tv CNNI Simulcast CNN August 21, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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>> no just god would stand for what they did yesterday and what they do every single day. >> like a cancer that must be stopped. barack obama calls for action against isis. now there's word of a failed mission to save the journalist. cooler heads prevail in ferguson, missouri. quote, we will not stop. israel kills three high-ranking members of hamas. also ahead. the lure of jihad. why a growing number of westerners are being lured. we begin with the brutal execution of james foley. >> u.s. forces went into syria
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to rescue foley and other hostages, but that mission failed. >> people like this ultimately fail. they fail because the future is won by those who build and not destroy. and the world is shaped by people like jim foley, and the overwhelming humanity of those who are appalled by those who killed hill. the united states of america will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. we will be vigilant and relentless. >> they ran incredible risk of detection and bloodshed. >> barbara starr brings you details. >> reporter: one of the most dangerous missions u.s.taken in years by any measure.
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it was several of the most elite commandos that went into syria by helicopter. they were protected overhead by fighter jets and surveillance aircraft, right into what, by any measure, is enemy territory. they had intelligence. they believed the hostages were at a particular location being held by a particular group of isis militants. no one in the government, yet, is saying where the location is. that information apparently still quite sensitive. but when they landed, they found that the hostages indeed were not there at the time. a firefight broke out. several isis militants killed, we are told, killed. all u.s. troops were fine. one member was slightly wounded. so we had one wounded in action. no killed. but for them to go in to syria, which certainly has, all over that country, heavy militarized presence, whether it's isis, the
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regime, other militant group, al qaeda faxctions, rebels, there s no place that is safe for american commandos. if they had been discovered, it would have been very grim. there would have been a serious firefight to get out of there. but apparently everybody got out okay. they just didn't find the hostages. >> barbara starr reporting there. and to barbara's point, the obama administration says they never intended to disclose this mission took place but only revealed it because media were preparing to reveal it anyway. john and diane foley say the families of hostages have no control over u.s. policy. >> we found out from, actually,
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a combination of my brother-in-law reaching out to us from houston, because's one of the administrators. there's something going on, you know. and then right at the same time, we heard from laura jakes of the ap. and, you know, she was crying on the phone. she'd been trying to reach us for days. i'd been ignoring her calls, because we didn't dare talk to anybody. then we just knew. then it was out there. we weren't directly notified. we found out like everyone else. >> the image of how he died still etched in your -- >> well, we knew it was jim. we didn't watch the video. we didn't watch the video. >> to answer your question, it's horrific. people can die in a lot of different ways. but this way was the most horrific. and it haunts me that he, how much pain he was in and how, how
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cruel this, this method of execution is as opposed to so so it testifies to his courage. he, he was courageous to the end. and i think he was, i think he accepted his situation. i think he accepted god's faith in him and his faith in god. just -- >> he reminds us of jesus. you know, jesus was goodness and love. and jim was becoming more and more of that. and, you know, he met such a cruel fate. >> we believe he was a martyr. you know, a martyr for freedom. >> a brave and courageous man indeed. well, u.s. president obama honored james foley saying his life stands in stark contrast to his killers'. >> foley was no stranger to war
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zones in the middle east. more than once he put his life on the line to cover a conflict. >> i believe that from my journalism, it is important to have these photos and videos. and the experience. we can't really tell the world how bad it might be. >> reporter: james foley bore witness to the brew at that time of war and tried to tell the human stories within. he named his blog a world of troubles and wrote from iraq, libya, syria, afghanistan. he was on a trip in syria when he was kidnapped on thanksgiving day, 2012. >> he was just a hero. you know. >> and you know from the video that his last words were, i wish there were time to see my family. >> so, jim had a big heart. >> reporter: and a brave heart. it was not the first time he was
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captured by insurgents. >> i'll never forget that moment. >> reporter: foley and several other journalists were kidnapped one year earlier. one died in the crossfire during their abduction. >> you realize the worst thing, you know, in the world just happened. >> reporter: the others were released after 44 days. the trauma of the experience changed him. >> anton, most likely dead, and we're captured, and nobody knows where we are. >> reporter: but it did not diminish his passion. after his release he recalled the humanity in what was an inhumane situation. >> we were in a libyan population, and embraced by libyan prisoners. they saw us as trying to tell their story. >> reporter: his first career was working with children. the same sense of service drove him to journalism school and to syria. >> he wasn't a cowboy or a
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reckless person. but he wanted very much to expose what was going on there. >> reporter: his colleagues and competitors say he was generous, fair, and even-tempered. his parents added another word -- fearless. >> we're very proud of jill. he was a courageous, fearless journalist. very compassionate american, the best of america. >> reporter: cnn, new york. an incredible career ended now. british prime minister david cameron says foley's killer appears to have been a british citizen. coming up at the half hour mark we'll look it at the apparent lure of jihadism. >> we'll talk to a person who preaches. and a quieter night from me ferguson, missouri. we'll take you there live. plus a new threat against
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wednesday night after 47 arrests the night before. a line of storms rolled through earlier, possibly keeping some people off the street. >> meantime u.s. attorney general eric holder visited. he met with community leaders and the man in charge of ferguson's security. that's highway patrolman ron johnson you see there. captain johnson addressed the media this evening with an optimistic assessment. >> the trend is good. yesterday's crowds were smaller than monday's, and as i said, the crowd was even smaller tonight. we also had to respond to fewer incidents tonight. there were no molotov cocktails tonight, no fires. no shootings. >> now we also have this development, a new witness to the michael brown shooting has come forward and is talking to us here at cnn. >> that's right. michael brady took this cell phone video the day of the
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shooting. you're looking at it right now. he says he was inside his apartment when he saw brown tussle with officer wilson through the patrol car win dome. then he says brown and his friend took off running. that's when he heard the officer fire the first shot. he talked about it with cnn's anderson cooper. >> you said you heard one or two. >> i definitely say one or two. but he still had his back turned. and he passed his friend up to where his friend ran to. so that's when i decided, i'm going to run outside with my phone and see what could i get. so i runs outside so quick. about the time i gets outside he's already turned around, facing the officer. he, he's balled, he have his arms like under his stomach, and he was hike halfway down. he was going down. and the officer lets out about three or four shots. >> you're saying it's your impression that he was
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essentially falling down onto the ground or going down onto the ground? because there is an account of a friend of the officer who said that the officer's claiming and sources of the investigation back this up, the officer's claim is that michael brown was running toward the officer. did you see him running toward the officer in any way. >> no. no. not as he was running away, not at all. >> so from what you saw, there weren't hands up or anything. >> yeah. i didn't, i didn't see no hands up. if he did, i probably just missed it from going out from my bid room going outside. >> now what you are listening to there is just michael brady's recollection of the shooting. it's just one of the number of eyewitness reports reported so far. >> but just how accurate are eyewitnesses? history shows us they're often unreliable. >> police shot this boy outside my apartment. >> seconds after michael brown was shot, witnesses from three
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different angles reporting with wildly different accounts of that difficult moment. from this recording, audio from a nearby unseen man who says he saw brown moving toward the officer. but brown did not run toward the officer say two women who recorded from these two other angles. >> he puts his hands up. and the officer shoots him and he goes down to the ground. >> so while he was running away from the officer he was getting shot at. >> reporter: who is telling the truth? maybe everyone, or at least they believe they are. >> just because somebody tells you something with a lot of detail, just because they say2 with confidence. just because they express it with emotion, it doesn't mean that it really happened that way. >> reporter: psychologist elizabeth loftin says she's
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testified since 1975. and says over and over witnesses are wrong. the trayvon martin case. another witness recalls a man with a white shirt on top of another. the 2002 d.c. sniper shootings. multiple witnesses described a white van or box truck. police shut down freeways to frisk several drivers, but the real car used? a blue chevy, four door sedan. the 1994 oklahoma bombing. >> that ryder truck employee remembered that mcvay was with another person and there was now a mad hunt for john doe number two, but there was nobody with mcvey the day he rented that ryder truck. >> reporter: that witness was not intentionally lying says
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loftis. flawed testimony leads to bigger problems. >> the major cause of wrongful convictions is faulty eyewitness testimony. that's the major cause. and it's responsible, and maybe about three quarters of the cases. >> reporter: as time grows from the event, witnesses may unknowingly base their testimony. now a police officer from nearby st. ann, missouri has been suspended indefinitely after pointing an assault rifle at a protester and threatening to kill him. >> it happened shortly before midnight on tuesday and was caught on video. the officer cursed at the protester in the encounter. other protesters mocked him before he was led away by another officer. while those demonstrations in
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support of michael brown are becoming routine in ferguson. so far we haven't heard so far from the officers who pulled the trigger. >> but they do exist. they wans t to get his story ou. >> reporter: night after night, hundreds of protesters have clashed with police in support of michael brown. >> what's his name! >> mike brown! >> reporter: but these are not the only demonstrators speaking out about the shooting. >> justice for the police! >> reporter: officer darin wilson who shot and killed brown has his own supporters. while not as vocal as those who oppose him, they say they're just as passionate about their beliefs. >> i'm just here to try to tell people that he's a good person. >> reporter: wilson's friend was one of the first to publicly defend the officer. >> it makes me sad.
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i'm obviously sad for the family of michael brown, but i'm sad for darin and his family too. every law enforcement officer dreads the time when they are forced to make that split-second decision, whether or not they have to take someone's life. >> reporter: much of wilson's support can be found online. two facebook pages have emerged. one supporter rights cop to cop, you're alive because you did what you had to do. another weighs in with this -- got your back. justice will prevail. thank you for your service. there's also a go fund me page for wilson and his family which has already raised more than $80,000. wilson has yet to speak about what happened that day. until then, his supporters say they will continue to speak for him. >> we'll keep the community of ferguson in our prayers.
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we ask the same thing for officer wilson and his family. so we've seen a much quieter night in ferguson, missouri. only six arrests reported and one officer hit by a bottle, unhurt apparently. stephanie elam has been on the streets the past few days. we just heard from captain ron johnson, really walking through the successes of tonight, compared to what we've seen the past 11 days. what can you tell us about what really made the difference, according to him and according to locals you've talked to? >> reporter: well, definitely. the fact that there were only six arrests last night, compared to 47 the night before shows that there was a great improvement. he did say that each night what they've done after they've finished up here, the police have gathered together, figured out what worked the night before and what didn't. he wouldn't go into what exactly that was that made things better on this previous evening here,
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but he did say they were able to look at the situation differently and keep things calm. he also said the community was a big part of that in helping to keep things calmer here on the streets and the tone was definitely different. it also probably helped that there was a major thunderstorm that came rolling through here short shri after sundown as well. that made a lot of people scatter as the rain started to come down. but a lot of people pointing to the fact that the community is involved, make your voices heard, but let's not engage with the police today. and we saw that. we saw them coming out, saying make sure we stay on the inside of the line. don't go on the outside of the street. we saw another group join that first group. and, again, the protests remained peaceful as the group got larger and it did dissipate as the night went on. it wrapped up earlier tonight or last night as the case may be than it did the night before. >> there.
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2:20 where you are. but we do have mounting evidence that substantiates what the residents are protesting about, the unfair treatment by police. we have the one police officer who was suspended but is seen on camera pointing his weapon and threatening to kill peaceful demonstrators, and a black man being shot by police who had a weapon. that also caught on camera. and there are questions as to whether lethal force is necessary in any of those situations. it kind of speaks to the work that still needs to be done there. >> reporter: that is something that you hear over and over again from the residents in this community, saying that threy ar concerned about how the police are interfacing with the public, especially young, black men. that's why they keep coming out to demonstrate over and over again. there was a woman who showed up who was someone who was on the
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side of the police officer, saying what about his side? he shouldn't be convicted yet. that obviously brought up some tension early notice evening here. police moved her out very quickly, and things resumed being calm here. but some people saying there's just not enough attention being paid to the fact that we don't know all the details of what actually happened in that shooting with mike brown. so they're saying reserve judgment on what this police officer may have done. so you do hear a bit of that on both sides. probably not the safest idea for the person to come out here today. but police made sure it didn't escalate into something more. >> everybody's projecting their opinions onto the current situation anyway. if you've always supported the police, you would do so now. if you've always thought that the police were heavy handed, you'd lend your voice to that now. meanwhile, investigations continue. stephanie elam staying up really late the we appreciate it.
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still ahead, rockets are flying from gaza. >> and israel's launching air strikes as a result. we'll bring you the results of a nah round of fighting in the middle east. is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪
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benjamin netanyahu says as long as hamas keeps shooting israel will keep attacking. he compared them to terrorists in iraq and syria. >> hamas is like isis. isis is like hamas. they're branches of the same tree. they're the enemies of peace. they're the enemies of israel, they're the enemies of all civilized countries. >> the united nations is concerned by the renewed fighting and anytime soon. >> reporter: after about a week of calm, explosions rocked gaza again. as hostilities between israel and hamas are back in full swing. rocket barrages lifting off toward israel, and the israeli military hitting back hard with
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both air strikes and artillery. israel blames hamas for the violin. >> -- violence. >> it was a direct violation of the cease-fire. there was no previous provocation. >> hamas points the finger at israel and says this caused a may josh escalation. they said they attempted to assassinate mohammed deif. hamas says they've survived, but that hayis wife and son were killed. their funerals held on wednesday. >> translator: i want to sell mohammed deif that he's our
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leader and we are behind him. >> reporter: the building was flattened. you can see the building was absolutely reduced to rubble. and any sort of personal belongings that we see have been totally mangled. allegedly they're still looking for bodies that might potentially be under the rubble here. but it's unclear if anything could be found. the israeli military has not confirmed targeting deif. but they say they are justified. they say they are taking out rocket infrastructure to prevent militants from firing at its territory. both are back on a war footing, leaving very little hope for a cease-fire in the near term. cnn, gaza. want to get back to one of our top stories. the man who executed an american journalist is believed to be british. >> and he's certainly not aloin. the number of british recruits
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welcome back to you watching in the u.s. and around the world. >> let's get you up to date on our top stories. a day after isis shows its brutal murder of james foley, the u.s. reveals a mission to rescue journalists in syria. but it failed. it has been a much calmer night in ferguson, missouri. everyone protesting did so peacefully. police report six arrests. one officer was struck by a bottle, but no one there was hurt. meanwhile in the middle east. three leaders were killed in an israeli strike overnight, and that follows an air strike that
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killed the wife and son of another hamas leader on wednesday. israel says at least 137 rockets have been fired from gaza in the past two days. now we want to get back to that story of a u.s. journalist being beheaded. the militant's accent, we have that part of the story. >> any attempt by you, obama to deny the muslims their rights of living in safety -- >> reporter: this is the voice of the isis fighter who beheaded james foley. his british accent hard to miss. >> -- will result in the bloodshed of your people. >> now we have not identified the individual responsible on the video, but from what we've seen, it looks increasingly likely that it is a british citizen. >> reporter: the execution of an american journalist at the hands
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of a man believed to be british is sending shockwaves through the western world. but those who follow isis are not surprised. >> the british fighters who have been going out to the islamic state who we've been monitoring now for many years really are at the forefront. they're not back-seat drivers. >> reporter: the number is on the rise. there are 400 to 500 recruits in syria. because the border has all but been erased, it's unclear how many have crossed into iraq. the 41 father of three blew up this truck. he had told his family he was in syria as a humanitarian worker, not as an isis fighter. >> he was a good family man, you know. he was in the right place. and we never thought a link to
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anybody, you know. >> reporter: analysts say therein lies the propaganda value of the western foreign fighter. >> in showing a person decapitating an innocent civilian american they're showing they've deconstructed the boundaries of any former life of a british civilian. to brainwash them is immensely powerful. we want to get a live update on this story now. we are joined from our reporter in london where it's just past 8:30 in the morning. what do investigators know as of now? how can they possibly determine if this person is a british citizen and find out exactly who he is? >> reporter: we understand that intelligence officials on both sides of the atlantic are analyzing every single frame of that video, especially that accent. so far they have not announced
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or publicly announced any way the identity of the killer. we've heard from british prime minister david cameron yesterday talking about how this is a growing problem of british jihadists that the government is trying to address. and he says they're going to be redoubling their efforts, such as seizing passports, taking more extremist material off of the internet. and he says that the government is especially concerned about what could possibly happen if some of these homegrown extremists decide to return to the united kingdom. >> certainly a concern, not just there notice u.k. but throughout the west. erin mclaughlin live for us. what is attracting some westerners to jihad? we are joined from london. thank you for joining us. we heard erin mclaughlin there. an estimated 400, 500 u.k.
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fighters are in syria and iraq with isis. up to 250 have returned to britain. how concerned should we be that these young men will return home and launch an attack? >> we should be very concerned. they've told us that they will do exactly that. they've posted pictures of themselves posing with handmade bombs, threatening them. britain has about 500 foreign fighters that traveled to the region. that's one in every 800, muslim, sunni, british male of fighting age. that's a huge proportion of the country's muslim population who have succumbed to violence. there must be some residual atmosphere that somehow incubates that. there are roughly 3,000 from across europe. and of course we can travel
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across europe without the need for a visa. that means any country could come for attacks. >> i read a piece that you wrote in which you say, and i'm quoting, islamic extremism is poisoning our relations, hijacking our youth, and we are doing very little to address it. we're woefully unprepared for when they return home. can you explain what you mean by this? >> i've been saying this for a long time. we don't have, yet, so many years after the 7-7 london bombing attacks or after 9-11 we have yet to have a coordinated counter extremism strategy that works to prevent young people from joining these groups. we've deterred attacks on home soil quite successfully since those battle days of domestic terrorism. what i'm talking about is
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stemming the flow of extremism that attracts these young people to join the groups in the first place. we're not working with communities on the ground. we need to involve muslims. muslims should be at the forefront so there's no backlash against the community. also we need to be working online to start promoting counter narratives. because isis is so effective in their online strategy. >> i want to tap into your experience. you are a former extremist, now the chairman of a think tank. from your experience, what is drawing these young men from the u.k. and other western countries to take part in brutal violence as part of the militant isis movement? >> the starting point is that they're already growing up in what i call mono cultural ghettos. the '90s policy in this country was to allow for a level of multi culturalism. it didn't succeed.
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the community started growing together apart. so already they're growing up in a relative isolation from mainstream society. and into that isolation come extremist organizations that propagate some serious ideological dogma. and a level of groups emerge within this isolated context. and their values and understanding of the world becomes totally distorted. a foreign policy grievance emerges. and they start looking at themselves as victims, and as a wider level they look at communities across the world, and find themselves as holy warriors to defend muslims from oppression. they become the monster they think they're trying to fight. we've got to start stemming the propaganda, the spread of this identify lodge ological dogma. we're woefully unprepared to address it.
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>> prime minister cameron said we have to defeat a barbaric union. what's your advice to prime minister cameron? what needs to be done? >> i say to the prime minister we need a central aom budsman. we need to fight against this ideological dogma. and we need to make sure we're not scared of appearing racist or culturally insensitive for challenging head on this view. it's not racist. they should be on the front line defending their own communities. because they are the first victims of al qaeda and other extremists. they are attacked first and foremost. we've seen them blow up mosques.
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enough of making excuses and side-stepping and burr eying ou heads in the sand. >> he's the co-founder and chairman of the foundation for counter terrorism think tank. thank you very much. the united nations launches a massive new relief effort. >> all to help the hundreds of thousands of people on the run from isis in northern iraq. plus ben gurion airport is in the cross hairs once again. we'll get you a live report from tel aviv next.
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welcome back now. u.s. president obama has called isis a cancer. as u.s. forces launched a new series of attacks like this one against the militants in iraq. american officials say the u.s. carried out 14 air strikes against mobile isis targets. meantime they are considering a state department request for more troops to help protect americans in the baghdad area. and we cannot forget the humanitarian crisis in northern iraq. so many iraqis fled isis' continuing and expanding rampage. we are live from baghdad with the latest. it is a mammoth task to really get everyone the help and aid
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that they need so desperately. >> reporter: absolutely. i'm just looking at the figures. just in the past couple weeks, more than 200,000 people have added to that figure. they are part of that 1.2 million internally displaced people who have reached the kurdistan region of northern iraq seeking shelter. these are people who have been displaced from the area of sinjar. that's where we saw isis drawing out the yazidis from their homes. now this push by the united nations saying it is their largest single push in more than a decade, started yesterday with the arrival of the first of four flights, that's a boeing 747 that was chartered by the u.n. carrying 100 tons of aid. the aim of this push is to, for the first phase of the operation, is to deliver more than 2,400 tons of aid between
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now and the beginning of september. also at the same time, they're also delivering aid that's arriving into the kurdish region from, by land, also from jordan, through iran, coming from the uae and turkey, all by land, sea, and air. and errol, these, these supplies, these are the minimal basics. this is shelter, tents that these people need, in the heat of iraq right now. they are in desperate need of things, like shelter. you need to remember when these people left their homes, they left with nothing but their life and the clothes on their backs. so they're in desperate need of any help they can get. they have been living in really dire conditions, sleeping in abandoned buildings and on the side of the road in some cases. so really urgent that this aid gets there. u.n. says the first batch that arrives is going to the refugee camps that have been set up.
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and the rest will be going to erbil. 1.2 million iraqis displaced this year. as you mentioned, 600,000 recently, since june. and also earlier in the year we saw about 600,000 also driven out of their homes by isis' move also in the west in anbar. >> after reporting on so many of the horrific things going on there. it's nice to say that the relief is getting there while they have the corridor and ability to do it. live for us from baghdad. thank you. there's new fighting between israel and palestinians in gaza.
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hours. more than a thousand people have been evacuated from their homes. august has been a particularly difficult month for japan. a series of typhoons swept through the region. and now they're dealing with that deadly landslide. we have more from the international weather center. >> this region certainly not something unusual to see landslides. we see an average of 1200 across this region of the world. around the damage is significant as you saw in the footage. and the images put it in perspective across the region with tremendous rainfall. we had the typhoons as errol just told you. and you factor in the moisture from the rainfall. and they're measuring this in feet, upwards from five to seven feet of rainfall. causing the landslides to occur. you see the damage left in places of densely populated
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areas. and even the trees coming down across some of the communities. and we know unfortunately ten missing still, so the fatalities could be on the increase there from the official tally. the amount of rainfall on wednesday afternoon. they saw some 222 millimeters or 9 inches that came down. this set a record for the most rainfall in one day, set a record for the most rainfall in one hour, and also so far the wettest august in recorded history across this portion of japan. not a good situation taking place across that portion of the world. want to talk about what's happening in iceland, particularly a bad situation developing in this region as well. we have an active volcano in this area. 130 vehicle volcanic mountains region. it's not a fun time to be here. popular national parks are
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closed. they've issued the risk into the escalating unrest category. that's the second highest before it pushes into the imminent concern. just below the surface of this volcano some magma is beginning to come up to the surface. nearly 4,000 quakes have occurred in this region. not a good situation. and the volcano in 2010 caused a mess with some 100,000 flights being disrupted. so this is something we're watching carefully into the weekend. >> got to be aware of that. >> i'm glad you said it. thank you very much pedram. let's shift gears and focus on israel. three top hamas leaders were killed by israeli air strikes overnight. we are joined now live.
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let's talk about the airport. how much capable is israel to deal with this possible threat? >> reporter: well, the security here is very tight. they do have a missile defense system around the airport. they always have. and there's always the iron dome system which has been very successful. as you remember about a month ago, one rocket from gaza did land within about a kilometer of here. that meant that many airlines decided for about a day and a half that they would avoid ben gurion airport. it was seen as almost a boycott of israel. they decided it was safe to continue flights here. what we did have last night, though, was a televised statement coming from a hamas spokesperson warning all international airlines that they
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should stop landing, stop taking off from ben gurion airport. and that was almost five hours ago. we are being told that pretty much all air traffic here is carrying on as normal. one flight, a royal canadian flight was canceled. and there's a local report that they canceled that because of security concerns. and the local airline is continuing to assess the situation. but defense forces have told us that since 6:00 this morning no rockets have been fired towards tel aviv or ben gurion airport. at least for now it seems business as usual here. >> thank you very much. john vause live in tel aviv. now video showing people taking the ice bucket challenge have been popping up all over social media. >> this is a campaign raising
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awareness for als and money. it's worked its way up to where a former u.s. president is getting soaked for the good cause. check it out. >> i do not think it's presidential for me to be splashed with ice water. so i'm simply going to write you a check. >> that check is for me. i want a new hairstyle. >> that is former first lady laura bush dumping a bucket of ice water on presidentbush. now he's nominated bill clinton to take the challenge. >> will hillary clinton walk up with a bucket of water? thanks for watching. >> the latest on that surprise
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[ male announcer ] call now to request your free decision guide. it could help you find an aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. what happens when we travel? the plans go with us. anywhere in the country. i like that. you know what else? unitedhealthcare insurance company has years and years of experience. what do you say? ♪ i'm in. [ male announcer ] join the millions already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. remember, all medicare supplement plans help cover some of what medicare doesn't pay and could really save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. you'll be able to choose your own doctor or hospital as long as they accept medicare patients. and with these plans, there could be low or no copays. you do your push-ups today? prepare to be amazed. [ male announcer ] don't wait. call today to request your free decision guide and find the aarp medicare supplement plan to go the distance with you. go long.
1:00 am
breaking news this morning. calm on the streets of ferguson, missouri overnight as controversy grows over the deadly police shooting of unarmed teenager, michael brown. eric holder meeting with investigators as more witnesses come forward. another deadly police shooting, caught on camera, keeps police in the spotlight. the murder of american journalist, foley. the ransom they ordered and the failed secret mission to capture th
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