tv CNN Tonight CNN September 16, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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left with what he says are few allies. but plenty of deadly enemies. ♪ ♪ this is "cnn tonight" i'm don lemon. >> great to have you back, don. i'm alisyn. a rochester man indicted for allegedly recruiting for isis and plotting to attack u.s. troops returning from iraq. is the terror threat growing at home? >> plus, manhunt. police searching for a pennsylvania man they belief ambushed two state troopers killing one and wounding the other. and threatening to commit mass murder. eric matthew frein armed and dangerous with survivalist skills. we'll talk to a friend of the
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suspect. >> a rochester, new york man indicted on charges of trying to recruit for isis. what do we know, evan? >> alisyn, this man, a yemeni american citizen. trying to recruit three people to join the group isis in syria. two of the people he tried to recruit turned out to be informants for the fbi the other in yemen. this underscores the problem that u.s. officials say is really a growing problem here in the united states with people getting recruited to join isis and terror groups overseas, alyson. >> we know this suspect was a frequent user of twitter. is that part of how they found him? >> exactly right. the fbi took notice of his tweets. kept doing tweets in support of isis and al qaeda. at one point he was urging people to send money.
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at one point he had a #going that said $5,000 from every household urging people to help support the jihad cause. >> you mention that they also used informants. what role did those play? >> well after the fbi noticed these tweets. they introduced informants. both informants, the fbi says on their payroll. one got $21. the fbi helped get, five family members, visas into the united states. the other is a former drug felon. and has been paid about $4,000, you can bethis this is an issu court. his lawyer says he is going to enter a not guilty plea. >> so we heard that he had tried to get weapons. that was ultimately, his undoing. what was his ultimate plan? >> his ultimate plan was first to carry out -- some shooting attacks here in the united states. against u.s. soldiers returning from overseas.
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at one point talking to the, to the, fbi informant. mentions carrying out, carrying out up to about 20 shootings here in the united states. before perhaps going overseas. to do -- to join isis and, or, or whatever other group he wanted to join. >> all right. we will obviously keep an eye on this. thank you so much. >> sure. >> turn to our other breaking news here tonight on cnn. a manhunt in pennsylvania. cnn's jason carroll is there for us live. jason, eric matthew frein wanted for murder. what do we know about him? >> well we know he is armed. already proven himself, don to be extremely deadly. we also know according to police that this is a man who had a grudge against law enforcement took out his anger against two pennsylvania state troopers on friday. killing brian dickson. badly injuring alex douglas. we are told that douglas came out of surgery just yesterday. and is improving. so that's certainly some good
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news. now the manhunt is under way for this man. police already have found about 2 1/2 miles from where we are right now the suspect's jeep. inside the jeep, john, they found a lot of evidence they say. including, spent casings. the suspect's driver's license. his social security card. camouflage makeup. and also, military gear. earlier today police came out and spoke about this man. and gave some insights, very little insight, but some, into his motive for the shooting. this fella is extremely dangerous. have no idea where he is. described as a survivalist. a lot of training in that particular area. he made statements about -- wanting to kill law enforcement officers and also, to commit mass acts of murder. what his reasons are, we don't know. but he has a very -- strong
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feelings about law enforcement, and, it seems to be very angry with a lot of things that go on in our society. >> police also ended up at the home where this man lived. with his parents. his father says that two firearms are missing including an ak-47. in addition to that, a rifle as well. he also gave a little more insight into his son. he said his son has grown up with guns. at one point in high school, he was actually a member of the rifle club. also, basically saying, when asked about his son and how well he can shoot, he says when he shoots, he never misses. >> jason, thank you very much. >> don, we well talk more about this. joining us on a phone, a close friend of the suspect, eric matthew frein. his name is jack. he asked for us not to use his last name. jack, are you with us? >> i'm here. >> how did you meet eric? >> well, we met, met through a mutual group of friend about,
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seven, eight years ago now. he is a pretty rational guy. he was intelligent. people say that he is a survivalist. there is some of what a negative con taenotation to that. the views that have been propagating. he was an eagle scout. he had, he had been involved in the boy scouts for about -- uh, maybe, five or sick yeax years. >> okay. you heard what the police press conference said. he was angry about society, he was distrustful of government and made statements he wanted to kill police officers. what did you hear him say about those things? >> well, he definitely, he definitely let his opinions about the government be known.
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>> what were those? >> well, i mean he was obviously a big critic of the -- of the federal government. but he never specifically targeted police, when he was talking to me. no indication of really any malice towards law enforcement. most of his aggression was toward the federal government. and i, i am curious as to where exactly news sources have been finding these comments about him talking about killing police officers oversocial media. because as -- as it was a big, getting ahold of airing was notoriously harder in our group of friend. because of his lack of social media use. >> when is the last time you talked to him? >> about a month ago.
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>> do you think that he was the one who shot these two police officers and killed officer brian dixon? >> well, i'm kind of reserving judgment at this point. it's -- it's hard for me to say. there are several aspect of the case that, that seem really odd to me? >> such as? >> especially -- him, him, if some one was going to theoretically commit a crime like this, i'm, really perplexed as to why he would have his social security card and a litany of other information detailing who he is and where he lives. >> you are referring to the fact that police found frein's social security card, gaming permit, face paint and shell casings about two miles from the crime scene. so you are skeptical, you think he would have planned it better? >> i'm sorry? >> you are skeptical of all the things police say they found, that suggest that it was eric
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frein, because you think he was smarter than that? >> i'm not necessarily skeptical about it. but it just -- it, raises some odd questions in my opinion, as to why he would, why would he do that. because knowing he character. he was an extremely intelligent individual. if he wanted to pull something look like this off, i think he would have planned it out better than he had. >> well, jack. >> go ahead. >> sorry, what? >> did you have a final thought? >> i, it's hard for -- with media hype, it is really easy to get sucked in and, be on the
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bandwagon, due to the picture, coming from a personal perspective, you kind of see things, you see things differently. >> obviously, if you are friend with the suspect. we understand that. well, jack, thank you so much for -- talking to us tonight. we know that you if he contacts you will do the right thing. thanks so much. >> yeah, yeah. thank you. >> there is a $75,000 reward for finding this gift. if anybody has any information. >> jim clemente, retired fbi pro fi profiler, and our guest led the team that captured eric rudolph. thank you for joining us. chris, we said you helped track down eric rudolph. what goes into finding somebody who is a so-called survivalist? >> well, number one, you have
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traditional search things. the dogs. the closed area. 200 areas saturating the area in a disciplined methodical search. but i really think the most important component to a search, manhunt like this is getting the public involved. getting the public hyperaware of the suspect's picture, profile, making sure that he is pinned done to a geographical area. he can't move. can't go anywhere without being spotted, identified. so that, hopefully we pinned him into a well defined area. then he will be found. >> jim, when you are looking for people look this, you have to take into consideration, his father, retired army major, taught his son how to shoot. member of height school rifle team involved in military re-enactments. is this dangerous for law enforcement to go after him. >> i think it is dangerous for anyone in the area. >> it's for jim. >> that's okay. of course it is dangerous. actually this guy, the guy who has voiced his opinions, and he
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is actually feeling like a hero right now. he was able to get away with is for now. he feels like -- the people that agree with him will, will sort of hold him up as a hero. that's why a disagree. what jack said earlier. i think his post defense behavior. leaving that stuff in the car was so he could take credit for it. he didn't walk in. give himself up. he wants to take credit but still be free. i think that's what we are seeing. >> so, will you think he will go back to, to where he was, or will he, stay in the woods. like how far away do you think he would be. because many times we think, people are going to be far away. they turn out to be close, to the crime scene, jim. >> i think you are going to see similarities with what happened with the dorner case. he might seshg lecircle around . but he may go to an area which is much more rural, there isn't
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a huge law enforcement presence. try to hole up in a place like that. unfortunately for him and fortunately for law enforcement, they will never stop looking for him. >> chris, we know 200 law enforcement officers are at this hour searching for him. generally, how do these cases end. when somebody has nothing to lose. and they know how to stay in the wilderness for some time. what generally happens? >> well, i, i agree with jim, that, he is going to -- what he is going to do is seek some place of refuge. because he can't go anywhere. i mentioned publicity. he has got to keep his head down. what i worry about he find a house. find some where to break into. and takes hostages. that is the biggest concern in a fugitive hunt look this t if we have got him pinned done to a certain area. he can't move around. he is almost left with no other alternative. >> do you thin thak they have h pinned to a certain area, jim?
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>> it's possible. the other alternative. he listens to a broadcast. he understands the best way to get his message across is to come in. going out in a blaze of glory will not make him a hero. he can speak to the people if he has an opportunity, opportunity, if he comes in. and he does it peacefully. >> let's help he does surrender and this all can end peacefully without any more loss of police officers' lives. jim, chris, thank you. >> interesting to hear what his friend says. then what law enforcement says. two different thing. >> absolutely. next, more u.s. air strikes on isis. meanwhile, less than a week after the president promised no boots on the ground in iraq, his top general says they are a possibility. is there a disconnect in the administration. >> growing anger over the adrian peterson child abuse scandal. where do you draw the line between discipline and abuse? is the answer like so much in this country have to do with race? a controversial question. we will get to it all tonight. coming up.
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the internet of everything is changing everything. cisco. tomorrow starts here. breaking news. rochester, new york man is indicted on charges of trying to recruit for isis and plotting to attack returning troops. he is a naturalized american citizen born in yemen, meanwhile the white house insists u.s.
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troops will not be used on the ground against isis. but the chairman of the joint chiefs said officials scrambling after he told congress he is open to putting american boots on the ground. we are joined now by rick francona, military analyst and former u.s. military attache. and a senior analyst. peter binehart, commentator and colonel francona. the president said he wasn't going to drag the u.s. into a long, protracted war in iraq. no boots on the ground. is this mission changing? what is the mission? >> well if you take the president at his word. which i do. he said the mission is to degrade and destroy isis. now that involves in iraq but i. if we are going to do that. we will have to have somebody's bts on the ground both places. iraq not a problem. we have 300,000 iraqi fighters,
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getting their act together. getting the weapons they need. a success story in iraq. i think the problem will be when we move into the syria phase who is going to fight? there is conflicting information. i know the government wants to train and equip the syrian rebels, free syrian army, the free syrian army said they're not interested in fighting isis. they're more interested in going after the government in damascus. so there is a disconnect there. if we have boots on the ground in syria, we have got to find out who that is going to be. >> you said degrade and destroy. i want you to listen to what chairman of the joint chiefs said today. listen to his language. >> i believe weave can destroy isil in iraq, restore the iran, correction, the iraq/syria border and disrupt isil in syria. isil will be defeated when their cloak of religious legitimacy stripped away and the population reject them. our actions are intended to move
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that direction. >> he said destroy or disrupt. what is it? destroy? disrupt? degrade and destroy? what's going on with the language here, colonel? >> that is a change. that's not what the president said. so i think they're walking back. reality is setting in. because nay rethey realize the portion will be difficult given the situation on the ground. >> i understand why the president politically is being so explicit, about, what we are not going to do, in iraq, or syria, but strategically speak sg. why is he ruling out boots on the ground. is it bad he is telegraphing that to isis? >> i don't think it is bad at all. i think what you are seeing is not an inconsistent statement. i think the pentagon as we have seen. you have seen the statements bout isis, the pulls them back. that's natural, the inner agency
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push and pull. different pieces get put together. we should amplify no boots on the ground itch nothif nothing force allies and in arab countries to support our air mission and intelligence mission. don't think it is political to say no boots on the ground i you put boots on the ground why are you doing it? if you put boots on the ground in syria in a country in which the leader of that country, i don't carry what we say about the border says they're his borders. ape ver that's a very different dynamic than in iraq. >> peter, how is this going to play out on the ground? enough to push them out of iraq. what is going to happen with syria? >> well i think the natural result is that we have a much stronger force in iraq. isis moves on the other side of border. what was honest from dempsey. while we may do a lot of damage in iraq that our efforts in syria are going to be more
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modest. he used the word disrupt. because we don't have ground allies in syria in the same way. i just think it exposes the larger, e would say farce of this public claim that we are going to destroy isis. we are not going to destroy isis. al qaeda is around. you know, 13 years after 9/11. even if isis were to be destroyed. there would be some new version of this kind of jihadist movement. this is going to be around for a very, very long time. although it kind of, it, plays well politically to kind of thump your chest and say, we are going to destroy them. in fact, the realistic strategy is to try to limit the amount of damage they can do to us and their allies and that, destrivectining is something that is going to happen decade and decades down the road. ultimately is going to come from the muslim world itself. >> stand by. we have another important topping to talk about with you. isis as you know is all over social media. they recruit. spread propaganda.
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they raise money. they're very good at it. but social media could also be their their undoing. we' we'll explain when we come back. >> announcer: tomorrow night, battle lines around the world. what's more dangerous here at home? ebola, isis or rogue police officer? seven billion hungry people. well, we grow a lot of food. we also waste about a third of what we grow. so, we put our scientists to work. and they found ways to keep the food we grow fresher, longer. using innovative packaging. there are still a lot of hungry people in the world. but we have a lot of scientists. this is the human element at work. dow. so i can reach ally bank 24/7, but there are24/7branches? it's just i'm a little reluctant to try new things. what's wrong with trying new things? feel that in your muscles? yeah... i do...
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beheadings of two american journalists and a british aide worker, isis uses violence and brutality that is straight out of the medieval era. but it also embraces modern technology and has a savvy social media department. here is c nchtnn's joe johns. >> reporter: a threat look no other. battlefield force and commanding online presence. >> is if l hil has been aggress the use of media, teg nochnolog use of the internet. not something that i am watching. >> but fighting isis on line is
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a game of whackamo for the u.s. and countries. isis generates thousand of media accounts, official and unofficial. reaching sympathizers, spreading propaganda. recruiting followers, raising money. as soon as they surface, the social media companies start shutting down accounts. >> in august we saw more than 27,000 accounts, talking isis in a positive way. >> isis began on twitter and youtube at first. moving to lesser known sites. >> they don't create one account. but they create several accounts. >> rita tracks the group and says the onlean world is life line for isis and publicity is their oxygen. >> if they are executing an individual and they cannot view it to the entire world, much of the activities will be -- demolished actually. dismissed. >> isis released video of the first beheading of american journalist, james foley on the
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social media platform, diaspora. isis planned to publicize it on the russian site, vk, but may have been published early. for the most recent beheading video, british david haynes, isis returned to twitter, releasing message to allies of america. after a pro isis group issued death threats against twitter employee. twitter declined the interview. but shuts down on case by case, for unlawful use of the site. and acts on the own when the government tells it about extremists and terrorists. the question whether western intelligence prefers isis and friend to keep tweeting. one u.s. strategy used spreading video similar to isis with an anti-terror message. >> so there is a sign that says, go and shut them down. another side, keep them active so we learn more about them and understand and not only what they're doing but who they are. >> reporter: and where.
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though most agree the power of terror is all about spreading the message. joe johns, cnn, washington. >> back with us to talk about all this. colonel rick francona, juliet kayyen, and colonel beinart. >> he was arrested after he tried to connect with other terror suspect and expressed support for al qaeda on twitter. that was also how law enforcement came to be aware of him. so on balance is it good that terror suspects use social media, because we know they also raise money that way? or is it helpful for law enforcement, or not? >> well, i think for the most part it is helpful for law enforcement. i know that's sometimes hard to hear. especially when we see what is being posted. and look, we are trying, twitter, other companies are trying to close them.
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but, one of the benefits of an organization like, like isis or isil. they're so, they'll take anyone. right? they're just trying to lure anyone in. they're not -- the price of admission is not very high. this is very different than al qaeda. early al qaeda which was very disciplined. law enforcement and intelligence agencies can monitor to see where they are getting recruits. where is the money going? how are they getting money? all the questions we need answered. if i had to choose, although i think we can do both. had to choose. i would say leave them open. >> rick, you don't think they should shut down social media sites. though they're reaching out through social media? >> not at all. i agree with what juliet said. having done the intelligence business a long time. a question for years. early on, you go into a military operation do you jam their communications or listen to they're communications.
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do you take intelligence or shut down their ability to talk to each other. i think on balance we find out we get more information if we don't jam. and transfer that to the modern technology. there is so much information out there. so much intelligence available and open sourced. that i think we do ourselves a great harm by shutting down the sites. i know that we have been able to keep track of what's going on. when we don't have assets on the ground we do it through what they tell us. >> last week, isis made specific violent threats to managers and workers at twitter. they said they should be assassinated. twitter keeps shutting them down when they find them. they said they should be assassinated by lone wolves. you can't blame twitter for trying to shut down this violent rhetoric when they find it. >> it is understanding that twitter has a approximately see when anyone threatens violence
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the to follow up on what juliet and rick said. the question is if there is going to be a competition in social media, isis on the one hand and those who oppose its -- its barbaric agenda on the other. the question raised for the united states government, how can the united states effectively communicate. do we have the legitimacy with the kind of people who we want to influence in the muslim world potential recruits, supporters of, of isis. to be able to speak ourselves. how do we find allies. it goes back to our legitimacy. as a voice standing for various principles, when we are speaking to muslims. do we have credibility to show up isis by in fact, being able to present ourselves as, as a group of people that, as a country, whose agenda has the interest of muslims at heart. >> good suggestion. peter, juliet, colonel francona.
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>> adrian peterson loses an endorsement deal over charges of child abuse. his indictment sparked nationwide conversation. where do you draw the line between discipline and abuse. we'll debate that next. >> i'll look forward to that. >> yeah. ens. mfs. because there is no expertise without collaboration.
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>> breaking news to tell you about. ray rice appealed his indefinite suspension by the nfl over that caught on tape video that showed him knocking out his then fiancee with one punch. meanwhile there is growing anger over the adrian peterson case of child abuse. child abuse scandal. minnesota governor mark dayton release aid statement that reads in part like this. whipping a child to the extent of visible wound as has been alleged should not be tolerated in our state. therefore, i believe the team should suspend mr. peterson until the accusations of child abuse have been resolved by criminal justice system. adrian peterson has been dropped by one of his largest sponsors, cas castrol motor oil, and anheuser-busch is wondering how
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the league is handling its domestic abuse violations. i am joined by my guests. i will start with you, just the name of your book "beating black kids." do you think it is such an issue you had to write a book about it? >> but of course. in the black community, beating our children seems to be some cultural norm that we even brag about. you hear a lot of black comed n comedians brag about it, as if it is powerful. the thing debill taitating. >> the african-american community, 80% in support of corporal punishment. the white community is 70% in support. born-again christians, 80%
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supportive. nonchristians are 65% supportive. we live in a society where the majority of all races, majority of all regions support corporal punishments. >> does that make it right, van? >> doesn't make it right. doesn't make it right. doesn't make it right. stay with me though. if we have to make a change. we don't pretend it is a blackish to number -- black. issue number one. >> we have been talking, hold on, we have been talking about this so much in our staff meetings, editorial meetings and don offering his childhood experience. and there are some people, don included who think that corporal punishment or being spanked helped them stay on the straight and their roechlt whnarrow. adrian peterson said it kept hem off the streets. you say it is always wrong. >> there is no evidence that corporate punishment is
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effective. doesn't make a difference. black, white, hispanic. the north, the south. you've sthu you shouldn't hit your children i you want to get your children to behave. we know how to do that. consequences makes sense. time-out makes sense. positive reinforcement makes sense. >> time-out makes sense. if a parent, if my parent had told me time-out as a kid. i would laugh at them if they sent me to the room. that's what i wanted. that is not a punishment for a child. sending them to their room. >> it all depend on what is inside their room. let me go back to what we know about effective parenting. the one thing we don't pay aenough attention to is positive behavior. positive behavior the underdog. we expect kids to sit still. expect them to behave at the restaurant. expect them to listen to us. we very rarely ever say thank you very much for doing as i say. i really appreciate it. what we do do though is that we do reinforce negative behavior. not sitting up straight. messing around at the table. in a restaurant. we say something to you. so what we know is that there is
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a science to positive behavior. >> what are you saying, are you saying parents should allow their kids to roam around a restaurant or around a public place and just allow them at will to do whatever they want? >> absolutely not. there is three things they should do. when your kid does something you want them to do, you praise them. you label the praise. you say thank you very much. for doing as i say. thank you for being so polite at the table. and being so cooperative. when nay do insignificant off task behavior. you should ignore it. if they've deon't clean up on te first count. give them, three, four counts before you repeat it. >> that sound like it works well in a book. in practically. hang on, i know a lot of parents are listening. just playing devil's advocate here. i'm not a parent. i'm not a parent. i know you are an expert. a lot of parents. people are watching. saying, that's, it's easy to say on television. but for a practical, everyday use, my child doesn't listen to me. my child has disciplinarier use. >> they're talking like the charlie brown teacher. >> i'm sorry.
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>> let's take the opposite side. two things. one we do have science. we can prove this works. more importantly. what do we know about hitting kids? it's bad for two reason. you are never really in control when you smack your kid. number two it is a model you didn't want your children using. you don't want your kids hitting other people. you don't want your kids. >> can we talk about wi-fi? >> basically having a tough time when they have to learn to control their emotions. >> you are saying you should give them positive reinforcement if is a kid does something not right. you should never tell them that's wring donong don't do it. let them do it? >> when nay do insignificant off task behaviors. wait before you jump on them. >> i see you shaking your head. you want to get in there. >> you see me shaking my head over here. yes. you remember charlie brown's teacher. charlie brown's teacher, what does she sound like. that is what, that's, that is
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what we sound loike to young people. we are talking to them. not having conversations with them. how many of us are asking our daughters or sons at the end of the day how was school? what did you do? that's interesting. like we are not validating them. not having conversations with them. talking at them. giving directives. it makes us ineffective. think of yourself as an aduchlt if i talk to you now and give you directives and talk at you. you are probably going to dislike me and not talk to me ever again. you can't do that with your parents. we need to foster behavior that build them up. and that changes the way. like we talk to ooch otheach ot. give them power, love, feel now chured. >> go ahead, van. >> first of all. i think that, first of all, both of these are experts. i hope at people at home will read their books, read their works. it's been enlightening for me. i think a lot of what we are seeing in the black community, is almost preemptive abuse. i talked to black parents to
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say. they said i feel like if i am not tough on my kids at hope the police and the school teachers and society is going to be even tougher on them in the world. i am going to be super tough on my kids here so they're ready for the word. to me that sound like preemptive abuse. you are going to be more abusive than so sigh tciety. the kind of attitude. that's why you hear this football player saying i thought i was doing a good thing. the media jumps on him. an abuser in denial. people do not have the tools. we didn't have the tools. >> you look at the pictures. you look at the pictures, what adrian peterson, clearly if he did that, that is abuse. most people think a spanking, you are calling a spanking abuse on television. that easy not necessarily. >> we know things parents are supposed to do. have control. supposed to have warmth. that's what builds the most effective type of kid who is going to be independent. means you talk to your kid. you have a lot of communication. end of the day, the kid knows who is in charge.
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the parent sets rules. you can set rules and keep discipline without hitting your kid. >> thank you. >> his earpiece came out. >> thank you so much for that debate. >> tonight want to till you the mother of adrian peterson's son, charged with abuse, is expressing outrage of the invasion of their privacy. the statement from her attorney. my client is hurt and outraged that the press would -- cnn will continue to only show the pictures when necessary. >> in the whack ake of the ray case, we have been having a national discussion about domestic abuse and relationship violence. next, the mother whose daughter who was a victim tells us what we can all do to stop the abuse. '. they're something that's gonna change the cities we live in today. i find it so fascinating how many people ride this
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and tipped off the house which used all that energy to stay warm through the storm. chipmunk: there's a bad storm comin! narrator: the internet of everything is changing how energy works. is your network ready?" you remember the tragic case of yeardley love, the beautiful university of virginia lacrosse player killed by her ex-boyfriend in a case of relationship violence. something that is all too common on college campuses. and often there are warning signs that loved ones see but
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they don't know how to address. yeardley love's mom sharon decided to do something about that. she started the one love foundation. to help us all learn to spot domestic violence and stop it. sthar r sharon joins us along with ceo of the one love foundation. lady, great to have you with us tonight. >> thank you. >> sharon, i want to start with you. this week has been painful for you as you listened to all the commentary about ray and janay rice and about relationship violence and of course it forced you to have to relive what happened in your own family. can you take us back four years and tell us what happened? >> yes. yardley was asleep at home. ready, getting ready for a test the next day. and he broke in and beat her to death. her ex-boyfriend. and -- it was, an unbelievable, i still to, to this day,
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sometimes can't believe that happened. >> i can imagine. were there warning signs ledding up to that moment? >> i was totally unaware of any warning signs. so, i wasn't looking for them. i didn't know any, anything about relationship violence. and so we started the one love foundation because we felt it's necessary. that other people won't be in the position that myself and my daughter were in, not knowing a thing. and in hindsight, wishing that we had. >> that things had been different. you want few raise awareness and stop relationship violence particularly among young people. the group 16-24, for some reason, college kids are vulnerable to relationship violence. why is that? >> young women, 16-24 are at greatest risk for beingen a violent relationship. frequently we think they don't understand the warning signs and neither do their friends. one love is trying to create
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compelling, digital and technology-based tools that meet young adults where they are. our goal is really to bring the information to them and empower them with this knowledge to be one for change to help their friend and their communities. >> you are doing this with the new public service announcement that we want to show tonight. it's one-minute long. it is really powerful. let's watch. >> you're friends with who? >> somebody help me! >> one in three women are victims of relationship violence. it is often ignored by those who could help, but don't. the onelovefoundation created a revolutionary app that makes it
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impossible to ignore violence. based on research at johns hopkins university of nursing school, this app helps friend and family make an assessment and determine the threat. it is anonymous, free and can save lives. >> be one for change. join one love. >> explain more about how it works. it is a great psa. katie, explain more about how it works. if people out there tonight need help. how can they use this? >> what we love, about, see it, shatter the silence. it is easy and powerful. to participate go to our website. join view the psa. share it with your friend. we believe information is powerful. if we get it out there you might actually save a life. >> sharon, i know one of the things, message you want to say. people say why don't they leave? why deon't they leave some time leaving can be dangerous. you need to have a plan.
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>> in a perfect world. everybody would leave. that's probably the most dangerous team of relationship. with our, my plan app, you can take the time, make a plan, and, and make sure you are safe when you got out and prepared to be out. >> that is so valuable. thank you for sharing your personal story and for doing all of this. it is great to see both of you. i will tweet out the address to onelovefoundation. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. >> cnn tonight brought to you by -- what does t-mobile have that at&t doesn't? get 4 lines for just a hundred bucks. with unlimited talk, text and now up to ten gigabytes of 4g lte data. so much for at&t's 'best ever' family pricing. t-mobile's got 4 lines for a hundred bucks. up to 10gb of 4g lte data so make the switch to t-mobile. we'll even buy you out of your service contract so you can get four lines for a hundred bucks today.
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that's it for us tonight. see you back here tomorrow night. >> "ac 360" begins now. >> thank you for joining us. a lot happening tonight. breaking news. this is a fast you need to know. a person you need how to be aware of the search now on for him. take a look. a survivalist accused of ambushing pennsylvania state troopers leaving one wounded another dead. we'll have the latest on a tense manhunt that is going on for him right now. also tonight, more breaking news. a sponsor drops vikings' adrian peterson and allegations that the he abused his second child, surfaces. questions hang over the team and the league. is he being allowed to play this weekend because the team need a win and
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