue, as well. secondly, for these foreign governments -- we are asking these foreign governments to do these measures for inbound flights to the united states. i'm sure they are going to tell the tsa rep overseas, wait a minute, you are not doing it in your own country and all four of the 9/11 airplanes originated in the u.s. all 19 hijackers boarded in the united states, in the u.s. for the 9/11 attack, yet you want us to do these exotic measures overseas when we have the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber, that's two occasions where we had an overseas hijacker or potential bomber come in. really, we had more of a threat internally in the united states than from overseas. >> let me ask bob. this sophisticated bomb maker, how good is this guy? >> he's very good.
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he picked up the technology that was developed by the palestinians in the early '80s. he's improved it. he understands the explosives. his main problem has been detonators, as tom pointed out. i think what they are afraid of is he developed this technique getting these detonators on so they are undetectable. he is closer to perfecting an airplane bomb. >> there is a breaking story out there right now. reuters reporting that the cia had a role in the espionage inside germany, that the german foreign office called in the u.s. ambassador on fourth of july to discuss this allegation. take us behind the scenes. does the u.s. run spice, friendly espionage in a nato ally like germany? >> absolutely. it's not precluded from doing it. it's supposed to be jidicious
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going after european targets. it's a free fire zone. the cia traditionally has been cautious when it comes to germany. this could have been a case of a german official walking up to an american saying, hey, you've got to look at this. i can't believe they did this. he may not have been a spy. there may be mitigating circumstances. we'll have to wait and see. >> the germans are outraged that the nsa was eavesdropping with angela merkel's cell phone when she met with the president. i didn't hear the president make a firm commitment that the u.s. would stop spying on germany. >> i think that one they may not have been as outraged as they said they were. just a few months ago when the ukraine crisis was so huge, one of the biggest issues was, what will germany do? what will angela merkel do if
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putin makes this move or that move? will nato, will the european allies cooperate with the united states? that is what espionage is about. you want to find out what the other country is thinking and what they'll do. not just what they are saying public clichlt what will they really do if certain action happens? >> bob, can we assume germans are spying on the united states? >> i've never seen any incident of it. it's possible. they don't usually target the united states. it's pretty much a one-way deal. and that's what makes it politically sensitive. we do want to know what they are doing, especially with ukraine where we differ on policy. we want to know what merkel is doing. if she changes course, we want to advise the president. i can see how this happened. >> this story is developing. we'll follow it throughout the week. guys, thanks. up next, the brutal beating
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of a palestinian american teen by israeli police. the gristly murders of teenagers on both sides are fueling an explosion of rage. passions run high in the california town on the front lines of border battle as the president takes heat for his immigration policies. when it comes to good nutrition...i'm no expert. that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right, she got me drinking boost. it's got a great taste, and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. [ female announcer ] boost complete nutritional drink has 26 essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and vitamin d to support strong bones and 10 grams of protein to help maintain muscle. all with a delicious taste. grandpa! [ female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost.
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♪ st. john a real paradise ♪ so nice, so nice ♪ proud to be from the virgin islands ♪ ♪ and the whole place nice [ female announcer ] to experience your virgin islands nice, book one of our summer packages today. important breaking news out of the middle east. air raid sirens have been sounding as dozens of rockets rained down by palestinians in gaza. israel has been retaliating with major air strikes in gaza. cross border attacks are fueled by brutal violence on the ground. the beating of a bound palestinian american teenager by israeli police and the murders
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of teenagers on both sides now. let's go to our senior international correspondent who has been watching all of this unfold in jerusalem. ben, you've been out and about. give us the very latest. >> reporter: the latest is there was a barrage in gaza of rockets into israel about 8:00 p.m. local time. that was about four hours ago. according to israeli channel 10, as many as 60 rockets were fired. the idf is putting it closer to 40. what is interesting is hamas itself claimed responsibility for those rockets. despite the number, apparently only one minor injury, israel's iron dome anti-missile system worked fairly well at preventing those rockets from hitting any civilian areas. what's interesting is we have yet to see any israeli counter air strike as of yet but
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tensions are very high. funerals, clashes, air strikes and rocket attacks. tensions thick and black and growing ever more intense beginning to be reminiscent of the dark, bloody days of the last in fatah more than ten years ago. all this set in motion with the kidnapping last month of three israeli teenagers and weeks later, the kiss covery of their bodies. the israeli government said hamas is responsible for the murders and named two suspects. as israelis mourned, some lashed out in cold-blooded revenge, kidnapping and burning to death 16-year-old palestinian mohammed abu khdeir. sunday police arrested several israeli jews, some who confessed to the murder. prime minister benjamin netanyahu condemned the killing and expressed his condolences to
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his father in a phone call. khdeir's murder sparked tense clashes during which a 15-year-old tampa, florida, boy tariq thdeir was beaten and caught on camera. >> how do you feel now that you're out? >> way better. >> reporter: his release isn't the end of tariq's story warns his baltimore-born mother. >> will you pursue charges? >> we will. definitely. >> reporter: israeli justice ministry launched a probe into the beating. as israeli smolders, dark clouds gather over gaza. for weeks militants fired rockets into israel which launched dozens of air strikes on gaza. escalation is in the air. a hamas leader warning that israel crossed a red line after killing eight gaza militants
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overnight sunday. a newly posted video on the website of hamas' military wing complete with ominous music shows off their latest long-range rocket. and of course those attacks by hamas was their answer to overnight israeli air strikes that left eight militants dead, including six from hamas. so this tit for tat exchange which has been intensifying since early june has reached a pinnacle. >> looks like a boiling point. there are reports that the israeli army is mobilizing reserve units. what is going on on that front? that is usually a sign that this powder keg could really explode. >> we spoke to a senior spokesman for the israeli military today who told us that so far several hundred reservists have been called up, but they are looking to bring in
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as many as 1,500, which may seem like a big number, about you you have to keep in mind in november 2012, when we had the last major blow-up between hamas and israel, israel called up 30,000 troops. this may be a sign that israel is not quite ready to escalate dramatically as we've seen in the past. >> ben wedeman, be careful over there, reporting from jerusalem. let's dig deeper. we have the chief plo representative here in washington. how do you quiet this tension down it it looks like it's about to explode. i don't know if you agree? >> i don't think it's of interest in anybody in that region to escalate. the palestinian leadership, the plo, president abbas have been calling for deescalation. he has been talking to different parties including the united states about deescalating the
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situation. i think we should not forget in the midst of all this unfortunate tension and the murders of teenagers and the palestinian teenager the way he was killed and burned to death, that the root cause of this conflict is the occupation. i think what we need to do is to provide palestinians with dignified life, freedom in return -- >> secretary kerry, the obama administration have been trying for ten months. there were major talks with the israelis, palestinians and the u.s. involved. is that over with? any chance the u.s. can revive those peace process negotiations? >> i think the recent events of the last two weeks prove beyond any doubt that this political vacuum cannot continue. the parameters for a political solution are obvious to everybody. two-set solution in 1967, two capital solution, solution to
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the security, prosperity, peace for all. i don't believe that the united states and international community can afford to keep this political violence. >> what do you want the obama administration to do? >> right now what we want them to do is to rein in israeli violence. israelis have been using this force since those three were kidnapped. >> what about hamas rockets coming into israel from gaza? >> israel embarked on a major campaign -- >> you mean since the three teenage boys? >> they were living in a settlement in the west bank. israel embarked on a campaign to arrest hamas leaders, attack them. in the process, ten palestinians were killed and those three were kidn kidnapped. until today israel doesn't have proof who is behind them. >> the plo is a major part of
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mahmoud abbas' government, his authority, will it continue with this coalition with hamas which the u.s. regards as a terrorist organization? >> what we have is government of national consensus. we are preparing for elections, which hopefully will be held within the six to nine months from now. and the palestinian people were begin the choice to elect their representatives. i don't understand why anybody would be against the palestinians exercising their democratic right of electing their representatives. this is the government of president mahmoud abbas. it follows his political agenda. there are no members of hamas or any other political organization present in this existing government. >> there is this alliance, if you will, that emerged causing a lot of language. >> there is an effort to reconcile. nobody wants the -- >> is hamas ready to accept the conditions you the palestinian authority accepted, a two-state solution living in peace, ending
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terrorism, stuff like that? >> this is the political agenda of president abbas and the plo. >> do you think they will? >> they will have to answer to the palestinian people. it's the palestinian people who will select their representatives, and i sincerely believe the majority of the palestinian people want to see an end to this conflict and a two-state solution, palestine and israel living side by side. >> we've been hoping for it so many years. thank you for coming in. coming up, the immigration drama playing out along the border and here in washington. how badly is it hurting president obama? two jumbo jets possibly only seconds from disaster. a chilling scene all caught on tape. kid: hey dad, who was that man? dad: he's our broker. he helps look after all our money. kid: do you pay him? dad: of course. kid: how much? dad: i don't know exactly.
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as thousands of immigrant children cross into the united states alone and illegally, the surge at the border is bringing out lots of angry protesters and bringing a lot of heat on president obama right now. he's getting lots of blame, of course, from republicans, but even from some within his own party. cnn michelle kosinksi is standing by at the white house. first let's go to our national correspondent in murrieta,
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california. >> reporter: today was a relatively abbreviated protest today. today the immigrants expected didn't show up. a plane did land. there was a plane full of them. they did exit out of that plane. they are undocumented immigrants. many women and children who landed in san diego. they are here originating from texas. the influx of child immigrants primarily from central america, has led to a crisis at the border. the federal government to mitigate that because facilities in texas are full, are sending them to places like murrieta. when they get to a town like this, the reception has been relatively cold. last week the bus loads were turned around on tuesday. the buses did not show up, but the protesters were here. >> they're children, what is wrong with you?
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>> usa! usa! >> i just don't understand how people can be so full of hate for anybody else and especially these are kids who are going through terrible traumas. >> not in murrieta. >> do you feel you won since the buses aren't coming? >> well, we've won because we made a nationwide and worldwide stand against this immoral act of bringing and letting all these foreigners into this country without going through the immigration process. >> reporter: the protesters say that even though the buses did not show up, they will continue to show up. immigration and custom an enforcements says the immigrants will continue to arrive here in california. they won't say where they are going because of security concerns. >> thanks very much, kyung.
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the crisis fanning partisan flames in washington where democrats and republicans are locked in an immigration blame game. michelle kosinksi has this part of the story. what are you hearing at the white house? >> reporter: immigration reform has been a firestorm for a long time now that this situation has parked itself on the border for months, the political back and forth between the white house and congress is that much more intense. as tens of thousands of unaccompanied kids have streamed across the border surging to nearly 60,000 just this year, republicans are blaming the president, saying his policies deferring removal action for kids brought to the u.s. years ago have only encouraged this flood from central america. now even a house democrat accusing president obama of responding too slowly. >> i think he is still one step behind. they knew this was happening a year ago.
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>> reporter: from texas governor rick perry. >> about five years too late, would be my response to that. >> reporter: but the white house today defended its actions in beefing up resources at the border and hit back today. >> comprehensive immigration reform that passed through the senate is being blocked by republicans in the house includes an historic investment in border security. >> reporter: the president is asked if he is going to texas this week, why not go to the border himself, see the problem? since the white house has been calling this an urgent humanitarian crisis, doesn't that kind of not look good? they say they are not worried how it looks. >> the president is very aware of the situation that exists. senior administration officials from the secretary of homeland security to secretary of hhs, top cbv officials and white house officials traveled to the southwest border. >> reporter: the goal is to ask congress for at least $2 billion to be able to adhere to the law
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that requires these kids from countries besides mexico to have a hearing. a process so backed up now, some wait years toing processed, even though most will be sent home. the president wants to take action to give homeland security more leeway to process the children more quickly. could face backlash again from republicans who have been slamming him for exercising executive authority. secretary boehner writing in an op-ed why he plans to sue the president over it. we heard this a lot lately. this is costing america a lot of money. is where it going to come from the department of homeland security will ask congress for $2 billion. tomorrow we'll see the white house spell out exactly what that money will be for. it won't include border security. it's going to pay for things like lawyers and judges to take these children through that lengthy legal process, required by law that by the way was passed before president obama took office. >> during the bush
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administration. thanks very much. good report, michelle kosinksi at the white house. our chief congressional correspondent dana bash is here with our cnn political commentator, washington correspondent ryan lizza. how much of a political nightmare does the president have right now? >> this is an enormously complicated issue to begin with. it's hard to keep track of. the biggest major chord, i believe, house republicans have chosen not to advance comprehensive immigration reform, even though all serious strategists believe they have to improve their vote if they want a chance to win in 2016. with that as the big story, there is no doubt this situation on the border made politics much more complex for the president since he seems inclined to move forward through executive action to deal with immigration reform. it's harder if it doesn't seem like you have a handle on the
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border situation. >> jeff sessions was on the senate floor for a half hour railing largely against the president, his policies, encouraging these folks, these young kids to send these children because they'll be dreamers, if you will, down the road. they'll get status in the united states. how is this playing out on the hill? >> that is right. it's hard to imagine this getting more partisan, but it is. you have republicans saying, "i told you so" to the president. when you unilaterally send a signal that kids here illegally can in some cases stay what do you expect to happen? that's why you heard michelle report the white house is going to ask for $2 billion. don't hold your breath that congress is going to pass that, particularly the republican head house of representatives, unless and until there are serious policy changes. maybe a reversal of executive order or other more specifics.
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>> anyone complaining we have a major immigration problem, it's laughable, right? we all know for a decade there is a massive problem. the system needs to be changed. it needs to be reformed. any politician in washington out there railing that there is some problem at the border is just not credible on this issue right now. there was a deal in the senate. it was a democratic proposal to get a pathway to citizenship in return for very serious security measures. >> it passed the senate but died in the house. >> the problem is that the republican party is divided on this issue. they have this intoxication of the mid-term elections where they can get out a base that doesn't like this deal. a lot of strategist thinking the 2016 election that will be bad policy. >> this isn't about immigration reform. this is a refugee crisis. it's about kids now. it's taken on a whole new level.
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>> does it look right that the texas goes to texas wednesday, does a fund-raiser, he's not that far away, he doesn't do an eyewitness account? >> he should be doing something. whether you go to the border, if that is too much, but talking to first responders, people on the border, there is a case for that. a lot of this maneuvering are shots across the bow against the possibility he will move through executive order and executive action to achieve part of what they would have gotten. i look at the lawsuit on executive action and this maneuvering and trying to warn obama away from action. >> john boehner wrote an op-ed article for, the headline, why we must now sue the president. he writes, what's disappointing is the president's flippant dismissal of the constitution we are both sworn to defend. it is utterly beneath the
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dignity of the office. is this a political stunt to generate the base, excitement on the base looking forward to the midterm elections? >> i think both of those. if you look at the number of executive orders recent presidents signed, obama is on the low side. i think the idea all of a sudden on the right using executive power or signing executive orders is something new in our politics. it shows there is this anti-obama sentiment that is kind of off the charts. even the democrats, as much as they hated bush, they never actually would sue him because they thought he was using executive powers too much. >> some republicans don't want to sue him, they want to impeach him. >> republicans had the house 16 of the last 20 years. democrats won the popular vote in five of the last six presidency. republicans were the party of the unitarian executive.
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unfettered executive power. >> dana, let me switch gears. chris mcdaniel lost the race in mississippi, thad cochran won. they are going to make an official announcement soon. 6:00 eastern. chris mcdaniel wants to challenge this. >> that's right. they haven't formally decided to take legal action. what they are announcing is they gathered thousands of what they call irregularities in the votes. what they insist are invalid crossover votes. people who voted in the democratic primary on june 3rd and in the republican run-off, which is illegal. they have to go through more steps to formally legally challenge, but they are building the case. on thad cochran side, i talked with people in his campaign and insist they are fine. what happened today, the votes were formally taken in and certified today in mississippi. they had monitors at all 82
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points. they counted all those, but the mcdaniel campaign said their irregularities had nothing to do with that. mcdaniel is saying this is not something he is going to give up. i talked to a lot -- i reported on your show, african-american voters went out and said they voted for the very first time for a republican because they felt thad cochran had done good things for them in mississippi. those are the kinds of voters mcdaniel's people say stole the election. not just because of race or minority. >> we'll get official results at the top of the hour, 6:00 eastern? >> we'll get something from the state to certify the elections. what is going to happen in the future with a lawsuit will be days or weeks. >> we'll see what happens. you did good reporting down in mississippi. >> thank you. up next, the most powerful typhoon in years and it's bearing down on an island home to thousands of americans.
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could help your business didavoid hours of delaynd test caused by slow internet from the phone company? that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business. built for business. it's the most powerful typhoon in 15 years, capable of wind gusts over 150 miles per hour. right now it's bearing down on the japanese island of okinawa, home to thousands of u.s. military personnel. will ripley is working the story
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joining us from tokyo right now. what is the latest? what are you hearing, will? >> reporter: we know that kadina air base there is bunkering down. streets empty, airport empty. flights grounded. public transportation canceled, schools closed and most businesses. if you are walking around okinawa at this moment you are seeing empty streets and feeling the winds picking up. you are seeing waves start to crash in from the shore. weather conditions are only expected to deteriorate in the coming hours because of this massive storm. even photographed by astronaut reid wiseman from outer space took up their entire view. he tweeted, wow. this is a large system affecting not only okinawa but many of the surrounding islands in that area and on a path straight toward japan in the coming days. >> as we know has a huge military base there in okinawa.
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this storm could then deliver, what, a second blow after the initial blow? what is the latest on that? >> yeah. this is only round one. the big problems for japan could actually come wednesday evening into thursday local time. that's because kiushu has been inundated with heavy rain since last week. 84,000 people already evacuated because of flooding in the area. it's japan's mainland southern-most island. if this storm moves as predicted to this area which is already drenched with rain, we could see potentially devastating flooding, landslides and a lot of problems for a lot of people. >> it's an awful situation over there. will ripley on the scene for us in tokyo. thanks very much. let's bring in our severe weather expert, meteorologist chad myers. give us some perspective. how big of a storm is this?
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>> this is going to appear to the people of japan a lot like sandy appeared to us. this earlier today was a supertyphoon, over 150 miles per hour, equal to a category 5 hurricane. it's lost a little bit of its punch. not as impressive on the satellite. we are talking a storm bigger than many states put together. bigger than texas and almost as big as alaska from one side to the other. here is the island we were talking about. this has that bubble of water underneath it just like sandy did. even though sandy came onshore a as an extra tropical 70 mile-an-hour storm, this is going to be a surge, wind and a major flooding issue. there has been a cold front sitting over japan for almost a week now. rain day after day. this entire yellow area here is one to two inches. here's three to four, five to six. the white in the middle, over ten inches of rain, okinawa
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under that ten inches. this storm is still going to move up toward the northeast. those areas are going to see the surge because this eyewall will push this water into what looks like a catcher's mitt just like north carolina did. that's where most of the damage will be done on the southern islands. by the time it gets to tokyo, i'm thinking it will be a 40 to 50 mile-an-hour storm. a flooding event everywhere. one more thing going on in america, there are very big thunderstorms in massachusetts just on the northern suburbs of boston. there is even a tornado warning for a while on this storm. right now, it's just a severe thunderstorm warning. the storm is still slowly rotating. if you are in the northern boston suburbs, stay away from that storm. there could be wind and hail to that storm heading to downtown boston. more storms behind it. there will be some severe weather in america tonight. we'll keep watching it for you. >> getting back to that typhoon, in japan right now, how well prepared are they, buildings, the structure, the preparations
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for what could be a huge, huge disaster? >> there is no question okinawa is ready. okinawa will get more than one typhoon a year. they make landfall all the time. those buildings are are structurally sound. almost every building in that area is ready for a typhoon. typhoon, cyclone and hurricane, it all sounds different, but they are exactly the same thing. just in different oceans. because they are in different oceans, that's why we are talking about the different first name, typhoon not the hurricane. this is still a very large and intense water-maker. a rain-maker and surge-maker. the winds dying off now. okinawa will probably get 70 miles per hour. when we talk about nagasaki and osaka, that storm will die off by the time it gets there. the dry air getting pulled off. still, major impacts to the people there. >> let's hope for the best.
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>> reporter: this was the most extraordinary situation where you had one plane coming in to land. at the last moment, perhaps far too close, another plane chooses to cross the runway and as the story unfolds, you see one plane had to take evasive action quickly. come in for landing a russian boeing 767 on late final approach. a barcelona's airport. suddenly an a 340 from argentina crosses the runway right in front of it. the russian plane realizes the gap is narrowing and decides to go around. it averts what could have been a very close call. >> a go round is not a lot of fun. i was on an airliner once in laguardia, a similar situation. and people were screaming on that airplane.
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>> an airport spokeswoman said there was no danger of a collision and the youtube video's perspective doesn't show that there was ample space between the planes. the authorities are investigating the incident nonetheless. >> the last person who could have avoided this from happening was the flight crew on the ground aircraft who is responsible to look up in the air to see if there is any aircraft approaching. and secondly the air traffic controller should have made a warning and said look, you need to stop and hold. >> this incident comes days after two planes near houston came closer than permitted. >> we're descending. >> and in april, two aircraft at jfk also came too close, likely within a half mile. those are more serious near collision at the newark aurpt, one plane taking off, another landing and the two passing just 50 yards apart.
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>> yeah he was real close. >> the faa's latest figures show that planes getting too close together happens more than 400 times a year. 41 are classified as high risk events. in 1991, this collision at los angeles between a plane landing and a plane on the runway caused 34 deaths. one possible factor, in all of these recent incidents, the growing number of flights. >> if we don't build more runways we're going to see more an more of this. >> now what we have here is a situation where the system is working every time the collisionings aren't taking place. but you do keep wondering how much further you want to push. envelope before you have to start working out is there something systematically wrong that's creating the incidents, one after the other. >> so in addition to building more runways, as miles o'brien suggested, what else can be done
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to avoid the close calls? >> there has to be an examination as to why. are air traffic controllers under too much pressure? are we stretching the system too far? let's take the barcelona incident. there was very little likelihood of a collision but also it was a clear day. the landing plane could see the crossing aircraft and was able to take evasive action. but either air traffic capitol made a mistake or simply one pilot just didn't get their instructions right. >> richard quest with the latest. thanks very much. coming up, the video that caught everyone off guard. is this the elusive leader of the militants terrorizing iraq right now. plus, a holiday killing spree as a series of deadly shootings rock a major american city.
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happening now, breaking news, a tornado warning for a major american city. stand by. we have details also under attack, israel is on alert responding to rocket fire and dangerous conflict is es calculating after another brutal death of a teenager. plus, is this the face of terror? u.s. officials now are weighing in on this video that claims to show the elusive leader of isis just as he may be planning to activate deadly sleeper cells. and big city blood bath, dozens of people shot over the long holiday weekend, some are dead, many are wounded. people across america are asking how could this happen? we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer.
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you're in "the situation room." we're following two breaks storying with the explosion of violence in did many l east and severe weather now unfolding right here in the united states. a tornado warning is in effect in boston. more than a quarter of a million people could be affected. millions more are in the path of this new dangerous storm system. let's bring in our severe weather expert, chad myers. what's going on, chad? >> same story we talked about ten minutes ago with only a severe thunderstorm warning on it. but now the weather service moved that up to a tornado warning. there is enough circulation in the storm right here. here's boston proper, here's the harbor and right through chelsea, going to move offshore. this will be over in 15 minutes but for right now if you're anywhere in the northern boston suburbs all the way to the coast, you need to be taking cover with the storm. it is rotating enough that the national weather service center
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saying this there is a possibility of a tornado coming down. here's what it looks like in three dimensions. about 45,000 feet tall. an awful lot of hail in this red as well. so not only the potential for a tornado, get inside. hail and wind damage likely with the storm. >> you'll come back, give us an yaup date. thanks very much. there's other breaking news tonight. southern israel hit with a new barrage of attacks from gaza. war fears are on the rise. the revenge killing of a young palestinian teenager and now the beating of his american cousin. anger clearly boiling over on all sides and there's new fallout for the israeli government prime minister benjamin netten ya hugh. what's the latest with the es calculating violence going on
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between israeli forces and hamas forces in gaza? >> between 8:00 and 9:00, israel received 40 and 60 rockets fired by hamas, which claimed responsibility. there were -- they basically land in a variety of cities in open areas in southern israel. only one reported casualty. but of course the ambulance services are on high alert, as is the military. we heard from a spokesman for the israeli army that they've already mobilized hundreds of reservists and are prepared to mobilize as many as 1,500. this comes after overnight strikes by israel on gaza on sunday where at least eight palestinians, six of them with hamas -- rather five of them with hamas, two with other factions were killed. one of the targets was a tunnel, according to israeli officials, a tunnel that was being dug into
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israel with the intention of possibly kidnapping israeli soldiers. so real escalation. it's been quiet for the last few hours. we are expecting an immediate israeli response to the barrage of rockets. hasn't come yoet. the israeli cabinet met for three hours this afternoon to discuss the options. we've yet to see the other shoe fall. >> it was already so intense with the murder of the three israeli teenagers, the murder of a palestinian teenager and now the beating of the palestinian teenager's cousin, an american. what's the latest on this 15-year-old american kid who was beaten up on israeli police? >> well he's out on bail living with relatives not in the family home. but in an adjacent neighborhood as ordered by the court.
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now, he is -- he will be able to leave if he's not charged. he's scheduled to return to the united states in the middle of the month. his mother, however, want to press legal charges against the israeli police for beating and kicking their son. so that's where that situation stands. now, as far as mohammed abu, who was killed in a murder, we did see that prime minister netanyahu did call his father hussein to extend his condolences. but there's still a lot of bitterness. we're hearing about violent clashes in other parts of the west bank as well. so lots of clouds over this part of the world, wolf. >> stand by because i want to continue this conversation, ben. i also want to bring in our cnn middle east analyst, the former israeli ambassador to the united states, also joining us our
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foreign affairs reporter. mr. ambassador, reports now that the government of prime minister netanyahu could be in deep trouble, key coalition partners ready to bolt. what's the latest on that? >> good to be with you, wolf. as always. yes, the foreign minister announced today that he's breaking up his party's unity party with the prime minister's party. and many balls in the air politically that were precipitated by this round of fighting in gaza. the foreign minister known frz his more right of center views accused the prime minister of not reacting with sufficient robustness against the hamas rocket attacks. over the last three weeks, israel has been struck by hundreds of rockets. it hasn't been widely reported. and there's a growing feeling that the government wasn't doing
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enough. about a million and a half israelis have been running if bomb shelters. and particularly this eving, 80 rockets fell in israel. the 15-year-old american palestinian who was beaten up by israeli police, we saw the video. it's pretty shocking. he had his hands tied behind his back and he was badly beaten up. there's in excuse for that kind of behavior by israeli police, is there? >> absolutely not. it will be investigated. and if the family wants to bring charges, chances are they'll bring charges. while much of the world's been focused on the regrettable incident, we're facing a situation where a war is unfold in the south. my wife and i were attending a ceremony from tel-aviv, out on the lawn, all of the sunday the alarm, sigh rents went off. we ran into a concrete woman. we took a woman who had a baber,
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another young woman was shivering with fear. then the rockets came in. two of them were intercepted. we saw them blow up right over our heads. three others landed in a field just south of here, of tel-aviv. israelis are focused on what's happening tonight. patients are being wheeled in their beds to special sealed rooms, protected rooms within israeli hospitals south of tel-aviv. so israeli tension is focused on what's unfold in the south and waiting to see what will g the response of the israeli armed force to the onslaught of rocket this evening. >> i spoke in the last hour with a palestinian official here in the u.s. he, like the former israeli ambassador, very concerned. u.s. officials, you're talking to officials in the state department, elsewhere.
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how worried are they right now that there could be a full-scale war between the israelis and palestinians. >> they are very worried about it. john kerry was on the phone with the prime minister netanyahu urging restraint. it doesn't seem like anybody with what you see going on in the region right now in syria and iraq, no one really wants a wider escalation of this conflict. but at the same time, as the ambassador said, even though israel is facing this barrage of rockets, what's really got the international outrage right now is the killing of this -- the beating of the teens, the beating of the palestinian and the murder of the palestinian. so that's really in effect almost taking the attention away from the actions that hamas is doing. >> what's it like in jerusalem right now? >> reporter: it's really tense.
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and people are -- emotions are really boiling over. for instance, i know a producer for npr who was just outside the damascus gate this evening. they were interviewing some woman in arabic and a you went up with the stone and apparently may have broken her shoulder. last night i was in a restaurant just on the line that divides east and west jerusalem and at a certain point the waiter came over to us and said move your car out of the road. it looks like there's going to be a fight. there are settlers on one side of the road, palestinians on the other. israeli police in the middle. things like that, even though you realize there are tensions here, they really seem to be boiling over. i, for instance, on the day last monday, after the funeral for the three israeli teenagers who were kidnapped and killed, i was in downtown jerusalem and heard a commotion and sort of turned the corner and saw well over 100
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israelis who were chanting "death to the arabs" and one of the people in the crowd came up to me and said, once the sun goes down we're going to taye tack them. there's real hostility to the presence on the east side of the city. i've been coming to this city for 25 years and even though the second fodder was very intense, what we're seeing here is a calm of a few years is really starting to fall apart in front of your eyes. >> so much -- like so much else going on throughout the region throughout the middle east. when wedeman, be careful. more news we're following, on the front lines against isis terrorists. we have an exclusive report amid growing fears that sleeper cells may be activated.
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>> we're getting a new assessment from u.s. officials about this brazen video that appears to show the rarely seen lead or isis. really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. introducing at&t mobile share value plans... ...with our best-ever pricing for business.
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iraq ki forces is stepping up security as isis terrorists may be planning to activate sleeping cell inside the city and launch a spectacular attack. if that happens, this could be the man who orders the attack. officials have been studying a newly released video to determine if it is the leader of isis as shown. barbara star, what are you learning? >> take a look at this video and
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figure out just how comfortable this terrorist leader is in the middle of the public in northern iraq. the u.s. believes this is the first public appearance by abu bakr al baghdadi. they're fight across syria and now iraq. >> we've seen the reports of the video. we have no reason to doubt this awe then tensity of the video. he appeared in northern iraq calling for a holy war confident he is safe from attack. >> conditions in mosul must be such that baghdadi feels that he personally can appear in public and make a sermon without fear for his own security. >> even sporting what appears to be a flashy wristwatch. what is so remarkable is until now al baghdadi has never openly
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appeared. there have only been a couple of photos. he was well known to the u.s. a decade ago, cab chured in 2004 and held by the u.s. for several months before being released. now under him the violence has only grown. for monthsing a baghdadi's forces have fought for syria, taking major cities, expanding control and setting their sites on baghdad. photos distributed by militants in the north show destruction of shia and sunni holy sights. the u.s. claigs calculates that they've captured hundreds of military vehicles, some rocket launchers and artillery. everything aimed at making their fighters able to quickly move. but can al baghdadi keep up the momentum that's brought his troops to the outer edge of baghdad forcing iraqi government
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troops to reinforce their forces? >> he's hung his entire vision upon continued military victory. so in order to sustain the calla fete, he had to keep winning. >> this guy is so secret tiff and never appeared in public like this. are they 100% sure it's him? no. but the working assumption across the u.s. intelligence community is that baghdadi feels so comfortable for appearing in public for a lengthy period of time, they believe this is him. he's watching to see when and if the sunnis in iraq will break with this man, reject his violent extremism. thousands of iraqi forces are in position right now fighting to hold the line against the isis troops. our senior internal correspondent is joining us from
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baghdad right now. she has an exclusive report. you're one of the most courageous journalists out there. tell us what you saw. >> reporter: well, wolf, one of the areas that the u.s. is especially concerned about is to the northwest, west of the capital. this is a predominantly sunni area. they're worried about isis potentially making gains. and we travelled with a shia ma lish so, one of the key lines of defense protecting the vital baghdad international airport. baghdad's airport is about three kilometers, 1.5 miles in that direction. this is its first outer perimeter of defense with fighting positions like this one set up all along it. the boundary that they're using is natural. it's the canal that's just down
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below. there are seven similar concentric lines of defense between here and the front line, about a 20-minute drive away. which we visited last week and is, we are told, still being held by shia malitia men that once fought the americans. but baghdad has been eerily quiet and everyone is on edge, anticipating spectacular bombings and sleeper cells emerging. that is of especially concern out here, this close to the airport. >> they're seeing a lot of activity at night, especially after 2:00 a.m. [ speaking foreign language ] >> but they don't know exactly what those cars are doing. they're quite suspicious because they're coming at 2:00, 3 clock in the morning. and this is one of the areas, because it is predominantly
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sunni that people are quite concerned that isis has sympathizers if not sleeper cells. this general tells us he doesn't want to turn it into a sectarian matter but, he says -- this area has save havens. whenever you see sunni areas, you will have safe havens. these men are with the butter brigade, trained to fight saddam hussein's regime. they joined u.s. forces as the americans invated iraq and announced they would become a political movement. now officially at least taking up arms for the first time in over a decade as iraqi security forces desperately need reinforceme reinforcement. that house right there next to the south tower is one of the locations where they've been seeing quite a bit of the suspicious activity at fairly odd hours but they haven't been able to secure the permission to go in and search it. so they watch and wait, bracing
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themselves for battle. mosul, they vow, won't be repeated here. but, wolf, the fight against isis is not going to be won by mail tear means alone. there has to be that political solution that the u.s. has also been trying to pressure iraq's various political leaders about, trying to urge them to speedily form a government of national unity. that, however, at this day seems as if it is going to be taking quite some time. parliament was expected to convene tomorrow, however, we are now hearing that has been postponed until august 12th. >> looks like there's no progress at all if anything on that political front. that situation clearly getting worse. excellent report. we'll check back with you tomorrow as well. just ahead, it's been called the murder capital. now a deadly new round of shootings at a mayor american city over the long july fourth
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outrage anfinger pointing today after a holiday weekend blood bath. 11 people were killed, dozens wounded in a series of shootings not in a place like baghdad but in a major american city. president obama's hometown of chicago. cnn's george howl is there with the latest. george, this is truly shocking what has been going on, the shooting especially during the july 4th weekend. give us the latest.
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>> reporter: wolf, that's the point. there were some in chicago who celebrated the sights and sounds of the fourth of july through fireworks. but in other neighborhoods people took cover amid the loud crack of gun fire. it was bloody, violent weekend here in chicago even though police admit they had a plan in place. it just didn't work in some places. bullet holes left over from a violent weekend. >> in this tire and fender wheel right here, one that bounced off right here. >> reporter: and on the ground, a cross now marks the spot with tan that gaun was shot and killed. this family sits outside. >> i feel hurt. i will never be able to see my niece again. i'll never be able to enjoy her cooking. it will never be the same. he got shot in front-her 11-year-old daughter. >> reporter: the victim of a drive-by shooting.
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his niece was cooking food on the grill late sunday night when gun fire erupted. theirs is just one of a dozen families who will be burying loved ones. >> ladies and gentlemen, it's groundhog day here in shi. >> reporter: sadly, it's something many in chicago have come to expect when the weather warms up. >> the plan included putting hundreds of more officers on the streets at the times that we needed them, in the places where we needed them. what were the results? the results were a lot of shootings and a lot of murders unfortunately. >> reporter: mccarthey says part of the problem is it's too easy to get guns like these that were seized by police. but it was the guns that police couldn't get that played a fang tore this weekend. the murder rates are going down from years before. >> that's just talk. to me it's just talk. it's just i don't believe they're really doing their job. >> reporter: there's a feeling
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of frustration lingering on this street, a family left helpless to change what's happened. >> it's hard to say what i'm going to do next. i'm going to prepare for her burial. >> reporter: so we know that there is a vigil that's set to take place here within the next hour with the mayor and superintendent gary mccarthey all talking about violence here in chicago. but you heard the frustration on many of the streets here, people asking with whether this is talk that we're seeing and hearing or whether something will actually change especially on the weekend when the temperatures warm up. 0 hopefully things will get better. but obviously that's what people want to see. >> it's shocking to see those kinds of reports, july 4th, holiday weekend, a dozen people shot and killed, 50 or 60 more shot and severely injured. it's hard to believe this kind of stuff still goi goes on here in the united states. but clearly it does. we'll stay on top of this, george, because it's shocking,
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shocking story to all of us. as much as we cover it, we're always shocked by these numbers. remember you can follow us here on twitter. tweet me, tweet the show. please be sure to join us again live tomorrow where you can dvr the show. these it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'm wochl blitzer in "the situation room". let's steph into the "crossfire." >> it is absurd that the u.s. can't write a law to control its own border. >> that would mean that this republican congress would actually have to do something. the debate starts right now. tonight on "crossfire," what should happen to the flood of children crossing our border. >> the immediate problem is to send the message if you come here you can't stay here. >> we have spoken in very clear and candid terms within they'll be sent home. >> on the left were stephanie cutter, on the right, newt
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