tv CNNI Simulcast CNN September 16, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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but plenty of deadly enemies. hello, and thank you for joining us. i'm rosemary church. and i'm john vause. we'd like to welcome our american viewers joining us. >> i explain to him, steve, close your eyes or they will hit you. they hit me and say to me "shut up, don't talk english." >> details about their captivity with isis that he says even the
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u.s. government hasn't heard. >> and warnings from president obama about the spread of the ebola virus. the u.s. is being sent in to try to contain this growing epidemic. >> thanks for joining us, everyone. it is just past 6:00 a.m. in scotland where an historic vote that could bring an end to the united kingdom is now one day away. and it appears the undecided voters hold the key. >> this is still very close. three new polls show a narrow 4 percentage point lead for those who favor scotland staying within the united kingdom. 14% still haven't made up their mind. >> leaders of britain's three main political parties are trying to join forces to keep scotland from keeping away and they are vowing to give them a lot more power if the referendum is rejected. >> the real way to change is not to separate off scotland from the rest of the united kingdom
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but to have a stronger scottish parliament with the powers that we want it to have on a timetable that is strict and will deliver swiftly to the people of scotland but we see the case of sharing and cooperating as part of the united kingdom. >> it's meaningless. they say they'll deliver more powers but they won't tell us what powers they're talking about. they don't agree what powers they're talking about and we're already seeing mps south of the border saying they'll block any more powers for scotland. >> the strongest criticism in recent days came from john major. he sat down and talked about with christiane amanpour and talk about what he called the "yes campaign's deceptive tactics." >> they say they can get straight into the european. they say they can't.
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they say can enter straight into nato. i think they're lying. they're two days away from a vote and they do not know what currency they're going to use in the long term. well, that's just absurd. >> i spoke with jeff die dyer some of the claims you just heard from the foreign minister. >> we want to break down what he said, he thinks it's unlikely an independent scotland would enter nato. what are the facts on that? >> one of the main arguments, the yes campaign is that scotland would enter the e.u. and it would be a smooth transition. we've seen people like john major and senior italian
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politician said this today and a span, politician said it would be smooth. even more importantly he said it would take five years to enter into the eu and scotland would have to enter the eurozone, which is something the nationals said they don't want to do. all that said, it could be a much more tricky, long, drawn-out process than has been laid out. most people think scotland would eventually get foo the eu if it doesn't become bi does become independent. >> there's big economic uncertainties as to the future shape of an independent scotland would look like, what currency it would use, would it have its own central bank, would it become part of the eurozone,
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would it continue to use the pound? this has been an issue that's been part of the campaign for months now. i'm not sure these last kind of exchanges in the final days of the campaign will do much to change people's minds one way or another. i think they've heard these arguments ad nauseam over the last few months. >> i guess we need to know would scotland be better off breaking away from the current system when it comes to revenue, tax and economics or would it be better to stay with the united kingdom? >> the yes argument is you have oil revenues and a small, confident, proud country that would look after its own affairs that would create dynamism and financial security in the long run. what would happen when people
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pull money out of the country? supermarket chains are warning prices might go up in an independent scotland and there are bread and butter issues that are on people's minds that could become more difficult in the short term. >> what's interesting is the united kingdom is offering scotland extra perks in forms of greater powers of tax spending and bending over backwards to sway vote tortrs to the no camp. >> at the start of this referendum two years ago, this option of greater devolution of powers of scotland had been put on the ballot paper, which is what scotland wanted all along, that probably would have won. but that's not the choice that scotland faces this week. there will be a simple question about should scotland be independent or not, it's a simple yes or no question.
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and there's a chance that scotland might go independent. >> geoff dyer, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> and you can find out more, what makes the u.s. nervous about the prospect of an independent scotland. check that out any time on >> whatever happens on thursday has implications around the world because britain is also dealing with a foreign policy crisis right now, which is how to deal with isis and dealing with this major domestic issue, what role will britain have in any coalition that the u.s. is trying to put together to try to fight isis forces in iraq and syria. >> there a lot of problems there. as we talked there with geoff, there's a situation with scottish voters where they can really take advantage there. you have a situation there where british leaders, all three of
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them, are saying we'll give you anything if you stay on board with us. it's a great opportunity compared to great uncertainty if they break away. >> they wanted the greater autonomy two years ago. david cameron refused so now we're in the situation we're at right now. we mentioned the role of the crisis and what role britain would have and the u.n. has been ramping up strikes against isis. >> the militants are claiming a victory of their own in syria. they say they shot down a syrian fighter jet, and they've got the wreckage to prove it. a syrian opposition group says the jet was targeting the militants in their stronghold city of raka. >> and we have stephen sotloff, the second u.s. citizen beheaded
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by isis. >> a man with sotloff said the u.s. never questioned him about the incident. this is our report. >> reporter: as he wanders through istanbul, his mind floats back to the friend he could not save. he was a producer or so-called fixer for u.s. journalist stephen sotloff. they were kidnapped just inside syria by isis gunmen in august 2013. sotloff never made it out alive. >> i was very angry first, very, very angry. after that i calmed down and i was very so sorry. i tried to do my best to help him. my feeling, so sad. like i lost one brother. >> reporter: he told cnn he first met sotloff in 2012. sotloff hired him for a planned three-day trip in syria. he had a surprise gift for him
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when he picked him up at the turkey-syria border on august 4, 2013. >> he give me small gift camera. and he said to me happy birthday, youssef. i say thank you. when i turn my face to the way to the front of me, they was wait us on the road. and they kidnapped us. >> reporter: they were just 20 minutes into their drive to aleppo. he explained three cars were parked by the highway, about 15 gunmen armed with assault rifles leapt out when they saw them approach. >> on the road i was who is you, what do you want? he say to me just shut up. >> reporter: he said the gunman ordered them to shut their eyes. >> he hit him and say close your face but in arabic. i explain to him, steve, close your eyes or they will hit you. they hit me and say to me "shut
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up, don't talk english." >> reporter: he new travel in syria was risky so he took trusted relatives and guns for protection. >> i have security and guns from my family. and i say to him i have weapons from brigade and he give me permissions to cross. >> reporter: before working as a fixer, he said he spent a few months fighting in the ranks in the rebel brigade, a modest islamic faction. he says the gunman took them to a text tile factory on the outskirts of aleppo. >> he took us to a building and put everything in a room alone. after that i hear one, he talking to steve, he say to him give me your passport.
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just he say to him pa"password." steve give him the password and after that i did not hear the voice of steve. >> reporter: he was held for 15 days. he did not see any american or british jihadis. >> he said do you know who he is? he says, yes, we are in the islamic state. should we kill you because you are a spy, you work with america, with cia? we will leave you now because you have this papers, you can go now. but if we hear you will work with journalist again, we will
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kill you for sure. >> reporter: months after his release, he heard the u.s. journalist was moved from the textile factory to an industrial complex outside of laleppo and later to raqqa. reporters who knew him and were consulted by cnn say he was trustworthy. he believes a border guard may have tipped off isis. >> they wait for me exactly. because when they saw my car come, they leave the car. >> reporter: after he was freed, he says he was never interviewed by any u.s. officials or investigators. >> no, from the government of american, didn't anyone contact -- any officer, they didn't contact me and ask me about anything about how you kidnapped or try to take any information about my kidnapper.
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>> reporter: he learned of sotloff's execution from the video isis posted online september 2nd. >> you don't have to send any message to the killer. the killer is killer. but i send message to the world to say it's not really that, they are liar. i say that to everybody. to all the people. i say they are not muslims. they are enemy. >> he has found safe haven in turkey but he says he can never escape the memory of a journalist who was his friend. >> and just ahead, another story we are watching very closely. the u.s. president underscores the dire public health warning
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on ebola. >> here's the hard truth -- in west africa, ebola is now an epidemic, the like of which we have not seen before. >> how the white house is planning to respond. back with that in just a moment. take a closer look at your fidelity green line and you'll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k) to a fidelity ira. it gives you a wide range of investment options... and the free help you need to make sure your investments fit your goals --
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is spiraling out of control. after a briefing at the centers for disease control and prevention, mr. obama announced plans to send up to 3,000 more military personnel to the region. the u.s. will build more field hospitals and treatment centers and will start training 500 health care workers per day. u.s. aid will hand out 400,000 treatment kits to at-risk families. mr. obama stressed the urgent need for action. >> if the outbreak is not stopped now, we could be looking at hundreds of thousands of people infected with profound political and economic and security implications for all of us. so this is an epidemic that is not just a threat to regional security, it's a potential threat to global security if these countries break down, if their economies break down, if people panic. that has profound effects on all
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of us, even if we are not directly contracting the disease. >> and earlier in the day american dr. ken brantley met with mr. obama. he contracted ebola in july while working in siberia and survived. later he testified in congress giving lawmakers a grave warning about the disease. listen. >> many, including one of the senators today, used the analogy of a fire burning out of control to describe this unprecedented ebola outbreak. indeed it is a fire. it is a fire straight from the pit of hell. we cannot fool ourselves into thinking the vast mode of the atlantic ocean will protect us from the flames of this fire. instead we must move quickly and immediately to deliver the promises that have been made and to be open to practical, innovative interventions.
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this is the only way to keep entire nations from being reduced to ashes. >> and to learn more about what you can do in the fight against ebola, check out our impact our world web page to find the latest information about ebola and information about how you can help. >> another big story we're following here, the wildfires in california. hundreds of homes are still under threat. ivan is following all of this for us. bush fire season or the wildfire season really in full swing now out west. >> it's an annual thing that continues here in california because of how dry it has been. we're getting close to 13,000 acres that have burned since this started here. kids playing in playgrounds and then 24 hours later, gone are the playgrounds.
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of course the kids out of the way as we've had mandatory evacuations. firefighters, up to 2,600 of them are now fighting the king fire, as we continue with conditions that are just terrible. high winds, low humidity, high temperatures. it doesn't get worse than that. at this point that's why we have 500 homes at risk and only 5% containment. let's take you to the fire and show you what's been happening on the ground as we do have all those firefighters out there. in fact, one crew got into a heap of trouble. they actually had to deploy their emergency equipment there and had to be rescued. thankfully no injuries but you can clearly see that fire has been jumping canyon to canyon and then it burns up the ridge through the mountains. so this is just an out-of-control situation. the fuel is there, dry as can be in california. let's get to the forecast and show you what's been happening and what's going to happen in the next couple of days. a wedge of dry here but look at
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the upper low spinning in the east pacific. it's likely not going to bring significant rainfall. in fact, thunderstorm activity is possible right over the fire. you know what that can do. of course additional lightning strikes, additional fires. we'll watch that in the next 48 hours. another thing this will do is get the winds up a little bit so they'll be a little gusty the next couple of days. we'll watch that. that is tropical storm odile, the moisture fanning up all the way into arizona. this is going to be i think a repeat of what we had. with the last storm, torrential downpours that cannot take it. look at this model just cranking this rain up. we're talking the potential for upwards of 4 inches falling in a short period of time so we have them from arizona into new mexico. >> that's just a small town
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there and most of that town or many neighborhoods have simply been burnt right to the ground. >> one of our twitter followers was saying 100 homes and she lives near weed. >> for us, so quickly burning. schools closed and economic impacts and the families that have lost their homes obviously. >> devastating. >> thank you. >> for three years u.s. astronauts have had to hitch rides into space with the russians. but now the united states is getting its own rocket and we take a look after the short break. want to change the world? create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy. be an engineer. solve problems the world needs solved. what are you waiting for? changing the world is part of the job description. join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers.
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is your network ready?" welcome back. two u.s. companies have been tapped to get astronauts into space. >> one up in the air for almost 100 years. the other around for just over a decade. boeing and elon musk's spacex following a four-year competition have been tapped to put america back in the business
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of spacecraft. >> the first flight is planned for 2017. the contracts are worth $6.8 billion. boeing bid with its space capsule. spacex already shuttles cargo to the i.s.s. when atlantis touched down in the predawn hours of july 21, 2011 -- >> the space shuttle pulls into port for the last time. >> now new goals for nasa. >> turning over the reins to private industry will focus on a new mission, that of sending humans to mars. >> reporter: nasa says it costs typically $70 million per seat,
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purchasing six seats per year. >> good news. it's hard to believe it's been three years without a shuttle launch. >> i know. >> we'll take a short break. when we come back, scotland set to decide whether to leave the united kingdom. we'll look at how much a vote for independence will cost each and every person in that country. >> and peshmerga forces go on the offensive against isis. just a crossbow. you can shoot things with it. can't touch it? no, you can't touch it. look at this, my george foreman grill. ah, that cooks meat so good. (buzzing electronic toothbrush) i can't touch the toothbrush that you put in your mouth? (giggling): yoga! you have an operational dvd player? you also can't touch my digeridoo. digeridoo? or didgeridoo?
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thanks for staying with us. i'm john vause. >> and i'm rosemary church. it's still too close to call, just one day before scotland votes on whether to break away from the united kingdom. several polls show a slight lead for those who support staying in the u.k. voters are considering a renewed pledge from london to give scotland more say over its own affairs. >> u.s. president barack obama warns west africa's ebola epidemic is a threat to global security. mr. obama announced thousands more military and medical
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personnel will build field hospitals and treatment centers. >> a man abducted with u.s. journalist steven sotloff last year says u.s. officials never questioned him about the incident. he says the kidnappers told him they were with isis, the group that recently beheaded sotloff and two other captives. the u.s. declined to comment but say sotloff's murder is being investigated. >> the scottish vote on independence, polls show a tight race that will be decided by the undecideds. >> the referendum on thursday is unique in that it's the first to allow registered voters 16 and older to cast ballots. by lowering the voting age, scotland has created its largest ever electorate, 4.2 million people will determine its fate. this is all causing plenty of nerves south of the scottish
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border, of course, as well as mixed opinions as to whether scotland should stay or go. >> scotland is part of the u.k. heritage. i think it would be a real shame if they decided to leave us. i feel like it would be a part of my family saying i don't want to be with you anymore, cheerio. >> if they decide to go to independence, that's fine. if they decide not to, that's fine. that's part of being a democracy. >> if they want to go, let them go. >> nice. and brits are hoping to tug at the heart strings with displays such as this one. people have been adding to the pile, which is strategically placed on a pile on the england/scotland border. this issue of scottish independence is causing a divide
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within some families and between these two siblings. >> i'm afraid that to me the nationalist arguments are entirely self-centered and selfish. i care about the united kingdom's place on the world stage. i think it would be greatly diminished if scotland pulls t out. >> i think you're speaking in capitalistic terms and i'd like to have it so it isn't all the rich people looking after all the rich people. i'd like to get something different. i'm voting for change. >> divorce is never cheap. >> fun family gatherings with that family, right? >> divorce is never cheap, especially if you've been married for more than 300 years, like scotland and england.
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and if scotland does decide to become an independent nation, there's a lot of questions about what it might cost the economy. >> there are a lot of issues to consider, as we explain. >> here are some factors that you should know about. number one, administrative costs. scotland will need a new defense department, a foreign affairs department, economic regulators and a new tax system, among other things. one estimate from academics pegs the cost of up to $200 million pounds, about 40 pounds per scot. but another estimate is $4 billion pounds. that's only the tip of the iceberg. a question is whether a new scotland would use the u.k.
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pound. some say yes. the u.k. says no. it's creating uncertainty for businesses and trade. another option would be to use the euro, but that would take time. or will they create their own currency? that brings us to our third point, which is debt. the debate is raging over scotland paying its share of uk. debt, upwards of $100 billion pounds. and will investors lend to a new scotland. that will add to scotland's fiscal stress. finally, banking. major scottish banks and financial institutions like lloyd, standard life and even the royal bank of scotland are threatening to move their bases out of scotland if the country votes to leave the u.k. those are just some of the costs and risks of independence. now, pro-independence campaigners argue it will give
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people a chance to create long-term prosperity for the nation and support local industry. independence is never only about economics but change is hard. the short term might be costly. for cnn money, i'm zane asher. >> continued coverage as the results come in on thursday. the polls open tomorrow. of course, this is the last full day of campaigning. >> another big story that we're following here. america's top general says u.s. troops on the ground could become necessary in the war against isis. >> martin dempsey told a senate panel tuesday that he would recommend it if he felt advisers should at some point accompany iraqi troops in specific attacks. the white house says dempsey was speaking hypothetically. here's what he said. >> my view at this point is that this coalition is the appropriate way forward. i believe that will prove true. but if it fails to be true and
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if there are threats to the united states, then i of course would go back to the president and make a recommendation that may include the use of u.s. military ground forces. >> i appreciate that you've said that you have not ruled this out. >> i have not in terms of recommendations. >> has the president ruled is out? >> well, at this point his stated policy is that we will not have u.s. ground forces in direct combat, so yes. >> including operators and j-tack and embedded on the ground? >> yes. but he has told me as well to come back to him on a case-by-case basis. >> and american warplanes are also playing a key role in helping kurdish peshmerga forces turn back militants. >> reporter: as the first rays of light stream through the
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crowds, the roar of u.s. fighters jets could be heard right across these desolate plains. this was a signal for the peshmerga to launch their new offensive against isis. the mission -- to reclaim this township and the surrounding area, which includes a strategic bridge blown up by isis a month ago. the bridge connects the highway running from erbil to the city of mosul. for more than an hour two u.s. fighters jets, which can you hear now, have been circling, launching air strikes on enemy targets, also providing that critical cover for these ground forces to advance towards the bridge. for the man in charge of these troops and this operation, he is the one communicating and coordinating with the americans, advising them on isis targets. what are you wanting them to hit when you give the orders to
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strike? what will they be hitting? >> the position where they are fighting. it's very difficult for peshmerga to get there. >> reporter: so far the partnership is working well, though the kurdish forces have made no secret they would like to see an intensification of the u.s. campaign. after hours of strikes, the horizon was filled with columns of black smoke. but some isis militants refused to retreat, one driving a vehicle of explosives to the line. by late in the day, they had taken back control of the bridge. up until this morning, this was the isis front line. but after an intensive ground operation by the peshmerga, they have managed to clear out the
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surrounding village of militants. the focus now is this highway. it runs all the way to mosul. an operation is currently under way to carefully and slowly remove what the peshmerga say are barrels of ieds and explosives along the road. soldiers showed us some isis handy work. >> reporter: this is what isis is laying along the road. it's very primitive, but if you step on it, it will detonate an explosive. anna coren, cnn, iraq. >> we will take a short break now. but once a star on the american football field, now a pariah suspended from the league. ray rice is appealing his
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and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. go to checkyourspeed. if we can't offer faster speeds or save you money we'll give you $150. comcast business built for business. . welcome back. this story is causing controversy. a convicted murderer and rapist, he's been granted the right to euthanasia. >> and this is a country that bans the death penalty.
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he argued the psychiatric condition prior to his crimes hasn't seen any improvement and he would be a threat to society if released. >> translator: quite a number of doctors said he has been suffering for a long time and that there are no ways to soften his pain and his pain is linked to his psychiatric illness. so he meets the conditions for the law to be applied. >> reporter: now, he's the first prisoner to be granted the right to euthanasia. they are worried that other inmates might request that as well. >> we'll keep an eye on that story. ray rice was a formidable offensive player in the national football league but now the disgraced running back is
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squarely on the defense. >> on tuesday the nfl players association appealed rice's indefinite suspension from the league. it's the latest fallout from recent footage showing rice punching his then fiancee/now wife unconscious. >> reporter: they will focus on what right told goodell in a meeting at nfl headquarters in new york. goodell said rice misled him about the severity of what happened in that atlantic city casino last february. >> it was not consistent with what happened on the videotape. >> when we met with ray rice and his representatives, it was ambiguous about what actually happened. >> reporter: in the letter, rice makes clear it wasn't what happened in the elevator that forced his hand, it was rice's
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recounting of the story that didn't match reality. goodell wrote "this video shows a starkly different sequence of events from what you and your representatives stated when we met on june 16." espn reported four sources said rice told goodell in that june 16 meeting that he punched or hit janay in that elevator. his coach said his star running back did not mislead him. >> did he mislead you in any way. you stood up here and defended the guy and now you see the video. >> i don't want to get into all that. i don't think of it that way. everything i said in terms of what i believe i stand behind. >> reporter: one person
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definitely feeling misled and apparently angry, rihanna, who has her own history as a victim of domestic violence. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: a new glitzier version of "run this town" was yanked last week. today she took to twitter writing "cbs, you pulled my song last week and now you want to slide it back into this thursday? no, [ bleep ] you. y'all are sad for penalizing me for this." cbs quickly responded saying the network will be moving in a different direction for a game opener. >> well, the player at the center of another nfl scandal will soon face the cameras. >> we'll see if he shows up. adrian peterson is expected to join the minnesota vikings on wednesday for a regular weekly media appearance. he's been indicted for child abuse. peterson admitted to hitting his
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son with a small tree branch as discipline. pictures later surfaced showing welts on the little boy's body. fellow pro football player reggie bush is defending peterson. >> i got what we called whooping, whooped with belts and stuff like that. for me growing up, it was normal. i most definitely discipline my daughter, i definitely will try to -- obviously not leave bruises or anything like that but i definitely will discipline her harshly, again depending what the situation is. >> talking about his 1-year-old daughter there. peterson has lost a major endorsement deal. anheuser-busch is expressing concern over the handling of the
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cases stating "we are not yet satisfied with the league's handling of the behaviors. we have shared our expectations of the league." >> and roger goodell said he will work with four women advisers to deal with the issues plaguing the league. they will help develop the league's policies around those issues. >> good luck to them. we'll take a short break here. when we come back, a big step closer to europe and an olive branch. details on two important votes up next. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment is right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is also the only daily ed tablet approved to treat symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently.
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want to take it from the top? rates for us and them. now that's progressive. this pact is the same one abandoned last year to pursue closer ties with russia. that move led to violent protests and separatiaccept se movements in the east. >> translator: i'm convinced today we have received a process where the peace process has not been derailed and have come
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closer to a situation where people in eastern ukraine will stop dying and people in donetsk will have opportunities to elect new authorities and with those authorities we'll find peace and a new path. that's my plan. >> the leader of the self-declared donetsk people's republic tells cnn the rebels will not give up their weapons. >> we turn to the weather now and the remnants of a typhoon continue to lash southeast asia with heavy rail. ivan? >> we had philippines, china and now vietnam. it's inland now so the winds are relaxing a bit but the rain has not let up. we looking at potential for flooding and mudslides continue. look at this thing just roaring through here over the south sea into vietnam at this point.
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150 kilometer winds, about 80 miles an hour, as much as 300 millimeters of rainfall. terrific amounts rain. we saw that in the philippines as well. still raining there. more rain on the way, though, for this part, southeastern china specifically, 100 to 200 millimeters of additional rain so we'll have issues with that. in the philippines raining again already from another tropical disturbance here. this has a cyclone alert with it, which is the last step before they start issuing advisories. i think we'll have a named storm within the next 12 hours as it moves forward. it looks like it will miss as far as the winds but the rain will not. heavy rain well out ahead of it and behind it as you saw with that last one. more problems for the philippines unfortunately with another tropical cyclone.
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nontropical low but this one is turning in plenty of moisture coming in out of the south and west and then we have another low across southeastern europe. let's take threw and show you the flooding in romania. it's coming down in buckets here. we don't have romania. that's okay, we show you the next hour. it's been raining upwards of 6 inches in the last 24 to 48 hours. and then we have this one here not moving that much. we have a blocking pattern here. we have a trough in the east, a trough in the west, not muff going on in the middle, and that's blocking any systems from moving west to east. it's also providing us with mild temperatures for this time of year, temperatures well above normal for this time of year. guys. >> looking forward to that romanian rain. excellent. don't miss it! >> it's raining and it's in romania. something to look forward to. >> that's does it for this hour
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on cnn. i'm rosemary church. >> and i'm john vause. >> we'll discuss the scottish referendum. you are watching cnn. ad-up dispy for enhanced driver focus. all inside a newly redesigned cabin of unrivaled style and comfort. ♪ the all-new c-class. at the very touch point of performance and innovation. ♪
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11:00 pm
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