tv New Day Saturday CNN July 27, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PDT
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xfinity, the future of awesome. good morning, so grateful to have you with us, i'm christie paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. welcome to to our viewers around the u.s. this is a special edition of "new day sunday." let's talk about what's been breaking. the war 1 back on. a 24 hour unilateral cease-fire extension for battered gaza is over hours before it was scheduled to end. >> a short time ago the israeli military said it's resuming aerial and ground and sea strikes. you can see the smoke here billowing over gaza today. israel says hamas violated the
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humanitarian pause by firing rockets and mortars at israeli territory. >> earlier, the israeli cabinet agreed to a 24 hour cease-fire extension for gaza. that would have ended at 5:00 p.m. eastern today but hamas rejected it saying the extension was unacceptable because it didn't include the withdrawal of israeli soldiers from gaza's borders. >> the israeli military says hamas mortar and rocket fire killed an israeli soldier overnight. 43 israeli troops and two israeli civilians have now died. >> gaza officials say more than 1,000 palestinians have been killed, many of them civilians. cnn's karl penhaul joins us from gaza. karl, we know israel says it's resuming military activity. what are you seeing there this hour? >> krchristi, they have resumed the pounding. we have seen pounding across gaza's eastern border and in the eastern neighborhoods.
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we've also seen black plumes of smoke rising up into the gaza skyline as those shells once again go down on to gazaen soil and much closer to home, i don't know if you can just see to that side a large white building there just as we were waiting to come to air what appeared to be a couple of drone strikes going in on that building as well. very loud bangs, indeed. but what is also key to look at here today is the reasons why this continued, why this extension to the cease-fire is just not working out. and, of course, all sides will be looking to portion political blame for what seems to be like a lot of stubbornness on the part of the warring sides. yes, israel did make the offer to extend the cease-fire by 24 hours but nevertheless the israeli military said it would continue to try and destroy militant tunnels and would continue to go after militant rocket launchers, effectively saying that although we won't fire and the other side can't fire on us, we will continue to
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go and destroy enemy infrastructure. now, hamas for its part said "we won't agree to those terms and conditions. we won't agree to let israeli troops stay on gazan soil and we went let them continue their attacks on our infrastructure meanwhile. that's why the cease-fire hasn't worked. that is why hamas has continued to fire its rockets into israel. on the political front, there's a sentiment within the hamas political wing that this really could be the war to end wars. what they're saying is that they don't want to fight and then simply return to the conditions of the gaza strip as they were three weeks ago. hamas is saying that now we've started this war, any terms of any cease-fire must include a vast improvement in the living conditions for ordinary gazan people, christi. >> let's talk more about that, carl. you bring up the word stubborn and stubbornness.
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is there pressure considering hamas is clearly outgunned here and more than a thousand palestinians, most civilians, have been killed. is there pressure on hamas by palestinians to have them back down considering that there's a huge discrepancy in the deaths here? >> i think first of all -- and i have heard similar descriptions as you're making, victor, about hamas being clearly outgunned -- but that's not the nature of this war. on the one hand, yes, you have a very conventional, a very sophisticated, a very well-financed israeli military machine. in fact, one of the best armies in the world by all accounts. but this is an asymmetrical war that, in old fashion terms, a guerrilla war. this is an urban guerrilla war and the very nature of that means that you have a superior force fighting against apparently a much weaker force but the kind of tactics, the kind of way that that weaker force fights kind of balances
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things out on the battlefield because hamas is not only using its military know how and tactics which have vastly improved since its previous ground confrontation with israel in 2008/2009 but is also using social, political and propaganda factors to try and tip the balance not only on the battlefield but also on the political front. and it's crucial for them to be able to wage that urban guerrilla war to have some kind of civilian support. that is why you haven't got spies running around the gaza strip denouncing every movement that hamas is making to the authorities. on the one hand, it is true when we saw it yesterday, a grief stricken woman waving her hands and saying "the world is not paying attention to gaza" and also hamas and other factions have failed to defend her home but other civilians are saying they want an end to this war but they do increasingly support the militant position that there has to be a fundamental change in
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living conditions in gaza. they say that they can not carry on living in an area that is basically the size of metropolitan las vegas, they don't have the right to go in or out because the borders are closed and that also means that goods and services aren't coming in here. they feel that that's stripped them of their dignity as human beings, victor. >> karl penhaul. as you heard for us, that war to end all wars that some in hamas believe this. israel says there have been more than two dozen rocket strikes into its territory overnight and into this morning. >> cnn's john vause is watching the administration for us in jerusalem. we know secretary of state john kerry was leading this effort over the week end to get both sides to agree to a cease-fire. what is the resumption of fighting doing now to those efforts? >> well, clearly not a good sign for the diplomatic efforts here and it seems that right now neither hamas nor the israelis are really ready to compromise on their key demands for an end to this conflict. and the problem we had with that meeting in paris on saturday
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with john kerry, the secretary of state, there were foreign ministers from six other countries attending but not one israeli, not one palestinian turned up. they weren't invited so it seems unlikely there was ever going to be a cease-fire deal which came out of that. and it does seem that the long they are goes on the more both sides dig in, the more they are unwilling to compromise and the hardier it becomes to find some kind of diplomatic solution. it will end. i guess the question is when and how. christi? >> john, if i want to ask you about the possibility of that this is for israel as well the war to end all wars. we heard that from hamas. is there a plan to extend this? is this going to be another occupation there in gaza? >> it certainly does seem there is a very real possibility that the ground operation could be expanded significantly. we heard from the israeli defense minister on friday essentially telling the israeli troops "be ready for that."
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now that the talk of a seven-day-long cease-fire has failed, this 24 hour humanitarian cease-fire has failed, that does now seem to be a possibility. let's go to the spokesperson for the idf and ask him directly about that. what we would like to know now, lieutenant colonel, is are we looking at an expended military operation on the ground inside gaza? >> well, john, frankly we don't know at this time. indeed, the idf is focussed in dealing with the tunnels. we have extensionive operations on the ground in order to sever those tunnels leading into israel. >> how much longer will that take? you're about halfway through, right? >> we're habit halfway through indeed. the problem with these tunnels -- and i visited them just on friday -- the extensiveness, the way they are built, the way they bring them from the greenhouses, from the houses themselves, going three kilometers right into israel. it takes time to deal with that. and we want to make sure that
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the hole length of those things are actually dealt with. >> i know this is a political question but there is pressure growing on israel because of the images coming out of gaza, the death toll is incredibly high. is there a calculation within the idf that eventually the will be a political decision made that that this has to deescalate, which means you have to speed up the work you're currently doing right now? >> first of all, you have to define -- differentiate between the two two components. one, the visuals we are seeing is just the surface because those are actually -- when we went into the outskirts, the periphery of the towns, what we met is like three lines of defensive positions that hamas have intentionally been building within the civilian component. you have to tunnels underground, you have to houses which are -- i spoke to commanders yesterday in the field and what they were telling me is that there are flat screen televisions with closed circuit televisions so that they know which house to
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detonate. that's one component of what is on going. second component is where does it actually lead us? now, we have to, as the military, we have to be prepared in order to expand if required. we have to be prepared in order to take the necessary steps, but we also have to be prepared to enable to decommission the tunnels as quick as possible. if we're hold that the mission will end tomorrow or in the next six hours we will know how to decommission the maximum amount of tunnels in a short period of time. of course, our preference is that we are able to completely erase this threat from our communities of southern israel. >> we just heard from karl penhaul, you couldn't hear him so i'll tell you what he said. he's in gaza. he said what he's being told by hamas, this is a fight to death now. what's your intelligence telling you about their ability to continue to fire rockets, their ability to do that. are they willing to go all the way here? >> indeed, we have seen a repeated i would say a reflex -- natural reflex to a situation where they have every time
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there's been a cease-fire on the table they have taken it up a step with aggression. so i don't know if they're actually fighting to the death but, indeed, they are putting themselves as an organization, as a terrorist body at great risk and i'm pretty sure that they don't want to actually leave the arena. on our behalf, we have no problem with them if they want to run gaza as long as they don't threaten us. four times the instance of cease-fire has been on the table they proved yesterday and this is, i think, something that is extremely important, they proved yesterday in the 12 hours, in that frame of 12 hours where they stopped fire that they actually have control over everybody. so the decision last night at 8:00 p.m. to begin fire is a calculated decision to carry out further aggression. >> lieutenant colonel peter learn we are the idf. a spokesperson. and this is a very good point because it's often been said whether or not hamas does, in fact, control the faction there is because it's not just hamas within the gaza strip, there are the militant facts like islamic
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jihad as well. peter, making the point that hamas does, in fact, control all of them, at least for that period of time. victor and christi, back to you. >> john vause and lieutenant colonel peter learner, we thank you so much. >> this morning, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu will be here on cnn discussing the latest efforts on a cease-fire. he'll be candy crowley's guest right here on cnn. let's talk about another big story. the evacuation of the u.s. embassy in tripoli. the witnesses say there was a lot of movement with fighter jets and helicopters around the time the americans wr moved out. >> i want to show you these pictures from the department now. take a look here. they show u.s. marine there is securing the departure of embassy staff. about 150 personnel, including 80 marines, were driven out of the libyan capital early saturday, yesterday, as militia fighting intensified. >> they were take on the the neighboring tunisia under heavy
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military cover, including the f-16 fighter jets and the osprey aircraft. a state department spokeswoman says embassy employees will continue working from washington and elsewhere in the region. >> in the meantime, the state department is ordering all u.s. citizens to leave libya immediately. u.s. secretary of state john kerry urged the factions to seek a political solution but keeping our eye on that situation there. a couple who refuses to believe that their daughter died in the flight 17 crash has finally made it to the site of the wreckage. why they've risked their lives on that little sliver of hope. and the "costa concordia" cruiseship. it's completed its final voyage to its ultimate resting place more than two years after it capsized in fact, there's a new victim of identity theft every...three...seconds. so you have to ask yourself, am i next?
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been informed but the identity will not be released just yet to the public. >> early findings from one of the plane's black boxes, though, revealed the fuselage was hit multiple times by shrapnel and that it's consistent with a missile. this is according to cbs news. cnn has not been able to confirm that information. >> and australian police will join a dutch-led police negotiation the crash site. the first of the australian team will arrive some time later today. politicians plead for more access at the crash site, too. there's one family who's taking matters into their own hands. >> ken lah introduces us to parents who went all the try the war-torn ukraine in search of answers about their daughter. >> reporter: nothing could keep these parents from flight 17's wreckage, not a bloody conflict, not a breakaway republic filled with armed rebels. >> of course i cry. we thought how will we survive this?
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we couldn't believe it. >> reporter: even being this close, they still don't want to believe that their only child, fatima, is gone. the 25-year-old aerospace engineer aimed to be an astronaut one day and hoped space exploration could bring peace on earth. >> she would challenge me if i would give up. she has a training in not giving up. >> reporter: neither will her parents. the australians flew to ukraine armed only with shock, grief, and hope to find their daughter alive. >> go, go, go. >> we need to go. >> reporter: we met them on the ukrainian side of the conflict as they fought to get to the rebel-held territory of donetsk. >> couple minutes, please. >> reporter: local government officials urged them not to go warn them the fighting was getting worse. embassy workers on the phone begged them to stay. >> you have not sorted this out. please doe do not contact me
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anymore. >> reporter: refusing to listen, they left in a private car, crossing rebel blockades to their daughter's plane that the u.s. says the rebels shot down. they are the first of the families to come here. seeing is not believing. >> i really want no condolences. i really say this. no condolences. >> reporter: denial is powerful. a parent's grief unyielding. cnn, kiev, ukraine. >> the challenges ahead for the investigators, after you watch that and the families go there and they want answers but they can't get them because investigators aren't allowed there yet. >> investigators can't get them yet. >> there's a huge challenge to get to all of the crash scene. will the hostile rebels allow those investigators to do their job? >> and we have more on the dramatic evacuation of american diplomats at the u.s. embassy in libya.
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marines at the ready. we'll talk to a former fbi investigator about security concerns on both stories. ♪ ♪ ♪here i am. rock you like a hurricane♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle. tdrink something that is acidicy on a daily basis. those acids made over time wear the enamel. i recommend pronamel. pronamel helps to defend the enamel from the acids in our diet... it helps to strengthen the teeth.
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in the eastern ukrainian city of donetsk this morning. >> will it mean investigators will get less access than they've already had to the flight 17 crash site? we want to bring in cnn law enforcement analyst tom fuentez. >> tom, the australians are sending in police to this area. what will be the role of these, i believe the number is 40, these 40 police officers going into this crash site, into the area of donetsk? >> that's a very good question, victor, and good morning. i think that the idea that 40, 50, or even a couple hundred police officers, even if they have their side arms with them, are going to stand up to these rebels with ak-47s, rocket launchers, missiles, i think they're only going allowed to do that if the rebels choose to let them. it's not a question of what the ukrainian government wants. the ukrainian government does not control the ground that that debris is sitting on and the human remains are sitting on.
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so it's really going to be a question of, you know, what do the rebels allow and, you know, if they'll even let them in. >> tom, you say this and i know people are sitting here thinking "it's so outrage dwlus a rebel group is basically holding europe in the palm of its hands." it has control of this international crime scene and nobody can get through a rebel group. why is europe so afraid to stand up to putin? are they waiting for the us to come in and take control of it on its own? do they think it's the u.s. problem, i guess? >> i think so. and i think that people got comfortable during the cold war that in the days of the soviet union, the evil empire, as ronald reagan called them, that the u.s. will protect the world and you had the two superpowers to face off against each other. in the absence of the cold war, everybody criticizes the u.s. for the use of military power around the world until something like this happens and then
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everybody says "please come help us, please come save us." ukraine is not a nato country and the europeans, nato, the other countries, don't feel compelled to go in and rescue the ukraine from now the russian federation and vladimir putin. so i think that that fear does prevail. >> but they're afraid from him for what reason? is it the energy? is it the economy? >> well, not just that, but he's shown he's not afraid to use his military might, whether it's in crimea to take over and now that's not even a disputed area anymore, everybody's just said "oh, he took it, i guess we'll let him keep it." he's used his military if georgia. he's used cyber attacks in the baltics. i mean, he has shown that he's not a free -- he has military powers, he's restoring his country to the old days of glory when the world feared them and the more people attack him and the more you hear this talk of well, we're going to make the
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russian people pay and they're going to make him change, that's not how it works. when you make the people pay, whether it's aerial bombing or starvation or whatever, they only stand more firmly behind their leader. they're only convinced all the more their that their leader is saving them from the evil west. as the tensions rise, he's not going to back off and he's shown that. >> tom, let's turn to libya for a moment. the state department evacuated the embassy in tripoli. was this the right call? what was the tipping point here? we're saying "tripoli" and that's what's happening now but were they thinking benghazi when they decided to get everyone out? >> i think they were. i think benghazi showed that no matter what happens if there are enough militants in the area that want to attack or if they're just attacking each other, if they're in the midst of a civil were that a u.s. facility is vulnerable, including a u.s. embassy even a
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contingent of marines. it's not going to be a match in terms of a major attack should one occur. and if you have that much fighting going on in close proximity, it's very easy for the fighters to turn and go after the embassy. >> tom fuentes with us this morning. tom, thank you so much. >> thank you, tom. >> you're welcome. there is a manhunt in philadelphia under they morning. police are hunting for the carjackers who drove into a fruit stand, killed three children, and critically injured their mother. >> and another killer on the loose. this one for almost 40 years. but tonight might be the beginning of the end for him when john walsh premiers a new episode of "the hunt." . wondering what that is? that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit."
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take a nice breather, it's sunday morning, 32 minutes past the hour. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. here are five other stories you need to new for your new day. becke philadelphia is on the hunt for a carjacker who led to the death of three children. police say the men carjacked a woman at gunpoint friday night. investigators say they lost control, crashed into a mother and her three children selling
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fruit on the sidewalk. a 15-year-old girl, 10-year-old boy, and seven-year-old boy all killed and the mom is still in critical condition. more than a thousand homes dangerously close to a wildfire have been evacuated. this is in northern california. at least five homes have burned already and officials say the fire is threatening more than 500 more. now, the flames have already scorched 4,000 acres. a canadian citizen is free on a thousand dollars bond after he was detain bade swat team on an airport in toronto. 25-year-old ali shahi made a bomb threat during a flight to panama city. that swat raid, as you see, captured on cell phone video. he's charged with endangering the safety of an aircraft as well as other crimes. his father says shahi is mentally ill. francois hollande has declared three days of mourning to remember the victims of the air algerie plane crash. 54 victims were french
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nationals. meanwhile, a u.n. official says the second flight data recorder from the plane has been found in mali. there were no survivors of thursday's crash and the wreckage was found in a "disintegrated" state. these are the last few hours for the "costa concordia." the wrecked cruise ship is expected to arrive in genoa, italy, later today where it will be cut up for scrap metal. 32 people were killed when that cruise ship ran aground in 2012. already this morning there have been big explosions in gaza. >> and rocket and mortar fire across the border in israel. a short time ago, israel announced it's resuming military operations from the ground, air, and sea in gaza. >> israel says there have been incessant rocket attacks by hamas overnight and into this morning. earlier, the israeli security cabinet agreed to a 24-hour
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cease-fire extension but hamas rejected that saying it will not tolerate any israeli troops remaining in gaza. >> joining us now from jerusalem is a spokesman for the u.n. relief and works agency. most folks know it as unwa. >> thank you for joining us. the palestinian death toll now exceeds a thousand. i know you're not a politician, but in your view does hamas's position bolster the notion that it's using civilians and institutions as shields? >> well, let us look at the situation for civilians, first of all, because they are the prime concern for us. the situation of civilians in gaza is catastrophic right now. there is a human displacement crisis which has driven 10% of the population of gaza into unra
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shelters. breaking news for you, there are now about 170,000 desperate civilian, traumatized people in 83 shelters which unra is running. these are ordinarily schools for a thousand students who come in the morning and leave in the afternoon. some of them have over 2,000 people in them 24/7. so we in unra are prioritizing water, of course, because every liter of water that is consumed has to be trucked in by us amid the fighting. we are prioritizing food, of course, and mattresses. but make no mistake about it, there is a fence around gaza. there is nowhere for civilians to run and nowhere is safe in gaza as we discovered so tragically three days ago at our school where shelling took the lives of women and children. civilians have suffered enough. of course we are appalled by these reports that the cease-fire is breaking down, but we again appeal to the warring
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factions, to the warring parties, to abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law and to respect the sanctity of civilian life and the inviolability of united nations premises. >> we heard that more than 100 bodies were discovered during the cease-fire that were too dangerous to get to while the conflict was going on. is there a fear that there could be a hundred or hundreds more? how many of these very dangerous areas are there that still have not been searched? >> well, of course your very question eloquently implies why we need a cease-fire. we need to find out. imagine the impact of this on civilian -- on family life in gaza. your families disappear, there are reports of buildings collapsing, of people being pulled out of rubble. the denial of a dignified death, of a dignified burial, should i say, is the ultimate denial of human dignity and i think your
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question gets to the very heart of that human dignity crisis that civilians are now seeing in gaza so the guns will fall silent, we must see to civilian need and, of course, that includes the issue at the heart of your question which is recovering the bodies and restoring some semblance of normality in the recovery period which we in unra fervently pray can begin soon. >> we know at least 16 people were killed last week at the u.n. school in gaza. you've said that the israeli army knew that that was a shelter and ignored the attempts to coordinate its evacuation. israel says, though, that the attack may have come from within gaza. do you have any more clarity on what happened there? >> good question and let me be very clear now. we are not accusing the israeli army of anything. we have made it clear that we gave them the precise gps
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coordinates of that school which was clearly marked with a blue u.n. flag and we spent hours on the phone pleading with them to allow a pause so there could be an evacuation of civilians and in the end, unra did not receive a positive response and the consequences were there for everyone to see. it was appalling to see that suffering. we tried to get a team to survey the scene which included an international munitions expert. sadly, there was a shooting instance around the school we had to abandon that attempt but we have made a call for an immediate and comprehensive investigation by the israelis and we trust and we pray we will get that because that is what the victims of this appalling incident at the school last week -- earlier, must have. >> christopher guinness, thank you so much bringing us the news from your vantage point and best
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of luck to you as you try to help those folks there. thank you. today at 9:00 p.m. eastern, ben rhodes will be right here on cnn discussing the latest in efforts toward the temporary cease-fire in gaza. he'll be candy crowley's guest on "state of the union." that's this morning 9:00 eastern right here on cnn. after allegedly murdering his family 38 years ago, brad bishop has been on the run all these decades. but his days of hiding may end tonight if john walsh has anything say about it. a preview of tonight's all new episode of "the hunt" in a moment. foods you eat -he but do you know what's in your skincare? neutrogena naturals. a line of nutrient-rich skincare with pure, naturally derived ingredients, carefully chosen and clinically proven to cleanse, purify and moisturize... and you'll never find any harsh chemical sulfates, parabens or unnecessary additives. healthy skin-starts from within. neutrogena naturals.
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a man went from a dedicated career at the state department to a cold-blooded killer in just one day, according to investigators. they say william brd ford bishop found out he was passed over for a promotion on march 1, 1976. then police say he left work early, bought a sledgehammer, and killed his entire family. he allegedly buried them in a shallow grave and set a fire leading police right to the scene but even with evidence everywhere, bishop always seemed to be one step ahead.
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>> two and a half hours south of the grave site bishop was observed in the store and he purchased a pair of low top tennis shoes. >> he uses his credit card to identify himself at a store that he has to know we're going to find. >> they were breathing down his neck. that's what everybody thought. >> but bishop got away and he's still on the loose. john walsh, the host of cnn's "the hunt" told me why this case has haunted him for decades. watch. >> he's been on the run for 38 years and he's accused of killing his own mother, his own wife, and his three beautiful sons. one of those sons was only five years old. so you're exactly right. there is a special place in hell for these kind of guys. he's been spotted all over the globe and i just pray that tonight we'll be able to find brad bishop. >> you say "spotted all over the globe" in stockholm, sorrento and italy as well. multilingual, english, french,
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spanish, italian, serbo croatian. he could be in the u.s. but he could be overseas as well. >> very smart guy. worked to the state department for years and they brought him back to bethesda, maryland. everybody thought he had the american dream -- beautiful wife, three beautiful kids, his mother lived with him, helped without the kids. but he was so disenchanted with the fact that he wasn't somewhere in an outpost somewhere in the rest of the world that people think when he didn't get promoted back 38 years ago that day he went out and bought a sledgehammer, a gasoline can and a shovel, went home and killed his mother, three children and his wife and drove to north carolina, dug a shallow grave and set them on fire. so this guy could be anywhere. he's smart, you're right, victor. he's very smart, went to yale, has a master's degree. he's very cunning. a couple sightings in europe were very powerful.
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a co-worker saw in him in the bathroom in sorrento and he said "hey, brad, how will you?" and the guy ran out of the bathroom. >> brad bishop has been on the run for 38 years now and just this past spring he was added to the fbi's list of the ten most wanted. there must be some belief that he's still alive out there but people should not believe that they're approaching a mellowed old man here. >> no, you're absolutely right, victor. this guy could look just like somebody's grandparents but according to cops he's a serial killer and he could be anywhere, you're right. now fbi and marshals have teamed up to make him their top guy and now the fbi is saying don't forget, he could still be living in the united states. he could be the guy next door that mows your lawn or works at the beach somewhere. he could be anywhere but we think he was in europe for several years but, you know, i've chased guys all over the world and i hope tonight the world is going to be a much
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smaller place when he's on the hunt. >> you can help bring this man to justice, the details of the case, all of them, will be on tonight on "the hunt" with john walsh at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn. today is a somber anniversary for john walsh. his son adam was abducted from a department store on this day back in 1981. 33 years ago. adam was just six years old. his remains were found two weeks later and we thank john for everything he has done to turn that pain into his greatest calling. business, with startup ny. we've created tax free zones throughout the state. and startup ny companies will be investing hundreds of millions of dollars in jobs and infrastructure. thanks to startup ny, businesses can operate tax free for 10 years. no property tax. no business tax. and no sales tax. which means more growth for your business, and more jobs.
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2:51 am
israel is restarting its offensive against hamas after a short cease-fire came to an end. >> this morning, the familiar sight of black smoke rising up from rocket blasts are gak in gaza. it will add to the devastation palestinians saw firsthand yesterday there. israel agreed to extend saturday's 12-hour cease-fire if it could continue to destroy hamas's tunnels but hamas rejected that and the fighting started again. >> we're joined live from the israel/gaza border. atika, we know during that 12 hour cease-fire the tunnel
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destruction continued. give us an idea of the progress the israeli troops are making on destroying that network. >> this was one of the primary objectives of the idf, the israel defense forces. they found four new tunnel shorts during the cease-fire yesterday and they found more than 30 overall. they say they've destroyed roughly about half of them but they still want to continue with that work. we're on the israeli side of the border here about roughly a kilometer away from the gaza border and even on this side we've actually been seeing patrols by room looking for infiltration points from those tunnels. we had some video we shot a little while ago showing a bulldozer -- an excavator looking for those infiltration points and patrols. because what's been happening is they've been encountering militants inside these tunnels and there have been a number of soldiers killed in that way, quite a few of them combat engineers who are, of course,
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specialists in collapsing these tunnels so this has been a main focus of the military even as the cease-fire was going on, victor. >> so, akita, we've been talking about how things are ramping up there. how extensive have you seen the rocket fire this morning? >> well, essentially it's gone back to normal. we've heard outgoing rocket from gaza into israel. there was a siren in ash a lon, a city on the coast and then interceptions over the skies and sincen this this morning we've been hearing the booms of what we presume is the israeli military attacking positions inside gaza. from our position here less than a kilometer away from the border we can see some of the struction inside gaza. you can see whole buildings flattened, neighborhoods razed to the ground. there doesn't seem to be as much activity in that area of gaza this morning but we keep hearing
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this fire, these booming explosions. we presume that's either artillery or some other sort of strike that the israel military is focussing on inside gaza. in particular, this time, on rocket launches because that's what they're focused on since there have been some so many coming over from gaza. >> atika shubert, stay safe to you and your crew there and thank you very much. >> thank you, atika. more on the dramatic evacuation of american diplomats and foreign service workers at the u.s. embassy in libya. we'll lay out all the details and the heavy security surrounding that operation. unlimited cash back. let that phrase sit with you for a second. unlimited. as in, no limits on your hard-earned cash back. as in no more dealing with those rotating categories. the quicksilver card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase, every day. don't settle for anything less. i'll keep asking. what's in your wallet?
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2:58 am
welcome back to today, sunday, i'm 'm meteorologist jennifer gray. we are watching the potential for severe weather today. the focus is going to be the mid-atlantic and up into the northeast. right now we are seeing rain already coming down through portions of d.c. we've had heavier rain earlier, now the rain is starting to taper off a little bit. baltimore, you've got a little bit of rain as well. we're seeing just a tad in new york city, mare rain is coming for you later. what we're dealing with, warm air to the south colliding with much cooler air to the north. it's creating a slight risk of severe weather, anywhere from boston down through new york, d.c., and then a moderate risk points to the west. so our main threat today will be very gusty winds, we could see large hail and then a very
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slight risk of an isolated tornado or two so we're going to be watching that very, very closely. the other thing we're watching will be the heat as well. first we want to mention the rainfall, though. three to five inches of rain near charleston, two to four inches just on the other side of detro detroit. new york city could pick up an inch as well as boston. here's a look at that heat, though. as that cool air comes down, the opposite is happening on the other side of the country. we're having very warm temperatures all the way from the west side of the mississippi. so temperatures in the south today until that cooler air catches up. it will feel like the triple digits. this is when you factor in this that heat index. atlanta will feel like 101, albany 104. month gulf of mexico tri same. as you head to the west, dallas will feel like 109 today. oklahoma city 106. guys. feeling the heating in the south. >> i feel like that just came out of nowhere. >> we saw the triple digits and we went wait a minute, what did you say in. >> that just came out november where. >> i know.
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it felt nice last week and now the heat is back and it will cool off a bit in the coming morning with us. >> live coverage of the cease-fire continues on "new day sunday" right now. >> grab your coffee and breakfast, sit back and relax. we've got a lot to tell you this morning. glad to have your company. >> 6:00 here on the east coast. this is "new day sunday." that cease-fire is no more because the fighting is raging again in gaza. >> there have been explosions, billowing smoke, the israeli military said it's resuming aerial, ground and sea strikes. this came shortly after the israeli cabinet agreed to a 24-hour cease-fire extension but it says, quote, incessant rocket attacks by hamas overnight and into this morning violated that humanitarian
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