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tv   New Day  CNN  September 4, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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and michaela pereira. good morning. welcome to "new day," thursday, september 4th, 6:00 in the east, and this may be the most important gathering of world leaders in years. this morning in wales the nato summit begins, and two huge challenges to take on. at this hour president obama is sitting down with top officials from britain, italy, france and germany about the isis threat. the question. . how far are they willing to go? >> the crisis in ukraine is is also on the agenda, of course. ukraine's president, petro poroshenko, he'll be joining the conference even though ukraine is not a nato member. so what can emerge then from this summit to help the world start to emerge itself from these crises? cnn's michelle kosinski is in wales where summit meetings are getting under way this morning. a lot on the agenda, as we've laid out, michelle. where do they begin? >> reporter: seems like there's been already so much news on this, even before things started, but now it is getting under way with the big goals, and already some tough talk on
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these two complex, threatening problems, isis and russia. >> good to see you. >> reporter: this morning while president obama met with british prime minister david cameron their joint op-ed circulated titled "we will not be cowed by barbaric killers" stating nato is as important to our future as it ever been and president obama is still fielding hits on how he's said thing. yesterday he said this was the objective. >> to degrade and destroy isil so it's no longer a threat. >> reporter: and then he said it was. >> to make sure isil is not an ongoing threat to the region. >> reporter: and? >> continue to shrink isil's sphere of influence. >> reporter: cnn's jim sciutto later sat down with secretary of defense chuck hagel to framed the u.s. goal this way. >> to degrade and destroy the
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capability of isil to come after u.s. interests all over the world and our allies. >> reporter: he said destroy and degrade its capabilities, is that the same as destroying isis? he says yes, that all of the above statements are true, that the long-term object sieve still, as the administration has said, to destroy isis. in the shorter term, to stop its spread. >> the president has asked us for different options, and we've prepared those. >> reporter: that's right. hagel said the much talked about strategy options, including in syria, have been prepared and presented to the president, but they evolve. he also emphasized repeatedly the need for international and regional coalitions. this is one of the goals here for nato. as well as, of course, dealing with russia. the u.s. doesn't yet buy vladimir putin's talk of a cease-fire which seems to also include ukraine giving up chunks of its territory, but the u.s. still won't call it an invasion.
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>> it's a brazen assault on the territorial integrity of ukraine. >> reporter: what the president has been stressing already is that collective defense is what nato is all about. now all of a sudden that becomes very important. you have to expand it. you have to invest it in, and one of the goals here is to create an international rapid response force. kate? >> and an attack on one is an attack on all, that core principle of nato, hearing more talk of that today. michelle kosinski with the president, thanks so much, michelle. >> reporter: and the president is doing his hand in hand with british prime minister david cameron, and we have a very rare one-on-one interview with him, this chief ally, not just with isis but also with russia. the isis threat, however in particular, is very real for british citizens because they believe right now that many members of their country have gone to join and fight and that very likely executioner of
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though two american journalists is from england, so this interview is very important. nic robertson got the interview for us, and as a symbol of how unified the u.s. and uk are in this battle, this op-ed from both men, co-authored, somewhat unusual, shows how much is at stake. >> reporter: and this is absolutely what they are trying to do, to show that they are prepared and willing to lead the way at nato. prime minister cameron obviously hosting here but very much wanting to put across. he is with president obama on these issues of ukraine and of isis in iraq and syria. i put it on the basis of this, on the basis of what president obama had said in estonia, i put it to the british prime minister that president obama had said isis should be destroyed and then said it should be shrunk to a manageable problem, so i asked the british prime minister which it should be. this is what he said.
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>> destroyed, squeezed out of existence is the way i should put it. we should be clear what we're facing here, islamist extremist narrative, poisonous narrative. it isn't just in iraq and syria. we will see it in somalia, syria, mali of course when hosted by the taliban. this is a generational struggle. >> reporter: will britain be committing air strikes against isis in iraq and syria? >> we don't rule anything out. we'll act with partners in our national interest. we've already taken some important steps with americans and others. we've been helping the kurds. >> reporter: on that poisonous narrative, the man with the british accent seen involved in the murder, brutal murder of mark foley and steven sotloff, is the british government any closer to capturing him? >> we're working exhaustively to identify all the potential
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people involved. we won't give out that information publicly, but what we're doing severing we can to stop people traveling. we're taking away passports and banning people from traveling, and we're also prosecuting, convicting and imprisoning those that convict or support terrorist acts. we're preventing people from returning. we're looking at all the things we can do, but i'm in no doubt that these people, they will face justice one way or the other. >> reporter: less shift to the other important thing on agenda here, ukraine. president putin released steps towards peace. do you trust his steps in that outline? >> it's important that he's at least making noise about peace but the issue of trust is putin is denying that there's russian troops on ukrainian soil when everyone can see that that is the case. if you go on with this destabilization and potential breaking up of ukraine, there will be a very different relationship between russia on one hand and america and europe of on the other. let's be frank. russia needs america and europe
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more than america and europe need russia. we need to make that relationship pay. >> reporter: i followed up on that question with what does -- what is his view about the de facto annexation that president putin is essentially outlining in this piece, the de facto annexation of a part of southeast ukraine by the pro-russian rebels and russia itself. prime minister cameron said absolutely that cannot be allowed to happen. it seems to indicate that he puts -- puts no faith and certainly is not going to stand for those terms of peace that president putin is talking about at the moment, chris. >> great get. really important to hear where the prime minister's head is on these two big issues, especially if he's the u.s. major ally in the campaigns on both fronts. thanks for taking it to us. kate? >> reporter: let's focus on the issue of ukraine and nato. it's a packed agenda as we've discussed at the nato summit
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with clearly a lot at stake. to continue the discussion. let's bring in former u.s. ambassador to ukraine william taylor. mr. a thank you so much. a pivotal day. i mean, this nato summit, according to the former supreme allied commander of nato, he called it the most important nato summit since the fall of the berlin wall. when it comes to ukraine and what we've seen happen in the past couple of days, the talk of cease-fire, the talk then of not a cease-fire, the seven-point peace plan, what is nato's role here? what concrete steps would you like to see? >> well, nato's role is, first off, to defend its members, and it's going to take steps to reassure the pols, the baltic countries, latvia, lithuania and estonia that nato is fully behind them and will fully defend them in a case. that's the first thing. the second thing with regard to ukraine, nato will demonstrate that the violation of
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territorial integrity, the violation of international law, the invasion of neighbors that russia has done over the past six months is you be acceptable, and nato will take steps, i believe, to support ukraine. certainly politically, but i think militarily it will take some steps to boost the military capability of the ukrainians. i hope they get to the point where they will provide weapons. it's a good thing that one of the nato members, france, has decided not to provide weapons to russia. >> i did want to ask you about all of that, i mean, especially when you put it in the context of this has been -- this russian aggression has been going on for six months. i wonder what of those concrete items you'd like to see nato move forward with. what is going to tip the balance, do you believe, because the violation of territorial integrity, that's been discussed for six months now. >> it has, ever since the russians invaded and tried to annex crimea.
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totally illegally, totally blatantly. they lied about it at first and then admitted that there were russian troops there that were on the ground in crimea. one of the things about these discussions about president putin and president poroshenko is interesting is president putin seems to be acknowledging finally that he's responsible, that he has a major role in the destabilization of eastern ukraine so the steps that need to be taken are number one outside of nato harsher sanctions and the europeans are taking a look at that, the americans are taking a look, but then weapons for ukrainian military and nato can play an important role there. >> do you think, mr. ambassador, that will happen because that is a point of contention, you know. people are very split if weapons will further exacerbate the problem on the ground or will help the problem on the ground, especially in light of putin's comments when he said apparently recently that he could take kiev
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in two weeks which many people say, when you look at size of the two militaries, he could. >> he could. there's no doubt. ukrainian military can certainly handle threats of the separatists in the southeast part of their country. ukrainian military cannot take on the russian military which has been the situation for the past two weeks, that is the russian military has come across the ukrainian border and is now fighting with the ukrainian military. >> so then what do you make of the outcome? i mean, we've been asking the same question what's going to tip the balance, but also what is eventual outcome to bring this crisis to an end? i do want to get your take as there is now at least, as you said, talk of peace, talk of a cease-fire. what do you think is going to be eventual outcome because it surely does not think, does not look like putin is going to pull russian separatists or russian troops out of ukraine without getting something in that deal. >> i don't know what he's going to get out of this deal, but
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president poroshenko has offered a way out, and it is a devolution of authority. this is one of the early demands of the separatists, a devolution of authority from kiev to all of the regions in ukraine to enable the local governments to make local decisions about budgets, about infrastructure, about language, so this is an offer that president poroshenko has made, and if president putin is now bargaining, now discussing this with president poroshenko, then that's a good sign. in particular if president putin is now taking responsibility, taking responsibility for his troops in southeastern ukraine. >> finally, what kind of a timeline do you think you coax pect? not many people thought we'd be here six month from the beginning of this still talking about russian aggression. do you think with nato summit we could see resolution of some kind soon? >> well, of course, the ukrainians and russians and europeans under osce are getting together tomorrow, and that's a good sign, but i would imagine that hard discussions will take
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weeks rather than days. >> ambassador, former ambassador william taylor, thanks so much, mr. ambassador. great to have you on. >> great to be here. >> michaela. >> a look at your headlines 12 minutes past the hour. steven sotloff's grieving family breaking their silence, remembering him as a mere man trying to find good. in a family statement they accuse the leader of isis of violating islam by beheading him. this morning we're also learning more about this murdered american's background. sotloff was jewish and held israeli citizenship. his israeli connection was kept hidden in hopes that it would have kept him out of further danger. new this morning, dutch investigators say they will release a preliminary report into the malaysian air flight 17 crash. they will release that next tuesday. mh-17, as you'll recall, was shot down over eastern ukraine near the russian border july 17th. all 292 people aboard were killed. the dutch safety board says
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further investigation will be needed before it can release that final report. the just department is set to launch a second civil rights investigation into the michael brown shooting. this investigation will focus on policing tactics in ferguson, missouri. it is separate from a probe of the brown shooting itself. in the meantime, new details revealed in court show the 18-year-old had no serious felony convictions or pending juvenile charges against him when he was killed. the third american to be diagnosed with the ebola virus has been identified as dr. rick sacra who was replacing two americans who came down with ebola in july. dr. ken brantly and nancy writebol were released from the hospital last month. yesterday john berman and i were on the air when nancy writebol gave a press conference, and we
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were remarking how incredible her recovery, two days shy of a month when she was hospitalized and she looked so healthy and strong. it's really a remarkable recovery. >> she was telling anderson, she had seen what kind of a death is like and she didn't believe she was going to make it. >> witness it had time and time again, given the work she was doing. how horrible to know that that could be your fate, right? >> and not only is she a testament of the resolve of what it takes to beat it and maybe a window into how we can get better at beating it. >> maybe. >> we'll have to see. >> also some strong words to talk about this morning when it comes to isis, not coming from the president so much, coming from the vice president. wait until you hear what he had to say about what isis will have to answer for and how after executing two americans. the president is getting criticized for not really matching the passion that the vice president showed. does this mean that they have a message problem, or is it just more political trouble? take a listen. >> they should know we will follow them to the gates of hell
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welcome back.
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a big deal going on overseas, and in moments president obama will open a critical nato summit in wales. you are looking at live pictures from newport, wales, where world leaders are arriving at celtic manor. obviously high on agenda, building a united front against isis. overnight the president repeated his commitment to taking on this organization. in a joint op-ed written with british brims david cameron. the two leaders write they will not be, quote, cowed by barbaric killers." what does that mean? how much resolve is there? what will happen next? we're joined by a journalist and foreign policy analyst and mr. peter barnett, cnn political commentator as well as contributing editor for "atlantic media. "first question to you, miss jabril, do you believe you know what the president of the united states wants to do when it comes to isis? >> i think he needs to explain more his strategy, but it's clear from what biden has been saying, the vice president and
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others, that they will not stop in iraq, that eventually they will go to syria because they know there's no way you can tackle the isis issues without intervening in iraq. i hope that intervention, whether it's bombarding from the top, will be coupled with a political intervention, meaning you can't be allied with assad. this is the guy that created this -- this monster, let's say. plus other regimes. if your allies in the region and you have and need sunni allies, whether it's turkey, saudi arabia, jordan and egypt, you need these allies to be different. first, saudi arabia. they can't pretend to be defended by the u.s. on the other hand, to finance the jihadists. >> what about the grand mufti who came out with the statement that saying isis is enemy number one? you're saying that's a mixed message. >> fine, so happy that they are coming out but this is part of the policies out.
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we need the mosque in egypt and scholars and multiple interventions. look, if you think of how al qaeda came and was born, it was born in egyptian prison and in saudi arabia. you have bin laden and saurr za. there's a book about the journey of radicalization described perfectly. these are the same conditions that are taking place in prisons in egypt, in jordan. >> you say you're creating your own problem by how you deal with people. >> that's like three steps down the road. >> no, no, this is the fundamental issue because when you back these regimes as u.s. -- say it could have came out and zawahri came out and here he was in an egyptian jail, came out with one idea, transnational jihad. i will attack these regimes and their backers, whoever that is.
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>> you team up with these regimes to go after isis. you may be perpetuating problem not stopping it because you're helping the motivators. >> you need to undermine the ideology. how do you do that, with reforms, with politics, with counterterrorism and counternarrative? you need to have the imams, but you need these regimes to reform and change. isis was created because of the conflict in iraq and maliki who betrayed us after the surge in '07. went to the sunni tribes and wouldn't let them on board. >> i think jibril is asking for too much. if the bar to stopping isis is making the world a better place first so that you don't need isis i think your sgoel go-- yo goal is gone before you even start it. what can we do to stop these
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fighters? >> i don't think you can stop isis. people don't want to hear obama talking about minimizing or shrinking it. that's what saying hundreds of thousands of ground troops themselves. what we can try to do in alliance with people on the ground in syria, try to reduce the amount of area they support and make it very clear to any western jihadist who is thinking about coming to syria, that they are probably going to face death. that's probably the best we can do. >> what's being played in the politics with a mixed message with president obama is pretty much what you're saying right now, you can kill me, but the idea that motivates my aggression is not so easy for to you kill. it's easy to say we can destroy the army but we're not going to destroy the idea. just like al qaeda and the taliban. >> also. we have particularly weak allies in syria. it was difficult enough to defeat the taliban when we had the afghan government on our side. difficult enough in iraq when we had our own troops there. in syria the moderate rebels are very, very weak right now so although it's very popular for
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these republican politicians to say we need to annihilate them and crush them and destroy them, it sounds good. it might even win you a few votes, but in reality it's probably beyond our capacity. >> how do you do this? because your idea of change these places. >> no, no, no, not change, so they don't have the ideology, it's a very hardball. >> we did this can communism and fascism. you think if i fix it here, it will go somewhere else. listen, isis was al qaeda and became al qaeda. al qaeda in iraq, crushed, abu musab al zarqawi. we thought, okay, it's done, we killed bin laden. guess what, you have al baghdadi today. >> different names, same game. >> how do you kill that? you bring on board sunni and demand from them to be different. when you see cici is my partner. he's a guy a year ago that killed 1,000 prisoners in jabalya and in prison hundreds of thousands and do you think when they will come out of jail they will be moderate islamists?
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we need to think in a very realistic way and have on board, i don't know the national security and the team -- the people that are examining these phenomena. they need to have people from the region, people that speak arabic fluidly and understand the phenomena in order to tackle it properly. >> easy to say we'll take them out but very hard to do. >> i'm optimistic. i think we can. >> because you may be less optimistic laying out how difficult this is going to be. >> listen, not take a coffee here and put it here. it's a long run, a long strategy. people have to know that. >> easy to think we'll fight one fight and we'll be done. thank you both very much. obviously a conversation we have to keep having. a lot of parts to it. now, one of it does the white house communicate the right way? do they have a message problem because you have the president. he said isis needs to be destroyed. then he says he needs it to be managed. then both have to happen so which is it? we're going to debate this politically straight ahead. plus, the feds set to
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announce a second investigation into the wake of michael brown's shooting in ferguson, missouri this. isn't about the shooting. this is about the police force that was involved, the entire force is in the crosshairs. why? we'll tell you. so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. perfect timing. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. good calculating kyle. good job kyle. you just made partner. our best-ever pricing on mobile share value plans for business. now with a $100 bill credit for every business line you add. hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes!
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here's a look at your headlines. a critical nato summit getting under way this morning in wales, the expanding isis threat and the ukraine and russia issue both topping the agenda. president obama is meeting with leaders this morning from italy, france and germany. any iraqi request for help fighting isis would be seriously considered though no request has been made. fire officials in reno, nevada, are investigating a chemical mishap. it was triggered by a science demonstration that went awry at a local museum. 13 people were injured, most of them children. nine of the victims are being treated at a hospital. officials say the chemicals in a tornado experiment, a routine one, were missed incorrect lly causing a chemical flash similar to throwing gasoline on a fire. >> the last surviving son of convicted financier bernard madoff has died. 48-year-old andrew madoff died in a new york city hospital
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wednesday after a year and a half long battle with cancer. it was andrew and his brother mark who contacted federal authorities after their father told them -- told to them that their investment business was in fact a massive ponzi scheme. mark madoff committed suicide in 2010. bernie madoff is currently serving a 150-year sentence in federal prison. stunning shake-up in the senate race in kansas. democrat chad taylor trying to unseat longtime incumbent pat roberts has dropped out. taylor isn't saying why he ended his campaign but certainly a big boost for the independent candidate greg orman who will now face off with roberts there so a shake-up there to tell you about. >> and we're in the sprint to the mid-terms. >> we are. so it all matters at this moment. >> let's go over to indra petersons and take a look at the forecast. >> somehow in september everyone wants fall. i don't know what the rush is, but for those who wanted it to cool down and want it to feel
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like fall football, this is the key. where is the cold front bringing in, yes, the cooler air. bringing in some showers and severe weather is expected even around minnesota and wisconsin. in fact, right around fargo. two inches of rain has already been seen. heads up if you're heading towards chicago. look all at the lightning around the area. check on delays headed to possibly o'hare. by tomorrow the cold front makes its way to the ohio valley. southeast, yes, still talking about showers. that's not changing any time soon. meanwhile the showers spreading all the way to the mid-atlantic and northeast as you go towards the weekend. saturday and sunday are good sprint, a perfect weekend, kind of gone now. look at difference and i talked about that cool air behind the cool front. here's the 60s. 66 and 80s down to the south that. cool air will be filling in as the cold front progresses off to the east and you'll see that change in temperatures quickly coming in behind it. i'm fine with the heat. we'll just keep it a little bit longer, as long as it can last. those are some pretty hot temperatures right there. >> hot in like december though
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so i'll be fine with that. >> and red usually means urgency and things we're worried about, a bad terror code, red, but it's good on the map. >> i'm wearing red today. >> and it looks good on you. >> and as we all know very dangerous. >> as a teddy bear. >> the only good red is the light of the camera that i'm on. >> i thought when it was on me. >> that's what i said. >> right, exactly. >> words very dangerous, destroy, degrade, managed, the question is which one is it? the white house is having some kind of message problem on isis, it seems, or is the real message being ignored? we'll debate the war of words and try to get to what really matters. >> plus, a new federal investigation will put the entire ferguson, missouri police department under the microscope following the michael brown shooting death. it comes also as a judge decides whether to release michael brown's juvenile records to the public. that's ahead.
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welcome back to nude yale. as the nato summit meetings get
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under way this morning, is president obama sending mixed messages about how he wants to deal with isis? first, president obama vowed to, in his words, degrade and destroy isis, but just a short time later he said the goal was to make isis manageable, a manageable problem. by contrast, vice president joe biden, he didn't mince words on the issue. take a listen to this. >> they should know we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice because hell is where they will reside! >> difference in tone there. so does president obama have a messaging problem here? let's dig deeper into the politics of this very important issue. paul begala, cnn political commentator and democratic strategist and senior adviser for the super pac priorities usa action and also kevin madden is joining us, cnn political commentator and republican strategist. good morning, guys. >> good morning. >> good morning, kate. >> kevin, i'll start with you on this one because i want to get
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your take. >> right. >> do you see, first, that there is a mixed message coming from the president, or are people just making too much of it? >> no. i think very clearly there are mixed messages coming out of the administration. the president and his vice president and his cabinet, they can't even get on the same song sheet, and i think that's critical. if they are going to show that they have a coherent strategy, they have to have a coherent message. the big problem here politically, kate, is that the president has three core constituencies. he has international allies, he has his political allies and then the public at large. all three of those audiences right now are having a really hard time figuring out exactly what the president's plan is and what the course of action is to protect the american public and to take on isis and to eliminate it as a problem. >> paul, i want to get your take on this because, yes, we do not know all of the conversations that are going on behind the scenes. no one would assume that we
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would be privy to those, but does messaging, does what the presidents say about an issue matter? >> well, of course it does, it does, and we can all recall when george w. bush pledged to end tyranny in our world, and that was nonsense, and, of course, we didn't end tyranny in the world. i think this president is being far more realistic but he does have a plan. we're not being fair to him. you may like it, not like it but what he's said is there we are and will continue to use force to protect american lives and interests, done it in mosul and irbil and armerli. second, if we need to we'll use force to protect civilians from these kind of humanitarian disasters as we saved the yezidis on mt. sinjar and third we'll involve all the neighbors, all the region because that's where the problem has to be solved and fourth, and they say most importantly, iraq has to have a multi-ethnic and multi-sectarian government. the americans, the president, was instrumental in forcing maliki out, i think very biased and not very good prime minister
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that iraq had who was seen as a shiite-only country for a country sunni as well as shiite. >> but, paul -- >> he's acting on the strategy and we can parse his words all we like. >> but if there is such a strategy, then why is the president taking so much heat not only from republicans but taking heat from members of his own party? >> well, i think the heat he's taking that's most important is on substance, not on rhetoric, right? i don't worry about degrade versus destroy or manage. if you have a tumor, you want to shrink it first, control it as much as you can, want to cut it out and kill it but also fundamentally you have to get to the underlying problem which is quit smoking, right, so i don't worry about the nomenclature as much as the reality. the static he's getting democrats and republicans alike that want to bomb inside syria, attack isil in syria. that's where the debate is. >> the bigger problem here though, paul, the lack of a coherent message really does make people worry about the
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substance. i mean, when you had the president yesterday in the space of the same press conference say that his focus is to degrade and to destroy isis yet the very same press conference then call it a manageable problem, that really is a disconcerting, disjointed message to send, not only to the american public that is searching for some sense of clarity, that is searching for some sense of a plan of action, but, of course, also our allies around the globe. if they don't know that the president can keep on message or at least articulate a strategy in the course of one press conference, how can they trust that they really -- that he's really going to have a full comprehensive plan to deal with this? >> and i want to ask you actually ask, kevin, about the kind of difference in tone. i try not to make too much of tone because i think sometimes we often make too much of a tonal question, but on the issue of you have president obama talking in that press conference you were just mentioning and then you had vice president speaking later in the day very
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impassioned saying we'll follow isis to the gates of hell. that is where they will reside. many people are saying where's the passion from president obama, but isn't that just the way the president, is that's not his -- that's not his tactic, would you expect that from him though, kevin? >> well, i think given -- look, one of the big problems is that you have people inside the administration, folks like secretary hagel going out and saying this is an imminent threat to the national security interest of the american people, and that level of rhetoric is not being matched with the same rhetoric from the commander in chief himself, so i think people find that very disconcerting, and i think there are many folks, particularly the president's political allies on capitol hill, this has not been a partisan criticism. democrat after democrat has come out saying the president has to step up and give people a sense that there's more clarity and that he has a plan. many think that joe biden is winning that argument and that stone is starting to rub off on
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people inside the administration or with the president himself. >> final thought, paul? >> look, i love joe biden, i'm a more emotional guy than perhaps our president. i like that kind of rhetoric, but you've got to be who you are, and i don't think it's a bad thing at all that we have a president who is going to make sure he gets it right before he commits american troops, and i think that he is very much a reaction, our country chose him for a reason, mostly because he wasn't george w. bush and very much a reaction to the guy who sounded like some, you know, teenager who read too many marvel comics. we'll rid the world of tyranny. i don't mind a guy who wants to me measure twice and cut once. >> wondering what authorizing strikes in syria would be, especially at this point in the mid terms. >> great to watch that. >> thanks, guys. coming up next hour, we'll ask the white house about this issue of is this mixed messaging
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coming from the president? we'll speak with the deputy national security adviser tony lincoln. the justice department is now putting ferguson police under the microscope as a judge considers whether to make michael brown's juvenile record public. should it see the light of day? our legal experts weigh in next. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked.
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today the judd is launching a broad civil rights investigation into the ferguson police department. ferguson, of course, is where unarmed black teenager michael brown was killed by a police officer. the investigation is going to look into whether or not ferguson police practices overall violate federal law. now, this comes as two different media outlets sued to unseal brown's juvenile record. why? well, they argue that it is relevant to covering the story. an official will not confirm a record exists says that brown had no serious felony convictions pending. so convictions or any charges pending, what does that mean? what's the motivation to the record release, a better understanding of brown's death or a way to justify character assassination basically? let's take a look at these two issues. danny cevallos, cnn analyst and criminal defense attorney and mo ivory, radio host. point of order, not just the
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ferguson police department. they will be looking at police departments in the surrounding st. louis area. mo, let's start with you. let's start with the civil rights investigation. this goes to the major complaint on the ground there. it wasn't just about michael brown. it was about this being a reflect job of a culture of policing felt in that community. what do you think about this? how much show versus go is this investigation? >> well, i mean, i definitely think it's important for this investigation to go on. it's the kind of investigation that, you know, civil rights attorneys have been calling for for a long time, not to just look at one particular case but to look at the systemic problem, so i don't think it's for show, but i think at this moment in time, you know, the focus of what happened in ferguson, all of the things that had a happened, have put such a spotlight on something further, something going a little bit further than it's normally done which is every state, you know, handling these cases case by case and really time for the federal government to step in and say we're going to look at this as a systemic problem, not only in st. louis but in any of these police departments that have, you know, continue to have
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a problem so i think it's a very important case and i think, that you know, hopefully it will have some widespread ramifications. >> sounds good, mo ivory. danny, tell me the last time an investigation of this kind yielded change. can you? >> i will say this, the department of justice in the last few years has doubled its investigation of agent significance, but you might be surprised. it's not in the hundreds or the thousands of agencies. it's in more like the tens and the 20s because the department of justice simply doesn't have the resources to investigate each and every one of these claims. it's important that when the doj investigates, they will be looking specifically at a history, and they have to prove a pattern or practice. they need to look at the overall picture. >> based on race? base on race? >> no, no, no. everyone, please listen. the statute requires a deprivation of constitutional
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rights or federal law. that can include discrimination, but it need not include discrimination. it can be merely a pattern or practice of excessive force or other police misconduct, so while a showing of race is important, and it may be relevant, it is not rirtequired. we must make that clear. >> why must we make that clear when the investigation and feeling around the country is we think because we're black that we get treated differently by police, do you think the investigation will reveal that police aren't nice to those driving red cars? mo? >> there's difference setting forth the requirements of a strong case but these cases end up happening of the very nature of why they are there, because of racial hostility so obviously race does play a key factor in it. they wouldn't be coming in under these statutes if race wasn't a part of the issue. i understand what you're saying about the legal requirements, and there are many, but race
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certainly plays a role. >> my question to you, danny, was we have to be realistic about what we expect to come out of this investigation, right, because that was also a little bit of a.g. holder's promise he would investigate this shooting as well and we wanted to lower expectations at that time because they are still looking at trayvon martin's shooting and a lot of these investigations don't yield results. fair point, danny? >> well, there's two kinds of investigations. under the law if there's a criminal allegation against the individual officer, they can focus on this one incident. >> right. >> and, again, that criminal investigation does not require a racial component. it may and certainly in fact mo and i apparently agree on that element. if there is a racial element that bolsters and strengthens the federal case, but we need to understand that it's not required, and in a way people who are calling for an investigation should be glad to hear that because it expands the jurisdiction of the department of justice beyond simply showing a racial component to a broad
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fer there's a pattern or practice of say excessive force. that, too, can be violative of the law. the law encompasses a number of other laws and violations beyond just race. >> sure, but danny and chris, it's important to say that most of these cases arise out of a racial component. >> right. >> so we can't dismiss that it gives the broader sense of being able to allow a lot of things to come in that might not necessarily be racial but in america it's most likely racial. >> don't want to seem like you're slipping the race issue. >> dane, your point is well taken and broader than that and hopefully that will give confidence that they will be looking at a wide range of behavior make sure that the culture is in tact. let's get to the second point quickly. danny, you tell me why the records should be released and mo you take the side of why they shouldn't, the kid's juvenile record, that which happened up until when he was 17. what's the argument for releasing them? >> i like the response of the government attorney in this case when they announced that he has been not -- not been convicted
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of any a, b or c felonies with a prior record because under the statute that would make his record public. what they are sort of implying in the negative is that he may have something in ma minor misdemeanor that should not be released unless the -- "the post dispatch" can show a legitimate interest. so the question really is there a media legitimate interest in a deceased juvenile's records? if they can make that showing to a court, well, then, under the law those records can be released. >> what would be a legitimate interest? >> be mindful, if he had been convicted -- that's a good question. >> nothing. >> it will be a case-by-case basis. >> come on, mo. it is nothing. >> it is nothing. >> the media have be a interest in determining court records -- >> nothing in your opinion and that's interesting, but the court may have a different opinion when they apply the law, and that's what we need to apply, the law.
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>> what would be a legitimate from? >> chris, chris? >> so the argument -- so the argument is it's not my argument, so the argument -- >> what would be the argument? >> the argument is the legitimate interest is a deceased juvenile no longer has the interest in keeping those records private that the law was designed to protect. the law is designed to protect a juvenile's records from disclosure because it might harm that juvenile and we understand juveniles sometimes do silly things rand they should be protected, but the argument that the media has here is that because he is deceased that interest no longer remains and, therefore, the media's interest in discovering those court records overrides. it's not my argument, it's the petitioner's case. >> i understand it's a volatile case but we have to lay it out because people need to understand what the choices are. >> mo, what's the other side? >> the other side is there's no interest for a media outlet to know what is in michael brown's juvenile record. i understand that's not his opinion and that's what the
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other side would argue. there's just no interest because this case is wide known and gained national attention. the very core of the reason is to protect the privacy of a juvenile and that should be protected at all costs. there was a 1984 case in missouri that the media continues to refer to, but that case is entirely different from this case. the people were a party to the case that brought the request for the records, and it was to in a civil matter to figure out damages. this is completely different from what they are trying to do to michael brown. this is a media outlet trying to break a story. this is a media outlet trying to get information so that they can be the first to break a story that is completely irrelevant to the case, so i really hope that this judge does what the law says which is protect michael brown's juvenile record, and so we will -- we will see what happens. >> and just for your own heads out there as you're watching this. remember, we've heard the most important thing probably already. the reason you would want this information as a reporter is to show that this case may have had a predisposition towards violence or do something that may have endangered the cop.
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the person advocating at the hearing said there are no convictions for a major felony of an a, b variety which is legal talk in the record. by the way, had there been, which was a point that danny was going to make, and i didn't let him that would have been public anyway. something that journalists wanted, it would already be public and would be protected. i've got to go right now. we'll continue this discussion because we have to hear what the judge says and then we'll do it again. mo ivory, thanks very much, danny cevallos, a pleasure as always. what's going to happen with the civil rights investigation in ferguson? we're following that. what's going to happen with the juvenile records? we're following that. isis and the other crisis in ukraine, a lot of news. let's get right to it. >> the opening of what could be the most critical nato summit ever. >> the issue of isis going to be talked about here. >> destroyed, squeezed out of existence is the way i would put it. >> we will follow them to the gates of hell until they are brought to justice.
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>> borders cannot be redrawn at the barrel of a gun. >> de-escalation has been occurring. that's been because of one individual, escalation is occurring and that's the president of russia. >> when you heard about the ebola, what was your reaction? >> i was very saddened. >> some of the world's most pressing problems and world leaders have two days to come up with answers. one of the most critical nato summits in years is about to kick off in wales. got a live look right now. this is the arrival of world leaders. top of the agenda obvious, the isis crisis, and what's going on in ukraine. >> that last crisis, so important that ukraine's president is sitting in, will be joining in some of these nato meet, even though ukraine isn't a nato member. it comes as russian president vladimir putin floats a proposal for peace which very few people have much trust in right now, so what can someone actually
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accomplish in just two days? cnn's michelle kosinski is live in wales traveling with the president with much more. good morning, michelle. >> hi, kate, right. you see these leaders filing in. they are being greeted by the secretary-general. i mean, there's big goals here. hard to believe this is going to be only two days long and about a year ago everybody was talking about, well, what is nato really for anymore anyway. now it's not even europe focused. these countries are trying to figure out what to do about afghanistan, iraq, isis and russia. >> good to see you. >> reporter: this morning while president obama met with british prime minister david cameron, their joint op-ed in "the times of london" circulated titled bluntly "we will not be cowed by barbaric killers" stating today nato is as vital to our future as it has ever been. on this isis threat, president obama is still fielding some hits for the way he has described things. yesterday he said this was the u.s. objective. >> to degrade and destroy isil
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so it's no longer a threat. >> a big statement, but when questioned by reporters then said it was -- >> to make sure that isil is not an ongoing threat to the region. >> and? >> continue to shrink isil's sphere of influence. >> reporter: cnn's jim sciutto later sat down with secretary of defense chuck hagel who framed the u.s. goal this way. >> to degrade and destroy the capability of isil to come after u.s. interests all over the world and our allies. >> reporter: he said destroy and degrade its capability. is that the same as destroying isis? he says yes, that all of the above statements are true, that the long-term objective is still, as the administration has said, to destroy isis, in the shorter term to stop its spread. >> the president has asked us for different options, and we've prepared those. >> reporter: that's right. hagel says the much talked about
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strategy options, including in syria, have been prepared and presented to the president, but they evolve. he also emphasized repeatedly the need for international and regional coalitions. this is one of the goals here for nato as well as, of course, dealing with russia. the u.s. doesn't yet buy vladimir putin's talk of a cease-fire which seems to also include ukraine giving up chunks of its territory. the u.s. still won't call it an invasion. >> it's a brazen assault on the territorial integrity of ukraine. and as a result these nations want to understand the capabilities of nato including creating a much more rapid response force. of course, this is also going to take more money and more resources and that's one of president obama's goals here is to encourage everybody to start paying their fair share. kate? >> michelle kosinski traveling with the president, michelle, thanks so much. let's focus on one of the major agenda items for nato leaders at
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the summit starting today, how to tagle, how to take on and fight back the threat coming from isis. for this let's bring in congressman brad renstrop, a republican from ohio, a member of the armed services committee. congressman, thanks so much for your time this morning. >> my pleasure. thank you for having me. >> so on this -- on the issue of isis and how to tackle isis, nato leaders there discussing kind of a regional strategy, that's one of the things they are going to be talking about, but also here at home. a lot of focus is son president obama and what is his strategy. what do you make of what you've heard from president obama since he's been overseas? he talks of destroying, degrading isis, also talking about making isis a manageable problem. >> well, i think that's part of the problem is we cling to words as we tend to do. you know, he says destroy and then manage and those are clearly two different things to the american people, and the american people want to have some sense of what we intend to do. i think mr. biden made a strong
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statement. i think mr. hagel made a fairly strong statement. we've heard some strong statements out of europe and i think really the message needs to be not to manage this group, but they need to be destroyed. they have clearly showed how evil they can be. >> when you talk about destroying isis, that is a very strong statement, maybe a good goal, but also a very long road. i want to know from your perspective. >> yes. >> you served in iraq as a combat surgeon. how do you propose doing that? how do you propose going about destroying isis? >> well, there's more than one thing you do dealing with a situation like this. they had made more than one threats against the united states of america. there's an old statement come out of the 1700s when evil men combine good men must associate and that ties right into the nato conference at this time, but there's several ways of attacking this. you have to cut off their supply route and cut off their money route and you have to be able to go in and destroy them, and a lot of it may be surgical.
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one of the things that i would never say militarily is what we won't do. i would not say we won't put boots on the ground. you don't know what you may need to do to achieve your objective. and let's face it, we need an objective, and need a strategy and then the means to be able to do it. you need all three of those components and it needs to be feasible so let's start with the objective. the american people in the world don't need to know every bit of the strategy. that helps our enemy. >> right now you're not satisfied you've heard a clear objective coming from president obama? >> no, i don't think that we have. it seems like we heard one from mr. biden yesterday. he seemed pretty emphatic in what his feelings were, but we need that from our commander in chief to tell us really what we intend to accomplish and give the american people some knowledge of where we're headed. >> one of the big issues that will definitely be facing members of congress, yourself included when you return next week, is what to do about the question of attacking isis in syria.
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some of your colleagues, senator bill nelson, he's proposing a vote, actual legislation, giving the authority to the president to clear up any legal question that he has the authority to strike isis in syria. do you support that? >> well, i'd have to see how we're exactly writing that up, but i do think the president is engaging congress more. i think that after the exchange for burgharergdahl when congres not involved, the president is being more sensitive. really right now there's not much of a border between iraq and syria, and if we're going to destroy this enemy, as we've talked about, we may need to go into that area. >> do you think a vote is even needed? >> it's a topic that needs to be discussed. >> especially on that issue because many people have said since isis is not respecting territorial borders the united states shouldn't have to at this point, if you need to go in and strike in syria, do you think there is even a need for a vote for the authority for the president to go in and do air
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strikes? >> not necessarily. the president does have a lot of authority. i don't mind having the discussion and we'll see what the sense of congress is on that when we get back next week. >> do you think there will be a vote? i'm hearing some hesitancy. obviously you don't think there may be a need for it. one of the questions is always is there the appetite for lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to have to stand up and take a vote that may come back and follow them, especially when you look at, unfortunately, the political calendar which everyone has to -- everyone takes into account. is that part of the calculation here? >> right. probably is for a lot of the members. i can't speak for all the members obviously. if that's what it comes down to and i can take a look at what's on the field per se in iraq and syria and feel that we need a vote, then i'd be willing to take a vote but at the same time i think the president has some authority here, and, again, right now the lines between syria and iraq really don't
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exist, and we clearly -- we clearly have an enemy that wants to destroy us, so i think that the president has some -- some authorities here. >> we heard from the president's -- the president's adviser that they are taking on isis, the long-term goal of taking on isis could very well likely go beyond an obama administration. do you think that there is the appetite, the resolve to continue that fight amongst -- that fight among the american people, to continue that fight well beyond an obama administration? >> well, one of the things that's the responsibility of the president is to provide for our national defense and also you would want the american people to be supporting your efforts, and the president needs to make the case as to why. i think the american people, at least in my situation while i'm here at home and out and about with the people, they are -- they are disgusted with what has happened and they seriously feel the threat of isis and feel that we need to do something.
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how long we can sustain that remains to be seen. we've been engaged for a long time against an evil enemy, and to be honest with you after 9/11 in my mind i thought this was going to be a 30 to 40-year deal, one way or another, because we need to change generations of thinking. so it's going to take leadership to create that over the long period of time, and you're right. it probably will extend into another administration. >> and changing generations of thinking it seems still also needs to be a goal and a very huge challenge when it comes to continuing the fight that we're looking at right now being posed by isis. congressman brad wenstrop, thank you so much for your time. we'll see you pack in washington. >> okay. thank you so much. >> of course. let's get to michaela for a look at other headlines. >> ten minutes past the hour, the family of steven sotloff speaking out about the american's brutal murder at hands of isis terrorists. the family accuses the isis leader of violating islam by beheading sotloff. we're learning more about sotloff's background. he was jewish, and he held
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israeli citizenship. the justice department is expected to formally announce today a civil rights investigation of the entire ferguson, missouri police department. this will focus on police practices in ferguson in the wake of the fatal shooting of unarmed teenager michael brown by overs darren wilson. now, this is a separate investigation from a federal civil rights probe of the brown shooting itself. the third american to be diagnosed with the ebola virus has now been identified as dr. rick sacra. the doctor was in liberia to replace two americans who had become infected with ebola in july. nancy writebol and dr. kent brantly were evacuated to atlanta for treatment and then released from emory university hospital last month. the cdc says dr. sacra will be flown back to the u.s. for treatment. we'll talk with sanjay gupta coming up about all of that. terrifying moments. imagine going kayaky, yeah, and then coming face to face with a great white shark off the coast of massachusetts? kate would love it.
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i wouldn't. they were out kayaky, a pair of ladies, taking pictures of seals about 150 yards offshore. that's their mistake, when the shark bit one of their kayaks, overturned both of those boats. another kayaker saw them, the women were able to swim away and they were rescued by the plymouth harbormaster. the shark was obviously drawn to the area by the seals which is snackage for them in the summer. i think my takeaway lesson. >> yes. >> don't take pictures of a seal in a kayak. >> you look a little bit like a seal. >> you see it as a praez issue? >> no. >> i think they will mistake my kayak for a seal and then i will then be snackage so really glad to know that they are fine. i think one of the ladies has an injury on her leg, but i can imagine how terrifying that is, and one of them said i'm never going kayaky again. >> thee keep telling us, these
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scientist people, that they really don't want to bite us. these are test bites, they just have big teeth. >> she is a shark apologist. >> i will defend them until they bite me. >> i don't buy i don't need to bite you until i'm going to bite you. >> what are they going to do, wave hi, shake your hands? >> been around a long time. >> if they didn't want us -- >> you think they could have evolved. i think it's a choice. >> if you're a shark, tweet chris and tell him what you think. >> my laptop is already heating up. >> i'm joking because we're just all happy because they didn't get hurt. it was a very scary situation. i like sharks. they are a good fish. >> he doesn't, i do. >> i like them in their place in the ecosystem. another question that actually matters. can president obama convince world leaders to come together and fight isis? it's going to be a heard question that be you think, long-term commitment on many fronts. what will he tell them to make this huge commitment and what will it take to end the war or
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terror? that's what we're just talking b.isis is just another name for terror. we'll speak with obama's national security adviser. >> and the head of the democratic national committee makes some controversial comments about a republican governor and his treatment of women. that's going to be part of "inside politics" coming up ever since we launched snapshot, my life has been positively cray-cray. what's snapshot, you ask? only a revolutionary tool that can save you big-time. just plug it in, and the better you drive, the more cash you'll stash. switching to progressive can already save ye $500. snapshot could save ye even more. meat maiden! bringeth to me thine spiciest wings of buffalo.
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right now the most important nato summit in years is getting under way in wales.
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on the agenda, organizing a global coalition to defeat isis and finding a tough response to russia's deadly conflict in ukraine. but can either really get done? let's get some insight from the white house. mr. tony blinkon, deputy national security adviser for the obama administration. good to have you with us. >> good morning, chris. >> as always, let's start with the obvious, okay? you have a message problem. the reason i state it as a proposition is because if people say you have a message problem you have one. what do you make of this situation about the words destroy versus degrade verse manage? >> chris, there's no inconsistency. it's actually part of a continuum. the president was very clear yesterday. the ultimate aim is to defeat isil and we will and on the road there and it will take time and a large coalition to do it we need in the first instance to disrupt them, to get them from their toes to their heels, and that involves getting them to a place where they are manageable, and once that happens you
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continue on the road to defeat. the president was making it clear that our ultimate objective is to defeat them but to get there we have to go through different stages of disrupting them, degrading them and then getting to defeat. >> tony, first of all, on your screen right now we're showing you video of the relevant group isis and world leaders will be showing up, and as they do we'll show that to you live so you'll be watching that on the screen as well as this conversation. tony, why are we having this conversation if the president made it so clear? >> well, chris, i can tell you it was clear to me, but more important it's clear i think to countries around the world in the region who often don't have a lot in common who are now standing up and starting to get with the program for a simple reason. isis poses a threat to them in the first instance even before it does to us. it's the wolf at their door, so we're seeing strong expressions of support. for example, just yesterday from the united arab emirates and also from the saudis and others. we have the secretary of state, secretary of defense, the president's counterterrorism
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advisers all headed to the region. we need to look before we leap. tried doing the opposite a decade ago in the middle east and that didn't work out so well. he's being deliberative about putting this coalition together making sure we're comprehensively dealing with the problem. >> you've invited more than the member states in nato. you have the organization for progress in europe there as well, but you do mention the people who this affects the most if only because of where it started. >> right. >> saudi arabia, egypt, turkey, jordan. where are those states coming forward and saying we're not just going to condemn it with words. we're going to give the manpower and the money it will take to beat this because that's where it's originating. where are they? >> exactly what we're putting together now, why we're proceeding dlproceed ing deliberatively. that's why we're bringing these countries together and there's
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division of labor, focused on the fighting capacity of isil and the foreign networks the foreign fighters, the financing and propaganda and focusing on some of its local supporters, alienated sunnis who may come over to the other side if the iraqis get an inclusive government and also empowering local actors to be able to deal with the problem. even if we use our air power someone on the ground needs to be able to take and hold the territory that we've freed up. all of that is coming together, but it takes time to do it and to do it right. that's what we're working on. >> so if you want to give a clear message, here's an opportunity to give one. you're not going to do this in the air. you'll have to do is on the ground, and if you're going to do it at all you want to do it with the best, that means the u.s. is it true that there will be u.s. boots on the ground fighting isis if this is going to happen at all? >> chris, we're not going to repeat what happened a decade ago. you don't need to solve this problem by putting 150,000 americans on the ground and getting them stuck there for a decade precisely because so many countries in the region have so much at stake, immediately at stake.
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we're seeing them start to stand up to join this effort. >> tony, i didn't say 150,000. i said any. they are there right now. you say they are not in a combat capacity. >> right. >> but i have to tell you we both understand war very well and having been in theater many times it's difficult to understand how you are there and there's fighting going on around you and you're not part of it. if you want to be clear, shouldn't the clear truth be americans may well fighting on that ground again. >> no. the truth is that we will almost certainly have down the road, we already do have some advisers to provide technical support. we saw a very good example of this just a week ago. americans were in danger in -- in iraq. we have diplomats up in irbil in the north. isil was moving on the north, a couple weeks ago now. the president acted. he used our air power to push isil back and then on the ground iraqi forces and kurdish forces empowered by us through the air were able to push isil back, take the territory that had been vacated. that's exactly the kind of thing that can happen going forward.
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again, we're talking to dozen of countries, including immediately in the region to join this effort across all of these fronts. that's the comprehensive plan that the president is putting together. >> so can you say right now that there will be no american boots on the ground period? >> i can say that as the president has said repeatedly we will not have american combat forces engaged in combat on the ground. >> how are you going to beat isis if you don't have the best fighters in the world fighting them? >> chris, i think what you've heard the president say repeatedly is when it comes to dealing with terrorist groups, even one as dangerous as isil, you have to take a comprehensive approach that gets at all assets of the aspects of the problem, including on the ground but also the financing. >> sure. >> support networks. >> tony, i understand the point. it's been made many times before. look, you can extend it even farther. why do these groups exist, because of the culture of extremism, why toss that culture exist because of poor
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socioeconomics and poor education and abuse of human rights and there's a lot of things that have to change here and in the u.s. how are you going to give the coalition of money, the blood and treasure to take and say, by the way, we're not going to give the same? >> chris, we've seen this in action as recently as a few weeks ago in the north of iraq where bearing our air power to iraqis and kurdish forces on the ground was very effective in pushing isis back in those areas. this has to be done in a much more comprehensive way and involves having an effective iraqi partner on the ground and building up the moderate syrian opposition on the syrian side of the border and requires getting other countries in on the deal, but, again, we don't need to be sending tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of american troops on the ground. we tried that once before. it didn't work out so well. >> there's no question that it's a complex solution, but if you think that the message problem of destroy versus manage is tricky, the issue to americans about whether or not their men and women are fighting on the ground or not is something that has to be critical clear.
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>> i think it has been. >> the president has been repeatedly clear. >> i know, things change over time as needs on the ground change and this is, i believe, and you probably do, too, a much bigger challenge than people realize right now. appreciate you coming on to clarify, tone. >> thanks. >> sure we'll be talking about this again. >> nice talking to you. >> always a pleasure. >> all right. now, an american doctor who devoted his career to helping those less fortunate is now the third american to contract ebola, this as survivor nancy writebol speaks about her experience. we'll hear what it was like for her to hear she was diagnosed with the dreaded disease. and did the head of the republican national committee say a republican governor gives women the back of his hand in the fallout "inside politics." lexus ls... b ...which eyes? eyes that pivot with the road... ...that can see what light misses...
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welcome back. a look at your headlines. nato is expected to put pressure on russian president vladimir putin over ukraine. ukraine's president meeting leaders at summit even though ukraine is not a part of nato. the alliance has said it will support kiev in the face of what it calls russian aggression. both russia and ukraine signaled they may be ready to stop fighting but no cease-fire deal is currently on the table. a routine demonstration on the science of tornadoes went wrong sending 13 people to the hospital in reno, nevada. this happened at the city's discovery museum. fire officials say the chemicals were mixed improperly causing what they describe as a flash similar to throwing gasoline on a fire. the victims, most of them children, suffered minor burns. former israeli president
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shimon peres and pope francis meeting this morning at the vatican to discuss the ongoing israeli-palestinian cease-fire and the wave of terrorism now gripping the middle east. this is the second time in three months that peres has met with pope francis. in june at request of the pontiff peres joined the pontiff at the gardens for a dave prayer. an update for you now. joan rivers' daughter says her mother is now out of intensive care and is being kept comfortable in a private room at a new york hospital. in her latest statement melissa rivers again thanked everyone for their support. earlier this week she had confirmed her mother was on life support. the 81-year-old rivers was hospitalized a week ago after suffering cardiac and respiratory arrest following throat surgery. so good to hear she's been transferred and is resting comfortably. >> right. let's hope it is what it sounds like. >> prayers and good thoughts coming through. >> we need her funny. >> let's get "inside politics" on "new day" with mr. john king. >> good morning to you.
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stay with us. at the end of the segment a special treat for you, won't tell you what it is. stay with us for that and let's start with breaking news in a number of 2014 rations one involving the democratic national committee chairwoman, a florida congresswoman, debbie wasserman schultz and with me to share inspilgights is nia m ha henderson and scott hamby. debbie wasserman schultz going after governor walker and listen to the language here. >> scott walker has given women the back of his hand, and there is no -- i know that is stark. i know that is direct, but that is reality. when you have women earning 78 cents in wisconsin for every dollar a man earns and a governor who has actually signed a law that repealed this enforcement mechanism, that is just -- that is just
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unacceptable and it should be motivation enough for women across this state. so instead what republican tea party extremists like scott walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back, and it's unacceptable, and it's not going to happen on our watch. >> giving women the back of his hand, grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. the democratic candidate who has used this issue in the campaign felled compelled to issue a statement, mary burke's spokesperson said that's not the type of language mary burke would use to point out the clear differences in this contest. there's plenty governor walker disagree on but those disagreements can and should be pointed out respectfully? . over the line? >> very over the line and that's why the campaign is trying to get some distance and the dnc saying debbie wasserman schultz didn't mean to sort of -- sort of minimize the problem of the domestic violence and violence against women. you do have a lot of democrats who are talking about this issue
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about women in their campaigns. grimes is talking about it as well as wende davis in texas. i think one of the problems that you have with democrats facing this very tough race and tough races in women and whether or not the war on women still works. it obviously worked in 2012. they had todd aiken who himself made republicans a very big target, but here i think you have in debbie wasserman schultz someone who very much stepped over the line. >> and in the context, also, if you're going to raise these issues and use that kind of language, and we've been through this when they pushed the legislation. the obama white house study shows they pay women 88 cents on the dollar. most congressional offices pay women who do equal work less than equal pay so there's hypocrisy across the world of politics, but the particular language, the back of his hand and grabbing us by the hair. >> yeah, i mean, leaning in a little too hard. >> right. >> in the war on women. nia is right, this will be an interesting test because in 2012
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you did have this sort of todd aiken and richard murdoch boogie men and republicans on this time have really nominated the people that they want, the sort of palatable inoffensive candidates that they think are electable in november and not the hard right wing conservatives. democrats would say on policy level they are right wing conservatives. a couple things also jumped out here to me. matter burke has been running a very good, disciplined campaign, and debbie wasserman schultz comes in and really messes up the news cycle for her. you don't want, that and, two, this sort of speaks to the waning power of party committees and the era of outside money. the only time you hear from reince priebus and debbie wasserman schultz in the bigger media picture is when they mess up. the parties are now mostly dealing with field operations and get out the vote stuff and not messaging. >> in a 50/50 race any time you have to explain away something one your surrogates said, that's a lost day especially in a
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highly competitive race and the kentucky senate race, remember, republicans need a net gain of six senate seats this november to take control of the senate. the man who would like that to happen more than anyone else is mish mcconnell, and he's up on the ballot this year, look at these numbers. our brand new poll in kentucky, mitch mcconnell 50%, alison lundergren grimes, 50% to 46% and one of the big questions i have in this race what trumps on election day, disapproval of the president or disapproval of congress? if it's disapproval of congress, maybe mitch mcconnell because he's a leader loses this race but look at the president's numbers, only 29% approval rating. we know kentucky is a red state, but 29% of approval among all kentuckians and 64% disapprove. that to me is mcconnell's best hope, right? >> that's his best hope and also his best hope is these democrats, i think it's something like 16%, who probably voted for grimes for secretary of state but really want to back
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mcconnell, according to this poll, so i think all across the country we're going to see the president's terrible approval ratings drag down these -- these folks who are running, and, of course, you see mcconnell there running as in some ways the candidate of change. i mean, here's a guy who has been in the senate for years and years but he said if you want change in washington, vote for mitch mcconnell. >> changed a lot of his positions over the years so that's true. if you look at more on numbers, grimes is losing, eastern kentucky, coal country by 29 points, wants that number to be tighter if she can win and secondly only winning women by only about 7 votes, if you're here you want that closer to 10, 12 and 13 and you feel safer, but this poll is keeping with other ones we've seen. most people probably think, if you talk to republican and democratic strategist that mcconnell has a three or four-point leader, if you're the senate minority leader you don't want to be there. >> if the republicans lose any of their seats they need to pick
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up a democratic seat. we'll watch kentucky and suddenly we're watching kansas. pat roberts survived a tea party challenge, it's kansas, he'll win but the democratic candidate dropped out of the race and now the independent candidate has a one-on-one shot at pat roberts who has not run a stellar campaign. do we now have to put kansas on the watch list? >> possibly so. this is what democrats are hoping. claire mccaskill seems to be instrumental in making some of this happy about hind the scenes. i think the question for is if this independent can pull it out, who does he caucus with? republicans or independents? >> we'll see if democrats create some kind of super pac? pat roberts has almost $2 million in the bank and this guy has only 670. kansas you buy wichita and kansas city and you're in the game. >> the question will be, ladies and gentlemen, do we see peter hamby in kansas.
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i asked the question, go to cnn politics, you will see today the debut of the hamby cast. i consider this the world's greatest vacation. politicians in a state somewhere where he can say let me go and if you can add beer and barbecue, you get this. ♪ >> this is like the fun part of covering political pains. there's a lot of speeches and policy rollouts and just sort of rogue campaign events, but so much of politicking is going to places like this which is essentially a big old carnival. what's the reaction been like from the south carolina folks since you've been here? >> good. >> there's a couple of big issues with them. one is they really appreciate what we've done in texas on the border. >> what's the ore one? >> the other one is just standing up for the rule of law. this indictment, people see it for what it is and think it's absurd. >> rick perry certainly has flaws to overcome if he runs for
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president. has to earn the trust of donors and voters who didn't take him seriously after the last campaign but one thing he's always been good at is retail politics this. environment is tailor made for him. >> a&m won the game big. >> it was a thumping. >> tell us about this. you have the greatest job in the building. >> thanks. >> because you're not in the building. >> that's right. >> have his sunglasses on out there looking cool. that was hip. >> what we do covering campaigns a lot of times is obviously leave washington and get out on the road and the goal of the series is to kind of step away from the kind of scripted politics and turn the camera back around on what you usually don't see. talk to the characters, the operatives, the legislators and the kind of people who make politics tick in this country and then have a little fun with it, be a little irreverent and stripped down. it's fun. it's on the web. it will be weekly, just a couple minutes, mobile friendly. check it out.
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>> nia, peter, follow peter on the road because kate and chris and michaela, if you haven't noticed, usually where hamby shows up is a place where they have good food and see the guy with the funnel? >> i actually thought that was peter behind the funnel for a second but then i realized when the camera goes off. peter hamby bringing hipster to cnn news. i love it. >> there you go. >> i think it's just. i just don't like that they didn't have hamby's face in that opening graphic. they show him putting the glasses on. >> yeah. >> and the denim shirt. >> don't worry. >> 007. >> the chambray. >> we know peter and know him well and love him, he'll find plenty of time to put his face on camera. >> whoa. >> wow. >> ouch. >> i'm just playing because i love you. because i love you. thanks, guys. >> the hambycast. >> back to the news that is pressing at this moment. how about this? another american now infected with that deadly virus ebola,
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this as nancy writebol speaks about her experience beating the disease. what does this mean for future cases? dr. sanjay gupta is here. plus, a home depot security breach, a big one potentially. how bad was it, and what does it mean for customers? we're going to tell you what the company is saying about it this morning. you're driving along,
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now you could have done it twice. this is awkward. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. dr. rick sacra is the third american missionary to be diagnosed with the ebola virus while working in liberia. this news comes as health officials warn that the outbreak is going to get worse before it gets better. the world trade organization now says more than 1,900 people have died in west africa from that virus, this as american ebola survivor nancy writebol spoke publicly for the first time about her experience with cnn. let's bring in our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta
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with more. i could not believe how healthy she looked yesterday. >> she looked good, and, you know, obviously we know how sick she's been over the last several weeks. also this other third volunteer, rick sacra, who is he, what exactly happened for him and what does this mean for all of us going forward? the doctor was not working with ebola patients when he became infected with the deadly virus. instead, he was delivering babies at a hospital in the capital city monrovia. it is still not known how exactly he became infected, but thanks to his own vigilance he detected it immediately when his temperature started to rise on friday. by monday, he tested positive for ebola. >> when his temperature went up, he self-isolated himself at that point, and then when the test came back positive, then he personally moved himself into the ebola unit. >> reporter: sim says they are exploring all treatment and any
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evacuation options, but for now the doctor is being treated in liberia. he is communicating by cell phone and computer and reportedly remains in good spirits. it's worth noting the doctor volunteered to return to liberia last month for sim after dr. kent brantly and nurse nancy writebol were sidelined by ebola. under normal circumstances he's a professor at boston's umass medical school, and he's a family physician at the umass medical center. >> he's the consummate family physician. not only is he incredibly bright and incredibly skilled with his hands and able to perform a number surgical procedures, but is also just a wonderful human being. >> reporter: liberia was familiar territory for the doctor. he's spent nearly two decades of his career there. his wife debby said in a written statement we are trusting in god to be with rick and us through this difficult circumstance. hopefully he'll recover as well
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as his sim colleagues dr. brantly and writebol. both of them walked out of atlanta's emory university hospital just two weeks ago as ebola survivors. and on wednesday we heard from writebol for the first time. >> i remember that david wanted to put his arms around me, and, of course, hi fever and i just said don't, don't. i don't want you to touch me because, you know, touching who knows. i didn't have any idea if i would survive. i didn't have a clue. >> i'll tell you, remember, she looked so good there, but she didn't think that she would survive the medical evacuation just a few weeks ago so really a remarkable recovery. now it's pointed out dr. sacra became ill with ebola, nancy has volunteered to go pack to liberia to start taking care of these patients as well. >> remarkable people and wants to continue her missionary work. dr. sacra, there in the isolation unit in liberia.
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what do we know about the specific treatment he's getting? will he get zmapp, the experimental treatment we know about? >> doesn't sound like it. there's no doses viable. dr. brantly and nancy write were the first two humans to receive it. that wasn't the plan. not ready for human use so they haven't scaled up but they have two government grants to start making more of that zmapp. >> right. >> and we also know, michaela, vaccine trials started earlier this week as well. >> another thing that's so concerning for all of us. he was not even treating ebola patients, and he got sick. what are we missing here, sanjay, about the number of health care workers who are getting sickened by this had. >> first of all, it's health care workers who often do get sick with this. why? because they are taking care of sick patients who have ebola, and the sick patients with ebola are the ones actually transmitting the virus, not the ones in the incubation period who weren't sick. that's one reason. how he got it, not working on
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the ebola isolation ward is still unclear. did one of the women he was caring for at the pregnancy ward, unclear. did one of the woman he was working with have it. was there some kind of cross-contamination with the protective garb? we don't know. and having seen a lot of the situations like this, covering these types of story, we might not have a clear answer on this. "the new york times" writing about the who and some cutbacks they had and that might have likely contributed to the outbreak and response to it. thanks so much for giving us an update on dr. sacra and on nancy writebol. another possible security breach at a major retailer. home depot now in crisis mode. why does this keep happening and how can we protect ourselves? (vo) get ready! fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood,
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this morning, home depot is working with banks and law enforcement agencies to try and investigate what could be a massive security breach. the retailer that night determined yet if a breach even took place, but it has hired computer security firms to try and help investigate credit card -- credit and debit card information may have been stolen from an untold number of customers and security experts say this potential hack could be bigger than even target's enormous data breach last fall. so what does this mean for you, since it seems everyone's shopping at home depot lately? cnn money correspondent christina aleshi joins us. what do people need to know? because a lot more people shop at home depot than even target. >> just to put this into context, the reporter who
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discovered the breach said potentially all of home depot's stores were impacted. that's 2,200 stores. when you look at target, it was 1,800 stores. and this particular breach, the home depot breach, has been going on since potentially late april, early may, whereas the target breach only lasted three weeks. so you're looking, you know, you're looking, as you said, at a much bigger breach here. bottom line for consumers, they have to be really diligent about monitoring their credit card statement and flagging any kind of suspicious activity, any kind of fraud. but there's really not much else to do. what it comes down to is that all retailers in the united states are operating on a somewhat antiquated system. we're talking about technology that was developed in the 1950s, right? if you look around the world, other countries are using a much more sophisticated and secure system. it's a chip system. it's a chip in the card that's encrypted, okay, and that is much harder to break into, much harder to get information off of. and that is where we need to go
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in the u.s. >> yeah, but it's some more expensive. and until we get to that place, you're going to just -- unfortunately, it's a buyer beware situation, where you'll have to be more diligent to watch your credit report. >> and consumers will have to get used to this happening more often. >> that is not what we want to hear this morning. >> nope. >> christina, great to see you. thanks so much. the nato summit officially getting underway in just minutes. western leaders are facing two major challenges. the threat of isis and the crisis in ukraine. what can this group accomplish in just two days? what is going to be the big focus coming out? we'll go live to wales for the latest. to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. perfect timing. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. good calculating kyle. good job kyle. you just made partner. our best-ever pricing on mobile share value plans for business.
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see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. good morning and welcome once again to "new day." it's thursday, september 4th, 8:00 in the east. and right now we'll show you some live pictures. a pivotal nato summit is getting underway in wales. this is a live look at the start of the meeting. the issues western leaders face are well-documented. top of that, how to slow isis. and to prevent westerners from joining their ranks anymore. the other crisis on hand, stopping russia's aggression in ukraine, and can russian president vladimir putin's proposal to end the conflict be
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taken seriously at all? there's a lot for leaders to tackle and not a lot of time to get underway. cnn's michelle kosinski is in wales with more on what to expect. michelle? >> reporter: hi, kate. it's strange to think this hasn't even properly started yet in terms of meetings, because there's been so much news leading up to it in the last week, with the planning and goal setting. this morning, we saw president obama meet with the uk's prime minister, david cameron, they sat together and had a meeting between themselves, even put out together an op-ed piece in the london times this morning, that was very bluntly titled, we will not be cowed by barbaric killers, referring there to the isis threat. today we expect to see meetings on afghanistan. that's a situation that has not gone away. also, of course, ukraine. and there's one meeting with western powers, including the u.s., uk, italy, france, and germany, and they have invited ukraine to join them. even though ukraine, of course,
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is not a nato member, though it may be in the future. this summit has been, if not, all about, then certainly greatly shaped by the events happening there. and the west's problem now is how to deal with russia and nato is going to be forging that plan further. it sounds like the only option short of military force is expanding sanctions. so we expect to see an announcement on that, if not today, then tomorrow. and also expanding the capability of nato forces. that, then, is going to require greater contributions from individual members. so we should see something announced in that department as well, kate. >> to think, we've already heard the president, president obama, beginning the call for greater contributions from all nato members. michelle, thank you so much. traveling with the president in wales this morning. the big ticket, of course, is the isis threat. and it is being felt especially strongly in great britain. why? well, hundreds of brits are
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believed to have joined isis, including the terrorist seen on the video beheading americans james foley and steven sotloff. so what are the brits prepared to do about the problem? british prime minister david cameron holds the answers. and our nic robertson put the key questions to him. good morning, nic? >> reporter: chris, i began by asking the british prime minister, david cameron, about what president obama has said in estonia, that isis should be destroyed. and then they had gone on to say that it should be shrunk to manageable problem. i asked the british prime minister, should it be shrunk or destroyed. this is what he said. >> reporter: destroyed. squeezed out of existence is the way i should put it. but we should be clear what we're facing here is this islamist extremist narrative, a poison narrative. it isn't just in iraq and syria. we've also seen it in somalia and mali, of course in afghanistan, when hosted by the taliban. so this is a generational
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struggle. >> reporter: will britain be committing air strikes against isis in iraq and syria? >> we don't rule anything out. we'll act with partners in our national interest. we've already taken some important steps, with americans and others. we've been helping the kurds. >> reporter: on that poisonous narrative, the man with the british accent seen involved in the brutal murder of james foley and steven sotloff, is the brush government any closer to identifying this british accented man and capturing him? >> well, we have been working exhaustively to identify all the people that are potentially involved. i'm not going to give out that information publicly, but, obviously, what we're doing is everything we can to stop people traveling. we're taking away passports, we're banning people from traveling, we're also prosecuting, convicting, and imprisoning those that commit or support terrorist acts. we're preventing people from returning. we're looking at all the people that we can do. but i'm in and out do that these people, they will face justice one way or the other.
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>> reporter: let's shift to the other important thing on the agenda here, ukraine. president putin released steps towards peace. do you -- in ukraine. do you trust those steps in his outline? >> well, it's positive that at least he's making noises about peace. i think the difficulty of trust is partly based on the fact that putin has been denying that there are russian troops on ukrainian soil. when everyone can see that that is the case. if you go on with this destabilization, a potential breaking up of ukraine, thereby a very different relationship between russia on the one hand in america and europe on the other. and let's be frank. russia needs america and europe more than america and europe need russia. we need to make that relationship pay. >> reporter: and i followed up with the british prime minister, asking about the specific points in president putin's peace plan that essentially appear to amount to an annexation of parts of southeastern ukraine by the pro-russian rebels and effectively, therefore, by
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russia itself. he said this was completely unacceptable, that kiev must be free to control the whole country. chris? >> all right, nic, thank you very much. important conversation to have, especially right now, kate, and we'll have to see what resolve they can make between the uk, the u.s., and all the other nato members. >> absolutely. let's focus on one issue on the agenda for many of the nato leaders. the threat of isis. let's continue that discussion with florida senator bill nelson, senior member of the committee on armed services. great to see you. thank you so much for coming in. >> good morning. >> good morning to you. a lot on the table for nato leaders. one of the big issues, as i said, is the threat against isis. and you are calling for a vote to make clear any question of the legal authority that the president would have to strike isis in syria. the president has, though, senator, has not yet said that he wants to strike isis in syria just yet.
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why call for a vote before the president lays out that strategy? >> well, i believe that the president has the constitutional authority to strike in syria, to protect america and our national security. but this is not going to be a one or two-day strike. this is going to be a long-term affair and as a result, we may as well have the constitution followed, which is that the congress declares war. now, as you know, the president has the authority from a previous law to protect american interests in iraq. and thus far, he has been very successful in employing air strikes along with ground troops of either the kurds or the iraqi army. to go into syria, legal scholars will debate as to whether or not
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he needs that by congress declaring it. and that's why i'm proposing this, and let's just get the question settled once and for all. if we don't deal with isis now, we are certainly going to have to deal with them in the future. >> and i think it's important when you point out the fact that it's not going to be a short-term engagement. and that's why you think the constitution should be followed and a vote should be had. because i spoke with a republican member of the house earlier in the show, and he said that he doesn't think the president necessarily needs any additional authority. are you hearing the same from your colleagues, because many are wondering if you're going to get the vote at all. >> well, my personal feeling is that the president can strike to protect american interests. >> right. >> he's already, for example, put boots on the ground in syria, when they tried to rescue
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the journalists with a special operations team. but we're talking about a threat to america where they say, they will not stop until the black flag of isis is hanging over the white house. so we're in this for the long haul. notice, the president's already taken action. august the 25th, he started the surveillance flights over syria. so the planning is underway, the pentagon is on full alert. now the question is, let's give the go from the congress so that there is no question as to the legal authority. >> are you confident you will get this vote on this legislation? >> well, sooner or later, we will. because this, again, is not going to be a short-term affair. >> do you think you'll get it before midterm? because everyone, of course, wonders how the political
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calendar plays into the decision that, you know, might put some of your colleagues in a tough spot, some would say. >> well, i can't imagine our senators running for re-election, that their constituents are not saying, with these beheadings, with isis having so much american equipment, having captured it from the iraqi army in mosul, most of that equipment back in syria, having taken over the banks, now not only that cash, but producing income from all the oil wells that they have, this is a real threat to america, to our allies, to the freedom-loving peoples of the world. and how many more beheadings is it going to take to get people to realize what we're dealing with? that's why i think we'll have the success in a vote. >> do you think, in the end, you
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talked about boots on the ground in syria in terms of that special operations to rescue the american journalist. do you think boots on the ground is inevitable? i ask you this, because the deputy national security adviser, tony blinken, was on earlier in the show, speaking to chris. and he said over and over again, we're not having combat boots on the ground. we will not go back to the way it was when we were in iraq, that's not in the cards. however, secretary hagel speaking to our jim sciutto, he said this, to your larger point about just air strikes, no, just air strikes alone won't fulfill or accomplish what the mission is. do you think boots on the ground is an inevitability in order to destroy isis? >> i mean, you do a major military operation, you leave opportunities for all kinds of contingencies. it is clearly the intention of the united states that we are not going to put a land army in
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syria. but to achieve an objective, you have to give yourself the flexibility to achieve that goal that you're trying. now, right now, we're being very successful in iraq, by the employment of boots on the ground, by the iraqi forces and the kurds, with our air strikes. what we find in syria, we'll have to deal with at the time. so if the objective is to cut off the head of the snake, the isis snake in syria, then that's what we're going to have to do. >> do you think the president, to this point, though, has kind of talked himself, if you will, into a corner, by being so adamant about what the administration will not do, in terms of boots on the ground? >> no, i don't. i think the president has been very deliberative.
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he's been cool under pressure. he started the surveillance flights. he's working a coalition. it's a coalition not just with somebody like the free syrian army, which is on the ground, fighting isis in syria right now, but he's working it with all our coalition partners in nato, as we speak this minute. and so i think he's preparing us in the way that a commander in chief ought to. >> senator bill nelson of florida, senator, always great to have you on. we'll be looking forward to see what happens when you and your fellow lawmakers return to washington, if that vote will be happening maybe in the near future. thank you so much for your time this morning. >> thank you, ma'am. have a great day. >> as we were speaking, you could see live pictures of president obama arriving, standing next to british prime minister david cameron. the nato summit getting underway as we speak. >> a lot of work to do. >> so much to work through.
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and i'm sure they're thinking about steven sotloff. a few stories, steven sotloff's grieving family breaking their silence, remembering him, as quoting, a mere man trying to find good. in a family statement, we're learning more about this murder american's background. he was jewish and held israeli citizenship. new today, dutch investigators say they'll release a preliminary reporter into the malaysia flight 17 air crash. it will be based on satellite imagery and radar. mh-17 was shot down over eastern ukraine near the russian border july 17th. all 298 people on board were killed. the dutch safety board says further investigation will be needed before it can release a final report. political shocker in kansas. democrat chad taylor dropped out of the race against incumbent republican senator pat roberts.
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taylor isn't saying exactly why he decided to end his campaign, but this serves as a big boost to robert who is will face off in november. >> the midterms, the midterms. i like to sing it because i get excited about politics. >> needs a better tune. >> i'll work on it. a pressing question to consider. michael brown's juvenile record. should it be released? what's in there? is there a legitimate interest in knowing? knowing who this young man was and what he may have been predisposed to, or is this media fishing for damaging details on someone who's a victim and not on trial. we're going to speak with an attorney for michael brown's family. this is a question that's being decided by a judge right now.
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welcome back to "new day." today, the justice department is launching a broad civil rights investigation into the ferguson, missouri, police department. that's where unarmed black teenager michael brown was shot and killed by a police officer. the investigation is going to look into whether or not the practices of the ferguson pd violate federal law. t this comes as two media outlets are suing to unseal michael brown's juvenile record. now, the state is arguing brown had no serious felony convictions, so there is no legitimate interest in the information. members of the media say, with so much unknown, his past is relevant. attorney for michael brown's
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family, darryl parks, joins us now from florida on this situation. counsel, very good to have you, as always. let me ask you first about the investigation by the doj. we had heard the attorney general say, we're going to take a look at the shooting specifically. see what was done and what not. now, this is a second layer looking at ferguson and surrounding police departments. is this something that the family wanted? >> well, certainly, they wanted -- i mean, chris, you may or may not know, but in the area of ferguson, there have been several police departments close by that have had serious issues. for example, missouri, which is contiguous with ferguson, missouri here. so there have been serious issues in this area before. we were not surprised by the fact that when the department of justice civil rights division put these 40 acres on the ground, you hear the number, 200 people had been interviewed. obviously, not all of them had things to say about the michael
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brown situation, i'm sure some of them had other things to say. part of our investigation on the ground there, as we do continue to get complaints about other situations that have happened there in ferguson and in surrounding areas, so i'm sure, as they did their investigation, they, too, began to get a lot of things about different situations that probably caused them to want to take a closer, wider look at the ferguson police department. >> and the reach will be pretty sweeping. it won't be just issues of race. this investigation authorizes to look at patterns of conduct that involve any type of negative preference. it could be on the base of socioeconomics, anything. but, obviously, race is a motivator here. so then you have a second big issue. and counsel, let's do this the easy way for the audience. you make the case for why releasing the juvenile record is wrong, and i'll take the side that the media is advancing in this litigation, though we are not party to it. why is it wrong to release the record here? >> well, chris, i think it was about a couple weeks ago, y'all asked me about his criminal history.
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and one of the issues that was rather clear, even the police department had made it clear, that there's no significant criminal history here. yesterday was important, because even as the judge gets ready to rule, the attorneys for the juvenile area there in missouri indicated that there was no significant juvenile history in mike brown's past. >> okay. so, we do know this. if michael brown had been convicted as a juvenile of a serious felony, you know, behavior that would be a felony as an adult, it would already be public. it would not be protected by the juvenile law. so, we know there can't be a conviction for that. but, we don't know certain things. and why can't the media judge for itself what's in there and whether it's relevant to showing that predisposition that michael brown may have had when encountering this officer? an intention of being violent. that he may have been someone who may have been trying to threaten the officer. >> well, first of all, michael
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brown is a victim in this situation, and i think we have to be very careful about how we portray the victim. and he did not shoot anyone. number two, it's rather clear that the laws in the state of missouri certainly have leaned toward protecting children and things that happen while they are younger. so we get to the point where, why does this become important? well, we believe, number one, that those folks who have asked for these records are participating as part of a character assassination of michael brown and his death. we believe that it is shameful that they would want to continue to go down this road, knowing, number one, that michael brown was not the perpetrator. number two, knowing that he did not have any significant record. and three, where some have been so egregious to put out there that he had been part of some, or maybe had a pending murder charge of some type. which now we know is totally untrue. so those people who continue to participate in gross untruths really should stop and give great respect to michael brown,
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who is deceased. >> to your best knowledge, you say the allegations that there was some type of homicide investigation going on, or some type of charge, to your knowledge, is there any serious behavior that was being examined by any aspect of the court system involving michael brown? >> nothing serious whatsoever. i think if nothing else, maybe, probably may have possibly had a juvenile situation, maybe at worst, maybe a truancy situation. but nothing of any type of serious nature where a person in his situation, and his being a victim, and being shot in broad daylight by an officer would come into play. >> now, this is insensitive. there's no question about it. however, it may be legal. you paused when you said that the law is designed to protect kids. you said, you know, while they're young. i'll fill in the pause a different way. it's designed to protect kids
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while they're alive. and michael brown, right or wrong, is no longer alive. and i think most people would agree, you lose a life and it's wrong, but he's not alive anymore, so there's nothing -- there's no one to protect. so we should release the record? >> well, i don't -- you know, i haven't seen the law in particular, but i saw someone interpret the law, to say that that right or protection died with his death. i'm not quite sure if that's what the law actually says. i think, if nothing else, we should take the spirit of the law in the situation, that is rather clear that the law is designed to protect the juvenile rights of a person. i think the law, if it doesn't, should go to the point where especially in his death, that it shouldn't be used against him. particularly given the fact that he is not the person that took a life in this situation. >> and many people have reached out with questions about this saying, would it be allowed as evidence at trial. and what they're forgetting is the point you're making, michael brown would not be on trial in this situation. it would be about the shooting,
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and if anything, that would be involving what the officer did, not what michael brown did. not at this point, anyway. counsel, always good to get the information and perspective directly from you. thank you for joining us on "new day". >> thank you. >> we're following this story. but we also are watching for you the nato summit. because it's getting underway in wales right now. president obama just got there, the world leaders are there, and they're looking to build a united front against isis. now, this comes as more and more americans are becoming radicalized. we're going to speak to a muslim member of congress whose state is actually battling the problem right now. (vo) ours is a world of passengers. the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them.
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at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. right now, nato is meeting to discuss many issues, specifically, the terror group isis. our next guest is particularly touched by this threat. two men from his district joined the fight for isis. he is congressman keith ellison. he's a democrat from minnesota and the co-chair for the national progressive caucus. and as isis continues to pervert islam, it's worth mentioning that congressman ellison is up with of two muslim lawmakers, he joins us now.
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congressman, it's very good to have you here. i want to talk about what you're witnessing firsthand in your state. but first, i want to talk to you on a personal level. as a member of the faith, a muslim, do you believe the islamic community has come out strongly enough, denouncing the acts of extremists who hold up the banner of islam in their own cause, on a personal level and on a state level? do you think we've heard enough? >> well, i think that if you just check the record, muslim organizations and individuals and leaders have come out four square, in opposition to terrorism, to isis, to hezbollah, to groups that engage in this sort of behavior. there's no doubt about it, if you look back, even to 9/11, you know, many of the people who died in that crisis were muslim, many of the first responders were muslim. in fact, one young man lost his life as a first responder, trying to save other americans. so i think, yeah, people have been vocal. they need to continue to be
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that, as all americans do. but i think that it's important for muslim leaders to signal that there's nothing that isis is doing that bears any resemblance to the faith that we practice every day and that we need to reject and condemn their perversion of what we believe in. >> and i ask you because, you know, you have these guys at nato right now, right? and they're the names we hear all the time. but you don't hear jordan, you don't hear turkey, you don't heard saudi arabia. yes, they came out and said they condemned isis and they gave 100 million to the u.n. and they said the u.n. is the only one who can combat terrorism. why aren't those countries stepping up and saying, we'll put boots on the ground, we'll go and fight these, because it's even more important to us? >> well, i think if you look at jordan, jordan has taken on refugees from iraq, syria, and has one of the most effective anti-terrorism agencies in the region. i mean, that's just a matter of
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record. you should call an international anti-terrorism expert on to talk about the good work that they do. saudi arabia, i do, i can tell you that they've been foursquare on this. the national security experts will tell you that they're in the fight, fighting terrorism too. and of course, turkey is as well. now, you may -- maybe they need to work more on pr, i don't know -- >> but when we say boots on the ground, reverybody says, boots n the ground, will the u.s. be there, let's put that question to the side. don't you think the first boots there should be from that region? that's all i'm asking you. >> i hear you. i think the first boots there need to be iraqi boots, right? this is their country, they're a sovereign nation and they're the ones who should be called upon to defend their country, without regard to religion, right? >> right. >> anyone of any faith or sect who is iraqi needs to be the one carrying the fight to isis. of course, i will also tell you
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that the first problem i think is not necessarily military, but it's essentially political. and i think president obama and the international community, including the region, has done, has made an important first step by making sure that nuri al maliki is not the head of state of that country, and that now that the new government that is formed will include the sunni tribal leaders and the sunni -- the regional leaders to make sure that isis cannot exploit grievance based on exclusion of the sunnis. so i think those political matters are forming right now, but they need to continue, and i think you're right when you say the region needs to be right there at the table to make sure that the legitimate sunni voice is included in the governance of iraq. >> an example of how difficult it is to control this problem is not seen abroad, it's seen right here at home, even in your home
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state of minnesota. people would be surprised to hear there would be any significant population of north africans or muslims in minnesota. but i've been there and seen the problems you're fighting with. tell us about it. >> well, let me tell you. we're really proud of our somali population. they make awesome contributions to our community. but there are certain individuals, tiny in number, we're talking about two people. we're not talking about communities here. we're talking about two individuals. one is african-american and one is somali, allegedly. so i don't want to overblow the problem, but we are concerned about it and i think it is important to continue to do a few things. one, we need to continue to argue to people, whatever grievance you may have with u.s. foreign policy or anything like that, these things can be addressed, but then your constitutional rights as an american to safely and peacefully express your view as to what our country should or should not be doing. to take up arms for a foreign army that is terrorist in its
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organization like isis is unacceptable and we cannot tolerate it. now, let me also say, but it's not just a matter of what we do here. i mean, we've got to work with turkey to make sure that, you know, people don't fly from here to istanbul to go to join isis. that's been one of the routes that people have taken. we need to work with our nato ally to help close off that avenue. we've got to close off financial resources, we've got to tighten the noose around isis financially in terms of recru recruitment and things like that. but i've got to tell you, it's very important for us to realize, one of the things isis banks on, and this is a fact, they bank on an exaggerated response that causes collateral damage, because they use it as a recruiting tool. so it's important for us to not go beyond what is warranted by the facts. it's very important for us to do what is necessary, but not more than is necessary, because they're hoping to be able to go
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to somebody and say, see, you've been aggrieved. your family was a collateral damage, your family was mistreated in some way. so then come join us. that is one of the ways they try to recruit and we should not help them in that endeavor. >> you make a very strong point there, congressman. people look at the videos of these beheadings and say, these isis people, they must be asking for trouble, but they're forgetting that every time we attack them -- >> they are literally asking for trouble. >> because it helps them recruit. >> right. they are trying to draw us in. look, the world knows that the united states is a country that is -- that believes in its strength, okay? and they're hoping that we will have a response in excess of what is necessary. that's why the boots on the ground must be iraqi boots. it must be young iraqi men and women and iraqi of all ages, defending their country. now, if we're going to support it, it should be diplomatly,
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politically, and there might be a role for air support. but this has got to be their fight, because we do not want to help them say, well, hey, we're being invaded by the united states again, so come join this fight. that's not what should happen. what should happen is the that the international community should get around iraq, iraqis should fight this fight on the ground. and if the international community needs to support it, then that's warranted. but at the end of the day, isis is a cancer. they are a danger in their perversion, and i'm personally offended how they distort the faith that i'm a member of. >> and it's important, because we keep throwing the word "islamic" around, somewhat legitimateizing their role -- >> right, i call them "islamic" with quotes on it. there's nothing in islam that allows you to murder innocent people. what they've done is an outrage. there is nothing in it that can be condoned. and i encourage people of all faiths to condemn what they are doing. they are bandits, they're criminals.
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and i would also add, chris, that they like to use the veneer of religious respectability. they want to be -- they want to look like they're the standard-bearers for the faith, but they're nothing close to that. >> there's nothing -- >> in fact, they are opponents of it. >> there is nothing righteous in their cause. on that, all should agree. congressman, thank you very much for what you had to say this morning and i look forward to getting back up to minnesota and see the good work you're doing there. >> come on down. >> someone else we want to introduce you to this morning is kristen beck, decorated navy s.e.a.l. she was also once a man. we're going to talk with her about her most personal and most difficult mission ever. that would be her transition from male to female, when "new day" continues.
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all right. here we go with the five things you need to know for your "new day." number one, a nato summit now underway in wales. the leaders will tackle the growing isis threat and continued russian aggression in ukraine, among other critical topics. russia's foreign minister says ukraine's nato ambitions may derail peace talks in belarus tomorrow. russian ukraine has said they are working on a deal to end months of fighting in ukraine, but no cease-fire deal is on the table right now. the justice department expected to announce today an investigation into police practices in ferguson, missouri. this is separate from a civil rights probe into the michael brown shooting itself. the third american to be infected with the ebola virus has been identified as dr. rick sacra. dr. sacra had gone to liberia after dr. nancy writebol and dr. kent brantly contracted the
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disease in july. former israeli president shim shim shimon perez and the pope visiting. be sure to visit for the very latest. a former navy s.e.a.l.'s incredible and brave story. deciding after 20 years and 13 deployments as a member as the elite s.e.a.l. team 6 to make the transition to being a woman. i'll speak with kristen beck, live, next. (vo) get ready!
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chris beck, awesome to party, you know, total life of the party. we party down in tampa, party in san diego. put alcohol in him, he was good to go. when he was sober, yeah, he was a pain in the ass. >> look at that mean look. holy toledo. >> he did a lot of things that were on the verge of suicidal. you know, trying to hide under this mask of bravado. putting himself in harm's way, going on voluntary deployments, consistently. you only had to go so many times, but he did, what, 14, something like that. that, to me, is almost suicidal. >> that is a look at the new cnn film, "lady valor." it airs tonight. it looks at the life of a former s.e.a.l. team 6 member with quite a shocking secret. after retiring after 20 years of active duty service and 13 deployments as a navy s.e.a.l., christopher beck made the brave
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decision to transition to a woman. the film looks at beck's journey and his new start as kristin. kristin beck joins me now from atlanta. kristen, how was it, first of all, to see your life in film, especially your story? >> good morning, mikalah. it was, it was difficult. it was quite a journey. and we're still working on that journey. i think everyone in life, you know, continue the journey and just work as hard as you can and do the best you can. >> brave of you to tell about this journey, because i know it has been very difficult. i want to go back to the fact that a s.e.a.l. team 6, 13 deployments. this is a masculine, warrior environment. there is some irony there. what were you driven to or drawn to about life as a navy s.e.a.l.. >> as a navy s.e.a.l., you know, it's the toughest of the tough, but also the defenders of america, just like a lot of people in the military. and it was just doing the best i
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could. and the best i could was the navy sal.e.a.l.s. >> you said you were happiest when you were deployed. explain that to us. >> i was happyist when i was deployed, because i was over there with my teammates. and we would lose a lot of guys in combat, i lost a lot of people on the way, and every time you leave, you feel remorse and you want to get back over there, protecting your comrades in arms is and doing the fight, you know? fighting for liberty and justice. >> but i get a sense, too, kristen, 13 deployment, you went above and beyond above and beyond. do you think it was drowning out some of the noise in your own head? >> yes, definitely drowning out some of the noise. i think a lot of guys come back, ptsd and everything else, and it's difficult reasserting yourself into civilian society after the rigors of combat. the war is something that no one should ever half to endure, but something that we're stuck with as human beings. and i don't know why. it would be nice to get rid of
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it. but we have it, and when you come back, it's difficulties. and i had my difficulties because of my extra journey. so we're working on it. >> we all are, kristen. and you speak about ptsd, i know you've had your share of critics and i know you've shared that you say you've had your share of hate mail, and some people that will say this is some sort of ptsd reaction, but you've had this journey for years. >> for my entire life. people say this is the wrong body, this is not the wrong body, this is not my wrong life. this is the life i was given. these are the troubles and the lessons i need to learn to become a better person and maybe to become a better spirit or soul or whatever you want to call it. but this journey was given to me and i'm going to take it onboard and do the best can i. >> good for you. you've got family and friends around you, but we also know as you go through your journey, it's one thing, but also a journey for them and they have to come at it in their own time and process. and even in the film, a very
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dear friend of yours talks about you with such emotion and so glad that you're home in safe, but in that emotion, refers to you as a "he." >> yes, it happens. i mean, people knew me as a -- as christopher for 40-something years. and it's a little difficult for them, sometimes. and sometimes they just slip up. but you have to let people grow with it also. it's a journey i've had my entire life, but maybe some folks only get to be part of this journey right now. so it's brand-new for them. so give them a chance, they're going to figure it out. you know when people are being disrespectful, and you know when people just make a mistake. if you make a mistake, i'll give you time to forgive and let you know, hey, this right here, this is me, this is kristen beck. and then we can go on from there. >> we can go on from there. >> yeah. >> and your family, how has that been? >> it's, it's still a work in progress, but isn't every family? >> isn't every family. >> growing up and living with my father, a football coach, my
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mother was a schoolteacher, and holy cow, the ruler would come out sometimes. but everybody has families. and we have difficulties. but, you can never really hate them. sometimes i don't like them, but it's -- there's always going to be, you know, that love and that support behind the scenes. and a little scolding here and there along the way. >> the one that is keep us honest, right? >> they have to be there. >> let me ask you whub s, when the images of christopher and think about the 13 deployments, i mean, you were the baddest of the bad. s.e.a.l. team 6. what does it feel like inside -- i know you're fiercely proud, and in fact, you're still working as a consultant and a contractor with aspects of the military. what does it feel like when you see christopher now? >> that's me. so the person you see on there with the big beards and everything else, that is me right there. and this is me right now that you're seeing right now. i can never deny that. that's -- like i said, that's
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part of my journey. i had to go through all of that to get to where i am today. and if we deny that, we try to push that down, then what does that make you? so i just -- i don't embrace it. i'm like, yeah, that was me, and toughest is tough, and you keep saying that about me, but there are a lot of people out there, cancer survivors, one of my friends is a four-time cancer survivor, that's the toughest of the tough. and there are so many people on this earth, everybody has a tough journey, and i hate comparing it, i don't want to compare it. everyone out there has a tough journey and i want to try to lend out a helping hand to whatever i can and just try to get past this. >> leading with your heart. >> yes, ma'am. >> kristen, you are the you have theest of the tough. thank you for sharing your journey with us. keep on holding your head proudly as you go, okay? >> thank you. >> a real pleasure to speak with you today. i want you to catch this film, "lady valor." if you think you have ideas about this, i challenge you to watch the film, you might open your heart a little bit. tonight at 9:00 p.m. on cnn.
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>> i starts from the very bad stuff. a beautiful couple we want to tell you about, they both have cerebral palsy, they're both in wheelchairs, as you can see. they live life to the fullest. now, who would rip someone off like this, defenseless. here's who. take a good look at these guys, seattle. i'm talking to you. they scope the couple out and the guy in red does the unthinkable. he's going to yank the tablet out of carolyn's hand and run away. just did it. there's the crime, okay? now, this is obviously the bad stuff. what makes it the good stuff. two things? first, the character and the bravery of the victims have already forgiven these guys. listen. >> they've got bigger problems than i do. >> you really feel sorry for these people? you feel like they have it worse off if they're willing to stoop to doing something like this? >> yes, i do. >> the power of perspective is what carolyn just showed us. the second reason, because we're going to get these guys, take a close look. spread it around, if you were in
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the mall, look, you can't see the face feature for feature, but it was a distinctive shirt, distinctive outfit, hairdo. >> someone always knows. >> if you have any information, look at the number on your screen. i know everybody's busy in the morning, getting out, take a look. 1-800-222-tips. that's what will make it the good stuff. a lot of news for you this morning as well. let's get you right to the newsroom and carol costello. >> i wrote the number down, don't worry. have a great day. "newsroom" starts now. happening now in the newsroom, march to war. >> we will follow them to the gates of hell. >> we will not be intimidated. >> it is our responsibility to do everything we can to stop this now. >> the end game for isis. noninterventionist rand paul now engaging, saying isis has declared war on america and we must destroy the group. also --


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