tv CNNI Simulcast CNN August 27, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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just plug it in, and the better you drive, the more cash you'll stash. switching to progressive can already save ye $500. snapshot could save ye even more. meat maiden! bringeth to me thine spiciest wings of buffalo. massacres, beheading, torture. the u.s. warns it is becoming commonplace in syria. >> i ask you to please, please, release my child. >> the mother of a hostage held by isis militant groups begs the group to show mercy. >> drop it! >> and under fire. we'll take to you a school where american police officers get training on life and death
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decisions. welcome back. i'm isa suarez. >> and i'm errol barnett. >> we begin this hour with a graphic and disturbing report from united nations. it says public executions, beheadings and torture are becoming commonplace in parts of syria controlled by islamic extremists. >> isis is not the only group involved. our report, we want to warn you, contains some very graphic images. >> reporter: civilians caught in the crossfire. u.n. investgators say both insurgents and militants are creating atrocities in fights against each each other. the report says public
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executions, beheadings, torture and mock executions have become a regular fixture. and that the jihadist group is even forcing children to might. >> among the most disturbing findings in this report are accounts of large training camps where children, mostly boys from the age of 14, are recruited and trained to fight in the ranks of isis along with adults. >> reporter: the report also accuses the assad regime of reportedly using chemical weapons against civilians. the syrian government was thought to have dropped chlorine gas in april. >> the chlorine has been dropped bombs, from helicopters belonging to the government authorities. so the finger points there.
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>> reporter: video posted on social media purports to several of those alleged chlorine attacks. while cnn can't independently confirmed video, it shows an um in of syrian civilians fleeing the smoky aftermath of an explosion with their faces covered. more video shows wounded civilians, including children in a field hospital, some having difficulty breathing. several are receipted with oxygen masks. investigators admit their report will mott stop what they say are the hundreds of civilians being killed each day in syria. but they hope to use their evidence to build a case for future prosecution at the international criminal court. cnn. well, the u.s. says, the u.s. military, rather, says it is considering its options to deal with isis both in iraq and in syria. in the meantime, another
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humanitarian crisis developing in northern iraq. barbara starr has the details. >> reporter: desperate iraqis again, on the run from isis. this time, minority turkmen in iraq, people desperate for food, water and above all, safety. the u.s. military is prepared to potentially expand operations to airdrop humanitarian supplies and bomb isis positions to help break its grip here, if president obama orders it. across the board in syria no decision yet by the white house on whether to begin air strikes against isis strong holds inside syria. >> i would not at this point set up a time frame for a presidential decision. >> reporter: president obama critics, as expected, impatient. >> can i just say the secretary of defense and the chairman of
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the joint chiefs talk about what a huge threat this is, biggest we've ever seen, et cetera, and there's nothing to follow that up, because there's no strategy. >> reporter: for now, pentagon drones continue flying into iraq, looking for future targets, including convoys, weapons, personnel, anything that can be hit. its critical military intelligence needed first before the president is expected to make a decision about ordering air strikes. >> and if we could locate insurgent trucks, humvees. armored vehiclevehicles, artillr strikes would be most effective in eliminating those pieces of the isis arsenal. >> reporter: but the remainder of the air strikes settling in. >> it's not a panacea into
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getting rid of the group because it will settle into areas it already controls. then comes the much more difficult problem, how to root them out. >> reporter: they are making the case that air strikes alone can only do so much. generally, they can break the momentum of an enemy force, but they do not stop it. barbara starr, cnn, the pentagon. and now to a mother's desperate plea to militants in syria for the release of her son. steven sotloff has been missing since last august. he's the american journalist shown in this video in which james foley was beheaded. they said it depends on an end to air strikes in iraq. in her video, she used her newfound understanding of the teachings of islam. >> i ask you to please release my child. as a mother, i ask your justice
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to be merciful and not punish my son formatters he has no control over, i ask you to use your authority to spare his life and to follow the example set by the prophet mohammed who protected people of the book. i want what every mother wants -- to live to see her children's children. i plead with you to grant me this. >> now the kidnapping of sotloff and execution of james foley are raising new questions about ransoms. >> yeah, ransom demands are often outrageous, but they can set the state for negotiations. we talked to one man involved in the tricky business of setting hostages pre. >> this depends on your next decision. >> reporter: it's a brutal threat to kill steven sotloff. a moment of terror. but for kidnap specialist, it's
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a moment of hope, what he views is an opening bid in a possible negotiation. in more than a decade, he's helped cut deals with drug dealers as well as radicals in africa and iraq. >> actually it can be difficult to negotiate with. you may find you're dealing with a group who are totally inexperienced, out of their depth and are playing a game which they think they're meant to be playing. and then you get the har professionals. >> reporter: isis say he killed another american reporter, james foley, in retaliation for u.s. bombing raids. but a month after he was snatched, his boss at the global post says isis demanded a ransom for more than $130 million, a startling number to foley's employer. >> we thought that something in the range of $5 million was
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probably the right amount to pay for the ransom. >> reporter: while officially denied by the french and spanish governments, it is widely reported that both countries have paid ransoms in exchange to free their citizens. but in the case of foley, negotiations quickly collapsed, and the expert doubted whether the isis negotiation was serious. kidnapping for ransom has become a global business. >> i don't want to diminish the shocking impact this has on -- devastating impact it has on families -- but it's a bit like buying a house. if somebody wants to sell a house and you're interested in buying it but there are ten times the going rate on that particular street, you're locked into a negotiation. >> reporter: sotloff's mother made an appeal. >> as a mother, i ask your justice to be merciful and not pun earn my son formatters he
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has no control over. >> reporter: such an appeal, the expert says, is an excellent strategy. >> it's about talking, coping those leans of communication open at all costs. it's about being calm. it's about really, time and time again, reminding people we're dealing with humans. >> reporter: a reminder that not only a ransom but also human lives are at stake. cnn, london. now the sotloff decision to publicly appeal for their son's release is a risky one. coming up at the half hour i'll be talking to a hostage negotiator about the difficult questions families have to case. >> that's the goal to try to raise the value emotionally of who they are as a human being, which is what the mother of journalist sotloff was doing with that video plea to the leader of isis, is trying to raise his value as a human being, but ultimately at the
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same time, you raise the stakes whenever there's media exposure on these cases. >> in these cases sometimes the hostages do get set free. the american journalist released by militants in syria over the weekend for example, he's now safe at his mother's home near boston. peter thr peter theo curtis was held for nearly two years, his mother nancy says she's overwhelmed with relief and on wednesday, curtis thanked all those who worked so hard to bring him home. ? in the days following my release on sunday i have learned bit by bit that there have been literally hundreds of people, brave, determined and big-hearted people all over the world working for my release. i had no idea, when i was ilprisoned, i had no idea that so much effort was being expended on my behalf. and now having found out, i am just overwhelmed with emotion.
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>> the government of cqatar say it helped win his release and did not pay a ransom. a resolutions was approved calling for a cease-fire between libyaen militias. all right. still to come for you here on cnn's special coverage. we've got new information out of ukraine. new hotspots emerging, and accusations from kiev and washington of new russian incursions. and then later, the death of a gun range instructor killed while teaching a 9-year-old how to shut an oot an uzi. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit.
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a ukrainian commander tells cnn russian troops and separatists in eastern ukraine are staging what it calls, quote, a full-scale invasion. it's happening in two cities. you're looking at the map there where he says separatists are backed by large number of russian forces. this follows reports of new
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russian incursions that got the attention of the u.s. state department. >> these incursions indicate a russian directed counter offensive is likely under way in donetsk and luhansk. clearly, that is of deep concern to us. also note that we are, i'm not sure many of you have seep this. but we're also concerned by the russian government's unwillingness to tell the truth, even as us soldiers are found 30 miles inside of ukraine. >> let's take a closer look at the fighting in eastern ukraine. this map that we want to show you highlights the pro-russian controlled area. according to the ukrainian officials it includes the city of donetsk as well as the site of the malaysian airlines crash. they have captured the city of luhansk. and pro-russan forces have
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completely opened a new front. ten were captured on monday. diana magnay has more on the fighting and reported incursions. >> reporter: we're hearing disturbing reports of very heavy fighting in two areas to the south of the main conflict zone in eastern ukraine. one area, just between the rebel stronghold of donetsk and the russian border. there seems to be very heavy fighting there. reports that local separatists are being backed by fighters who have crossed the border from russia and are lending their support with heavy weaponry and artillery. now we're also hearing, according to ukraine's national security council it that dozens of civilians have been killed when the terrorists, as ukraine calls them, opened fire in various villages close to donetsk.
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now it is very difficult for us to verify this information first and foremost russia denies that it is sending weaponry across the border. and it has denied this ever since the conflekt began. and we are not in those regions and cannot tell what is going on. but further south, very close to the sea, there seems to be another offensive going on where according to a local commander, russian tanks have pushed in from across the border there and engaged ukrainian forces in very heavy fighting. so there is a sense that there seems to be a new counter offensive by the rebels, backed by russian support of some kind that is putting very, very heavy pressure on ukrainian forces as they attempt to win back control of the rebel-held parts of eastern ukraine. diana magnay, ukraine.
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meanwhile, canada's delegation has a not so subtle message for moscow about what's happening in ukraine. it created a map on twitter with notations "russia", and "not russia." here's a guide for soldiers who keep getting lost and accidentally keep entering ukraine. how long is too young? we have a story involving a 9-year-old girl and an accident involving a sub machine gun. that's just ahead.
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exists 150 years of swedish coffee experience. that's 150 years of experience in perfecting the rich, never bitter taste of gevalia. and we do it for this very experience. this very second. this exact moment. that's good. i know right? cheers to that. gevalia. 150 years of rich, never bitter coffee.
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welcome back. now serious questions are being raised after a child, just 9 years of age, accidently shot and killed her instructor at a gun range. the accident took place in the u.s. state of arizona. now no charges have been filed in the shooting, but many people are asking why on earth would someone put an uzi in the hands of a young girl. david mattingly has the story. >> reporter: bullets and burgers, the gun range where the young girl accidentally killed her instruction is part of a tourism niche that's growing almost as fast as the bullets are flying. and critics say there are no laws keeping children from firing away. >> this tragedy illustrates how you never know what could happen. and we really do need to use common sense when thinking about when a child can have access to
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a weapon like that. >> reporter: authorities say the girl seen in this video is just 9 years old, firing a mini uzi sub machine gun. the only restrictions at the range, you have to be at least 8 years old and accompanied by an adull if you're under 18. >> how does a 9-year-old get an uzi in her hands. >> well, a 9-year-old gets an uzi in her hand when -- the criteria's 8 years old. we instruct kids as young as 5 in .22 rifles. >> reporter: they list weddings and bachelorette parties. bullets and burgers is one of a dozen ranges catering to tourists from around the world. authorities say she was with her parents visiting from new
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jersey. >> this is an aberration. i have never seen anything like this in all my years. >> reporter: bob irwin of the gun store takes credit for getting gun tourism started in the '80s. you see how his customers pay to fire off heavy weapon. but that's only if they're physically able to handle them. >> it appears that the girl just had too much gun for her. the gun was too small and too fast. >> reporter: irwin says the uzi she was using is capable of firing off five rounds in a third of a send. she was gripping it with both hands when she pulled the trigger and lost control. cnn, atlanta. and now to some other stories we're following for you. analysis of an unsuccessful phone call from ground crews to the missing malaysian airliner now suggests flight 370 may have
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turned south earlier than thought. but they say that won't change the priority search area in the indian ocean. the search zone will resume next month and include strailen, and chinese vessels. they've discovered a number of trechgss and volcanos in the area. >> in some places, in one in particular, the sea level rises, the sea depth is as little as 600 meters and falls away to 6,600 meters. so there's very, very deep water in the area. >> searchers have been looking for any sign of malaysian air flight 370 since it disappeared in march with 239 people on board. that search continues.
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now from the indian ocean to the pacific ocean where some of the largest swells in years are drawing people to the beaches of southern california that are world famous. we have more on this story. we saw last hour, pedram, the famous surfing champ telling people to respect the ocean. when a surfer says respect the ocean, you want to listen. because there are some huge waves out there. >> there are. and it's hard to believe that we've had 100 water rescues just over this region. some of them occurred over the wedge, which is in newport beach. but look at some of the images coming out of this area of southern california where we know sand berms have been put in place to protect property. we've had reports of flooding, you can see the pier packed with people looking out on the coast. and this is the view would you have in some of those expensive
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properties. the next couple days, high surf advisories are in effect. this is similar to what we saw in 1997. that was hurricane linda. we had 30-foot waves in southern california. this storm at one point was category 5 marie. you take a look at the perspective as far as what this storm system is doing right now, this is the image that came out about three days ago. nasa sharing this one from the iss. and you see how massive of a storm it was. wave heights were 33 feet at the peak of the storm system. here's what's left of it, really fizzling out, but the winds, the rain, none of that a concern for anybody in that region. but the water's been in motion. and the concern through thursday before conditions improve come
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friday afternoon. so any of those peninsula city, from santa barbara to ventura, to long beach. 10 to 15 feet or 3 to 4.5 meters. marie is moving away from the coast. on the other side of the ocean we have cristobal. this is also moving away from the coast. this one from los angeles, that one new york city. all of them causing coastal issues with rip currents and waves. it's something worth noting as we head into a holiday weekend here in the united states. >> in los angeles, i remember swimming there in that beach and getting caught in one of the riptides. the waves will seem calm and all of a sudden you feel yourself getting pulled out. >> if you're going to the beach, speak to life guards and ask them where is the safest place to be. still to come on cnn, how to win the release of hostages kidnapped by terrorists.
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an expert tells us if a televised appeal by a mother will help his cause. plus a technician fatally caught in the line of fire while taping a reality tv show. you've seen the show "cops" before, right? plus, it was once a cool guy's hot car. wait until you hear how much somebody paid for this vintage ferrari. how much is too much? straight ahead. when i had my first migraine, i was lucky. that sounds crazy, i know.
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xfinity continues to innovate, bringing you the fastest, most reliable internet...period. xfinity internet from comcast, now double the speed. welcome back to our special coverage. i'm isa suarez. >> and i'm errol barnett. a new report says war crimes and crimes against humanity are becoming common place in parts of syria. a report blames militants. >> a ukrainian commander says russian troops in eastern ukraine are staging a full-scale
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invasion. he says it's happening in two cities southeast of donetsk and along the southern coast. this followed by reports that more russian troops crossed into ukraine. the mother of steven sotloff has sent a video message to militants pleading for his release. isis days sotloff's life depends on the u.s. ending their air strikes on isis fighters in iraq. >> there's been no let up in air strikes. and in her plea to isis, sotloff's mother says her son should not be punished for that. >> since steven's capture, i've learned a lot about islam. i've learned that islam teaches that no individual should be held responsible for the sins of others. steven has no control over the actions of the u.s. government.
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he's an innocent journalist. >> an emotional plea there and very brave one from the mother. as the sotloff family's forced to wait and hope pour the best, i spoke to someone a short while ago familiar with hostage negotiations. he's coordinated hostage negotiations for the u.s. embassy in baghdad. we saw the televised appeal from steven sotloff's mother. do you think this is a good strategy? in other words, does it help? >> well, generally, you want to not do interviews like that because it really just raises the profile, raises the stakes in a whose and case. but at this point, the family had no choice. their son's life is literally on the line. so for the mother to make that audio plea, it was probably the
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right course of action for her to do at this point. >> how different do you think it is to negotiate with isis comparing to let's say, negotiating with al qaeda? >> well, really, they're one of the same, they're two of the same groups. they share the same ideology. and obviously, isis has taken it to the next level. isis is taking back the beheading campaign that al qaeda used in early 2004, in the beheadings, when the hostage crisis first started. but it was not effective. and now isis has brought it back. >> we have seen, and we have heard reports that the europeans, european governments, the spanish and the french are paying for the release of their hostages. do you think the u.s. should re-think its policy on hostage negotiations? >> absolutely not. i was there when the germans,
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the italians, the french were paying these ransoms. usually $1 million or $2 million. now they're upwards of $10 million to $20 million. so when you pay these ransoms, all you do is put a price tag on every italian, german, french national traveling overseas with that country's passport. and it makes the problem worse and puts them more at risk by paying these ransoms. >> can you explain what you mean by decreasing the value of the hostage? >> yes, the issues arise whenever you have media exposure, certainly a national leader, say president obama or prime minister from the u.k. or elsewhere, if they make a public statement about the hostage, it raises the value, strategically in the eyes of the kidnappers. that means an asking price of $1 million may now go up to $20 million.
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that's why it they, a lot of times you have a blackout on media exposure on these kidnappings, because you want to mitigate the cost being too high to get your son or daughter back. and that's the goal is to try and raise the value emotionally, who they are as a human being, which is what the mother of journalist sotloff was doing with that video plea to the leader of isis. is trying to raise his value as a human being, but ultimately at the same time you raise the stakes whenever there's media exposure on these cases. >> and that's highly risky, i'm guessing. >> it is risky. there is no uniform strategy. every case is different, and not all kidnapping groups, even within isis or al qaeda are going to all play by the same rule. >> very interesting discussion there. the vice president of a group that works in hostage negotiations. all right, well, the u.s.
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military is weighing its options as another humanitarian crisis looks to be developing in northern iraq. ethnic shiite turkmen are fleeing this homes to escape isis fighters, like so many have previously. we're joined live from baghdad with developments on this. the u.s. is staying a possible slaughter is feared in a town between baghdad and kirkuk. all of these further south th ththa than erbil. >> reporter: it's a very difficult one for the u.s. to intervene in and so far the u.s. has not gotten involved in u.n. security battles, these
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predominantly sunni areas where it does not want to be seen as taking sides. now we're hearing from the iraqi minister of defense after a week of hearing calls from the shia leadership, political and religious leadership, calling for the break of the siege that has been going on for nearly 80 days and dire humanitarian conditions and a possible massacre if isis manages to get in. they say they have managed to carry out some airlifts and evacuated a big number of women and children from the 17 or thousand population. they have also made humanitarian food and aid drops into the town but also massive mobilization we are hearing, from top shia militias in this country.
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these are the militias that had mobilized to fight. and there is talk on state television of an imminent operation to break the siege. >> we're standing by to see what does develop today. but meantime, the iraqi forces are taking part in many of these fights. there's the peshmerga being aided by the targeted strikes to push isis back. and we're still waiting for the new government to be formed there in baghdad. i'm wondering as we countdown the weeks of that happening, how much of a change a new government in baghdad would translate to on the ground as far as the fight and the behavior of the iraqi security forces. would a new government really change anything? >> reporter: and that exactly is what is going on right now behind closed doors, errol. this is what sunni politicians
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are pushing for. they want to make sure that this government is not just about change of face as you mentioned, that it is a change of policy, the way sunnis have been treated. they have felt marginalized, persecuted, and this is going to have to change. they have gone into these negotiations with demands amongst them. they want the release of many of the sunni prisoners they say that have been rounded up in sort of random arrests that have been taking place. they accuse the security forces of targeting sunni areas, following attacks and just rounding up sunnis. that sort of thing. they want to see that changed. and that sh going to be the big test for the next prime minister, he needs to try and win the trust of the sunnis and undo what pretty much the previous government has done over the past pew years. >> and that circles back to what you said at the beginning. the u.s. trying to be careful
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not to appear as if they are taking sides. the government dealing with that and trying to be more representative of the entire population. thank you for that, live from baghdad where it's about 9:30 in the morning. still to come, a television member shot and killed during the shooting of a show. we'we're trying ourls. best to be role models. we don't jump at the sound of the opening bell, because we're trying to make the school bell. corner booth beats corner office any day. we make the most out of our time... and our money. the chevrolet malibu. j.d. power's highest ranked midsize car in initial quality.
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men into ukraine but are not telling them where they're going or telling their parents what they're doing. we also note reports of wounded russian soldiers in a st. petersburg hospital and that others are returning home to russia for burial. >> listening there to jen p sake. she's always resevered and measured with that she says. a ukrainian commander telling cnn a full-scale russian-backed invasion is under way. we're joined live from moscow to talk about this. phil, what is, if we've seen any reaction from the kremlin from this development, so far, if you listen to the state department spokes woman, the united states becoming irritated by the difference that russia's behind
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this and the russian lie that they have nothing to do with it. >> they haven't been giving a running commentary if you like and all the allegations coming out of kiev or washington necessarily. they have maintained a consistent position that they're not involved. they're just bystanders. the russian president said that when he met with petro poroshenko, but the allegations coming out of kiev and the ukraine is that while that meeting was taking place, while those two men were talking about their desire for peace that russian forces were crossing the border and are now directly involved in fighting on two specific fronts in two areas of the country, south of donetsk and much further south from there, near the sea. the ukrainians say there is a big russian military sfors force there as well. how this differs from other allegation that have come out of kiev, they're not just talking
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about an incursion or a russian military presence. they're talking about columns of russian military directly involved in the fighting, directly intervening, directly assisting. the pro-russian separatists that have been performing so poorly against the ukrainian military. if this is true, it would support what many analysts have feared and that is given the military losses that the pro-russian militants have suffered, the gains that the ukrainian military has made, the possibility that the ukrainian military is poised for an outright win. there was this theory, the belief it that the closer that event came, the greater the chance that russia could intervene more directly to tip the scales back in favor of the pro-russian separatists, that the russian government was not prepared to give up on its proxi proxies. that's the theories of those people who think that way. we can't be sure precisely
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what's going on, on the ground there. the russian government continues to say they are not involved directly. but now these very concerning allegation from the ukrainian government that there are large numbers of russian soldiers on the ground fighting directly. >> so there you have. russia not changing its story, this full-scale invasion that the ukrainians say is happening follows this humanitarian convey which was held up for a while because of these fears that a more substantial military push was really planned. so we're seeing this unfold as we speak. thanks. a crew member on the u.s. reality tv show "cops" was inadd ver tently shot and killed while taping the series. he is believed to be the first member of the production staff killed in the show's 25-year history. omaha's police chief confirmed that a bullet fired by a police officer struck the 38 year old
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during a shoot out with a robbery suspect. >> this was a friendly-fire situation. it was an officer's round that struck mr. dion. okay. like i said earlier, mr. washington's gun was an air pellet gun. while it looked, sounded and slid like it was real, it was a pellet gun. >> now after what happened in omaha, police in springfield, missouri now say tv crews for the series "cops" will no longer be allowed to ride along with their officers. a special laboratory is being used to discover how to better handle the public. >> reporter: this officer is getting wired so his brain and body functions can be monitored as he gets ready to make life or death decisions. >> police [ bleep ] police
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department [ bleep ] hey, talk to me. >> reporter: decisions in a most unique laboratory. >> [ bleep ]. >> reporter: corporal jordan ferguson is one of many officers who have volunteered time in this lab, complete with frightening, realistic actors on a huge reality screen. >> we have received a call from a person who says that a convenience store is being robbed. do you understand? >> yes. >> stand by. >> hey, hey, back up! back up! back up! put your hands up! put your hands up! drop the knife! drop it, right now. >> reporter: while the volunteers make split second decisions, brain waves and heart rates are checked. it's partly funded by the defense department with the goal of improving justice in america. >> we don't know yet, still, 100
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some years since teddy roosevelt had the first firearms training in new york, we still don't know whether there's a connection between the training we give police officers and their performance in a combat situation. >> reporter: the sergeant is told he has pulled over a stolen car. >> vehicle registration and proof of insurance, please. >> you want my driver's license? >> i do. >> hey, hey, dude. [ gunshots ] >> oh, my god! >> reporter: they say their hearts are generally racing because it's realistic. many findings from the study will be released by the end of the year, but some have been published. all races often view african-american suspects as more threatening than white suspects, but that they may have overcompensated because of the bias. >> the surprise was that they were more restrained in shooting
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african-americans than they were whites. >> police officer! let me see your hands! let me see your hands! don't move! stop, stop! >> reporter: the officer never knew if the man had a gun, but did not shoot. >> sometimes we don't know if we made the right decision or the wrong decision. we make a decision and live with it the rest of our lives. >> reporter: they are also used as volunteers, so with the cops guiding me, i pull over a car with a broken taillight. >> sir, take your hands, sir, sir, take your hands out of your pockets. sir! sir! put your hands on the steering wheel! sir, sir! you got to listen. okay. thank you. that guy looked like he was getting a gun out. so i took the gun out, proper way to deal with it. >> exactly. >> hey, stop! >> reporter: there is a lot more to learn as these researchers try to make life safer for citizens and for the cops who serve them.
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gary tuckman, cnn, spokane, washington. a card that gave you that "i'm 16 and just got my first car" feeling. presenting the buypower card from capital one. redeem earnings toward part or even all of a new chevrolet, buick, gmc or cadillac - with no limits. so every time you use it, you're not just shopping for goods. you're shopping for something great. learn more at
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when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this parade honoring america's troops. which is actually quite fitting because geico has been serving the military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you
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man who sat behind the wheel. >> it's one example of hollywood's love of automobiles. >> this beautiful 1967 ferrari is worth a lot of money. not shocking, but here's what is. this one is worth roughly triple what it ordinarily would be because of its first owner, the king of cool, steve mcqueen. mcqueen is one of the only celebrities that can multiply the value of a car because he owned it. in case you didn't know, steve mcqueen really loved automobiles, and he was exceptionally good at driving. you remember that famous chase scene in the movie "bullet." mcqueen pulled off a lot of those moves himself.
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he also loved racing, passion that showed in the movie "la manse." >> it's life, anything that happens before or after, it's just waiting. >> reporter: as films go, kind of boring, but the cars looked fantastic, but he was hardly the only movie star to have a thing for speed. there was paul newman who raced two and played a car. james dean was known for his love of fast driving and died tragically in a porsche spider. in terms of adding value to a car, elvis
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pay. >> very close to the surface, it leads to several scenarios, and at this point because of the increased activity, the main scenarios become something like this. if the formation of the magma stops, a reduction of earthquakes also play a role, then we could be looking at this event coming to an end potentially in the coming days. unfortunately a top scenario not playing out. the dike could reach the surface of the crust and a large portion or a fishure could erupt, and we talked about 50-foot openings atop the glacier. so all of this indicating the activity, certainly not quieting down. isa, i know your travel plans are taking you back to england in a couple days, so you don't want to be hearing this. >> no, i don't.
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12:00 am
pedram javahe the mother of an american journalist, steven sotloff has a message for the leader of the isis militants, please release my child. the appeal comes as the u.s. president mulls over options to go over into syria. plus, battling separatists, they are calling it a full-scale invasion. and a controversial gun-range death in the u.s. after a 9-year-old accidentally killed her teacher while learning tose
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