tv CNNI Simulcast CNN August 21, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT
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that is it for us tonight. we'll be back here tomorrow night live from ferguson, missouri. make sure you stay tuned in all night for the very latest. errol barnett and anissa suarez are live right now. >> thank you very much, don. it seems night is much quieter there. >> thankfully once again. >> absolutely. and hello and thank you for joining us for this special coverage on cnn. i'm isa soares. >> and i'm errol barnett. pleasure to have you with me, isa. a big welcome to those watching in the u.s. and around the world. coming up for you this hour, new details about a huge ransom demand for the release of u.s. journalist james foley before he was killed. we'll examine whether western governments should change their policies on paying for the release of hostages. >> plus the national guard has been called off and the streets are calm in ferguson, missouri.
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now the parents of michael brown sit down with cnn to talk about what they want to happen next. >> and two american health workers recover from ebola. they are now released from hospital but the fight's far from over in west africa. we'll look at how the deadly virus is devastating the communities. now a top u.s. defense official now says defeating isis in iraq cannot be done without considering its presence in syria. >> right. also, american air strikes targeted the islamic militants at mosul dam on thursday. that's despite their demand that the u.s. military action be stopped or a second american journalist could face execution. >> but the pentagon joint chiefs chairman martin dempsey said isis, also known as isil, can be contained but not for long. and defense secretary chuck hagel said the u.s. is looking at "all options." >> isil is a sophisticated and
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well funded as any group that we have seen. they're beyond just a terrorist group. they marry ideology, a sophistication of strategic and tactical military prowess. they are tremendously well funded. this is beyond anything we've seen. we're pursuing a long-term strategy against isil because isil clearly poses a long-term threat. we should xb isil to regroup and stage new offensive. and the u.s. military's involvement is not over. >> militants had demanded a ransom of $132 million for american journalist james foley before he was beheaded in the isis video thelma engineered this week. >> we know the number because that's according to the global
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post, the company he was working for. it raised the question should ransoms be paid? >> our errol barnett spoke with global post ceo phillip barboni about that and those still being held by isis, which now calls itself islamic state. >> there are three americans still being held by the islamic state. and you know, as devastated as we are about jim, our thoughts, and i know the foley family's thoughts are with those three americans who are facing imminent death. and i hope and pray that our government is able to take steps to secure their freedom and to prevent a horrible end to jim's life. >> what steps should those be? i'm aware that you were trying to do whatever you could along with the family to try to arrange money possibly fire ransom. but i know the u.s. government
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would not pay, would not pay that. do you think they should pay for those other three americans? >> you know, it's a hard question, erin. it's been a long-standing policy. there is good and sufficient reason for it. over the last 48 years i've come to feel we should take another look at it. i don't know if it's going to make a difference now for the other three. i think when the bombing began in iraq it changed all the ground rules. and i think the islamic state is expecting other things to be done. >> that is philip barboni, the ceo of globalpost, speaking to our erin burnett. to explore the ransom question further, i spoke with david rode, a former "new york times" reporter who was kidnapped by the taliban in 2008 and escaped seven months later.
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take a listen to what he had to say. >> i read your column in reuters today in which you say, and i'm going to quote you, "the payment of ransoms and abduction of foreigners must emerge from the shadows. it must be publicly debated." can you explain what you mean by that? >> well, there's a large dichoto dichotomy. in this specific case in syria james foley and sotloff, the other american captive, were held with european journalists, french journalists and spanish journalists. the french journalists were freed and the spanish journalists were freed. those european governments denied paying ransoms, but it's fairly clear that there were ranlsz paid indirectly. it's happened in many other countries. but the united states and britain refuses to pay. and i just don't think that that approach where there's no unified strategy is working. critics of paying ransom say that the european governments by paying ransoms are encouraging
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further kidnappings. and clearly the american approach isn't necessarily working because as an american you may be in more danger because your government refuses to pay ransom. >> but the u.s. surely cannot allow terrorist groups to control foreign policy. so is your advice -- and this is obviously coming from someone who himself was held captive by the taliban for seven months. is your advice that everyone should not pay? >> well, the american policy now is that the government will not pay a ransom. but if a family or an organization, a news organization or company can pay a ransom, the government will sort of turn a blind eye toward that money going to an organization. the problem is when a government pays and there's one report, the french government's denied it, but there was a report last year that in one case a state-controlled french company paid $40 million for four hostages, that's $10 million each, to get them freed in niger, $10 million is an amount no family can possibly raise, and most organizations can't
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either. so you know, you set a market price when a government pays that a family, and i spoke with the family of jim foley, they could never raise millions of dollars, and it's an impossible situation. and again, kidnappings are spreading. the ransoms are getting larger. this tactic by terrorist groups is working and spreading. and we have to face that. >> and obviously abductions, as you say, are becoming so lucrative. so what is the advice? what's the consistent response that really is needed globally on this matter? >> i think -- and i'm not going to pretend i have an answer and that i should say a blanket, you know, never any ransoms or yes, government should pay these enormous ransoms. there has to be a consistent policy. maybe the middle ground is where there's no government money but a family or private company pays that. it's not being debated publicly. france should admit if it's paying ransoms. and maybe the french public
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would support that. there's a big difference here, and this is a key issue. culturally. i think there's a greater sense among french citizens that if they get in danger abroad that the french government will help them. there's more of a sense in american culture that if something goes wrong you're sort of on your own and your family or some other organization is responsible for you. israel, you know, traded 1,000 prisoners for the release of one prisoner. so it's not going to be easy to have a completely uniform policy, but let's at least discuss this. just frankly jim foley deserves this. he's given his life here. we have to have this debate. we have to deal with this problem before there are more victims. >> that's the conversation there with david rohde. well, the u.s. says it doesn't negotiate with terrorists. they did trade five taliban prisoners for the release of army sergeant bowe bergdahl back in may, and now the investigative arm of congress says the pentagon broke federal law. not for making a swap but for
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failing to give congress the 30 days notice required for funds to transfer prisoners from guantanamo bay. now we move to the other major story we're following out of the united states. thankfully, though, it's been another night of calm in ferguson, missouri. i believe we're showing you now live pictures from ferguson where it's just past 11:00 in the evening. small crowds tonight, and in fact that's been true over the past two evenings. crowds have been dwindling all week, as have those angry confrontations between protesters and police as well. you listen now, we even hear some laughter. now, the improving conditions prompted missouri's governor to order the national guard to begin leaving the city. they had been protecting the command center. guard troops first arrived monday, in fact, to protect that main police hq location. isa? well, activists delivered a petition signed by 70,000 people to st. louis county prosecutor bob mccurley's office asking to step down from the case.
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the state senator delivering the petition was stopped at a police line, as you can see, but was eventually allowed through. critics say mcculloch is too closely tied to the police department to fairly prosecute the officer who fatally shot michael brown. mcculloch said he'll leave it to the governor to decide on his status. let's check in live with stephanie elam standing by in ferguson, missouri now. stephanie, i know that you spent a few days there but today you were able to walk over to the location where mike brown lost his life, that spot which has really sparked all of this, this national and international attention. what is the mood there? what are the people saying and thinking and telling you? >> reporter: well, it's interesting, errol, because out here on the main street on florissant avenue you have people who are out marching, a hardy group that's out here but not nearly as large as we saw when we first were getting out here. but still they are out here marching. but the energy level is much calmer than it has been.
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the police are not as present. they're here but they're not as in the middle of the street as they were. and you see people just marching along. they stop every now and then and they keep marching. they're not being prodded to keep moving as quickly as they were before. we also spent a good deal of the evening over at the location which is just down the street from me here where mike brown died. and there is an impromptu memorial in the middle of the street there. and it was interesting to watch. it's almost a warm feeling that's there. pretty quiet for most of the day. every now and then you'd hear some music. but people coming, dropping down to their knees. praying. we saw a prayer group come up, singing spiritual songs and then pray and then walk back. we also saw another group quietly come up with roses and just in the middle of the street they put down roses one by one. in the middle of the street. just a message for peace and love, they said. so a different energy there. we saw the mother of mike brown stop by and just regard the location before she moved along from there as well. so the location there, much more
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solemn. and it will be quiet for a minute and then more people will come. but you can see the tension level is definitely far down from where it has been, errol. >> so that relieved some of the immediate pressure, stephanie. there's no immediate violence or any fears of that to be concerned with. but separately, the message out of ferguson, missouri has been that people don't feel like they're treated fairly by the police or by local politicians and young people there just want to be treated equally. but yet you have this petition now, 70,000 people signing and pushing for this prosecutor to step aside. the prosecutor who will be responsible for investigating the case of michael brown and determine if darren wilson the police officer who shot him will even be charged. the governor making it clear he doesn't intend to remove the prosecutor. so do people there feel like their voices are really being heard even now? >> reporter: well, i think part of what has calmed tension here is the fact that the attorney general of the united states,
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eric holder, did come to ferguson. knowing that he was coming here to hear their voices and he also said even in a press conference today back in washington that he understood the tensions that had been bubbling up in a town like this. he understood what the nautilus of this was coming from. so because of that, that actually did -- some people here in ferguson tell me ease some of the tension. now, while things are calmer, that doesn't mean that people are less concerned that their cause is going to be heard out in the judicial system here in st. louis, missouri. and so that's where some of this concern is coming in. and this petition calling for this change. and also people are very concerned that overall that if they're not out here marching that people are going to forget about the death of mike brown and then all of this will be for naught. they want something to change in the relationship between law enforcement and in this town in particular young black men. >> yeah. hopefully, at the very least,
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out of this tragedy it will be used as a stepping stone to bring that community together and to bring many of the united states' deeply divide cities together as well. stephanie elam up late for us there in ferguson, missouri. thanks very much. and we will have much more from ferguson later in this newscast. anderson cooper sat down with michael brown's parents. asked them what they would consider justice for their son's death. >> he's got to go to jail. so we can have some type of peace. still walking around with pay. that's not -- that's not fair to us. you know? we're hurt. he has his life. our son is gone. >> they had much more to say. it really helps you understand
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how difficult the past 11 days have been for them. we're going to bring you that interview with michael brown's parents in about 20 minutes. >> great to see that things have calmed down. >> that's a sigh of relief. >> but like stephanie was saying, that doesn't mean that people have forgotten. their cause is still very, very important. well, coming up next right here on cnn, in west africa ebola isn't just hurting those that it infects. it's also damaging the lives of healthy people. we'll explain after a short break.
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all right. let's bring you up to speed on the fight against ebola. senegal is now closing off its border with guinea in an effort to prevent the spread of the deadly virus. >> senegalese state media says the country is also closing its air and sea borders to sierra leone and liberia. meanwhile, the government of south africa says it will no longer allow non-south africans to enter the country if they are coming from any of the three west african nations where the outbreak is the worst. the government is also asking citizens to avoid traveling to guinea, liberia, and sierra leone unless it is absolutely necessary. >> and we've watched this week as the w.h.o. continued to add numbers to the death toll, the outbreak numbers. >> as they do every week, it seems. >> and it's continuing. so now the unprecedented ebola outbreak sweeping through west africa has killed at least 1,350
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people and sickened more than 2,000. >> but that is not its only impact. but those living in liberia, guinea, and sierra leone the areas that have been hardest hit they realize has changed in devastating ways. ♪ >> we're dying now on a daily basis. not by seconds. people are dying. ebola is more than a killer. i'm still searching for a word to relate to ebola. if the international community doesn't come to our rescue the government of the republic of -- we've failed. you all bring the people to help us otherwise we'll die. 28 wipe out our generation. >> you're even afraid to touch your own child. that's how desperate our society has become. it's so scary. your wife gets sick. you're even afraid to even hold
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her. or your husband. or your child. or your neighbor. we are even refusing our family members from visiting us because we don't know who they are. we don't know whether they are carrying this virus. that's how terrible and how broken down our whole country is. >> because of the ebola, some people stay home. they don't want to go outside. if anything happens they want to bring nice home. they're buying mainly rice, clorox and tide soap. >> our greatest concern is to ensure that we have adequate stock of essential commodities on the market. this is an input-dependent economy. 90% of consumption comes from outside. the most important thing about this is the purchasing power of those who are buying those
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essential commodities will decline because it's putting people out of work. so we need the emergency food aid. which is kind of sad. >> ebola's a very serious risk right now. but there are still normal emergencies that occur every day. those patients all need health care. we're seeing people from much further out from the community here in monrovia who have been to four or five hospitals and have been turned away. having seen so many other physicians, nurses that become infected and die i think raises the risk left a great deal. in fact, we're struggling at the moment to save staff adequately to keep our doors open. because some of our staff are afraid. >> i have to admit there hasn't been many things in my medical training that have scared me except ebola. but then i started thinking that i needed to face my fear and come where i could be useful.
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>> ebb ola has caused serious damage or delay in the process of my education because i have only one week to complete my studies as undergraduate and government announced that ebola, all schools should close. and i'm calling on the international community to come to our aid -- >> that piece shows the cost of the impact on not just the economy but on people's lives. saying they couldn't even touch a child. >> and we heard similar stories in some of the treatment centers where a mother would be treated, her child would be treated there with ebola nearby, she couldn't touch or hold or comfort her either. >> so devastating. >> it's really had a massive
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impact in west africa. but we'll of course stay on top of this story and the developments in that. but it's p all negative it looks like. >> not at all. we do have one positive story to share with you. the two american ebola patients receiving treatment in the u.s. have recovered. >> yeah, you may remember dr. kent brantly. well, he hugged his treatment team on thursday night after announcing that he and colleague nancy writebol are now free of the disease. >> today is a miraculous day. i am thrilled to be alive, to be well, and to be reunited with my family. through the care of the samaritan's purse and s.i.m. mirgs team in liberia, the use of an experimental drug, and the expertise and resources of the health care team at emory university hospital, god saved my life. a direct answer to thousands and thousands of prayers.
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>> kent brantly and nancy writebol were flown from liberia to atlanta two weeks ago. we brought you the story on cnn. and were in quarantine in emory university hospital. well, still to come here on cnn, as palestinians in gaza mourn three senior hamas members, israel says their deaths will send a clear message as the fighting in the middle east continues to play out. we have that story after the break.
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welcome back. now, western diplomats have launched a new effort at the u.n. to end the six-week-old middle east conflict. >> and this comes after an israeli air strike killed three high-ranking hamas commanders in gaza. the militants are now vowing revenge, but as fred pleitgen reports, israel says it will continue to target top members of hamas. >> reporter: the israelis are hailing this as a major victory for their intelligence services, and certainly the video that we got from the israel defense forces shows that they used massive order ordnance to take out the house that these three hamas operatives were apparently in. it shows that several bombs were dropped on that site. apparently, the crater that all in left behind was about the size of an entire residential block. and we know that at least eight other houses were either damaged
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or destroyed in that air strike. over a dozen people were killed in total, including these three operatives for the qassam brigades. now, the information that we're getting from hamas is that these three were the leaders of the qassam brigades for the south of gaza. that includes rafah and also khan younis as well. they were in the top echelon of the organization. the information that we're getting from the israelis is that at least one of these three was responsible at least in part for the kidnapping of gill ad shalit. they also say that one of the most responsible for the tunnel network that went from rafah toward egypt and also toward israel. so certainly this is something that the israelis are saying was a big coup for their intelligence community. hamas for its part is vowing revenge. there was a huge funeral in rafah today for these three men. thousands of people showed up. a lot of them of course were very angry and vowed revenge as well. and that's certainly what we've been seeing throughout the better part of the day. there were a lot of rockets launched toward israeli
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territory. there were a lot of air strikes that the israelis conducted for their part. one of the big targets that the qassam brigade and hamas have called out is they want to disrupt the service at ben gurion international airport, which is of course the international airport in the tel aviv area in israel. so far they say that they've targeted the airport with m-75 rockets. the israelis are saying they have no indication of that. they don't believe that's true. they say any sort of rockets that have gone in that area were either intercepted by the iron dome missile defense system or have simply landed in open fields. the israelis say they've stepped up their aerial campaign, they've taken out a lot of targets here in gaza. the hamas officials are saying that most of those who were killed were civilians. they speak of more than 30 people who were killed today alone. fred pleitgen, cnn, gaza. >> all right. still to come, we get back to our special coverage out of ferguson, missouri. >> he had a choice.
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thafrnlthsz for staying with us on cnn. i'm errol barnett. >> and i'm isa soares. these your headlines this hour. militants had demanded a ransom of $132 million for american journalist james foley before he was beheaded in the isis video that emerged this week. that's according to global & post, the news outlet that foley was working for when he was kidnapped. globalpost says there were no negotiations. we can report it's been another calm night in ferguson, missouri. people still walking the streets to protest the fatal shooting of an african-american teenager, michael brown, by a white police officer. but there have been no signs of angry confrontations with police. missouri's governor has ordered the national guard to now start leaving ferguson. two american patients receiving treatment for ebola in the u.s. have recovered. dr. kent brantly and colleague
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nancy writebol free of the disease on thursday. meanwhile, state media in senegal said the country is closing its border with guinea to prevent the spread of the virus. south africa's government, meanwhile, is also implementing travel restrictions. robin williams' final resting place, the san francisco bay. cnn obtained his death certificate which revealed he was cremated and his ashes scattered in the baby. the actor-comedian is believed to have committed suicide august 11th in his home just north of san francisco. thursday the sheriff's department announced it will not release the 911 calls related to his death. now we want to return to one of our main stories tonight and turn our attention to focus on missouri, where michael brown's parents said they're struggling to come to grips with the death of their son. >> still they were able to sit down with our anderson cooper to talk about their sadness and their anger, the support they're receiving now, and their hope for justice.
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>> this is obviously every parent's worst nightmare. mike, how do you get through each day? >> i don't. i just am -- to see him physically moving around again. >> you still see him at times. >> yeah. yeah. but physically i won't see him. that's a heartbreaker for me. it's painful. i just -- i can't really explain how i really feel about this. >> leslie, does it seem real? >> no. >> it still doesn't. how are you getting through each day? >> prayer.
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family. support. >> you both met with the attorney general yesterday, eric holder. how was that? what did he say to you? >> he just kind of talked to us from a man with kids himself perspective. >> he talked to you as a parent. >> yes. >> did it help? >> it helped me. because he has our support. he's supporting us. and he said he's not going to -- he's not going to stop. he's going to help us all the way through. >> you believe him. >> yes, i do. i believe him. >> did it make a difference that he came here, that he looked you in the eye, that he met with you privately? >> yes. it did to me. >> in what way? >> because you can read a
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person. and when you're looking at them and they're looking at you, it puts some trust back there. that you lost and he ensured it will be a thorough investigation. >> can you believe -- do you have confidence in the investigations? because there's the state investigation, county. there's the federal investigation. do you have confidence that -- >> up until yesterday i didn't. >> you didn't. >> but just hearing the words come directly from his mouth face to face, he made me feel like one day i will. and i'm not saying today or yesterday. but one day they will regain my trust. but first i have to get to where i'm wanting to get to. and we haven't even begun. >> it's going to be a long road. >> mm-hmm. >> i mean, the grand jury just
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started yesterday. we learned it may not be till october that they come up with a decision about what they're going to do. does it feel like -- obviously, you want answers now. are you ready to -- are you able to wait? >> i want everything -- i don't want to rush judgment. i want everyone to take their time so there will be no mistakes and get it done right. >> you've talked publicly about justice. you want justice. for you what is justice for your son? >> he's got to go to jail. so we can have some type of peace. he's still walking around with pay. that's not -- it's not fair to us. you know? we're hurting.
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i don't know what he's doing. but he has his life. our son is gone. >> if the grand jury, if the federal investigation, if they decide that charges won't be brought, what then? >> a federal investigation. we'll look to the federal government to get involved. the family as well as many in the ferguson community are very distrustful of the local authorities. and so they're putting their faith more so in the federal authorities to make sure they look at this unbiasedly. and as long as it's fair and impartial and it's very transparent, anderson, then
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people can accept a jury's verdict. but if it's this secret grand jury stuff that nobody knows about, that's what's troubling. >> i understand a lot of people i think didn't realize this. did you actually go to the scene? that terrible day. >> yes. >> did you see your son? >> when i got -- when i -- when we arrived, he was covered up. so i didn't see him how the other people seen him lying in the street. >> did it upset you that he was left out for so long? >> yes. >> is that something that still upsets you? >> yes. that wasn't -- we couldn't even see him. they wouldn't let us go see him.
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they just left him out there 4 1/2 hours. with no answers. with nobody telling us nothing. >> leslie, were you there as well? >> mm-hmm. yep. >> i can't imagine as a parent standing there while the hours tick by. >> right. before even getting there somebody calls you on the phone and tells you something like that. and you're miles away. it's terrible. >> i talked to sybrina fulton, trayvon martin's mom, yesterday. one of the things she said, and she wrote an open letter to you. one of the things she said in that is she was warning you that
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people are going to try to attack the character of your son, just as she said they did with her son, trayvon. do you feel that's already happened? >> yep. and even if this hadn't happened, people do that anyway. people do that anyway. but he was a teenager. he was growing up. he was only 18. he had a chance to make a mistake and correct it. just like the officer. he had a choice. and he chose the wrong one. and was it really necessary? no. my son's only 18. only 18. >> listening to that my heart just goes out to michael brown's parents. that interview not easy for them
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to do. michael brown's funeral will be held monday in st. louis. it will be open to the public. civil rights leader the reverend al sharpton will give the eulogy. >> well, coming up next on cnn, we're hearing from some of the men who were held prisoner with jim foley who were released later. >> ahead, one of them talks about a seven-month nightmare made slightly easier by a friend. stay with us here on cnn.
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foley because he didn't want to jeopardize his own safety. but now nicolai hunin describes foley as someone who worked hard to lift the spirits of fellow prisoners. >> he was always here when one of us was feeling not so well to just have a nice words. he was always extremely understandable. and, well, he was -- he was a great friend. it was -- it could sound strange for me to say that he managed to make the seven months of captivity for me easier, but, well, somehow he did. >> nicolas henin there. u.s. defense chief chuck hagel says washington is now weighing its options in dealing with isis. which he says clearly poses a long-term threat. and as brian todd reports, there
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are fears that threat could soon be felt on american soil. >> reporter: moments before beheading jamesoley his executioner, an isis terrorist, warns of more attacks on americans. >> any attempt by you, obama, to deny the muslims their rights of living in safety under the islamic khalifate will result in the bloodshed of your people. >> tonight, more indications isis could harm more americans and others in the west. a u.s. intelligence official tells cnn they have indications of isis cells in europe which could attack u.s. embassies and other american interests. the official says it's not clear if those terrorists were ordered by isis or if they went on their own. an isis fighter threatened the west, telling reuters, "we have also penetrated them with those who look like them." does isis have cells in america? former cia officer bob baer believes they do. >> i have been told with no uncertainty there are isis sleeper cells in this country. >> reporter: but two u.s.
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officials tell cnn they have no indications of isis cells inside america right now. still, they are very concerned that isis fighters with western passports could travel to the u.s. and launch attacks. officials believe a handful of americans have fought with isis in iraq and syria. and cnn's peter bergin says others have tried to help the group. >> you've got three americans who've been indicted for joining usis in the last year, including by the way a woman, which is quite unusual. luckily, they were arrested before they could leave the country, but clearly isis is sort of -- if you're interested in this ideology, that's the most exciting thing to go and join right now. >> reporter: and tracking americans who are part of isis is getting more difficult, especially on the ground in syria and iraq. a senior u.s. intelligence official tells us the footprint for american human intelligence in that area is not extensive. analysts say the isis leader, abu bakar al baghdadi, has extra motivation to send his fighters to the u.s. >> baghdadi, who's the head of
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isis, is a narcissistic psychopath. he wants to be bigger than osama bin laden. one of the ways he will measure that is how effective and how big the terrorist activities he can carry out in the west are compared to what bin laden was able to do. >> reporter: analysts say al baghdadi's also taking a page from bin laden's propaganda book. they say he gets shock value. he knows how chilling it is for westerners to hear someone with a western accent speaking to the camera, then carrying out a horrifying, barbaric act like the killing of james foley. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> isis certainly the most serious development out of iraq, but we do have some positive news to bring you. u.n. aid now arriving in northern parts of the country. keep in mind this is where fighting has forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee from their homes. 200 tons of basic supplies have already arrived with an
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additional 200 tons expected to arrive there by the weekend. also, we have this incredible story to bring you of one of the refugees. a yazidi woman named tamam says she walked for two days to escape the violence with just a bottle of water to share between seven families. that sounds like a difficult struggle, impossible in fact, especially when you consider tamam was seven months pregnant. so now we can give you this development. she has five reasons to celebrate. that's right. quint uplets born in a syrian hospital. her doctor says mother and babies are all in good health. isa? the remains of 20 victims of the downing of malaysian airlines flight 17 are now back in kuala lumpur. malaysia's observing a national day of mourning. it's the first time the nation has called for such a day for civilian victims. forensics experts in amsterdam identified these 20 victims over the past couple of weeks. their remains arrived in koaual
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lumpur from amsterdam. it was a solemn ceremony attended by the royal family and other dignitaries greeted the coffins. 43 of the 298 people on board flight 17 were from malaysia. ukraine and many western countries say russian-supplied missile shot down that plane over eastern ukraine on july the 17th. now, the civilians who have not fled the fighting in east ukraine are facing a humanitarian crisis, but they could soon get some relief. our will ripley is covering that part of the story for us from the capital, kiev. >> reporter: right now ukrainian border guards are inspecting that russian aid convoy. this is the final inspection both those white trucks will be allowed to cross into eastern ukraine to deliver much-needed humanitarian supplies. here's how it works. the guards are inspecting each truck thoroughly, and then they'll travel in smaller convoys. groups of 30 with five international red cross volunteers accompanying the groups and supervising the
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distribution before then escorting those convoys back out of the country. the red cross sent a small team to the lieu hance k region to assess the situation and they sate need there is dire. meanwhile, some major new developments on the military front. the ukrainian military now claims that they seized a couple of russian military vehicles and they say they know that they're from russia because they actually found these documents inside which include paperwork showing the russian air force. cnn has not been able to verify the authenticity of these photos and the paperwork, but if this is true it continues to corroborate the case that the ukrainian government has been making for months, that weapons and personnel have been funneling in from russia into rebel-held territory. the street fight continues in donetsk and luhansk. with slow rors, the ukrainian military reports right now, simply because the pace of the fighting has slowed because they literally are battling street by street and the humanitarian crisis continues. a family trying to escape the violence with a white flag on
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their car, all three of them, the mother, father, and their young 5-year-old child died when someone opened fire on their vehicle as they were trying to get to a safer place to escape from luhansk. the diplomatic situation continues with some big movement expected in the coming days. german chancellor angela merkel comes here to kiev on saturday. and ukrainian president poroshenko will be face to face with russian president vladimir putin in minsk, belarus on tuesday. will ripley, cnn, kiev, ukraine. all right. still to come for you here on cnn, the search for landslide survivors in japan. it could hit a snag because more rain is expected. we're going to check the forecast after the break.
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affirmed. the election sweeping aside allegations brought by his opponent, former general. the verdict cannot be appealed. now widodo is now set to take office october 20th. supporters outside didn't take well to the verdict. police fired tear gas to break up the rally when they tried to push past riot police. another round of rain moving to japan. mudslides there. and this is serious because these mudslides now preventing people from helping victims of the last mudslide. and we've got worse weather on the way. ivan cabrera joining with us more on that. >> yeah, good to see you both. it just keeps getting worse here. this is really a national nightmare for japan. they just can't catch a break. if you haven't been kept up to date, this is what they've been dealing with here in western japan as a result of just unbelievable amounts of rain,
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which i'll show you the numbers in a second. but here's the human factor on the ground. there are still people missing. this is what we're dealing with here. dozens dead and a lot of people still missing. and so what they're having to deal with is additional heavy rainfall, which is making recovery efforts just very difficult. here's japan, and here's another round of rain that has rolled through that very area that has been hit. hiroshima getting in on some heavy rain as well. the system will continue to move east over the next couple of days. it's just getting worse. any little bit of rain is going to make things progressively worse. going to make the recovery all that much slower. these numbers are not that impressive if we had not had the rain that we've had the last month. but we've had it, and so we're adding some more. so this does become the problem when you're dealing with 25 to 50 millimeters of rainfall. normally that would be japan could take that just fine, but so far they have been picking up rainfall tallies in meters, as
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we have been measuring them in the last month. that front stretches out and south and west includes portions of china here with more rainfall. the good thing is with tropics in the western pacific, anyway. the eastern pacific is not as quiet certainly but here in the western pacific it is so quiet we do not need an additional tropical system heading out to japan. and that's not heading out anytime soon. here's india of course. here we had landslides to the north but they've been getting a break as far as the qulaeft rainfall. still in the monsoon and stim some very healthy totals in the last 24 hours and more to come in the next 48 as more tropical downpours continue here for this part of the world. for the west in europe, cooler temperatures and moving in with this nice northwest flow coming in across the uk and across the western part of the europe. we're looking very good over the next couple days save for some scattered afternoon thunderstorms. nothing severe right now. guys? >> all right. good to end on a positive note
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there. thanks so much. >> cooler weather in london. that means cold. i'm so glad. thanks, ivan. >> thanks, ivan. space enthusiasts, a discovery on the international space station is stirring up more thoughts of life in space because russian scientists say they've discovered traces of tiny sea creatures on the exterior of the international space station. >> it's not known how the marine plankton ended up there, but one scientist says it proves some organisms have the ability to live on the surface of the space station. further tests are now expected. and that does it for this hour of cnn's special coverage. but do stay with us. >> yes. coming up in the next hour, you did hear from michael brown's parents this hour. next hour we're going to hear from the governor of missouri. he sits down with cnn in the wake of these protests. he explains why he called off the national guard and also says what he plans to do about the prosecutor assigned to michael brown's case. stay with us.
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rejoice for you have entered the promised land of accomodation booking.yeah! hey there, and welcome to our special coverage. we appreciate you joining us or staying with us. i'm errol barnett. >> and i'm isa soares. in this hour, new information about what might be the last e-mail from isis sent to the family of james foley. >> and a huge ransom demand for foley's life. we'll have an answer about the controversial u.s. policy that refuses to pay for the release of hostages. plus -- missouri's governor has come under intense scrutiny.wake of michael brown's death. he stands by his decisions in a strongly worded interview with cnn. that's just
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