tv The Situation Room CNN August 11, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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ptions by vitac -- a daring rescue. cnn is aboard a flight to deliver aid to desperate refugees. you'll see the dramatic pictures as some are plucked to safety. a bitter power struggle plays out in baghdad where a new prime minister is named as troops and armored vehicles are deployed in the streets. and shooting outrage. the fbi is now investigating the killing of an unarmed teen by a police officer that sparked violence and looting in a town near st. louis. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." let's get to the breaking news right now. we're awaiting a statement from the president of the united states on the situation in iraq. we're also seeing for the first time up close a desperate battle for survival in northern iraq where the obama administration is now warning of genocide as isis targets iraqi minority
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groups including thousands of yazidis trapped on a mountain. our senior white house correspondent jim accost ta is in martha's vineyard for us. i understand the president momentarily will be making a statement on the situation in iraq, jim? >> that's right, wolf. we're expecting the president to make a statement on the situation in iraq as the any moment. one thing that is holding things up we should report are some of the technical difficulties the president did not elect to come to the location where we're at where the white house press corps is assembled to follow his developments here in martha's vineyard. instead a signal is being set up at his home where he's staying with a family here and so we're waiting on that to be put together in order to see the president. we may only hear him, want to pass all of that along in case we get an audio only from the president. we expect the president to talk about some of the kinetic movements under way in northern iraq over the last self days. those air strikes that have been going after isis targets in in
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north iraq. and in addition to that, these humanitarian air drops being aimed at those refugees trying to hide from isis militants in the sinjar mountains. we do think the president will talk about that. i think the big purpose of this presidential statement which you don't see often on presidential vacations but it seems to happen to this president very often when he goes away, we do expect the president to address the political situation that is unfolding in baghdad as you know, wolf, the current prime minister nuri al maliki has been clinging to power but his support has been crumbling in the iraqi government and right now as we know the iraqi president has appointed or designated a new prime minister haider al abadi. and all day long we've been getting stam, vice president joe biden called abadi earlier today and expressed his support. encouraged hip to form a more unified government, something they think nuri al maliki has
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failed to do and secretary of state john kerry put out his own statement saying very much the same thing. i think what we're going to hear from the president, he's going to make very similar comments and i think he's going to be encouraging of haider al abadi as the new prime minister. if you read between the lines and we've seen this for several weeks, the message from the president is it's time for nuri al maliki to go. >> stand by. we're going to have live coverage of the president once he gets to the microphones, gets in front of the cameras. we'll hear what he has to say about the situation in iraq, a situation that is pretty much in everyone agrees is awful right now as there's a genuine threat of genocide against a whole lot of people in northern iraq, including small yazidi community as well as christians and others. let's go to the pentagon. barbara starr, as we await the president, what's the latest as far as u.s. military air strikes on isis terror targets in iraq
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as well as humanitarian airlifts? >> wolf, it was very tough talk from a top general here at the pentagon a short time ago making clear air strikes alone are not going to push isis out of town. the faces of an emerging genocide at the hands of islamic militants. but the pentagon has no orders to stop the militants. only to blunt their attacks. >> in no way want to suggest that we have effectively contained or that we are somehow sbrak breaking the momentum of the threat poses by isil. that threat is on display in cnn's dramatic video from ivan watson as machine gunners opened fire during an iraqi attempt 0 drop food and water to trapped yazidi civilians. >> it does not surprise me there will be small arms fire during the ingress of those aircraft or the egress of those aircraft just because of the way that
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isisal formations are moving around. >> the obama administration now considering short of u.s. ground troops how to get everyone out. >> the next step which is going to be complicated logistically, how do we give safe passage for people down from the mountain. that's the kind of coordination we need to do internationally. >> the u.s. has conducted more than a dozen air strikes since friday. but most have been nearer beale to stop the advance on that city. the u.s. is flying armed drones and fighter jets over mount sinjar ready to attack militant advances, but terrorists have already changed their tactics. >> one of the things we have seen are the isil forces where they have been in the open, they are now starting to dissipate and to hide. >> pushing back militants has given the peshmerga fighters time to rearm.
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the iraqi government has sent in arms and ammunition. and pay attention to president obama's words there. there is in fact a lot of work going on behind the scenes to he'll if there is a way with the international community to get all of those desperate people off that mountain. wolf? >> thousands and thousands of people who are desperate indeed. barbara, stand by. we're following the breaking news. we're awaiting a statement from the president of the united states on the situation in iraq. he's on vacation in martha's vineyard but he's about to go before the cameras and tell us what's going on. we're also seeing for the first time up close a really desperate battle for survival in northern iraq where the obama administration and and many others are warning of genocide as isis targets iraqi minority groups including thousands of yazidis trapped on top of a mountain. senior international correspondent ivan swat son went along on a harrowing relief and
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shears the president of the united states. let's listen in >> for the past few days, american forces have successfully conducted targeted air strikes to prevent terrorist forces from advancing on the city of erbil and to protect american civilians there. kurdish forces on the ground continue to defend their city and we've stepped up military advice and assistance to iraqi and kurdish forces as they wage the fight against isil. at the same time, we've continued our daily humanitarian efforts to provide life-saving
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assistance to the men, women and children stranded on mount sinjar. and deployed a usaid disaster assistance response team to help. some have begun to escape their perch on the mountain and we're working with international partners to develop options to bring them to safety. i want to thank in particular the united kingdom, france and other countries working with us to provide much needed assi assistance to the iraqi people and meanwhile our aircraft remain positioned to strike any terrorist forces around the mountain who threat-the safety of these families. this advances the limited military mrt on the tebs we've outlined in iraq protecting american citizens, providing advice and assistance to iraqi forces as they battle these terrorists. and joining with international partners to provide humanitarian aid. but as i said when i authorized these operations, there is no american military solution to the larger crisis in iraq.
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the only lasting solution is for iraqis to come together and form an inclusive government. one that represents the legitimate interests of all iraqis and one that can unify the country's fight against isil. today it, iraq took a promising step forward in this critical effort. last month, the iraqi people named a new president. today, president masum named a new prime minister designate. dr. haider al abadi. under the iraqi constitution, this is an important step towards forming a new government that can unite iraq's different communities. earlier today, vice president biden and i called dr. abadi to congratulate him and urge him to form a new cabinet as quickly as possible, one inclusive of all iraqis and that represents all iraqis. i pledged our support to him as well as to president maum and speaker jabori as they work
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together to form this government. meanwhile i urge all iraqi political leaders to work peacefully through the political process in the days ahead. this new leadership has a difficult task to regain the confidence of its citizens by governing inclusively and taking steps to demonstrate its resolve. the united states stands ready to support a government that the addresses the needs and grievances of all iraqi be people. we're also ready to work with other countries in region to deal with the humanitarian crisis and counter-terrorism challenge in iraq. mobilizing that support will be easier once this new government is in place. these have been difficult days in iraq, a country that's faced so many challenges in recent history. i'm sure there will be difficult days ahead. but just as the united states will remain vigilant against the threat posed to our people by isis, we stand ready to partner with iraq and to fight against these terrorist forces. without question, that effort will be advanced if iraqis
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continue to bid on today's progress and come together to support a new and inclusive government. thanks, everybody. >> mr. president, do you have a message for maliki in. >> so there you saw a brief statement by the president only about two or three-minute statement, in fact. but basically saying he welcomes the fact that there could be a new prime minister of iraq, prime minister had ter al abadi to take over for nuri al maliki. there's no doubt the obama administration and so many others want him to go. the only problem is malaki currently does not want to leave and taking steps to resist this new leadership in iraq. this is a potentially a very, very serious problem. the president says you need new leadership in order to work forward and deal with the threats isis poses to so many people in iraq. ellise labott is our global affairs correspondent. is there any guarantee that the current prime minister nuri al maliki is ready to peacefully step down?
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>> far from it, wolf. the prime minister deployed his troops throughout baghdad and said he's going to contest this appointment of this designate mr. al abadi. he's saying he deserves a third term according to the constitution and the deadlines laid out, that he's the one that should be forming a government. and today, secretary of state john kerry issuing a very stern warning to prime minister al maliki to basically step aside saying listen, u.s. support is at risk if you do not allow this constitution it will process to work out. clearly, he's, al maliki is digging in his heels. but the u.s. really starting i think to pull tighten the noose, wolf on al maliki saying this is the only way that the iraqis can move forward and start to beat back isis as a united country, wolf. >> and the u.s. clearly with so many others doing everything they can to prevent nuri al maliki from staying in power and
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think he has been especially the last few years a total disaster as far as peace in iraq is concerned. we'll see what happens. there could be some u.s. officials fear an actual coup that nuri al maliki could undertake. there are plenty of military troops loyal to maliki and not to the new prime minister haider al abadi. elise, stand by. more on breaking news. u.s. warplanes are hitting these isis terror targets and the u.s. is now ampling kurdish forces. is it too little too late? i'll speak with a top kurdish official? president obama opens up about global crises. i'm ask tom agreed man of the "new york times" about his wide-ranging interview with the commander in chief. ♪
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get back to breaking news. officials now tell cnn the united states is arming kurdish forces who are badly outgunned by isis insurgents in northern iraq as u.s. air strikes may be slowing but not stopping. the brutal isis onslaught that forces hundreds of thousands of people from their home. joining us is the deputy prime minister of the kurd stan regional government joining us from erbil. let me get your reaction to what we just heard from the president. he said it's promising there may be a new prime minister in iraq. do you believe the current prime minister is going to step down willingly or will there be a coup? >> thank you for having me back,
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wolf. we're hopeful that the prime minister, the former prime minister nuri al maliki steps down and follows the constitutional process, follows the political process in iraq that we can hopefully get this country out of had difficult situation and towards a more stable and brighter future. we're concerned about some of the things that we're hearing about troop deployments throughout baghdad and about the tensions that are existing in the city. but it's a positive step that a prime minister des ig mat has been appointed and we're hopeful that the political process can continue and we can have a new government in a very short period of time. >> what happens if nuri al maliki refuses? what if he says i'm the prime minister, this other guy is not the prime minister. i've got a lot of troops loyal to me and i will resist any move to get rid of me? what happens then? >> that would be a huge mistake. it would be a very bad decision on behalf of the former prime
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minister. it would lead the country towards more turmoil and even further instability as a time when the country is ravaged by political stalemate, by a terrorist state that has taken over a big part of the country. and this would be a catastrophe, a political and security catastrophe for the country. >> talk a little bit about what the u.s. is doing to help the immediate crisis where are you in the northern part of iraq in kurd stan up in that area. i spoke with one of your colleagues earlier today, masseur barzani, head of kurdish intelligence. he said yes, the cia is providing some ammunition to the pesh murga, kurdish fighter who's you're very obviously familiar with, but it may be too little too late as far as the tens of thousands of minorities, christians, yazidis, many kurds are concerned. is it too little too late what the u.s. is now doing? >> we're hoping for greater
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support. we're hoping for increased cooperation. what has happened in these areas, what has tap to these communities, to the christians and yazidis in that part of the country is a catastrophic. it's a real calamity. the only way we can counter these forces is with increased firepower, increased air support from the united states. and an increased cooperation that can allow our fighters, the measu peshmergaing to defend these towns and cities where the minorities are living. >> do you believe the terrorists are engaged in genocide? >> >> you could sit here and debate the definition of genocide, the legal definition of genocide. but when you try to wipe out a community, either in whole, in part or in whole, i think that con sues genocide, wolf. what's happened to the yazidis and the attempted destruction of the yazidis, the attempted
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destruction of the shrines of their temples, their heritage, it's a catastrophe and nothing short of genocide in my opinion. >> the pictures we're showing viewers right now are so painful, the faces of these little kids and the elderly trying to squeeze on to an iraqi military helicopter that the peshmerga, your fighters are really involved in rescuing these people, dropping some food. but they saved what, 20 people on this one helicopter and there are tens of thousands who are in danger right now in your word and so many others of genocide. what else do you want the president of the united states to do? >> we need all the support we can muster. all the international support from the united states, from european colleagues to create a humanitarian corridor, to create a corridor that will allow these people safe passage away from this mountain and the terrorists and into safety.
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i want to commend you ever guys, as well for participating in that run today to show your viewers around the world that the catastrophe these people are facing. hopefully it will have the impact necessary to get the kind of international attention required to assist us in creating this humanitarian corridor that can get these people to safety. >> i think we still have you over there kuba t. are you still with us? >> yes, i'm still here, wolf. >> so the bottom line right now, this is a disaster. you need a whole lot more military hardware, not just ammunition. you need sophisticated weaponry to immediately come in to bolster the peshmerga, your fighters. is that right? >> that's correct, wolf. we need the kind of firepower that's required to pierce the armor that these arp mored humvees and other mechanized vehicles that the islamic state
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have. we need the increased air support from your air force, from the iraqi air force that can pound these guys from the skies and allow our peshmergaing to take back these areas and protect our people. >> talabani, the deputy prime minister of the kurdistan regional government. we'll continue our reporting on what's going on. thanks very much. coming up, he got president obama to speak very frankly about the crisis erupting around the world including the current situation in iraq. i'll ask tom friedman of "the new york times" about a wide-ranging interview with president obama. and new details of an american said to be an isis sympathizer. is that just the tip of the iceberg? new information coming into "the situation room." ♪ ♪ so nice, so ni-i-i-ce ♪ sweet, sweet st. thomas nice ♪ so nice, so ni-i-i-ce
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switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. a dramatic rescue of stranded refugees in northern iraq underscores the desperate situation of hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the brutal advance of isis jihadists. in a "new york times" interview, president obama has spoken bluntly about this and other crises he's facing around the world. let's get a closer look. and tom friedman "the new york times" is joining us right now. tom, you spent an hour with the president of the united states. let me just try to get into his head via you for a moment. these dramatic pictures we're seeing now of rescue operations,
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religious minorities in northern iraq and kurdistan. it's unbelievable what we're seeing and kurdish had officials warning these isis terrorists want to commit genocide against these people. how much pressure is this going to put on president to maybe revise his strategy and go in and rescue people as opposed to just providing food or having some bombs hit artillery pieces? >> well, i think the president's made clear, wolf, in his public statements and the interview he believes a humanitarian crisis on this scale in a country we were involved in where we can make a difference, that he's going to be involved. and he certainly followed up over the weekend by making clear that it's going to be long-term. there's two issues here. one is what you've got this dramatic footage of the humanitarian crisis involving this minority, the yazidis. and there is an also the strategic question of kurdistan, this island of decency in northern iraq, one of the few good things to come out of the
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iraq war is also threatened and that humanitarian and strategic, those humanitarian and strategic interests combining i think are bringing us in there into in the interview and i'm going to play a little clip. this sort of jumped out at me. you were referring in your article to the president's policy of no victor, no vanquished. let me play this little clip for you. i want you to explain what the president has in mind. listen to this. >> i think what the iranians have done is to finally realize that a max mamist position by the shi az inside of iraq is over the long-term going to fail. and that's by the way a broader lesson of for every country. if you want just 100% and the notion is that the winner really does take all. all the spoils. sooner or later that government's going to break
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down. >> is no victory, no vanquished, is it fair to call that an obama doctrine? did he actually use those words? >> no victor, no vanquished is my formulation which he agreed with and rearticulated just the way you showed it there. and it really is animating. i think it's one of the biggest lessons he's taken away from the whole experience notice middle east which is if you don't have a politics where people are ready to share power sunnis, kurds, shiites, in iraq, you know, shia al oh whites, yes, we can suppress violence and we can hold places together. without that the underlying power sharing agreement, nothing good is going to happen and be sustainable. i think it's a very important message. hape to agree with that. if you look at the two countries
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or two regions that have come out of the arab spring decently, they're tunisia and kurd stan, two places we had nothing to do with in recent years. it's because they came to a politics of really sharing power, no victor, no vanquished. without that in iraq, nothing is going to work. >> but there are certain groups like isis, for example, you can't share power with terrorists like this, right? >> no, and the point that the president was making and certainly something i've been making in my columns, as well the ronan isis emerged and the reason is cut through iraq so quickly, there are only what, 18,000, 20,000 of them but they had a huge amount of passive support from iraqi sunnis precisely because malaki, the long-time prime minister refused not only to share power but was using his power to abuse you
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know, iraqi sunnis and the mainstream. that made the ground so -- the tinder there so easy for isis to light that fire. >> were in israel a week or so ago. i was there, as well. here's a clip of what the president said because this jumped out at me, as well about israel and its survival. >> because israel is so capable militarily, i don't worry about israel's an survival. others can cause israel pain. it's a really bad neighborhood and they can inflict you know, casualties and destruction in parts of zra, but israel's going to survive. that's not the issue. i think the question really is how. >> all right. and then he goes on to explain the answer to that question of how. tell us what the president has
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in mind. >> you know, wolf, you remember eban, the former israeli foreign minster for many years. he used to say of israel we are not a disarmed costa rica. israel is a powerful country. it can take care of itself against the basically conventional threats it now faces on its borders. i think what the president is saying and as you know, some israelis are also saying more than a few, is that how are we going to survive? are we going to survive as' country that is forced, you know, to occupy 2al 8 palestinians in the west bank or if we can find an alternative and maybe they can't, maybe there is no secure palestinian partner for an alternative. but if they can find an alternative, that's going to be much more healthy in the long-term for israel as a jewish democracy. i think that's the issue that he's really raising. >> does he have in these final two years as he's approaching
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his last two years as president of the united states some sort of vision an obama doctrine shall we call it for dealing with what seems to be so many plays on earth right now on fire in. >> well, you know, i think that i wouldn't begin to presume i could declare what his doctrine is. but what came through to me in the interview, wolf, is that one of the things he's learned and i go back to the beginning of our conversation is that you know, without partners on the ground who are ready to build a politics, a decent politics of sharing power without those kind of partners, nothing america does will be self-sustaining. yes, we can intervene with force. we can hold things together. but the two most important you know words in foreign policy are self and sustaining. what we au in iraq and what we've seen in libya is we go in and do these things militarily but without leaders ready to
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share power and build a future together, nothing we do will will be self sustaining. i think the president i sense in listening to him is deeply wary of investing another trillion dollars of u.s. treasury not to messenger lives and energy in kind of trying to do things for people who don't want to do it themselves. >> tom friedman is the columnist for the "new york times." thanks very much for joining us. >> pleasure, wolf. >> anytime. >> let's turn to the political battle for 2014. a deadlocked race in hawaii that could leave two democratic senate candidates fighting for votes in an area hardest hit by the weekend storm. damage forced officials to close two polling places early saturday leaving the contest between brian shots and colleen hanabuso too close to call. people are given an unspecified number of days to vote. we're going to have much more
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and thousands of people trapped up there, we've now learned that the u.s. military has conducted four rounds of air strikes against that mountain in a three-hour period. the pentagon just issuing details a hort time ago. u.s. warplanes attacked a number of isis checkpoints, trucks, armored personnel carriers and even a humvee and you know, isisent didn't go out and buy a humvee themselves. that's american military equipment that was sold to the iraqis in the past. the u.s. warplanes have to a large extent have come off the george washington f/a-18 aircraft. we also know now that u.s. air force aircraft have also joined this operation. i think it's very interesting to note that we're now getting these details that the u.s. warplanes have gone after isis checkpoints near mount sinjar because if they want to get those people off that mountain, there are so many, it will take a ground operation and before
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you can start a ground operation, you have to clear out the checkpoints and roadblocks of the enemy forces. we don't know for sure that that's what's in the works but that would be a very typical tactic. for the first time today, we're hearing about u.s. wa warplanes going against isis checkpoints near mount sinjar. >> these were all fighter aircraft, not drones with these hell fire missiles. these are supposedly f/a-18s. are they saying when it's optimal to undertake these kinds of u.s. air strikes against these isis targets in iraq? >> mount sinjar in particular, this area, we know that drones are keeping watch 24/7 for isis on the move. we learned isis fighters in the region are beginning to go into hidden positions. it is becoming increasingly difficult to target them even as they fire potentially against the civilians as we saw today when ivan watson was on that chopper with the iraqis and the
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peshmerga fighters. this is very tough business now. they want to target them as they move and get them out of there. and one of the reasons, of course, is because the civilians are getting hurt by these people but also when this he go into drop food, water and emergency aid to the people who are trapped, the u.s. transport planes fly pretty low, pretty slow. and they need to make sure the isis fighters are nowhere where they can attack those airplanes. so you tend to see this either before an air drop might go in or when a u.s. drone might see isis fighters and be able to advise there's a clear shot to get them. >> isis fighters do have shoulder-fired surface-to-air missiles other missiles that could endanger u.s. jet fighters as well as helicopters, other aircraft, right? >> they do, wolf. what we have been told is so far, no u.s. aircraft either going into this area in iraq or
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into nearby erbil going in or coming out have run into any problems from isis fighters. they haven't been targeted by them. they've had no problems with it so far, wolf into let's hope it stays that way. barbara, thanks very much. just ahead at the top of the hour, we'll have much more breaking news. some of the most dramatic video we've seen yet from the escalating humanitarian crisis in iraq. ivan watson was right in the middle of a daring attempt to rescue refugees. we'll show you his video coming up live an the top of the hour. plus, there's there's growing outrage over the death of an african-american teenager shot by the police. new information coming in. that's coming up, as well. [announcer] word is getting out. purina dog chow light & healthy is a deliciously tender and crunchy kibble blend. with 20% fewer calories than purina dog chow.
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in we're also learning new dramatic details into the investigation of the deadly police shooting of michael brown, just outside st. louis. the fbi is now officially involved. cnn national correspondent jason carroll is joining us live. he's got more. what is the latest. >> reporter: well right now a press conference is taking place with michael brown's mother and also her attorney. as you say, the fbi and also the justice department vochd in this investigation, this as the family calls for peace after a night of violence. no justice, no peace. >> reporter: a peaceful yet angry crowd confronting police, demanding action. >> what do we want?
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justice. >> calls for justice coming after what some say was an unprovoked attack on an unarmed teenager, recent high school graduate, michael brown. >> you took my son away from me. do you know how hard it was for me to get him to stay in school and graduate? do you know how many black men graduate? not many. >> this is your warning. leave the area. disperse. >> reporter: saturday's shooting led to a weekend of racial tension and violence between protesters and police. many were simply angry, others took advantage of the chaos, looting shops, throwing rocks and bottles at police. the police chief said he was shot at three times during the tense standoff. one police officer was caught on camera calling the protesters animals. >> bring it all you [ bleep ] animals. bring it. >> reporter: some protesters tried no vain to keep the peace. 32 people were arrested. the circumstances of brown's
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shooting are still in dispute. police claim brown physically assaulted the police officer and tried to take his gun away before he was shot 35 feet from the police car. but witnesses tell a different story. >> his weapon was drawn when he got out of the car, he shot again and once my friend felt that shot he turned around and put his hands in the air and started to get down. but the officer approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots. >> he ran for his life, they shot him, he fell, put his arms up to let them know he was compliant and unarmed and they shot him twice more. >> what do we want? justice. >> reporter: today city officials urge calm as protesters marred outside police headquarters. >> we can't have another night like last night. >> reporter: after spending the day here, i spoke to a number of people in the community. they have standing behind the
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woman who you see standing up at that podium right now. that is michael brown's mother. still clearly very emotional, very, at some points, una i believe to speak about what happened. one point she did want to make about her son is that this was a young man who, she said, had never gotten in a fight his entire life. and that is why all of this violence does not reflect who he was. and, wolf, after speaking to the chief of police out here, speaking to people who live on the block where michael brown lived, speaking from both points of view, what you have in this community is a fractured relationship between the police and certain members of the african american community. and what happened to michael brown was really the tipping point. so not only do they have to get to the bottom of the investigation, they have to heal the prak chured relationship. >> jason carroll watching the story for us outside st. louis right now. thank you.
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coming up, a daring rescue. cnn's ivan watson will tell us about the harrowing helicopter mission he was on in iraq delivering aid to stranded refugees. wait, are you running full adobe photoshop on a tablet? yep. but it's not just a tablet, it's really a laptop. it's a surface pro 3, with a touchscreen. well it can't be as fast as my mac. sure, it can. and it is. but you probably can't plug anything into it. i have a usb mini display port. plug away. and this is my favorite -- it's the kickstand. so you're saying it does more than my mac? well technically, you said it. ♪
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happening now, breaking news. humanitarian nightmare, a cnn crew captures a dangerous and dramatic scene as the military tries to save the lives of thousands of trapped refugees. troops intention, a power struggle in baghdad as a new prime minister is nominated but the current one is refusing to go.
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raising serious fears and foreign policy failure. hillary clinton challenging her previous boss. we want to welcome the viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." let's get right to the breaking news. the humanitarian nightmare unfolding right now in northern iraq. and cnn has captured some of the most dramatic video yet of the desperate plight of tens of thousands of ref gus trying to flee. our crew was there as the iraqi military helicopters undertook a dangerous mission to save lives. there's an intense power struggle under way in baghdad right now. the iraqi president has named a new prime minister. president obama said he spoke to him today. but the outgoing prime minister nouri maliki is threatening to
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hold on. let's begin with our senior international correspondent ivan watson in northern iraq with some of the more stunning imaginimages that are shocking the world. i want you to show you viewer what is you saw. tell us what it was like because you did amazing work. >> reporter: well the iraqi air force has been flying several flights a day of humanitarian assistance from this airstrip here in northwestern iraq to sinjar mountain. they have to fly because the mountain is surrounded by isis militants. the only way to get there is by air. so we flew with the iraqi air force and i don't think we realized quite how nervous they are until they got over what they say are isis positions and started unleashing machine gun fire from both barrels off the side of the aircraft. and targets down below.
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i believe probably to suppress any possible upcoming fire. they really burned through ammunition there. and then when they got over the dramatic mount sinjar which just rises up coming out of the plain, that's where we sue the yazdy people, the people the whole world has been talking about, cleansed from their towns and village as week ago. and the only place they could run to for safety was this mountain top where they've been stranded for a week. now we saw they did not have shelter. they were mostly women, children, hiding under trees, under some ruined buildings that had been apparently protected by bashed wire. they came running out. this was a very disorganized aid distribution program project operation. the helicopter crew were just
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dumping everything from water to food to baby's diapers and milk, just hurling them out of the helicopter down the to the waiting people below. and when they touched down briefly to let people on board, it was chaotic. nobody was organizing the evacuation. it was first come, first serve. and some people didn't make it. the people who did make it on board were in terrible shock. they were traumatized. there were tears. it was very, very, very emotional. and you know, the trauma wasn't over. because on the flight out, once again the machine guns started kicking off. the machine gunners shooting down at the isis front lines. that was the only protection for this aircraft and precious car goe before it got bark here. >> on your helicopter with the
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iraqi military, they saved 20 people or so. how many people are really on the mountaintop? >> i saw hundreds and they were scattered around a pretty large chunk of territory. the senior kurdish commander here said that the number could be up to 70,000 perhaps hiding in caves and valleys like that of this kind of very unusual mountain range. i can't confirm that. he did also say that at least 6,000 have escaped, 6,000 families have escaped over an over land rout that the peshmerga fighters have carved out. it is a difficult journey. they have to walk ten miles on foot in the heat and they risk being shelled by isis militants on the journey out. the most vulnerable people clearly cannot make the journey
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out. there are definitely people still trapped on that mountaintop as we speak tonight. >> on a personal level, what was it like to see that situation unfold? >> reporter: i have never witnessed something quite as chaotic, quite as dramatic. this isn't a national disaster. this isn't people trapped in a flood on the roof top of their house. this is a man-made disaster. this is ethnic and sectarian cleansing. we have seen this across northern iraq. further to the east it's iraqi christians that have been pushed at of their homes. here it's the yazidis. the most critical exam. of it is on the mountain. we've seen hundreds of thousands 0 people pushed out of their homes because of their ethnic identity and their sectarian identity. there's nothing else but to call
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this ethnic and sectarian cleansing. and when you ask the people, as i asked one young man who lost his father in the flight from his hometown and was separated from him and heard his phone calls for about two days while his dad was trapped in a house and then the line went dead and they haven't heard from him since, when you ask him who did this? who were you running from? were they foreign fighters? who were they? he said no, they were arabs, arabs from the area, from the region, perhaps arabs who had lid in neighboring villages. this is a scary phenomenon we're seeing unfold right now. >> the horrible situation may only just be beginning as we watch right now. ivan watson, thanks so much for that report. ivan is doing an amazing job for all of us. let's go to barbara starr. we're getting more word of more u.s. air strikes in iraq.
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tell our viewers what you're learning over there because there's a series of about four more air strikes just in the past few hours. >> that's right. four air strikes over a three-hour period and very crucial. they were in the mount sinjar region. u.s. war planes went against isis check point vehicles, a number of areas where the isis fighters have been hanging out. very interesting they're going after check points. it makes you wonder if the u.s. is preparing with the international community for some type of over land evacuation out of there. that may be a possibility. we've seen president obama twice now refer to the effort to try to get the international community to find a way to get the people off the mountain. >> barbara, stand by pi i want to get more on the intense power struggle happening right in the middle of baghdad pitting the country's president against now supposed to be the former prime minister. our global affairs correspondent
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elise is working this part of the story. we heard from the president of the united states. he said he called the new prime minister but this is not a done deal yet. >> no. it with as glimmer of hope with the appointment of a new prime minister but the old one is clinging to power in a dangerous political showdown. iraq's political power struggle finally reached a breaking point. the president named the deputy speaker of parliament to replace nouri al maliki. >> earlier today vice president bide. and i called dr. abadi to congratulate him and urged him to form a new cabinet as quickly as possible. >> haider al abadi, can he unite the country and fight off the sweeping advances by isis militants? >> he's someone who has never been involved in the personal controversy. you know, he will try to be inclusive and work with people. but at the same time he's never
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been someone to push for reform. >> al abadi has 30 days to form a government. but as of now maliki is refusing to go quietly saying he deserves a third term. he's deploying troops to the streets of baghdad and threatening to contest the appointment. >> translator: this should bear no consequences, null and void. >> secretary of state john kerry warned the u.s. would withhold its support if maliki did not step aside. >> our hope is that he does not stir the waters. there will be little international support of any kind whatsoever for anything that def yates from the legitimate constitutional process that is in place. >> the u.s. signaled further military support once a new
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iraqi government is in place. it could further divide the country along sectarian lines. >> the shia government is relying on shia militias. any u.s. military aides needs to be tied to reducing the shia militias and pulling them back. >> and, wolf, time is not on haider al abadi's side. he needs the 30 days. if he can't, the iraqis go back to square one. that gives the time for maliki to bide his time. meanwhile, isis continues to advance. >> horrible situation unfolding. thanks very much. president obama spoke out about the multiple crisis in iraq just a little while ago while on vacation at martha's vineyard in massachusetts. he praised the designation of the new prime minister saying only a legitimate unified government of baghdad can lead the country in the fight against the isis forces. joining us now is the deputy
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state department spokeswoman marie harf. thanks very much for joining us. prime minister nouri al maliki has deployed troops arnz the green zone. how concerned are you that the outgoing prime minister could use force and effectively launch a coups? >> what we're focused on is the process they made on the ground to name a new prime minister. they came together to select a new leader and designate going forward. prime minister maliki is still the prime minister legally for the time being. but what the president said today, our president, is that we're really encouraging the new prime minister to move quickly to form a new government. he has 30 days. but we know they need to do this as soon as possible to confront the threat together. >> what if he doesn't do that? what if nouri al maliki -- she's got a lot of forces loyal to him, a lot of support from the iranians, very close to the
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leadership in tehran. what if he says i'm the prime minister and i'm going to stay in power. what do you do then? >> et les not get ahead of where we are today. the iraqis have come together in a remarkable way that we haven't seen in the past. understanding the urgency of the threat they face. they've hit all of their benchmarks. and we never thought this would be easy. there are high tensions and many emotions involved but what we're focused on is the fact that there is a prime minister designate who has support. and we believe that the iraqis understand they need to move forward very quickly. >> so haider al abadi has 30 days to form a new government. does that mean in the next 30 days the u.s. is going to continue air strikes, continue humanitarian drops of supplies, of food and water, medical equipment but is not going to really do what needs to be done, go in there, give the kind of weaponry to the durdish forces, give the kind of support to the
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iraqi troops that you say are needed to save thousands of lives? >> what we'll continue doing is the humanitarian air drops to get much needed food and water to the thousands of people. i know you just showed some incredibly moving footage of what these people are going through. that's why the united states is providing them with food and water trying to help them in the situation they're in. but we're also going to continue the air strikes that we've been doing against isil targets, protecting erbil, trying to prevent ice sis from moving forward. that's going to continue, while at the same tile we ale work on the political side to push the iraqis to get a new government in place. >> i spoke earlier today with the minister for intelligence for the kurdish regional government in northern iraq. and he was pretty sad. he said that the u.s. supplying some ammunition to the peshmerga, the kurdish fighters, a little too little too late.
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he says they needed heavy weaponry to deal with the isis armored personnel carriers and the tanks they stole, all u.s. state of the art equipment. and he feels you guys haven't really come through, the united states. your reply? >> well, we've been expediting requests, we've been helping the kurds and the iraqi security forces. we've been helping them get themselves back on their feet and get equipped to fight this treat. we've seen a lot of cooperation between iraqi and the kurds, working together in a way we have never seen them do in the past and that's been encouraging for us. we're going to keep expediting our support to the kurds and the iraqi security forces. we're doing more of it. we're going to keep doing more of it because we know the threat is real and urgent. >> you will continue to provide weapons and ammunition to the kurds through the cia? >> no. we've b have in
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our stockpiles to the kurds. the government of iraq has done that with some of their existing weapons and we're going to be doing with some of ourous. we're going to do more of it because we need to need is urgent. >> so coordinated with the central government of prime minister nouri al maliki? >> well, the central government at large in iraq. iraqi leaders from across the spectrum have asked for our arms, our support. we've been working with them for many months now but especially in the past few days or week to expedite this because we know the need is so urgent. >> do you' agree with the kurdish leaders, mayor figurers that what is going nonagain side. >> well you heard the president and the secretary both said this was the situation with the
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potential to be genocide. that's what we're trying to prevent, trying to figure out if there are ways to open humanitarian corridor to get a sustainable stwags in place where these people can get off of the mountain they've been trapped for so long with so little food and water. this is an incredibly dire humanitarian situation and that's why we brought our unique capability to bear in the problem when we could help. >> it's a potential for genocide but not genocide yet. is that right? >> i think i'll let the president's words speak for himself. he was very clear about how dire the humanitarian situation was and how it was getting close to genocide. >> most people agree that the only way to defeat an army is with an army, that air power alone won't defeat the isis forces. that's the argument you keep hearing, right sf. >> well, look, this is not intended of the air strikes we're doing now, intended to be
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a long term strategy. against isil. this is intended to prevent isil from moving forward in erbil. we're working with iraqi forces and the kurdish force to put a long term strategy in place to go up against isil. we're going to help them regroup, reequip, get trained so they can take on the threat themselves. how many people, americans, military diplomatic civilians, are in the northern iraqi area of erbil right now? >> we don't give an exact number for security reasons glu is a very large contingent based in erbil. we're adjusting our staffing right now where most of the personnel are needed. so we move some out of erbil out of the weekend but also moved some in, some that are experts in the kind of humanitarian work
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we need in the north. we have a robust staff on the ground. that's one of the main reasons we don't want to pull people out. we want to defend erbil because we want an american presence there in the joint operation center which shares surveillance with the iraqis who are fighting this threat. >> marie, thanks very much. still ahead, hillary clinton criticizes president obama on foreign policy with details of how the possible presidential candidate is right now distancing herself from her old boss. plus a chilling so scenario, terrorists joining forces, share their deadly tactics the with isis forces. we'll talk about that and more with congressman ed royce. he's standing by live.
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we're following the breaking news in iraq, the humanitarian nightmare playing out in the northern part of the country right now, and the intense power struggle playing out in baghdad. all of this comes as the isis forces sweep the country and now they appear to be getting help from other terrorists determined to strike against the united states. brian todd is working this part of the story with us. he's here in "the situation room." >> disturbing information. isis is not only in good position to hold the turt it's captured but it's getting help from some menacing groups which americans will be familiar with. there are frightening new indications that isis is getting some dangerous reinforcements. a u.s. official tells cnn small groups from a number of al qaeda affiliates have defected to isis and officials say that trend could accelerate if isis
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continues to rack up victories on the battlefield. the appeal of isis to other jihadists is something that the people have been warning about for weeks. and it's the group's isis is drawing from which sends chills down the spiens of western intelligence officials tlnchs are a certain number of fighters who have pledged allegiance to the islamic state from al qaeda and the arabian peninsula. >> aqap is the group that's successfully gotten bombs on planes bound to the united states. for fighters from those groups, the isis track record in syria and iraq is a big draw. >> nothing succeeds like success and isis is succeeding and some failures, for example, al qaeda. >> another draw, isis propaganda videos like this one showing the capture of a massive dam in the
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city of mosul. >> they're showing the jihadists going into battle on the back of a pickup truck. this is something, a level of commitment that appears. >> and today we learned of an american who allegedly sympathized with isis, arrested recently as new york's kennedy airport. and at least four others from the u.s. have been indicted fb their connection to isis. >> they're going to continue to draw foreign fighters, including americans, for the foreseeable future. >> and peter bergman said that the americans who have aligned themselves to isis pale in compare to the europeans. the good news is that u.s. and other western intelligence agencies are much better now at tracking these militants wherever they go. >> and there's some experts who suggest there's a big i'd logical reason that some of these militants are tracked to
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isis. >> it's a clear i'd logical pull. the fighters, they're most lly sunni. they have an attraction to do battle with sere onpresident assad and nouri al maliki's group in iraq. that's an divide with the muslim faith. let's talk about all of this and more with congressman ed royce of california, the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee. he's joining us now live. thanks for joining us. let's get to the last point that brian made. how much of a threat in isis domestically here in the united states. >> i would say's more a threat for europe than the u.s. but with the virtual caliphate on the internet, isis has the capacity to draw from all over north africa, europe and central
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asia. that's exactly what you see. some of those, over 100, come from the united states as well. it's those u.s. passport holders that are a real concern here. >> we saw some really powerful dramatic video that ivan watson came out of an iraqi helicopter seeing people that are literally dying right now, they're running for their lives. what should the united states be doing to save these tens of thousands of yazidis, these christian and so many others who are being targeted, some say genocide by these isis terrorists. >> genocide is the intention because it is convert or die. for those who do not, they're targeted for extinction. clearly what the united states needs to do is to make absolutely certain that the will of the parliament in iraq, by working with soft power there, how now you have the shias, the sunnis, the kurds all agreeing
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maliki must go. i called for maliki to be gone several -- many, many months ago because he was not working to be inclusive. but if you get a new inclusive government there and that, of course, is the desire of the overwhelming percentage in parliament and the president of the country. you get a new prime minister then you get an effective cohesion in iraq. that's critical. >> but that may be the will of a lot of people but it might not necessarily be the will of newerly al-maliki and some of the shee eye forces who are very loyal to him, many of who have tanks, armored personnel carriers and they're threatening to take charge of baghdad right now. what does the u.s. do if the launches a coups? >> we're following that right now. we know that maybe a month ago or so he put his son in charge of the military.
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he put previously a number of them in position of responsibility. but further down the officer corps, the junior officers know he's failed. even his shia coalition know he's failed. he has no support to remain as prime minister. so you're right, he's going to give that order. but my, my presumption is, from what i hear in baghdad, is that it's not going to be heard by the shia, the sunni or the kurdish political folks. and everybody right now has reached the conclusion that he must go. i think he's going to be forced out. i think it might be difficult over the next 72 hours. but at the end of the day he's gone. and that's the first opportunity for cohesion here against isis. because almost all of these defeats on the ground are a result of his wrong handedsness in terms of sacking people in the military who knew what they were doing, in terms of the
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kurds were going to defend mosul, he ordered them out. he ordered his own units in and of course those units ran away. so we need effective leadership in iraq. this is a decision iraqis are going to have to make. they've shown their support for changing that government. now the parliament and the political parties have to go to work to force him out. >> what should the president be doing that he's not doing right now? >> well, the critique is mainly what was not done when we had the opportunity when isis was still in syria. and you've heard some of those arguments from our former secretary of state. hillary clinton laid out the attempt to support the free syrian army. back before the foreign fighters got there. once isis began to move out of syria into iraq, myself and many others called for armed drone strikes against those units before they ever could take mosul. but now they've got this huge
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treasury, you know, the national wealth was in the bank up there in mosul. they've got that at their dispos disposal. at this point through air strikes we've got limited options. we are supporting the troops on the ground, including the kurds, in order to try to turn back this onslaught and to prevent this humanitarian disaster. >> what he's doing is he's obviously authorized the air strikes, dropping humanitarian supplies, he keeps saying no boots on the ground, the u.s. is not going to get involved on the ground, sending troops into iraq to fight this battle. only the iraqis can do that or the kurds can do that. on those basic points you're with the president? >> yeah, i think on those basic points the consensus is now we have an opportunity with the kurdish forces if maliki goes,
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they need to be the infantry on the ground and we can supply some air support and weaponry to the kurds but that is the consensus right now. >> hillary clinton in the interview in the "atlantic magazine" said great nations did organizing principles and don't do stupid stuff is not an organizing system. that's clearly a criticism of the united states, quoted don't do stupid stuff. is she right? >> i will add to that. remember this request for armed drone strikes, strikes on those isis columns when they were coming out of syria in order to start to take city by city, that critique comes not only from our former secretary of state. that came out of our embassy. they came from the government in baghdad. that came from many in the military who wanted the make certain that we were at least
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assisting to prevent isis from taking these cities. and that request was turned down by the president himself, despite these requests made internally. and that's, i think, the criticism. >> ed rice is the chairman of the house foreign affairs committee. thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you. >> we're going to have more on what hillary clinton is saying about the 0 bam may may administration, the obama doctrine as some people are calling it. also coming up, the fragile cease-fire between israel and hamas. will it hold? we'll go live to gaza for the very latest. [announcer] word is. purina dog chow light & healthy is a deliciously tender and crunchy kibble blend. with 20% fewer calories than purina dog chow. isn't it time you discovered the lighter side of dog chow. purina dog chow light & healthy.
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we're getting new information just coming into "the situation room" about president obama's phone call today to the iraqi prime minister designate haider al abadi. the white house says the president expressed support for the formation of the new government. both leaders agreed it should be assembled as soon as possible and should be representative of all iraqis. one huge problem right now, the outgoing prime minister, nouri maliki is by no means on board. he might resist. he's got a lot of troops loyal to him. there could be a coup.
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we'll have more shortly. meanwhile, hillary clinton is stirring big political waves by pointing to what he calls a failure in president obama's foreign policy. her harshest kritment so far of her former boss. what are you learning brianna? >> this is significant. white house officials given a heads up before the interview was published, they're downplaying the remarks. >> a shocking development in the obama/clinton relationship. hillary clinton calling a key part of the president's foreign policy in syria a failure that has contributed to the current crisis in iraq. in an interview with the atlantic she says the failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who are the originators of the
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protest, that tl were islamics and everything in the mid. the failure to do that left a big vacuum which the jihadists have now filled. it's her biggest critique yet of the president she served as secretary of state. in her memoir, clinton details her criticism with the president who decided not to arm the rebels in the three-year-old conflict until recently. in june clinton told cnn it was too soon to judge if equips moderate syrian rebels would have prevented a syrian war. >> it's difficult in retrospect so taye that would have prevented this. >> not so difficult anywhere it appears. asked by the atlantic about obama's self prooind policy doctrine of don't do stupid stuff, clinton says great nations need organizing principles. as she weigh as run for president in 2016, clinton's
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comments serve her politically, distancing her from an unpopular president whose foreign policy is under attack and it harkens back to a strategy she used against 0 bam in the 2008 democrat primary after he said she would engage with venezuelan dictato dictators. >> i thought it was irresponsible to say that he would commit to meeting with chavez and castro and others within the first year. >> and further demonstrating the difference. president obama says the prospect has always been a fantasy. se said that in ar interview published a few days ago. he and clinton will have their chance to hash out these topics. she has a book signing on
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wednesday. let's get some more news right now. indeed there's new information on an american man arrested and accused of sympathizing with isis. our justice concerned pamela brown is working this story for us. what is the latest here? >> u.s. officials are on high alert for any american who may show any signs of wanting to be associated with the dangerous jihadist group isis. and the latest example of that, according to sources is a north carolina man arrested this month who raised alarm bells in the counterterrorism community after he openly sympathized with isis on social media. u.s. authorities arrested an american at jfk airport returning from lebanon who they say is a sympathizer of isis. the north carolina resident, donald ray morgan was taken into custody earlier this month on an outstanding warrant. but morgan caught the attention of u.s. counter terrorism
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officials after he posted several tweets showing support and fascination with isis. he is currently being held without bail of his initial court appearance in new york. >> the question on the table was when the government could schedule a hearing on its application that the defendant be detained as a danger to the community. >> sources say there is no evidence at this point that morgan was activity plotting with the terrorist group. but his case is one example of how finely tuned u.s. officials are to any american being potentially influenced by isis, seen as one of the more organized groups in the world. isis has aggressively been recruiting fighters from all over the world, touting it has fighters from the u.s., uk, france, jeremy, other european nations. over the past few months individuals linked to isis have been arrested in spain and france for plotting attacks in that those countries and
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constructing explosive devices according to u.s. intelligence officials. >> if you read what they're saying, we are the enemy, they want to destroy us. >> the big concern is that they'll be radicalized and sneak back into the u.s. with their clean passports, just like that florida man who came back from the u.s. from syria undetected and return to syria where he became a suicide bomber. >> this isis is metastasizing throughout the region and their goal, as they've stated openly time after time, is the destruction of the united states of america. >> so far u.s. officials have arrested several americans for they alleged association with isis, including 19-year-old shannon conley who was arrested in april for trying to board a plane en route to help the jihadist group fight in syria. >> isis is currently competing with al qaeda to be the heir to
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osama bin laden. the big concern is that the area will become a terrorist safe haven to plot and launch attacks on the u.s. >> thanks very much for that report. still ahead, anger and tension in a st. louis suburb after police shoot and kill a teenage boy. his parents now have some high profile legal ally. but up next, an update on the fragile truce now entering day two in ga da. hi, credit report site andour i have a problem. i need to speak with your fraud resolution department.
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liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. the truce between israel and hamas just entered its second day. food and supplies started flowing to gaza. negotiators meeting with egyptian go-betweens. but will it all fall apart? let's go to martin savidge standing by. martin, what's the latest on this current cease-fire?
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>> reporter: we have to measure things in small doses. so far so good. we have no incidents of rockets fired out of gaza and no strikes into gaza. those are very positive things. that said, both sides going into these indirect talks is another complicating factor. hamas said it wanted israel to lift the blockade. israel said they would like to have hamas, in other words, demill tarrize, those are two substantial issues and unlikely you could accomplish a major issue on those in 72 hours. this extension would have to be hammered out and last time they weren't able to do that. have you it take the good and bad. we will take the one day at a time, and td was a good one. wolf? >> the cease-fire, martin, went into effect. you saw strikes come very close to your location. i want to show viewers what
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happened to you this weekend. watch this. >> reporter: i guess they got that house. oh. >> wow. first of all, you're okay, right? >> reporter: we are all okay. thank goodness the glass was removed from the bureau window. the shockwave was a big blast. that was the roof one. the next one came 7 1/2 minutes later and that was a strike. >> remind us what that roof knock is.
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>> there had already been reports earlier in the day that that home had received a telephone call to say from the idf that it was in danger. so, that should have been the first warning. if that had not been followed, several hours later you get a roof knock. that's a very loud explosion. the first one that knocked me off the window sill here p. that definitely sends a message, the next one is going to be real. and then 7 1/2 minutes later came the blast that destroyed the home. so it should have been cleared. as far as we know there was no one injured inside the home. there were several people on the street injured but otherwise, no one killed. >> fortunately, you're all right, martin. thanks very much. martin savidge reporting from us from gaza. we will see how the cease-fire continues the next couple of
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fbi is investigating the shooting of an african-american teenager. witnesses say the teen was unarmed and had his hands in the air. let's good to our national correspondent jason carol joining us from missouri right now. what's the latest there right now, jason? >> reporter: press conference just wrapping up with michael brown's family. basically, wolf, they were telling a story about how their son was the type of young man who did not like violence. had never gotten in a nice in his entire life. that's why they were so
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disappointed to see what they saw out here last night. widespread looting. violence on the streets. spoke to the police chief out here. he told me that at one point he was fired upon three times in front of a wal-mart. this is not the type of way this family want their son remembered. or honored. just a short while ago, michael brown's mother held back tears as she took to the podium and spoke about her firstborn son. >> just graduated, on his way to college. we can't even celebrate. we got to plan a funeral. that's my firstborn son. anybody know me know how i felt about my son. i just wish i could have been there to help him. anything.
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he didn't deserve it. >> brown's family saying this is not just about anger. this is also about justice. the prosecutor coming out just a short while ago saying there will be justice. there will be an investigation. but it will take time. wolf? >> jason carroll, thanks very much. thanks for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." the news continues next on cnn. up next, breaking news. four more rounds of u.s. airstrikes in iraq today. will it be enough to save tens of thousands of refugees trapped on a mountain top. i've yn watson was on the chopper. you will see the amazing video. that's next. an unarmed teen shot and killed by police in missouri, leads to chaos and violence. let's go out front.
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