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tv   New Day  CNN  September 11, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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two new witnesses say they saw brown with his hands up and there was a second cop at the scene with his gun drawn, drawn, too. your "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: this is "new day," with chris cuomo, kate bald win and michaela perrera. welcome to "new day," it is thursday, september 11th. a day you should never forget. today marks 13 years since those cowardly attacks on new york and washington and all these years later. we're back where we started. battling the threat from the middle east. last night, president obama laid out his plan to stop the threat. now from isis. what he says will be a very long fight. >> syria where air strikes are now on the table. but the president insists this time will not involve u.s.
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combat troops as he has said. all along over the last couple months. but more troops are heading to the region. let's get a breakdown of everything the president said, what the strategy is from jim acosta. a long day for you yesterday. live at the white house for us. jim, what more did we learn from the president on what he's going to do now? >> kate, on this anniversary of 9/11, the president says there is no isis threat against the u.s. homeland. but he came out talking tough, announcing his decision to order air strikes on isis and syria, and the questions have begun on how he'll get the job done. >> my fellow americans -- >> compass a cautious commander-in-chief no more, rolling the dice with an ambitious plan to wipe out isis. >> our objective is clear -- we will degrade and ultimately destroy isil through a comprehensive and sustained counterterrorism strategy. >> the president's biggest leap -- ramping up air strikes
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on iraq and sir gentleman. >> we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country wherever they are, a core principle of my presidency. if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. >> to help expand those air strikes, the president is spending 475 more u.s. service members to iraq. raising the total there to 1600. add to that, a new mission to equip and train moderate syrian rebels. to make that happen, the president has been working the phones to build a global coalition. and officials say includes saudi arabia, which will host a training program for anti-isis fighters. but the president also insisted the war on isis will be different. >> i want the american people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in iraq and afghanistan. it will not involve american combat troops fighting on foreign soil. >> as for a timeline for those air strikes in syria, a senior administration official says the white house is not going to
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quote telegraph its punches in the white house is defending the president's cautious approach. one official saying this president does not shoot first and ask questions later. kate? >> the president also not giving any idea of a timeline or a time table. that's something we also did not hear much of last night. jim acosta at the white house, thanks so much. chris? >> the question is, what do you make of this plan? you have the politics and the practicality and we have two great guests. they have lived this, they have studied this situation -- the perfect people to help us understand this morning. cnn kplil commentator peter binrd and contributing editor for the "atlantic" and rick francona, a former senior u.s. military attache in the middle east. >> peter, do you hear in the plan what you need to succeed politically? >> i think so, on the one hand
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public opinion has shifted very radically since the beheadings and there's support for military action. on the other hand, nobody wants boots on the ground. so the president is treading that line. it will be an aggressive air campaign. aid to the free syrian rebels, but not putting boots on the ground. i think by and large you see that he has support in congress. most people in congress either don't want to vote or probably vote his way. >> how about in the levant and the middle east, do you think he can have the political leverage, the clout, to get the arabs and the islamists to fight their own fight? >> i think there are a lot of people in the middle east who are also afraid of isis at this point, it's a threat to saudi arabia and the regime in jordan and certainly a threat to a shia regime in iran. the problem is, you're, it's in the midst of this larger shia/sunni sectarian war.
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also other regional conflicts like between saudi arabia and qatar where they are arming different groups. does the u.s. have the power to basically bring these guys together and get them to put the fight against isis ahead of narrower agendas? >> that gets you to the practicality. when you look at this situation, we keep hearing the word complexity. what we want to do now, what the u.s. wants to do now, more complexity. anything we've ever done in iraq before. what did you hear last night? how would it work? >> it's a good thing to consider syria and iraq as one target set, we have to do that. it has to be done together. because if isis detects that we're only going to attack them in iraq first and then syria later, they will move their assets to syria and wait it out. operations in syria are going to be more complex, because you've got warring parties there. you've got a civil war going on and if you're going to any boots on the ground, which you're going to need, who are they going to be? where are they going to come from?
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iraq, you could figure out. syria is going to be a much tougher nut to crack. but you can't do this in isolation, the air power will probably be done as a coherent policy. that's great. once you move into the ground phase, iraq, i think we can get the kurds and the iraqis, not a problem. but who are going to back you in syria. the free syrian army has taken a real beating. the complexity is much greater than anything we've faced so far and way too many moving pieces to be comfortable with us right now. >> this is 9/11, i don't have to remind you of that. this is the fourth consecutive u.s. president to give a major address to you saying we're going in to iraq and here's why. that's the context. the three big challenges are, as you just laid out and you did, too, peter, can you get the right people on board to fight the fight? can you arm the right people in syria to fight this fight? and then third, can you win without the best fighters in the world involved? now when you deal with the first
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two of those, you have to look backwards to how we got where we are today. there's going to be a lot of blame game, that's the way politics is, especially in the u.s. no example is better than what happened last night than with senator john mccain and jay carney, the president's former spokesperson, take a listen to the battle about how we got where we are. >> i'm astounded that mr. carney should say that the free syrian army is now stronger. in fact they've been -- >> that's what i said, senator. i said, if i could, sir, what i said is we know a great deal more about the makeup of the opposition. >> jay, we knew all about them then. you just didn't choose to know. i was there in syria, we knew them. come on, you guys are the ones, it's your boss is the one that when the entire national security team wanted to arm and train them, that he turned them down, mr. carney. after a -- >> well senator, look, i'm
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not -- >> the fact that -- >> we have to agree to disagree. >> facts are stubborn things. and his entire national security team including the secretary of state said we want to arm and trap and equip these people and he made the unilateral decision to turn them down. and the fact that they didn't leave a residual force in iraq overruling all of his military advisers, is the reason why we're facing isis today. so the facts are stubborn things and history and people ought to know them. and now the president is saying basically that we are going to take certain actions, which i would favor. but to say that america is safer and that the situation is very much like yemen and somalia shows me that the president really doesn't have a grasp for how serious the threat of isis is. >> well, again, senator, we're going to have to agree to disagree. i think that you know the question of the residual force, you know, there was another player in that, which was the iraqi government, a, b, it was
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the fulfillment of the previous administration's withdrawal, plan c and the fulfillment of the president's promise to withdraw from iraq and not maintain a troop presence in perpetuity, which is consistent with what the american people wanted and it was the right approach. >> that didn't mean it was the right decision, it was a bad decision and got us to where we are today. it's not a matter of disagreement. it's a matter of facts. >> this isn't just an argument, okay. what it is, it sets the context for where we are politically in this. facts are stubborn things, we didn't keep a residual force there, it probably was a mistake. senator mccain, took a photograph next to a guy he thought was a good guy, turned out to be a bad guy. it's hard to understand who you're dealing with in the situation and a lot of his republicans and sisters didn't want to bomb in syria when the president said he wanted to do it, not so long ago with crossing the red line deal. when you listen to it and put it in context, who's right and
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who's wrong about how we got here? what matters? >> in retrospect, given that we're now going to try to arm the free syrian army to fight against isis, mccain is right we would have been better off starting to do that a few years ago. and it's true that hillary clinton and david petraeus at that point in the obama administration wanted to do that. we don't know where we would be. there are real dangers that the free syrian army could bleed into jihadist groups, it's not a clear line between the good guys and the bad guys. in retrospect, given that we're going to try to do now, because we need some allies on the ground in syria when we bomb, we would have been better off had we been doing this for the past few years and trying to build them up. i think mccain is right on that. >> you guys in the military, you worry about the now and how you get to what your goal is and how to execute that. but when you hear this discussion, what does it mean to you in terms of the practicalities on the ground? >> we set this up ourselves. and it doesn't matter who is responsible now. it's we did not keep a residual force there, that created the force that was able to take
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advantage of the power vacuum when we did not help the syrian, free syrian army when they asked for help. those are facts, yes, it happened. the problem is now we're faced with a situation in syria that we have very little control over. the free syrian army is yes, they're the people we would like to support, but they've taken such a beating at the hands of the syrian military and isis and the islamic front. you've got like five different major groups in syria all vying for power. and the ones that really win this is the syrian regime. the ones we're trying to overthrow. now we see ourselves in the position of conducting air strikes against their primary adversary. which is okay with baghdad, because baghdad supports the regime in damascus. but this is the government of damascus, we want out of there. we're going to find ourselves working with our ally on one side and against our ally on the other? this is really confusing. and i, i like your point -- you can't tell the good guy from the bad guys there.
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>> and i think you know look, most of you at home, if you're like me, your head is swimming because rick knows what he's talking about, but it's so complex and peter lays it out. and what it gives you a window into is why there's such a reluctance for the u.s. to while they want to lead, but they don't want to be the only player. the biggest challenge, can you win a fight without the best fighters in the world involved, the u.s. fighters. peter barnard and rick francona, thanks for starting us off this morning. let's get you right to mick. breaking news, the judge in the oscar pistorius trial said the state did not prove premeditated murder in its case. right now the south african judge is summarizing testimony and evidence that's been presented at trial before announcing her verdict. prosecutors allege pistorius intentionally shot and killed his girlfriend on valentine's day in 2013.
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the defense says pistorius merely thought she was an intruder and this was all a tragic accident. we'll be staying on this for sure. people in the u.s. and around the world once again will stop it pay their respects to those lost 13 years ago on 9/11. a ceremony in new york begins with a moment of silence at 8:46 eastern. the time the first plane hit the north tower of the world trade center. president obama will mark september 11th and the second anniversary of the benghazi attack at a ceremony at the pentagon. around the same time, a ceremony will take place in shanksville, pennsylvania. a new cnn/orc poll says a majority of americans now say they think a terror attack is likely around this time. john kerry is in saudi arabia this morning. the secretary of state is trying to bring middle eastern leaders together in the fight against isis. saudi arabia has agreed to provide a base to train syrian rebels fighting isis in that country's civil war. secretary kerry is asking for help to cut off isis' financial support by discouraging private
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donations, cracking down on oil smuggling. that's a look at your headlines, guys. thanks so much. the former director of the fbi is now stepping in to investigate the ray rice scandal. amid a new report claiming that someone within the nfl did see the video, that's second video of rice striking, punching, square in the head, his then-fiancee. now there are new doubts about roger goodell's claims that he never saw it until it was made public. >> also, a stunning account of the michael brown shooting from two new witnesses. and they gave this witness, just moments after the actual shots. we're going to tell you what they claim, and what does it mean for the case. expenses. perfect timing. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. good calculating kyle.
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nfl commissioner roger goodell is still feeling the heat over the league's handling of the ray rice case. he has now tapped former fbi director, robert mueller, to conduct an independent investigation, it follows an "associated press" report, damning, that a copy of the graphic second video showing rice punching his then-fiancee, was sent to the nfl five months ago, back in april. goodell insists they never saw the images until the video was released monday. miguel marquez is joining us with details. >> we're learning that what started off as a stream of questions and doubts about the nfl story, it has turned into a river and now both the nfl and the ravens are trying everything they can to staunch the flow. the nfl tapping former fbi director, robert muler to lead
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an independent investigation, looking into how the nfl handled evidence in the domestic violence case against ray rice. mueller's probe will be overseen by two nfl owners and will be made public. the announcement comes hours after the "associated press" reported a law enforcement source told them the tape of rice violently striking janay palmer was sent to an nfl executive five months ago. in an interview with cbs news on tuesday, nfl commissioner roger goodell maintained the league never saw the video until it went viral on monday. >> did anyone in the nfl see this second videotape before monday? >> no. >> no one in the nfl? >> no one in the nfl to my knowledge. >> the "associated press" says their source sent a dvd of the video unsolicited because he wanted them to see it before deciding on rice's punishment. the a.p. also saying the source played a 12-second voicemail message that came from an nfl
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office number on april 9th, confirming the video had arrived with a female voice saying you're right, it's terrible. the nfl issued a statement following the potential bombshell. go we have no knowledge of this, we are not aware of anyone in our office who possessed or saw the video before it was made public on monday. we will look into it. baltimore ravens owner, steve bisciotti admitting they dropped the ball in handling the incident after seeing the initial video. >> i was picturing her whaling on him and him smacking her and maybe her head was this far from the wall and with her inebriation, dropped. why did i conclude all that? because i wanted to, because i loved him, because he had a stellar record and the cops had already seen the video. so i assumed it wasn't a -- forceful blow that moved her head three feet into that wall. >> the league continues to insist that it reached out multiple times to police and the prosecutors' office for the
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video, but couldn't get it. yet rice's own attorney had a copy. in a letter to nfl club executives on wednesday, goodell says it would have been illegal for the league to get the video from either law enforcement or the casino itself once a criminal investigation begins. >> i also want to show you one other thing, this is the criminal complaint, the initial criminal complaints, the initial video of janay palmer being dragged out of the elevator was february 19th. the initial complaint said he struggled with his hands, rendered her unconscious, everything that the ravens and the nfl needed was right in their face back in february. >> miguel marquez, laying it out for us. let's turn to a sports columnist at bloomberg view and mel robbins, a cnn commentator and local analyst. we see how some believe the nfl has handled all of this, the
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national football liars, that's one view of it, if you will. let me ask you this. what do you think of the nfl bringing in robert mueller? his name brings a lot of weight. what's he going to do, mel? >> he's going to do exactly what they did in the richard incognito case, they were looking into bullying. >> when they brought in ted wells? >> yes. that's the exact right thing to do. i love that title. that's how i feel, the national football liars, they have a huge credibility problem. you laughed when we saw the thing that said, we're going to look into this. because nobody saw it. nobody believes anything that the nfl is going to say about this. so this was a very good step forward and a necessary step. >> from what you know of covering sports, of covering the nfl, what is the range of possibility here? could roger, could the league have received a video? and roger goodell not have been aware of it? >> i think that roger goodell could have willfully not been aware of it. i think maybe he could have
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known that such a video existed and chosen not to see it the fact of the matter is is that what happened in the video wasn't anything we didn't already know happened. the police report was damning and it's kind of sad that it took video evidence for any kind of action in this kind of domestic violence case to be taken. >> what does this change? this latest reporting from the "associated press," it seems pretty damning. they've got a voicemail from someone saying, acknowledging from the nfl office's number saying we've got the tape, and you're right, it's terrible. it seems like it's got to change something, am i wrong, mel? >> i think you're right. this, this latest catastrophe from a public relations perspective, and also from just handling the case, let's keep in mind, this happened in february. if you think about it from a victim of domestic violence's point of view, every single time the nfl or the ravens screwed up what they did she's being abused again as far as i'm concerned. and so, the truth is that the
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fact that we've now know that they perhaps covered this up, that somebody inside the nfl saw it, i agree with you, that of course people in the nfl saw this thing. if he wanted to look at it, he would have looked at it. but you're talking about a superstar in the league, you're talking about a point of view with the nfl where what's their incentive? their incentive is to create a narrative where okay, she's okay, we think. the couple is moving on, he's in therapy. nothing to see here. everybody move on. let's get back to football. come on. and so what's going to change is in my mind, that the nfl cannot handle these cases. unless they have a zero tolerance policy like they do with performance-enhancing drugs, we find out that you're doing it -- i don't care what your excuses are, you're out. you've got to have that kind of policy at the point of arrest or else the nfl has absolutely no experience, no credibility to be able to handle these kinds of very ticky and psychological cases. >> it is very complex.
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because we know the then-fiancee, now-wife, she has said the fact that we continue to talk about it in the media continues to bring the nightmare back to the forefront for their family. that is one aspect of it and it is very difficult and i'm very sensitive to it, because it's difficult to have to talk about. but still there is an aspect of accountability. when you have multibillion-dollar industry, that everyone loves watching. you've got so much people involved, you've got to have some standards. but we can talk about it all we want. if you think that goodell's job is safe? i am inclined to think yes. >> at the beginning of the week i was skeptical as to the possibility that goodell would have to resign and i wrote a column basically saying we would need some kind of independent advisory board. the fact that you have a former fbi director coming on is very positive. i think the nfl has proved it cannot police itself on these issues. >> what if bob mueller says goodell knew about this, it was a complete cover-up.
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it's up to the league's owners. >> they've golf 24 of the 32 owners vote him out and given the amount of money he's made them and how popular he is and the fact that the owners have rallied around him, i doubt that's going to happen. and the other thing that i found to be interesting is watching the ravens -- >> the raivens own centre. >> yeah, come out and say what a lot of people believed, ray rice's own attorney had said, he had seen the tape, he went on a radio show saying hypothetically, if this was a mutually combative -- knowing full well it wasn't. but a lot of people believed this was a situation where the couple was fighting and that's why they downplayed it. and he was being refreshingly honest about what he believed. i think it's time for people to realize -- >> i think you're spot-on. it goes into the category of the cover-up seems to be, i don't want to say worse than the crime. but the cover-up sure is making this worse. the fact that i agree with you, that he's, the owner of the ravens was so refreshingly
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honest, it's okay to make a mistake. if you fix it then. but it doesn't seem that there's any desire to fix it. >> not when ray mcdonald is going to play on the field with the 49ers on sunday after the san francisco board of supervisors passed a resolution denouncing it. yet the 49ers say he's due in court on monday for charges of domestic violence, he heath been charged yet, just arrested, but he's still on the field. sideline him, pay him, but at least expedite an investigation, now you know all of the things that you did with ray rice. >> final thoughts, kavitha? >> the cover-up is the biggest issue. goodell's mantra has always been, protecting the shield it comes at the cost of the lives, the cost of a woman who has been beaten. i'm skeptical if getting rid of goodell would actually change anything because the 32 owners wield so much power, i think it would be seen as falling on the sword or falling on the shield.
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i doubt that very much will change. >> it might be better if he stays, he'll be incented knowing what happened -- >> his reputation is so tarnished and everyone is watching him so closely. mel, kavitha, thanks so much. a lot of other news we're following -- president obama taking aim at isis. promises air strikes in syria against isis targets and sending hundreds more troops to iraq. does his plan for wiping out the terror group go far enough? and exclusive new video, plus two new witnesses coming forward in the michael brown shooting. was there another officer on the scene during the shooting? [ female announcer ] new gold bond rough & bumpy skin therapy.
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police in missouri arresting dozens of protesters and thwarting a highway shutdown in response to the shooting of an unarmed teenager michael brown. also new this morning, exclusive compelling video and new witnesses to the shooting are coming forward this cell phone video shows how two contractors reacted just moments after that gunfire ended. what did they see? our randy cage tracked them down. >> just after 12 noon, ferguson, missouri the men you see in this exclusive cell phone video hear gunshots, they are about 50 feet away from michael brown and officer darren wilson. the unidentified person
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recording this video captured the witness's reaction during the final moments of the shooting. >> he had his hands up! >> both men were contractors working in the area. they did not want to be identified. the man on the left pink shirt told cnn they heard one gunshot. then about 30 seconds later, a second shot. he says he saw michael brown staggering. then he says brown put his hands up and said okay, okay, okay. the witness told us the cop didn't say get on the ground, he just kept shooting. that same witness described the gruesome scene saying he saw michael brown's brains come out of his head. kban, reiterating his hands were up. watch how he motions on the video. the video these witnesses say was taken shortly after the shooting ended. if you look closely, you can see a police officer in the distance beginning to put up crime scene tape. both men told us by the time it was over, there were three
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officers on the scene. but only one involved in the shooting. another voice is also heard on the tape. the contractor in the green shirt told me, that voice belongs to a man he didn't know, who pulled up alongside them yelling this -- >> that same contractor in green also told me that he saw michael brown running away from the police car. he said brown put his hands up and that the officer was chasing him. he also said that officer wilson fired another shot at brown while his back was turned. >> the contractor in the pink shirt also shared this -- that a second officer who arrived later to the scene also drew his weapon. he said the one cop was the one who shot him. then i saw the other officer pull a gun out. but he didn't shoot. that same worker described how brown staggered dead after the second shot 20 to 25 feet to the ground. explaining he was like a walking dead guy, randy kay, cnn, new
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york. >> a great and difficult reporting for randy kay. let's break it down with cnn legal analyst paul callan is here mo ivory and attorney and radio host, good morning to you both. mo, i'll start with you, this video compelling, describing these witnesses, describing michael brown as having his hands in the air. is this damning for officer wilson's case? >> oh, absolutely. michaela, what we're seeing is such consistency in the statements of the eye witnesses. we yet of course still do not know or have heard from officer wilson, but we have such consistent statements, one after the other, continues to say that michael brown was turned and the officer shot at him. the forensics show there could have been a shot from behind. that he then turned around and said -- had his hands up and spoke something. now we hear the okay, okay, maybe it was that. what we know for sure is that it's consistent, his hands were
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up. so what is the reason why officer darren wilson has not been arrested as of yet? >> there's one area where there is a bit of an inconsistency. paul, what struck me is that this is a real-time account of what they're seeing and their reaction to it. we hear the witnesses say he had his beeping hands up. we see him mimicking how brown had his hands up. another witness is heard saying he was no bleeping threat at all. we see police -- there's just more and more, it's really compelling, this real-time testimony. if you will. >> this is very, very compelling testimony. and it's extremely damaging to the police officer's case, now to play the devil's advocate, i'll tell you how i think defense attorneys will try to deal with the situation. they're going to say number one, we, the account is inaccurate. they're only talking about two gunshots that they actually heard. wouldn't any have heard six gunshots?
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doesn't that suggest an inaccuracy in their statement? and the idea that he, when they see michael brown, he has his hands up. that's consistent with what we think is the officer's testimony. that michael brown turned and started to charge the officer, maybe with his hands up to tackle him. so what might look like a surrender gesture from one angle, is an attack gesture from another. >> you're playing devil's advocate. >> yes. we only know this on the basis of one phone call a was made by an alleged friend of the officer. we know how things play out in the courtroom. >> you mention the fact, and mo, i want you to address this, too, these two contractors talk about the fact that they hear one shot and 30 seconds later they hear a second shot. they don't mention any other shots at all. that's not consistent with the other testimony we've heard. >> you're right and we've heard them say there were several shots after that. but i don't necessarily think that's inconsistent. i mean people like depending on
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what was happening right where they were at 50 feet, the noise level, you know people come into a scene at all different times. so the facts are that they saw michael brown's hands up in the air. however many shots came after that, we know there were two shots to the head. i think that that is something that the defense is going to say is inconsistent. but that won't be crucial to the point of whether there was excessive force used. there only needs to be one shot that was fatal that killed him for the excessive force to have happened. i understand that the defense attorneys will try to break it all down. i don't think it will be have as much impact as seven, eight nine people saying the same thing, that michael brown had his hands up. >> i hate to throw the racial angle into it. but these appear to be white witnesses. >> how significant is that? >> i think it's very significant, because the defense will try to play this up that this is a black-on-white case
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and the black officers are siding with michael brown. but now you have white contractors who apparently just happened to be in the area. >> let's bring that up. >> they're going to be portrayed as more independent witnesses. this is a very big -- >> michaela working from outside the area. they were contractors in the area, they didn't have a connection to the family, the area. >> they don't know the brown family. they don't know the wilson family. i know that people who defend darren wilson are really dismayed that this white corroboration came forward last night. but this really does change for all the people that continue to try to make this about you know black people saying that you know, that he was a thug and all this. this corroboration, i said it last night, white corroboration almost makes this real now. and what i want is, yes, it's a game-changer and arrest darren wilson. >> a game-changer for you, paul callan? >> not at all and i disagree completely. wait until all the evidence is in before we make up our mind
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about arrests in a murder case. >> i'm not talking about an investigation and the grand jury, i'm talking about probable cause to arrest. which is completely different. peaceful protesters have spent more time in jail than the person who caused the killing. >> police officers don't, you don't generally arrest in this situation. >> we have to end it there, mo ivory, paul callan, as always, a lot of passion on the topic. we appreciate it. thanks for bringing in your voices. the south african judge in the oscar pistorius case says the blade runner cannot be found guilty of murder. she says the state failed to prove premeditated murder. the judge is still summarizing testimony and evidence that's been presented at trial before announcing her final verdict. remember, there are multiple charges and options there. you remember also that pistorius fatally shot girlfriend reeva steenkamp on valentine's day in 2013. the prosecution's claim, it wasn't intentional. the defense, the shooting was a
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tragic mistake. also, air strikes in syria, more troops in iraq. president obama laying out his plan for destroying isis. did it go far enough? can it work? we have to do more. we'll talk with a congressman who just returned from a trip to the middle east ahead. welllllllll, not when your travel rewards card makes it so hard to get a seat using your miles. that's their game. the flights you want are blacked out. or they ask for some ridiculous number of miles. honestly, it's time to switch to the venture card from capital one. with venture, use your miles on any airline, any flight, any time. no blackout dates. and with every purchase, you'll earn unlimited double miles. from now on, no one's taking your seat away. what's in your wallet?
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on the eve of the 13th anniversary of the september 11th attacks, president obama laid out his plan to eliminate another terror group threatening american interests in the middle east. the president authorized air strikes in syria, saying the u.s. will hunt down isis wherever they go and stressed while the fight will involve risks it will not involve u.s. combat troops. let's talk about the strategy and what the president said with congressman eric salwell on the homeland security committee and recently visited the middle east. congressman thanks for coming in. what's your take on the strategy you heard from president obama last night? >> i'm better informed now, having gone last week to the middle east and i met with prime
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minister netanyahu of israel. the president of egypt and king abdullah of jordan. with the president laying out to the american people what the threat is and knowing that we can stitch together and lead a coalition of arab nation who is are most directly affected by this, to insure that we're protected at home, i feel much more comfortable going forward. i do believe that congress must authorize any future expansion of the operations in iraq or syria. i think it's required and it also will have the benefit i think of strengthening the president's hand as we go forward. >> why don't you think that the president -- let's clarify this. why don't you think the president needs authorization right now? it was a year ago to the day that the president was talking about needing authorization to commit, to conduct air strikes in syria now he thinks he has authorization. >> we're talking about expanding the map and when you talk about
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syria and whatever isle may be, i do believe that invokes congress's constitutional authority. and i also think as i said, we will be much stronger if congress is able to buy in on this. we learned in 2003, in the rush to judgment there, that there were not enough controls on what the president was doing and i think we can put tighter controls on the president's actions, go after isle and assure the american people, we are not going to repeat the same mistakes that were made 11 years ago. >> you think there should be a vote now even though the president doesn't think he needs it? >> i think we should have a vote now and i think the president will get the authority from congress. i think the american people understand that this could come to our homeland. that there are hundreds of foreign fighters, american who is are fighting shoulder to shoulder with isle and they're only about an eight to ten-hour airplane flight away from coming back to the united states. i met yesterday, i sat in on the
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daily threat briefing with administrator pistol. i know the tsa is doing everything they can to track these foreign fighters. it's very close to our shore and we must really scrub isil over in the middle east before they come here. i think this can allow the president to do that in a much more effective and symbolic way. >> let's talk about your meetings overseas, do you trust in your meetings, and what you heard in your travels, do you trust that the coalition with regional partners, that they will stand up? do you trust that the regional actors will pull their weight, if you will? because do you think this this tra strategy can succeed in the middle east without them? >> while the threat to the united states is real, thisexis lively hood of jordan, egypt, iraq and the fighters in syria
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they have no choice. that's why i believe the u.s. can provide resources, intelligence, special operations assistance and air strikes. but these countries, they're going to have to be the ones that put men and women on the front lines and defend their very existence. otherwise, isil will just run right over them and move closer to establishing their caliphate throughout the middle east. >> congressman, the president did not talk about a time table, if you will last night. did he define the end game well enough to you? did he say enough to convince you that this will not suffer from mission creep. that will not become another iraq war? >> i think that's why congress has to act. and congress has to authorize what the parameters are for the president. the president has laid out the strategy, he's the commander-in-chief and sets the policy. but i think congress can really tighten up just what the president's authority is to make sure that we do not have that mission creep. and he can come back to the congress as we show progress and
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we shouldn't forget that there has already been progress since the president acted just a month ago, with air strikes. so i think the president shouldn't be afraid to go to congress and congress should exert its authority. >> make sure you're sending that message to your leaders, right now it sure does not look like your leaders are ready to hold any votes ahead of the mid-term election. that seems to be something they're very happy to run away from at this very much moment. congressman eric swalwell, thank you very much for coming on. it's cnn money time. chief business correspondent christine romans has news on the student debt crisis. doesn't get enough attention, but it sure does matter. >> even more americans are crushed by student debt. the analysis shows 40 million americans have at least one outstanding student loan, up from 29 million in 2008. borrowers have on average $29,000 in loans, that number is climbing every year. here are three ways to keep down the debt in the first place. number one, pick a college you
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can afford. you can't afford a mercedes education on a honda budget. number two, graduate in four years, long gone are the days of five-year bachelor's degrees and number three, speak s.t.e.m., science, technology, and math. >> made borrowing for so many things easier, but not for student borrowing. the rates are still higher, not the same incentives you get for a home. you and i agree about that. >> keep the tuition down, too. why does it have to go up so fast? >> strong point. we have more on the obama strategy to take down isis wherever they are fighting words from the president. the key question, is the plan he laid out a good one? will it work? we have reaction to the speech from a prominent republican senator looking at 2016 maybe to be president himself. marco rubio, ahead.
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we will degrade and ultimately destroy isil. if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. >> the president really doesn't have a grasp for how serious the threat of isis is. >> "ap" quoting a source saying they had shared the video with the nfl. >> i assumed it wasn't a forceful blow. >> two new eye witnesses and their spontaneous reaction after michael brown was killed. >> he had his hands up. >> good morning, welcome back to "new day," today is september 11th, the 13th anniversary of those cowardly attacks on our shores. 13 years later, another president talks about another threat to the middle east and a nationally televised address, president obama tells isis fighters, quote, if you threaten america, you will find no safe
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haven. the president vowing he will not hesitate to launch air strikes against isis targets in iraq and also syria. so he says he will deploy 475 additional troops to iraq. in a noncombat role. that will be controversial. but it makes it clear, that the united states is in for a long fight. let's bring in jim acosta live from the white house. what is the response this morning? >> good morning, chris, on this anniversary of 9/11, the president said there is no isis threat against the u.s. homeland. but he also came out talking tough, announcing his decision to order air strikes on isis in syria but the questions have already begun on just how he will get this job done. >> my fellow americans -- >> it was a cautious commander-in-chief no more. rolling the dice with an ambitious plan to wipe out isis. >> our objective is clear -- we will degrade and ultimately destroy isil. through a comprehensive and
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sustained counterterrorism strategy. >> the president's biggest leap, ramping up u.s. air strikes on isis targets in both iraq and syria. >> i've made it clear we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country wherever they are a core principle of my presidency. if you threaten america you will find no safe haven. >> to help expand those air strikes, the president is sending 475 more u.s. service members to iraq, raising the total there to 1600. add to that, a new mission to equip and train moderate syrian rebels. to make that happen, the president has been working the phones to build a global coalition, and officials say includes saudi arabia, which will host a training program for anti-isis fighters. but the president also insisted the war on isis will be different. >> i want the american people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in iraq and afghanistan. it will not involve american combat troops fighting on foreign soil.
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>> but mr. obama's decision reopened old wounds, as republican senator john mccain and the president's former press secretary and now cnn contributor, jay carney clashed over who is to blame. >> the fact that they didn't leave a residual force in iraq, overruling all his military advisers is the reason we're facing isis today. >> the question of the residual force, you know, there was another player in that, which was the iraqi government, a, b, it was the fulfillment of the previous administration's withdrawal plans. >> are you again saying facts that are patently false. >> senator, i, i can posit with great respect for you, that we disagree on that and -- >> no, you can't, because you don't have the facts. >> well senator i understand you present the facts you believe are true based on the argument you've made for long time, sir, that we should leave troops in iraq in perpetuity. that's just not what this president believes. that's you know, obviously he
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was elected president to fulfill what he believed was right for our country and right for our national security. >> looking forward, expect more debate over the syrian rebels that will take the fight to isis on behalf of the u.s. senior administration officials say they're being vetted. but republicans were skeptical before the speech. as for a timeline for the air strikes in sir yarks senior administration official says the white house is not going to telegraph its punches, but there are other questions being asked this morning chris and kate, first among them, what other countries will be involved in the air strikes on isis in iraq and syria. at this point administration officials are not specifying. there will be briefings for lawmakers in the house and senate on capitol hill later today. >> two big things that you point out, that's huge. what you just said, because if the u.s. isn't going to lead the fight on the ground, who will? and who has more to lose technically than those countries in that region who have been many say too quiet for too long.
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>> and they're not saying who is vetting the syrian rebels, either. that's another question we asked in the conference call with senior administration officials. >> and senator mccain all fired up. he got caught in a photograph with someone he thought was a friendly, turning out to be bad guy. showing the complexity, not to criticize. takes you to the second issue, today is 9/11, nobody will ever forget. this is the fourth consecutive president to address the united states people and say we're going into iraq. obviously more easily said than done. >> hard to get out. >> absolutely, sir. now when we come up in the show a little bit later on, republican senator marco rubio will join us, he's been a big voice about isis. later on, senator john mccain. so stay with us for the debate this morning. new questions this morning concerning what the nfl knew about the ray rice elevator video and when they knew it. commissioner roger goodell announcing that former rbi director robert mueller will
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lead an independent investigation into the league's handling of the domest being violence case, it comes as a new report surfacing. some say it's damning. saying that an nfl executive received a copy of the graphic elevator video five months ago. that seems to contradict what roger goodell has been saying. cnn's miguel marquez has been following this for us and has the details. >> what started off as a stream of questions and doubt has turned into a river of criticism. the nfl and the ravens now trying to staunch the flow. >> the nfl tapping former fbi director, robert muler to lead an independent investigation, looking into how the nfl handled evidence in the domest you can violence case against ray rice. mueller's probe will be overseen by two nfl owners and will be made public. the announcement comes hours after the "associated press" reported a law enforcement source told them the tape of rice violently striking janay palmer was sent to an nfl
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executive five months ago. in an interview with cbs news on tuesday, nfl commissioner roger goodell maintained the league never saw the video until it went viral on monday. >> so did anyone in the nfl see this second videotape before monday? >> no. >> no one in the nfl? >> no one in the nfl to my knowledge. >> the "ap examination says their source sent a dvd of the video unsolicited, because he wanted them to see it before deciding on rice's punishment. the "ap" said the source played a 12-second voicemail coming from the nfl with a female voice saying you're right, it's terrible. we have no knowledge of this, the nfl says, we're not aware of anyone in our office who possessed or saw the video before it was made public on monday. we will look into it. baltimore ravens owner, steve
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bisciotti admitting they dropped the ball in handling the incident after seeing the initial video. >> i was picturing her whaling on him and him smacking her and maybe her head was this far from the wall. and with her inebriation, dropped. so why did i conclude all that? because i wanted to. because i loved him, because he had a stellar record and the cops had already seen the video. so i assumed it wasn't a forceful blow that moved her head three feet into that wall. >> the league continues to insist that it reached out multiple times to police and the prosecutor's office for the video, but couldn't get it. yet rice's own attorney had a copy. in a letter to nfl club executives on wednesday, goodell says it would have been illegal for the league to get the video from either law enforcement or the casino itself once a criminal investigation begins. and we should point out that the initial video came out february 19th. incident itself was on february
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15th. the initial video of just seeing janay palmer being dragged out of the elevator, also around that time. just days after it all happened. the initial complaint clearly says that mr. rice struck her with his hand. rendering her unconscious. all of the facts were there in front of the nfl if they had wanted to see them. kate? >> more questions about who knew what when. miguel, thank you so much. chris? we have new information in the michael brown shooting. wednesday night police arrested 35 people who tried to shut down a major interstate near ferguson for four and a half hours. the same amount of time brown's body was left in the street after he was killed by a police officer. and now we get to what may be motivating outrage exclusive video has surfaced from that day taken just minutes after brown was shot. listen as two contractors who happen to be white and that's relevant here, be honest, they describe what they saw.
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take a listen. >> he had his [ bleep ] hands up. >> we understand it's not the actual event but it's two men saying what they saw. and the big thing is, his hands were up. why is that important? it's all about the moment of the shooting. and why the officer felt that it was reasonable to use deadly force. let's bring in people with real perspective from the ground. liz brown, criminal defense attorney and a columnist for the "st. louis american." and chris king, the editorial director for the "st. louis american." thank you very much, liz, good to have you here. chris, it is good to see you again. let's talk about this video. liz, i put something out there that is inherently racial. but i also think inherently relevant. what do you make of what these men say and does it matter that they are white? >> well it matters that they're white, obviously, because this
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is a political issue as well as a legal issue. this is an issue that arises out of a predominantly african-american community. an african-american child, teenager being shot by a white police officer. so it is racial. and it is relevant, given the racial component of it, because if you're looking for witnesses, if this particular prosecutor is truly seeking an indictment, it matters where the testimony comes from. they're white and most importantly, they're not connected to michael brown at all. they're not a friend, they're not a cousin, they're not a resident in the same place where he lives. so very, very important. and it adds credibility and it adds believability to the accounts we have heard heretofore. we also have to acknowledge simply because this evidence is out here does not mean that the prosecutor is going to introduce it to the grand jury. >> it's his choice. it would be an odd choice not to, seeing how he's supposed to
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put the broadest swath he can of incull pa torrey and exculpatory proof, one that shows a crime was committed and one that shows a crime was not committed. >> you end an editorial in your newspaper this morning with the notion that because of what we see on this tape and everything else we understand from the situation, that the officer involved, darren wilson, should be arrested. why do you believe that's okay? >> well it's a shame we're having mock trials in the media, chris. there's ample evidence to bring charges against officer wilson. i would probably, in our editorials we've urged second-degree murder. we probably would plead to manslaughter if he thought he was guilty. if he thinks he's innocent and he says he is, and if his supporters think he's innocent, at this point in time i would welcome a criminal trial. because his name is being dragged through the media. it was done systematically in an
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adversarial context in court, it would be beneficial and ample evidence to bring him to trial. >> ideally it would be wonderful if the justice system and the world worked the way it's supposed to. i would suggest the information is good to have out there because it pushes for a good process. and chris, you have to remember, there's a little bit of irony in that, you're suggesting what charges would be appropriate. but you don't like that we're having a mock trial in the media. you're part of the same situation you're condemning. liz, let me ask you this, though, arresting an officer under these circumstances highly unusual. it sounds right, arrest him. i would be arrested, you would be arrested. it's different with police officers. isn't it? >> well, it is, but it shouldn't be. a police officer has no more rights than any other citizen. and that's the challenge to the entire criminal justice system and that's the challenge to continuing to have bob mccullough as the prosecutor on this case. he has a relationship, not just
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with this police officer, but with the entire police force. he cannot be fair. he cannot be impartial. that's why there has to be a special prosecutor on this case. and it is very important for the public to understand and even the conversations that we have, should not be that he should be, darren wilson should be treated any differently. the grand jury determination is a probable cause determination. there is probable cause to charge this man. if it's probable cause to charge the citizen, a citizen. then it's probable cause to charge a police officer. >> you understand we don't want to mislead people and give false expectations. officers are given the benefit of the doubt in situations where they use force, because it's part of their job. they are very rarely arrested before an investigation finds they were unjustified in use of force and then they are arrested. that's all i'm saying. chris, let me ask you something -- >> but whether or not, whether or not they are entitled to
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that, there aren't any special rules that apply to citizens by virtue of their job choice. >> true. >> so if that's the case, it shouldn't be. >> true. true. i'm just saying how it is. we'll deal with how it should be. let's deal with the problem in front of us and chris you've been very articulate in saying you have to get this right. you have to investigate it thoroughly. but you must do more in ferguson and other places. do you see proof on the ground in ferguson, that the police are reaching out? that local politicians are getting more involved to try to change the culture and communication between the black community that's relevant here, and the people who are supposed to keep them safe? >> well, there's been, what i call a community of conscience, that streamed into ferguson and the canfield green area. it's been beautiful to observe. our region has come together in a way that was unimaginable before this tragedy. as for the local authorities, you know, they're on defense. the county police chief is on defense. the prosecutor gave a story to the "washington post" that
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sounded he's shown the grand jury everything, including everyone's baby pictures. so the conservative side is they're playing defense right now. i don't think it's sincere. but they're making an effort to clean up their act at least for the media glare. >> and again, that gets us back to whether or not the situation demands attention. hopefully let's be optimistic and say let's take progress where we find it. chris king, i know you will stay tuned in, please keep in touch with us so we can understand what's happening on the ground. liz brown, thank you very much for the perspective as an attorney and columnist. thank you. let's get to you michaela. >> we begin with breaking news, is a south african judge has said that oscar pistorius cannot be found guilty in the death of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp, but while summarizing the case, the judge said other charges are still on the table. we want to get to our reporter outside pretoria. >> well i've just come out because it's a lunch break. what a morning, four hours the
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judge has been reading her verdict. and the last half an hour she came out with that information. that she had decided that oscar pistorius was not guilty of premeditated murder, and murder. take a listen. >> the accused therefore cannot be found guilty of murder, that, however, is not the end of the matter. as culpable homicide is a competent verdict. >> so we going to be going back after the lunch break and she's going to deal with the cuppal homicide, kelly phelps, our legal analyst believes that the indications, the kind of messages she sent in the verdict indicate she might convict him of culpable homicide, negligent. what is important about the not guilty decision is that she is basically ruled that oscar
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pistorius did not foresee that reeva steenkamp was in the bathroom. therefore he did not intend to kill her. back to you, michaela. >> robin kernow. february 14th, 2013. up until now we've been hearing about this case, the verdicts are coming down as we hear them from the courtroom in pretoria, robin, thank you so much for that. president obama serves notice to islamic terrorists, can the u.s. count on the broad coalition he described to help wipe out isis? what one prominent republican is saying about the president's speech. senator mark rubio is next. [ siri ] i feel pretty. oh so pretty.
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yes. and i'm sitting on it. what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite...
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oh yeah, and frosted! what's your most favorite of all? hmm...the kind i have with you. me too. today is 9/11, our thoughts and prayers with those who were affected and certainly today none of us will ever forget. also a bitter benchmark to remember a especially on this day, president obama is now the fourth consecutive president talking about military action in iraq. his pitch to the nation last nit, he presented what he calls a comprehensive and sustained strategy to take the fight to isis. he guaranteed they would find no safe haven and took apart their very name. >> now let's make two things clear -- isil is not islamic. no religion condones the killing of innocents. and the vast majority of isil's victims have been muslim. and isil is certainly not a state. it was formerly al qaeda's
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affiliate in iraq and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and syria's civil war to gain territory on both sides of the iraq/syrian border. >> now, the main question will be, what do we do about them? fort about what we call them. let's bring in senator marco rubio, republican of florida, who sits on the committee on foreign relations and the select committee on foreign intelligence. >> big task, you've been critical about needing to do more with isis, you've heard the plan, are you on board? >> generally we're in a much better place with the president than we were previous to the speech, a week ago, a month ago. he's come a long way, he called isil a jv team and now acknowledged the serious threat they are. that's good. a few weeks ago he said it was fantasy to be able to arm a bunch of bankers and pharmacists and turn them into an effective fighting force, talking about the moderate rebels in syria now he wants to arm them. these are good things, i have a
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couple of concerns about the speech last night. it's a mistake to equate this conflict to what delve woo he have done in yemen and somalia. we've had success in those places, but those remain unstable and dangerous places and threats to our national security. i think isil poses a risk very different from the risk posed by terrorists in those two countries. isil is a terrorist group, and it has insurgent elements to it. they are working with people on the ground. they control territory. they've got funding and military, they carry out military-style operations. they pose a much different risk. and here's my last concern. what i didn't hear the president say last night is we're going to defeat them no matter what it takes. and that's important. because the cornerstone of this strategy is that we're going to work with local forces, the kurds, the iraqis, the moderate rebels in syria to defeat them on ground. what if that doesn't work? does that then mean that isil gets to stay? does that then mean that isil gets to continue to expand? and i think it was important for the president to say that no mat weather it takes, we hope we can
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do it with the local forces, i agree that should be the first effort. but ultimately we will do whatever it takes to defeat them. i thought that was important, he didn't say that last night. certainly i believe we're in a better place today than we were a week ago with regards to our strategy. >> good. so, if you agree that it will take whatever it takes, if you understand that it will be a long fight where the first plan may not get it done, then you are basically laying out the rationale for why congress must vote. anything that is extended in duration is fundamentally war under the constitution. and require as congressional vote. your brothers and sisters are running away from a vote and we both know why. you're not up in the mid-term. i know you have your eyes on 2016. will you push for a vote? will you vote? >> first of all, i think the president has the authority to immediately act on this crisis that we're facing. i don't think that should slow him up and i agree with the president, that he has the authority right now not just to conduct operations in iraq, but
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in syria. this this is an emerging threat this will be a long-term process, we're going to have to address. i think it's wise for thoim come to congress to seek authorization. number one because we're stronger when we do it in a way. number two in order to have a prolonged, sustained operation that it's going to require, it's important to get that congressional support. they're going to have to commit to it. >> you are they. are you going to push for a vote and will you vote yes? >> of course, i think it's important. as i said repeatedly. i will vote to authorize this action. but i don't think he needs authorization to act today or tomorrow or next week. because this is an emergent crisis, we should vote, we should give him authority to move forward on this. this is critical national security issue. we should put politics aside, it's not about embarrassing the president or mid-term elections or anything else. it's about the national security of americans. republicans, democrats, independents, everybody is threatened by this group. >> again, not because you're not clear, but so many people down
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there have not been clear, have been skirting it. the president asked for authorization last night. that should trigger a request for a vote. if there's a request for a vote, you say yes we should vote, you should vote right away. >> i've answered it four times. >> you know how many people are ducking the question, right, senator? >> i can't answer for them, you should interview them and ask them why they're ducking it i've been calling for action on this for the better part of two tore two three years. i'm glad that many of the voices of skepticism have finally come around. absolutely. this is a national security threat. we shouldn't -- it's okay to hold the president accountable for mistakes he's made. it's okay to hold congress accountable for mistakes they've made. but this is a national security threat. if anything should be above politics, it's an issue like this that threatens our national security. and if there's any day of the year that we minds us of that, it's september 11th. when terrorists come after americans, they don't ask for your voter registration card.
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>> no small irony, that on 9/11, 13 years later, we are having the same discussion we had on the day it happened, how do we stop the threat coming out of that part of the world. when you talk about what to do to take care of the threat, you get to a tricky issue politically and practically. you've been outspoken saying we have to take out isis, it's going to be harder than we think. do you think you can beat the foe without the best fighters in the world on the ground? and those would be the u.s. fighters? >> that's an open-ended question. we don't know the answer to that. i don't think you can beat them without the cooperation of ground forces from iraqis, from sunnis themselves, who have to reject this group as they did in the awakening, in the mid 2,000s, without moderate rebel elements in syria. think about this for a moment. if you defeat isil in syria and there's not a moderate, more reasonable group there to replace them, then that void will be filled by another radical islamic group like al
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nusra. so i think it's critically important that we have viable partners on the ground. it may very well, i hope it doesn't, but it may require at a minimum special operations forces and potentially ground troops. i don't think that's something we need to do right away. i think the ideal outcome on the ground it would be local forces that do the work. we need to be honest with the american people. it could require that. and the choice there is not whether we want to go to war or not. the choice there is whether we want to accept isil as a permanent fixture or not. >> senator rubio, appreciate you being on "new day" this morning, this is all about leadership now. the president showed it last night. now it becomes what does congress do to back him up on this, we'll be watching closely. we look forward to your actions going forward. >> thank you very much for having me. as the senator pointed out and you already know, today is 9/11 and the secretary of homeland defense is at the memorial site right now. we're going to go to him live coming up. there are also some
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surprising new numbers showing who is more fearful of terror attacks, it could impact some critical senate campaigns this fall. find out why on inside politics ahead. whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts who work with portfolio management experts that's when expertise happens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
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former fbi director robert mueller will conduct an independent investigation into the nfl's handling of the ray rice domest being violence case. commissioner roger goodell says he'll have full access to nfl records and personnel this announcement came after the "associated press" reported a law enforcement official sent a copy of the rice elevator video to an nfl executive back in april. goodell said they never saw the tape of rice knocking out his then-fiancee until it was released on monday. police in missouri arresting dozens of protesters following the shooting of unarmed teen michael brown. also exclusive compelling video and new witnesses to the shooting are now coming forward. the cell phone video shows two contractors near the scene screaming that brown had his hands in the air when he was gunned down. still remarkable that there are still witnesses coming forward. these men didn't want to be
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identified. they were from outside the area, didn't have any connection to the family. randy kay brought us the video, very compelling moments. >> it's a very public dialogue that's going on. people need information. >> a lot of emotion. >> a lot of politics this morning as well. so let's take you inside politics on "new day" from mr. john king. >> chris, kate, michaela, good morning. we'll pick up where you left off. with the reaction to the president's big speech last night. with me to go inside politics to share their reporting, malika henderson of the "washington post" and cnn's peter hanby. >> i thought for a republican, a conservative, a fierce critic of the president in recent months, he's very measured. he thinks the president is late to the fight, underestimated isis for a long time. but said i'm glad he's going into syriand a laid it out as a serious threat. his one concern is what a lot of republicans are saying, he doesn't think the president should take off the table, doesn't think he should use it now, the option of using boots on the ground.
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john boehner, the house speaker, said he has finally begun to make the case the nation has needed him to make for quite some time. that destroying this terrorist threat requires decisive action and must be of the highest priority, here's the part where republicans add their skepticism. a speech is not the same thing as a strategy. but you would have to say there are critics out there and there's politics at play. there is a moment for the president here. there's broad bipartisan support for what he's trying to do. >> that's right and that seems to also be backed up by polls of americans who seem to also say that this is what, this is what should happen, that there should be some expanded efforts not only in iraq, but also in syria. i think the president did his case some good. yesterday i think one of the points that we'll see over the next couple of days is how democrats come out, how republicans come out, whether or not there will be a vote. there doesn't seem to be much appetite for a vote, even though you have folks coming out and saying they should take a vote. >> that's the interesting part
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on the full authorization. congress has to vote to let him have the defense department arm and train the syrian rebels. the moderate syrian opposition. will be a broad vote like the operation in afghanistan, to authorize any use of military force. right now marco rubio said we should do that harry reid says he's going to wait to see what the house does. it takes the house a long time to do everything. because of the tea party tug of war within the conference. is that part of the cop-out, the bipartisan cop-out for those who don't want to take a full vote? >> there is an election just two months from now. >> is there? >> yeah, look, there's only a narrow window to get this done. congress goes on vacation again in a couple of weeks. >> you mean home to their districts to talk about constituents. >> of course, there's going to be lots of town halls where they engage with the electorate, one thing rubio said is he doesn't think the president needs full authorization. because rubio and mccain and lindsay graham have been saying for weeks now, that the
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president needs to just go ahead and be more aggressive. which is interesting. coming from republicans, that they're willing to say, the president should go, republicans have been critical of the president for executive overreach. but they're willing to say hey, he should have a green light to be more aggressive here. >> when this comes to commander-in-chief, they're saying he does have that authority. this is the morning of september 11th. i was at the white house on that tragic day. we reflect on where we were, our memories, 13 years later. let's look at the mood of the country. terrorism is again front and center. acts of terrorism around september 11th, do you think they're likely? 53% today say they think it is likely around this anniversary. not likely, 46%. the key thing is it's up from 2011. in this political climate, may be crass for some to discuss politics on this day. but we are less than eight weeks from an election. are you worried that someone in your family will be a victim of terrorism, women have a higher concern than men do on that question. we were talking about we came on
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the air about in 2004, when george w. bush narrowly won re-election over john kerry, the gender gap was not as big between democrats and republicans had some had anticipated, they labelled this group security moms. do we see that playing out in the mid-term new hampshire comes to mind. scott brown comes to mind. >> we already knew how important women were going to be to this election. i reached out to a pollster and i asked her what is the most important demographic of this election cycle. and she said older white noncollege educated women. they're swing voters and they decide late. and obviously i think everyone knows that this group is somebody they should target. and that poll reflects that they have concerns, not only about terrorism, but also the economy, also social security, medicare, things like that. so a very important demographic group. and you imagine this these folks who are running in these kre ve contested races have those folks
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in mind. >> president obama's eroding of approval of handling terrorism. since june has taken a significant hit and terrorism has creeped up the list as now the second most important problem facing the country. >> worries of the economy are going down, worries about terrorism are coming up and again some will think it's crass to talk about it on this day, but republicans think it might benefit them in the political environment. what about democrats in this environment. mark yudall, a democrat from colorado, he was upset because he thinks latino voters in colorado could help him. listen to this speech from him last night. i believe any expanded u.s. military role beyond u.s. air strikes in the fight against isle in iraq, must be approved by congress. i will not give this president or any president a blank check to begin another land war in iraq. an interesting statement, except the president has said repeatedly, that he's, the
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democratic, that's a democratic senator, essentially getting in the face of a democratic president, who has said he's not going to put boots on the ground. >> mark udall has been trying so hard to run away from the president on so many things. he's national security. the other day in a debate he said i am the senator that the white house fears most. when they see me marching across the white house lawn. that is -- hilariously wrong. not true. >> poppycock is the technical term. >> he criticize the president on immigration reform, wanted him to go forward with the executive action, but you do see democrats looking for distance from this president on this issue. you had beg itch saying he doesn't think that they should arm the syrian rebels this is an opportunity that the democrats are very much taken with. >>think that they should arm th syrian rebels this is an opportunity that the democrats are very much taken with. >>. >> some democrats think it could hurt them in the election. let's close with this remarkable moment.
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senator ted cruz of texas was critical of the speech last night. he went to speak to another event where would you think he would be welcomed. ted cruz was speaking to a group of christians here in washington, the religious broadcasting network ewtn recorded this film, look at the image. cruz is telling christians they need to stand with israel and the jewish state as it deals with terrorism and violence in its neighborhood. watch this. >> i will say this -- just because you say -- >> if you will not stand with israel and the jews -- >> no. >> then i will not stand with you. thank you and god bless you. >> booed off the stage, saying if they wouldn't stand with him, he wouldn't stand with them. it's an interesting moment. the organization saying with just a few rabble rousers in the crowd. if he's going to run for president, he's going to have to get used to that. >> from a political perspective in the context of the republican party the. he got some good clips, the conservative free beacon.
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pro israel wrote up a long piece about this. he's drawing a line. he's saying i'm pro israel, you're either with us or against us. for national security hawks, that's, that's a good little comment. >> keep an eye on that one going forward. a little bit of fun in town last night. mr. cuomo, back to you in new york, i want to reiterate, we hope that 13 years later things are a little different. but you see the rising concerns about terrorism. i'll say this, i remember on that morning, the uniformed secret service rushing out to surround the white house, everyone else was being evacuated. let's never forget, the first responders, the police, the firefighters who were such heroes on that horrible, horrible morning. >> well said. there's plenty of pain to go around. still, 13 years after the september 11th attacks, threat of another attack -- with are we on that? we'll ask homeland secretary jay johnson. stay with us.
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today the nation and the world remember the september 11th terror attacks and 13 years now later, americans are still facing the threat of terror. so real today. let's bring in homeland security secretary, jay johnson to discuss. he's at the september 11th memorial right here in new york. mr. secretary, thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> good morning. >> good morning. on this 13th anniversary, you're standing at a site i visited recently, and it is very moving. very emotional and brings up a lot of memories for a lot of people. i want to get, what is your message to the american public this morning on the state of security now 13 years after the 9/11 attacks? >> i, too, am impressed to be
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here. i'm a new yorker. i was present here in manhattan on september 11th, 2001. and so i have a real commitment to the mission of homeland security. and i've been here a number of times, including just a day or two after the attack. i was in lower manhattan here myself. and i've returned here a number of times, i've been to the museum. and i think it's important that on 9/11 each year, we commemorate those who lost their lives, those who courageously gave their lives. here in new york. and shanksville, pennsylvania. and in washington. and remember the importance of not letting our guard down when it comes to homeland security. because we know from 9/11, that our homeland security can be shattered in an instant. >> absolutely. and you talk about not letting our guard down.
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i want to get your take on one of, recent cnn/orc poll that came out. it looked a lot at the most recent threat of isis, and the threat to the united states. one part of this poll, mr. secretary, said that 71% of americans believe that isis currently has terrorists inside the united states. what do you say to that? >> the president, i think, spoke very forcefully about our determination to degrade and ultimately destroy isil. where in discussions right now, and we're part of an international coalition that is being assembled to take the fight to isil. it is in fact a terrorist organization, they have thousands of fighters overseas, they've acquired territory. and they've demonstrated a
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willingness in a very cruel and public manner, to kill americans, because they are americans. so we're determined to take the military fight and use all the resources of the united states government to deal with this terrorist organization. in homeland security, there are a number of facets in which we do our job. there's our counterterrorism mission, which includes dealing with countering violent extremism here in the homeland. we're worried about the so-called independent actor, lone wolf who may become inspired through social media, through reading literature. to commit acts of violence. we've got a taste of that last year in the boston marathon. i was in boston earlier this year, to commemorate the one-year anniversary of that attack. and so in my department, the department of homeland security, we have a number of efforts to try to deal with the domestic base potential threat.
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but our principal concern and our focus right now is isil overseas in iraq and syria. and we're determined to take the fight to that very dangerous criminal organization. >> mr. secretary, especially on 9/11, everyone always wonders about the safety and security of the homeland. what you just said, i do wonder is one more threatening in terms of homeland security than the other? is isis more of a threat to the united states at this moment? or is that concern over the lone wolf? what we saw in boston, more of a threat at this moment, do you believe? how do you gauge that? >> i think it's critical that we not take our eye off of any one potential terrorist threat. al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, for example, is still out there. al qaeda in the arabian peninsula has itself shown and demonstrated a willingness to attempt to attack our homeland.
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and so in homeland security and national security, we monitor all of these threats and it's important that we not take our eye off of any one of them. so i hesitate to rank one over the other. i think it's our mission and it's our priority to keep our eye on all of these threats. and so i look at the cross-section of them all. for example, we recently ramped up aviation security in last point of departure airports overseas that have direct flights to the united states, looking at the total range of potential threats to the homeland and to aviation security. and so isil right now is the most prominent terrorist organization on the world stage. but we're keeping an eye on all of them. >> i want to end, if we can, where we began this discussion, mr. secretary, on this day. 9/11 is significant to every
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american of course. but this is the first time as secretary you are at, you are going to be taking part in the 9/11 memorial services. how does the fact that you are now taking on, you're now in this position, in this role, how does it change that for you? >> well, this day, and being here in lower manhattan, resonates with me in a very personal way. i knew people who were killed. on september 11th, 2001. i consider new york city my home. i'm very familiar with this city. just here today i'm seeing old friends and colleagues like former mayor giuliani, who hired me to be an assistant united states attorney 26 years ago. so i wanted to be here on behalf of the men and women of my department, the department of homeland security, to demonstrate our continued commitment to protecting the
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homeland. >> what a difficult task that is. and how important it is, driven home more on this anniversary than ever before with the president's speech last night outlining the strategy and the threat faced by isis. secretary jeh johnson, mr. secretary, thank you for taking time this morning on this very important day. >> thank you very much. president obama authorizing air strikes in syria to wipe out isis as we were discussing with the secretary. we're now going to talk with senator john mccain he's been highly critical of the president's syria strategy in the past. we're going to talk about what he thinks today. plus, we'll ask about the fiery exchange he had with jay carney, the president's former spokesman here on cnn.
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welcome back, bad weather is on the move, so let get to meteorologist adrienne peterson. what do you see, my friend? >> the same system making its way to the northeast, look, there are two guys and the second one, even colder than the first, actually bringing snow toward montana today. two shots of reinforcing cool air, a break in the northeast that second storm making its way to the northeast, so by saturday, showers in the northeast down to the southeast from that second system kind of making its way through. here's the rainbow, right, look at this temperature clash, talking about currently, 30s in bismarck, 73 in memphis, this is the change we are gonna be talking about it notice a 20-degree drop already today for st. louis, all that cold air filtering in, even that roller coaster going to the northeast by the weekend. so definitely gonna feel a little bit of a bite in the air, 60, 70, not that big of a bite. point out, maybe you heard about this, a solar flare, a huge solar flare from the center of the sun yesterday, take some
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time to make its way to earth, keep in mind, this one is actually a very strong one. we are talking about a level g 3 geomagnetic storm. what is that? talking about minor disruption to power systems, guy, intermittent satellite navigation, radio navigation problems, ross, have communication problem there is. we will be seen lower, in pennsylvania, may see the aurora, which i have yet to see. >> i'm stuck on the g 3, whatever that was. >> a big word. >> whatever. >> not a word at all i didn't know any of that. >> i didn't either. >> why she is here. >> science. >> exactly right. president obama says air strikes in syria are now on the table to fate isis. we are going to talk with republican senator john mccain, he has been a vocal critic of the obama administration's syria policy, have much more on that. and it is not over for the nfl. they, themselves, are launching a new investigation into the ray rice case with a former fbi director taking the lead. why? well, partly after any report
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5:01 am
just look at that image this morning, good morning, welcome
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back to new day, everyone, thursday, september 11th, you are looking live at one world trade center where, of course, the twin towers once stood. it's been 13 years since terrorists carried out their deadly attacks on u.s. soil, destroying those buildings and also hitting the pentagon. all these years later, americans are still facing the threat of terror from the middle east. we see that more and more, especially today, chris. >> and last night, president obama prepared americans for a long fight against isis. that couldn't be more true. also true, he became the fourth consecutive president to push for military action in iraq. he is sending additional non-combat troops there and also says he will not hesitate to strike inside syria. so, what does this all mean? are people on board with him? what happens next? let's get to jim acosta live from the white house. jim? >> reporter: chris, on this anniversary of 9/11, the president said there is no isis threat against the u.s. homeland, but he also came out talking tough last nighted, announcing his decision to order air strikes on isis and syria,
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but the questions have already begun on just how he will get this job done. >> my fellow americans. >> reporter: it was a cautious commander in chief no more, rolling you the dice with an ambitious plan to wipe out isis. >> our objective is clear, we will degrade and ultimately destroy isil through a comprehensive and sustained counterterrorism strategy. >> reporter: the president's biggest leap, ramping up u.s. air strikes on isis targets in both iraq and syria. >> i've made it clear that we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country wherever they are. this is a core principle of my presidency. if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. >> reporter: to help expand those air strikes, the president is sending 475 more u.s. service members to iraq, raising the total there to 1600. add to that a new mission to equip and train moderate syrian rebels to make that happen, the president has been working the
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phones to build a global coalition, and officials say includes saudi arabia, which will host a training program for anti-isis fighters. [ gunfire ] but the president also insisted the war on isis will be different. >> i want the american people to understand how this effort will be different from the wars in iraq and afghanistan. it will not involve american combat troops fighting on foreign soil. >> reporter: but mr. obama's decision reopened old wounds, as republican senator john mccain and the president's former press secretary, and now cnn contributor, jay carney, clashed over whether the president is to blame. >> the fact that they didn't leave a residual force in iraq, overruling all of his military advisers is the reason why we are facing isis today. >> i think that, you know, the question of the residual force, you know, there was another player in that, which you was the iraqi government, a. b, it was the fulfillment of the previoused a minute station's withdrawal plans. >> you are again saying facts that are patently false. >> senator, i -- i can -- i can
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posit with great respect for you that -- >> you can't. can't. >> disagree. >> no, you can't. >> sir, if i may. >> you don't have the facts. you don't have the facts, mr. carney, that's the problem. >> senator, i understand that you present the facts that you believe are true based on the argument that you have made -- >> not i believe. >> for a long time, sir that we should leave troops in iraq in perpetuity and that's just not what this president believes and that's, you know, obviously, he was elected president to fulfill what he believed was right for our country and right for our national security. >> looking forward, expect more debate over the syrian rebels that will take the fight to isis on behalf of the u.s. senior administration officials say they are being vetted, but republicans were skeptical before the speech. >> as for a timeline for those air strikes in syria, senior administration official did not offer one, saying the white house is not going to telegraph its punches and chris, one new -- slightly new development this morning, as for those questions coming from congress on whether or not they should have the chance to vote on authorization for the use of
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military force against isis, senior administration official said this morning that the president would welcome what they are calling a new limited authorization fort use of military force that would specifically address the threat posed by isis and so it does seem that the white house is opening the door to that kind of vote up on capitol hill and we should point out, since it is this anniversary of that at 8:45, the president, the vice president, the first lady will be out on the south lawn of the white house to mark that occasion with a moment of silence. chris? >> all right, jim, thank you very much. i think it makes sense, especially on 9/11, that this is being taken seriously right now. and whether or not there will be a vote is a huge, huge question. kate? >> absolutely, chris. for more on this, let's bring in republican senator john mccain to discuss. senator, good morning. >> good morning, kate. >> so you've had a long night's sleep, i know. do you feel any differently about that back and forth that conversation you had with jay carney last night? >> well there were two elements,
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major key occurrences that led us to where we are today. the first is when the president decided that we would remove all troops and not leave a residual force behind. i know we could have lindsey graham and i were there in may with maliki, barzani, a and would you have to find one statement the president made where he wanted to leave a residual force behind. the fact is we couldville the second could he decision was two years ago when his entire national security team, including the secretary of state, hillary clinton, recommended that we arm and train the free syrian army and he rejected that. there's 192,000 dead in syria. i know these young men who were fighting and i know that a lot of them are dead now and it's tragic because we could have
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made a difference by arming and training the free syrian army then and now, the president wants to do it and it's going to be much more difficult. >> well, then let's look forward then and let's start there on arming the -- on arming the rebels, if you will. there are a lot of questions about what that includes right now. one of your colleagues, bob corker, started to wonder if there is enough of a moderate opposition left to really interest us to be able to take on isis on the ground in syria, do you trust the free syrian army today? >> i do it's much more difficult than it was two years ago when the recommendation was rejected by the president. it's very difficult. there are no good options here. i would like to add one other point about coming to congress. it's the difference between welcoming congress and coming to congress. bill clinton, after bosnia, after srebrenica can a into congress and supported what they
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wanted him to do george herbert walker bush, after the invasion of kuwait, came to congress and requested their support, it's in the president's interest to have debate and discussion and votes here in the congress of the united states because got to get the people behind them. >> senator, on some level is that a little bit sell man theics, the president, as you heard jim acosta say they welcome a new authorization of force, then just do it, if he says welcome it i know you support a vote, then where are the leaders? just do it. >> but there's a real difference there, because the president is saying i'm gonna go ahead and do what i'm gonna do, with or without congress. i believe that if he said i want congress' support and ratification of what i'm gonna do, then that would put the burden on congress to act so there's semantics, it sounds like a small difference, but it is a big difference.
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the other thing -- problem the president is going to have and having right now the credibility with arab countries in the region. when he said he was gonna strike syria and then canceled, i can assure you, because i talk to these leaders all the time, there's a huge credibility gap. you will notice that the announced "coalition" so far does not include any middle eastern country. >> and that's the next question i was gonna ask you about. do you trust, administration trust the reege the coalition of regional partners? don't sound like in any way, shape or form this will be a short campaign. do you trust it? >> i do if we can restore their confidence that we will act in their interest. for example, if we cozy up to iran, the saudis aren't going to go along with that the saudis view the iranians as their
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mortal enemy i we have to go and take out both basher assad and isis and that is going to be a very difficult and long-term proposition. we are going to have to restore confidence level particularly among middle eastern countries that you is not there today. >> the most immediate sense what other countries do you think should be or will be involved in the air strikes, that's one question that's not yet been answered. >> i think that you will probably see perhaps one of the -- french, i think, may -- i think others may i also think wonderful and ideal if uae, has our f-16 aircraft and close ally, but it's gonna be extremely difficult to give because of this credibility gap and it is going to be a long haul and i would like to make one other comment, kate. >> yeah. >> we keep saying that we don't see a specific, credible threat. of course we don't have a specific, credible threat.
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but we have twitter and facebook inundated with threats to the united states, arguing for people to come to the united states and commit acts of terror. and mr. baghdadi himself has said that he wants to do that, the same guy that left our prison and said i will see you in new york. so, i have no doubt that what their ultimate goal is and they are just trying to find ways to do it so they are, with view of our intelligence experts, a direct threat if not a specific, credible threat. think we are parsing words when we say that you see what i mean? >> let me ask you this then, we talk how you are a critic of the administration, now there is a strategy, senator, now that there is going to be action, i want to know from your standpoint, how are you, one of the big voices that we turn to a lot on these issues, how are you
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going to help the administration succeed now in implementing this? >> i would like to say i was a critic of the last administration. >> very true. >> then i was the brave maverick. now i'm the -- >> stale maverick. don't worry. i will always call you that >> thank you, kate. the i will be glad to support the president if i'm convinced that this is robust enough and strong enough and serious enough to really bring about a favorable result, i'm not convinced of that yet, when the president says that the situation with isis in iraq is the same as yemen and somalia that's not true, it's vastly different. this is a huge caliphate with hundreds of millions of dollars, american equipment and there's a vast difference there. so, the president, if he can convince me and i'm not yet
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convinced that it isn't gonna be just half-measures and isn't just reacting to polling numbers, i will support him because many of the things he is saying he is doing now what we have been arguing for the last three years. >> there one thing you can say that would -- would convince you that one thing he could say that would convince you? >> air strikes in syria begin tomorrow. i can give him targets. if he is worried about targets, i can give him targets in syria, excuse me, air strikes in syria would begin tomorrow. that would be, i think, a huge signal. >> do you though appreciate that he is not laying out a timetable, he is not giving those, if you will, military marching orders, not saying them publicly, he could be telling you that behind-the-scenes? >> i think it is important not to lay out a timetable, one of the biggest mistakes made was withdrawing from iraq, just because he wanted us out. and by the way, we are going to see the same situation evolve in
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afghanistan if he withdraws on a date certain rather than condition based and i would remind you, we have left residual forces in many countries after conflicts, including bosnia, including korea, and others. it's not a matter of keeping americans fighting, it's a matter of keeping american presence in forced for stability. >> a matter of keeping americans safe. >> exactly. >> something that means a whole lot more, especially talking the 13th anniversary of 9/11. senator mccain, thank you so much. good to see you. >> thank you, kate. >> michaela? >> thanks so much. give you a look at more of our headlines right now. we are following breaking news from south africa. we have just received word that the trial is back in session. oscar pistorius cleared of murder in the death of his girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. the judge says the state did not prove premeditated murder so he cannot be found guilty. the blade runner faces other charges, including culpable
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homicide that could lead to a long prison term. the judge is expected to consider that verdict next. we will have more on this ahead on "new day." a nato official tells cn this there are 1,000 russian troops still in the eastern ukraine, another 20,000 troops are lined up on the russian side of the bored we are ukraine. pro-russian rebels in eastern ukraine appear to have access to sophisticated military equipment from russia. nato is urging russia to help negotiate a political solution to the conflict between ukraine and the anti-government rebels. the nfl is tapped former fbi director robert muller to conduct an independent investigation into their handling of the domestic violence case involving ray race. commissioner goodell insist these did not see the video of rice punching his then-fiancee this week however, sources are quoted saying an nfl executive had seen the tape back in april. obviously, much more on this story coming up on "new day."
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>> if they saw the tape and they lied about it, they have got trouble f they didn't see the tape, they didn't need to see the tape to do the actions that they didn't take. so, they are in trouble. >> that's the point. most important point. >> and they are still ignoring the reality, even the ravens head, a lot of points for honesty from him, but what was his main message? i wanted to believe ray, not the woman. i wanted to believe that the woman deserved it. you know, or did. ing to bring this on. there's a culture of how we deal with domestic violence, goes so far past the nfl, this is a symptom that we are seeing here. >> what will it change? that's not where i am so confident. >> six games. six games. that's what the rule is right now. all right, new witnesses to the michael brown shooting come forward. white contractors, and they were outraged, yelling at cops, they were yelling this, here is the quote, "but he had his hands up". what will that mean for the case? we will talk to the brown family attorney. thank you for being my hero and my dad.
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welcome back. there is news in the michael brown shooting situation. police in missouri arresting dozens of protesters, planning to tie up a major interstate over the michael brown shooting as cnn obtains exclusive video showing more witnesses, key witnesses, two white construction workers reacting just moments after brown was shot and killed. they say they saw it. their reaction, screaming at police with hands raised. why? they were seeming to say it all
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just with their body language. randi kaye spoke with them. >> reporter: just after 12 noon, ferguson, missouri, the men you see in this exclusive cell phone video hear gunshots. they are about 50 feet away from michael brown and officer darren wilson. the unidentified person recording that video captured the witnesses' reaction the final moments of the shooting. both men were contractors, woulding in the area, they did not want to be identified. the man in the left in the pink shirt told cnn they heard one gunshot, then about 30 seconds later, a second shot. he says he saw michael brown staggering, then he says brown put his hands up and said, okay, okay, okay. the witness told us the cop didn't say get on the ground, he just kept shooting. that same witness described the gruesome scene, saying he saw michael brown's brains come out of his head. again, reiterating, his hands
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were up. watch how he motions on the video. the video these witnesses say was taken shortly after the shooting ended. if you look closely, you can see a police officer in the distance beginning to put up crime scene tape. both men told us by the time it was over, there were three officers on the scene, but only one involved in the shooting. another voice is also heard on the tape. the contractor in the green shirt told me that voice belongs to a man he didn't know who pulled up alongside them, yelling this -- [ inaudible ] that same contractor in green also told me that he saw michael brown running away from the police car. he said brown put his hands up and that the officer was chasing him. he also said that officer wilson fired another shot at brown while his back was turned. the contractor in the pink shirt also shared this, that a second officer who arrived later to the scene also drew his weapon.
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he said, the one cop was the one who shot him, then i saw the other officer pull a gun out, but he didn't shoot. that same worker described how brown staggered dead after the second shot 20 to 25 feet to the ground, explaining, he was like a "walking dead" guy. randi kaye, cnn, new york. >> so, that is what randi kaye has brought up in terms of reporting. what will it mean? let's bring in benjamin crump, attorney for michael brown's family. counsel, thank you for joining us this morning. what does this mean to you? >> chris, this video is of paramount significance, not because those two construction workers were not ferguson residents, not because they were caucasian, but because this is a c contemporaneous recording of their first impressions, like a play by play of what they just saw and you can't get better evidence than that, other than
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the video of the shooting itself, chris. >> now, what will be the pushback? the push back would be, well, about ten minutes after, eyewitness testimony, people are dying to be relevant, and, you know, you have to corroborate it with other thing also, do you think this could be mitigated, do you think it could be reduced in its significance? >> chris, it is their immediate reactions and a vivid illustration of how outrageous they felt this was and it is the illustration of what the people in ferguson and all over america are feeling that you were shooting at these unarmed teenagers as they ran away. then when he put his hands up and surrender, you kept shooting hip and it corroborates exactly what the other witnesses have said, what the physical evidence is saying, that he was executed in broad daylight. >> now, there's some question as to what the prosecutor will do
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with this. can you foresee any situation where this type of evidence would not be presented to a grand jury? >> i certainly cannot and that is what is so troubling to the citizens of ferguson, that we have this grand jury process that is a secret proceeding where nobody knows what the prosecutor puts forth, but if the prosecutor puts forth this evidence, the necessary evidence, we are confident that an indictment will be happened down. i want to say this, chris, there's more than enough evidence to go ahead and indict the officer for murdering that unarmed teenager now. there's no need for a grand jury. you have seven eyewitnesses now that all corroborate that he put his hands up and the officer kept shooting. that he was running away and the officer kept shooting. what more do you need? >> well, but the reason for the grand jury was so that the
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public could have confidence that the people weighed in on this, wasn't that something you were calling for early on, let the people decide this, take it out of the office? >> well, chris, every day, police officers and prosecutors charge people with crimes. you don't have to go to a grand jury. this is something that they are telling you we need. there was no need for a grand jury in this case. they could have simply arrested this officer based on the evidence that they have now. it's more than enough probable cause. and, you know, his parents, they see this grand jury and this secret proceeding as well as the people in ferguson and this further exacerbates the mistrust that they already have, that they are going to try to sweep the murder of michael brown under the rug. >> i totally understand the concerns, as you know, i've been there, i understand the mood of the people and what's motivating it, but we don't want to be misleading, cops are almost never arrested until there's been an investigation that shows the force was unjustified. and then they get arrested.
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you know it's fundamentally different as a process from what you or i would encounter. isn't that true? >> yeah and you know what's so very unique about this situation, chris, normally when these things happen, they are in the dark of night. but this was in broad daylight, you have so many witnesses see this, and as troubling and difficult as it was for michael brown's parents to watch this, because it literally is play by play of the execution of their child, they feel evidence like this, people coming for it like this, illustrates that this is a different case. you have enough evidence to charge the police officer with the killing of their child. understood. but i'm just saying, to clarify, just because the officer hasn't been arrested doesn't mean that the situation is not getting its due attention and intensity. >> you know, we want to believe that, we want to hope that but there has been so many times in these dynamics where you just
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string it along, pushing along, let time go by, hoping people forget and i can tell you countless of times that the killings of unarmed african-american teens, a, people of color, have been swept under the rug, and that's what people are so afraid of happening this time, chris. that's why we ask that everybody stay vigilant and keep demanding that we get due process. >> as you know, we will not let this story go away. it matters, we saw another young man kill there had at the same time we were in ferguson, covering michael brownful we understand it happens, we understand we have to know why. counsel, thank you very much for joining us and helping us advance the story. we look forward to talking to you in the future. >> thank you. continue to pray for the family. now, another situation that demands attention, the nfl lied about not seeing that video of ray risk nothing out his wife. so the nfl has asked a former
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fbi director to investigate how the league handled the case. the question is, can commissioner roger goodell survive this storm? an unprecedented program arting busithat partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent,
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the nfl is launching a new investigation into the ray rice case amid a damning new report. former fbi director, robert muller, is going to look into how the league handled the rice case after the associated press reported that a law enforcement official claims he sent the video of rice hitting his future wife in an elevator to an nfl executive back in april. but earlier in the week, commissioner goodell said no one at the nfl had seen the video. joining us this morning is -- i gave you a double last name, co-host of "numbers never lie" on espn two, one of my favorite sports people of all time. i'm so glad to have you here. you have been very vocal, very vocal about this i know you're getting some heat on twitter. that doesn't matter, you are here now, we can talk about it talk to me about the investigation. we know robert muller's on board, he will be leading this. is this significant to you? is it enough or is it too little, too late?
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>> this is extremely significant, if you look at the history of the nfl, they have never ousted a commissioner before. and he is considered the most powerful commissioner in all of sports. and i think yesterday, there was a certain willingness to believe this was a matter of gross ignorance as opposed to malice or willful neglect. well, now that we know and have learned that the nfl office received this videotape, the question now becomes can we believe roger goodell and take him at his word that he hasn't seen this tape? and even if he was telling the truth, at what point are we willing to accept ignorance as a defense? he certainly made it clear in investigations that he spearheaded that ignorance is indeed not an excuse at all, just ask the new orleans saints. >> that's very good point, i want to get to in a second, can goodell survive this and if he doesn't, what's to say that the next person here is going to clean up a bigger problem that is apparent within the nfl?
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>> had you asked me this yesterday at the same time, i would have said absolutely, roger goodell survives this. would it be a lasting negative mark on his legacy, of course. but what you have to watch is not only the outcome of this particular investigation, but when certain groups begin to get involved, certain special interest groups begin to get involved and start taking a more scrutinized look at what you're doing, and i'm referring to the national organization for women, when they become involve ready, a group that powerful, that's when you really have to worry, because the nfl advertisers, they are watching very closely to see how this plays out and as we saw with donald sterling, when the money begins to get pulled out of a particular league, that's when other owners who employ roger goodell, they are gonna feel more compelled to act. right now, they have his support or he has their support but we will see if that support is main taped as this investigation, as we see what comes out of it >> it's interesting, you
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mentioned about the saints, you mentioned that bounty scandal, there wasn't concrete evidence there, there is here. the video is as concrete as it gets, does this call into question every other decision this commissioner made? >> there is a certain aspect of this that feels like, you know, people are saying ding-dong, the witch is dead, as in roger goodell. you have players tweeting about how they seem to be very pleased that the commissioner's in the crosshairs. his entire time as nfl commissioner, he has been questioned about the inconsistency in which they feel he metes out player punishment and now, you have a situation where he is the one under fire may potentially lose their job and seems to be, i wouldn't call it he have year whelming, a majority but definitely a ground swell of players and people who feel like this is something he deserves, given how he has run his investigations in the past. as for the league itself, we know it is an opportunity the
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nfl to clean things up, do you think they will? i saw the numbers you put out yesterday talking about 56 players in the league under goodell's leadership accused of domestic violence and only miss 13 games, it's apparent, what will they do? >> well, he did put forth before the eye mer jones of this video what i thought to be some very strong policies against domestic violence, just given the context of what we see other leagues do, these were probably the strongest that were on paper, but now, i think even in -- not even in hindsight, if you will, but as this thing has evolved, i think that there is less confidence that those policies can be really executed in the map they're shows that the league takes this kind of thing seriously. a question that has to be asked is what will the nfl do if it's not videotaped, because it seems to be a very clear kind of -- a very wide gap between reading it
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and seeing it and i just go back to some comments i read from the baltimore president, david cass. it was unbelievable to me that he said, well, we knew that he knocked her unconscious but it was different when we saw it. why? >> jemele, we know the ravens play tonight, interesting to see what, if anything, this he will do, anything will be done to acknowledge this, if there will be any sort of movement, an ad in support of further domestic violence awareness programs. who knows, we will be watching and i know you will, too, thank you so much for joining us and bringing your inside and wisdom to this, okay? >> thank you. always a pleasure. today, a significant day, a moment of silence from ground zero on this 9/11. we are gonna bring it to you live. right. real milk. but it won't cause me discomfort. exactly, because it's milk without the lactose. and it tastes? it's real milk! come on, would i lie about this? [ female announcer ] lactaid. 100% real milk. no discomfort. when your favorite food starts a fight fight back fast with tums.
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you are looking at the site of a moment that we are all remembering. today is september 11th, of course. commemorating the horrible attacks that took place on that day in new york city, of coursele, in shanksville, pennsylvania, in washington, d.c. and we are going to observe the moment of silence that will happen at all those different areas this morning. you're watch willing one of the many different aspects of first responders who were there. we have poppy harlow in position now to tell us what it is like as we get ready to commemorate yet another marking of 9/11. poppy? >> hard for us to it has been 13
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years. today is not about a day that attacked this city, remembering the innocent lives are lost. we spoke with a girl who was 4 when her father died. she is 17 now, she comes every year, she says it helps her reconnect with her father. the aldermans, another family who lost their 25-year-old son, peter, told me they don't come but important to hear his name read, we have been 38 years old. those are just two of the nearly 3,000 lives that were lost. this city, of course is mourning, but again, we are also a symbol of rebuilding. behind me, one world trade center, is gonna open later this year and for the first time also, chris, we do know that the beautiful memorial, the plaza, is going to be open tonight for the first time at 9/11 at 6 p.m. for people to come, to remember, to mourn and this morning, the families were allowed inside the 9/11 museum, which just recently opened. they were allowed in there early, 7:30 a.m. this morning so that they could mourn in their
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own way, chris, but a day for remembering all those lives lost here certainly in new york today. >> absolutely, pop pill. the president's getting ready to come out now to begin the moment of silence. as soon as it's time, we will obviously observe it. and for all the drama that surrounded the making of the memorial and everything that happened, that has to be left behind on a day like today. let's listen in to some of the singing as we get readtoday. behind on a day like today. singing as we get readsinging a. ♪ and the rockets' red glare the bombs bursting in air ♪ ♪ gave proof through the night
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that our flag was still there ♪ ♪ oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave ♪ ♪ o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪ [ bell tolling ]
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[ bagpipes ]
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♪ >> you see there the president, the first lady and the vice president moving back into the white house. >> all the members of the white house staff there with them as well. >> everybody there, one big family today. the two other screens, obviously, the pentagon and ground zero, where now they will begin calling out the over 3,000 names of those who lost their
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lives on 9/11. and obviously irk thoughts and prayers are with the families and those who are affected, that hopefully, they found some peace and the timing could not be more poignant, that now, 13 years later, on 9/11, we are facing the threat, the same threat that caused the attacks of that day. we are once again preparing to do battle against it. >> gonna take a break. we will be right back. kill up to 99 percent of germs. and prevent plaque, early gum disease and bad breath. sfx: ahhh listerine®. power to your mouth™! i have moderate to severe it's tough, but i've managed. ♪ in fact, i became pretty good at managing my symptoms, but managing my symptoms was all i was doing. ♪ so when i finally told my doctor, he said my crohn's was not under control. ♪ he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease.
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following breaking news in morning, oscar pistorius cleared of murder in the death of his girlfriend, riva steenkamp. the blade runner faces other charges that could lead to a long prison term. bring in cnn analyst kelly phelps, outside there in the courtroom outside pretoria, south africa. what has the judge said so far? >> reporter: as you have correctly stated, she has completely dispensed with the murder charge on any of the varieties put forward by the state. so, not only has she rejected premeditated murder, all murder in the heat of the moment, but she has also rejected what we call constructive murder or legal murder, that he fulfills the definition of the law of murder regardless whether he thought it was her or not. that is all being dispensed, she found no evidence supporting those claims and she was just at the end of court today deciding on the culpable homicide charge, that which is negligent killing
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as opposed to intentional killing, although she didn't say in so many words though you are guilty of culpable homicide, she did apply the legal test for culpable homicide and found that he failed that test. so, in other words, at this point, it is a legal impossibility that pistorius could be acquitted of culpable homicide. he will certainly be convicted of culpable whom side, the negligent killing of reeva steenkamp. >> in u.s. vocabulary, that sounds a lot like manslaughter, which can still carry a very healthy prison sentence because it punishes behavior that was so negligent or reckless that is attributed and caused the death of another. what kind of penalty could be involved? >> reporter: that's correct, in terms of sentencing, discretionary sentencing not goff verred by the mandatory minimum sentencing act, the judge is allowed to apply as
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heavy a sentence for example, 15 year, down to a suspended prison sentence and no prison time. she will consult with other cases of culpable homicide in order to determine where thinks on the spectrum of severity this case correctly falls. >> give me two other thing, one, the reaction of the courtroom there and those following this to him not getting hooked on a more serious murder charge. and when the judge is all done with the other charges and she actually gets to this manslaughter charge, what do you think the outcome will be in terms of time? >> reporter: well, in terms of people's response time in the courtroom, he is there been quite an amusing response simply because the day's proceedings have been very weighty, very substantive in terms of her analysis and a very long reading out of her judgment and her reasoning. so i think people will almost a bit overwhelmed, just keeping up and following on as she was reading out and that she certainly did give a very carefully considered analysis
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before she reached that verdict on murder. i don't think anyone was particularly outraged or shocked when it came to the moment she dispensed with that charge. in terms of culpable homicide, really, there's only one option, which is guilty at this point, because of the manner in which she has applied the test for negligence. so we do expect him to be convicted and the sentencing will then depend on the sentencing hearing, where both sides will get the opportunity to argue in front of the judge why they think this should be a more lenient or more severe sentence attached to him. >> the question will be going forward, is oscar pistorius's life as an athlete over, because will he be spending that time in prison? we still have to wait and see, but big news here, kelly phelps, thank you very much. so, president obama, the big news this morning, he is laying out his plan to take on isis, as we remember today is, of course, september 11th and we are still dealing with the same threat 13 years later. a lot to cover for you. we will have much more on the newsroom in just moments.
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