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tv   Inside Politics  CNN  September 14, 2014 5:30am-6:01am PDT

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a blunt warning to isis. >> this is a core principle of my presidency. if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. >> and also a promise to a war-weary nation. >> we will not get dragged into another ground war in iraq. >> reporter: republicans share the president's goal but most also question his plan. >> an f-16 is not a strategy, and air strikes alone will not accomplish what we're trying to accomplish. >> reporter: and hillary clinton head lines a big weekend in iowa, sending a clear 2016 signal as possible democratic rivals also test the waters. >> are these iowa chickens new? ? they're from arkansas. >> reporter: "inside politics" the biggest stories sourced by the best reporters now.
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welcome to "inside politics." i'm john king. with us to share their reporting and insights, julie pace of the associated press, robert costa of "the washington post," josh crushauer of the international journal. the president received the nobel peace prize during his first year in office told the united states he'll be on war footing for the rest of his term and beyond. >> we will hunt down terrorists who threaten our country wherever they are. that means i will not hesitate to take action against isil in syria and iraq. it will take time. >> this is the no the presidency he wanted, this is not the second term he wanted. public opinion and the politics have changed dramatically because of the beheadings. is that what changed this president? >> it really is extraordinary to hear barack obama talking about air strikes, not only in iraq but also in syria, the country that he has tried to avoid going into for several years. when you look at the polls, the
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american people are with him so far. the horrible beheadings of two americans brought this situation home to a lot of people. as long as he has the public on his side he's in a good position. it is a war-weary nation and people are going to be expecting results. if this drags on for the rest of his presidency i don't know how republicans feel about that. >> george w. bush thought he could deal with afghanistan and iraq and get other things done. he became a war-time president. can this president be a wartime president and still use the final two years of his term to get this done? >> he's clearly uncomfortable with the idea of inheriting george w. bush's legacy and being a wartime presidency. he's had trouble declaring war against isis. we've heard different response toes from the pentagon and the state department. he wanted to focus on domestic policies back home but going to
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be spending the last couple years of his presidency looking at iraq and syria and it's going to have a lot of residence on how people view his presidency. >> it took a couple days for them to use the term war. secretary kerry didn't want to use it but now they say yes we're at war with isis like we're at war with al qaeda. will congress step up to the plate and authorize it? to give him, vote like they did in afghanistan and for the iraq war? >> i think so. when you look at house republicans, they're taking a hawkish slant on all of this, came out strong to back the president's strategy. do they have some quibbles and quarrels with the details, sure. republican also move behind the president, the question is senate democrats, are they going to rally behind the house? >> that's fascinating. the president gives this speech, lays out his plan, republicans say you're behind, should have done this a long time ago, glad you're finally here, shouldn't have ruled out boots on the
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ground but we're glad in the fight. mark begich from alaska, "i oppose the president's plan to arm rebels." jeanne shaheen says "a speech is not a strategy. i intend to question administration officials on their plans to implement this." the one is mark udahl of colorado, "the president specifically said this is not a ground war" the president said. mark udahl said i'll not give this president or any other president a blank check to engage in war in iraq. >> we know y it's these polls that show the president's approval rating sew low in the 30s and 40s, 30s in some of the states, 40s nationwide and that's why they want to create this distance. in shaheen's case you have somebody like scott brown who is running on this issue, in a more
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hawkish way than she is. he shoo wants to be in an oversight position over this president. in udall you had from hum trying to get distance also on immigration reform and the executive action president obama did not take over the last weeks. this is democrats trying to get some distance from this president. they think he's a drag on them. >> you can tell with the statements that they're really trying to sort this out because of all the things we thought this midterm election might be about, health care, the economy, immigration. military campaign in the middle east was not high on the list so we'll see probably some fluctuation in the statements, too. >> another thing that happens if you're in a military campaign even if it goes well in the early stages, it makes people feel anxious, that holds down right track/wrong track. that hurts the president's party. another thing that hurts robert is this if you look at will
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someone in your family be a victim of terrorism? suddenly terrorism is rising as a concern. the economy is waning a little. women are much more concerned about terrorism as an issue. that in and of itself maybe one of the reasons jeanne shaheen and al franken are trying to be a hawk. it's amazing you can go from the far right to the far left and everyone is telling the president to get tough. >> i said what are you going to do with the women vote? the democrats said similar to 2012, war on women, going at republicans on social issues. now they're looking internal polling, security moms, mothers concerned about the beheadings, they're wary of this situation, they're more hawkish than they were months ago. this matters to democrats. as they start to turn toward republicans it's a threat. >> will they just give the president changes in legislation that allows him to arm the syrian rebels and give them some
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money which he needs congressional authorization to do or will they give him a broad war authorization? >> i don't think you'll see a broad war authorization. harry reid doesn't want to have that debate and i don't think house republicans. you'll see a vote for authorization to arm the rebels, little else and steny hoyer on friday said we'll have a full war debate after the election. >> you've heard from most of the republicans they feel the president already has the authority under what was passed in 2011. i don't think they have any skin in the game in terms of a yes vote for this broad authorization. >> the president is having trouble getting members of his own party on his side. republicans are more hawkish and reluctantly willing to support the president but you see democrats, anti-war wing of a party that is open about their criticism of the plan or what they see as a lack thereof and they want more details and you
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have white house officials worried about enough democrats defecting. they want to get a much more united democratic caucus. >> the fascinating part is on the left, see if they're loyal to the president. it's interesting to watch the washington players in the republican party who are likely or probable 2016 presidential candidates, mostly in the same camp. some of their language is a little bit but most of them, mr. president we told you, you had to consider syria a long time ago. we're glad you are not calling the jv team and now say isis is a serious threat to security. supporting the commander in chief with a key but. >> what if that doesn't work? does that mean isil gets to stay? does that mean isil gets to, you know, continue to expand? i think it was important for the president to say that no matter what it takes, and we hope we can do it with these local forces and i agree that should be the first effort but ultimately we'll do whatever it takes to defeat them. >> his point was the president should not have taken the idea
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you might have to use combat troops, if the syrian free army can't rise to the challenge, if the iraqis and kurds don't rise to the challenge that you should have said no matter what we will do this. are republicans worried about being so hawkish? >> i sat down with rubio and a lot of senators. they're not worried, they think this is a pressure point with the president, they can call for more special forces on the ground and eventually bots on the ground. they think president obama is vulnerable on this because he's not willing to put troops on the ground. they think they can hit him on this ahead of the election. >> all of the public opinion polls we're seeing broad support for air strixz, we're not seeing strong public support for boots on the ground. >> i want to get this piece of sound in, ted cruz, language is a little bit more political and he brings in somebody else. >> i thought the remarks tonight continued the president's approach to this crisis, which is that they were fundamentally unserious. they were devoted to a defense of the failed obama/clinton
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foreign policy. >> clinton, right, and marco rubio will have a piece in "the washington post," also saying this is part of the obama/clinton doctrine, which isn't tough enough, which isn't something that has worked. i think for republicans, you know, they are sort of going back to the sort of default, which is to being hawks and one of the things you're seeing in the polls is they do have an advantage in terms of who voters trust more in protecting the country against terrorism. >> what was so fascinating, showing how far to the right, how far to the hawkish side the gop has become. rand paul wrote an op-ed in "time" magazine headlined "i am not an isolationist." he was a few months ago and now not, shows how far to the hawkish side. >> we watch the policy play out. we talked about this with taxes and spending issues, immigration issu
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issues, guaranteed to carry over into 2016 where we will likely still be in the middle campaign. hillary clinton takes center stage in iowa, the state that gave her a rude awake being in 2000. this week's "politicians say the darnedest things" the 43rd president of the united states telling the 42nd how it changes things. >> awesome period and get ready to also be like the lowest person in the pecking order in your family. [ laughter ] let me get this straight... [ female voice ] yes?
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welcome back. if you need a clear signal from hillary clinton about 2016 it's coming later today out of iowa. tom harkin's steak fry, a veteran from iowa, retiring for this year. this is 2007 senator clinton and barack obama, he was making his big emergence in iowa. 1996 president bill clinton running for re-election stopped by the harkin steak fry to rally democrats in iowa. this year when hillary clinton overwhelming a broond new cnn poll iowa democrats 53% want her as the party's nominee in 2016. vice president joe biden well behind at 15%, elizabeth warren at 7%, bernie sanders at 5%. she has to remember history. iowa has not been kind to
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hillary clinton. this is summer of 2006, run-up to 2008 she was at the top of the pack but behind senator john edwards. nobody was think being barack obama at this point on that campaign. on caucus night in iowa, barack obama wins iowa, john edwards second, hillary clinton third, all she can do is look on to new hampshire. >> we're going to take this enthusiasm and go right to new hampshire tonight. i am so proud to have run with such exceptional candidates. i congratulate senator obama and senator edwards. >> that was then nia-malika henderson. does she need to say something to iowa who popped the inevitable bubble in 2008? does this have to be different in. >> maybe a little of both. being there she's sending the signal that she's eyeing a run and will likely run, probably have to say "i love iowa" and talk about how important that
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state is. you know the problems with the clintons is they didn't have a real, you know, strategy, bill clinton of course skipped iowa in 1992, it was a cake walk in '96 for him and in some ways hillary clinton did the same thing. she didn't do that retail politicking that folks need to do in iowa. the question is, does she have it in her to do that kind of retail politicking that folks expect in iowa. >> senator bernie sanders, three town halls this weekend in iowa, joe biden is going out next weekend to iowa. bernie said this in an interview with cnn, if. we do not get our act together which expands the middle class, don't overturn citizens united and don't move to public funding of elections we're going to live in an oligarchic form of society. now is hillary clinton going to say that? he's essentially saying she's wall street on main street. >> that's the argument you'll hear from him, from elizabeth
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warren, you'll hear it from joe biden if he were to jump in. there's space on the left in the democratic party that is craving to be filled right now, and so you're going to see these possible candidates testing the waters. i don't think it's a bad message. i don't know if it's a message that necessarily wins an election but it's a good challenge to hillary clinton. >> progressives in iowa will be listening, is she just going to say "i love iowa" going to be nostalgic about president clinton's tenure or have key words, mention minimum wage, is she going to talk about populist ideas convincing to the activists in iowa young and teenagers when president clinton was in office. >> if you have a 50/50 senate race, i'll come back. >> it's an important race for the democrats to hold the senate. hill ray has beens resent getting in involved in helping the democrats main thein their majority. this is a chance for showing herself and her own party. it's a test for hillary, how
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cautious she is and how willing and able and eager she's able to help the team. >> i'm expecting this is not the time where she makes the point. this is a state that made barack obama in national politics. look at his approval rating in the cnn poll, 37% approval in iowa, 56% disapprove. that tells you about the president's struggled in this midterm election year and changes the calculation for every democrat. >> if you're david axelrod or david plouffe, because they love this state, have such nostalgia for iowa. we see numbers like that across the country. that's what it looks like in a lot of places for obama. >> they want him not on the campaign trail, they want him out behind closed doors in many ways fund-raising. nobody wants to really be seen with him because he's such a drag and starting to be a drag in terms of women, the core constituency. >> bernie sanders is a movement
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and message candidate. he is at 5%, he doesn't expect to peat hillary clinton. joe biden at 15%, are you just saying i'm only here in case she doesn't run. i'm only here paubecause the dae announces that he becomes irrelevant in washington as vice president. >> look at the speech biden gave about isis, the passion he showed, we'll follow them to the gates of hell. activists in the democratic party saying we're with clinton, she's our front-runner but martin o'malley, amy klobuchar from minnesota, bernie sanders, there's room for a battle. >> clinton wants people to run. she doesn't want to be out there by herself probably because you don't want all the attention if you're running and she wants to get in the groove so she can get tested. >> i bet bill clinton will tell other people to run but not jerri brown. it was back in 1992. one more break. tomorrow's news today. our reporters and their notebooks get you out ahead of the big political news still to
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someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. let's head around the "inside politics" table and ask our great reporters to share news from the notebooks. julie pace? >> ebola is back on the president's schedule. the. the is going to be heading to atlanta to go to the cdc to get a briefing on ebola and why he
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feels this is in the national security interest of the united states to be dealing with. this is one of the times we give the white house a little bit of credit for good management, an issue that has fallen off the radar. they want to be prepared and be able to say even in the middle of everything else going on, this is something the president was focusing on. >> robert costa? >> in the republican party this week john boehner center stage, has to pass a government funding bill and get some legislation passed to get the president's strategy through congress. i think boehner has the political capital now to do both and with eric cantor gone he's becoming the face for the republican party ahead of the midterm elections. maybe reluctant. he doesn't want to have a newt gingrich style campaign branded around him. he is the leader and in control. >> josh? >> republican ad makers are rushing to put up ads attacking democratic candidates as weak on national security, see the polls shifting dramatically on the issue and even mitch mcconnell is up with a campaign ad that
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has photos of isis fighters portraying his democratic challenger allison grimes as inexperienced. there are four senators on the republican side with military experience. expect to hear them talking about in the closing weeks of the campaign >> nia? >> michelle obama is the keeper of the obama flame, she will use the phrase "fired up and ready to go" we remember from 2008. they very much want her to be out there. i talk to folks in the east wing, she will be campaigning for congress folks, campaigning for governors, and as well campaigning for representatives as well. they very much think that she is still someone that can fire up the base, african-americans, latinos and women. she was down in georgia, this is a state with a large african-american population. she was campaigning for michelle nunn and also be in iowa.
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speaking of iowa, the state that she'll be campaigning next month for bruce braley. >> i'll close with this, a big upset this past week in massachusetts could cost the republicans a rare chance for a house pickup in relatively blue new england. at issue was john tierney, democratic incumbent in the north shore district lost his primary to seth molten. republicans hoped for a rematch. tierney just won then in the 2012 presidential year. republicans thought they could get him in a more republican leading year. they think molten will win that seat. he doesn't have the baggage of incumbency, when terror is rising as an issue. republicans thinking one seat they might pick up might be slipping away. that's it for "inside politics." thanks for sharing your sunday morning. "state of the union" with candy "state of the union" with candy crowley starts right now.
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-- captions by vitac -- another barbaric act by isis renews international fury. today -- >> they are not muslims. they are monsters. >> a british aide worker becomes the third westerner beheaded by isis. we talk with white house chief of staff denis mcdonough about a u.s.-led war without u.s.-led combat troops. then, what it will take to bring down isis and who can the u.s. trust to join the fight? two veterans of the war in iraq, retired major general paul eaton and retired general james dubik will join us. plus on any given sunday it's about football. this woke, it's about violence against women. senator amy klobuchar and "the washington p s


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