tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN September 23, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT
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alert for lone wolf attacks. after air strikes over sear yeah. what you need to know about khorasan and connection to september 11. >> america at war, bombs raining out of the skies over syria, u.s. fighter yejets and strikin isis targets. will air strikes make us safer? or put us in more danger on the home front? >> cnn's reporters around the world will join us with the lateest along with teams of military and security experts. >> we want to begin with president obama, preparing to make his case to the world with a big speech at the u.n. tomorrow. cnn senior white house correspondent, jim acosta and the latest. a major speech at the u.n. general assembly tomorrow. give us a preview? >> that's right, don. how officials at the white house are describing it. they say the president will be giving a major address here at united nations. where senior administration officials says the president will be talking about the general unease the world is feeling now about dangers posed by relatively new terrorist
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groups, isis, and khorasan. really a group that was unknown to the american people until 24 hours ago. that's not the case any more. the president will go on to talk in the speech about, the need, importance of bidding tuilding global co-legislation to take on the threats. later in the day he has important matters on the schedule. sitting down for the first time with the iraqi prime minister, talking about the effectiveness of the air strikes that have been taking place in iraq. and also, what is taking place in syria. because as we know, don, isis really started over in syria then came into iraq and started seizing swaths of territory, and, he'll want the president to continue the air strikes. be looking for reaction from the president on that tomorrow. and then later in the afternoon, the president will be doing something he has done once before, chair a u.n. security council meeting. he did this back in 2009 on
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subject of climate change. this time on the dangers posed by the foreign fighters. people who are, come from the united states. and, western country. then go to the isis battlefield. and then get battle tested. battle trained. and then, potentially could come back to the homeland, and wreak havoc on the home front. the president talking about that at great length with the u.n. security council. what they want out of the security council meeting from the u.n. general assembly, don, they want a new joint binding resolution. that will hold the countries to law enforcement and counterterrorism standards. tracking, preventing travel of foreign fighters as you saw in the bulletin that pam brown was talking about earlier this evening. they're can seroncerned about r sal attacks on the home front. senior administration official have been saying for weeks, don. they don't think isis has capability to conduct terrorist attacks on the u.s. home front.
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what is so dangerous about khorasan because it is veterans of al qaeda, that were in afghanistan, pakistan, moved over off to iraq and syria, they are concerned that group and cells from the group could wreak havoc on the home front. why the president will be stressing importance of dealing with the foreign fighter threat at u.n. security council tomorrow. don. >> now we want to bring in cnn, senior international correspondent, awra damon, in turkey near the border with syria. tell us what latest is there. there has been a fair amount of apprehension as to what sort of areas the u.s. and its al liz are going to be hitting next. we saw, thousands of refugees, crossing the border, these were -- predominantly syrian kurds who were fleeing an isis advance began friday into northern syria. they said they wanted to see more action by the, by the u.s. and its allies.
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to push isis out of their various villages. that sentiment echoed by an activist that we spoke to in raqqa that was the scene of many of the air strikes. at the same time a different sentiment emerging from aleppo. where air strikes did take place. these seem to be targeting groups. such as nusra front, yes the u.s. does deem as a terrorist organization. but an organization that is viewed by the vast majority of syrians living under its rule as being the only entity that was able to protect them to a certain degree from the assad regime and as being one of the only entities that has been fighting and protecting them, from isis. so a lot of fears, as to what-- the next phase of this operation will bring. and amidst various reports we have yet to conform of civilian casualties. >> yes, we can imagine apprehension in the region. awra, thank you for the update.
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>> air strikes on isis and the terror group khorasan mayrupted. the threat of lone wolves, from lone wolves, look to social media for any one encouraging violence. >> joining us, former fbi assistant director, and former new york police commissioner, the co-author of "agent storm, my life inside al qaeda and the cia." and robert mcfadden, former special a jenlt gent in charge . >> you are concerned about the lone wolf possibility as we all are. i don't want to alarm everyone listening. at any moment, there is, possible a craze the gunman could do something in the united states. are we in more danger today because of the air strikes? >> we are in more danger period. because of -- of the communications networks that these guys have. you know, last saturday, i was on cnn on the show within 30
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seconds after i went off the air, isis and awful their sympathizers and supporters began tweeting my comments. about shutting their communication networks down. going after the facebook accounts. going after twitter accounts. that's how they're going to be able to communicate with that lone wolf. with their people wher here in united states. look, reality is, we have anywhere, depending on who you take to between, 100 and 1,000 americans that are there. they have been murdering, massacring, dedecapitatindecapi. if they cup back here, walk into a school, mall, and they did what they did in -- 2004. >> that's a concern. we know what that have done overseas. we have seen evidence in the
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videos. are we going to get to a pin the where everyone is checked before they get on the subway? like they are when you get on an airplane? are we going to come to those sort of tactics? like in israel? >> you hit the else ssence of terrorism, impacting our lives and how we do things. from al qaeda, bin laden, they want to impact our economy. that would include forcing us into other security measure that wind up slowing down the economy, expensive. what did i say for perspective here -- haven't heard of any threat. what the department of homeland security, fbi, nypd is saying,
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prudent and normal after a major u.s. action. heads-up aletter. see it here in majority. various force protection postures. changesen security procedures. good and prudent things. what is going to have to happen though in the broader society, mentioned in the previous segment, fran townsend, gets down to the individual and neighborhood level. if you look at some actors like, there were a number of behaviors. >> here is our whole thing. we live in a free, open society. we live in a free and open soap sigh tee. at some point we may no longer live in a free and open society. >> exactly. the suggestion is not that everyone needs to be in that kind of, degree of suspicion. one other example, you had a young man from florida, who went over to syria, and actually returned for up to two months before he went back to syria and blew himself up. ended very badly. what happened with the family, friend, those in his mosque as
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to what was going on. one might say well that would mean a family turning in their isn't to face prosecution. look how it ended. >> paul, you are steeped in this stuff. you study it. are you more concerned today, about khorasan and isis than you have been in past months? >> i think there is very real concern about khorasan, potential plot against western aviation, may have gotten some of the bomb making technology from the group in yem en. they tried mrts before. tried to bring down american. plots before in yemen. very real concern about the group. khorasan have they taken out the leadership. western opportunists. that is unclear. could the point be accelerated. concern from isis. could they prioritize. hitting the west. they haven't done that yet. concern about lone wolf plots. and a suspect called for lone
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wolf attacks in the united states. in europe. isis had not done that before. coming from isis, supporters regard as an islamic state, authority. that carries more weight from al qaeda. a lot of concern there could be lone wolf plots in the days and week as head. >> tom, as we move forward. former fbi assistant director. as we move forward. keep hearing about possible lone actors. what is the threat following the air strikes. what happens now the longer that the air strikes continue. we talk about being war weary. people got terror alert weary. tired of hearing what color it was. always an imminent danger about to befall off all of us. a lot of people across the
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heartland had the belief that al qaeda wants the big spectacular attack like 9/11. we are not in danger if we live in the midwest some place. only in new york city or washington, d.c. do you have to worry about al qaeda. now the problem is that they never were able to duplicate their big fantastic attack of 9/11. they started to go to the lone wolf concept. really, a paige out of, hezbollah and hamas. instead of the big bang, death by 1,000. >> tom, are we susceptible to another 9/11-type. >> i don't think so. i don't think so, don. what it took to run 9/11, international financing necessary. international travel, the micromanagement of it by bin laden and sheik mohamed, picking the high jaeshgjackers, deployi sustaining them in the united states. that type of international attack by al qaeda. is a greatly diminished
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possibility. >> held that thought. >> ones and twos are a possibility team. if that happens. i think america has really zero tolerance for any terrorist attack. so killing two people at a bus stop, like happened commonly in israel, would not be acceptable in this country. >> tom, hang on. hole that thought. have to get to a break. a lot more coming. cities across america on high alert. the threat you haven't heard about. >> the crucial role israel is play being hind the scenes and their motive to strike isis. >> president obama wanted to end american wars, is he still a reluctant warrior. aflac! and a gentle wavelike motion... aahhh- ahhhhhh. liberate your spine, ahhh-ahhhhhh aflac! and reach, toes blossoming... not that great at yoga. yeah, but when i slipped a disk he paid my claim in just four days. ahh! four days? yep. find out how fast aflac can pay you,
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>> air strike on isis and syria prompted homeland security to issue a bulletin warning law enforcement agencies to be on heightened alert for lone wolf terror attacks on u.s. soil. what will it take? what does it mean for hometowns across america. tim rowlands has that. >> reporter: the new security warning about a lone wolf has cities across the u.s. on high alert. i think we have to be aware. i think we need to be attentive. >> reporter: he spent 20 years with the secret service and runs a security company. he believes the u.s. is more prepared now than ever to respond to a terror threat. but, not an individual bent on making a statement. >> lone wolves are very difficult to identify.
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fortunately, it's when, when our nation sees something and individuals say something that helps identify those individual. they're moving on a, a very ideological path that, that, they believe in. >> chicago's old republic biflding bifld i building on mish mesh hachigan . the white house too. hash tag. a message from jisis to u.s., i front of the republic building, white house, and isis flag on a cell phone. the message we are in your state. we are in your city. we are in your streets. >> in all likelihood came from a sympathizer. probably taken at the direction of some one that is doing their social media. and whether they're going to, carry out an attack whether they have the wherewithal to do that. i don't know. on capitol hill last week, homeland security secretary, jay johnson addressed threats saying a major concern continues to be
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airlines and airports. >> we have taken a number of steps in reecen'cent months you. are aware of enhancements in july and august. >> now the u.s. is taking fight to isis. air strikes in syria and iraq. designed to prevent the terrorist groups and others from attacking the u.s. at home. but the new warning shows that there is concern that what is happening overthere, could trigger an attack from some one who is already here. we want to bring in security experts to talk more. tom fuentes, bernard keourac, and, co-author of agent storm my life inside al qaeda and cia and former special agent in charge of ncis. bernie, what we were talking about, aviation threat. we have heard that khorasan is focused on having an aviation
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catastrophe. they have created things such as nonmetallic bombs. can't be detected. explosive clothing. somehow. that can be ignited midair. toothpaste bombs. but the fact that we know about all of this, and that we went after khorasan doesn't that tell you we are one step ahead of them. >> can we go back to the question, another 9/11 attack. tom fuentes, when you talk about al-fadhli guy, part of khorasan, 9/11 operative. you don't think a 9/11 incident was possible now? >> don, the international financing, coordination, command and control that is required for a major coordinated attack, that
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requires specialized training for, for, man of the terrorists involved in it such as how to fly the plane into a building. when bin laden was killed in pakistan. by following a currier back to him. he was trying to run it by currier. you can't conduct a global tear railroad attack by pony express in the modern air rachlt you neyou -- modern air rachera. that's why now they're willing to settle for the lone wolf and give us that death by 1,000 cuts. and the other advantage to that strategy, is that, it makes people vulnerable in the heartland. instead of just new york city -- just washington, d.c. you can be anywhere and the guy next door can turn into a jihadist, and, blow up the bus
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stop. or the cafeteria. and it only kills, two, three, four people. how tolerant are we going to be of that. just look at rest of the fbi last week. the guy in rochester, new york. who would have expected that. >> do you agree with that? >> i think we shoe not underestimate that they would try and launch more major attacks. this will be more difficult for them to do it. states. western powers. much more vigilant, than they were before. still going to try and attack, aviation, perhaps, multiple, airliners, we saw that back in 2806. the plot, 10 transatlantic airliners from pakistan. now al qaeda in syria with potential capability. western recruits. we will see them try this again. >> i want to ask you about developing new that we got five hours ago. that the air strikes, last night, in syria, killed one of the leaders of alnusra.
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there was a tweet that al nusra saying one of their leaders had been killed. what do you know about this? not a key leader in the group. >> not a huge deal. >> not a huge deal. any tomb you get one. it is a big difference. >> why are they publicizing this, al-turki was martered. he was the 6th best sniper in the word. one of the lions of jihad. >> for them he is a martyr figure. by celebrating his death, they believe he is now in paradise. trying to get more. >> here's what i want to talk to you. when you talk to military officials. told me in person. we think there is -- an imminent something, will happen. very soon. within the next year. within the next two years. within the next five years. there is going to bea major
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event. you sccome here on camera. no one will say that, why is senate. >> okay. i wouldn't say, i wouldn't say there is not going to be. i don't think, personally, i don't think there is going to be another airline flying planes into buildings. >> major event. >> you want a major event. >> we don't want a major event. >> why do you say that? >> four of five lone wolves on the same day, same time around the country, that will be a major e, major event that is going to have a major, economic impact, it is going to have a major impact, negative impact on the psyche of this country. and, that can be done. >> that was my point. maybe not the same as a 9/11. an event on the scale. no one wants that to happen. but if, when you hear that, from, sure you have heard that, paul you, have not heard that? >> not heard what? >> not heard people say we think within this amount of time there will be an event that will happen? >> there is real concern with terrorist groups in syria.
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they have pretty frightening capability. they have western recruits. they have everything they need if they want to pull the trigger. to try to get plots through to try to set them in motion. obviously, western, western countries are much more vigilant now. there are a lot more resources. intelligence agencies are on this every single day. they have got to be better than bad guys here. >> don, back to your question. from working intelligence, counterterrorism. capability and intent. very well known. very well established. for al qaeda. for example. but always the timing that is the key piece of the mosaic that is so difficult to get. however, we have come -- a great way, long way, since 9/11 capabilities, international liaison. >> our eyes are wide open now. gentmen. thank you so much. >> reporting for people at home to know that. thank you, appreciate your honest honesty. new alliances in the middle east in wake of the air strikes in isis, sear yeah, what israel is doing behind the scenes.
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nation in the coalition that is striking isis. it is no coincidence that, that the five others are all sunni arab states. what role is israel playing. ? joined by alan dershowitz, renowned lawyer" terror tunnels, israel's just war against hamas." thank you. you learned that israel provided on the ground intelligence for the strikes. what kind of role is israel playing behind the scenes? >> first has to be behind the scenes. the united states wants to project the impression that it is working with suni arab nations. of course the united states is doing virtually all of the firing from the air, all of the air power. izzy hall is providing satellite imaging but ground intelligence that is absolutely essential. and identifying, the areas where, where, these fighters are hiding out. also, israel providing, logistical support in terms of
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isis hiding fighters among civilians. in my book, terror tunnels. i talk of hamas's dead baby strategy, it uses human shield, to hold up unfortunately killed civilians. isis is going to be doing the same thing. the united states is going to have to tailor its military responses from the air to the reality that there may be civilian casualties. >> is it possible israel is going after isis. and sotloff was an israeli citizen. >> no, sotloff was an american citizen who happened to have israeli citizenship. an american. primarily. israel doesn't regard itself at war with isis. it wants to stay out of the war. it always supports the united states. israel is america's only reliable ally in the middle east. nobody knows where jordan, turkey, any of these countries are going to be in five years,
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two years. always count on intelligence, computer support. technological support. built the dome together. who knows when tunnels will come into play, in fighting against isis. everything that happened in the middle east to israel will be faced by the united states. in terror tunnels. i argue isis is to the united states as hamas is to israel. the state department disputes that. no, no, no. very, very different. i think they will learn soon it is not so different. you will need boots on the ground. you can't destroy armies hiding among civilians from the air. there are constraints. boots on the ground. hope not american boots. united states will have to learn from israel. in terror tunnels i predicted all this would be happening. >> alan. want to get to this. i think it is important.
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you will meet with benjamin netanyahu next week. what will you thank you about? >> i meet with him every year when he comes to the united nations. he will be speaking about not only the threat that isis poses but i am sure he will argue that iran poses a greater threat. we ought not to be gifgs iran any more permission develop nuclear weapons in order to recruit into the war against isis. isis is a one or two year problem. nuclear armed iran will be e send chentury wrong problem. keep an eye on the prize. make sure iran never develops capability of sending nuclear rockets not only to israel but to europe, to america's allies in the middle east and ultimately dirty bmz to the united states. >> alan dershowitz. thank you. >> don, our next guest says the real problem in syria is the as assad regime. a senior political adviser and government relations director
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for the syrian american council. he is also a board member of the co-legislation for coalition and fell low at the syrian center for stra stategicstategi tegic -- strategic study. what have your impressions been watching the air strikes over the syrian targets? >> thank you so much for having me. the borders between syria and iraq do not exist any more. isis destroyed them. and isis moves men and arms back and forth freely. so, taken against isis in syria and iraq only would be insufficient. strikes in syria are critical. important step forward. between the modern opposition and the american people. so they're welcome. with, we advocated for them. we are happy they are happening provided the united states of america. exercises, utmost, ult most, care. so that, there is no civilian casualties. >> you would look to see the
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u.s. go even further and target assad and take out assad. now that sound a lot more complicated than hitting isis targets? obviously, when the u.s. tries to oust some sort of middle eastern dictator, things don't go as planned. how do you, what do you recommend? >> absolutely. i don't believe. don't believe dealing with the symptoms of the problem is sufficient. we also need to deal with the root cause of the issue. root cause of the problem in syria, the assad regime. the assad regime. supported the isis predecessor. assad allowed al qaeda in iraq to use syria as a platform for jumping into iraq. hundred of young terrorists took flights to damascus. and you know, sneaked across the border into iraq through syria. following the start of the protest movement in syria. emptied islamists, in 2011. that prison was emptied.
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so that assad could resurrect the terrorist bogeyman. unless, the assad regime surviv survives, i believe isis, or terrorist group would regenerate itself while assad would observe. unless you deal with the root cause. you well not be able to defeat these terrorists once and for all. five, ten years down the road take action against the assad regime. isis, flourish against, under the regime. >> our correspondent, richard roth, talked to the syrian ambassador to the u.n. who basically denigrated the coalition that the u.s. has helped lead in these air strikes. i want to get your reaction. listen to this. >> the partners of combatting terrorism are syrian and iraqi governments. we are the main concerned parties to be coordinated with.
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not bahrain, not saudi arabia, not qatar, not turkey. who are the main funding powers of the t. the isis, isis, and the other terrorist groups on the ground. something is lacking clarity in the overall picture. >> he doesn't like the coalition. they're the main funders of terrorism. what is your reaction? >> this is absolutely ridiculous. isis came on to the scenen syria, in april of 2013. what did the assad regime do, nothing. and some intelligence agencies contend the assad regime purchased oil from the groups because they weren control of oil wells in sear yeah. the assad regime empowered them and bombed the opposition embroiled in a builter conflict with these areas. the assad regime bombed aleppo, the modern opposition in syria, left the main stronghold of isis
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in syria, raqqa, the national stronghold, international headquarters of isis at the type. he went after the moderate opposition that was fighting against the, that was fighting these terrorists then did nothing to take on the terrorists. assad only when western cameras were rolling, following the fall of mosul, the assad regime. initiated fights that were ineffective. assad regime is not and assad is in power in syria. the syrian will never see stability. it doesn't add up. >> thank you so much for your perspective. good to talk to you. >> thank you. thank you for having me. >> when we come back, is america at war? how do we define that? have we been fighting this battle since 9/11. our experts disagree on that. you will hear from them next. with healthcare costs, who knows.
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let's hear what our experts say. >> joining us, michael shank, national legislation, and douglas brinkley, historian, lieutenant colonel, and a former military attache to syria. douglas brinkley, are we at war? >> of course we are. absolutely we are. we have really been at war since 9/11. living in the age of terror. cold war defined 1945-1991. we are living in the age of terror. barack obama has had seven military interventions operations in, seven different arab nations. at this point. his first term was defined as fighting the war on terror. the nobel peace prize was about having justifiable wars. and so, terrorism has been the story in international affairs since 9/11.
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continues to be. this is different. the stakes are higher in syria but i believe. this is truly now a war time commander-in-chief. the amount of drones we have been dropping all over the middle east and yiafghanistan, going after al qaeda tells you we have been at war. >> well are not hearing it come out of the president's mouth. at an event tonight with very smart people. lieutenant colonel reece, i said are we at war? they said you must have boots on the ground to beat war. we are not at war. the president hasn't said it. so, what gives here? >> any time the bullets fly you are at war. especially, remember this now, we haven't talked about, men, women of the u.s. the jordanians, saudis, qatar, uae, over the last, 24, 4 hours putting themselves at risk. while we are talking about it these people need to be thanked for what they're doing. >> michael, i know that you don't like the idea of these air strikes. what's the problem? >> here are two concerns as a former hill staffer and some one
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who worked extensivelien the middle east, central asia, south asia, and the region. two things come to mind. legal authority. congressional authority. we are at war. douglas is right. the 2001 authorization for use of military force allows us to wage war any time, anywhere, with any one provided they're associated forces with al qaeda. and the white house is making it very clear that, everyone that they're attacking whether it be isis, or khorasan is somehow connect to al qaeda. it is dangerous. drone strikes in yemen. drone strikes in somalia. drone strikes pretty much anywhere we want. there was a 2002, iraq, saying either the 2001, 2002 or war powers act allow the was to wage war. congressman saying, on bbc news we are definitely at war. congressional authority is key. they punted that to post elections. "the new york times" editorial coming out tomorrow, questioning
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legal authority and congressional authority. then on the ground we are prioritizing military completely neglecting political solution, economic solution or environmental solution. >> i want rick francona to get in. >> i agree we are at war. i don't know about legal ramifications and legal definition. we have young, men, women engaged in combat operations. >> some how we were just helping the yzedis on top of the mountain, it seemed like humanitarian. something changed. >> i disagree. there is diplomatic and political aspects have been going on from day one. i mean there is always diplomatic aspects. the military never wants to get involved. i hate to be cliche. negotiations have failed. this could have been today or who knows when. a reporter asking the president. mr. president, everybody is asking is the country, in this country, are we, or are we not
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at war. the president, we are not at war. mr. president, another question is being asked. are we going to use ground troops. won't say where. they were saying where then. no comment on that. he goes on to ask. you know, he says, is it possibility that we will use the atomic bomb? they said no comment on that. but then the president goes on to say, that they were using, it was a police action. that became the undeclared war. then the korean war. 1950. harry s truman. could have been last whack at a press conference for this president. douglas? >> that's right. what you are pointing out, we, have wars of choice. and, you know when world war ii, i mean, whether, fdr didn't have a choice. bombed at pearl harbor. germany declared war on us. korea was a war of choice. vietnam was a war of choice. going into sear yeah, a battlefield of choice. one is to leave the imprgs with
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history and with, our allies and friends around the world that he is not a, not doing cowboy diploma. this isn't some body who hasn't been thoughtful about what we are doing now in sear yeah. he tried every other option and everything else failed. and that he is now after reading the intelligence thinks this is the threat of our time. hence he is, he is going in. you could call it limited war. call it engagement. call it war, war. it doesn't matter. we are in now. and he has built a co-lgs of al arab countries to back us. seeing in the next few days. britain getting more engaged. turkey getting more engaged. the question is can the president build this new kind of co-legislation with middle eastern countries at our side. he has done this without the u.n. so far. without nato. it's been very unusual. >> stick around. please. up next. president obama has ordered air strikes in seven different countries as we just heard douglas say.
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pakistan, libya, yemen, somalia, iraq, and syria. quite a record for a reluctant warrior. wouldn't you think? >> back again with michael shank, douglas brinkley, james reece, and rick francona. michael want to start with you. as don said this was the president who ran on getting the united states out of iraq and he has been involved in seven military interventions or whatever you want to call them. the irony is, is overwhelming. he was going to retire the global "war on terrorism." resurrected it. going to war with more muslim countries. the coalition 'tis 5 of 22 arab states, arab league. five of 57 muslim states in the organization for islaming cooperation. i wish he would prioritize political and economic, environmental solutions, reintegrating sunni moderates after 2006, into baghdad.
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resource share, share power into baghdad. or if he was dealing with environmental problems in syria or yemen. they beth aoth are struggling w severe droughts. tlid civ tlid civil war in syria and yemen. >> mike, i agree in theory with what you are saying. the reality on the ground is different. we are faced with an urgent situation right now. the president is trying to deal with that. ideally in a perfect world we could have political solutions, diplomatic solutions. you have yes roaring down the euphrates and tigress valley. seizing territory. now you have the khorasan group trying to bomb an american airliner. the president rightly took action when he saw military action was initial solution not the final solution. >> douglas, didn't he say that he thought the president did say at one point that there will be a moral cause for to go to war at points. when he within the nobel peace
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prize, correct. that's correct. i think that's been barack obama. he inherited this war on terror. people thought there would be a greater break from george w. bush. it wasn't. he started getting intelligence information. we went after al qaeda with everything we have got. the record of success on some drones, drone strikes have been really almost underplayed. without the killing of osama bin laden, his first term he may not have been re-elected. now there was the hope of the arab spring all of us thought there might be a wave of democracy going. and, cnn covered it a lot. well it kind of fizzled. seems like we are back to where it was when, in 2008, when he inherited the presidency. mired in the middle east again. you know, some residents that do radical things you don't expect. ronald reagan pulled out of lebanon after 241 of our marines. 241 blown up. reagan said we are getting out of lebanon. the president showed constant engage. on wanting to fight the war on
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terror regardless what right-wing critics say about him. >> colonel? >> he is right. other thing too is, that the president is not. not waking up every morning, going, who are we going to bomb today? he has a heck of a chan of command. he has very smart people. central command. special operations command. lot of people saying, "sir, here is what we have to do. "we have actionable intel. making a decision and he goes. >> last thoughts. isis could never have been dealt with diplomatically. >> look at sunni moderates supporting isis, they're sunni that have been marginalized. if we want to remove the base of support from isis. that is the way to do it. appeal to that. that is the root cause. >> and, the segment, all i could think about. don't know itf you have read th way of the peaceful warrior. have you read that book? >> on that note. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> always great to get your expertise. and your service. awe thank you, guys. >> thank you.
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if four elements of national power work their way through here. >> thank you very much. our coverage of the u.s. air strikes in syria continues now with becky anderson in abu dhabi and the cnn center in atlanta. >> thanks for joining us. >> welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. >> coming up this hour -- >> it must be clear to anyone who try to do americans harm, we will not tolerate safe havens for anyone. >> the u.s. makes air strikes in syria. also to come, there's nobody to stop it, nobody who are listening. th
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