tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 15, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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tomorrow night "outfront" the man who changed the way we shop. paypel co-founder peter thiel. why he's paying people not to go to college. anderson's now. good evening. thanks very much for joining us. we begin tonight with breaking news. the start of offensive operations against isis and the surprising location for this first air strike. not in northern iraq, but surprisingly close to baghdad. chief national security correspondent jim sciutto is monitoring developments. he joins with us the latest. what do you know about these strikes. >> there were two, one just southwest of baghdad. this was in support of iraqi forces that came under fire from isis militant. the second one in sinjar also in northern iraq where other strikes have taken place. but striking an isil convoy, an isis convoy up there. these are the first two strikes we've seen that have come outside the original two categories of u.s. air strikes in iraq which were to protect
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u.s. personnel and to protect minorities under threat from isis and, therefore, the first ones to follow the president's speech when he announced a couple of weeks ago saying they're going on offense, no longer on defense. >> and do we know -- the isis forces, they were the once on the offensive against these iraqi forces in southwest of baghdad? >> well, they were fighting. these were iraqi operations under way against isis forces that we've known for some time have been within proximity of baghdad, but i think, you know, that is important that it was near the capital because this is a vulnerable point. the fact that isis can carry out operations even close to there is a real worry. you see the iraqi forces on the ground pushing back and u.s. war planes supporting them from the air. >> we'll have more with you later on in the program. now a story that touches two absolutely basics for tens if not hundreds of millions of americans, parenthood and pro football. people have been talking ever since a texas grand jury has
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indicted adrian peterson last week on a felony child abuse charge. to remind you this is what he did to his son with a switch, a tree branch, the child is 4 years old. the injuries included cuts on his thighs, buttocks and stroet um. two after benching him, without his services, losing a game to new england, the vikings clear him to play next weekend. at the same time peterson through his lawyer released a statement. in a key passage peterson says he did what he did out of love and according to the way he himself was raised. i've always believed, he writes, that the way my parents disciplined me has a great deal to do with the success i've enjoyed as a man. he's talking about a style of parenting that many americans will recognize and many endorse and others call all-out brutality. >> reporter: the pictures are startling, skin lacerations ip flikted by adrian peterson on
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his 4-year-old son. the professional football star called it a whoopen, using a thin tree branch 16 times. >> a grand jury indicting this case looked at the injuries inflicted upon this child and determined that this discipline was not reasonable and did not reflect the community standard of what was reasonable discipline. >> reporter: we've also learned new details of text messages peterson allegedly sent the boy's mother in minnesota after the lashing. peterson wrote he felt bad after the fact when i noticed the switch was wrapping around hitting thigh. another text was more graphic. got him in the nuts once i noticed. but i felt so bad. i'm all tearing that butt up when needed. i start putting them in time-out. save the whooping for needed memories. never do i go overboard but all my kids will know daddy has the biggie heart but don't play no games when it comes to acting right. nick wright is a sports radio
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talk show host in houston where peterson lives part of the year. he's familiar with the new and extensive details in the peterson police report. according to wright, the incident happened after the little boy had pushed another of peterson's children off of a motorcycle video game. >> he called it a standard whooping, the only thing that was different than usual was when the switch wrapped around the child's leg and the one that hit the child on the genitals. aside from that, he was asked by police, are the marks on the child worse than usual. and he said on his butt, no. he said on his butt, that's what a whooping is. >> reporter: wright says the little boy also told police that he was scared of his father, that he was often punished in what the boy described as the whooping room. he talked about his father putting leaves in his mouth while he was lashed. he spoke with investigators in a 40-minute phone conversation where he justified disciplining
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his son with this kind of force. >> you listen to the audio of adrian peterson with the police, and he comes across honestly as a loving parent who truly believes he was doing what was right for his son, who feels badly about two specific unintentional injuries. adrian peterson is very self-assured that he not only loves his children but that this type of discipline -- at least he sounded self-assured at the time that this discipline was necessary and this type of discipline was more mild than the discipline he received that helped turn him into the man that he is today. >> reporter: in a statement adrian peterson wrote that after meeting with a psychologist there are other alternative ways of disciplining a child that may be more appropriate. i am, without a doubt not a child abuser. after missing only one game, the minnesota vikings announce that adrian peterson will be back on the football field this coming weekend. >> what else did he say when he
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spoke to investigators on the phone? >> that was kind of interesting according to nick wright after we spoke with him and what he was able to see. is that adrian peterson admitted to police this wasn't the only time during this boy's visit with him back in may at his houston home that he had been punished in this way. and according to nick wright, he said it didn't seem police, from what he was able to hear, didn't seem that police understood or knew that there had been a second incident. what police are doing with that we're not being told at this point. but it was an interesting revelation nonetheless. >> ed lavandera. millions talking about this and the ray rice story online and on gameday television. here's charles barkley on cbs' nfl today with jim rome. >> i'm from the south. whipping, we do that all the time. every black parent in the south is going to be in jail under
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those circumstances. i think we have to be careful letting people dictate how -- >> doesn't matter where you're from. right is right and wrong is wrong. >> well, i don't believe that. because, listen, we spank kids in the south. i think the question about did adrian peterson go overboard? but we all grow up in different environments. every black parent in my neighborhood in the south would be in trouble or in jail under those circumstances. >> joining us is attorney and children's advocate and "new york times" columnist charles blow and senior legal analyst jeffrey toobin. charles barkley essentially saying, look, if you talk to african-americans from the south, you're going to hear this story a lot. >> well, i think that in general what the data tell us is that american parents spank. african-americans spank slightly more than other parents, but it's statistically significant. >> but spanking is a lot different than taking a tree branch.
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>> that is the point where i completely disagree with charles barkley and where i find adrian peterson's explanation to be incredibly sad, which is that he probably genuinely believes that drawing blood san expressiis an of love. that's a sad testament as to what he believes parenting should be. the idea that you believe as a 6'1", nearly 220-pound man should beat a child who is 4 years old until he has lacerations on his body, that is not love. he may believe that it's love. he may believe that he didn't plan to abuse a child. he may not believe that he's an abuser, but that is not what an expression of love is. i'm so happy that he said that he saw a child psychiatrist and now he knows that there are alternate ways. spanking and particularly that kind of brutal spanking is always the easy way out. it takes 30 seconds.
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>> can you say, well, look, this is the way i was raised. my father put leaves in my mouth and had a whipping room. >> texas law is clear on this. texas law says if your behavior is reasonable under community standards, then it's not a crime. so if the jury were to decide, if this case goes to trial, that this sort of whooping is acceptable in the community, then it would not be a crime. i can't conceive any circumstances in which a jury would find that. he can call it an expression of love. there are very religious families who love their children and say, we're going to withhold medical treatment because our religion demands it. that's not an excuse. just because you think it's the right thing to do, that's not an excuse. >> this point that peterson made he believes this type of discipline prevented him from being lost in the streets and contributed to his success. >> well, he may have been not lost in the street, anderson,
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but clearly he's repeating the cycle of violence. what we now know is that parents who are hit and treat their kids with abusive behavior likely have been abused themselves as kid. the reality is all things lawful are not expedient. it doesn't make it the right thing to do. everyone's talking about adrian peterson. i want to stand up for that 4-year-old child. i was hit as a child. for adrian to say he was hit and somehow that's right. it was wrong when my mom hit me, when my dad hit me, when adrian's parents hit him and wrong today. to use corporal punishment in any form is abusivabusive. >> we can have a discussion about corporal punishment and spanking. that's really an issue for parents to decide. when it gets to these sorts of wounds, this is not an issue for parents. this is an issue for law enforcement. and so i think we really need to draw a distinction here.
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this is not a case about spanking. this is a case about a kid with serious injuries. >> i think there's also a dangerous message being sent if we start to attribute success and staying out of the streets to being violently attacked by your parents. >> also if you are repeatedly doing this to your child over the course of a weekend, doesn't seem to be working very well. >> it's the lazy way. you say you were punished for a week and you can't have a nintendo or whatever you're playing, that actually takes you as the parent engaging for the entire length of the punishment. this kind of spanking, brutal kind of whipping takes po seconds to a minute and you're done. kind of a lazy, easy way out. you may choose it. >> i read there was a columnist for the grio that said it's a longstanding american substitution, quote, both feared and revered. i think making sort of a reference back to slavery.
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>> i think there are a lot of people that believe that that's true. and that is also a part of the sadness of it. that for, you know, for so many years there's been a tremendous amount, disproportionate amount of violence visited on black bodies. for us to internal iz that and take it into our homes and say that's the only way we can succeed and be made to behave, that's not the signal you want to make. >> i also want to say, anderson, you know, we used to not wear helmets when we rode bike. women used to smoke when they were pregnant. we would send our kids to segregated schools. there are things we did 20 years ago that we know are harmful and hurtful to kids that are no longer acceptable. as we've evolved as a society, we're called upon to do better with with respect to how we raise our children. >> you don't buy that my parents did this, that is the way i was brought up, it worked for me. >> my parents put me on a bike without a helmet. that was dangerous then, that is
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dangerous now. they didn't know any better. we have the statistics and the studies to confirm there are long-term psychological emotional scars from hitting children. we can't bury our heads in the sand from this one. accept the data. and stop hitting. we tell 5-year-olds no hitting. we criminalize assaults by adults on other adults. so we can't accept an adult hitting a child when we don't accept an adult hitting an adult. >> where does the law draw a line. spanking is okay but using a switch that causes a bloody wound is not? >> that's right. and ultimately these are jury questions. under texas law, this is a classic jury question. what does the community regard as reasonable? that question doesn't have an obvious answer, but it's placed in the hands of juries to decide. i'm not on the jury in this case, we have to see all the evidence. but i can easily believe an
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integrated jury, any racially composed jury would say, you know what? this kid was 4 years old. you can't do that to a 4-year-old. and that's what the law says. >> jeff toobin, charles blow. jeff will stick around. several developments in the ray rice domestic violence story. he's got until tomorrow night to appeal his suspension for punching out his wife, knocking her unconscious. we learn how the league and the legal system punishes people in this situation. a quick reminder. make sure you set your dvr so you can watch 360 any time you want. take and... aflac! and a gentle wavelike motion... aahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine, ahhh-ahhhhhh aflac! and reach, toes blossoming...
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deadline is tomorrow night for ray rice to appeal his indefinite suspension for punching and knocking out his fiancee in an atlantic city casino back in february. he made his first public appearance over the weekend in his hometown. his supporters have begun speaking out against the suspension and against roger goodell. so it looks like this could come down to ray rice's claims against the nfl commissioners. >> that's exactly where it seems to be headed. interestingly roger goodell was supposed to be at a san francisco game this weekend and he didn't show up. mr. rice is getting out there, going to new rochelle to a high school football game, and get
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back out there into public life. this is headed down that road, it appears. roger goodell saying that he was either led astray or misled or lied to by mr. rice during that june 16th meeting. he's been saying that several time over the haas week while rice, at least his side of the camp saying that it was goodell that was told everything by ray rice, and that he didn't hear it and made his decision on the two-game suspension and only changed his mind once that tmz sports video came out showing the inside of the elevator in that atlantic city casino. >> what happens when rice actually appeals the suspension? how does that work? >> we're hoping to find out more about the nfl, under what article of the collective bargaining agreement they brought it under. we believe it's article 46, which if that's the case there are several things that are interesting. you can't punish the same player twice for the same thing. he was dismissed by the ravens
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and the league put an indefinite suspension on him. goodell said this was because he was led astray, not for the beating of janay palmer back in february. so it's unclear where he goes from here, but once that appeal is made, then it will kick into a process where there will literally be a sort of court hearing inside the nfl where outside experts will be brought in. rice will be able to bring in people to talk on his side, and the nfl will present its own evidence plus a body outside roger goodell will make the final call. >> thanks for the update. let's dig deeper on ray rice's punishment. jeff toobin's back. legal analyst and former federal prosecutor sunny hostin as well. i mean, jeff, the argument made by rice that basically he's getting punished twice. originally he was told to have a two-game suspension and then this new thing and that's unfair. >> article 46 appears to say that if you're punished by the
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team, you can't be punished by the league. if you're punished by the league, you can't be punished by the team. the one thing i want to caution everybody, is really complicated. you have the intersection of the union agreement, the players contract, the nfl's own rules and these things take a long time. i'm not in any position to predict with certainty how this had be resolved. but once this appeal starts the lawyers take over. and this could get complicated and the resolution is uncertain. >> it's interesting now miguel saying that roger goodell saying i was kind of misled. that's not what we heard from the coach of the team in that press conference where he said no, nothing ray rice said was any different -- everything that's come out is pretty much what he told us. there must have been a roomful of attorneys in that meeting between goodell and ray rice. it must be pretty clear what was actually said. >> no question about it. we know that the meeting took place and there were representatives or ray rice and for the nfl.
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but the larger question is how could goodell and the nfl have screwed this up, have botched this up so much that ray rice now has the ability to appeal? and i think, jeff, that he has solid ground. i think he's standing on solid ground, quite frankly because we know that he was suspended for two games, if he indeed told the truth and there was a video showing the aftermath of the knockout -- >> and a police report. >> and a police report that clearly says he hit her and rendered her unconscious. i looked at the police report today. there was really nothing different that occurred other than the fact that this videotape was shown to the public. what do they think domestic violence looks like? >> a second video has come out and there's been a public outcry. >> and remember, it may be that the nfl had the elevator video as well because the ap report. so the nfl is not on the strongest legal grounds here basically saying we increased the punishment because we were
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embarrassed. that's not a strong argument. however, the league has a lot of power under these agreements. and so i just don't think -- i know the law well enough to be able to predict how this will come out. >> i want to play something that cris carter said over the weekend. >> take him off the doggone field. because as a man that's the only thing we really respect. we don't respect no women. we don't respect no kids. the only thing roger and them can do is take them off the field because they respect that. >> to his point, does the nfl have a problem here? this is now ray rice is not the only guy out there that's done this and, frankly, others have been convicted of it and still play. >> it's a significant problem. it's a crisis in my view. we're now seeing this incident. we're talking about adrian peterson and child abuse. he's going to suit up and play again. what message is that sending to
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me as a woman? what message is that saying to children? domestic violence is okay, child beating is okay. >> you're putting them in the same category. >> i think it's exactly the same category. about abuse against women and children and that abuse being condoned by the nfl's actions. >> the nfl, i think to its credit, just hired four very prominent domestic violence experts to try to articulate and help them formulate a policy. one of the many problems of the nfl's response here is that the rules were very unclear. basically dumped it all in goodell's lap that he could be the emperor who decided each case was resolved on its own merits. the problem with that is you don't have clear rules so that you have somebody people who have been convicted of domestic violence playing. you have some people who have been suspended. the length of the suspension is up for grabs. the fact that we've hired these good people and at least in the future, i hope -- >> i have to completely disagree
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with you, jeff. that's because we know after the scandal erupted, what did goodell do? he implemented this two-game suspension and then -- i guess lifetime ban from the league for a second offense for domestic violence. he's playing catch-up. the nfl's playing catch-up. to name these four women on his team at this point is too little too late, i think it's tone deaf. >> reported on last week compared to other major league sports franchises, the nfl actually is more out in front than anyone else. i'm not saying -- i'm not saying that says anything, but it is kind of -- it was surprising to me to learn that they actually now have a policy on the books. a lot of the others don't even have policies. >> when you're behind you play catch-up. they're playing catch-up now. more power to them. the nfl should have a clear policy on this. they've hired some experts to do it. the other league should do it as
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well. but i don't think that's a bad thing. i think that's a good thing. >> the players association of the nfl saying ray rice should get a second chance. do you believe in second chances? >> you know, i thing i believe in zero tolerance. >> the first time he's ever been charged allegations have been made against him, this is first time. >> yes. >> not as if there's a record here. >> i think so. i believe in zero tolerance against domestic violence, violence against children, violence against women. you know, more often than not there's this recidivism when it comes to domestic violence. people don't really learn. playing in the nfl is a privilege. it's not a right. and to behave so casually after he struck his wife and knocked her unconscious, i think the way peterson is behaving casually and coming out with a statement saying i'm not a child abuser when in fact mr. peterson is a child abuser, i think, you know,
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those incidents, you don't get a second chance. >> we'd be a better society if we gave everybody who went to prison the right to vote and the chance to re-establish their lives, and i think people should have second chances. >> jeff toobin, sunny hostin. rice supporters blame on the nfl, it's the legal system that touches many more people specifically diversion programs like the one ray rice took advantage of. the woman you're about to meet would also seem to be perfectly suited for, for a diversion program. same jurisdiction, same prosecutor, very different outcome. randi kaye tonight explains. >> reporter: shanine allen was driving in new jersey when she was stopped by police for a simple traffic violation. in the car with her, her brand new handgun. >> i went in my purse to give them my license and my registration, i also gave him my license to carry with it. that's why i told him i have my firearm on me.
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>> reporter: trouble is, shanine's license to carry was for her home state of pennsylvania. just across state lines from where she was pulled over in new jersey. she says she had no idea it didn't transfer state to state. she had just bought the gun a week earlier after being mugged. still, this single mother of two was handcuffed and arrested on the spot. charged with both illegal possession of a firearm and possession of hollow-point ammunition. she's now facing more than 11 years in prison. how worried are you about going to prison? >> very worried. i'm worried every minute, every day. i have to worry about where my kids are going to go, what's going to happen to them. >> reporter: this is the man looking to put shaneen in prison, atlantic county prosecutor, the same man who chose not to prosecute ray rice. rice was charged in the same county with aggravated assault. he pleaded not guilty and
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applied for a special intervention program that gives arrestees a chance to wipe their record clean. in may, prosecutor mcclain approved rice for that program. the pretrial intervention program or pti allows first-time offenders to avoid prison and probation. those that get accepted have to get counseling, stay out of trouble. once the program is complete, all charges are dropped. rice was facing up to five years in prison when he got into the program. shaneen is facing more than double that. yet a month before clearing ray rice, prosecutor mcclain refused her request into the program. >> why do you think he denied you? >> he's trying to be tough on guns. he's using me as an example. >> reporter: prosecutor mcclain
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declined our request for an interview. but his office dpafb us this statement. mr. rice received the same treatment by the criminal justice system in atlantic county that any first-time offender has in similar circumstances. adding the decision was correct. are you angry? >> very, very angry. i'm frustrated. i think that our situation should be switched. i should have got pti and he should have got years in prison. so he definitely got a pass. >> it's kind of an amazing case, randi. where does her case stand now? >> tonight we're learning the prosecutor will take another look suddenly at shaneen's case. he sent this letter dated september 12th, just friday, addressed to the superior court judge telling him that he, the prosecutor is, quote, reviewing our office's position on the appropriate resolution of this matter. the prosecutor, anderson, is asking for three weeks time to review everything and to the court to delay the start of the
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trial and the pretrial hearings. the trial was supposed to start in october. maybe he's caving to all the attention and the pressure this case is getting due to the ray rice connection, or maybe not. but shaneen allen has certainly found hope for the first time in nearly a year. >> let's just reiterate here. she was just over the state line. it was illegal. she had a permit. she voluntarily told a police officer she had a permit. it wasn't like she was hiding this gun in her car. it's really stunning. >> yeah, she had it in her purse when she was going for her license and her registration. she saw the gun and immediately told the police officer and grabbed her purse. and he called for backup and arrested her on the spot. >> we'll talk about this in the next hour because this is just a stunning case. juxtaposed with the same prosecutor who treated ray rice to a diversion program. as u.s. air strikes ramp up against isis, isis murders another western captive. the question is what kind of threat does isis really present to people in the united states
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strikes against an isis position near baghdad. a senior military official telling cnn they are the closest strikes to the capital since the start of the campaign. this comes as the u.s. is building a coalition to fight isis terrorists. but which countries will be involved and exactly what way, that has not become clear. secretary of state john kerry has wrapped up a trip to the middle east to try to get support. he says countries are willing to help with strike, but he also said on "face the nation" that it isn't appropriate to talk about which countries specifically and what their role is going to be. our chief national security correspondent jim sciutto joins us now. what do we know about this coalition? is this country publicly involved? >> you do have public commitments and private commitments. the private commitments involving western nation. france says it will carry out surveillance flights over iraq and air strikes. you have australia sending eight f/a-18 military aircraft to the region to take part in strikes. they're sending 200 adviser,
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canada is sending 50 military advisers. you have that commitment from western nation. you have private commitments from arab nations. i was told today that more than one arab nation has agreed to take part in air strikes, so called kinetic activity. but typically it is unlikely for these countries to advertise their support because they face very critical populations at home from those countries. it's more likely to be on the down low and private from counties in the west. >> difference to strike inside iraq as opposed to strike inside syria. >> there is. you see that with flightrance. even the u.s. we've seen it's carried out nearly 200 strikes inside iraq. still waiting for that first air strike inside syria. i'm told that's not going to happen necessarily any time soon. there are a few reasons for that.
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in iraq, you have a ground force there to back up with air strikes. you've got the kurdish forces, the iraqi military. you don't have that yet in syria. i'm told it will take about a year to train just 5,000 moderate syrian rebels to fight against isis. it's going to take a long time, plus just the intelligence picture that much worse in syria than it is in iraq. >> you hear from john mccain who was on our air last week saying these people have been vetted. we know who these people are. is that really true? you look at the map of the different groups that are fighting, the changing lines. it seems they're all over the place. >> there's a thousand different groups, a thousand different allegiances there. it's hard to divine that. the administration says that it's much more knowledgeable today than it was even six months or 12 months ago about who they can trust on the ground. but even with that, you know, it's going to take a number of months to train the folks that they trust and to arm them, to
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make them into something of a capable fighting force, but even at the end of the year, you're only talking about 5,000 fighters. on iraq you've got hundreds of thousands of ground forces including the iraqi military and kurdish military. an entire lly different calculu >> huge numbers of iraqi military who have been training for years and years with huge amounts of money and we see what they're able to do so far on the battlefield. how big of a threat does isis pose to the united states and what's it going to do to defeat them? lindsey graham says the fact that the united states will never have boat booths on the ground in syria is a fantasy. >> this is a war we're fighting. it is not a counterterrorism operation. this is not somalia. this is not yemen. this is a turning point in the war on terror. our strategy will fail yet again. this president needs to rise to the occasion before we all get killed back here at home.
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>> before we all get killed back here t a home. joining us contributor editor at atlantic media and also retired army lieutenant general mark hurtling. when you hear lindsey graham saying we might all get killed here at home, is that just hysteria? it does seem like there have been few publicly kind of saying, wait a minute, is isis really as big a threat to the united states right now as some have been claiming? >> yeah, i think it is hysteria and that's coming from some of the republicans on capitol hill. if you listen to the terrorism experts that study this, there's a significant potential threat from isis because they control all this territory, they have money, there are a lot of westerners who may go back and commit acts of terror, although it's more like to be the lone wolf attacks that you saw with the underwear bomber than the large scale plot that al qaeda did. but that's a potential threat.
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different than saying they are a greater threat today than al qaeda was on the eve of 9/11 as some republicans have said. to his credit, lindsey graham rightfully said if you think isis is that big a threat, you should support troops on the ground. but the obama administration's assessment is it's not that big of a threat. >> do you believe it's a great threat to the united states. when lindsey graham says we could all get killed here at home. are you that concerned right now? >> i'm not concerned right now, anderson. it's a potential threat in the future, but i also think right now isis is re-evaluating based on the event coalesce ens of a coalition against them. they've tried to consolidate their territory. they're doing things to establish an islamic state in the area between syria and iraq and perhaps in other places. but that's their major concern right now. and if i were the enemy commander, i'd be thinking to myself, holy smokes, the rest of
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the world is getting ready to coalesce against me and bring a coalition. i better start not being concerned about taking attacks outside of this area. there's certainly the potential for a lone wolf. but i don't think that's a great potential right now today. could be in the future, but not today. >> general, from a military standpoint, isis really has not faced a capable military enemy on the ground or even from the air. the iraqi forces they face were badly led by generals who really had no battlefield experience and were put in there by nuri al maliki for political reasons basically, so they had no leadership and about peshmerga forces were young and their lines were stretched thin. so they haven't really been all that battle tested against real troops? >> i would agree with you there, anderson. the other thing i would suggest to you what they also haven't
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had either for or against them is air power. i'm not suggesting that air power is the only way to strike isis. there has to be forces on the ground to countertheir offensive. but it's critical to note if you're a historian, that any time you conduct warfare in the desert, the side that has the air power is going to win because it is a flat table top. it's a flat surface. you can go after targets a lot easier than you can in wooded terrain or mountainous terrain. that's critical. but the combination of air power with ground forces and the buildup of the peshmerga are going to trip isis in a great degree. they've not been encountered yet by a significant force. >> i don't want people to thing that i'm discounting the possible threat from isis or as you said the real threat of lone wolves here who are motivated to see their videos and say i'm a part offize. but there's a danger in making them seem ten-feet tall and
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invincible. that seems to play into the propaganda they want us to believe. >> not surprising by people like lindsey graham and john mccain, a return to george bush who repeatedly compared al qaeda to the nazis and the soviets. not to say there wasn't a threat. there was a threat. a terrible attack on the u.s. since 9/11. but there's not been an attack since then. yes, there was a threat. yes, the u.s. needs to be vigilant. they have to consider air strikes against isis but not to so overreact that you do things that are counterproductive. when i hear people like lindsey graham sending boots on the ground, that's the best thing in the world for isis to do. >> aamericanize that situation. just ahead we'll return to the adrian peterson story. his indictment has put a
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spotlight back on corporal punishment. gary tuchman takes us over the controversy written by two devout christians that say using a switch against a child is god's will. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern. for over 19 million people.
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i. we talked at the top about adrian peterson and allegations he crossed the line about parental love and rights and child abuse. the difference, jeffrey toobin said, between a spanking and serious injuries. the practice of taking a switch to a child is neither unusual nor some say even cruel. gary tuchman met one such advocate for extreme corporal punishment in the name of god. >> reporter: michael pearl is a competitive knife and tomahawk thrower. he never misses the target. but it's just a hobby. his life's work is preaching. he targets what some might call extreme discipline of children. >> i've never met any well-trained emotionally secure, happy, creative children that weren't spanked. >> reporter: pearl is a minister of the gospel, a devout
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christian. he and his wife are best-selling authors who met many religiously themed books. but their most popular and most controversial is a book called "train up a child" in which they write about to need to inflict physical pain. >> i don't use the term "hitting." >> what's the word? >> spanking. >> is there a difference? >> absolutely. a hand is hitting, a wooden spoon or spatula, that's spanking. >> in the book, the pearls who live in rural tennessee declare the rod is a gift from god, use it as the hand of god the train your children. they say any spanking to effectively reinforce instruction must cause pain. >> i'm going to spank the cnn man. >> to show how they believe god wants parents to spank. >> rubbing the spaghetti all over your head. you shouldn't have done that at 7 years of age. >> ok.
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and that hurts. and i'm 50. i mean -- >> are there any marks on you? >> no, you would hit a 5-year-old like that? >> yeah, sure. >> the pearls say you can never be too young for some physical pain. for example, when a baby bites during breastfeeding. >> i would gently pull their hair, very gently. enough to make them let go. >> reporter: the spankings with various objects say the pearls are actually done out of love. they say it worked for their children and most importantly this is what god wants. >> we don't punish our children, but we sometimes need to get their attention. >> reporter: gary tuchman, cnn, paradise, california. >> now, of course, the adrian peterson case did leave marx on the child. you have seen those photographs. coming up a hurricane making landfall in mexico's baja peninsula. where it's heading and how strong it is, next. take a closer look at your fidelity green line and you'll see just how much it has to offer,
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6:00 pm
good evening. thanks for watching this extended version of ac 360. chief national security correspondent jim sciutto joins us with late developments. what do you hear about u.s. air strikes. they're near baghdad, how near? >> very close, just southwest of the city in a strongly sunni area that's been a stronghold for isis fighters. in fact, for sunni insurgents thing back ten years.
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