tv CNN Tonight CNN September 23, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT
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just two days after the first tweet, president obama will be here to make history yet again sharing the security council making the case we expect to take on isis. that does it for "360" stay with cnn. cnn tonight starts now. >> this is cnn "breaking news." >> good evening, everyone. this is "cnn tonight" i'm don lemon. we have breaking news tonight. law enforcement on heightn't alert for lone wolf attacks in the united states after air strikes over syria. learning of details to put undetectable bombs on planes, possibly using a toothpaste tube or clothing dipped in explosives. so how imminent was an attack look that from the group khorasan. >> very concerning. plus america at war. bombs raining out of the skies over syria as u.s. fighter jets along with a coalition of arab nations strike isis targets.
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but it is not just isis. why this country is attack another group of terrorists you never heard of until now. will air strikes make us safer or put us in danger on the home front. >> we have a busy program to got to. cnn reporters around the world. they will have the late forest you along with our team of military and security experts. >> we want want to begin with breaking news. terror fears in the homeland. a senior official tells cnn, khoras khorasan, comes amid concerns of lone wolf attacks. let's get the latest from cnn's justice correspondent, pamela brown. pamela, good evening. what can you tell us abut these attacks and khorasan? >> we can tell you that this group of al qaeda operatives in syria, called khorasan had been on u.s. officials' radar since at least the springtime. recent intelligence suggested the group was in advance stage plotting an attack against the west, europe or the u.s., by
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using western recruits. u.s. officials felt like they had to act fast to disrupt the plotting by this group. we have learned from sources that the group had acquired materiels, and part of, what it, one of their plots included bringing concealed bombs, having westerners, bring concealed bombs on to an airplane. that had long been a concern by, by a u.s. officials. and then once they had sort of gotten past the aspirational preplanning phase, and got to a more advanced stages that's when the level of urgency was really increased. it is important to note according to sources the group didn't have a specific target, a place or building picked out. so while they were in advanced stages, it wasn't imminent. in that regard. they didn't want to give them anymore time to become operational. >> the question is, pam, how were they planning on concealing the bombs? one of the ways was concealing them in hand held devices.
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a cell phone. an ipad, smart phone. creating small enough bombs where they can put it in the cell phone. remember back in july when airport security was increased. dew due to recent intelligence, trying to put bombs into hand held devices. another way we learned from sources, a source telling them that they wanted to put them in toothpaste tubes, hide them in toothpaste tubes and dipping clothes into explosive residue. told by sources they were looking at variety of options a more sophisticated attack, as well as smaller less sophisticated attacks. >> pamela, how concerned is the department of homeland security about lone wolves? and sympathizers? that's been an ongoing concern. in fact, they sent out a bulletin to law enforcement agencies across the country. asking -- them to stay vigilant,
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stay on heightened alert for lone wolf attacks. the bulletin said the strikes to disrupt the plotting by khorasan and isis were successful. as a result that could embolden home grown violent extremists. the big concern here they may retaliate against the homeland in response to these strikes. so the bulletin is asking law enforcement to scrutinize social media, look for changes of behavior. appearances by an individual who may want to retaliate. >> pamela brown at united nations. thank you very much. >> even hearing about their plans for what to do on airplanes is so, so disturbing. so let's bring in now cnn senior international correspondent, ben, tell us what the reaction has been in iraq to the air strikes? >> this part of iraq -- certainly the reaction in this part of iraq in the northern kurdish region has been very positive. keep in mind this u.s. campaign against the islamic state ak
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sthael began in august with strikes on -- actually began in august with strikes on state targ targets. almost 190 strikes in northern iraq, irbil, south of here, south of baghdad as well. also over the weekend there were french air strikes in northern iraq. so, serb tenlcertainly the most pro-american area in this conflict. keep in mind for instance during the entire time u.s. troops were in northern iraq. not a single one was killed. so, certainly we spoke to a senior iraq, kurdish official here in irbil this evening. he was very positive about the -- the u.s. strikes. in syria. he said kurdish officials would look to see a similar level of intensity and breadth of american strikes on isis targets in iraq as well.
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what he says is they have seen until now, is sort of tactical strikes. when for instance, kurdish peshmerga forces are advancing on islamic state radicals, militants that they will take out a, a jeep here and a humvee there, but, not the sort of broad strikes that you have seen, in syria so far. so, by and large, very positive in this part of the country. and as we heard with an interview, he is positive about this stepped up level of attacks on isis. but, of course, in baghdad they have other problems with, with of course, alienation between sunni tribes and the government in baghdad. so it is somewhat more complicated situation to south of here. >> all right. we will be talking whether or not the broad stripes are coming to iraq later with our military panel. thank you. >> president barack obama did not seek support from the u.n. before he ordered air strikes on
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isis in syria. a fact that has not gone unnoticed by world leaders at the general assembly here in new york city. >> joining us a man who has spent the day talking to a lot of the world leaders, fareed zakaria. great to see you. >> a pleasure. >> let's talk about everyone is saying, unprecedented, the arab nation coalition president obama has been able to put together. is if it unprecedented? or in 1991 gulf war did some of the countries help out as well? >> well in the 1991, 90-91 gulf campaign you had arab nations helping, you had tasupport from the soviet union, much broader coalition. what is important, noteworthy, praise worthy, the president was able to get core sunni states. saudi arabia, jordan to come along. remember, the, the one thing we have to remember we are viewing this, terrorist/nonterrorist. it is a sectarian conflict.
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the sunnis in iraq and syria feel dispossessed. that's what gave rise to groups like isis. so you have to demonstrate that you have sunnis on your side. sunnis have to be out front. getting saudi arabia, core sunni state, jordan, very important. the problem is, we don't have the sunnis of iraq. we keep staying we have a new government in iraq. we have a new prime minister. the minister of defense. he hasn't brought back the sunni generals he fired. that's why we have had 190 air strikes in iraq. and there hasn't been that much to show for it in the sense of being able to reclaim ground that isis covered. >> as you are talking looking at your hand. near iran here. you are interviewing the iranian president tomorrow. he said air strikes are illegal. what do you plan to ask him about that? >> i think what i am going to try how to ask him about, is he willing to be part of the political settlement, help with
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the politics of this. the point he made about the strikes, was actually not as incendiary as it sound. he said look are two ways for streaks to be legal. one the u.s. authorizes them, or two the government of the country involved has to, ask for them. neither condition obtained. the syrian government didn't ask for the strikes. the u.s. didn't authorize them. it doesn't have a legal basis. he didn't say the is illegal. the real question, can you get the iranians to play politically? you know, don, we are very good at the military stuff. it looks great the we do all this stuff. it is powerful. i's actually dazzling. it's actually dazzling. but the day after, the hour after is the politics on the ground. >> that lead us to the next thing we des cuiscussed. we saw the president a couple weeks ago saying we don't have a plan for isis. sort of this guy who didn't really know what was going on. at least that was the perception. then we see him today. he appears to be a different person. let's look at him today at the u.n. then we well talk about it. >> i don't want to put the cart
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before the horse. we don't have a strategy yet. >> good morning, everybody. last night on my orders, america's armed forces began strikes against isil targets in syria. >> the question, has he gotten his swagger back. this is sort of the day after, right? >> well, it is all, presidents always look presidential when ordering military action. but of the question you have to ask, is for it to work we, now, i hope we understand now, having done it in iraq, having done it in libya. you need a poll foe lfollow-up. we are 6,000 miles away. not able to be there. the question is, are the local sunnis going to take the fight. are they going to go with it. are you going to get an iraqi army. the iraqi army, depending on how you count it. ,00 250,000-600 t. all tribes. more than enough people if they
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will take the fight to isis. >> how involved are we going to been the political solution? not military solution. the political solution to fighting back. >> we need to push much harder, the iraqi government. we do not have a new iraqi government. we have a new prime minister. there have been no major concessions made to the sunni. they're not back. a bunch of things, general petraeus did in iraq. pay off the sunni tribes. pay them. rented tribes. we need to start renting them again. or iraqi government need to do it. president of them in high positions of office. make sure they don't feel diskrim nate di discrimina discriminated. this is where we get back to iran's potential role. they have a lot of influence with the iraqi government. sound all complicated. the key is you have got to remember the politics you. can throw a few bombs. but the ongoing, day-to-day campaign. getting. wind the hearts and mind of people in iraq. and syria.
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80 people in syria are sunni. maybe more, like 25%, 20% in iraq. are sunni. >> the question is where are those people and how can you move the politics to get them. all the bombs in the world won't do that. >> uh-huh. it was a diplomatic coup getting the arab nations to cooperate. so perhaps we now have some leverage and clout in that world and get them, the, these five arab nations to again contribute on the politics side. >> very, very good point. very important point. i will emphasize though, that the country that has influence with the government, two governments we talk about. iraq and syria. is actually iran. it's not so much saudi arabia, jordan. and yet we don't talk very much to iran. >> tomorrow, so important. you are a busy man. tomorrow you have the interview. today you interviewed chelsea clinton. she had this to say. then we well talk about it. >> chelsea, i have to ask you -- you are somebody who has, knows
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a great deal about medicine, about health, why did you decide you didn't want to know the sex of your baby? >> there are so few mysteries in life, fareed, in which any answer is a happy one. and so my husband and i decided that we would enjoy this mystery for the nine-plus months that we were granted. and we are eager to find out what god will have given us. >> isn't it strange that the doctors around you know but you don't know? >> no. i think the doctors know lots of things that i don't know. >> so, such hard hitting question tuesday. >> on a lighter note. >> i have got to point out the whole panel was about ebola, we talked about ebola for 27 minutes. this was the last. >> needed to have that. at the clinton global initiative. the president was. even he joking saying if chelsea clinton went into labor, she scud ha could have his motorcade. our version, any time a
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politician's daughter has a child. our version of a royal baby, correct? >> particularly, the clintons, it feels like will there be a rollout. official photograph. >> knowing the clintons there will be some sort of beg announcement. that's great. we'll be on baby watch the we know some where in the first week of october. >> exactly. exactly. fareed. thank you for sharing that. >> thank you very much, fareed. president barack obama's big speech to the u.n. tomorrow. can he rally the world to defeat isis. >> plus, whatever happened to terror threat level? used to have colors, yellow, orange -- what happened to that? have we all become too complacent. maybe the risks here at home are greater than we realize. >> and the terrorist you never heard of. until now. that is the khorasan group and ominous connection to september 11th. er it. seven billion hungry people. well, we grow a lot of food. we also waste about a third of what we grow.
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president obama vowed today to take the fight to the terrorists and keep up air strikes on isis in syria. now he is preparing to try to make his case to the rest of the world, the big speech at the u.n. tomorrow. cnn's senior white house correspondent jim acosta joins us with more. great to see you. what do we know? the latest? >> we got a pretty of the preview of the speech the president is going to be giving
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tomorrow, earlier today when he met with representatives of the arab nations that took part in air strikes in syria last night. the president saying to that group that their coalition that they put together is essentially the beginning of what he hopes will be a united front. in response to, to the threat posed by isis and this new terrorist group that a lot of america americans -- this "war on terrorism." the "war on terrorism," 2.0. that is, to see iraq and syria, show some, some pretty good stride in the years to come. here's what the president had to say. [ indiscernible ] >> we are committed to a -- to a syria that is at peace and not having the sort of spillover effects that are burdening its
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neighbors. >> now, one challenge for the president, is he is not exactly laid out a road map for how he will accomplish those things. that's why tomorrow's speech comes in. told by senior administration official about the president. will talk about the general unease the world is feeling right now because of the dangers posed by the two terrorist groups, isis and khorasan and get into building the global coalition, and working on that a lotten t ein the speech. and later, the prime minister of i've rack. lateen the day. something we have seen the president do once before chair a meeting at the u.n. security council. on climate change this time on global terrorism. the president meeting with the u.n. security council to talk about a resolution hepassed by s that sets standard for dealing with the problem of foreign fighters. we have talked about this a lot over the last several weeks and
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this problem of americans, westerners who go off to the middle east and fight alongside isis and terror groups in iraq, syria, potentially come back to the homeland where they could, wreak havoc here at home. and something the president will be dealing with, the united nations security council members tomorrow. >> jim, thank you for that preview. >> mr. strikes on isis could come at any moment now. standing by for that. i want everyone to listen to what rear admiral john kirby says about the effects of the air strikes so far. >> early indications we hit what we were aiming at and greatly disrupted this group's ability to continue the plot and planning they were doing for attacks either in europe or on the hopeland. >> just how successful was this first phase of this campaign, what is next? joining us to talk about all that, rick francona, cnn military analyst and military attache in syria. great to have you back, gentlemen. we know a lot more to night than
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we did last night as we were watching things unfold. in realtime. let's take a look at where the air strikes were on our map last night. carl francona, tell us what kind of targets were hit when we look at this map? >> at aleppo, this was done tomahawk land attack missiles off ships in the red sea and persian gulf. and they're hitting this area here which is the stronghold of the khorasan group. the group, planning an imminent attack. the timing of the strikes probably were driven by the fact that these people were in place and we were going to be able to get at them. that was the key in selecting last night as the target. >> but everyone was looking at isis, right. we wake up and weep hear this new, khorasan group. isn't a new group to counterterrorism people. but to, but to the common person, they're look where does this group come fruchlt whom. what was going on? >> that became a trigger.
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khorasan became a trigger. they were there. actionable. became the trigger. everything else flowed across the field. >> here hae what we know about targets last night. isis fighters, training compound. isis headquarters. command and control facilities. storage facilities. isis finance center. isis supply trucks and armored vehicles. sounds like a lot. how many more nights like last night are we going to have to have? >> as many as you can. ideally you take that out until there are no more left to hit. the problem is once you destroy the buildings then you go after the mobile targets and that's where your complicated targeting comes in. they're going to move them. we knew they were in raqqa. doubt if they're there today. moving them as we speak. to get them dispersed as far away. >> last night about syria. let's look at the complete air strikes so far. believe we have something of syria and what is happening in iraq. this is everything.
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this is, that we have here. syria and iraq. but the bgm-109, tomahawk, missile, f-22, raptor, the uss burke, and uss felipe sea, is that part of the iraq campaign as well? >> yeah, all these aircraft. not enough assets to cover everything. what centcom has to do is phase all of the assets in, come booned aboon -- combined operation air center. and work with coalitions. general mayville at the pentagon today, the u.s. munitions, little bit beltetter. strategic. they've went in. >> let's listen to him. then we will talk about it. you are seeing the beginning of a sustained campaign. strike like this in the future are expected.
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the pace will be dictated by the fact on the ground and what the targets mean in terms of the effect we seek which is to disrupt. when he says intelligence on the ground is going to drive this operation. the intelligence supports that. we will bomb it. >> isn't that the argument for boots on the ground. that will help us get intelligence from the ground. >> different target sets. require different targeting strategy. for what we are looking at right now. do this with drone. primarily looking at fixed facilities or looking at concentrations of vehicles. bigger targets. the intelligence drives the targeting. you will not put aircraft up. and bomb something because you think there is a target there. when you move into the phase. you have to get down there and go after troops. then you need boots on the ground. >> what is happening right now. you have the eye. that's a persistent isr,
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intelligence going on, to help. >> fact is we are looking at a time line. we don't know. >> dwhuwhat does a sustained campaign mean? >> one of the things it mean that we shouldn't look at this as nightly waves. there were strikes during the day, today, as well. it's, it depend on when the target presents itself. not whether it is day or night. >> when we come back, warnings -- fof a lone wolf threat on our shores. who is more dangerous? isis or khorasan? how concerned should americans tonight be?
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welcome back, everyone. a senior u.s. official tells cnn the khorasan group was targeted by american forces because of the imminent terror threat it posed to the united states. >> lot's learn more from robert mcfadden, counterterrorism expert and fran townsend, national security analyst, homeland security adviser to p george w. bush, and cnn
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terrorism analyst and co-author of "agent storm, my life inside al qaeda and the cia." great to have all of you here. bob, let's start with khorasan. many of us are just learning about the group, we are hearing it is al qaeda's a team. what does that mean? >> just the term of khorasan leaked out within the last week and came into the public realm. however there has been consistent reporting now for a number of months even into last year when it was known that al qaeda core, sent senior operatives into syria. and then, this speculation became some more facts in there. that actually it was there to develop and plan transnational operations. >> but i think that was your term, you were the one that termed it the a team. why do you think it is the a team? >> these are veteran al qaeda operatives, the leader of the group was with bin laden in the weeks before 9/11, moussan al-fadali, had expertise.
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>> what do air strikes do to khorasan's plans? >> we don't know. we don't know to what degree they've disrupted. all depend if they killed the leadership. bomb makers and western recruits they were trying to recruit into the plans. >> one of the scariest things in learning about khorasan, put up some of their characteristics they seem bent on causing another aviation disaster seems to be their focus? >> that's right. paul mentioned, fadali, when i was in the house, the job, i want to kuwait. we tried to put extraordinary pressure on the kuwaiti government to assist us in getting fadali. he was such a danger. these guys as paul was explaining. they're not only experienced but they have connections back to the core leadership.
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we don't know itch the group is large. if you are in an environment, where you recruit, train operatives and deploy them. you didn't have to be. >> who is more likely to attack america, we have al qaeda, isis, al-nusra, khorasan? who is more likely? >> you haven't mentioned the lone wolf. you had the audio where the isis spokesman called for a lone wolf attack in the united states, france, and canada. all those pose a threat. the question is why did they say this was imminent? yet when they're pressed on that, the justification for the air strike. when they're pressed on that, they say, well there was nothing specific and credible that made it imminent. getting a little bit of mixed message out of the white house. i suspect in tell jtelligence t targeting is out of foreign intelligence allies in the region. saudi arabia for one had extraordinary insight and sources into al qaeda, arabian peninsula and groups.
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they have very good connections inside syria. i suspect they're helping us. >> we were just talking about, remember the threat level colors instituted during the george w. bush administration, yellow, orange, that has gone away. perhaps because of that or perhaps, been so much time, american public doesn't know where we are with this. how worried about an attack today. >> as has been said here, we are in the period now where the facts will come out and battle damage assessment. going the way it shaped up over the last few weeks. strikes last night. from my experience had to be based on sensitive information, intelligence. and a high degree of confidence. strikes would disrupt the momentum. therefore you wouldn't expect tight been the public realm unless leaks. the work reis isis will work
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against the united states. 1,000 westerners in its ranks. tens of millions of cash reserves. training camps on a scale in taliban afghanistan. if they decide to pull the trigger which they may well do because of strikes in syria i think we are entering a very dangerous period. >> talking isis, right? >> isis. >> talked to generals, lieutenant generals. they don't believe isis has the power. isis is as powerful as, especially the media is making them out to be. that it is some what astrotur off to them. you don't buy that? >> i don't think i agree. a group with very potential capability to launch terrorist attacks, particularly in europe and the united states. >> when you say terrorist attack, do you mean lone wolf attacks. those aren't the 9/11 style attack. they are one person. with a gun, wreaking havoc. >> there are 1,000 european recruits. they have potential to train them in bomb making, so they can return to the west. and to launch attacks.
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al qaeda, would try to do that in the years after 9/11. isis has potential if it decides. >> at least 100 from the united states. some of whom have come back to the united states. but we don't know if they're fighting for isis here in the country. that's a real threat. real threat. real concern. thank you very much. appreciate it. >> our pleasure. >> everyone you will stick around. you are not going anywhere. don't get up. stay with us. a deeper look at what is known about khorasan and its current mission and we'll build on everything they just talked about. we'll be right back. enjoy the relief. ♪ want to change the world? create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy. ♪ be an engineer. solve problems the world needs solved.
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me to make sure my family and friends have the power and energy that we provide. this is very personal to me. it makes me work a lot harder knowing that this is my family and friends. this is my community. >> until last week, most americans had never heard of the khorasan group. today president obama described its members as seasoned al qaeda operatives in syria. where have they been hiding until now? >> a big question. back with us, robert mcfadden, fran townsend and, start with that, fran, where have they been hiding? >> these guy have been spread all over the region. al-fadhli trying to get him turned over when he was in cue
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bait. they had enormous, some of them spent some time in iran. unable to get access during the bush administration. so these guys were used something as pawns and leverage within the region. wouldn't give them over to us. but they would use them, sort of as leverage with the groups to get the group not to commit acts of terror inside their own territory. they would use them with the group in order to negotiate to fete dpet th get them release where they would go to. this coming together the a real concern not only to the administration but to the intelligence committee. >> an al qaeda, consciously sending operative thousands, slib r deliberately. to syria. a safe haven. they build up their operations there over the last year. al-fadhli entered syria ate year age built up the operations of the group, khorasan. >> what do we know about his connection to september 11th? >> at the time.
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it's remarkable he was that young at the time. probably late teens around the time of 9/11. i only know one other high value attendee that was that trusted that early on one of the high valued detainees at guantanamo right now. involved initially from, more of a facilitation and moving money. we know him to have been involved with, at least with the money. for the attack off of yemen in 2002. the cat has a lot of lives. though arrested and on trial incubain cu cue. in kuwait. thought to be senior aq person in iran. >> to get information from some one like him would be extremely desirable? >> that is an understatement. yeah to have somebody with that placement and access as we say would be extraordinary. but the most important thing though is, as we mentioned is just, disrupting the forward progress.
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part of al qaeda core. this would have been, we talk about imminent threat more than likely. at the point where an operative or operatives could go forward where they would do the target. europe or north america. >> can we get back to the threat thing. we asked you about it. you didn't ready. you sort of, went on to ta nother thita -- another thing. fran, you were involved in that. i remember at the time. everyone, there was such consternation. >> terror threat level. >> what is the difference between orange and yellow? >> no, no. the subject of great sort of, you know, the "daily show with jon stewart" riffs about the color of the day. walk through the airport tell you orange or red. that was really meant, initially, a way to signal to the public kind of, the level of concern. and you know the british still have a system where they call the, the threat severe, or, or urgent. over time a mechanism to
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quickly, easily tell them what was expected. because inside the federal government. inside working with the state and locals. that there was, there were measures associated with each of the colors. so you could announce going to orange. they knew to take steps. over time it was sort of -- it was, a parody. over time, became far less useful. so when the, when president obama was elected and janet napolitano became dhs secretary. i sat on her advisory panel. and a group of us looked at it said you know what the country doesn't need this anymore. >> let's talk about what the country does need today? how are viewers who are watching, americans supposed to be feeling about this imminent threat? how are people supposed to protect themselves? >> i think. look at the polling. 60% of the folks, really believe, have real concerned about the threat from isis. >> of course they do. >> they don't quite know what they should do. i mean, the answer is, you know, there is not much at a local
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level you can do. the one thing i would say to folks, when, especially when it comes to the lone wolf. you are looking for people who are exhibiting aberrant behavior. something different is going on. either they've become reclusive, they're behaving differently. this is where campaigns like "see it, say it" we see in new york city are important. >> usually don't think about it. i did think about it on the subway. i did discuss it on the subway. kidding what is going on. >> sure, that's great. >> thank you for your expertise. great to see you. >> we'll ask an early opponent of the war in iraq if air strikes in syria are a wise move.
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>> i'm sure you know, a columnist for the new york time, all over the world, and early opponent of the iraq war. >> his wife was editor and foreign correspondent, they're co-authors of a "a path pa peers" transforming lives and creating opportunities and they join us now. hello to both of you. start with you. four continents, reported on six. traveled more than 150 countries. what do you make of what is going on in the air strikes here? >> well, i -- i am, i think
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that, at the end of the day we had to go ahead and, and streak sear yeah. you can't fight isis just in iraq. but i must say, a number of things, made me nervous. made me nervous when a senior administration official talks about the long saudi, syria border. there is no such border. and, you know, the whole talk about, defeating isis, i think we can genuinely degrade isis. i think woo hae have to. i think we are setting up incorrect expectations when we take about air strikes and, raqqa, not going to destroy. you know, raqqa is a major city. and you can strike individual places in it. but, even in iraq, in iraq we have been able to degrade isis positions. but five weeks of air strikes haven't managed to destroy it there. and, you know years of air strikes haven't managed to destroy the taliban. i think we can -- curtail isis, i think we should.
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but we are not going to defeat it any more than the taliban. >> you are not alone. we had our military panel talking about that. air strikes will not be the answer. and military might won't be the answer. it is a mind set. how do you defeat a mind set with air strikes? some people believe that you only sort of enflame the mind set with air strikes. not that we shouldn't be doing this because obviously lots of, there was a humanitarian crisis happening. but your whole -- your philosophy and in the book is that there has to be another answer. cheryl, what is that answer? >> first, the military tool kit might be the best one in the short term. in the lorng teng term you need kate men and women and spread opportunity so that everybody can play a role in society. women tend to bea stablizing force in these kinds of cultures. look at pakistan and bangladesh. bangladesh educated its people. it is not so pro-jihadism, pakistan is not. >> chicken and egg argument.
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isis won't let women and girls be educated. so, how, it sounds wonderful. if we could just build schools. that would be the answer. isis won't let that happen. then what is the answer? -- immediate case, syria, refugee camps, jordan, turkey. a lot of kids aren't getting an adequate education. look at yemen. down the road. yemen is a possible other syria. we can do a lot more. in yemen to, to work on education, to empower women. same thing in afghanistan. and this is hard. there are a lot of toolboxes, military toolbox, diplomatic toolbox. female empowerment toolbox. right now, we have this big huge giant military toolbox and nothing in the others. >> i hate to hopscotch. i want to go back. can i go back to, to isis. >> and ask every isis question for any question? >> no. it is important for you to
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respond. christiane amanpour, interviewed the prime minister. >> you have one in the last two years. this is a danger. this is a blood game. it is, going to end in a bloodbath. if nobody stops it. nobody will listen. they thought everybody was immune from this danger. only iraq and syria were on the spread of this danger. now i think we are happy. happy that everybody is seeing the danger and will do something about about it. i help they do it and don't do it the wrong way. >> sort of saying, i hope they dent don't do it the wrong way? >> yeah, a lot of arab states, feel that way. it was done, they have sunni partners. wasn't just the u.s. against, them, a coalition. and indeed. there are some folks who say air
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strikes can't accomplish anything. iraq shows air strikes can accomplish something. the yzedi population, halted because of air strikes. it is not possible to destroy the isis come of poen end ev. >> the book "the path appears" what is the book. comes from a quote, from a writer in china. he said hope is like a path in the countryside. at first there is nothing. as more people walk back and forth a path appears. solutions for creating change. if more people, throw resources, mind share, their tal tenent. we have talked solutions. >> where has the it worked? >> there is enormous amount of evidence based research that shows early education really helps spread opportunity. if you capture a 1-year-old, 2-year-old, 3-year-old you can change their life path. their brain is forming very well. if you can, get them educated, read them stories, teach them
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words, they'll be able to really. >> if you are looking at places, syria, iraq, iran, there is so much unrest there. that is hard. very difficult to do that. >> you also have to look at the u.s. some of the same ways to address problems in syria or yemen, like education, we also need to, direct right here in the u.s. and there are real tradeoffs there. education escalator is broken. inequal tee pr inequalty problem. it is education. empowerment. early childhood interventions. >> of course with limited resources somebody would say domestically here first. >> well have every resource. >> at the early childhood education, its much cheaper than when you do it later on. >> yeah, some of the things really pay for themselves. that's again why i think we need a balanced approach. domestic, foreign, which we use.
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>> book "a path appears, transforming lives, creating opportunity." thank you very much. >> thank you. >> thank you. off awe thank you. >> we'll be right back. new aleve pm the only one with a safe sleep aid. plus the 12 hour strength of aleve. narrator: these are the skater kid: whoa narrator: that got torture tested by teenagers and cried out for help. from the surprised designers. who came to the rescue with a brilliant fix male designer: i love it narrator: which created thousands of new customers for the tennis shoes that got torture tested by teenagers. the internet of everything is changing manufacturing. is your network ready? oh hey craig, i need to talk to you. hey jake. you know how you won't let me touch your dart? well i've got some things that you can't touch. is that right? whatchya got there? just a crossbow. you can shoot things with it. can't touch it?
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alert for lone wolf attacks. after air strikes over sear yeah. what you need to know about khorasan and connection to september 11. >> america at war, bombs raining out of the skies over syria, u.s. fighter yejets and strikin isis targets. will air strikes make us safer? or put us in more danger on the home front? >> cnn's reporters around the world will join us with the lateest along with teams of military and security experts. >> we want to begin with president obama, preparing to make his case to the world with a big speech at the u.n. tomorrow. cnn senior white house correspondent, jim acosta and the latest. a major speech at the u.n. general assembly tomorrow. give us a preview? >> that's right, don. how officials at the white house are describing it. they say the president will be giving a major address here at united nations. where senior administration officials says the president will be talking about the general unease the world is feeling now about dangers posed by reliv
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