tv Death Row Stories CNN September 14, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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-- captions by vitac -- welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world to our breaking news coverage here on cnn. in the uk, british prime minister david cameron promises to hunt down the people responsible for the murder of david haines. u.s. president barack obama calls the killing barbaric. isis shows the execution of 44-year-old david haines of scotland. we are not going to show this video. it is too disturbing. but it shows an isis fighting beheading haines and delivering
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a warning to the british prime minister. >> your evil alliance of america will only accelerate your destruction. and claim the role of the o'b d obedient lap dog will drag you into a unwinnable war. >> an isis fighter with an apparent british accent threatened to kill haines if u.s. air strikes did not stop in iraq. that threat came in a video showing the beheading of steven sotloff this morning. mike haines said the following, david was like so many of us, just another bloke. david was most alive in his humanitarian roles. his joy and anticipation for the work he went to do in syria, he
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is for myself and my family the most important element of this whole sad affair. he was and is loved by all his family and will be missed terribly. british prime minister david cameron reacted very swiftly to the killing. he rushed ban to 10 downing street to take part in an emergency cobra meeting on the situation. earlier, prime minister cameron released this message, the murder of david haines is an act of pure evil. my heart goes out to his family who have shown extraordinary courage and fortitude and we will do everything in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure they face justice however long it takes. isis' latest victim, david haines, was not a warrior. he was an aide worker who struggled to help refugees from
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the syrian civil war. we take a look at david haines' life. >> david haines was a father and a husband but also a hostage of isis. captured in march of 2013 working at a syrian refugee camp. haines had more than a decade of experience doing aid work providing logistics to handicap international and working as an unarmed peacekeeperer. he grew up in the scotland proudly wearing a kilt for his wedding. his wife waits where they live. his teenaged daughter from his first marriage answers just three questions, what is missing in your life that would make you happy? my dad being home, she answers. david haines was a pawn in the game of hostages now played by isis. >> we have more on david haines
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and the british response to his killing. it's just after 8:00 a.m. in london. what more reaction or what are you hearing from leaders there? >> prime minister david cameron will hold an emergency cabinet meeting and be briefed on the situation. we're expecting a statement at some point today. we're not sure when and we'll see what the british response is to this. there are of course already a part of the coalition against isis. but so far they have refrained from actually joining in on air strikes in syria. that that may change as a result of this video and the government as always said that there is nothing that's off the table. so we'll have to see what prime minister cameron has to say to that. in the meantime, the public is waking up to the news. this is one of the morning headlines. jihadi john beheads british hostage. jihadi joan is a reference to
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what appears a british militant in the video. and there will be a lot of questions today as to who this man is and why and if british authorities will ever be able to bring him to justice. >> this isis video basically telling the uk to stay out of the fight but many experts request whether it might do the opposite and inspire the uk to get into it more so. >> a lot of analysts are questioning whether this is designed to stop the coalition or goad it on. in all likelihood the british resolve will stay the same. it will be committed to the coalition. the only question is whether it will bring in more military force to help with the coalition and if in the past the british public was reluctant to commit military forces once they see british citizens executed it may
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in fact strengthen their resolve to finally send in some sort of military support. >> we appreciate your reporting. still ahead on cnn, isis is continuing with its plan to take over parts of iraq. we take you live on the ground in iraq with a first hand look at this growing crisis. ugh. does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it. resolve it. our new formula with a special conditioning ingredient softens your carpet with every use. because it's resolve, you know it cleans and freshens, but now it also softens. so your carpet is always inviting. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you.
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breaking news of another gruesome isis beheading. this time of a british hostage. the video shows the killing of 44-year-old david haines. he was a relief worker who was abducted last march while working in syria. haines is the third western captive to be killed by isis in the recent weeks. executioner vowed more killings if the u.s. continues air strikes against isis targets in iraq. tony abbott says that the beheading is further proof that isis doesn't just do evil but kpults in doing evil. >> we have within the last 24 hours received a specific request from the united states government to contribute forces to possible military action in iraq. i can further advise that on
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friday night i had a conversation with the new prime minister of iraq, who indicated to me that he would very much welcome an australian military contribution to the restoration of order and security inside iraq. so, national security committee of cabinet has met earlier today. full cabinet has also met to discuss this matter and the government has decided to prepare and to deploy to the united arab emirates a military force. a military force that could, subject to further decisions, contribute to military operations inside iraq. >> isis has continued with its plan to take over more territory for what it calls its caliphate. i want to show you a map of the
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current areas controlled by this terror organization. mosul and tikrit have fallen to their fighters. isis can muster up to 31,500 militants. that number is higher than the original estimates of 10,000 fighters. erbil is under control of kurdish authorities but it is near the border of isis controlled areas. we go to anna koren who is live in erbil to talk to us about the peshmerga forces and iraqi forces. how are they holding up against the fight against isis? >> reporter: well, george, they're the ones on the ground taking the fight to isis. and that is how it's going to be. that is of course the strategy of fighting isis here at least in iraq. it's the peshmerga, the kurdish forces as well as the iraqi
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military that will be the boots on the ground. now to date they have been operating separately as two militaries. obviously now with this strategic plan that president obama has outlined, they will now come under the umbrella of the u.s. leadership which has been sorely lacking here in iraq. there needs to be that cooperation coordination so they are more effective. australia will be sending in 600 military personnel is what we understand. many of them will support the eight jets that they'll also be bringing in to help, we presume, with the air strikes. so it -- you know, i think it's fair to say that very soon we'll be seeing a real escalation. that on top of the u.s. personnel that the u.s. has
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announced. 475 additional soldiers taking the number to 1700. they will be training, advising, assisting in iraqis and peshmerga. this is what the makeup will look like of the battle plan. the support that u.s. air support which is so critical. u.s. central commander telling us there have been 160 u.s. air strikes around mosul dam. mosul dam was taken back by the peshmerga but the fighting is intense around the areas close to that area. >> in erbil what is the sense? do people resist or is there a sense of terror just seeing the images and videos that have been released by this group?
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>> reporter: look, certainly, five weeks ago when isis was, you know, knocking on the door, it was a place that was really quite terrified of the possibility of isis overrunning the capital of kurdistan. that is when we saw the u.s. air strikes start, obviously, to defend erbil. if it wasn't for those air strikes, isis could very well have taken over this city. but, certainly, the fighting is close by. we've been to the front line with the peshmerga not far from where we are. and while there is a sense of calm now in the city because of the u.s. air support, the fighting is close by. i think when people see these videos, obviously the most recent beheading video of david haines i think it strengthens the resolve to fight isis. nobody wants to have isis as a
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neighbor. that's what the senior kurdish officials have said. they only really need to protect the borders of the kurdistan region. but are they prepared to go beyond? and the answer is yes. yes if the united states is running the military operation, george. >> and there is a great deal of talk about more boots on the ground and where that would come from whether it comes from countries like the united states or the uk. but what is the sense you are getting from the troops on the ground? do you get the sense they are looking for more help, for more soldiers to fight alongside them? >> yeah, it's interesting, george. i think the officials know -- we are capable. we have the bodies to fight isis. i think the reality is slightly different to that. but president obama has made it perfectly clear there will be no u.s. combat forces here in iraq.
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the only role they will play is advising, assisting, you know, special forces will be brought in. they will be hoping to train up the peshmerga as well as the iraqi military. you know, it was the iraqi military that left the city of mosul. they fled when isis was coming on the 10th of june leaving their weaponry and equipment. this is equipment that the united states had provided to the iraqi military. so we are dealing with a sophisticated force that is now -- it's not just an army it's been described to us as a state. that's what the islamic state is, this caliphate they are forming and the fighters up to 30,000 according to the cia. certainly people on the ground not surprised by that figure. if anything they thought the number was a lot higher. but it's -- it is one of those
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situations, george, where, it's going to take a great deal of coordination to bring everybody together but i think in the coming days if not weeks we're going to see a serious escalation of the military plan and preparations taking place here in erbil. >> cnn's anna coren in erbil, iraq. we greatly appreciate your reporting there in that area. isis is not only brutal but it's well structured. the group's leadership puts out reports that run hundreds of pages long detailing its despicable actions and it utilizes a sophisticated public relations machine that has helped the group to expand. stephanie elam takes a look at this organized group. >> reporter: this is what we are up against. isis, the terrorist group.
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that's run like a well-oiled business. >> the way isis documents its operations shows that it is different kind of terrorist organization. >> they are not just savvy. they are sophisticated and they learn. >> watching this latest propaganda video is akin to taking in a hollywood action movie. but the action here is all too real and the isis pr machine is constantly making sure the world is aware. the images of attacks and beheadings serving as beacons. >> it raises the profile of the organization and as a result brings more money to the organization and brings more members to the organization and brings more prestige to the organization. >> reporter: making the goal of all the publicity clear. isis wants to show its dominance and recruit. >> they are competing with other organizations and by documenting
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its actions it wants to show its superiority on the battlefield. >> reporter: besides videos, isis produces massive company reports. this is 410 ages all in arabic and all in an effort to bolster its power. >> the amount of information they put out on the number of battles that they've won and the territory they control and their strategic vision of the caliphate that's new. and pretty clever. >> reporter: over slick digital magazines are in english, posted on social media sites. they are designed to lull westerners to become jihadists. >> when they go to syria and iraq they hone their fighting skills and they will very likely bring those fighting skills back to their home countries after they're finished fighting. isis wants to market itself as the cool organization that is
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waging jihad at the moment. and it is using english and social media to propagate its message effectively. >> reporter: while a dollar amount is unclear, isis has money. some of which comes from the oil fields it controls and private donors. >> isis is a rich organization and it gets its money from extortion, also it gets its money by kidnapping and receiving ransom. >> reporter: while isis has a cabinet that runs the organization with abu bakr al-baghdadi acting as president it has a government running its state. >> it has a responsibility to hold the territory it has gained and it is fight on four fronts at least. and that's -- takes a lot of energy and resources and manpower and a lot of money. >> reporter: power, money, and pr.
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has risen to more than 500 people. officials fear that could be much higher because of bodies that have been spotted floating near villages. rains started at the beginning of the month and the floods created a nightmare situation for both of the countries. for more on this very dangerous situation, ivan cabrera is tracking it all. >> we have two situations ongoing here. we have the people that are still in the path of the floods that are going to continue. the crest is going down to the south. and the ones that have been left behind. temperatures have been running anywhere from the upper 30s to lower 40s. that's 100 to 105 degrees fair hite. you are marooned and on top of a roof and running out of water. it has been a mess. let's show you what is going on in pakistan and india here as the rains have come late, really. we had below average monsoon and
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then we had a torrential downpours. let roll the videos. to show the folks what is going on down on the ground. the water is having a hard time receding here because we have had so much of it. 20 inches fell in a matter of days. three times the monthly average in september. really now in september we typically get a dryer situation. but obviously what you are seeing is atypical of september and it would be of any month including the monsoons. an incredible event with both rivers involved. the chinab and the jalem and merging into the indus. usually we can show you the clouds and following the radar. in this situation there are at this point really not much to show as far as weather here. it is clear. so the issue is people down stream are having a hard time
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believing there is flooding coming because they have not seen significant rain. but this crest will continue to head down to the south. they have to get out of the way. a lot of villages near the river here. if they don't get out of the way we'll get secondary situation with additional flooding and villages wiped away here. record levels going through the hydrographs which is how we measure the river levels. here are the rivers just engorged. almost merging into one and heading down to the outside. that is going to continue. we have the warnings that have been issued and they will expand to the south. this event will go into next week. that is just with the cresting. the humanitarian situation there will be quite some time before we get back to somewhat of a normal here for the folks in the north and central pakistan.
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update on the typhoon. it is making landfall this evening with torrential rains and winds 1030 kilometers an hour. and then it heads over into southern participants of china and hong kong as well. >> ivan thank you so much. our breaking news coverage continues on cnn this hour. isis threatens to kill a fourth western hostage. we discuss what option governments have to get their captives out.
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in the united states and around the world to our breaking news coverage here on cnn, the execution of british aid worker, david haines. i'm george howell. the sunni militant group isis has released a new video showing the beheading of 44-year-old david haines. the executioner warned of more killings if the united states did not stop air strikes against targets in iraq. david haines was abducted in march of last year in syria. he was working for a french-based aid group, agency for technical cooperation and development. will geddes is with international corporate protection and joins me now from cnn london. apologies there sir but thank you for joining me. the first question i have is this. isis focuses on collecting ransoms but are they more focused on collecting the money
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or carrying out these killings to instill fear, do you think? >> it's a bit of both, george. there are two level os the kidnappings. they have a number of foreign nationals they are holding captives and quite a lot of local nationals within iraq. but there are two levels. there are the type where they can receive or gain a financial resolution in a kidnap for ransom scenario but in terms of these videos there is absolutely zero objective to them wishing any financial resolution. they are focused on a police political agenda. >> and when it comes to collecting the money, though, talk to us just about this group in particular. it does seem they are very well funded and it seems like they make a lot of money doing this. >> well, i mean, it's estimated that isis have within their war
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chest in excess of $2 billion. now this will have been collected from a variety of sources not only in terms of the central bank in mosul which they stormed but also for quite a few ransom resolutions on a number of nationals. in terms of the financial gain or capability that isis have they are well resourced. the numbers are in excess of 30,000 and with this kind of war chest they can resupply, rearm and fortify their positions substantially. >> some countries will certainly negotiate and pay these ransoms and others won't. the united states, for example, won't. and it seems few americans are kidnapped. is that because the united states won't pay? >> absolutely. the u.s. and the uk are probably the two most resolute nations in terms of not conceding to terrorist demands for kidnapper
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ransom. and it's strong in its stalwart position. certainly bearing in mind that if they were to concede in any shape or form, ultimately they would then be putting an open season ticket on any of their nationals in the future for any other groups beyond isis who may seek to exploit the situations. >> what do we know at this point about where these hostages are being held and their conditions there? >> well we know very little, george. again this is one of the key critical factors. we know about the failed special forces rescue attempt on hostages previously. it's evident that isis are moving their captives regularly. in terms of a dialogue and i'm not party to the details of what is going on behind the scenes. but in many organized kidnapping scenarios where captives are taken they will be held remotely from the negotiators or
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communicators on behalf of the group. one of the key factors for the intelligence agencies will be to try and determine their location. ultimately in these politically motivated messages they are holding against their captives the only option will be obviously rescue missions. >> will, geddes we appreciate your insight your information. a thank you fmuch for your time u.s. secretary of state john kerry is calling on egypt to play an important role in fighting isis. egyptian support is critical because it has cultural sway in that part of the world. we have more on kerry's message. >> reporter: egypt is the latest stop on secretary kerry's mideast tour to build support for a global coalition. earlier in the week kerry was in
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iraq trying to boost the new government and he was in saudi arabia trying to enlist sunni arab support for the coalition and the new iraqi government. and he met with turkish leaders. here in egypt, the heart of the arab world, secretary kerry asked president el-sisi to stem the flow of fighters and financing that is the life blood of the group. which is why the u.s. says isil is as much a threat to egypt as it is to elsewhere in the region. secretary kerry asked egypt to get religious clerics to speak out in mosques an friday prayers. the top cleric issued a tough statement condemning isis. the u.s. wants to see more of
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that. >> we are very grateful at both egypt and the arab league have supported this coalition every step of the way. in each of the meetings i had today we discussed how we can better accelerate the efforts in bringing more nations on board and in dividing up the responsibilities. >> reporter: and just who will be doing what in this coalition needs to be hammered out. >> the u.s. secretary of state is now in paris. and that is ahead of a big international conference there on monday which will focus specifically on how to deal with isis. the news continues here on cnn. a new threat to a cease-fire. fighting breaks out in eastern ukraine. but will the truce stand? and allastair darling says the uk is better together. but as scotland decides whether to vote for independence, polls
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over seven million people have benefitted from the lifeline service. no wonder it's recommended by over 100,000 healthcare professionals nationwide. now is the time to be prepared. sooner or later, everyone falls. make sure you have autoalert before it happens. if you or someone you love would like information about philips lifeline with autoalert, call now for your free information kit and ask about free activation when you order. fresh fighting has flared up in eastern ukraine threatening the cease-fire between kiev and pro russia separatists.
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the ukrainian military fought back. local officials say two homes were also hit. ukrainian government forces and prorussia separatists exchanged dozens prisoners of wars on friday. we spoke with a bunch of freed rebels about their detention. for five former prisoners of war the first taste of freedom in weeks. it's a powerful feeling says the man. i have never felt anything like it. just hours earlier the men claimed they were in the custody of ukrainian forces. now released as part of a cease-fire agreement signed between ukraine and pro-russian separatists. we didn't believe it until it actually happened says the man. we thought they were taking us
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out to shoot us. >> what was it like when you finally called your families and told them you're free? >> i called my wife just to tell her i was alive says ivan. someone called her earlier and told her i was dead. these men support the pro-russian rebels but claim they never took part in the fighting. they say their detention, some as long as two months long was hell. from the first day i didn't know what would become of me says this man. they kept telling me you don't exist. you're not here. >> were you beaten? >> they broke three ribs. one here, two here. i'm 56. i've seen a lot in life. i just wanted them to shoot me. human rights groups accuse pro-russian rebels of beating and torturing their detainees too. the release of prisoners is perhaps a sign that both sides
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want the fighting to end. but these men say it's impossible to forgive the government in kiev. >> if the fighting continues, are you prepared to volunteer, do what you can to defend your people? worrying signs that a conflict that has divided a country is far from being resolved. donetsk, ukraine. a detained american is expected to learn the charges against him soon at a hearing today for 24-year-old matthew todd miller. he arrived in north korea on april 10th as a tourist. on entry he destroyed his u.s. passport and visa and asked for asylum. a cnn crew was asking access to interview three americans including miller. listen. >> i prepared to violate the law
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of the dprk before coming here. and i deliberately committed my crime. i have already admitted my guilt. and apologized to the government of the dprk and i have been asking for forgiveness. >> all three americans told our crew they hope for a high level u.s. delegation to come to north korea and push for their release. it's unclear how much coercion the detainees might have had when making those remarks. on to scotland where there are days left until that country decides on the issue of its own independence. recent polls suggested the vote will be very tight. that means tensions are very high. one man who knows that firsthand is alistair darling.
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britain's former finance minister who is spearheading the no campaign. >> tensions have been running high towards the end of this epic campaign. >> don't fight your people. murderer. you can't be looking for support. you not have our support. >> reporter: during a visit to a mosque, darling is heckled for the 2003 invasion of iraq. a reason for this scot to vote for the other side. >> have you found that tensions are rising a bit. is it becoming more intense? >> as people can see the finishing post after two and a half years, people are becoming more focused on not just the fact they are about to vote but the gravity of the decision. this is not like voting in a government. if we decide to leave it's
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forever. there's no going back. and we are focused on the risks and opportunities that come from staying. >> you talk about the risks. that's the accusation that it is a negative campaign focusing on the things that could create anxiety as opposed to the other campaign that is more visionary and positive. >> we have been putting the positive case, the opportunities of being part of something bigger and the jobs that come. most scottish jobs depend on the uk. the pensions to an aging population. if something goes wrong with the economy you have a bigger security. there is a strong positive case to be made. but the propositi to leave is being made by the nationalists. they are asking us to take a leap into the unknowns. >> alex hammond is being clever there. he's a charming character and he's saying trust me i'll take you through this. >> he does at times send to say
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you have to rely on him alone being right. that is asking a lot of people to gamble their children's future which might not be a good idea. this is an important issue because it is about our children and the generations to come. which is why people are passionate on both sides of the argument. people are saying why should we do that? we would be better building on the strengths and security and a strong scottish parliament in the united kingdom. >> the coalition is disparate groups who wouldn't work together if it weren't for this one issue they agree on. having been ahead in the polls most of the campaign they are pulling together promising fighters to fight off a late rally from the yes campaign. pope francis will marry 20 couples at st. peter's basilica
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today. the first he will preside over as pontiff. 100,000 soldiers who died in world war i are buried at a cemetery that he visited today. pope francis today says the battles being fought today are a piecemeal third world war. >> war ruins everything even the bonds between brothers. war is irrational. it seeks to grow by destroying. >> the pope celebrated a mass marking 100 years since the start of the first world war. still to come here on cnn, targeting the shadowy leader of isis. why u.s. air strikes have yet to mark the man who is in charge of
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the sunni militant group isis is calling its latest execution group a message to the allies of america. the video shows the beheading of david haines. he is the third western captive to be held by this group in recent weeks. british prime minister david cameron has vowed to hunt down haines' killers.
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haines' brother released a statement. it reads my name is mike haines i am brother to david haines who was recently murdered in cold blood. david was just another bloke born in 1970 to parents who loved us both. a family which we remember fondly. david and i were brought up to know right from wrong although we might not have always chosen right. david was a good brother there when i needed him and absent when i didn't. i hope he felt the same about me. he was the life and soul of the party and on other times the most stubborn irstate taiting pain in the -- he worked with the royal mail before joining the raf as an aircraft engineer. he married his childhood sweetheart and in the due
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process of time he had a wee lass bethany. he was and no doubt wherever he is proud of bethany. he served in the u.n. there are many accolades from people in that region that david helped. he helped whoever needed help regardless of race, creed or religion. david began to decide that humanitarian work was the field he wanted to work in. david left the raf and was employed by scott rail. with every job david entered into it was with enthusiasm. he met and married his second wife and they had a four-year-old daughter. david was most alive and enthusiastic in his humanitarian roles. his joy and anticipation for the work he went to do in syria is for myself and family the most important element of this whole sad affair. he was and still is loved by all of his family and will be missed
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terribly. the united states has launched some 160 air strikes against isis targets but none of the strikes have targeted the group's secretive leader. our brian todd looks into why. >> reporter: he's considered the new bin laden the man behind the isis tactics of beheadings, executions and kidnappings, but abu bakr al-baghdadi has not been in the sight of american war planes, we have not conducted targeted air strikes on isil leaders. air strikes are authorized to protect u.s. personnel and facilities and support iraqi forces a policy that has critics fuming. >> we need to be targeting the top isis military leadership. our policy has not been good enough. it's a day late and dollar short and that's why isis is a threat
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to the united states. >> the military could recommend an air strike on baghdadi but a mission to kill him would have to be approved by president obama. >> when the president gives the word it will be a formidable capability that will launch against his organization and perhaps him. >> why hasn't the president given the order yet? the white house needs the time to build the intelligence. >> as our intelligence improves and crystallizes, that our military capabilities will expand accordingly. >> so far, has there been any intelligence good enough to authorize an air strike on baghdadi? >> i'm quite certain that isis is staying off the phone and no one around baghdadi would have a cell phone or any communications. we are not well positioned to do this. >> but a u.s. intelligence official tells cnn the intelligence on isis leaders is good and there is a track record of success.
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osama bin laden in pakistan, and czar wayy in iraq. others disagree saying leaders like baghdadi brings special skills. >> what he brings is a different image and mentality mind set and we see this playing out through the group's aggressive use of tactics rhetoric and ideology. even the twitter campaign and things like this are centrally planned and organized. >> baghdadi survived the u.s. surge in iraq and in and out of u.s. custody there and obsessed with staying in the shadows. >> the threat from baghdadi and commanders is recent. a u.s. intelligence official tells cnn it is a real cat and mouse game and in this case, the cat is an experienced hunter. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> that's it for this hour.
12:57 am
i'm george howell. our breaking news coverage continues on cnn right after this short break. ugh. does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it. resolve it. our new formula with a special conditioning ingredient softens your carpet with every use. because it's resolve, you know it cleans and freshens, but now it also softens. so your carpet is always inviting. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you.
1:00 am
♪ welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. we are following breaking news of another gruesome isis beheading. this time of a british hostage. i'm natalie allen. a scottish aid worker is now the third westerner to be executed by the islamist group isis in recent weeks. david haines was abducted in syria in march 2013. isis threatened earlier to kill him if u.s. air strike dis not stop in iraq. on scattered thunderstorms they
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