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tv   Death Row Stories  CNN  September 13, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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the mill tant group, isis has done it again. the victim this time is a british aid worker named david haines, 44 years old. haines is the third isis captive whose beheading was recorded and the video posted on the internet. both haines and his killer spoke on camera. the mass execution with a video showing another man, believe today be british citizen allen milick. the british government has reacted. the prime minister put this
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message on his official twitter account. my heart goes out to his family. senior international correspondent can and congressman adam shift, member of the house intelligence committee. nick, let me ask you about this meeting tomorrow, as they call it, the cover meeting, how critical is this? >> it's the most important security meeting that the prime minister can hold. he holds it at times like this whether where there are critical actions that need to be taken. he will get this all from military and home office officials. there will be others there at that meeting. this will be a very important beginning of the day for him and being able, therefore, then, to set the agenda.
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it's very likely that we would hear from dana cameron after that. he also said these people will be brought to justice. it's the same man we've seen or appears to be the same man that we've seen or heard in the executions of james foley. he speaks with a british 5:00 acceptability. his british victim and apparently, a british executioner in. >> and bob baer, what do we know about the executioner in all of these videos and is our intelligence getting any better? >> well, this is a british problem, in particular, scotland yard, following these radical
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groups. theirs cities in the suburbs there. they come from alienated communities. very difficult on the inside. i doubt the british government has a source in this group. they have been able to get in touch with hostage holdsers have learned this. they tried to negotiate with them through intermediaries 234 turkey. they didn't think they were serious. they felt money wasn't going to make a difference and if they
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don't act pretty quickly, they're going to execute. >> does this step it up a notch for other country sns. >> the british is having their cobra meeting tomorrow and the us is very a very similar meeting at the white house right now. and, although we have a timetable of how we wanted to prosecute this air campaign against both isis in syria and iraq. i think that's going to be moved to the front burner because there is going to cat liez and galvanize public opinion in both countries. hopefully, we will do this smartly.
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we've been collecting intelligence for the last couple of months. i think you're going to see operations in the skies fairly quickly. this is not going to stop. isis does this for a reason. this is a recruiting tool. nothing brings success in their mind than these kinds of operations. we're seeing more radicalized people joiblining them all of t time. >> i was going to ask about that, representative adam schiff. just this week, we're learning from the c.i.a. telling cnn that they are now triple the number
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of isis numbers. i will take the numbers we're getting now with a bit of the caution. part of what takes place in a sunni village, say fight with us or e kill you. it's quite an effective press gang. are there people going through the motions because they had to to survive? these are people as we're seeing them on some of the sunnis in iraq. once we're able to put pressure. i think we're in the challenge of good, accurate numbers. it's one thick to say numbers, it's another to say sunni villagers will take up with isis because that's how they're running 2 place. >> our cnn correspondent in
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baghdad? are they hopeful there? >> absolutely. it's really concentrated in the northern part of the country. we've seen that taking place in the north earn part of the country. they want to see more air strikes and they do not want to see boots on the ground. they want more trainers. they need to restruck which you are and rebuild the forces.
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the o if i recollects will tell you. you cannot look at the situation in iraq. it really halted those advances. at the same time, isis were m e makimak making advances around aleppo, too. so the feeling here is that more needs to be done. it has to be an international effort. a lot of elements need to come together and they also have to realize that they have a big cart here on the political level@fight isis because the fight is on the ground. they keep saying that we are the ones who are taking 2 fight to them, but we need the support and help to do this.
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if you will, stay with us as we follow the execution of british citizen, david haynes. so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. perfect timing. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, and ten gigs of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. good calculating kyle. good job kyle. you just made partner. our best-ever pricing on mobile share value plans for business. now with a $100 bill credit for every business line you add. why not your eye color?
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insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. please choose one based oh, no,on the cover.en that. here we go... whoa, no test rides allowed. i can't show you the inside, but trust me. are you kidding me... at university of phoenix, we think you should be able to try before you buy. that's why we offer students new to college a risk-free period. so you commit to your education with confidence. get started at (vo) ours is a world of the red-eyes. (daughter) i'm really tired. (vo) the transfers. well, that's kid number three. (vo) the co-pilots. all sitting... ...trusting... ...waiting... ...for a safe arrival. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. designed to help the driver in you... for the passenger in them. the subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru.
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♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ [ female announcer ] fiber one. continuing to follow breaking news, the video posted online just a short time ago, a british aid worker executed by isis. there is a part of the video right there. nick robertson, nick, i know you had a question you wanted to
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open to the group about the infrastructure of isis. >> yes, so what i'd like for us to do is this. look, we're talking here about camera getting more robust, possibly, bringing cooking further to this coalition, taking a more active position in syria. talking about possibly the timeline inside syria. but my question is this. so if isis has taken territory, they've got basis, they've got headquarters. if we the coalition target some of those locations, what is to stop president basher alasaad sweeping in to take action on the ground. how is that going to play out? >> representative scschick, why
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don't you take that? >> we can't let these axis provoke us into one of the production that is are counter productive. we don't have it to displace us from areas in syria. we don't want to clear out isil so that al-qaida, the actual franchise in syria can move in. i think initially, we may see strikes on derived oil revenues. but i think it may be a much more limited tar get set than iraq. the threat to americans from isil is not eminent.
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what that comes to conclusion is that the president can't rely on the commander in chief to order this war campaign. he really needs to come to congress. i think the administration's reliance on this 2001 authorization to use force really rests on a slender aut riization to use force. >> colonel, nick robertson's question about isis in syria? >> well, i think it's a valid point. the only one that's going to gain as we destroy isis priegt now is ooert going to be al-qaida, in syria or the government. the free syria army is not positioned to defectively take advantage. they're too far to the west and too far to the south. so the initial benefactors of this is going to be the islamic front. it's going to be very
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problematic. but, at some point, you have to be willing to accept that as the consequence to do something about isis. we cannot let isis continue to run amuck. >> the longer isis goes on, the more it establishes itself, sort of cuts out the opposition to an internal opposition, a longer staying power it's going to have. so we don't have all of the time in the world, you know. and the colonel is absolutely right. we cannot be in a position to let his debacle. he's not a good guy. and then there's always iran which will take advantage of this, which is the last thing we want to happen, to see them move smartly in iraq and suma, you know, assume the areas.
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>> so, bob, sticking with you for a second, is it a smart move to assume syria rebels. >> they'll tell you things. it's just like the hostages were taken and sold to isis. there's no way to control these arms. once they go across the border, you can't do anything about it. it's just a rat's nest. there are no easy solutions. on the other hand, if we don't act fast, we really will have a negative effect in the middle east. we've seechb some of the smaller level groups are lending themselves to ix sis. there's a recent alliance made in the past couple of days where
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i read a group that you might have wanted or thought was much rather -- you'd rather fight and said our strategic interest in this neighborhood for us to not fight together. can you control the weapons that you may give to that group on another day when they both agreed to attack the government check point. we've seen it in the east of the country as well. they're a difficult, even ice lated isis on the fround from those thoo we want to support there as well. it's very much beyond arm's length for us to coffin troll it.
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you say we need to treat isis as one target. >> yes, exactly. it's just one group. and that move as one group. the problem is, as i understand it, the iraqis do not want us to be an army of occupation. and and the iraqiss take time. time is what we do not have. as you've heard from everybody
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here, the situation in syria makes iraq look partially organized. >> yes, it certainly does. we'll take a quick break following the breaking news. right after this.
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a>> a deplorable situation. having an opportunity to kill americans on the ground. >> let me share with the group just in from the white house, david haines' statement reads the united states strongly condemned the bar baric murder herb by the group isi lrksz. our hearts go out to them. the united states stand shoul r
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shoulder-to-shoulder tonight. >> representative, what do you make of that? >> i think the pths said it very well. it's just heartbreaking to hear from the parents and the family, or, in this case, the daughter of one of the victims. it's just a crushing blow to the human calorie. >> colonel, you said something to me during the break that i found so interesting. irksz srksz is doesn't need a coalition for us.
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>> yeah, i got an e-mail from my intelligence officer. they've said it's almost as if they want this coalition to bl build. i think we were talking about this in the previous hour. >> nick, i guess it has to do with why can't we just resolve this? and i know you had a question about that: >> one of the things that occurs to me, and, athd the end, we've all seen in.
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you now have iz latchic state on both sides of the border on the north side and of iraq. buff i guess the broader question here is what have we learned in afghanistan and pakistan that we can apply to resolving to a degree? but there are similarities. what have we learned that we can acquire here. >> i found that the failed states genders islam. it makes things worse: the
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longer dla goes orb, the more fraid you get: it starts the spread out. as far as the borders go, there is no border we go in 20 minutes. it's the same way of a lot of other borders in the reel job. the question is what is the speed of chaos? or will it burn itself it? >> we're going to pick up that conversation. the rest of you get a moment to think about it while we take a very quick break and pick up the responses after this question of
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hello, everyone. dwlad you're with us. an isis video released today appears to show the materialist group has excuted a number of hostage. the video, sbieted a message to
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the allis of america today. the executioner in directly defends david cameron. >> haines was providing help and relief in syria. a long-time aid worker since 1999. according to a paris-based league orization, that is the
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panel on him. i wanted to pick up this question on the fwraek. why can't will just putt it on that border. when isis made their move to the east, it was pretty much for spefk stoppics. that border doesn't exist. we've always say we'll take
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action against sere kwla, we would be rise to not neck yiez that border, either. >> the headings and the videos that followed of the two american journalists and how that affected the obama administration and the urgency in terms of fighting isis. >> well, i think the british people were sick of war as the mrn people were. so what they dids was abshutly stunning. maybe a year ago, of 30 pnt of the pernl people in that rien. usiing air skriek?
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syria and use chemical weapons. nobody wanted to do that. that is a huge turn around. there are not be that kind kind of preponderate u there will be. maybe it won't happen, but i expect it will. squl what are you to hear from -- i mean, how much do they want and need to get invit dane insimded. s pel.
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they are fating for every country to also assist with that. there's this sense of finaling, through the feel. keep playing sduring the region. there's this feeling that, yes, the,is s ux nni air countkucoun? region. everyone is being involved in these talks and coalition. but at least must be lickly, they deent feel there's enough to draw iran into is this. there's a feeling that those sectarian tensions plays themselves out here and
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certainly the story is the british hos pangs. what do you know about other isis being held bring girls. certainly, his life was threatened in this video. >> yeah, it's also that wo
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believe he was froo the manifest area in the mit m north of echk land. but we have very, very gull details about them. tlp are several other hostages being held. both u.s. it zens and patric patriciaish tur veals. there are amgs some other destinations. but, lairly, the con trough of the moment and the decemberty of that lo pro septsds is very much in isis's hands. for allen hamming at the
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moment the prognosis and outlook, without anything changing at the moment, does not appear to be a positive one. >> no, it certainly does. the timing, as we saw from james foley, was two weeks. and now it's been 11 days since david haines' life was threatened on that last video. you can only imagine how the family is feeling right now. are ewe satisfied with the intelligence as far as what the usz now r have oj r on iraq and syria?
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>> keep it right here and we'll see you after the break. [ female announcer ] you change your style.
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good evening. once again, breaking news that we're following is the beheading by isis of another person, british citizen, david haines, excuted by forces and posted online again. the white house is reacting tonight, issuing a statement from the president just a few moments ago. the united states strongly condemns 2 bar baric murder by the terrorist group, isil. our hearts go out to thetonight
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christopher dickey, the forge editor for the daily beast is on the line for us continuing with our panel. he's issuing that statement with parter insaround the world. are we going to see the u.s. and possibly others occupying iraq, syria. >> i definitely don't think we'll see that any time soon. not if this president can avoid it. i think he understands it would be a very, very bad idea. i think that there's a lot that the president cannot say.
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when he bolsed the coalition, there are two big problems. one of the big problems is that the members of this coalition, the arab and members of this coalition hate each other. and then they came up and said we will not only slaugter aran. if borders of the middle east are being redrawn right now. noez borders are not holding together at all.
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if you bump them the door to redo the borders in if mid lt east, it is a pandora's box. >> nick robertson, nick, led me ask you, you have covered al-qaida extensively. are there any similarity sns and what are the key differences, would you say? and the key threat? >> well, the islamic state, isis is more bar baric. they seem to care less for broader publy opinion, at least the people went awrong when they were heading people and he toned it down. so there is that difference. isis is more bloodthirs thisty, appears.
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they have been in preparation going with iraq. they had a strategy when they're willing to go to syria. they've used syria, spread back into iraq again, taking control of areas there. this is al-qaida where it want today be. that i mean're ramallying must recall people than they wanted to do. this is a far more extremist organization. >> bob, what is the attraction for young men and women looking to be radicalized. why isis? >> it's from whatever side they're alien nated on, and it
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looks like the real thing too them. they're alien nated, et aes a weak word. it owns property unlike al-qaida. al-qaida was very much want-to-bes. you also have to consider what chris dickie did. i just don't even see it coming back as a country. i think what we don't bant to to do is using the old borders and suppressing violence. we can't be defending border that is are no longer
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defensible. >> certainly a huge sas. squl i want to thank our panel, all of you, for such an sbel jent conversation and weighing in on this tragic news, the beheading of david haines, a british citizen. don't forget, cnn ppt com has all the details i. you can find out who h arks, 234, es was and is responding to his death and threats from isis mill tans. check out any time for the very latest on this and news around the world. once again, cnn tonight, our breaking news coverage continues right after a very quick break. [ male announcer ] this is the cat that drank the milk... [ meows ] ...and let in the dog that woke the man who drove to the control room [ woman ] driverless mode engaged. find parking space. [ woman ] parking space found. [ male announcer ] ...that secured the data that directed the turbines that powered the farm that made the milk
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>> hello, welcoming our viewers in the united states and around the world. isis has released another video showing the murder of, yet, another western hostage. 44-year-old british subject david haines. we are not going to show you the most gruesome parts of what we've seen. but this video does go onto show an isis fighter beheading haines and delivering a stark message to british prime minister. >> you


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