tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN September 15, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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customers directly to apply the patch. >> could they call everyone? probably. it may take a little while, but is it the right thing to do? >> reporter: jake tapper, cnn, washington. >> i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." erin burnett outfront starts right now. outfront, breaking news. the united states launching its first air strikes against isis near the capital of iraq in baghdad. a live report coming up. plus, audio of isis talking to convicted terrorists about americans. hear that tape and the code words they use. ray rice wants his suspension overturned as outrage grows over adrian peterson. he's charged with child abuse. so why is he playing this sunday? let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett.
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the first american air zrieks on isis near baghdad tonight, this as the united states is trying to build support for its war against isis. but consider this. more than 40 countries have signed on to the coalition against isis. that's good news for the united states, right? well, not so fast. so far, none are committing those all-important troops on the ground. that is the president's chief of staff says those ground troops are required. plus, isis says more americans' lives are on the line tonight and the hunt is on for the man who beheaded three western hostages. we are in washington tonight. jim, first the breaking news. what can you tell us about these new air strikes near baghdad? >> well, i've spoken to a senior u.s. official a few moments ago. the strikes took place southwest of baghdad. this was in support of iraqi forces that came under fire there. so in effect they pulled in close air support from u.s.
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military aircraft and they came out answered that call. i'm told by this official this is not the beginning of a big offensive near baghdad, along the lines of what we saw, for instance, near the mosul dam, this was specific to the events today and specific to that request to answer iraqi troops in danger. >> so obviously the big question here, though, is on troops and the fact that the coalition is getting bigger and bigger but yet no ground troops have been committed, which as we heard the chief of staff for the president of the united states saying are required. no one else is stepping up. >> no. when they do, it's interesting, secretary kerry said he did have commitments, the u.s. did have commitments, for grouped forces. so i spoke to the state department, pentagon officials. they say the forces he was speaking of are indigenous forces, iraqi military, kurdish, peshmerga and trained syrian rebels. those are the ground forces that they're discussing.
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it's not going to be a western nation, as we know, not the u.s. it won't be another arab nation putting their troops in danger on the ground. >> of course the question will be whether the president can achieve the mission of destroying isis without ground troops or american ones. and what about who america is working with. will the u.s. be working directly with sair area or iran? >> communicating but not cooperating. that's what we hear. on iran, the secretary speaking today of back channel communications and surprisingly even on syria, the way the secretary described it as there are ways in his words to communicate to avoid, again in his words, bad things happening in effect shooting at each other. that sort of communication, the very minimum. it's not like they're going to be sitting in a command center somewhere sharing intelligence, picking out targets, et cetera. >> thank you very much, jim. tonight another gruesome beheading captured on video we isis, a british aid worke ework.
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brian todd is "outfront". >> reporter: he's a menacing figure, all too familiar to us now. >> this british man has to pay the price. >> this man has become the boogeyman that scares the west. >> reporter: shortly before the execution of david haines, the isis militant in the video threatens david cameron. >> your evil allies with america who continues to strike the muslims of iraq have moos recently bombed the dam of mo l mosul. >> there's a reason the militant calls cameron's government the lap dog of the americans. >> the british government isn't carrying out the attacks against isis. it's the americans. he's trying to link the two together. because those are who the hostages he has. >> reporter: after haines' execution, the militant threatens to kill allen henning, the reference to the haditha dam
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bombing references to when this was made. within the last week. in james foley video, you can see things in the background. in the foley and sotloff, specific topography is shown. >> in the haines video you can't see anything, just sky and dirt. >> does it tell you they're trying to be more cautious? >> absolutely. they're trying to be much more cautious on where they are shooting these videos. they don't want to actually give away their position to american and british intelligence. >> cnn national security analyst peter bergen says british officials have told him prime minister cameron knows this man's identity. but a british official tells me they won't reveal it publicly. the official says it's for security and operational reasons. >> they're running operations right now not only to try to figure out where he is but others who are working with him. they may be working with his family to try to lure him back home. >> could there be a rescue mission for allen henning? britain's foreign secretary has tried to downplay that possibility, telling reporters
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about henning, quote, we don't know where he is. erin? >> daniel benjamin served during president obama's first term. steven hadley served under president george w. bush and serves on raytheon. steven, the beheading videos, very have moved the american public, almost every american is aware of them and perhaps because of that the public supports military action in iraq. is the u.s. in danger of going to war over the videos? >> i don't think so. i think this issue has been brewing for a long time. for three years some of us have been saying the longer this goes the more people that die, the more extreme it will get, more destabilized the neighbors, the more it will unsettle and open the door for al qaeda. regrettably that's what's happened. there has been' three-year debate on whether we should do more on syria. the president is clearly agonized about it.
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he's reached a decision and i support it. and i think the increase in the intelligence estimates of isis from 10,000 to 15,000 to maybe 20,000 to 30,000 fighters shows the urgency of getting on with the business of degrading this terrorist threat. >> and daniel, on this issue of the threat that isis truly poses to the united states, the obama add minute straik is making the case that isis is unprecedented. here are very, very high members of this administration. >> there's a dangerous, dangerous ideology of a brutality, barbaric nature that we've not seen before. >> isil is an animal unto itself. >> these terrorists are unique in their brutality. >> unique in their brutality. dan, are they overselling the threat? >> well, i think there was a lack of message discipline here. i don't think that this is the terrorist group to end all terrorist groups. they are extraordinarily brutal.
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that's part of their way of advertising themselves in the way of drawing in recruits. and i think the president appropriately has kind of set some boundaries on what it is that will be said about isis. i think that, you know, the american public as a result of some of those statements but also an awful lot of really lurid commentary has gotten a mistaken view of what isis is. there's no question it's a big regional threat. it's destabilizing. but it its threat to the u.s. at home is quite limited, as other -- >> so is a case for war being overstated and oversold? i mean, tlair they're using words like brutality and barbaric to win over the public. >> well, the group clearly is brutal and barbaric and the
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atrocities its committed speak for themselves. what bothers me is the extent to which the jump has been made that suggests this is a threat to the u.s. at home. that's not demonstrated yet. i think many intelligence analysts have made that clear. >> that's interesting you say that's not demonstrated yet. stephen, when president bush made his case for war, he spoke about intelligence that saddam hussein was trying to buy uranium for nuclear weapons. that intelligence turned out to be wrong. you believe that war was justified regardless. but my question is, is the administration at risk of rushing before they have the facts nailed down, before they can make the complete case about the isis threat? >> no, i don't think so. i think they have a lot of facts about isis. i think what is unique about this organization is not just its brutality but the fact we have an organization now that controls a large swath of territory bordering on sides of the border between iraq and
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syria that has now 20,000 to 30,000 fighters by the intelligence community estimates. it is largely self-funded because it has oil that it can sell, it has banks it's been taken over. it's got an extortion ring. and they are a threat to our interests. we've seen it's a threat to our citizens. threats to some of our longstanding allies in the region. and the problem when you have a group that controls territory is they have the stability and the sanctuary from which to plan terrorist attacks. what we know about these groups is that ultimately they get to the united states because it is the united states, as the president said, is the only country that can lead the coalition against them. so i don't think this is premature at all. i think what the president is doing is something george bush talked about, fighting the terrorists abroad so we don't have to fight them at home. >> which is a key argument. general mcchrystal obviously was one of the leader against the counterinsurgency in iraq. on friday he told me the threat of isis is as bad as anything he
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saw in iraq. and he does think it's a threat to the united states. what case still needs to be made? what facts do you still need to say, they've got their ducks lined up, this is a real argument for war? >> what i'm objecting to is some of the hysteria we've heard from washington about sleeper cells honeycombing our cities, bombs that are going to destroy whole cities, an imminent terror threat at home. i think it's the right thing to take action, but we should understand what it is we're doing and understand the slippery slope we may be getting onto. >> thanks so much fto both of you. "outfront" next, breaking news, the fbi audio of a convicted terrorist using code words to plan attacks against americans. >> but look, i'm not getting. i need to let you go real quick. >> more of our exclusive audio,
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the secret ways isis talks to one another. they talk in code about mrabiplg attacks against america. debra feyerick is "outfront." >> reporter: the boston man wanted for questioning in connection with isis and its grisly propaganda spoke frequently with friends about waging ji hhad in america. many often spoke in code according to court documents. culinary school was code for training camps. peanut butter and jelly code for jihad. listen as one speaks to another english speaker in somalia who tells him to come fight. >> right now i'm in a culinary school and i just need peanut butter and jelly. >> reporter: the phone calls were produced in the terror trial. others show pakistan was referred to as p-tan. yemen was the y wr th c, the fbi
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was referred to as bob or brian. listen again asking his unidentified friend for an e-mail address. >> do you have e-mail or something you're checking or just the phone? >> i'm not even on the internet. trust me. there's no way i'm going to be on the internet. so there's -- not that there isn't some here, but where i am now, no. >> reporter: prosecutors say both traveled to yemen together in 2004, initially telling u.s. authorities they were going to check out schools. prosecutors say they were unable to find a training camp in yemen. however, one traveled to fallujah, iraq, in 2004 during u.s. fighting there. two years later, he was studying computer science at the university of massachusetts in boston when fbi agents questioned him about his travel. he left weeks later and fled to syria. his buddy never traveled there, though his other friend encouraged him to wage jihad.
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>> immediately. >> look, i'm not gets antsy. and i have to let you go real quick. come now. >> reporter: deborah feyerick, cnn, new york. >> incredible. peanut butter and jelly referring to jihad. terror analyst paul crookshank. the conversations are chilling in part because they're completely unaccented. they're completely the sorts of tone that somebody might just have in a regular conversation. yet they're talking about attacking americans. what is the united states doing to track down people like that? >> well, there's no higher priority for the americans, for the united states counterterrorism serve services than tracking these americans in syria. they believe there are up to 100 of them, perhaps a dozen with isis. they're using all sorts of techniques, electronic eavesdropping, monitoring social media, working with the turkish government as well. a lot of them go through turkey. they have a lack of human intelligence in turkey and no
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government to work with. the assad regime is the government at the moment. >> such a lack of intelligence on the ground when they went to try to rescue the americans they weren't there when they got there. now, there have been cases where a westerner gets ral cadized, turns to jihad and becomes a double-agent. comes back and works for intelligence agencies. you've written a book called "agent storm." this is an incredible story, about martin storm. he was a radical. he switched and he became one of the top agents essentially for the cia, for the brits. this an incredible story. your documentary is airing tomorrow. i want to give you a chance to talk about it. i want to play everybody a clip because this is so incredible. >> for half a decade, he says he moved back and forth between two worlds and two identities. when one misplaced sentence could have cost him his life. >> you don't know what angle he's playing. >> traveling between agyist,
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ard-line islam, american and arabic. >> he's part 007, part the islamic circle. >> despite being a sworn member of al qaeda, storm says he was a double-agent so trusted by al qaeda terror leaders, he even fixed one up with a blonde european wife. >> a unique powerful weapon in the war on terror who says he got results. >> i have been responsible of 30 kills. >> 30 terrorists killed. >> i mean, his story is incredible. even down to the point where he was really pout in a role of finding this wife. on the other side, al awlaki trusted him completely. >> he trusted him because he was friends with al awlaki. originally this guy was deep inside al qaeda's world.
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he was a true cad ral. then he flipped and started working for the fbi, british and danish intelligence. he was their most valuable agent. >> what you lirned about what was going on in awlaki's head is also very bizarre. he was thrilled when he got this hot blonde wife, right? >> yeah. he wanted a convert, a european sister to share his life in the tribal areas of yemen. as he was plotting the attack, he was e-mailing this guy all about this blonde european wife that he wanted. eventually that became a cia honey pot trap operation where they wanted her to go in with a tracking device in her suitcase into yemen and that would be the way they would locate -- >> he planted that, right? >> he she wasn't aware? >> no, she wasn't aware. she was a radical. >> she believed. >> she wanted to marry al awlaki. he spotted her on a facebook fan page. he met rer in volunteer even in.
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she eventually goes to yemen with a suitcase, with the tracking device. when she gets there, they tell her to repack the suitcase. she has to leave the suitcase there. they don't get ahold of al awlaki situation. he sends an e-mail to storm saying she was better than expected. that mission failed but other missions in the documentary followed on from that. >> wow. that's incredible. you sitting talking about sex with a blonde wife while he's planning the underwear attack. this entire story defies belief. it's wonderful and will be on cnn tomorrow "double agent" tomorrow night, 9:00 eastern right here on cnn. it is worth every minute with paul krooshg shank. isis first made headlines because of its targeting of christians in iraq. but right now at this moment, iraq is not the only moment where christians are suffering persecution. christians in china are suffering the most brutal crackdown in decades from their
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own government. we have exclusive video "outfront" that shows police beating church members. david mckenzie has our report. >> reporter: extraordinary scenes of defiance in the middle of the night. a church congregation barricading themselves in from hundreds of riot police. it's happened in the jerusalem of china where, for months, the government has demolished scores of churches and torn down hundreds of crosses. >> translator: what the government here is doing is so barbaric. today we've seen the fundamental symbol of our faith violated and it hurts us deep inside our hearts. >> reporter: a respected church leader says the faithful now live in faear. in this amateur video obtained by cnn and in the salvation
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church security camera footage, police brutally beat the faithful and drag them away. still, christians here aren't backing down. >> for more than two months they've had people here day and night 24/7 guarding the gates of this church to stop the communist party from coming in and tearing down their cross. >> translator: i'm going to hold the cross in my arms and protect it. we didn't steal. we didn't rob. we didn't take drugs. what did we do? >> reporter: through media, local authorities say they are targeting all illegal structures. but party documents show that churches are a focus. church leaders say their crime was to become too numerous, too intimidating for a party long suspicious of the faithful. recent research shows that there could soon be more christians than communist party members,
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and in 15 years more chis kmechs in china than anywhere else, facts disputed by the party. he says that christians have no interest in politics, but he has a warning. >> translator: the law enforcers are breaking the law themselves. if they keep doing things this way, there is a saying, those who play with fire will get burned. >> reporter: after violent clashes, salvation church members push back the police, but they came back with reinforcements several weeks later and stripped the church of its cross. still, the devout say they won't stop believing because their faith is too strong. >> i mean, the video of that beating, david, it is horrible to watch. and when you talk about the fear the government must have they could soon have more christians thand communists that's a
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stunning statistic. the communist party has even blacked out your reports on the story, right? >> reporter: that's right, erin. they've been blacking the story out every time it airs. i think the reason is because the communist party in china promotes this image of social harmony, religious prey.comfree this story and brutal images of chinese police smacking those protesters, often peaceful protesters, in the head in one case just flies in the face of the image that the chinese communist party wants to put out there. some disturbing news, the church where you saw that standoff between chur between churchgoers and the police, the church pastor of that church, he could now face ten years in detention here in china for rallying the faithful. erin? >> wow. david mckenzie, thank you very much. we continue to follow that story with that outstanding reporting. next, some say ray rice's
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suspension is too much. he is expected to appeal it. could he be hearing the cheers again? the players association speaks out here. and a woman whose story of abuse disturbingly echos that of jenae rice. how the rice video prompted her to share her story. they'll show you a special glue we've developed that bonds metal to plastic. and that makes the things you're trying to move... lighter. the less weight... the less energy. and what you save can be used for speed. for efficiency. or just for fun. this is the human element at work. dow.
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we are standing by for a decision that could pit ray rice against the nfl. the nfl of course banned him for knocking out his now-wife in a casino elevator. rice and the players association could each appeal that suspension at any moment. at issue is whether the league and its commissioner roger goodell punished rice twice for the same incident. many a moment you'll hear from the nfl players association eric winston. he's with my in an exclusive interview to break his silence. first, miguel marquez is "outfront" on this and other domestic abuse issues. >> reporter: goodell must go. that banner flying over four nfl games, the league's commissioner roger goodell in the spotlight and under pressure in the handling of the case of ray rice and now multiple scandals facing
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nfl players. espn's hannah storm made an on-air impassioned plea, questions from her daughter. >> mom, why did he do that? why is he in jail? why didn't he get fired? and yesterday, why don't they even have control of their own players? >> reporter: espn's chris carter even more to the point. the boiling point. >> take them off the dog gone field. as a man, it's the only thing we rereally respect. we deent respect no women. we don't respect no kids. take them off the field. >> reporter: frustration with the national sports growing, the handling of the ray rice case first suspended two games, then indefinitely fired from the ravens after that video came to light on tmz sports. now an outside investigation by former fbi director robert mueller into the nfl's handling of the entire matter.
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as he tries to repair the damage, ray rice made his first public appearance going back to the beginning, his high school alma mater new york's new rochelle. >> we always support ray, even though we don't support his actions. >> reporter: the damage to the nfl not limited only to ray rice. vikings star adrian peterson reactivated today sitting out one game after being charged with child abuse. >> the photos are disturbing. i understand that. but we also think that it is right for him to go through the process legally. >> reporter: and domestic violence on top of the carolina panthers agenda, too. defensive end greg hardy deactivated right before sunday's game after appealing a guilty verdict of violence and threats with his former girlfriend, coach ron rivera says hardy will be reactivated pending a jury trial. >> i'm very proud of our team for dealing with the distraction that we had to deal with.
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i'm going to take football questions now. if not, i'm going to be done. >> reporter: the nfl under major league scrutiny. players, coaches and fans answering and considering questions rarely front and center. ray rice has until tomorrow end of day in order to file that appeal with the commissioners. it is expected that he will at some point tomorrow file that appeal. when he does, it will kick off a whole other process now of hearings. ray rice will bring individuals to stand up for his side of it. the commissioner will do the same. and it is likely the commissioner and the players union will appoint others to oversee the entire process. erin? >> thank, miguel. now i want to bring in president of the nfl players association, eric winston. eric, obviously you are a very central player in all of this, the mraiplayers association has until tomorrow to appeal rice's indefinite suspicion. should ray rice be allowed to
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play again? >> i think so. i think that we're all entitled to a second chance. obviously he made a horrific mistake, and he's going to pay for it. he's already been disciplined once. actually been disciplined multiple times by the commissioner. get to that later. but i think he's got to concentrate on himself. i know he is. and getting right and understanding what his mistakes were. and he'll move down the road. >> let's talk about the punishments that have been dealt out. you know, at first roger goodell issued a two-game suspension to rice early on because of the incident. was that fair and just, the two games? >> i don't think it's my role to decide whether that's a good suspension, a lenient or hard suspension. that's not my role to play in this. my role to play as president of the union is to make sure his due process rights are adjudicated, that he's able to -- that he's able to understand his rights,
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understand what he has as far as being a member of the union. like i said, obviously, we don't condone what he did. we don't condone what happened. but at the same time we have a role to play in that issue. >> so a month after the league suspended rice for two months they increased the penalties, of course, as we're all aware for domestic violence. so the first offense is now a six-game suspension, the second offense a lifetime ban from the league. you know, you talk about everyone deserving second chances and i think a lot of people in america feel that way in general about life. but in this situation, 150 million american fans are women, about 45% of the nfl fans are female. should there be any tolerance for abuse? or is this a case where maybe it is a one strike you're out? >> i know what you're saying and i understand because i hear it from women, i hear it from men, and you hear it from our players in the national football league. they're not happy about this either. this is obviously tarnishing the league. it reflects badly on the
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players. like i said, the vast, vast majority of our players are doing great things around this country in the cities they live in, whether it's helping children, helping communities, however they can to help out and take their role and to be a role model. but like i said, one is too many, but at the same time there are a lot of great guys in this league. >> in a sense, you did answer my question because you did say ray rice should be allowed to play again. that's not one strike our out. you think he should be allowed to learn from his lesson. but on the issue of nfl overall, this ray rice deal has lifted this to the table, four domestic abuse issues on the table, adrian peterson, ray rice, ray mcdonald still playing after he was arrested for domestic issues. greg hardy expected to play after playing because he was found guilty on a domestic charge. these cases are all out there. i've got to be honest with you. if the ray rice case hadn't
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happened, frankly, the american public wouldn't have noticed, fair point, but it doesn't seem like the players association or the leadership of nfl thought this was that serious of an issue. >> i don't know if jumping to conclusions and jumping and saying this guy should never play again or even though we don't know the fact of the case -- >> well, some of these men have been found guilty, let's be clear. >> exactly right. and i think through the cba it allows -- listen, i'm not against discipline. the p.a. is not against discipline. the only thing we want to make sure is that when our players get disciplined if they feel like they need to be appealed, that needs to be appealed for whatever reason, they have the ability to do it. like i said, i'm not for anybody being able to play no matter what they did. i think it's an honor and privilege to play in this league. but at the same time i am for their due process. if they feel like they have something that needs to be heard, then we're going to help them with that. >> because you mentioned earlier
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the whole issue of role models. you know, i think we all know the nfl is incredibly powerful, which it is, around the world because it makes the money it makes and it makes that because young children become fans of these teams and they grow through that their whole lives. young children are a big part of the nfl. clearly some of these things that are happening is not something anyone would want to be a role model for children. so how do you balance that, that you want them to be role models but yet these things are happening and you don't support a zero tolerance policy? >> obviously there will be a lot of scrutiny placed on this and should be placed on this because i think it's definitely an important issue. anything we can do to help our membership, our players, help the guys understand what they need to to do to be the men they need to be, the role models they should be. we're going to help them and do everything we can. >> roger goodell, should he keep his job? >> obviously there's an issue with player conduct, like you've been referring to, maybe it's time to take that out of the
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commissioner's hands and put it into a neutral arbitration process where there can be a fair process for everybody involved. maybe he can have a fair process where, like you said, maybe it's a situation where he can discipline guys right out of the gate, maybe he can't. i think that's something that needs to be explored and looked into. >> thank you very much, eric. appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> look forward to your feedback on that interview. "outfront" next, it sounds eerily like the janay rice story. and we spend $50 billion on our pets mostly the four-legged sort. but just how far would you go to save a beloved gold fish?
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the nfl brings in more than a billion dollars a year in sponsorships, ads. despite the scandals, none are dropping their support. some are coming under firer. cover girl is the beauty sponsor of the nfl. some are so upset with the cover girl and nfl, they're posting this image online. this is the commercial for baltimore. the wufrn on the right has been photo shopped to give the model a black eye. we've reached out to its parent company for a response, and sadly at this point we have not heard back. but what's clear is the video showing ray rice bunching his now-wife janay, one of 12 million victims of domestic abuse in the united states alone every year. when that horrifying video surfaced last week it triggered a lot of people to seek help. hotlines for battered women are ringing off hook.
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giving women the courage to come out. >> reporter: the disturbing video of ray rice knocking out his then-fiancee is having a ripple effect on victims of domestic violence. since the video was released, the national domestic abuse hotline has spiked. an 84% increase in calls. the women's transitional living center, a shelter for domestic abuse victims in orange county, california, is just one center seeing an upswing in contact. >> that first phone call, no matter what kind of violence you're experiencing is the most difficult one. >> reporter: for karina, the rice video was a terrible reminder of what she's been trying to forget for years. >> one of the first times was in an elevator. so when i saw that video the other day of ray rice hitting his then-fiancee, if just brought back all those memories. i don't know why when that door closed my boyfriend at the time, my ex-husband, thought that he could just push me against the wall and punch me in the face.
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>> reporter: at the time, she did not file a police report. instead of letting the rice video simply send her back to a very dark place, the video prompted her to share her story on facebook for the first time, hoping it would would somehow help others. >> like it or not, i thought it would help. if it helps one to ten to 100 women out there or more, then that's why i put it up there. >> reporter: like janay rice, zarate went on to marry her then-boyfriend, even having three children with him. she says the abuse subsided but then returned with a vengeance. she said she stayed until the day she came home to find her husband's hand print on her little girl's face. however, police never charged him for child abuse. >> when i came home and i saw a mark on my daughter's face, i immediately asked, i said, what happened? and he said, she wouldn't stop screaming. and that was the moment i grabbed my camera and took a picture that will just always,
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always haunt me. >> reporter: that day she says social media came to her rescue as her husband attacked her, trying to get her phone, she managed to send a tweet for help. >> what did you tweet at that moment that saved you? >> the tweet that i sent out was, help, he's hitting me again. that's all i sent. and the people closest to me, one of my girlfriends, came to my house. >> reporter: police arrived, zarate filed a report and got a restraining order. after eight months, zarate agreed to lift the restraining order because her husband completed the counseling. the state dropped the criminal battery charge and he pled guilty to a much lesser charge of disturbing the peace. zarate filed for divorce and is living happily with her children. her husband has visitation rights. but she knows how hard it is to make that first phone call for help. and she hopes that this terrible video will help other victims come forward and stoch the abuse. just to give you some abuse of
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just how pervasive this problem is, the women's shelter we visited here in orange county has about 100 beds, and they were all full. the director says that's the norm, filled with women and children trying to escape violence. erin? >> thank you so much, sarah. we have called and e-mailed zarate's husband and attorney. we have not received a response. "outfront" next, jeanne moos on the depths one family went to to keep their gold fish alive. live in the same communities that we serve. people here know that our operations have an impact locally. we're using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. the trucks are reliable, that's good for business. but they also reduce emissions, and that's good for everyone. it makes me feel very good about the future of our company. ♪
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let's check in with anderson for a look at what's coming up. >> we'll have more on the break news. new air strikes on isis positions just outside baghdad. jim sciutto has news from washington tonight. and the man who commanded the u.s. forces in iraq from 2007 to 2009. he says this mission is going to be extremely complicated, the mission against isis, he says, more difficult and more complicated than the war in iraq ever was, also the war in afghanistan. a woman's legal nightmare that began when she got behind the wheel of her car, 2.6 million that were recalled by gm
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for a problem that could make some of them dangerous and some deadly. she connected to one of those deaths. poppy harlow has the report. that's all at the top of the hour. >> look forward to seeing that in a few moments. some people do anything for their dogs and cats. most likely you're among that number. but a goldfish? you got to see this. >> reporter: deceased goldfish get no respect. >> this is where they buried my brother. >> my daughter comes home, why did he die, dad? come on. because who gives a [ bleep ]? that's the reason. >> reporter: but the owners of george the goldfish did give a [ bleep ]. cared so much they paid for george to have surgery to remove this giant tumor from his head. >> the fish was having trouble eating, getting around, getting bullied by the other fish. >> reporter: dr. tristan rich performed the surgery. it took about 45 minutes. first george was put in a bucket
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of water laced with an athletic. then more anesthetic and water were trickled on the goldfish's gills to keep him sedated as the tumor was removed. either operate or put the goldfish to sleep. they considered the 10-year-old fish a family pet. >> just as important really if -- i mean, they bring a lot of pleasure these fish in this pond. they're beautiful to sit and watch. >> reporter: that's george back in his pond doing well after surgery. the vet says the tiny stitches didn't really take, so he had to seal george up with tissue glue. how much was the bill for goldfish surgery? the animal hospital says a couple hundred bucks. of course, if the decision to operate had been left up to george -- >> stop this right now. >> the fish is talking. >> but is he saying anything? >> reporter: george should be saying, thanks, even at age 10, he could live another 20-plus years. but folks do not try this at home unless you want to practice
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on the kind of goldfish that feed you instead of you feeding them. scalpel. nurse, this isn't a scalpel. jeanne moos, cnn, new york. that's a pretty awesome story. i'm not going to comment on wa that tumor looked like because it was something edible. we'll be right back. didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ siri] hello. wh[cortana] name? hello siri. i'm cortana. we've already met. i'm sorry. i don't remember. that's ok. i can remember lots of things.
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tomorrow night "outfront" the man who changed the way we shop. paypel co-founder peter thiel. why he's paying people not to go to college. anderson's now. good evening. thanks very much for joining us. we begin tonight with breaking news. the start of offensive operations against isis and the surprising location for this first air strike. not in northern iraq, but surprisingly close to baghdad. chief national security correspondent jim sciutto is monitoring developments. he joins with us the latest. what do you know about these strikes. >> there were two, one just southwest of baghdad. this was in support of iraqi forces that came under fire from isis militant. the second one in sinjar also in northern iraq where other strikes have taken place. but striking an isil convoy, an isis convoy up there. these are the first two strikes we've seen that have come outside the original two categories of u.s. air strikes
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