tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 4, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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pictures. this is the torrential rains, they turned into mudslides, making most roads impassable. thousands are now stranded. 500 children and their parents had to be evacuated from a church camp. at least one person has been found dead inside a vehicle that was swept away. emergency workers were forced to break this particular car's windows to make sure nobody was inside. people are now trying to dig out of several feet of mud and debris. thanks so much for watching. anderson will continue to follow that story as well as the breaking news in israel. he starts now. good evening, i'm anderson cooper, thanks for joining us. i'm broad casting tonight from ashkalan in israel. we are following two breaking stories tonight. stories of hope and concern. on the left-hand side of your screen, i want to show you a live picture of gaza city, where
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some five hours from now, a cease-fire is set to take hold. all sides have agreed to this, israel, all the palestinian factions, they say they're going to meet in cairo, egypt which brokered this cease-fire, there's a lot of hope in gaza city tonight that this cease-fire will take place, and will in fact hold starting some five hours from now. on the right-hand side of your screen, live pictures of mount sinai hospital, there's great concern where a man is in strict isolation, who has returned from west africa with a fever, he is being tested for the ebola virus. not clear at this hour if he will test positive for that. we don't have word, we'll have the latest on that situation, in new york. that would be the first case of ebola in new york, if this man tests positive, we'll also bring you up to date with sanjay gupta on the two americans who were flown back from west africa, after testing positive, they are now being treated with a new and
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untested treatment. the good news is, the hope is, they seem to be responding to this treatment. dr. sanjay gupta is going to join us for that. we begin tonight here in israel and in gaza, reports from the entire region tonight. the scene here just a short time ago, as word of the cease-fire was starting to filter out. there was word of the cease-fire, it hadn't yet taken effect. and rockets came firing toward us. we're just seeing the sirens have just started to go off, and we've seen some rockets going out to intercept something that's incoming. you see there appear to be two interceptions. the iron dome system here. the sirens continue to -- those
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are the two interceptions from several seconds ago, it takes a while for the sound to actually get here. and now the sirens stopped. people continue to walk around, go about their business. that took place a short time ago, in the last hour here. as we said, there is hope and concern on both sides of this border tonight, after what has been a difficult several days in gaza, take a look. more chaos on the streets of gaza, as israel again fires nearby a school on sunday. they say they're targeting militants operating nearby. at least nine others are killed, dozens wounded. the attack brings strong words of condemnation from the united states, saying it's appalled by the disgraceful shelling and calling on israel to do more to avoid civilian casualties. israel says it's carefully reviewing the attack.
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the conflict is entering into its fourth week and already more than 1800 palestinians have died in gaza. mostly civilians, according to local health officials. israeli defense forces say 64 israeli soldiers and three citizens have also been killed. nic robertson spoke to the political leader of hamas this weekend who said they're ready for a cease-fire. we don't want war, we want the war to end today. >> that same day, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu vowed to continue the campaign until their targets are destroyed. >> translator: we will regroup and arrange our forces in such a way that will enable us to defend our country. we will continue this operation until the goal will be achieved. >> one goal is to destroy hamas' network of tunnels. netanyahu says they're already done with that job, but added the operation will end only when peace and security is restored to the citizens of israel.
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just today in jerusalem, two incidents occurred. an earth mover overturned a pedestrians bus. the driver of the earth mover was shot and killed by police who called it a terror attack. hamas praised the attack as retaliation against the israelis. an israeli soldier was also shot and severely wounded today in jerusalem, after a man on a motorbike opened fire on him. a 7-hour humanitarian cease-fire brought temporary relief for residents in gaza who ventured out of their homes to pick up supplies. air strikes continued in other areas, palestinian officials say at least 18 were killed in gaza city after a refugee camp was hit. this attack was not considered a violation of the cease-fire, because it happened just two minutes after it was declared and was already in progress. adding to the attention gaza fighters announced they found a
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military guide from israel. hamas uses women and children as shields. the cease-fire is supposed to take effect some five hours from now, coming up, i'll talk to the spokesman for the israeli government, and the plo ambassador to the united states, both those for their perspectives on this cease-fire, i want to go to martin savage who is standing by live in gaza city, civilians were able in some parts of gaza city, to go out today for several hours during that cease-fire, what kind of response, what kind of a mood is there with word of this cease-fire supposed to take effect some five hours from now? >> it's really hard to gauge, because a lot of this happened after it got dark, and night life, there isn't much of one in gaza. people find it safer to hunker indoors. and many people don't have access to the power because of
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the power that's nonexistent in gaza. how many people are aware of this deal, unclear. even if they were, they would be skeptical. getting a cease-fire hasn't been the hard part, they've done it a lot of times. this seems to be the ninth time, it's holding that cease-fire and that's the problem at this point. what we're hearing right now, we have the drones overhead, those are almost always flying, can you hear the distant sort of rumble of jet aircraft, that's not hamas, that would be israel, and that's something new that's been added, two hours ago, we did see a burst of rocket fire that went out of here, probably the ones that went your way. these are always that nervous time when last -- each side may want to get in that last statement, and launch that last kind of attack before a cease-fire takes place, anderson? >> and at this point, how long were people able to get outside
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today? obviously in some parts of gaza they weren't able to at all, because of ongoing military operations by the idf and some other areas. how long were people in central gaza able to go out and do shopping and check up on their homes? >> in the immediate area where we are, it seemed like from almost the entire time, it started at 10:00 a.m. and went until 5:00 p.m., there were a lot of people in this immediate vicinity that were out, they went to the stores, the bank, they're using the atm, they're going to get their medicines out of the pharmacy, all the things people might normally do, even though this is an abnormal circumstance. in other parts of the gaza strip, they couldn't get out at all, or very limited, because it was not really a cease-fire, it was an easing of fire. you already mentioned israel launching their attack. there were a number of rockets that were required through the day. there were mortar rounds as well. we just saw the level of violence decrease, we didn't see
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anything cease, anderson. >> martin savage, thanks very much. sarah sidner joins me here in ashkan. this cease-fire which was unilateral. hamas said it was a p.r. ploy by israel to deflect attention from the strike near the u.n. school. what was it like here today during the cease-fire? >> in the initial one that israel called for, hamas said no, this is a trick. we noticed a couple hours of calm. you went on to the border and started talking to people along the border, they would tell you this is the quietest it's been for weeks, and this is the worst fighting they've seen in the past four weeks, in 10, 11 years. in 2008 there was a conflict, in 2012. this has been the worst. there's an interesting combination of disappointment from especially israeli jews who have been polled time and time again, who say, we want to see an end to this for good.
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we don't want to see this happen again two years from now, they want the government in israel to crush hamas. they want the military to stop hamas. >> there's widespread support among israelis? >> there's widespread support, but particularly from israeli jews, you look at the other 20% of the population who are palestinians, they have not been polled. when you talk to them, and we have, they have a much different view of this, they do not want to see this go on, they cannot stand to see those pictures in gaza, they cannot stand to see palestinians killed. parents, children, mothers, places being blown apart, and they know, and so do the iz raelgly s who have been polled. they know this can breed more hatred. we're more concerned. this is going to breed more revenge and down the line we'll be right back here again. >> we'll continue to check in with you. less than five hours now until the cease-fire is supposed to take effect. how long it lasts, that is a big
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open question, it's supposed to be a three-day cease-fire. i'm joined now by a spokesman for benjamin netanyahu. the prime minister of israel. >> does this cease-fire as far as you are concerned mean absolutely no military operations? no operations against tunnels? no ongoing or continuation of on going operations? everything ceases? >> that's correct. the operation against the tunnels is winding up anyway. we destroyed, located and destroyed those terror tunnels that allowed hamas to send into israel death squads to kill our people. and so our operation willing cease at 8:00 tomorrow morning, but to be frank, will be watching very closely, we want to see if this is going to hold this time, there have been about eight cease-fire proposals on the table. hamas has rejected or violated them all. you can't blame us for being a
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little bit skeptical. we'll be watching closely. the army is not going to be relaxing, they're going to be watching carefully to see if hamas does in fact honor the cease-fire. >> how soon, assuming the cease-fire is honored at 8:00 a.m. starting tomorrow morning, how soon would an israeli delegation actually go to cairo? >> i would presume very soon, the issue is on the table and needs to be talked about. the cease-fire can be extended. that would be good if it could be extended. and according to the egyptian initiative, the parties can bring their concerns to the table. and for us, the most important issue is to prevent hamas from rearming and prevent hamas from getting more rockets, from digging more tunnels. because we don't want just to revisit this conflict in six months or a year, we want this to be over. >> there's huge distress
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obviously on both sides, palestinian officials say it was israel who violated the latest cease-fire, the unilateral cease-fire that israel called a few minutes after the start of that, there was a strike on a house in part of gaza where supposedly there weren't ongoing military operations, it wasn't in raffa, which is where ongoing military operations are said to be occurring, they said that occurred after the cease-fire, and, therefore, israel violated the strikes, they have a lot of distrust of your willingness to uphold the cease-fire. >> when we announced that seven hour cease-fire from this morning, they automatically rejected it, even before it started. so i don't think anyone on their side has the right to talk about israeli violations. >> they rejected it, because they said it was basically a p.r. campaign that you were receiving tremendous criticism from the united states, from the u.n. for striking at militants
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who you said were riding a motorcycle near a u.n. shelter that was sheltering some thousands of people on sunday, killing a number of people outside that shelter. so they say you're trying to distract from the criticism by the u.s. and by the u.n.? >> it's not true. we were -- we've repeatedly accepted humanitarian proposals, we accepted 7 of them during this conflict. we understood the need to give a humanitarian relief to the people of gaza, who we don't see as our enemy. our enemy are the hamas terrorists who have shot 3,000 rockets into israel, trying to kill our citizens. the people of gaza are not our enemy, and that's why we repeatedly accepted humanitarian cease-fires. it was hamas who rejected those cease-fires or violated them. this cease-fire we hope will start tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m., that israel has accepted
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the same proposal that was on the table three weeks ago. it's important to stress. that means every life lost in the last three weeks is because hamas rejected an offer that apparently has accepted today. >> mark, thank you. >> my pleasure, thanks for having me. coming up, we'll also speak to a plo ambassador to the united states. but when we come back, i want to take you to the united states where at a mt. sinai hospital in new york, there is a man who's returned from west africa with a fever, he's being tested for ebola. if he tests positive, that will be the first time obviously in new york city. we'll talk about what that might mean, and we'll give you the latest update on the two missionaries who were flown back to the united states, are receiving treatment at emery university in atlanta. and responding well to some new treatments. all that ahead.
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sierra leone. but also, in atlanta, where one missionary is being treated, flown from west after require ka who has tested positive. and another missionary is set to arrive tomorrow around midday. they have received a new sear rum that has been tested in monkeys but not humans. i tan want to go to dr. sanjay gupta. a man came into a emergency room in new york with a fever. he had returned from west africa. the concern that he could be affected with the ebola virus. he is now in strict isolation at mt. sinai hospital. that's where jason carol is tonight. what's the latest, jason? >> he's in strict isolation and doctors here are awaiting test results. they should come in within the next 24 hours, we could know, anderson as soon as tomorrow as to whether or not this patient
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has been infected with the ebola virus. when he showed up here this morning, explained where he had been, explained how he was feeling, doctors within several minutes got him into strict isolation and that is where he remains. i can also tell you that a new york city health department official after speaking with officials here, after speaking with the cdc, that official anderson believes that it is unlikely this patient has been infwekted with the ebola virus. al also the chief medical virus saying it's not ebola, but the simple fact of the matter is, until they have those test results they cannot be sure. anderson? yeah, i mean, you know, i don't want to get people all panicked when i first heard this, i thought, this is really disturbing, but i can't tell you how many times i've returned from africa with a fever and
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feeling sick and ended up on antibiotics. the chance that it is ebola is very, very slim. do they have any other indications that you know about with this patient other than the fever? >> you bring up and raise a very important point. in fact, anderson, the cdc says there have been several people who have come back from the region. also, complaining of having through like symptoms, those people were tested right here in the united states, those test results came back negative. i think what this shows is, when i heard people coming out of the hospital, what's going on, what's happening here, and you hear about this potential case, it just shows you how sensitive the medical community is to this outbreak, how sensitive people are here on the street, who have heard about it, so i think that's why you have this abundance of caution here at the hospital, i think that's why you have such an interest in
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whatever you hear about any potential case or any confirmed cases of people who have ebola coming into the united states. >> jason, we'll continue checking in with you, as developments warrant. i want to check in with dr. sanjay gupta who's been following the case. one missionary is already being treated. both of whom we know tested positive for the ebola virus. what's the latest on them? how concerned should people be? there's a lot of people freaked out about this. >> i don't think there's really any reason to be freaked out. i mean, one can understand the fears, because all they know of ebola is what they hear about happening in west africa. the idea that it's going to cause some sort of spread or outbreak here, it's not likely to happen at all. i mean, this is something that just doesn't behave that way. it doesn't transmit itself through the air.
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it transmits itself through bodily fluids when someone is already quite sick. we've talked about this a lot, anderson. it always bears repeating. thoughtful people have these concerns, so we keep hammering down the science on this, we know dr. brantly has had a good couple days, he walked off the ambulance he was able to speak with his wife for 45 minutes. that was some good news. it's been a rocky few days. not the least of which was the use of an experimental serum that was flown into liberia, that may have saved him. take a look. last thursday dr. brantly thought he was going to die. it was the ninth day, his condition worsening by the minute. he knew just hours earlier, a secret highly experimental drug had been delivered to the clinic. the serum was delivered in
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sub-zero temperatures and with clear instructions. allow the viles to thaw naturally before administering. when it arrived he told his colleague, who was also sick, that she should have the first dose. but as brantly's health deteriorated, he asked for the now thawed medication. it was a risk, the treatment had been tried in monkeys and it seemed to work. but never before had it been tried in a human. not even to test safety. dr. brantly would be the first. doctors don't often use this term, they describe what happened next as miraculous. within an hour of receiving the medication, dr. brantly's condition seemed to make a dramatic turn around. his breathing improved. the rash nearly faded away. >> i hope it was as impressive as being described. if it is, that bodes very well
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for that particular product. >> by the next morning, brantly was able to shower on his own, before making the 6,000 mile transport to atlanta. saturday afternoon, another first. watch as he walks off the back of the ambulance. he became the first patient infected with the ebola virus to ever set foot in the united states. or even this part of the world. tuesday, his colleague nancy, who also received the serum, will join him at emory universities hospital. >> i can't imagine having to wait eight hours watching this thing thawing out naturally as you kneel like you're on the brink of death. how does this serum work, and how long has the u.s. government had it for? i've never heard of this at all. >> yeah, this is really neat science. it's a monoclonal antibody.
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they take ebola, give it to animals, in this case mice, wait for the mice to make antibodies and take the antibodies and make the medication. by giving that. never been given to a human being before, but by giving that to dr. brantly they believe it caused this dramatic change in his overall condition. he had labored breathing, he wasn't doing well. and within an hour, it really seemed to change things for him. >> do you know why it was given to them? there have been other people who have had ebola before, who have ended up dying? do you know why the decision was made for them to get it? >> it's a little unclear. this is a highly unusual situation. because it had gone through the clinical trial process, hadn't been tested for safety in humans, efficacy in humans.
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it was unusual. it seemed to be some communications between the organization that was caring for him and doctors with the n.i.h. that made this all happen. they didn't know what kind of impact it was going to have. now that this has happened there's been some increase in funding for the defense threat assessment organization that basically assesses threats around the world and tries to figure out where to enhance resources, and this is an area that they're focused on, could it be something that could be more mass used in africa? obviously a great goal, we're not sure if this would be the particular medication, because of how difficult it is it to administer in these hospitals, but something like this could show great promise and these two may have been the first. dr. brantley was the first person in the world to receive this. >> let's hope they both continue to improve, and it is something that can be used to help others. it's an extraordinary development, thanks very much. where all this began, and we've seen outbreaks in ebola, over
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the last many rears, they're usually very isolated, in remote areas and they usually burn out relatively quickly, this is different. this has continued far longer than doctors anticipated. and frankly, in parts of west africa, it's out of control, and doctors are having a very real problem treating it, because the number offal lhealth professio are dying. but keeping track of where people who are infected are going, the fear is they will spread it even further like to the capital city of nigeria. creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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more now on the outbreak of the ebola virus in west africa, and also the treatment two americans are going to be receiving in the united states. dr. kent brantly arrived from liberia, flown in over the weekend. he was well enough to be able to walk off that ambulance. dr. sanjay gupta was reporting. another missionary, is expected
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to arrive tomorrow around midday. unsure of exactly her condition, but she is also said to be improving, they have both, as sanjay said in our last report, received this experimental serum that has not been tested in humans yet, it has been tested in mice. also right now, an american is a man -- is in intensive isolation, at mt. sinai hospital in new york, has a fever after returning from west africa, out of an abundance of caution, doctors put him in isolation to test him for ebola, i want to talk to our correspondent who is in west africa. more than 700 people have died in sierra leone liberia, and guinea so far. because of this outbreak, and it's out of control in a lot of areas in west africa. >> david in sierra leone, is the situation under control at all? is this outbreak under control at all?
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>> no, anderson, what health professionals, particularly those from doctors without borders have told me, it's out of control. they have an 80 bed facility here, which is the epicenter of this outbreak, and all 80 beds are filled with patients. they can't take anyone more. and some of the basic things that need to be done when dealing with an ebola outbreak, like tracing the contact people have before they reach the hospital setting, that's not happening to the degree it should be, and that's a very worrying prospect. >> are people panicked about it there? how are people responding. >> there is a sense of panic, but there's also a sense of fortitude, you know, we drove in from the capital toward the epicenter of the outbreak, and today in sierra leone, they shut down the entire country. it's quite extraordinary, no cars on the road, no people at school, no one going to work, and they said it was a day for reflection, for prayer. for people to internalize just
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how serious the situation is. one red cross official we spoke to said the virus is everywhere in the east. and there might be hundreds of people out there that haven't been contacted by a health professional. and so that means that this could go on for some time, at least six months, they say, there's no guarantee they can get it under control. with the level of help that they're getting to it right now. >> do they have enough health care workers? enough doctors? or is that not the need? is it more logistical help? >> this area, they have enough professionals, health workers to go in and deal with the patients themselves. >> there's a whole other aspect to try to stamp out an epidemic, lying trying to figure out who someone came into contact with, like going in and spraying the villages with a chlorine solution, to stop any more contact and more infection going-forward. it's like a bush fire, if you
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don't deal with the embers in individual places the whole thing could spread out of control again. we thought we were done with this epidemic, some months ago. but it's now spreading into yet another country, nigeria, and that's a very worrying prospect. both for the region and global health concerns. anderson. >> david mckenzie, be careful, thank you. doctors keep stressing ebola is not something that's spread through the air, you have to come in contact with a bodily fluid of an infected person. it's not that easy to spread in that sense. that's why it's often health care workers or family members who become infected from somebody else because they come in contact with bodily fluids. the question, though, with air travel and the increasing air travel and the ease of air travel from west africa to all around the globe, how possible is it for it to spread like that? i want to check in with
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elizabeth cone at hartsfield international airport where the cdc has people set up to test people coming in. that is the concern. it's very possible, i mean, is there anything to really stop somebody from getting on an airplane who may be infected? >> you know what, anderson, it's going to be rereally tough, once you're infected you're not going to get sick for a week or two or even longer, even though they are doing fever checks at many airports, the fever check isn't going to catch someone who hasn't gotten sick yet. >> and in terms of once somebody arrives in the united states, is there anything more being done on this end? >> oh, yes, absolutely. so if someone -- i actually today was in the isolation room here, the quarantine room here at hartsfield in atlanta is one of about 20 in the u.s. when someone comes through
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immigration, the customs and immigration officials are trained to spot people who look sick, if you look sick, they're supposed to ask you questions and get the cdc officials who are there at the airport to come and put you in this room if necessary. ask more questions and if necessary, get you in an ambulance to an isolation room to a nearby hospital. >> all right. elizabeth, appreciate your reporting. when we come back, the latest on the situation leer in israel and in gaza. we also want to look at the relationship between prime minister benjamin netanyahu, and the obama white house. really interesting details emerged over the weekend. conversations between the prime minister and secretary of state john kerry. allegations of spying by israel on second kerry. all that lead. scientists. f our they'll show you a special glue we've developed that bonds metal to plastic.
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all sides, palestinian factions, even hamas' military wing and political wing are said to have agreed to the cease-fire that's supposed to take place starting at 8:00 a.m. on tuesday morning here in the region. supposed to to last for 72 hours, the hope is that negotiations will start to take place in egypt, that 72 hour window will be extended. there's a lot of hope, but also a lot of concern and mistrust on all sides of this conflict. we want to take a look at the relationship between benjamin netanyahu here in israel and the obama white house. all is friendly, you often here praise from the israeli officials. from the prime minister. and from the white house. all sides publicly saying that there's a great or steadfast relationship. behind the scenes, there are a lot of reports from officials on both sides that there is a lot of tension in the relationship, prime minister netanyahu did not contradict this weekend reports that he told secretary of state
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john kerry never to contradict him or never to second guess him when it concerns relations with hamas. i want to talk about all this now with david gergen and also david miller from the woodrow wilson international center. >> this report that the prime minister told john kerry never to second guess him, what do you make of that? >> i think it's authentic, and it rings true for netanyahu. he once told me for example don't second guess israel, when it comes to security requirements, because you live in chevy chase maryland and i'm out here in the middle of a grim and dangerous neighborhood. i can see the prime minister saying that, the reality is, these two guys sit in different places. in life, frankly, where you stand has a good deal to deal with where you sit. i think unlike lehman brothers, this relationship is too big to fail. there is. i suspect david will agree, a
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lot of dysfunction at the top. >> david, how cross do you think the relationship is? the personal effect the political and the security? >> it's probably the worst relationship between a leader. united states and leader of israel since all the way back to the eisenhower days 50, 60 years ago, these men haven't liked each other from the beginning. obama thinks that netanyahu is bullheaded. and netanyahu thinks obama is week. neither trusts the other. we have this incident a couple years ago, 2011, open mike sarkozy couldn't stand netanyahu, told obama that, and netanyahu's a liar. and obama returned to him and said, look, think about me. how frustrating?
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i think the relationship has gotten rockier over this period during the war. and the relationship with john kerry has also moved. at one time obama played a good cop -- obama played the bad cap to kerry's bad cop. they think kerry played something to the bad cop this time around. to go to aaron's point, as much dysfunction ailty there is in the relationship, the two of them have -- in terms of conducting this war, the united states has been there for israel a lot, and netanyahu appreciates this. you -- you open the program management with the iron dome, and seeing pictures of that. that was supplied, obama had a lot to do with protecting israel. and just today he signed a bill, $225 million to further improve the iron dome for israel. >> and aaron, i mean, even through the united states has criticized particularly on sunday criticized the way israel
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in some places has fought back, they continue to resupply them with weapons? >> right, and i think the basic relationship is going to remain in tact as it has through any number of crisis. i mean, this is a dysfunctional relationship. baker and bush and shamir had a tough one. the difference is, back then, even though there was a lot of dysfunction, their relationship was functional. they got a lot of stuff done, the real problem in this relationship, two of these guys haven't found a project on which they can basically cooperate. i mean, they're trying to figure out a way to move forward on iran, the israelis have a different view obviously, the urgency of iran's request for a nuclear weapon. clearly on arab israeli stuff, there is a fundamental divide between benjamin netanyahu and the president. one of the interesting points i think, part of it may be generational. i work for both of obama's
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predecessors and bill clinton and george w. bush intuitively had an emotional affinity with israel. the reality is barack obama is six years old in 1967 when a lot of the pro israeli narrative infused both the jewish community and the nonjewish communities. obama's detached. he's certainly not an enemy or adversary of the state of israel. israelis like to be loved as strange as it may seem. it's really hard for the president to project that sort of emotion. at the same time, obama looks at netanyahu and says, this guy doesn't respect american interests. there's no sense of reciprocity. the relationship really never got off to the kind of firm foundation that it should have. >> david miller, appreciate you being on. when we come back, mudslides in the united states, and really
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southern california, where torrential rains and mudslides have damaged dozens of homes, standing a number of people. one person was found dead in san bernardino county, when their car was swept into a creek. they were found dead inside that vehicle. hundreds of kids and adults are needed to be evacuated from the camp. >> the water and mud came so fast, some had already no time to react. >> it was a flash flood, i knew we were in the middle of it, we only had minutes to decide to turn around. >> more than four inches of rain in less than two hours, turned roads into rivers of mud and rock. >> everything slides down and it's just this rush of rock and water and mud. >> rescuers had to break windows to try to get into vehicles that were swept away. >> about an hour east of los angeles, a man died after his car was swept into a creek. >> the person was found inside
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the vehicle. the car was severely damaged, people forget that not only water comes down the hillsides but brings debris with it, often times large boulders and logs. >> in forest falls, the mud flow is so deep it closed off the only road leading to barts of forest home, an 1800 bed christian camp. a number of stranded campers slept on the floor of the dining hall. >> there was no one who was concerned for their safety. >> reporter: to give you a sense of how much mud came flowing through here, take a look at that handicapped parking sign. it's about six feet tall. only a foot or two is sticking out. dozens of cars were left covered in mud. more than 40 homes suffered damage. while the rain only lasted a couple hours, the cleanup is going to take a very long time. >> and tonight all of the roads
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have been reopened which has been great, because it's allowed those kids at the christian camp to be brought back down and it has also allowed all of the heavy equipment, the backhoes and tractors to come up here in the mountains to help with the gigantic cleanup ahead. >> did a lot of this occur because of the drought that's gone on there in california? >> some of it. basically, this is an area that is susceptible to landslides and rock slides. that is exactly what you had over the weekend. we're talking about five inches of rain in just over an hour's time. there was no way for the ground to soak it up, and that's what created the slide. >> ted rowlands, appreciate the update. we're live all through the next hour, 9:00 p.m. hour. i hope you stay tuned for that, i'll have the latest on the
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