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tv   Forensic Files  CNN  July 15, 2014 1:30am-2:01am PDT

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technique was for $131 and not a whole lot of brain cells, we can retrieve that data. anybody can do this. and now everybody has to change their protocol on how to safeguard classified information. at times, a perpetrator's dna is the only clue at a murder scene. but what happens when you don't have a suspect to compare it to? this case made forensic history when scientists saw in these genes, literally, the killer's physical description. in the 1600s, baton rouge and louisiana got its name from french settlers. it means red stick and referred to the pole marking the hunting area of local indian tribes.
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to this day, baton rouge is one of the most racially diverse cities in the country. pam kinamore knew the town's history well by birth and by profession. pam operated an antique store. >> pam loved life. every day she couldn't wait to do all the things that she wanted to do. she was fun. she was exuberant. she was enthused. she was intelligent. >> shortly before midnight on a friday in july 2002, pam's husband, byron, called police to report his wife missing. he said when he got home, the front door was wide open. his wife's keys were there, but pam was gone. strangely, the bathtub was full of water. >> it looked like she had been taking a bath.
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and also, there was some blood on a rug under the bed in the bedroom that hadn't been there before. forensic testing revealed the blood on the carpet was pam's. it appeared that she left her keys in the door inadvertently and an intruder walked in while pam was in the bathtub. the couple's son was sleeping overnight at a friend's house and couldn't shed any light on what had happened. investigators also had to consider whether pam had simply run off, but her mother refused even to consider that possibility. >> i told them, i said, i'm sure your next thought is she might have had a boyfriend. i said, i give you my word of honor, if she had a boyfriend, i would have known, and that would be the first name i would give you. pam never looked at another man. byron was her sweetheart. >> pam's family posted missing posters and billboards all over the city and offered a $75,000
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reward for information as to her whereabouts. for four days the search continued. pam's body was discovered in the marshland under the whisky bay bridge, about 60 miles from her home. there was a telephone cord found near her body. >> it's amazing it was found. it was found by surveyors. she had just been dumped at whisky bay. the coroner's office took her into custody. >> the medical examiner discovered pam had been stabbed to death. she had also been sexually assaulted. >> pam was a beautiful, young woman, and she had a lot of admirers. and i thought, you know, maybe somebody just had a crush on her and took her off. i guess we wanted hope. i never dreamed that she was murdered. do you know what it's like to
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know you'll never have any more memories that all those happy times are gone forever? so, that's what it's like to lose your child. >> the medical examiner determined that pam had been killed on the night she disappeared. pam's husband, byron, had an alibi, and it was corroborated by others, so he wasn't considered a suspect. but police got a tip from a potential eyewitness. he thought he saw pam slumped forward in a white pickup truck on the night she went missing just a mile from where the body was discovered. >> this is a very desolate piece of interstate, very dark, not many vehicles at all. we get off this exit ramp, it really leads to nowhere where her body was found. >> the witness described the driver as a young, white male. >> police began to look for a white male in a white truck. >> unfortunately, there were 35,000 white pickup trucks registered in the baton rouge
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pathologists found biological evidence that she had been sexually assaulted, and it also contained the dna profile of her killer. naturally, investigators wanted to know if this perpetrator had been apprehended before. >> we had already taken his dna profile and searched it into the fbi's codis database, which was a national database of offenders as well as evidence from other cases, and we knew then at that point that he had not been linked to any other crimes. >> but this dna evidence did tell police something important. the same man who killed pam kinamore killed two other women several months earlier. >> i had never had experience with a serial killer, you know,
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other than seeing it in tv shows. so, all of a sudden, this was something that baton rouge hadn't dealt with before and i hadn't dealt with before. >> two months earlier, charlotte murray pace, a graduate student at louisiana state university, had been sexually assaulted and killed in her apartment. >> she was stabbed 81 times. her throat was cut. she was missing part of her ear. it was a very violent, horrible attack. >> all the people, all the women in the world, he picked murray. why? i'd give anything to know why. and i don't know if you can know why, because i wonder if he could articulate why, if he knows why himself. >> like pam kinamore's case, there were no signs of forced entry. >> this person was absolutely vicious. >> also in that same neighborhood gina green, a nurse, was sexually assaulted and murdered in her home.
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in all three cases, the common thread was the telephone. either the killer took the victim's telephone or used the cords to restrain his victim. this led to speculation the killer asked his victims for assistance. >> everything he touched he took with him. those were his trophies. it didn't take much for him after he killed them to wipe down the doorknob. he knew everything he touched. >> when residents of baton rouge learned a serial killer was on the loose, they took every possible precaution. at night, the streets were all but empty. but it wasn't enough. several months later, the killer struck again. 23-year-old dene colomb never returned home from visiting her mother's grave. her body was discovered 26 miles
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away from the cemetery. she was sexually assaulted and beaten to death. a witness reported seeing a white male in a white pickup truck near the cemetery, just like pam kinamore's case. and the killer wasn't through. the body of 26-year-old carrie yoder, a doctoral student at lsu, was found near the whisky bay bridge, not far from where pam kinamore's body was discovered. dna tests confirmed the same man sexually assaulted and presumably killed all five women. >> he's very intelligent. i think he was doing a lot of as i call it surveillance work. he was stalking his victims. he knew their movements, methods and movements, and he's going to be tough to catch. >> desperate for a lead, police called the fbi in washington, d.c., and asked for a criminal investigative analysis of the crimes.
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>> we thought this was someone who followed women and watched women from afar. and when he interacted with women, it would be shortly into that interaction before they felt uncomfortable with him. >> the fbi predicted the killer was antisocial and earned a below-average income. >> the fbi profile, we had folks come in and that was the whole gist, that we were looking for a white male, 20s, 30s, single, white male. >> although 90% of all serial killers are white, the fbi says they made no prediction of the race of the baton rouge serial killer, despite the perceptions of local officials and information carried in the media. >> i know that there's been some confusion about that. i know what was written and was in the paper, and it just simply wasn't there. >> nevertheless, the local police obtained dna samples from over 1,000 men, most of them white between the ages of 20 and 40.
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most had a history of criminal activity. but not one of them was a match. that's when molecular biologist dr. tony frudakis called investigators with a warning that eyewitnesses and behavioral profiles are not always right. >> that type of information is oftentimes wrong. sometimes people lie. sometimes they're just flat out mistaken. >> so dr. frudakis made the police an offer. he said he'd perform a new dna test and promised he could identify the killer's physical characteristics. >> to be honest with you, i didn't really believe. i thought he must be a quack. how can he do this? but he purported he can determine the race of folks from dna, and i said, there is no way in the world he can do that. >> this new test called dna witness ascertains the exact ancestry of an individual based
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on information in their dna. it's rooted in the fact that all humans are descended from a common gene pool. >> so, instead of measuring the pigmentation genes that control pigmentation of the skin, we can make an indirect inference about your skin shade through a very precise knowledge of your ancestral background. >> so the baton rouge police gave dr. frudakis the go ahead. the results made forensic history and changed the course of the investigation. 'wóóñt
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based on statements from two eyewitnesss, baton rouge police were searching for a white male driving a white pickup truck in connection with five unsolved murders. with little to lose, investigators joined forces with a molecular biologist to perform a new test on the killer's dna. >> it's brand new technology. a lot of these people are unaware of what it can do. we have to go into the human genome and screen through large numbers of people in order to
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