tv Reliable Sources CNN August 24, 2014 8:00am-9:01am PDT
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thank you for watching "gps." reliable sources starts right now. this is cnn breaking news. good morning. it's time for "reliable sources." i want to welcome viewers here in the united states and around the world. on the west coast a 6.0 magnitude earthquake has woken up the san francisco bay area this morning. the quake's epicenter was six miles southwest of napa ago.
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>> it's an earthquake. >> it's an earthquake. >> we will talk to the woman you saw on the video in a couple of minutes. this is the largest quake to hit the bay area since the earthquake in 1989. for many people who have not lived there more than 20 years the most significant earthquake they have felt. to put it in perspective that
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quake had a magnitude 6.9. this was a 6.0. we will get into the details of how the different quakes are. the usgs estimates more than 120,000 people experiencing the earthquake. there have been minor after shocks. 15,000 people are reported to be without power. a few minutes ago we are told president obama has been briefed on the earthquake. let's bring in a reporter on scene, will cane, a reporter for "the san francisco chronicle." he is at the medical center in napa where victims are being taken by helicopter. thanks for joining us. do we know how many injured have been brought to the hospital so far? >> the latest update we just got is that 87 people have been injured and are being treated at this hospital. three of those people are in critical condition. two of them are in intensive care and the other person is a
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child who was injured when a chimney collapsed in his or her home. >> earlier i saw you were posting on twitter from the mobile home park where there were burned down homes there. were there injuries there? >> luckily no injuries in that mobile home park. from what i could tell all the neighbors before the fire department arrived came together and alerted each other about the fires burning in some of the mobile homes and helped elderly residents get out of their homes and make sure everyone is safe and secure while firefighters fought the blaze. >> that's good news that people were able to help each other. you mentioned that at the hospital where you are now they set up a triage tent. what is the scene like there? have you seen helicopters come in? >> earlier this morning there were new ambulances coming in
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and dropping off patients. it is a stan rd practice for major events like this to treat people outside the emergency room. the waiting room was packed. right now there is a crew waiting for a helicopter to land. we understand the helicopter is going to evacuate one of the injured patients here to a higher level trauma center in the bay area. >> where were you this morning? do you live nearby? >> i do. i was woken up early this morning by the quake far enough away that all we felt was the shaking and some pictures fell off the mantle. we promptly realized how close it was and came up to napa. >> and i know initially people when this happens in the middle of the night make sure their homes are okay and make jokes that there were bottles of wine being spilled. this is a big, big industry
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there and a serious economic story. the most important story is the injuries. to hear of 87 injuries does sound pretty significant. are there others at the hospital or are there staff prepared for additional people arriving? >> from what we can tell and from reports plans are rolled into action. they have not called in outside help at the hospital. they are making do with the staff they have which they say is sufficient. so things seem to be coming together as expected. i should tell you that the helicopter is about 50 seconds away from landing so you may lose my audio here. >> i will leave it there, will. thank you for joining me. let me turn to another person on the phone with us, the person you saw in the home security system video. thank you for joining me. tell us what you were feeling in
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the video we saw there. >> it was pretty startling. i was asleep on the couch and woke up as i saw the chandelier shaking and glass breaking and i realized it was an earthquake. the first thing in my mind was is this the big one and immediately sprinted upstairs to be with my family and make sure everyone upstairs is okay. >> how many years have you lived in the area? >> i have lived here for about 14 years. before that i was living in san francisco. >> so for you it is one of the biggest you have felt. is there anything you felt in the past? any earthquakes similar to this? >> nothing as strong as this. this is actually the biggest i have ever felt. anything previously was maybe 3 or 4 at most. >> a number of miles south of the epicenter at american canyon, did it do much damage? >> no obvious damage.
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we checked the water heater and the gas. luckily we have the tvs and cabinets bolted in the wall because we are all expecting the big one to come rolling around. as far as the china and the shelf falling off the shelf and a fruit bowl, pictures falling. >> so it's 8:00 a.m. now. have you been able to get back to sleep? >> definitely not. everyone -- no one has actually gone back to sleep in our house yet. everyone is rattled. the adrenaline rush is certainly keeping us all awake. >> i hope the aftershocks will not bug you all too much. as you know you sometimes feel smaller tremors afterwards. hopefully nothing as serious as what you felt this morning. >> thank you. >> let me go to jennifer gray to talk about the aftershocks because often times the experience for days and weeks afterwards. how many aftershocks have we
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seen so far? >> we have seen well over 20 small ones. we had a couple of hours ago at 2.5 and then one at 3.6. that has been the largest one. we have been talking about the violent shaking that over 100,000 people have felt. that was the number thrown out there earlier this morning. and they say that it was very, very strong ju as these people were saying everyone obviously rattled all over the west coast. we have this graphic to illustrate the shaking. you know it was six miles south of napa. we had to zoom in just a little bit. you can see the different colors on here. of course, napa one of the more populated areas right around the epicenter. you can see brighter shades of orange. that is the most violent shaking that went on. it is right around napa. that is where we are seeing the most damage, the most injuries right there. 15,000 people right there where that most violent shaking went
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on. as you spread out you can see the lighter shades of the oranges and yellows you see 106,000 people right there. as you spread out even more 177,000 people. and then the moderate shaking on into the green colors, 749,000 people. so this is affecting more people than just the 100,000 people or so that experienced that violent shaking. it definitely goes in hand with those pictures that you are showing right there in the center of napa. >> for all of us who know the napa area, american canyon is where the epicenter was. this is being called the south napa quake. i suppose because the population there is more significant. >> about 19,000 people live right in american canyon, about 80,000 in napa. the more populated area. >> i know the usgs has probability, statistic for the likelihood of significant after shocks. >> the magnitude about 5.0 or
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greater is 54% within the next seven days. as we know we did experience aftershocks from days, weeks and years after the earthquakes. the most crucial time is the next 24 hours and next seven days. as time goes on those major quakes will start to lessen or the probability of that will get lesser as we go forward in time. the magnitude of 5.0. >> this is a street north of san francisco. it looks like a residential area, one of the many streets that has been affected in some way. you imagine coming out of your home and then trying to drive down the street this is what you see. i see other pictures similar of the road either raised or lowered. what is the term for that? >> we have seen streets buckled. we have seen some of the bridges and structures definitely have been compromised.
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some of the brick structures in downtown area of napa have been completely collapsed. these roads have buckled because of the shaking that is going on, definitely -- >> there is a water main break. the city of napa reporting approximately 30 water main breaks. thank you for joining me. thankfully no deaths reported from napa and san francisco this morning but a significant number of injuries and damage. we will have more from california throughout the hour. up next we turn to the story that really shocked the whole world this week thrks sickening murder of american journalist jim foley by isis. doing.
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when i finally told my doctor, he said my crohn's was not under control. he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira.
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through mercedes-benz financial services. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. perfect timing. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. good calculating kyle. good job kyle. you just made partner. our best-ever pricing on mobile share value plans for business. now with a $100 bill credit for every business line you add.
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we are going to have more about the breaking news at the earthquake in northern california throughout the program and throughout the day. let's turn to the biggest media story throughout the week, the murder of jim foley. he was a brave american reporter abducted in syria almost two years ago while doing his job and was beheaded by an isis extremist. the video was uploaded to youtube. we are choosing to show you video of his life and not his death. like so many others he was
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inspired after 9/11 and after the invasion of iraq to tell the stories of the people being affected in the middle east. we picked up his note book. he went to some of the most dangerous parts of the world, iraq, afghanistan, yemen, libya. he was abducted in libya in 2011. putting aside jim's obvious courage he was also doing a job. he was a freelance journalist on assignment for a website called global post at the time of his abduction. two executives on the other side of this story. earlier i spoke with the ceo of global post as well as gary perut, the ceo of the the associated press. let me ask you what your experience has been like over this last two years ever since jim foley disappeared in syria. he was there on assignment for
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"global post" what responsibility did you feel? >> it was total. you may remember that jim was abducted in libya during the civil war there in 2011 and was held for 45 days. and i supervised his recovery and we formed a deep bond over that. but it would be true for all of our reporters that when you send somebody into harm's way you have to be sresponsible for the all the way. jim was such a brave man. we will always miss him. >> i know this is very sensitive to ask. is there anything more that could have been done as he travelled back to syria covering something he thought was so important to be doing? >> i don't theink so.
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jim was smart about combat situations. he had been in afghanistan and libya and in syria. he knew his way around. he had the right equipment. he stayed in touch. on that very day, november 22, 2012, he was only about 15 kilometers from the turkish border. he had come back from a reporting mission in aleppo. he was very close to being across the border and safe. >> most recently we have learned about the e-mail sent from isis to the family only days before this video was released. it must have been especially excruciating for you having to do all of this in secret and not knowing what the outcome would be. >> that's a very important point. i have been in our profession for 46 years. every instinct that we have is to tell what we know.
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but we always follow the family's wishes. we knew if it was any risk to jim that we didn't want to take it. we amassed so much information about the captors. we interviewed all of the other released hostages and europeans who came out. we knew about jim's captivity. how brutally we were treated by them. jim was singled out for more abuse than any other hostages perhaps because he was american and because he was a strong and compassionate person. >> i know you must unfortunately have faced similar situations. at the a.p. do you have journalists you fear are in imminent danger in various places around the world? >> this is an issue that strikes close to home for a.p. we have lost 33 journalists over the course of our history.
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and beginning with the first a.p. journalist killed covering the news covering custer at the battle of little big horn through the most recent killing last week in gaza. >> last week in gaza because three of those deaths you are describing happened this year. >> that's right. and it has been a difficult year and a more dangerous time. >> is it getting more dangerous? >> it is. >> has it been this dangerous before? >> it is the most dangerous we have ever seen it. in part because journalists are being targeted now. it wasn't too many years ago that journalists would have emblazoned on their vests press or would be riding in vehicles that would have press written on the vehicle. to provide a degree of more safety because of combatants
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typically wouldn't target the media. >> i want to ask crow about something you wrote in the immediate after math released. you said we believe the assassination of the journalist should be considered an international crime of war. the murder of a journalist with impugnity is threat to free press. i think what we are trying to convey is that now is the time to address how to keep journalists safe and declare these to be times of war. >> if not now when? here we have journalists targeted, killed, held hostage, tortured. this is a war crime now. these are civilians and held hostage and killed. but i think the world, the world's countries and international community needs to recognize the role that journalists play in informing the world and providing the news from the front lines that is
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indispensable. for them to be treated as combatants, to be held hostage and killed and targeted is aporant and a war crime. >> i think your point about volunteering, feeling the need to do this is very important. it was true for jim foley, as well. his friends and family have talked about how devoted he was to this story of syria, a story that has not gotten enough coverage because it is so dangerous to cover. i wonder how this effects your thinking about trying to cover syria going forward. how do you and other news editors figure out when it is possible to send a reporter into syria? >> it's not now. after jim's abduction and, of course, in those many months we didn't know where he was, whether he was alive or who had him. we did not send another journalist inside syria from that point on. it is suicide for a journalist
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to go into syria now. >> do you think jim foley would have wanted the u.s. to pay a ransom? would have wanted "global post" to find a way to pay a ransom? >> i do. we never hesitated on that. i'm fully conversant with the united states laws on this. i'm fully conversant with the kind of body of discussion in journalism about paying a ransom and how it might stimulate others. when it is your person, your child or your colleague and you know it's the only way to bring them home that's what you do. and that's why the family with our help was deeply engaged in raising that money. we ran out of time. when the bombing began that sealed jim's fate,
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unfortunately. these people don't have any mercy. and if they can't have money they will have revenge. and they took it. >> what was the particular amount that they demanded? >> we did learn from the european journalists who were freed the amount of the ransoms that were paid by their government or with their government's assistance. it was in the range of 2 to 3.5 million euros or around $5 million. we felt that $5 million was the amount that we needed to raise in order to bring jim back. >> and let me go to you all and the issue of ransoms, as well. where do you in the ap stand on this? were you ever in a situation where a ransom was demanded like this? >> you may recall terry anderson taken hostage. no ransom was paid in that case.
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i don't know the exact details behind that on the ransom. we don't have a stated policy on that. >> you say there is no policy. does that mean potentially the ap would pay a ransom? >> i'm not going to speak to that one way or the other. >> gary pruitt, thank you for being here. >> thank you very much. really emotional conversation there. legendary news anchor dan rather has been listening in. he has a lot to say about the way the media has been portraying isis. now back to the coverage of the earthquake in california. we will be back live there in just a momentism this is charlie. his long day of doing it himself starts with back pain... and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. honey, you did it! baby laughs!
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. this is cnn breaking news. >> welcome back to "reliable sources." a strong earthquake in the san francisco bay area. it was a 6.0 magnitude quake. it hit at 3:28 a.m. local time. terrifying people who were sound asleep. it was centered six miles south of napa, the famed wine region there. several fires broke out right after it hit. in some cases the fires were worsened because of the lack of water pressure. there were also reports of damaged buildings in homes including chimneys that collapsed and reports of homes off foundations there. napa officials say rescue teams are being deployed due to some people being trapped in their homes. there are injuries, as well. at least 80 injuries most with minor injuries but there are lacerations, cuts, bruises and more critical injuries. at least two people are severely hurt. here are some of the latest
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images. you can look at this. about 15,000 people we are told don't have power at the moment. this is the strongest earthquake to hit the area since 1989. president obama was briefed on the quake earlier this morning. federal officials are in touch with state and local responders as recovery just begins to get underway. i am joined. this is a wild coincidence. i stayed at your inn last year when me and my wife were in the region. i want to show pictures that you showed of the damage at the end. it looks like it is a bit of a mess. describe what it felt like this morning. >> it's definitely woke us all up. i feel really lucky that all of the guests were in bed sleeping. i think everybody was probably safer in their rooms, but it was definitely not a rolling earthquake where we were.
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it is definitely a big jolt, kind of tossed us around a little bit. pictures flying and cabinets opened. lots of glass broken, lots of mirrors. luckily everybody is safe and we feel really lucky that we had bolted our foundation and put in the foundation and bolted it prior to reopening. we feel pretty lucky. >> at the moment does the inn have power? >> our power just went back on. there is still a fair amount of smoke in the air. there has been houses that have burned. we are in historic downtown. downtown has sustained a lot of damage. where we are everything is fine. our neighbors are all fine. we had a couple of houses that burned but fires are out now.
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>> some of the historic buildings, napa county courthouse. and for you all it was a saturday night, a sunday morning. i'm guessing that is one of your busiest times of the week there at the inn. >> we were completely full. we have ten rooms and we had 20 guests. and the guests have been amazing. the ones who have been through a quake kind of knew what to do. we took care of everybody who hadn't been through a quake. it was definitely an experience. we had one person who got engaged yesterday. i am sure they will never forget the day. >> people go there to visit the wineries. i wonder what the guests are telling you they are going to do this morning. >> there is a big nascar race. a couple of guests were going to that. that is still on in sonoma. and the rest of them were just kind of playing it by ear. we were able to get them
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breakfast out. everybody is just sitting around having coffee trying to decide what to do. a couple of guests walk downtown to see what is happening down there. i think the day will just unfold. >> these are pictures we are seeing. we are seeing pictures from the mobile home park. sometimes in these cases you hear about napa, people's first thought is to the wine industry there and might make light of the fact that the barrels are crashing to the ground. it is an important industry. not only do we have impacts to that and we are seeing pictures of some of the local wine stores where the bottles come to the ground. on top of that we are talking about buildings that have burned down and other buildings shaken off the foundations. i'm happy to hear that at the inn things were not that serious. sounds like the worse you have experienced. >> it is absolutely the worse i have experienced. absolutely the worst.
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and it went on for a long time. 30 seconds is a long time to be laying there wondering what to do. again, everybody is safe. napa is going to rebuild. there will probably be a lot of wine flowing today. we are lucky everybody is safe. >> thank you for joining me. >> sure. thank you. >> be sure to stay with cnn throughout the day for the latest updates on the after math of the quake. we will be with them all day. coming back to our media coverage and what we don't know about michael brown and the man who killed him in ferguson, missouri. g." sundays are the warrior's day to unplug and recharge. what if this feeling could last all week? with centurylink as your trusted partner, it can. our visionary cloud infrastructure and global broadband network free you to focus on what matters.
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i want to pick up talking about the incredible dangers that reporters face in war zones around the world. dan rather was listening in with my earlier conversation. he knows about the risks that reporters take because he has taken some of them himself. rather was a network news correspondent in the 1960s and then was anchor for cbs evening news for decades and now anchors dan rathers presents. i was so struck about how entering syria is effectively suicide for a journalist. i wonder in all of your decades covering the world if there has ever been something like this, something so dangerous? is it really that the world has become more dangerous for journalists? >> unquestionably it is more dangerous today than ever in all of history. journalists tend to overstate things. this is not an opinion but a fact.
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it's a whole different thing. i can't blame anyone for trying to ransom a journalist out. if some member of our dan rather reports team was kidnapped i would be looking to negotiate for ransom. you can criticize that if you want but the loyalty to our people who work with us and take these great chances engenders loyalty back. >> do you know of journalists who have travelled this area? would you end a team yourself? >> yes.
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we have operated in we no longer want to be seen and known as a journalist. it was a time when that was part of your protection. now it is part of the danger. the best you can hope for if you go into one of these extremely dangerous situations soo hope and pray you can meld into the background and not be identified as a journalist because today in many places of the world journalists are targets.
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>> let me ask you about the television and media coverage of the past few days since the horrible isis video was shown to the world of jim foley's beheading. what have you heard? what have you sensed? i know you would hear a drum beat to war if you heard it. >> absolutely. the war drums have been beating for some little while. accentuated in recent weeks and now in recent days. as a citizen let me take my journalist hat off for a moment. as a citizen this worries me because as a journalist we have seen war zones. i have seen war up close, not like combatants do. savagery, the brutality of war once we put the nation at war that all of these people on television, some of whom i have
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enormous respect for, it unsettles me to hear them say we the united states have to quote do something in ukraine and do something in syria. we have to do something in the waters around china. we have to do something about what is happening in yemen. we have to do something in iraq. we have to do something about isis. what they are talking about are combat operations. my first question to anyone on television saying we have to get tough, we need to put boots on the ground and we need to go to war in one of these places, i will hear you out if you tell me you are prepared to send your son, your daughter, your grand son, your granddaughter to that war of which you are beating the drums. if you aren't i have no patience with you and don't even talk to me. >> it worries me, too. i hear so many more voices advocating for action than i hear voices of people who are trying to push on the brakes.
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and it is somewhat reminiscent of 2002 and 2003 in the run up to what was a much, much bigger u.s. military action in iraq. there are echoes of what we went through. those of us have a lot to answer for about what we didn't do and what we did do in the run up to the war in iraq which i think history would judge to be a strategic disaster of historic proportions. we journalists including this one, we didn't ask the right questions. we didn't ask enough questions and didn't ask the follow up questions. we did not challenge power. i am concerned that once again as the war drums begin to beat and get louder and louder that there will be a herd mentality of we have to go to war in syria and ukraine. i don't think it is an overstatement to say we need to
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be thinking carefully and seriously about this and journalists have a responsibility to watch the right questions. >> i'm so grateful we got to talk about this this morning. thank you for joining me. >> always great to be with you. >> one more point rather made in my interview, he said don't depend on official sources but it is important to listen to voices of dissent. earlier this morning said we are close to identifying the isis militant who beheaded jim foley. so we will see that story continue to develop in the days to come. we will keep scrimjim's family r thoughts and prayers. the other who was threatened we will keep him close in our thoughts and prayers, as well. we will be back right after this. moderate to severe is tough, but i've managed.
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i got to be pretty good at managing my symptoms, except that managing my symptoms was all i was doing. when i finally told my doctor, he said my crohn's was not under control. he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection.
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let's wait till all the facts are in. i don't know fully what happened, nor do you. but i am absolutely stunned at the differences in the stories being told. i find it unbelievable. >> i do too, shawn. i do, too. this week, there was a rush to report anonymous claims that wilson had been badly beaten by brown. here's an example from fox news on wednesday. >> now, there's information out that he was hit hard enough to break the bones around his eye. that information coming from the gateway pundit reporting that the injury is an orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket. the report sources are leaked within the prosecutor's office. >> let's stop right there. what is the gateway pundit? it's a conservative blog that posted this about the alleged eye socket damage sourced to two local st. louis sources. frankly, i'm surprised that fox ripped the information off this blog and repeated it on the air. later in the day, they published
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its own story and every one of fox's prime time hosts picked up on it. after all, this seems like it changed the whole story, casting the officer as the victim. of a dangerous aggressor, a dangerous, black aggressor. that night, hannity had a fox news contributor out in the crowd questioning protesters. >> shawn wants us to ask you, are you aware the damage had damage to his face? significant damage and that michael brown may have charged at him which would give him justifiable reason to respond? >> six shots? no. six shots, no. broken arm, six shot, no. >> so did the officer have a broken orbital eye socket? if so, no public official will confirm it. early on in the investigation, the ferguson police chief did say wilson had been treated for a swollen face, but that's it.
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all day on thursday, cnn reporters in ferguson tried to confirm what fox had claimed over and over again. but, . >> see any firm evidence of an eye socket injury. but that does not seem to matter. these claims have spread all over the place. doubt in people's minds that see a different enemy. law enforcement. they pounced all over the authority's decisions not to release more solid information. >> you know, it was interesting. the police department released this video of michael brown in
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the convenience store. but they refused to release any of these pictures that show evidence that darren wilson's had all these unbelievable facial injuries and eye socket and everything else that's been reported. what's going on here? >> oh, and i think we know exactly what's going on here, red news/blue knews issing going on here. send me a tweet or facebook message. and we'll be right back with more "reliable sources" in a moment. so factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria? even if you're healthy and active. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i'm doubly impressed! phillips' digestive health. a daily probiotic. this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar.
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built for business. well, that's all for this televised edition of "reliable sources." keep in mind, our media coverage keeps going all the time on and there are three segments we had to cut from the rundown due to the breaking news coverage. we'll share those on sources. i'll see you back here next sunday at 11:00 a.m. eastern time. and right now, our continuing coverage of the earthquake in northern california. >> hi, brian, thanks so much. our earthquake coverage continues right now. hello, and thank you so much for tuning in this afternoon. i'm anna cabrera. and i want to
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