tv Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN August 3, 2014 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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a live look at the crisis in the middle east. then to the other crisis in ukraine. none of the past rounds of sanctions have made president putin change his behavior. what's to say this round will? i will ask poland's foreign minister, one of those who pushed hard for these sanctions. also, the deadly ebola virus. it has killed hundreds of people in africa. what is stopping it from spreading to other continents? i will talk to cnn's sanjay gupta and peter piot, the man who actually discovered ebola. now for the latest on the crisis in the middle east, let us go to cnn's wolf blitzer. >> thanks very much, fareed. it's just past 5:00 p.m. here in
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jerusalem on the 27th day of operation protective edge. they said ten people were killed when israeli shells lapped near a u.n. run school in southern gaza that was sheltering almost 3,000 people. no official comment from israel on this attack. those ten become part of the sobering statistics of this war. in gaza more than 1750 people have been killed so says the palestinian health ministry. the u.n. estimates 70 to 80% of the dead are israelis. they dispute that. they say last week that about half of the dead are actually hamas combatants. in israel officials say 64 soldiers have been killed and 3 civilians. israel says at last count it has struck 4626 torgts in gaza by attacks from air, ground and sea and last count gaza has launched 3180 rockets, mortars or missiles into israel. sirens have been going on the last few minutes in tel aviv
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area right now. on friday a temporary cease-fire led by the u.s. and the u.n. brought a glimmer of hope. any sense of optimism was completely destroyed when three israeli soldiers were killed in gaza shortly after the cease-fire began. here on "gps" you'll hear from mark rega. he's the spokesperson for benjamin netanyahu. we'll hear from a man who rarely speaks out. the leader of hamas, colin bashaw. he sat down with nic robertson. nic, you had a wide ranging interview. did he leave any opening for a potential cease-fire with israel? >> reporter: he left a very big opening for at least the humanitarian truce. he said that is definitely on the table. he said as far as hamas, yes, they are open for a lasting cease-fire. he says the demands are that the blockade around gaza must be
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lifted. i asked him specifically what did he mean about that. he said he wants the borders open. he wants the international airport working. he wants access to the sea, a port for gaza. he wants them to be able to live as any other people in the world. those were his terms for what he wan wants. i asked him if he was going to stop the rocket firing. he said that was possible if they can get the deal that they want from israel. i asked him if he thought hamas was winning. he said that their victory is their steadfastness so far even though he knows they're facing a much greater military opposition. he says in his belief that the people of gaza stand behind hamas's political leadership and the military fighters on the ground because they want change. what is different compared to 2008, 2009 conflict, 2012 conflict along similar lines? i asked him that question.
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he told me as well that this was different because they're not going to settle. the palestinian people he said are not going to settle for a deal less than this unrestricted, if you will, opening of the borders of gaza. i asked him almost at the very beginning, does he, the political leader of hamas, all that way distant in qatar really have influence over the military men on the battlefield. this is how the interview began. >> translator: hamas is an institutional leadership. it has a leadership. all the members are disciplined. the israelis, egyptians and u.s. administration knows this. otherwise john kerry would not have intervened. >> president obama said it will be irresponsible for hamas to fire from civilian neighborhoods. that's what you're doing. why do you do it if you know civilians are going to die?
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>> translator: look at the results. how many civilian rockets did they kill? israel knows the number. how many palestinians has israel killed? we killed by israel's own admission 63 soldiers. we killed soldiers, combatants while they kill civilians. >> but because -- >> your rockets are fired indiscriminately. president obama says you're firing your rockets from civilian neighborhoods and you know what that means, that you will have high civilian casualties. critics are saying that the only reason you're doing this is so that you get the international outpouring of international sympathy because of the high civilian casualties. >> translator: it is unfortunate that the u.s. administration and president obama have adopted the
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israeli narrative, which is a lie. hamas sack kra gusacrifices itsr its people. these are lies and hamas does not seek international sympathy through its own victims. >> reporter: but what is very clear here, wolf, in the discussions that i had before and after the cameras were rolling is that certainly this high civilian death toll hamas believes is bringing an internationalization to the current situation that they believe should work in their favor. they also want to get a deal between hamas and israel that will last and endure and end the high death toll at the moment. there is a belief from hamas that this is, if you will, cynically working in this favor although quite clearly they say we're not doing this to create a high civilian death toll. i also asked him about the issue of weapons being stored in
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schools, rockets and such like being stored in schools. he said, this is what he said, he said that is absolutely not true. we do not do that. look, he said 60 mosques and schools have been destroyed. do you think hamas controls all of those buildings and has weapons there? he says he invites international monitors to come into gaza. he invites international monitors to come to gaza to see that they're not doing that, wolf. >> you know, nic, he used to be based in damascus, syria, until that ee ripted. know he's in qatar. benjamin netanyahu ridicules him. he says he's living in five star hotels. why isn't he in gaza? >> reporter: yeah. his view of this, it's been this way for a long time. we have to represented khaled meshaal.
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they tried to kill him, poise son him. it took king hussein of jordan to appeal to the israelis to get the antedote to live. he doesn't feel safe going back to gaza to live. that's why he was in damascus. when the conflict began, he didn't feel safe. qatar gave him a home. his logic is he is saifer and a a political leader he is just as connected. he feels safely clearer. in qatar he feels safer than he does when he was living in damascus. i interviewed him a couple of times in damascus but he insists 2008, 2009, 2012, they went through this same scenario, a conflict in gaza. the accusations that he, khalad spgs meshaal. he wasn't representative of the feeling in gaza. the leadership has endured,
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strategically, wolf, whatever gap there is, difficulties in communicatio communications, strategically he and the leadership on the ground in gaza are headed in the same broad direction and it certainly appears that they're willing to allow one horse to lead and then another horse lead. their strategy very clearly is to show that there isn't any gap between the military, between the political leadership. that's clearly his message and the reality we've seen over recent years, recent conflicts, wolf, is it does seem to endure. >> nic robertson bringing us an exclusive interview. up next on "gps" we'll get a response. mark rega, the chief spokesperson for benjamin netanyahu will report. we'll get the israeli reaction right after this. it's estimated that 30% of the traffic in a city
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welcome back to "gps." i'm wolf blitzer in jerusalem. fareed will be back. we heard from the head of hamas, khalad meshaal. mark rega is the spokesperson for benjamin netanyahu. he's joining us in jerusalem. he laid out specific conditions. is a cease-fire from israel's perspective potentially still on the table? >> we've had more than seven attempts to reach either a permanent or humanitarian sees
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fair and hamas every time has closed the door, slammed the door shut and just as you saw on friday morning once again violating a cease-fire that they committed to to the qataris and through the qataris, the united nations and so our faith in them to hold their fire is at an all-time low. >> there's no cease-fire. >> at the moment israel is pursuing our operation in the way that we think is best. we are finishing up the operation on the tunnels and hitting the rockets. israel will redeploy after we think we've succeeded. >> when you say redeploy, you mean the ground forces, bringing them back to israel? is that what redeployment means? >> in essence, yes? >> reporter: how long will it take? 24 to 48 hour to complete the
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job? is that accurate? >> i don't want to give a specific period of time. a short period of time to finish dealing with the terror tunnels and of course the rest, other targets that are essential in hamas's war machine and then we'll redeploy in a defensive way. if hamas continues to attack as they've done today shooting more than 30 rockets into israel, we will protect ourselves. we will defend ourselves. and i would urge hamas, if you continue this war against israel's civilian populations, if you continue shooting rockets, you will continue to pay a high price. >> reporter: because the notion is that israel will withdraw its ground forces fairly soon. the airstrikes potentially against various targets hamas has in gaza will continue? >> i would say more. prime minister netanyahu said all options are on the table. >> reporter: what does that mean? >> you talked about air forces and naval forces. you shouldn't rule out the possibility of future ground
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incursions. if need be we will do what needs to be done to protect our people from these attacks from gaza. >> reporter: what did you tell the government of egypt that president al sisi was much closer. he's invited a palestinian delegation consisting of the palestinian authority, hamas, islamic jihad. they're in cairo. he would like a delegation to come. what have you told him? >> i'm not going to go into our diplomatic contacts. i will say the following. our goal is the defensive. it's to end the rocket fire. more than 3,000 rockets since this crisis began. to end the tunnelling under israel of these terrorists trying to come into our border sending death squads into israel to kill israeli civilians. there are goals. they're defensive. we tried to do that through an arrangement brokered by the united nations and united states. i think the qataris let us down.
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hamas showed that it's not a serious partner in any sort of arrangement. i think what's happening is how do we do this by ourselves, maximize security and minimize the threat? >> one of the major points we just heard khalad meshaal. he said israel kills civilians, hamas kills soldiers. 64 israeli soldiers, 3 civilians. 1700 palestinians in gaza have died. the u.n. says 70 or 80% are civilians. to that you respond? >> first of all, the numbers in gaza are hamas numbers. when this is over and the dust settles you'll see the number of civilians killed are much, much lower. having said that, every civilian death is a tragedy and we try to avoid it. let's be clear, israel does not target civilians. why haven't more israelis been killed on our side of the border? it's not because he and his friends haven't been trying.
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we've had 3,000 rockets fired into the cities. of them we have a couple hundred that have been intercepted. do the math. had we not intercepted those, how many would have been killed? meshaal when he says civilians haven't been killed, it's not because he didn't try. he tried indeed. he tried 3,000 times. >> mark regev is the spokesman for prime minister benjamin netanyahu. thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> reporter: a note to our viewers. at the top of 1:00 p.m. eastern i'll be back here on "gps" live. i have two special guests. robert siri will join us live in jerusalem as will the u.s. ambassador to israel, dan shapiro. that's coming up 1:00 p.m. live. special "gps." when we come back fareed will be back. he'll give us his take on other major crises in the world especially what's going on in the ukraine. he'll tell you why he sees a rise of putin wanna bes all
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hungary occupied a special place in the story of the revolutions of 1989. it was the first country to abandon communism and embrace liberal democracy. today it is again becoming a trendsetter, becoming the first european country to denounce and distance itself from liberal democracy. it is embracing a new system and values that is best exemplified by vladimir putin's russia. this may be the most significant ideological challenge to liberal democracy since the end of the cold war. what do i mean? well, in a major speech last weekend the hungarian prime minister explained that hungary was determined to build a new political model in liberal democracy. this caught my eye because in 1997 i wrote an essay in "foreign affairs" using that phrase, ill liberal democracy to describe bha saw as a dangerous
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trend. democratic governments, often popular, were using their mandates to ee rote individual rights, the separation of powers, and the rule of power but even i never imagined that a national leader from europe no less would use the term as a badge of honor. for the prime minister the world changed fundamentally after 2008. since then he argues american power has been in decline and liberal values today embody corruption, sex and violence. western europe has become a land of freeloaders on the backs of welfare systems. he has not simply spoken but acted and his actions over the past few years demonstrate that his role model has been russia under putin. he has implemented and enacted in hungary a version of what can best be described as putinism. when he first came to power in
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2000 vladimir putin seemed like a smart, tough talented manager. russia was reeling from internal chaos, economic stagnation and default in 1998. he sought to integrate russia into the world and wanted good relations with the west asking russia for a place in the world trade organization and nato. he established control over society. he presided over a booming economy as oil prices quadrupled under his watch. he began creating a repressive system of political, economic and social control to maintain his power. as he faced opposition, particularly in the parliamentary elections of 2011, putin recognized that he needed more than just brute force to defeat his opponents, he needed an ideology of power. the crucial elements of putinism are nationalism, religion,
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social conservatism, state capitalism and domination of the media. they work in tandem to sustain putin's popularity. orbin has followed in putin's footsteps, he's limited individual rights, speaking in nationalist terms about ethnic hungarians everywhere and muzzling the free press. if you look around the world there are others who have embraced core elements of putinism. turkey has veered away from the reformist agenda to one that is more socially conservative, islamist and hully nationalistic. many are openly admiring what he stands for. the success will depend a great deal on putin and russia under him. if he triumphs in ukraine turning it into a basket case that comes begging to moscow, he will look like a winner. if, on the other hand, ukraine succeeds outside of russia's
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orbit, leaders mike regret having cast their lot with a globally isolated petro state. for more go to and read my washington post column. next on "gps" poland's prime minister. honey, look i got one to land. uh-huh. (vo) there's good more... honey, look at all these smart rewards points verizon just gave me. ooh, you got a buddy. i'm like a statue. i just signed up and, boom, all these points.
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on tuesday the united states and the european union announced a new round of sanctions against russia, this time targeti ining energy, arms sectors. president obama said they will have a bigger bite. the last couple of rounds of sanction have not had a visible effect in the sense that there has been no noticeable change in president putin's behavior. why should we think this time will be different? joining me now is the foreign minister of poland, radek sikorski. his nation shares a border with ukraine and he was an early
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leader in rallying the west against putin's actions in crimea and ukraine. radek, tell me why you think this set of sanctions will pressure putin to change behavior that so far he hasn't really changed? >> well, we have put new names on the sanctions list, and these financial supporters and beneficiaries of president putin's mode of government, and we've also banned the issuance of new bonds or shares by major russian financial institutions which will make access to capital harder and the other sanctions might have some influence over the medium term. >> but do you feel that there are any signs in the past that even the threat of the sanctions has had the effect that you want, that russia should stop
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supplying arms and people in eastern ukraine? my sense is in the last week or two those activities have stepped up and the russians themselves appear to be firing missiles at ukrainian government planes. >> these sanctions, i think, will get president putin's attention and will show that despite what he has apparently thoug thought, the west as a moral community exists and can be united when we see that fundamental norms of international relations are undermined. hitherto i think they thought they could play us one off the other and that we're incapable of joint action. this is the first indication that we are. >> do you think it was the airliner that changed things? because my understanding, reports from what was happening within the european union was
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there was significant dissension? i mean, when people would talk about financial, sanctions, non-british countries would argue for financial sanctions which of course hurt london. brittain would argue for the kind of sanctions that would hurt france or germany and as a result there was a standoff. did the airliner break that log jam? >> the airliner and the treatment of the bodies of the victims and the fact that they came from a number of e.u. countries definitely mobilized politicians in europe. and crucial was the packet put together by the european commission which spreads the pain of sanctions on our side fairly. of course, i expect the russian side to respond with counter sanctions and they'll probably try to divide us again. >> how hard will that be for
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poland? 90% of your energy imports come from russia. >> well, russia needs to sell its energy even more than we need to buy it because we can buy energy from other directions, from norway, where i am currently, also from north africa oil can be shipped. we are just finishing an lng terminal. russia is an important trade partner. for poland twice as important. so there will be losses all around, but we just cannot stand idly by when russia a nnexes a neighbor's first province and now supplying so phisticated weaponry to the separatists. >> the columnist ann applebaum who happens to be your wife wrote a column who says the west has treated russia as a proto
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country. a country that was almost western, needed a little bit more integration and modernization. we should think of it as in its roots a country that defines itself in its opposition to the west. do you agree with that? >> well, my wife is a separate subject of international laws and her views are hers. yes, it's true. we have bent over backwards to integrate russia. we have invited them to take over the seat at the security council. we invited them into the bto. poland supported russia to join the oecd. we were hoping they were on a convergence course with the west, but if as you've previously said, russia spreads mischief in what it calls the near or abroad, that inevitably will come into conflict which
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poland would regret. we would like russia to become a successful free market democracy. unfortunately that doesn't seem to be the system that president putin is constructing in russia. >> radek, you were taped, illegally i should say, saying something to the effect of the polish/american relationship was worthless. i wondered whether there was something specific you wanted out of washington that would give more substance to your relationship to america. >> as you say, it was an illegal racket which was under criminal investigation. yes, back in january when russian president was already on ukraine we had ten u.s. troops in poland. we now have 500 nato troops in pola poland. it's progress. the level has moved further. we need assurance that the
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eastern flank of nato needs shoring up. we're hoping the nato sum met in wales will take important decisions to persuade us that article 5 of washington treaty stands not only legally but in terms of capability to enforce it in practice, which is what it's all about. >> do you want more troops? >> yes, we do, and we want pre-positioning of equipment. we want standing defense plans. we want bigger response forces. unfortunately the russian actions in ukraine don't make us feel more secure but less secure. one of our neighbors, russia, is conducting a hybrid war against another of our neighbors and we just can't stand idly buy. >> radek sikorski, always an
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elegant voice on the subject. thank you very much. >> thanks. next up, the ebola epidemic raging in west africa. how can it be brought under control? i have two top experts, the man who discovered the disease and our own sanjay gupta. narrator: these are the tennis shoes skater kid: whoa narrator: that got torture tested by teenagers and cried out for help. from the surprised designers. who came to the rescue with a brilliant fix male designer: i love it narrator: which created thousands of new customers for the tennis shoes that got torture tested by teenagers. the internet of everything is changing manufacturing. is your network ready?
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why pay more for less? call today for a low price on speeds up to 150mbps. and find out more about our two-year price guarantee. comcast business. built for business. unpress departmented and absolutely out of control. that is how the ngo doctors without borders described the west aftrican ebola epidemic. one of the big problems a doctor from the organization told a reporter is that there is no over arching vision on how to attack it. how should it be tackled. joining me are cnn's own sanjay gupta and dr. peter piot, a former under secretary general of the u.n. and he discovered
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ebola. dr. piot, let me begin by asking you as you discovered it, very simply for the layperson, what is ebola? >> ebola is a virus that causes fever but particularly causes bleeding and it has about 90% mortality of those who will become infected. it is only transmitted through very close contact between someone who is suffering from ebola virus infection or who has died from it and a healthy person. so you need really very close contact for transmission. that's essential for when we talk about how to control this epidemic. >> sanjay, when you've seen it, you've been back from africa, what does it look like? what is striking about it is the speed of the death. >> well, there's still -- you know, in guinea, it's a capital city, 2 million people, there are groups of people, enclaves
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of people who are really worried about this. then there's other parts of the city where life just goes on and there doesn't seem to be much concern. what is interesting as you get further and further into the remo remote villages, there's obviously heightened concern. there's still so much bad information, if you will. mr. dr. piot was talking about, it spreads from body fluid, from a sick person, a person who is sick. not someone who has been exposed, but they are sick, usually down in bed. then the body fluid gets on somebody. it's wives taking care of husbands. it's kids taking care of mothers. it's villages taking care of each other. that's why you have the terrible story, of people taking care of each other. >> dr. piot, why is medical workers getting infected? if you do need intense contact and you presumably medical workers know how to take precautions, why are they getting infected?
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>> it's a dangerous moment when people with ebola are very sick, sanjay, and they need intensive care. you need to do -- make sure that their fluid balance is fine. you need to draw glad and so on. these are all very difficult and dangerous moments. there are finger pricks, accidental needle sticks that happen and that's how we also can become infected. so it's not a surprise that the highest attack rate of the virus is among health care workers. nurses, doctors and we've seen it over and over again in every epidemic. >> sanjay, how has this been blocked in the past? why does this seem unprecedented? is that something different? >> in a morbid way, fareed, it's because it killed so quickly. it would just burn out. you imagine these remote villages, people weren't moving
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around so quickly and the ebola virus, they would die before they could start to spread, which is -- it's awful to think about, but that's what's happening. now you have a more mobile group, more roads between the smaller villages such as in guinea where this originated and the capital city. there are roads. good passage ways back and forth. i think that part is certainly contributing. there's also this idea that there's a mistrust, i think, a little bit of distrust of health care individuals. there is no good antiviral and vaccine. when the health care workers show up, they're not offering a panacea to what is happening here. so there's not a lot of trust and a lot of the people who are getting infected aren't hearing the right messages. you also have several epidemics sort of starting in different points almost simultaneously now, fareed. usually it was one place you could target. >> sanjay, how are we going to control the spread?
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how does one track whether people have ebola? what happens? you think about as you say there are roads, trains, planes now people can get on flights from liberia, from sierra leone. how do we handle this? >> well, you know, fareed, we are going to hear at some point, i don't know if it's during this outbreak or a future one, we are going to hear about patients with ebola showing up in other countries in the western hemisphere. i can't imagine that not happening having seen how it all works. keep in mind between the amount of time between exposure and someone getting sick it can be 21 days. it can travel around the world during that time. i think if there's any good news, it's when you think about countries like the united states, brittain who are having high-level discussions on this topic, they are in a much better position to control this. they could isolate the patient quite quickly, provide fluids and blood clotting factors to try to provide what is called supportive therapy and prevent these cases, these patients with
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the virus becoming epidemics or the source of epidemics. i think it's going to happen. we're going to see ebola around the world. i think it's not going to turn into lots of many outbreaks. as far as stemming it in west africa, this is where being a doctor and journalist becomes handy. as doctors you don't want to treat symptoms, you want to treat the root cause. here we can talk about travel bans, screenings at airport, those things are important, but unless it's controlled in the villages, people understanding about funerals and understanding the way this is transmitted, this keeps going. >> dr. piot, do you believe the situation is under control in africa or are you worried you'll see -- this will spread? >> well, this epidemic has been going on for a longer time than any of the other ebola outbreaks in africa. it is three countries, the next country could be the
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ivory coast which is adjacent to care y countries like sierra leone. i suspect it will go on for a while as well. >> sanjay, i have to ask you a question. when most people think of ebola they think of course about organs getting liquified. we've seen it. you've been there. does that ever happen? >> that's a sort of hollywood drama tieization, i believe. it was popularized in the book "hot zone" which taught people about ebola but probably with a lot of drama. there is a bleeding problem with people with ebola. the virus is sneaky in a couple of ways. it turns off the immune system. right away it turns off the fighter cells that would come attack it. it also disrupts the body's ability to clot this is why it's called hemorrhagic, meaning bloody, fever. that part is true, but the
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liquifying of organs, i think that's an overstatement. >> gentlemen, thank you both very much. real pleasure to have you on. next on "gps" do you want to hear something laughable? a politician in one country just told half his nation's population they weren't allowed to laugh in public. i'll explain and tell you about the big backlash when we come back. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life.
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the past month has been a busy one for the u.s. treasury department's office of foreign asset control or the sanctions unit as they are sometimes known. in addition to russian sanctions in the past two weeks the u.s. has also issued sanctions in connection with colombian drug trafficking, north korean arms transfers and a chinese synthetic drug ring. it brings me to my question. which of the following is believed to have implemented the earliest known sanctions? iran, greece, china, or the united states? stay typed and we'll tell you a correct answer. this week's book of the week is "the alliance" by reed
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hoffman, ben kasnocha and ben yates. companies pretend they offer lifetime employment. the authors explain how employers have a more honest, productive and dynamic relationships in an age when employment is likely to be temporary, shifting and disruptive. this is good whether you manage people or are managed by them. now for the last look. laughter can be the best medicine but can it cure masogony. earlier turkey's deputy prime minister gave a speech that sparked a massive social media reaction. women, he said, shouldn't burst out laughing in public, should know what is appropriate, and should preserve their chastity. so women he said shouldn't laugh out loud and men shouldn't be woman niezers. hundreds of women responded by posting pictures of themselves
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laughing in public. there were more than 160,000 tweets following the comments using the turkish words for laughter, resist laughter and women defy. the oppression of women in turkey is not a laughing matter, of course. a 2009 report found that 40% of turkey's female population had suffered domestic violence. next week the first round of the presidential election begins and a top challenger to the prime minister who is a favorite for the presidency tweeted saying women in turkey needed to laugh more, not less. but he stood by his comments suggesting people focused too much on that part of his speech. well, if you say something absurd, condescending or demeaning to 50% of your population, don't be surprised if people focus on it. the correct answer to our gps question is b.
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they levied economic sanctions upon the greek coastal city state. some say the sanctions known as the megarian decree were for trespass on sacred lands. the decree prohibited megarian merchants from trading in@theenian markets. the move triggered a war. let's hope our modern sanctions have a better ending. thanks for all of you being part of my program this week. of my program this week. i will see you next week. -- captions by vitac -- hello. i'm wolf blitzer reporting live from jerusalem. "reliable sources" will begin in a few moments. we want to bring you up to date. there's breaking news in the middle east. there's new fury in the wake of what united nations and palestinian officials described as a shelling incident in southern gaza. they tell cnn the school was being used to shelterho
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