tv New Day CNN September 9, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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york times." compare that to the largest-known attack to date at target. which we talked about it so much last year. that affected some 40 million cardholders that puts it back into perspective. chief business correspondent christine romans is here to speak about it, as well as cybersecurity expert mark rash with everything we know at the moment. i have a lot of questions, i know you get riled up about this, christine. what do we know? >> we know it's a lot of people. we know this has been going on since at least april and it was last week that home depot executives realized it was happening. it was law enforcement and a cybersecurity blogger brian krebs who noticed this information was available. if you went to the spring selling sees ton get seed for your lard you may have been giving your information to hackers around the world. the company is still kind of in the discovery mode trying to
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figure out the scope of this. but they are confirming if you go to their website, you can see there's a very brief statement about what they know for sure right now. if you think, if you think that your information might be out there, they're going to give free credit monitoring service. if the money comes out of your account or sput fraudulently on your credit card, they are going to reburst you. it is still a pain, we're trying to figure out the scope of it. this has been going on since april. this has been going on for five months. now brian krebs, the krebs on security blogger said that banks over the past few days, are reporting to him, a steep increase in fraudulent atm withdrawals. please check your accounts now. >> that's whey wanted to get to you with, mark, the fact that as christina suggesting, as i've been reading up. it says that home depot began their investigation when they were contacted by banks and law enforcement about this possibility. so does that suggest that
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clearly the information that's been stolen at least some of it is already being used? >> absolutely. home depot didn't see data leaking out of their computer and computer networks. what happened was the data had already been leaked. and it was sitting on the dark web and people were trading these credit card numbers. and so once they started using these stolen credit card numbers, people did what's called a common point of purchase. they said what do all of these credit card numbers have in common, they were all used at home depot. that's how law enforcement notified home depot that they were breached, rather than the other way around. >> is there some suggestion, mark, that home depot needs to be more forthcoming in how this is all playing out? this breach had been happening for five months, if you will. they just kind of learned about it maybe at the gipping of september. beginning of this moth. some people are saying let us know, what you don't know, get it out there more. are you hearing that? >> i am. this happens in every single
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breach. everybody is dissatisfied with the way people handle breaches for the most part. what they want is they want to know as much information as the victim of the breach and home depot is the victim of a breach. everything they know, what they're doing to find out more information and status reports as they go along. too many companies keep this stuff close to the vest and say, we'll let you know when you need to know. we need to know now. >> christina, i saw a suggestion that parts of the software that were used in the target attack has been appearing in this attack. are they connecting these two attacks? >> they might be a mutation of them. when you look at the eastern european hackers who are trading this stuff, you'll see this packet of information, the american information was called american sanctions, a little bit of a -- >> needle in the side of the united states and its position in ukraine. when you look at the pieces of
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the malware, we're told by cybersecurity experts, we're told about links to anti-american rantings online. do it for money. they don't do this for political purposes. they can make a lot of money. if your information is fresh and the company doesn't know it's breached, can be $100 or even more. that's what kate baldwin is worth $100 on the web. and it depreciates over time. now that it's out and we know the information is out now. they're going to get less for it. what i think it shows, it is the wild west out there for information security. the banks, the banks are doing a better job, jp morganchase, spends $250 million aier and has thousands of people on duty to protect your information. the backbone of the global economy is your information and transactions. >> when it comes down to it, we've heard this over, we hear this every time, what you need to know. it is buyer beware. your information, when you sign up for a credit card.
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when you sign up for a debit card, it is not necessarily so secure any more. what do consumers need to know if they shopped at home depot today. >> the little magnetic stripe on the back of the card is the only thing you've got right now securing you. and so what consumers need to do right now. if you've shopped at home depot since april, look at your credit card statements, see if there are any fraudulent charges, if you suspect there to be. get a credit report and look for any unusual activity on your credit report and get a new credit card or a new debit card. >> it does take the consumers initiative. even though this isn't your fault, that's for sure. mark rasch great to see you, christine romans. has their own website specifically targeted about how to know you've been hacked and what to do. >> i shop at both of those places, i'm sure many of you do, so check it out and get the
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information to keep yourself safe. now this morning, president obama takes his plan for destroying isis to congress. the white house has been working both sides of the aisle ahead of the major address to you tomorrow. the mood of the country on this issue is clear -- a cnn/orc poll is what you're looking at, an overwhelming majority of americans, believe that isis have terrorists at home and the threat is real. let's bring on senior white house correspondent jim acosta. the question is what will be the plan of action? >> the president is laying the groundwork for action. last night the president and vice president met with democratic and republican foreign policy experts here at the white house. later today he'll be sitting down with senior congressional leaders to start talking about his isis plan. and right now it appears that both the public and the politicians up on capitol hill are giving him the green light for action. the flood of violence unleashed
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by isis has mobilized war-weary americans to take on the terror group. even in a bitterly divided washington, republicans are bamming president obama's expected decision to hit isis hard. >> wherever they go, we're going to have to follow. and if that leads into syria, then i hope the president has not taken that off the table. >> a new cnn/orc poll finds three-quarters of american was support u.s. air strikes against isis in syria. but by an overwhelming margin. they don't want boots on the ground and so far the americans are unhappy with the president's handling of isis. 59% of americans disapprove. the message is patience as they try to assemble a global coalition to dismantle isis. >> almost every single country on earth has a role to play in eliminating the isil threat and the evil that it represents. >> now the white house has been
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busy briefing lawmakers on their isis plans. yesterday the obama administration had officials on capitol hill talking to house lawmakers and later today the c.i.a. director and director of national engines will be on capitol hill doing the same thing. chris? >> we'll be watching that. the speech tomorrow will be a major moment. setting out the next six months of action at least. >> also there's a possible breakthrough in the investigation into the execution of james foley by isis militants. investigators say they may have identified the isis terrorist shown in the video of his beheading. that man right there. officials are not saying, they are 100% positive of his i.d. but sources tell cnn they have a pretty good idea of who the masked man is. let's get to cnn's pamela brown who spoke with officials connected with the investigation. >> how many percent are they sure? >> they're pretty confident, kate. there's been a lot of focus on this since that video was
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released a few weeks ago, the gruesome video showing a masked man in james foley's execution. sources are telling me that u.s. and british authorities are closing in on a possible suspect who they believe is a british citizen with ties to a group of extremists based in great britain. he's the man known as jihadi john. >> an attempt by you, obama, to deny the muslims their rights will result in the bloodshed of your people. >> speaking with what sounds like a british accent and holding a knife to american journalists to james foley's neck just before he's beheaded. now u.s. and british authorities are honing in on who they believe is the man behind the mask. british citizen, linked to an extremist group based in london. officials are not yet naming the suspect, citing the ongoing investigation. >> if you had possession of that name, you wouldn't make it public. you would, would you want them to think that no one knew who they were. >> investigators have spent
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weeks using human and technical means to identify foley's killer. relying on voice analysis of the british accent and picking apart meta-data taken from the video. but former c.i.a. official gary bernson said it's likely the human sources led investigators to a possible suspect. >> this is about the human intelligence game. they have house of individuals that are gone through terrorist training camps and they no doubt have developed a network of people. probably able to identify the individual that did the killing. >> two weeks after isis released the james foley video, another masked man with a similar accent appeared in a second gruesome video, this time in front of freelance journalist steve sotloff. >> you, obama have sentenced another american citizen. >> but sources say it's too early to make the connection the macked man in both of these videos is the same person. now new anger from the new video
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of the family of the man in the video states that the white house did not do enough to rescue steven. >> the relationship in the administration and the sotloff family was very strained. we do not believe they gave us the cooperation we need and once steve appeared in the video, the sotloff video the family made one simple request to the administration and they were rebuffed. >> as the officials try to nail down hot suspect is, u.s. officials say they have a good idea of the man in foley's video, they're working with british authorities to confirm. and publicly identifying the person comes with sensitivity, considering isis still has american hostages. kate? >> absolutely right. the importance and the need and the urgency to find out who this person was in both of those cases, is so important to the families as well as the american public. so they should be on it.
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pamela, thanks so much. let's go over to mikaela. >> we start with breaking news this morning, preliminary findings are out from the investigation into the crash of malaysian airlines flight 17, which was shot down over eastern ukraine in july. this report says the flight was struck by objects at a high velocity. investigators also say they found no sign that flight data recorders were tampered with while the crash site was under control of pro russian rebels. a final report on the crash is expected next year. we're going to have more on the findings a little later in the hour. a new inclusive government is coming together in iraq this morning. the country's parliament approving a new cabinet with kurdish and deputy prime ministers uniting rirk in the defense. in the meantime, secretary of state john kerky is heading to the middle east this afternoon to meet with leaders of jordan and saudi arabia, his goal is to tighten the alliance against
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isis. a bizarre situation here, a federal air marshal is under quarantine this morning after he was stabbed with a syringe at the airport in legos, nigeria. the fbi said the sirng contained an unknown substance, the marshal felt 39 during a flight back to the u.s., but is being quarantined in houston out of an abundance of caution. federal health officials are worried the syringe could carry a form of the ebola virus. it's unclear if they were able to apprehend the suspect accused of doing this. very frightening. >> very frightening for the air marshal who doesn't know what happened, if anything. >> the more we watch that virus, the more it seems to pop up in different places. thanks, mick. the ray rice elevator video, you have to be aware of it, the question is how is the league not aware of it until yesterday? can that be true? did they just turn a blind eye to this?
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isn't the real question -- how did they not know? ray rice was serving his two-game suspension for domestic violence when the second video of the incident surfaced. it shows the painfully obvious -- rice knocking his future wife out cold in a hotel elevator and dragging her out and all the horrible things that you've heard. this was back in february. you remember this. so when the video comes out, quick, quick action. the ravens release him, the nfl suspends him indefinitely saying he can't play in canada, either. did the video show anything new? let's bring in nichelle turner, following the developments for us. yes, i sound cynical and sarcastic about this because i think it seems obvious. >> i think the video confirmed what we suspected. when you think something and you see something, that's a totally different story. all good questions are being raised this morning. who knew what, who saw what and when sfwh the nfl and the ravens are saying they never saw the video inside the elevator until yesterday and simply it changed things. >> it's the second shocking
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video to surface. tmz releasing this tape of baltimore ravens player, ray rice brutally knocking out his then-fiancee, jenae palmer, dragging her body from an atlantic city casino elevator this february. the ravens say they only saw the video so the from inside the elevator on monday and after viewing it had no choice but to drop rice from the team. >> it's something we saw for the first time today. you know all of us. and it changed things of course. you know it made things a little bit different. >> terminated by the ravens, suspended by the nfl indefinitely. rice's career could be over. >> it was a deplorable act. he made a terror error in judgment. >> questions as to why team officials and the nfl hadn't seen the tape sooner. >> i have no answer for that. >> the nfl says they did request the video from police but it was
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never given to them. >> some of coach harbaugh's comments supporting rice and wishing him well sparked outrage. >> i have nothing but hope and goodwill for ray and jenae and we'll do whatever we can going forward and they go forward and try to make the best of it. >> seven months ago, this video surfaced of rice dragging palmer out of the elevator. in july, the nfl suspended him for just two games. now the nfl and the baltimore ravens are coming under fire for not handing down a tougher punishment in the beginning. nfl commissioner roger goodell acknowledging in a statement saying in part i didn't get it right. simply put, we have to do better. >> you know i replay over and over in my head you know that's not me. my actions are inexcusable. >> through it all, palmer has stayed by his side. even marrying him in march. i. >>-day deeply regret the role that i played in the incident
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that night. i can say that i am happy. that we continue to work through it together. >> and of course, she is jenae rice and neither she nor ray rice have spoken since this broke. -day agree with one of the things that rice's former teammate chris canty said yesterday. seeing this video all over the place must have been hell for jenae to relive again yesterday. >> stay with us, we want to have a conversation about this. here's the only rule for the conversation, ray rice, and his wife have the only problems to work through. i don't see them as the problem. ray rice's behavior was the problem. i think a bigger problem within the context of this, because they'll have to deal with themselves is what the league did and what it knew. i want to bring in juliet macker, a sports columnist for "the new york times" and andy shoals, cnn sports correspondent. julia, let me play lawyer here for a second, okay? i know you know the facts of the situation i don't even like the way i'm saying it this morning.
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did they know, when they saw it it changed everything? i don't buy it. is there any chance that the nfl was not aware of what happened in that elevator? >> well, you have to understand that the nfl has a security team that might just be bigger and more experienced than the security team in new york city. that covers new york city. they have former homeland security people, former fbi agents, former police detectives, a whole group of people that are basically charged with keeping the players safe and keeping the players safe from themselves sometimes so all those people were working on the case i'm sure. and for them not to be able to get a video out of atlantic city hotel room elevate and for tmz to get it? i find that very hard to believe. >> juliet, i read you, i respect you, but i think it's even more simple than that. harvey levin, i respect him, tmz gets stuff before we get it.
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the reports at the time, andy shoals, describe what happened in the elevator. ray rice told the ravens with detail about her head hitting the railing, how could they say they didn't know? they can say they didn't see it but that's a difference, isn't it? >> it certainly is. but i would say that ray rice, i think he's a little bit to blame in this whole situation, too. >> a little? >> in terms of the cover-up. because he, they should -- especially his lawyers, they led everyone to believe that jenae palmer instigated this and was the root cause of why this happened. which we see is not the case at all. they even paraded her up there and had her basically give an apology for this, knowing what happened. that's why i think ray rice -- how could you do that? just despicable when he was the one who landed that punch and had her go up there and say what she did. >> the nfl also said, our investigation was complete, they handed down the punishment. but did they ever ask, they said they asked law enforcement to
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see the video, did they ever go through any other channels to see the video? apparently ray rice's attorney had the video and apparently the casino had the video. did they even go to them? my thing is, did they even want to see the video? >> all they would have had to say is -- ray you're not getting on the field until you show us this video. >> and chris mortensen and peter king both reported three months ago, that they knew 95% of what went on and that they believed the nfl or people connected to the nfl had seen the video. >> now and again, why do i think they're playing words? let's put up their statements, first goodell, goodell saysed based on new video evidence that became available today he is indefinitely suspending ray rice. that's the first one. the nfl statement, we requested from law enforcement any and all information about the incident including video from inside the elevator. that video was not made available to us. no one in our office has seen it until today. here's what i believe the odd
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factor is, goodell ducks our requests to come on the show. the cops duck our calls of what they gave and why. that's bad. do they have to talk to us? no, but this is a situation where they should. unless they have something to hide. is that a negative implication? it is. please take the other side if you think i'm going too far. we didn't see the video, that doesn't mean you didn't know what happened in the elevator. we asked the cop's word, they didn't give it to us, that doesn't mean you didn't know the truth. i think ray rice did tell them enough to know what happened. i think reports from good reporters like you at the time made it clear that he cold-cocked her in the elevator. and the rest of us went along with it. at the end of the day, how is this not about what they knew and decided not to talk about? >> the video is not new evidence. i wrote an entire column today for "the new york times" saying this really doesn't change anything. even no matter what coaches say,
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no matter what the nfl says. the facts were still out there, that ray rice punched his fiancee and she was unconscious in the elevator. that's what the police said and the nfl knew that we don't need a video to prove that. that it happened. i'm sorry. ray rice has no, has no matter what ray rice told the ravens, why are you listening to somebody like ray rice when he's being charged with a crime? the police are the people to go to and there was a video of ray rice dragging his fiancee out of that elevator and the police admitted they had a video of him punching her. so what more do we need? well the nfl needs a pr -- this is a pr disaster for the nfl. that's the only reason why they acted. not because they care about domestic violence. >> they need people who buy their product, known as us, to actually care about what they do in these situations. >> it's one finger at them and the other four are pointing back at us, we wanted ray rice, we want our football, we wanted it
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to keep going. what's the proof? aren't there other guys in the league who have been hooked with these kinds of crimes and they have pending cases? >> ray mcdonald just last week got charged with domestic violence and his case is pending. i didn't see how goodell could not come out right away, suspend ray mcdonald. let him appeal it but for pr suspend him. especially the domestic violence firestorm he's been under the last two weeks. >> they have a pr problem and it didn't get better yesterday, because coach harbaugh i believe came off callous and aloof and cold. i think the nfl and the ravens need to have real, personal moments here. because people are disgusted by this video. >> here's the most disgusting part, okay? -- and i am a football fan, a failed football player, i love it, you watch it, i support the jets, an act of masochism in itself. do you think a damn thing changes because of this? do you think the viewership goes down, advertisers pull out. juliet, do you think anything
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changes? >> well we'll see over the next couple of weeks with what commissioner goodell does with the other players charged with domestic violence. i want to make it clear that ray rice played in the preseason and was cheered by fans in baltimore. i'm not sure what that says about the fans in baltimore, about fans in the nfl in general. >> people blame jenae palmer, i want to separate them out. do you think goodell should go? >> this guy makes $44 million last year. the nfl owners pay him to protect the shield. >> he says we have to do better? is this about doing better or is it about getting caught doing bad? >> i think it's about getting caught doing bad. you ask if anything will change. i'm talking about it this morning, i'm lampasting the nfl and i watched two games last night. >> no one going to stop watching. the nfl viewership and fan base is what they've grown to it's our coliseum. that's what we do, watch nfl
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football every sunday. >> juliet macker i look forward to reading what you put out on this. thank you for joining us this morning. andy appreciate it, nichelle thank you for setting us up on it. get on twitter and facebook, and keep the conversation going. the sad reality is we all know, come sunday, we know where football fans will be. is that the right reaction? wrong? you tell me. the first report into the downing of mh-17. still people who have victims of the crash still on the ground are we any closer to proving who did it? richard qwest joins us live with breaking details. and shocking numbers from a new cnn poll, how rattled are americans at the isis threat? what mandate does that give the president in terms of taking action? surprising numbers and what may come as a result of them ahead. and other car insurance companies? yes. but you're progressive and they're them. -yes. -but they're here. -yes. -are you...
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breaking news this morning -- the dutch safety board has released a preliminary report into the shoot-down of mh-17 over eastern ukraine. the initial findings indicate the plane was hit by quote high-energy objects, our aviation expert, richard qwest, is here to help us break it down. it's good to have you, high-energy objects, that's another word for bombs or
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missiles, isn't it? >> absolutely. and yet, the 34-page report never uses the word "missile" once, it talks about high-energy objects, external causes from outside the aircraft, penetrating the aircraft, which caused the plane to disintegrate in the air. that's because this report is all about working out what happened, what brought down the plane, but not apportioning the blame. they didn't have much wreckage to work from, it was done from photographs from those ukrainian investigators who got to the scene, chris. and what they're now hoping to do for the next report of course is actually get some of the evidence in their hands so they can do tests. >> i think -- i want to you make clear to people have they been able to get there? for all the talk on the part of the kiev government and on the part of the russian helped
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insurgents on right side, both sides have said they want the site to be treated the right way. for all their talk, have they been able to get there and make sure there are no more victims there? is any of that clear? >> not australian prime minister says he still fear there is are some human remains on the ground there. when you look at the pictures this morning from the crash scene, the forward section, the center section, the aft section, it's all exactly as it was when the incident happened. so the short answer is -- no. what they -- one really sad piece of fact that shows this, they have determined -- and i'm aware it's breakfast time -- they've determined when looking at some of the remains, there may be shards of metal they can analyze in those parts. they need to get more evidence off that. so that they can work out is this part of the aircraft, is this part of missile. let no one be under any illusion this morning, we have a
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document, chris, that says something brought down this plane. it wasn't technical to the aircraft. there was no malfunction of the plane, it was flying in legal air space. and what it was, was a criminal act. >> flying in legal air space. that's important. because there was a lot of speculation early on, about whether the plane was in the right place, what do you make of that? >> the plane was moved a bit to the left, it was moved for weather, it was moved for air traffic control reasons, all entirely normal. lest anybody starts to want it make hay on this issue, there were two other large jets all within the vicinity. the nearest plane was 30 kilometers away, 20-odd miles away. this was awful, awful bad luck. wrong place, wrong time. i guarantee you this, chris, if it hadn't been this aircraft it would have been one of the other aircraft in the region at that same time.
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and what's worse is that everything from air traffic control we now know says that this plane was squawking mh-17. it was identified as a civil airliner. the russians knew it the ukrainians knew it it's whoever fired that missile, didn't have the technology, was too lazy, too stupid or too malevolent, i think that's the right word. i think in the final report they'll find out whoever did this, did it on purpose. the sad reality when it comes to this plane, is maybe a year won't give us what we need. as richard just told you and from what we know, being on the ground there, they still can't get to that site. keep mh-17 in your head, in your heart. president obama, we have to talk do you about him this morning, it's getting big. he's getting ready to tell you
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are increasingly concerned that isis represent as direct terror threat to the united states. to that point, seven in ten americans believe that there are isis terrorists already in the united states. let's bring in our cnn political commentators, paul begala, democratic strategist and senior adviser for the super pac action group and ben ferguson, host of the ben ferguson show. this is an important day as the president will be briefing top leaders on what the strategy is this is also an important and telling poll. let's dig, let's chew through some of this paul, i'll start you. we're seeing a real shift in public opinion. 76% say they support additional u.s. strikes in iraq. importantly is this -- 75% say they support the very same in syria. but then on the question of ground troops, 61% of those polled are against that move. what should the president take away from that as he prepares to
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make his case to the public tomorrow? >> yeah, that seems to kind of track where the president is going, doesn't it? here's the thing, this is going to sound odd coming from a political hack like me. on foreign policy especially, you shouldn't pay attention to the poll. >> i 100% agree with you. >> even though the poll seems to bolster support for what the president seems to want to do he needs to do what's best to protect america and the country will follow. as opposed to domestic issues, on national security, we tend to defer to our president, so he needs to speak with strength, clarity and come with a plan for action tomorrow night. and then we will follow him. >> ben, do you agree? >> i do. and i think that's one of the things that's been so concerning so far is when you look at the foreign policy, how we've dealt with isis and how many different you know, views he's given us, we don't have the strategy, what we're now we're going to get a strategy. we're going to contain isis and now we're going to act on isis. let me tell you what we're not going to do, and who not put boots on the ground.
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my concern is he's going to start governing because of the polls and say okay, americans are concerned, so now i'm going to act. he knows more than anybody else does that's talking about this. he has the raw intelligence in the room. he has the people explain to him how big of a threat they are. i don't ever want a president, when it comes to national security issues to make decisions based on poll numbers, because he is the guy that the commander-in-chief that's in charge of keeping us safe. he should do what's right. if that means troops on the ground and it's unpopular, that's the job of the president as the kmicommander-in-chief an would support him on that. >> the president has a confidence problem with the american public. 67% say the president does not have a clear plan to battle isis. and i also think this one is important, 59% of those polled disapprove of how he has is handling isis. can he turn that around in one speech? >> no, not in one speech. but in the policy that he then
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lays out and implements. again, you know, ben's right, he needs to not look at the polls, good or bad. what he has done, which i think people are going to like is put together an international coalition. i think burden sharing is going to be very important. i think americans are tired of their young men and women in uniform bearing all the burden in this conflict against terror. he needs to just act and we will follow him. but i think that's probably the best advice coy give him politically. i've been up to the white house, they've briefed me, i'm a political guy, they never asked about polls. they didn't talk about polls, they said here's our strategy, here's what i'm going to do. i'm not worried he's governing by the polls, i think he's really committed to not having america in another occupation in the middle east. and also really committed to breaking the back of this terror organization. i think he's got a plan to do both. >> my concern is that he's been the guy that said if you vote for me, i'm getting us out of iraq and afghanistan. his legacy i think was to say
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i'm the one that pulled us out. i think there is a lot of nervousness by this administration to get back involved. but again, your job is to protect the american people. i think what you saw even from david cameron, remember, he was not a gung-ho guy, he actually talked in a negative way about tony blair and how he was too much like george bush, when he came out and was so blunt last week about isis, that is what i thi think a lot of people want in this country is be honest with us, we're okay with it if we have to go after them. because we want toeb safe and we don't want another 9/11. >> let me jump in on this because i think this is an important part. you're talking about the president needs to do his job. another group of people who some say need to make sure they're doing their jobs as well. congress has got a problem here as well. neither democratic leaders in the senate nor republican leaders in the house want to have this vote. they're strong reporting coming from the hill for various reasons, they don't want to have
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a vote on any authorization for the president. jack kingston. a republican from georgia, who actually supports having an authorization vote, he really summed it up really well to the new york times. let me read it to you guys, on why he thinks people in congress want to sit on the sidelines, he says it's an election year, democrats don't know how it's going to play in their party. republicans don't want to change anything because republicans like the path we're on now, we can denounce it if it goes bad, praise him if he goes well and ask him what took him so long. is that a good-enough excuse to somed stay on the sidelines? >> yes. we only have one commander-in-chief. the president clearly believes he's got the authority to do this. if he does and he thinks it's in our interests, he should do it. congress will fund it or not fund it. and that will be, i think the extent -- he said, he did say i want buy-in. >> he wants buy-in. >> i want to know what that means. does that absolve the
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constitutional role of congress, ben, if this becomes a they're-year-plus engagement, that the administration is suggesting it might be? >> i'll say this -- do your job. you know if you're a congressman, do your job. at the same time, i do think it's a little bit funny that this president, who is willing to act with executive order on a number of things, saying if congress won't do their job, i'm going to do it, anyway. all of a sudden when dealing with terrorism as the commander-in-chief, which is his core job is keeping americans safe now says i want congress involvement on this one. congress has an approval rating of 9% right now? and the american people are now saying they want them involved? i think a lot of this is the blame game. if they don't want to go alone. the president doesn't want to be on this alone. i think again, do your job, you're the commander-in-chief, dour job. if you're congress and you're asked to do something, do your actual job. and this is dealing with national security. so shut up and do your job, instead of whining and pointing fingers. >> feel like you're talking to
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me right there, shut up and do your job, okay, ben, sorry, mr. ferguson. ben and paul, great to see you, thanks so much. got a lot to talk about today. this is a major moment for the country, for the president, we're going to be following the meetings today are critical leading up to the president's big speech tomorrow. coming up in our next hour, we're going to speak live with a member of congress, a congresswoman who was briefed last night by the white house on this isis threat. what she was told about the threat, potentially what she was told what the president will present. dramatic footage of raging floodwaters forcing rescues from arizona to virginia. and the threat may not be over yet. more of these incredible pictures for you yet and what they're up against, coming up. p me with frog protection? yeah, we help with fraud protection. we monitor every purchase every day and alert you if anything looks unusual. wow! you're really looking out for us. we are. and if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you're never held responsible.
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(vo) ours is a world of the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks.
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what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... oh yeah, and frosted! what's your most favorite of all? hmm...the kind i have with you. me too. devastating flash floods sweeping our nation from the southwest all the way to virginia. check this out. the city of phoenix swamped by
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record rainfall. cars swept right off freeways. and look at this, water rushing over a major highway in nevada. my goodness, want to turn to meteorologist indira peterson. we know that rescues of folks had to be done there, of folks with their cars swept aoff the roads. >> we're talking about portsmouth, virginia, 35 children, some employees of a day care center had to be rescued by boat. through a parking lot. look at the rain and an apartment complex across the street saw the water rice up to about mid level right in a few minutes. here's the concern. still raining even in an area right now, so the flooding concerns still remains with them even this morning. now we're seeing the system kind of elongate and stretch into the northeast. don't worry, in the northeast not looking for much more than light scattered showers today. but another system is brewing out there. this is a major system that will bring severe weather. heavy amounts of rain into the midwest today, eventually
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spreading into the ohio river valley, look at the threat, including an isolated threat for tornadoes today, but then 42 million people by tomorrow will see this threat, look at this. detroit, cleveland, st. louis, indianapolis, think this sounds like a major hub for the airlines? yes. not a good day for travel. the warm and cold air, making its way in, a clash. you're on the roller coaster, on the way down if you're in the midwest or on the way up in the northeast. we're looking at a big pattern for a change in a few days, michae michaela. >> central canada getting snow, my sister had snow the other morning. >> don't use that word. >> let's turn to another story bringing about a lot of fear. new fears this morning that even more children in more states could come down with a rare and severe respiratory virus, so far it's put hundreds of children from kentucky to colorado in the hospital. suffering from breathing problems, some have ended up in
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the icu. health officials warn it's likely to spread, no vaccine to stop it more now from cnn's anna cabrera. >> a child struggling to breathe this is 9-year-old gabrielle ranna, hooked to oxygen, tethered by tubes. >> she went from a cold to critical in a short time. >> the results of a hard-hitting respiratory virus that's already sent hundreds of children to the hospital. >> kids who don't normally end up on a ventilator, end up on one. >> it's believed to be entero virus evd-68. it escalates to wheezing and difficulty breathing typically within 24-48 hours, becoming severe. especially for children with asthma. >> on this i just couldn't breathe at all. no wheezing or anything, just -- couldn't breathe. >> it hit 12-year-old matthew york so hard he was rushed to the hospital by ambulance. >> he was hunched over with his
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hand on his chest. and physically and visibly, you could see the chuest pumping bak and forth. >> i thought i was going to die or something. >> doctors in ten states are seeing patients from serious symptoms, from the midwest to the southeast. we're talking a huge number of kids affected. hospital in kansas city. 60 requiring intensive care. 900 sent to children's hospital, colorado. with 86 admitted for treatment in the last couple of weeks. >> the cdc is now investigating, working to confirm a diagnosis. >> just hope to get better. >> fortunately, both matthew and gabrielle are on the mend. >> you look at that and you say, god, if i would have let this go any longer, how low could that have gone? i'm glad to be bringing my daughter home. >> anna cabrera, cnn, denver. poor things, those poor, poor things. >> a developing situation there. so parents, are all listening to find out what's going on.
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we'll tell but that developing situation with isis. developing situation with the nfl. a lot of news this morning for you, so let's get to it. it's the second shocking video to surface. >> it was a deplorable act. he made a terrible error in judgment. >> my actions that night were totally -- inexcusable. >> the flood of violence unleashed by isis has mobilized war-weary americans to take on the terror group. >> these are a bunch of cowards, wherever they go, we're going to have to follow. urgent action is needed. >> law enforcement officials telling us they may have identified the man behind the mask. >> if you kill an american citizen, you're a terrorist, we will hunt you down your entire life. good morning, welcome back to "new day." this morning, ray rice's career is all but over because he was released by the ravens, suspended indefinitely by the nfl and the reason is obvious -- you're looking at it right now, this disturbing video.
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it shows rice knocking out his future wife cold. >> this morning there are some really tough questions about when the league saw the violent video or even if they tried to avoid seeing it in some regard. nichelle turner is following the developments. we started talking about this yesterday and it's getting worse. >> usually on a tuesday morning roger goodell is going over what happened on sunday football. the ravens said they had no choice but to release ray rice. the nfl amended its two-game suspension and kicked him out of the league indefinitely. all because the nfl said it hadn't seen the video until yesterday. the second shocking video to surface, tmz releasing this tape of baltimore ravens player ray rice beautly knocking out his then-fiancee, jenae palmer this february. the ravens say they only saw the
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disturbing video shot from inside the elevator on monday. and after viewing it, had no choice but to drop rice from the team. >> something we saw for the first time today. all of us. and it changed things of course. you know it made things a little bit different. >> terminated by the ravens, suspended by the nfl indefinitely. rice's career could be over. >> it was a deplorable act. he made a terrible error in judgment. >> but questions this morning as to why team officials and the nfl hadn't seen the tape sooner. >> i have no answer for that. >> the nfl says they did request the video from police. but it was never given to them. some of coach harbaugh's apparent comments supporting rice, wishing him well, sparking public outrage. >> you know i have nothing but hope and goodwill for ray and jenae and we'll do whatever we can going forward to help them. as they go forward and try to make the best of it.
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>> seven months ago, this video surfaced of rice dragging palmer out of the elevator. in july, the nfl suspended him for just two games. now the nfl and the baltimore ravens are coming under fire for not handing down a tougher punishment in the beginning. nfl commissioner, roger goodell, acknowledging in a statement saying in part -- i didn't get it right. simply put, we have to do better. >> that night, you know i replay over and over in my head. you know that's not me. my actions were inexcusable. >> through it all, palmer has stayed by his side, even marrying him in march. >> i do deeply regret the role that i played in the incident that night. but i can say that i am happy, that we continue to work through it together. >> now we haven't heard anything from ray or jenae race this morning, during yesterday's press conference, ravens coach jim harbaugh said he supports the couple. he's praying for them and hopes
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they can get through this together. chris? >> all right. nichelle, let's talk about what's going on. let's bring in wally williams, a former baltimore ravens offensive lineman. and mr. cory wire, fox sports analyst, former nfl player. gentlemen, thank you for joining me about this. a better conversations i'm sure you wish we could be having about the sport. but sometimes the relevance transcends mere sport. that's what we're dealing with this more. cory, let me start with you and what i believe should be obvious -- do you believe the nfl didn't know what happened in that elevator until this video came out? >> i find it hard to believe one, that they didn't know. and that if they did want to know, there should have been a way for them to find out. if not, well then they need to hire someone from tmz to do the investigative services for them. because i think that's absurd. for them to not make an effort, a concerted effort to find out what really happened inside of that elevator, it baffles me. >> baffles. baffles, hard to believe, think
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those are the right phrases here. waly, the ravens say you're a former ball club, they had no choice but to release ray rice given what came out in the video. do you think that's the right way to put it? that they had no choice, like they should have been trying to do everything they could to keep this guy on the squad after a scene like this? >> well, you know, i truly believe they do have an abundance of choices that they could have went down this road and how they handled the situation. we saw a couple of different choices that were rendered. and it seems like they have back-tracked on some of those early decisions that the team and organization made toward dealing with this ray rice situation. and ultimately dealing with his wife, jenae also. the presentation in baltimore was this thing had moved on. the judicial system had taken its due diligence and made its decision. and the nfl ultimately made the decision on the whole deal. as far as baltimorens were
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concerned, this thing had moved and he was going to be reinstraighted back on the team on friday. the video changed everything. the national reaction towards that video dictated ray rice's future. >> it changed everything for us, we hadn't seen it the question is, you know, why didn't it change things for the nfl when they knew what had happened much earlier. wally, do you know ray? >> know him personally? we've done interviews, we don't hang out, but you know he's a baltimore guy, i think everybody in baltimore feels as if they do have, know ray personally be, because he's a big community guy and to this point he's exemplified everything that nfl player in baltimore should be. >> wally, not to put you on the spot. you've said in talking about this, hey, two games wasn't enough. six to eight would have been enough. if that was your sister in that elevator, would you be happy with six to eight games or would ray rice be in five different pieces right now? >> he would still probably be in the five different pieces,
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there's no doubt about that. you know the way the situation was handled and two games and that whole deal, i think everybody believed that that was not enough. it's just that the protocol that was in place put forth by the nfl, put forth by our judicial system as we know it, as far as we all know he followed that to the tee and was advised by his lawyers and everybody. so to come back now and say that this needs to have more precedent, this needs to have more punishment, i think it is a total cover-up by the nfl. they're just trying to save themselves on this one. i think they all had the opportunity to see this video, me and cory has been around these buildings, it is very secure. the security system is right there in front of you, fbi, local police, everybody is right there at the facility on a daily basis, toor these individuals not to know about this video, i agree with corey, it's very hard
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to believe. >> the lawyers like to say, it strains credulity. which is a nice way of saying you got to be lying. so a very smart, handsome man with a good-shaped head said what we tolerate is what we perpetuate. doory, do you know who that was and how does that apply to the nfl? >> i do know who that was and it's a huge shaved head. i think that right now the opportunity for the nfl is significant. they have to put their foot down. and can strongly consider banning ray rice for life. this has happened before in the nfl. wrists were slapped. the message has not gotten across. after that video, the nfl has the opportunity to make a demanding and commanding statement to all nfl players, that hitting women is wrong. not just nfl players, but the hundreds of thousands of youth that look up to those players. so, yes, what we tolerate, we
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perpetuate. the nfl players association, also the players need to step up and say -- this is not who we are. we want to dissociate from ray rice. they can, they, too, can demand that ray rice be banned from the nfl and make a strong, impactful statement regarding domestic violence and domestic abuse. >> here's the thing, are we kind of like, are we kidding ourselves right now? because what have we seen with the league? the character of you two guys is not on the table here, all right? you're good men, otherwise we wouldn't have you on the show. but i feel like we're perpetuating something else, that we tolerate here right now, fellows, and that is that we don't give a damn who plays in the nfl, we want our football. we want guys to be smashing their heads together. and if it turns out they have injuries later on. so be it. if it turns out they're really bad guys, so be it. do you think anything is going to change in the league, waly, after this? do you think the league is going to do anything? do you think goodell is going to step down? do you think this is about doing better? or are we just kidding
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ourselves? >> i don't think anything is going to change significantly, no. i think yeah, you can be disillusioned by some of these things and think that the league is going to take an about-face and we're going to see this kumbayah situation when everybody comes together and the rules and what we perpetuate is going to change -- no. the general public dictates a lot of this stuff as we saw, with the ray rice decision. to get rid of him. the general public, they had the outcry. so look, everybody is going to react how they need to react. but when it's all said and done, we can talk about, we can talk about 10-15 different scenarios where the same situations were perpetuated. the player was suspended. you know what, he's back on the field playing. we can talk about mike vick. we can talk about daunte stallworth. you can talk about ray lewis if you want to. about situations that have come up and individuals were allowed to play at some point. so is it going to change? no. will ray rice be allowed to play
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at some point? i think he will. that's just the nature of the game, the nature of the country. second chances are there. and we talk about banned for life and all these things like that look there have been players who have killed individuals and been able to come back and play. so i don't think this is going to change too much. it's the topic for discussion and moving forward. they've made changes to the rule based by having a six-game suspension for your first offense, lifetime ban for the second offense and i think that structure will be in place. and that's how everybody will move forward. i don't think it's going to be a juggle at the top with the ravens administration nor with the nfl. >> wally williams, cory wire, thank you very much for the intelligence on the subject. i know you don't like to see football getting beaten up. i respect you standing up for what matters more than sport in this situation, thank you. a lot of news, let's get you to michaela. >> here's a look at your headlines nine minutes past the hour, home depot's huge credit
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card data hack may be the biggest breach ever. "the new york times" reporting more than 60 million customers may be at risk. this breach involves every store in the u.s. and canada over the past five months. now compare that to the largest-known attack to date, target last year, which we know affected 40 million card holders. home depot now says that debit card p.i.n.s and online transactions were not hacked. the fireanal primary electi wrap up today. set the stages for mid-term elections this fall. the contests today scott brown, former massachusetts senator, hoping to return to washington, as a new hampshire senator. and new york governor andrew cuomo face as primary challenge from a fordham law school professor. a fourth american infected with ebola is about to arrive in the u.s. for treatment. the unidentified patient will fly into atlanta this morning, that person will stay in an isolation unit at emory hospital
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in atlanta. two other aid workers success sfli recovered from the disease at emory. another patient something treated in nebraska, his recovery remains uncertain. no signs of old political rivalries when presidents bill clinton and george w. bush made an appearance together monday. it was all laughs and high praise when they commented on the other's leadership qualities. >> you always want to be underestimated by your adversaries, he consist benefitted by being underestimated. >> you told people where you want to lead in a way people could understand. and it's and then made decisions. and stuck by them and so -- yeah. is that enough? twas a lot shorter than your answer, i know. >> the two in rare form, the
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former presidents were together to anoint a joint leadership initiative between their foundations. not to make it about that but did they call each other to match their outfits? that struck me as interesting. >> there are so many more excer excerpts, so many more hilarious exchange between bush and clinton. it was so funny to hear them, two guys though have gone through a lot. kicking back. >> it was funny. >> i'll let you know what you see play out in politics is not always the reflection of what people are personally. >> true. we do know that. >> well said, boo-boo. >> they wear blue ties or red ties. >> look at you, wear -- >> but i'm on television. >> even traded grandfatherly advice. rare agreement over here, i liked it. president obama ready to present his strategy for defeating isis to both house and senate. one congresswoman has been briefed on the threat of isis joining us live to tell us what
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going to be meeting with house and senate leaders at the white house this afternoon. one day before making his case to the nation. the last night the c.i.a. and others briefed the house intelligence committee on the terror group on the threat posed by the militants. democratic congresswoman jan jakowski of illinois was at that meeting and joins us today. what can you tell us from standing outside those meetings, many a time on capitol hill, i know those are closed meetings and you can't discuss many details. but what can you tell us from what you learned last night? >> we know there's wide international revulsion at isis. this is bringing together perhaps the largest coalition that we've seen of nations both european allies and the countries in the region. those countries are saying are saying that this idea of convert or die in fact isis is even
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killing sunnis in iraq. what we are hoping to see soon is a more inclusive iraqi government. >> that we can assist as we did in taking back the mosul dam in taking back the expulsion of isis. the president is going to tell the leaders tonight that we need to work together to degrade and destroy isis. i think the american people, we saw today in the "washington post," 71% of the american people are in support of air strikes. but we're going to have to engage all of our international allies to do even more. there may be the need for boots on the ground. not u.s. boots on the ground. but there may be the need for some boots on the ground. >> we've actually, our latest polling, a new poll out today, congresswoman, says that 76% of those polled actually approve
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and support additional air strikes against isis in iraq. that same number almost support additional air strikes in syria against isis. are you prepared to support that if the president presents that tomorrow night? >> well, we'll see what the president is presenting. so far the target has been in iraq. we'll see. syria is very complicated. because we have the assad government which we're against. and we're against isis as well. that is making syria a safe haven. but also attacking the assad government. it's a very complicated situation. ultimately we may need to do more in syria and we're all anxiously awaiting. i think that the support for the president, for his deliberate approach, for the use of air strikes that of course remember help the yazidis in the humanitarian crisis has been working. and also the leadership that he's been providing in bringing
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together the coalition, that's absolutely critical, including turkey. we've got secretary hagel there trying to get turkey involved, and clearly, part of the strategy. >> secretary kerry is going to be heading to jordan as well, and saudi arabia to talk to partners there. one more question about the meeting last night. how would you characterize this -- are you more or less concerned about the threat of isis, from what you've learned from the c.i.a. director and the director of national intelligence last night? >> i think the feeling we had is that there is a, a strategy. it's not a question of more concerned or less concerned. everyone is concerned. i feel, i do feel more confident that the threat to the united states itself is not immediately critical. that's very important. but i think the strategy that was explained and that is ready to be implemented is one that, that members across the aisle
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felt confident in. >> the president said over the weekend when he presents his strategy, that he wants to have congressional buy-in. what does buy-in mean to you at this point? >> in the very few days we have left here in session, it doesn't necessarily mean a vote. but i think a clear indication that the congress is in support as the american people are, as you said. of the strategy. of using air strikes and leading this coalition. and so we'll see. if the, if the president is going to ask for actual authorization or just a, a nod. that we are all in support and together. >> if the president asks for an authorization, asks for a vote, will you support him? >> i absolutely would. and i think there would be overwhelming support for that. if he asked for money, i think that there will be support from the congress to do that. >> from you personally, congresswoman? >> and i personally would be there. >> congresswoman january
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schakowsky of illinois, thank you so much. >> thank you. u.s. officials think they've solved the mystery of james foley's killer. what did it take to match a name to the covered face? and a look at former president bill clinton and george w. bush george bush on the same stage. it wasn't all politics, hear what the grandfatherly advice bush had for clinton. whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts who work with portfolio management experts
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the crash of malaysian airline flight 17 shot down over the ukraine in july. investigators say evidence shows that the plane was struck by objects moving at high speed. this report says there is no indication that flight data recorders were tampered with in those critical days. that the crash site was under the control of pro russian rebels. a final report on the crash is expected next year. the european union is officially slapping russia with more sanctions because of the ongoing cries nis ukraine. the sanctions are set to take effect this week, they include financial limits on russia's state-owned oil companies and the cease-fire between ukraine's government and pro russian rebels is holding, but far from perfect. four ukrainian soldiers have been killed, 30 wounded in clashes since friday when the cease-fire began. back at home, stit council in ferguson, missouri, announcing plans for a citizen review board to provide guidance for the police department. the city is planning changes to
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its court system. which has been criticized as unfairly targeting low-income african-americans. the changes come in response to last month's fatal shooting of teenager michael brown by officer darren wilson. brown's parents are holding a news conference today. they're expected to question why wilson has not been arrested. congratulations out to marin cilic, wins the u.s. open men's title. to hin his first grand slam tennis title. what a difference a year makes, you might regard cilic was barred from last year's tournament because of a doping suspension. i tuned in yesterday afternoon. i was in the group. yeah, i'm a fair-weather tennis fan. it was fun. i loved watching. >> croatia on top. >> i'm happy about that. >> i feel bad for federer and nadal. >> you evoke emotion. >> in you? >> sometimes even in me.
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i thought that this was going to be roger's. i thought he was set up for it and i like to see greatness prove itself. >> you felt like he had momentum. >> nice to see two underdogs -- >> i'm with you on that it's nice to see new faces. >> there's always next year. >> that's true. >> i don't know about the whole monday finals thing. you can get in line. the u.s. open playing on monday, they want to eye void football? i don't know. one topic for discussion. >> another topic is politics. >> a lot going on in politics, let's get you inside politics on "new day" with mr. john king. after the election, we'll have the focus group on how chris cuomo's show, sad, happy. >> his face doesn't move. >> can't do it until after the election, we're kind of busy. >> let's get to the big challenges, with me this morning to share the reporting and insights, julie pace of the "associated press" and ron fournier. the president's big challenge,
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he'll address the american people on wednesday and brief the bipship in congress. laying out his plan what he plans to do with the the isis threat. the big washington question is will the president ask for authorization from congress or say i already have power. here's the president on sunday talking to nbc's "meet the press," saying i want congress to support me, but i don't necessarily need a vote. >> i'm confident that i've got the authorization i need to protect the american people and i'm always going to do what's necessary to protect the american people. but i do think it's important for congress to understand what the plan is. to have buy-in. to debate it. >> so help me. why not just ask congress, you know for authority? so that not only does he have a buy-in, but he has a vote where he can say look, i have the support of bipartisan democratically-elected people. >> one word "mid-terms." congress doesn't want to have a vote here. congress wants to be read in on
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conversations, they want to know the intelligence, they want to have a say and maybe even debate it. but there are very few lawmakers who a couple weeks before a mid-term election want to have a vote on military action. >> you say that's the majority position in congress. although publicly you do have some democrats and more republicans, ron, say we're going to put the legislation forward, we want to give the president authority. the president has some headwind, this is a mess of his own making, 67% say the president doesn't have a clear plan. that's his big challenge and an opportunity to change those numbers. 72% of the american people believe he should ask congress for approval and 82% say congress should give it to him. why now? >> first of all, why do they want it? the american public would love to see this town work the way it's supposed to. they think the way it works is the president asks for power and he gets it the fact as julie said, the government doesn't work the way the american people want. most lawmakers don't want this
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vote. they want to be able to pander either way and have the right vote. they want to sit back and see what happens and make sure they're on the right side of what happens here. so it's just -- those polls just show another disconnect between the american public and the way things work in this town. >> last summer we all thought this was the case, too, and the president ended up wanting a vote. so things could change very quickly. >> if you see the president taking a walk with his chief of staff late one evening -- beware of things. you wrote about this, ron, this week and congressman pete king, republican from long island, who will be on "new day" at the top of the hour. pete king was on with erin burnett last night. he said he wants the president to clearly lay out what he will do. he says the president needs to stop saying what he won't do. like put u.s. combat boots on the ground. >> i really, sincerely hope when he makes the speech on wednesday, that he doesn't keep saying what he's not going to do. it's important that he says, you know, in his overall strategy
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is. don't give specifics to the enemy. let them think we're going to stay there for 50 years and use every weapon we have. whatever limits he wants to put -- fine. but don't announce it to the world and announce it to our enemies. >> i think what the president is trying to do is keep the american people with him by saying look, we need to respond to the threat, it's serious. i'm going to use muscle, but i get it this is not going to be iraq, this is not afghanistan, we're not going to put boots on the ground. why is this wrong? >> i don't know if it's wropg, but it certainly is unusual. you tell me the last time a president took an option off the table when it comes to the military. you leave all options on the ground so the enemy doesn't know what you're doing, maybe they're scared. i've been asked that question a lot. it's been inlengthily intriguing to me why he would take it off the table. i can't find a good answer, except that he's a reared of polls and he knows most americans don't want boots on the ground. one word, mid-term, he doesn't
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want his base against any idea that we might have to go to war. i wonder, i don't support troops on the ground. i don't want more bloodshed in the middle east. but i do wonder why the commander-in-chief would take any option off the table. >> what is the answer? >> i think it's part politics, i think there's a policy aspect to this. the president simply doesn't believe that by putting u.s. troops on the ground, you will solve this situation. you could contain it for several years, but eventually the troops will leave. >> can you believe that, why do you publicly announce that. >> the place would you need them most is syria. where you would be helping assad. working with iran. >> be in a civil war. i get the point. i get both the policy reason not to do it. but i understand the political argument for that we'll watch it as the president gives his speech. hillary clinton going to be in iowa this weekend for the tom harken steak fry. a big deal, a public signal, guess what, you've known this for a couple of years, i'm
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running for president. guess who else is going to be in iowa, bernie sanders, the independent, the socialist democrat, senator from vermont who thinks he might run as well. three town halls, bernie sanders in iowa. remember jerry brown in 1992, stayed in the primaries and he was a pest for bill clinton? i don't see bernie sanders beating hillary clinton. but i can see him giving her fits. >> i agree with you. there's no way he's going to be the democratic nominee. he can see him giving her fits and i think he's an indication in politics, whenever there's a vacuum, somebody fills it. she's going to have competition and at some point some really angst in the democratic party. she's not going to breeze to the nomination or the presidency without a few bumps on the road and he's an indication of the kind of thing that could bother her. >> let's close with this. bill clinton sometimes says he's george w. bush's what did he say, brother from a different mother or something like that? the two former presidents
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together yesterday at the clinton global initiative. grandchildren, here's some advice. >> it's going to be awesome period for you. and get ready also to be like the lowest person in the pecking order in your family. haven't spent many, many years watching and i miss the bill clinton laugh. i guess he's right, right? >> that's what's coming for bill clinton. it is nice to see former presidents sort of relax, especially presidents from different parties, a sign even as contentious as washington can get, that there is an after-life. >> so much of what we see in politics is manufactured. that actually seems genuine. that these two, a part of it is they're in the club, a part of it is that george w. joked, i remember the last time a clinton
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ran against a bush things didn't go so well. is that real? >> you could tell it was genuine. i think it was a neat moment where president clinton was talking about how flattered he was that president bush called him. once or twice a year in the second term. you know it's a great way to get advice from somebody who has been there before and to stroke the guy's ego. it's genuine. >> we need more of that. an excellent point to close on. mr. cuomo back to you in new york, good luck with you and congressman king at the top of the hour. you know coming from a political family, sometimes you got to call a time-out and have a laugh. >> sometimes, it's good to see what we see in politics isn't always the true reality of what a person is. probably no surprise to anybody. but a nice example there, thank you very much, john, appreciate it, see you tomorrow. all right now no laughing matter here -- this guy, the man who so brazen when he talks and yet he wear as mask to hide. u.s. officials think they know who beheaded judgment journalist
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james foley. we'll tell you how they figured it out and what's next for that man. plus apple anticipation -- what must have gadgets will the company unleash on the world? the iphone 6? the i-watch 1? the wait is almost over! big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. but parallel parking isn't one you do a lof them.ings great. you're either too far from the curb. or too close to other cars... it's just a matter of time until you rip some guy's bumper off. so, here are your choices: take the bus. or get liberty mutual insurance. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. see car insurance in a whole new light. call liberty mutual insurance.
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investigators say they may have identified the isis terrorist who beheaded american james foley in that horrifying video. officials are not saying it's a 100% positive identification. but it's believed that the executioner is a british citizen. so what happens after the executioner is identified? what is the process in doing just that? you see he's remained hooded the entire time, let's bring in cnn's military analyst, retired military general spider marks to discuss. spider, great to see you. >> hi kate, good morning.
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>> what do investigators first off, it's been an unusual situation for me and many of our viewers, what do investigators go through to begin to try to identify this man that they're, they call jihad john? >> well kate really this is kind of what i would call a crime scene and so all those types of very in-depth forensics are taking place. so they break down all the voice recordings, they had gps data. all the other kinds of background information. and then i have to tell you that the brit intelligence and british police types of investigative work are incredibly precise. they do it with great cooperation internationally. and they really narrow it down. they come up with what looks like a legitimate type of number of options in terms of who this individual might be. the important thing is what do we do with it now that we have this guy potentially identified.
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>> if they say they're pretty confident, but not 100%, but the fact that they're pretty confident is noteworthy. what do they do with this information? >> that's exactly correct. you're never going to get a perfect picture. the intelligence world is all about making the best decision based on the information you have now. you can continue to try to develop other intelligence as you go along and do that in parallel. but you've got to begin your actions and make that intelligence actionable. you've got to do something about it. and clearly, if you know who the individual is, or at least you know his associations, you're now into his network. you know what his travels are all b. you know who his associations with. you can gather his passport information, his visa request. go to the neighborhood where he's lived. look at those that have influenced him. what is the mosque that he's attended. clearly this is an islamic british citizen who has been terribly radicalized, most likely self-radicalize iz izse
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he's had a number of influences. you want to penetrate the network and figure out who are the on or about associations. because many will already be radicalized. and many may already be in the chamber and ready to be fired. in other words, they could be employed, they could be about to go overseas and to join isis or other terrorist organizations in great britain or elsewhere. so it's important to begin right now. and get into those details. to see who you can prevent from making the next step. >> spider, do you expect them to release his name? do you think that's important information to the public to have. they want to galvanize, what i call local types of intelligence. what i call the primary research of where this individual is. and the man on the treat who might be able to pick up some information and would provide some information to the, to the police and to the intelligence community. probably not. i don't think they want to tip
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their hand. because they want activity that's already in place to continue, to move so that the authorities can get ahead of it before it's now executed. >> i want to get your take on this as well. this is always difficult. the friend and spokesman for the steven sotloff's family. he spoke with anderson last night. the family say that they don't think the administration had done enough beforehand to try to save steven. and of course we're talking about this executioner in the video, and they have not been able, to this point they're not connecting who they believe is the executioner of the james foley video or to the steven sotloff executioner, i want to make it clear. but listen to what the friend said to anderson last night. i want to get your take on it. >> the administration has made a number of inaccurate statements, they said that the hostages were moved frequently. we know that for most of the beginning of the year, they were stationary, we know that the
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intelligence community and the white house are enmeshed in a larger game of bureaucratic in-fighting and jim and steve were pawns in the game and that's not fair. >> the family is still grieving the loss of their loved one. ha do you make of what they're saying, they didn't get enough help, they thought from the administration in trying to get steven free. >> clearly the administration is in a tough spot. you can't make the administration's policy or strategy that somehow going to be unfolded about the individual acts we've seen against foley and sotloff. this really is a much broader discussion and our strategy has to take news that direction. but clearly our emotions and our feelings must go for the sotloff and foley family. this is an incredible traej. >> an important and difficult distinction. the broader strategy and then, these horrific cases that everyone cares very deeply about and has angered the entire country and we watch very closely, that's an important
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distinction as well. james spider marks, major general, great to see you. >> thank you, kate. hard-core apple fans have been waiting for this day for i don't even know how long. in a few hours the tech giant will announce new gadgets. will be there a new iphone? a smartwatch? who knows? ♪ yeah, girl ♪ you know, i've been thinking about us ♪ ♪ and, uh, i just can't fight it anymore ♪ ♪ it's bundle time ♪ bundle ♪ mm, feel those savings, baby and that's how a home and auto bundle is made. better he learns it here than on the streets. the miracle of bundling --
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highly anticipated event. could the company unveil a new iphone or smartwatch? henry blodget is the editor-in-chief of "business insider" they've been covering the announcement to are weeks. good to have you here. >> great to be here. >> huge day. >> it's honestly exciting. >> we are all kind of abuzz. rumors are running amuck. there are a whole bunch of presumers at the very least a new iphone. >> two new iphones both bigger than the current iphone, some sort of a smartwatch, we probably won't get it on sale immediately but we should be able to see it, maybe a payment tool where you'll be able to walk into a retailer and pay for things with your smartphone or smartwatch and a whole host of other smaller announcements. >> that will make your life easier, et cetera. here's the thing, it has been a while since we've seen one of these big kind of announcements. i'm a cynic.
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is apple trying to harken back to the days of the big showy announcements? are they trying to fire a shot across the bow of oh, say android with the bigger screen? what do you make of it all? >> this has been a huge gap in product releases releases to are apple. they've always gone to the mat in terms of having a big show but it's been more than a year since they've announced something and the watch if it comes will be the first really new product under tim cook, apple's new ceo so they are going for it. u2 is supposed to play, they've built a building -- >> when bono comes to town you know they have things going on. >> doing it in the same place steve jobs announced the original mac. >> how much of a statement on tim cook's leadership is seen in the business world? >> it's huge especially the watch because that will be the first product people will say this iscompletely after steve.
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if that is viewed as a dud that will boomerage to tim cook. apple will have moved past steve jobs and be in an era where people are more confident. >> we're in a new realm, everybody has got some gadgetry. does it take more to wow us now than it did in the olden days, if you will? >> no question. apple is playing catchup. there have been big, beautiful smartphones from samsung. >> for a while we wanted to go small and now we want to go big. >> apple says you want a smartphone that fits in the palm of your hand. everyone went craze fy for sams. on the watch many companies released smartwatches and all duds. but there is speculation that apple's smartwatch may be independent. you might not need an iphone in your pocket to have it work,
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health related app. it will be interesting. >> how big is the biggest one are you hearing? >> 5.5 inches. the current one is four. this would be much bigger. >> henry thanks so much. we'll be watching 1:00 p.m. west coast time so we'll wait on the east coast -- >> sorry, 10:00 pacific. home depot is in crisis mode after tens of millions are put at risk for a data breach. what to do if you're one of the unlucky shoppers victimized in that hack. we'll tell you next. otection. if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you're never held responsible. you are saying "frog protection"? fraud. fro-g. frau-d. i think we're on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. fraud protection. get it at help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good.
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breaking overnight, massive breach, the home depot hack may be the biggest ever, the information for as many as 60 million customers reportedly stolen. if you shopped there within the last five months, you may be at risk. hunt for the killer, the u.s. may have identified the executioner in the james foley video as the obama administration briefs some members of congress on the threat of isis. what were they told? one of the members of congress briefed joins us live. what did they know?
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the nfl under fire after the video of ray rice hitting his then fiance comes out. did the league know what was on that video? >> your "new day" continues. >> your "new day" continues. right now. -- captions by vitac -- >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning, and welcome once again to "new day," everybody. it is tuesday, september 9th, 8:00 in the east and we're going to begin with what may be the biggest credit card hack ever. if you shopped at any of the 2,200 home depot in the united states or canada your information may be at risk. more than 60 million credit card numbers may have been stolen since april, according to the "new york times," compare that to the target breach that affected 40 million cardholders, unbelievable numbers here. chief business correspondent christine romans has been breaking it down. not a lot to break down. it's huge and it's bad.
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>> it's huge and bad and we reached out to home depot and said can you confirm the 60 million number, this is the number cyber security people are talking about, a number in the new york times and they would not confirm that number, they'd only say yes, there was a breach, they are investigating that breach, and working with the appropriate law enforcement authorities and they apologized for that breach, if you feel as though you would like to have some free credit monitoring from home depot you can go to the website and see the number to call to get that. home depot will reimburse you for any financial losses you should suffer if the hackers bought your information on the dark web and had counterfeit cards made with your name, your address and your number. how big is this? this has been going on since april, just last week it came to the attention of home depot upper brass and that's because brian krebs, cyber security journalist noticed the cards on the open market being sold and
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traced it back to home depot. this is just like the target hack only a little bit bigger. this is another reason why the retail community in particular has got to get it together and figure out how to keep all of your information, makes it easy for you to go buy your grass seed in the spring, they have to figure out a way to keep that more safe. >> in the same prescription i guess goes, it's buyer beware. you just have to now monitor your credit report, look at your credit card statements. >> we've automated so much of our financial life. you need to check, i would check right now if you have used a credit card, at a home depot since may, i would look right now and make sure there are no unauthorized transactions and look at your atm, make sure there are no $15, $25, $ 00, $200 withdrawals from your atm >> it keeps getting bigger and bigger unfortunately. christine romans thank you so much. >> i'm doing it now.
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everybody shops at home depot, 60 million people. go online and check, good advice from christine romans. members of congress are getting briefed on the president's plan to swipe at isis. what are they going to do? president obama is meeting face to face with top house and senate leaders this afternoon in the oval office. this is the setup for his pitch to you on his plan to stop isis and to be sure, the issue matters, a new cnn/orc poll reveals seven in ten americans fear isis is in the u.s. and has the capability to strike. let's bring in senior white house correspondent jim acosta, the stakes are certainly high here. this is going to be more a moment than people anticipated early on, jim, fair point? >> absolutely chris and the president is laying the groundwork for this big speech on isis set for tomorrow. the president last night dined with both democratic and republican foreign policy experts at the white house, meeting with senior congressional leaders on his plan as the public and the politicians appear to be giving him the green light for action against isis.
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the threat of violence unleashed by isis has mobilized war-weary americans to take on the terror group even in a bitterly divided washington republicans are packing president obama's expected decision to hit isis hard. >> wherever they go, we're going to have to follow them. and if that leads into syria, then i hope the president has not taken that off the table. >> reporter: a new cnn/orc poll finds three-quarters of american would support new u.s. air strikes on isis in syria, but by an overwhelming margin they don't want boots on the ground. so far the public is unhappy with the president's handling of isis, 59% disapprove. >> we will be successful. >> reporter: but the administration's message is patience, as secretary of state john kerry tries to assemble a global coalition to dismantle isis. >> almost every single country on earth has a role to play in eliminating the isil threat, and the evil that it represents.
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>> reporter: and the obama administration has been briefing lawmakers on the isis threat. they did so yesterday with members of the house intelligence committee and the director of the national intelligence and the cia director will be up on capitol hill later today. as for secretary of state john kerry he is headed to the middle east later today to line up arab partners for a broad coalition to take on isis. >> it will be interesting, jim. certainly the white house has its job to do and then it falls to congress. will they take up their responsibility in this situation. >> that is a big question. i think at this point it is unclear as to whether the white house will seek that authorization. they keep talking about wanting to give members of congress buy-in but they haven't specified exactly what that means. >> jim, thank you very much. kate? >> a breakthrough in the investigation into the beheading of james foley by isis terrorists. officials say that they may have identified the executioner shown in the gruesome video. officials are not saying it's 100% positive i.d., but sources
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tell cnn they may know who the masked man is. pamela brown has spoken with owe fishes connected with the investigation, she joins us from washington. what more are you learning this morning? >> officials i've been speaking with say law enforcement authorities are confident they are closing in on the man seen in the execution video several weeks ago. u.s. and british authorities are working in tandem to confirm it is the person they think it is. british citizen with ties to a ring of extremists based in great britain. he's known as jihadi john. >> any attempt by you obama to deny the muz lums their rights will result in the bloodshed of your people. >> reporter: speaking with what sounds like a british accent and holding a knife to american journalist james foley's neck just before he's beheaded. now sources say u.s. and british authorities are honing in on who they believe is the man behind
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the mask, a british citizen who is linked to an extremist group based in london. officials are not yet naming the suspect, citing the ongoing investigation. >> if you had possession of that name, you wouldn't make it public. you would want them to think that no one knew who they were. >> reporter: investigators have spent weeks using human and technical means to identify foley's alleged killer, relying on voice analysis of the british accent and picking apart metadata taken from the video. gary benson said it's likely the human sources that led investigators to a possible suspect. >> they have thousands of individuals that have gone through terrorist training camps and no doubt have developed a network of people, probably able to identify the individual that did the killing. >> reporter: two weeks after the james foley video was released another masked man with a similar accent appeared in a second gruesome video, this time
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in front of journalist steven sotloff. >> you obama for your actions for another american citizen. >> reporter: law enforcement sources say it's too early to make the connection the masked man in both videos is the same person. new anger from the family of steven sotloff claiming that isis paid as much as $50,000 to rebels who alerted them to the whereabouts of the journalist, and stating that the white house did not do enough to rescue steven. >> we know that for most of the beginning of this part of this year they were stationary. we know that the intelligence community and the white house are enmeshed in a larger game of infighting and jim and steven are pawns in that game and that's not pair. >> in response to the family's complaints about the administration'serts to secure steven's release, national security council spokesman kaitlin hayden says "we understand the very real pain the sotloff family is feeling at this time. our thoughts and prayers are with them as they grieve steven's loss. we condemn the murders of steven
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and jim foley and we remain committed to bringing the perpetrators of these crimes to justice." kate? >> pamela brown in washington for us, thank you. chris? kate, there no question that this is a big moment. let's bring in republican congressman peter king of new york, a member of the house select committee on intelligence, he was briefed by the cia last night about isis. congressman, it is good to have you here. before we get into the politics of the situation, and i know you have to be careful about specifics. >> yes. >> did you learn anything that gives credence to a specific threat against the u.s. from isis or anyone else surrounding the 9/11 anniversary? >> no. i would say there's always threat streams being analyzed, there's a number of them now but to directly tie them to 9/11 i would say no and i don't want to be alarming anyone. i'm not aware of any unusual threats. there's always threats being analyzed and certainly several of them right now being looked at, but as far as directly tied
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to 9/11, i would say no, but i would also say that even prior to the original 9/11 there was no direct evidence of a threat coming to the united states, so we always have to be on our guard and isis is certainly capable of carrying out a serious attack in the united states. >> i know but with the anniversary coming up you have the pin on your lapel in the forefront of everybody's mind after so much is being lost. that's why i asked you about that first. >> we have to be on full alert, chris, no doubt. >> with what you were told do you have more confidence in what the white house wants to do going forward after speaking with the cia? >> i believe i do. but again, we have to wait and see what the president says. i think what the president has to do in showing leadership is not say what he's not going to do. he should say that our goal is to destroy isis, he will take whatever military measures are necessary, and try to form the largest coalition he can, but this is a threat involving the united states. it's not just iraq. it's not just syria, it's not just europe. this directly affects our
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national security and we will do whatever we have to do and we will take the lead. >> now in terms of that part, we will do whatever we have to do, let's talk about congress. there are reports some of your brothers and sisters down there are ducking a vote. for all the complaining that's going on about foreign policy, will you stand up and force congress to take a vote on this issue, because it would be highly irresponsible to duck it. >> no, what i will say is i fully support the president taking action. if it comes to a vote i will vote for it. frankly, the president has the power as commander in chief, the president take the action and getting congress to vote retroactively. if we wait for congress to debate this over the next few weeks i will vote yes the first day. if this goes bad i'm taking responsibility so i'm not trying to duck anything here but this is so eminent, this is so critical. i want the president to take the action and then congress should pass legislation supporting what the president does, but i don't want him to wait until congress
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acts because i don't have full faith in congress myself. i know there's people who want to duck the vote and i don't want our foreign policy to be tied to that. i fully support the president. >> two problems, you have republican congressmen saying you know, we may just let him do it, which is once again just giving the president power with the military that the constitution probably did not anticipate, and say if it goes well, we'll say oh that's great, what took you so long and if it goes badly we can second-guess him. this republican is saying this out loud? what the heck does that even mean? >> there's too much politics on this issue. i'm telling you right now, if this goes good i'll give the president the credit, if it goes bad i'll take responsibility because i'm one of those calling for strong action. as far as the constitution is concerned presidents have deployed troops and have taken military action more than 100 times in the history, i think we've only declared war five times. having said that i believe congress should step up. it's not going to happen in the next several weeks.
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i think the president would be smart to go ahead, take the action but congress should approve what he's doing. we owe that to the american people. listen to me if you're afraid to vote on war and peace then you don't deserve to be in congress. >> that's the message, right? there's a lot of pressure, a high bar being put on the president. that's all about the politics of this. that's all about making it difficult for him to succeed tomorrow night. >> chris, let me tell you this, i have been critical of the. the. we've known for eight months, up to a year how severe and critical a threat from isis has been. during that time we had the president, whether we call junior varsity or pre-9/11. >> why didn't you call a vote on it then if you were so secure about the threat. >> chris if you were listening to me i've been saying for the last year that al qaeda is more dangerous now and its offshoots are more dangerous now than on 9/11 and i've consistently said this publicly. as far as calling for a vote the president is the commander in
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chief but he has to take the action, he has to propose the action but he should not have been telling the american people al qaeda was defeated, should not have been telling the american people the threat diminished when the threat is greater now than it was then, that's where i've been critical of the president. >> fair point. i'm using you as the royal you in congress. >> right. >> there's so much complaining going on about the foreign policy. is it a fair criticism that too many people down where you are right now are trying to of it both ways, set the president up tomorrow night with a high bar of expectation and yet doing as little themselves as possible. >> some are and some aren't. i've had people in my party, like rand paul, basically saying we shouldn't be involved overseas at all, now he's saying we should be attacking in iraq and syria. ted cruz saying we should bomb them back to the stone ages. there is too much politics in foreign policy. i've tried to be bipartisan, to be critical of the president when he think he's wrong and support him when i think he's
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right. wednesday night he says we're going to have sustained air akz ta, we're going to line up allies, i will fully support the president of the united states. i just hope he doesn't say what we're not going to do. let the enemy try to figure out what we're not going to do. >> you get a lot of play for putting that out there. thank you for joining us. we'll hear what the president has to say to members of congress tomorrow and to the rest of us and interesting to see what congress does in response, hopefully they step up and don't sit back. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you, chris. >> mick a lot of news out there. >> certainly there is. 14 minutes past the hour, here is a look at headlines. we begin with preliminary findings out this morning from the investigation into the crash of airlines flight 17, it was shot down over ukraine in july. the report says the flight broke apart in the air when it was struck by high energy objects. investigators found no sign that flight data recorders were tampered with in the days the crash site was under the control
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of pro-russian rebels. the final report of the crash is expected sometime next year. >> federal health officials say a u.s. air marshal is being quarantined after the marshal was attacked at the airport in lgos nigeria, stabbed with a syringe containing an unknown substance. the cdc is concerned the substance could be some form of the ebola virus. a fourth american infected by ebola is about to arrive in the u.s. for treatment. the unidentified patient is flying into atlanta this morning from sierra leone. the patient will stay in an isolation unit at emery university hospital in atlanta where two other aide workers successfully recovered from the disease. another patient is being treated in nebraska, although his recovery remains uncertain. those are your headlines. >> michaela thanks so much. running back ray rice cut by his team and suspended by the
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if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. the nfl is under fire this morning, after new video surfaced showing running back ray rice knocking out his now wife in a hotel elevator. rice's career is all but over now as well. the ravens have released him and
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the nfl suspended him indefinitely but big questions are still out there about how much the nfl knew and when league owe fishes first saw the video. let's dig in deeper. carol costello anchor of "cnn newsroom" recently wrote a touching and important op-ed on on domestic violence and joining us, deuce mcallister, retired nfl running back with the new orleans saints. it's great to be speaking with both of you. i want to get first carol, your thoughts on this. first i'll read it's a statement that just came out this morning from the league, from the nfl, this is in regards to reports that the league never contacted the casino where ray rice and his new wife were or ray rice's attorney to get the video. "security for atlantic city casinos is handled by the new jersey state police. any videos reeled to an ongoing criminal investigation are held in the kus diof the state police. as we said yesterday we requested from law enforcement
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anything and all information including the video from inside the elevator and that video was not made available to us." they're sticking to the story this was the first time they've seen it. >> i'm angry about the fact seeing this video made any difference at all. what did they think happened in the elevator that she launched her head into the wall by herself? ray rice was charged with aggravated assault, that meant a crime occurred. everybody is up in arms we actually see rye rice punching his wife and it makes this big difference. it was a big deal before. so why does this make a difference, just because we can see it. it's once again an example of not believing the victim. >> why does this make a difference? i saw the video yesterday and i remember being appalled and it started the conversation of why again did he get only what was it, two games? >> two-game suspension and $500,000 plus fine and counseling through the court system, right? >> why wasn't this more of an
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outrage until now do you think? >> here's what i think is happening. so ray rice is this nice guy, he's known by his teammates as a nice guy and he's a really good player and you look at him on the surface and you can't believe he would actually hit a woman like that and now you see this video and you see this nice guy actually punching a woman who probably weighs at the most what, 130 pounds, right? and now it becomes crystal clear he is capable of this kind of violence. now as a victim of domestic violence myself, i believed it before i saw it, before i saw the evidence, and i also went through people not believing me, that this nice man that i dated could possibly do that to me. that's what i'm getting at, that's why it makes me so angry it took this video evidence to convince everyone that ray rice did this terrible wrong. >> and deuce i want to get your take on this as well. an espn analyst, he called this arguably the biggest black eye that the league has ever had.
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let's focus on the league here. did they turn a blind eye? do you believe they had not seen the video until yesterday? >> i think they probably didn't see the full video. you've seen clips of it as far as him pulling her out of the elevator, obviously that was made available but i don't think that they saw at least to the commissioner's side, because once you see it, then you understand that yes, something has to be done, a statement has to be made not only by the ravens but obviously by the league, just because of how graphic it was, and i mean once you saw it -- >> once you see it, why did it take seeing it to convince you this was a serious matter? >> i don't think necessarily convincing me. i think convincing everyone else that it was a serious matter. domestic violence is a serious matter regardless of whether you see it or not but a lot of times i think it's like you said earlier, miss carol, that people don't necessarily believe it because of the work he's done in
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the community, that you know, ray rice couldn't be this type of guy that committed, you know, a crime of this magnitude, but i think the video puts it all together, and it just paints a picture that the nfl, you know, could do nothing with. >> didn't we learn from o.j. simpson, we believed he was this great -- i did, right? >> i also wonder, though, we often talk about when things pop up, be it nfl or the nba or major league baseball, when it comes to doping scandals, we talk about the culture. is this a culture problem? then i have a follow-up which is, is the culture ever going to change, which i'm skeptical it will, but deuce, is there a culture of kind of not allowing domestic violence but protecting the players maybe to the detriment of those who need the actual protecting? >> i don't know if it's necessarily a cultural issue. you have to understand the game. the game is a violent game in itself. so when you talk about the game being violent in itself, the
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culture, a guy has to be able to leave for three hours being violent on the field and then being able to be a regular person off the field, and every person it takes a little longer, every person his switch is a little different so i don't know if it's necessarily a culture issue, but at the end of the day it's something that our country has to deal with and i think sports is an avenue that we can at least talk about it and at least support the victims and give them what they need necessarily when they don't necessarily get it. >> i don't believe it's a football problem. i believe it's a problem we have in this nation. >> correct. >> carol he mentioned an important point and you talked about this as well, the victim in this. this was his fiance at the time. this is now his wife. her perspective, she married him. she sat next to him. she's said we're moving on. she even said at a press conference, i am sorry for the part i played in this, something to that effect. what role do you think her take
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on this should play in the fallout? >> i can only describe this from my own perspective, as i outlined in my op-ed, a boyfriend i was dating in college knocked me out cold and then something worse happened after. he called me the, in the next several days and said "you know, i want to get together because i'm really sorry about that and i apologize" and i met with him and it happened again and the reason i did that was number one, i could not believe a smart, capable, independent woman like me would choose such a man, number one. i didn't want to believe it. i was delusional, right? i just didn't want to believe it. and number two, i really did think it was my fault and my friends kind of like played into that by saying he's such a nice guy. he's a great guy. he loves you so much. what did you do to make this happen? and i bought into that. so all of that goes through your mind when you're the victim of
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domestic violence. now i can't speak to jennae and what she's feeling but i can only say it's complicated and to sit around and say she married him so she must like it is just too simplistic and stupid, frankly. >> and shouldn't excuse if a blind eye was turned by the league. >> she's sitting with him. he probably said to her you know what, jennae, my career is going to be ruined unless you stand by me. it's going to be your fault that our future family is destroyed forever through your actions, so you have to stand up for me, jennae. do you think it's possible that ray rice might have said that to her? right? she loves him. loves the complicated thing, right? >> love is a very complicated thing. what shouldn't be complicated is what should happen when domestic violence occurs. that should not be complicated. if you hit a woman, there should be consequences. >> if you're charged with aggravated assault you should pay more than just with
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counseling. >> we'll see what this consideration, where this conversation goes from here and what more the league has to say. we're getting all perspectives on this and making sure the league has their say as well. we'll continue to invite them on to discuss it with us. deuce mcallister, thank you so much for coming on, carol, thank you as always. watch carol costello on "newsroom" are "new day" at 9:00 a.m. on what should happen next. there are growing concerns about a possible isis strike against the united states and the threat of homegrown terror. we'll speak with a man who knows terrorism from within his own family. he has a new book out about being the son of a terrorist. you got to see this. you do a lot of things great.
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help keep teeth clean and breath fresh. with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. all right the music tells me it's time for the five things you need to know for your "new day." number one, president obama is meeting with house and senate leaders today sharing his strategy for taking out isis. he will address the nation
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tomorrow. home depot confirming a huge credit card data breach more than 60 million people may have been affected, far bigger than target's massive hack attack last year. the fbi says it may have identified this man, the man who killed james foley. officials tell cnn the man seen beheading foley is believed to be a british national who joined isis. the preliminary report is out on malaysia airlines flight 17. dutch investigators say the plane broke apart over ukraine after "high energy objects" hit it from the outside. they also say there is no evidence that anyone manipulated the flight data recorders. croatia marin cilic defeated ja opinion's kei nishikori in winning the u.s. tennis open men's championship. visit for the latest. chris? >> thank you very much.
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this week's impact your world radio host and football analyst boomer esiason is tackling his biggest challenge, fighting for his son's life. gunner esiason seems like a typical 20-something. he has cystici iic fibrosis. >> i've given myself another option to live a normal life. >> reporter: twice daily treatments in a mechanical vest to clear his airways and medication before eating anything. >> i have to do these therapies, take my medication every day if i want to survive. >> reporter: gunnar was diagnosed at 2. he had been traded to the new york jets, almost retired but realized football gave him a national platform. >> figuring i am in the biggest media capital of the world and how i can use that platform to leverage who i am to raise money
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and awareness for the disease. >> reporter: the super bowl quarterback and his wife launched the boomer esiason foundation. >> we raised money for drug development, transplant grants, scholarship grants, we support hospital development. >> reporter: over two decades goomer says the foundation raised more than $100 million. >> it's painstaking, it's time consuming but as you can see sitting next to me i have a passion for it and this is the best way i know how to have an impact on that. >> wow, great to see them together. >> and see how big gunnar is now. >> exactly right. the fight against isis is highlighting the threat of home grown terror in the u.s. one man who turned away from terrorism and written a book about growing up as a terrorist's son. listen up, a frightening virus is putting children across the country in the hospital on ventilators in some cases, it's real and it's scary. we have a doctor whose area has been hit especially hard and
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father shot and killed a prominent rabbi. his father also helped plan the 1993 world trade center bombing. imagine this, even ham grew up in the home and struggled to carve out his own identity for himself, away from the extremism his father had adopted but he ultimately embraced a message of non-violence instead. he's here with me now, zach ibrahim author of "the terrorist's son: a story of choice." first of all, such a brave thing to do. this was not easy. you have lived a very difficult life. the story is heartbreaking. you were in poverty. you dealt with extremism in your home, you dealt with violence in your home. you chose peace. why did you write this book? >> thank you very much first of all. you know, one of the main reasons that i wanted to write it was i wanted to show people what it was like to grow up in that ideology, to be a child
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indoctrinated into this level of extremism but i also wanted to show people that although i have been subjected to this fanatical ideology that i didn't become fanaticized. the vast majority of people who aren't exposed to that level. >> the percentage that have become radicalized is small. >> very small and the vast majority of people are never exposed to that level of fanaticism so i hope to show people that although i grew up in it and chose a more accepting or more tolerant path that the vast majority of muslims shouldn't be stereotyped in a way they often are. >> i want to touch on what was the exposure in your home like? he was your father and you talked very openly and movingly about how he was your father. you were a young boy and saw him as your dad who played with you
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and threw a ball around with you, but then as you grew older you saw this extremism. >> um-hum. yes, you know, we did very normal things growing up going to the park and playing baseball or soccer or the amusement park. it wasn't until shortly before he went to prison that i started to see a change in him. even though i was a young kid it was noticeable and he used to try and explain lessones to me like, you know, all jewish people are evil, or that any non-muslim was a bad influence, and so i grew up thinking that anyone outside of this small bubble that i lived in was a potential danger. >> when did that change for you? >> i was about 18 or 19 years old actually, and i started working at busch gardens in florida and i went from being
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this very isolated kid who was bullied badly in school and dealt with domestic violence at home to buying a car for the first time. >> so independence. and independence of thought, too. >> yes, absolutely and i started working at busch gardens was exposed to so many people from different backgrounds, religious backgrounds, cultural backgrounds and i just, i didn't want -- because i had been bullied very badly, i had a great sense of empathy in me and i couldn't treat people who were nice to me regardless of their race, religion or sexual orientation in any other way than how i wanted to be treated and i made a conscious effort to try and shed a lot of those lessones that i've been taught. >> interesting we've been talking a lot lately how a person can become radicalized. it's as though you became unradicalized. you made a choice, even though you're steeped into hatred and violence, you chose peace
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instead. that's powerful. i want your reaction. we are seeing horrific images of what is happening and we know the news has been following the story of james foley and steven sotloff, the horrible actions of isis in iraq and syria. what does that bring up in you? >> you know, it makes me very sad, first of all, you know, it's obviously a huge loss to their families, and you know, groups like isis are very adept at using social media and the internet to spread their message of propaganda. i think that's one of the main reasons they're using westerners in their videos to try and gain attention with western audiences to try to strike fear into their hearts. this isn't anything new. al qaeda was the exact same way in the early, mid-90s, they were light years ahead of most groups when it came to using social media to force their agenda.
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>> i know you're working to see if we can't make empathy and love something that goes viral. this is a tremendously bold and brave thing that you're doing. >> thank you. >> very proud of you and i am proud of you for coming forward and writing this book. it's called "a terrorist's son: a story of choice." it's an important read. check out the ted talk. >> ted talk comes out today and frankly i just feel lucky that i get to take all of these negative experiences and hopefully make something positive about it. >> thank you, zak. >> my pleasure, thank you. >> a rare respiratory virus is sending children to hospitals around our nation. doctor in colorado warns that this outbreak is just the beginning. he says it's going to get worse. we'll have more. dad,thank you mom for said this oftprotecting my thank you for being my hero and my dad. military families are uniquely thankful for many things,
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a severe respiratory illness is spreading across the midwest sickening hundreds of kids. viruses are nothing new but this one is bad and requiring kids to be hospitalized and worse. it is called evd68, not in a that will matter to you but what should matter it's hit ten states and continuing to go. let's bring in dr. tracy butler, medical director of the children's pediatric intensive care unit at rocky mountain hospital, an institution hit hard by the viral outbreak. thank you for joining us. i know you're busy, we won't keep you long. >> thank you. >> what are you seeing in terms of the trending here?
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>> it started about a week ago where we started seeing a number of kids coming in with severe respiratory distress and some had to go on ventilators and require life support. >> as the common parent, i hear about respiratory illness, i say okay, i know about this, i know about viral illses. why is this one something for me to pay attention to? >> it's the, how quickly it goes from being just a cold and just normal symptoms to being severe shortness of breath and difficulty bothing. >> so it is the same just worse in terms of its intensity and magnitude and what does that mean in terms of treating it, duration, possibility of what it manifests itself as later, what do you know? >> so some of the kids are getting well as quickly as they get ill, some are taking a little bit longer, but they are all recovering, which is the good side of it. >> so they are all recovering,
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that's good news. we don't want to spread false panic here. when i see the kids on the ventilator that's frightening to see for anyone, let alone a parent. what's going on with that? >> if they get to the point where they can't breathe and can't get the air in, we have to take over their breathing and put them on a ventilator to help them out until the inflammation in their airways improves and they can start breathing adequately on their own. >> the obvious concern is this used to be a rare thing. now we're seeing it more. why? >> i think this virus is particularly more virulent and just causing a lot more inflammation quicker and getting the kids sick just a lot quicker. >> what does that tell us about the actual virus? does that mean it's mutating, does that mean it's spreading more than usual? do you read anything into that? >> i don't know that it's mutating. i think i would defer that to
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the cdc. it's contagious and spreading quickly. >> the cdc is involved in spreading quickly, that's not the usual. do you think no matter where someone is in the country they should anticipate that this could reach them? >> i do. i do think it seems like it's spreading kind of east to west. >> and what do we look for and what do we do? >> you know, it's going to be tough this time of year because there's going to be a lot of colds going around so the kids are going to have the typical symptoms, the cough, the runny nose, the congestion. it's when they start saying they can't breathe, they need to get 911 involved and get the kids to the hospital as soon as possible. >> doctors tell parents kids are going to show you where they're going to go, they're open about their symptoms so pay attention and if it seems that they're having more trouble with breathing than the typical head cold symptoms, what do you do? get to the doctor right away? >> get to the doctor and if they have a history of asthma, get
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them on their controller meds, their inhaled steroids that will help keep the inflammation down. >> you're a busy doctor so for you to want to talk about this publicly you have concerns about what it's doing in colorado and other places. we'll check back in with you next week or the end of this week to see if the patterns are changing, if you learn anything about seeing it. thank you, dr. butler, appreciate your time >> okay, thank you. >> we worry, right? we're parents and now it seems like we have something to worry about so take that information and use it as you will. so a man who only looks homeless, listen to this, he is about to give you a lesson in judging a book by its cover. it's "the good stuff." there's a real lesson coming up. your 16-year-old daughter
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♪ won't you stay with me i like this song. i feel badly speaking over him, but i most though. today's "good stuff" youtube pranker it usually makes people uncomfortable but this time dressed up for a homeless person, begged for change, brushed off, moved aening lo, all the terrible things we do to the homeless and even got told to get a job more than once which is so sweet. those who did give got their donation back plus $20. >> it's all i got for you. >> i got something for you. >> okay.
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don't you need this? >> oh my gosh! >> thank you so much for giving that, i'd like to give you your dollar back plus $20. >> thank you. >> yes, you deserve it. >> no i don't. >> yes, you do. >> "no, i don't." they don't give to get. >> someone told me once and i tried to live by this, when you open your hand to give, you've left it open to receive. and it's such a beautiful thing because sometimes you're receiving in different -- >> that's unexpected what he did. very cool. >> and that experience that he had, it is a reminder of what you take away from this. it's nice what he did here and nice for those who give, think how often people walk down the street and look away, you don't want to make eye contact. that's a sad part of the reality, too. little bit of the good stuff for you, those who gave got back. a lot of news this morning, you got to see this young lady on the show once already.
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now she has her own show, ms. carol costello. >> thanks so much. have a great day. i appreciate it. "newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac -- good morning, i'm carol costello. thanks so much for joining me. calls for the nfl commissioner to step down getting louder this morning. "the huffington post" puts it this way, comish in the crosshairs. why didn't commissioner goodell looking at the now infamous ray rice tape and then decide rice's punishment? espn's keith olbermann. >> mr. goodell's ineptitude has not nearly rendered this football season meanless and irrelevant by contrast it reduced supporting or watching nfl football to a distasteful even a disrespectful act but most importantly comforted the violent and afflicted
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