tv New Day CNN September 23, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT
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with us. u.s. forces pounding isis targets inside syria for the first time. a little bit of the sound of the situation, you're looking at brand-new video as well, just in, tomahawk missiles being launched from u.s. ships at isis targets, the mission is clear -- to degrade and destroy isis. the attacks described as intense with the missiles, as well as fighter jets and bombers. the targets? we're told as many as 20, mostly in the isis stronghold of ragga. in the northern part of syria. this was not just the u.s. we did not go it alone. >> five arab nations joined the campaign. jordan, saudi arabia, bahrain, qatar and the united arab emirates. look at the video of a separate u.s. strike against a network of al qaeda terrorists, veterans, in syria.
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officials say they disrupted an imminent attack, that was being plotted against the u.s. and western interests. >> we're going to have complete coverage of this throughout the morning. let's get to the pentagon with correspondent barbara starr what do we know? >> the u.s. picked its targets very carefully. hitting what mattered to isis the most. >> overnight, u.s. and partner nations carried out 14 intense strikes against isis strongholds in raqqa, syria, and other northern cities. the attacks destroying or damaging multiple targets, including training compounds, headquarters, and command and control facilities and briefly knocking out power in the region. >> u.s. forces launching tomahawk missiles from land and
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sea. bombers, drones and fighter jets continuing the assault by air, including an f-22 raptor. a new air force tactical plane that can conduct air-to-air and air-to-ground combat with near impunity. the air strikes targeting key isis positions, including the city of raqqa, where they are essentially based. the attacks meant to degrade their ability to command and control, resupply and train, according to a u.s. military official. five arab nations, jordan, saudi arabia, qatar, the united arab emirates and bahrain, joining in the fight, four of them helping attack by air alongside u.s. war planes. in january, isis turned raqqa into their home base, creating a terrorist safe haven, the militants controlling the city, power, water, schools and banks.
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two countries not taking part in the attacks at present? turkey, who had previously joined the global coalition against the terrorist group. and syria itself. then there is this, buried in the press release from the military, a report that an imminent attack against the u.s. was thwarted in syria overnight according to u.s. officials. air strikes were conducted by the u.s., west of aleppo against the terrorist group corazon, a network of seasoned al qaeda veterans. >> we wait to learn about the effectiveness of the attacks. two big headlines coming out of it, one will be the coalition and why britain wasn't part of it. the second part, buried in the press release, what may be the biggest surprise, certainly for americans, an imminent attack against the u.s., thwarted by this group, the corazon group.
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>> i got off the air with a senior u.s. official, who said indeed there was active plotting by this group, a group of al qaeda veterans inside syria, what did they hit? let me go through this with everybody. they hit corazon training camps and explosives and munitions, production facility, a communication building and command and control facilities. this was near aleppo on the western side of syria, where air defenses are very heavy. so that was quite a different military challenge for the u.s. to go against those targets. but this official telling me they had very good intelligence, words of the official, that the corazon group had been actively plotting an imminent threat against western and possible u.s. interests. what the official would not say is whether these u.s. interests were in the united states or u.s. interests overseas. but they did have information and apparently they had it for
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some time, because the officials said the separate attacks against this group were preplanned, they had been in the works for days. chris? >> and barbara, as you're speaking, we showing videos of the attack in the aleppo area against the so-called corazon group. and remember, the key phrase is imminent threat. that's what they're using there, so obviously it was a very specific u.s. interest they went after there. barbara starr, thanks very much. the president ordering the strikes less than two weeks after his address to the nation where he announced that the u.s. would hit isis wherever they are including syria. let's go to the white house where cnn's michelle kosinski is covering this. >> the question is, why not wait
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until say after the u.n.? the president is leaving for the u.n. today? why not wait until you have the show of support from the world. and that was going to be not just symbolic, but tangible. one of the reasons the president is going there 0 is to get more support for the war against isis. think it's telling, seeing the coalition as it is now, we've been asking this question over the last few days, when are we going to see other countries besides the u.s. and as of a couple of days ago, france, contribute to air strikes? because the administration keeps hitting upon the fact that isis is a greater threat to that region and the people of that region, than it is to the united states. and the administration has told us, well, we will see other countries stepping up. and likely soon. well, here it is, we're seeing arab countries, and it's possible that that kind of support and that ready action is more significant than getting the greater and broader support at the u.n. over the next couple of days. and look at the targets, these
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are buildings, training camps, fixed targets, they're not going anywhere. why the urgency? it may have been intelligence, whether the pentagon decided now is the time, the time is right and the president agreed. and also we've been seeing greater threats and stepped-up propaganda from isis over the last couple of days. even yesterday, isis group, the group calling on its supporters around the world to hit out at citizens and members of the coalition, wherever they live. brianna. >> michelle kosinski for us at the white house, thank you. the u.s.-led operation against isis is being carried out with unprecedented regional cooperation, qatar, bahrain, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates and jordan taking part in some way. let's get to cnn's arwa damon. good to have friends, but which
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friends matter? turkey, egypt, the united kingdom, where were they? >> well, turkey will tell you that they were up until this weekend, very concerned about the fate of 49 hostages in isis' custody. released over the last few days, with the turkish president coming out and saying that they would perhaps be ready to take more aggressive action. turkey right now trying to deal with this influx of refugees, egypt, you mentioned, could also play a very critical role. and the roles don't have to be military. but countries like egypt and saudi arabia, that are the birth plaiss of this wahabi extremist ideology. if they can get their religious clarity to the forefront, standing alongside this coalition, standing against isis that can perhaps help in the effort to try to lure these young, youth, whether they're arabs, whether they're syrians whether they're westernersternw.
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in terms of the impact the air strikes are having inside syria, we heard from one syrian inside raqqa, he said isis had mostly evacuated a lot of the buildings that were targeted by the u.s. that their presence was being felt very heavily in the streets. it seemed as if they were trying to further entrench themselves amongst the civilian population. he did say he went out into the street, to the market saying he saw some dead isis fighters. others wounded, as well. he welcoming this development. but saying look, america and its allies, they should have tried to build this coalition years ago. if they had, we would not have found ourselves in this situation. chris? >> thank you very much. as we see behind you, a lot of people affected by this, there's going to be a big humanitarian situation as well.
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that will have to be managed as part of the ongoing conflict. thank you, arwa damon, stay safe. let's make sense of what's going on. we have great military analyst, we have retired major-general james spider marks and retired majo major-general rick francona. let's talk about timing and the hidden headline. the corazon group, now we hear not only are they in a different area of the country than where we expected them, here in aleppo in the northwest corner, but also an imminent threat to the u.s. was thwarted? what do you think of this? >> i think what clearly has happen is the united states intelligence community had some really good targetable intelligence. and the fact that we initiated strikes in syria, allowed us complete authority to go after targets that we deemed were necessary for us to protect national security. so the fact that we're in syria
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and the fact we're going after isis opens the door for very broad swath of opportunities for us to attack targets that we need to attack that really brings down all the supporting elements not ohm for isis, but other activities that are clearly in this ungoverned space. syria only exists on a map and not very effectively. the borders really mean nothing. so the united states needs to continue to do this type of attack. >> they mean less with what isis is doing around borders. rick, let me bring you in, timing, why now? why didn't obama wait? we'll told this is not a onesided situation. isis is going to start responding to what they see as an imminent threat. what was hit now? and why did it make sense? >> in addition to what general marks says, isis is starting to disburse their assets, they're moving things, they've spread things out so it takes more weapons to destroy the same amount of equipment. they've relocated some equipment. raqqa, which was the primary
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target last night, has a huge military installation just north of it. isis was using it for storage, for command and control, for housing, for training, it's all moved out of there now. >> start us at raqqa. >> raqqa is right in the center. and that's, that's the capital of the islamic state. what they claim to be the islamic state. >> that's their stronghold, that's where they feel nobody will touch them. that's where it's even more important to hit first. >> that's where we saw the brutality, the heads on spikes, that's their capital for right now. as you go down the euphrates river, you go to another strong point of theirs. a big oil area. >> that's important, because the money for isis is particular importance. >> you have to stop them selling on the black market. >> we still don't know who's buying the oil. >> that's the gateway into sy a syria, the border at abu canal. this is an interesting target in the northeast part this is
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hasequi, this is where isis is putting pressure on the kurds, this is an effort to release pressure on the kurds in the northeast. >> spider, how effective do you feel the attacks have been? we have drones, and there's no real ground presence coordinated with the attacks. how do you know whether or not you've knocked out what you need to? >> well every strike has what's called a bomb damage assessment, or an affects that have been achieved. in fact, these operations are called affects operations, united states has this methodology. in they'll do great intelligence in advance of the strike. last-second type of confirmation. a strike occurs and then you have another capability that loiters over the target to try to do the bomb damage assessment of what took place. in addition to that, we do have some sources on the ground, and i can't confirm that they're in those exact locations, but i would hazard a guess that we have some type of assessment
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that is taking place on the ground from sources, local sources that are, that are reporting back in saying this is the type of stuff they see. not very precise type of ground reporting, but at least some, some notion of how effective the strike has been. >> and remember, what this target set is these are fixed facilities so we can get a good look at them and find out what the bomb damage assessment is from strategic assets or drones or aircraft. we don't need to have people on the ground. say if you were looking at troops, things that move. >> right. so that's important to note this was about hitting physical structures, not human beings so much. so that's the way you'll also calculate your success. let's move to now the who did this. the u.s. is touting a very unusual amount of information given out by the military in the united states here by the way about what they've done. usually they tell you very little. i think they're trying to make a point and impress on the american people how much they're getting done. as well as who did it with them. are you impressed aboutthy
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group? >> i am. this is a real achievement for the administration to bolt together this coalition of five arab countries when a few days ago all of us were a bit skeptical on who was going to participate. 200 get five countries to drop bombs on another arab country, going after a sunni arab group this is unprecedented. this is really success story for coalition building. >> so that would be the plus, spider, let's end on what could be a minus here, on who wasn't involved. i'm standing on one right now. turkey not involved with this. egypt not involved with this. and probably most notably, britain not involved in this. why not? >> i think the real point is not yet in the case of britain. maybe not yet in the case of egypt. maybe not at all in the case of turkey. there are different interests involved, clearly. turkey would tell you it has this massive humanitarian concern and their primary focus is trying to achieve what we could call a humanitarian corridor.
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so refugees can leave syria and come into turkey and they can be taken care of there. and that would be a primary task. turkey would raise its hand and say i've got to get this thing accomplished and accomplished well. i want to assist, but this is most important. they will tell you we don't want to poke this tying anywhere our region right across our border until we are certain that it has been degraded to a certain level where we can now pile on. but it is important, and rick knows the region better than anyone else that the first strikes that occurred against isis, and in syria. were by neighbors that are very much interested in degrading and defeating isis. that's an important first step. >> major general, thank you very much. lieutenant colonel, thank you very much. don't forget the headlines, we hit the oil site. u.s. and its friends hit the oil site, why? because that's a big money source for isis and the u.s. went alone, hitting where rick is stanting right now. an imminent threat was thwarted,
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they said, fwby this al qaeda group. that was taken out as well. they were expecting it to be just isis. we'll have more about the coalition of the arab nations joining the mission, we'll have christiane amanpour help explain who shepping and why. more analysis on this al qaeda offshoot in syria, who was also on the target. what was this imminent threat? we'll get to it.
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breaking news this morning, we're seeing the first pictures of air strikes launched against isis targets in syria overnight. you can see the drama yourself with missiles launched first from the sea, and then by air, five arab nations helping the u.s. with this military action. jordan, saudi arabia, bahrain, qatar and the united arab emirates. why these countries? and what do we make of the ones that did not take part? we're joined by chief international correspondent, christiane amanpour. you look at the five nations that are in this with the u.s., what is, i guess how significant is this coalition?
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>> it is significant. because as spider marks said and general francona, it's very, very difficult to get arab states on board to bomb other arab/muslim states, so this is very significant. and particularly, these countries have been incredibly involved in trying to get intervention in syria over the last several years. and a problem of course, these countries often back different groups and some have been backing you know, all sorts of nefarious groups, whether it's official by the governments or indeed allowing wealthy people to fund some of these groups so the vacuum that's been created there over the last three years, has now threatened the whole region. so a lot of them want to show that they're actually, you know, need to take a stand now. >> noticeably absent is turkey. why is turkey not involved? >> turkey has been taking brunt of the humanitarian disaster for years it's got hundreds of thousands of syrian refugees inside. when i spoke to the turkish
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prime minister, now president, erdogan, a couple of years ago, he was desperate that the world should intervene in syria and they would join as well. well, the world didn't and turkey is on the border of syria and bear as huge brunt of the fallout. just had their 49 or 50 diplomats, women, chilled, kidnapped by isis. it took a long time to get them out. for all we know, turkey told them we won't be involved in the military campaign who knows how they got their people out of isis custody. they might do other things in this, what's going to be a very long campaign. britain, france, they've said publicly, they've said we've been asked by the iraqis to come in and help their forces in the fight against isis there. but we're not yet at the point we're going to did it in syria. >> air strikes, many have said there's not enough, there are other steps, at the same time the u.s. making clear no u.s. boots on the ground. that that's what they're saying, how does the u.s. and its
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allies, how do they capitalize on the air strikes? >> enormously quickly, rapidly and seriously, they have to start building up the free syrian army and whatever other moderate groups they've identified. those are going to be the ground forces, i've spoken to many of the free syrian army leaders, commanders, they've told their people that finally the world is intervening against isis. they may be acting as some of the sort of intel on the ground, some of the bomb damage assessments, some of i doubt forward air control, that's a very specific military task. but they're probably helping in some way that they can. and they, without western or external support for years kept isis and assad at bay. were fighting a two-front war. >> but then it got too much, they didn't get any support. now if you talk to american generals, commanders, they say if you want boots on the ground, you're going to have to seriously train, arm and equip these people who you've
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identified. >> you'll be speaking this week, we'll be looking forward to it you'll be interviewing the emir of qatar and you'll be speaking of the new prime minister of iraq. >> indeed, and with secretary kerry tomorrow. so we'll get a good picture of what happened to bring us to this point this morning. >> now, the u.s. involved in sir yarks the u.s. involved in iraq. what is so key for the new prime minister of iraq in really following up on what the u.s. has done and really fulfilling its piece of the bargain here? >> two huge pieces, certainly for iraq, it's the political piece, this new prime minister has got to ditch the sectarian policies of his predecessor and make it an inclusive iraq for all iraqis. part of what happened is that the vacuum created by assad and the west not getting involved in syria allowed isis to flourish. and the political dysfunction in iraq, found willing supporters in iraq. >> and the sunnis -- >> exactly. >> can he reverse that? >> he has to. the entire operation depends on that.
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>> is it possible -- >> there's no way an air kpan is going to solve the problem. the entire operation rests on two things, a political solution in iraq and eventually syria, although assad is not interested at all. and cutting off isis funding. all these arab states, who are taking part in these air powers, they have to stop their citizens, funding and actually really encouraging all of these terrorists. >> and that's the big part of the puzzle. >> absolutely. >> christiane amanpour, thank you so much. it wasn't just isis coming under fire in syria overnight. another terror group, an extension of al qaeda also targeted in syria u.s. officials say they acted over concerns of of an imminent threat and that is a quote. our national security analysts breaking down who they are, why they were targeted and that's next as our breaking news coverage continues. [door bell rings]
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yes, isis is being attacked by the u.s. and a coalition of arab states, but there's also news of this u.s.-only attack in northwestern syria on an al qaeda offshoot known as the khorasan group, because of what was being called imminent threat plotting. what does that mean? we have new developments, let's get to barbara starr at the pentagon. it was very carefully worded about what this means in terms of was there a specific threat
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or is this where they would plan threats in the future? what do we know? >> chris, i have just spoken to a senior u.s. official who now confirms that one of the reasons they hit the khorasan group last night with u.s. air strikes is there was in the words of the official, active plotting. there was a u.s. homeland threat. this official now saying that there was a threat from the khorasan group. this al qaeda veterans group against a target in the united states and possibly other targets, western targets overseas. they will not say what the homeland, what the target was in the united states, that they had intelligence on that khorasan was plotting against. but this is the first time we are hearing about target planning by the al qaeda group inside the united states. what we know is that the eight u.s. air strikes last night against khorasan, this is not isis, this is khorasan, in
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western syria, were against one of their explosives and munitions production facilities. training camps, communication building and command and control facilities. this official says they have the intelligence for some time, they moved against them, because they had additional information that khorasan was in the final stages, perhaps, of planning this. and they felt if they launched the air strikes against them, against this backdrop of all the noise about isis, they would have the element of surprise against khorasan. but again, the real information that we're now hearing, is that this al qaeda group was perhaps in the final stages, but they were plotting an attack against a homeland target. we still do not know what that target was. chris? >> major development, barbara starr, thank you very much. brianna? >> let's break it down. a cnn law enforcement analysts
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and former fbi assistant director, tom fuentes and senior national security analyst, juliette khayim. this khorasan group, tell us about this and dni clapper mentioned this for the first time last week. you just heard barbara starr's rot. this is the first time we're being told about what is a an imminent threat. what do we know about these veteran operatives? >> there's four groups we talking about, there's isis, which we know about, there's al qaeda, an historic group. a group called al nusra in syria. and this new group khorasan. it's unclear between al qaeda and khorasan, how much relationship there is khorasan has been a focus for the last two months, unlike the other groups, they seem intent on focusing on western targets rather than disrupting syria and
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iraq. and they are filled with foreign fighters throughout the arab states and it's important that the u.s. took credit solo, for the attacks. because i think what the u.s. wanted to do is say that this is a separate mission from the isis mission. remember, terrorist groups are all vying for the same people, the same money, the same successes, i put in quotes. and we wanted to disrupt this group that clearly was focused on a homeland threat. >> so tom, this threat, we just heard from barbara starr's brand-new reporting, it was a threat in the u.s., we don't know much else. what might it have been? what kind of thing would have prompted the u.s. to in a way, tack this on to these air strikes against isis in syria? >> well, brianna, an important part of this group comes from al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, yemen, as well as pakistan. but with regard to yemen, the principal bomb-maker for this
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group has been al asiri, who has been responsible for making the underwear bomb, the printer cartridge bombs destined for the united states. he's been working for years trying to attack our weaknesses, trying to include his principal ingredients, petn, very difficult to be detected by the current technology. if you have that group and kind of an all-star team of al qaeda, if you will, going to syria and having a safe haven there to work and try to, try to train more people, let's say to carry these bombs, to carry suicide vests or maybe bombs on to aircraft that could be significant and it could be an attack they could carry out very quickly. plus u.s. intelligence has clamped down on what comes out of yemen. so they might have felt better that if they could smuggle explosives out through turkey or by the water to another european country, they would be in a much better position to attack us.
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>> is this enough, juliette, to seriously weaken the group? >> at least delay. wait to think about counterterrorism operation is the surprise element with this attack coming on ice i the isis and al qaeda are in competition, vying for a legacy status. was part of a mission to at least delay any imminent attack this will disrupt operations, communication and the capacity for people to move around and join the group. but does it, does it stop it for all time? probably not. i mean as christiania amanpour has said, the long-term solution will be a political solution in iraq and syria. >> this was a surprise, why are we hearing really just now about the khorasan group? >> it's recently formed and
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recently you know maintained as public position, let's say to continue the attack effort on the west, on the united states. and this is something that is not a new strategy for them. it's been their ongoing strategy for many years. the other issue with this, another reason why it might have been a singular u.s. effort, is that in the past, especially with regard to al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, they had been penetrated by saudi intelligence. the information that came about the printer bombs was singular, even to the shipping documents that were used to send those cartridges you know, by air. so that could be the issue here. is that saudi intelligence still is in a very good position along with u.s. intelligence, to penetrate the group or at least monitor the group and have the idea that, yes, they are going to extend now to try to attack us. >> tom fuentes, juliette
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khayyam, thank you very much. let's get to john berman with more. >> breaking this morning, british prime minister david cameron will meet with iran's prime minister, as they travel to the united nations for the general assembly. the prime minister's office confirms that the battle against isis is on the agenda. notably, this will be the first meeting between a british prime minister and an iranian president since the islamic revolution in 1979. the world's most powerful political and corporate leaders are expected to be on hand for the largest gathering ever on climate change, happening at the united nations as the u.s. hosts the one-day summit. 120 world leaders are attending, as well as executives of big oil. president obama addresses this summit this afternoon. it will be interesting to see if this new page in the battle against isis overshadows the discussion on climate change. breaking overnight, an
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update to the manhunt for palestinian suspects who allegedly killed three israeli teens this summer. israel's military says one suspect was killed in a shoot-out in the west bank, another seriously wounded. tensions between israel and hamas, you'll remember ratcheted up in june after the bodies of the israeli teens were found in the west bank. three soldiers from afghanistan who vanished in massachusetts over the weekend are in custody at the u.s./canada border, being questioned by federal authorities, still not clear why the men took off from cape cod, where they were taking part in a military training exercise. canadian officials declined to confirm whether the trio was seeking asylum. chris? >> that will be the key. because the fear was that they were here for the wrong reason. if this turns out they were trying to be refugees, that will make more sense to people. >> that apparently has happened before with the training exercises. more breaking news right after the break on strikes in sir yaflt. plus the search for hannah
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graham, the university of virginia student. why police desperately want to question a local hospital worker who may have been the last person to see her. the sleekest... ...sexiest, ...baddest, ...safest, ...tightest, ...quickest, ...harshest... ...or nothing. at mercedes-benz, we do things one way or we don't do them at all. introducing the all-new c-class. the best or nothing.
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following breaking news, what could be ongoing air strikes against isis in syria. we have new video for you of the air strikes that have been carried out so far. inside syria. this is the new wave in the war against isis. these are fighter jets, obviously taking off from the uss "george h.w. bush" to hit terror tarkts. u.s. officials launched strikes against a group of al qaeda-linked terrorists, known as the khorasan group. not just isis, al qaeda as well. not just a coalition, just the u.s. alone. what does it mean? retired lieutenant colonel james reece joins us, a retired delta force officer and daveed ross. let's start with the u.s.-specific headline here.
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isis, we were expecting this. but against al qaeda in syria? was this a real threat? was this just to stop their planning of the threat? what's your gut on it? >> i absolutely believe it's a real threat. the u.s. has gotten very good at manhunting in the last 14 years, socom, centcom, people doing this all the time for the key leaders, which we used to call high-value targets. so the high-value element is still out there hunting people down. >> when we look at the targets and including al qaeda this is all about actually having permission to do anything inside syria, right? this is about taking the opportunity for the united states? >> i think part of the concern was that the khorasan group might have served as a retaliatory capability. one thing we know about isis, although they're a potent force, they're limited in their ability to strike internationally. whereas the khorasan group seems
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to have been far more varsed. par of the fear on the u.s. part, the khorasan might have tried to strike back on the west in order to regain al qaeda's momentum with isis. >> you're talking about it, james, khorasan, man-hunting this is somewhat of their all-star team. as we harrod tom fuentes say earlier. we're going to be seeing some of the after-effects of the bombing against the khorasan group. that's what you see, not just file footage. after-effects of people on the ground looking through what happened after these attacks in northwestern syria, around aleppo against a group called khorasan. they're seen as this all-star team of al qaeda. the reason given by the united states for these united states-only attacks, the coalition not involved here, was because of what they saw was imminent threat or imminent threat plotting against the u.s. and again, this idea of, the u.s. couldn't have done this before, because there was no
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mandate to go into syria. so now that that has been broached and it's okay to be there. who knows what they'll do. >> the effects of going into syria are huge. this really starts shaping the operations for future operations, even though we can't get boots on the ground. being able to cross the red line is huge for us, especially for u.s. and the other coalition partners. >> important reference there. we remember here in the u.s., all the talk about crossing the red line. the president at first slow, then he wanted to bomb in syriand a the congress wasn't with him and now it is timely happened. when we look at the spots being picked, at least early on and what the u.s. is saying, this is the impressive phase, we're going after the big targets first, one of them, an oil refinery. one of the unspoken stories here regarding isis is the fact that they sell oil on the black market and lots of people are buying it. so why was this effective and what do we have to follow through in this situation? >> the reason why is to try to dry up other sources of funding. this organization has been
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operating in this kind of nether region where it's not quite a terrorist group, it's not quite an surinsurgency, and it's not quite a state. sustaining its position is to sustain the financial wealth that it's managed to gain. >> who is buying the oil? >> it's sold on the black market, that makes it difficult to prevent them from selling the oil. they're selling it illegally, selling it at prices that are far, far below market value. as long as the black market is vibrant and it's quite strong in this area, it will be difficult to shut down the buyers. >> i feel like money always talks, james and somebody is buying the ole. we know a lot of the countries, many joining the coalition, kind of play both sides of the fence that will have to be addressed. but today is about military action. timing is important. people are saying why didn't the president wait.
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he's at the u.n. general assembly this week. it's not just about what the u.s. and the coalition does, it's about what isis is doing. what are they doing right now? >> isis were the bullies in the battlefield. they've been punched in the nose. so now they're like -- that's a wake-up call for them. which i think is great. i think it's a wake-up call that the five coalition partners of all of these arab countries, great again for us and for the region. and isis has got to take a hard look at what they're going to do. they're trying to move their equipment, what's left of it right now. and they'll start, what i believe will start happening is if they can't move, they'll start blending back in with society and the folks regionally. >> that's why the timing is of the essence, as much as it is, right? it's one thing to make a video with someone who has their hands tied behind their back, and look like a tough guy. but when you have the might of u.s. military and its friends coming after you, maybe you'll run and hide. >> remember, al baghdadi, the leader of isis, he was a zarqawi
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guy, he got hunted for a long time. he knows he was able to have a safe haven in western syria. now that's taken away. >> as clear as it seems now, daveed, to be honest, there was real skepticism about whether or not there would be the coalition that would allow the u.s. to initiate real military attacks, especially inside syria. now that that's going on, what kind of future targets do you think you see in the next wave? >> interesting question, i think part of the plan is to try to eliminate as many targets of top echelons as possible. so it wouldn't surprise me at all if the next round weren't inside iraq. one thing i would say about the coalition is there's still a question as to what role the various countries are playing. there's a very vague word of participation or partners being used. we know that jordanian plans were over syrian air space. it's not clear how many planes were involved in bombing roles, as to roles a bit more symbolic. it's being played up for
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strategic reasons. >> but the bottom line is the air strikes have begun, the war is now in earnest inside syria and major bombing going on as we speak. we'll be following it for you throughout the morning, we want to thank james reece and daveed ross. there's a lot more going on. breaking news ahead. we'll also be following two other important domestic stories this morning. brianna, right? >> first we're going to be looking at the search for survivalist and accused cop killer, eric frein, that search narrowing this morning. almost two weeks ago he disappeared into the thick woods of pennsylvania's pocono mountains after allegedly ambushing state troopers at a police barracks, one officer killed, a second injured. now police are once again expressing confidence that they're closing in on him. alexandra field has more from the scene in pennsylvania. why are they confident that they're closing in on him, alexandra? >> well, brianna, they've been able to narrow the search area. authorities have been in
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communication with the public for the first time in a week, we're seeing some schools open. but at the same time with daylight hours we're seeing the search effort renewed. we've seen dozens of law enforcement vehicles filing into the woods. last night, reinforcements were being brought in from other states, new york and new jersey. there are hundreds of officers who are in the woods behind me. they say they've been able to narrow the search area because of reported sightings of the suspect in the last few days they recovered eric frein's ak-47 in these woods, but police believe he is still armed with a rifle. he is considered dangerous. pennsylvania's governor has addressed the public saying he is increasingly confident that this suspect will be captured. and that authorities are continuing to press toward him and move in on him. at the same time he is saying that the suspect had opportunities to target civilians and didn't take them. they believe that the suspect is truly targeting the law enforcement officers who have been searching so exhaustively
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for him for the last two weeks. brianna? >> alexandra field for us in pennsylvania, thank you. a second search that should be on your radar this morning, we're still looking for the missing uva student, hannah graham. investigators returned to the home of jesse matthew. he is a man that police very much want to speak to. they have a search warrant for his apartment. it's believe they executed that search warrant. why? police believe he may have been the last person to see hannah graham alive. police in virginia also issued a wanted poster for matthew officially now. he's wanted toor reckless driving, you'll remember, not specifically in connection with her disappearance, but the poster says police want to speak with him about graham's disappearance as well so we're at that story. let's get to jean jeka sars, wh do we know? >> law enforcement is still saying their number one priority is to find hannah graham. they're saying they don't want to have tunnel vision in finding out who is responsible for her
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disappearance. but the reality is they're looking for one man, one man they can't find. one man, they say has contacts here in virginia, washington, d.c., maryland, pennsylvania and new york. the fbi now joining the search for missing hannah graham. the investigation focusing on this man -- jesse matthew. who police believe is the last person to be seen with the university of virginia sophomore before she vanished over a week ago. monday, charlottesville police issued this wanted poster for his arrest on charges of reckless driving. police say he was seen speeding later in the day after showing up at the police station and asking for a lawyer on saturday. >> a lawyer came, spoke with mr. matthew. and about an hour later, the two of them walk out of the police department, without a statement. so we haven't seen him since then. >> law enforcement also executing a second search warrant of matthew's apartment, monday. forensic results on items
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collected in earlier searches should be in today. the 32-year-old has been employed since august 2012 by university hospital. as an operating room patient technician. according to police, surveillance video shows matthew putting his arm around the 18-year-old. they later ended up at the temple restaurant. >> we know that he purchased alcohol there. and we know that hannah graham was with him. within 15 minutes they were gone from that bar and that his car was seen leaving the area on video and we have every reason to believe that miss graham was in that vehicle. >> authorities admit they do not have probable cause to tie him to this case. but police thief tim luongo tells cnn's anderson cooper, he can't rule out foul play. >> there's no other way to look at it, quite frankly at this point. there's just no other explanation but for that. i wish we knew more than that, though. that's why it's so critically important to talk to jesse matthew. he's the last person that we know of that saw her before her
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disappearance. >> graham's family holding out hope that someone comes forward with information that will bring their daughter back. >> we need to find out what happened to hannah and make sure that it doesn't happen to anybody else. >> so the question is, what will happen today? well why law enforcement all across the state assisted by the fbi will tern to search for jesse matthew, they're expecting to get back results from forensic testing on the original evidence that was taken from the home, as well as jesse matthew's car and the police chief tells me tells me hours combing for that potential evidence from his car now being tested hopefully to have results today, to see any criminal link to jesse matthew and hannah. >> that will be the key to probable cause, jean, we'll be following up with you about that late they are morning. we're following a lot of news this morning for you so let's get to it.
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breaking news, the first u.s. air strikes against isis in syria. tomahawk missiles, fighter jets and bombers hitting targets inside the terror group's capital. the attacks coming nearly two weeks after president obama vowed to destroy isis. >> if you threaten american, you will find no safe haven. >> and an al qaeda offshoot also targeted inside syria. the pentagon saying potential attacks against the u.s. now thwarted. the u.s. not going it alone. in an historic shift, five arab nations joining the mission. supporting the air strikes. now the president will defend the operation as he goes before the united nations. will his show of strength convince other world leaders to join the coalition against isis? a special edition of "new day" continues right now. good morning, and welcome to "new day," kate is on maternity leave, brianna keilar joins us.
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breaking news, u.s. and five arab partners starting air strikes on isis targets inside syria. >> we're seeing and hearing what could be going on even right now. those are tomahawk missiles, fired from the sea into syria. headed for terror targets on the ground. launches like these followed by air strikes from bombers and fighter jets. the u.s. targeted more than a dozen sites we're told in and around the northern syrian city of raqqa. supposed to be the home base, the stronghold of isis. the five arab nations lending a hand of some sort. we need details on that but jordan, saudi arabia, bahrain, qatar and the united arab emirates. >> separate strikes launched by
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a group affiliated with al qaeda. we have learned that the khorasan group as it's called insyria was plotting imminent attacks on western interests, including here in the u.s. we have complete coverage and we begin with pentagon correspondent barbara starr. give us the latest. >> the pentagon had picked the targets very carefully. hitting what it thought would matter to isis the most. overnight, u.s. and partner nations carried out 14 intense strikes against isis strongholds in raqqa, syria, and other northern cities. the attacks destroying or damaging multiple targets, including training compounds, headquarters, and command and control facilities and briefly knocking out power in the region. u.s. forces launching tomahawk land attack missiles from the sea.
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bombers, drones and fighter jets, continuing the assault by air. including an f-22 raptor, a new air force tactical plane that can conduct air-to-air and air-to-ground combat with near impunity. the air strikes targeting key isis positions, including the city of raqqa, where they are essentially based. the attacks meant to degrade their ability to command and control, resupply and train, according to a u.s. military official. five arab nations, jordan, saudi arabia, qatar, the united arab emirates and bahrain joining in the fight. four of them helping attack by air, alongside u.s. war planes. in january, isis turned raqqa into their home base, creating a terrorist safe haven. the militants controlling the city, power, water, schools and
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banks. two countries not taking part in the attacks at present? turkey, who had previously joined the global coalition against the terrorist group. and syria itself. then there is this -- buried in the press release from the military -- a report that an imminent attack against the u.s. was thwarted in syria overnight, according to u.s. officials. eight air strikes were conducted by the u.s. west of aleppo, against the terrorist group khorasan, a network of seasoned al qaeda veterans. >> and khorasan, this group, barba barbara, is one that a lot of americans haven't heard much about. but the threat we're hearing more about in the last week, how did this affect the timing of the strikes, if at all? >> well, brianna, what we're hearing from a senior u.s. official is the reason they struck khorasan right now is
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they had intelligence that the group of al qaeda veterans, was in the stages of planning an attack. against the u.s. homeland and/or an attack against a target in europe and the information indicated that khorasan was well on its way, perhaps in the final stages of planning that attack. because they were hitting isis, they felt they could essentially surprise khorasan. they knew the information was there. they knew this was the time to do it. but everybody was focused on isis, so this was somewhat they hoped of a surprise to khorasan. what did they hit? we're told they hit khorasan training camps and explosives and munition production facilities, command and control and communications facilities of that group. we're going to be looking for much more information on this later today. but this is the first time we are hearing about the possibility there was an attack planned against a u.s. homeland target. brianna? >> barbara starr at the pentagon with our latest information there, thank you so much.
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this attack on al qaeda is going to come as a big surprise to many of you at home. and it also points us in the direction of why so many were pushing president obama to start military action inside syria. because of the interests to the united states specifically there. and now we're seeing what one of those may well be. the question is, why was this done right now with regard to isis, especially with the big unga, the u.n. general assembly going on. let's bring in cnn's michelle c c kosinski live at the white house zlxt we're not hearing anything from the white house. consistently they've referred all comment to the pentagon. that's where most of the information has been coming from. we just found out that we will for certain hear from president obama today.
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before he leaves for his trip to the u.n. so he's expected to leave at 10:30 this morning. before that, the white house now says he will make a statement here at the white house. and it will be about the latest in the continuing counterterrorism strategy against isis. it's interesting how they phrase that. because they have continually framed their action as a counterterrorism strategy. although many have questioned them, is this not a war against isis? they acknowledge, yes, it is. but that's how they're framing it for now. at the u.n., the president is looking to expand international support. against isis. he's looking for commitments and further participation from other countries. it's surprised many to see the participation in this last night. and the arab countries involved. also he's looking for a resolution from the u.n. security council, so that these nations united against isis will also fight the flow of foreign fighters. that's something that all of these nations have been
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concerned about, a a real threat. chris? >> declaration of war, going to war, very important with isis. not so much against this al qaeda group, though, because certainly the u.s. would be authorized to go after it if its own interests were involved. michelle kosinski, thank you very much, keep us informed on what's going on this morning. let's bring in john negroponte a former u.s. ambassador to iraq, a former u.n. ambassador and the first director of national intelligence. thanks so much for being with us to lend us insight this morning. the president, we're going to hear him speak in just a couple of hours. but he's coming to new york for the u.n. general assembly. he will be convening a summit with a number of nations here to talk about this very threat. tell us about the timing. why pursue strikes today overnight, before coming here to the u.n. general assembly? >> well i'm sure that the strikes were carried out because of the requirements of the actual situation on the ground. but if you think about the
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timing, think it's certainly definitely better he does it before he comes to the u.n. than imagine if he had done it just after leaving new york city, after the general assembly. this is really starting now to look like a fairly comprehensive strategy. there's bane move in syria. which we've been waiting for for a long time. there's a coalition, with the other countries, the other gulf states who have been participating in these attacks. and of course, the other shoe that has to drop now, it seems to me, is what happens in iraq. what kind of boost to the morale of the iraqi and kurdish forces will these actions represent? they've got to follow up on what i think now is an opportunity, being created for them. it's starting in my view, to look a lot more like a comprehensive strategy. >> so you look at the allies here, that the u.s. has in this fight. the uae, saudi arabia, jordan, bahrain and qatar. are you impressed with this coalition? >> i think it's a good thing,
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rather than going it alone. secondly, i wouldn't rule out others joining in, now that we've had this strong showing from the gulf states themselves. also, i think it's paying off, very strong diplomatic efforts that our leadership has been taking in gulf countries in recent months and years. >> you mentioned iraq this is a key part of the puzzle here. there is a new prime minister in iraq and it's up to him to undo some of the damage done under prime minister nuri al maliki, where many sunnis were affected and welcomed isis, allowing isis to fill a void in that country. do you have confidence that the new prime minister can turn things around? and what's at stake if he doesn't? >> i think that remains to be seen. but he has to do it. this effort is not going to be complete until the isis has been turned back in iraq. until the cities that they have captured, fallujah, mosul and so
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forth have been recaptured. >> you expect with the president coming here to new york that he will walk away with more support than the five countries that he's had from the get-go here? >> well he's also going to be proposing an initiative to curtail the international movement of foreign fighters. and i think that it's very possible, likely in fact that that resolution will be passed by the security council in the next couple of days. that would be a good thing. >> we've certainly known many people have looked at that and said that's not something that can really be enforced. is that going to be toothless? >> it's a bit like if you, right after 9/11, we passed a very important resolution against terrorist financing, it lays a legal basis for countries to then go back to their capitals, pass domestic legislation that might help carry these kinds of things out. it highlights the problem. it forces domestic debate in these different countries about
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should we -- you're letting these people leave our countries to go fight in these wars. and so i would say it's definitely going to be a net plus. how completely it will be enforced is another question. >> so many countries just haven't even addressed it. >> well it will force them to address it. >> isis has been recently calling on essentially lone wolves to be inspired by isis, to target the west, including the u.s. how concerned are you now that this is becoming even larger? there have been air strikes ongoing in iraq, we now have these just happening in syria overnight. how concerned are you, that there will be lone actors inspired by this? >> you never can rule this out. i would say the focus of concern needs to be the situation on the ground in iraq and syria. >> what's, and speaking of that, how does the u.s., how, how do american allies capitalize on these air strikes?
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>> you have to boost the help to the free syrian army and the forces fighting against isis and the syrian government in syria. part of the overall strategy, use the air strikes to provide moral support and cover for these free syrian forces. >> they will be trained and equipped, we know that. funding has been passed. are they able, how much confidence do you have that this can be successful? >> the confidence issue really relates to how whether we're in this for the long haul or not. we tend as americans to think things can be over and done with much more rapidly than is really the case. these efforts are going to take months and years, so we got to be prepared to be in this for the long haul. >> right now it appears that u.s. public is on that side. we'll see if it continues to last. ambassador negroponte thank you so much for being with us. we're getting reaction from capitol hill this morning, to the first air strikes against
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isis inside of syria. >> let's get to congressional correspondent dana bash, she's been down there. we know that the president spoke directly to leadership. john bainor and nancy pelosi, as you know, they've been only too willing do let the president take control of the war on isis. where are they on these strikes? >> so far, supportive. we haven't seen very many formal statements from the leadership. but we have from key members of congress. the armed services chair. om others who have been spoken. marco rubio, sentd out a message. i spoke with senator lindsay graham, one of the chief hawks in congress all on this issue. incredibly supportive. for lots of reasons. you just heard john negroponte tell brianna that he sees the beginning of a comprehensive strategy. he's traditionally a republican politician, a republican diplomat who served the republican presidents to hear him say that tells you everything you need to know. the other bit of news we we got
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this morning, there was an imminent threat. that's not something you're going to hear any members of congress say that this is not something that the united states military should have gone after. and the last point i want to make, the fact that there are five coalition partners in the arab world, five arab countries that were joining in the united states, that's something that is huge when it comes to these members of congress selling this mission back home. lot of people say why does the u.s. have to be the policeman for the world? this is an example where the u.s. is partnering with countries in the region. >> well, look, the u.s. going alone and striking khorasan in syria on the basis of an imminent threat to the homeland, is going to be very compelling and it's going to be a surprise to many people. which way do you think it spins the control of politics down there? do you think that this emboldens congress to want to get involved with this and take ownership of the war? or do you think it rationalizes
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their decision to step back and say let the president do it because he's been the commander-in-chief pretty well. >> it could go either way. the problem is it's hard to know the answer to that for maybe six or seven weeks, because congress isn't here. you and i discussed this last week. they split, they left at the end of last week to go home to campaign full time through the election on november 4th. they're not going to come back for the lame duck session until mid november. we're hearing talk and we did before they left, the fact that congress does want to have a voice, but not until after the election. it's unclear whether or not they're going to be aggressive enough to write and pass a new authorization for force for this particular mission during the lame duck session. that would be unusual for a congress that has effectively. many of the members have been voted out, to come in and have that kind of vote. it's possible. it really depends on how the next couple of weeks go while congress again is not here.
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for all the yap for respecting the constitution that's become in vogue in d.c., it's interesting they punted on their constitutional responsibility here. to come back they'd need the coaxing of the president or public shaming. >> believes he has the authority. he's been arguing he's got the authority under the 2001 use of force authorization already and he doesn't need it. this would be congress giving its blessing, giving its stamp. something that the president says he would like, but doesn't need it. >> he doesn't want to get mixed up with them, they're fighting them too often and now things are going well for him and he's the last person who would call them back. but we'll see. the air strikes could be ongoing right now, they've been going on throughout the night. syria is certainly the focus of the war on isis this morning. we're going to have general wesley clark, going to join us to explain what could be coming next. and it's been ten days and
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there's no sign of virginia college student, hannah graham. we have the latest on the investigation. we're live with the charlottesville police chief ahead. "hello. you can go ahead and put your bag right here." "have a nice flight." ♪ music plays ♪ music plays traveling can feel like one big mystery. you're never quite sure what is coming your way. but when you've got an entire company who knows that the fewest cancellations
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[ siri] hello. wh[cortana] name? hello siri. i'm cortana. we've already met. i'm sorry. i don't remember. that's ok. i can remember lots of things. like your favorite kinds of restaurants. i cannot remember that. i can remember appointments and help you get there on time. or that. or remember favorite news topics. or that either. siri, what can you remember? i remember when i was the only phone that talked. ♪ the u.s. launching air strikes against isis targets for the first time in syria, and not
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alone. five arab nations sunni arab nations assisted in those air strikes. beyond that, the united states went solo launching strikes against an al qaeda cell called the khorasan group after intelligence emerged that this group was plotting an imest in attack against the u.s. homeland, also possibly interests in europe. want to bring in a cnn contributor and managing editor of quartz. bobby, we're talking about fighting isis, there were air strikes against isis in this part of syria. a separate unilateral strike by the united states against this group called khorasan over here in syria. who is khorasan? >> they're a small group. we've not heard a whole lot from them. but they've been building up infrastructure in that spot west of syria. they're led by a guy who was a very close associate of osama bin laden. >> from practically the beginning. >> before 9/11. >> he's said to be one of a very
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small group of people who knew about the 9/11 plan long before it was executed. he's managed to escape the attentions of the international sort of security community and hold himself up there west of alethbridgeo and he's been creating this infrastructure. there's reports suggesting that he's a mastermind. keep in mind that al qaeda has lost its way a little recently. isis has taken up all the oxygen in this fight in syria and iraq and al qaeda, if you like the brand is diminished in the eyes of many of its followers, so it's been planning a big attack and now we think that that attack, we have been hearing that that attack is being planned by the khorasan sell out of aleppo. >> the unilateral operation by the united states, a separate operation from the coalition attack against ice nis this part of syria. now, bobby, this is a look at
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the coalition involved in the air strikes against isis. i got a new bit of information from jim shuto, our chief national security correspondent. one nation that we're fascinated by was syria itself. what did the regime of bashar al assad know or not know prior to the strikes? jim schutto reporting that the syrian regime was told by the united states prior to the operation. what do you make of that? >> that's a big deal. it's a little surprising. you can see why they would do that. because the last thing you want is the syrians to scramble their own planes and mess up the scene a little bit. you don't want confusion in the skies, especially if you've got planes, and we don't know exactly how many planes, if you've got multiple air forces at work, over the syrian air space and you don't want the syrian air force to scramble their jets and add to the confusion. i can imagine a scenario in
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which the syrians are informed, perhaps by one of the arab allies rather than directly by the united states. i would be quite surprised if it was direct communication from the pentagon. >> all we know is inform somehow, not cooperating, not part of the operation, but informed. let's talk about who is cooperating right now. the coalition of five sunni arab nations, jordan, saudi arabia, bahrain, the united arab emirates and qatar. we're not sure how involved they were in the strikes themselves, but part of this coalition. interesting group. >> it's optics, we want, the administration wants this map up all over the arab world, showing that arab nations have participated in this campaign. this is just a start hopefully presumably we'll see more of this. and the fact that there are arab nations are vital. the fact that they're sunni nations are vital. the irians want to join in on the fight, the u.s. does not want them as part of the coalition, because the sunni
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stats would not tolerate that. it was very important that the first major campaign over syrian air space involved these uni states. >> let me talk about another nation not involved, up here in turkey. this is turkey. they are not involved. in this at all, despite the fact they share a border with syria. despite the fact there are tens of thousands of kurdish refugees flowing over the border into turkey. despite the fact they're a nato nation and have air fields which could be instrumental in assisting in the air strikes. turkey saying no. >> the turks are saying look, don't tell us we're not involved, we're housing tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of refugees. so they're taking on a brunt of the consequences of the civil war in syria and iraq. that would be their take on this. i have to think the turkish intelligence is involved. they may not do this overtly because of political considerations in turkey. but they've got a lot of eyes in syria. they've had a lot of the foreign
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fighters, the militants who got into syria, whether to join isis or syria, the nonreligious rebel forces have gone through turkey. you have to think turkish intelligence knows these people. >> they didn't get themselves on the press release from centcom. they want to keep some separation here. >> we see more and more of these, if the arab states get more and more involved in syria, turkey is going to want to participate. because they don't want to lose their influence in that part of the world. long borders with turkey. it will rankle many in turkey that the saudis and the qataris are involved in the fight and they're not. >> thanks so much for being with here, bobby gosh. we'll have more on the syrian air strikes ahead. general wesley clark standing by. but first the fbi involved in the disappearance of virginia
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student hannah graham and the search for clues. police have searched the home of someone they think may have saw her last. we'll have the latest from the police chief, next. ♪ ♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru,a subaru. so i get invited to quite a few family gatherings. heck, i saved judith here a fortune with discounts like safe driver, multi-car, paperless. you make a mighty fine missus, m'lady. i'm not saying mark's thrifty. let's just say, i saved him $519, and it certainly didn't go toward that ring. am i right? [ laughs ]
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welcome back, the air strikes on ice nis syria is a developing story. we want to get to the other search for missing uva sophomore, hannah graham. this is jesse matthew, police have put his face on this wanted poster and technically, it's for driving violations, but there's growing consideration of him operation by the police involving her disappearance.
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there's no question that they believe he may be the last man to see hannah graham. police conducted a second search of matthew's home yesterday. did they find something that gets them closer to finding the missing college student. let's go to the man who would know, charlottesville police chief timothy luongo. what can you tell bus the need for the second search and what was found, the status of your investigation. >> at some point in the investigation, investigators, their attention was called to some articles of clothing that might be relevant to this investigation. they petitioned the court by affidavit for a search warrant to get back to the house yesterday. sometime i believe, sometime after the afternoon, i didn't find out that the warrant had been executed until sometime last evening. i spoke to investigators and obviously we're going to get, those articles off to the lab as quickly as we can. we're hopeful to get lab results back this afternoon from our
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initial ser search of the vehicle on friday. we're moving in that direction and following up on more leads and doing more with our search on areas throughout the city. it's going to be a long day, an aggressive day. >> what you're saying, obviously you're still in a preliminary phase. fair question, probable cause, we don't want to keep this man in your crosshairs for too long, if there's not an ability to make a case. do you think you're getting closer to a probable cause basis for an arrest? >> i hope so. but as i've said many times before, we make that determination not unilaterally. that determination is made closely with the prosecuting authority we meet with him almost daily about what we have with regard to this investigation. talking to jesse is so important. because as you pointed out, we do believe he's the last person to have seen her before she test appeared. that's why there's such a press to communicate with him. >> you have your police force, which by all accounts is very
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capable. you now have the fbi included in the investigation. how hard can it be to find this man. it's not as easy as one might think, we have a variety of resources, activated, deployed in an effort to do so the virginia state police that are working very closely with us, and obviously we're not going to disclose what those sources with we are as aggressively as we can, trying to locate him. >> did you find out if he has counsel representing him, those in his circle, does anybody know where he is? >> yeah, we've, my understand something that investigators spoke with family members yesterday and they've been very cooperative. my understand something they will certainly work with us to try to locate him to the best of their abilities as well. i do know he's represented by counsel. i'm not at liberty to disclose that attorney's fame. i suspect that will be done pretty quickly.
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i'll speak with the commonwealth attorney this morning to see whether or not we can do that so that folks have an understanding who he may be. >> obviously don't want to get too much of a single focus. you want to be open to all other possibilities. >> absolutely not. >> right now as you're looking at the situation from more of 30,000 feet is there any other scenario that makes sense on your radar right now? >> well there's other scenarios that could have occurred. i alluded to one of them yesterday. that might be that at one point in time when they came out on to the mall together, they separated. we don't know that, no one has told us that. that's why it's so important to talk to jesse. we're following up on additional leads that folks continue to push into. so either through email or tip line about others that may have been seen on the mall that night. although it may seem our focus is narrow, our focus is very broad. but a logical person to speak to is the one who we believe was the last with her before she
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disappeared. >> chief, because it is so damning that jesse matthews knows you want to talk to him and hasn't made himself available. let me get your reaction, is there anything to the speculation that when he entered the police station to talk he was confronted in an aggressive manner and somewhat accused and that upset him and he pulled away and now believes that there's a witch hunt going on? >> no, that did not occur. your understand something it wasn't about what was done to him. whatever actions he took were on solely his own motivation? it would be wrong for me to speculate. i know what our interaction was with him. >> but there was no reason for him to spiel spooked? >> no, sir. >> all right, chief luongo, thank you so much. this is very important. we want to keep it in the national eye. we want to help any way we can.
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let us know how we can do that, sir. >> i appreciate that, chris, thank you. let's get over to john berman, in for michaela and headlines going on. >> in the midst of all the information breaking overnight about the u.s.-led air strikes against isis targets in syria, president obama will be among 120 heads of states attending this morning's climate change summit at the united nations. top executives from big oil will also be there to announce a series of new initiatives designed to reduce carbon emissions. about 100 demonstrators were arrested for blocking streets near the stock exchange. protesting what they call wall street's contribution to global warming. breaking overnight, a deadly shoot-out with suspects that israel says abducted and killed three teens over the summer. israel's military said it carried out an operation in the west bank to apprehend the pair. tensions between israel and hamas ratcheted up over the
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summer. after the teens' bodies were found. three afghanistan military officers who vanished while training at a massachusetts military base, in custody at the u.s./canada border. they're being questioned by federal authorities, it's not clear why the men vanished. they were last seen on saturday at a mall on cape cod. in the town of high hyannihyann officials insist they pose no threat to the public. >> we don't know if they were seeking asylum or not. but perhaps they were. >> headed to the border. >> john said there have been cases of that before. we'll know soon enough. thanks, john. well isis targets this is the big story we're following today. now under attack. there are five arab nations supporting you u.s. air strikes stho will break down the importance of those partnerships as the fighting rages. and general wesley clark will join us on that next. we're learning frightening new details about the white house fence-jump another made it into
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the white house. he had been stopped multiple times outside the white house, once carrying a hatchet. and what he had in his car, even worse. details ahead. ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. "hello. you can go ahead and "have a nice flight."re." ♪ music plays ♪ music plays
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we have breaking news overnight the u.s. and five arab nations blasted isis targets in syria. give you a moment there to see and hear what is going on, probably right now. this is video from inside the uss philippine, a missile being launched. significant eescalation of the war in syria. the president is expected to lead a security council meeting and hoping to build a broader coalition against isis. we've learned the u.s. military on the ground hit a different terror network, an offshoot of al qaeda called the khorasan group inside syria. why? they say an imminent attack against the u.s. homeland was
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thwarted. that's going to be a big headline today. let's turn to general wesley clark, former nato supreme allied commander and senior fellow at the ucla berkle center. and author of a war, "don't wait for the next war." should have read that book, general, because that's exactly where we find ourselves. thank you for your perspective this morning. let's start with the headline. okay, you have the idea of being in syria, attacking al qaeda because of an imminent threat to the homeland. we hadn't heard anything about this. what do you make of it? >> well when the news came out
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before 9/11 and we're engaged over here. when we pick up the information, we can act. and this case, we acted in syria we didn't have the authority to act in syria this way before, now we've done it. >> and that's a big point. >> we're hearing that, that just being in syria was a big step because there are lots of different goals and groups in there. that the u.s. and its friends may want to get after. >> that's right and there will be no sanctuary for terrorists, that's the basic message of u.s. strategy. it has to be. if you're a terrorist organization and you're a threat to the united states of america, we're going to come get you, one way or the other. >> they hit there the u.s., all by themselves. it's about what they did against isis specifically, which we were expecting. now we get what they call the first punch in the nose. most notably, we have the al qaeda offshoot, we talked about that. this is raqqa, this is known as
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the isis stronghold, the iraqis were afraid to get in there. we went there first. >> if you can take out their command and control and communications, where the power lines are. you probably know where the fiber optic cables are. you may have seen them going in and out of buildings, you have a good idea where the command centre centres are, you're taking out what you know right now, you'll keep observation over it. you'll come back and strike it again and again and again and continue to watch for their signs of reconstitution and strike. but the big one is the strike on the oil refinery. they've been making -- >> that's right here. >> that's right. between $is million and $3 million a day, selling illegal oil. they claim they're a state? fine. this is an attack on the state finances. that's the strike that's important that immediately cuts their ability to pay and organize. they're paying their islamic state terrorist soldiers a lot of money. >> and it plays into the support role that u.s. wanted to help
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out in a regional conflict. who's buying that oil? right? somebody's got to buy it i know it's the black market, under the radar. but we can find out a lot of things -- >> it's going this way, we know it's going this way. it's going through many different channels. now that we're over syria, we're looking at this refinery, we know where the pipeline network is if they're moving it by pipeline, we know that. if they're moving it by trucks, we will see it. this is a big learning lesson for isis. they may have thought they knew what the united states could do in iraq. they don't have any idea what we can really do. and it's also a big lesson for bashar al assad. and for russia. we're engaged now. >> that's interesting, very, mr. putin been very quiet. he's not known for that i guess he's just watching and seeing how much of the world can join up for a righteous cause. you mentioned assad. we do have word that the u.s. walked the line here, they let the syrian envoy to the u.n.
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know through the iraqi foreign minister, they didn't go to them directly. but they said through the iraqi foreign minister to the u.n. envoy for syria, we're going to be in there, we're going to be bombing and it's going to be a while. they engaged syria, and said, we know about this. >> and gave them the opportunity not to try to engage coalition aircraft. because had they done so, they would have lost. now we've been very respectful of the syrian air defense network. we say lots of things about it. and the russians have provided some radar and there's probably russian service members in there. so we'd rather not get into that. this is to focus on the terrorist forces. but obviously the united states and its coalition partners are going to defend themselves. and assad has to respect that. >> and he has so far. >> while we're doing this, remember, we've still got other major issues. we've got ukraine. there's a nominal cease-fire. but president putin is pushing, he's organized, he's redeployed russian forces, they took some
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serious casualties, they're refitting those forces and ukrainian president, poroshenko is struggling to stabilize and reconstitute his forces. we've got china walking and the iranian nuclear issue bubbling on the sidelines. >> it will be interesting to see people's willingness to be on the winning team. that takes us to other two spots, up in the northeast of syria and down on the iraqi border, these are two areas where the local fighters are getting beat up pretty badly and a big part of the mission is to support who will be on the ground. a big question mark. they helped out in the air. that the iraqis took big losses because they didn't get air support. hundreds and hundreds of men killed. so there was bombing there and the kurds up north, obviously the peshmerga, very important for the ground effort. what signal does that send? >> you've got to do the best you can with this. but it's very difficult to bring in air support unless up precise
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knowledge of where the friendly elements are. this is the tougher problem. the cutting edge of the battlefield. this is where the special forces officers are in the command posts. they're reporting on current locations, they're training them to know where they are. i'm sure we're giving them gps, location capabilities they don't have it. so they can accurately call in the strikes. that won't be just here, but hopefully inside iraq. you know about two-thirds of isis is still in syria. but one third is in iraq and they're still pushing in iraq and engaging forces. >> so this is what's going on right now this is the military aspect. and in some ways, as complex as it is, this is the easy part of the job. the hard part will be what you were referring to, how do you deal with the rest of the international community. the money flow, the building of the iraqi state that is what leadership often is about. and tell me, what's the title of the book we should have read? >> "don't wait for the next war." we have to look beyond the
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24-hour news cycle you all at cnn are so good at. this is part of the larger strategy, the united states is redeply ploiing from a decade and a half of war in this region. we're trying to leave behind modernizing states that can respond to the needs of the people and there's an ongoing struggle. a struggle between terrorist and state. a struggle between sunni and shia islam. we're trying to play a constructive role in that. without getting totally drawn back in. we don't want a judeo christian army on the ground in the midst of this religious struggle where isis is using sunni islam fundamentalism to motivate their soldiers, an extreme version of sharia law. >> let us show our leadership in other ways. >> that's exactly right, it is their war. >> the book is called? >> "don't wait for the next
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war." thank you very much. we'll have more on the air strikes in syria ahead. but first, startling new details about the man who jumped the fence at the white house. he had been written off as one random incident, right? no, he made it to the house, he had a knife, but it's not the first time that they've stopped him had and there were things in his car you'll want to know about, straight ahead. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in .
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fence jumper and iraq veteran omar gonzalez. police now are saying they found more than 800 rounds of ammunition, and two hatchets and a ma chet tee in his car. and another stunning revelation that he was arrested in virginia back in july with an ax at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. this is so alarming, michelle. >> well, we are talking about 11 guns, assault rifles, and three loaded pistols, and scopes that a sniper would use, and a map of washington, d.c. with a map leading right to the white house. and that is what police found in gonzalez' car in july and charged only with reckless driving and possession of the sawed off shotgun and the secret service was notified and then a month later the secret service stopped him here at the white house at a different gate walking around with a hatchet in
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the waistband, but this is part of what the secret service going to be reviewing the prior knowledge of and dealings with him and were proper procedures followed not only at the prior times, but friday night when gonzalez was able to get over the white house fence and make it across not only the lawn, but inside of the white house where he was then tackled by the secret service. in the immediate sense, they have already made some changes, and we are seeing the additional staffing, and more surveillance outside of the white house, and this new fence they put up. it is temporary, and it is much smaller, but it adds a buffer of about eight or nine feet between the passerby and the existing white house fence, but they are looking at longer term what enhancements they might need to do and will they be doing bag check of the people walking around and restrict access? it is all in the planning, and the reviewing stage at this point. but by the way, the white house
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says from now on, when that front door is not in use, it will be locked, brie, you sure would hope so. michelle kosinski at the white hou house. thank you so much. and the u.s. launching air strikes in syria for the first time, but they did not go it alone. we will get the latest from the pentagon spokesman, himself. denver international is one of the busiest airports in the country. we operate just like a city, and that takes a lot of energy. we use natural gas throughout the airport - for heating the entire terminal, generating electricity on-site, and fueling hundreds of vehicles. we're very focused on reducing our environmental impact. and natural gas is a big part of that commitment.
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breaking news, the war against isis inside of syria begin begins a. powerful display by sea and by air, and pounding the terror group's home base and aiming to e destroy the command and control structure and the u.s. is not doing it alone. a historic shift, and five arab nations are participating in the strikes. >> it is much bigger than anything we have seen so far. thwarted attack, a u.s. group hitting a group of veterans inside of syria saying that an attack against the u.s. was stopped. how real was the threat? this as president is set to meet global leaders. this as "new day" begins
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right now. welcome back to "new day" and it is 8:00 in the east, and kate on maternity leave, so brianna keilar is joining us today. we we have big news for you. isis is in full effect for the first time inside of syria. take a look. more than a dozen targets in the krocross hairs starting with th tomahawk missiles like you saw from the sea, and then backup fighter jet s s in the air. the assault focusinging on the north earn syrian city that has been known as the home base of the terror group. five arab nations joining. >> more pressing we have learned an al qaeda cell inside of syria plotting what is an imminent
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attack, and that is a quote, against the u.s. and western interests. they were attacking that cell inside of the north, and we will hear from president obama in about two hours before he heads to new york for the u.n. general assembly. >> it is going to be important to see how the bombing is e reacted to when he gets there. let's bring in the pentagon correspondent barbara starr. and barbara, the headline has to be bombing on isis, but bombing on al qaeda by the u.s. >> more information to come on that throughout the day, chris, but a u.s. official tells me ha the campaign last night alone that the warplanes dropped more than 150 precision-guided munitions against isis and al qaeda targets. >> reporter: overnight, u.s. and partner nations carried out 14 intense strikes against isis strongholds in raqqa, syria and other northern cities. the attacks destroying or
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tis against munitions and explosive plants against the leadership targets and we expect to hear more about this throughout the day, but they clearly felt that this group was very much a near term, an imminent threat against the u.s. interests, and so they went after them. and just how strange the night was, we are also able to confirm that the united states informed the syrian regime of the intent to carry out strikes in syria, and it did not coordinate with the syrian regime, and no indication they gave them any other information other than the time, but bashar al assad did know they were coming. and no proof that anything was done by damascus or the regime in opposition or gaiagai the bombing. and we will keep an eye on that. thank you, barbara. brianna. >> and this morning, president obama is going to be addressing the air strikes and talking in
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the 10:00 a.m. eastern hour to the united nations. and let's go to jim sciutto who is live at the u.n., and what do you expect for him to say? >> well, this is a e remarkable moment, brianna. and of course, the u.n. is meant to be a peacemaking body, and the president is arriving here with the united states at war now in three countries, iraq and syria, of course, and continuing in afghanistan, and in fact, asking many of the u.n. member nations to join that war and in fact, many did. we now know that five arab nations took part in the air strikes, and i'm told that four of the nations took part in what are kinetic strikes, mean iing they dropped bombs and not support flights, but four countries, saudi arabia, and the united emirates and bahrain taking part of that action, and this is a real goal to make it
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an international fight against isis and in particular the military element, and they did that, brianna in bringing in the local and regional players and the arab countries taking the military action against another arab country, and that is a heavy lift in the region, and this is the con text for president's speech here at the u.n. but it does not stop there. he is also going to ask for a binding resolution at the u.n. to call on the countries to stop the flow of the foreign fighters and the money into syria. this is a big problem and that is what is going to give them their fuel in effect, and k countries like turkey, the key entry point is something that is a real priority this week in new york. >> jim sciutto at the pentagon, thank you. all right. brianna, let's try to get some perspective on this from the defense department itself, and we will go to the pentagon secretary rear admiral john kirby. a busy morning for you for sure,
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and certainly what a headline to americans, this attack on al qaeda, and this offshoot group khorasan and we understand that you have an ability to confirm the effectiveness of this strike, and what were you able to achieve? >> well, we restill doing what we are calling battle assessment damage this morning, but we are pretty sure that the strikes that were constructed against this group khorasan and again, we will get more information throughout the morning, but the indications are that that we hit what we were aiming for and continue to disrupt the plots of oo either europe or the homeland. >> and can you confirm five primary targets on individuals and that you got them? >> well, no, i can't at this point, but clearly, one of this things that we were trying to do and to disrupt their ability was to go after their leadership, and again, we will know more later today. >> and all right. the primary basis of the attack was supposed to be against isis, and what do you know so far about the effectiveness of
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those? we hear as many of 150 bombs were dropped. >> more than 150 precision-guided munitions, and not a small point to make, that we were precise and careful about what we were dropping and making sure that we were hitting what we were aiming at. all of the indications so far that is that ewe were very, ver successful, and we will continue the assess throughout the day and have more information about it with a little more servitude, but i would like to add that it was not just us, but as jim sciutto reported, arab nations that the participated in the strikes, and we believe their strikes were also very, very effective. >> did all five of the coalition members that were mentioned drop bombs, and what is the support role? >> well, le kewe will keep it t those countries to say what they did, but not all five participate ed participated in the air strikes, but they did participate in the military operation, and we are grateful for the control, and kudos to general command austin
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for the work he did to get the planning and coordination to take place for a multi international air operation is very, very sophisticate and complex, and he did a great job. >> more missions ongoing as we speak? >> well, we don't talk about the future operations as you know, but chris, the direction that we are given from the commander in chief is very clear to continue to put pressure on isil in iraq and syria and i won't rule anything in or out at this point. >> but however, you are more open than the usual, and even the release was a full almost two pages which is very unusual for you guys, and why the effort to put out more information than usual here? >> we believe it is important that the american people, and the world knows how seriously we are taking this threat of isil in the region. we have been talking about it for a while, and we owe that transparency to what we can, but the one thing we won't do is to telegraph the punches or what we
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will do in the futurer and look, they are bad guys and they had just and react and change the way they behave based on the pressure we are putting on them, and we don't want to give them any advantage more than that. >> and it is an important point, admiral, because we are talking about the time ago and the general sassembly happening now at the u.n., and the timing before, and what is your assessment of how quickly isis is more difficult to hit because of the concern of the attacks? >> well, we have been watching them change the behavior and the way they communicate and the way they organize inside of iraq since we started to do the strikes earlier in august, and this is the natural evolution of an enemy, adaptive enemy, and they have done, that and so we knew that once strikes started in syria that we could expect them to change as well. we will watch and see what happens here, but what i can tell you and assure the american people is that we won't let up on the pressure. though they may react, we are prepretty good at reacting ourselves, and we will continue to pressure them. >> and i understand the politics
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of the situation, but in terms of damascus and the syrian regime, we know they were given indirect communication of ongoing, and any signal so far that they won't interfere, has there been any signal they may interfere? >> well, chris, i can tell you that there was no interference with the operations last night. no interaction, no communication, and certainly no coordination with the assad regime, and we don't anticipate and we don't plan on any coordination or communication from a military perspective going forward. >> but you don't know of them taking out any counter strike or anything like that? >> no, no interference or count canner strikes against the the forces last night. >> and we have the group on the ground in raqqa and they say that the group is integrating with the community, and what have you learned about that? >> as i said, we will continue to monitor them, and i won't get
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into the future operations or potential here, but again, i will tell you that there is not a surprise here that they would react to the pressure they are put under, and this is not unlike the kind of behavior that we have seen inside of iraq with these guys. >> and now we know a couple of the targets picked will support the troops fighting on the ground, and the peshmerga and the groups on the iraqi border, and reports of the iraqis beaten up several days ago, and trapped for several days and as many as 500 men taken out, and pointing at the lack of air support, and how much more do we have to do to get it together, the united states to get it together to support the fighters on the ground? >> we will continue to work clo closely with iraqi security forces and the peshmerga to support them on the ground, and as you have seen on the last couple of weeks, chris, many of the strikes in iraq are defensive and we are going after isille lin areas they are operg more freely in baghdad, and that
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more ag grgressive offensive wi take place in days and weeks to come, and we are in close contact with the iraqi partners on the ground, and trying to help them as most as we can, and that is why we have two joint operations in baghdad and erbil. >> and we know that you are trying to get the message out loud and clear, and we are happy to report about that message, and let everybody know what is going on, and let us know how to help you with that, admiral. so one of the aspects of this is the coalition, and it is called unprecedented because five arab allies helping in the overnight strikes in syria. are they the big shots? the ones we want? will it lead to more? as good as it gets? christiane am manpour will be he next to discuss it. and all eyes are going to be on
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president obama at the general assembly, and is this his moment to make a mark on this war. we will have wolf blitzer live outside of the u.n. with the very latest. [ male announcer ] some come here to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things. but it's always about the very thing we do best. ♪
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saudi arabia, wbut a rain and qatar and the united emirates all answering the call here, and plus we expect to the hear from president obama who is going to be addressing the isis strike here in the 10:00 a.m. eastern hour, and so we will join that. and we are joined by international correspondent christiane amanpour, ly politice the military fight is mostly led by the united states, because they are the only people who can can lead this type of campaign, but it is the allies and looking like a coalition, and looking good because these people have been brought into the fight against sunni terrorists, and sunni nations who have been brought into the fight. we may hear from the president in the address what each arab nation has given and we are not
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sure. it is very, very important, becau because it is the first time that you have seen this array of the arab firepower. >> and now that the u.s. is invested here, and now -- well, there is no going back in a way, because this is something that he is all-in. that is obviously what he said to these nations in order to get their support, so what does a victory look like? >> well, you said all-in, but we will wait and see, and one day of bombing does not a victory make, and the president has said it will be a long fight, but already in iraq, the government there which is where the u.s. started the air strikes and the kurds who are the u.s. allies after all, and the western allies have said, hang on a second, there is just not enough of these strikes. they are disrupting isis, but they are not forcing them to retreat. isis still controls big swathes of land and urban centers like mosul, so it is a big, big is e issue. military commanders have said that unless there is a coherent coordinated long-term big
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strategy against the isis, it is not going to work. a few pin brick strikes won't do it. and the president has said that it is going to be a long fight, and he has prepared the american people for, that and he has not obvio obviously committed ground troops, but he has to have a ground force, and those will presumably be the free syrian army who have been fighting off two to three years holding off assad and isis doing quite well given that they were not the given any sophisticated outside help or big weapons and doing well until they were on the verge of big victories and then hezbollah stepped in to el help the assad regime. that is where we are now. >> and the assad regime, and also a head's up that it is going to happen, do the air strikes help or hurt the assad regime? >> well, it is interesting to figure out how is it going to
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eventually because they must hurt the assad regime. i will be talking to secretary kerry tomorrow, and i hope that he will tell me exactly how they informed the assad regime, and i have spoken to very senior u.s. ambassadors, crocker and ford and both ambassadors to syria and iraq in one case, and they said that on no account must this bombing of isis or whatevert at all look like it is supporting or helping in any way assad. we, the united states, cannot be ali aligned with anything that looks like it might give assad any kind of hands up in this. and the free syrian army have said, please don't expect us to fight assad, and we will keep trying to fight isis, but we won't take our eyes on the assad front either. >> and it hurts him in a way, because -- >> because his country is being bombed by a load of foreign power powers. >> and other countries who have let it remain the status quo for the greater evil being isis. >> exactly. the u.s. administration for all of the years of the syrian war
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as you know, there is a big debate within. and the winning debate was that, let's stand back, because we don't have a dog in the fight, and whatever we will do is going to make it works. that policy was laid bare and naked by the rise of eisis, because standing back allowed isis to flourish in syria and iraq and pulling back all of the forces, residual forces in iraq gave some cover there, but mind you, this is not going to be solved unless there is a proper political resolution in iraq and hopefully syria, because it is political sectarian that also contributed to all of the sunnis flocking to the isis. >> and you will be speaking with the new prime minister of iraq, and he is a huge piece of this. and you said that he has to get those distaffected sunni s ts tl away from isis and can he do it? >> he is the man. if he does not do it, it is all lost. and unfortunately the united states backed nuri maliki for a
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long time, and he was a terrible sectarian and authoritarian, and contributed or created to the political dysfunction in iraq that therefore gave rise to the sympathy for isis, and all of the sunnis and the former saddam hussein military officials, tribal leaders rushing off, because they thought that they were under threat by sectarian shiite-dominated government. so the new prime minister of iraq has to stop that, and has to hold the line there, and that is his main challenge. >> he has to do that, and we will see if he can. i am looking forward to the interview as well. thank you, christiane amanpour for your insight. >> thank you. and you know, we have been focusing on isis, but this morning the united states carried out a separate offensive against another imminent group against the u.s., and how big of a threat are they?
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night of the air strikes in the syria. with we are learning that the u.s. did inform syria of the impending strikes on their turf, but they did not ask permission or coordinate anything about the mission, itself, so what was the u.s. and five arab allies, they were joining together to strike isis strongholds. a and the coalition is on the arabs and not big shots except for saudi arabia is, and you don't see egypt or turkey or the uk involved, at least not yet. and the u.s. striking in northern syria, and this is a big headline this morn, because this is the u.s. alone from the pentagon saying they successful targeted members of an al qaeda se cell who posed an imminent threat to the west. the president will address the attacks before parting to the united nations today, where he has a big address. so how is this going to play out
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going forward, and we will bring in the author of "going to teheran" and thank you for being with us. philip mud, do you like what you have seen so far and why? >> not yet. the reason is that there is conversation in the media and including shock and awe and this is a mistaken way to proceed in the operation. it is not about the hammer against isis, but it is a long - long-term multi-year ground campaign. i don't object, but the language is to employ that the american people understand that like the campaigns in places like somalia and pakistan and if we think it is a week or two that we throw up the hands asking if we are succeeding, that is a mistake, and long and slow and grind down the adversary, and this is not shock and awe. >> well, hillary, to yuse the government's own words they said going big early, and this sends is a message and as you have
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said, be careful of the message that you send, because it is subject to the ears receiving it, but what message does this send? >> well, first, it is critically important to remember recent history which is that we spent eight years, 125,000 american men and women to iraq, and $5 trillion in the crisis in iraq, and we failed. this strategy of trying to use whether it is shock and awe or the pinprick strikes is a proven failure. air strikes in iraq is proven as a failure and proven in libya as a failure. going forward, we know it does not work. the problem that is more profound for americans that we face today is the threat that this posed. not only did we fail in pursuing this kind of strategy in iraq, afghanistan and libya, but each time the effect has been to turn grievances that people have in the muslim world against their own governments to turn those
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grievances into an american war against islam that generates recruitment, surges recruitment to the jihadist organizations and makes the pool of the next group of suicide ter the errorist bombers here in the united states as the next pool for the next 9/11 and instead of a few hundreds of people, it is now tens of thousands, and so that the danger to the united states is much more profound and we are looking at the strategy that is a proven failure. >> and hillary says this is going to make it worse, but we are told it is better, because of the last time we went into iraq, but that also happened with a long and sustained air bombardment, and so why is this time different? >> well, look at why we sent the troops in first of all. we are -- incorrect not there for nation building, but here to go against a relatively small group. and if you look at the other are
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areas, pakistan, yemen and somalia, and anybody, anybody sitting in my shoes at the fbi and the cia and the white house today has to say that we are in a bet ter po igs in terms of th threat than five years ago. the world ain't perfect, and this is going to be ugly, but to say that nonintervention to my mind ignores the successes that we have in blunting al qaeda in the nations that we have had. >> hillary ri, let me give you the context of phillip's point, because you make it seem as though, look, you tried it before and everybody wound up hating you for it, but this time, you have a u different dynamic, because it is about the fight of the soul of islam and not just the biggest man in the world which is what you could argue is the last time was about. and you have a growing number of religious saying, isis took a step too far calling themselveses the caliphate, and they must go down, and doesn't that somehow change the balance of who is the good guy and the bad guy and insulate the u.s.? >> well, while we were playing around in somalia and yemen,
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really playing around while isis was generating recruits and becoming the most dangerous and wealthiest and most sophisticated terrorist organization that we have ever seen while we played with a mythical war of playing with the drones and not having success, but generating more hatred toward the west, and what was happening in the sunni world is that there was criticism of the tactics of isis, but now today, you have the most powerful, and sunni cler nick the sunni world on tv saying, well, i did criticize isis' tactics before, but now that the united states is yet again bombing muslims, this is an american war against islam and every sunni everywhere should join the fight. that is the danger. >> and even from a afghanistan, philip, the highest religious figure is coming out saying in saudi arabia, and you are hearing their religious figures saying that isis is gone too far
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than going after the u.s.? >> well, the shaikh cardoui who has a platform on al jazeera where he can speak to the 900 million muslims, e telling them that this is now american war on islam, and now you may have some small figures in afghanistan saying something different, or saudi shaikhs, but these are government-paid shaikhs in governments in egypt and saudi arabia whose populations hate them. we ignore the threat that the p popularity that these groups generate among the population. i remember being in the bush administration in the situation room when secretary rumsfeld in the end, i profoundly disagreed when he asked a critical and simple question, can we or are we going to the kill more terrorists than we create, and the room went silent, because there is no good answer to that.
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>> and you make the points vehemently, but you sat through two administrations that have done the exact same thing if not worse, and so, philip, is it any better or as hillary said, are we doomed to make those mistakes that hillary made in those administrations? >> well, we are not doomed to the iraq and we are going to take out a small adversary who is going to pose less of a threat to the united states and more so as we take out the leadership. and you know, i have listened to the shaikhs because i have lived there, and i know that people do not listen to them. i love it. disagreements among the terrorists about the right tactics, and this campaign is ugly and we will lose american lives, but to choose to intervene against a group that is already targeted for beheadings, civilians in australia and targeted for
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strikes a synagogue in europe, and we have seen arrests in the united states, and with we can't sit there as we did before 9/11 and say, well sh, let's see it e to the homeland, you have to intervene. >> and we have the power to prevent that, and i also need to say that i did not support or have anything to do with the administrations whether it is president clinton or president bush attack thing and going into the invasions. >> well, you worked with them. >> i was a professional civil servant, and nonpartisan and i did my job to protect and further u.s. interests as a nonpartisan civil servant, and what i am trying to do and what i argue inside of government is to make the same arguments to the american people through academia and through the press and the argument s ths that we d have had before we invaded afghanistan and iraq and libya which have now brought us the most dangerous and wealthiest most sophisticated terrorist organization that i have ever seen. >> and i'm with you, hillary,
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and that is why we have you on the show, and each one is worse than the last one, and hillary and philip, we will agree on one thing, it is the beginning, and it is going to be long and sustained and if anybody believes it is finished with the military action they have not been alive for the last 15 years, and we all agree on that, and we will see what is going to move forward and see what steps have to be taken to have it reduced. thank you for being on the show. and also, how does this lead into the president getting into the united nations and he did it before the big address and he is going to speak to you at 10:00 a.m. eastern, and he is going to speak to you before he goes to the u.n. to talk to people who want to get on his side of the coalition. what is that message going to to be? we will have wolf blitzer live at the united nations to give you a sneak preview.
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welcome back to "new day" and the breaking coverage of the united states launching the the first air strikes against isis targets in syria. and not just against isis in syria, and we are actually looking at strikes on two fronts, the attacks on the isis strongholds were done in conjunction with five nations, but just as important, there were attacks on al qaeda cell in syria. now, we have learned this morning that the group khorasan was plotting an imminent attack on u.s. interests here in the united states and also possibly abroad, and waiting to hear from president obama who will address the nation at 10:00 to the discuss this operation. and right now, i want to bring in cnn military analysts and retired lieutenant colonel frank
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francona. and now, there were 14 separate attacks against isis and 150 precisi precision-guided missiles and this is a major operation, and this is at a certain level is war. >> absolutely. these young men and women were in combat last night while they were dropping the bombs, and this i were being shot at. i don't know how else you define that other than combat. >> a major, major night with a lot going on. this is the area northwest of aleppo where the u.s. alone without the allies targeted this al qaeda offshoot called khorasan. >> yes, this is an al qaeda-affiliated group, and kind of shadowy, and they brought in a bunch of bombmakers and the threat is, has always been going after aviation, and now you have heard the reports that there was a specific threat. that may have been what is driving the timing, and why last night, and why so important of starting the operation last night before the u.n. meetings
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and all that? maybe it is this imminent threat. >> and the the pentagon spokesman edadmiral kirby said they hit what they were shooting at perhaps neutralizing whatever threat was there and slowing it down what was target ing ting t united states. and let's talk about the strikes against the the isis group. this is raqqa, and the capital of the so-called islamic state. >> yes, it is the stronghold and the place they have the most people and the command and the control and the storage of the military equipment. a lot of the military equipment they took from the iraqi army over in mosul was brought back to raqqa and put in storage there, and there is a huge military depot north of the city, and they were using it for th that. now, we have seen it dispersed a little bit so it complicated the targets somewhat, but the other targets were inside of the city, itself, and so that is why it is so important to use the precision-guided missile, because you want to hit exactly what you are talking about when you are talking about a crowded
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city. >> this is what fascinates me over here on the border of iraq, because if you cross the border of iraq, it is near a sunni stronghold town that is an area where isis has been very strong. and it is possible that the strikes against isis inside of syria were really meant to disrupt what is going on over here in iraq? >> absolutely. you know, isis came down the euphrates valley, and then stopped and went down the tigris valley and came up the euphrates, so this is an attempt to keep them from controlling the entire euphrates valley. >> they have been pounding the iraqi military in this region, who are suffering severe loss. >> yes. >> and we have to give the iraqi military to stand up if they are going to back the territory. now we have blunted the offensive in iraq, but we have not been able to roll back what is going on there. >> and let ee's talk about what su success and ultimate victory which is down the road, but the
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success in the short term might look like and when and how will the coalition partners know that what happened overnight, and the 150 precision guided missiles, and if it was successful. >> well, if they take pressure off of what is going on in iraq. this is one target set, and there are portions of it, and ideally stop what is going on in iraq and syria. and so we have stopped what is going on in iraq and stopped the mome momentum, but we have not rolled it back. if we see the iraqi army and the peshmerga starting to roll it back, we will stop isis from being resupplied by going down the valleys and going across the border crossings into iraq. >> and interest ing thing that see over here the results of what we did see over here. >> yes, one target set. >> thank you, lieutenant colonel francona. >> sure. >> and now president obama will address the nation before he goes to the united nations, and what is he expected to say? well, wolf blitzer is going to
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welcome back. president obama is set to the address the nation in a little over an hour on the overnight air strikes against isis in syria before he takes the stage at the united nations. more than a dozen isis targets were hit in five arab nations join joining the united states in the attack. so what should we expect to hear from the president this morning? wolf blitzer is live for us outside of the u.n. what do you believe we will hear
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the president say, wolf? >> the president is going to k make the case why this is in's national security interest to go to war and open up a new front, and direct war in syria. this is not what president obama wanted in the last two years of the administration, brianna, as you well know, because the president wanted to the end the war in iraq and afghanistan and move on and deal with other international, and domestic issues, economic issues, but he finds himself, like the predecessor george w. bush in this new war, and this is fair to say that it is now president obama's war, and this war against isis and not only iraq, but now expanding into syria, and the president is going to make that case to the american people once again before he leaves the white house, and comes here to new york, and addre addresses the united nations general assembly and making a jep ral -- general speech here at the u.n., and he is going to preside over a special session of the united security consul,
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and the president is going to make a point to enlist international support, but he has been managing as we have reported all day, has put together an impressive arab coalition together against this initial round of isis targets not only iraq, but in syria as well. >> and wolf, he is looking for the international support, and he wants the international community to take action against people who may be intransient to fight against isis. how is he coming to summit with leaders and trying to enlist their help, and how does it help him that the air strikes have happened on the eve of the visit and that he has the strong support from five arab nations? >> i think that is going to, the support he is getting from the five arab nations is going to help his effort to even expand that coalition put pressure on other countries, and certainly turkey who has been e reluctant
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to do anything militarily as far as the effort against isis is concerned and certainly on france and the uk and other nato allies and basically being told by these arab countries that it is important to the region that all of the world get involved in the struggle against the militant form of terrorism, and isis represents and other terror groups as well. the president's hand has been strengthened as he comes here to the general s a sassembly and t to expand the international support for what the united states is trying the do, but make no mistake the about it, this is becoming president obama's war, and not only against isis, but in syria as well. >> and not where he wanted to be, and not only that, but there are strikes, and there continue to be strikes with arab nations against isis targets in syria, but then there is also the khorasan group that the u.s. went it alone against when it came to air strikes overnight, wolf. will we hear president obama talk about why that is necess y
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necessary? we have heard an imminent threat, but perhaps anything else or will he make the case for that? >> he'll make his case for it, but he is not going to release information that could compromise the u.s. intelligence or compromise the sources or the way they found out about this khorasan terror conglomerate, and they are not that anxious apparently to strike against various targets in syria and iraq, and they want to go outsides toward the west and especially the united states. the president, i'm sure he is going to get into tissues -- ino these issues, and he is wanting to be as transparent as possible, but it is a new dialogue in the phase of the war, because over the last two weeks, the united states has launched over 200 air strikes against iraq, and now there is a new phase and it is the beginni beginning. i don't believe that anybody should get carried away in terms of the success of this, because
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it is a long drawn-out process and not days or weeks burk mont months, and it is going to take a long, long effort, and they are watching carefully, and right now they are in the process to assess how much damage was done in the terror groups inside of this isis base inside of syria, but it is the beginning, and there is going to be a whole lot more, i'm told. >> i wonder, wolf, because a lot of people were surprised when they heard that the u.s. gave the syrian government, the regime of bashar al assad, not a friend of the u.s., and far from it, a head's up when it came to the strikes on soar -- on syria, and isis. was that something that surprised you? >> well, it is not a collaboration, if you l bwill, simply a diplomatic dialogue of telling bashar al assad that the united states is going after isis targets, and they are your
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enemy, and they want to destroy the bashar al assad regime, and so much of what the u.s. supports in that part of the world, but here's a little head's up, and after diplomatic channels here at the united nations, they informed the syrian officials, and not to launch any anti-missiles, because you will pay the price, and the united states has much stronger capability than the syrian air force does. >> yes, precaution more than anything. and wolf blitzer at the u.n., and we will have much more on the breaking coverage of the air strikes in syria, and the president is set to speak about the operation in one hour, and wolf will pick up the coverage right after the break. put your " "have a nice flight." ♪ music plays ♪ music plays
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>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. and good morning, i'm carol costello, and i want to welcome the viewers from around the world for this special edition of "newsroom" as isis war es t kate lates to a new level. >> thank you, carol. i'm at the united nations, where there is a group of allies with the u.s. targeting in not just iraq, but syria, and it turns out that isis is not the only target of this major new u.s.-led offensive. >> you are right about that, wolf, but a senior
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