tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN July 31, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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-- captions by vitac -- thanks so much for joining us. the breaking news of seize fire in israel and gaza continues with ""ac 360"". good evening, thanks for joining us. we're live tonight now and at 10:00 eastern time. the ebola outbreak, doctors get ready to receive two critically ill americans affected. the first time anyone with ebola will be in the united states and in the middle east where it is 3:00 a.m., three weeks into the bloody war between israel and hamas. secretary kerry say the two sides have agreed to a humanitarian truce taking effected in a few hours. >> israel and the palestinian factions have agreed that they
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are now prepared to implement a 72 hour unconditional humanitarian seize fire. starting later this morning at 8:00, august 1st, the parties are expected to seize all offensive military activities. and neither side will advance beyond its current locations. >> that seize fire is supposed to take place some five hours from now, 8:00 a.m. local time. forces on the ground will stay in place as secretary kerry said and from the sirens we've been hearing since word of the agreement came, it appears no one is seizing fire just yet. that is still to come. as our talks in cairo and helping none combatants during a narrow time frame. they are overwhelmed at the breaking point in gaza city. we have correspondence in gaza city, israel and washington.
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let's start with jim sciutto who has the latest how the deal was arrived, terms and more importantly, what happens now. what do we know? >> let's talk about the details first this is meant to begin with a 72-hour seize fire, three days, it will begin tomorrow at 8:00 a.m. local time in gaza and the muslim faith, the day of friday prayer gives a chance for people to get food they need, medical aid, sadly to bury the dead, visit homes they had to evacuate because of the bombing but also to give a window for talks on a more durable seize fire to last beyond that 72-hour window, which they say can be extent extented. considering where we were this morning, this is a surprise announcement, small step forward but a breakthrough in what has been a bloody, bloody, brutal two weeks of war. >> the statement says forces on the ground will remain in place during the seize fire. do we know if that means that for israel that they continue operations to destroy the
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tunnels? >> absolutely. they will be able to continue in the words of a state department official to act defensively, continue tunnel operations, anti tunnel operations behind current lines, current battle lines as far as they advanced to this point and this echo statements the prime minister netanyahu said quote, i will not agree to any proposal that does not allow the idf to complete the work, which he said is important for security of israel's future. this is a size fire but not all fire will seize, in fact. >> in terms of negotiations, the details on that, it's not just hamas, there is palestinian authority and jihad and the plo. >> that's right. the key players here are certainly the u.s., israel, palestinian leaders with egypt serving as the key mediator, leading and the location of these talks, which we're told can begin as soon as tomorrow. it is key, as you mentioned, not
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just hamas is present. the palestinian authority, mohammed abas's leadership to have the palestinian authority. they refused to deal with hamas directly and in their vision, the only partner they have for peace is the palestinian authority and west bank. >> appreciate the details. let's get the latest from wolf blitzer in jerusalem. what are you hearing about seize fire, wolf? >> reporter: they decided to go along with it. the defense minister, israeli officials say they did have the authority from the security cabinet to go ahead and accept this proposal and conveyed directly to the secretary of state john kerry and un secretary general. it's a very controversial decision, anderson, as you know, there are members of the security cabinet, including the
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foreign minister, others like bennett who will oppose the seize fire. they want israel to crush hamas as much as possible and not hold back. they not only want defensive measures like blowing up and destroying tunnels, but go on the offense and find hamas' infrastructure, find the rockets, go after them. this will be controversial. we'll see the impact it has on the government the prime minister put together, but it will be controversial. it's interesting that only israeli officials are telling us they accepted a formal statement from prime minister netanyahu, no statement to the nation, no direct address has come forward. they recognize this will be controversial. the israeli public will be divided, some will say yes, it's a good idea but plenty of others say don't do a seize fire, crush hamas as much as possible bump you accept a deal. so there will be controversy here. >> wolf, this
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-- netanyahu was speaking, this is the first demilitarization, it didn't sound like the end of the operation was in sight then. was part of that tough talk to prompt the other side to agree to a seize fire, do you think? >> it wasn't just tough talk. the israelis were clearly bracing for an expanded operation, as you know, this morning they announced 16,000 reservist ed would be activated, mobile lized. that brings 86,000 reservists called to duty. that's a small number. they were clearly gearing up for a bigger operation. that's why this announcement came as a big surprise to a lot of folks because everyone is sort of anticipating that israel was going to go on and expand the operation as opposed to just standing firm. they will not withdraw troops from gaza. they will stay in place. they will not under take offensive of rages, no air
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strikes, no naval strikes, ground strikes but will continue the destruction of the hamas tunnels. one thing i should point out, the general in charge of the southern command said yesterday he thought the israeli tunnel operation was nearly complete, so maybe it is complete by now. that's what would allow netanyahu and the defense minister to go ahead and accept the deal put forward. >> wolf, appreciate the update. we want to go to southern israel where the seize fire keeps coming but the rockets keep coming. we're less than five hours away. since the announcements, rockets have been fired and what have you been seeing and hearing? >> reporter: look, about a couple hours ago, actually an hour and a half ago, we heard from the idf there were sirens going on, three rockets that came over, two fell into the mediterranean, one had to be taken out by the iron dome, that
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means it's headed towards a populated area. we were in an area where one rocket fell into a neighborhood and it blasted a couple of cars across the street, injured someone who had to be taken to the hospital. pop marks all over the homes. we have also been hearing a lot of artillery fire, booms from here out going towards gaza. it has been quiet, i will add, from the artillery for about a couple of hours, anderson. it's the quietest we've heard it. we've been here for four nights and it's been a constant sound in the background, that sound of the artillery just going and going and going and we have heard the sirens, as well, today, taking cover ourselves a couple of times. so, you know, this has -- usually what happens and you know this from being the region yourself, the last time that there was a war between israel and gaza, usually right before the seize fire is when both sides try to pound each other,
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but we're not hearing that in the last couple of hours. a little difference and gives people a little hope maybe this will hold but the last time it lasted only 12 hours and it wasn't a seize fire because there were rockets coming from gaza to israel. >> thanks very much. to gaza city where the military was continuing their operation just hours ahead of the seize fire. john is there for us. john what is the latest on the ground from there? >> well, essentially to repeat what sarah just told you from her position, pretty much confirmed for you here in gaza city, it is very quiet. again, a few hours ago, there was out going rocket fire coming from hamas, at least four of them from my position here. they could have been firing from eloque elsewhere. we're hearing heavy weapons fire, maybe .50 caliber machine guns being fired to the east of us in the neighborhood, which israel repeatedly flattened over the last three weeks here, and
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again, we heard the sound of that incoming artillery, but it's been quiet. >> you were reporting live when the last seize fire failed. any reason to believe that this is going to be different this time? >> well, that last seize fire was a four-hour humanitarian pause announced by israel and hamas, never agreed to it. they said this isn't a seize fire. we will not be controlled by israel. we'll conduct this war on our own terms, if you like, and they accused israelis of doing that as a media stunt. this time they said they will abide by this seize fire providing the other party, israel, sticks to the agreement and this does feel different for two reasons. as sarah said in the past, when we come up with the seize fire, there is a flurry of activity to hammer the other side as much as they can before they have to stop.
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that's not happening and because if you look behind me, it's pitch black out there. this is the third night it's been like this and there is no electricity here and a lot of people are suffering here in gaza. >> yeah, i know you were out reporting today on the lack of basic services like water and electricity. the power plant, there were explosions days ago, sewage treatment, water treatment and the like. how important is the seize fire for civilians to take care of basic needs. i talked to coordinator, he said they had some 220,000 displaced people in un facilities and 85 to 86 un facilities and said they are at the breaking point. >> yeah, and that's absolutely right. it's not just the 200,000 people in the un facilities. we're also hearing from the united nations saying they believe they have another 250,000 people being forced from their homes, staying with
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friends, family, they are staying under tents or sheets, which are strung up as tents about the hospital, living in parking lots. living beside the road. that's 450,000 people. that's a quarter of the population here in gaza. 1.7 million people live here. 450,000 people forced from their home. that's a lot of people. there are shortages. diesel is running low. water supplies can be running low. without electricity, people are running on generators. without diesel for the generators in the coming days, what water pumps are working will no longer work. raw sewage is running into the sea here. so yeah, this is dire here right now. people are suffering. you know, they talk tough. really, they want this to end. >> appreciate it. thank you. be careful. the guinea as the seize fire approaches, four hours and 45 minutes away. we'll cover developments throughout the night. we're live at the 10:00 hour.
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reaction from diplomats and former diplomats on both sides about the agreement tonight and negotiations ahead. hey, i heard you guys can help me with frog protection? yeah, we help with fraud protection. we monitor every purchase every day and alert you if anything looks unusual. wow! you're really looking out for us. we are. and if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you're never held responsible. just to be clear, you are saying "frog protection" right? yeah, fraud protection. frog protection. fraud protection. frog. fraud. fro-g. frau-d. i think we're on the same page. we're totally on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. fraud protection. get it at you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!!
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a.m. local time in gaza and israel. that's less than five hours from now. talks between the two sides could begin in cairo as soon as tomorrow. joining us is chief of the delegation in washington. thanks for being with us. have all factions agreed to this seize fire including both political and military arms of hamas and jihad? >> it seems so, anderson. i think this agreement enjoys the support of all the palestinian factions, president spent the last 4 hours with different factions with regional players in order to arrive at the truce or seize fire to allow for political negotiations to take place. >> what is different this time? last time hamas rejected seize fire and said israel's agreement to it was basically just for show. >> well, i think, you know, each
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side for tactical purposes did not believe that the other side was serious. hamas thought israel wanted to provide humanitarian short period. they were looking for longer period. they accepted, they rejected. this time around it's different. this is a very important step forward, but a lot is needed, a lot is needed to be done when they meet in cairo. the difficult issues will be discussed when they engage in cairo. >> the agreement says the forces on the ground will remain in place. as you know, israeli prime minister said earlier today, no matter what, the idf would continue the mission to destroy tunnels that hamas has dug into israel. is that something acceptable to you, to all the parties? >> you know, the political level, especially in israel will try to, you know, give the impression that the israelis are in control, in charge. i think i wouldn't give so much
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significance to these statements. i think on the ground, we will hopefully witness quiet to enable the parties to go to egypt and to discuss the underlying causes. hopefully, that will lead to a longer term agreement to maintain quiet and to lift the blockade on the palestinians who live in the gaza strip. >> for you, what is essential? i assume lifting the blockade? >> absolutely. gaza is an open jail, eight palestinians for seven years, israel controlled land, sea and air. it's the time people of gaza live in dignity and freedom and there has to be certain arrangements that will also make sure that this kind of violence is not repeated and that israel should not be allowed to have a free hand on targeting innocent civilians the way they targeted them. >> do you see a role for the palestinian authority in gaza? >> very, very important role.
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i think the fact that president brokered this agreement working with the palestinian factions, the palestinian delegation will influid all factions and the fact these negotiations will focus on opening the crossing points, the palestinian authority will play an important role. keep in mind, anderson, there is a national consensus government approved by hamas formed on june 2nd and this consensus government was planning before the israeli on slot on gaza to create arrangements in gaza, for the palestinian authority to return. >> secretary kerry said he wants to build momentum, goodwill on each side. that's difficult to do. the israelis will insist on the demilitarization on gaza as part
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of a long-term solution. is that a non-starter for hamas and the authority? >> absolutely. any talk of demilitarization, the palestinians said they will accept a demilitarize once israel and the military occupation. the palestinians have the right to defend themselves. they are under occupation. they are the ones subjected to continuous israeli violations and therefore, any talk about demilitarization, maybe israel should offer to take certain goodwill gestures by saying one space is achieved. we will also abandoned our nuclear arsenal and we will also abandon our offensive weapons. once peace is achieved, there is no reason for either party to be concerned about the other attacking them, but the end of the occupation is the key element. >> as you know, israel will say, look, hamas, does not acre cement the existence of the state of israel. so to say there will be no concern, is that really
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reasonable for israelis to trust hamas? >> hamas is saying why the israeli occupation continues, they are not willing to recognize orde deal with israel. that's their decision. they believe that this is a correct position. they want israel to show willingness to end its military occupation of the palestinian people, allow the palestinian people to have an independent state. i believe in due time, hamas will join the main stream political position of the palestinian people and will be able to sign on just comprehensive deal that will end the israeli occupation and allow for palestinians to live in freedom and dignity. >> appreciate your time. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, sir. >> i want to bring in former israeli ambassador of the united states, danny. thank you for being with us. you heard some of the statements
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made by the ambassador. i'm wondering if you have any comments on them. >> well, first of all, israel has welcomed repeatedly seize fires. we do not want to hurt anybody, at least civilians. it was hamas that broke and never acre cementcepted seize f. hamas provoked and instigated the crisis, and i would like to remien remind that israel left ga sast in 2005, seven, eight years ago we uprooted all our communities over there. we gave gaza to the palestinians until the last inch since we did that in the hope that this would change their attitudes towards peace, we have received more than 15,000 rockets on our civil populations. so of course, we would
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appreciate the seize fire as i observe the government of prime minister netanyahu, they are reluctant warriors. they don't know when to start and continue. the lessons from this operation is not enough. it's ideology jihad or alibi da. this is why detour rauerrence i enough. so we need to see not just deterrence, as they are not detoured by death but we need to see neutralizing defense capabiliti capabilities. this is why they insist on demilitarization of gaza so they will not be able at will to target civilians again.
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>> when you say you pulled out of gaza, that's true in terms of forces on the ground, you do control boarders to gaza and the fishing rights, i mean, you control who comes in and out of gaza. >> only as a response to the hamas and the plo and actually creating a launching pad of attacks on israel from gaza. if the gazaens or palestinians over there would accept effective, reliablreliable, mon regime it wouldn't be a problem, but you see, they always accused us for not understanding. they imported a lot of cement for building, but we find out now that most of the cement was put in under ground for all this tunnel war, attack tunnel war from which they wanted to attack
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it, indeed attack and kidnap a soldier. so we see this is a regime over there, terror regime that cannot be trusted. we need to make sure everything goes in is inspected and we would like very much gaza to flourish. this is why we left in the first place. >> how do you see this being extended beyond a 72-hour window. what is -- there have to be confidence building measures. there is a lack of trust, frankly, on all sides here. how do you go about something more permanent? >> well, probably now we will go into this phase of negotiations. they will speak in turn to maybe the people, the plo and through them to hamas and hopefully, the
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equation will be prosperity to gaza but for security for israel and to do that, there is a very special formula. everything that comes into gaza should be inspected. it shouldn't be a problem to do in a real effective way and israel can feel secure and we would benefit from prosperity in georgia gaza. the only faction that may not benefit is hamas because maybe with prosperity, maybe with more participation, this hay diminish their grip over gaza, but for the gaza people, we wish very much they would love as we would like to live without terror, without violence, without agreeg aggressi aggression. we have to remember hamas and i must correct the person before me, hamas charter is bent on the destruction of israel and it has nothing to do with the boarders
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of israel. it's the very existence of israel. >> so when he -- >> and they want to abolish. [ overlapping speakers ] >> which is not -- >> when he says he believes hamas will come on board with the palestinian authority in terms of their attitude, israel, do you ever believe that or do you believe to their core, they have this desire to see the destruction of israel? >> anderson, i will believe in what they do, not in what they say and so far, they have really been attacking civilians. it was set by the united states and the russia, eu and u.s. said for hamas to be a legitimate enter locker they must see the
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announcement and abide by former agreements. if this is the case, i would very much accept them, but they have to do that not only in english or hebrew but arbeck, as well. >> with two keen on servers think of the deal, secretary kerry and moon of the un announced tonight. they keep us entertained. they keep us inspired. they keep us hopeful, and happy. keep them safe. the eight-passenger chevrolet traverse, with the highest possible overall vehicle score for safety. chevrolet. find new roads.
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the breaking news tonight, hope for three days of seize fire, 7 2-hour humanitarian seize fire. joining us now is contributing editor for "atlantic media" and columnist and usef director of the palestine center. let me start with you. seize fire set to begin at 8:00. what has to happen in the 72-hour to be able to extend this? >> i think the most important thing, there is actually a seize
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and fire. most importantly from the side in this -- these hostilities, which is really able to inflict the most significant casualties here as we've been seeing on the ground, which is the israeli side. after that, you have to have a serious conversation about dealing with the legitimate grievances of palestinians on the ground. the challenge in the past to having durable seize fires, palestinians have been presented with two options. either they continue to live on their knees, or they die fighting on their feet and i think if they continue to be presented with such an incentive structure, we'll see a recurrence. you have to deal with legitimate grievances of people on the ground. you have to end the seeing. you have to end the denial of basic rights to the palestinian
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people, or else this is just going to be another reoccurring episode over and over. >> it's also the situation in the west bank that has to be dealt with. the head of the palestinian authority will be at the negotiations but one of the things his supporters say, look, we've gone to the root of non-violence and have got nothing out of it for the last 20 years. >> right, this is the key. he's a key player. israel has to act in a way that strengthens. israel wants to see gaza demilitarized. gaza isn't going to directly occupy gaza again. we won't do that. the root, the root that was already there, the palestinian unity government that was already going to give the palestinian authority -- >> you mean between the party and hamas? >> it was supported by the united states because it met the
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conditions. hamas supported that government, which he said accept israel's right to exist. have under that unity government the presence in gaza, go to elections to have a legitimate palestinian leadership. i think it's very unlikely, frankly, that hamas would win elections and then the political basis, it seems to me for demilitarization israel wants. the pieces have to go together. >> usif, has the palestinian authority been weakened and the fighting strengthened? >> i think the -- a lot of the conversation is focused on this between israel and hamas and the reality is, what we're seeing on the ground in the gaza strip is not that at all. you're seeing hamas, islam i can jihad, mortars brigade, the party, the democratic front and popular front for the liberation of palestine, parties that span
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the political and ideal spectrum resisting what is an attack on all palestinians. these bombs don't december criminate between members of hamas or this party or that. the siege does in the discriminate against one party or another. moments like this bring palestinians together to focus on what is really the underlying problem here, which is the denial of their basic rights, their civil, political and human rights by this israeli occupation, by this israeli system of siege and violence. so, you know, i think that the policies that we've seen in the past that have tried to play one palestinian party off of the other by either bolstering the moderates or whatever else, is actually only played into a system that has delegitimatized leaders. they should allow palestinians
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to choose their own leaders and if you have a representative palestinian leadership, you have much greater chances of having a lasting peace agreement? >> do you believe that? >> i think that's basically right. i think israel has every reason to be worried and concerned about hamas because hamas has not recognized israel's right to exist and hostile to women and gays -- >> but firing rockets and building tunnels. >> it was very, very, frightening to have rockets and israelis have been dealing with that for a long time, especially in the south. they need to bet on palestinian democracy and legitimately elected palestinian leaders and show the leaders will get something from recognizing israel's right to exist and pursuing non-violence. ink that's the best bet for the long-term safety. >> peter, usef, appreciate it. the ebola crisis deepens, travel warnings rise, american
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hospitals go on alert. an experimental drug is tried on one of two patients, as a special isolation plane is going to fly them out of africa and into the united states for the first time. it will be people infected with ebola in the united states. we'll talk to dr. sanjay gupta next about that. we come into the world hungry. and never quite get over it. seven billion hungry people who never stop eating. what's a world to do?
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welcome back, there is breaking news tonight in western africa. a charter flight is on its way to bring two american aid workers infected with ebola. they have gotten even sicker. one patient got a dose of an experimental s experimental serum. the cdc raising the warning against traveling to those countries to the highest level. dr. sanjay gupta's report in guinea, he's seen it firsthand. he joins me tonight. sanjay, this evacuation, it has to be very difficult in terms of containment and care. >> yeah, i mean, that's probably the biggest challenge,
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obviously. you have patient whose are highly infectious, small amounts of body fluid with the virus can cause infections, and you want to keep everyone on the plane safe. so the people who are actually responsible for that transport, so imagine you've seen images here but imagine a tent-like structure almost within the plane where you can still provide care through some specially created passage ways but keeps the people safe j. >> are there trained people have who have done this before who will deal with these sick people? >> what i'll tell you, around soer sound, with regard to tuberculosis, ebola, the way that think are treated is from a macro standpoint, pretty much the same. they need to be in isolation and that isolation needs to be pristine from the way the air circulates in the room, the way people are allowed to enter into the room. the rooms before you get into the room where the patient is so
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people can gown up, all of that is necessary, and really, you know, quite effective. some of those resources just aren't available in some of those remote places in africa, places you and i have visited. they don't have to this tech until. >> the serum received, do we know anything about it? >> no, there are vaccine trials, people trying to develop a vaccine for ebola and this would be a vaccine given before an infection or after an infection to try and help the person recover. this particular one, you know, we're not exactly sure who created it but it is an experimental thing because there is no approved vaccine or serum to give. you may well, as know, dr. brantly helped take care of patients with ebola and a 14-year-old boy he cared for recovered, and they actually took some of his blood, this boy's blood to give to dr. brantly -- >> wow, that's incredible.
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>> it really is extraordinary, as far as how effective it's going to be, we don't know because it's a rare circumstance but the idea is that boy's blood probably contained anti bodies to help fight the ebola virus. >> sanjay, finally, where are they going to be treated? do we know? >> we've been able to confirm this, in atlanta, the hospital where i happen to be on faculty is going to receive this patient, you know, and they have an isolation ward that is physically separate from where they care for other patient areas. this is obviously big news. a lot of people are anticipating this, but emery is sending out alerts, they sent an alert to the faculty, sometime ago saying look, we know how to take care of this. we have the isolation ward in place. it's one of four facilities in the country, and they are anticipating taking care of this patient. >> thanks. >> you got it, thank you. up next, we'll follow video
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as international investigators get back to the mh-17 crash site. we'll talk to somebody who was there today about what they saw and found. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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the site. michael, a spokesman for the security of corporation in europe joins me. michael, you were finally able to get to the crash site. what were you able to do there? >> anderson, i think in all the days we've been talking about this, today must have gone down as the most extraordinary. we crossed the front line to get back and this was the result of a last-minute taylor made seize fire that was made for this special monetary mission to ukraine. we went to the main site, had a good look around. the good news is that after almost a week, not there, absent from there, everything was more or less in tact from what we can tell. as you know, we've been out there so many times, we're able to notice subtle changes. that was the good news. of course, the sad part is that two weeks, almost to the hour that this plane came down than when we were out there today, there is still human remains out
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there. in fact, the experts detected some. they have marked it, and hopefully tomorrow things will stay calm and we can get out there. they did a good mapping to get to the heavy debris and search for more human remains. they have sniffer dogs will be needed right away. i think there is mention of aerial equipment, surveillance equipment so the land could be better searched. this goes back to time is of the essence. time is no longer on our side. this investigation has to kick start into high gear right away. >> we've talked in the last couple days, do you have personnel with you, part of a larger team from the netherlands, australia and elsewhere who are -- they have the equipment they need to actually start to pick up retrieve, some of the victims'
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remains. are there cadaver dogs, sniffer dogs in country? >> i understand they are already in country. there is quite a bit in country. apparently, there is a lot of activity behind the scenes happening that we weren't aware of. that is good news, as well. and i should say that today, the reason we stuck to the small group is we were seeing this is a new northern route quite far to the north because the one that goes exclusively through rebel-held territory is not safe. that's another factor. tomorrow if all goes well, we'll add quite a few more vehicles to the convoy so we can take as many people as possible. >> how much time do you think you need at the crash site or do the investigators think they need? do you know at this point? >> they gave an indication. they are experts. they looked at for example one of the crash site areas that
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we're familiar with where the rear stabilizers came down near the chicken farm i referred to so many times, that might take six hours to do a sweep and the other thing they came up with, today, anderson, they noticed there is a lot of land there that doesn't seem to have been searched because they noticed the grass or high stocks of corn had not been trampled over. now, it seems every time we talk there is a new layer of complication and the latest layer, of course, is that if the front line does shift even a little bit and traverses this crash site, that's the worst of all possible scenarios and indeed, today, anderson, there were huge explosions going off about 20 kilometers away and this evening when we had a press sore down stairs journalist said as we were leaving the site. we had bombs raining down upon us. it's very tricky. we're hoping that our kind of,
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again, our custom made seize fire that gives us the type of protective cocoon, if you will, will endure and allow us to do that movement in and out for as many hours a day as is required. >> i hope so. appreciate it. thanks, michael. up next, a quick update on the gaza seize fire a few hours away. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. you fifteen percent or more on huh, fiftcar insurance.uld save everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...?
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just four hours from the seize fire there are developments until the skies over southern israel. i want to go back to sarah. sarah? >> reporter: we've just heard from the israel defense force that a rocket has come over from gaza towards a crossing there that usually is where a lot of the supplies would go into gaza from israel and also during the boarder -- that area, a rocket coming over from gaza and landing short and not making it over into the israeli side, anderson? we're going to be back some, in about an hour from now, 10:00 east coast time for another live edition of 360. we want to give you as much up
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to date information ahead of the seize fire as possible. as we said, the seize fire takes place 8:00 a.m. local time in gaza and in israel. that is some four hours from now. the cnn original series "the the cnn original series "the sixties" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- the enemy of freedom has chosen to make this year the decisive one. >> something there happen, change is on the way. >> we can change america, we can change the world. >> what we need now is a reconciliation in this land. >> there is not anything wrong with you that a good haircut wouldn't cure. >> this election year of 1968 has touched the emotions. >> we go up
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