tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN August 11, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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at age 63, an apparent suicide, by celebrating his remarkable career. we'll be talking to some of the millions of people who laughed, cried or both thanks to him. thanks to his incredible talent. his wife susan schneider released a statement. this morning i lost my husband and best friend while the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings. we are asking for privacy during our time of profound grief as he is remembered, it is our hope the focus will not be on robin's death, but on the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions. that will be our fwoek us as well. starting with our entertainment reporter nichelle turner. truly shocking news that all of us have discovered a few hours ago. >> absolutely. and the marin county sheriff's department says it was around noon today when they got to robin williams home and they found him dead there. they believe it was an apparent
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suicide, the coroner's office say they believe it was a s suicide due to asphyxia, the death is still under investigation. robin williams we do know had been battling depression and addiction for some 20 years back in july of 2014. he had re-entered rehab at the time, his representatives said he was re-entering rehab to maintain his sobriety. now we realize it could have been some other issues there. again, the cause of death is still under investigation. he was found in his northern california home around noon today dead. we did read a little bit from his wife who said that she would like us not to remember how he died, but the joy that he brought to so many people's lives throughout his career. so right now, what we will do is take a look back at robin williams' life and his career. his high octane brand of comedy
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was his trademark public persona. robin williams proved himself an oscar winner with a strong philanthropic side. born in 1951, it was in his 20s when williams was unleashed, first as an american tv star. >> mindy, run for your life, the emotions are coming. as mork from the planet ork in "mork & mindy" williams became a household name. when the series end after a four-year run in 1982, he showed he could do more than make people laugh. >> my name is t.s. garp. >> what does t.s. stand for? >> terribly sexy. >> he unveiled his serious side in the world according to garp. >> i was trained as an actor so it's not like they had to medicate me. >> that serious side earned him oscar nominations for "the fisher king." >> good morning vietnam! >> "good morning vietnam" and "dead poet society."
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he finally won his only oscar statue in 1998 for "good will hunting." >> this one, yes. the other ones were just foreplay. it's extraordinary. williams never stopped being funny, even when the topic seemed serious. he helped launch and co-hosted eight telethons over 20 years to help the homeless. >> men who sleep with chickens and the women who love them. >> comic relief earned more than $50 million. and even when he talked about his battles with drugs and alcohol. he talked about it with humor. >> you were a drunk? >> well, that's nice of you to say that. >> reporter: he took two trips to rehab, the most recent one in 2006. a process he talked about on larry king live in 2007. >> what happens, people start the process of just saying no, and being among others. you know, and learning that you're not alone, and working on giving up. >> do you lose your sense of humor in it? >> no, you find it.
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you're with people who have a great sense of humor. >> so you're funny there too? >> oh, yeah, you have to be. >> williams was rushed to the hospital with heart problems. forced to temporarily cancel his one-man show to undergo surgery. he talked about his recovery on the ellen show. >> you have a heart surgery, and literally they open you up, they crack the box, you get really vulnerable. you'll be like, a kitten oh, my. and you get very very emotional about everything, but i think that's in a way a wonderful thing. it opens you up to everything. >> with a new lease on life, williams quickly sprang back into action. in 2011, he made his broadway acting debut starring in "bengal tiger at the baghdad zoo." that same year he would marry his third wife, susan schneider. in 2013 williams would return to the small screen, starring in "the crazy ones" where he would reunite with his old friend pam
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dawber better known as mindy. >> never met anybody as screwy as you. >> you're like an alien. >> reporter: williams would delight audiences for decades with his wacky humor and joyful energy. he was the definition of full of life. and even now his comic legend is destined to endure. wolf, his co-star from "mork & mindy" pam dawber is reacting tonight pp she released a statement saying, i am completely and totally devastated. what more can be said? i think bob saget summed it up well when he tweeted tonight, robin williams heart was as big as his genius. >> just to update, he recently, very recently went back to rehab, right? >> yes, he did. in july of 2014 he went back to rehab, at the time when we were reporting it, the information we were getting from his representatives was that robin was re-entering rehab to kind of maintain and finetune his
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ongoing sobriety. at this point we don't know if that was the case, but that's the information we were getting at the time. >> as recently as a month or so ago he was back in rehab in minnesota. >> yes. >> stand by, nichelle we're going to get back to you. but let's go to an actor who had the honor of being at the beginning of the creation. henry winkler was america's best known, most loved, most watched tv star period. when robin williams showed up to play mork he blew henry winkler away. henry, i know this must be a huge shock to you. you knew robin williams, worked with him, cross-over roles, "happy days," "mork & mindy." tell us what's going through your mind.
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>> first of all, good evening. it's unimaginable that this is the reality today, that this incredible human being, incredible delicate, funny, dramatic human being is gone. when he came to do "happy days" which i believe was his first role, we usually rehearsed monday to friday. and he came in on wednesday because they couldn't find anybody to play this alien from space that garry marshall had thought up. and we started rehearsing and i realized that i was in the presence of greatness. hands down, this is not hyperbole, i just realized my only job is to keep a straight face. and it was impossible. because no matter what you said to him, no matter what line you
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gave to him, he took it in, processed it and then it flew out of his mouth, never the same way twice. and it was incredibly funny every time. and it was just a -- it was an amazing -- you knew, that oh, boy, you're witnessing the beginning of something unbelievably special. >> so you knew henry, even then? this was not only a genius comic, but a genius actor? >> it's so true, it's not a matter of being perceptive, it's a matter of, it was right there, you couldn't miss it -- you couldn't miss it if -- you know, for anything in the world. he was electric. he was electrifying, and it was
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like that no matter what he did, all the time. no matter what he did, he was that. it was just an amazing thing. >> yeah, and he -- >> to witness it. >> he inspired so many of us, just by watching him and enjoying what he was doing. it was simply amazing, that's why we're all right now in a state of shock, as we try to absorb this news. as you know, as well known he had been in rehab, he had discussed it openly, including recently, battled addiction problems often in his career, i spoke about it very, very publicly. was there any sense among the people that knew him, that things were clearly getting so bad? >> do you know what, i never saw that. all i saw when i was with him, when i watched him, when we crossed paths, when he was doing his show up the street on the paramount lot, all i saw was
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boundless energy. he would work all day, he would go to the clubs at night and do standup, work on his act. he always, always -- you met him, you met him and there was a wave of warmth that swept out of him that covered you like a blanket. you know, when he would break for lunch and he was working with jonathan winters on his show, "mork & mindy," they would walk down the street together and all of a sudden just stop, and then they would start to kibbitz, and then they would start to improvise and then they would do this routine. it was in minutes, almost the entire lot was standing there like an open air theater, watching these two great minds go at it. sometimes it worked. sometimes it didn't.
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but no matter what was happening, it was still better than anything that you were doing. >> no, he was definitely genius all around. it's impossible, henry, to overstate how big of an icon robin williams was, whether it was television, standup comedy, movies, he did everything, and i remember johnny carson himself handpicked robin williams as one of his last two guests before signing off from the tonight show, that talent, the speed of his comedy, it was incomparable. you remember that, don't you? >> i do, and i want to tell you, irreplaceable. there is no one to now fill his shoes. those shoes will remain right there empty forever. he just -- and no matter what he did, funny, dramatic, it was always with a depth that left you breathless. >> you know, he brought so much joy, laughter, to people,
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millions of people in the united states and all over the world, yet inside, he was tormented. he was going through hell, clearly, he had a lot of depression in him that i guess he could conceal when he went on stage. >> yes, but you know what, i was not privy to that. i never saw that him. the only thing i saw was this delight that would twinkle in those eyes. and it -- i have no words. it's hard to believe this light is gone. >> we're not going to have him around live any more, that he's gone. it's shocking to a lot of us who have enjoyed all of his career.
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>> somehow when you think of robin, you think he will go on and on and on. and thank god we have all of th this, all of his repertoire recorded. we have the comedy, the drama, the one man show. everything is there for us now to enjoy over and over again. unfortunately, we will not see the newest creation. >> yeah, and 63, you know, he had many -- he should have had many, many years ahead of him, 63, way, way too young to leave all of us. >> yeah. it's true. it's true. >> so sad. >> i am -- i know i've said a lot, but i'm speechless, that this great, great artist is no longer on the earth. >> do you remember the last time you spoke with him?
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>> the last time i spoke with him was a while ago. but whenever i spoke to him it started with a hug. his famous phrase was papa. hi, papa. he called me papa. i'm sure he called everybody he knew papa, that was just his affectionate phrase. it just warmed you as if you were in -- you know, a warm bath. >> so sad. henry winkler, thank you so much for sharing some thoughts on robin williams. just ahead, we're going to have much more on what's going on, the suspected suicide of robin williams, his battle with depression, much more of a special coverage right after this.
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our breaking news tonight, the death of the actor, comedian robin williams of a suspected a true creative genius. he starred in many movies, including "good will hunting." >> she had the goods on me too, she knew all of my little piccadillos. people call these things imperfections, but they're not. that's the good stuff. and then we get to chose who we let into our weird little
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worlds. you're not perfect, sport. and let me save you the suspense. this girl you met, she isn't perfect either. but the question is, whether or not you're perfect for each other. >> one of robin williams most memorable movie scenes. authoritiescy spect williams took his own life. he had been fighting depression. joining us is the founder of the hills treatment center in los angeles. and our senior media correspondent, the host of cnn's reliable sources. as we've been saying all night, robin williams family wants him to be remembered for his life's work. his fellow comics revered him, they were in awe of him. when the president of the united states released a statement that obviously says a lot about this loss, this is such a -- it's being felt all over the place, isn't it? >> it is, and to see the statement from the president speaks volumes, i'll personalize this for a minute.
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your grandma used to call your father and i mork & mindy, i was looking at the ratings for mork & mindy when it was at its peak, when people like my mom and dad were watching, we were seeing 60 million viewers every week for that show. 60 million viewers. that is, of course -- no show gets that many viewers on television nowadays, it speaks to how significant it was for his career. robin williams was an unknown when he was cast first for the happy days role, and then it became mork & mindy. the show was moved around on the schedule and it eventually lost audience, but it was the spring board for his career. even in 20134, he came back to television, he was back on network tv on cbs in "the crazy ones." it was cancelled by cbs after just one season, it had mixed reviews and somewhat poor ratings, even for that sitcom, 7
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million, 8 million viewers tuning in every week. people were able to have robin williams back in their homes every week, just as he was in 1979. dr. samuels, robin williams had discussed his addiction problems, his wife in her statement tonight mentioned he was battling depression. we don't know details beyond that, we don't want to speculate, there is value in highlighting issues he was struggling with. to do so might help other people experiencing some similar struggles. what should people know, particularly about why they should be hopeful and not give up. >> we can learn from this tragedy. understand something, it seems like he had two life threatening illnesses. he had alcoholism and also a serious chemical imbalance of the brain, which could have been
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depression or bipolar. in order to treat that like we do, we have to stabilize the alcoholism first. we have to get them sober and emotionally and physically stable. and then, after we are able to do that, we then treat the chemical imbalance, we have to find the right medication, we have to identify, diagnose and stabilize the secondary issue. now, that process can take that individual being in residential treatment for three or four months, if you want to do the job correctly. now, in this situation, obviously he was struggling with his alcoholism and as a result, he was still struggling with his serious chemical imbalance. >> the depression, and that can be exacerbated, dr. samuels, he had heart surgery five years ago, explain why the post heart surgery period could lead to some serious depression?
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>> well, you know, at his age, as we get older, we become much more vulnerable and emotionally unstable because of the serious illness like that, having open heart surgery is a huge very depressing thing to come through, if you pour alcohol on to that, you have to know, alcohol is a depressant and you throw the chemical imbalance into that, that he was obviously struggling with. you have an extremely dangerous combination. >> i said it was his wife who mentioned he had been suffering from depression, it was actually his spokesperson. but the stigma of mental health problems, there are many people who are embarrassed to acknowledge they're struggling with this kind of depression, reluctant to seek treatment. why does that stigma persist so much in our culture? >> well, i got to -- it's confusing. i mean, it's in the same way
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that people don't want to tell that they're an alcoholic or drug addict. i'm 29 years clean and sober, i'm out of the closet, i want to talk about it, i want to help people. but also, i have a chemical imbalance, where i take lexipro in order to help stabilize my sobriety. now, i'm not ashamed to talk about that, and no one should be ashamed to talk about that. that's what we have to educate people about, we need to come out of the closet and we need to educate and help all these people who are struggling. >> we are hearing a lot of that from celebrities. harvey fierstein tweeted, please, please, do not mess with depression, it's merciless, all it wants is to get you in a room alone and kill you. take care of yourself is how he finished. we've seen a lot of comments like that. >> we certainly have.
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and it's excellent advice. brian thanks very much, howard thanks to you as well. up next, some other breaking news we're following tonight. we're going to take you to northern iraq, we're going to take you inside the airdrop that became a daring rescue of iraqis stranded on the mountain. allowed me to start investing for my retirement. transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. transamerica. i never know what kind theof adventure awaits. that the days are longer, and the breeze feels a little sweeter. and, thanks to volvo, i'll pay nothing for repairs or maintenance for 5 years, nothing. they even cover my first month's payment. so, i'll be happy wherever the summer takes me. the wonder of summer event. the 2015 volvo s60 sedan with complimentary first month's payment. starting at $319 a month.
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prime minister. the outgoing prime minister says he's not going anywhere, at least not yet. up north on a helicopter, aid dropped to people on a mountain top. ivan watson witnessed incredible bravery in the face of incredible need. >> machine guns unleashed bursts of hot metal. this is the crew aboard an iraqi air force helicopter. rushing an aircraft full of food, diapers water and baby's milk over isis front lines. civilians trapped on the mountain. >> they're opening fire at targets down below. they say -- [ gunfire ] >> they're clearly trying to defend the aircraft.
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you can see the people below trapped on sinjar mountain, clustered under olive trees right now, waiving to us. they seem to have gathered in these shelters down here. a lot of women and children waiving. >> the cruel hurls packages out the door. people swarm the chopper. >> this has been one chaotic aid distribution. i really hope we didn't hurt anybody with the bottles of water we were throwing down at the a height of 20, 30 feet. it's chaotic, people were waiving, giving thumbs up. and there are a couple people very relieved to be off the
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aboard the aircraft, shock, exhaustion, fear that eventually gives way to relief. >> i can't describe to you how relieved people are right now. just shock in the chaos of that moment. we have little aziza here, she's not happy. her father got left behind. the gunners are opening fire on targets below. they're protecting the helicopter. but it's terrifying these little kids who are traumatized after their week trapped on the mountain. the problem is, we're flying over isis front lines. this is the only protection we have right now to protect the
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aircraft and it's precious cargo. >> tensions ease when we cross into kurdish controlled territory. and for a moment, there are even smiles as these children realize their ordeal on the mountain is finally over. >> ivan's joining us now from northern iraq, amazing report, ivan, i understand 20 people were saved on that iraqi military helicopter you were on today. here's the question, how many people are still waiting for help on top of that mountain? >> we definitely saw hundreds on a mountain that's maybe two miles, three miles long. and we're told that there may be more hiding in caves there, and in some of the deep ravines and valleys as well. a senior kurdish official says the number may be as high as 70,000, which is a little hard
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for me to imagine, but certainly it does look like there could be thousands of people still trapped there a week after they fled the isis offensive that overcame their villages and towns. and everybody we talked to had a nightmare horror story about how the militants were kidnapping people, rounding them up, locking them away, and how families were divided by this nightmare. and people still looking for their missing loved ones. >> we saw that young girl who couldn't reach her father, do we know what happened to him? >> yeah, her older brother told me that they're an example of one of these families that's been separated. a week ago when isis moved into their town, they fled. and they were separated. the brother described how behind them, other people were fleeing in vehicles and he actually saw
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militants stopping a tractor pulling a wagon full of family, and basically detaining them. they were putting them into buildings under guard. and the family survived by hiding in a sewer, and somewhere along the way they were separated from the father. the kids and mother got off the mountain, the father was calling from his hideout for two days on his cell phone, until the line went down, and they haven't heard from him ever since. so the 15-year-old girl when she was crying on that helicopter, she was just repeating one thing over and over again. where's my father, that's a question no one could answer for her today. >> sad story. ivan watson doing amazing reporting, i want to thank our photojournalist for heroically going on that chopper and filming that unbelievable report. thanks, guys, very, very much. coming up, the fbi is investigating the shooting death of a teenager by police in a
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suburb of st. louis, missouri. take a closer look at the case. we'll hear from the police chief and the victim's parents ahead. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. ♪ hey pal? you ready?
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violence, reports of shots fired. we're going to talk to the sheriff's shortly, the fatal shooting of michael brown has sparked outrage and violence in the town of 21,000 people. the teenager was shot by a police officer in broad daylight. those facts are not in dispute, what is at dispute are what happened in the moments before brown was gunned down. >> reporter: saturday afternoon, 2:15 p.m. ferguson, missouri, michael brown is walking home from a convenience store. they are told by a police officer to get out of the street. >> we wasn't causing any problems to nobody, wen did the have weapons on us at all. >> they keep walking, the officer confronts the boys, moments later shots ring out. the ferguson police officer fires his gun, killing brown.
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>> what prompted the ferguson police officer to open fire? the answer is not clear. brown assaulted the officer before he opened fire, witnesses say. witnesses tell a different story, it appeared as if brown was surrendering, when the officer fired multiple times. >> police chased after the guy, he was unarmed. he ran for his life they shot him he fell. he put his arms up to let them know he was complying. they shot him twice more and he fell to the ground and died. >> reporter: a crowd starts gathering as his body lies in the street. >> there's a lot of controversy about what happened. tempers started flaring. it got tense when shots were fired. we don't know who was being shot at or where the rounds were. >> on sunday, what starts as a
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peaceful candlelight vigil for the brown family quickly turns to this. tempers erupt into widespread rioting and looting. listen as an officer is caught on camera calling the protesters animals. [ bleep ]. >> through all the chaos, brown's family members can be seen standing by holding his photograph, pleading for calm. >> we already lost one young life, i want everyone to take a positive outlook at this. >> this is your warning. leave the area. >> this is not doing any good for our community. it's only bringing the community down and unfortunately it's not going to do anything for the process investigating the death of this young man. today, more protests and more pleas for calm.
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jason carroll, cnn, ferguson, missouri. >> there appears to be a violent flairup in ferguson, thomas jackson is the police chief there, he joins us now. >> what's the latest on the ground there tonight? we understand the riot police have been called back in. >> yes, they have, wolf, and thanks for having me on. we had a crowd gathering throughout the day at the location near the scene of the shooting and near the epicenter of the riots from last night, the crowd was gathering at the convenience store that they -- was burned to the ground during the riot lost nature. as the crowd gathered they started growing larger and larger and more agitated. they started spilling out into the street and the neighborhoods. at one point the officers on the street declared there was a riot, shots were fired into
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various locations in the area officers were brought in to quell the hostilities, tear gas was deployed. i don't have any further information. >> there are two very different stories emerging about what happened just walk us through your police department's understanding of the facts and what happened on saturday afternoon. >> thank you. as soon as i got the information the notification that one of my officers was involved in a fatal shooting, i called the police chief to come in and handle the entire scene and the investigation of the death. my officers were instructed to create a perimeter and crime scene investigators from st. louis county conducted the investigation. he asked to be separated from that investigation to allow them to act independently and avoid
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the appearance of any impropr y improprity. what i know about the investigation is what has been released to the public. as that information coming out, i'll know it as you know it. >> we know the young man who was shot and killed was unarmed, correct? >> that is correct. there was only one weapon used during the altercation. that was the officer's weapon, and he's the only one that fired shot shots. and yeah, the other -- the deceased was unarmed. >> you said this was originally a routine patrol encounter. just a clear the road type of incident. explain what you meant by that. >> yeah, that's the way i understand it, is that the two teenagers were walking in the traffic lane, and the officer pulled up and asked them to move to the sidewalk. and then it got heated and
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rapidly deteriorated to violence from there. >> and we know the end result. i'm sure there will be a full scale investigation. thanks very much for joining us. >> thanks for having me. coming up, michael brown's parents speak out. what they want for their son's memory next. [ male announcer ] ours was the first modern airliner, revolutionary by every standard. and that became our passion. to always build something better, airplanes that fly cleaner and farther on less fuel. that redefine comfort and connect the world like never before.
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the news we're following. ferguson, missouri. we're seeing more street violence. police in force, reports of shots fired. riot police called in. at a news conference today, the family and the attorney call for calm even as they vowed to seek justice for the teenager gunned down saturday afternoon by a police officer. michael brown was only 18 years old, had just graduated high school. he would have started his first college classes today. instead his family is planning his funeral. earlier i spoke with michael's parents, leslie mcspaden and michael brown jr. along with their attorney who also represented the trayvon martin family. first of all, i'm so, so sorry for your loss. how are you and your family holding up? >> the best we can.
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the best we can. i think he is holding a lot of us up. >> it's not easy, i'm sure, and your family and your friends i can't. imagine how hard these last few days have been. i understand that today would have actually been michael's first day in college. is that right? >> that's correct. >> how excited was he about this new adventure he was about to e begin? >> he looked forward to it. he looked forward to it so much, we didn't have to tell him to get to school. he was ready. >> tell us the kind of person he was. >> smart, intelligent, funny, lovable, got a nickname for him. gentle giant. i never met nobody like my son. i'll probably never meet nobody else like my son.
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>> he was my son, you know? a good guy. he didn't cause no problems. he was a leader. he knew what he wanted out of life. he was a good kid. >> i know, michael, he worked hard to get through high school and and now was about to start college. how excited was he? >> over the roof. >> he was so excited to be setting an example for his younger siblings. he was the oldest. that's our first born. and we have a daughter that we share together. but he was the leader of the pack. he let it be known that he was. and by him being a leader, he made sure he did everything, you know, in a fashion so they would
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follow. and my youngest son just adores his brother. adores his brother. >> benjamin, i know earlier today you said that michael's parents deserve a fair, trans parent and efficient investigation. are you satisfied with the way this case is being hand, at least so far? >> we think there is a lot more to be desired. i've called many of may clients in the national bar association. even the president who lives here in st. louis, missouri. what they believe over and over again is that we need a complete independent investigation by the justice department. because there is such distrust by the community to the local law enforcement. and this situation has just exacerbated that, wolf. >> leslie, earlier today you said you want justice for your son. tell us what that means to you. >> justice has to be seeked for
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my son. he didn't deserve this. he didn't ask for it. like i said at first, whatever profile they set out, my son don't fit the profile at all. he didn't deserve none of this. >> so what would you like to see happen now? and i'll let michael weigh in as well, please. >> well, first of all, i would like for him to lose his job. i don't ever think he should be around another gun or even deal with the public. because it's obvious that you don't even have people skills to deal with the public. and second of all, he has to go to jafl that you committed murder. you committed a crime in broad daylight and you didn't care. you didn't care who was out there to see you. you just did it. you assassinated my son.
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>> what do you want to see happen? >> i just want justice for my son. and any type of -- any type of positive way, to get this resolved in a right manner and to have this guy pay for what he did. >> that's the only way we're going to have peace. >> i would be a little calmer but i don't think i'll ever have peace like i had. >> michael, leslie, benjamin, thanks so much for joining us. once again, our deepest, deepest condolences on the loss of your son and we will certainly want to stay in touch with all of you down the road. thanks very much for joining us. >> no problem. >> thank you. up next, remembering robin williams. a larger than life talent gone way too soon. the cadillac summer collection is here. ♪
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6:59 pm
it's the sudden loss of a truly remarkable talent. robin williams dead of a suspected suicide at age 63. many of us first came to know williams on the small screen on mork and mindy. he went on in dramatic roles as well as comedic roles. riveting in block busters and independent films. anyone who was lucky enough to see him perform stand-up or improv knows his wit was lightning quick and he was a huge influence on countless comedic writers and performers to come. friends and former co-stars remember him as a genius as well as a warm and generous spirit. tonight we wish peace for his family and all who knew him. we leave you this hour with robin williams' answer to an iconic answer on "inside the actors studio." >> if heaven exists, what would you like to hear god say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
7:00 pm
>> there's seating near the front. the concert begins at 5:00. it will be mozart, elvis, nine of your choosing, or just, if heaven exists, to know there's laughter. that would be a good thing. to hear god say, there are two jews who walk into a bar. -- captions by vitac -- good evening. this is cnn tonight. >> tonight an american tragedy to tell you about. the entertainment world is reeling over the shocking death of robin williams. >> one of america's most beloved funny men, he burst on to the scene with the television classic, mork and mindy. >> the emotions are coming! >> his co-star said this. i am completely
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