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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  September 4, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

4:00 pm as well as here on "the situation room." we're going to be showcasing peter hamby's work. one other programming note, be sure to catch the new cnn film about a former navy s.e.a.l., a decorated veteran who reveals a shocking secret to the world. lady valor the kristin beck story premieres tonight only on cnn. that's it for me. thanks for watching. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, breaking news. joan rivers dead at the age of 81. americans tonight paying tribute to a trailblazing comedian. plus her death under investigation tonight. how did a minor medical procedure go so horribly wrong? and yet another american suspected of fighting for isis. how many others are answering the call for jihad? let's go "outfront."
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good evening, everyone. i'm erin burnett. the breaking news joan rivers dead at the age of 81. she passed away this morning at mt. sinai hospital. she went into cardiac arrest a week ago today during what was a routine procedure. her daughter melissa issued a statement saying my mother's greatest joy in life was to make people laugh. although that is difficult to do right now, i know her final wish would be that we return to laughing soon. and laughing was what joan rivers was best at. she never took anyone too seriously. she was known for gossip and celebrity interviews on the red carpet and was a fixture at hollywood's biggest awards shows. she was the host of e!'s online fashion police. you would flip through channels and hear her saying something absolutely -- well, it was like a dagger. rivers was one of the first female stand-up comedians and caught her first big break in
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1965 on "the tonight show" with johnny carson. an actor, author, comedian and incredibly successful businesswoman. we begin our coverage outside the hospital tonight. what are her family and friends saying about this? it really was a tragedy. she was 81, but this was a routine procedure. no one would have expected any complication. >> yeah, tragedy and a lot of frustration and the family leaving over the door they may sue the endoscopy center where she had that surgery done. we just had our first glimpse of melissa as she returned to ms. rivers' east side apartment here in new york. she was with her son, 13-year-old cooper, who melissa's joan's only daughter, cooper is the only grandchild. this is a lot of weight on both of them. what we understand from the family, though, is that they were here at the hospital when that painful end of life decision had to be made.
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and then they were at 1:17 p.m., melissa rivers announced that her mother had died here at mt. sinai hospital. >> miguel, the clinic that you mentioned, that performed what was supposed to be just a routine procedure on her throat is now under formal investigation. i know you said the family is keeping the door open to a possible lawsuit but there's a formal investigation, right? >> yeah. it could get a lot uglier than it could be better. the funeral is set for sunday. but the yorkville endoscopy where ms. rivers went for something to do with her throat, possibly her larynx last thursday morning, she had had a show just late on wednesday night. she had been out to dinner that night. she had a very early morning appointment. it was meant to be a sort of quick in and out. it shouldn't have been that difficult. and there was certainly no cutting as far as we know. she may have been under some anesthesia, but she went into cardiac arrest and then stopped breathing and was brought here
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to mt. sinai. the new york state health department has indicated that that facility, yorkville endoscopy is now under investigation. the accrediteding agency says that it's under investigation. the manner and cause of ms. rivers' death will be made of at some point in the not too distant future which clearly indicates they're doing an autopsy on her. >> we'll have much more on that part of the story in a moment. but tonight fans are remembering joan rivers in hollywood and her star on the walk of fame. that's where stephanie elam is. how are people remembering joan rivers tonight? what's happening there at her star? >> reporter: well, we got out here, erin, right after the news broke, pretty soon after that. some people were met with shock that she didn't pull through. so many people were hoping that joan rivers would be able to reinvent so she could come out of this again. there was a lot of hope that she'd be strong enough. i talked to one woman who was the second to bring flowers here
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to her star. and she said that she really, really was moved by joan rivers in that she came out here because she loved what she stood for. take a listen. >> she was so strong. she was so strong. she bounced back stronger every time from whatever life dealt her. and she was just an amazing woman. >> reporter: out here the memorial to joan rivers continues to grow. the hollywood department of commerce bringing flowers out to remember joan rivers and people dropping off flowers now throughout the day and stuffed animals. a lot of people just saying that they really love joan for what she did. if you think about it, she's one of the original pioneers. she left new york and came to california with a dream and she made it happen, becoming the first woman with her own talk show and reinventing herself year after year through several decades. people remembering her for all she stood for this hollywood. >> thank you so much. it's incredible just starting to
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read some of these obituaries over what she went through, all the hardships that life dealt her that she tenaciously fought through. i want to bring in larry king. he was friends with joan rivers. you interviewed her many times on your show. i know this is a personal loss for you. and you've known her for 45 years. what do you remember the most about those years? >> erin, she was quite a lady. first, she was so funny. she was really funny. on the air and off the air. she was a great interview. you loved talking with her. the kind of interview subject you really love because she answered the question you asked. she was never afraid to go anywhere. she took no prisoners. you could never be personally offended because she cut a swath through everyone. she was not afraid of anyone. she was up front. she was a great mother, a great grandmother. a tireless worker. she cared about people a lot. she was the kind of person,
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erin, if she was on your show and you said you liked her ring, she'd give you the ring. i had dinner at her house a few times. she was a wonderful companion. the tragedy in her life, of course, was the suicide of her husband, which she never forgave him for doing that. the sad part with the johnny carson episode because johnny gave her a big break and she appeared many times. she hosted the show. and then when she took the one-year shot at fox that closed after a year, johnny wouldn't take a call from her. he wouldn't ever speak to her again. that was one of the saddest parts of her life that she had no other contact with him. i think johnny felt hurt that she didn't call him before she took that job, that he would have liked to have heard that from her and not from a newspaper. they were like ships passing in the night. those two instances were the death, of course, a great heartbreak, the sadness over the carson thing. over than that, she led an extraordinary life. she paved the way for many other
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top comedians, female comedians to many ko along. she was a path setter. >> right. >> she was a hell of a girl. there was no one like her. >> and you mentioned johnny cars carson. that's where she got her break. then there was, as you say, he wouldn't speak to her when she took the rival job. i mean, i want to play -- i guess 1984 back wen she was filling in for him once. an interview with lucille ball when she was filling in for johnny carson. >> i think i have more -- i really love -- i love performing. it's like a drug for me. love what i do. >> so you work, if they booked you more, you'd work more. >> oh, yeah. when i could put two thoughts together as a child, i knew that's what i wanted to too. there was never a question. and i say in the documentary. well maybe i'll be this or maybe i'll be that. always that's where i'm going. didn't know how i was going to
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get there, but that's where i was going. >> obviously a different soundbite, but i wanted to ask you about that because you mention how she was always fighting and never gave up. i mean, she was incredibly tenacious. be in a gritty club, right, or dealing with her husband's suicide. and she never gave up. most people when dealing with the adversity she dealt with would have given up a long time ago. >> she never did. she was tenacious. you would have loved her, erin. she was right there. and her sense of humor was extraordinary where her mind would go. she was not afraid -- for example, she kidded about her own plastic surgery and others. and if you kid about yourself, it's okay to kid about others, so she could take and give. she said once about botox, she said if botox goes bad you look like cher. >> and she was so open about the botox. that's one of the things i loved about her. she made it part of the joke. she had no shame. you say, there was no, well, i'm
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going to make fun about others and not about myself. it was all on the table. >> she took on any topic. she once said, do you know why there would never be a woman jewish terrorist? there would never be a woman jewish terrorist because no jewish woman would ever put a bomb in her own gucci handbag. that's funny. >> that is funny. and, of course, some people were offended. there were those who loved and those who loathed which made her perhaps so successful. i want to play that moment on johnny carson. you mentioned her being a female comedian. but here's that moment when she interviewed lucille ball. >> some actresses, the method. they go and they study the bag women and they become a bag woman. did you do anything like that. >> no, i found it very easy to be a bag woman.
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>> did she not get the johnny carson slot because she was a woman? >> i don't know. i know johnny appreciated her humor. he thought she was very funny. he love young comics. he loved discovering people. he gave so many people a break on "the tonight show." he was a great interviewer of comics. he was a great straight man. he liked her and played off her well. lucille ball was probably the greatest sketch female comic ever and joan rivers would be the greatest stand-up comic ever. >> i want to play another moment just because this is time to obviously thing about some of those. this is again an interview with you back in 2010. she was talking about how she was stopped at the airport because her ticket had the wrong name on it. >> it was a woman, and i think she was premenstrual. and she was just in a terrible -- she just wasn't going to understand that i was
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flying under two names with my passport that the united states government says also known as, aka. >> so you never boarded the plane? >> not allowed to board the plane. was left in the airport, which closed on sunday night. it was a very small airport. and was told, that's it. >> what name was on the ticket? >> the ticket was rosenberg, but they had mixed it up and i didn't see it. i just saw rosenberg. they put a man's name on, joseph. so i went through five -- i think four or five security point wrs they looked at my passport and didn't notice that it wasn't even my name. >> rosenberg, of course, was the name of her husband edgar who committed suicide. larry, what i like about that is also the look on your face when she says the word "premenstrual." what was it like to interview her? >> it was -- i always loved
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her -- i must have done her three times a year. she has a new book out. she was just out promoting. i think she's going to be on our show in a couple weeks. of course, what you always want as an interviewer is someone who responds to your question who doesn't give you yeses and noes and is not afraid to go anywhere. there was no cutoff from job's brain to her mouth. whatever she thought came out and she wasn't afraid of anyone. when you're an interviewer, that's duck soup, man. you love that. and i love to laugh. and she made me laugh. >> larry, one final moment i wanted to play on the ed sullivan show from 1967. >> only a doctor for you. when i was 22 she said, all right, a lawyer, cpa. 24 she said, well, grab a dentist. 26 she said anything. >> and yet, at 81 she had some
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of her greatest success in the last years of her life. >> she did. performing all the time. selling merchandise. she invented the red carpet. she made it her own. her fashion critiques. this is fashion week in new york, i understand. she'd have been -- if she were on her show this week, there would have been a lot of funny fashion talk. we'll never see her likes again. we should always be thankful that joan rivers gave us the greatest gift you can give, the gift of laughter. >> it truly is. thank you so much for taking your time as you knew her so well. >> thank you, erin. >> next, you're looking at a live shot outside joan rivers' home where fans have been loaviloave ing flowers tonight to recognize her. last night she was performing a signature stand-up act just last week, then she went into the hospital and was fighting for her life.
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what went so wrong? thousands turning to social media with their heartfelt joan rivers' tributes including jimmy kimmel who said she was funny all the way to the end. >> did you go to madonna's wedding? >> no. >> wore white. oh, perry, perry. she raised her arm. i thought tina turner was under there. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve.. at humana, we believe the gap will close when healthcare gets simpler. when frustration and paperwork decrease. when grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. so let's do it.
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let's simplify healthcare. let's close the gap between people and care. big day? ah, the usual.
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moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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i have a photo of you. this is you in the studio in 1965. you and johnny. >> the second night that i was on. >> is that right? >> i had been working eight years if greenwich village and nothing. and he said, god bless him, you're going to be a star. it changed my life. and you look at this. look at how nice -- my legs look good. the breasts are in the right place. >> that was comedian joan rivers with jimmy fallon during her historic return to "the tonight show" earlier this year. comedians took to the air waves to show their respect and had to have laughs in rivers' honor.
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what are other celebrities saying? they're all now in this world turning to social media to talk about her. >> first of all, this is just some of the tweets that i printed out and this page, this is maybe 1/16th of what i saw on twitter today. some were poignant. a lot were funny. really celebrating joan's life. one of the people that tweeted today was whoopi goldberg. she just also lost her friend robin williams not too long ago. she was very good friends with joan. she said, my friend joan rivers has passed away. once again, to quote billy crystal, there are no word. also, another friend of joan's roseanne barr tweeted today. rip, goddess. hail, hail, a genius has vacated this realm. then lena done hunham tweeted watching joan rivers do stand-up at age 81 was incredible, athletic, jaw dropping, terrifying and essential.
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it never stopped. neither will she. >> even those people whom she eviscerated -- i remember you'd be flipping through and she would say that looks like a toilet seat. i'd think, whoa. then you couldn't turn away. but the person whom she may have said looked like a toilet seat, those people are still coming out and staying they miss her today. >> they are. katy perry is one of them. because she was a target of joan's as well on the red carpet. she tweeted today, what's the point of wearing all these dumb costumes if joan's not here to rip them apart? r.i.p., joan rivers, you are woun of a one. rachel woods said, the first time i saw joan rip me on the red carpet, that's when i knew i had made it in hollywood. >> that's amazing. joan rivers suffered cardiac and respiratory arrest while she was doing something that -- it wasn't a major surgery, there was nothing wrong with her. she just had a minor elective procedure on her throat in an outpatient clinic. that's when this all went south. the clinic is now being
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investigated by the new york state department of health. joining me is a professor at the school of medicine at mt. sinai, the hospital where joan rivers was being treated and where she died today. three days before she underwent this, again, elective minor procedure, she was doing her show on e!. i want the play a quick clip so viewers can see she was the same joan rivers she'd always been. >> screaming at how you can't wear dead animals. that i want to stand by, i'm sorry. yes, you have to wear dead animals because i tried and live ones bite. you must wear dead animals. >> i mean, she was clearly in great shape there, nothing that seemed to be wrong with her. are you surprised about what happened, that she went in for this surgery and then went into cardiac arrest? >> i am surprised. these procedures are done all over the united states, thousands on a daily basis. >> this was a very common procedure. >> a very common procedure. it's done safely all over the
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united states every day. so i am surprised this is an unfortunate event but a rare event. healthy people even though she's 81, still seemingly healthy, when this happens this is a big event and i'm certain that the department of health will come to the bottom of this. >> this minor elective procedure in her case took place in an outpatient clinic. is that also common? because you're saying it happens all across the country every day. was there more risk at it not being done in a hospital? >> there's more risk because it's not done in a hospital. but not to say it is not done in a safe way. you can do these procedures on healthy people in an outpatient facility safely. it's done all the time. age is not a contraindication to doing these procedures outside a medical facility. the most important event is the patient's health. >> is there more risk because of the general anesthesia? >> of course there's more risk,
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but that's up to the medical officials. are you doing a small procedure on a healthy elderly person? that's okay. i do procedures in my office in an operating room all the time in a safe way. but unfortunately bad things happen and it's too soon to really determine what exactly happened. >> well, sounds like it's very appropriate that they're doing an investigation. joining me now on the phone is a friend and colleague of joan rivers. ken baker. ken, you also worked with joan over the years and, of course, worked with her very recently. she was, right, was there anything that would have indicated she was weak or that this was anything other than a minor, routine procedure? >> you know, actually, the absolute opposite of slowing down. she had a full schedule. i personally saw her here last tuesday just two days before that unfortunate incident that landed her in the hospital. she was vigorous.
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she was actually lurushing out g an episode of "fashion police" and she was heading back to new york because she had so much to do. the day after the procedure she had scheduled she had a scheduled performance i believe in new jersey. and she had an absolute full schedule. there was no slowing down. i have to say it's been a very difficult day not only for the world, i mean, fans everywhere, but around here, honestly, we just wrapped our e! news. we shoot in the same studio as the "fashion police." and you really learn that expression, heavy heart because you really feel it. we're all feeling it and she's part of our family. we're focused on what melissa said in her statement, that her mother would want us to remember the laughter. after all this grieving, all the pain of this loss, her enduring legacy is going to be her humor, her laughter, the levity that
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she brought us all. we're hoping and looking forward to that time when we can get to that place. >> ken, i was reading the obit ware ne "the new york times" which i thought was beautifully written. and joan rivers had made jokes about death. she made jokes about her husband's suicide. one of the quotes, talking about her husband, after edgar killed himself i went out to dinner with melissa. if daddy was here to see these prices, he'd kill himself all over again. there was nothing that was too much, that she couldn't make some kind of a joke about. what was she like to work with. what w . >> she was a very gentle joan. she didn't pull any punches. but really she was a very gentle person. you mentioned the suicide of her husband edgar and she was very open about her struggles. she gave interviews talking
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about that. she was so open, so relatable. she made herself vulnerable. and i think it was because of that ability to make fun of herse herself. it was that brand of humor that could be very aggressive. but when the cam was off. one here said she was like a grandma to him. this isn't a dplosed over posthumous. this was the real deal. she was a gentle, kind, beautiful woman. the loss is severe right now. >> thank you very much for sharing your thoughts with us on this difficult day. >> next, a boston man is under investigation tonight of being part of isis. authorities believe he may have paid a crucial role for the
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terror dprgroup. plus the hunt for the man who has executed two americans. why no one can find him tonight. this is charlie. his long day of doing it himself starts with back pain... and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. honey, you did it! baby laughs! i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there.
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tonight an american suspected of working for isis. we can report that a boston man is now on the fbi most wanted terrorist list. unlike other americans caught fighting for the terror group on the battlefield far from american shores, this man's role may have been a much bigger and closer threat to america. deborah feyerick is "outfront." >> intelligence sources say it makes sense that isis would want to recruit a guy like american amman al busamra. he graduated from northeastern university in boston with a degree in the field of computer technology. believed to be in his early 30s, he's fluent in both english and arabic. the fbi released this audio recording they say is him. it's unclear who he's speaking to. >> if they don't have a warrant, they don't have the right to do that. make sure you tell your mother that the next time. >> although authorities will not
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confirm his role in isis if any, a law enforcement official tells cnn they're looking into whether he might be involved in the murder group's media wing, specifically its english social media including facebook an online magazine and twitter which recently suspected the fr group's account. his friend was accused by the u.s. of heading the media wing of al qaeda in iraq which morphed into isis. he's accused of providing material support to terrorists. both men were indicted accused of attending terror training camps in yemen with the purpose of returning to iraq to train troops. he was last seen in syria with a woman and child believed to be his wife and daughter. two years ago the fbi tried using social media, specifically facebook and twitter to find abousamra. >> we take very seriously the threat of terrorist
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organizations. we take additional care when you thing about options of take them off the battlefield. >> i know you've been talking to your law enforcement sources, you've asked if there are other americans suspected of being part of isis. >> that's one of the biggest concerns. they're going back over every single file they ever had on somebody who might be a citizen, somebody who lass a green card, somebody who may be a visitor and they're looking closely to see whether there's something they missed because obviously you don't have to reinvent the wheel you simply have to go back and look at the people who have been on the radar, this guy was. hes with on the fbi's most wanted terror list because he fled the united states when he knew that charges were going to be brought against him. he's been on the run for five years. the fbi in boston has made this a priority to bring him back. and he's got every single credential you would want if you're going to assign somebody to lead your social media wing. because he's good at all of it. >> incredible he's been on the run for five years. he served in the obama administration as former
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director of strategic planning and also joining us is bob baer, former cia operative. as deb was reporting, the fbi has been looking for this man for years. how concerning is it that they still don't know where he is? >> well, if he's in syria, it's impossible to find him. we have no connections with the syrian government. he could have snuck across the border from turkey, for instance. disappeared. picked up other passports. he understands computers. he's gone off cell phones. these people are very sophisticated and they know all about edward snowden and those leaks. they know what the national security agency is and they know how to fly under the radar. they can do it. this is what concerns me. >> and i think what may shock a lot of people watching who with all this coverage of the nsa and all this coverage of people spying on people, everybody thinks that everybody knows everything. it's so far from true. when you thing about this, some viewers may be thinking about the 9/11 hijackers living openly
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in the united states. could isis members be doing the same thing right now? >> i think it's possible, but it's important to underscore that we have an entire generation of national security professionals that spent years building the architecture. and we're in a different world than pre- 9/11. that's not an argument for complacency. but the tense of thousands working this issue are doing it well. i'm more concerned about the threat to our national interests emanating from western syria, eastern iraq. >> i know you don't have an exact number but any sense of the scale? >> well, if you ask the iraqies they'll say there's hundreds. but it's closer probably to a hundred. but what has the fbi concerned and i've been talking to them recently, americans who aren't on social media who have no
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record of travel, they go get training and come back here. we just can't trace these people. if someone's gone for a year, hundreds of thousands of people come back from overseas trips, how can we possibly know? and they're absolutely right. >> which is frightening. could there be people living here again, openly if plain sight. general martin dempsey, the chairman of the joint chiefs, held a facebook town hall today. he wrote -- that's the format of a town hall. we will deal with threats to u.s. persons and facilities directly, quickly and by ourselves if necessary. it sounds like despite all the hopes for quote unquote coalition and all the talk we keep hearing about that that the united states is preparing to go it alone even perhaps with boots on the ground frankly just like it always has in the middle east. >> well, erin, the problem is countries like saudi arabia and kuwait, they're half sympathetic to isis in the sense that they are sunni muslims. and they look at them as victims and they haven't been entirely
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forthcoming. the second largest number of fighters with isis are saudis. i would be very surprised if the saudis have turned that list over to the united states. they just don't share information like that. >> what do you thing? >> no, that's right. there's reason to be concerned. the silver lining is we have a pretty good ally in the kurds in northern iraq. i have every reason to believe that there are cia paramilitary forces u.s. special forces on the ground right now with highly sophisticated communications and range finders and we're vectoring air strikes in day in and day out. i think we need to prepare ourselves. this is going to be a nine, 12, 16, 24-month campaign here that may spread into eastern syria with news reports that we're flying surveillance flights over western syria. >> we'll be talking about this in just a moment, more about this man hunt going on for that man in both of the execution beheading videos. are they going to find him?
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do they actually know where that place is at this point? >> i have no idea what they know, erin. but i think it's reasonable to expect the singular focus of special operations command, central command, the cia and the special activities division of the cia, if it's possible to find these people, and i think it's possible, we'll find them and kill them. >> there's a new video also out today that is pretty incredible from al qaeda actually which no one is talking about right now, everyone is talking about isis. but a 55-minute video which we're showing you here. you hear them speaking, talking about a whole new branch they're opening up of al qaeda. what do you make of that? >> i think it's an act of desperati desperation. al qaeda has been eclipsed. you look at boko haram in niger nigeria, they've sworn allegiance -- groups all over the middle east are looking at the capital of the islamic state and this is the way to go. how many people are they going to attract at this point? and al qaeda i think is fairly irrelevant at this point. >> thanks very much to both of
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you. next, the british isis fighter responsible for beheading the two americans. what is being done on the manhunt at this moment? plus our other top story tonight. more on the loss of joan rivers. the legendary comedian who said she got through life by laughing at it. >> and i want to thank dr. bernard schwartz from harley street because he got me well this morning. i came in. i said i can't do the show. and he said coffee enemas. and i apologize to starbucks. le] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 million people. [ mom ] with life insurance, we're not just insuring our lives... we're helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. transamerica. so factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria? even if you're healthy and active. phillips digestive health support is a duo-probiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. i'm doubly impressed!
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i want to check in with anderson cooper with a look at what's coming up on ac 360. >> we're live here in los angeles. we're going to devote our entire hour to comedic genius of joan rivers. honoring her life and her ability to make us laugh. my great friend kathy griffin is going to be here. kathy today remembered joan rivers on twitter as a legend, a friend, a mentor, an icon and, of course, wildly funny. that she was. she was also a history making pioneer. we're going to look back at her
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remarkable career. how she broke new ground with her comedy routines being the first woman to host a late night talk show. truly a trail blazer. i'll speak also to dr. sanjay gupta about what may have gone wrong during the surgical procedure that led to her cardiac arrest. >> thank you very much. we'll see you in just a few minutes. manhunt. a desperate as much for tsearch who beheaded steven sotloff and james foley. the man who in both videos spoke directly to president barack obama. >> you, obama, have yet again for your actions caused another american citizen. as your missiles continue to strike our people, our knife will continue to strike the necks of your people. >> tonight british prime minister david cameron is vowing the manhunt will succeed. >> we're carrying out intensive work and we share our
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information with our key allies in making sure we do everything we can to bring these absolutely horrific people to justice. >> karl penhaul is out front in london. the british ambassador to the united states said they're close to identifying that man. they said that ten days ago. but at this point, do they even know who he is? >> there's certainly a lot of political tough talk going on, erin. what we wouldn't expect british intelligence services to do is come back necessarily and tell us that they have identify the man that media here have dubbed jihadi john. that executioner with the british accent. but certainly people have been working around the clock to try and identify the accent, try and identify height, stature and see if that fits with anybody that they have in the database, any of these suspects they may have been tracking before they even traveled out to syria and to iraq. so that has been going on behind the scenes. but we don't know whether in fact they've now narrowed it
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down, if they know who this man is and if they know, also, who his associates and possibly even who his family are back in britain, erin. but certainly they think that he comes from multicultural neighborhood of london. >> i know, karl, there were 13 days between the release of the two execution videos. obviously we don't know when they were filmed. we know they were released 13 days apart. you have done so much reporting on this and at least they weren't filmed at the exact same time. does anyone know exactly where they were filmed yet? >> you know, we know that they weren't filmed at the exact same time because in first video steven sotloff appears almost shaven-headed and with no bothered. in the next video released this week then he appears with stubbly growth both on his head and the beard. there is an independent group that has been looking very closely at topographical, at geographical details of those images. they believe they've traced the area of james foley's execution
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to hills and ridgeline around the city of raqqa in syria, that's the isis stronghold. if you look closely at the video in which steven sotloff last appears, then it seems to be a similar kind of terrain. a desert area, stony, there are little tufts of grass there as well. but they've moved sot love in comparison to where james foley was executed. they put him in a dip in the ground seemingly to eliminate some of those defining details around him. we can't see any traces of habitation near him. but it appears to be the same general area and that, as i say, independent outlets seem to indicate that that is an area ridgeline near the city of raqqa. >> thank you very much, karl penhaul who has been reporting on this from london. back to our top story, the death of joan rivers. the comedian in her own words, is next. >> i've had an amazing life. if it ended right now, amazing
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this is the clothes i wore the first time -- 1965 hair. >> let me show the picture. >> show the picture. >> is this the same dress, was it '65. >> february 17th, 1965. >> 21 years. >> and you had the strand, the same hairdo. >> the bow. >> look at this. if this is from, if you don't believe it, look at me. it's hard to believe suspecomet on the time frame. >> that's the top story tonight, joan rivers dying at the age of 81. a career that spanned decades. she never stopped making people laugh and tonight, we remember the legend at a look at her best one-liners. >> you know what? this is what the midwest thinks a gay wedding looks like.
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[ laughter ] >> i love the shape. it goes in and out more than brittany spears and arby's drive through. i don't know, it's black with a little white or white with a little bit of black? exactly what chris genre said the first time she saw northwest. [ laughter ] >> anthony weiner just saw parker in this and went limp for the first time in years. >> here is lindsey leaving rehab in malibu. >> i'm thrilled she's out but i can't believe those are the shoes she's chosen to take her next 12 steps in. [ laughter ] >> i love this, how chic can you get? i love this. i love this. love this. [ applause ] >> the only thing i don't kind of like is that gothic makeup. her makeup is heavier than a sack full of gwyneth paltrow's
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hate mail. >> i love that hair. that hair is
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. tomorrow on out front, we talk to the man that started a whole new conversation on how people should behave on a plane. james beach used a knee defender on his flight. what this means is when people in coach recline their seat the whole way and you can't breathe, it keeps the passenger in front from reclining. it actually blocks them and led to a confrontation so heated his
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plane was diverted. we'll hear if he plans to use the gadget again and think about your story when you sat in coach and politely didn't recline your seat and the person in front of you recline the it so much if your nose, if it's big like mine, got broken. that's it tonight. that's it tonight. "ac 360" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- tonight, the pioneering life of a woman whose trademark question can we talk was answered by millions of laughs and by another question often the very next day, can you believe what joan rivers said last night? joan rivers who said a lot and said it with brutally funny precision and said things without fear often at her own expense died from complications of a surgical procedure last week. she was 81 years old. in this next hour, we devote the entire hour to the life of joan rivers and the medical circumstances surrounding her passing but mainly, though, we'll focus, kathy griffin a


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