tv CNNI Simulcast CNN September 18, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT
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that has unfolded for the past 24 hours. the british media has projected that this hard-fought campaign has been won by the no campaign. the better together, keep the united kingdom together. it seems that that was what is going to be the final result. we have cnn reporting teams fanned out across scotland and of course, the uk to bring us perspective on this breaking news. first, let's get you right up to speed on exactly where we stand now. it is, of course, an historic day. cnn is forecasting a victory for the no campaign. the 370-year-old union will stay intact. we' been watching the results come in district by district with the majority going to the no. turnout has been extremely high, the evnvy of any democracy.
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approaching 90% in some districts. although in some of the suburban districts where they were expecting a yes, the turnout was lower than expected. errol? >> yeah, we can show you actually where some of those disappointing numbers were. some areas that were expected to be a massive landslide. mean what time, these jurisdictions that did not want to break away, you see the overall number, 55% of the scottish voters deciding no the to break away from the uk. i think the expectation that the no's would win.
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you have 380,000 registered voters, and they chose no over yes by 61%. the separation there by roughly 70,000 votes. and this was a story we've seen repeated throughout the night. let's just show you some of the other key jurisdictions. east ayrishire, for example, the yeses behind by only 5,000 votes. want to quickly run through this for you and show you perth and kinross. the no is ahead by roughly 20,000. south ayirshire, it was just becoming more parent as all these results came in. that those scottish people who have been pushing now for years to break away from the uk would have to wait longer. this does change thing, though,
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christiane. the manner in which the english leaders came up to scotland to offer this vow of already seeing tom previews of the front pages in scotland for tomorrow. and the question being what do you make of that vow now. this was a close vote. the no's apparently ahead. and they will likely take the night. but those who support separating scotland from the uk have sent a message loud and clear which surely change the political landscape in the uk for the months and years to come. so there's the latest we have for you. 28 of 32 districts reporting, and those saying no, going to stay a part of the uk, 55% to 45% right now. a few more jurisdictions coming in, but this picture, unlikely to change over the next few hours. >> thank you. and if that picture doesn't change and if that spread remains, it's quite a comfortable lead for the no campaign, which will give prime minister cameron a bounce in his
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step, because it was on a knife edge for at least the last two weeks. remember, september 7, the ugov poll, the big polling outfit here put the yes campaign two percentage points ahead. two points ahead. and from that moment on, the no campaign, better together, keep united kingdom together went into campaigning overdrive. we had prime minister cameron, all the party leaders coming up here to scotland. prime minister cameron said i will be heart broken if this union breaks up. he he then, as errol said, signed a vow with the other three party leaders. this is unprecedented in modern british history. stay with us and you will get much more control and much more autonomy over your own affairs. we are expecting a statement this morning from the british prime minister from 10 downing street. and becky anderson is there right now, waiting for that door to open. >> correct. the devil is in the detail really now in the hours to come.
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we'll find out just how much power and funding facilities scotland will get. they must be relieved at number 10 as you rightly point out. david cameron saying he would be absolutely heart broechb if the union had broken up. but do remember, even if you get, what, 48-52 or 47 to stay with the union, you have nearly half of those eligible registered voters in scotland voting to actually breakaway from the union. so they will need to be satisfied. and they've been promised that more is to come. the english lawmakers here, and many of whom will be putting a lot of pressure from david cameron's own party, the conservatives on him, to look for more power for english law makers here in the parliament here in westminster. it's going to be absolutely fascinating to find out how the uk is going to be run going
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forward. we are awaiting david cameron, the prime minister to come out of number 10 at some point in the next couple of hours, one assumes, when it's a little lighter here. the sun will rise in about half an hour or so. so stay with us, we'll get you more as the hours come, but yes. interesting times, fascinating. it's been a very engaged campaign, an extraordinary effort in democracy and the scots now waiting to find out just what happens going forward. christiane? >> becky, thank you. and as you say, this thing was on a knife edge right to the end. now we're seeing these figures that show a fairly comfortable spread for the no campaign there's three councils still to come in including gordon brown. he was the last stem-winding speech for the no campaign. and many have credited him for bringing people onboard. now we're getting our first comment from the leaders in the uk, the leader of the better
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together campaign. allister darling. let's just see what he said. well, actually, he said it in a tweet. let's just read that. it's an extraordinary night. humbled by the level of support and the efforts of our volunteers. we will give a speech in glasgow shartly. now, that's interesting because allister darling is from the better together campaign, of course. he's going to give a speech in glasgow, which actually was one of the few big urban areas that did go yes. so we're going to go right now to max foster who is at the central vote counting center right here in edinburgh. max? >> it's interesting hearing you talk about also stair darling. he was the figure head for this no campaign the last two years, but it was gordon brown you interviewed the other day that really pulled this one off. that's what the general consensus is. he created this alternative vision.
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allister said there's a new future for you. not getting enough from london. new fresh hope, new powers from cot is land. control your own destiny. and they started owning scottishness to a certain extent. and then gordon brown comes in and says actually, that's not the alternative. the alternative is this, have the powers but keep within the union, keep those shared military assets, the embassies, the pound, all of these sorts of things. and still have power in edinburgh. talk about scottishness and say if you're proud to be scottish, you should vote no. and that started turning the tide a bit. it got very, very tight. the london politicians started
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freaking out a bit. they started getting very stressed. rushed up to scotland behind gordon brown's initiative. extraordinary that you think david cameron was the one that ousted gordon brown from downing street. and it worked. ultimately, people went into the polls booths and thought what's actually best for me? is what's the safest? although many people did go for alex salmons and he's got a mandate of sorts coming out of this. >> if many people said if they had been been offered this divo max or autonomy, more control of their own affairs from the beginning, this might have been a quite different campaign. and we're waiting to hear from alex, of course. we're waiting to hear from the prime minister. and right now, we're going to go to nick robertson, who's our
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senior international correspondent. in glasgow, they did vote yes, one of the few urban centers to do so. >> it really seems for the yes campaign, the party is coming to an end, and the party i'm talking about is the party right behind me at center of glasgow, a big open area by queen street station. a lot of young people have been gathered here through the night. there's been a sense of anticipation, a sense that something could be achieved. it reflects very much the whole aspirations of the yes campaign. but what we're seeing now is people beginning to drift away. really, the realization that this hasn't gone their way. there's disappointment, there seems to be a sense of anger among some people. as you can hear that, people are expressing their views very strongly. this is an evening here, it's been a party atmosphere. it's been fuelled by alcohol, but people mostly now beginning to drift away.
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we've seen people actually now coming into the center of glasgow on their way to work. i think a lot of people across glasgow and perhaps across the rest of scotland, when alex darling comes to speak, it's really an effort to build the bridges between the yes and no camps. what was interesting standing outside the polling station during the day, you have yes and the no campaign is outside the polling station was the dialogue between them. and there was a real sense from both sides that when the voting was done, whichever way it went, both sides need to make up and get on and carry on. so i think the significance of perhaps allister darling speaking from glasgow will be a sense of trying to move everyone forward together. but clearly for the people in this square tonight, something of a disappointment and the party really winding down and over at the moment. >> you're right.
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everybody wondered given the heat of this campaign and the strength and the feelings on both sides, what would people do, how would they knit themselves back together. you reported and i reported on divisions within families. lord steele who was the liberal party leader, who was the first speaker of the scottish parliament, he told me the other day within his own family, the vote was split. and you saw that, too. what do you think people are going to be able to do to get on and face tomorrow together again. >> i could probably tell you that the vote was split in my family, too. i have family here in scott lapped and the individual families, they have a dialogue. and they recognize it's been a dialogue. and they're still a family and they'll still get on.
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for those who voted yes, there will be that concern going forward. that of all the promises that have come from london, and when you're here in scotland as we are, you do sense that distance that people feel, you do sense that distance, political gap. if there was a no vote, there will be increased powers. the real hope is that it won't just be the family of scotland coming together, but that london will come closer to scotland, understand it better and give it what they hope, particularly from the yes campaign, what they havened had a greater understanding and a greater voice, christiane. >> thank you very much. and of course, this process of devolution has been in effect
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since '97, '99 when scotland got their own parliament. and one of the huge planks was the national health service for which they already have funding and policy jurisdictions. let's listen to more from the vote counting center. 184,045 ballot papers counted. 87.2%, the yes votes were 71,337. the no votes were 108,606 and there were 102 rejected papers. in alon butte, the turnout was 88.2%. there were 26,324 votes for yes. 37, --
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[ applause ] >> now going to speak, as we just heard, yet another big city went no. [ cheers and applause ] >> alex salmon, leader of the scottish national party. >> thank you to scotland for 1.6 million votes for scottish independence. [ applause ] >> the friends in the islands of scotland are still to speak. so the final results aren't in. but we know that there is going to be a majority for the no
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campaign. i support them to say our referendum was an agreed and consented process, and scotland has, by majority, decided not at this stage to become an independent country. i accept that verdict of the people and i call on all of scotland to follow suit in accepting the democratic verdict of the people of scotland. that 55%, 1.6 million people is a substantial vote for scottish independence and the future of this country.
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let me say something that i hope unites all campaigns and all scots. i think the process by which we have made a decision as a nation reflects enormous credit for scotland. a turnout of 86% is one of the highest in the democratic world of any election in any r referendum in history. this has been a triumph of for the democratic process and the participation in politics. 16 and 17-year-olds able to vote has proved to be a resounding success. i suspect that no one will ever again dispute their right and
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ability to participate fully and responsibly in democratic elections. so we know first the consequences of scotland's decision. firstly, it was 30 of the edinburgh agreement is in operation. on behalf of the scottish government, i accept the result, and i pledge to work constructively in the interest of scotland and the rest of the united kingdom. secondly, the unionist party made vows late in the campaign to deinvolve more powers to scotland. scotland will expect these to be honored in rapid course.
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[ applause ] >> just a reminder, weave been promised second reading of a scotland bill by the 27th of march next year. and not just 1.6 million scots who voted for independence will demand that timetable is followed, but all scots who participated in this referendum will demand that that timetable is followed. [ applause ] i'll be speaking to the prime minister shortly after this statement, and i have a press conference later today to reflect on that and the full results.
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now to so many scots entering the political process for the very first time. it's something that's so valuable, it has tor cherished, preserved and built upon. i said it a number of times in this campaign, the most move thing i saw was a line in dundee a few weeks ago patiently waiting to register to vote, most of them for the first time ever, deciding to participate in the democratic process. and today, i met a 61-year-old lady coming out of the polling station who had never voted in her life. i met a soldier, a former soldier who hadn't voted since he left the army some 24 years ago. and these people were inspired
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to enter democratic politics because they were inspired to think they could offer something better for the country. they've met and been inspired by all of that experience that we have encountered. we have touched sections of community that have never been touched by politics. these sections of the community have touched us and the political process. i don't think that will ever be allowed to go back to business as usual in politics again. [ applause ]
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so friends, sometimes it's best to reflect where we are on a journey. 45%, 1.6 million of our fellow citizens voting for independence. i don't think any of us when we ever entered politics would have thought such a thing to be either credible or possible. i think over the last few weeks we have seen a scare and a fear of enormous proportions, not the scare mongering directed at the scottish people. but the scare and fear at the heart of the westminster establishment as they realized the mass movement of people that were going forward in scotland. [ applause ]
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today of all days as we bring scotland together, let us not dwell on the distance we have fallen short. let us dwell on the distance we have traveled and have confidence that the movement abroad and in scotland that will take this nation forward, and we shall go forward as one nation. thank you very much. >> alex salmon, leader of the scottish national party has just delivered his concession speech. this obviously was the campaign of his lifetime. he has worked most of his political life for the moment that he hoped would bring scotland to independence. it has not, and he has, though, talked about the 1.6 million scottish people who voted yes for independence. 45% as the figures right now show it. he has said, though, that this is an amazing moment of democracy, of engagement, and that he respects the fact of
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this count and will continue to work, he said, in the best interest of the scotland and the united kingdom. many people, of course, in all of these kinds of contests wonder about the personal, political future of a leader who wins or loses. some people thought that perhaps he might have to step down or resign if he lost his vote. he has said here that he intends to keep working. he paid great tribute to the massive turnout. he put that at 80% plus. he paid great tribute to the 16-year-olds who were for the first time given their right to vote. he said nobody anywhere in the world can doubt going forward that people at that age, teenager, 16-year-olds, are not responsible for handling this kind of civic duty with such incredible dignity and participation. he basically told the world, and he's absolutely right, that so rarely has this kind of engagement been seen anywhere in our dmok six the registration, the turnout, and the tone of this campaign.
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he said that he's going to be speaking to prime minister david cameron shortly after having made that statement. perhaps he's going to do that now, and he will hold a press conference later. prime minister cameron himself is going to be speaking. he has already tweeted that he will speak to the nation and to the world shortly after the top of this next hour. for the moment, we're going to go to max foster, who has spent all night along with all of those counters at the main biggest vote counting center in this country, which is right here in edinburgh. max? >> we're still waiting for the official count, but we've heard the concession from alex salmon. he's reincenting himself now as the champion of devolution. he's saying that, you know, westminster parties promised devolution. they prommed a timetable, and he's going to spearhead that campaign to make sure david
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cameron and the other party leaders live up to that. those party leaders may have agreed in principle to support devo max, but they haven't agreed on the detail. you've got the liberal democrats, for example, offering complete tax raising powers to edinburgh. you've got the conservatives offering some tax raising powers to edinburgh, then the labor party somewhere in between. the pressure is off those westminster parties to come up with something quite radical. a tough job ahead. but i absolutely agree with you, and with him on the fact that what were his words? he talked about this being a triumph of in a democratic process that really has been. this has been a thoroughly discussed debate. over two years here in scotland they've considered all of this. and in the end, a lot of people, almost record numbers came out to vote and have their say on it.
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all these separatist movements around the world have been inspired that something like this could happen. 45% of the votes, and it was done through debate, not the barrel of a gun. >> you're absolute right. they haven't actually come out and given us the final, an absolute number. but it is a done deal. we're going to andrew blick. he's joining us from our london studios. al alex salmon said yes, they haven't voted for independence yet at this time. but this 1.6 million vote for independence shows that it is
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something whose time will eventually come. what do you make of that? >> i think it's absolutely the case that the people who support scottish independence have shown how committed some of them are to the cause. and the idea that they're simply going to give up on their principles because of one narrow defeat is clearly not going to happen. there's not going to be another referendum tomorrow. there's not going to be another one next year, but there could very well be another referendum at some point in the future. if you consider six months ago, add to that a referendum has happened at all is why so many people around the world are fascinated by it. >> alexander is going to be talking to the prime minister david cameron. we're going to hear from the prime minister in about half an hour from now.
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alex salmon was not humbled. he is making demands still. and he said he insists and these demands he's making by march of next year. how is that going to work out? >> this is a very good question. in the final weeks and days, when there was a real panic amongst the london leadership of the main parties in london they might actually lose this referendum, they between them made a lot of promises. in terms of entrenching the parliament, that's a massive shift. the uk is one of the only countries in the world that doesn't have a written
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constitution. will their own party back benches be willing to wear this. that's an open question. >> apart from the inside baseball politics as you report, among the british party, let's face it. gordon brown who came up with this massive pledge to the people of scotland, and this is now hanging over the heads of the current leaders who then took it and themselves put their signatures to what they called a vow to the scottish people. gordon brown told me this could look like an american style federalism, or german style where all these states and provinces in the country have
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their own autonomy. he said everything, practically, except for foreign and defense policy. is that really going to happen, do you think? or now with a 10% margin, do you think the leaders in downing street will negotiate away from that? i think moving towards a constitution would be an enormous step. and there will be attempts to not go completely in that direction and confine more of this as a settlement between scotland and the rest of the uk. others parts of the uk are going to want the same. however far the leaders of the party may want to try to wiggle their way out of this, they set in chain a process. we could find ourselves almost
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against the will against the leadership in westminster, moving closer and closer to the written constitution we've never yet got for ourselves. >> and what is your short, medium and long-term prognosis for the future of prime minister cameron. he has been under enormous pressure, and he's always said, i'm not going to resign, whatever happens. obviously now he's going to look at this as a real reprieve and a triumph of. >> there's two ways of looking at this. one is yes, he got out of jail, on the other hand, others may say he got us into this position. why did he not put a third option on the ballot paper. however in the short term, this is definitely a success for him. but in the longer term, had he actually managed to rid himself as some people have seen it, of a part of the country very few of the votes in which actually sup por the conservative party, that could well have been to the long-term political benefit to the conservative party.
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at the next general election, scotland is definitely going to be returning mp's to the westminster parliament. i doubt very many of them are going to be conservative mps. so this is going to be working to his december rimt in that sense. >> thank you for joining us this historic morn, really. becky? >> yeah. when the sun comes up here, we've just been told by sources that the prime minister will make a statement giving a direction not just for scotland but english, wales and northern ireland. we know at this point that there is clearly no breakup of the
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union going forward. so many concessions made in the dying days of the campaign in scotland. expect some words about how this process will happen in scotland, but certain ly expect more. clearly the way the united kingdom is run going forward will change. >> becky, indeed it will. and we're going to be waiting there, watching for that door to open behind you. we will take that statement from the prime minister whenever it happens. for the moment, as we say, and we repeat again, scotland has rejected independence. it will remain part of the united kingdom, and a lot of this has revolved around the economy. alex salmon promised the scottish people that an independent scotland would make them more prosperous and stronger, that they have so much natural resources, so many natural riches that they could
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go it alone. markets were uncertain. people were incredibly scared. would there be a currency flight? would there be a run on the mound? nina dos santos joins us now from london with all the economic checks on what's just happened. nina? >> you're absolutely right. economics is always going to be central in this debate. the business community has been ever so vocal, urging scotland to reject the idea of independence because of the immediate economic consequences of a decision like that. there are still some questions. for the moment, the asian markets, christiane are the ones that's trading, poised to close the week on an upbeat. the ftse will trade in an hour and a half from now. futures put that market up about
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1%. but what's been so crucial is the irk shoe of the pound. as you mentioned, there were fears we could see a run on the pound. the pound sent to a ten-month low in the run-up to this debate. it's currently trading up about 2/3 of 1% against the u.s. dollar. and up to a three-year high against the euro. there are still economic and business questions. we had a number of banks drawing up significant plans to move their assets or corporate headquarters south to the border here to london. some people are saying now that they've drawn up those contingency plan, they may keep it in their back pocket. and then there's the issue, economically speaking and people don't know what that could mean. a bet of relief, but certainly not back to business as usual.
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>> and indeed, alex salmon says himself nothing will be business as usual. prime minister cameron at the last minute engaged the business community in great britain to come out and speak publicly and to try to meem of scotland it's better to stay together. there were ceo's worried what would happen to scotland, economically and in a business way, particularly in a transition if they had voted for independence right now. >> i think there's a real sense the business community had to make up to where the politicians might have failed to communicate the strong economic mess pajs
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they trade about $150 million of goods. the rest of the uk is the largest trading partner for scotland and the uk exports a huge amount to scotland as well. the economic relationship is very significant. when they were concerns about what currency scotland would use, it was fundamentally unanswered. they stepped up to the plate, it was very, very vocal in asking the scottish people thinking long and hard before they went to the ballot. >> thanks a lot. it's really fascinating in every single way the way this vote affects people and what promised people to cross that box when they got behind the curtains at the ballot centers. we're going to check back with errol barnett at the cnn center who's been tracking all these latest results.
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he's got the big board so that we can see it loud and clear. >> hey, there. the sun just peeking out behind you as we wake up to these results and things unlikely to change from what you see here next to me. >> this is how things stand. 84% turnout. most voters. 55% jekting scottish independence. only 45% of voters right now with most of the districts reporting. about 31 out of 32. let me show you the most recent numbers that have come in here to cnn. this is a large place, 300,000 votes cast here. and you're seeing the no won in this area by some 25,000 votes. some very decided victory there. let's go ahead and show you another district. this place is called moray, only 75,000 people cast their ballots, but turnout very high. 85%, really that being in the norm in most jurisdictions we've seen. the no vote winning by just
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roughly 10,000 votes that you can see. and really the place that put the nail in the coffin, the largest gurz diction, the capital edinburgh, here, 380,000 votes. let's go ahead and cross to allister darling. he's speaking now. let's listen to what he has to say. >> positive change rather than needless separation. today is a momentous result for scotland but also the united kingdom as a whole. we have reaffirmed all we have in common and the bonds that tie us together. let them never be broken. [ applause ] as we celebrate, let us also listen. more than 85% of the population
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has voted. people who were disengaged from politics have turned out in large numbers. and while they have voted for the constitution, that was not the only, or perhaps the major issue that drove them to the polls. every political party must now listen to their cry for change, which could be echoed in every part of our united kingdom, but had the opportunity to express itself first in scotland. to all our great team of vol leers -- that's you -- [ applause ] >> all of you, all the political parties who have worked for this outcome, i want to say thanks from the bottom of my heart. thank you very much.
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you represent the majority of opinion and your voices have been heard. we've taken on the argument and we've won. the silent have spoken. of course, i understand there are those who voted yes who there will be disappointment or even grief. defeat is painful, and i can tell you that from my own personal experience. s i know there are many people with deep and genuine commitments to scotland on the yes side. they must continue to make their contribution to the political debate in our country. but that debate for the daily issues that affect their lives and prospects. the scottish parliament must use both the powers that it holds now and those coming to it to
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address these concerns. when the scottish parliament was born, delivered on the government on which i was a member, we talked about devolution being a journey. he would have been proud that the scottish democracy is so vibrant, so alive and so determined to take the next step down the road that we began. so i'm clear that all of the parties who made share commitments to change must now start to translate those commitments into action, and i give you my commitment to support -- [ applause ] >> the debate has created some fairly deep divisions in our country. and this has been a campaign
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that has both energized but at times divided. and some people have felt unable to speak except through the ballot box. those divisions now need to be addressed and that requires leadership. my colleagues and i will play our part bringing our country together to demonstrate that after this vote, we can remain united. campaign for change is sometimes difficult. some of the arguments for separation were going to cause damage to our country, but we had to do that. the majority decided it would be too much of a risk to take.
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we made the decision for the progress for change for scott land and the united kingdom. come on, scotland. let's get on with it together. >> the no campaign keeps the united kingdom together, speaking about the victory of that message, majority of scots have decided that is the better course of wisdom and he has now said, let us go forward together. it was not a triumphant speech. it was one in which he reached across the divide and said we have to all now work together
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for the good of our country but that change is coming. cnn's nick robertson is in glasgow. of course, it was a yes bastion there. can you hear me nick? . >> i can hear you. sorry, we had a bit of a bad line there. i didn't hear your question. can you ask it again? >> it's very simple. i guess you heard allister darling. if you did, i just wonder your thoughts on the fact that he's there in scotland, which went yes. he gave a very nice speech thanking the vote for in general being better together and staying with the union, but really reaching across the divide and saying now we must go forward together. not just for scotland but for the whole of the uk.
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>> and that's something that i think is going to be welcomed by the yes camp. their supporters behind me have really dwindled down to a few now. most of the people have drifted away. this is a message that we heard prior to the vote. a message that both sides said they would have to work together. you do see -- feel, listening to the speeches there that they have -- these politicians have been up all night, sensing this as well from alex salmon. there's still -- they're committing themselves, alex salmon, committing himself to getting the changes that politicians in london had promised. david cameron had promised. mr. darling there, mr. darling committing himself to uniting. the speech and the language still isn't that warm. you still do get the sense that this has been in the end a very
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bitterly fought campaign. so i think those divisions do run deep and it is going to take more than words. it's going to take real effort for these politicians, real effort and real meaning to make this work and heel the differences that have emerged here. i was speaking to a couple of young yes campaigners a few minutes ago. they were so utterly dejected, not just dejected but disappointed in the outcome. disengaged, they said. you know, we really engaged in this process, we really believe this process could work. we feel that we failed. we feeled the people of scotland have failed and we feel a third division football team that has got to the final and we just rolled over and thrown the game away. so this is the sense that i'm getting from people who have been at the heart of the yes campaign.
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they've all had more time to reflect on this and begin to really talk together a bigger sense of unity am camaraderie may emerge. but i don't sense in that language yet, they're going to draw sides that have been so divided, christiane. >> thank you. and of course, there may be disappointed and they're young voters. they've had the vote for the very first time, but they were engaged and they have changed politics. alex salmon himself said there will be no political business as usual from this moment on. he made very strong point of using the word demand, demand that these promises, that the british political leaders have made are enacted. and he's expect expecting action by march of next year. will those proms be met? whatever happens, the scottish
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people have raised their voice. and everybody all the leaders have said nothing will be the same. politics will change. we're expecting a statement as we've been saying from the prime minister david cameron. and we go right now to becky anderson who's outsand 10 downing street. >> that's right. we are expecting the british prime minister to come outside of here and make a statement to the british public and to the world, those who are watching cnn, of course. allister darling, he hailed this result as a victory for unity over division, for positive change over needless separation. but as nick was rightly pointing out, scotland is divided. this morning, nearly half of those who voted, and it was a huge turnout, in most areas, half of those who voted voted to breakaway from the united kingdom. so we are expecting to hear quite a concrete statement from david cameron when he speaks in about ten minutes time.
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on these newdevolved powers that were promised in the dying days of this campaign. and expecting to talk of the idea for more powers for england, wales and for northern ire lapped. we've been talking this morning about how the northern newspapers here have all got together and are themselves asking for more devolved power for the north of england. they say they're going to be squeezed by power from westminster and a strengthened scotland. very important what happens going forward as how the united kingdom is run. we talked in the past weeks ability the possibility of a more federal united kingdom going forward. this was a labor idea under tony blair back in the late 1990s, looking to devolve powers to regional assemblies in the north. that may be something that comes
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back into british politics, at least into the narrative, the rhetoric going forward for the time being. about ten minutes away, do stay with us. david cameron will be with me. robin oakley will be with me once david cameron has spoken. and we've been promised by sources here that we will get more than just sort of, you know, a vague idea about process. we're going to get quite a definitive statement from david cameron about what happens next. stand by. >> becky, thank you very much. a massive sigh of relief probably being breathed there in 10 downing street, and also the deputy prime minister nick klegg, head of the liberal democratic party has made his statement. and max foster has that. he's here at the counting center in edinburgh. max? >> yeah, he's due to make a statement here in edinburgh very soon. but he's given me some quotes. he says this referendum marks
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not only a new chapter for scotland within the uk, but also a new chapter of constitutional renewal across the uk. this is the message that we're going to be getting all about devolution, to what extent will powers be divulged. a vote against independence was clearly not a vote guest change and we must now deliver on time and in full the radical power of newically icallicall icallic y newly devolved power to scotland. what the deputy prime minister is basically saying here is we're moving into a new era of power in the united kingdom which he thinks should be devolved and not entirely centered in westminster. he said that's the message from this referendum campaign and the whole of uk needs to learn from that. >> mack, thank you.
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we're seeing the picture on the screen of a very, very smiling nick clegg. that obviously was taken a long time ago during the campaign, but there must be smiles on the face of the westminster politicians, the current government, despite the fact that they are going to have a huge amount of work to do to meet these promises in their vow and to meet the demands of alex salmon, even in his concession speech just about half an hour ago. he used the word demand. demand that this devo max, which he said was promised late in the game actually be enacted. and he put a date for the next. he talked about march 2015. he's going to be giving a press conference. you'll certainly hear what he's saying. how do you think he's going to be when he faces the press? what's that engagement going to be, do you think, after this vote? >> he's invincible, isn't he? he's had career highs, career lows, and he keeps charging through. typical alex salmon, he's not standing there being
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disappointed, he's charging ahead with asserting himself as the leader of the power to edinburgh debate. so i'm going to speak to the prime minister david cameron. i'm going to make sure these devolved powers come to edinburgh. he's hijacked effectively what the other side were offering. he's now the champion of devolution in scotland. an extraordinary moment. but that's alex salmon. there are a lot of suggestions in the scottish national party that if he was going to lose this, which he has done, he has to resign. so it's not necessarily true to say that he's safe and he's going to be leading the charge on devolution. he's going to give it a go, but we'll have to see what his own party has to say about that. >> marx, thank you very much. and we're going to take a break. i'm here in edinburgh. i'm right here by the historic magnificent edinburgh castle. scotland has rejected
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independence. it is a massive, massive vote. the united kingdom stays united, but change is coming. we'll be back at the top of the hour. so ally bank really has no hidden fees on savings accounts? that's right. it's just that i'm worried about you know "hidden things..." ok, why's that? no hidden fees, from the bank where no branches equals great rates. the smartest or nothing. the quietest or nothing. the sleekest... ...sexiest, ...baddest, ...safest, ...tightest, ...quickest, ...harshest... ...or nothing. at mercedes-benz, we do things one way or we don't do them at all. introducing the all-new c-class. the best or nothing. and you'll see just how much it has to offer, especially if you're thinking of moving an old 401(k)
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