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tv   New Day  CNN  August 6, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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user names from popular websites. what are they going to do with them and how safe is your information? >> your "new day" starts right now. good morning. welcome to "new day." it is wednesday, august 6, 6:00 in the east. here's the good news. the israeli and palestinian factions are in cairo this morning looking for what has alluded them for generations, compromise. the concern is whether this is as good as it gets as the two sides are very far apart on acceptable conditions for a permanent peace agreement. >> the process is off to a slow start though and face-to-face talks, they aren't even expected since israel will not speak directly with islamic jihad. two days remain in the crease fire between the multiple sides, the two sides really, i guess. for more on this let's get live to jake tapper live on jerusalem on ground with us for more. jake, what are you seeing? >> good morning, kate.
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the clock is ticking to the end of the 72-hour cease-fire which is set for friday morning local time. now a report out of lebanon says that egyptian officials are suggesting an extension until sunday morning to allow more time for talks. there's still a question about whether or not the israelis have even arrived in cairo despite the fact that many in the media have reported that. let's bring in reza sayah from cairo where the negotiations are set to take place. reza, what are you hearing about whether or not the israelis are there, and have any talks actually started yet? >> reporter: the israelis are here, jake, but full-scale talks have not gotten under way. we just spoke to a palestinian delegate who is part of the negotiating team in cairo, and he tells us they have yet to make communications with egyptian officials today. he expects that to happen sometime within the next several hours. the israeli team did arrive here last night and the cease-fire seems to be holding so the stage
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is set for these two sides to start negotiating. we do have some information about the format of these talks. these are not going to be direct talks. in other words, this is not going to be an arrangement where you have israelis and the palestinians sitting across the table from one another. these are going to be indirect talks when in one location of cairo you'll have the israelis talking to the egyptians and then in another location in cairo you'll have the palestinians talking to the egyptians and egypt is going to be the messenger, the go-between. obviously anxious hours ahead. the cease-fire is to last until friday morning 8:00 a.m. local time so technically, jake, they have a couple of days to make something happen. if not, one of the options is extending this cease-fire. jake? >> all right. reza, thank you so much. joining me now here in jerusalem is mark regev, the chief spokesman for israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. mr. regev, thanks for being here. >> my pleasure.
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>> first of all, the israeli delegation, whenever they arrive in cairo, are they empowered to discuss anything in terms of a long-term truce? >> we've accepted the egyptian proposal, accepted it three weeks ago for be a immediate cease-fire in gaza, unconditionally and all the conditions could be raised by the egyptians. from our point of view the crease fire is ongoing. the ball is in hamas' courts. if hamas wants to restart hostilities we'll be back to square one. >> israel says extend it as long as you want. we want peace. >> our goal in this operation was peace and security for our citizens and an end to rocket fire on israel and into the terror tunnels bringing death squads into israel. if that can be achieved diplomatly all for the good. >> there is a poll out today in
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"haar yet" newspaper despite claims that the operations was a full-throated success despite a crushing blow to hamas and the tunnels the israeli public is not sold on that, thinking it was a tie thinking the objectives were only partially achieved. what are your thoughts? >> the jury is still out. will hamas abide by the cease-fire. hamas has proven over the last three weeks when they violated a whole series of cease-fire proposals put on the table by the united nations, by the red cross and others so skepticism is in order. what did ronald reagan said, trust but verify. i think when we talk about ham was, distrust, verify and then verify again. >> even before the conditions in gaza were difficult is israel
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prepared to essentially lift a blockade on gaza so the citizens there can rebuild their lives and have some sort of hope so that many of them do not seek the leadership of hamas? >> i think today the situation in gaza is very difficult. to say the word is understatement. of course, we're willing to discuss easing restrictions. the restrictions were only put in place because of the violence. how can a government in gaza come to israel and say we want normal relations, trade and open borders and at the same time shoot rockets at the people or send terrorists across the frontier to murder other people. it can't be done. if gaza wants a more normal relation with israel gaza has to cease its hostilities towards gaza. >> former president jimmy carter says the west needs to recognize hamas as a legitimate player. what would hamas need to do for israel to sit directly across the table from them as right now
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you are unwilling to do? i understand you and the united states consider, and many other countries consider hamas to be a terrorist group. what do they need to do to change that? >> there are u.n. benchmarks put on the table i think ten years ago by the then secretary-general kofi annan. he says hamas has to recognize israel's right to exist which is something they refuse to do. their platform says israel should be eliminated. they have to accept the right that israel should exist. how can you be a partner in peace when one side has to be destroyed, israel. kofi annan said they have to renounce terrorism. as long as they said every israeli civilian is a target, as lange as they say we'll conduct these terror operations building tunnels and so forth to accepted death squads into israel, as long as that's their behavior that's a problem as well. >> there's been an announcement from the israeli government and from the israeli security services that there was an
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arrest in the kidnapping of the three boys that in a small way was the precipitating factor for this entire horror. who was arrested and what has he said in terms of his relationship to hamas, if any? >> first of all, he is a senior member of hamas and the police are talking about this. apparently he was trying to illicitly cross the border in jordan but we got him in time. >> about a month ago. >> his arrest will hope lead to the further arrest and we'll get to the bottom of the murder of the three teenagers. >> and he said hamas had something to do with kidnappings. >> he himself is hamas. >> mark regev, thank you so much. back to you in new york. >> thanks for that update. >> a lot of news this morning so let's get right to mick. good morning, everyone. cnn is projecting pat roberts has beaten milton wolf in a gop primary. he's a distant cousin and had tea party scored and the
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republican establishment scored another win with dave trott winning. developing overnight, united flight from newark to brussels in an emergency landing in nova scotia, canada, after a small fire on board. a spokeswoman for airline says the crew put out the fire in the gallie oven before the plane landed. the 239 passengers and all 14 crew are all doing fine. a new plane was flown to halifax so they can complete their trip now to belgium. >> some of the more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped by boca haram may have been spotted. the "wall street journal" reports on two separate occasions u.s. surveillance flights over northern nigeria spotted large groups of girls gathered together in a remote field. now it's raising hope that some of them are the abducted girls. officials say the surveillance suggests at least some of them are getting special treatment and are likely being used as bargaining chips for release of
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boca haram prisoners. we'll keep on that story for you. got to show you this heart-pounding rescue caught on camera. watching that flash flooding out near las vegas. cars are swept away which flash floods. take a look at this. >> get out! get out! hurry! >> shocking to see it's las vegas, the desert. an elderly woman was stuck in her prius. can you see the other groups rushing towards her. she's pulled to safety just as they got her out. one of the guys had to be rescued himself from the fast moving muddy water. fortunately it's kind miraculous no one was injured in this situation. thank goodness those people were there. >> look at how fast that muddy water is running. indra has told us time and time again it doesn't take much water to move that quickly. >> is that in road or side of the road? >> in between the lanes.
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>> it's not just water. >> all sorts of debris so it has more density and power and that's why it's able to push the car back and why it can hurt you. >> even if it's just water, it can carry. moves fast. >> they thought fast. >> once again people stepping up in the face of danger to help somebody else. come up on "new day," an army general gunned down in afghanistan raising new concerns obviously about the safety of american forces as the u.s. mission winds down there. we're going to go live to the pentagon for new details. >> plus a second american is back in the u.s. being treated for ebola. dr. sanjay gupta has the latest on her progress. the other american who is being treated, and whether there are any other cases here.
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the u.s. army mourning the death of two-star general harold green this morning, highest ranking service member to die in a war zone since vietnam. gunned town in an apparent insider attack when an of a gaffe soldier opened fire in a military training facility in kabul. the afghan military and investigators are now investigating.
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cnn's barbara starr has more breaking details on this. you have a family grieving the loss of their father and their husband, their son. but you also have the pentagon trying to figure out how this happened. you've got new details. >> reporter: good morning, kate, as with all deaths in the war zone it is now the subject of an investigation, whether it is the most junior soldier or senior general. the pentagon takes a look at all the deaths in the war zone, but what we now know from an official with direct knowledge of the incident. the group came under attack from a shooter. they were outside and came under attack from a shooter and standing inside a nearby building. u.s. army major general harold green was killed and several others wounded, some seriously, when the gunman opened fire at the national defense university, a training facility in kabul. the shooter used a russian-made machine gun.
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he was shot and killed by others on site. >> it's bad enough to be shot, even in the battlefield, but the way that happened, somebody pulled a gun that was supposed to be on his side. just terrible. >> reporter: the general was the highest ranking member killed in a war zone against the enemy since vietnam. he was the training director for all u.s. programs in afghanistan. >> he was proud to be over there. >> reporter: pentagon officials believe the shooter was an afghan soldier who had been with his unit for some time and had been rigorously reviewed to make sure he was not a taliban sympathizer. by all accounts he passed the seven-step review process. the pentagon well aware that the so-called insider threat, death at hands of afghan troops, is almost impossible to stop. >> the insider threat is a pernicious threat and it's difficult to -- to always ascertain.
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to come to the grips of the scope of it. >> reporter: after peaking in 2012 coalition deaths from such attacks dipped last year in part due to new security measures and reviews, but the risks remain. and the general's remains will be on their way back to dover leaving kabul later today, we are told. kate? >> all right, barbara, i'll take it very much. let's bring in lieutenant colonel rick francona who actually survived a similar attack serving in iraq. always a pleasure. context is important. you heard what barbara is reporting there. people will say we can't stay in afghanistan. y that can't be trusted. these types of attacks called green on blue have been happening less and less but why do they happen? well, when you're dealing in a country that's this fractured, has this many tribal loyalties, different ethnicities there will always be rivalries and competition among groups and that spills over.
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now we're a foreign power in there, us and the other nato forces, and -- and can be seen as occupiers, as invaders, and, you know, the afghans have this long-standing history of resisting anyone from the outside so who knows what was going through this young man's mind when he decided to do this. may have had a family problem, another issue or we don't know yet. may have actually been recruited by the taliban. >> the investigation matters because those are two very different scenarios. the one is whatever cultural sympathies overwhelmed him, it happened over time and that's why he passed the vetting, or this showed the taliban's ability to get someone this deep inside, and if it is that second scenario, it's much more troubling. >> that's a much bigger security issue that we have and i'm sure the counterintelligence and counterterrorism people will be looking at that. though taliban has not taken credit for this, and normally they would. we'll have to see where this goes. they may not yet but in the future might. this is a good scenario for them. they know where there's going to be a gathering of senior
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officers. that's a good target. that's something that they would go after and finding a recruit inside of the afghan military is the gold standard because he's already been vetted and can get on to the base. >> what do you make of this suggestion that the shooter was 100 yards away? does it make it seem less likely he was targeting a high-ranking officer? >> i don't think this plays into that yet. we'll see as the investigate plays out because these guys would come in a motorcade, there would be many of them and they would have security and maybe 100 yards is as close as he could get or maybe he was waiting to see where he could have get them, may have scoped out where they may be. have to see how this plays out and the army criminal investigation division will do a thorough review. >> your response to the pushback that this is proof we should not be there. if you're going to get out, get out. you're just settingp your fighting men and women to be picked off by these people. >> that's a consideration. as we true down the force, the
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potential for this to happen increases because we're -- where we're going, half americans, half afghans, that ratio will change. less americans are more afghans so if there's a problem with an individual or in a particular unit, the potential for this increases, but that's the mission we've been given and what the troops will do. >> whether that's the right or wrong mission, that's a discussion of a different day. you lived through something like this, involved a big bomb, put a 30-foot hole in the ground. you survived because you got lucky really and hit behind a wall that was able to sustain the blast. >> by luck hon my part i happened to be in the one sandbag building in the compound when this explosion went off and had i not been in this room we wouldn't be talking. >> for your family, i'm sure you find a way to deal with it, but for your family it has to affect
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the morale and people working around you. what do you do? >> it's the trust issue. right after that happened. you tell yourself, okay, empirically, this is statistically not important. it was one of the guys that was with us that turned, and you would proceed the next couple of days always looking and, you know, checking your back and you don't want to get too that syndrome but you think that the guy if he's not american then i don't trust him. >> so many of you speak the cultural language and the cultural obstacles and the difficulty of the mission and when there's a real risk to your own life makes the mission very, very hard. >> and as one of the commentators said you understand when you're fighting the enemy
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and you take casualties not that it's any less traumatic but you can understand it. but when it's someone that you've put your trust into, it really plays on your mind. >> i'll tell you when i was reading this story about you, we think about the major general's family now, he was so dedicated to serve, traveling everywhere and trying to help make things better and now they have to deal with this. >> a fine officer, deserved better than this. >> colonel, thank god you made it. thanks for helping us here. we'll take a break and when we come back the two americans with ebola are being treated here in the u.s. and is this the least of our worries, don't want to spread any panic or to be alarmist but this disease is spreading in africa, we know that. the u.n. is getting ready for an emergency meeting. how are they going to stop it? we'll get a update from dr. sanjay gupta. plus, 20,000 russian troops piled up on the border with ukraine. so much for sanctions. is moscow preparing for a full-scale invasion? what can we do in this situation. we'll take you live to donetsk.
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back on u.s. soil and on the road to recovery, hopefully. missionary nancy writebol infected with the ebola virus is receiving treatment this morning at an atlanta hospital. writebol arrived tuesday on a stretcher, you are seeing some video of it right here. she was unable to walk on her own into the vicinity.
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she's being treated though in the same isolation unit as her colleague, dr. kent brantly. dr. sanjay gupta is live outside emory hospital where she is being treated and where sanjay is on staff. you've been following this so closely, getting updates kind how she has progressed in her travels from west africa to atlanta. what's the latest on nancy writebol's condition that you're hearing? >> first of all, let me just say we saw her coming in on gurney and dr. brantly walked. in the fact that dr. brantly walked was probably more of a surprise than miss writebol coming in on gurney, older and obviously evacuated later but doctors are pretty optimistic about her overall. it's been a rocky few days though for her, kate. take a look. this morning nancy writebol is back in the united states being treated at emory hospital in atlanta. just days ago in like are a writebol and her family had to
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face a grim possibility, the end of her life. bruce johnson quotes nancy's husband david in a statement. >> a week ago he said we were thinking about possible funeral arrangements. yet we kept our faith and now we have a real reason to be hopeful. >> on monday days after receiving an experimental ebola serum, writebol, still weak but better, boarded a medical plane specially designed to transport high-risk patients. it was the same plane that picked up an infected colleague dr. kent brantly just two days prior. it was just after 1:00 in the morning monrovia time. writebol ate some yogurt before boarding and reportedly stood up before boarding and her condition was still tenuous.
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her family and brantly's family prayed for her safe return. by 8:45 in morning after making a stop in maine the air ambulance took off on its last leg. three hours later her plane landed outside atlanta and just before 1:00 p.m. writebol was wheeled into emory by workers in haz-mat suits. this time she did not stand but was home, closer to her family, cloaked in their hope and prayers. >> we still have a long ways to go, but we have reason for hope. >> kate, part that have hope again may come in the form of this experimental therapy that we've been talking about. we know now that she got two doses when she was over in liberia, it's usually a three-dose regimen and that third dose will be given today, something that the emory doctors here have been talking the nih and fda to coordinate that and keep in mind she would be the second person in the world to receive this. her colleague, dr. brantly, being the first.
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>> sanjay, i wanted to ask you more about the experimental serum zmapp. one of the problems with this is in the only has it ever been given to humans before but they are in short supply of this serum as well. do they have enough? >> very good points. you know, again, they were the first people to ever try this, that's very unusual. typically it goes through a clinical trial process, test to see if something is safe and effective and then whether you can offer it to a larger number of people this. particular product, we've been doing a fair amount of investigation, it can be scaled up, if you will more quickly. it can be actually grown through certain plants, and in this case the tobacco plant. a fascinating process. they actually take a single gene and insert it into the plant and the plant is taught how to make
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the antibodies which can have this significant impact. we don't know how long it's going to last. we don't know if it will have the same benefit in other patients as it did in dr. brantly and miss writebol but it looks pretty promising when nothing else really exists. >> sure does. when you look at scope of the threat which really obviously is centered in west africa right now. we just received news this morning that nigeria's reporting, sanjay, they have five more confirmed cases of ebola, two deaths, and this is all related to folks who came in contact with that american man traveling in nigeria, patrick sawyer. it really just shows what a huge threat this still is which does beg the question with -- with writebol and brantly being treated in atlanta, at what point, sanjay, and the doctors say they do have reason for hope, at what point do we know that they are safe, that the threat is gone? how do they know? >> well, there's two of two components to that and you need both. one is as far as they go, you
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know, these two particular patients, want to make sure that they are actually feeling well, that physically they are more robust and able to care for themselves and get up and around and you have to make sure that they are still not shedding the ebola virus which can persist in someone's body fluids even after they feel better so those sort of two criteria will be really important for them and roughly same criteria that people use in other hospitals as well. >> from your perspective is this a long-term stay in the hopes that they do continue on the road to recovery or with the experimental serum described as a miraculous turnaround for kent brantly, do you think this could be coming in short order that they could be recovered. i think they will still be here for several days because even if they do feel better i think, you know, making sure that there's no more virus in -- that they could potentially transmit so that's going to be the isolation part of it alone i think will probably last several day and
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they will be checking their blood often just to answer that question. >> absolutely and even doctors, i know you have pointed out they have to check their temperature twice a day to make sure there isn't any issue as there isn't any problem helping the patients and you look overseas and they need a lot of help in west africa right now. sanjay, thanks so much. sanjay is on top of this story with us. we'll check back with you later. >> coming up next on "new day," may be cyber crime of the century. seriously. russian hackers reportedly steal more than 1 billion user names and passwords. what you need to know to try to protect yourself against this. that's coming up. new details about the peace talks scheduled to take place in cairo and israel and palestinian factions of gaza. more on that. that's supposed to start up today. [ man ] cortana, when my wife calls
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remind me to tell her happy anniversary. [ cortana ] next time you talk to caroline, i'll remind you. [ siri ] oh no, i cannot do that. oh, and remind me to get roses when i'm near any flower shop. sure thing. remind you when you get to flower shop. i can't do that either. cortana, it's gonna be a great night. [ beep ] oh wow! thanks for the traffic alert. i better get going. now that is a smart phone. ♪ oh, wait ♪ it's 'cause you make me smile ♪
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the world is telling russia to back off in eastern ukraine and the response seems to be a resounding no. there are now 20 n.o.w. russian troops assembled just outside of eastern ukraine, a doubling of forces that coincidentally comes as ukraine's military is gaining control in the fighting in the rebel stronghold of donetsk. moscow significant nothing its own buildup and will only say eastern ukraine is a humanitarian catastrophe. nick payton walsh has more from there.
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>> reporter: chris, that russian force on the border isn't really enough to occupy territory but it is in the words of one nato official to seriously intervene here in eastern ukraine. highly mobile. the question is moscow who supported many say and armed this separatist insurgency here definitely on back foot in the face of an advancing ukraine army and in the center of donetsk last night and we know the army is advancing towards the city center over that hill behind me. in the light that have advance does moscow do nothing and let the separatists directly go to the wall or does it do something to change a situation? when you hear moscow talk about the catastrophe are they laying the groundwork in their eyes to send a small force in to intervene and remind ukraine its neighbor and who they want to consider a boss in that region? >> the question is are they going to reach in to help stop something or reach in and make it worse?
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we'll get you more from that in just a bit. right now over to michaela. >> another issue that stems from russia, could be the biggest data breach ever. a group of russian cyber criminals have stolen 1.2 billion user names and passwords. hackers stole the information from more than something like 420,000 websites. probably means one of the ones you've used. poppy harlow is here with the details, astonishing. >> four times the u.s. population. it's an incredible number. this is by all accounts the biggest data breach yet. wasn't discovered by the government. it was discovered by a milwaukee-based security firm called holden security. we talked to the founder last night about it, and he said what's interesting about this is that they weren't trolling for your financial data. they weren't breaking into your bank account. they were basically sending out
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spam e-mails to market things like different weight loss pills, things like that, but what they do think is that they were gearing up for something bigger so they were able to fly under the radar for a long time. this was affecting big fortune 500 companies and tiny little mom and pop shops with websites. they have fixed and closed the loophole on a lot of the websites but not all of them. not putting the names out there what companies may have been affected which makes it hard to know have i been to that website, have i been pointed out but pointed out fortune 500 companies and small companies at this point are still vulnerable. they are leaving themselves exposed to all of this. an interesting factor and analogy made it we keep our homes tidy. we don't keep our online lives tidy and it's kind of true. we don't do the things we need to do to protect ourselves. maybe it's not so harmful this time but 1.1 billion, got to think that there was a bigger goal here. >> look at the law of averages
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around our studios, means several of us were likely hacked. how do we know if we've been hacked. >> you would know did you send me the odd e-mail with the links. don't ever do that, so your friends may alert you. not like a sure fire way i've been hacked, but this company holden securities is saying they are setting up a way in the next few weeks for you to contact them and for free they will tell you if you were vulnerable or part of this hack, not all hacks, this hack. companies can pay them and pay other security firms to let them know. >> obviously the best thing is to change your password. >> i make the mistake for having a similar password. >> great apps on your smartphone where can you save all your passwords and it's secure. >> i don't need them hacking that website. >> apparently they are secure. need a different password for everything and what we're seeing
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increasingly is this double factor identification. websites prompting you -- >> verification. >> all companies should have this. websites prompting you for two passwords to get in. that will make you a lot safer, the reality we live in and 1.2 billion people were hacked. >> keep your online life as clean as your real life. i like that. good analogy from poppy. >> i didn't do it but i will try. >> let's go from that to this and see if our forecast is any cleaner. our meteorologist indra petersons is -- well, she's on her way into the studio to tell us about the forecast. i hear there's rumor of some rain in the southeast. we'll find out or in the northeast after a break. kate, i'll send it over to you. >> over to indra in just a second. let's take a break. coming up next on "new day," israeli and palestinian delegates, they are in cairo this morning for peace talks. what do the two sides what, and what can they realistically get? we'll take a look. >> plus, another green on blue attack in afghanistan. an american general killed.
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welcome back to "new day." let's get a look at the forecast with meteorologist intrapetersons. what do you see? >> supposed to be summer, right? look at the map and it looks good out there. pretty mitch comfortable no matter where you look but then you know that is not the complete story because, yes, it is raining in athe lo of places today so it's not that perfect. midwest, even to the northeast we're talking about a cold front. a couple of lows are out there. where you have the lows themselves, more instability and what does that mean to you. >> out in st. louis, a threat of stronger thunderstorms and no longer a severe weather threat. if you want to track it as we're getting closer to the weekend, going to the northeast, high pressure. that's going to be building in. going to be nicer as you go towards the weekend but all that bad stuff going down to the southeast. that's when we're talking about the rain as you go towards friday so that cold front again is sagging farther down to the south. what are we watching as far as rain totals, heavy, the southern
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portions of the midwest. 2 to 1 inches spreading in towards the southeast, again, as you get closer to friday and saturday it's going to progress even farther south. bertha, kind of offshore of new york. when i say offshore i mean really offshore and current stats bringing in 15 miles per hour so just a tropical storm. meanwhile on the opposite side, right side of the eastern pacific, threat for still two hurricanes that are out there. both of them bee lying it straight for hawaii. the good news expected to weaken. we do have that threat for the storms to make a landfall. kate? >> all right, indra, thanks very much. delegations from israel and the palestinian factions are in cairo this morning preparing to begin talks through egyptian officials, to negotiate a long-term peace deal. both sides coming to the talks with key demands. so let's talk about what those demands are, break them down and let's also break down what they
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realistically can get in this virp. let's bring in cnn political commentator and contributing editor. peter, we were just saying we talk about these demands a lot and towns how important they are and what the history is of them is really key when they start these talks off. israel and gaza, biggest i think we could argue, the biggest demand coming from gaza and the palestinian factions is to remove the blockades. explain to folks the blockades and what they are and why were they put in place by israel and egypt search years ago. >> israel started restricting movement in and out of gaza back in 1991 after the first intifada. after the election of hamas, israel pulled its settlers out of gaza in 2005 and in 2006 there was an election that hamas won and hamas took control
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militarily in the gaza strip in 2007. >> and that speaks to the fear that israel had and why they put the blockade in place. >> israel was concerned and wanted to prevent military goods from coming in. israel, as an israeli official said, wanted to show palestinians they would be punishing by electing hamas and would do better in the west paining where the more moderate fatt fatah was in office. in 2007 israel made it hard to import very many goods into gaza and also very hard to export goods out of gaza. now, after 2010, after the round of fighting then, israel loosened the restrictions on goods coming in, so it is easier. they do bring a lot more goods into gaza now. the problem is it's hard for gazans to afford those because it's still extremely difficult for gazans to export out of gaza. that's why such a huge percentage of the population is now on food aid because israel makes exports from gaza into the west bank and israel very
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difficult. >> the fear on the part of israel and why this is a huge question or a concession is the fear that this would allow easing -- easing these restrictions would allow hamas to re-arm and rebuild tunnels and also the part of egypt. egypt, if you look in this border. there's -- the rafa border, this is also blocked off. >> right. >> and what's different now -- what's different now from the last round of fighting is you now have an egyptian government under sisi hostile towards hamas, a wing of the muslim brotherhood and what's new in this conflict is this kind of de facto partnership between israel and egypt, both a very hostile view towards hamas and both trying a close off access for hamas from potential weapons to come in. >> with that in mind then, how open is open enough? i mean, you can see a scenario where people -- where the palestinian factions, no matter
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what israel says in terms of loosening restrictions won't be happy with what israel is prepared to do. >> right. the reality, the problem israel has is it wants gaza demilitarized but it won't go back to sending its own soldiers permanently to control gaza. the cost economically, the human cost to israeli soldiers, the risk to their lives is simply too high. though israel wants the demilitarization of gaza i don't think israel has the capacity to bring it about. the best israel could probably do from a security point of view, destroyed a lot of the tunnels and some of the rockets hamas had. may be able to have tighter control at the borders, especially if it brings in the palestinian authority. >> right. >> that's mahmoud abbas. his forces into gaza, they may have some tighter control of the border but it's not going to be demilitarized in the way israel would like. >> and you're speaking to the key demand coming from israel at this point is demilitarizing gaza. how do they actually go about that. how would they realistically go about trying to achieve that. >> couldn't realistically go about doing that unless you go
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house to house throughout gaza which israel is not willing to do. i think the best israel can expect it has degraded a lot of hamas' capacities and a lot of other palestinian factions the gaza strip, and now it may be able to have tighter restrictions on weapons and dual-use technology coming in esexbyly with the cooperation from egypt. israel may feel it has good reasons not to allow concrete to come into gaza because they used them to build tunnels but ordinary palestinians need concrete in order to rebuild from the terrible devastation of this war. you have something from an israeli point of view that looks like a legitimate concern but from a palestinian concern it look like a main humanitarian concern. that's the tragic conflict here. >> and the reality in dealing with hamas. what would the likelihood that hamas would agree to disarming its military wing? >> this is hamas' leverage,
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hamas believes that in fact using military forces the way it gets issues on the agenda and the way it tries to get concessions. i ultimately believe that you need a political strategy against hamas. you need elections, and you need to bolster those palestinian factions that have accepted israel's right to exist so that they would have an advantage in those elections. a military strategy against hamas without a political strategy i think ultimately doesn't work. >> to get to that political strategy and those elections that though then requires quiet and requires a long-term kind of a peace agreement, some kind of a long-term cease-fire that right now is tenuous at best. what do you think is the best possible -- i don't even know if we can call it a middle ground for the talks that will supposedly start up today in cairo. >> i think the best leverage that we have is the fact that you have a palestinian unity government created earlier this year. that creates an opening, a legitimate opening for the palestinian authority to have a
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presence in gaza. >> because right now hamas is the governing party of gaza. >> and that would reassure israel to some degree. >> what i would hope ultimately would be a palestinian unity government could be a way to go to palestinian elections and hamas would run in those elections. that doesn't mean israel has to accept hamas fire. i think ultimately the best home for gaza is a democratically elected legitimately elected palestinian leadership that can then negotiate with israel for a two-state solution. >> the two demands seem diametrically opposed. that gets to the fear that spokes to what israel wants to demilitarize gaza at the same time. seems hard to have both of those happen at the same time. >> the best trade-off i think would be tougher controls on military goods coming into gaza coupled with more opening for civilian goods to allow the economy to flourish, but, of course, with so many dual use
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technology items it's hard to determine what's a piece of military people. >> what's good for the people or what's going to be used for military use. >> thanks for laying it out for us as the cairo talks begin today. >> kate, we're following a lot of news this morning so let's get right to t. >> the situation obviously on the ground in gaza is dire to say the least. >> the main goal was to deal with the tunnels. they are no longer a threat. >> we are working to extend the cease-fire. >> the shooter dressed in an afghan military uniform used a russian-made machine gun. >> top american general, the first killed in overseas combat since vietnam. >> wribl was wheeled into emory by workers and haz-mat suits. >> we don't know if the patients were improving on their own or if it was all because of this experimental drug. >> good morning. welcome to "new day." we want to stay on fragile peace in the middle east because we're at a critical point right now.
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delegations from israel and the palestinian factions are set to begin talks today. the cease-fire between the two sides runs until friday morning with the egyptians reportedly trying to buy some time and extend it until sunday. let's get right to jake tapper live in jerusalem this morning and the politics here are very complex, to say the least, but they do hinge on current cease-fire, yes? >> that's right, chris, and we're one-third of the way into the 72-hour cease-fire. the good news, no one has yet broken it, but with the indirect talks not having started yet in cairo, an israeli government source actually tells me that the israeli delegation has not arrived in egypt yet but there's already talk of extending the cease-fire a few days to give the talks time to begin. that's a proposition that a spokesman for prime minister yet yet told me in the last hour that that was fine with the israelis, they are fine extending the cease-fire indefinitely, he said. of course, the thorny issues come next.
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israel will not meet directionally. they want them dearmed, the demilitarization of gaza. the palestinians wanted the end of what they call the siege of gaza, freedom of commerce to move inside and outside the country, want the lifting of what they see as israeli and egyptian blockade and those details are going to be really tough. chris? >> that's how he makes american politics look like child play in some way, and when you look at the situation, a big part of the focus has been that israel has needed to go into civilian areas and needs to do that to target where the attacks are coming from, and then we hear about a new video. tell us about what some indian television station believes it captured. >> there's a reporter with ndtv who was at his hotel and right outside his window he was able to see in this very populated area a croup of individuals. we suspect that they are militants likely with hamas, but we do not know that for sure,
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setting up a tent, constructing something, burying something and then from that exact same site launching a rocket into israel. it does suggest proof of what israel and others in the media have been reporting, and israel has been using as their justification for hitting population centers that hamas and other palestinian militants are firing missiles, firing rockets rather from these population centers. of course, there are those in the human rights community that says that does not allow or give the green light to israel to hit back with the force they are using, but it is proof that hamas is doing that. >> and the strength of the pushback obviously is what you are seeing there happening all around you in gaza. how bad is it for the people who are there? >> well, hospitals are absolutely overwhelmed. patients are still coming in. humanitarian workers told me this morning that they need emergency water equipment as
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soon as possible. they say basic items such as foods, blankets, mattresses, hygiene kits, medicine, they are getting in. the real issue they are having is with items such as basic construction materials and also the -- the devices that they use to carry water, and those items,les are often consider them dual use means they could be considered for terrorism or construction materials. think of the cement supposed to be used. buildings in gaza were used for tunnels and that's a real holdup and that will be a real problem moving forward in trying to alleviate this really horrific humanitarian crisis in gaza, chris. >> i know you're pointing it out. that situation is just as important to the peace process as the politics because the people there cannot live their lives. surely there's going to be anger and more lashing out. jake, thank you so much for being on the ground. we'll check back with you in just a little bit. okay? >> also happening this morning, the afghan military and
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international forces are investigating one of the bloodiest insider attacks of the long afghanistan war. u.s. army general harold green was killed when a man dressed as an afghan soldier turned on allied troops and opened fire at a military training facility in kabul. green is the highest ranking u.s. officer killed in a war zone since vietnam. cnn's barbara starr is live at the pentagon. barbara, just as this family is beginning to grieve the loss of harold green, you also have new details coming from your sources on exactly how this happened. >> indeed, good morning, kate. officials familiar with the details of the attack tell us that what happened is general green and a number of others were standing outside at this military training facility in kabul. they were outside and the attack came when a shooter opened up from a nearby building from inside another building. at this point we don't even know if the security troops around where general green was, did
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they have any chance to return fire, did they have any understanding of where that automatic fire was coming inside on the building. general green's remains, we're told, will be on their way back to dover air force base in delaware. this is the base that receives the remains of all of the troops that fall in battle, regardless of rank. kate? >> barbara, thank you so much. barbara starr following those details from the pentagon for us this morning. thanks, barbara. >> chris? >> all right. we have the reporting now and let's do some analysis of this. major general james spider marks, former commanding general of the u.s. army intelligence center. general, thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you. let's just set some context here for a moment. 30,000 troops in afghanistan. yes, the number is going down to 10,000 by year's end and when you look at the difficulty and i know the numbers have gone down of the so-called green on blue
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attacks, but it's an existing dynamic. do you think that something like this is cause for reassessment of what the mission is. >> well, the mission clearly has been stated that we want to regress. we want to get out of afghanistan. i mean, that's been stated from the very top levels. the difficulty with that is in that period of transition the focus is probably on the administrative task of trying to make sure you're set, as you make this departure, and so in your rush to try to establish what you think is a good bar for the number of afghan troops that have been trained, both the security folks like police as well as military. there may be an effort to try to push as many folks through as possible. that's been analysis and the criticism frankly from day one, that there might not be a good enough vetting process, but to be frank, the vetting process of how the afghans bring forward candidates to be included into this training program is that's done by the tribal leaders like all major decisions are made within afghanistan, so it's
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difficult when these candidates come forward. they have been internally vetted for the united states or other nations to -- to turn them away so they mostly embrace them and put them through the process and hope they can identify those that need to go away and in this particular case we don't know yet and as barbara indicated we don't know whether this was a specific green on blue soldier on soldier type of an attack, but that is in fact a challenge that we've seen in the past, and it just remains a fact of life in terms of vetting and growing these forces, and it's a terrible tragedy that we know about. it's unfortunate. >> of course, barbara is reporting that they believe the shot was fired from 100 yards away and that will complicate it in terms of it being a specific target or whether it was just about a random opportunity and spraying of fire, but that part of the forensic analysis aside, you now have a scenario that is the worst and the best right now. this is the worst. we have seven layers of vetting and still you have somebody who gets in and is able to do this. you take out the highest ranking
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officer since vietnam and you lose a great guy and then there's a family who is heartbroken and on the other side you have the taliban who now has to have an amazing propaganda tool. don't you think? >> oh, absolutely, chris. in fact, we don't know wltd taliban had recruited this guy or whether this was a specific attack against this general or whether this -- this scheduled visit, i would imagine this was a scheduled visit, might have been overt or on training schedule so it gave those who wanted to go against or to make a splash, to make a statement, to have a recruiting tool and build the plan around t.alternatively it could have been a target of opportunity. we just don't know but the investigation will unveil that. all of that is incredibly troubling, as you can imagine. >> that's the main question. as we go forward they will find out what happens and who this guy was and it makes changes to security but at the end of the day, general marks, when you look at the afghan security
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forces, is this a metaphor for fundamental instability that is there and of the types of things that we will see going forward, especially when the u.s. is not there anymore as a threat, which may not be a bad thing from a u.s. perspective but in terms of what the realities will be on the ground in afghanistan. >> well, chris, it is fair to say that where the united states goes we become a target so if you're not there, you're not a target. the issue becomes what is the bigger objective. what is the strategic imperative that we're trying to achieve. that decision was made years ago. we've been part of and we have contributed to the building of a form, a form, let's be frank of each other, of afghan democracy. it has a long way to go and it has a fledgling start. strategically the united states has created a partner, and we hope we can sustain that partner going forward. a decision has been made to downsize considerably. argue police we could have two few troops in country to really
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provide some form of assistance but it is in fact a statement of the united states commitment to what we're trying to achieve over there. there will be costs associated with it that are terribly unfortunate. that is in fact one of the long-term discussions that we're always going to have. is it worth? you know, is the run worth the slide and we have to do that evaluation every day? >> is the run worth the slide. well put. general marks, thank you very much. horrible conversation to have to have, especially for the major general's family, but thank you for the perspective this morning. >> a lot of news this morning. let's get you right to the headlines with michaela. >> another busy day. here are your headlines at seven minutes past the hour. cnn is projecting kansas senator pat roberts has challenged milton wolf in their often nasty republican primary race. roberts is seeking a fourth term in the senate, and in michigan congressional primary, the tea party-backed incumbent, representative was defeated by attorney dave trott.
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the report on the cia's detention program and 9/11 was expect to be released but there has been a delay. the intelligence committee chair dianne feinstein said there were too many redactions of key points and findings won't be made public now until that issue is address. committee members have said the report conclude cia tortured terrorism suspects and it didn't help prevent more attack. bowe bergdahl is expected to meet today with the army general leading the investigation into his 2009 disappearance. bergdahl has met briefly with major general kenneth dahl once before. we have a new picture of bergdahl in a picture provided by his attorney. he was accused by some in his unit of deserting them. he was exchanreleased in may in exchange for five taliban prisoners. two vessels will scour the south indian floor where
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officials believe the flight went down back in march. the operation is expected to begin next month and could last as long as a year. got to show you incredible video of a rescue in perth. this guy slipped and became trapped in the gap between the plane and platform just walking on the train. flagged for help yelling for the driver to hold the train. dozens of other commuters got off the train and pushed against it and used their weight to push it so the passenger could get himself free. did, that brief celebration, the train continued on only 15 minutes behind schedule. i love that. let's not make a big fuss, saved his life and carry on. >> see that mass of humanity come out. >> and they all worked together. sometimes when you get that many people there's like 59 different ideas, you know. >> one prevailed. just push the train. >> exactly. >> it does go to the grit of that particular population. >> come on. >> that guy hopped on the train. >> feel like that would happen in new york. >> you wouldn't see me for months in f something like that
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happened emotionally alone. >> right, exactly. my leg hurts right now thinking of it. >> i like this. i think if i did that i'd sell it. let's take a little break here on "new day." when we come back, we'll take you to the ebola hot zone. that's where three countries are struggling in their efforts to get the deadly epidemic under control. plus, meet the author who coined the term the hot zone. his book about ebola inspired the movie "outbreak" and talk about master of the obvious. americans are fed up with washington. they are fed up with the american political system. you don't need a poll to tell you that, but there is another one out today, and it raises an interesting question. if you think it's all so obvious about what you don't like, why do you keep electing the same politicians? we'll take a look on "inside politics." i make a lot of purchases for my business.
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leone's main treatment center and is live there this morning with much more. david, what are you hearing from the folks on the ground? any sense that they are getting a handle on just how widespread this is. kate, absolutely not. don't know how widespread it is. we went inside a border where there's a front line in the battle against the ebola disease. al 80 beds are taken. they can't take any new patients and the feeling is they just don't know who is sick and where they are in the rural areas of this country that joins three countries that are all affected terribly by this disease. that's obviously a concern for here. it's a concern for global health and there's a sense, a step ahead of these, they say, quote, two, three steps behind. they need help with tracing people who they got into contact. with all of this could have been done months ago when they knew that this would happen but at
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this point it's catchup. kate? >> one final point because we know our viewers are wondering. is it safe for you? what precautions are you taking? >> we're taking the precautions that doctors with borders have advised us to. you cannot catch ebola by breathing air near a patient. you have to stand sort of four feet away from them. this is a terrifying thing for people who get ebola because everybody is in the spacesuits and they are trying to get better. i think it's important to remember that this is a human story, that actually people who are suffering and trying to beat this here in africa and in the u.s. and so that must not be forgotten, and you must not be blinded by the fear factor but we're taking the precautions that we've been told to take. kate? >> very important point to end on, david, thank you very much. we'll check back in with you.
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as always, be safe. michaela. >> saying a big amen to what david mckenzie was saying, kate. i have with me now the man who coined the phrase hot zone. this is richard preston, an author and novelist and contributor to the "new yorker." wrote the novel "the hot zone" i explores viruses like ebola and you may recognize this because this book triggered the movie "outbreak." you know more about ebola than i'm sure you care to know. we were listening to david mckenzie saying we cannot forget the human toll of this. >> i was so impressed by david mckenzie's report. he's just dead-on right. the fact of the matter is doctors in west africa have lost control of the outbreak. what that really means is that they don't have the ability now, they are stretched so thin and can't trace people who have ebola, and people are leaving the cities infected with ebola
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and going out into the countryside and trying to make contact with faith healers or going back to their families because they can't -- the hospitals now are stuffed with ebola patients and the medical system is effectively in a state of collapse. >> seen how sierra leone is struggling. nigeria admitting that they didn't get around the problem when they allowed the liberian-american patrick sawyer there, seven confirmed cases in nigeria. i want you to speak more of that because i don't think we in the west can really get a sense of that. there is mistrust and fear even in some of the remote villagers of outsiders and some of the patients are said to be fleeing and hiding. give us a sense of how that logistically is hampering efforts to eradicate this. if you're sick with ebola or even if you aren't, if people show up in the village and they are wearing spacesuits, that's really scary. >> and the other thing is that
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people who go to the hospitals sometimes catch ebola from the medical system itself so -- >> we've seen patients and doctors contracting the disease, even among the dead now. >> absolutely. so it's a human thing to try to get away from it. the international community is finally really waking up to the magnitude of this crisis which it is a crisis in west africa. >> but is it too late? again, i want us to separate the fear that seems to be moving to a little bit of perrinia here in the united states and separate that from the real reality that's on the ground in west africa. is there enough being done or is it too late in west africa? >> not too late and never too late. i think there 50s a very good trip that doctors can get the outbreak under control. the big thing is ebola has been pulling surprises on all of us.
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i don't think anybody expected that ebola had the potential to do something like get in the cities and get out of control but, you know, most of the experts i'm talking to are saying that they are pretty well convinced that you know, they will be able to get it under control but there's huge concern about the possibility that ebola could get into a major city. >> we see in nigeria, if it gets into lagos, it's a really popular city that is a concern that officials there didn't get on the situation soon enough. how confident are you that the nigerians can handle an outbreak there? >> i think the bigger question is can the international community handle it. >> better. >> no one can do it on their own. we are all one human species. to a virus like ebola, it makes no difference between one human being from another. from the point of view of the people involved. >> it does not discriminate.
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>> unfortunately we're a new host, essentially if the virus could potentially get into the human species and stay with us, the virus in effect wants to become ebola and wanting to spread from one human being to the next endlessly and the goal of the doctors is to break the chain. >> part of the problem of breaking the change, getting in front of the problem and the other problems is that patients don't recognize that they are ill. >> look, when you start getting ebola it looks like malaria. that's one of the problems in controlling it. very difficult. only later in the disease that it is detected.
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it's only pointed out that 40% of the people who have it are able to fight it off naturally with their own immune systems. >> no telling exactly why, right? they haven't gotten their hands around why it is that some are able to survive and others have not. >> haven't gotten their hands around that at all. ebola virus is a very unusual virus that when it gets into a human being it make copies of itself in virtually all the cells in a human body. if you catch a virus like the common cold, the virus specializes just in membranes in your nose and throat really and with ebola virus, it's attracted to almost all forms of human tissue other than muscle and bone. >> i could literally sit and talk to you the rest of the show. we have so much news to get to today. i want to say a big thank you to mr. preston. thank you for coming in and talking to this and helping us put this all in perspective. really appreciate it. >> and i must say cnn's
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reporting on this has been great. >> well, i hope our bosses have heard that because they need to know that they are on the right track. appreciate it. thanks so much. we'll take a short break because, again, a lot of news to get to today. fears of an all-out war in eastern ukraine. thousands of russian troops reportedly at the border. people fleeing their homes as the city of donetsk braces for assault. we'll have the late for you coming up. also, americans are fed up with washington. a new poll confirms the mood of our country, so why do we keep electing the same politicians? we'll go "inside politics" to try to find out. (vo) get ready! fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl.
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already. 26 minutes past the hour. egyptian-brokered talks on a lasting truce between israel and palestinian factions begin today in cairo. the egyptians reportedly are trying to get this cease-fire extended until sunday. it is set to end friday. israel, meanwhile, is confirming the arrest of a senior hamas member in the kidnapping and murder of three teens that sparked this latest round of violence. more arrests, we're told, are possible. two-star army general, harold green, the highest ranking u.s. officer to die in a war zone since vietnam, the 55-year-old general was gunned down when a man dressed in an afghan soldier's uniform turned on allied troops opening fire at a military training facility in kabul. more than a dozen other soldiers were wounded in that attack. the taliban says it's not responsible for the attack but considers the afghan gunman a hero.
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no deal. 20th century fox has withdrawn its bid to buy time warner. rupert murdoch's takeover bid had already been rejected by time warner. reluctance of the board along with fox's falling stock prices were the reasons for the decision. time warner, of course, is the parent company of cnn. a glass ceiling broken in the nba. becky hammon has been hired by the san antonio spurs as the first full-time female assistant coach in nba history. hammon calls it the perfect challenge and opportunity saying she is up for being outside the box and making those you have to decisions. hammon, btw, a six-time awl star point guard, is set to retire from the san antonio silver stars of the wnba this season. she has struggled with a bit of an injury. her 16th season in the wnba, by the way, and also as a side note lisa bioer was the first to
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serve on a coaching staff, working for the caf leaves part-time. >> full time, paid. >> full time, glass ceiling breaker and knows the game, 16 seasons in the wnba. no joke is she. >> i'll take her on in a gotcha contest. >> okay. >> and i'll lose. >> okay. >> and i'll lose. >> i support you in everything. that one might ask you to hold back from. >> it's about time. woman's basketball is dominated by male coaches. they have a lot of great women coaches but might as we will have it both ways. >> can't wait for her to come on "new day," wink, wink. >> when women want to be on the nba teams, do you think they should stick to the wnba teams or -- >> when i was 15 i was trying to be that person. >> is that even really a thought? >> just came out of my mouth. >> i wanted to be that person. >> a thought other than this wild head. >> they said mickey had some games. complains about the knees, will not play me in the basket. >> i stay in my lane.
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i try to intimidate her? all you do is make noise. >> and you yell at me. >> because you make noise outside my office are you? know who doesn't make noise outside my office. >> john king. >> that's right. >> time for "inside politics," there's the man himself looking very well. >> you need me to clean this one up? >> as always. >> good morning. my daughter, she's a bit older about to go to college but when she was youngary huge becky hammon fan, have her autograph. does know basketball. interesting to watch that one as it plays out and now to the world of "inside politics." with me on a busy day todd swilic and manut raja. a new poll shows the american people hate this town but in a mid-term election year the north star is usually the president's approval rating. look at these numbers. 40% of americans approve of the president's job performance, 54% disapprove. that's an all-time low in the nbc/"wall street journal" polling and part of the reason they are mad at the president is
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they think the country is heading in the wrong direction, 71% of the americans say the country is on wrong track and eight in ten are dissatisfied with the american political system and 72% says washington bears responsibility for part what have they believe is an economic funk. look at those numbers three months from an election. >> very ominous sign at democrats. any time the president is under water like this, his party suffers in a mid-term election, in the house, there's chance that democrats take control of the senate, but the interesting thing in those poll numbers voters aren't typically motivated behind a specific issue unlike 2010, health care drove republican voters out to the polls, in 2006 iraq drove democratic voters out to the polls. may see a low turnout election here which may mean there may not be republican wave you would expect them to have. may gain seats but maybe they leave a couple of seats on table
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and maybe they end up just short of a senate majority. voters are not motivated because they hate washington. >> they almost think no matter who they send here it's not going to work. normally the white house would say, and they have a case to make, look, the republican brand is worse than our brand. however, mid-term elections normally don't work that way, right? >> one thing democrats worry about in this environment. the house is not going to flip. let's stipulate that, there will be a republican-controlled house. the senate is what we're talking about. one thing democrats worry about in this environment is cynicism against government which they think has been fueled by republicans, dysfunction, government shutdown, debt limit, 40 votes to repeal obamacare, dysfunction, that this kind of cynicism turns around and helps the people who have been shutting down government. government doesn't work and i'll vote for the anti-government party. what's interesting as manu said there hasn't been a lot of coalescing around the republican brand. another number in that brand is what we would guess, 14% approval rating for congress.
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the president is going to do all he can to pin that number on the chest of republicans, to expose the divides in the republican party which are deep so i think when we're talking about the senate there are a lot of questions as to what really capitalizes. democrats are on defense and they might lose the senate, no question, but the actual -- i think the actual conclusions you can draw from that poll leave a lot of questions who benefit. >> the 14% who approve congress, friends and family. we look at the polling numbers and laughing about them. actually sort of sad if you look at it. the polling numbers, as todd mentions, 14% approve of congress. decided to ask a different way, asked some folks out there if you could describe congress in one word, what would it be. useless, worthless, joke, corrupt, incompetent, lazy, inept, idiots, selfish, dysfunctional. can you keep reading. none of those words are good words. if that were your job review time to find a new line of work? >> i think so, but these guys
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are probably going to get re-elected as we saw last night in the primaries, john. >> isn't that stunning that there is this sense out there, congress isn't working, can't do anything hard anyway and yet if you look across the primaries, only three house incumbents i believe have lost, up was a big one, house majority leader, no senate incumbent have been defeated. why doesn't the disgust translate into a revolt. >> there's this old conventional wisdom about the power of incumbency, the ability to fund raise and old political networks. all of those things are in play here. it's just not that easy to unseat somebody. in the case of pat roberts who won his primary in kansas against charges that he's never around, he barely lives there, some of those charges had some merit, and another longtime senator dick lugar from indiana suffered that fate just a couple of years ago, not being present in the state. >> john, candidates and campaigns absolutely matter here, and pat roberts was able to effectively discredit milton wolf, his tea party challenger last night, and you've seen that
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happen time and again this election cycle, mike mitch mcconnell did to matt bevin in kentucky. the republican establishment has fired back. >> if you want to beat an incumbent they need a better candidate. >> mcconnell, have to keep the page open on the incumbents because the mcconnell race is the big one. will he get to the promised land if republicans win the majority, don't want to be moses standing on the hill, you know, not able to go with them. >> he's not only a longtime incumbent but a leader. if you're going to stoke an anti-washington vote he's the target to watch there. we talked a bit about this yesterday. rand paul on the record repeatedly saying he'd repeal foreign aid is trying to clean that up as he tries to raise his profile as a potential republican in 2016 contender. we talked a bit about this yesterday and rand paul out there saying listen i do not -- remember, he wants to underscore not even if the past he said i
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do, want to take away israel's foreign aid. >> i've always said that my position is similar to netanyahu's position, that ultimately for israel it would be even better if they were completely independent, but i haven't proposed targeting or eliminating any aid to israel. >> yesterday we played an exchange with wolf blitzer where wolf said to be clear, all foreign aid to israel and he said yes. >> maybe he hasn't brought a bill to the floor to do it but talked about it a lot. how is this cleanup going. >> not looking very good. look like he's rewriting history. the challenge for rand paul always has been establishing his brand beyond his libertarian following, the following that was really fervent behind his father but also did not propel his father to the presidential nomination. rand paul wants to broaden that, and it appeals to a more diverse coalition. he's trying to showcase he can appeal to all segment of the party while maintaining the
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libertarian brand. >> why can't they just say i changed my mind? >> the human genome project has proved that politicians share about 50% of the chameleon genome, too difficult for many to just change a position. >> right. >> i think more broadly and i'll say this quickly, stepping back from rand paul, confronting the clash between his libertarian past that propelled him to national prominence and prominence in kentucky with the realities of the republican party, still half hawks, still half defense hawks. you have to be pro-israel to be a national republican and he's got to deal with the change. >> he has to deal with the change. >> todd, manu, thanks for coming. back to you guys in new york. hillary clinton, stephen colbert. >> i've got a hard choice. >> bring, it hrc. >> oh, it will be brought. your choice, promote my book, or i won't appear on your show.
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>> but you have already appeared on my show. >> no. no. fine, buy "hard choices" at book stores everywhere, our done here, okay. >> thank you, stephen, was that such a hard choice to make? >> i love that guy, if only. >> if only. >> if only -- i mean, i'm not even asking for like blur power, pixelation power. that would be good. >> please, how much would you love to be able to snap your fingers and pixelate your face. >> nobody would know what i look
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like. >> i don't know. >> how many times do you think she said hard choices, 6 million plus. >> oh, good. >> oddly, i think he's right. >> thanks, john. see you tomorrow. coming up next on "new day," ukraine launching an air strike on rebels in the east as thousands of russian troops reportedly are gathering along the border. is vladimir putin preparing to order an invasion? we're going to have analysis after the break. >> and the u.s. government has another leaker on its hands. what is he exposing and what is the u.s. going to do about it? all details ahead still here, still here. you're driving along,
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file this under no big surprise. russia is flexing its muscle along the border they share with ukraine again. there are troops doubling in a week. nato officials now estimating some 20,000 have moved closer to the conflict breaking out in eastern ukraine, their weapons being supplied, that's increasing as well and caught in
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the crossfire the crash investigation, mh-17 where there are believed to still be remains and obviously personal effects and a lot of investigating to be done. international monitors are struggling because of all the clashing that's going on around the perimeter of the site so let's take a closer look. we have lieutenant colonel rick francona. colonel, can't come as a surprise politically. >> no. >> sanctions, everybody says sanctions will be enough. clearly they don't mean anything to putin. let's take a look at the map and see what's going on, where the buildup is here. we'll show you with the floor of the world that we have. obviously ukraine and russia share a border. what do you see, and what does it mean? >> well, the russians have moved a lot more troops, 20,000, as you said, 17 maneuver battalion. that's enough to go into the east ukraine if they want to. the question is now will they? >> the obvious question but they need to be asked. is there any good reason for them to be there? are they ever there? is there ever any justification for them to be there other than the obvious? >> they will say this is for a military exercise or they are
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preparing for humanitarian aid to fellow russians. >> both of which they said before crimea? >> exactly. this is a template they see. call a military exercise or say they will have humanitarian intervention. >> and you said we're seeing humanitarian symbols on some of their vehicles. >> a lot of russian vehicles already have the humanitarian aid emblem that we've seen in the past, a tank with a humanitarian aid emblem. >> more of a truck and you move troops on these trucks and putin has in the past used these and declared humanitarian interventions, and he's got a lot of ethnic russians in there and believes himself to be the protector of all russians everywhere. >> to be clear this is exactly what he's been asked not to do. >> correct. >> all right. so if anybody was wondering what the sanctions are doing in terms of slowing him down as many in our government have suggested doesn't look like it now. >> no, it doesn't. >> vladimir putin has a vision. he has a mission and he believes that he's going to carry out that mission and nothing we have done yet has slowed him down.
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>> all right. now proof of what that mission may be. let's go to the next picture because we want to show you where the fighting is going on in eastern ukraine right now. now, you have donetsk and lahansk, two positions there. ukraine is starting to gain advantage in those areas and no small reason for why we're seeing a buildup. >> exactly. the ukrainian army over the past month or so has gotten its act together and pushed the separatists into the enclave in the border right opposite where russian forces are, and the russians are now concerned that their clients in east ukraine are about to lose. they moved forces down there, but they have provided across-the-border support and seen fire going from the russian side into the ukrainian side. >> i got something valuable from social media. someone contacted me online and said, you know what, 700,000 plus people from ukraine have repatriated to russia under some
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easy way to do it that russia has set up, and they use that as a way of saying the people who are there right now fighting in eastern ukraine, they are not separatists. they are not people who want to stay there and live but under their own rule. this is about a militant rebellion that's going on fueled by russia and that's what that buildup is about. now the collateral damage here, which we should all be paying more attention to. go to that picture again under our feet of mh-17 where it is. this is the problem. you can't get near it because it's dangerous. >> and the fighting is getting closer and closer. we thought that there would be a window of opportunity where the investigators could get in there. it's very important to get in there and recover whatever we can of the human remains, and as the fighting gets closer and closer, it's becoming more and more dangerous. as we talked before, both sides of this, both the russians, ukrainians and the separatists, all of them just want this to go away but the rest of the world is not letting this crash site go away so they have got a problem, and they are not dealing with it very well. >> well, they are not dealing at
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all, some would argue, and you have to put fair blame. ukraine is shelling in that area. they said they put together a 45-kilometer zone where there wouldn't be shelling. anyone on the ground would tell you that range is being breached. >> here's the bottom line. when one side feels they need to do something on that hallowed ground are where the airplane sits, they will use it to their tactical advantage, and the -- the remains are just going to be collateral damage. >> the dignity of the dead, what we've been talking about from the beginning. >> exactly. >> everyone says they care about it there, but you're not seeing it in the actions, militants not being as open and ukraine is bombing and russia is talking about a humanitarian crisis yet they never identified what happened at mh-17 as part of it. >> yeah. >> colonel francona, thanks very much for explaining what's getting to be more pand more obvious. we'll take a break here on "new day." new leaks about u.s. government activity that does not involve the colonel, but they are also
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not from edward snowden. the government is trying to figure out who is spilling the beans now. we have the inside scoop for you when we return. over 20 million kids everyday in our country lack access to healthy food. for the first time american kids are slated to live a shorter life span than their parents. it's a problem that we can turn around and change. revolution foods is a company we started to provide access to healthy, affordable, kid-inspired, chef-crafted food. we looked at what are the aspects of food that will help set up kids for success? making sure foods are made with high quality ingredients and prepared fresh everyday. our collaboration with citi has helped us really accelerate the expansion of our business in terms of how many communities we can serve. working with citi has also helped to fuel our innovation process and the speed at which we can bring new products into the grocery stores. we are employing 1,000 people across 27 urban areas and today, serve over 1 million meals a week.
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welcome back. is a new government leaker following in edward snowden's footsteps? u.s. officials believe there is a new person exposing national security documents. they point to journalist glen greenwald's intercept site as proof of the leak. he posted a new article on the growth of the government's terror database which has doubled during the obama administration and now has more than 1 million names on that
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list. justice correspondent evan perez joins us with more details. let's talk about what has been exposed but also i think is important, evan, what you found out about where this leaker got this information. >> well, good morning, kate. that's right, we found out that the, this information came from a pentagon computer system called cirinet. we have some of the documents the intercept posted on their website yesterday and one said "secret no foreign" not to be shared with foreign governments. it is housed on this computer system which pentagon people and state department people have access as well as some law enforcement officials, kate. >> how damaging can this leak be? do they know yesterday, have they put their hands around that yet? >> it's too early to tell. we don't know exactly how far this person has gone into the computer system. we don't know what documents this person has retrieved yet, kate >> also you found that this
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network that this leaker got this document from, this is the same network that now chelsea manning, formerly bradley manning also able to pull thousands of documents from as well. you assume if it's the same network that the government has been working to tighten security not only after the manning leak but definitely after the snowden leak. does this show they haven't done it? >> right. this is the big question that this opens up. it really points to the fact that these networks are very hard to secure. we're talking about 3.2 million people who the pentagon has cleared to have access to ciprinet to have access to top secret and other types of compartmentalizing information. that's a lot of people, and how can you vouch for all those people being able to basically just have their eyes on the things that they need to have access to. why are all these people having access to all this information is the big question. >> a big question and not a lot of answers right now. real quick, is the working theory that this person is still
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within the government, still able to get more? >> well, the assumption is this person is a government employee or a contractor, because there's a lot of contractors who also have this. right now the hunt is on. we'll see where this goes. >> we'll see where this goes for sure and hopefully this means security will be improved. it doesn't seem like it's locked tight yet. great reporting, evan. >> thanks. mideast peace talks set to begin today in cairo as a cease-fire continues to hold between hamas and israel, for now, that is. can a more permanent truce be reached? jake tapper is on the ground with the latest developments. plus the deadly ebola virus raging across western africa, this as a second infected american gets treated here in the united states. dr. sanjay gupta will have an update on their condition.
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peace. a u.s. general murdered by a supposed ally in the afghan army. the highest ranking officer called in a war zone since vietnam. new questions about the readiness of the afghan army. massive hack. russian hackers reportedly stolen more than 1 billion user names and passwords from popular websites, companies now are trying to plug their security holes. what does it mean for your information? >> your "new day" continues right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning and welcome once again to "new day." it's wednesday, august 6th, 8:00 in the east and a list of demands await negotiators as israel and palestinian factions fry to find some common ground when they begin to meet in cairo. talks for a long-term truce are expected to begin today with a cease-fire set to expire friday
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morning. of course, they say they're going to need to extend that. discussions have yet to begin, egypt will act as the mediator, since israel will not speak directly with the islamic jihadist committed to israel's destruction. >> part of the complicating factor there is no direct talk mechanism going on. there's word the state department will get involved as well. right to jake tapper in jerusalem for more on that. good morning, jake. >> good morning, chris, good morning, kate. we're just learning that the u.s. state department has sent a small team to the cairo negotiations. it's led by acting special envoy frank lowenstein. source tells me the group will be there strictly in a "supportive advisory and monitoring capacity." they are not there to mediate or get involved directly in the talks. lowenstein and his team i'm told are scheduled to arrive in cairo, egypt, this evening. let's go to cairo. i want to bring in reza sayah from that city. are there any signs that these
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negotiations are actually going to begin before the cease-fire ends? >> at this point, we know the two delegations are here, but the talks are not under way at this hour. we spoke to a palestinian delegate who was part of the palestinian negotiating team here in cairo. this team arrived on saturday over the weekend, and he tells us that today they have yet to talk to the egyptian government, that it expects to talk to egyptian government officials sometime this afternoon. we understand from two egyptian government sources that the israeli delegation arrived last night. now, once these two sides get together, according to egyptian sources, it's not going to be direct talks. this is not going to be a situation where you have israelis and palestinians sitting across the table from one another. the egyptian and government sources tell us these are indirect talks, one location in
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cairo you have the israelis and egyptians talking. on another location in cairo you have the palestinians and egyptians talking and egypt will be the go-between, the messenger shuttling back and forth between these two groups. obviously on the table a lot of issues, first and foremost this cease-fire, putting an end to this particular conflict, but jake, as you know, much of the world wants more. they want a lasting truce, and that's going to be on the table seemingly when these two sides sit down and talk. >> reza sayah in cairo, egypt, thank you so much. earlier today i had the chance to speak with israel's chief spokesman, mark regev. here is a quick clip from that conversation. first of all, are the israeli, is the israeli delegation, whenever they arrive in cairo, are they empowered to discuss anything in terms of a long-term truce? >> we've accepted the egyptian
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proposal. we accepted it three weeks ago, which was for an immediate cease-fire in gaza, unconditionally and all the issues can be raised by the parties through the egyptians. we've accepted that process. from our point of view the cease-fire can be ongoing. the ball is in ma ha mass court. if hamas wants to re-start hostilities of course we'll be back to square one and israel will respond. >> is israel prepared to take steps to lift what is essentially a blockade on ga is agaza so the citizens can rebuild their lives and have some sort of hope so many of them do not seek the leadership of hamas? >> i think today the situation in gaza is obviously very difficult. i think to say before the war is another statement but israel is willing, of course, in the framework of peace and quiet, of course we're willing to discuss easing the restrictions. >> what would hamas need to do for israel to sit directly
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across the table from them as right now you are unwilling to do? >> well, there are u.n. benchmarks that were put on the table i think ten years ago by the then secretary-general kofi annan. he said hamas has to recognize iz rahily's right to exist. their platform says israel should be obliterated. they have to accept israel has a right to exist. how can you be a partner in peace if you say one of the sides has to be destroyed, israel. >> there's been an announcement from the israeli security services there was an arrest in the kidnapping of the three boys that was the precipitating factor for this entire horror. who was arrested and what has he said in terms of his relationship to hamas, if any? >> first of all, he is a senior member of hamas and the police are talking about this, because he's currently under custody. apparently he was trying to cross the border into jordan but
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we got him in time >> about a month ago. >> his arrest will hopefully lead to further arrests, we'll get to the bottom line of the murder of the three teen aimingers. >> says hamas had something to do with the kidnappings? >> he himself is hamas. >> that's our interview with mark regev, the spokesman for prime minister netanyahu in israel. back to you, kate and chris, in new york. >> jake, thanks so much. we'll get back to you as well in jerusalem. let's turn to the death of the u.s. army general. it is a tragic reminder of the danger that exists even as u.s. winds down its mission in afghanistan. two-star general harold green was gunned down in an apparent inside ear tack when an afghan soldier opened fire on allied troops at a military training facility in kabul. green is the highest ranking service member killed in a war since vietnam. barbara starr is live with more details on the tragic loss. >> good morning, kate. we know general green and several others were standing outside at this military
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facility in kabul when the gunman opened up from inside at a nearby building. u.s. army major general harold green was killed and several others wounded, some seriously, when the gunman opened fire at marshall fahim national defense university, a training facility in kabul. the shooter, dressed in an afghan military uniform, used a russian-made machine gun. he was shot and killed by others on site. >> it's bad enough to be shot in the battlefield but the way that happened, somebody pulled a gun that was supposed to be on his side, just terrible. >> the general was the highest ranking u.s. officer killed at the hands of an enemy in a war zone since vietnam. he was the deputy for all u.s. training programs in afghanistan. >> he really believed in what he was doing over there, and was really proud to serve. >> reporter: pentagon officials say they believe the shooter was an afghan soldier who had been with his unit for some time and
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had been rigorously reviewed to make sure he was not a taliban sympathizer. by all accounts, he passed the seven-step review process. the pentagon well aware the so-called insider threat death at the hands of afghan troops is almost impossible to stop. >> the insider threat is a pernicious threat and it's difficult to always ascertain, to come to grips with the scope of it, anywhere you are, particularly in a place like afghanistan. >> reporter: after peaking in 2012, coalition deaths from such attacks dipped last year, in part due to new security mesh urs and reviewmeasures and revid the risk remains. the body of major general greene is expected at the air force base in dover later today. >> the grieving process only beginning for his family and the military. barbara, thank you for the details. let's get over to michaela
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with much more headlines. >> cnn is projecting pat roberts in kansas has beaten milton wolf in the state's gop primary. wolf is a distant cousin of president obama. he enjoyed tea party support. republicans need to win six seats in the midterm elections to gain control of the senate. closing arguments expected today in the trial of theodore wafer for the fatal shooting of renisha mcbride on his porch. he was cross-examined by prosecutors tuesday. during the questioning wafer said he shot before he knew whether it was a man or a woman at his door. he said he "reacted" to seeing someone on his porch after being woken up by pounding on his doorp. a woman described as a serial stowaway has been arrested after flying to los angeles without a ticket. police say that marilyn hartman got past security at san jose international airport. remember that for a second and was able to board a southwest flight to lax.
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here is the deal. hartman has been arrested six times this year for trying to board flights without a ticket, and this is the second stowaway incident at san jose international airport this year. you'll recall that in april we brought you this story, a 15-year-old boy flew to hawaii by climbing into a departing jet's wheel well. he survived, which is quite a miracle. overnight, you know how much i love this stuff, the rosetta space probe finally caught up to the comet it's been chasing for more than a decade. sounds like a love story. it is the first spacecraft in history to rendezvous with a comet. rosetta's work only has just begun. the european space agency says the probe will spend another two years observing the comet as it orbits the sun and it all goes according to plan, in november, they'll try to drop a landing craft onto the surface of the comet, whose name is known as
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churry or comet 67p. it's a love story, chilling, casing. >> why do you want to land on a comeet? >> they want to understand more about obviously the gallaxy and specifically about the comet. >> why not. >> rosetta had to hibernate for two years to reserve power, woke up in january and went on this mission. i think it's so cool. >> i love how you're humanizing the comet and the -- >> it's a relationship. >> -- the phobe prorobe. >> the offset will be rosetta stone. >> maybe that's what it's doing, trying to teach the comet spanish. >> exactly. yep, yep. >> time for a break. got to end an an upnote. two americans are being treated for ebola in atlanta. we'll check in with dr. sanjay gupta on site at the hospital.
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he has the latest on their progress. the it's called the biggest security breach in cyber crime history. more than 1 billion users, user names and passwords stolen. how do you know if your information has been compromised? i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust.
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good to have you back with us here on "new day." nancy writebol, the second american infected with the ebola virus, is now receiving treatment this morning at an atlanta hospital.
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unable to walk on her own, she was wheeled in to emory university hospital by workers wearing these biohazard suits that look a bit like space suits. she's being treated in the same isolation ward as her colleague dr. kent brantley. we turn to dr. sanjay gupta live from emory university hospital. we should also mention he is on staff. it's been a very busy time for you and all of the staff there at emory. when you have the two key patients coming, you want to be on standby and you've been doing a great job for us. what is her condition? what can you tell us about nancy writebol this morning? >> when you watch that video, in some ways it was more surprising dr. brantley was able to walk in as opposed to miss writebol being wheeled in on a gurney. she's a little bit older, she obviously got evacuated out of there a little bit late sore that could have played a role. doctors say they're optimistic. they say she was settling in
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yesterday, trying to assess her condition in terms of her heart, her lung, her kidneys and liver. it has been a rocky several days. take a look. this morning, nancy writebol is back in the united states, being treated at emory hospital in atlanta. just days ago in liberia, writebol and her family had to face a grim possibility, the end of her life. bruce johnson quotes nancy's husband, david, in a statement. >> a week ago he said we were think being a possible funeral arrangements. yet we kept our faith. now we have a real reason to be hopeful. >> reporter: on monday, days after receiving an experimental ebola serum, writebol, still weak, but better, boarded a medical plane specially designed to transport high-risk patients. it was the same plane that had picked up an infected colleague,
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dr. kent brantley, just two days prior. it was just after 1:00 in the morning, monrovia time, writebol ate some yogurt before boarding and reportedly stood up with some assistance, but her condition was still tenuous. as writebol crossed the atlantic, her family and brantley's family prayed for her safe return. by 8:45 in the morning tuesday, after making a stop in maine, the air ambulance carrying writewol took off on its last leg. about three hours later, her plane landed just outside atlanta, and just before 1:00 p.m., writebol was wheeled into emory by workers in hazmat suits. this time she did not stand but she was closer to her family, cloaked in their hope and prayers. >> we still have long ways to go, but we have reason for hope. >> reporter: michaela, i should point out we first reported about this experimental serum, this experimental medication monday morning.
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we now know -- that was the two doses she received in liberia. we now know she's going to get that third dose here at emory university. the doctors here have been talking to representatives from the nih and the fda to make that happen. so it would be the third and final dose for her we believe today, michaela. >> we've received word that nigeria has now confirmed seven confirmed cases of ebola in their nation, and they are quick to say, look, we didn't pounce on this fast enough, sierra leone struggling with getting their hands around this. they're asking for international aid. what are you hearing from the sources you have, sanjay, about the relief effort going on now? >> let me paint a little bit of a picture with regard to nigeria. several days ago a gentleman, patrick sawyer flew from liberia to nigeria. now we know he had been exposed to ebola in liberia, caring for
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a family member who subsequently died of ebola. when he arrived in nigeria, he collapsed in the airport terminal, was subsequently taken to the hospital and he died there. we know that there were six, he plus six other people had ebola in nigeria. all of the other people who have been now confirmed to have ebola were people who had primary contact with mr. sawyer. they're all health care workers. they're all people who were caring for him. coup enin mind these are health care workers. when he arrived in nigeria and collapsed they didn't know he had ebola. they weren't wearing protective gear to protect themselves and that could explain this. we also know one of the nurses caring for him has also died so there's two people who have died in nigeria of ebola. >> that's a stark contrast to finding you at emory hospital, they are well protected, isolation units. the professionals are protecting themselves. highlight a little bit the steps being taken to make sure the
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medal ka professionals at emory university are not getting sick or putting themselves in harms way and also are potentially transmitting this on. >> again, they know who the patients are. they have confirmed ebola, so whenever they interact with these patients, they do take a pretty intraordinary precautions. they wear these so-called space suits, the tyvek suits you've seen. the goal is to cover every square ichblg of your skin so no modily fluids from an infected patient can get on their skin. that's the goal. they use a buddy system, so people examine each other to make sure the suits are on properly, no skin is exposed. they check their temperature twice a day. that could be one of the earliest signs of exposure and infection. when you have a new case that suddenly appears in a country, a new patient, the health care teams taking care of mr. sawyer, they didn't know what he had, malaria for example would be a common cause, tieified fever.
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when they realized he had ebola, by that point several health care workers in nigeria had been exposed. >> coming back to the serum, you talked nancy writebol is going to get the third dosage. you talked on air about the difficulty in manufacturing that sear toum begin wirum to manufa isn't widely available and spskcally usps specifically used. you have to have it in certain conditions to use it. >> it's not widely available and when we talked about this monday we reported these were the first two humans in the world to receive this. you prove something is safe in a trial and effective and then you make is more widely available. this changed the equation but it's all balanced by this fact which people realize that there are no other really good options. there are no medicines out
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there. there is no vaccine and the mortality rate is very high. could anything be tried? this may be a difficult medicine to make widely available because it is stored frozen. it has to be you thatted out over eight to ten hours, administered through an iv. these are challenges anywhere but especially in remote areas where they may not have some of the capabilities to administer a medicine like this. could you make this medicine in a fashion more easily administered, perhaps. i think that's what scientists are looking at now, can you make enough and make it more easy to deliver. that's the challenge, that's the goal. >> i'd argue that's where their efforts need to go. lot of people in harm's way and a lot of people that need that help immediately in west africa. dr. sanjay gupta, busy day for you, thank you so much for your expertise. we appreciate it, as always. take a short break here on "new day." ahead, more than 1 billion passwords stolen by russian hackers. is your personal information among them? we'll tell you what you can do
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to protect yourself. also we'll take a closer look at a world at war. iraq, ukraine, gaza, africa, all conflict zones. why is this happening and what can be done to stop it? his room at,en sals he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only a! la quinta! will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather? a mouth breather! [ whimpers ] how do you sleep like that? well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. allergy medicines open your nose over time,
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it's being called the biggest security breach in cyber crime history. a gang of russian cyber criminals has stolen 1.2 billion user names and passwords, unbelievable. the security company that discovered the breach says the hackers raided more than 420,000 websites to steal this information. we got to talk about this. poppy harlow and cnn technology analyst brett larson are here to discuss first, poppy, how. >> how? and they flew under the radar for a long time. this is a group of russians who you know who discovered this, a security company, a cyber security company in milwaukee and they'd been tracking them, monitoring their discussions. they've been doing it because they were able to infiltrate accounts and use anal gore rhythm online and it automated it self, and they were able to
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do more and more and once they breached that initial wall. what's interesting and you find this interesting, they weren't digging into people's bank accounts and getting financial data. they were using their e-mail addresses and some of their passwords and p.i.n.s and user names to send e-mails to sell things like weight loss pills. >> it's so stupid. >> be stupid, please, cyber criminals, but why is that a first step do you think? >> it helped them fly under the radar, preparing for something bigger is the theory. >> it helps them get that botnet to continue to grow, the zombie computers. you unknowingly install this malware on your computer and your computer is part of this attack without you knowing. that's part of the reason why they do it. also the spams that you get, the nigerian prince who has $1 million he needs to get to your -- people still fall for that. there's a successful way of making money.
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>> it still is lucrative. have they fixed the problem? >> the answer is not fully. what is interesting to me not only have fortune 500 companies been hacked r, the firm has not released the clients. >> we know this is a big problem. my problem is the victims don't really know yet that they've been hacked. >> a lot of them don't, and that is a huge problem and not a direct answer or solution to. >> it's a good news/bad news situation. the good news is now we know that this many e-mail addresses and this many websites have been hacked. i know sounds awful. the bad news is now it's time for all of the sites and normally the way this stuff works out we saw this with the harp leap problem is now they're going to alert all of the websites, say here is the vulnerabilities, here is what we know we need to do to fix it so they can individually go to users and say this did affect us. we fixed the problem that
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allowed this to happen. >> a large amount of the companies affected have been notified and are in the process of fixing this. hold securities is letting the companies know. >> don't the consumers need to know? >> consumers can reach out to the company and in the coming weeks they'll alert consumers if they have hacked by this specific hack. >> let's try to be helpful in short, if we can, rather than just pointing out the problem. what is -- change your password. >> change your password. >> is there any way to be secure anymore? >> it's less and less, getting harder and harder. hacks like this are a good thing i always say. we bring them to the public it's a good thing because now we're more aware. you have to be vigilant in times like this. you've got to change your passwords. i feel like a broken record when i say this. you have to make complicated passwords. >> should you have a different password for each and every account? i don't. >> i should and i'm the tech guy.
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there is a handful of them, dash lane, there's one password. i find this software like that an all or nothing. you have to be totally in it and install it on everything or totally out of it. >> which is the hard part. >> you can save all of your passwords on an app which is supposed to be secure and you don't have to worry about forgetting them. something that stood out with me this guy said that runs the security firm "we keep our own lives tidy" our own apartments tidy at homes. we do not keep our online lives tidy at all. this time there are big consequences. >> big consequences even if it's inconvenient, you've got to do it. >> you know what else is inconvenient, having your identity stolen. let's look at it from that angle. >> good point. brett larson, poppy harlow, thanks. to see how you can protect yourself from being hacked not only watching the segment, go to we'll put some tips on there for you. coming up next on "new day"
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the number of places in the world where war is raging, from the middle east to africa to ukraine. what is going on? we'll break down the global crises. and unbelievable weather caught on video. mudslides carrying cars away, yes, and even better, a rescue made in the nick of time. we have it all ahead.
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welcome back to "new day." doesn't it seem every day like there are new conflicts popping up somewhere in the world, in the middle of all of them, middle east, eastern europe,
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africa, militants establishing new strongholds in iraq and lebanon, russian troops building up along the border with ukraine after the sanctions and everything that was supposed to discourage that and in the middle of all of that, the u.s. with the body of a fallen major general headed home and more wounded troops after what happened in afghanistan with a green on blue attack. is the world on the brirnk or does it matter at all? gideon rose, our friend at "new day," the editor of "foreign affairs" magazine, good to have you. we have a lot of work ahead of us my friend. let's start in the middle east, dealing with what's going on immediately in gaza. what does this conflict mean to the u.s. and how does it play to what's going on in the world? >> gaza enthe arab-israeli conflict is a constant. er few years the palestinians or the arabs try to beat up israel, israel beats them back,
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everybody pauses, licks their wounds and prepares fort next one a few years down the road. the israelis call it mowing the lawn. unfortunately that is what is going to happen again. pause and a few years later erupt again. >> you don't see this as different now? >> no. >> something we're not talking about because of the situation in gaza, but probably means the most to us here at home. isis. they may call themselves the caliphate now, seen as a religious organization but they are spreading like a virus and doing damage. what do we see with the red dots? >> essentially game of thrones in the middle east. when the old sunni authoritarian orders breaks down in places luke iraq where we toppled saddam or syria where the assads are in trouble, elsewhere, libya, you have essentially chaos, sectarian violence, civil war, a breakdown of order, and so isis or the caliphate, whatever you want to call it, they call themselves, emerges in the badlands of syria, spreads
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to the badland sunni areas of iraq, stretches over to lavant. the area is a badlands region with no central authority fighting for control. >> this is a problem, one of the things that isis has done, isis, the acronym used to stand for their wanting to put down a seat of control in syria. they dropped the acronym because they want everything, they want to move their highly enemical to the u.s. and i want to help ahead to the u.s. for a second. when we talk about north africa, true, gideon, isis is playing there as well. >> yes and also local islamic militant or insurgent groups in libya, boko haram and mali as well. you have disorder and a lack of ability of governments to control their territories, sort of disorder and chaos, which is not the same thing as you have in some other regions where armed states are fighting each other. >> when we see one of the situations, take linia.
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they destroyed the fuel depot there. can't put out the fire, it's two to dangerous. you see local groups, they like brand identification, how al qaeda became a big brand. ice sis the new brand. >> these guys are franchisees of al qaeda, striking off on their own. and so you have, and they're taking route in areas where the local governments no longer have a monopoly on violence and can't provide order for the whole country. >> boko haram shook up the u.s. when we heard about the 00 girls being taken, a lot of attention still given to the story, we always hope. we believe some surveillance from the u.s. show there may be groups of girls that were identified, there's hope to get them back. another group that looks to isis as a role model, something to think about for us back here at home and then a secondary story that we were very hot on, and now we're going to have to start paying attention to again, what's going on in ukraine. russia, sizing up along the border, so much for sanctions, right? >> well, not really. this is actually a much more important and interesting thing
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i think than some of the chaos in the middle east. what you have here is essentially the decline of a great power, russia, which doesn't want to concede it no longer has the right to an empire in its area and so when ukraine tried to move out and have better ties with europe the russians said no, you can't do that, they come in, they clamp down, they take crimea, they're now trying to encourage separatists in eastern ukraine and we're trying to say to them you can't do this. you no longer have the right to determine what happens here and that's the basic issue that's going on there. >> it's really not so much of an open question. it is clear that nobody has been able to deter russia in any way. >> no one's been able to deter russia from what they've done so far. what they've done so far is relatively small potatoes. they've taken crimea, encouraging separatists in eastern ukraine. they haven't gone to nato which is the real thing guaranteed, saying you are no aening longer allowed to attack. it's a ladder of punishments for
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russia so they are given the snool signal to go back down the ladder of escalation. >> clearly the west has not figured that out. the obvious questions people have when they watch this, one, is the world going to hell? is this something we're seeing now that is new and worse than ever or is this the nature of the world? >> i don't think the world is going to hell and in fact, in bigger, broader terms, violence overall between states and even within states is dropping gradually over time, but what you're seeing is two things. one, a world ever more tied together with globalized media, economic connections, social media and so forth. so any story and any disorder that happens anywhere suddenly races to the top of the news. the second thing the u.s. pulling back a bit from its overextension and so then it becomes a question of do we really need to care? we spent a decade caring a lot about iraq and afghanistan. the question now is, can we let the areas go. >> what is the biggest threat? >> i think the biggest threat is china and its growth that's a
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raising power. after that, it's managing russian decline. >> but there's no ongoing conflict in china. you define it as someone who represents a threat. >> in the absolute terms they're relatively small. the big dangers are a real major state on state with a are with another peer power. that's the only thing that would be comparable to the major conflicts we've seen in the past and the only one i worry about there is china. >> if the u.s. is struggling to get russia to gowhat is believed to be the right thing when they are an economic strength, yes, they have gas and oil which petipet i petrifys europe. >> china is rising, and we're tied to them and both benefit from interdependence. the challenge is how you manage the relationships in a delicate way, no longer just opposing economic weak people and allying with our friends who are economically strong. we're in mixed motive gains with
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russia and china and one of the things we do, improve our technology and own economy and get our own act together so we're in a stronger position to wage the ongoing conflicts. >> this is a distraction to that unless they become trade partners and a great example that is afghanistan. we know the major general lost, 40-year veteran, training different people, always doing the right thing. do you believe being in the gra graveyard of empires, which is what afghanistan is known to many a historian, is a mistake, get out, you'll see more of this than anything positive. >> essentially after a decade in afghanistan and iraq we've calmed things down, take advantage of this to get out and the danger and the worry is that afghanistan will follow iraq after we leave, into more chaos, sort of like stopping a course of antibiotics when the symptoms go away but the problem is still there. >> isis do, they wind up being worse than al qaeda, because
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instead of cowardice acts they want to rule the land and be the hamas to israel, they want to be the united states their whole manifesto is we must go. >> not as bad as al qaeda. the more they have territory the more they have a state that we can punish and the more local actors balance against them. the other thing is they don't have the skill and the capability to project power abroad the way al qaeda did. >> you defeated my premise easily, gideon rose. you didn't even work for it. hopefully you're right because that's the last thing we want to see. thank you for interspective and important questions. caught on video, take a look at this. this is vegas, dry, desert, nope, flash floods, nothing to absorb it. they whisk cars down a road, not too far from the strip. drivers are inside? an amazing rescue helappens. we'll show you in just moments. >> get out! completely unbelievabowl...
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tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking breo. ask your doctor about b-r-e-o for copd. first prescription free at
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here we go with the five things you need to know for your new day. talks on a long-term truce between israel and palestinian factions begin today in cairo. owe jipgs officials are reportedly trying to extend the cease-fire to sunday. the state department is sending a team to cairo for support. the family of army major general harold greene says america lost a true hero. greene was killed when an afghan soldier opened fire in cairo. more than a dozen people were
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wounded in the incident. the ebola outbreak is spreading and quickly. nigeria reported five new cases and two deaths. republican establishment has survived another challenge from the tea party. cnn is projecting kansas senator pat roberts has beaten milton wolf, a distant cousin of president obama in the state's gop primary. the president will join leaders from across africa at a sumit to build partnerships with u.s. businesses. tuesday the president announced $33 billion in commitments from private companies. >> we update the five things to know, visit for the latest. kate? >> thanks, michaela. let's turn to some terrifying weather caught on video near las vegas, a flash flood strong enough to wash away cars. take a look at this. leading to very dramatic rescue. the severe weather damaged homes and roads out west, even
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triggering a landslide in one area. meteorologist indra petersons is here taking a look at more. we're talking about the desert. what is going on with the mudslides? >> it's monsoons, monsoons, monsoons. you talk about the southwest, you think dry, sunny conditions. it takes a little bit of moisture increasing from the southeast and quickly the day can turn from sunny so scary. >> get out! look out! get out! get out! get out! >> get out of the car! >> get out! >> reporter: a dramatic rescue in las vegas caught on tape. >> as soon as we heard him yelling -- >> get out! get out! hurry! >> the water was on top of us before with he knew it. >> reporter: as floodwaters rise, three airmen rush to rescue an elderly woman from the car. >> i had to slam the door and tell the guy on the other side to grab her and take her out thereof. >> reporter: the men forced to save one of their own. >> saw a head and an arm flying down the water, so i just kind of like i'm going to pull him up, hope i don't fall in.
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>> reporter: the powerful flash flood sweeping away car after car. >> wow, this is unreal, man. >> reporter: aerial footage captures the damage that left people stranded and vehicles flipped upside down. >> i have never seen it this bad, wow. >> reporter: in utah, residents managed to flee just minutes before aland slide destroyed their home. >> and it's just so frightening to see someone you love and care about lose everything they have. >> reporter: the slide started slowly, displacing rock and dirt. then knocking over a retaining wall and uprooting a tree and just moments later, the hill began to slide. >> really scary, frightening. they're just the best people and just heartbreaking. >> reporter: this morning at least three other homes remain in immediate danger as authorities work to contain the slide. >> last night all of the people came to the home at 10:0 and said you can stay here. >> reporter: neighbors outraged they weren't warned of the
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danger soon per. >> we weren't fine and people who have experienced landslides know what's happening! >> absolutely terrifying. the good news you look in the west, a lot of dry filling in. they'll get about a day or two to get things under role. it's only a matter of days before the thunderstorms roll back in. kate and chris? >> indra, thanks so much. terrifying stuff for sure. coming up on "new day" a journey home, a tribute flag for a fallen marine lost on its way back from iraq. you'll never guess where it was found. it's "the good stuff" and it's ahead.
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"vocce vanduccos!" "when your favorite food starts a fight" "fight back fast" "with tums." "relief that neutralizes acid on contact..." "...and goes to work in seconds." ♪tum, tum tum tum tums! "and now, try great tasting tums chewy delights." "yummy." ♪ we all say when i get older, i will be stronger ♪ plenty of stuff going on in the world to worry about. makes "the good stuff" that much more necessary and we have a good one today. an amazing gift prpd for a few bucks but for one gold star mom it means everything. here is the story, nine and a half years ago marine fred
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maciel killed in a helicopter crash in iraq. now the custom in the military is that the surviving brothers in arms sign an american flag in loving tribute and that's what they did. somehow the flag disappeared, no one knew if it found its way home. his family didn't know it existed and that was it. the story ends. wrong! jump ahead earlier this month, a couple shopping at a texas flea market spot something in one of the bins, looks too special to be there. >> the lady just said it's $5. she says it has been written on. i said that's okay, i'll buy it. >> you are a not supposed to write on a flag but this is a special kind of situation and they do write on it. now it turns out that this had just somehow found its way there and the shopper, walter brown, whose own son is a marine, he knew that this flag hadn't been desecrated. it actually had been sanctified so he bought it. he used the messages on it, he gets on social media, and he
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tracks down who the flag was intended for. >> that is something, unbelievable. >> yes. >> wow! >> not only has he figured it out, he traced the names and he figured out from some of the guys that this is what they had done and out maciel had died. not only does he return it but he makes sure there's a special ceremony so the flag just doesn't find its way home but that the family gets treated the way they should have all along. take a look. >> i got peace in my heart. you know, i'm happy. you know, this is all for my son. nobody forgot my son. >> "nobody forgot my son." >> sure did not. that is so powerful. >> we all love the troops and support the troops but this is a beautiful demonstration of how they support themselves. indra is married to a veteran, you know how tight that community is and how much this means to the family. >> should have made its way home in the first place but thank god for social media. >> "the good stuff." let's get you to "the newsroom"
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and ms. carol costello. >> thanks so much. have a great day. "newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- happening now in "the newsroom" peace talks. >> we need to give israel and gaza hope. >> israel and palestinians coming together. >> bring peace to the region. >> and also breaking words of an expanded cease-fire. the army as well as afghanistan and america has lost a true hero. >> reporter: attack on an american general. >> the shooter dressed in an afghanistan military uniform used a russian machine gun. help us replace the obama way with the kansas way. >> reporter: a senate stunner, enter pat roberts. >> something big is happening in kansas. >> reporter: the republican establishment scoring another win over the tea party. >> making it spread q


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