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tv   New Day Saturday  CNN  August 2, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PDT

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but in the end, people are going to remember him for one thing. being a horrible coward bully. oh, it is an early 5:00 and so we're really grateful for your company this early in the morning, i'm christi paul. >> i'm miguel marquez. we begin with new concerns about the deadly ebola virus. in a matter of hours, the first of two americans infected with ebola is expected to arrive in the u.s. >> it will be the first time in history a patient with ebola will be treated in the states, they contracted ebola while working with the christian humanitarian group in west
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africa. it's unclear who is coming back first. upon arrival, the patient will be treated at emory hospital here in atlanta. >> medical teams will travel back to liberia to get the second american once the first is here. they cannot travel together, we're told. >> amazing the logistics here. all this as the world health organization says the virus is spreading faster than efforts to contain it. in hard-hit west africa, more than 700 people have died from ebola since july. >> president obama responded to concerns an epidemic could happen here at home. >> keep in mind that ebola is not something that is easily transmitted. that's why generally outbreaks dissipate. but the key is, identifying, quarantining, isolating those who contract it. >> now, treating both victims
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will be no easy task. ebola is so infectious it typically kills up to 90% of patients who catch it. >> symptoms of the virus which is contracted by the way through the transmission of bodily fluids include fever, muscle aches, weakness, vomiting. but, again, this is not an airborne disease. how prepared is emory university to treat ebola and what kind of risk is really involved here? >> our cnn chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta is outside the hospital where the victims will be treated. good morning, sanjay. >> reporter: we had a chance to sit down and talk to the doctor who will be responsible for the care of these patients with ebola coming in from liberia. keep in mind, this has never happened before in the united states. this has never happened before in the western hemisphere where you have a patient where you have the ebola infection. it's a question of how prepared they are. also, just what is the risk and is it worth it? i sat down, talked to dr. bruce
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ribner, asked him about. >> people in atlanta are concerned. the risk is small but it would be even smaller if these patients did not come here. if you don't have anything magical to provide, why take the risk at all? >> i think you've been in that part of the world, you know the level of care that can be delivered. these are americans who went over there to supply humanitarian mission of medical care for these individuals and our feeling is that they deserve the best medical care to try and resolve this infection that they can get. most of the medical care consists of supportive care and our sense is, based on speaking to providers in that part of the world, that given our training, given our knowledge, given our unit, we can supply that supportive care much better than can be supplied in their current environment. >> part of that best care involves a nondescript room. you're looking at it there.
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this is this isolation area that we've been talking about. it's physically separated from other patient areas. you can't tell by looking at these pictures but it has certain things in the way the air is filtered, keeping the patient safe, keeping people around the patient safe. family members who want to visit can get as close as 1 to 2 inches away, looking through a pane glass window. there's an anti-room where professionals can put on so-called space suits to keep them safe as well. dr. ribner showed us what that space suit would look like for him. i wore something similar in guinea. these space suits are inpermeable, there's even an air recirculater that goes around the mask as well. it's all part of what they're going to be doing. all these protocalls, safety
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measures have never actually been inplemted for a patient with ebola in the united states. this will be a first for the doctor and a first, really, for all of us. back to you. >> such extraordinary measures. dr. sanjay gupta, thank you very much. our other big story, the crisis in the middle east this morning, at the center of the turmoil, an israeli soldier still missing after a firefight that shattered the cease-fire that was intended to last through the weekend. it lasted about an hour and a half? >> about two hours. not long enough. they assume he was captured and president obama is pointing the finger at hamas. >> i want to make sure that they are listening, if they are serious about trying to resolve this situation, that soldier needs to be unconditionally released as soon as possible. >> hamas denies it has golden.
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although they admit they lost contact with fighters in the area he reportedly was taken. president obama says that doesn't body well for another temporary truce. as he calls the mounting casualties in gaza heartbreaking. in the meantime, congress approved another $225 million for israel's iron dome defense system. in the palestinian west bank, a demonstrator died as thousands took to the streets in protest as you see here. >> israel has historically taken the capture of its soldiers extraordinarily seriously and gone to extreme lengths to secure their return. >> martin savage is in jerusalem anchoring our coverage of the crisis in the middle east. good to see you this morning. what have you heard right now, this hour, regarding that missing israeli soldier? >> good morning, christi and miguel. all efforts on the part of the israeli military focused on trying to ascertain the whereabouts of the 23-year-old second lieutenant.
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there are, like in so many cases, conflicting accounts depending on who you are listening to. the israeli military says that young man was grabbed or apparently disappeared during the cease-fire. it was apparently 90 minutes in that this particular unit in the southern part of gaza was working at demolishing a tunnel, something israel maintains it had the right to do. it was a suicide bombing first and then that's when they believe the young soldier was grabbed. hamas is denying all of this, saying there was no capture of the soldier, there was no suicide attack. the reason hamas may be denying this, if there was a unit that was trying to grab a soldier was killed in the follow-up artillery barrage and air strike that israel launched. there was a great deal of fighting that broke out around that region, around the time that all of this happened. hence the confusion on the ground, the israelis maintain
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this young man has vanished, they're trying to find him. hamas says they do not have him. before all of this began, this was the violation that really shattered the cease-fire. the plan was that both sides would be gathering in egypt at this time. cnn's ressa sayah is there. what is egypt saying about all of this and is there any chance these two sides will still get together? >> cairo is still hopeful, martin. late last night we spoke to the foreign ministry and the president's office. they told us sometime over the weekend they're hopeful to get these talks happening. as the hours go by and we're deep into saturday, you get the sense that hopes for getting these factions into cairo, getting them to sit down and hammer out a lasting truce are fading fast. if these talks do happen here in cairo, it will be fascinating to see egypt's position, will they
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play a lead mediator role? and many say that's not going to happen because their support for hamas and the palestinians have faded considerably over the past year. in fact, palestinians in gaza, in this conflict, have had very little support from arab governments, arab leaderships and gulf monarchies. it's important to make a distinction between arab governments and arab people. the palestinians in gaza still have overwhelming support from the arab people. if you go out in the streets here in cairo, many say they support the palestinians in this conflict and many say they support hamas. but arab leaders, arab governments, including cairo, are very silent. that's a marked change from just two years ago. you'll recall november 2012 we were deep into the arab screen, mohamed morsi, the muslim brotherhood leader was the president of egypt. there was a hope that finally
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arab governments would heed the call to the arab people which included supporting the palestinians. a lot has changed, martin, since then. right now egypt's president, the ousting president, ousting former president morsi and the support has faded. >> reza sayah, thank you very much from egypt. i can verify, christi, miguel, the anger you see in the arab streets. i was in the west bank yesterday at a large demonstration and people there are furious over the death toll. the death toll in the gaza strip being reported to be 1,650. it's estimated 80 to maybe 90% of those casualties are civilian. let's get back to miguel and christi. >> martin savidge, thank you so much. reza as well, we appreciate the update. there's been a lot of back and forth about who was responsible for breaking that 72-hour cease-fire. we want to get to the bottom of it. >> we plan to do that live with
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a spokesperson for the israeli foreign ministry. and the grisly task of recovering more bodies from mh-17. the task and the dangers, just ahead.
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i'm cnn's martin savidge, live in jerusalem with our continuing coverage of the ongoing conflict in gaza. we were hoping at this time we would be in the middle of a 72-hour cease-fire. that did not happen. now the concern is for the wheres about of a missing israeli soldier, not to mention the fact that the violence continues in gaza as does the death toll that continues to rise. joining me now is paul hershon, a spokesperson for the israeli foreign ministry. thank you very much for joining us. let me start off by asking where do things stand on any of the talks that have been planned inside of egypt? >> thank you, my pleasure. this is a sad day, a sad weekend we're on.
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as you just said, we were supposed to be in a humanitarian cease-fire. hamas decided to distinguish that possibility, the sixth, the seventh cease-fire that was proposed, we accepted, we implemented, we abided by. each and every one they have rejected, violated or both. right now we're faced with the situation where we're left with no choice but to continue to pursue the degradation of their ability, to target us. >> let me ask you, what do we know about the whereabouts -- what does israel know about trying to locate the missing soldier? >> well, we're in an interesting phase of what we would call intel driven combat, characterizing the entire operation. there's an increasing amount of intelligence, although to be fair there's a lot missing or we would have found him already. the working assumption is he's
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alive. we know roughly the area -- we know exactly the area the incident happened and, therefore, roughly whereabouts he would be. we're out there following a predetermined patent by which to look for him. it's very difficult. it's a complicated circumstances. and i think that, you know, we have to pursue this, while at the same time asking for our friends around the world to demand as they have, as the united nations has, as the united states and others have, the unconditional and immediate release of this abducted soldier. >> before i let you go, i did want to ask you, one of the concerns prior to all of this had been the tunnels that hamas has dug between gaza and israel. how far along had israel been with the detection and demolition of those tunnels? >> we've made significant progress. there are hundreds of tunnels. we're not going to get to all of
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them. the critical ones or the most critical are the tunnels that traverse the international frontier. what's emerged from beneath the ground, a monster from a science fiction movie, only this is real. we've made significant progress. we are decommissioning these tunnels one after the other. we're finding more tunnels all the time. this is a critical, a crucial bit of work that has to be completed. >> paul hirschon from the israeli foreign ministry, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> let's go back to christi and miguel. >> thanks very much there, marty. take care of yourself. as many as 80 bodies still haven't been recovered in the fields of eastern ukraine. even experts have an incredibly dangerous task ahead of them. also talking about one of the americans infected with
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ebola, they're expected to land back here in the states within just a few hours. right here in georgia. we'll tell you what they're doing. stay close. let me get this straight... [ female voice ] yes? lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100% real milk. no discomfort. come on, would i lie about this? frommy family and is to love ice cream. however some of us can't enjoy it without discomfort. so we use lactaid® ice cream. it's 100% real ice cream just without the lactose. so now we all can enjoy this favorite treat.
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21 minutes paragraph the
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hour now. so grateful for your company. it's been more than two weeks since malaysia airlines flight 17 was shot out of the sky, killing 291 people on board. >> a team of 70 international experts was finally able to access the crash site yesterday in order to search for more bodies. it's the largest number of investigators that's been allowed on site since the plane went down. >> fighting between pro-russian rebels and ukraine troops has prevented investigators from fully accessing the wreckage there. as many as 80 bodies may still be unaccounted for. tom fuentes with us now. good morning to you. is it just -- i have to think for the families, wondering is this not outrageous that a rebel group is controlling this? or do we even say it's a rebel group? is it really putin pushing the
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buttons here. >> good morning, christi and miguel. we know putin's pushing buttons but it is a rebel group supported by the russians, supported by putin. in terms of the family, they're not even close to being able to resolve the issue of even recovering all of the bodies. even allowing some investigators and 70 is a small number from what they would actually need from a crash site that enormous, they need to get heavy equipment in there. there could be bodies under the large pieces of the aircraft that they're not going to find until they remove -- they're going to need cranes and trucks to get those pieces lifted off the ground to be able to actually examine everywhere where a human remain could be found. >> they made need up to 1,000 people on the grounded to do a proper search of the entire area. it must be very frustrating. do you have a sense, tom, of how secure the area is right now? i know there's been fighting around the area of the crash site. what is your sense of it? >> doesn't sound like it's very
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secure. they get in one day at a time. they find if they can get the people in there and spend a few hours at the site and then again out, while they're at the site they can hear gunfire and artillery fire, you know, in the not too distant area. i think it's a day-by-day approach. they still need to get not only more people were more experts and investigators but the equipment. then they have to decide where are they going to take it, what are they going to do in terms of housing the debris. there's a lot that has to be decided still. and the rebels and the ukrainian government will have to come to some accommodation. doesn't look like anybody else is going to force it to happen. >> tom, based on everything we know, and other than for the family's same, getting in there and getting the bodies, do we really need -- does the international community really need the rest of that wreckage to determine what happened? >> no. in a sense they really don't. i think it's pretty clear, everybody seems to be in
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agreement, that it was shot down by a missile from that launcher. and i don't think we'll ever find out who pushed the button, who the crew was that actually launched against that aircraft. you have to be on the ground. you have to interview witnesses, suspects, subjects. this is similar to a drive-by shooting in a city where the shot kills innocent people and the police have no access to interview any of the possible gang members that did it. >> so frustrating. tom fuentes, thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> thank you, tom. fighting is raging this morning between israel and hamas. israel is trying desperately to find out the whereabouts of one of its missing soldiers. we'll have more on that. doctors prepare in atlanta this morning as the first american infected with ebola is set to land here. an extraordinary situation.
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that's set to happen in just a few hours.
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i hope saturday has been good to you so far. it's still early. a lot of time. i'm christi paul. thanks for being with us. >> i'm miguel marquez, just hanging in there. here are the five things you need to know for your "new day."
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the first of two american ebola patients is expected to be landing today at atlanta's emory hospital. the second patient is also expected to be treated at emory but no time frame has been given for their arrival. >> number two, voting largely along party lines, house republicans passed a nearly $700 million border bill last month. it provides funds to add more immigration judges and provide aid for thousands of undocumented minors at the border but it is not likely to pass in the senate. the president says he'll veto it if it comes across his desk. a new york medical examiner has confirmed that the choke hold death of this man is a homicide. the examiner's office said the choke hold and positioning on the ground led to the victim's
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death. no charges have been filed yet. the investigation is ongoing. number four, president obama says the u.s., quote, crossed a line when it tortured al qaeda detainees after the 9/11 terror attacks. a senate intelligence committee will be released soon and the report says the cia's treatment of terrorism suspects amounted to torture. but cia officials have denied that allegation. and number five, an israeli soldier is still missing this morning as violence rages in gaza. israel assumes second lieutenant hadar golden was captured by hamas in an ambush that is being blamed for shattering a fragile cease-fire. in the past 24 hours, 200 targets have been hit in gaza. good morning, martin savidge. >> we want to get a snapshot if
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we can of the terrible humanitarian crisis that is ongoing in gaza as a result of this conflict. for that we turn now to christopher gunnas, a spokesman for the u.n. relief and works agency, many know it by unrwa. they try and shelter civilians there. before we begin, i want to play a clip for you, this is annaner it view with you earlier on al jazeera english. i'll let the clip speak for itself. >> the rights of palestinians, even their children, are wholesale denied. it's appalling. my pleasure.
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>> the emotion there is obvious. and i'm wondering, sir, you have careerly been through difficult, horrific situations before. what is it that's brought you to the breaking point now? >> may i say first of all, that my tears are irrelevant. and for me, if there was any use in what was supposed to be a private moment of anguish because the interview was over and i had no idea the camera was still roll on me, if there's any utility to have come out of that rather public display of what i said was a moment of private grief is that it focuses on the tears and anguish in gaza because we are seeing a humanitarian catastrophe. there's a human displacement crisis unprecedented in modern times in gaza. over 250,000 people are sheltering, desperate,
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traumatized, terrorized people, women, children and other civilians, in about 90, just over 90 facilities. in the last few hours overnight we had to open up three more in rafah in the south of gaza which has been the scene of quite ferocious fighting. the civilians are overwhelmed. for us, the terrifying thought and alarming thought is even if the fighting were to end right now, where would the 250,000 people in our schools go? because we estimate that tens of thousands will be without homes, their homes will have been leveled. and the water and electricity systems have been displaced. >> if i could let me stop you for a second and let's say let's talk about that. what if there were a cease-fire in let's say by some miracle we
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reach one today. what's the most urgent need, the top three that you need to stop a humanitarian crisis. >> security, food, water and let me add a fourth, shelter. security because in the last few weeks we have seen that gaza is a conflict with a fence around it. there's nowhere to run. but with the hitting of u.n. schools, there's nowhere to hide. so security is number one. food and water, the basics of life. we have been trucking in these commodities through a war zone, through the battlefield. we have been doing so, i have to say, heroically. i'm proud to say the united states is our largest single donors. thank you, american taxpayers. through your generosity we've been able to lead the humanitarian effort in the way that we have, that we've paid a price. eight of our staff, eight of my colleagues of whom let me tell you, i am extremely proud, have given -- have made the ultimate sacrifice.
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and finally, shelter. as i said, what is going to happen to these people? these schools are schools which were for a thousand kids coming in the morning and leaving in the afternoon. they're now housing 24/7. over 3,000, nearly 4,000 in some cases. so you can imagine any school around the world, sanitation would be a huge problem. we're trucking in all the water that's consumed there. those top four, security, food, water and shelter. >> all right. christopher gunness, thank you very much with the united nations, the relief and works agency. again, did he share a private moment but a powerful one of many in this conflict on both sides. let's go back now to christi and miguel. >> martin savidge and christopher gunness, thank you both so much. we appreciate it. slipping into a different story here, there's so much concern, particularly in atlanta this morning about the pending
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arrival of an american infected with ebola. in fact, two americans. >> it's never happened before. that american expected to land here in just a couple of hours. at rifle comes as world health officials say the ebola epidemic is spreading faster than it can keep up with. let me get this straight... [ female voice ] yes? lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, no discomfort, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for more 100% real dairy treats you'll 100% enjoy look for lactaid® ice cream and lactaid® cottage cheese.
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they are kind of frightening images when you look at that kind of thing. right now medical professionals in an atlanta hospital specifically are preparing for the first of two americans infected with the deadly ebola virus to arrive in the u.s. this will be the first time in history that a patient with ebola will be treated here in the states. >> it is frightening to think. dr. kent brantly and dr. nancy writebol contracted ebola when working with a humanitarian group. >> the plane is equipped with an isolation pod designed to handle infectious diseases. >> incredible efforts they're making. how much of a risk is it bringing both victims to the u.s.? we want to bring in the world health organization
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spokesperson, tariq yasaravich. how are you, sir? thank you for joining us. can you tell us anything about the shape of these two victims an how they are doing right now? >> thank you very much for having me. i don't have precise information on these individuals but i would just like to touch a little bit on what you were saying before. what we have seen so far, more than 100 health workers have been infected since the beginning of the outbreak, 60 of them died. this really shows how important it is we train health workers, equip them properly and that we have enough health workers on the ground so they can do reasonable shifts, that they are paid and take care of themselves and take care of the patients as well. this is why there was a big meeting yesterday with the heads of state of affected countries with the director general where
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there was a commitment to help, really, put resources toward health systems, so health workers do not continue to be victims of this disease. when it comes to the specifics about the transport of the patients, ebola is being transmitted through contact with bodily fluids. this is why it's usually health workers or family members who deal and care about sick people who get infected. it's really important that all the infection, prevention and control measures are being put in place. if that is the case, then the risk for health workers is minimal and almost nonexistent for the general population. >> so walk us through, if you would, please, walk us through the isolation process itself. what physically happens once that medical charter flight lands in the u.s.? >> well, what is really important is that there are standard procedures on how to use what we call bpe, personal
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protection equipment. there is a sequence of putting different parts of this bpe before getting close to the patient. basically every inch of the skin has to be covered, so there is no possible exposure. it's very -- only then health workers can approach a patient and try to do all the intervention they need to do. it's important to remember that people affected with ebola usually have diarrhea, vomiting, might have bleeding. basically it creates a lot of liquid and fluids and this is how people get infected, when they get in touch with this fluid. it's also important to do -- to know that once the contact is being done and health workers are basically going out of the high-risk area, there are three procedures on how to take off this protective equipment and how it has to be stored afterwards. >> all right.
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thank you very, very much. keep yourself well out there. thanks for staying on it for all of us. >> thank you very much. >> thank you so much. a lot of people really nervous. i've been watching twitter and facebook pages. people are not happy this is coming to america. >> it is a frightening disease. >> sanjay gupta will be with us over the next few hours to help explain further. it's happening obviously in our backyard here in atlanta. we know the world is watching this. we'll have that for you. switching to the idf, they say one of their own was kidnapped. there's a massive search going on right now for that 23-year-old israeli soldier. >> we're going to find out more about the alleged attack and even kidnapping kits, packed with syringes and the restraints. militants carry them through long, winding, dark tunnels, hoping for a victim.
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hello, everyone, i'm martin savidge, live in jerusalem where we continue to monitor the events of the ongoing conflict in gaza. all eyes now as part of the military is focused on trying to locate one of their own,
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23-year-old hadar goldin went missing yesterday in what israel maintains was a gross violation of the 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire that had barely begun, when they say hamas militants launched a suicide attack, killed two israeli soldiers and another went missing. hamas said it did nothing of the sort and does not hold an israeli soldier. military operations in southern gaza is focused on intel and trying to locate the wheres about of this particular soldier at this particular time. egypt says it is standing by ready to host potential cease-fire talks if they get started again. much of the world, including the united states, is condemning hamas for what it says was the violation that pretty much ended any hopes for an immediate cease-fire. let's go back to christi and miguel. >> martin savidge, we appreciate the update from jerusalem. thank you. hamas continues to deny that it captured an israeli soldier. for israel, the blame, clear.
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>> cnn's brian todd has a look at the idf's exhaustive efforts to get hadar goldin back and the stake israeli soldiers face from hamas. >> reporter: while destroying tunnels in gaza, israeli officials say 23-year-old lieutenant hadar goldin was captured by palestinian militants. an israeli official tells cnn the idf is, quote, exhausting every means to find lieutenant goldin. his father is counting on that. >> translator: we are certain the army will not stop under any circumstance. >> reporter: that includes going house to house, they tell us. >> there is also intelligence gathering that is taking place now, both with the many hamas terrorists that have been captured as well as with the intelligent assets that have been in place within gaza for a long time. >> reporter: idf soldiers say palestinian militants moving through tunnels and other
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battlefield areas are equipped with kidnapping kits, needles, anesthetics, plastic restraints, stretchers to be able to snatch an israeli soldier quickly. idf troops say they are under strict instructions, do whatever is necessary to prevent a soldier from being kidnapped alive. >> that can unfortunately include having to face down the prospect of opening fire at the terrorist and even at risk of killing their brothers at arms. >> reporter: how much of a game changer is goldin's capture in this fighting. >> this could be a game changer. hamas looked like it was coming out of this without any kind after chiefments. that could change things now. >> reporter: hamas may have another soldier, an israel soldier abducted using underground tunnels in 2006. he was held for more than five years and then released for more than 1,000 palestinian prisoners. one analyst says this time the israelis may not want to let hamas have that kind of
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bargaining chip. >> their concern is that shalit led to this and if they trade more prisoners for this israeli soldier, it will encourage hamas to do this again. >> reporter: another potential game-changing result of this soldier's disappearance, the israeli military, angry and wanting to punish might start to escalate the conflict. analysts say even though they're working intensely to rescue him, the idf likely won't let lieutenant goldin's apparent capture hold them back for turning up the pressure on hamas. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> all right, brian, thank you so much. we'll keep you posted on what's happening there as well. one of the best basketball players in the world suffered a gruesome leg injury last night. >> this is disturbing. >> it was a team usa scrimmage game. it came to an abrupt end when all-star paul george snapped his lower right leg in a block attempt gone wrong. >> the leg literally ben the some 90 degrees in the wrong direction. >> poor guy.
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real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100% real milk. no discomfort. come on, would i lie about this? frommy family and is to love ice cream. however some of us can't enjoy it without discomfort. so we use lactaid® ice cream. it's 100% real ice cream just without the lactose. so now we all can enjoy this favorite treat. fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily.
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nba all-star paul george, oh, my goodness, we're thinking about you today, buddy. in the hospital recovering from a horrific leg injury. this is one of those injuries that kind of makes your skin crawl, your stomach turn into knots when you see it. the hair on the back of your head, is that it?
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it's not good. we are only going to show you the sensored video by the way. >> it is pretty darn disturbing. in the fourth quarter of team usa's scrimmage, the indiana pacers star snapped his lower right leg in a block attempt gone very, very wrong. his leg ben the some 90 degrees in the wrong direction. >> that stanchion was the problem. >> the teammates and fans stood in stunned silence as he was carried off the court. the young star isn't giving up, though, he tweeted this morning to fans saying, thanks, everybody, for the love and support. i'll be okay and be back better than ever, love you all. we love you back and wishing you the very best. good heavens. >> i hope it's a full recovery. >> isn't that the truth? >> nfl commissioner roger goodell says domestic violence is, quote, not acceptable but defends the two-game suspension of baltimore ravens star ray
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rice. >> we have more on this morning's "bleacher report" with kristen ludlow. >> the league did hand down the punishment for that assault that rice was in trouble for over his then fiance in an atlantic city casino back in february. rice told prosecutors that it was a horrible mistake and his actions were inexcusable. his two-game suspension has been criticized as being too lenient. so yesterday the commissioner defended the decision saying that it's actually consistent with other cases. >> the policy is clear. we have a very firm policy that domestic violence is not acceptable in the nfl and there will be consequences for that. obviously when we're going through the process of evaluating the issue and whether
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there will be discipline, you look at all of the facts that you have available to us, law enforcement normally has more -- on a normal basis has more information, facts than we have. we'll get as much as we possibly can. >> and six months after being elected, seven former nfl stars will be inducted into the pro football hall of fame this evening. derrick brooks, walter jones and michael strahan are the three elected for the first time when they were on the ballot while ray guy becomes the first ever punter to be enshrine. the nfl hall of fame game will follow tomorrow as the new york giants and buffalo bills kick off the preseason in canton, ohio. and now trending on, his fellow point guard, derrick rose, dominated the discussion the first half of the usa men's basketball show case, it was that right there, damian lillard who beat the buzzer into the locker room. not just any buzzer beater. it was that one from the other end of the floor.
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>> look at him high-fiving, yes, yes, i did that. no big deal. >> one of those you throw up and you typically to go far under the basket or far over and people crossed their fingers and hope. not damian lillard. >> very nice, very nice. >> i would have to granny thank you so much. for being here this morning. thank you for starting your morning with us. >> our "new day" special coverage continues right now. okay. moving from sports to some other really serious news this morning, and we just want to say thank you so much for being with us. i'm christi paul. >> and i'm miguel marcus in for the hopefully vacationing victor blackwell. welcoming you in from around the world. 6:00 in the morning, this is "new day saturday." in the middle east, at the center of the turmoil, an israeli soldi


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