tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 15, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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cnn tonight. tomorrow's storms packing heavy rain, making a mess for air travel along the east coast. tonight it could affect travel tomorrow as well. thousands of flights canceled or delayed from the carolinas to new england. that's it for me. i'm don lemon. thanks for watching. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening. thanks for joining us. breaking news tonight. new concerns about domestic terrorism. also new tonight developments in the story we brought you exclusively. dozens of florida theme park employees spending some of their offtime on camera caught in child sex stings. now there is action in congress to protect your child from the bad guys. later, the people who keep coming north, who keep taking this train, even knowing their destination could be death. meet a mother and child who
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barely survived and have the terrible scars to remind them. we begin with the breaking news. the cnn exclusive, the possibility, so far it's only that, the possibility of acts terrorism committed against americans by americans who have gone overseas to wage so-called holy war and could be returning home to do the same. attorney general eric holder spoke broadly about it this weekend. talking than florida man who recently blew himself up in syria. >> this is a very real thing. just last month or so, the first american became a suicide bomber. so this is not a theoretical problem that we are dealing with. this is something that is very real. we wanted to know what the basis of it was. so barbara starr began investigating. what she uncovered could be trouble. listen. >> reporter: u.s. intelligence and law enforcement agencies have dozens of investigations under way, tracking americans who travel to syria to join the fight, worried they could attack the u.s. now that they are back home or trying to get back home.
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>> the fbi, other members of the intelligence community have made this a top priority and are taking whatever steps they can under the law to monitor and prevent those coming back from doing us harm. >> reporter: the government has begun an intense effort to collect intelligence overseas on syrian training camps, and also trying to identify americans at home, even before they travel to syria so they know if those americans come back. u.s. officials tell cnn not all potential suspects may be on the no-fly list, making it harder for investigators. and more worried, thousands of fighters in syria with european passports and able to enter the u.s. officials tell cnn not all european countries are sharing the names of all of their suspect citizens. >> we got to make sure we partner with europe so that we know who is coming back. >> reporter: alarms went off when a french algerian extremist opened fire at the jewish museum
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in brussels in may. after training with isis in syria, he travelled through several countries in europe before he was arrested in france. u.s. officials said it was a wake-up call that borders can be readily crossed. >> we're talking about potentially thousands of people here. barbara starr joins us from the pentagon. barbara, you say this increased concern is what prompted the recent stepped up security measures at overseas airports? >> well, that's right, anderson, in large part. look, what you have is al qaeda in yemen that knows how to make undetectable bombs that can likely get past u.s. airport security measures. those al qaeda operatives, many of them now it is believed of have travelled to syria. the technology has been transferred. there are americans fighting in syria. if those americans get their hands on that technology, that is the worry. they could get back into this country if the u.s. doesn't know about them with those kind of potentially undetectable bombs. it's one of the biggest concerns right now. and what is partnered with this concern, anderson, is they may
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not know where all of these americans are. the big worry, unspoken are there americans that have come back into this country that the u.s. doesn't know about. >> we want to talk more about that. bash remarks i appreciate the reporting. let's dig deep were our former bush homeland security adviser frank townsend. also former fbi counterterrorism official philip mudd and robert mcfadden who is currently with the soufan group. you're concerned with foreign fighters coming back to america. >> anderson, look, this is a concern that the u.s. intelligence community has been talking about for month news. let's remember, the director of national intelligence jim clapper testified before congress about his concern about upwards of more than 20,000 foreign fighters that they what they call could bleed out that is return after having gotten into the western europe and back into the united states. even then they talk about dozens if not hundreds that could enter the united states.
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it's hard to track these guys, right? here is an american who is going to go to europe, you know, that doesn't seem to be a concern. and then they travel through several countries to get into syria. they get the fighting experience, and they travel back. they often use false documents, false names. this is a real challenge for american intelligence and law enforcement officials. and they've got to work with our foreign allies, the intelligence services that's in europe, or more particularly the airp arab countries, who have a better sense of what is going on the ground in syria. >> it's not like americans are taking flights back from syria after having fought in syria. it's coming back from jordan, lebanon or turkey or somewhere in europe. and the sheer number of fighters with u.s. and european passports is alarming. the administration is saying at least 7,000. i've seen some estimates that say as high as 20,000. >> that's exactly right. >> phil, go ahead. phil, go ahead. >> i was going to say, i think you've got to look at two
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problems here. i sat at the threat table every morning when eric holder became attorney general. there was only about 12 of us sitting around that table. he's got to think first about the thing that you mentioned that is volume. in my old world of counterterrorism, three people, five people, that's a lot of people to follow. now you're talking about dozens or hundreds who may have received training overseas. so the volume issue is significant in the terrorism world. the second issue i mentioned is time. we're in 2014 now. what if this goes into next year, the year after? the war in syria is now three or four years old. and you expand to 100 kids, 200 kids. that combination of the volume of kids going over and the amount of time that you have to watch this problem, to me if i were sitting at the threat table would be daunting. >> for europeans, i mean, once you have a european passport, you can travel anywhere through europe. it's not as if your passports are even going to be checked between france or germany or switzerland or wherever you go. you have free access to travel.
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so the threat for europeans and american targets in europe is steadily high. >> yeah, it's extremely challenging. to add what the guest said, you have the sheer volume, the ease of travel with the european passports and visas. and that speaks too that matter of working with allies about staunching the flow. up to this point, over three years with the civil war in syria, it's been quite easy, particularly through turkey. one other alarming -- we have enough alarming aspects at this point, of this situation, we don't have a frame of reference for this really in the west. >> what do you mean? >> well, if you take the fighting, the foreign fighters against the soviets in afghanistan in 1970s or through the 1980s. >> right. >> we didn't have -- we already exceeded the through-put of foreign fighters going into syria and a iraq. we also didn't have the degree of this extreme incukuculcatinc. ion. >> but the technical is incredibly alarming. >> that's right.
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a number of troubling indicators. >> in terms of trying to target these people, these guys overseas, are there capabilities to do that? >> sure there is a couple of questions i would be asking. first, as fran suggested, you've got to have partnerships with people like the jordanians and the turks. because every time somebody with a funny passport or perhaps an american passport crosses a border, goes into heathrow airport in london who is 18 years old, who has been overseas for a few months, who doesn't have a good sploofnexplanation e he has been, i want my partner to tell me. the second is going to make you uncomfortable. it's going to make every viewer uncomfortable. it is edward snowden. you might ask a question. i want to know every 18-year-old who has traveled overseas without a family member on a one-way cash ticket to turkey or syria. not a single is illegal. that's big data. that's the kind of thing nsa can collect that raises legitimate civil liberties issues.
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>> fran, certainly allies in the middle east, governments, you're talking jordanian secret service. they have a very effective secret service there. that is also crucial in tracking these people? >> that's right. our arab allies, those closer to the problem in the foreign fighters in syria have better fidelity. they just have better intelligence. primarily, that's because of human intelligence network sources that they can run into the country, into the problem to bring them back what essentially becomes for us important targeting data and information we can use not only in terms of targeting with other european countries, but we can load that into our screening process at the border and try to identify them before they get inside the united states. >> robert, what about those who are already back in the united states? how tough is tracking them? >> well, according to research that we published a few months ago, fbi figures somewhere between 70 to 100. and that's believed to be conservative. >> which is a lot. >> absolutely. you said before, whether you
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have one or two or three, that's all it takes. >> years ago we were concerned about a handful of somalis who had gone over to, you know, to fight in mogadishu and wrestle in somalia. now we're talking hundreds here. >> right. to put it in some perspective here, historically, there is not a great frame of reference. the numbers are small for those who would come home and commit violence. it just takes a few to be lethal. one thing to talk about too in combatting the situation is what is referred to as a counter-narrative. an important part in the road ahead particularly when it comes to the local level, the family level, nongovernmental organizations. in the u.s. and the west, and getting in front of young men who might have that idea to go to a place like syria and iraq. that's an important aspect. >> coordinating with families and stuff. some of what we saw some of the guys from cardiff in wales, the father of one of them came out very publicly and said what they have done is terrible and anti-religious. and robert. good to have you on the program.
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philip mudd, fran townsend as well. be sure to set your dvr. up next, a terrifying angle on the immigration crisis. a mom and child rode mexico's train of death trying to get to the united states. the terrible price they paid for it. the train is getting ready to roll at any moment tonight. later, reaction to our exclusive reporting. caught on tape caught up in sting operations. action and reaction you'll want to know about when we come back. what should i tell him? just make that super annoying modem noise... ( ee...dong...shuuuhh...) hello? not all credit report sites are equal. classic. members get personalized help plus fraud resolution support. join now at with enrollment in experian credit tracker.
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deportation flights under way and plans for demonstrations all over the weekend. the child immigration crisis seems to be at a boiling point right now. we'll talk to an arizona sheriff tonight who is at the center of some of the protests. but first, we're going to go to where so many of the undocumented kids and others have been coming from, and where as our gary tuchman has learned
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some are killed or terribly injured on the way north. gary has been reporting on a train they take. some call it the beast or the train of death. he joins us from southern mexico. gary? >> anderson, there is no train like this in the world. this is the beast. it is just pulled into the station. right now it's hooking up with other cars because it's going to start heading north at about 10:00 local time, which is about 2 hours and 45 minutes from now. going it will in a little bit. however, a short time ago, pulled into this southern mexico town, and aboard many immigrants. it is called the beast. or the train of death. and it's heading north, ai've manage the southern mexico pueblo of ikxtepec.
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many get hurt or killed boarding or getting off while it's moving. that's why it's known as the train of death. it's making a pit stop. and many of the people on top of the train for as many as eight hours are getting off for food and water. this honduran man was one of the passengers. he says the ride wasn't so bad. that he left honduras to find better work. like many of the passengers, he is extremely hungry. most people get off the beast right now to go to a nearby shelter, and will catch the next train. but some people like these guys up there will stay on this train because they don't want to miss this when it leaves. the shelter in ixtepec provides food, shelter medical care. and is well-known among migrants they can spend as much time as they want here. 2-year-old richard was here. his foot was cut off when he and his mother were run over by one of the train wheels when they were trying to get off. the arm of his mother emily was partially detached.
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she pulled her son off the tracks before he would be killed. she said i can't believe it was happening while it was taking place. one of the things i thought if this is god's will, then it's god's will. unaccompanied children share this facility with adult migrants before they go back to the beast for the rest of the journey north. volunteer, many from the united states, help take care of them. emily is an artist, a painter who dreamed of practicing her craft in the u.s. i ask if she and her 2-year-old will continue their journey to the united states. she says yes, so none of this will be in vain. the beast will be leaving soon. this guy is waiting to get on the train right now. he is waiting for it to slow down enough. and he says he wants to go to the united states handy, is going to stay on until he gets to the border. the journey with other train connect also take no less than 12 or so days. for many much longer, if they
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make it all. it stops and starts while they get it back on track. i'm not going to go for a ride. i'm going to get off. but it's anybody's guess when it will get to the united states. i'm getting off. now this is a life for the very motivated and very desperate. >> and the poor little child with his mother. does the train that he just showed, does it go all the way to the u.s. border? >> sometimes it does, anderson. sometimes it doesn't. we're about 250 miles north of the southern mexican border, 750 miles away from the nearest part of the united states and texas. 300 miles north of success a transit point. if this train doesn't go all the way to the border, everyone gets off, and there are four different train lines from that point, one to the california area, three to the texas area. that's what usually happens. the stops and starts when it gets to the transit points, that's when the injuries occur. i want to show you how emily and richard got hurt. they were climbing down from the
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top of the car. and as they were climbing down, they started moving. they were in between the cars. right now they're putting them together. they were in between and that wheel rolled over the little boy's foot and rolled over the mother's arm. and it's sad and traumatizing. and it happens every single day here in mexico. >> and they still try to -- they are still going to try to come. gary, i appreciate the reporting as you have been for the last two weeks. there are demonstrations expected around the united states this weekend alone. there have already been several, most notably in murrieta, california, where protesters turned back three bus loads of kids heading for a federal processing facility in town. in oracle, arizona, about one hundred miles north of the border, noisy crowds showed up today, promising to keep immigrant kids from arriving at their temporary housing, a ranch for troubled minors. a local sheriff says he'll enforce orders if the buses show up. he'll enforce order if the buses show up. there are complaints, though, that some of his remarks are partly responsible for the angry ground. here to talk about it tonight is
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the county sheriff, paul babieau. 40 to 50 kids. they haven't told you anything more? >> no other information. and that didn't come from officially the federal government. that was by whistle-blowers and then it was confirmed by the actual facility. >> we've seen protests on both sides of the debate there in your county. >> yes. >> there are some who are questioning your role many all this, that you published information giving basically that you say as you just said from dhs whistle-blowers, that you gave the exact location of the detention facility where these kids will be kept. from a public safety standpoint, does that make sense to do? >> do i, do the people who live in my county right next to this facility and live in the county have a right to know? i believe not only for transparency, but this
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significant public safety and potentially a public health issue, absolutely i believe the public has a right to know. and i would rather err on that side rather than to be secretive as this whole operation was initially done. >> what is your biggest concern about -- i mean, it's a small number of kids relatively speaking. they're not being released into your community. they're being housed at a private facility, a facility that specializes in dealing with trouble and at-risk youth. they have added more staff members, i think 30 more staff members. so what problems do you think they're going bring to your county? >> well, the concern was, and i've qualified these remarks, that we have closing in on 60,000 unaccompanied juveniles from central america. some number, we don't know how many, has been confirmed through the screening process that they have gang affiliations and other concerns. and my question to homeland security was give us a sense of the profile of these individuals.
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the problem i have i and my deputies have our hands full. we have the largest drug bust in the history of our state right here in my county. my county geographically is larger than the state of connecticut. we don't have enough deputies to carry out all of our duties. >> but you say, in fact, in your press release that our federal government has failed to enforce any immigration laws. you don't really believe that, do you? they obviously are enforcing immigration laws every single day. in fact by dealing with these kids the way, you know, they are dealing with these kids, that's following an immigration law that was passed in 2008. so to say they're not following immigration laws, i mean, that's just not true, right? >> when you get a sense of what we're dealing with here on the ground in arizona every day, every week we have situations where we enforce state laws here and we arrest individuals. not all of them are violent
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criminals, of course, but drug cartel members and the human smugglers that our deputies deal with. and they readily reveal that they have been deported 10 times, 12 times, 15 times. and you and i and anybody listening to your program shouldn't be scratching your head wondering why it's going to be a 16th time. and the reason being is there really truly are no consequences. and that's the problem i have where the law applies to you and to me, but generally speaking, that the rule of law when it comes to immigration, which is no longer an enforceable action from local, county, state law enforcement, there really is no enforcement of law. >> it just -- i get everything that you said in your press release. that just stood out to me as something that was patently false and seems more political than anything. it sounds more like a slogan than truth. >> well, in reality, what are the consequences?
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yes, is this something -- this is not just a loophole. this is a fact. this is a gaping wide hole that is soon going to be a train, 60,000. our own federal government is saying 90,000. are there no -- is there no end to this? because now the president will not be able to turn away if there is another 90,000 that come to the border next week or next month or over the next year, how can the president legitimately turn these people away? >> i know you've got a lot on your plate and i appreciate you talking to us tonight. thank you. >> you bet, anderson. thank you. >> you can find out more on the story always at coming up next, action in the wake of our exclusive reporting on child sex stings involving several dozen employees at some of the country's most popular theme parks. even though the alleged crimes did not take place at work, there are very real questions about how the people got hired in the first place. also, later, breaking news out of israel. emergency talks just wrapping up after hamas turns down a ceasefire.
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i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. front-page news in the morning papers the subject of legislation in congress. kyra phillips reporting you saw last night on sex stings in the orlando, florida area that swept up 42 alleged child predators since 2006, and resulted so far in 32 convictions. this is video of police nabbing some of them. 35 of the 42 worked at disney-themed parks, five at universal studios, two at seaworld. none of the cases involved children or teenagers actually visiting the parks. this morning on new day one of the lawmen involved had a blunt explanation for why a predator would work at a theme park. >> we know there are child
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predators. and you remember willie sutton the bank robber. they asked willie why he robbed banks. he said that's where the money. so why to child predators want to work around children? well that. >> do that at theme parks, in schools, and do you know what? the congress has tied our folks' hands. you know, the theme parks, the schools can't do polygraphs to check the backgrounds or we would have more opportunity to discover the proclivity of the child predator, which is really a monster that is after our children. i'm going to go after them with a vengeance to protect our children. well need to do that nationwide. but the theme parks, the schools need help. >> as for whether theme parks have been able to do enough to weed out would-be predators. ernie allen for the center for exploited and missing children had this to say. >> there is more disney can do there is more everybody can do. it's hard to imagine a company that has tried harder to address
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this issue than disney. >> disney declined our request for an on-camera interview. in a statement, quote, we have extensive measures in place including preemployment and ongoing criminal background checks and computer monitoring and firewalls. disney went on the say the numbers reported by cnn represent 1/100th of 1% of the 300,000 people we have employed during this time period. and they conclude we continue to work closely with law enforcement and organizations like the national center for missing and exploited children as we constantly strengthen our efforts. universal and seaworld issued similar statements, say thanksgiving have zero tolerance for this kind of behavior and do everything they can to protect their guests. florida republican congressman says legislation to do much of what you heard the judge say a minute ago to allow businesses to polygraph employees. congressman ross, thanks for being with us why. do you think this legislation is necessary? >> it's absolutely necessary. it's another tool in the tool box. the act was passed 25 years ago, and we didn't have the internet
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access we didn't have the technological advances we have today. we need to allow employers to find out who they're hiring if they're going to be dealing with minor children in these types of situations. you know, as we saw from the earlier interview, those that had background checks usually can get caught. but if we can allow for a polygraph, and when the perspective employee goes in there knowing they're going to be polygraphed, it allows the employer to an opportunity to find out what their background may be. and it allows us to prevent the next event from ever happening, to allow the next victim from ever occurring, we have made tremendous strides with our laws. >> so let me ask you about this. as you know, polygraph tests have proven to be inaccurate. they're not admissible in court including the state of florida because of the inaccuracies. to someone who might ask why employers would be allowed to use a tool which is inaccurate you say what? >> well, again, it's another tool for the employer to use if they so desire. look, it's not about admissibility in court.
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it's about finding out who you're hiring and what their proclivities are. this is an opportunity here for employers to find out whether this is the kind of person they want to have representing them as an employer in dealing with young children. and more importantly, we owe it to the parents of these children to allow for this opportunity for employers to find out if these are people that are going to be predators on their children. >> there is also the issue obviously of privacy. and that's why really this hasn't been done before. you were a lawyer for dismy once. >> yes. >> i'm sure you know privacy issues as well as anyone. what would stop employers, though, from some of these companies from asking other personal questions that might have nothing to do whether a potential employee is a child predator? >> the perspective employee goes into the interview knowing there is going to be a polygraph. at this point you kind of put your privacy issues aside. because if you want the job, you'll go through with the interview. if you don't, then you won't. but more importantly, the transparency is going to be there so the employer has a chance to find out somewhat of a
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background of the people they're hiring. again, these are individuals that are going to have a close relationship with minor children. we owe it to these children. we owe it to their families. we owe it to our future, again, to make sure that we do everything we can to protect them. >> would you want to limit sort of the questions that could be asked to this particular topic? >> you know, it's not a question of what we're -- whether we're going to legislate the questions or not. we're going leave that up to the professionals. there are those professionals out there that know what questions to ask depending on what type of polygraph needs to be administers depending on the issues at hand. we just need to allow in the tool box to allow employers to make sure that they don't have these people being employed by them. believe me, my friends at disney, my friends at universal, my friends at all the theme parks don't want these employees. let's give them the opportunity to weed them out. and that's what this legislation does. >> congressman ross, i appreciate your time. we'll continue to follow the bill. >> thank you. just ahead we do have breaking news tonight. late word on the emergency cabinet meeting breaking up
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tonight in israel with the possibility of more military action to come. plus, it could have been another tragedy. two young children left inside a hot car at a mall, saved by shop theirs time. just wait until you hear where their mom was. she keeps you on your toes. you wouldn't have it any other way. but your erectile dysfunction - it could be a question of blood flow. cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph,
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tonight new signs that israel could step up its ground assault on gaza. israel's security cabinet has been holding emergency talks tonight. the talks just breaking up. a ceasefire as you know collapsed today hours after israel agreed to the proposal put forth by egypt. all told israel stopped the air strikes for about six hours as israeli officials say hamas fired nearly four dozen rockets at israel during that pause. also today mortar shell fired from gaza killed an israeli man. that's the first fatality on israel's side since the air war began one week ago. pis officials in gaza say more than 900 have been killed and 14 wounded. >> ben, the israelis resumed strikes on gaza during the afternoon today. what is the latest tonight? >> well, what we've heard is a series of large explosions from here. the latest was an air strike
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just about a half an hour ago on the home of mahmood hazar. and in addition to that what we're hearing of course is that the israelis have sent out these automatic prerecorded phone calls to hundreds of residents of the neighborhood northeast of here telling them to leave as soon as possible by the latest wednesday morning. and to go to gaza city. the anticipation, of course, is that there may well be ground operation in that area, which is really quite close to gaza city. anderson? >> and wolf, the word from israel is they're ready to step up their campaign against hamas, right? >> yeah, they certainly are. the israeli cabinet, the security cabinet met late into the night, wrapping it up only a little while ago at the defense industry in tel aviv with the prime minister benjamin netanyahu running that meeting. and all indications are the israelis are primarily concerned right now some of these
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underground bunkers, these tunnels that supposedly housed a lot of these missiles, these rockets. and they want to go in there. you can't just do it with air power. so there may be some israeli ground action. i don't anticipate a full-scale israeli military invasion to try to reoccupy all of gaza or anything like that. but some limited kinds of ground assaults clearly seem to be in the works. >> and wolf, in terms of the ceasefire proposal, that's at this point just dead? >> well, you know, there are some efforts behind the scenes to revive it. the egyptians haven't given up completely. the palestinian authority of president mahmoud abbas hasn't give up. the they're still working to try to convince hamas to accept it. if the punishment for the israelis continues, and i suspect it will, the expectation is maybe hamas will have second thoughts and accept the ceasefire. no indication of that yet. >> and ben, as wolf mentioned, palestinian president mahmoud abbas called for the acceptance
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of the proposal. the arab league did as well. can you explain why all of this didn't sway hamas? >> what they're looking for, anderson, something palpable, not simply a ceasefire and then we'll discuss matters later. they want to see real measures taken, for instance, regarding the border with egypt, which has been closed for months, opened just a day or two every once in a while. they want to see a resumption of the sort of trade that went on between gaza and egypt. and for instance, they'd like to see the tunnels reopened which the egyptians have really demolish over the last year that was a major source of tax revenue for hamas. so unless they can get something that they can hold up to the people of gaza and say this is why nearly 200 of your people, the people of gaza were killed over the last eight days, this is why hundreds of houses were destroyed. at least they'll get something out of it. because until now, all we've seen is death, destruction, and
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really, no upside for the people of gaza who have been watching and suffering as this back and forth bombardment has been going on. anderson? >> ben wedeman, we appreciate it. wolf blitzer as well. thanks. there is a lot more happening tonight. susan hendricks has the 360. >> videos played in a boston courtroom today show dzhokhar tsarnaev with a college friend the day after the attack. the two enter and leave a gym at umass dartmouth. the friend and two others are accused of removing evidence from tsarnaev's storeroom. the attack on the u.s. diplomatic compound in benghazi has turned up dead. a local source said he was last seen in the custody of a local militia in eastern libya. he was apparently interviewed by the fbi over his suspected links to the 2012 attack. the pentagon is saying the f-35 fighter jet has been cleared to resume flying with restrictions. they're still looking for the root cause of an engine fire last month that grounded the
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fleet. the stealth fighter is the pentagon's northwest expensive weapons program ever. and bystanders became heroes when they stopped a carjacking in san diego. it was all caught on video. when the good samaritans made their move. a woman and young child inside the car were not seriously hurt. and the man attempting the carjacking is on the ground. >> unbelievable. susan, thanks. 18 years ago this twa flight 800 crashed into the atlantic ocean. the investigation sparked at the time the most extensive in aviation history. coming up next, cnn revisits the story and the special report "the crash of flight twa flight 800." i want to show you a preview. >> a blowup in the air and we saw two fireballs go down to the water. >> twa 800 exploded right in front of me. i knew right away there were no survivors and it was kind of a sickening feeling. >> i saw a bright light and white smoke behind it. and an explosion. i do believe i saw a missile.
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>> there was obviously some suspicion that it might be a terrorist act. >> we do not know what caused this tragedy. i want to say that again. we do not know as of this moment. >> the investigation was looking at almost every possibility, including state actors. we definitely thought about gadhafi and libya. we were look at iraq and saddam hussein. the president was prepared to take whatever action needed to be taken. >> it was a huge potential crime scene. >> this investigation would have been largest carried out by the fbi. i had a thousand agents working on the case. >> my fiance was on the plane. >> my sister paula with her son, 9 years old. >> our biggest concern was the recovery of our loved ones' bodies. there were a lot of times that i doubted the existence of god.
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and i said god, how and why could you let something like this happen? >> coming up next, dramatic video, strangers smashing windows to rescue two young kids trapped inside a hot car. the mother allegedly left them there while she was getting her hair done. and the mother of aed to lower who died inside a hot car in georgia is speak out through her attorney. why she says she is living every parent's nightmare, next.
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in crime and punishment tonight, the latest on the hot car death in georgia. what the mother is saying in a moment. first, a much different outcome in texas. passersby took the matter into their own hands when they saw a young boy and girl left in a car in a strip mall. witnesses said the kids were crying. according to affiliate khou, the mother left the kids in the car while she got a haircut. she reportedly begged the people not to call police and the children were thankfully fine. meanwhile, in georgia, an attorney for leanna harris says she is living every parent's nightmare. her son is dead and her husband is charged with murder. so the attorney for leanna harris issued a statement. what does it say?
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>> it says a couple of things, anderson. first and foremost, it seems to be a plea for privacy on her behalf. it also seems to be a warning not to be, well, rushing any kind of judgment when it comes to the treatment of the mother. i can read you a portion of it. it's particularly critical of the news media. it says newspapers, television, and online media have fostered a poisonous atmosphere in which leanna's every word, action and emotion or failure to cry in front of a crowd is scrutinized for some supposed hidden meaning in much the same way the president unjustly harassed and hounded bombing suspect richard jewell when he didn't behave as some thought he should. richard jewell a throwback to 1996. he is the security guard who saved many lives by warning many people away from a backpack that exploded. later, though, he was accused by law enforcement and members of the media. perhaps maybe being involved with that bombing. he was not. he was exonerated fully. but when he died in 2007, he had always said he lived the rest of his life under a cloud of
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suspicion. >> there is also no mention of her husband many this statement, right? >> right. and that really to me and a lot of others stood out as being the loudest not said statement. i mean, this was a woman who just a couple weeks ago stood up and the only public statement she has made is at the funeral of her young son. and she used most of that time to defend her husband. she said that he was a wonderful father, despite the fact that he has been charged with the boy's death. so the fact that there is no mention, i mean, the letter doesn't even suggest that the two are married. there is just no reference to him at all. of course, in between them, there was a court hearing revealed by authorities which they allege he was having online relationships with a number of women, even as the child was dying in that hot vehicle. >> where does leanna fit into the investigation as it stands now? >> we should stress, she is not charged with anything. again, when you pressure the authorities to say where is she
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in this investigation, they will say she is part of the investigation, but she is not under investigation. she has not been charged with anything, although authorities at that same hearing did imply she made some odd and in their minds rather incriminating statements. so those statements reflected such as supposedly when she was alone with her husband on the night he was charged. her saying to him, according to authorities, did you say too much. so that seemed pretty incriminating, anderson, but that's coming only from authorities. >> and the husband is obviously not out on bail, right? he is still being held? >> correct, right. he is not out on any bail. he was after that hearing, it was determined that he should continue to be held on the charges of murder. and that bond was not given to him at that time. it appears he is going to stay there until trial, whenever that may be. >> all right, martin savidge, i appreciate the reporting. the ridiculist is next. stick around.
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huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse? we're trying our best to be role models.dels. we don't jump at the sound of the opening bell, because we're trying to make the school bell.
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time now for the ridiculist. and tonight there is a mini scandal brewing in florida over a campaign scott by governor rick scott. two weeks ago the governor was campaigning for reelection in tampa with a group of uniformed law enforcement officers lined up behind him. there you see the picture. the problem is it's illegal in florida for public employees to participate in campaign events on the clock in uniform, and an official complaint has been filed with the state. as official scandals go, look, this is not watergate. it's more of a bite-sized brouhaha. the question is did the governor's office know if the policemen were on duty or off-duty? it's really a duty about nothing. but how the governor is handling questions about it. because this is where the duty hits the fan. it's a great example of saying a whole bunch of stuff without ever, ever answering the question no matter how many times the question is asked. all politicians do it, but this really is a master class. take a look. >> did you really think that all
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of those deputies were off-duty? >> i'm very proud that last week the police chiefs endorsed me. i'm very proud that 40 sheriffs have endorsed me. i'm very proud of all of the support from the law enforcement. we're at a 43-year low in our crime rate. so we invite them to our campaign events. and i'm very appreciative of the ones that came. >> do you think it's a problem to have on-duty law enforcement there? >> i'm very appreciative of the support and those who come to our events. >> you didn't answer the question. should this be discipline? >> look, i'm appreciative of everybody that comes the my events. we're at a 43-low rate. we should be appreciative. >> do you think it's okay for them to be there on duty? >> i'm supervisor appreciative of the police chief's endorsement last week, the association. 40 sheriffs did. we have law enforcement coming to a variety of events and others. and i'm very appreciative of anybody who comes to events and supports my events. >> i'm very appreciative. i have two questions.
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is governor scott appreciative of officers that come to his events? and two, what the hell are we talking about? it's to throw you off track, but it doesn't really work. it just insults everybody's intelligence. what if other people in other proposition professions started doing that? if students ask you questions, attendance is up, attendance is up. things are looking good. attendance is up. doctors. when a patient asks you if they're dying, say you're appreciative of everyone who comes to see you. let's see how that goes over. governor scott was asked about this again at an event a short time ago. he said his office complies with the rules, and you guessed it, he is proud that the police chief's association endorses him and that people have come to his events. and then this. >> why do you think you have a reputation for not answering questions? >> oh, gosh, i answer questions. have i the opportunity to talk to the media a lot. i love traveling the state. i get to talk to people all over the state. an it's an exciting time to be in florida. >> i don't know what to say. indeed.
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i mean, i agree. it is an a exciting time to be in florida. and of course, to be on the ridiculist as well. that's it for us. thanks for watching. "witness: the crash of twa flight 800" starts right now. 18 years ago this week twa flight 800 exploded in the sky over the shores of long island bound for paris with 230 people on board, no one survived. the suspicion of terrorism was immediate. many described a streak of light heading towards the plane before it blew up. in the weeks, months and then years afterwards, the biggest and most intense investigation in aviation history at the time ensued. eventually, the u.s. government offered their best explanation for what happened. to this day, though, many still question if they got it right. this is a cnn special report, "witnessed, the crash of twa flight 800". >> it just blew up in the air and we
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