tv CNNI Simulcast CNN September 21, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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-- captions by vitac -- desperate pleas to spare the life of this british man, held by islamic militants. alan henning's wife and friends speak out. a second security incident at the white house. and troubling new information about friday's security breach. also the devastating impact of climate change on an oyster farmer. as global marches to save the planet are set to get under way. hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm natalie allen. one week after isis fighters threatened to kill british aid worker alan henning his wife, friends, and even several muslim leaders are pleading for his
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life. henning was part of a team delivering relief supplies when he was abducted this past december. it was his fourth trip to syria. in a message to isis his wife said, "alan is a peaceful, selfless man who left his family and his job as a taxi driver in the uk to drive in a convoy all the way to syria with his muslim colleagues and friends to help those most in need. when he was taken, he was driving an ambulance full of food and water to be handed out to anyone. his purpose for being there was no more and no less. this was an act of sheer compassion." she goes on to say, "i cannot see how it could assist any state's cause to allow the world to see a man like alan dying." three muslim leaders in england have released a video calling for alan henning's immediate release. their message -- the aid worker's execution has no place in islam. >> alan henning is an aid worker, a humanitarian, a man
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left behind his family to help the syrian people. his desire was simple -- to do whatever he could do to help the people suffering under the cruel regime of bashar al assad. i say this to you so that you know that this man is innocent. there are many, many people in the united kingdom, muslim and non-muslim alike, reliable and trustworthy individuals who will stand and testify to this man's good will and his nobody intentions in traveling to syria. >> isis vowed to kill alan henning if the united states continued air strikes against its targets. in a plea to isis a doctor who was traveling with henning says that the aid worker has nothing to do with u.s. foreign policy. she spoke with cnn's karl penhaul about her colleague and his abduction. >> is this the first time you've spent christmas away from them? >> yeah. >> reporter: taxi driver alan henning on a mercy mission to
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syria. that was christmas day. >> you've got some presents from other members of the convoy, didn't you? >> i got a nice t-shirt, aid for syria t-shirt. some aftershave. some chocolates and some biscuits. >> oh. >> they're all great lads. >> father of two henning was the only non-muslim on the british aid convoy. fellow volunteer dr. shamila islam sufariq and her family drove with him. >> he really wanted to make sure that he was counted as somebody that got up and did something, not just made a simple donation and sat in the comfort of their own home. >> reporter: members of the 50-vehicle convoy affectionately nicknamed him gadget. >> uncle gadget, as my children call him, he traveled with us on several convoys. has a love for all things that are technical. and he really was -- is the guy that fixes everything.
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>> here we go. >> reporter: the convoy was taking ambulances to help syrian civilians caught up in the war. henning dedicated his vehicle to a british doctor purportedly murdered by the syrian regime a week earlier. >> to save the life of one means to save the whole of mankind. and you know, it's one of my favorite quotes. it was a quote that alan was helping to put on the side of the ambulance. >> reporter: at the turkey-syria border henning volunteered to cross over into the battle zone with a ten-person advance party. they recorded their cautious progress, greeting refugees as they went. moments after that video was taken dr. shameela received a desperate call. >> we received a phone call about half an hour later. it was a very distressed, distraught individual on the evened of the phone to say that gadget had been taken after
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armed gunmen had come in, masked armed gunmen had come in, with the description of the group that are holding him. and they'd come in and they questioned everybody. they'd asked everybody for their passports and their phones. and they'd given the passports and the phones back but they singled out gadget and they took him. and this was something that we thought was just a temporary measure, that they were just going to -- with him being a non-muslim and being visibly english that they would just question him further and then they would let him go. >> but as isis and rival rebel factions clashed, that didn't happen. >> they've just dropped a bomb here. they've just dropped a bomb. just not far away from us. as you can see, it's very, very
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close to us. allahu akbar. >> the convoy advance team recorded this explosion as it fled back to the border. back in henning's hardscrabble home town in northern england, well wishers have tied yellow ribbons to lampposts and street signs. none of his workmates at the mini cab company nor any of the neighbors down his street are talking. all are hoping. now with isis threatening to execute henning there's a sense time is short. >> very difficult. i'm just greating -- we know the deadline's coming up. we know we've got a very small -- the time is running out. >> reporter: but nobody is giving up. >> i have a message for isis. as your sister in islam i would implore you and beg of you,
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please spare the life of this innocent man. he is not part of your struggle pl he is not to blame for the actions of western governments that you fight. >> reporter: i ask her how we should think of henning in his hour of need. >> just that smile. and his -- his concern and care for everyone around him. and his beautiful, beautiful golden heart. >> reporter: karl penhaul, cnn, echols, england. we want to switch you now to live video. as you can see, pope francis shaking hands there. he's just walked down the steps of his airplane, arriving in r tirana, albania. the vatican says the pontiff is there to bring a message of co-existence to this mostly muslim country during his one-day visit. this is the pope's first trip to a european country outside of italy. he was in south korea recently. he plans to celebrate mass in
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the albanian capital there. and we'll continue to bring you highlights of his visit to albania throughout this morning on cnn. hundreds of kurds from turkey have gone into northern syria to help defend a kurdish town from isis militants. the fighters are protecting kobani, which is wedged between the turkish border and isis-controlled territory. the sunni militants have seized some 60 nearby villages over the past several days. the militia protecting kobani says it's trying to prevent a massacre of the 50,000 kurds that live there. kurdish leaders have warned of another humanitarian crisis if the international community does not intervene. turkey has now opened its border for refugees displaced by the fighting around kobani. look at the number of refugees. the prime minister says more than 60,000 kurds have crossed the border since friday, bringing what few belongings, as you can see, carrying them on
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their shoulders, that they could gather. the country is already providing for about 815,000 people displaced by syria's civil war. well, there has been a second security incident at the white house in two days. this time involving the driver of a car. the secret service says a man failed to stop at the entrance to the white house saturday. he eventually got out of his car before getting to the building's barriers. when the driver refused to leave, police arrested the man and charged him with unlawful entry. "the new york times" says before the incident the man had tried to enter the white house on foot from another gate. in the earlier incident friday, authorities now say a man who jumped the white house fence and made it into the building was armed. he was carrying a knife. the 42-year-old is accused of unlawfully entering a restricted building while carrying a deadly weapon. there he goes. according to a "washington post"
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report, no guard dogs were released to chase the man down. a standard procedure for any breach. as aaron mcpike reports, many are now concerned about security around the white house. >> reporter: a security breach at the white house this flagrant seems unthinkable. >> get back. get back! everybody back in the park! >> reporter: but friday night the man captured on this cell phone video not only scaled the fence in front of 1600 pennsylvania avenue, he ran up to the building and barged through the front door. secret service officers yelled at 42-year-old omar gonzalez to stop. but they didn't shoot. >> they're going to have to do something with the fence. even if it's something as simple as curving the bars over toward the street side, the pennsylvania avenue side, which would make it harder to scale. remember, time buys you options. and right now they don't have time. you scale the fence you're almost right at the door. >> reporter: once he got inside, officials apprehended gonzalez. an ambulance took him to george washington university medical
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center for evaluation. >> everybody turn around. head out the gate here. you're going to have to go out to 17th street, please. >> reporter: parts of the white house and press corps were evacuated while secret service combed through the bushes and grass to make sure gonzalez didn't drop anything on the grounds. the incident happened just four minutes after the first family had left the white house grounds for the weekend. this isn't the first time a white house breach has occurred. but almost all fence jumpers are captured within seconds. >> i've never heard of such a thing. i've been there for hundreds of fence jumpers. and they never make it even close. you know, we have dogs. there's multiple layers of security. there was a failure here. >> reporter: to ensure no risks to the family upon their return, the secret service agents pictured here began a canine sweep of the north grounds to reconfirm gonzalez left nothing behind. >> again, that's erin mcpike reporting from washington. gonzalez is scheduled to appear before a u.s. magistrate on monday. it was the terror attack
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shopping center at around midday. westgate remains closed and still bears signs of the horrific damage it suffered during the three-day siege. business and tourism have been affected since. a candle-lighting ceremony will take place later to honor those lost. that's as those who survived are still struggling to come to terms with an attack on kenya's very heart. [ gunshots ] >> we heard a series of gunshots. we called everyone to the corner. all the kids and the mums and the parents and everyone. and we said get down, get down, get down on the floor. and just as we did that, the gunmen tossed a grenade to where we were. >> i was sitting with my
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daughter. my wife was doing some shopping upstairs. she had left us just a couple minutes before. and heard a loud explosion or blast followed by some gunshots all of a sudden a wave of people started running back away from the parking lot. i just sort of turned and ran back. [ gunshots ] >> let's go upstairs. >> we heard machine guns. and then we started to run. and it was the second explosion which knocked us on the ground. >> the sound was loud, and children, i believe they've never heard something that loud. so they started screaming. and at the same time the shots started coming in. and i just w56atched, because w were right near the wall i saw
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something whiz by my son's head. it bounces off the wall and hit the little boy over here who was standing next to him. i tried to, you know, put my hand there to stop bleeding. i don't know what i was doing. i don't know what i was doing. but i couldn't save him. >> you could hear while we were back there them methodically kind of going from store to store, talking to people, asking questions, shooting, skraecream and then it would stop for a while and they would go to another store. >> the guy with the white shirt spoke first, and he said, "we're from somali, and we don't normally kill women and children, but then again, you've killed our women and children." his colleague next to him -- >> tall skinny face. black. >> he just opened fire. >> i would say the scariest moment was when some people started to leave maybe about an
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hour and a half into our time there and then i made it about halfway across the room. all of a sudden a wave of people came running back. at that point i had no idea if we'd been discovered, if somebody knew where we were and was coming after us. so that was definitely the most terrifying moment of those three hours when we were in that room. >> on the ground now. >> we were helping everyone who got like shot or something because they were all bleeding. so we had our aprons. so we had to give it to them so they'd stop bleeding. >> you can't sleep. you just remember things. and at least there was one point i just thought i'd lost her. >> we'd been trying to look for our dad.
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today i found him. he was dead. i can't say anything because you have nothing to do. let god do his work. >> nema abager is in london with more on this story. it was a horrendous story. you were there. i was sitting here anchoring when it first broke out. we started covering it live. and we just had no idea the scale of what was happening, really no idea what -- that the mall was under siege at first. and you can certainly see in those victims' voices and on their faces that they're still very scarred. where is kenya now with this attack one year on? >> well, still trying to come to terms with the reality of what happened. as you said, in the very heart of kenya. but also trying to come to terms with the fact that very little has come to light about who
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these people are. to this day only two of the attackers have been positively identified through dna. there are a lot of worries amongst the families of the victims that perhaps more could have been done, more should have been done, and especially for those who were able to maintain communication with their loved ones who were inside the mall who were hearing their voices and knowing they were alive, right up until that third day, up until the monday when the government fired the rocket into the mall and brought the roof down. and i think for a lot of kenyans that's what's been so hard to try and move on from, that there have been no answers as to why this happened, did this really need to happen. the committee that was supposed to meet still hasn't met. the forensic investigation, because of the state of the bodies after that building came down and how long it took the recoverers to go into the mall after that, there is no -- there
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really is just no closure for kenyans. and the hope is these vigils, the first one begins this afternoon about 5:00 kenyan time. there will be another one monday and then tuesday and then wednesday. four days in which people will have the opportunity to light candles and say the names of those who died in this attack, that that will at least finally go some way to begin the healing, natalie. >> we wish them well. and that has to be extremely difficult. so let's talk about the bigger picture of the threat, nema, of al shabab. the african union forces have been pushing into shabab territory. how is that going? >> they have, natalie, and they have been -- they've been making a lot of ground. they are poised, we understand, just a town or two away from badowe, which effectively has become al shabab's capital in south central somalia. that was where the failed navy s.e.a.l.s' attack last year was. and that was where the successful drone attack on the head of al shabab, godane, was
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carried out a few weeks ago. so the hope is now that al shabab are pushed out of somalia, that at least they can be destabilized enough to try to root them out from the region. but of course we're saying that but we've seen continued attacks through the summer, continued successful attacks in kenya. you talked about the toll it's taken on the tourism industry, the toll it's continuing to take, but just on that sense of security the worry is that you might be able to uproot al shabab from their territorial footprint in somalia but until you can really uproot their cells in kenya that they will continue to have a presence in that horn of africa region and beyond, natalie. >> all right, nema albager for us. one year on. cnn of course will cover those candlelight remembrances there in kenya today. thanks, ne machlt. it is named phuong won and it has already walloped the philippines.
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as the cleanup continues in the philippines and taiwan, it's getting hit with heavy rain, as we mentioned. meteorologist ivan cabrera is tracking the storm and will tell us where it's headed next, ivan. >> worst track this could have taken as far as the heavy rain potential with the tropical storm hitting the philippines. very flood-prone there, certainly. and then heading to taiwan with very heavy rainfall, which is not done of course. some of that rainfall tails down all the way into northern luzon. so we'll continue to see some rainfall there. there you'll see the monsoon getting involved with what looks like a giant tail from the storm. but we had two things, two features going on here. weather conditions will begin to -- have begun to improve in the philippines. but look at taiwan with all the cloud tops now depicting some very heavy rainfall now. in fact, we take you to the taiwan radar locally here. you can see the center of circulation making landfall just a few hours ago and now it's moving up to the north. my concern will be as this continues heading up to the north where most people living on the western side of taiwan,
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we are going to get that onshore flow pulling in from the west. and that is what's going to be providing us with some very heavy rainfall here. as the wind hits the mountains right in the center of taiwan, it's going to come crashing down. we have the potential for landslides and mudslides. rewinding to the philippines still look at the numbers coming in, 194 millimeters in proper manila and 447 in kezon city. 16-plus inches falling in a very short time. here goes the storm headed to the north all the while dropping very heavy rainfall and then dissipating over shanghai, but that is deceptive because it will be raining heavily in an area that cannot sustain too much water before we get into trouble here. so we'll watch this very closely because of the topography. the track really at this point headed up to the north. this is not a typhoon.
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the main threat will not be wind. it will be rain. in the next couple of days here heading up to guangzhou. fuzhou getting hit. tallies for taiwan, four to as much as six locally. higher amounts because of the terrain here in taiwan. so we'll watch that and keep you posted. we're getting new pictures as well. we'll turn those around for you coming up in the next hour. and i'm back in the next half hour. we'll talk about of course conditions in california. complete opposite there. it's a lack of water and the fires that are ongoing. >> yeah. outside of the capital. all right, ivan, we'll see you in a bit. within a matter of months isis has become the most notorious islamist group. up ahead we'll take a look at the group's sophisticated recruitment program. ugh. does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it. resolve it. our new formula not only cleans and freshens but also softens your carpet so it's always inviting. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you.
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welcome back to our viewers in the u.s. and around the world. i'm natalie allen. our top stories this hour, a second security incident in as many days at the white house. authorities arrested a driver who failed to stop at the entrance to the complex saturday. he was charged with unlawful entry. on friday a man with a folding knife made it inside the building after jumping the fence. pope francis is making a one-day visit to albania. his first trip to a european country outside of italy. he plans to celebrate mass in the albanian capital, tirana, and bring what the vatican calls a message of co-existence. albania is mostly muslim. turkey says more than 60,000 syrian kurds have crossed into turkish territory to escape an advance by isis troops. the sunni-backed militants have
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captured dozens of villages in northern syria over the past few days. turkey opened its border to kurdish refugees on friday. a week after isis fighters vowed to kill british aid worker alan henning friends, colleagues, and some muslim clerics are calling for his release. in a message to isis henning's wife described him as a selfl s selfless, peaceful man. he was abducted from an aid convoy this past december. isis has released video showing the execution of three westerners. the group is attempting to justify its brutal tactics in an online magazine. as brian todd reports, isis is using the publication as a recruitment tool. >> reporter: the isis end game. apocalyptic battles between them and the rest of the world. in the mind of isis president obama and john mccain are crusaders who will "bring about the complete collapse of the md erin american empire." oasis has published this vision
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in a slick online magazine called dabiq named for the town in northern syria where the last islamic califfate flourished in the 16th center piy. >> islamic state uses a sophisticated propaganda campaign. they've got images here of fighters with explosions and intermixed we've got important phrases here. it burns the crusader armies with images of american soldiers. >> another person portrayed as a crusader, douglas olivant, who appears regularly on cnn. under the heading "in the words of the enemy" dabiq cites an article olivant wrote in may about isis's growing strength. >> well, you have to be perve e perversely honored that someone's reading you. but at the same time you're being incorporated into their propagan propaganda. we take them seriously, write about them seriously, and perversely they twist this to their recruits to say american analysts take us seriously. >> reporter: dabiq differs from
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another glossy inspire. that one from al qaeda has manuals about bombs and how to get them onto planes. >> this is different. this is encouraging people to come, recruit, and join the fight. >> dabiq has plenty of violent images to lure jihadists. the mutilated bodies of muslims wounded by western forces and their allies but also of isis's own victims. in its most recent issue the final section is dedicated to the beheading of james foley, defending his murder as retribution for western military campaigns in the middle east. >> another prominent feature in one issue of the magazine is a section on the philosophies of the isis leader, abu bakr al baghdadi. analysts say that is designed to set him up as the overall leader of jihadists worldwide ahead of the likes of al qaeda leader ayman al zawahiri. brian todd, cnn, washington. >> cnn's fareed zakaria asked former u.s. president bill clinton about whether the american strategy to eliminate isis would succeed.
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>> so i've got to ask you about isis. i saw you on "the daily show" say you thought we had to respond to these brutal executions of americans. but i want to press you. isn't that what isis wants? what'sn't the purpose of the executions to bait us? >> no. but there's a difference in, for example, using targeted drones and air strikes as we did against al qaeda effectively for years to try to take down their leadership and infrastructure and let them know they can't just decapitate people for the cheap thrill of the global media response and horrifying people and get away with it. and getting bogged down in the kind of war they would like us to get bogged down in. it would cost us a lot of lives and a lot of treasure and inevitably lead to greater civilian casualties. which is why i think the
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president's strategy has the chance of succeeding because the iraqi government is now more inclusive than it has been since the fall of saddam hussein. and that seems to be awakening, if you will, the willingness of the tribal leaders to participate in fighting. we know the kurds and the peshmerga are willing to fight. if we can help them and support them, i think the larger fight against isis can continue as it should, as a local struggle for the freedom and liberty of the people. >> watch more of that interview with former u.s. president bill clinton on "fareed zakaria gps." that's sunday at 10:00 a.m. eastern for viewers in the united states and for our international viewers see it at 7:00 p.m. in hong kong. afghanistan's two presidential candidates have agreed on a power-sharing deal after months of political deadlock. ashraf ghani and abdul'lla are
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expected to sign the unity agreement on sunday. the final results from a u.n. life led ballot recount will also be announced. both men have accused the other of election fraud. another day of heavy police searches in the u.s. state of pennsylvania as officials ournlthly try to track down a man wanted for the murder of a state trooper. officials say at least 400 officers were involved in saturday's manhunt. earlier police said they had surrounded a house where they believed eric freen was hiding. but investigators only say now that it's still an active search and are asking residents to stay indoors. authorities believe freen fatally ambushed a state trooper outside a barracks facility. another officer was shot and wounded in the attack. he's recovering in hospital. police describe green as a survivalist with extensive weapon experience. they also sad he's expressed a desire to commit violent acts. still to come here, how
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sierra leone is fighting the spread of ebola, one house at a time. ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ here's a good one seattle... what did geico say to the mariner? we could save you a boatload! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ what's seattle's favorite noise? the puget sound! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly ♪ all right, never mind doesn't matter. this is a classic. what does an alien seamstress sew with? a space needle! ♪ foghorn sounds loudly continuously ♪ oh come off it captain! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. do you guys have identity theft protection? [ male voice ] i'm sorry, did you say identity distribution? no. protection. identity theft protection. you have selected identity distribution. your identity will now be shared with everyone. thank you. no, no, no -- [ click, dial tone ] [ female announcer ] not all credit report sites are equal. [ male voice ] we're good in here, howie. yeah, have a good night, brother. members get personalized help
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a country that is currently struggling with poverty. it's a short visit, and the pope's schedule is packed. isn't it always? with more details on his message, cnn's vatican analyst delia gallagher joins us live from our rome bureau. delia? >> reporter: hello, natalie. as you say, very quick one-day visit for pope francis. he will be back in rome this evening. and a very interesting choice of albania. the first european country that the pope is visiting. he's not starting in britain. he's not starting in germany. or any of the powerhouses of europe. he's going to albania. why? two reasons, the pope says. one, it is a majority muslim country. there's some 56% of albanians who are muslim. 15% catholic. about 6% orthodox christian. and the pope says this is an example of a country where these three religions are living together, working together, and governing peacefully. obviously today an important message about the peaceful
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co-existence of different religions. the second reason, natalie-s that albania suffered for some 50 years under communist dictatorship. at that time it was declared an atheist state. religion was outlawed. that meant that churches and mosques were confiscated, turned into cinemas or other places. and, more importantly, priests and religious men and women were imprisoned and in many cases killed. in fact, on the streets of tirana, on the capital, the main boulevard there, there are poster-size photos of these priests who were martyred. the pope has gone to albania to honor their memory and to encourage the rebirth of christianity they suffered under the dictatorship until relatively recently, about 1991. so on the in the last 25 years has the church and other religions, moss sxkz so on, begun to rebuild. the pope wants to help that effort. natalie? >> yes. very interesting that he picked albania and his reasons for it
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as well. it will be interesting to see how he is received there. what about security for this visit? does he have any extra security? >> reporter: security has been a big question here at the vatican for the last week. the reason being that the iraqi ambassador to the vatican gave an interview to an italian newspaper last week saying he wouldn't rule out an eventual -- the pope being an eventual target for isis. this was interpreted by some in the media as being the ambassador saying there was some sort of credible threat against the pope. the vatican quickly denied it this week and in fact said there were no new measures being taken. the pope will travel in his open-air popemobile, the same one he uses here at st. peter's, in albania. that being said, obviously when the pope travels both vatican security and the country he is traveling to are always very careful in terms of security,
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especially in this moment. but the vatican reiterating that there are no new measures and in particular that pope francis doesn't want his personal safety to take the place of his being able to be close to the people. natalie? >> we certainly wish him a safe and successful trip. look forward to hearing his message in this mostly muslim country. thank you. delia gallagher live for us from rome. sierra leone is on the final day of a three-day nationwide lockdown to help curb the spread of ebola. the government has ordered people to stay inside their homes while some 30,000 volunteers go door to door to educate people on the virus. aid agency doctors without borders has criticized this move. officials say the lockdown is unlikely to stop the spread of the disease. more than 2,600 people across west africa have died from
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ebola. well, one of the main tactics in fighting this virus is tracing it. the centers for disease control is on the front lines of that effort. we've been following one of the cdc's disease detectives on assignment in sierra leone. rebecca levine walks us through her experience in this installment of her video diary. >> today's been a pretty hard day. ♪ >> a 6-month-old baby whose family, every single other person in the family has either fled or come down with ebola already and been sent to the isolation ward in kenema. and the baby was being cared for by a neighbor. and the surveillance officers wanted the baby to be taken to kenema with the neighbor, where the neighbor would voluntarily
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commit herself to the isolation ward. and i just felt like i could not let this happen because there's a chance that the neighbor won't become sick and maybe she hasn't gotten the virus. maybe she hasn't gotten ebola. but at the same time will the baby be reunited with the siblings that are already there? i just don't know. it's just a really hard decision to make, you know. the situation today that developed yesterday with that baby that needed to be transported to kenema was just -- got way worse today. we thought we had identified a positive patient that needed to be transported to kenema that the baby could go with. she's a nurse. the nurse was really, really weak.
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but they still decided to send the ambulance with the nurse in it to go pick up the baby. but when they got to the house, they opened the back, the nurse was unconscious in the back, and so she couldn't obviously take this baby on the four-hour ride to kenema. the neighbors brought the baby to the ambulance and just abandoned the baby. so we were really stuck. i mean, what do you do in a situation like that? >> so just trying to cling to small bits of hope. at least i had one of those today, to the doctor who had been there met me and he he said he had received word that the baby and the nurse from yesterday had arrived alive at the treatment center. so i really have no way of finding out what will happen to
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them now. they're at the treatment center. but at least i know they made it there alive and i can hope that they'll survive. >> a first account of what it's like on the front lines of the fight against ebola. coming up here, a fisherman takes us out on the water to show us why he is so concerned about climate change. this just as a massive march is planned in new york this weekend. more about it come up. ugh. does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it. resolve it. our new formula not only cleans and freshens but also softens your carpet so it's always inviting. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you.
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organizers in new york say they expect more than 150,000 people to march as part of a worldwide rally sunday against climate change. in brazil rio de janeiro's iconic christ the redeemer statue was bathed in light friday along with a message calling for action against climate change. all of this meant to coincide with the united nations summit in new york on the environment that gets under way tuesday. we want to bring you the story now of an oyster fisherman who says he'll be at that rally in new york. that's because he says he's
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increasingly seeing the effects of climate change in the ocean waters that bring him his livelihood. he took some time recently to show us what concerns him. >> there's a sound an empty oyster makes. there it is. in the era of climate change growing food is more difficult. what we're seeing on the farm is more invasive species. we're seeing seaweeds coming in, for example, and blanketing our oyster beds. specifically for me, it seems like more of my oysters are dying. so we were thinking it was going to be a slow lobster boil which would get worse and worse and none of us would notice until our kids faced the crisis 100 years from now. for my farm specifically climate change is here and now. this is not a 100-year problem
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in the future. >> wonder what this mayhem is. >> i was -- my farm was destroyed twice by hurricanes. hurricane irene and hurricane sandy came through. storm surges buried my entire crop. 80% dead. most of my gear washed out to sea. the flip side of climate change is that because i was destroyed i had to adapt. >> so this is the thin blood oyster company, our 3-d vertical farm. there's not much to see, which is a good thing. because it's all underwater. so low aesthetic impact. think of this as an underwater garden. what you have is the white buoys are these hurricaneproof anchor systems. and we have horizontal long lines. the kelp, the scallops and the mussels are all floating vertically downward. we've done the estimates that a
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30-acre farm could actually produce $1.5 million in revenue through all its various revenue streams. so this has the potential to be a major game changer in our ocean, reimagine the oceans as this place where we can both address climate change, improve water quality, and actually build a blue-green economy that's robust, it's a major jobs creator, so fishermen like me can continue to be on the water running our own small businesses. >> people's relationship to climate change is just changing so, so fast. the thing about the oceans is that we're at the sort of front edge of the climate change story. i think it was just the canaries in the coal mines. this is the biggest crisis humanity has ever faced. this is an existential threat. and are we going to generations from now, are our kids and their kids going to look back and just
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be ashamed at our inaction and the world we left them? this is that moment where history's going to be made. >> the oyster farmer who will be at that huge rally in new york city against climate change, and we will cover that story for you today and have it here on cnn. we turn now to the weather and the king fire in california, which has now grown to 33,000 hectares. or that's nearly 82,000 acres. and ivan cabrera is at the weather center for us. and you can remind us again, this was apparently caused by arson. >> it was set on purpose by one person, who is obviously not well. and we'll see what happens to him. but we'll look at the fire here. and of course a nice segue from that story, really climate change, one of the things we talk about is severe drought, exceptional drought. california has been in it now for several seasons. so we continue with this
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problem. anything that gets set ablaze either by man or by nature is going to go and go quick. because conditions are just ripe for that. 82,000 acres have now burned as a result of this. 33,000 hectares and 12,000 residences are now at risk. only 10% containment. we have been seeing an area of low pressure in the upper levels here. watch what happens. see this little blowup of shower and thunderstorm activity. so there is something through california. i want to switch to our radar product. to be able to see this. this is -- sometimes you get these thunderstorms that roll through and the outflow, the ones coming out of the clouds, that's going to be an issue that fans the fire here. a lot of this is falling and it is light to moderate shower activity with pollock pines right there where the fire is. this is a good thing. it's not going to last all that long. but we'll take what we can get. and there you see the moisture kind of streaming in.
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much heavier down to the south. in fact, vegas better watch out if this keeps going here. we've had some issues with flooding in the next few hours. there goes the low. it will spin up and head up to the north and east. that's it. that's our only chance of some shower activity earlier today for the remainder of today. and then by tomorrow we'll begin to clear things out. the forecast will go this way with temperatures in the upper 70s. we'll be held back a little bit today. some cloud cover and some morning showers. again, that's very helpful to firefighters. certainly things have been much worse in the recent past. we'll check that. checking in on the rest of the united states, severe weather yesterday and through the midwest, actually early this morning through waking up. certainly going to hear the thunder outside. numerous hail and wind reports in the last 24 hours across the midwest. that's the cold front that's slicing through here. behind it cooler and dryer air. it's actually, natalie allen, going to make it all the way down here into atlanta. it will be the first bona fide cold front of the season here. behind it we'll have very
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comfortable temperatures and comfortable humidity as well. miami will have to wait for their first cold front. that doesn't usually arrive until much later. >> i know you're going to visit miami soon. you won't need a sweater. a fall jacket. thank you, ivan. we have much more coming up in our next hour of special coverage. stay with us here. i'm natalie allen, and you're tuned in to cnn.
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