tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN September 11, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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tweet me at wolf blitzer or tweet the show at cnn sit room. join us tomorrow here at the situation room and dvr the show so you don't miss a moment. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room, are the sta. >> erin burnett starts right now. >> this week roger goodell said what happens was quote, unquote, am biggous. why rihanna's opening song has been pulled. and late tonight a cia estimate just out tonight showing the number of isis fighters could be three times what the u.s. said just days ago. let's go "outfront."
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good evening, i'm erin burnett. we begin with breaking news. the nfl in major damage control. the commission and the league's credibility are on the line. espn tonight reporting that ray rice told nfl commissioner roger goodell in june that he punched his now-wife. but this is what roger goodell said this week. >> when we met with ray rice and his representatives, it was am biguous about what really actually happened. >> if he had been told by ray rice that he had punched his now wife in the face, that would not be ambiguous. and the nfl said they received the video of the assault months ago and that tape has caused outrage across the nation. and they have seen a longer version, including the audio. my guest tonight, we'll speak to
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him in a moment. and fast moving developments that are breaking here in the hour. two of the respected owners in the league, art mat and art rooney promised a thorough investigation to determine if an nfl official ever received a video of the incident. cbs making adjustment to tonight's game. rihanna was scheduled for the opening act and that has been called off. miguel marquez has been following the story. and this espn report is incredibly damaging, if true, because the nfl commissioner roger goodell said something that would be the complete opposite of it, just days ago. >> it is possibly damaging. it is a little unclear from the reporting. if you look through the entire article this relates to a june 16th meeting in which rice, his wife, two reps from the players'
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union, ozzy newsom, the gm and president of the ravens were all in the meeting. there were five different accounts of what rice told mr. goodell during the meeting. four of them said that he -- that rice admitted hitting his wife and the fifth said that rice slapped his wife. and i also say it is unclear because the opener of the ravens, steve bisciotti said earlier that he believed that rice had -- that rice had told him he had hit his wife but it was an open-handed slap and she was aggressive with him and drinking and that all of the damage was caused when she fell in the elevator and hit her head on the railing. it is not clear how much weight we can give to this at the moment because i think what roger goodell was responding to in that cbs interview was the fact that it wasn't clear what led up to the point where she fell. if you go through the entire interview, he's very clear that he's concerned seeing her
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brought out of that elevator. the other thing is you don't even need any of that because as we've pointed out before, the summons that was made publicly available and reported everywhere after the february 15th incident, it says that he hit her, rendering her unconscious in plain english. so the fact that he wouldn't have known that he hit her, either from rice's own mouth or from the police who were on the scene, just doesn't seem credible. >> no, it doesn't. and certainly the word ambigu s ambiguous, whether it was a slap or a hit also seems strange to me. up front now, abe notti who broke the story of the video sent to the nfl executive. and so we want to know what you know. you released a story that has rocked the nfl because you saya law enforcement official sent a video of ray rice punching his
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then fiancee to the nfl and you say there is a 12 second voice mail confirming the video arrived and you say a female voice says thanks, and your right, it is terrible. and the nfl said they have no knowledge -- those are their words -- no knowledge, but are looking into it. and tell me exactly what you make of that and exactly what you know. >> well that point, what we know is what i'm reporting is that the law enforcement officials sent that tape to an nfl executive in april. he got confirmation on april 9 in that voice mail from an unidentified female. so we know that an unidentified female opened the package, viewed the tape and confirmed receipt of the tape. however, we do not know if she then passed it on to the intended recipient or if anyone else at the nfl in that league office saw it. >> right. and that obviously is very crucial. and also what more do you know,
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robb, if anything about the female voice on that voice mail? was it an executive, an executive's assistant? obviously her role could be very crucial in determining what you said, which is who else might have known about the video? >> yeah, erin and i can't speculate as to who it is. my source did not know who it is and i believe that is why the nfl has launched this investigation to get to the bottom of who it was that took possession or control of that video. >> now let me be clear here. your reporting shows that the video was sent to an nfl executive. and this woman then responds to it. you know who the nfl executive is. you're choosing not to release it for fear that could reveal your source in law enforcement and people would be able to figure out your source. but what can you tell us about this executive, how high up, for example, was this individual? >> i appreciate you asking that question and i can't divulge any
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further information about the executive. >> so you can't tell us anything but you are very comfortable with the use of the word "executive", someone very senior and in authority. >> absolutely. and i've had conversations with the nfl. this is not something we reported overnight and this is something that we worked on for days and hours and this is something very credible and we are confident in. >> nfl commissioner roger goodell has been on camera and responded to some of this. and there is now a lot of questions about what he metropolitan wh -- what he meant when he said it. he said the league did not see the tape before monday. so again let me be clear. your reporting is that on april 9th there was a voice mail from the nfl confirming this tape did indeed arrive at the nfl. you don't know who might have seen it at that time but you have roger goodell telling cbs news that the league did not get the tape until this monday in september? >> did you know that a second tape existed? >> well we had not seen any
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video tape of what occurred in the elevator. we assumed that there was a video. we asked for video. but we were never granted that opportunity. >> when he takes it further and says we assumed there was video, we asked for the video, but we weren't granted to the opportunity and you report it was in his offices, what do you make of his answer? >> let's remember this video was sent unauthorized and unsolicited, so my source, my lawmaker official sent it unsolicited to the executive and it was an unauthorized copy. he could not do this. and that is why this is a -- sticky situation. and let's be clear, we never said that roger goodell viewed it and he may never have viewed any video. all my source says is this unidentified woman who saw it ant has the voice on the voice mail that i heard.
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>> and you have seen video, not just that the video we have been showing here on cnn but video from the incident that is longer, includes more time and also includes audio. what can you tell us? what did you hear? that is the crucial thing, what did you hear? >> the video that i saw was slightly longer. i believe it was audio enhanced. it was very muffled so i can hear a voice. not ray rice's voice. another voice in the background saying, she's drunk, right? ray rice does not respond whatsoever. and the voice also said no cops. obviously cops came and obviously ray rice did not claim she was intoxicated. so he did not respond at all. i did not hear him and i cannot identify the voice. >> and you couldn't identify the voice. and speaking of identifying the voice, with yu reporting and the significant report that the video arrived at nfl offices and this woman called to confirm
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receipt on april 9th, do you know anything about her? can you be sure that she worked for the nfl? if this video, even if the executive didn't see it, that it reached that office? is that something you are sure of it? >> the phone call that the woman made came from the nfl building and nfl office numbers. that is the only thing that i can be certain about. >> and you have confirmed that so you know it came from inside of that building? >> correct. i saw the number. >> and rob, when you just heard the report now that we're also reporting here from espn saying that there were sources in the room, four of whom said ray rice told roger goodell that he hit his wife, one of whom said he slapped his wife. and that that happened months ago. obviously this week he said his understanding of what happened at that time was ambiguous, does that surprise you? >> you know, erin, again, i
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can't speculate. i can only tell you what i saw and i know and i heard and report on the facts i have in this case. i believe there will be different things coming out every single day that so many people are trying to report and dig things up and find things out. so we live in a world where any kind of news will not surprise anybody. >> and when we talk about this video, the video that you're talking about, you know the call originated inside of the building, you know it was a female voice and you are not exactly sure who she was. when she comments that it was, you're right, it's terrible, is there an assumption being made, just to be clear here, the assumption is that she's referring to this exact video that was sent, right? that is an assumption? >> that is in reference to the note that was attached to the video with the note saying that this is terrible, you have to see it. >> but you are sure that it is related to this video.
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there is no chance it could have been related to anything else? >> my law enforcement official sent only that video. >> only that video. all right. well, rob notty, thank you very much. we appreciate you taking the time. a significant report there from rob in terms of that video which he said arrived at nfl offices and there was a female who confirmed receipt of the specific video on april 9th. of course the nfl said it did not see that video until monday of this week. up front now, done mcphearson, and rachal nichols and mel robinson. rachel, let me start with you. as you heard robbi going throug the video and is clear and know what he had, when you listen to that, how damning is that to the nfl for you. >> it is very damning. under the standard that roger goodell has set, it doesn't matter if he saw the video or not when we are talking about this specific instance.
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sure, if he bald faced lieond cbs and is he he didn't see it and it turns out in the course of the investigation we find out there e-mails or investigation that he did watch it, i think he will probably lose his job. but even if that didn't happen, it shouldn't really matter under these standards he has set. roger goodell has said over and over and over again to players and to -- ignorance is not a defense. when there was that scandal year ago, they were organizing bounty pools and the head coach said he did not know anything about it and roger goodell suspended that head coach for a year. for a year he took him away from his team and said ignorance is not a defense. players drink a milk shake and it has a banned substance in it, this is something over the counter but it has an ingredient that is a banned substance and the players' money gets taken away and suspended for six games
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because ignorance is not a defense. i want to know if he saw the tape. but now that i've heard the report you just did, i just don't know if it matters so much under roger goodell's rules. >> and don what, do you think about that? not only is rob notty reporting, espn is reporting that ray rice had a meeting with roger goodell back in june and he said he hit his then-fiance. four people say hit and one say slap. the commissioner said it was ambiguous at the time. maybe there was ambiguity, but it doesn't appear from the report from espn that there was any ambiguity on the fact that he struck his wife? >> the problem that goes back to the meeting where roger goodell said there is ambiguity, is that that meeting was not about figuring out how about to bring justice to this situation. this is to figure out how do we help to resolve the situation? when you have a member of the -- the ravens organization, ozzy
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newsom in the room, you are not there to adjudicate the issue, you are trying to smooth this over. so it comes out ambiguous. and what we got out of it, is she's saying we got into an altercation. >> and there is a point there where she did accept responsibility. >> which, by the way -- that is domestic violence investigation 101. >> maybe that is why roger goodell is saying what he said. >> so you set it up for it to be ambiguous. >> and erin, the idea that they interviewed janay rice and in a meeting with ray rice and with several officials with the ravens' organization sitting there as well, i don't understand how anyone thought that what she was then going to tell them wouldn't be under some sort of in fluns or duress. it is crazy they could be deciding, we listened to her. >> rachel just put it so beautifully. that is absurd. you think she is going to sit there with all of those people
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and say -- and say anything other than what she said, which is, i'm sorry for anything i did. please fix it. >> erin, you just nailed it. of course, again, anybody that has seen the video, put yourself in janay's shoes. you are going into a meeting with the commissioner of the nfl, your husband and everybody else there and say, yeah, 100% responsible, he cold cocked me across the face and pushed me around like a piece of luggage on the floor. no way. she doesn't want to be responsible for him losing his career. so that was a horrible situation. but i can explain the ambiguity and i believe -- and don just put it out there and the owner of the ravens came out and was very forth right and said we made a mistake here and my bad, i actually had a vision of what happened as being more mutual. and so i think they probably all left that meeting because of the
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way it was conducted thinking and having that fiction in their mind. and i want to address one more thing that rachel said about the fact the players are starting to become outraged and that roger goodell has a certain type of rule, which is ignorance isn't a defense. well in this case, the players don't fire him. it has got to be the owners and the executive committee has the authority under the bilaws and the -- the bylaws and the constitution if they can get 3/4 of the owners to approve it. >> thanks to all of you. ray rice's close friend joins me. he said he is very much in love with his wife and trying to repair his situation. and what happens to ray rice. and rihanna a victim herself canceled from tonight's pre-game show. and now a cia estimate says
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elevator. he told roger goodell that he hit his then-fiancee. that contradicted what the conversation was with roger goodell this week. >> when we met with ray rice and his representatives, it was ambiguous of what had happened. >> this is the inconsistencies to enlis the help of a former fbi chief to investigate the handle of the ray rice case. and questions are growing about who is leading the investigation. miguel marquez is out front. >> reporter: even before it gets underway, the investigation into the investigators of the ray rice scandal already raising eyebrows. overseen by two nfl team owners, john mara of the new york giants and art rooney of the pittsburgh steelers, can robert mueller lead a thorough and independent investigation. his law firm said he has experience handling sensitive investigations, including his service for over a dozen year of
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the fbi. he is a partner at washington's wilmer hill and has deep connections to the national football league. and the current president of the ravens, cass, was a partner for 31 years. hill lawyers help negotiate deals with the nfl and several employees have taken jobs with nfl teams. the investigation is expected to focus on several questions, including did nfl staff try to obtain the elevator video? was the video ever delivered to anyone at the nfl, and, if so, what happened once it was inside nfl offices. questions about what happened in that elevator and how the nfl got it so wrong. steve busch otty spoke about the mistakes he made when the investigation unfolded. >> we love ray rice and so we have a tendency to hear what we want to hear and see what we
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want to see. and so the misdemeanor, the explanation that she hit him -- he hit her with an open hand, the facts that she had -- was aggressive, i was picturing a -- i was picturing her wailing on him and him smacking her and maybe her head was this far from the wall and with herrin even ration dropped. >> the stakes for the ravens and the nfl enorm out. tonight's ravens-steelers game is the first of a series of nfl contests on network tv. cbs paid $275 million to same kate eight thursday night games. in a nearly awkward coincidence, cbs was set to open the show with a video by rihanna, a victim of domestic violence herself at the hands of her ex, chris brown. cbs pulled the video hours before kickoff. as a new nfl venture and season
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gets underway, many fans looking beyond the game, hoping for answers. miguel marquez, cnn, new york. >> and we are bringing a friend of ray rice on. and i know you spoke to him today? >> yeah, we texted back and forth today. >> so what did he say? >> well, listen, he committed a horrendous crime against his wife, the mother of his child. he knows it. he takes ownership of it. he's not proud of that moment. he has to do a lot of work to repair his image. he has let a lot of people down, namely his wife and daughter and himself. and he is committed to do that. and there is the ray rice who needs to go to counseling and figure it out and separately over here is ray rice the football player. >> so what is his reaction to the suspension? this key report -- you are saying you knew that he told
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roger goodell months ago what happened, that he told him that he hit his wife months ago. >> listen, he told everyone that asked in a position of authority, from the nfl to his bosses with the ravens of what he did. he took ownership of the despicable act and tried to make it right. ray rice did something horrendously wrong. but the nfl's reaction to it and how they have vas lated back and forth of what the punishment should be and what they did and don't know is wrong. and ray rice was wrong and he may never play football again. >> is he okay with that? >> i don't know. he said he's focused on his wife and child and being a family guy and righting the wrong. football is secondary to all of that. no one disputes that what he did was wrong and then the way the nfl has handled it which has become keystone cops. >> and let me talk about his
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wife. she had a statement on instagram and she regrets what happened in the elevate, and i quote here, just know that we'll continue to grow and show what real love it. and people can grow through lots of things but domestic violence is a horrible thing and a lot of those that are victims stay with the abruiser and try to stay together and make excuses. and there is an epidemic in this country and she has unwillingly become the face of it. >> she has. and there is part of me who is upset about it, and other woman who come on the show and said how janay is and how ridiculous it is to stay with him. cnn has chosen to play the video over and over and over again. espn did it frame by frame. if people really care about janay price, stop showing the
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video. what is the point of showing it. we've all seen it. you guys have shown it 50 times in the last five minutes. and espn does play-by-play on it. and if people care about it, and i hope they do, because she's the victim of domestic abuse, stop playing it. >> what do you think will happen to roger goodell? >> i think if they can prove that roger goodell saw the video. >> so do you think he needs to see the video to know after what ray rice told him. >> no. it is a lie. two separate things. no one needs to see it and here is why. it doesn't change the fundamental facts of the case. he admitted it to everybody in the room. >> he told roger goodell. >> you saw the second video. >> but you are saying that is not enough to have him not be a commissioner. >> it is not public opinion that will fire roger goodell or get him to offered to.
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the owners have to come together and they have been steadfast to him. and the video, if you care, stop showing it. [ inaudible ]. >> and here is the only thing i will say about that because it is awful it is one person. if no one had shown the video, no one would be talking about this or be aware of it and no one would know. ray rice would still be playing. it has gotten a national conversation talking about it and it's own hash tag about why they stayed. doesn't that say it. >> it doesn't need to be showed any more. we're aware of it. and three days later and now we're showing it and it is gratu tuesday and it -- grat tuittous and it should stop. >> thank you very much. and isis may have three times the number initially put out there and the secretary of
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breaking news. there could be as many as three times the number of isis fighters in iraq and syria than u.s. officials previously thought. according to the cia tonight, there are now up to 31,500 fighters. the previous number bandied about is 10,000. this comes as the united states begins the hunt for terror targets in syria. they are flighting there as part of the president's campaign against the terror groups. and now the president's total was 17 hundred and the u.s. has conducted 154 air strikes in iraq and yet today john kerry told our elise abat this is not war. >> is the u.s. at war with isis. it sounds from the president speech that we are. >> i think that is the wrong terminology. >> jim shin is in washington,
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and what have you learned? >> erin, this is a sobering estimate. doubling, tripling the number of fighters along isis and the cia saying because isis has been recruiting better in large part because of the battlefield success and it shows the intelligence gaps on the ground in iraq and syria. it happens as the u.s. embarks on what commanders and former commanders, and i've spoken to a lot of them, tell me will be a long and difficult fight. >> reporter: the fight against isis is the latest chapter in a long american war against islamic extremists. but it brings its own particular challenges. each of them problems that had kept the president from launching a broad campaign until now. with military action inside syria, the u.s. is plunging itself into a brutal and confusing civil war. isis is the enemy today but so
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is their chief rival, bashar al assad. those on the the ground in syria, the modern syria rebels and in iraq, the iraqi army are unproven forces. neither has med any significant headway on its own. >> the rebels haven't proven to be a cohesive unit and they are not very moderate and they make league with groups with al nas raw. >> and the president is sending an additional 475 advisers to iraq and raising the number of forces there to 1700. they won't be in combat but will face risk. in the air and on the ground, and the president's pledge to limit that risk by limiting out combat, greatly limits the air
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strikes. >> an air campaign can be highly effective if you have targeters on the ground, embedded with the combat united. >> reporter: on the homefront, military action that many believe will last years, will cost billions of, and disrupting and if not destroying the president's ability to shrink the pentagon resources. >> the president will have to make sure the u.s. military is not encumbered by lack of funds or resources. >> reporter: at stake, u.s. security at home and abroad. and there are 20,000 to 31,500 fighters and among them, about a dozen americans. the fear that those western fighters are being encouraged to carry out terror attacks when they return home. a u.s. official tells me tonight
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that u.s. surveillance aircraft are above the air in syria gathering intelligence for the air strikes that the president has ordered. i'm told if there are targets of opportunity they will take them. but as far as a broader erin, an air campaign, that is not imminent. >> jim executo, thank you. and joining me is joe mansion, a member of the senate committee. >> the president said the word war is the wrong terminology, but what is it? >> i'm not sure the definition of war. we are over there and engaged, dropping bombs and pushing them back and coordinating efforts with the iraqi army and the kurds, so we're still engaged. we're engaged. >> why do you think this administration, that the secretary of state and the president are so afraid of that word? >> i don't know. here is the thing. we know that isis is a threat. we all see a rising threat there
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that needs to be stopped if it can, immediately. and i'm for -- and i applaud the president on his speech last night. he laid out a plan and he was very resolved and a appreciate that. but i have a problem going in and asking for money to train the rebels, which we can't identify and we haven't been good at identifying who they may be. and they can use weapons against us. and i think there are people that can do a better job at that. i think the saudis could be help in that. i'm all for using the air strikes and using the tactical support we have and doing everything we possibly can with our drones and things of that sort. i'm not for boots on the ground. i'm not for getting in. when we get in, we're not good at getting out. we seem to be pulled in and it is a perpetual war. >> because the united states is not set on putting boots on the ground in significant numbers since there are already 1700
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there, but the president said he will not put combat troops in, there is a reliance on arming rebels. rebels who for several years have been unable to define, who is a quote, unquote, good or bad rebel, to use simplistic terms to that they didn't even know where foley or sotloff were when they went in to rescue them. and if not putting the boots on the ground is a mistake? >> well we spent 12 years. and we built up an iraqi army, we clothed them and fed them and armed them and trained them, 2,000 strong and we see what we have today. they turned and ran. with that being said, what makes you think we'll be even more successful? when are they going to show the will to support themselves. we should be worried about the attack to america and we should be attacking any threat to
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americans. to think we'll build up another rebel army which they haven't shown yet or a will to do, is not something i see right now. >> it is a threat to the united states and you don't think the local troops and the rebels, if the u.s. trains them, is it a difficult reality if the u.s. thinks this is a threat that the only troops capable of fighting and winning could be american troops? >> basically what we have, is we have our special ops, are the best in the world. we have all of the -- we have the best military in the world and the best air force. and the air power that we have. we can use whatever it takes to defend america if it is an imminent threat. should we stop them? absolutely we should stop them. but there has to be buy-in to stop them, not just to america, but this is a threat to the human race all over the world. these people are the most barbaric as far as we've seen in a terrorist organization.
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and they can't be accepted by anybody. you tell me the muslim world over there doesn't have concerns, the arab world and the saudis and the egyptians and the jordainy ands. where is the u.k. and the french? let's find out. we don't know yet, erin. i want to find out if they are concerned or if their level of concern is as high as ours. >> senator, thank you very much. i appreciate you taking the time tonight. >> thank you. >> the senator said not sure what the definition of war would be. the president saying this is not war. and coming up, it the truth being stretched to make a case for war. plus apple banking heavily on the i-watch.
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changed? >> well there is a big disparity in the numbers here. 21,000, that is over a big percentage. and what is the fidelity on this end? not a whole lot. >> it wouldn't be a big range if they really knew. >> but secondly, i would like to know to what extent do we have a breakdown on these numbers? how many do we think are committed islamic state members in iraq and syria? how many are permanent members of the organization or foreign fighters that have come into the area to join the fight and there has to be a recent upswing in those numbers but more importantly how many are iraqi tribesmen and militia fighters that are simply joined -- >> along for the ride in a sense? >> and along for the ride because they think this organization could help them in their fight against the iraqi government. those are the ones we want to peel away from the organization. >> and when you are talking about the difficulty in getting
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a real number, and a real number is important, dan, in what this group is capable and willing to do. what is your view here? you said the public discussion about isis is, quote, unquote, a farce. when you hear numbers that are so unclear, what do you think? and it looks like our shot popped out the second i asked that. when we get him back, i'll ask him. so bob, back to you. i want to ask you about the combat troops. the president it might may sense when you talk about the numbers, they're so uncertain about it, who the united states is going to be fighting. he already put in 700 u.s. troops. here is what john mccain said to the president. >> tell the american people the truth, mr. president. those young men and women are going there and they're going to be in harm's way and they're going to be exposed to combat. tell the american people the
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truth. >> what do you think? did the president tell the american people the truth? can he do this without more combat troops? >> well, see it all depends on how you define these people and what they're actually going to be doing. now, when we talk about combat troops we're talking about conventional forces, people taking the lead in the fight. an invasion force. nobody is proposing that. i think the question is how do we use these people? these 1700 people are going to be behind the lines providing support, training, assistance with equipment. the key issue is whether or not these people are going to be on the front lines in harm's way. i think that in limited numbers they should be. as far as we know right now they won't. >> so i know we have you back here, you said the public discussion about isis is a farce. there are some who say look, this is a drum beat. that the president has been pushed into this. this is not fair to describe isis as such an immediate threat
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to the united states. what do you think? >> well, i think there is a lot of clarification that is required and there are an awful lot of people who are speaking without a lot of facts to base their claims on. the notion that has been aired on television that there are sleeper cells all over america, there is absolutely nothing to base that on. the notion that they're coming into texas, as the governor of texas suggested. there is nothing to base that on. when we talked about the number of fighters i think bob got it right. a lot of these people are riff-raff who are caught up in the fight as isis expands territory. so i think there needs to be a look at what the nature of the threat is. >> all right, thanks to you, and we'll have jeanne moos with more.
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and al zaqawari. the strategy, tomorrow "outfront." our exclusive conversation with the general. thank you so much for joining us tonight. "anderson" begins right now. good evening, thank you for joining us, tonight, our exclusive interview with the mother of captured man, james foley. she talks about the faith and humanity and the passioniste believe in his country. also tonight, breaking news, a new report twos even more doubt on the nfl commissioner's claim that he only learned the details of what ray rice did in the elevator when he saw the tape of it on monday. now, espn is reporting that roger goodell learned the ugly details when ray rice told
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