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tv   New Day Saturday  CNN  August 30, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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we're glad that you're with us. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. it's "new day saturday." it's a long weekend for a lot of people. labor day weekend and security is being increased across the u.s. now, u.s. officials say this is not because of the growing terror threat posed by isis. >> we're actually going to the white house in a few minutes. the militants have stormed huge swangs of territory in iraq and syria, they brutally beheaded an american journalist.
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uk isn't taking any chances. they've raised their terror level to the second highest which means an attack is highly likely. >> cnn's karl penhaul joins us. there is a specific threat against the uk? >> reporter: good morning, victor and christi, no, that's the amazing thing. there is significant threat of attack. that's according to prime minister cameron. there are 500 plus britons suspected of fighting syria and iraq alongside isis. for years since afghanistan, britons have been heading off to conflict zones of the world to fight along jihadi groups. some people are saying why now precisely. and there is an idea that maybe
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british prime minister cammer rop has to be seen in light of the brutal execution video of american journalist james foley. >> all right. karl, we know how concerned the u.s. is about jihadists coming back to the u.s. >> reporter: you know, i think britain and the u.s., do, of course, share intelligence, they are aware and they are worried about the prospect that any britons or u.s. muslims or muse lips converts that head off two combat zones coming back potentially will have learned the skills to fight on home turf, laying bombs and that kind of terrorist attack. although there aren't huge numbers either britons or americans believed to be fighting alongside isis, nevertheless, it's only going to take a few of those launch devastating attacks. that's why british services have got to keep an eye on this, although some british lawmakers say neither has any idea how
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many are actually fighting and it's very difficult to keep track on them. >> karl, what's the mood there, over the use of the word "severe" creates a certain atmosphere. how are the people will there accepting this elevation? >> reporter: well, absolutely, you look at some of britain's daily newspapers screaming headlines, britain under the threat of jihadi attack. i can tell you on the streets there doesn't seem to be any panic. a lot of people shrugging their shoulders saying it looks natural to us. we have seen heightened appearances at the airports and police stations, and police say they may be doing armed patrols on the british streets. that is an unusual sight. we're not used to having a bomb with them. but a lot of people saying this is business as normal. >> raised to the second highest level there.
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karl penhaul reporting for us. president obama expected to spend a good chunk of the weekend focusing on the isis threat. >> now he has taken heat for saying he does not have that. and sending john kerry to syria. >> let's go to jim acosta at the white house, good morning, jim. >> christi and victor, right now, the obama add zrags hasn't not followed the lead in guarding against a terror attack saying there's no imminent threat against the u.s. >> reporter: bun day after president obama admit head doesn't have a strategy for fighting isis in syria, there's a new sense of urgency in britain. >> we will take whatever steps are necessary to keep the british people safe at home. before british prime minister cited his expectations to raise
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that threat. he said it may just be the beginning. >> it was clear evidence not that any more was needed that this is not some foreign conflict thousands of miles away from home that we can hope to ignore. >> reporter: they're down playing is in the u.s. >> the most detailed explanation i can offer here is there is no explanation right now that isil is plotting to attack u.s. homeland. >> reporter: but both governments share the concern that jihadis can travel back and forth with ease. britain believes 500 of its citizens are fighting with isis, while the u.s. has identified roughly a dozen. both countries are stepping up airport security and taking a hard look at isis radicals. as for striking isis on its own turf in syria, the white house is still trying to explain the president's candid rationale for why he isn't ready for such a mission.
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>> we don't have his strategy yet. >> reporter: the president's aides say because the military is still developing options but the pentagon says its prepared. >> i think anybody who has any knowledge of the u.s. military knows we're ready. >> is the president on the same page as his cabinet when it comes to dealing with this? >> i think the more important explanation, jim, the cabinet is on the same page as the commander in chief. >> he's on the same page, opposed to the threat by isis? >> yes, next question. >> reporter: the president is doing fund-raising and attending a wedding in new york. now, he plans to come back to the white house to get some work done. don't be surprised if some of that work is on isis. victor and christi. >> jim acosta, thank you so much. jim, we appreciate it.
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vladimir putin has a message for the u.s. and west, don't mess with russia. >> the russian president says he's ready to repel any aggression against his nuclear arms country. they've fired military ukrainian positions. >> matthew chance joins us from moscow. matthew, russia is denying its troops are inside ukraine, but the white house says those denials are completely without credibility. explain for us. >> well, that's right, we've seen this all along, since the onset of the ukrainian crisis, accusation are being racheted up now by president obama by the nato military lines and military leaders as well. that russia is increasingly engaged, not just in morally supportinging the rebels in eastern ukraine, but actually giving them material, giving
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them weapons and actually moving rebel forces into ukraine and fighting alongside rebels against the ukrainian government. there have been satellite images released by nato. even last week, you may remember that the ukrainian government detained ten russian paratroopers in full uniform inside ukraine. the explanation from that from the kremlin was that they accidentally ventured across the border in a border patrol. the line is still the same. vladimir putin, the russian foreign minister, every kremlin official that talks about this essentially says the same thing, categorically denying there are russian troops engaged in combat on the ground in ukraine. again, you know, the believability of that, if it exists at all, has become increasingly stretched. >> you know, matthew, putin smoke to a youth forum yesterday, and he said i want to remind you that russia's one of the most powerful nuclear
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nations. this is a reality, not just words. i think a lot of people read that and they thought, is he goading the world? i mean, what is his end game here? >> yes. it's a nuclear superpower. i mean, it's still got thousands of nuclear warheads, and vladimir putin very much likes to remind the world of that. he was speaking to a youth forum outside of moscow, pro-kremlin youth groups. he said, i hope everyone understands it's better not to mess with russia. it's a classic putin line. i'd like to remind you that russia is a superpower. he's not directly threatening us use of nuclear weapons against the west but as nato gathers, in wales, to discuss what response they should have against this alleged admittance.
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saying there's this unspoken knowledge between the two various parties standing off over this. there's not going to be a conflict between nato and russia. the stakes are far, far too high. >> matthew chance there in moscow. matthew, so much. joan rivers, this was surprising news this week. her daughter says that her mom is still in serious condition, and she's asking for your prayers. we're going to take you mt. sinai hospital where family is surrounding the comic legend this morning. and the family of this gun instructor. yeah, here he is with this 9-year-old girl. she accidentally killed that man. well, this morning, you're going to hear his family's message to that 9-year-old. killed their loved one with an uzi. you're watching cnn and "new day." ♪
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what we're facing in iraq now with isis is a greater and deeper threat to our security than we have known before. >> president reported the terror level in britain has been raised from substantial to severe. that's the second highest level. you see the chart on your screen. that means a terrorist attack by islamic extremists in this case is considered highly likely because of isis, essentially. >> yeah, at the end of the day. and listen to this "foreign policy" magazine reports, quote, laptop of doom as it's been dubbed has been found aban
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demand syria that reportedly belonged to isis and contains files of biological attacks. peter neumann, we appreciate you being here. have you seen being in london any signs of stepped-up security there and now people might be reacting to it? >> no, and this particular threat level, the additional measures are usually behind the scenes so you would not be able to walk around london and, for example, detect increased numbers of police officers or see additional surveillance. it is behind the scenes because it is not the highest threat level. the highest threat level would mean there is an imminent attack. they know about a particular plot that is being planned. that is not the case right now. it is a general impression, because of the situation in syria and iraq and because of
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the threat, generally speaking, the threat is increased. >> professor, in this laptop of doom, it sounds like a cartoon phrase, but from foreign policy magazine. but it is quite serious. and it tox about, at least the files suggest the plan of weaponizing the bubonic plague and using chemical weapons. how likely is it that isis could get their hands on those types of chemical weapons and then bring those claims to fruition? >> usually, the response by experts is that it is not very likely. however, what you have to consider, isis is now holding territory, it is holding territory in syria and iraq. these are places where we know chemical weapons have been present, and even though they have been removed to some extent, it may well be that there are in leftovers. and there are some materials that allow an organization like
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isis which does have qualified engineers and people inside its ranks able to handle these things and to be able to develop this. so it is not completely unlikely, even though i would consider the risks to be very low. >> u.s. and uk work very closely together. and i think a lot of people wondering if we're going to see the u.s. up its terror threat level here as well. i'm wondering if the uk and u.s. really do merge forces in some way to fight isis, would that encourage other countries to get mobilized as well? >> i think absolutely, it will. and i think america's looking for partners. america clearly looks for ways in which to increase its activity in the region without necessarily having a visible presence in the region. having boots on the ground, as president obama says, would probably be kind of counterproductive in the sense that people would say, oh, this is america against any muslim
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lands fighting against muslims. and that would not be -- that would not be productive. what they are seeking to do is to increase the capacity, especially of arab countries of arab countries, to do this fight on their own. that is the priority. and if european countries come in and support that message, that would definitely be helpful. >> yeah, we're going to talk a little later on the show and ask the question, where's jordan? where's turkey? when are the countries that are directly enabling syria. this has so far stretched east but could easily go north and south. professor neumann, in london there, thank you so much. nervous fans are awaiting any word at all on comedian joan rivers. her daughter says she's receiving prayers from all over the world. we're going to tell you about what she's saying about her mom's condition. [ man ] cortana, when my wife calls
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remind me to tell her happy anniversary. [ cortana ] next time you talk to caroline, i'll remind you. [ siri ] oh no, i cannot do that. oh, and remind me to get roses when i'm near any flower shop. sure thing. remind you when you get to flower shop. i can't do that either. cortana, it's gonna be a great night. [ beep ] oh wow! thanks for the traffic alert. i better get going. now that is a smart phone. ♪ oh, wait ♪ it's 'cause you make me smile ♪ ♪ so nice, so ni-i-i-ce ♪ sweet, sweet st. thomas nice
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we say good morning to new york city this morning. mostly sunny today. look across manhattan there. high of 78 degrees. and let's stay in new york, because legendary comedian joan rivers, she's in a hospital there. she stopped breathing during throat surgery, that was on thursday. >> yeah, her daughter melissa says, i want to quote this and get it right for you. she says, my mother would be so touched by the tributes and prayers that we've received from arnold the world. her condition remains serious but she's receiving the best treatment and care possible. she goes 0 to say, we ask you that continue to keep her in
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your thoughts as we pray for her recovery. as cnn's alexandra field has more for us. >> reporter: joan rivers' daughter and granddaughter flew from across to be with her. thoughts and prayers for legendary comedian joan rivers. the 81-year-old still hospitalized two days after she stopped breathing, going into cardiac arrest during a throat procedure in an outpatient clinic. rivers was then rushed to mt. sinai hospital where according to the e-network she's in substantial condition. her daughter says she's resting comfortably. rivers in a fine feisty form the night before during an hour-long stand-up in new york. the comedian showing no signs of slowing down. >> oh, grow up.
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>> reporter: according to her website, rivers had 27 interv w interviews along. >> her legs go on and on. >> reporter: promoting her own jewelry line on qvc. >> talk on the phone, phenomenal. >> and everyone talks on the phone. you know, in the old days, i was walking down the street, talking on the cell, you crossed over. >> reporter: and a weekly talk show on youtube called "in bed with joan." >> what would you do if you had a really hideous child? >> reporter: rivers never wanted to mince words since her debut on the johnny carson show in 1965. >> i figure ftd lord wanted a woman to cook he'd give her aluminum hands. >> reporter: red carpet roar has been in the spotlight for her controversial jokes ever since. >> i look at this. look how nice -- i mean, my legs look good. the breasts are in the right
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place. >> reporter: now, a serious turn for a woman who says she never wants to stop making people laugh. >> only time i'm truly, truly happy is when i am on a stage. >> there's been a tremendous amount of support for joan rivers. a lot of it being shown on twitter. everyone from larry king to bravo's andy cohen, to ellen degeneres. all wishing her well, recognizing what a trail blazer rivers has been in comedy, particularly for women. alexandra field, new york. >> so many prayers and thoughts go to her and her daughter. thank you. two volcanos erupting thousands of miles apart. we talked about this one in iceland. we're going to talk more about this, what it's doing to air travel. that's a major concern. speaking of concern, do you ever wonder what it feels like driving 145 miles per hour? on a controlled track, mind you. it was not like i was out
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running around on the highway. >> i have not seen this. >> i haven't either. i was just there -- oh, my god! >> sorry. >> no, you're good. >> i love it. i love it. >> ride along with auto racer danica patrick who is just so gracious. a little later now, we're going to tell you why she's in atlanta. and, you know, how it was to be in there with her. she is one strong lady. ♪ deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. lactaid® is 100% real milk? right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100% real milk. no discomfort.
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there's some new questions this morning that is surfacing about the shocking beheading video of american james foley. investigators say they're closing in on identifying his killer. but there are some new clues that have complicated matters. >> more forensic experts say there appear to be two isis militants in that video. ross patel joins us. walks through the video. the two voices in this video we know that they sound different. the figures, though, as i understand it look aesthetically -- they're very different as well. what do you notice? >> that's correct, one of the first things we did when studying the footage, just looking at forensics, set ago
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side the gruesomeness. you look at the physical build -- >> ross, we're having some audio problems. i think we're going to probably try to fix that, because you're on skype. and sometime, these things happen. >> skype is not always our friend. >> it is not always our friend. it is economic, but it does not always do the job in the studio. >> right. do you guys want to take a break and come back to ross. >> or to top five? >> let's take top five. all right. number one, a key part of an anti-abortion law in texas, that has been struck down. a federal judge ruled that it is unconstitutional to close a number of abortion clinics in the state. the law required clinics to operate at hospital level standards or shut down completely. so this was considered one of the strictest in the country. texas officials have vowed to appeal, by the way. number two, a missouri police officer has been fired over comments he purchase reportedly made on facebook
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about protesters in ferguson. officer matthew patford made comments that his chief called very concerning and inappropriate about the demonstrations that sparked by the killing of a black teenager by the white officer. pappert's attorney said his client is, quote, deeply remorse full. number three, 20 miner have been rescued from a mine in nicaragua. there are still five more trapped underground. that was on thursday. the silver and gold mine is located in the country's northern mountains. number four, ebola has now spread to a fifth african nation and a fifth african university student is in quarantine in senegal after crossing the border from guinea. senegal closed its borders to guinea last week. but officials lost track of the young man and he somehow got to
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senegal. 500 people have died there from ebola. two volcanos have erupted 8,000 miles apart. in papua, new guinea, it's throwing ashes as high as 65,000 feet above sea level. and in iceland, an aviation warning has been downgraded after a volcano there rumbled back to life. >> and our thanks for ross patel for being willing to join us this morning. hopefully, we'll get that back in the show. let's talk about closer to home here. labor day weekend, a lot of people are just exhaling, kicking shoes off and enjoying a three-day weekend. but when you kick your shoes off, put your galoshes on. do people still wear galoshes? >> yeah, and we wear them quite stylishly. but the energy bp produces up here
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that's how we like to start. >> i was going to say tell me if this is not going to get you toe-tapping even if you're still laying in bed, right? >> somebody is swinging their legs alongside the bed and doing that. thank cedric in audio for picking that song. >> ced, you are the best. good morning, you got sunny skies and 79 degrees today. oh, people, can i visit you today? i would kill for some 79 degrees. i think it was 76 coming in today, into atlanta. >> anything, 75, 78, perfect for me. you know what i say, there's never a bad time for roasted meat. >> roasted meat.
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>> never a bad time. >> i put that in my phone. never a bad time for roasted meat. >> this weekend is as good as any to get out and grill. however, there's a chance you'll be doing it under an umbrella. >> no, say it isn't so. >> maybe. >> jennifer gray. >> depending on where you are. >> depending on where you are. you showed that shot and it was gorgeous. all up and down the east coast. until we get into monday, then you are going to see showers move into your area. we are going to be focused on the midwest. the dakotas and montana. a slight possibility of an isolated tornado. as we get into tomorrow, the threat moves to the east. des moines, sioux falls, minneapolis. later in the day, places like chicago, kansas city will also be under the gun for severe weather. so that's just going to march across the country to the east. we'll be on the lookout for
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that. the other big story this labor day weekend, the rain across the gulf coast, anywhere from st. charles, houston, new orleans, needs to be on the lookout. we could see anywhere from 3 to 6 inches of rain across portions of the gulf coast. there is a flood watch in effect of course for portions of southeast texas. and that does include southwest louisiana. these are your rain totals through monday. central louisiana, 3 to 5 inches including places like alexandria, lake charles included in that. could see up to 5 inches. and new orleans could even pick up possibly three inches of rain. so this is going to be a huge deal across the gulf coast. of course, this does all push to the east, guys. by labor day monday, we could see rain in places like new york city and boston. so get the grills fired up early in the north east. >> enjoy your 78 and sunny, boston. >> jennifer, thanks so much. >> thanks, jennifer. so this is something, as soon as i heard about it, i
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thought about -- not only this man, but this poor girl, this 9-year-old who loses control of an uzi at a gun range, killing her gun instructor. this was a freak accident. this was all caught on camera. the question is is it possible for a fourth grade tore even comprehend what just happened. and what recovery for something like this is going to be like for her. we're going to talk about that. >> and you're going to hear what the victim's family is saying about their loved one and what they're saying about the 9-year-old. keep it here. you're watching "new day saturday."
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this little girl, 9 years
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old is going to know the rest of her life that she shot somebody dead with an uzi. >> that's hln's nancy grace talking about that 9-year-old girl who accidentally. this was an accident, accidentally shot and killed a gun instructor with an uzi. >> when i talk about the story and i tell people a 9-year-old shot and killed a man with an uzi. the question i'm asked all the time, did you say 9 years old? >> why does a 9-year-old have an uzi. >> this is cell phone video, seconds before the girl lost control. the mojave county sheriff's office shows it ghastly when you see the whole video. which, of course, we're not going to show you. the kickback was too much for the girl to handle. some uzis can pump out 600
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bullets a minute. >> the prosecutors do not dispute that the girl was there with her family. the gun range lets anyone 8 to 80 and beyond to fire weapons. of course, the kids have to be accompanied by a parent or guardian. >> let's talk about this with clinical psychologist jeff gardere. i have to till i've got a 10-year-old, the first thing i thought about after this man being dead i thought this poor 9-year-old. we know the public is publicly showing sympathy for this girl. this is on the "today" show listen to this. >> she was a good person, and w know that she was as well. and we want them to understand that it's a tragic accident and it's something that we're all going to have to live with. >> from an emotional standpoint, from a psychological standpoint, how important, jeff, for the
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family and this child to know that the grieving family really wants her to move on? >> i think it means everything in the world clinically. because, yes, of course, she's going to get the support of her own family. but to know the victim's family, and she's a victim too. but to know that the deceased instructor's family is actually saying, it's okay. you didn't do anything wrong. we forgive you. it was not your fault. i think that will help her just as much, if not even more than the support of her own family. >> you know, i'm not a parent. we've talked about, you have three daughter, christi, i do have a goddaughter who is 8 years old. i don't think you need to be a parent to understand the severity of the situation for this girl. but do 9 year olds actually have the capacity to understand something like this? to understand the death? to understand that this was not her fault? >> well, by the age of 8 or 9,
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maturationally, children do understand the finality of death. and, therefore, this young girl does understand what happens. now, victor and christi, what we're now talking about is the horrific visualization that she has of this thing. we don't know what happened to this instructor. what the damage may have been to his face or his body, whether it's more than one shot. and she saw that. and the screaming and the yelling from the people that were around. and so all of that adds to the shock that she is in. and as she begins to come out of that shock how she'll have to process what happened, the horrific scene that she was part of. >> that's what i was, i think, most concerned about when it came to her, was, you know, we're always told, you've got to be careful what you let your kids see. and she didn't oenl this isn't
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something she saw on television. this was something that she saw in person. and something that i'm sure everyone would internalize to some degree. will her trauma, do you think -- what is the process, will it get worse before it gets better for her? >> yeah, what we're talks about is ptsd. posttraumatic stress. she's go stog have niging to ha. and flash backs. the graphic that you just showed, she'll get the support of her family, the support of the instructor's family. it's also important, the story we tell of the media. and of course, cnn has been telling a good story that it was no one fault. not trying to place blame anywhere. and of course, she will need years and years of counseling, but she's young, and she'll be able to get through this in life. so i think it's important for her later in life to actually be an advocate of gun safety.
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she can make it through but it's going to take a lot of work. >> you know, we heard just a few words from the instructor's family. they are grieving, too. and they had this message for her. they say they're going to write her a letter. but do you think there should be more communication? should she sit with the family? i don't know with a 9-year-old what the healing process is should there be more interaction with the girl? >> victor that is an excellent point, to be more stabilized because right now she's still in shock, with support of her family. it is important that she develop a relationship with the family of the instructor. it's not just a letter with empty words. it's actually showing her, as she gets older, as she deals with this, that they do understand it's not her fault. it's not his fault. even though some people talked
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about maybe he handled this the wrong way. we should not place blame anywhere. it's important that we develop a relationship that she knows on a day-by-day basis that there is connection between this young girl and that family. >> and i would think not only healing for her, but healing for them. for them to be able to show that emotion to her and that forgiveness, that's going to strengthen them as well. jeff gardere, it's so good to have you here. >> thank you. >> such a tragic situation on both sides. and another tragedy, and there is healing that will soon come out of this as well. three weeks ago he hit and killed a former race car driver. now for the first time, nascar driver tony stewart is return to get track. you're going to hear why he's making that decision. ♪
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i'm feeling amazing. i'm still speechless. >> that was cc bellis after 18 years winning a match at the u.s. open. >> i love when people watch and support me. you know, this whole experience has been unbelievable like mind-blowing. it's been crazy. it's been like the best couple days of my life. >> on thursday, bellis played in front of a packed house. and though she lost the match, showed fans that she could be the future of tennis. >> i always wanted to since i was a little kid. definitely that makes me work hard to try to become that. this is what i want to do. so if it's what i'm supposed to, that will be even better.
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venus williams was the first former champion to fall at the u.s. open. happened on friday. the 34-year-old lost in a tiebreak. and really if you watched it, heartbreaking third round with italian player sara errani. she played a quick doubles match the day before with her sister and the quick turnaround was
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draining. you may have remembered the announcement that williams suffers from an autoimmune disease which causes severe fatigue. tony stewart is due to return to nascar here in atlanta. it will mark his first race since hitting and killing fellow driver kevin ward jr. on a dirt tack race last month. stewart opened up about the accident. listen. >> this is something that will definitely affect my life forever. this is a sadness and pain that i hope no one ever has to experience in their life. that being said, i know that the pain on the morning that kevin ward's family and friends are experiencing is something that i can't possibly imagine. >> you know, the day this happened, we were live on air. and, christi, you asked an expert how often does this happen that a driver gets out of the car in dallas. she said it happens often. >> i know. and that shocks the heck out of me. >> so after the accident, nascar has now instituted a rule that requires drivers to stay in the
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car during a race. sounds like common sense now. it's now an official rule. this crash is under investigation. >> in fact i was at atlanta motor speedway, thank you, folks, out there for being so dangerous and danica patrick who we spoke with. and she, of course, is on his team. and she said she knows him on the field and off and he's a really great stand-up guy. she can't imagine what this has been like for him. we talked about him, track safety. and also something important to her. i just realized i'm wearing the right color for this. breast cancer awareness. then she decided to give me a run for my money, let's say. >> uh-huh. >> okay. so talk to me about why this breast cancer awareness campaign is so personal to you? >> well i'm been fortunate enough, and i really mean that to do this in atlanta every year where i get to meet a bunch of
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guys and girl that have either had breast cancer or been affected by it. they're just a positive group, it's amazing how something trying to take your life and make you miserable can make them so happy. they really are. there's such a positive group. there's such a community around them. and this is one example of the things that they do to create community around breast cancer. >> we know they have the new regulations out that you can't get out of the car anymore after the whole thing with tony stewart. i was shocked we were on the anchor desk and we had a gal from radio come on and say that happens all the time that they get out of the car. >> that's true. >> why is that? >> well, you get out of the car when the car is stopped. and you have time to get out. but nascar has implemented rules to try and make it -- give the emergency vehicles more time to get there. >> have you talked to tony? how's he doing?
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>> i heard from tony last weekend. told me good luck. that was the first time i'd heard from him. you know, going through what he's had to go through, you know, the incident, the tragic accident, was who knows how long it takes to digest it, to work through it. and i'm sure it will always, to be honest, be something that he will deal with the rest of his life. >> do you think this is a good move that they mandated these changes? >> i think that anything that's done with our best interest at heart is a good thing for the sport. >> buckle up, baby. buckle up. >> all right. here we go! >> oh, lord have mercy. danica, i'm scared. >> how are you? >> uh-oh. >> ah!
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i don't know how you do this so much. ah! oh, my god. holy -- that wall's close. danica -- this is -- oh, my! listen, if you're not awake. i'm reawakened. just reliving that. my goodness. good morning, everybody. don't go that fast, but do race with the world. >> i'm victor blackwell, 7:00 here on the east coast. "new day saturday." were you white knuckling it? >> i was like this. the funny thing is, i said, what do you do when you hit the wall? >> she was close. >> i said -- dang it. >> i would be thinking that another car is going to hit me. okay, no. is she is sheer athlete.
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>> while you were screaming, she was focused. >> gosh, she's pretty darn amazing. thank you, danica. so, it's a three-day weekend, labor day weekend, the u.s. and close ally the uk are keeping watch on the terror threat posed by isis militants and whether they could strike here at home. president obama is calling for a national coalition to confront the threat even if top republicans are blasting him from admitting that he doesn't have a strategy to deal with isis and syria. british prime minister david cameron said the isis fight is not some conflict western nations can afford to ignore. >> yeah, the uk ramped up its terror threat to the second highest level that's severe which means an attack is highly likely. mr. cameron said he would stop plans for would-be jihadists from going to syria and iraq and then returning home after the attack. >> what we're facing now with
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isil is a greater and deeper threat to our security than we have known before. >> let's bring in cnn's karl penhaul in london. karl, the uk says there's no intelligence to suggest an attack is imminent. so what exactly prompted the ramped-up terror alert here. prime minister cameron said broadly it's lawmaker extremism. that's a little too broad. narrow it for us. >> reporter: absolutely, this is now the highest terror threat alert that they've had for years. mr. cameron didn't narrow it down. he said in light of that execution video of american journalist james foley, as we know, intelligence suspect that one of men who had a hand in that execution is a britain because we hear that british kind of accent. that is what mr. cameron and intelligence is basing that on
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to ramp up the terror threat to ramp it up and create havoc here. of course that threat is not knew. we've known for many years that britons have hit it off to join extremist groups first in afghanistan and iraq and now syria which has had a lot of people shrugging their shoulders is it any worse today than it has been in previous months, victor. >> karl, we know that the u.s., obviously not issuing a terror alert yet. but they're certainly having pretty serious conversations with the uk to determine whether those experts are going to raise their terror alert. do you know what those conversations are like with the uk? >> we don't know what the conversations are like, christi, but as you say, britain and the united states working very closely together. as the intelligence services are doing with the european partners as well. don't forget, across europe, different countries giving numbers of their own citizens that they believe headed off to fight in syria and iraq with isis. the danger, of course, is that
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you don't need many radicalized terrorists to come back to their home country. because of the style of the threat, the explosives they may be using. just very view people can do maximum damage. but one of britain's lawmakers that i was talking to the other day, he said despite services, they're tracking people, they're tracking radicals this would make you believe that intelligence services simply can't do that. they don't have sufficient information about who is gone and what numbers either. and they say when they do come back, it's often not the usual are suspects that are causing the problems, christi. >> all right, karl penhaul there just after noon in london reporting for us this morning in the u.s. thank you so much, karl. let's talk about legendary comedian joan rivers right now. she's still in the hospital, we know that this morning. >> yeah, she stopped breathing during throat surgery on thursday. cnn's alexandra field is at
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mt. sinai hospital in new york. a lot of people have been wishing her well and praying for her as her daughter melissa has requested. give us the latest there. >> reporter: yeah, christi, victor, there's certainly a lot of people pulling for her, watching her closely. melissa has been provided updates. she said she's confident that her mother is receiving the best care possible. the 81-year-old came to mt. sinai a couple days ago and her daughter says her mom's condition remains serious. a health crisis for legendary comedian joan rivers. the 81-year-old still hospitalized two days after she stopped breathing. going into cardiac arrest during a throat procedure at the outpatient clinic. rivers was then rushed to mt. sinai hospital where according to the e! network she's now in stable condition. the iconic comedian's daughter
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melissa said her mother is resting comfortably. rivers in fine, feisty form the night before during an hour-long stand-up event in new york. the emmy-winning comedian showing no signs of slowing down. >> oh, grow up! >> reporter: according to her website, rivers had 27 scheduled stand-up show it's in fall, along with co-hosts. >> and her legs go on and on and on. like gwyneth paltrow when someone asked her about kale. >> reporter: promoting her own jewelry line on qvc. >> talk on the phone, it's phenomenal. >> and everyone talks on the phone. you know in the old days someone was walking down the street talking on a cell, you crossed over. >> reporter: and a weekly talk show on youtube called "in bed with joan." >> what would you do if you had a really are hideous child? >> reporter: rivers never one to mince her word. >> i figured if the lord wanted
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a woman to cook, she'd give her aluminum hands. >> reporter: the tony nominated funny woman on red carpet roar has been in the spotlight for her controversial jokes ever since. >> i look at this. look how nice -- i mean, my legs look good. the breasts are in the right place. >> reporter: a serious turn for a woman who says she never wants to stop making people laugh. >> only time i'm truly, truly happy is when i am on a stage. >> and, kristi, victor, she had so many people laughing wednesday night. with the people in the audience it was the kind of performance she expect from joan rivers. earlier this week she was hosting fashion police with the emmy breakdown of fashions. a lot of people hoping to see her return. seeing good news coming out this week. her daughter melissa asking people to keep joan rivers in their thoughts and prayers this
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morning. >> alexandra field there for us this morning. thank you so much. so, a key part of a texas -- really, it's a new abortion law. it's been struck down in court. federal judge ruled it unconstitutional to force a majority of 19 abortion clinics in the state to become surgical centers. the law would have taken effect on monday. governor rick perry signed last year and it is considered one of the strictest in the country, that law was. the judge said that closing those clinics would impose, quote, undue burden on the right of women seeking abortion. texas officials have vowed to appeal. and the grieving family of the slain gun instructor is showing sympathy for the 9-year-old girl who killed him in a frequent accident. she just lost control of a submachine gun. the mojave county sheriff's office calls the full video
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ghastly. clearly we're not going to show it to you. but their heart goes out to this girl. here's what his daughter told the "today" show. >> she was a good person, we know as well. we want to make sure that they know we understand it's a tragic accident and that it's something that we're all going to have to live with. >> now, the family also said they're planning on writing a letter to the girl and family and we're certainly hoping for healing of all of that. it's going to take some time. >> let's talk about another big story we're following this morning. this new isis terror theft. britain raising the terror threat level fear. what's the u.s. doing about that. we'll dig into that angle. also, a satellite phone call to the missing malaysia plane reveals new details about its flight path. we'll tell what you we know. i'll remind you.
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12 minutes after the hour, president obama is asking his top security and defense officials to give him options for going after isis in syria. >> he says it's too soon to say right now what steps the u.s. will take. >> we will continue to consult with congress, and i do think it will be important for congress to weigh in, and that our consultations with congress continue to develop, so that the american people are part of the debate. but i don't want to put the cart before the horse. we don't have a strategy yet. >> all right. it's that sentence that really got people talking. retired lieutenant general and cnn military analyst mark herdling joining us now. and cnn national security analyst juliette khiyam. i thank you for being here. we'll go to you first, but the
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president admitting there's no strategy yet for dealing with isis in syria. one of the first things i thought, is isis listening to this, and will this embolden them? what do you say? >> when i first heard the statement, christi, i knew exactly what the president was talking about, having received the kind of guidance he was discussing. when he was saying we don't have a strategy yet, he has not picked his options. but, yes, this is something that you don't want to publicize, but at the same time, you want to keep isis on its toes. which way is it going to go? and what is the president doing in syria? they have been confronted in iraq and now there's a possibility they'll be confronted in other places. that may concern them. >> juliette. >> i agree with mark wholeheartedly. it's clear we don't have a strategy because the options are
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still being considered. military strikes in syria are a game-changer, no matter how much intervention is wanted to sort of say, well, the borders are loose up there, it doesn't matter if we go from iraq to syria. president assad of syria believes they are his borders. he believes in his borders. and he has said he would view this as violation of sovereignty. these are high stakes not just for the united states, but all the allies. deliberation is not a bad thing given what could result from increasing our military mission in the area. >> so let's talk about one of the allies. and a different approach some say. president obama, we heard from him on thursday. said there's no strategy yet for dealing with isis in syria. then one day later. just yesterday, british prime minister david cameron spoke. he offered a different approach, much more forceful some are saying. they laid out a few steps let's
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play part of what mr. cameron said. >> we need to tackle that ideology of that at its roots that means challenging the extremist ideologues and encountering them by empowering the overwhelming majority for british values at the roost it all and respect for minorities. >> i don't hear anything there that the white house has not already said, essentially, but is it a different approach? the appearance matters, opt micks matter, what do you make of the different approach by mr. cameron and the president? >> well, victor, i'll say two things. first of all, all european countries, i think mr. cameron expressed the concerns of the uk. but just having returned from europe in my last assignment before retiring, i will tell you all of the european countries are very concerned about their
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homeland security torsion use that phrase. there are a lot of disenfranchised groups throughout europe, much more so than in the united states. and they're very concerned about the flow of islamic jihadists into the area. the second thing is, mr. cameron's speaking with a very forceful leadership style. he's not the one that's going to lead the action. president obama is. so he has to really have his options very clear to bring in the allies to help him exchange intelligence and perhaps the force which is confronting this horrific threat. >> juliette, we know that the white house press secretary yesterday came out and said that the reason that the president stated this, there's no strategy yet, was, in part, i believe, unless i have this incorrect, but i'm quite certain he said it was probably because the pentagon is not completely ready. that the pentagon has not laid out their plan. then you've got the press secretary from the pentagon coming out and saying, no, if
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anybody knows the u.s. military, they know we're ready. is there a disconnect within the ranks there? >> well, there has been some disconnect, i would say between the pentagon and the white house just in terms of the language being used about the threat to the united states homeland. but i don't think there's a huge gap. look, there is a military option to bomb in syria. we would lead it, as the general said, so we need to make sure that we have everything in place. we don't have a coalition of the willing. we have a kolicoalition of the unwilling. whether it's turkey, iraq or saudi arabia or even russia. these are nations that want to see what we do first. and so, i don't think there's a gap. there's a military option. the white house has to consider more than the military option. has to consider diplomatic, the ties with the allies, ties with the coalition of the unwilling to see what's best for everyone
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and what the strategy would result in. look, we could start bombing in syria. no one should believe that's the end of isis. they're just going to move again. so what david cameron was essentially saying, military is just one piece of it. we have a long-term need to address radicalism, to address what's going none iraq and, of course, syria. and those are all part of the pieces. >> all right, thank you both so much for being with us this morning. >> we're going to continue on this topic throughout the morning. >> thank you both. >> a lot of questions about this. mh-370, remember that? new clues now to where the missing plane could have gone. we'll tell you how a satellite phone call could be key in discovering the flight's path. also, a violent indycar crash in california. we'll let you know what we've learned this morning. what if there was a credit card where the reward was that new car smell and the freedom of the open road?
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we've got new information this morning about the malaysian jet that really went missing several months ago. it happened in march. 239 people on board that plane. it appears malaysia airlines staff tried to call the crew using satellite phone. >> the call failed, of course, but what it did showed that the plane most likely went south earlier than previously thought. cnn meteorologist chad myers walks us through this. hey, chad. >> christi, victor, it's been a
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long time since we had updates. finally this week, something else came out. something other than the pings. we remember these lines so well. the last arc we called it for a long time, the plane somewhere along that line. all part of inmarsat system. they do send the beam down, bring them back up. we called them handshakes. we could tell how long the handshakes took by the speed of light. they knew where the plane was, at least on an arc. they didn't have the location but they knew something. investigators say an incomplete phone call never received by the plane but sent from the ground by malaysia airlines. they spent it up to the plane. the plane never received it, but it appears from the data on that satellite phone call that the plane may have turned left a little bit sooner. so the original assumption of here may not be right. even if it's 20 or 30 miles. and then you take that, and you
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translate it all the way down for many, many hours. that slight turn makes a huge difference. this is where the original thought was. this now, where the new thought process might be if that plane turned to the left, just a little bit sooner than first thought. now, you move you ahead a couple more hours as the plane crossed through this ping. somewhere along the orange line, but we just don't quite know where. farther to the south, along the orange line and finally to the red line, the most important line. the original thought process was somewhere up in here, tlalg. and this is fairly flat. but look at that. look at what we have here. this crease right through the middle of the picture. so we go below the surface and tell you what that means, what that means to the searchers, what that means for the remote areas trying to go there. volcanos, more than four miles
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deep in some of these deepest canyons. and then bumps like this, mountainous areas, significantly more topography, than what we were looking at earlier in the search. not that the search is going to get any easier. but this seems to make it harder. christi, victor, back to you. >> everything seems to make it harder. >> you just think of that. my goodness. we so appreciate it. thank you. comedian joan rivers is recovering in a hospital this morning. she stopped breathing on thursday. we're going to tell you the latest on her health and what her daughter melissa is asking from you. and also russian president vladimir putin tough words for you and the u.s. basically saying listen, back off. that bonds metal to plastic. and that makes the things you're trying to move... lighter.
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[ male announcer ] during the cadillac summer's best event, lease this 2014 ats for around $299 a month. hurry in -- this exceptional offer ends soon. ♪ take a nice deep breath, as you have made it to saturday. hopefully, for a lot of you, a three-day weekend. welcome. it is 7:30 right now. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. saturday is a great place to be. five things you need to know nor your "new day."
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ebola has now spread to a fifth country in africa. an infected university student is in guarin teen in senegal. senegal closed its borders last week and officials lost track of the young man and he got across. ebola cases are rising at the fastest rate since the epidemic began. number two, 20 miners are rescued from a mine collapse in nicaragua. rescue workers have been racing to big them out since it collapsed thursday. in the northern mountains. number three, a rookie indycar driver is in serious but stable vision after a violent multicar crash last night in fontana california. mackayo was hospitalized and
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suffered broken shoulder, broken ribs and injuries to his chest. and a police officer is fired after comment he is made on facebook. officer pappert made comments that his chief considered very inappropriate. about the protests. pappert's attorney said his client is, quote, deeply remothersful. and five, joan rivers is in the hospital. still there, her daughter melissa said she's resting comfortably but her condition is very serious. rivers suffered cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest since throat surgery. that was on thursday. let's go to moscow now, president vladimir putin is sending a strong message to the west. don't mess with russia. because his nation is, quote, one of the most powerful nuclear
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nations. his words come as nato accuses russia of trying to, and this is a quote as well destabilize ukraine. >> take a look at these satellite images. sources tell cnn there are at least 4,000 to 5,000 russian military personnel in southern ukraine. not just soldiers, but soldiers they say with sophisticated heavy weaponry. such as this tank you see here in southeast ukraine. russia denies those accusations, of course. matthew chance is in moscow. so, matthew, let's talk about putin's tone. a lot of people thinking is this a veiled threat to the west? is he goading the world? >> you know, this is a classic vladimir putin remark. he was speakinging to a pro-kremlin youth group at the site of months yao, a youth camp there, very supportive of the kremlin. very patriotic. and this is exactly the kind of sentiment and remark that he often drops in, you know, to
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remind the audience, but also to remind the outside world that russia isn't a country that can be trifled with. you had this emergency session of nato. they're having their summit in wales over the next week to discuss what response they can make to, what they say is russian aggression and russian support in eastern ukraine. and this is vladimir putin adding a bit of reality to the situation saying don't mess with russia. one of the most important superpowers in terms of nuclear weapon it's in world. i think actually that's very well understood by president obama who has ruled out a kind of military solution to the situation in ukraine. and is very much understood by other members of nato as well. no one wants a military confrontation with russia but, of course, vladimir putin, it's his style to go out there and to put it out in those very stark, very blunt terms. >> so no one wants a military response, no one wants as they said, troops or boots on the
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ground. but what is next, possibly, for the international community to try to get mr. putin and russia to stop helping these rebels in ukraine. >> it's going to be a very big problem to solve. as if there were a magic button to press, they have already pressed it. there isn't one. we've had multiple wraths of sanctions with vladimir putin and the united states is leading that initiative. the european union has been following suit as well as others in the international community, like japan. but it hasn't had any positive effect. it i won't say it hasn't had any effect, it's had the effect of making vladimir putin more determined and making his support even more strong. >> matthew chance there for us in moscow. matthew, thank you so much. back here in the u.s., guess what, president obama has a new fashion critic. oh, and the judging does not stop there. >> yeah, there's more. plus, the national guard
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troops in texas, they're working with local food banks to get daily nutrition. it's not for the children who are coming across the border, they need that food. we'll tell you why. [ aniston ] when people ask me what i'm wearing, i tell them aveeno®. [ female announcer ] aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion has active naturals® oat with five vital nutrients. [ aniston ] because beautiful skin goes with everything. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one,
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co: which is why i put the mobile app on my mobile phone. i don't need it right now.
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♪ good morning washington, d.c., a live look at the white house. 1600 pennsylvania avenue. the president is waking up this morning. president had been expected to spend the night in new york, but he got back to the white house just after 11:00 eastern. what is clear here is that the president is catching a lot of
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heat for what some people are called his laid back approach to syria. and his lack of a strategy for targeting isis there. republican congressman peter king even criticized the president's suit. on thursday. listen. >> here's a president coming out at such a serious moment, where he should be addressing the country in such a serious matter, and he looks like he's on his way to a party at the hamptons which would have been fine if you addressed the issue of hampton. instead, he addressed the economy, saying that was more important than syria. i think it's differences than david cameron the way he addressed the british people today. to me, it did not show the seriousness of purpose that you need from the commander in chief at such a serious time as this. >> erin mcpike is live at the white house. erin, you know, there are some people calling this on twitter the audacity of taupe, i'm told, has wearing that suit.
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trivial issue, but tell us from the viewers there at the white house. >> well, the president actually did address this last night at this fund-raiser, he said something along the lines i'm going to have to take off this jacket, it's a little warm in here, my tan suit is a whole lot cooler. making a little light of that situation. but don't think the white house is all of that concerned with his clothing choices, victor. >> all right, erin mcpike, there for us at the white house. erin, thank you so much. >> we'll get back to you in just a moment. we've got interviews all the time. never had to do it at 145 miles an hour. >> we'll do this. oh, my god! oh, my! >> how does it not flip over, people? i'm telling that's what it felt like, tearing around the track, breakneck speeds. you know why it didn't flip
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over? because danica patrick was at the wheel. >> look at her face. >> it's pretty amazing. she talked to us about an awful lot of things, including tony stewart. why she's dressed in pink. we'll show you in a minute. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them.
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[ female announcer ] lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. and for more 100% real dairy treats you'll 100% enjoy look for lactaid® ice cream and lactaid® cottage cheese. and for more 100% real dairy treats you'll 100% enjoy body language can tell you all sorts of things. like someone is having a stroke. know the sudden signs. learn f.a.s.t. face drooping arm weakness speech difficulty time to call 911 and get them to a hospital immediately. learn the body language and spot a stroke f.a.s.t. ♪ ♪ wake me up before you go go >> i feel like we need -- look at the alamo here. >> wake me up before you go, go.
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>> i feel like we need texas music. country, you know. >> yeah, something with a little more reference, not wham. >> now you're going to tick off the wham fans out there but now i understand. i wish you could have seen the look on his face when the music popped up and then there's the alamo. good morning to all of you at the alamo and everywhere. san antonio, texas, welcome, y'all. >> let's stay in texas. talking about the national guard troops, reportedly, they needed help to get food for themselves to eat every day. affiliate kgtv did an investigation and said at least 50 troops applied to an amorry for food help and they were referred to a food bank. they receive pay, housing allowance and a daily food allowance. a general with the guard tells
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kgtv said that the food was needed and apparently there was a gap there for a while. hey, napa valley is apparently a hot spot of course, wine tasting is not on a lot of people's minds after last week's 6.0 earth wake. several wineries lost thousands of dollars of stock after that quake. as you look at the wine barrels that took a good tumble there. wineries, restaurants, hotels. they want all of us to know most of the area is still safe and it is now open for business. so earthquake or no earthquake, it's a good place to go, they say. >> yes. hey, it's a three-day weekend, labor day weekend, a lot of people pulling off the gas bill, you guys are cold. >> a big green egg. >> that's earthy. >> that's earthy. jennifer gray, are we going to have a chance to use it this
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weekend? >> yes, get thing with the three-day weekend, i think most people will be able to find one window to be able to fire up the grill, get outside and enjoy the beach along the coast. one area, though, that is probably going to stay pretty soggy for most of the weekend, though will be the gulf coast. we've had this area of low pressure that's just been lingering so we're going to continue to see a lot of rain along the gulf coast. we're talking 5 to 6 inches of rain through monday. this louisiana/texas border around beaumont and 3 to 6 inches in alexandria area, around boston. and severe weather in portions of montana for today. this is large hail, damaging winds. that moves a little farther to the east. tomorrow, this all tracks to the east as we go through your three-day weekend. so the northeast will get it by monday. it looks like we are going to see a little bit of rain then. if you are hitting the beaches, guys. like i said, a little bit of a window for beachgoers.
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watch out for rip currents if you're in south florida, as well as the gulf coast. >> jennifer, thank you. what's on your bucket list? >> i accomplished one, that game show. i still want to do bungee jumping which i hear isn't great for your spine, but it's on there. and hot air balloon trip. >> i've got to tell you, i deputy do something with a whole group of cancer survivors which i loved about this more than anything. 145 miles an hour with none other than -- >> oh! holy -- i don't know how you do this. ah! my god! how does this stay up? oh, my. >> i really thought this thing was going to flip over with danica patrick at the atlanta motor speedway. not just me, but a lot of breast cancer survivors. she's got a passion for this. she talked about that. also talked about track safety. we know there are new regulations in place. and tony stewart who is going to
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be back on the track for the first time since that accident that killed a fellow driver several weeks ago. april lot to talk to her about. we'll show you more of that coming up. all right, so what would you do what would you do if a passenger behind you on the flight blocked your seat from reclining? i have an answer, but won't share it now. they blocked it so they could keep their legroom and you could not recline. >> we will talk to you about the device people are using to literally lock your seat in the upright position so you cannot recline. (singing) ♪ visine® gives your eyes relief in seconds. visine®. get back to normal.
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okay. here's a question for you. i bet you have all had these conversations. do you have the right to recline your seat on a plane? >> yes, you have that right. yes, you do. >> i am with you on that. i paid for my seat. >> i want to use all of it. >> if i paid for my seat, i should be able to do this. >> here's the thing. some airlines agree with me. others don't. it depends on the airline you are on at the moment. it is smart to check before you fly because mid air battles for legroom are gets extreme. >> they are getting violent. in last week, two flights were diverted because of fights over that air space, that legroom in front of you. >> you don't have much to start with. on one flight, passengers were arguing over a knee defender.
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>> cnn's jeanie moos walks through us. >> reporter: the air war has broken out. >> it keeps people from reclining their airline seat into you're knees. >> reporter: you put two hunks of plastic on the tray in front of you. no one was grinning on a united flight from newark to denver diverted to chicago after a flight broke out. a 48-year-old male passenger deployed the knee defender to stop the seat of the female passenger in front of him. when she could not recline, she flagged down a flight attendant and told the guy to remove the gadget. he refused. the female passenger threw water in his face. they were both kicked off the plane. oh, sure, when it happens to others, it's funny.
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but as this reviewer of the knee defender. >> the captain has put off the seatbelt sign and feel free to recline and punch the guy in the face. >> i was tired of being bucked in the knees by reclining seats. >> reporter: this was the early version. now it looks like this and sells for $21.95. in the words of "conde naste traveler" as devious as it is genius. >> it is terrible. everyone is crowded. >> it causes problems. people want to push it back or forward. that is their right. >> reporter: the knee defender comes with a courtesy card. i have provided you with the card because i have long legs and you if recline your seat,
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you will bang into my knees. the faa doesn't defend the defender. the story about the fight on the plane seemed to be great for the knee defender's business. the web site crash due to heavy demand. whether you consider it a knee defender or a knee to the flying public's groin, can't we all just remember what louis c.k. saying? >> you're sitting in a chair in the sky. >> the woman said it best, the god given right to recline. let's bring in mark murphy. mark, i wish someone would lock my chair. what do you think about the knee defender? >> i hate that thing. are you kidding me? i'm paying for a seat and some guy behind me is going to say sorry, i have long legs. guess what? i have long legs too.
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let's have a leg comparison. in the meantime, get that off the back of my seat. the lady on the flight did the right thing. she got the flight attendant involved and the guy with that device should indeed be thrown off. it is ridiculous that people will disrupt an entire plane of travelers for something as silly as this. >> do you think these should be illegal? >> they are banned, frankly, by all domestic carriers. the vast majority of airlines will not allow it and will tell the passenger to remove it. the faa doesn't get involved in these silly devices because that just becomes a mess. in the meantime, each airline can have its own policy. they have things like that. >> let me ask you this, the seats and the legroom, that's decreasing. americans are getting bigger. are you expecting we will see more of this? >> you know what?
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you have an agitated flying public. they are getting whacked with fees. you think it will cost an extra $100 for the flight. you get on the plane and because there are full flights, there are no open seats. you are jammed in. you have people bringing the kitchen sink on to avoid the first checked bag fee. they are jamming stuff in the overhead. they are hitting you with backpacks. flying used to be a decent experience. now it is point a to point b. that is driven by the consumer. consumers want the cheapest price. you have some airlines who are saying their seats don't recline and they are saying that is a good thing. you cannot keep a straight face when he is telling people it is a good thing. they locked your seat in place. you don't have to worry did it. it is an interesting time to travel. >> that was a very politically correct way of saying it.
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mark murphy, we appreciate it. >> thank you. we are edging toward the 8:00 hour here on a beautiful saturday. i hope the sun is shining where you are. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. this is "new day saturday." good to have you with us. we have a lot coming up. >> a lot of people enjoying a three-day weekend. >> yes. >> if you are traveling, you may see ramped up security. >> u.s. officials insist that is not necessarily linked to an increased terror threat, but the obama administration is looking whether to expand isis targets into syria. even as president obama continues to take political heat for saying he has not finalized a strategy on dealing with isis. >> across the atlantic, the u.k. heightened the terror level to
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severe. now prime minister david cameron says more must be done to possibly strike on home turf. >> it is becoming clear there are some gaps in our armory and we need to strengthen them. we need to do more to stop people traveling and stop those who go from returning and to deal divisively with those already here. >> what might those measures look like? perhaps taking away passports of suspected terrorists trying to slip back into the u.k. we have cnn's karl penhaul with us. >> reporter: he said this battle against radical islam could be generational. he said it could take decades. what david cameron said there is no specific intelligence about
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eminent danger. when asked why the terror threat was raised now, cameron said about the growing concern about the 500 plus britons fighting in syria and iraq with isis, that they could come back to this country and create havoc. of course, that is a danger we have known about for months, if not years. and the threat of british jihadists fighting in afghanistan. some people saying why now precisely. >> karl, do we know if the british prime minister is announcing more severe measures on monday? >> reporter: christi, he is going to the british parliament and put suggestions. some may be ramping up measures that already exist. others may be proposals for new laws. what he was talking about in the press conference was about the possibility of pulling or withdrawing the passports from
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britons who want to travel to parts of the middle east or comi coming back from conflict zones so they don't travel anymore or putting travel bans on people to stop them from coming and going. that will work with people on intelligence services radars. what the police have been telling us is many of the young britons fighting with isis in iraq and syria, were not known to police or intelligence services before. they popped up from nowhere. they will make it very difficult to take measures against those kinds of people, christi. >> karl, do you feel an intensity there? using the word severe creates a certain environment. the londoners on the streets with you, what is their reaction? >> reporter: it is most bizarre, victor. you wake up this morning and look at the daily newspapers.
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britain under the jihadi attack. this is the response on the street. this is the west end of london. a very affluent side of london. people are going about their daily business. in other parts of london, the multiculture area, muslims living along the white community and there is a sense of the white folk that bring tbecause hasn't been doing enough. you have the young saying if they use the measures, are they using those to discriminate against and making it harder to travel and get jobs and get on in life. we have to look at that and see how it impacts the multicultural values, victor. >> karl penhaul, we appreciate the report from london. thank you.
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the world health organization says the number of ebola cases are rising at the fastest rate since the epidemic began. now rising to the fifth country in africa and a student is in quarantine in senegal. officials lost track of the man and somehow he got across the border. senegal is a major hub for aid work and business and transportation. so far, more than 1,500 people in west africa have died from ebola. back here at home, a rough few days for joan rivers. she is, we know, still in the hospital this morning. >> she stopped breathing during throat surgery on thursday. things went down from there. cnn's alexandra field is at mt. sinai hospital in new york. alexandra, good to have you with us. her daughter, melissa, is updating fans on her condition. what is she saying now? >> reporr: good morning,
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victor. melissa has been getting the word out because people have been wanting to know about joan rivers' condition. her mother is resting comfortably, but melissa adds her mother is getting the best care possible. >> we understand she is still performing. she was still performing on wednesday, the day before surgery. what are her fans saying about that performance and how they're describing her? >> reporter: i think people were just really shocked to hear that joan rivers, 81 years old, is in the hospital. six decades she has been on the stage. as you pointed out, she performed in new york city on wednesday night. it was a typical joan rivers performance.
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it did not disappoint the fans. we spoken to some of them in the audience. they said she was full of energy and showed no signs of slowing down. a lot of people probably saw joan rivers earlier this week doing a 90-minute special on the e! network with the critiques of the emmys. that was recorded on tuesday. she was in new york on wednesday performing. the news she had this procedure at a clinic near this hospital and wound up here in critical condition after she stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest during the procedure stunned people that are pulling for her to make a recovery. >> alexandra field there at mt. sinai hospital in new york. thank you so much, alexandra. we have a statement here from melissa rivers about her mom. a message to the fans. here it is on your screen. my mother would be so touched by the tributes and prayers we have
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received from around the world. her condition remains serious, but she is receiving the best treatment and care possible. she goes on to say we ask that you continue to keep her in your thoughts as we pray for her recovery. that statement from melissa rivers about her mother joan rivers. we have video here for you. it is from ukraine. nato says it's a russian tank in the region across the border, but russia says its forces are not there. and emotional words from tony stewart about the fatal accident three weeks ago. tony stewart about to race for the first time since then this weekend. powered by gasoline only. we introduced the world's first luxury hybrid. and now, 85% of all luxury hybrids on the road...
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that is now nato's secretary-general announced the actions. >> that is where the ukrainian officials say russian tanks amassed across the border. >> they say it is up to 4,000 or 5,000 in ukraine. nato images show russian troops engaged in military action inside ukraine. william taylor jr. is the former ambassador to ukraine. he is at the united states institute of peace. mr. taylor, good morning to you. former secretary-general lavrov says this is all a game. i wonder when we hear from the u.n. and nato, that what is happening in ukraine is russia carrying out direct military operations there? what is anyone doing about this? the sanctions have been going on for some time.
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should there be some obligation to get involved with more than sanctions? >> yes, there should. sanctions should be increased and the europeans are considering this right now, today. the united states is considering expanding sanctions dramatically. that should be one of the things, but not the only thing. we ought to be providing the ukrainian military assistance. we should provide weapons and defensive weapons and intelligence and providing them training and advice. this is to compliment the sanctions. in addition, we should be supporting the ukrainian government as it pays pensions and as it providing health care and tries to reform its economy and its governance. >> as you know, president putin told all nations yesterday to back off. reminding everybody that russia
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is a nuclear nation and they have some very strong capabilities. do you think he is goading the world? what is his end game here? >> i don't think he is goading the world. i think he is demonstrating desperation. a notion of weakness. to remind the world that russia has nuclear weapons is a demonstration of the defensive state that he's in. the people that's backing in southeastern ukraine, backing the separatists and the terrorists, are losing. he has now decided he's going to have to do something different and he is sending his own military in to russia. from russia into ukraine. his own russian military is going in. this is a demonstration that his previous tactic of supporting the separatist is not working. >> is this not the point at which someone is desperate, as you say, their back's against the wall. that is when they do things that
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are unexpected. this is high stakes for mr. putin. if he fails here, then he could lose what he already has in crimea. if he wins here, he would use that to try to go after maybe other targets here. right? imagine that mention of nuclear weapons was not just a threat from a defensive point of view. >> you're right. this is a different russia that we're now dealing with. this is a russia that is taking steps, aggressive steps, that is invading a neighboring country. we have not seen this since the end of world war ii, invading a country to take over another territory. went into georgia, but he set up independent nations and states there. this is an invasion into ukraine to take territory. he already did that in crimea.
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a new tactic is necessary and new strategy to deter mr. putin and contain him. that will take a united front. >> i want to read something from the daily beast. we are watching an invasion of limited military action. it is an invasion nonetheless. when you refuse to call things by their real names, you are confusing the people who hear you. by not acknowledging what it is, you know, for most people as they look at this, are we enabling things to happen for putin? >> the important thing is not what we call it. i agree it should be called for what it is. it is clearly an invasion. the important thing is what do we do in response to the invasion and incursion or violation of sovereignty.
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what should we do? we should increase the sanctions dramatically and provide the military support to the ukrainians and support the ukrainian government. >> former ambassador to ukraine, william taylor, thank you for joining us. >> glad to be here. thank you. new information about the malaysia jet that disappeared in march with 239 people on board. it appears malaysia airline staff tried to call the plane's crew by satellite phone after it dropped off radar. >> we know the call failed, but what it did is it showed that the plane most likely went south earlier than previously thought. the indian ocean search zone for the missing aircraft is still the same. the area farther to the south may be of quote, particular interest. that's according to officials. we will keep you posted on what that search may or may not bring up. in the meantime, we know malaysia airline has cut 6,000 jobs. this is part of a wide ranging
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overall of the disappearance of mh-370 and the shootdown of mh-17. the airline has reported a $97.5 million loss in the second quarter of this year. for the first time, tony stewart is talking about the moment he hit and killed a former driver, kevin ward jr. that was three weeks ago today. really emotional words. we will play it for you after this. ♪ ♪here i am. rock you like a hurricane♪ fiber one now makes cookies. find them in the cookie aisle.
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big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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one of the two steubenville
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high school students convicted of raping a student in 2012 is back on the football team. >> the case divided that town and one organization representing rape survivors says steubenville doesn't care about the fate of women, only football. some who showed up were more forgiving. >> he earned the respect back. >> why not? that's what america's about, right? >> you see there steubenville, ohio, richmond, 16, when he was convicted served nine months in juvenile detention and now he is a senior. let's talk about tony stewart. he says he is describing how it felt and the last three weeks have been since being involved in that deadly accident during a dirt track race. >> roshana ali has more on the
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statement. >> some people have been waiting so long. after sitting out three races, the three-time champion will return to the track since the accident that killed a fellow driver. stewart hit and killed kevin ward jr. in upstate new york on august 9th. tomorrow night, he will race in the sprint cup series at the atlanta motor speedway. yesterday, stewart delivered a tearful statement for the first time since the deadly accident. >> this is something that will definitely affect my life forever. this is a sadness and a pain that i hope no one ever has to experience in their life. that being said, i know that the pain and mourning that kevin ward's family and friends are experiencing is something that i can't possibly imagine. >> nascar released a statement saying stewart was cleared to return to all racing activities.
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afterward's death, nascar is requiring drivers not to leave the cars unless on fire or other eminent danger. the investigation is still ongoing, but detectives do not have any evidence to support criminal intent. tony stewart does not face any charges. that's where we are. >> we have to assume he will not based on what they found so far. >> i remember the three of us sitting here after it happened. we spoke with dallas. i can't believe i cannot remember her last name. >> mcdiade. >> she said it happens all the time. we all looked at each other and said what the heck. >> it was like something that happened so much that she didn't even give any remorse to it. >> the remorse would happen for kevin ward jr., but not surprised he got out of the vehicle. you spoke with danica patrick. >> she said it happens all the
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time. and she said it is probably a good thing they are making some safety adjustments here to their races because the moment takes over. you get angry and you go out there. i said i understand them getting out of the car, but to get out and go into traffic. she said it's good that they are making some changes. >> i'm glad. >> i think a lot of people appreciate that rule change. the woman nicknamed queen of the barbed one liners is still in the hospital this morning. >> we are talking about joan rivers. she is still in the hospital after she stopped breathing thursday during surgery. we have the latest for you next. s lu that sounds crazy, i know. but my mom got migraines, so she knew this would help. excedrin migraine starts to relieve my pain in 30 minutes. plus, sensitivity to light and sound, even nausea. excedrin migraine works.
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hey, saturday looks good on you even if are you not out of bed yet. welcome. i'm christi paul. >> it feels good, too. i'm victor blackwell. let's start off with five things you need to know. >> melissa rivers wants everyone to know her mother is in the hospital and she is appreciative that people are praying for her. melissa says her mother is resting comfortably although she remains in serious condition at this hour. number two, a rookie indycar driver is in serious, but stable condition. this is the result of the multicar crash in fontana, california. according to usa today, the
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27-year-old suffered a concussion and broken right shoulder and broken ribs and injuries to his chest. number three, police in indianapolis canceled an amber alert for a 1-year-old boy. police canceled the alert because it reached its maximum audience. people should not have called it off. the abduction investigation is ongoing. wilson's father thinks the baby was taken by a white man and latino woman. a key part of the anti-abortion law in texas has been struck down. a federal judge ruled it unconstitutional to close a number of abortion clinics in the state. the law requires clinics to operate at a hospital level or shutdown. officials say they will appeal. number five, prime minister david cameron says the u.k. is raising the terror rate from substantial to severe. that means a terror attack is
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likely. he cites the growing threat from isis which executed american james foley and a jihadist which may return from battle fields from iraq and syria. and in the meantime, president obama has captured a lot of attention by the comment of the strategy america does not have a strategy. >> we have more from cnn's barbara starr. >> reporter: christi and victor, why on this holiday weekend london so worried and washington is not? two leaders with different public messages on isis. british prime minister david cameron announcing the threat level is raised to severe in the u.k. >> this is not some foreign conflict thousands of miles from
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home we hope to ignore. >> i don't want to put a cart before the horse. >> reporter: president obama not ready to commit to fighting isis with air strikes in syria. but britain clearly feeling the pressure that isis could strike it at home. the new warning means an attack is highly likely. >> the ambition to create an extremist caliphate in iraq and syria is the threat to our security here in the u.k. >> reporter: particularly worried because it was a british voice on the tape showing the murder of american journalist james foley. an estimated 500 people have traveled from britain to fight in syria and iraq with hundreds of other europeans. u.s. and european security services believe isis fighters are back at several locations in europe. those cells may not be under direct isis orders. officials won't say where the cells are. u.s. officials say they don't believe there is a cell in this
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country, but are tracking about a dozen americans fighting for isis overseas. just this week, two american isis fighters were believed killed in syria. >> i think our european allies feel a greater sense of urgency. i believe they feel the threat is closer to home. for us, it is more of a distant issue. >> reporter: for now, the u.s. plans no changes. the department of homeland security says it's unaware of any specific credible threat from isis. some analysts say, however, this is not the time to sit around and wait for what may be an i inevitable attack. >> we need to understand this is a threat now to the homeland. we have to start designing a game plan to defeat them as quickly as possible. >> reporter: u.s. law enforcement and intelligence officials will tell you one of the biggest worries they do have is the so-called the lone wolf
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attack. it is one of the most difficult terrorist threats to detect. christi and victor. >> barbara starr, thank you so much. peter king says he is taking isis threats very seriously. >> there is a real terror threat from isis to the world and u.s. i don't see a need to raise the threat level right now. all of our law enforcement and security and intelligence agencies are doing all they can. they are aware of the danger of isis. >> we'll talk more about that coming up in a moment. also, this 9-year-old girl who lost control of an uzi. she killed her gun instructor. a freak accident. it is all on cell phone camera. >> now the daughter of the man who died has an emotional message for that little girl. so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. perfect timing. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that.
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think for a minute how you would react if a member of your family, somebody you loved, died by an accident at a gun show or a gun range, specifically. this is particularly hard because the person who killed a man is just a 9-year-old girl. the man's family is reaching out to her now after this freak accident. >> yes. cell phone video. look at it. it shows the moments just before the fourth grader, fourth grade here. she lost control of the machine gun at the gun range in mohave
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county, arizona. >> charles vacca's ex-wife reaches out to the girl. here is what two members of his family say to the "today" show. >> in the future, i hope to write a letter to communicate with them. >> he was a good person. we know they are as well. we want them to know it was a tragic accident. it is something we all have to live with. >> clinical psychologist was on with us early this morning. it should be more than a letter. these two families should meet and heal together. we have more from jean casarez on the ongoing investigation. >> reporter: christi and victor. from the moment it was called
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in, it was called an accident. what the country is left with is video. in a day and age where everyone can record everything and they do, we have the last seconds of the firearm instructor's life and the little girl who has to deal with the life that she pulled the trigger of a sub machine gun and killed a human being. an outdoor gun range in arizona. end of summer. a 9-year-old girl learning how to soot an uzi from an instructor. >> all right. give me one shot. >> reporter: those fateful last words. all right. full auto. >> he tells her that and his left-hand is holding the bottom of the magazine. where it should be somewhere close to the top of the weapon. she looks very uncomfortable holding the weapon.
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when she pulls the trigger, they loses the grip on the bottom of the magazine and gets muzzle rise and gets shot. >> reporter: the sheriff's office says the recoil from the powerful weapon sends the gun out of control over her head. 39-year-old instructor charles vacca, a member of the california national guard died later at the hospital. >> she probably hit full auto not expecting the recoil and was surprised by it and lost control of the weapon. >> what is it like when the shots come out? >> a buzz saw going off. >> reporter: the outdoor shooting range, bulletss & bu r burgers advertise on the highway. their rules allow children 8 years old and up to shoot the guns. >> i would want to see a bit more experience from the girl and see that the girl was more comfortable handling single shot
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weapons before giving her a fully automatic weapon. >> the mohave sheriff's office says there will be no charges, but concludes other incidents could be crimes. in massachusetts, a 9-year-old boy accidentally shoots himself at a gun show while firing an uzi. his father records the video. >> you, the jury, find the defendant not guilty. >> reporter: as a result, the victim's home state of connecticut now makes it illegal to give or sell machine guns to anyone under 16. and just last year in new jersey, anthony santori's neighbor shot his 6-year-old son. he rejected a plea deal which
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included prison time. >> i could hardly wait to try it out. >> reporter: children and bb guns were once the stuff of christmas tradition. but an uzi? >> an uzi was designed by israeli military defense forces. >> reporter: a gun made for the battle field in the hands of a child with deadly consequences. >> we have learned the federal bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms has been called in. there will not be federal charges, but that does not stop the threat of civil suits. christi and victor. >> thank you, jean casarez. so, it is three years after don't ask, don't tell now. the question is being asked is the military ready for another big change? >> some retired generals are calling for the end to the ban on openly transgender service
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[ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. 13 minutes before the top of the hour now. three years since don't ask, don't tell was repealed and some former military leaders say they want transgender military service members to serve.
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>> they have co- authored a report with the palm center which estimates as many as 15,000 transgender americans are on active duty right now. >> joining us now is one of the chairs of the commission right now. retired major general of the army, gail pollack. good to have you with us. >> thank you, christi and victor. i'm delighted to be here. >> you and two others released this statement. i'll read a portion of it. allowing transgender personnel to serve openly is not burdensome or complicated. that is the major concern. how will it affect the force and ability to respond to threats? how did you first become interested and involved in this issue? >> well, i certainly understand discrimination. as a woman and as a nurse, i spent 36 years serving in the
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military and recognized while i was serving the discrimination that was faced by first women and then the gay and lesbian community. and when i first started to learn about this transgender group, you needed to step back and learn about it because i'd only met to my knowledge one person who was transgender. i started my own independent study course and read research and books that have been out. then i started to interview active duty serving members. that's when i decided that yes, i was willing to be engaged with the study. >> i know back in may, defense secretary chuck hagel said he was open to review the policy on transgender service members. how likely do you think it will happen and will it push the process forward in your opinion? >> well, i don't think we can predict exactly when it will happen. what was very important to us was that we develop a resource,
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a tool, in the report that the department would be able to use as a reference as it moves forward on this issue. >> so, here's the question because essentially i think this is the central issue here with opening up military service to those who are openly transgender. the voices that said that letting blacks into the military would weaken the force. that letting women in would weaken the force. those who are openly gay would weaken the force. would likely say the same thing about transgender members and whether it is fair or not, the onus is on you because you are pushing for change. why won't it disrupt the force and will it indeed strengthen the force? >> well, if i thought that it would disrupt the force, i would not have recommended the change. the military and its success and future are too important to me to recommend something that would do them a disservice. the military and our nation are
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very dear to my heart or i would not have served as long as i did. the men and women that are in the service now have grown up in communities that are much more accepting and just as we saw, there was very little issue with the transition for don't ask don't tell. i expect the same will be very true for the opening of the service to the transgender service members. >> all right. general pollock, we appreciate your time this morning. thank you for being with us. >> thank you very much. >> sure. we finish up this hour and start the next hour of "your new day" in just a moment. ugh. heartburn. did someone say burn? try alka seltzer reliefchews. they work just as fast and are proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews.
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holy -- i don't know how you do this so much. oh, my god. how does this not flip over? >> how does it not flip over? that is what it felt like. when you are out there on the outer rim of the track, that is obviously danica patrick, that is why it didn't flip over. i had a chance to go around with her on the atlanta motor speedway at 145 miles per hour. when you are up on the track by the wayside by the wall, there's a slope there. when you are in the center, you feel like the air is going to come on the left side and
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whoosh. the nice thing about her is, a, she was doing it for a good cause. they didn't just take me around, she took around breast cancer survivors. she talked about tony stewart, who we know is racing for the first time since that accident where he killed a fellow race car driver. also about track safety. here you go. more of all of that with danica patrick. >> okay, talk to me about why this breast cancer campaign is important to you. >> i have been fortunate to do this at atlanta every year where i get to meet a bunch of guys and girls have had breast cancer or been affected by it. they are such a positive group. amazing how something is trying to take your life and make you miserable can make you happy. they are such a positive group and such a community around
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them. this is one example of the things they do to create community around breast cancer. >> we know they have these new regulations that you cannot get out of the car anymore after the thing with tony stewart. i was shocked. we were on the anchor desk that weekend and we had a gal from radio come on and say they get out of the car all the time. >> that's true. >> how is that? >> i think you get out of the car when the car is stopped. you have time to get out. nascar is implementing rules to try to make it time for the emergency vehicles to get there. >> have you talked to tony? >> he told me good luck last weekend. that is the first time i heard from him. you know, going through what he has had to go through, you know, the incident and tragic accident was -- would knows how long it takes to digest it and work
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through it and i'm sure it will always be something that he will deal with the rest of his life. >> do you think this is a good move to mandate these changes? >> i think that anything that's done with our best interest at heart is a good thing for the sport. >> buckle up, baby. buckle up. all right. here we go. oh, lord have mercy. danica, i am scared to death of speed. you have no idea how -- >> are you? >> holy crap. i don't know how you do this so much. oh, my god! don't do that. holy crap that the wall's close. danica, my kids -- okay, this is one of my kids. yeah, let's go! nascar. >> that's what my kids would
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have been doing. clearly i wasn't doing it. one of the things i loved about her was we talked more about the breast cancer survivors. she has actually learned from them to let go of the trivial things. she said the stuff. they really put into perspective what you value and what matters. and she said those women and some men, are survivors and they get in the car and they say i never would have had the courage to do this. to sit in this car with you, but i can do it now. >> it is great they learn something from one another and they learn, especially danica, from the survivors, those relationships and experience and the survival itself is grateful for. thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> "cnn newsroom" starts right now.
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hope the sun is shining on you right now. if you are just getting going and looking out the window. i'm christi paul. >> i'm victor blackwell. 9:00 on the east coast. 6:00 on the west coast. you are watching "cnn newsroom." >> security is increased today. it is increased for the traveling. >> u.s. officials say that is not because of the growing terror threat posed by isis, but the potential dangers from isis are why britons may see more police patrol across the streets this weekend. the british government raised the terror level to severe. that is the second means. >> and now the u.s. administration is looking at whether to expand the air assault into syria. top republicans say the


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