tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN September 17, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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for half a decade. and this is what we'll see for the rest of the year. >> thanks very much. that's it for me. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. erin burnett outfront starts right now. >> the house votes to arm syrian rebels as ice is reveals a new video and the u.s. warns that commercial flights are a major target for terrorists as lone wolves are asked to bomb times square and las vegas. and police looking for a delusional survivalist. let's go outfront. good evening. i'm erin burnett. the u.s. house of representatives votes to arm
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syrian rebels. us fighter drones and jets are dropping in iraq today and despite the president's insist engs there will be no boots on the ground in this war, he said there are things only america can do. >> when the world is threatened, when the world needs help, it calls on america. even the countries that complain about america, when they need, who do they call? they call us. >> plus, this looks like a hollywood trailer. slickly put together. isis calls it the quote, unquote, flames of war. it is the terrorist group new video threatening to blow up the white house and kill u.s. troops. all of this as they try to explain that the president and his top general are saying different things about the war.
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jim suito is out front. >> at central command, the headquarters for all u.s. military operations against isis, president obama reiterated his now familiar promise. no ugs ground troops. >> i want to be clear. the u.s. forces deployed to iraq do not and will not have a combat mission. >> today's pledge triggered by his commanders comments a few days ago that in fact the u.s. may need ground forces first it reaches a point that i believe our troops need attack against certainly isil targets,ly insist it. >> and they insist there is no daylight between the staples but still it alarmed and confused many, including the president's fellow democrats. >> will not vote for combat troops to engage in war.
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we are not there to support combat troops in any of these engagements. >> reporter: today the former press second robert gates said on cbs that mission creep is inevitable. >> so there will be boots on ground if there is to be any hope of success in the strategy. and think that by continuing to repeat that, the president in a fact traps himself. >> reporter: i blistering editorial in the new york times went further, arguing, quote, even though dempsey's remarks were conditional, the obama administration has moved on to deeply and more klostly deployment. and now at the peak of the iraq war, there were nearly 100 times there right now. >> i assume what the president means no ground forces in iraq, he means no organized division or core of the type we did deploy to iraq in 2003.
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this is a different american military operation, primarily an air campaign. but it has to be assisted by some people on the ground. especially forces, trainers, that kind of thing. >> reporter: in the president's comments today and secretary kerry's comments today, clearly the administration is making a distinction between a combat mission and being in combat. they say u.s. troops will not have a combat mission and kicking down doors and taking up firing position but may find themselves in combat on the front lines as josh earnest said. now as someone who has reported on combat before in iraq and afghanistan. if you are in combat, regardless of your role, you are certainly facing danger. if that is a violation of the spirit of the president's pledge not to have ground troops, that is for others to decide. but clearly, erin, today, even within his own party and even lawmakers in his own party were demanding clarification. >> jim sciutto.
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thank you very much. if you need ground troops, as this administration said, who will do it? and now to the isis video produced as a hollywood video produced as eyes of war. >> the video is slick, fast and precisely the kind of packaging we've come to expect from isis. about a minute long and showing they would ravage u.s. ground troops. but key scenes like this one showing explosions and fire at a corner, are repeated as if they have limited clips and time and again walls of fire are visually imposed on images of americans. that is a message to analysts like frank sulla who studies propaganda at george washington university. >> they are trying to project a power that they arguably do not have. >> that is likely true.
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the isis army published beheadings and shocking images like this showing a syrian jet they claim to have shot down. but that does not mean they could handle coalition forces. >> one, try to recruit those to their cause, westerners. and it is to signal fear to the audience, in this case the united states. and it is being used to fund raise and try to incite some of our own home-grown jihadist threats. >> and there is one other thing in releasing something like this. sharing it on the internet, sharing it far beyond the reach of isis. >> in military terms that process is a force multiplying, transforming what could be a cheap movie made by one person with a laptop into something much more menacing, tom foreman,
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condition, washington. joining me tom mcclinton and co-host of cross fire and worked in the obama administration. you saw the latest video calling flames of war. 94% of americans know about the behead gz and that is because of the isis videos. so are videos like this pushing the united states toward a war and perhaps putting u.s. lives at risk. >> if we've learned everything over the past few years, is that if we put our young people in harm's way, we owe it to them to back them with the full might and fury, resources and commitment of the country. and i don't see the consensus there throughout the country or in the administration to sustain what would be required for a war of that magnitude. i think the president is right to order a select air attacks where we have resistance forces that are in direct confrontation with the islamic state where we can turn the tide of battle, we
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can and should. but i think anything further than that, we have got to do a serious gut check as a nation and as a government as to whether we are willing to put the resources behind what would be necessary to provide the support to our troops that we have denied them these past 13 years. >> and of course this is the big question about ground troops. but van, when the president is making his argument to tell the nation this is a threat and the united states needs to do something about it, he has been doing so in language that is eerily to bush in the run up against his war with al qaeda. >> the united states of america will continue to do what we must do to protect our people. >> all nations should know that america will do what is necessary to ensure our nation's secure. >> isil is not islamic. >> the face of terror is not the true faith of islam. >> and it will take time to
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erratic ate isil. >> you should expect a lengthy came. >> if you threaten america, you will find no safe haven. >> this is a -- they are in a battlefield and we must pursue them wherever they are. >> that is eerie, van. >> this is different situation. before you had iraq as a stable association and they went in with ground troops. this is different. this is an unstable country and being overrun and the president say nothing ground troops. that is important. and also i think it is important to realize that today was a historic day. congress acted normally. there was bipartisan support for the president, bipartisan opposition to the president, and we are actually now functioning like a normal democracy. we don't have lock step opposition to everything the
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president does and this partisan gridlock. that is important. and another thing that is important that we haven't talked about, 50 countries are standing with the president and the united states against these butchers. that is important. the reason i think people are concerned is when you talk about training folks on the ground in syria, there is concern that there may be blow back, who are these people. that is a concern but we are making progress as a country. >> and i want to talk about that. there were people who voted against arming the syrian rebels on both the republican and democratic side. and senator you were one of them talking about today's vote. and it is just just the president that says arming the rebels is everything. and i had stanley mcchrystal on the show and asking whether he wanted boots on the ground, and i want you to hear his answer. he didn't sugar coat it but here is what he said. >> even if the weapons end up in
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the arms of a group that want to harm the united states? >> i think that is. look at the alternative if you do that, you leave them in a position where they won't be major players? >> congressman, why is the general and the president wrong? >> i think it will come back and bite us. the free syrian army is among various islamic factions that have a long history of collaborating with the islamic state. and furthermore their central mission is not to destroy the islamic state, their central mission is to destroy the government of syria, which despite the despotism, is actively engaged in attacking the islamic state. i think we're making the same mistake that george w. bush made in attacking iraq as van jones admitted. as saddam hussein was, he was not responsible for anything that happened on 9/11. he was not harboring weapons of
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mass destruction. and when we went in there and stabilized, we created the vacuum. i think that arming the syrian rebels has the same potential. i think those american arms could very easily be turned against the syrian government and would work to the islamic state's benefit or turned directly over to the islamic state as we watch the carefully vetted iraq army do just a few weeks ago with american arms. that is why the islamic state is armed to the teeth with american equipment. >> well they do of course reportedly have very significant american weapons. thanks to both of you. and outfront next, america's top military leader said half of iraqs troops are not fit to take on isis. so how can they lead the ground war and make it possible for the united states not to be involved? and a massive manhunt, the search on for a dangerous sniper who is delusional.
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mark dempsey told us today that only half of the armies are capable. and the other half contain so much sectarian division and when you do that math you end up with zero. and we are joined from erbiel iraq, amy joins us. >> we've been dealing with the kurd forces up here in iraq. but i can tell you the iraqi forces deserted many of the towns and cities when isis made their advance back in june. general dempsey is saying half of the brigades were incapable of partnering with the united states to push back isis is extremely alarming. but not surprising. you know, this was a force that was a sectarian military with a sectarian leadership governed by the former prime minister nuri
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al-maliki. he excluded the sunni officers from the military and created the sectarian military. so that is why general dempsey is saying that half of the military is too heavily weighted, shiite, rebderring -- rendering them to be intersected to be a unifying force. that is a concern here. and also partially rebuilding the other half of the military. the united states has invested so much money into iraq and training, equipping the military. well it was that military that left the city of mosul, fallujah, kirkuk, they ran when isis was approaching and left all of the equipment that the americans have given them. so that certainly is the problem, erin, when it comes to the iraqi forces. as far as the mesh mogga go, in iraq, they are embedded. they are far more of a unified force but they will tell us quite frankly, they need help.
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they need weapons and arms and ammunition intelligence and they need training. so when we sat down with the kurdish president a few days ago, he told us that he would welcome foreign forces on the ground to help his troops here in northern iraq. >> ana, thank you very much. and of course none of the foreign troops have been announced from anybody. >> and i want to bring in our military analysist, rick francona. and you jest heard -- just heard ana saying that dempsey said they are not capable and she is talking about how they fled and isis got those weapons. is there anything realistic about this, this hope that iraqi troops are going to fight this battle? >> well hopefully with the americans there now, we've had several months working with them. they can change the leadership. it was the leadership that failed. the troops can fight if they were led properly. the leadership left and the troops fled with them. >> so you think this is possible. there is a lot that needs to be
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done. but this is possible. it is not like they are not capable. >> 26 brigades is almost 80,000 troops to fight 30,000 isis at their best. so if we can get those mobilized and get the 100,000 kurds who we know are well led and now being well equipped because the foreign equipment is flowing directly to the occukurds, ther a chance to turn iraq around. the problem will be later in syria. >> but this is a crucial point you are talking about. you are talking about 80,000 member and even a majority of them -- a lot of them were running, she said running from mosul and i understand that is a leadership issue, but i'm back to the point if you think they can win this on their own. >> i do. >> on their own. without ground troops. because john kerry are trying to get ground troops that are not iraqi. but he's gotten nowhere. >> but the first thing here is american intelligence and american advice and american
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intel. and we've seen it. they stopped the advance. isis is not making advances, they are stopped and rolling backch and they are going to start southwest of bagdad where you saw the u.s. air strikes going in there, that was the leading edge of the isis advance and that has stopped and are rolling back and the iraqi army is moving into three cities in the tigris valley. they will turn this and get the upper hand and with american air power, they will turn this back. >> all right, thank you very much. colonel francona. and tonight a massive manhunt under way in eastern pennsylvania. this is more man danger and armed. matthew frein is wanted for killing one trooper and injured another one. startling details on the man that may be on the hunt for more police officers to kill. >> reporter: by air and land the hunt is on for suspected cop
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killer eric matthew frein. police say the 31-year-old survivalist seen in these photos is no longer the clean-cut looking man he appeared to be for years. >> he currently has his head shaved on both sides and long hair on top and wider than a mohawk on top. >> reporter: a change investigators say frein made in preparation for the shootig. >> he belonged to a military unit based in eastern pennsylvania in which participants assume the role of shoulders in eastern european countries. in his mind, frein assumes to have developed that role in real life. >> reporter: police say he waited in the woods outside of the police barracks, firing four shots, killing trooper dixon and injuring alex douglas. two days after the shooting, police find a clue two miles from the scene from a man walking his dog who saw a jeep
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partially submerged in a small body of water. the reservoir where the suspect's jeep was found was just beyond these woods. the owner of this property allowed us in. and the access came with a warning. and it also came with the state police. don't meander in the woods, because police officer are everywhere. his military gear and shell casings were left at the crime scene. >> in the event you are listening to this broadcast on a portable radio, eric, we are coming for you. it is only a matter of time before we bring you to justice for committing this cowardly attack. >> frein's family told investigators two guns are missing from the home, including an ak-47. >> so -- >> former pennsylvania law enforcement officer joe peters? >> we have a suspect in this case who is anti-government, he
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is a hunter, he is a woodsman and he is alleged to be a survivalist. that is a deadly cocktail. >> reporter: local schools are closed and frein's face is on fliers all over town as the community lives in fear. and here we are five days after that shooting. hundreds of clues have come in. no sign of this man yet. the d.a. making one thing very clear, if you help or harbor this man you will be prosecuted. and about this community living in fear, we do hear tonight that they are in solidarity. you will see blue lights both inside and outside of homes in honor of the trooper who died. erin. >> rosa flores, thank you. and in outfront next, the minnesota vikings do an about face. brean peterson side lines. did they do the right thing. and commercial flights are a
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top target. and as scotland prepares to vote for independence, we have a bizarre take on this. something that scottish banned in the u.s. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice.
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tonight a new terror threat to commercial flights and it is not just isis that the government is worried about. deborah fayerick is out front. >> reporter: with isis propaganda out of iraq, juiced up on steroids, there are home grown violent extremists, the so-called lone wolves, and planes. a favorite terror target because of the economic impact. >> it is sort of a flair for the dramatic and there is nothing more dramatic than an exploding airlines and that is one of the reasons they've continued to aim for that target. >> reporter: experts believe bomb makers now in syria have been training jihadys from the west to in part attack jetlin
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jetliners. >> it is the most propaganda of any terrorist organization. >> reporter: today the said of the national counter terrorism testified that the immediate threat to the west is lone wolves. >> what worries them is isis will launch attacks against the united states and train western recruits in bomb making send them back. >> reporter: unlike a 9/11 attack where hijackers learned how to fly planes, the simpler attacks are more of a threat. appealing to extremists who need no training or little money to spread chaos pieced together from home made items. the boston marathon bombers used things from a pressure cooker that they learned how to macon online. as did the foiled 2010 bomb scare bomber. with the arrest of a rochester new york man accused of want to be isis fighters, there was a
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step up on security in places like time square to provide peace of mind. >> the realist of the vergence of the new potential threats out of particularly the syrian conflict is something we cannot ignore. >> reporter: the fbi has arrested a half dozen people trying to travel from the u.s. to syria to fight with various jihadi groups. jihadi online magazine and blogs making clear, new york, washington, houston, chicago and atlanta and other american cities remain prime extremist targets. >> and deb, you have a picture -- pages of one of the notebooks. this is really organized, put in a spiral notebook. >> what is amazing is this is their online magazine. it is so well done. it is like a female jihady put out. they used a year book. they keep coming back to the attacks, the pipe bombs, the car bombs, the pressure cooker
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bombs. they are not getting more creative in the attacks but they are trying to indoctrinate young jihadist into do a pipe or a car. and as you heard paul cook shrank say, the real fear is if isis lets out of a mobilization of army to say we want all of you lone wolves to act and act now. that is an even greater game-changer. >> deborah fayerick, thank you very much. outfront and member of the [ inaudible ]. i know they are targeting flights that americans fly. what have you learned about this threat? >> well it was no doubt the threat is there. isis is coming at us from -- well attempting to come at us from many directions and they have assets that al qaeda did not have. al qaeda really had just a small number of people who are capable of coming into the united
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states. isis has thousands that can come to the united states. almost do not have a large amount of money. the entire 9/11 operation cost several hundred thousand. isis is raising 1 million to $3 million every day. they rob banks and get $100 million. and they are also training people in syria as far as you said, with pipe bocks and ieds or just coming back to a major city or subway center, we have to constantly be on guard of the isis threat. >> and there is a new blog urging them about new york sand time square. they have amped up security there. how worried are officials about attacks in the united states? >> they are concerned.
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and i think it is somewhat misleading when we see people saying there is no direct threat in the united states from isis. that is technically true. but it is also true on september 10th, 2001 there was no direct threat from al qaeda. but the fact is isis has the intent and they have the means and the personnel, they have the capability. so we have to assume that it is only a matter of time. and we have to constantly be on our guard. so this to me is a very, very real threat, especially considering the numbers and the deadliness and considering the literally on the-the-ground training their members are getting in syria. >> we have seen two americans beheaded on video by isis. when kerry was asked today how many hostages are being held by isis or militant groups right now and he said, somewhere three or four, i don't want to get into that. can you tell us more about that. that number is higher than we've been told before.
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>> i can't comment on that at all, erin. i can't go near that, i'm sorry. >> but there are americans? >> i can't comment. i can't comment. >> i understand it is a sensitive issue. we have reported that there are americans. that is more than we had been aware of. thank you very much, congressman. >> erin, thank you. frbt next, breaking news questioning another nfl player about domestic plus a billionaire outfront said college is for dunces. don't bother wasting your money or your time. ud? no. guys? it's the woven one the woven one. oh, oh that gives her invincibility. guys? no, no, no... the scarlet king is lord victor's son!! no don't. i told you! you guys are gonna be so surprised when you watch the finale!!! you're so lucky your car has wi-fi. yeah...i am. equinox from chevrolet... the first and only car company to bring built-in 4g lte wi-fi to cars, trucks and crossovers.
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for over 19 million people. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. tonight the nfl money and power slipping away as the outrage builds over domestic violence cases. jonathan dwyer is being questioned about domestic violence by police and on the same day two other placers were side lines. the panthers announcing greg
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hardy won't play and the minnesota vikings banning the best running back adrian peterson while he deals with allegations he beat his son. even though he is side lines, i should note he is still being paid, at $700,000 a week. ted roll ands is out front in minnesota. and ted, that is a stunning number. still being paid $700,000 a week? >> reporter: still being paid but not part of the team, erin. in fact he has been put on the side line until his legal troubles iron themselves out one way or another and the minnesota vikings went back and forth on this issue and then today they decided that, indeed, he will not play. in an about-face, the minnesota vikings have now decided that adrian peterson should stay away from football, with pay, while the legal process runs its course. >> we made a mistake. and we needed to get this right.
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>> reporter: on monday the team was adamant that even given photos showing injuries to peterson's 4-year-old son, the star running back should play this weekend. >> this is disciplining -- this isn't disciplining a child. and whether it is an abusive situation or whether he went too far or not disciplining, we feel very strongly that that is the court's decision to make. >> reporter: the team claims the change from playing to being sidelined indefinitely came from the vikings, not the em badled nfl league office and commissioner roger goodell, who ultimately did have to approve the move. psht faces -- peterson faces a child abuse charge for disciplining his son. according to reports of scars left on his legs, buttocks and genitals. many of peterson's teammates think he should be on the field. >> i support adrian, man.
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and in everything he did. i didn't seeing no wrong with it. that is me personally. >> is that the feeling in the locker room? are there are a lot of guys in the locker room thinking there is nothing wrong with this? >> i can't speak about other guys, but me personally, like i said, growing up, my mom she disciplined me the same way. and i say it got me to this point now and i'm in the nfl. >> reporter: vikings fans are split. >> this ain't got nothing to do with this private life. >> i don't think he should be playing? >> why. >> i don't think he makes a very good representation for vikings or football in general. >> that is how he makes the money to support his child. it is not like he doesn't love his child. >> reporter: sponsors like radisson and cheaties and now nike has skplit ties. and they released a statement
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saying that nike no no way condones child abuse or domestic violence in any kind. and now the mother is lashing out to the media, saying my client is hurt and outraged that the press would publish throughout the world pictures of their minor son. >> reporter: and erin, adrian peterson's mother is speaking out for the first time isn't supporting her son. and saying in part in an interview, when you whip those you love, it is not about abuse, it is love. you want to make them understand what they did wrong. >> todd rollins, thank you very much. and just moments ago president joined the members of congress and didn't have a jacket and jogged over to the stage. here is what we just got in. >> i want to start off by saying thank you to house members, republican and democrat, who came together today to pass an
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important component on our strategy for dealing with this terrible terrorist organization known as isil. and want to particularly thank speaker boehner and democratic leader nancy pelosi for showing us that when it america's national security, america is united. >> now that vote did pass. but the vote was not united. the vote to arm syrian rebels passed 273 to 156. next a historic vote on scottish independence tomorrow. we'll show you why -- oh, why this is so relevant. and plus a billionaire and stanford grad, so why is he saying college is for dunces? they're custom made trains.
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college for two years and go do something. >> we are places in society, where everybody is told to go to a certain number of colleges or else. you go to yale or you go to jail. that is not the way our society -- there is way too much student debt being amassed. >> you make the case, if you go to the bottom, the debt that you amass is not worth it in terms of the benefit you're getting. >> two thirds, two three quarters, not worth it. and your diploma is a dunce hat in disguise. if i had to do it over again i would probably still go to stanford. but one thing i would do differently, i would ask a lot of things about why i was doing
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it. >> so the president said your fellowship is the single bit most philanthropy in the decade, what do you think of that? >> he is obviously somewhat biassed in talking about his book. i would argue when we have a trillion dollars of student debt racked up in this country, and you have to ask what that is paid for. one thing that is told is the great amount of lies, it is true you will do better if you go to harvard and get a harvard degree. it is not because of anything you learned, but because you have the grades, it is because you were selected, not because of anything you actually learned. and this is the thing i pushed back to larry summers on. very straightforward thing harvard should do, just expand the enrollment. if you're doing a great job of teaching people, why limit it to
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1600 a year, why not double it? >> an interesting point, if they want to fulfill the mission they often speak so much about, which is eliminating the income inequality. by definition they should expand the enrollment. >> it is like a winner take all tournament. the packaging the institutions have i think is very different from the reality. the costs have gone up 400% after inflation, going up faster than anything else has. these colleges were able to do it for $10,000 in same dollars in 1980. it's 50,000 now. and just a bloated bureaucracy. it is the various edifices complexes -- >> edifices complexes. >> and all sorts of crazy things like that this these institutions have. >> thank you. in a matter of hours, the
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duchess of cambridge could lose her power, in just hours in scotland they will go to the polls to decide if they stay or got they are choosing whether or not scotland will be an independent country. the polls are too close to call. there was a warning for those sick of london's rule. >> we must be very clear, there is no going back. if scotland votes yes, the u.k. will split and we will go our separate ways forever. >> sounds like a parent talking to toddler, prime minister, we believe the scots understand that. of course, we tested scotch
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whiskey, which is scotland's second biggest export. tonight's number, 1971. that is the year the united states stopped importing scottish haggish, sheep lungs are one of the more appetizing haggish. >> we'll be right back with more on a strange story with smelly feet. jeanne moos is next. i was just looking at your credit report site.
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table. >> it is so beyond yikes. >> reporter: former flight attendant created a facebook page showcasing passengers behaving badly, leaving dirty diapers and going shirtless. how far we've changed from the old days. instead of pearls, check out the altitude of these shorts. >> it is getting worse by the minute. >> reporter: her personal pet peeve? >> socks stay on. >> reporter: sure it is funny when john candy does it in the movie. >> oh, my dogs are barking today. >> reporter: but who wants to let barking dogs lie when they intrude from another row? we recommend keeping your feet covered and your hands exposed. how gross is it to see a guy sleeping with his hands down his -- avert your eyes.
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one passenger? >> he caught his hair on fire in the bathroom had when he was smoking crack. >> reporter: why don't you skip the in-flight manicure? nobody wants to see you treat your feet at 30,000 feet. >> there was one man clipping his feet. >> reporter: she changed her job to a nurse practitioner. somehow looking at this? seems worse, a passenger using a pillow case to cover his eyes while uncovering the rest. >> come fly with me, let's fly. >> reporter: sure, let's fly, but don't leave behind your boxers, your dentures, your tot toenails or your wig. jeanne moos. >> that is disgusting, so
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utterly foul and disgusting, look at how impolite. the gentlemen treating his warts on the plane. next is anderson, who would never do anything ungentlemanly. and another pro football player facing domestic violence charges. we'll tell you why police arrested jonathan dwyer. also the latest on the alleged killer. >> and said to be armed like a member of the old warsaw pact. and a story you will only see here, the latest in our efforts, drew griffin's investigative teams to expose people who are letting america's wounded warriors down, raising millions in their name, taking your money and lining their own pockets with the proceeds. tonight, the focus is on a charity, one that is amazingly still doing busines
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