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tv   New Day  CNN  September 5, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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gets more involved by the day. president obama is trying to shore up support to destroy the terror group during the last day of the nato summit. cnn also has new information about the u.s. embassy in baghdad potentially being isis' next target, and the search to root out isis comes to america. this man is a u.s. citizen and is wanted by the fbi. authorities believe he is the mastermind of isis propaganda. we have all the angles covered started with white house correspondent michelle kosinski who is at the nato summit in wales. michel michelle. >> reporter: hi, chris. u.s. administration officials say there will be a coalition against isis and there's real willingness on the part of european states to contribute, especially because there is a widespread fear now of foreign fighters going back to their homelands and staging terrorist attacks. the u.s. says that different states will contribute to the coalition in different ways, some through intelligence and
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others through humanitarian aid and some militarily and, yes, that mean the possibility of air strikes at least over iraq. so far though no one has offered to do so. the uk keeps stopping short of talking about that. in fact, prime minister david cameron was asked are you any closer to air strikes, and he said vaguely, well, we're closer to making sure we do everything we can to squeeze isis out of existence. what we won't see coming out of this summit is a military decision on syria. u.s. officials say there needs to be a regional coalition in place and work on that will continue after this summit ends. chris? >> michelle, thank you very much. >> kate. >> we're learning more about the white house's decision to send additional troops to baghdad. there's a growing fear that isis could break a safe zone. 350 more troops have been deployed to baghdad. barbara starr is live at
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pentagon with much more, and the threat seems more real than ever. >> reporter: indeed. the troops will continue to be arriving in the next few days and will be on station and now we know why 350 additional troops are being sent to the u.s. embassy in baghdad. sources are telling me that as they have continued to look at the intelligence they have gathered about isis over the last few weeks there is growing concern that isis would have what they are calling the ability, the capability to penetrate that green zone, the secure area in baghdad where the embassy and other installations are located. they say they are not looking at, you know, hordes of isis trying to climb the fence line and get into the embassy, but what isis has is a very unique ability to stage very specific and tailored attack. suicide bombs, suicide bombers wearing vests, car bombs, that sort of thing, and it could caution real mayhem so what they want to do is add these
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additional troops, secure the embassy as best as possible. other troops may go to the u.s. airport area in baghdad, at baghdad international airport. they may also send them north to irbil. this is to make sure everything is as secure as it can be against isis. kate? >> i guess you wonder is 350 enough, and is this just the next stop. thanks, barbara. >> sure. >> and a turn to an american citizen who may be mastermind of the propaganda for isis. he was raised in mess mess and deb feyerick has more. >> reporter: finding this man is one of the fbi's top priorities. he's been a terror fugitive for last five years. he fled the united states just before federal charges were issued against him. possible areas of travel for this man, syria, iraq, possibly
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lebanon and turkey. and the reason they are looking for this man is because they say he's exactly the kind of person that isis would want. they say that he has a degree in computer technology. he studied in boston. he speaks fluent arabic and english. also, he's one of these people who he knows his way around. he was indicted on federal terrorism charges for providing material support to terrorists. officials say that in fact they believe when they left the united states he went to iraq after training in yemen with these terror fighters. he was there, and his goal according to officials is he was looking to kill u.s. troops who were there, and this is somebody who would certainly be extremely attractive to isis and that's one of the reasons why he wants to get them and one of the reasons he wants to bring him back. he's been indicted in federal court in boston. kate? >> deb feyerick for us on that,
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thanks so much. >> and not just the fascination, it goes to the radicalization within the borders of the u.s. and what isis is looking for in terms of the needs they may be found right here. let's turn to tom opportunitys and james "spider" marks. gentlemen, help me understand what is the news this morning. first thing, this man that we're talking about right now, an american, tom fuentes, let's start with you. what is the relevance that he is a syrian and u.s. citizen and may be behind social media? why does it matter more that he's america? >> just the fact that he would have known our country so well, grown up and gone to college here, fluent english and fluent arabic, a major in computer technology and
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telecommunications so that gives them the ability to use his skills for marketing and recruiting of americans. >> a quick follow on that. how important, tom, is propaganda on social media to terror these days? >> well, it's terrifically important. that's how they recruiting hundreds of people if not thousands from all over the world to travel there and join the fight, join isis, and in his case being a dual citizen with u.s. and syria it was no problem for him to go to syria and fit right in in both cultures, in the u.s. and in syria. >> so two pieces of news this morning. the first is that this american really goes to how they may be recruiting, this terror group, and how they may be getting people who know america even better because they will actually be citizens. that leads us to the second head line, spider, which is what they may do with these people, and now we're hearing that in the green zone which should be the safest area of iraq, the u.s. embassy of all places may be being targeted. do you buy it and how likely is that? >> well, i do buy it, chris,
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and, again, thank you very much for letting me join tom this morning. absolutely. the embassy, however, is probably the most protected piece of property the united states has worldwide. years of construction, years of design. however, you take it from the inside and then you work your way out in terms of what those levels and those rings of defense look like. now, a couple of things to bear in mind. isis has presented itself as a very conventional force. it has equipment that it's been able to gather. it has a lot of military training. many of its senior leaders in a real wonderful "new york times" piece has described these folks as former saddam hussein military guys who are terribly aggrieved and yet have great professional skills, so they can present themselves as a military force with all of those capabilities, which include indirect fire, artillery, mortars, et cetera, but more threatening is the ability of isis to try to penetrate into the embassy. if they can recruit guys who are
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willing based on this recruiting, willing to give up their lives, suicide bombers to get inside and then try to wreak havoc, that is a very legitimate concern, so you have multiple dimensions of vulnerability, but i guarantee you the embassy and personnel there have worked their way through these kinds of scenarios before. i would hope everything is in place to try to take care of those particular eventualities. >> general, let me ask about this. tell me if i'm just being a cynical. is this an end run around boots on the ground? >> cynicism is a-okay when you look at this problem and here's what you have to be. >> here's why i qualify it. they say no boots on the ground. why is that the message, because americans don't want the boots on the ground. not best way to make policy. is this an end run? they are putting boots on the ground to protect u.s. interests, particularly like the embassy. is this the end run because they really believe they need more americans on the ground because
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that's how likely the attack is? >> i like the way you're thinking. the president should not take off the table things -- he should not say what he's not going to do because the problem is a domestic america message, that we don't want to put boots on ground. we're tired. we don't want to go at war. we've been at war too long. this is not something we want to do. however, the message is now being received by our enemies as a sign of weakness. certainly, i mean, this -- this could -- this could be a gulf of tonkin where we build ourselves in -- which took place in vietnam and was a justification for putting forces in vietnam. we could have senior command officers on the ground and a senior architecture to expand more aggressively but our president will have to go to congress at some point with that justification. this certainly needs to be done, but this truly with the numbers they have and the capabilities that they have, this is truly
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very, very focused on trying to provide intelligence to the iraqi security forces and to very specifically protect this embassy. >> so it's interesting. these men and women being put on the ground, it's not just theoretical. they are there because they know there are practical threats that they are involved in getting involved with. i don't think the president will have to go to justification for the congress. i think the big process here is when congress decides to take its constitutional authority seriously and becomes accountable for the decision of what the u.s. military does going forward, their job, not his under the constitution. this propaganda video out of the state department, okay, what does that mean in terms of where we see the level of threat of their recruiting online, and is this the best way to combat it? >> well, it's one of many ways to combat it, and it may be as effective as any other way because it's trying to reach the same people that their propaganda is reaching, you know, without the military solution.
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that you have kids in this country watching these videos that they are producing, and they are so desensitized anyway to violence. any video game, the war-like video games that are out there, are twice as bad as any of the live videos of people being beheaded, so to try to reach that audience that thinks all those videos are great and get inspired to go join the cause, you know, countervideos that say it's not such a great cause to join and you better think twice about it, in their own terms, in their own mindset, and i think that it's a pretty bold move to do that because they have to produce fairly violent videos to match isis, but i think it's a good idea. >> the question it raises though is are you giving them too much respect by fighting them on their own battlefield and agonizing over what to call them every time they change their name. at the end of the day how much respect do you give a group of terrorists. >> we have to choice but to respect their capability and fight it.
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>> it's how you do it and deal with them and that's part of the ongoing struggle. thank you, very, very much. have a good weekend. >> good morning, everyone. a look at your headlines the ukrainian president says a cease-fire agreed between russia and ukraine could be implemented today this. announcement obviously being met with cautious optimism as heavy fighting rages on in eastern ukraine. ukrainian forces have been engaging in a bloody struggle with pro-russian separatists near a key port city. in the meantime, the u.s. is preparing an additional round of sanctions levied at russia. the third american to be diagnosed with ebola dr. rick sacra arrives in the nebraska medical center today. doctors say he will not be treated with the experimental drug zmapp because there's no doses left. sacra's wife said she -- the doctor who was treating her husband in liberia and says her
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husband was in good spirits and was, as you can see, able to walk under his own power on to the plane. a grand jury has indicted the father of a boy who died after being left in a hot car. justin ross harris faces eight charges, including murder, in the june death of his toddler son. harris told police he had forgotten his son was in the back seat when he arrived at his job at home depot in atlanta. police say his 22-month-old son cooper spent seven hours strapped in the back seat of the car. the district attorney says he will decide in the next few weeks whether to pursue the death penalty. of course, we'll have more on this story ahead on "new day." former governor of virginia is now facing prison time. a jury found bob mcdonnel and his wife maureen guilty of wire fraud, conspiracy and influence peddling. the couple was charged with illegal accepting gifts from a wealthy donor in exchange for backing his business. bob mcdonnel sobbed in court as that verdict was read out loud. he was once a rising star in the
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republican party. the mcdonnels are due to be sentenced on january 6th. they promise, however, to appeal. >> that's been an amazing fall from political stardom. >> quite. it really has been amazing and sad to watch, too. >> difficult to understand. >> really hard to understand. >> don't accept gifts from people who want things from you, and then you won't get in trouble. that's what i feel. >> that's why i forget birthdays and stuff like that, just so you know. i'm doing it to protect >> you is that what we're going with? >> today. >> tomorrow is different. >> exactly right. >> all right. there's a little less humor in the world today following the death of joan rivers. we're remembering the comedy pioneer as two investigations are launched into her death. >> can we talk here for a second? it's no big deal to have a woman in the white house. john f. kennedy had 1,000 of them.
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>> a great, great joan rivers. the world has certainly lost one of our great comedians, being remembered this morning for her sharp-tongued brilliance. her funeral will be held sunday in new york. the 21 yield rivers died thursday following an outpatient medical procedure. nischelle turner is here with more on this incredible life. those are the early days on stage when she was just killing it. >> career spanning five decade. not many like her in this world. probably won't be many like her again, but it is sad that her death is surrounded by so many questions this morning. her family, her loved one and the fans though are desperate to know what went wrong at that clinic. this morning two investigations into the death of legendary comedian joan rivers now under way. new york state officials launching a full investigation into the outpatient clinic where the tony-nominated star went into cardiac arrest during a throat procedure last week.
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rivers was then rushed to mt. sinai hospital where she remained on life support until she passed peacefully thursday, according to her daughter, melissa rivers. >> we're so sorry. >> medical examiners also requesting an autopsy as questions are raised as to why an 81-year-old in fine feisty form just the night before doing an hour-long standup event would suddenly stop breathing. >> enjoy your bodies now. add a brassier, this is how i go to the bathroom. >> the emmy-winning comedian showed no signs of slowing down. >> i tried to wear dead animals. i tried but live ones bite. >> ever since her debut on "the johnny carson show" in 1965. her career skyrocketing throughout the decades. >> here's joan rivers.
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>> to become the first and only woman to host a network nightly talk show. >> you're still a pig, lose more weight. >> current host jimmy fallon tearing up remembering the first time she returned to "the tonight show." >> she came out and came over to me and she started crying and gave me a kiss. it was really emotional and really nice. >> rivers, a trailblazer for female comics who poured out in remembrance. >> i owe my career to her, no doubt about it. >> fellow comedian kathy griffin breaking down on anderson cooper after he played this clip about a woman who says she never wanted to stop making people laugh. >> i'll show you fear. that's fear. if my book ever looked like this, it would mean that nobody wants me, that every i ever
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tried to do in life didn't work, nobody cared and i've been totally forgotten. >> at the hollywood walk of fame her legions of fans prove the iconic comedian's fears were misplaced. >> if anything happens, melis melissa -- >> in 2012 rivers' humor took a serious turn with her daughter. before undergoing plastic surgery, she assured melissa that if anything happens, her time was well spent. >> i've had an amazing life. if it ended right now, amazing life, and life is so much fun. it's one big movie. >> joan rivers is still the number one trending topic on twitter and joan, 81, big on social media. her twitter profile, as we all have one, says a simple girl with a dream and i would say a vibrant career spanning five decade. miss joan, your dream was fulfilled. >> well said, nischelle, well
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said. my goodness, and, of course, all of you out there have a favorite memory of joan rivers, her fashion a favorite joke. let us know. go to our facebook page, thanks so much for a beautiful look at her life. chris? >> let's get something a little bit -- something a little cheerier this morning because it's going to be a tough morning having known of the joan rivers loss. we'll talk some sports. last night the kickoff of the season. super bowl champion seahawks taking on packers, green bay, supposed to be a strong team as well but the seahawks did -- the seahawks were just so strong. brian mcfayden has more in this morning's bleacher report. seahawks looked like the jets they looked so good. >> oh, man. >> what? he's been drinking this morning already. >> good morning, chris and kate. the seahawks started where they left off, by blowing out the competition. seahawks and the nfl put on quite a performance.
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fherrell and seattle unveiled the super bowl banner in front of the rabid home crowd on the field. all seahawks. dominated both side of the ball. packers never had a chance in this one. seattle wins it big, 36-16. it was a close one for roger federer going for his 18th career grand slam title and needed to get by super talented 20th seed monfils. it took federer all five sets for the win and is now two more wins away to capture his sixth u.s. open title. guys. >> amazing. >> no kidding. good stuff. >> seahawks look great, but that's why roger federer is making the case to be the best ever. >> one of the best of the best. >> thanks, brian. eliminating the threat of isis, primary focus of the nato summit, but can it be done without american ground troops? what one military commander is saying what he thinks should happen coming up next.
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this morning president obama and world leaders are wrapping up the nato summit where they have been focusing in large part on the threat of isis. the president has faced heavy criticism here at home for a lack of strategy and dealinged with the terror group. one action though he has ruled out, combat boots on the ground. listen to what the president had to say back in june. >> we will not be sending u.s. troops back into combat in iraq, but i have asked my national security team to prepare a range of other options that could help support iraq's security forces, and i'll be reviewing those options in the days ahead. >> but can the president stick to this plan as the group becomes more and more dangerous? our next guest says no. he was commander of the "uss cole" when it was bombed back in 1997. the president has said, as many of his deputies, he's made it
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clear combat troops will not be heading back into iraq. you think that's a wrong strategy. why? >> i think it's a wrong strategy. the president of isis is the threat and that chairman dempsey and others say it is and even national security team members for the white house, then we have to be able to exercise every instrument of national power in order to contain and then destroy this threat and to take one off the table i think is taking away options that could keep the american people safe. >> is the problem more taking it off the table publicly or taking it off the table at all. you think that it really should be a consideration at this point, that combat troops will need to go pack into iraq. >> it has to be a consideration. they have to look at range of options and trying to keep with the president's promise to the base that they not put troops back in the ground in iraq and possibly even syria, but the blunt reality for the president
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has to be that every instrument of national power can and must be exercised to destroy this threat. we have americans being beheaded and americans deserve to be -- to be kept safe, so at this point we need to be able to exercise those options if necessary and the president needs to have an honest conversation with the american people and say, look, circumstances in june were when they were. today that threat is growing and it's bigger and the threat to our homeland because of americans traveling over there to fight with i.s. has grown to the point that we need to consider all options as we address the threat. >> but the commander -- commander, it's not just the president. it is some hawkish, some of the biggest name hawks that we know on capitol hill who are also hesitant of getting to the point of saying combat troops on the ground need to be considered. john mccain has fell short of going to that place for calling for combat troops and then take into consideration public opinion. let me put up a couple of the most recent public opinion polls
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that really show that the american public does not want to get too involved militarily, that they are opposed by and large to ground troops going in to defeat isis. what do you do about public opinion? >> well, don't misinterpret what i'm saying. i'm not saying we should put those ground troops in there. that should be an option of last resort, as it should be in every conflict as we try to make sure we understand and take out whatever it is that's threatening the united states, but it does have to be an option, and to clearly just take it off the table i think shows that we are not looking at the full range of capability that our nation can bring to bear to try and keep america safe, so while it will be an option of last resort to not put it out there and say, look, were -- did we will do everything we cannot to use ground troops in those countries. by the same token if we get to that point it's because that threat has become so critical to the safety of american people
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that i must exercise it as a last resort. >> one of the other criticisms that the president is facing he's nod laid out a strategy and that this threat has been existing for quite a long time now, the fact that many say he is overdue in laying out the strategy. do you think we are nearing the point of last resort? do you think we're to a place, do you see the threat as serious enough, that ground troops should be even more than on the table? >> no, not yet. >> okay. >> i don't think we're near that close. i think just like the experience that i had during the clinton administration in the buildup with al qaeda before the "uss cole" was attacked and then 9/11, i think you are seeing that same buildup right now with isis. cheerily we need to get intelligence assets in place so we can better understand the threat as it's growing in the country. we're clearly seeing that there is a flow of money. their ability to set up essentially a mini government throughout syria and iraq is growing. their ability to gain weapons and territory and hold them and exercise controls on them is
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growing every day. now that threat is going to -- to expand. we're clearly seeing that in great britain raising the terrorist threat level, and it is coming here. therefore, all the options in how we can exercise our national instruments of power must be considered and in the end that will include ground troops, if necessary. >> real quick then on a final point because this is what -- we also hear from many lawmakers that say this doesn't necessarily have to be america's problem in and of itself. why does it have to be american troops that are considered? what about iraqi forces? what about this regional coalition? the peshmerga forces, they have a good relationship with the u.s. military at this point. they have done a decent job, i think it's fair to say, in holding back isis in some places. why toss it need to be american troops? >> that's an excellent point. it doesn't necessarily need to be. clearly the iraqi troops so far, i think because of our withdrawal and not the ability to stay there and support them
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and clearly isis took over large swaths of the country and peshmerga, as you pointed out, has been effective and we've worked with them and made them a very effective fighting force, giving them the tools, training and equipment they need in order to hold off isis and it must continue. i think we'll need to look at it. you've got to remember, though. americans have been killed, and if necessary we must act hopefully in conjunction with other nations, by ourselves, if necessary, but you have to look at it. the threat over there is going to come toward our nation, and if you talk to any world war ii veteran that fought in the south pacific or in europe, they will flat tell you it is far better to fight an enemy over there than wait until they come here and then address the threat. >> an important conversation to be had. thank you, commander, for coming in and continuing the debate on "new day." good to see you. >> thank you, kate. >> of course. the georgia's father whose son died after being left for
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hours in a hot car he's now indicted on murder charges and could face the death penalty, but did the prosecution -- did prosecutors overcharge him? that's a debate. we'll have it ahead. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance could be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family,
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new this morning and a case you'll be watching, a father accused of leaving his son to die in a hot car will face a trial, intighted on eight counts including malice, murder and an unusual twist, an unrelated charge of sexting with a minor. the key there the sexting was done while his child was in that car. justin ross harris was arrested in june after his 22-month-old son cooper died after being left in a hot car for seven hours. now, harris says he simply forgot the son was in the car. the prosecution refutes that accusing harris of searching for information about hot car deaths, but there are developments on both sides of this case, unusual things that we need to get to. let's bring in our legal minds to break it all down, mo ivory, attorney and radio host and danny selfias, cnn analyst and
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criminal defense attorney. thanks both for being here. danny, let me start with you. various murder charges and homicide charges, meaning death caused by a person, not unusual, but the secretariesing charge is unusual and may be more tactic than substance. what do you make of that? >> exactly that. very good tactic. back at preliminary hearing when he was only charged with felony murder, many said this wasn't relevant. it may go to his state of mind, but the prejudicial effect far outweighed any probative value, but now that they have charged him with sectioning, it comes in and becomes relevant because it goes to the crime of sectioning with a minor. believe me, if this sexting had gone on with someone over 1 or an adult his defense attorney would have a much stronger argument to potentially keep that evidence out, even if it was relevant it's so prejudicial it's unfair evidence, but as a
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piece of tactical brilliance charging him with the sexting which may be the easiest charge to prove against him means that as long as these charges stay together, all of this evidence comes in and the jury will consider evidence of sexting but that also, that same evidence has a devastating effect on his character in the murder case. >> remind everybody watching at home, usually you can only bring in evidence of bad character if the defendant brings in evidence of good character first. they call that opening the door so this is an end run around that, very smart. mo, something that developed on the other side though. we watched the preliminary hearing that danny was just talking about. this cop made one heck of a strong case about all the allegations they were drawing off the videotape, but a lot of them wind up being at least exaggerated, no? >> well, i mean, obviously after the investigation has gone through, you know, its full length, they found that, no, that those things were not exaggerated. i remember there was a lot of
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talk about dereally plan this? was it premeditated and did they find evidence? heard he was searching on the internet how long it takes for a child to die in a hot car. obviously they have found more evidence and felt certain that they could prove that there was premeditation in the first count which was the malice murder charge. >> right. >> and then they did the safe thing which was to include lesser charges, felony murder for first degree child cruelty and second degree in case the jury could not find it on the first degree so it was very, very clever charging in this case, like what danny said i agree totally. putting those other charges together which will be prejudicial. i guarantee you the defense lawyer will file a motion to sever those charges, to try to separate them out. whether he'll prevail or not, we'll have to see. >> all right. here's a little pushback on that. when you read -- i direct you to the atlanta constitution article that came out. in that article, you know, if the cops, i'll make you a cop
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for the second, you say i was watching this guy walk by and i spend all this time in the car and that, you know, i was obviously distracted about what was going on in the car and i returned to the car and i took all this time and then you start breaking down the actual video, i'm not at the car that long, my eyes don't look into the car. i don't check out this other guy, i'm looking at the phone, the time references seem exaggerated and the case may not be as compelling as you suggest, mo. >> we've not seen anything, only what's been presented so i think it would be very hard that whale we can start matching up to what we see in video to what we see in time frames. they went to great lengths in the investigation to re-enact that entire scene and to find out exactly from the point he left the house to the chick-fil-a and back to home depot so i'm not sure we can make those conclusions yet until we see exactly what the prosecutor is going to present in the case so i'm not quick to
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say that the jury already is going to have a very hard time finding him guilty on any of these charges. in fact, i think that what's going to happen is that it's going to be really hard for this jury to not want to find him guilty because they are -- where are you going to find a jury that isn't going to be sympathetic to a child left in a car? >> it's true. you make the right point. the obstacle for the defense here is to deal with the visceral aspect. nothing more dangerous in a trial to defend someone's rights than when there's a big emotional push on the other side. here, danny, you're dealing with the hardest one. the death of a child is something that also rises to the top of accountability, and when you combine the death of a child with sexual misconduct that's the tough thing to beat. what's the best the defense can hope for here, dan? >> the best thing that the defense can hope for is hopefully number one, that video that we've heard about, that the detective testified about isn't as damning as it sounds so far.
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only heard testimony about it. make no mistake about it. the most dangerous charge is still the felony murder predicated on child neglect. why do i say that? well, because the burden for proving the malice murder is showing that he intended to kill. >> right. >> but they can still get to murder showing mere neglect. a high degree of criminal negligence, so as long as they can show that he did something galactically stupid which almost any juror can find and additionally that a child died he can be convicted of felony murder, and murder, other than death penalty, murder is murder is murder in georgia. >> that's right. >> so make no mistake about it. the most deadly -- the most dangerous charge is still the one from the preliminary hearing. felony murder predicated on easiest level, criminal negligence, georgia courts says the second-degree charge can be the predicate for murder. >> and it also carries a life
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sentence. >> all three could be life sentences and/or death for the murder malice. >> and it has been suggested on other side of this obvious emotional pull that a death of a child through neglect is you're also talking about the father here and if anybody suffers in the loss, nobody suffers the loss like a parent so it will be a balance like that. could someone kill their own kid and what would it have to be like losing your child at your own hand? a real emotional battlefield. thank you both very much. have a good weekend. so we're also going through this court case and going through isis and we are mourning the death of a legend of laughter this morning. joan rivers, comedy genius, trailblazer, mother. she's gone at 81 years of age. we'll have a look back at her life, how she changed our culture and a look ahead at investigation into her death. but, fir, let's take a look at how she will always be remembered. remember joan. she made us laugh.
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she made us laugh and think about ourselves in a funny way. >> when we first started dating, edgar would run aron and open the car door for me and then we got engaged and we would each open our own door and now that we're married edgar makes me run around and open his door and you feel like a fool because we don't have a car. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. it's tough, but i've managed. ♪ in fact, i became pretty good at managing my symptoms, but managing my symptoms was all i was doing. ♪ so when i finally told my doctor, he said my crohn's was not under control. ♪ he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease.
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when he's having an asthma attack. oh, you don't know. >> joan rivers is being remembered this morning as one of the funniest, brashest comedians of her time. she passed away thursday at age of 81, a week after she went into cardiac arrest during what was really a routine medical procedure. those who knew rivers are saluting her immense comedian talent and her fearless approach to the craft. let's bring in larry hackett, former managing editor of "people" magazine to discuss. can you kind of see it in any clip that you run, but from your perspective and you've known and followed joan for a long time, what do you think made joan rivers stand out from the pack? >> she was always totally honest, right, look at the appearances of johnny carson and from the red carpet, woven in there and knew she was sincere. in 1965 to make jokes about your sex life and your mother wants you to mayor' doctor, she was
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unbelievably honest and she could be mean and had huge ups and downs in her career with johnny carson and elsewhere and an honesty and steadiness throughout all of it and you could take it or leave it but you knew that was the real deal. she was not a character. she was a character with a capital" c" but she was joan. >> when you're reading up on joan rivers and her past is that she did not have a fairy tale career. she had some major blows that she was up against, major challenges, career-ending for many a normal human being, but she came back. >> if joan rivers was just funny we wouldn't be here talking about her. it's the life story woven around all those jokes. 1965 found by johnny cars o. by the '80s his number one go-to guest host and goes to fox when fox is coming up with a new network and johnny basically banishes her and she talks about
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it openly and people can relate to this, can't relate to being johnny's guest host, pain, rejection, having to get back up. saw that documentary made about her about four years ago, her workaholism is unbelievable. people can relate. yes, we're always talking about the jokes and the 50 best jokes. it's not about the jokes, it's about who she was and what her life was like. she would be making jokes about her death. >> she would be making jokes about her death. >> absolutely the truth. what kept her going? she's a success? >> fear, absolutely. >> at 81 she still had gigs all lined up, still had shows booked. >> she was wondering when it was going to end. in this documentary a sub plot about her getting a role on "celebrity apprentice" and you're watching it and you're riveted and why is joan rivers worried about "celebrity apprentice?" and on the other hand there's an incredible need to keep going. this woman tweeted and was on
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social media. don rickles isn't doing that. >> that's for sure. how did she, do you think, hit that sweet spot of being able to push the envelope no questions asked? she's brash and she was endearing. >> she made fun of herself. if she's just made jokes other people that could be kind of haar -- >> she'd be a funny comedian. >> told jokes by the pound, some worked, some didn't and you could wince at some of them and that would be okay but because she made jokes about herself, that was forgiven. >> she's one of the people you cannot get in her mind and expect what's about to come out of her mouth. what do you think she would want her lasting impact to be on comedic world, on us? what do you think she'd want her legacy to be? >> that nothing is sacred, always push envelope. whenever she came on television, whether you liked her on the red carpet or whatever it was, kind of like a load gun was out there, something might happen so i think she would want that. look, her legacy goes from kathy
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griffin, chelsea handler. >> she really paved the way. >> 50 years ago she was making jokes about herself that now seem, i don't know if they are tame necessarily, but seem part of the fabric. to think that this is new and no one had done it before is really revolutionary so that's part of it. >> could there be a kathy griffin or sarah silverman without a joan rivers? >> the culture was such she was on johnny cars op. you didn't get bigger than that. you had a woman there to look at in your pajamas at home. >> and men weren't even saying those types of things. >> men didn't -- rodney dangerfield made fun of himself but not like she did. she really opened up a vein there on television all the time. >> such a woman, too soon, even though you would say she had a pretty good life. >> up till the end. >> larry, great to see you. thanks for sharing it with us. >> do you have a favorite memory? you can think of the last time you saw her on tv or in any comedy scenario that's your favorite memory. do you have a favorite joke?
3:57 am following a lot of news. the investigation surrounding joan rivers' death as well as isis overseas. a lot of news to get to so let's get to it. >> nato appears to gearing up that would take the fight to isis terrorists. >> we most reinvigorate and refocus this alines. >> an american suspected of working for isis. >> your citizenship cannot serve as a shield if you take up arms against the united states. >> the cobb grand jury returned an eight-count indictment against justin ross harris. >> the indictment includes three charges of murder. >> the truth is cooper's death was a horrible accident. >> two investigations into the investigation of the death of comedian joan rivers now under way. >> good morning. welcome back to "new day." as we speak world's leaders are trying to figure out how to snuff out isis together. president obama trying to build an international coalition to, quote, degrade and destroy the terror group during the last day of the nato summit.
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this comes as with learn just how real the isis threat is to americans. the defense secretary admitting isis could be effective against the ultra secure american embassy. >> and the u.s. wants this man because they say he's the mastermind of isis brand ars. let's focus on the big picture, president obama's mission to recruit allies to join the fight against isis and build this coalition. white house correspondent michelle kosinski is at the nato summit in wales. it might not have been the talk in front of the microphones but you can be sure that's the talk behind the scenes. >> reporter: we don't expect to see formal decisions about isis but things more related to ucrepe, shape of nato going
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forward and, of course, included within that is the isis threat because so many of these member states, including the u.s., do see isis as a serious threat to national security. and u.s. officials say in fact in particular europe was rattled by this isis sthist attack that happened in belgium in may on the jewish museum. they are also extremely concerned about foreign fighters coming back to the homeland, so because of that u.s. officials say there is willingness to form a coalition and that a coalition will be formed. what that will look like exactly we don't yet know. the u.s. says some other states will contribute militarily and that could just mean in equipment. it could just mean in iraq. we do know that a military decision on syria won't happen during this summit. kate. >> michelle kosinski in wales for us. michelle, thank you so much. chris? >> the problem is it does have to happen. that will tyke cooperation. let's bring in senator susan
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collins, republican from maine who believes a comprehensive strategy dealing with isis is long overdue from the obama administration. senator, thank you are for joining us this morning. what is your primary criticism of the current strategy out of the white house? >> my primary concern is that the president has been sending mixed messages about what the strategy is. it's long overdue for him to present to congress, to our allies and to the american people a comprehensive strategy. as an example. just recently he said that the goal of american policy was to degrade and destroy isis yet just a few hours later he said that the goal was to make isis a manageable problem. those are two completely different and conflicting goals. >> senator, how much of that is
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word play though because you as well as anybody, probably better, saying that we're going to follow them to the gates of hell may sound greats, but it's also minimizing extent and complexity of this. don't you have to work down the problem first? you don't just destroy this. you're dealing with an idea, not just a standing army. how much of that is playing politics with words and really just giving a nod to the idea that this is a complex situation? it's not as simple as just destroy it? >> it certainly is a complex crisis, and i don't mean to minimize that in any way, but the messaging is absolutely critical, and here's why. isis is portraying our country as weak. it has been able to show that it is a formidable force. if we're not speaking with one voice and if the president does not have a clear, coherent and
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comprehensive strategy it allows isis to recruit more people to the cause, including westerners, including americans and that's very harmful. the messaging that isis has given out through social media, through its videos and through its horrific actions is very clear. it's a message that it's going to establish a caliphate in the entire region and that it is a formidable force and it's inv e inviting others who share its perverse and perverted ideology to join the cause. that's why the messaging that our president is giving is so importa important. >> here's the problem. again, as you know, and it's important to qualify that for you at home because the senators are as read into this situation as anybody. the people that you are fighting
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right now, or will be fighting, are largely the same people that you have been fighting, dealing with disenfranchised sunnis that are involved in the transition from saddam hussein to maliki. that's not in the weeds anymore. that's our problem. the american people have said we don't want boots on the ground. you and i both know we need boots on ground so politically what do you think should be the message when what you have to say in truth is exactly what the american people are saying they don't want you to say? how do you handle that? >> well, first of all, those boots on the ground don't have to be our boots on the ground. we do have regional allies. we do know that the kurdish forces properly supported with intelligence, equipment and training are a very capable fighting force. they have proven that. iraqi army has been very disappointing, but there are elements of the special forces in the iraqi army who have shown
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capability and commitment, so the boots on the ground don't have to be ours. we also should remember that we have regional allies in jordan, in turkey, in saudi arabia. >> and they have been very quiet. >> and that's a problem. why aren't they speaking out? isis is a tremendous threat to them as well. in fact, i would call upon the moderate muslims worldwide to speak out and denounce isis and show young people who may be attracted by isis that this is totally inconsistent with the tenets of islam, and those voices are missing in this debate, and that is part of the problem. >> senator -- >> that makes the -- >> go ahead, please finish your point, please. >> that makes the clarity of the
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american president's messaging even more important. >> now i would suggest that if we look over recent history you don't see anything being accomplished militarily in that region of the world without u.s. boots on the ground, and i would question what a sufficiency of the allies are on their own without u.s. troops, but let's save that discussion for another day because i think we'll be dealing with it for sure. let me ask you this, senator. there's no question everybody says that this battle is going to take a long time, resources, blood, treasure. that constitutionally falls squarely under the mandate of congress, not the president. why don't we flip the scrutiny here and instead of putting it all on the president to present to you, why isn't it congress taking their constitutional responsibility seriously and making its own decision about declaring war in this situation because that's what you're all talking about. >> well, first of all, the president is the commander in
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chief and i think he should have reconvened congress, called us back into town during the august recess, presented his strategy and asked for a revised authorization for the use of military force to support the air strikes. i support the president's decision to use air strikes, and i think as commander in chief, to protect american citizens, he does have certain inherent authorities, but you're absolutely right, that ultimately it is congress' responsibility, not only to provide the authorization for the use of force but to provide the resources that are going to be used even if it is being used in a comprehensive way to provide intelligence, to provide the aid, diplomacy, whatever the
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comprehensive strategy is, and we need a political strategy in iraq. part of this is due to the failure of the previous iraq prime minister, maliki, to bring together all of the ethnic and sectarian factions in the country and in a cohesive way and to share power. but i do agree with you that congress should be involved in the decision-making, but it's clearly the responsibility of the president as commander in chief to device a strategy and present it to congress. >> right. >> and then we can debate it, come up with a revised authorization. >> i'm just saying through history we've seen that congress has been giving more and more power away to the president when it comes to military action. this may be a great moment to take it back, not as a vote of no confidence in the president but it's time for everyone to step up to their responsibility. senator collins, thanks so much for being an open voice on the
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issue. >> i agree. >> look forward to having you back. >> thank you. >> mick. >> all right. thanks, chris. seven minutes past the hour. let's give you a look at your headlines. a meeting on a cease-fire between ukraine an pro-russian rebels under way at this hour. the president of ukraine and the nato secretary-general are both expressing cautious optimism a deal can be reached. heavy fighting continues to rage this morning, however, in eastern ukraine. meantime, european union nations are considering new proposed sanctions against russia and will decide how to proceed base on whether there's a peace agreement in eastern ukraine. the third american to be diagnosed with ebola will arrive at the nebraska medical center today. dr. rick sacra will be treated at the hospital's biocontainment unit. sacra's wife said she spoke to the doctor treating him in liberia and said her husband was able to walk on to the plane on his own, as you can see in that video. a u.s. military investigation concludes a friendly fire incident in
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afghanistan that killed five americans, including members of an elite special forces team, was avoidable. the report says the tragic air strike launched back in june was the result of poor communication, inadequate planning and other mistakes as well. to the details we brought you yesterday of a terrifying shark encounter off the coast of massachusetts. officials have released the frantic call for help as a great white shark attacked two kayakers and sunk its teeth into one of the kayaks sending them into the water. take a listen. >> help, help. i was just on a boat and we're stuck in the water and there's a shark. >> how terrifying. >> how long are you going to be? >> we're really scared. >> how terrifying. the women were pulled out later, were not hurt. however, look at that. you won't forget that. the shark left an 18-inch bite
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mark. i mistakenly said yesterday that it was the leg but it was the kayak but you can hear the terror in their voices. >> absolutely. >> gosh. >> bigger than the kayak. >> oh, absolute ly. >> he's got nothing. >> don't go taking pictures of seals. >> test bite. that's a scary situation. they sound scared in the call but to hold it together the way they did, i don't think i would have been able to speak. >> i wouldn't have even been able to make the call, i don't think. >> all i am in that is a victim. >> agreed. >> a statistic waiting to half. they showed great resolve to get through and i hope they get pack in the kayak. >> one them said they would and one them said no way. >> too soon. >> not too soon for the weekend though. >> which means let's check the weather with meteorologist intrapetersons who is keeping track of it. >> don't need any fake names, it is friday. it is here, guys, yes.
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we're talking about a threat of severe weather as we head into week yep. detroit looking for that threat as well as indianapolis today. look what happens as we go through tomorrow. moves farther to the east. we're talking about major cities. 34 million of you looking for this threat including places like boston and even new york looking for the severe thunderstorms on saturday. saturday is the day inside in the northeast. sunday is the day you can actually go outside. now, keep in mind, look, the huge temperature contrast that's still here and cool air right behind that cold front. watch what happens as we go through the weekend. this cold air sinks down into the south and into the northeast and cooler air will be settling in. we'll see some milder temperatures. look like a roller coaster as you see temperatures drop. still not bad though. we're talking 70s. very comfortable, more of that football-like weather and speaking a little east coast, west coast battling. somebody likes the jets. temperatures are in the upper 70s. mike clarks you're on the west coast. >> is this your team?
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>> raiders. >> my better half's team. >> it used to be l.a., so, you know, it counts. >> exactly. >> west coast, east coast. >> listen, here's something that we all need to get comfortable with during the football season. the colts are a good team, raiders have great style. being a jets fan is the oddest situation in sports because you go into a season with mediocrity as a goal. >> it's been the jets angst. >> there is no angst. when is it going to happen? >> no. >> the best part that have game will be the weather. >> you cannot be optimistic. >> the weather is usually a sidebar of how it will affect the game, it's best part of the game. >> oh, another interception, he's out for the season. i hope they have nice helmets this season. >> the jets talk is back. >> i'm so happy.
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let's take a break. home-grown terror fears, a manhunt is under way to find and capture an american citizen who maybe supporting isis' social media operation. what danger does he pose to americans back home? [ female announcer ] you get sick, you can't breathe through your nose...
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sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
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welcome back. you'll hear a lot of people saying that isis is really a lot of the same people you see in the taliban and al qaeda and there are unique parts of this organization. one is the ability to use social media to recruit americans and turn them against their own country. u.s. officials say ahmed abu samra who is from boston is suspected of joining isis and lending his considerable social media expertise to the terror group. cnn's deb feyerick is here with details. >> reporter: chris, one of the ways in which you communicate with young people is speak to them in their own language and a law enforcement official is telling cnn they are looking into whether ahmed abu samra may be involved in the group's media wing, including facebook and an online magazine and twitter recently suspended the group's account. he grew up near boston and that
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makes him interesting. he holds both a syrian and u.s. passport. graduated from northeastern university in boston with a degree in the field of computer technology. he is fluent in both english and arabic, and he's also been focus on this jihad for more than a decade. according to the fbi, he allegedly traveled to yemen back in 2004 for terror training and then he went to iraq to fight and kill u.s. troops, according to authorities. he returned to the u.s. but left again after being questioned by the fbi's joint terrorism task force. now we've spoken to many people on this. authorities are not confirming exactly what role, if any, abu s samra has in isis. on the run for five years and on the fbi's most wanted list and have made him a priority to capture him and bring him back and find out what he knows. he was last seen in zieria. he's been in iraq, a possibility he's been in lebanon and turkey and officials have their work cut out for him. a close friend of his was
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actually running the social media group for al qaeda in iraq, and that's why they believe that this would be a logical step for this man who is fighting alongside him. chris? >> all right. thank you, deb, a big part of this is understanding this organization and how they work and figuring out where you have to combat what they are using as their tactic so this is a big discovery. >> an important tactic. let's explore that a little bit more, the social media aspect of this. let's bring in cnn's national security analyst julia kayyem and fran townsend, a member of the cia and department of homeland security advisory boards. deb laid it out, who this guy is and what we know about him, grew up in boston, college-educated with a degree in computer technology. fran, why would isis want to recruit someone like this, not like he has any battlefield expertise? >> but, of course in, a large
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terror organization you need people who have a whole mix of skills, and the fact that he can speak in idiomatic english and speak to westerners in language familiar to them, they had a very orchestrated campaign. the day of the execution of james foley, myself, other journalists, twitter accounts were flooded with these horrible images of the post-execution body of james foley, and no sooner you would block it and you'd get another related isis account that would come into your twitter feed. it took twitter, you know, a full 24 hours to catch up with them and quite frankly it's concerning to the u.s. government because they don't have the ability, the capability, to react that quickly and that tactically on social media. >> so they are behind isis on this? >> absolutely. look, we've seen propaganda campaigns from al qaeda before, but nothing that acts that quickly in realtime events that's able to target tactically and that's a real concern to
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american officials. >> so interesting, julia. we talk so much, mostly about the brutal battlefield tactics of isis, not so much their social media apparatus. how important -- how important is this to isis though? is it purely recruiting? what is it? >> it's exceptionally important. i mean, one is recruiting because it shows -- at least it shows the world's their strength and brutality and it's a way to get people engaged in isis from their living room, as fran said. you're just sitting there and it comes up. the second though is a little bit more disconcerting in the same way social media works for teenagers that you can say something and it's amplified and you think it's reality, isis can portray strength through social media in a way that they might not be able to if you looked at numbers or if you looked at where they are and so it has that amplifying effect so that you're sitting in your room and you're thinking oh, my god they are next door, right, and they are not. they are far away, but it also let's them sort of invade your
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space and sort of amplify their strength. they are a serious threat and then they are using social media to make themselves even bigger in that regard. >> with that in mind then, fran, if the united states is kind of lacking here, a little bit behind the ball, what does the u.s. government need to do? attorney general eric holder, he was asked about americans fighting overseas, the concerns about radicalizing americans and going overseas and he said this. i think we have a pretty good handle on who was there and a pretty good handle on who might want to go there but that doesn't mean they have a handal this on combating it in an effective way. >> it would be good if the 100 number that's bandied about is the real number but we've heard others say there's many more.
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>> what do you do about it? >> basically making these people stateless if they try to re-enter the uk. nothing about the administration what their plan is, and this is all part of why the president needs to articulate a clear and comprehensive strategy for how he's going to deal with all aspects of this. this is not just a military problem, though the military issue is significant. it has to be diplomatic. it must be security and law enforcement and economic. there are many aspects to think and i think the country is waiting for the president to lay that out. >> we talk about how does the u.s. government respond, julia. the state department has just put out a video, kind of -- i don't know if it's to counter this social media apparatus of isis but trying to lay ow the brie at all of isis. we can't even show you the whole thing because it's effective. is this the u.s. stepping up and taking it to them on the multiple battlefield fronts? >> it might be. it's worked in our history as
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sort of, you know, pushing back on propaganda. what we have to remember, we're not going to beat social media, it's too pervasive and too easily utilized by thinking about beating it through technology. we have to beat it through messaging, and the messaging may be convincing our allies to get engaged with the fight with isis or isil and it may be portraying another image of what it is to be young and disenfranchised in many of these countries so this is a long-term propaganda campaign but to -- to fran's point about a strategy. the strategy cannot be, and it's not, that we're going to fight them on social media. it's just one way in which isis is much -- much different than al qaeda. it is more sophisticated on the propaganda side than we ever saw al qaeda. part of that is just because technology has gotten better. >> that is very true. it's gotten better and gets exponentially better every year in a shorter and shorter time
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span, absolutely right. interesting and terrifying all the same, can you say that. great to see you both. thanks so much. >> chris christie goes south of the border. he heads to mexico but also tells reporters to back off. don't ask me about immigration, at least not yet. how long can chris christie get away with that answer? "inside politics" is taking a look at it next. eenie. meenie. miney. go. more adventures await in the seven-passenger lexus gx. see your lexus dealer.
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"new day." let's get a look at headlines. we're watching breaking news. the plane carrying the third infected american with ebola has landed in omaha, nebraska. dr. rick sacra will arrive at the medical center within the next half hour and he will be treated in the biomedical containnent unit. the doctor contracted the virus working in liberia. happening now. day two of the closely watched crucial nato summit. leaders there trying to hammer out strategies to destroy isis and figure out if security forces will stay in afghanistan. british prime minister david cameron also leveled sharp criticism at russia saying, quote, it's tampbling illegally over ukraine. separately talks for a possible cease-fire in eastern ukraine are under way right now. apple rolling out new security measures after nude photos of several female celebrities were leaked online. the company told "wall street journal" it will use e-mail and alert users of security that
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could be signs of a security breach. hackers were able to force their way into the photo collections slew phishing attempts. so interesting, have to be so savvy. we have a rudimentary idea what we're doing on the interwebs and with our devices. you need to be so savvy and so vigilant. >> that's the truth. >> what's his face. >> he agrees. >> thought it wasn't the cloud, thought there were no problems with the cloud. >> did i say cloud once in my story? >> thank you, you're the best. >> the company, a little sideways. >> a lot going on in politics this morning so you know what that means. time to get "inside politics" on "new day" with john king. >> my goal this morning is to stay out of the cloud. good morning to you, and tgif edition of "inside politics." with me is atlantic's mole ball and jackie kunzic. 60 days from the election thought we'd be talking about obamacare and the economy and
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yet foreign pol icy is dominating. hillary clinton, pressing sure she's running for president and mitt romney, hillary clinton's defense of the president while writing a book review for kissinger. this kind of methodical, multi-lateral diplomacy is often slow and frustrating, rarely making headlines at home but can it way real dividends and she's defending the go slow talk to people and build alliances. mitt romney in what i'll call a counterpunch, you call it what you want at home says this president has it dead wrong because he's trying to cut military spending. mitt romney writes the most ludicrous excuse for shrinking our military derives from the president's thinking, quote, thing are much less dangerous now than they were 20 years ago, 25 years ago or 30 years ago. the safest world's tried balloon
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has been punk touringed by recent events in ukraine, afghanistan, libya, egypt, gaza, nigeria, somalia, syria and iraq. no imagination is required to picture what would descend on the united states if we let down our guard. let's start first with the fact that is foreign policy going to dominate the final 60 days of this election and then be the early part of the 2016 debate? >> i would say those two questions no and yes. i think it is background noise to the mid terms but i don't think it's going to be decisive. i think most of these campaigns are still being waged largely on economy or on issues specific to those states, not so much on obamacare. we haven't heard as much about obamacare as expect. absolutely this is the debate in 2016 especially with hillary clinton at the center of it. it inevitably will be, but, you know, it's interesting how neither of these op-eds really grapple with the foreign policy issues of the day. we have him hill sort of arguing in the abstract for this sort of pragmatism, and interestingly aligning herself with the legacy
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of kissinger, sort of cleverly appropriating her to his philosophy saying i'm like him. we both believe in the complicated thing, but she doesn't give any answers. she doesn't take side on any of the debates going on and romney is the same way. he's saying we shouldn't cut the military. that's not the debate we're having right now. he's not weighing in on whether we should intervene against isis or any of the actual problems we currently face. >> but you do wonder going into 2016, traditionally voters don't really vote on foreign policy, and you wonder with hillary clinton as a candidate potentially if that's going to change. >> i think the debate within the republican feel. romney has stepped forward and most of the establishment is grateful because even though they lost the last election, rather he'd be the front man because there's such a debate among the 2016 class. one of them is rand paul, some of his greatest asset is his dad and some of his greatest liability is his dad because of his views on military force. rand paul writes some pundits
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are support i support destroying the islamic state in iraq and greater syria militarily. they shouldn't be. i've said since i began public life i'm not an isolationist nor an interventionist. i call them as i see him and in this case the president is dead wrong and should be more robust muscular-wise. is that a surprise? >> to the to people like me who have been listening rand paul carefully but rand paul has been frustrated his entire career that he has been caricature and tagged with this isolationist label and is trying to establish an identity more complex. in that respect current cries sis a little bit of a gift for him because it gives him an opportunity to say here's something i would do, i'm not just for retriting to our borders and never doing anything. here's a case and he can say this is a case bush day bush case thing for me. >> the skepticism is not just from us. the republican establishment and probably unfair to your pain, maybe unfair to rand paul.
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they just say ron paul's son, we don't want that. >> and some of the things he's said on the floor, filibusters and drones, things like that, the john mccain, lindy graham establishment wing of the republican party is very nervous about rand paul's growing popularity in places like iowa and his potential of being a strong republican candidate so i think, as you said, that this is kind of a -- not a love letter but, hey, guys, it's going to be okay. i'm actually not my dad. >> at least he specifically lays out his views in this essay. another guy who we think of who is perhaps a republican likely candidate for president in 2016 an also the governor of a big state and the head of the national republican organization, the national governors association, he is chris christie, on a big state visit to mexico. would you think the governor of a big state, someone who might run for the presidency when in mexico might want to talk about the border and immigration policy. chris christie says don't ask me that question.
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i'm only answer that question if. listen. >> if and when i become a candidate for the president of the united states. until that time i have no role in the immigration debate except for how it may affect the individual citizens of new jersey which i'll deal with as governor but i won't have anything to say on immigration unless and until i become a candidate for president of the united states. if that happens, then i will articulate a full position on it, and then you guys can pick it apart and praise it or damn it however you like. until that time it's not my job and it's not my role, and i understand everybody wants to start a campaign that i haven't even decided i want to be in right now. just not going to do it. >> just not going to do it. >> i mean, i just always think this is so unattractive when candidates weasel out of things like this, and you understand why he's doing it. nobody wants to touch immigration. it's as hard for president obama as it is for a potential republican candidate, but a position shouldn't be something you take because you have to, because it's part of the
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technical requirements of the job you're seeking. you should care about stuff. you should care about issues and have feelings about them and policies that your vision says that we should pursue and i think this sort of calculating image is going to be bad for christie and it cuts against some of the straight talking he used to cultivate. >> he's also seeing some of his contemporaries completely implode either on the debate stage or even before they get there on the topic of immigration so we understand, again, why he's doing this. but it does -- it's a little cynical. >> it's the easy way out. >> he understands it's quicksand. immigration is quicksand. >> let's close with arkansas. yet another poll, cnn rc poll showing another big senate race essentially a dead heat. the republican tom cotton is on to be to the incumbent democrat mark pryor's 47% and if you look deeper into the poll, one of the bigger questions we have is will the president be a drag? there's the president's approval rating, 13% approve and disapprove. the president is a drag. the president is way under water
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in arkansas and tom cotton, a member of the house, he's ahead, margin of error. yet another race we'll take right to election day. >> i was just in arkansas a couple weeks ago and spent a lot of time with tom cotton and a little bit of time with mark pryor, and there is a persistent narrative that he's sort of underperforming, that even though he has been ahead rather consistently by a small margin in a lot of recent polling, people wonder why he's not doing better given that this is a state that mitt romney won by 23 points, given that president obama's approval rating is in the low 30s. mark pryor and a lot of these red state democrats are finding ways to sort of defy gravity and at least stay in the fight even if they are behind >> the pryor family name is a big brand in arkansas as well. we'll watch this one play out. 60 days late, ladies and gentlemen. that's why we love "inside politic." >> mark your calendars. >> a long way to go. >> i can see new our office right now. 60 days, check, can't wait. >> the point is get out of my office and get out there. >> sorry. >> it's true. you're great out on the
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hustings, no question about it, but it's almost madden-esque when you were up at what do you call that thing again, the john king wall? when you're up there and drawing your circles and saying your things and looking pack to camera it's like i'm so informed. i love it. >> but it can't give me barbecue and beer so i've got to get on the road. >> the kingcast. >> hambycast. >> he can have the fame and glory. i just want the barbecue and beer. >> i respect that. man law. >> have a great weekend. coming up next on "new day," remembering the funny lady joan riversch we'll talk with one of her close friends who visited her on her death bed in the hospital and also take a look at more of her trailblazing moments. ♪ but it's you i like ♪ every part of you ♪ your skin, your eyes, your feelings, whether old or new ♪
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that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. the legs go on and on and
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on, like gwyneth paltrow when someone asks her about call. that dress has more creased than my face did before botox. looks like it's going to police at any minute, like beyonce and jay-z. >> i do it upside down glass because i've not seen cups this empty since i did shots with dina lohan. >> joan rivers on a "fashion police" special that taped last week. our next guest had the pleasure and delight of calling joan rivers his boss and also his friend. we're joined by tony tripoli, head of e's "fashion police." >> i'm so honored to go on and talk about how great joan rivers was. >> you miss your friend already. >> it's horrible. >> as you sat down, you said that very thefng to me, i'll talk about joan anywhere because she literally changed my life in less than ten minutes.
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>> i was writing on a different show at the e network and i went and so her documentary, a piece of work on a money night, and i had -- i had sort of missed it in the theaters that summer. i was sort of busy so i went by myself on a monday night. i was about to leave and i was the last of the four writers on this tv show to have seen it, and we were literally discussing the documentary when the phone on my desk rang and it was the publicity department at e saying we're bringing "fashion police" back with joan rivers. she doesn't like the commercials. she wants three funny gay guys to come to her house tomorrow to write new commercials and i was like, of course, my bosses let me go, and i showed up to melissa's house and sat in that dining room where joan and i have written thousands of jokes since, you know, and after about ten minutes she said i need to talk to you in the kitchen. >> what did she say? >> and i thought, oh, this is my childhood hero is going to tell me i was too obnoxious or too
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pushy and she said you're the head writer of "fashion police" and i said i have no credits. the network is never going to let me be the head writer of her show and she said it's done and i got a phone call that night from the network. >> we hear time and time again about her unrelenting generosity to people in terms of those kind of statements. >> everyone in her organization has a story about randomly bumping into her and having their life changed by her. >> do you think it's because of her own story? because we know that it was a struggle. we know there are times when she thought she was never going to work again. do you think it's because of that that she vowed she would help others where she could? >> yeah. yeah. i think that she -- look, this is a woman who really understood the power of her fame, and any time she could let joan rivers, the character, change someone's
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life or give someone a moment, why work so hard if you can't use -- i mean, there was a big downside to being as famous as she was, you know. there's no privacy. >> she spoke about that openly. >> but the good side was she could change people's lives any day she wanted. >> she also knew the power of laughter, and her daughter even said that the thing that gave her mom the most joy was the ability to make people laugh, and i think was thinking about fashion police. if you watch an episode it is not just about the fashion, it's really just a vehicle for her comedic genius. >> it's not about fashion at all. i love that we get away with that, yeah, but it's just joan getting to talk about what's happening in the world. >> in spending time with her, did you have a sense that in the later years that she was reflecting back on her life and the impact that she had had or the legacy that she -- >> she hated that stuff. >> why was that? >> she hated -- any time anyone wanted to say to her on street, oh, joan, i'm a comedian and
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reason i got into standup or thank you, you paved the way. she hated all of that stuff. she was the least sentimental person in terms of her own accomplishments. she hate it had, and -- and it was four years since the day we met on july 26t8th and we were writing a "fashion police" show and i said to her. all right, i know you hate this stuff, but today is our four-year anniversary and i want to thank you for. she said stop, we'll talk when it's 25 years. >> how was it last week? she was working the day before her procedure. >> yeah. >> tell me about that. how was she and what kind of spirits was she in? >> incredible. how many 81-year-old women do you know that want to talk to you about rihanna? >> i don't think there's a single one. >> she was on another level, and she was always -- so i have these altoids here. >> you insisted on bringing altoids on set. >> joan never did an interview
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ever or went anywhere without a tin of altoid in her hand. she was constantly putting them in her mouth she was so afraid she was going to be less than perfect for anyone, and so i -- i just -- i hold her altoids for her so many times while i've been off camera that i thought this is kind of like having her with us today. >> she had an on and off-screen persona and you got to see a little bit of both. thanks so much for coming in to share your memories and recollecti recollections. i'm sure you're happy to keep her spirit alive the way the rest of us do. tony, thanks so much. at home i'm sure you had your favorite. share your thoughts at facebo and the georgia father charged with murder in his son's
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death. we'll take a look. nnot do that. oh, and remind me to get roses when i'm near any flower shop. sure thing. remind you when you get to flower shop. i can't do that either. cortana, it's gonna be a great night. [ beep ] oh wow! thanks for the traffic alert. i better get going. now that is a smart phone. ♪ oh, wait ♪ it's 'cause you make me smile ♪
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this is awkward. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. so there will be a trial in the case of a father accused of leaving his son to die in a hot car. justin ross harris was just indicted. eight charges, including murder and child cruelty in the june death of his toddler son cooper. now prosecutors are building their case against harris, hinting at another arrest. martin savidge has more from georgia. >> reporter: justin ross harris malice murder, georgia's most serious crime and opens the door for death. >> whether or not the state
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seeks the death penalty in this case will be made decision wise on or before that arraignment date in the next two or three weeks. >> reporter: it was june 18th harris pulled into the parking lot. harris told police he forgot to take 22-month-old cooper to day care, instead leaving him strapped in his car seat in an atlanta area office parking lot for nearly seven hours. >> hopped out of the driver's seat, opened the back door, pulled his child out, laid him on the concrete, tried to resuscitate him. >> reporter: cooper was dead, a tragic accident, harris said, but police quickly began to doubt dad's story. this a warrant harris admitted to internet searches on child deaths inside vehicles and what temperature it needs to be to occur and the next bombshell during a hearing. >> he was having up to six different conversations with different women. >> reporter: investigators said they had evidence this father and husband yearned to be single leading a sexually charged
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double life with multiple women on the internet, sexting even the day his son was dying. >> were photos sent back and forth between these women and the defendant when the child was out in the car in. >> his exposed erect penis and women's breasts being sent back to him. >> reporter: thursday harris' attorney reiterated his client's innocence slamming prosecutors for charging a broken man with multiple confusing counts of murder. >> and now an indictment that includes three counts of murtd a murder but we still don't know what the state's theory is. >> reporter: the d.a. implied there could be another arrest. >> the in evidence in this case has led us to this point today. whether or not it leads to us anyone else remains to be answered. >> reporter: a not so subtle reference that an attorney for harris' wife and cooper's mother felt was directed at his the line, lheanna harris.
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"by now i would think they would have been able to make a final decision and clear her from any wrongdoing." a case that shocked many is only just beginning, march tan savage, cnn, atlanta. coming up, how many allies are willing to spend the blood and treasure it will take to stop iceis? some surprises may be in store for the president, coming up. take a closer look at your fidelity green line and you'll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a wide range of investment options... and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals -- and what you're really investing for.
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-- captions by vitac -- good morning, welcome to "new day" everyone, friday, september 5th, 8:00 in the east. we have breaking news for you at this hour. major decision this is morning coming out of the nato summit. nato leaders announcing they will help iraq fight isis if they request it. the u.s. announcing a core coalition, ten countries who will work together to fight the terror group with no combat boots on the ground. nato secretary-general also saying it will create a response course that could respond within days to any threat any nato ally faces. straight over to white house correspondent michelle kosinski traveling with the president. big news coming out from the
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leaders, michelle. >> reporter: right, yesterday was a day of discussion. today was supposed to be the day of response so the first big decision we see is this rapid response force created by nato. they've been talking about this, now they've decided this will be several thousand troops, not sure where it will be based yet but they've had offers from the baltics, poland, or romania, and these troops who would be ready to respond to a situation where defense was needed within two days. much faster than their current abilities. also now nato has pledged that it will support baghdad if iraq needs additional help in fighting isis. the u.s. meantime has been trying to do this coalition building with european nations, they say that europe is willing to help. john kerry was in a meeting to work on this coalition building. he delivered some remarks saying there is no contained policy for isis. they're an ambitious avowed genocidal territory-grabbing
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calipha caliphate-desiring quasi-state within a regular army and leaving hem in some capacity intact anywhere would leave a cancer in place that would ultimately come back to haunt us." there's no issue in our minds about our determination to build this coalition and go are this." there has been so much controversy over the last couple of days over what president obama said in the summit in estonia, kind of unclear to some as to whether he was saying the goal of the u.s. and its allies was to destroy isis or was it to contain isis, kerry made it clear the goal is to destroy them and he said leaving any part of it intact could come back to haunt us. he did say at the end of those remarks that defeating isis could take a year, two years, it could take three years, kate? >> time line getting locknger a longer as the reality on the
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ground continues. thank you so much, michelle kosinski. >> it will take even longer from the auto lies in the breaking news not committing any of their own boots on the ground, that was qualified because there will be this nato spearhead force. what will that mean in ukraine and in terms of u.s. troops, how will they be involved in the spearhead movement? straight to barbara starr at the pentagon. what are you hearing about u.s. boots which is our new vernacular for meaning troops in harm's way with this nato coaliti coalition? >> good morning, chris. i think that all of this is still being chewed over because the political reality of nato always overtakes the military goals, that's just how it works. on this question of a spearhead force, based in eastern europe to counter the russian moves in ukraine, to counter any russian aspirations to move further into eastern europe. the u.s. already has roughly 60,000 or so u.s. troops in
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europe, many of them may be put against this rapid response force but for the european allies who are making these commitments, they have much smaller militaries. they are under even tougher budget pressures in their military spending than the u.s. is, many of the nato european members are actually coalition government, so their own internal political reality may well overtake eventually any aspirations to make all of this work. it will be very tough, but the goal is to put a signal out there that nato will defend the eastern european allies, poland topping the list. the poles obviously have long memories about the former soviet union and they want assurances that nato members will come to their defense. about iraq, no boots on the ground, no combat bots on the ground. the u.s. already has about 1,000 troops in iraq performing
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security duty, advice and assistance to the iraqi forces conducting the air strikes. dobt' look for the nato members to put any of their boots on the ground. it will be more about resupplying the iraqis and conducting the humanitarian air drop missions. >> talk about a mixed message, nato saying we're totally in except not with our own boots. barbara, thank you for the reporting. let's focus on the threat of isis once again and discuss it with republican congressman tom foley joining us now. great to see you, thanks so much. >> hey, kate, great to see you. >> great to see you as well. call it a mixed message, whatever you want, the president seemed unclear earlier this week. was the goal against isis to destroy, degrade, contain? we heard just now from michelle kosinski john kerry laid out clearly the goal is to destroy. how do you propose, when they say that, how do you propose we go about doing that at this point? what do you think, congressman?
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>> i think the goal is the appropriate goal. look, i think one thing you could say about isil, they know how to unite the whole world against them, even people that don't normally agree with one another are willing to work together in this instance and we should take advantage of that. we probably already know basically the things we're going to do, we'll use air strikes. when we say no boots on the ground that doesn't mean no special operators. i could see instances where they might be dropped in to take out a particular target. we're going to train and supply people and build a regional alliance and you're seeing elements of that come together today in the nato summit but i think you'll see more in the middle east itself. a lot of people on the ground like the kurds, jordanians and saudis that are very concerned about isil, like the iranians. we can build a coalition that can first contain and then destroy these guys. >> let me ask you about the issue of strategy. you have praised the president
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or at least said the president is being commendably cautious in terms of you considering u.s. military action against isis in syria specifically. senator susan collins was on the show earlier today speaking too chris and she criticized the president saying he is rog overdue in coming to congress and laying out his strategy. what is the senator missing here, which one is it? >> look, i don't think she's missing anything. i agree with senator collins, slow to react. this president was calling these guys the junior varsity earlier this year and frankly has never acknowledged that he and former prime minister maliki probably made a big mistake in not keeping an american presence in iraq past 2011. again at this point, i think there's two components here. we have pretty much a free hand in iraq because we're operating with the permission of the iraqi government. syria is very different. we have a three-sided civil war, the syrian government is not a government that we support. we go in there and we run the
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risk of being shot at not only by isil but potentially by the syrian government as well. so that i think the president is right to be careful about syria. i don't think any american wants to be involved in the syrian civil war but at some point we probably are going to have to one way or the other engage isil not just in iraq but in their home base in syria. >> how does the u.s. go about doing that is the big question? i want to get your take on that and the context of colleague mike rogers, the chairman of the house swell jens committee he wrote an opinion piece in "time" magazine n "time," and said this in part directly to this point of the discussion we're in, congressman, he says "we need to defeat the isis safe haven in syria, eliminate it on the battlefields in iraq and stop its march into lavant." he says "we will have to risk americans operating in the fight but let's be clear american lives around the world are at present risk from isis' brutality." now "we're going to have to risk
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american lives operating in the fight." is he acknowledging saying no combat boots on the ground they're still going to be in harm's way, still in the fight. >> that's correct. we're risking american lives right now and chairman rogers is good to point that out. flying combat operations is a dangerous thing. we had a plane in libya they didn't shoot down but it kornged out over libyan air space, we had two pilots on the ground within minutes of being captured by the libyans and we were able to to extract them. we have 1,000 people on the ground not in direct combat. anybody that thinks they're not at risk is being painfully naive. the same thing is true as we get drawn deeper into this. you have to weigh what is the threat and the threat with isil as we've seen dramatically with the brutal murder of two
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american journalists is real and if they're allowed to constitute a safe haven they will develop the capability over time to strike the united states and kill americans around the world. >> congressman, what do we do about that? >> this is an issue we could be united on. >> what do you propose, what do you advocate? what is the best policy in syria against isis at this point? air strikes and do air strikes require in your view congressional approval? >> absolutely. look, i think the president would be very wise to, when congress comes back to lay out, this is my objective, this is my strategy. here are the basic things we're going to do. i need congressional authorization to do them and ask the congress to vote yes or no. i think he'll win that vote. i think he should win that vote and it would be a bipartisan victory but there will be some opposition from both parties, fair yourself but the president runs a big risk if he wages war on his own, not only unconstitutional, it's politically unwise. he needs to assemble a domestic
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coalition to support military action. if he fails to do that we'll get partway down the road and it about become a domestic political issue. >> congressman, talking about politics, what do you say to your colleagues who might not want to take a tough vote that could follow them later in terms of authorizing military force? >> they pay to you vote in this business and dodging votes is always a mistake. tell us what i think. listen to the evidence and debate and vote in good conscience. the americans even accept decisions they disagree with if you explain your position. if you are enot willing to do that, you don't need to be in politics and don't need to be in the united states congress. being afraid of votes is being afraid of doing your job. >> that's an important message i think many of your colleagues need to hear running up to the midterm election. congressman cole, always great to have you. >> thanks, kate. >> michaela? kate, we want to talk about
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showbiz lady joan rivers, fans saluting her immense comedic talent following her death at the age of 81. funeral is planned for sunday in new york city but the circumstances surrounding her death are the subject of not one but two investigations. cnn's nischelle turner is here with us, two investigations looking into the circumstances. >> there are questions that need to be answered bud we are also talking about her remarkable career as a remarkable career built on hard work, determination, perseverance, all of those things and while joan rivers' family and legion of fans are mourning her death today the certain to find out what went wrong at that clinic is under way. this morning, two investigations into the death of legendary comedian joan rivers now under way. new york state officials launching a full investigation into the outpatient clinic where the tony nominated star went into cardiac arrest during a throat procedure last week. rivers was then rushed to mt.
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sinai hospital where she remained on life support until she passed peacefully thursday, according to her daughter, melissa rivers. >> so sorry. >> reporter: medical examiners also requesting an autopsy, as questions are raised as to why an 81-year-old in fine, feisty form, just the night before, doing an hour-long standup event would suddenly stop breathing. >> enjoy your bodies now. oh, out of a brazierre, this is how i go to the bathroom. >> reporter: the comedian showed no signs of slowing down. >> you have to wear dead animals. i tried and life ones the boy. >> reporter: are since her debut on "the johnny carson show" in 1965. >> i never cooked when i was single. if the lord wanted women to cook he'd give her aluminum hands. >> reporter: her career skyrocketing through the decades. >> here's joan rivers! >> reporter: becoming the first
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and only woman to host a network nightly talk show. >> tell a friend the truth, you are still a pig, lose more weight. that's a friend. current host jimmy fallon tearing up remembering the first time she returned to "the tonight show." >> she came out and she came over to me and she started crying and gave me a kiss. it was really emotional, and really nice. >> reporter: rivers, a trailblazer for female comics who poured out in remembrance. >> i owe my career to her, no doubt about it. >> reporter: fellow comedian kathy griffin breaking down on anderson cooper, after he played this clip about a woman who says she never wanted to stop making people laugh. >> that's fear. if my book ever looked like this, it would mean that nobody wants me, that everything i ever tried to do in life didn't work. nobody cared.
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i've been totally forgotten. >> reporter: at the hollywood walk of fame her legions of fans prove the iconic comedian's fears were misplaced. >> if anything happens, melissa -- >> reporter: in 2012, rivers' humor took a serious turn with her daughter, before undergoing plastic surgery, she assured melissa that if anything happens, her time was well spent. >> i've had an amazing life. if it ended right now, amazing life, and life is so much fun. it's one big movie. >> one big movie. successful hollywood movies always have a compelling character that chronicle that character's rise and fall and they celebrate their redemption and reinvention. i would say joan rivers, your life has been like a movie, one that ebert and roper would give
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two thumbs up. i actually laughed a lot yesterday listening to a lot of the things, a lot of her jokes and so i felt good about that. >> absolutely, that's what she'd want. nischelle thanks so much. a georgia grand youry indicted the father of a toddler left to die in a hot car. justin ross harris faces three different murder charges among the eight he's been indicted upon. can the prosecutors get a conviction? the case or did they overcharge? we'll explore. that's where this comes in. only nicorette gum has patented dual-coated technology for great taste. plus nicorette gum gives you intense craving relief. and that helps put my craving in its place. that's why i only choose nicorette. thebut in the case of the s to thlexus ls... ...which eyes? eyes that pivot with the road... ...that can see what light misses... ...eyes designed to warn when yours wander... or ones that can automatically bring the ls to a complete stop.
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there is news in case you will be watching, the father accused of leaving his son to die in a hot car will face eight charges including malice, murder, the highest form of homicide available, and cruelty to children, and in an unusual twist, there's an unrelated charge of sexting with a minor, the key there the sexting was done while the child was in that hot car. justin ross harris was arrested in june after his 22-month-old son, cooper, died, after being left in a hot car for seven hours. harris says he simply forgot his son was in the car. prosecution refutes that, accusing harris of searching for information about hot car deaths, but there are developments on both sides of this case, unusual things that we need to get to. sunny hostin, cnn legal analyst and former federal prosecutor and page pate, criminal defense attorney thanks for being here.
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let's start with the charges, using multiple homicide, death by a person, that isn't unusual. >> i think what is unusual for me at least in this case is the malice murder. we know that in georgia that opens him up to the death penalty and the judge in the probable cause hearing sort of indicated this is serious enough that this could be a death penalty case so we all know that was the possibility but the prosecution has placed such a heavy burden on the team because they have to prove, if they can prove he premeditated this and i think it's going to be really difficult to find a juror quite frankly or jury that's going to be able to get over the hump that a father would not only kill his child, but intend to kill his child in that way. i mean, who has ever heard of murder by hot car? >> banking on emotion, right, page pate? prosecutors are banking when a jury hears, many of them will be
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parent not only did you kill your kid which is stupid at a minimum but sexting at the same time, what role will that play? >> a huge role. that's exactly what the prosecution needs to do to get a conviction on malice murder and to even consider the death penalty. they have to hit the jurors viscerally. that's exactly what the sexting evidence is going to do. i think they added the charges to the indictment simply because they wanted to make sure that the judge would allow them to introduce that evidence at the trial. if the charges were not in this indictment i don't think it would be relevant to the underlying murder charge. >> can you sever the charges? something you can do in the law, this has nothing to do, the sexting has nothing to do with this homicide case. let's split that and deal with that another day. do you think the defense will be successful here, sunny in. >> i think the defense is going to try that, any good defense attorney will. i don't think that will be successful because this rises out of the same act. that's not going to work. let me say this about the
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sexting charge which i think true tactically, strategically brilliant. you want to attack the character of the defendant and that's the back way door of doing that. >> in at home you can't introdues bad character of evidence unless the defendant brings up good character. that's a legal thing and you need to know it, that's why this is smart. >> it's smart so they get that in. it cuts both ways and i've said this all along, in this day and age there aren't going to be that many jurors that haven't surfed the internet, found pornographic images and don't understand i think sort of the addiction to sexting and so there could be a couple jurors that get on the jury and say yeah, he was sexting but maybe that is why he forgot his kid was there. maybe that is why he was so obsessed with the sexting that it's not possible that he intended to kill his child that way. if he did do this intentionally, that he's the worst of the worst, right, and i think again
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the sexting could lead some jurors to think well he's just like every other person that has done that >> page, you're shaking your head. >> right, if that's right and the jury does look at it that way and sunny is correct they still get him on felony murder because he's criminally negligent for leaving his child in the hot car and that is enough for an underlying felony to convict him of felony murder which still carries life in prison so it's a similar charge. >> what's the big hit on the prosecution side. the big hit for them is that cop they put on in the preliminary hearing makes that videotape like something it may not stand up to scrutiny about. they make assertions oh, boy, he went back to the car and looked in and he saw that his kid was there and when he was walking away he saw this guy and he was very nervous and then you watch the tape and it seems as though those assertions are pushing it a little bit. sunny, you're a prosecutor. should they have known better to put a cop on that could be
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debunk? >> when you're a prosecutor you put on just enough to get past that hurdle. >> but they didn't. they went too far. the cop who said i spent all this time with the car. the cop said i took all this time getting out of the car. it was a flash. >> that doesn't bother me but i will tell you this, since they charged it this way, since they got the indictment this way we don't know what the grand jurors heard to vote for the indictment there must be something more, there must be something we haven't heard about that points to premeditation. >> how many times have we heard that maybe from sunny, how there must be something more they have and then they don't. >> i agree with sunny. i think there is something more the grand jury heard. >> wow, it's my morning. >> just like the probable cause hearing the grand juries only heard from the detective, there was no defense evidence, no opportunity to cross-examine him. all that changes at a trial when
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they have to withstand what i assume will be aggressive cross-examination of the video and other aspects on the case. >> page pate, sunny hostin this is just the beginning. >> definitely, we'll hear a lot more about this case. >> good to hear what it starts and make sense of it as we go along. >> isis, it's all over the media and it's hard to avoid it. an american from boston, the question now can authorities take him out before it's too late. first the august job numbers are out and just moments, christine romans is going to bring them to us live. what will they mean for the economy and for you? of passengers. the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy.
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in the country. we operate just like a city, and that takes a lot of energy. we use natural gas throughout the airport - for heating the entire terminal, generating electricity on-site, and fueling hundreds of vehicles. we're very focused on reducing our environmental impact. and natural gas is a big part of that commitment. here we go with the five things you need to know for your new day. the nato summit wrapping up with big developments. leaders say they'll help iraq fight ice face they ask. the u.s. announcing a core coalition of ten countries that
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will take on the terror group. rebel leaders in ukraine are meeting with russian and ukrainian officials to discuss a cease-fire deal, this meeting is being met with cautious optimism as heavy fighting rages in eastern ukraine. the third american to be diagnosed with the ebola virus has arrived in nebraska for treatment. he contracted the disease in liberia, currently being treated in a special isolation unit at the nebraska medical center. a little less humor in our world today following the death of joan rivers, the ledge end dear comedian was 81. this is amazing, may have been one of the largest creatures to walk the earth, the first look at a previously unknown dinosaur species, it weighed about 65 tons which is heavier than a 737 airplane. oh my goodness. we always update the five things to know. go to for the latest.
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chris? mick, we have breaking news in to cnn. the labor department released the jobs report for august. let's get to chief business correspondent christine romans. good to have you here. what do we know? >> the numbers were lighter than expected if you hit the august number you see 142,000 jobs were created, we wanted another strong month above 200,000. we see six in a row we thought it would be seven, for the longest stretch in more than ten years. the unemployment rate pretty interesting staying here at 6.1%, the lowest in about five years so that's a pretty good number there overall, and i don't think that's going to come up for you. if you look at where we've come in the recovery you can see just how bad it got, we were above 10% and now come down here so 6.1%. >> why did they miss the number? >> they missed the number because there wasn't the job creation they thought but you
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have people getting work, still eating through the unemployment rate, two different surveys. sometimes they're not exactly in simpg. that's important to watch. i see health care had job gains, construction had job gains. we want to see there were broad-based jobs gains not just low wage job gains. that had been the hallmark of the recovery, low wage job gains for so long. if you hit the 2014 number you can see where we are on average still a pretty good looking year so far. on average more than 200,000 jobs created every month. you want to see the momentum. you want to see momentum like this continue into the fall >> as you taught me the number is not enough. it's what the sectors are, the types of jobs under employment all that analysis is important. i wonder where we can get that. christine romans is going to be answering questions about this morning's job report, she's going to host a facebook chat live with u.s. labor secretary mr. tom perez. it's at 11:30 eastern this
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morning. you go to christine thank you. i will be there. >> great. >> i will have a weird screen name so you won't know it's me. this week's cnn hero is taking on food deserts, areas where people have little access to fresh produce. take a look at how chip palex turned a small garden into 49 acres of fresh fruits and vegetables for those who need it most. >> these are awesome. i started the farm with my daughter. the first year we were able to get 120 pounds of produce. we brought it to the local food pantry. people were hungry for fresh fruits and vegetables. we grow, glean and give. when we started the program it was basically my family. now around 4,000 volunteers. exceletlent excellent. it's not just feeding people. our goal is to educate the folks who receive the produce. >> are you ready for some corn?
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>> yes! >> woo! >> when kids come out for the first time from the inner city, they immediately are struck by the fact that food grows out of the ground. there you go. for them to be able to harvest it and bring it home to their families, that's huge. when was the first time you ate corn off the stalk? we go to inner city areas that do not have any access to fresh fruits and vegetables and we set up a free farm market. how are we doing? >> i have diabetes, some things that i need for my diet a lot of times i can't afford. >> you like this corn, huh? this is good stuff. i believe that everyone deserves to be able to eat healthy. there's no greater reward. >> chip palex, this week's cnn hero. take a look at this also, is this boston man the reason why isis is so good at social media? terrorists with twitter accounts and more americans joining the fight, how do we turn it around?
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we'll ask a counterterrorism expert coming up. could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today! (vo) ours is a world of the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots.
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an american from boston on the fbi's most wanted terror list is expected to playing a role in the brutal terror group isis. what is ahmad abousamra and how many other americans are answering the call to terror? we bring in philip mudd, former director of the cia counterterrorism center. we heard in the abstract quite a bit about the concern of american officials about americans overseas or westerners going overseas to take up the call of isis but what do you make of this man especially -- raised in boston, college education with a degree in computer technology. why is he such a concern for the u.s.? >> when you look for example, take it back to the beheading videos and what isis is trying to do, talk to people in europe and the uk and united states using not only messages that might resonate but also using language, using accents that
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resonate, they want american accents, they want british accents, if they're speaking to germany i've seen them use people who are native german speakers, if they want to recruit people in the united states they've got to have somebody who can talk the talk, walk the walk, somebody who is in country, syria and iraq and say hey i'm like you, it's not that bad it's not what you see on tv. come join us. people like this are really dangerous. >> how important then do you think is the social media apparatus of a terror group like isis? it definitely, their ability to kind of create in real time these kind of hollywood almost style productions separates them from a group like al qaeda, that's for sure. how important is the social media fight, if you will, for iceis? >> it's important but also an achilles heel if we wait long enough. >> why? >> the importance is at the fringes of extremist movements people will pass around the messages, pass around photos, for example photos of a child who was killed and say this is
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the reason we have to go out there, we have to defend the faith and defend kids like these we see killed on an isis video. the achilles heel is important again, only if we have time. there are a lot of people who look at the justifications from people like isis, their religious justifications, the same thing happened for al qaeda, ofafghanistan and pakist. in the central tenets of islam you cannot justify this. what you're putting on video is not acceptable and there's a large core of the religion that will respond to these videos, these tweets and say that's interesting, but that's a bastardization of what islam is, that does not respect islam and you're wrong. >> it's also interesting in the question of how many americans, let's just take that aspect of it, how many americans are overseas and radicalized in fighting with isis and other terror groups? the attorney general asked about that and he responded yesterday. i want to get your take about this, on the issue, the concern of radicalized foreign fighters
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returning to the united states, it was kind of the question. he says i think we have a good handle on who is there and a good handle on who potentially might want to go there. do you believe that? >> pretty good covers a lot of turf. i believe that. i've been there, including with this attorney general at the threat table. pretty good handle means things like you're seeing people go through travel centers, you're getting alerts from our friends out in the region, having friends and family come forward saying my son is gone. say you've got a handle on 95% of the people going out which in my world is a great handle. there's two problems with that. number one is resources. let's say that's 100, 200 people, in the world of fbi, and state and local cops trying to follow around 100, 200 people for six months, two years to determine whether when they come home from iraq they're going to do something, that's a resource disaster. the second piece, kate, say you miss 5% or 2% of them and those are the people who commit
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something like what the tsarnaev brothers did. i've been at the fbi. people will say nice on the 98% and captured, why'd you miss the 2%? the level you've got to get is not pretty good handle. the american expectation is perfect handle. >> the united states government has to be right 100% of the time, terrorists have to be right 1% of the time to get to their objective. that's absolutely true. the state department may be trying to combat the social media savvy of isis has put out a video or online campaign, if you will. can the united states, the state department effectively fight, if you will, isis on social media? >> no. next question. no, hear's the point. when i've watched terrorists talk, when we talked to them at the cia -- these are very committed people who are not going to be persuaded by a message from a government they don't view as credible. i applaud what the state department is doing. there are other people outside isis who might watch what they say, but the people who will be
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the architects of isis' demise are in isis today, they're the same people tweeting photos of beheadings, trying to explain why they beheaded journalists. people in villages in iraq, people in cities turkey and jordan will say one thing and that is we know you try to represent the faith but you do not. this is an aberration of the faith, an embarrassment. we won't tolerate this. we can't combat that, the people on the ground can. >> another front to fight isis on, social media, on the ground in the battlefield and shows what a challenge it is. philip mudd always great to have you. thank you. >> thank you. >> have a great weekend. comedy's sharpest tongue is quiet this morning. we'll continue to remember joan rivers' legacy, with the comedian who knew her very well and credits the legend with helping her own career. >> can we talk here for a second? no big deal to have a woman in the white house. john f. kennedy had 1,000 of
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she blazed the trail for me, all the girls. >> that was kathy griffin paying tribute to joan rivers on cnn with anderson cooper last night. rivers knocked down barriers for women in comedy and changed the landscape for female standups.
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judy joins us live bright and early from los angeles. you remember that day. >> i remember what i was wearing. i think she would be proud. i had on a long sort of grecian prom gown white with green sash. >> did she skewer you for your fashion? >> no. you know, i really wish i could have been arrested by joan, you know? she never, i'm sure she would -- i brought my boa in her honor. >> i love that. >>er's got to wear their boa today. >> i love that everybody is remembering joan in their own way seems to always be with smiles and laughter. one of the things we talked about in the intro, she was a trailblazer. i know she would cringe at being
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called that. she was supportive of you. tell us about that. >> yes, like i said in 1986, i was one of the first comics that she had on her show on fox, and she said, go out there, take no prisoners. she was, yeah, she was encouraging and then later in the '90s, she had morning shows, and she had me on those, too. and i just remember she was one of the first to really encourage me and very supportive, you know, come back any time. >> and a rarity we often hear in show business, show friends is the old saying in hollywood, talk to me about what you think might have fueled her. she worked incesecessantincessa. >> yes, she was the quintessential workaholic. she was like the energizer bunny. yes, and i would -- i just think
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she just -- she was like a roman candle, you know, lit at both ends. >> i want to read to you, i want to go back in time to 1965. this is a review that appeared at the "new york times" put this in their paper. "joan rivers a new comedian of ripening promise is an unusually bright girl overcoming the handicap of a woman comic, looks pretty and blond and bright and yet manages to make people laugh." my, my dear, how have times changed. >> oh, i don't know who wrote that. he's going to get smacked. >> when you think about that, about the time when she was making a name for herself. >> yes. >> she literally kicked the door down. >> she did. she was truly a trailblazer for especially female comics like myself, and she was fearless. i loved it. she had no filter. she would talk -- right? she would say -- >> none. >> -- anything.
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>> you were on "hollywood squares" together. tell me about some of the fun times. >> that was fun, yes. i remember one time in particular i was sitting in the middle square at the bottom and she was to my left and the smothers brothers to my right. i said joan, joan, dickey's hitting on me. she says "oh, that two-timer." she was just great. >> what do you think you learned most from joan? >> really, i would say fearlessness, you know. she would stop at nothing. so don't edit yourself. the first to be politically incorrect. >> absolutely. thank you so much for putting on your boa judy tenuta and talking to you about your friend, our friend joan rivers who made us laugh and will continue to. >> loved her. >> a lot of people are looking back at some of the videos of her and remembering and laughing out loud.
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judy thanks so much. >> thank you. we have a very special edition of "the good stuff" for you just ahead. wait for it. ♪ it's your sky, it's your sky full of stars ♪ (vo) get ready! fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers.
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oopsies. >> it's worthy of note joan asked a question, can we talk, she asked the question in a way that changed our culture. we'll do a special edition of "the good stuff" for her. she was great for a reason, it has nothing to do with comedy. for over 25 years joan rivers was unusually dedicated to charity, specifically god's love we deliver. look it up, a group that brings meals to the sick and homebound. joan packed thousands of those meals personally and even delivered them herself. >> 3,300 doorbells are rung every day and meals and love is given out to these people. i come away every time i deliver the meals thanking god that he's letting me be part of this. >> you know, any attention to charity is good but it is rare that someone shows the actual personal effort that joan rivers
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did. >> put on the hairnet and get behind the line. >> she never zd for credit but asked for money. in 2009 she won "celebrity apprentice" and gave her $5,000 purse to the charity, she was shameless about asking for money and well worth it. gods love we deliver says of her quote. joan's impact on god's love will be felt by our clients, volunteers, staff and community, and they've named their new kitchen in her honor. >> that's great. >> she would have liked it. >> you had over the years -- >> i bumped into her. she was good at giving people advice and on "the view" once she was like oh i saw you trying to be funny on "the view." don't. >> best advice? >> i said what should i do? she said in your business it's easy, tell us the truth. if you want to be liked don't be in that business. >> she was so kind when she was in l.a., always so friendly and warm. >> you heard that from people on her staff today and heard that from a lot of people. >> for all of the jokes about the plastic surgery she was exactly what she didn't appear
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to be visually, she was so real and authentic and that's why she was one of the greats. we get to you carol costello, the friday edition of "newsroom." >> happy friday, have a great weekend. "newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- good morning, i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. we begin this hour with breaking news on the economy. just minutes ago we learned that 142,000 new jobs were created last month. it's a big disappointment from the 200,000 plus that most experts had predicted. the unemployment rate inches down a bit from 6.2% to 6.1%, but let's break down the numbers, shall we, chief business correspondent christine romans and to add some perspective, james shirk, senior policy analyst at the her thait


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