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tv   New Day  CNN  September 26, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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protesters. the standoff that follows and ends with multiple arrests. we have an exclusive with the police chief. your "new day" starts right now. >> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate baldwin and michaela perrera. >> it's friday, september 26 and brooke bald win is here because kate had her baby. look at this beautiful little girl, cecelia eve, born yesterday morning. healthy six pounds, 18 1/2 inches, mom and baby are doing great. kate, like everything in her life came through it with flying colors. true natural. she is so beautiful. the baby, the mother, the father. they're perfect. all three of them, we're going to have a lot more later in the show. this morning we want to start off with a lot of big news for you. the war on ice ice, a new fear
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of a terror attack right here in the u.s. was there any truth to what the iraqi prime minister has been saying that the u.s.'s subways are in threat. plus the fbi believes it has identified the masked militant. who is speaking in three isis videos, showing the beheading of westerners. as we're watching what's happening now in britain, a major debate happening in parliament, will the uk join the coalition's campaign against ice nis iraq? that's what the vote would be for. we have all angles covered for you with christiane amanpour, live in london. and we begin with cnn's jason carroll and the confusion over the terror threats. >> new york city's mayor and police commissioner and the governor all stepping forward to insure the people of new york city that the subway system is safe. this, after there was some
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confusion yesterday, after a controversial statement made by iraq's prime minister. at subways in major cities across the country this morning, commuters can expect increased security. after iraq's new prime minister blindsided u.s. intelligence officials thursday, telling reporters that iraqi intelligence had uncovered an alleged plot to attack subways in the u.s. and paris. and federal officials say there is no credible threat. >> we're in obviously very close consultation with the iraqi government there is no specific credible threat whatsoever that they have uncovered to the united states. >> offering further clarification that the prime minister was referring to the general threat isis poses to the united states. new york city mayor, bill de blasio, and the city's police commissioner reassuring the public by taking the subway to a news conference to ease concerns. >> we are convinced that new
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yorkers are safe, we're convinced people should go about their normal routine. terrorists want us to live in fear. we refuse to live in fear. >> this latest headline coming on the heels of u.s. air strikes on targets in syria this week, aimed at destabilizing the terror group and an al qaeda offshoot, the khorasan group, fbi director james comey telling reporters that the threat from the al qaeda cell may still be out there, saying he's quote not confident at all that plotting by the khorasan group was disrupted. sources say the group is plotting against western targets, including commercial passenger jets, testing explosive devices that could be hidden, masked as toothpaste tubes and other nonmetallic items packed inside luggage. >> we can't say with any great definition or specificity that we know we disrupted any specific plot. >> also on thursday, fbi officials confirmed they have
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finally identified the man heard in all three of those chilling isis execution videos. so again, as for the transit system here in the u.s. security officials acknowledge that terror groups continue to present a general threat to the united states. but again, no specific threat, at least not at this time. >> we'll stay on that this morning and ask questions of some folks we have on later as far as where it would have come from. jason carroll, thank you so much. breaking overnight, we're now receiving initial reports of fresh air strikes pounding syria. let's go to washington, our senior washington correspondent, joe johns watching those reports for us. joe, what do you know? >> good morning, brooke, a u.s. military official confirming to cnn there were new air strikes in syria overnight. though we are still waiting for details from central command about where those latest air strikes occurred. a statement from central command is expected later this morning. a human rights group monitoring in the area has told cnn that it
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is aware of new air strikes hitting isis positions in eastern syria. though cnn has not been able to independently verify those reports. the latest strikes follow a day of allied military attention to iraq. the u.s. zeroed in on parts of that country southwest of baghdad where isis was said to be operating freely and where iraqi security forces needed support. so far, the pentagon has been describing air strikes that disable or degrade capabilities of isis in syria, but don't demolish infrastructure. d.o.d. says they're trying to preserve assets for whoever takes over, if and when isis is removed, as a threat from the region. brooke? >> joe johns, thank you so much. chris? more is going on and right now in london, the british prime minister, david cameron, is trying to convince his parliament that the uk should
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join the coalition, fighting isis with air strikes in iraq only. he spoke strongly about the nature of the threat and its direct impact on the british people. take a listen. >> isle is a terrorist organization unlike those we have dealt with before. the brutality is staggering. beheadings, crucifixions. the gouging out of eyes. this is not a threat on the far side of the world. left unchecked, we will face a terrorist caliphate on the shores of the mediterranean, and bordering a nato member with a declared and proven determination to attack our country and our people. >> and in response to that, a lot of push-back from members of parliament. this has happened once before, they voted no on allowing bombing in syria. let's bring in chief international correspondent, christiane amanpour, live in london. help me understand this, i'm an american, i don't get it. they're thinking about going to war and having a debate first?
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they're not just letting the david cameron and go and do it and kind of talk about it behind his back and say they're kind of with it or not, they're having an actual debate? what is this -- are they going to vote, too? >> yes, they are, chris. >> what? >> later this afternoon our time. this is a democracy and even in your own country, in the united states there's been a lot of consultation with congress. but more to the point, david cameron was rudely rebuffed last year by parliament when he wanted to join in sfriks in syria. to that end this riveting debate, it is riveting in an open house in parliament to watch the back-and-forth, pointed declarations from the prime minister and declarations from the right honorable friends all seated in the house of commons. he made many references to president obama's speech to the united nations and he said we need to join this, a, because
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it's legal. because in iraq, the government is actually asked us to join. so that would bring david cameron's uk and america and france into the allies who are bombing targets in iraq. i spoke also last night in new york to the iranian president, hassan rouhani, who again, david cameron referred to. and he met him in new york at the general assembly. and rouhani said to me we're all in this fight together. >> it is a common threat for all of us. and this requires unison efforts from all of us. >> so you're fine with these strikes inside syria and inside iraq against the islamic state? >> we need a vast campaign of operations. two, three, four, a dozen, two, three dozens of aerial bombardments is quite insignificant against their installations and compounds. the aerial bombardments have
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more the form of a psychological operation rather than squeeding in the eradication of terrorism. >> so very interesting, i thought his take on that. and like prime minister cameron and like president obama, they have all said, it's not just an air campaign that will unseat and uproot isis. it has to be a much broader campaign. so this is a very important moment here in britain, we're likely to know the results of this by about noon eastern time. >> right. and cristiane, the reason i bring sarcasm into it is remember, predominantly the audience for this show is the u.s. and the idea that this type of debate did not take place before these actions, congress did not vote, although our constitution specifically states they are supposed to declare war, is backed up by what we just heard from the iranian president, it's not about just air strikes, this is going to be so involved on so many levels,
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if you ever want real change, that air strikes may be the easiest part. fair point? >> well, air strikes are the obvious part right now. it's a point i put to secretary of state kerry when we interviewed him on "new day" a couple of days ago in new york. they all say look, this is a very long campaign. so breaking news about an air strike every day is not really breaking news, because they've told us, this is not a month, not a year, there could be several years. that the air campaign is a vital part of it. but of course you're right and everybody's right, it's a much, much broader, coordinated campaign on the ground that hopefully will have some effect on uprooting isis. and to that end, they are saying obviously, no boots on the ground, so is the british, the french, everybody else. they want to empower again, renew, restand up the iraqi army. and somehow get a ground force in syria which right now would be the free syrian army. but you know in the united states, they did have a debate over arming and training the syrian opposition.
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>> not really. >> they may call back congress to discuss the authority to have the air strikes. >> it wasn't really a debate. and the chance that the president calls back congress, you could argue he should, he probably won't, because the the political realities here are he should take power when he gets it. presidents have done it in the past. he has got a terrible relationship with this congress, i don't know what would motivate him to call them back. the argument to go against isis or to bomb in syria, isn't that different other than american beheadings and a british beheadings and now maybe somehow related french beheading, to a year ago when they voted no? do you think cameron gets the vote he wants here? and what happens if he doesn't? >> well i think they think that it is much more different. because yes, the beheadings were the public face of this b barbarity and they galvanized public opinion around the world. but the fact that isis has established itself in control of
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a vast portion of a very important part of the middle east that would be syria and iraq, in control of all sorts of oil facilities and the like, that is what's freaked everybody out. including the arab allies who are on board right now. david cameron obviously was thwarted over syria and he's not even bringing syria into the picture in his debate right now. it's expected that he will get the authority to, to join the air strikes on iraq. mostly because he's put it, he's established or he's trying to, the national security threat to britain. and he's established the legality of his request, because framing it in the direct request from the democratic government of iraq. >> he has a much better case on iraq than he does on syria. based on the past resistance he's gotten. cristiane, thank you so much for the reporting and insight. appreciate it as always, have a good weekend. you're going to see more of cristiane's interview with the
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iranian president and he's a fundamental voice here. iran greatly at play. president rouhani, you can watch it today at 2:00 p.m. eastern. let's get to john berman, in for michaela because of a lot of news this morning. jesse matthew, suspected of abducting university of virginia student hannah graham will be returned to charlottesville, virginia, perhaps as early as today. he waived extradition following his arrest in texas. police are still searching for graham, who was last seen with matthew before she disappeared 13 days ago. we're learning that jesse matthew was investigated in a 2002 rape case, but never charged because of lack of evidence. police now going door to door in the search for the man suspected of killing a pennsylvania state trooper. officials say they're trying to flush out eric frein. we are also learning about a possible misstep by the fugitive. the "philadelphia inquirer" reports that frein turned on his cell phone and started to call his parents a little over a week ago. reportedly it lasted just seconds, but it was enough for
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investigators to narrow their manhunt to a five-square-mile primt anywhere the poconos, frein has been on the run since allegedly killing one trooper and injuring another two weeks ago. today the white house will host officials from four dozen countries to try to develop strategies to fight infectious disease threats like ebola. this comes a day after the president spoke at the united nations about ebola, saying the world has been too slow to respond. in the meantime, dr. rick sacra, an american doctor from massachusetts has survived ebola and is back home in the united states. >> reading in the "boston globe," about him, they were saying he first heard he was going to nebraska to be treated for ebola. he said, nebraska? >> they tried everything on him, they can't pinpoint the one thing that helped the most. the good news is he's going home and he's safe. >> that's the problem, they're figuring out ways to beat the
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virus, but they're not sure what the right combination is to use every time. that's the next step, the key step. thank you very much. we do know that u.s. officials are scrambling here to address the reported terror plot on the homeland. what they're saying now and what you need to be on alert for, next. and ferguson, missouri, erupting again hours after the ferguson police chief issued a public apology, what happened when he was face to face with a crowd of protesters ahead. ♪ want to change the world? create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy.
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we are convinced that new yorkers are safe. we're convinced people should go about their normal routine. terrorists want us to live in fear. we refuse to live in fear. >> that was the mayor of new york city, bill de blasio, addressing concerns there could be this isis plot to attack u.s. subway systems, specifically in his own city. u.s. officials say there is no indication of any such plot after iraq's prime minister came out and said his country's intelligence agency uncovered this plan. it comes after fbi director james comey said he's quote-unquote these recent air strikes in syria have thwarted
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plans to carry out an imminent attack by the khorasan cell. let me bring in evan perez and daveed ross. evan, beginning with you and your reporting, there was a plot, there wasn't a plot. cut through it for me. what's the deal? >> good morning, brooke, that was quite a scramble that the iraqi prime minister set off here in washington. i talked to about a dozen officials yesterday as they were trying to have very high-level meetings to find out what on earth he was talking about. over the course of the day, we we were told that there were no plots they knew of and they had no information from the iraqi government. later on, brett mcgurk, a top official in the state department, did two interviews stating that he was really referring to the general threat by isis and the militant groups
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against the west and against the world. and that he real will was also talking about unverified information, information that hadn't been checked out. the bottom line is the reason why everyone scrambled is the threat against the subways is something that has come up before. >> hugely. >> and right, in 2004 and 2005, al qaeda carried out these types of bombings in europe. >> since we have here, let me bring in juliette kayyem, former homeland security department and cnn national security analyst. i'm coming to you in a minute, but first, daveed, to you, why would the iraqi prime minister mention this, this was based on intelligence after some sort of interrogation of a prison anywhere iraq. why mention this if there wasn't a seed of truth in it? >> the most obvious reason he might mention it is because it gives us more urgency for being involved in iraq. and it makes sure that the united states is going to continue to want to oppose isis.
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that's the primary hypothesis. >> as far as on the homeland security front, juliette. we have mayor de blasio and govern cuomo, they hop the train to say listen, i'm on subway, it's okay, we're safe. as far as law enforcement goes in protecting americanings, how are they handling this? >> it was a brilliant move on their part to show up on the subways. because most people who hear the prime minister of a foreign country say we stopped a credible and imminent threat on u.s. subways might believe it. this is the challenge of so much intelligence noise going around simultaneously going around the world. and it seems to me this story should end where it began, which is in iraq. it doesn't seem there's much to it. nonetheless, we're in a heightened terror alert. anyone who has rode the subways recently or been in an airport in the last 48 hours, there's clearly a stronger physical presence by law enforcement,
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just to assure passengers and then to also thwart any potential risk. whether it's from abroad or of course lone wolf. >> certainly made me stop. living in new york, taking the train yesterday, stop and pay attention to what's going on. evan, let me pivot back to you, hearing from the fbi director, america sort of suddenly came into knowledge of this al qaeda-linked group, khorasan a couple of days ago when the u.s. struck them in syria. now james comey is saying quote-unquote he's not confident at all that the attacks disrupted any potential plans. how effective were the strikes in the first place? do we even know? >> well, brooke, they're still assessing the damage that was done and how many people were killed. but we do know, i'm told by officials that what the fbi director was talking about was the fact that they do know from intelligence that some of these guys, some of the leaders of this group, the khorasan group, managed to get away. that they managed to disappear. and so they know that they killed some of them. but they also know that there
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are still others out there who are plotting. and we're talking about al qaeda's best bomb makers here. there's very much a concern. >> so then juliette, in this sense of heightened alert, why would the fbi director come forward and say this again, you know, alerting americans? >> i think that's right. i think it's just to say, look, we're never going to know whether the threat is at zero and right now since there's been no military assessment of our success in syria, there's one person in government who we want to solely focus on the terrorist threat and that's the director of the fbi. i found his words, i would say predictable in the sense that he's got one mission. everyone else in government is doing 10,000 different things, but the fbi director is focused on the potential threat to the homeland. >> finally, daveed to you, not watching the videos, but we've seen the still pictures and the audio of the masked isis terrorist with the three
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beheading victims, we're hearing from the fbi that they have identified this person and let's also be clear -- the person speaking could be dubbed versus the actual person wielding the knife in the videos. but it's one thing to identify this individual. it's quite another to try to track him down. >> one thing we have learned over the course of the past 13 years is tracking down a single individual can be a pretty daunting task. especially when they practice good operational security. obviously those who have seen the beheading videos or heard about them, certainly hope the killer is tracked down. but that's one of those things that is, we'd like to do, but you'll never guarantee you'll get that one guy. >> daveed ross, evan perez and juliette kayyem, thank you very much. new trouble on the streets of ferguson, missouri, the crowd of protesters, confronting the police chief who had come out to meet them after apologizing publicly for the michael brown shooting and its aftermath. those new developments, straight
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breaking news on the war against isis, u.s. central command confirming a new round of air strikes overnight in syria and iraq against isis. senior washington correspondent, joe johns is live with the latest. joe, what do you hear? >> chris, this is a news release just put out by u.s. central command. they're confirming now, ten air
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strikes, both in iraq and also in syria that is of course, over thursday and today. five air strikes south and southwest of kirkuk, it looks like they were going after targets of opportunity. vehicles on the ground. they're also confirming in syria, three air strikes, south and southeast of deir ezzor, destroying isil tanks and damaging one. these of course the continued campaign against isis in iraq and syria. again, sent com confirming air strikes in iraq and syria. >> keep us apprised of any new information. also breaking overnight, the story in ferguson, missouri, not over. tensions boiling over as protesters call for the police chief's job. it's a little bit of the sound
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of what was going on when the chief tried to join the protesters. chief tom jackson tried addressing the crowd and marching with demonstrators hours after issuing a public apology for his actions following the michael brown shooting. a scuffle broke out behind him. people are angry about the situation, several protesters wound up being arrested. earlier, cnn's anna cabrera spoke with jackson in a cnn exclusive. >> you see the whole ferguson city in an uproar. >> it was a standoff overnight. >> do we have a lynch mob? >> protesters taking to the streets again in ferguson. this time, chanting outside the police station. >> police chief tom jackson coming out to address the crowd and trying to answer their questions.
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>> what y'all going to do to help us? do i got to die to make sure another brother don't go? i will right now. >> what do you want me to do? >> what you mean, what i want? >> i'm asking you a serious question. >> the protest ultimately turning more chaotic. >> stay back, stay back! >> with multiple protesters arrested. >> i got rights! i got rights! we're trying to get unity and this is what y'all do! >> just hours after the chief gave this apology. >> i want to say to any peaceful protester who did not feel i did enough to protect their constitutional right to protest, i am sorry for that. >> in hopes of calming the community. >> i want to say this to the brown family, no one who has not experienced the loss of a child can understand what you're feeling. i am truly sorry for the loss of your son. i'm also sorry that it took so
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long to remove michael from the street. >> it's the first time embattled chief jackson has publicly said "i'm sorry" in the nearly seven weeks since unarmed teenager michael brown was shot and killed by ferguson police officer, darren wilson. >> you issued an apology video. >> i did. >> why did it take so long for that to happen? >> well there's been so much going on. and every day there's been a different challenge. ever since august 9th. but this is something that's just been weighing on me. something that needed to be said. should have been said a long time ago. it's never been the intention of the ferguson police department or of any police department that i know of, to intentionally target individuals because of race. if there is that happening, it's a crime and it needs to be addressed. >> jackson had hoped thursday's apology would lead to a fresh beginning. >> i know there are residents who are worried, are you worried? >> no. i'm not worried. i think we can manage this.
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and i think we can come out much better than we started. >> but as last night's protest showed this community has a long way to go toward healing. anna cabrera, cnn, ferguson, missouri. the news of attorney general eric holder's resignation is now setting up a fight over his successor. holder's six-year tenure was marked by a number of controversies, he went to ferguson, missouri, recently and also from same-sex marriage to voting rights and now president obama is tasked with finding a replacement in the midst of an uncertain political landscape. cnn's michelle kosinski is at the white house with more. >> holder's successor will have to take on the mantle of upholding civil rights and multiple executive actions yet to come and in large part because of those will have to face the ire of republicans in congress that was heaped on holder for such a long time. if republicans take the senate in november, this could be a
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pretty rough-and-tumble confirmation process. many think the white house will want to take care of this as quickly as possible. and there have been some names out there as possible successors. people like kathy rumler, who recently left her position at white house counsel. and don verilli, and deval patrick. leaving os office soon and he was once an assistant a.g. in the office of civil rights. a lot of other names circulating out there right now. but no one of them considered a definite pick. brooke? >> michelle, thank you very much. so, sources tell cnn that it is nearly the weekend. so what will the weather be for the weekend? we're joining by meteorologist indra petersons. >> you need sources for this? >> multiple sources. >> i don't know if i can confirm that yet. we know we're going towards the
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weekend. a look at the showers out there yesterday. but more importantly, look that they're making their way offshore from the east coast. this is what we love. in fact the only showers we're going to be seeing, yes, sorry if you're in florida, you're still seeing the stationary front bringing you showers for the weekend. for the rest of us into the northeast, this is what we want to see, a big dome of high pressure building in as we head towards the weekend. so what does that mean? remember the ten-degree temperature drop we saw in the northeast yesterday? well today we're going ten degrees up and it doesn't even stop there. as we go through the weekend it climbs, climbs and climbs even more. we're talking about 80-degree temperatures out there, guys, almost ten, 15 degrees above normal from the midwest down into, all the way east in towards the northeast. so there you go, it actually feels like august for our last weekend here. keep in mind on the west coast it feels like fall. not so much just yet so one of the fall leaves come, we're seeing in upstate new york. it takes a little bit longer, by the next week or so, we'll start to see them in the mid-atlantic. i'm in no rush, i'm completely fine with 80-degree temperatures
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saturday and sunday. looking good. >> good weather for the berman garden and the tomatoes. we got a whole baggie. >> john says i have brought you my cherry tomatoes. >> my little green thumb, very nice. and they are delicious. so when we come back we're going to be talking about the main question in the war -- you know what it is? whether the arab world wants to take on extremism. some countries have stepped up to join the first strikes, all right? but the question now is being answered by push-back in that mart of the world. some of their pilots are receiving death threats, we'll dig deeper. and some baseball game? somewhere? >> the stuff of legends. >> derek jeter's last game. saving a little magic, final yankee stadium at bat for his storied career. we'll go there.
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new this morning -- russia's foreign minister has confirmed to iraq's prime minister that russia is prepared to support iraq in fighting isis and other terror threats. the two leaders spoke at the united nations. now joining me to talk about this and also the greater fight against isis in that region, cnn global affairs analyst, bobby ghosh. this is something interesting to see, russia and britain and france flying air strikes, belgium getting into the game. netherlands, you have a global consensus now in this battle against isis at least in iraq. >> absolutely this is the biggest coalition that we've seen in modern times. bigger even than the coalition
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that george bush senior was able to get together for the fight against saddam hussein in 1991. so this is quite astonishing. what we'll very to see is how much patience all these people have. they're willing to join now and commit forces, which is very encouraging. how long will they remain on side. that's going to be the question. >> and then there's the active coalition now involved in the air strikes in syria, also iraq. specifically these five arab nations that are involved. these arab coalitions, saudi arabia, the united arab emirates. both involved in the air strikes. something interesting happening inside saudi arabia here. the saudis putting out a picture of the pilots involved in these air strikes, you're looking at them now. one of them is the son of the crown prince of saudi arabia. but after they put out these pictures, there were really cruel, mean comments posted on the internet, death threats even, against some of these pilots. does this indicate that there is not popular support for this effort among the saudi leaders? >> there's an extremist fringe
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in saudi arabia, that's long been known and that fringe has long supported groups like al qaeda and now isis. there's a fundamental problem here, true of all the arab countries joining the coalition, their rulers don't think it's worth their while to speak to their own people, to explain to their own people why they're part of the coalition. obama went to the american people and explained what he was doing and why. the brits are having a debate in parliament televised live so people can understand. in the arab countries, they don't do that. because these are authoritarian rulers, who really aren't ruling their people. they're just looking out for themselves. if you're not explaining yourself to your people, the people are not buying into the idea. they don't feel any ownership of their country's participation of this. guess who is talking directly to them? the terrorists, isis, through their propaganda machine, through twitter, youtube, are speaking directly to the arab people. the arab people are not hearing from their leaders, but they're hearing from isis. there's going to be a bunch of people who will listen to isis. >> why do you think the saudi
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government is putting out these pictures then of these pilots as if they're heros? >> yeah well, they're speaking in a small echo chamber of their own supporters. there are 5,000 saudi princes, a little bit of chest-thumping here and they want the western world to know because of course in this country and in the west there have been fingers pointed at saudi arabia. the root that a lot of these terrorist organizations, that are very conscious that the world is looking at them and they're putting these pictures out to try and do a little bit of pr. >> making it public at least. now what's happening in the united arab emirates, a woman pilot, first female pilot to fly in the missions. how do you think that's playing inside the uae? >> the uae is a little more sort of a mixed society. not as conservative as saudi arabia, if you go to places like
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dubai, abu dhabi, not unusual for women to be driving, in public life in business. i'm sure women in that country in that group of countries are very proud of miriam al mansour. but they will be conservatives as well. it's true in any society. but the fact that the government is putting out these pictures, again is a statement of intent. saying look at us, we're not the world that isis imagines. isis covers its women up. isis oppresses its women. our women are leading the fight against isis, that's the message the uae is trying to send out. >> it's a positive message. you would like to think it's a message that's well received everywhere. are there risks? >> the uae is not exactly a haven for women's rights. but it is in the context of the neighborhood where it is, it's a little better than saudi arabia, shall we say. is there a risk to her? i would imagine so.
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the uae doesn't have a track record of having lots of extremists. but i would imagine that the government after these threats, is paying a little more attention to her security, i would hope so. >> me, too. bobby ghosh, great to have you here, appreciate it. coming up for us, a bronx tale with a story-book ending. the yankees, derek jeter, you might have heard of him? he had quite a game last night. quite a final at-bat at yankee stadium. historic to say the least. this is charlie. his long day of doing it himself starts with back pain... and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief. honey, you did it! baby laughs!
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of unrivaled style and comfort. ♪ the all-new c-class. at the very touch point of performance and innovation. ♪ ♪ ♪ what a night in the bronx, in a career filled with magic moments. captain clutch, derek jeter saved one last bit of it for his final at bat and his final home game of his yankee career. a moment in which most men would crumble, he in a ninth-inning walk-off single to beat the orioles, a great team this year. and as they say, the crowd went wild. >> you were in the crowd.
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>> i was, i wasn't there for the end of the game, i had to get up for you people. but andy scholes is here with what happened. what a great moment. and really, a metaphor for what jeter has always been about. fair statement, sir? >> it certainly is chris. these are the kind of moments that give you the old sports chills. we all know jeter, one of the most clutch players to ever play the game. and after an historic 20-year career that included five world series titles and more than 3400 hits, he saved one last special moment for his last at bat at yankee stadium. >> jeter -- it was the bottom of the ninth, yankees tied with the baltimore orioles. >> well the script is there. the last page is in derek's hands. >> then baseball legend, derek jeter, in his final at bat in yankee stadium steps up to the plate. >> base hit to right field! >> a story-book ending. >> richardson is safe! derek jeter, makes his final
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game with walk-off single. >> 6-5 walk-off win in his last home game. the captain's pinstriped teammates storming the field. >> did you have any doubt? >> with the iconic baseball cap he wore for two decades in hand, jeter waves to nearly 50,000 fans. in the stands, his nephew, tipping his respect hat to his uncle. a field of dreams accomplished. with the five-time world series champion never thought it would end quite like this. >> no. i wouldn't have believed it myself. you know, everyone i think they, you know they dream of hitting a home run in the world series or getting a game-winning hit. but, no. >> jeter, the scandal-free class act of baseball reminding us, there's no crying in baseball. until -- the last hometown game. >> i almost started crying, driving here today, i think i've done a pretty good job of controlling my emotions throughout the course of my
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career. today i wasn't able to do it. this is -- all i've ever wanted to do and it was above and beyond anything i ever dreamt of. >> what a moment. you know the average ticket price for last night's game was over $600. that's almost as much as last year's world series in st. louis. but i'm sure everyone in attendance last night will agree, chris -- the experience of being there for that moment was priceless. >> oh yeah, oh yeah. i mean look -- the answer to the question, where have you gone, joe dimaggio, derek jeter did as much to prove about being a leader and a class act, which is really something that we used to hope for and expect from our sports figures. he's a good answer to that question. the question is now who will pick up the mantle from him? what a night, andy scholes well done with that piece. i'm sure you have favorite moments for derek jeter, right? he kind of transcended sport in so many ways. go to and let us know what you think about derek jeter. some people questioned his
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greatness. >> here's what you missed briefly. these two, take the three-shot. these two have been going back and forth. is he the greatest? is he not? >> the argument was, he thinks he's so clutch. i'm saying no, he's just a great player, there is no clutch. he's just fantastic. and he won't accept that. >> smaller and smaller the more you say this you heard andy scholes say one of the most clutch performers of all time and he had the intangible, leadership, leadership, he was a class act. we need it from our sports figures more than ever. let's leave that aside and move on to another sports note. rachel nichols sat down exclusively with lebron james. in his first tv interview since signing with cleveland. can you watch it tonight on "unguarded" with rachel nichols, 10:30 on cnn. this morning we're following a lot of news for you, let's get to it. mr. president, where was the
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source of the terror plot threat? >> there is no immediate credible threat to our subway system. action that's already taken place, has already made a difference. lives have been saved. christians, ia seeyesidis and o minorities have been saved by that action. ebola is spreading at elarming speed. >> our people are dying. >> why did you shoot me? >> you defense head-first back into your car. good morning, welcome back to "new day," we have breaking news, the u.s. launched ten new air strikes overnight against isis in syria and iraq as well. they come as there are renewed concerns about terror threats here at home. security stepped up this morning, especially on new york city subways. but officials say there is no credible evidence of any isis plot. so what's going on? and then mix it with this -- the fbi says it is unmasked the isis executioner who is speaking in
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the three isis videos that show the beheading of american and british hostages. right now british parliament, know what they're doing? debating whether the uk should join the effort with air strikes against isis in iraq and iraq only. let's start with cnn's jason carroll? >> let's start with the subway threat in new york city. the so-called subway threat. security analysts say new york continues to be the number one target for terrorists, even so, they say the iraq prime minister's intelligence about a so-called terror plot against subways is simply not credible. at subways in major cities across the country this morning, commuters can expect increased security. after iraq's new prime minister blind-sided u.s. intelligence officials thursday, telling reporters that iraqi intelligence had uncovered an alleged plot to attack subways in the u.s. and paris. federal officials now say there
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is no credible threat. >> we're in obviously a very close consultation with the iraqi government. there is no specific credible threat whatsoever that they have uncovered to the united states. >> offering further clarification that the prime minister was referring to the general threat isis poses to the united states. new york city mayor, bill de blasio and the city's police commissioner reassuring the public by taking the subway to a news conference to ease concerns. >> we are convinced that new yorkers are safe, we're convinced people should go about their normal routine. terrorists want us to live in fear. we refuse to live in fear. >> this latest headline coming on the heels of u.s. air strikes on targets in syria this week. aimed at destabilizing the terror group, and an al qaeda offshoot. the khorasan group. official director james comey now telling reporters that the threat from the al qaeda cell may still be out there, saying
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that he's quote not confident at all that plotting by the cower san group was disrupted. sources say the group is plotting against western targets, including commercial passenger jets, testing explosive devices, that could be hidden, masked as toothpaste tubes and other nonmetallic items packed inside luggage. >> we can't say with any great definition that we know we disrupted that particular plot. we know we hit the targets we were aiming at. >> also on thursday, fbi officials confirmed they have finally identified the man heard in all three of those chilling isis execution videos. >> as for new york's transit system again, no specific threat according to u.s. intelligence. the governor, the mayor, the police commissioner, still encouraging people to go about their daily lives. there will be increased security from time to time, but that seems to be the new reality living in new york city post 9/11. >> jason carroll, thank you very much. and right now, we'll show
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you some live pictures, parliament, british parliament debating whether or not to authorize air strikes against isis in iraq. prime minister david cameron is urging these mps, members of parliament, to vote yes, no matter how long the mission may take. >> how long will the war last and when will mission creep start? >> well let me answer that very directly this is going to be a mission that will take not just months, but years. but i believe we have to be prepared for that commitment. and the reason for that, is i think quite rightly, america, britain and others are not contemplating putting combat troops on the ground. there will be troops on the ground, but they will be iraqi troops, they will be kurdish troops. >> so again, that is happening right now in london. let's go to cnn's erin mclaughlin, she is live with the latest, watching this along with us, erin, good morning. >> good morning, brooke, that's right.
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british prime minister david cameron opened the parliamentary session today as you heard there, stating the case for british participation in air strikes over iraq. saying that they are necessary. that isis poses a direct threat to the safety of this country. pointing to some six isis-related terror plots, he says were foiled by european intelligence services, that in addition to isis-inspired attack on a jewish museum in brussels earlier this year. now this motion is expected to pass today. it already has the support of all three of the major british political parties. that being said, we are seeing a very spirited debate on the floor today. of the house of kmons, commons, lawmakers wary of mission-creep. they have questions about the duration and effectiveness of air strikes over iraq, which is perhaps why the motion they are considering today is very
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carefully worded. restricted to iraq. as for the question of possible british involvement in air strikes over syria, that will be or potentially be addressed during a separate parliamentary session. but british prime minister david cameron saying there is a strong case for britain to do more on the question of syria as well. brooke? >> two separate sessions again, this one focusing specifically on the campaign in iraq. erin mclaughlin thank you. chris, to you. major stakes for the uk, big implications for the u.s. and the coalition in the war against isis. what will happen there is and what will it mean to that bigger concern? let's bring in state department spokeswoman jen psaki. big vekt going on in the uk. we understand that the major parties seem to favor the action at least in iraq. do you think david cameron gets the votes he needs and gets the authorization? >> i think that the uk has really felt the impact of isil, the impact of terrorism, just like the united states has.
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he's made a strong case, i was watching it this morning before i came here to join you. i think they feel pretty good and we feel pretty good about the likelihood they'll get the votes. >> if he does not get the votes, what would that mean for the coalition? how disastrous would that be? >> well, chris, i wouldn't put it that way at all. this has been a very big week for the coalition. more than 50 countries have joined the coalition, more than 100 countries signed on to a resolution about foreign fighters. had you five arab countries join the united states to do air strikes and take on the threat of isil in syria. this has been a very important week. and the uk has already been contributing. we know that they're going to contribute more. they want to contribute more. but i would say the momentum and the growth of the coalition is moving in the right direction. >> what do you need to have this become not the u.s.'s war, but become the war of the region where the u.s. is helping them? because that's not how it's perceived now, as you well know. >> you're right, it's the region's war. this threat from isil has an
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impact on countries in the region. it has an impact on people in the region. let me make an important point here. this isn't just about air strikes. air strikes can kill terrorists, but it's about a comprehensive approach to addressing the threat of isil. that's why taking on foreign fighters, cracking down on their financing. humanitarian assistance, delegitimizing isil. these are all components of this comprehensive strategy we're working on. >> how does it complicate things or work on your objective that many who wind up being bad guys as perceived by some in the world, aren't you somehow inciting bad reaction from the isis side? >> well david cameron stated this morning, this growth of terrorism, this growth of extremist ideology already exists around the world. what we need to do is figure out
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how to take it on. there is a voice that individuals can play, who have a greater role, a greater impact on their people. by saying isis is not islam. you know, isis is one of the worst terrorist organizations we've seen. they are making, it seem like muslims in the world, like islam is an evil, terrorist group, it's not. so there's an important role for many different entities, many different voices to play. >> where is that big voice from them? the u.s. can't argue compellingly to the muslim world that isis is or isn't anything when it comes to islam. it has to come from that culture. where is that motivation? >> first, chris, delegitimizing isil and having a range of voices out there doing it is such an important part of this comprehensive strategy, that we're leading the effort on. >> how do you stop the double-dealing? >> it's important to note here, the egyptian mufti, and the saudi arabia muftis have spoken out about isil, the threat that
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it poses, the fact it that it does not represent islam. there's more that many countries in the arab community need to do to get the message out there. >> while you use the term mufti it makes them sound purely religious, they're not. they work for the states there and while that's a message coming out from the state. the bigger message from those states isn't coming out. egypt, saudi arabia specifically are not putting their fighters in harm's way to fight a righteous war against islam. neither is turkey. these are big names, don't you need the big names to step up to make the compelling case. >> all of those countries you mentioned are part of the coalition. a litmus test is not taking military action, that's not our litmus test here. let's take turkey, for example. turkey has played an incredibly important role and they'll do more, cracking down on foreign fighters, they're an important counterterrorism partner with the united states. these played an important humanitarian role. i was in a meeting last night with general allen. a lot of the same leaders you mentioned, one of the things he said, after the guns silence,
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hammers and the hammering of nails needs to be the next sound. we need to lift up these communities and show them there's a better choice and a different choice. and that's one of the roles that turkey and other countries can play. >> it is a very complex situation. and that's why you point out that air strikes are just one component. they're there are going to have to be many more. do you think, given the complexity, that this really required a full and thorough debate like what we're seeing in the uk right now? here in the u.s., obviously. >> we would have welcomed it. one of the wonderful things about american democracy, that we have the debate whether it's on television like we're having now or whether in the united states congress. we would have welcomed the support. we still would welcome the support of the action by congress. >> the president didn't say to congress -- come back, like david cameron did, come back, debate it in full right now. he didn't do that. why? >> well the president has a responsibility to protect the security and the safety of the american people. and isil and khorasan and these groups pose a threat to western interests. we would certainly welcome and
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encourage congress to ak. but we also need to act in a way that protects our interests. >> the government is going out of its way right now. i don't need to teach you constitutional law. you know it better than i do. the government says we have a specific threat from isis. we have to be careful because they're bad over there. that's not what triggers the president's ability to use military action. you could declare war, which functionally you have, if the congress says so. so shouldn't the president have called them back? i know why, politically he doesn't want to, because they've been very obstructionist. but shouldn't that have been done? isn't that the right way to enter the entire country into a long-term war by your own admission? >> first of all, i think one, the threat of isil is coming from safe havens in syria. and it's not just limited by a geographical border. that's the reason why we acted in syria. and why other countries acted in syria. the iraqis have asked to us help them, because they cannot defend
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themselves, they're not equipped at this point to defend themselves against this threat. and we've seen from the syrian regime is that they're unwilling or unable to do that. so it's not just about what is the immediate threat. it's what it could become and what's the potential and i think the american people want to know that their commander-in-chief is going to take that on and prevent that from being a larger threat to their interests. >> all strong points, which would have necessitated the president of the united states to say to congress -- come back, i'm going to make this case, like david cameron is. and we've got to get into this, because it may not seem like they're on our doorstep now. but they may be. so you better do your job. and of course congress needs the pushing, because they don't want to do it because of mid-terms and hundreds of other weak reasons. do you think it was a mistake? >> if congress wants to come back, we would certainly welcome that. >> will he ask them to? >> i think the president, we've been clear, the president has been clear that he acted because it's in the interests of the american people. congress has the will and the ability to come back and take action, have a debate if they want to have that debate. we'd welcome that. but we're not going to stand by
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and wait for a terrorist threat to grow while congress decides whether or not they're going to come back. >> jen psaki, thank you very much for being on the set of "new day." we need your voice. a lot of other news as well, let's get to john berman in for michaela. jesse matthew, suspected of abducting university of virginia student hannah graham is being brought back to virginia. he waived extradition following his arrest in texas. police are searching for graham, who was last seen with matthew before she disappeared 13 days ago. we're learning that matthew was investigated in a 2002 rape case, but never charged because of lack of evidence. we're learning about a misstep that led investigators to close in on wanted fugitive, eric frein. the philadelphia enchoirer reporting that frein turned on his cell phone for a few seconds, long enough for
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investigators to narrow their search parameters. so apple dogged with problems with its ios 8 update released another update that it says will fix the problem. but australian users who have already installed it say they are still experiencing problems with their touch i.d. and cellular networking connectivity. meanwhile, apple is taking a beating over iphone 6 bendgate. its main rival, samsung, tweeted that the galaxy note edge is curved, not bent. >> apparent tli there were nine people on earth complaining of the bend problem. >> well the other day it was skinny jeans, skinny jeans, iphone. >> you accused me of wearing skinny jeans -- >> that's right. >> i don't understand the curve, not bend, please explain? >> i think the galaxy, it's curved. >> it is curved. >> it's got a curved lens and they think that's a big deal, the samsung people do.
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>> it was like a veiled attack. >> yes. >> thank you for clarifying. >> not so thinly veiled. >> unless you're wearing skinny jeans. >> which i hope is more than thinly veiled. dozens of officials converging on the white house this morning to work on a truly emerging threat, ebola. we're live in liberia with the deadly outbreak is not slowing down. how bad is it? we're going to tell you. and stunning moments caught on video -- this south carolina state trooper, shoots this unarmed man during the guy was at a gas station, was he in the right? did this officer overreact? we'll have a big conversation about this, coming up. "hello. you can go ahead and put your bag right here." "have a nice flight." ♪ music plays
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welcome back, you're watching "new day" here on cnn. a new push for global health security. we have leaders from four dozen countries meeting this morning at the white house to develop strategies to fight infectious disease threats like ebola. this meeting comes one day after president obama spoke at the united nations about ebola. saying the world has been really too slow to respond. elizabeth cohen is on the ground for news liberia. elizabeth, we're coming to you in a minute. but first to the white house, to michelle kosinski. good morning. >> we'll hear the president
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speak this morning at the global health security agenda. something he launched in february to try to deal with emerging global health threats. so of course, right now, the focus is firmly on ebola. we did hear him speak just yesterday about this. at the u.n., calling it a global security issue. saying that everybody needs to pitch in to try to stop this. we've also heard the white house call it a national security priority. that's because the numbers that we've been hearing, even just this week from global health officials, have been staggering. we could see nearly a million and a half cases of ebola by january. that the number of cases has been doubling about every three weeks. and the u.s. has led the effort in sending resources and now troops to the region to oversee the building of hospitals and training of new workers. but we did hear from the cdc this week, to saying yes, the global response has been slow. and gatherings like this one today are aiming to coordinate
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and speed up that response. >> a national security threat so says the white house, michelle, thank you very much. let's go to africa, our senior medical correspondent traveled all the way to monrovia. she's in the thick and heart of this ebola outbreak. elizabeth, you know, you're there on the ground, you're talking to people. what are they saying? this is huge and it's getting worse. >> that's right, brooke, that's what they say, it's dire, getting worse and it will continue to get worse until it gets better. there's a real presence here of aid workers and agencies from all around the world, but still haven't quite managed to turn that corner. let me show you one of the reasons why. take a look at this ebola center we went to, in rural liberia, in bome county, can you see there are patients on the floor on mattresses, the unit is supposed to house 12 people. they sometimes have nearly double that number. and in some ways these patients, i don't want to call them lucky. they at least are in a center.
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there are people who are dying on the streets because they can't get into any kind of facility at all. brooke? >> when you talk about people turning the corner, the question is, what did they need, but i think the better question is, what don't they need? they need so much. >> they need so much. first of all, there needs to be changes here in the culture, too many people are still handling dead bodies, part of the culture here to wash them in some of the groups here. that needs to stop. number two, they need more beds, as i mentioned. and number three, they need what one doctor told me is command and control. if you take a look at the pictures when we got when we arrived here on sunday, this is an ambulance in front of a brand-new ebola treatment unit. this one unit is increasing the number of ebola beds in liberia by 50%. a big deal that this thing opened. when it opened. there was nobody there to take patients out of the ambulance into the hospital. so patients who couldn't walk
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themselves laid around in these ambulances. i'm not going to show you the pictures of when they fell out and laid on the ground, it was very disturbing. we were here and said hey, what happened? you're open and you don't have anybody to carry anybody in? so command and control is very important. when i talk to the liberians, they say that's ha they hope the american military will bring, a sense of order rather than a bunch of different aid groups doing different things. >> it's staggering. echoing what michelle said at the white house, national security issue. elizabeth cohen in monrovia in liberia for us, thank you so much. you and your crew being there. also keeping an eye on another round of protests erupting in ferguson, missouri, hours after a police chief issued this apology to michael brown's family. tried marching with the group for a minute. you'll see what happened after that. plus on "inside politics,"
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one of the president's most trusted and controversial members of his administration -- resigns. the big question, who will replace attorney general eric holder? a look at the fight brewing on capitol hill ahead. we know we're not the center of your life, but we'll do our best to help you connect to what is.
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iraq's new prime minister, who said iraqi intelligence uncovered a plot to attack subways in the united states and paris. the fbi believe it is has identified the masked militant who speaks in three videos of isis beheading westerners, but as of now, they are declining to name him. two california men have been found guilty of conspiring to support terrorists and kill americans overseas. sahil kabeer and raffle deleon face life sentences for these convictions, prosecutors said the men planned to train overseas to target the u.s. military and its allies. the fbi director raising concerns about apple and google's new privacy features on smartphones. james comey accuses the two companies of marketing products that make data inaccessible to law enforcement. google and apple announced their new operating systems will be encrypted about by default. no pro athlete charged in
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domest iic violence case, charlotte hornets nba player jeff horner arrested in detroit this week. no other details released. a league spokesman says they are aware of taylor's arrest and they are investigating. it will be interesting to see how the nba responds. >> it will, more proof that domestic violence is everywhere. it's no the just about sports. >> it's not new this isn't new, guys. >> we just seem to care because now it's hitting one of the bold-faced names. but it's a conversation we need to have, it's a problem that is literally all over society. >> another thing that's all over the place, is the politics involving what's going on with the war against isis. and so many other pressing issues. so we take you "inside politics" on "new day" with, mr. john king. happy friday, my friend. >> hello. >> happy friday, chris, brooke and john, it is busy, the war against isis, the looming mid-term election and now president obama losing one of his closest friends and trusted advisers in the cabinet. with me to go "inside politics" to share insight, julia pace of
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the "associated press" and maeve preston. >> yesterday the president announced eric holder will be leaving soon and the attorney general on his way out striking a personal note. >> we have been great colleagues, but the bonds between us are much deeger than that. in good times and in bad in things personal and in things professional, you have been there for me. i'm proud to call you my friend. >> they have become close friends, julie pace and now eric hold certificate leaving, he's been a lightning rod for republicans. democrats especially the civil rights community a big fans of this attorney general. voting rights, civil rights, environmental regulations, the president might take executive action on immigration after the election. there might be one, maybe even two supreme court picks in the last two years of the administration. this is a huge job. who gets it? >> it's a huge job. and eric holder has been at the forefront of so many of these issues that the president cares
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about. one of the questions that people will look at in terms of a replacement is does he go with someone who has sort of similar approach to eric holder? who while he has been controversial, has been very forward-leaning on things like voting rights, lgbt rights as well. does he go for someone who maybe isn't as sort of bold personally, but is more of a legal scholar. there is alet of talk about donald verilli, the solicitor general. there are a couple of people floating around, kathy rumler the former white house counsel, now in private practice, but is close with the president. we'll see if he goes with the straightforward legal scholar or someone who has the same fire power that eric hold her. >> the final two years of the administration, you think the policy is basically set. you know you're just keeping the ship, the train on the tracks. there are so many pressing issues for the justice department. plus the surprises that come up. things like ferguson, other things that could happen. huge, but do you want to take that job for two years in this political environment?
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>> not only that but i think the president's choices are going to be somewhat limited because of the climate in congress. he's, because holder has been such a lightning rod, you're already hearing from all of these senators who are saying hold on, take your time with this decision, because they're just waiting for a huge battle. >> let's look at that the choices facing the president, you want to row place your attorney general as soon as possible. eric holder says he'll stay until the replacement is confirmed. congress is coming back after the election this year. we know democrats will be in charge of the senate then. they've changed the rules, so if they could have the confirmation process then, they could get it through with a majority vote. what if the republicans take the majority in november. listen to reaction from republicans, chuck grassley from iowa is the ranking republican, he would be the chairman in january if the republicans get a net gain of six seats. he says rather than rush a nominee through in a lame duck session, i hope the president will take his time to nominate a
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qualified individual who can start fresh relationships with congress to we can solve the problems facing our country. chuck grassley more of an establishment republican figure and ted cruz, who has been known to make his points on the senate floor says the same thing. he says allowing democratic senators, many of whom likely will have been just defeated at the polls to confirm holder's successor will be an abuse of power that should not be count innocenced. >> yesterday there was this theory that republicans dislike holder so much that if he said he was going to step down whenever his successor was confirmed, they would just rush to confirm him. but clearly you see that republicans want to take a vote, they want to have their say. this is an important position, someone who can be potentially very controversial and they, if they think they can influence that pick, they want to have the votes. >> and let's be honest, republicans like the fight, right? holder has given them a lot to talk about. over the time that he's been in office. and so it will be really tricky for the president. and also just the timing alone,
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do you ram someone through and try to get someone in? or just wait and have a bigger fight. >> the white house says the president is not ready to make the pick. but he's known since the summer that eric holder is preparing to head for the door. so i don't think we'll have to wait as long as some are suggesting. if you get the "economist" magazine, look at this this morning, the president of course launching air strikes in syria, in addition to iraq. speaking to the united nations this week. telling leaders around the world, you have to pick sides and join the united states. he says in this fight against terrorist groups. and iconic image. we can go back and show what that's based on. that was george w. bush when he went on the aircraft carrier with the famous, now infamous "mission accomplished" banner. this is certainly not the closing chapter that he envisioned when he ran for the presidency six years ago. >> it is just so striking to see, to see that image and to draw these comparisons. they say that yes, we are back in iraq. we are opening a military campaign in syria. but that everyone needs to understand that this is much different than what bush did.
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these are air strikes at this point. even when they talk about having troops on the ground. they're not talking about large combat missions, but that is a substantial difference and people should be aware of that. at the same time, iraq was something that the president wanted to leave behind. he thought he had left it behind. and the fact that we are there in some capacity militarily, is very striking. >> he says no boots on the ground. but you still have another american president defined as a war-time president launching air strikes in a very unpredictable middle east. >> obviously this has been a difficult issue on the campaign trail. and i think to julie's point, it's not necessarily true that americans see a huge difference in the current struggle that we're engaged in and the one in the past. and obviously there's so much resistance to ground troops in a combat role. but the administration's hand really may get forced further down the line. because we have a lot of people on the republican side saying you're never going to win unless you have a much stronger effort in here. >> if nothing else, takes up a lot of the oxygen when it comes to the president's foreign policy.
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what did we learn this week? i asked the question of these two smart ladies about jeb bush. we've been wondering will jeb bush run for president in 2016. hitting the campaign trail in north carolina, told reporters this is more of a family decision than a political decision we know his wife has long been opposed to high-profile role. >> this is the one case where that's actually probably really true. >> did we get any hints? he was out there and our friend jonathan martin writing in "the new york times," a few bumps and bruises, some of his positions are not in sync, immigration for example and education standards with the republican base. is that something that will draw jeb bush to the debate? does he want to have that fight? or does he say, no, never mind. >> it was so interesting that he was bold enough on the campaign trail to really dive into the issues that are going to be his biggest problems with the republican base. common core, the education standards and immigration. and you know, when you're out there on the trail in iowa, new hampshire, you mentioned jeb bush's name to voters and some people literally recoil. i mean there is really a lot of
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animosity in the base toward his position on those issues. and we all think of him you know in donors talk about him as the savior that could drop into the race and raise all this money. he's going to have huge issues. >> i think that's going to be the question, he came out this week and he stood by issues that he, that he believes in, and that he feels strongly on and got a somewhat lukewarm reaction. if he decides to move forward, are we going to see him in these positions? >> does he want to be part of the policy strug that will will be part of the 2016 nominating contest. happy friday, julie and maeve. i'm sure mr. berman, my fellow red sox nation member agrees with me, amen for derek jeter last night. what a story-book ending at yankee stadium. i respect him enormously for saying he'll play at least a little bit this weekend at fenway. >> i think certain things are bigger than the game itself.
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derek jeter would be one of them. so i appreciate you being that way as a red sox fan especially. you're a good man, john king and i hope you have a good weekend. >> we'll miss derek jeter on the field. >> he's the real deal. he said his favorite moment in playing baseball, what he loves the moment is touching home plate to help his team. think about that. john berman. all right, well of course you can watch john king, a good man, on "inside politics" this sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. on cnn. now we've been trying to keep you focused on ferguson, because the situation is far from over. what you're looking at right now is the police chief in the middle of angry demonstrators. this is what's still going on in missouri. this is after the chief apologized to michael brown's family. doesn't mean he's ready to resign or anything like that, even though they're asking for his job. we'll bring you the latest. and stunning video raising a lot of questions this morning, watch this, south carolina state trooper, shooting an unarmed black man during a traffic stop. he actually discuss it during the incident. we'll show you what happened.
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breaking overnight, tensions boiling over in ferguson, missouri. again, as protesters called for the police chief's job -- again. last night, chief tom jackson addressed the crowd, even tried marching with demonstrators, this happened just hours after issuing a public apology following his actions following the michael brown shooting. a scuffle broke out behind him, several protesters were arrested. earlier, cnn's anna cabrera spoke with jackson in a cnn exclusive. here's what he had to say. >> what we going to do to get justice? because you see the whole ferguson is [ bleep ] in an uproar. the whole city in an uproar. >> it was a tense standoff overnight. >> so -- do we have a lynch mob? >> protesters taking to the streets again in ferguson. this time, chanting outside the police station.
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>> police chief tom jackson coming out to address the crowd and trying to answer their questions. >> what y'all going to do to help us? i got to die? to make sure nothing [ bleep ] brother don't go? i will. >> what do you want me to do? what do you want me to do. >> what you mean, what i -- >> what do you want me to do? >> the protest turning more chaotic. >> with multiple protesters arrested. >> i we have rights! we try to get unity and this what y'all do! >> just hours after the chief gave this apology. >> i want to say to any peaceful protester who do not feel i did enough to protect their constitutional right to protest, i'm sorry for that. in hopes of calming the community. i want to say this to the brown's family, no one who has not experienced the loss of a
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child can understand what you're feeling. i'm truly sorry for the loss of your son. i'm also sorry that it took so long to remove michael from the street. >> it's the first time embattled chief jackson has publicly said i'm sorry in the nearly seven weeks since unarmed teenager michael brown was shot and killed by ferguson police officer darren wilson. >> you issued an apology video. >> i did. >> why did it take so long for that to happen? >> well there's been so much going on. and every day there's been a different challenge. ever since august 9th. this is something that's just been weighing on me. something that needed to be said. should have been said a long time ago. it's never been the intention of the ferguson police department or of any police department that i know of, to intentionally target individuals because of race. if there is that happening, it's a crime and it needs to be addressed. >> jackson had hoped thursday's apology would lead to a fresh
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beginning. >> i know there are residents who are worried. are you worried? >> no. i'm not worried. i think we can manage this. i think we can come out much better than we started. >> but as last night's protests showed, this community has a long way to go toward healing. anna cabrera, cnn, ferguson, missouri. the point is, far from over in that situation. there was another shooting of an unarmed black man to tell but. this time in south carolina, all on video, can you watch for yourself. the state trooper pulls the man over during a routine traffic stop and this happens. why? a lot of questions, we'll get you some answers. we've already met. i'm sorry. i don't remember. that's ok. i can remember lots of things. like your favorite kinds of restaurants. i cannot remember that. i can remember appointments and help you get there on time. or that. or remember favorite news topics. or that either.
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butky tell you at the end, jones survived the shooting. take a look. >> may i see your license, please? get out of the car! get out of car! [ gunshots ] >> get on the ground! get on the ground! >> i just got my license, i asked for my license, i grabbed the license right here. that's my license, right there. >> put your hands behind your back. >> what you doing? >> put your hands behind your back. put your hands behind your back. >> what did i do, sir? >> are you hit? >> i think so. i can't feel my leg. i don't know what happened. >> why did you shoot me? >> you defense head-first back into your car. >> i'm sorry. >> why did you shoot me? i'm sorry. the officer has been fired. the let me get that out there ands he's been charged with aggravated assault and battery. mo ivory, radio host and
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attorney joins me and paul callan, senior sn analyst and city homicide prosecutor. welcome to both of you. i mean i've seen it a few times now, it sort of makes you sick to the stomach to watch. i want to begin with this visceral reaction to this video. mo, to you. >> i wasn't surprised when i saw it, and brooke, i'm not shocked, i don't think this is the first time we've seen graphic video of an officer shooting a suspect. what i'm so happy about is there was the video and there was swift movement. we've seen these kind of videos before. but what we haven't seen is swift movement towards doing something to these officers that are obviously using excessive force. so what i was pleased about was that we're telling this story and we're finally seeing some action against a police officer. but this is obviously not in isolated incident. or something that we know, we know isn't going on in the streets every day. >> just another example as we >> have seen in ferguson, the
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dash cams we'll get to in a minute. paul callan your response? >> one of the most shocking videos you've seen of police misconduct. >> it? is? wow? >> he's trying to fire into the chest of this innocent victim who, by the way, was just obeying the officer's order to go for his lbicense. once the officer pulls the trigger it's like he's on autopil autopilot. it's a disturbing film and south carolina authorities moved quickly unlike ferguson by the way where things have stalled i think and the public has become upset about the case. >> staying with you, though, and it's stunning just to hear you in all your years saying this is one of the worst pieces of video you've seen. we know this officer has been charged with aggravated assault and battery, carries up to 20 years in prison. his boss says he didn't follow
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protocol, there wasn't the threat he perceived existed. you said before the segment there is no slam dunk in criminal law. >> no, there isn't. i'll give you an example of it. the last time i saw a tape it wasn't as bad but you remember rodney king in california, surrounded by police officers, clubbed him, kicked him, beat him. that case went to trial before a california jury and no convictions in the case by a state jury, despite the compelling nature of that video. later on there were convictions in a subsequent federal case. i would be surprised if this case doesn't result in a conviction. >> mo, you say you weren't necessarily surprised by it. of course we've watched multiple incidents of young men being shot unarmed men being shot and a lot of times killed. fortunately for this man he was treated and released from the
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hospital but it is another example of i don't know if it's lack of training among police officers which we talked about so much in the wake of ferguson or also the fact that this is one example where there happened to be a dash cam camera rolling. >> and a dash cam rolling and also not the cell phones of people who sort of just were in the area which always seems to discredit when it starts to cycle and the story begins to cycle but i was shocked to hear paul say that's one of the most shocking videos. to me no more shocking than eric garner being choked out by police officers in the middle of the street while he was begging for his life. we've seen plenty of examples of these video whoever was taking the video to know we have a serious problem. again, you were right, we don't know, paul, what is going to happen to this officer once the trial starts but what i was pleased to see was that he was immediately fired because many times officers aren't even fired even when they are arrested and they go to jail.
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they're still wade on administrative leave. i was pleased to see he was fired and goes to trial. >> police officers like suspects have due process as well. you have an arrest quickly when you have compelling, clear evidence. you cited that choke hold case, that is still under investigation in new york. >> right and the officer has not been arrested. >> there was no video camera in that, a cell phone video that only showed part of theiness kent. >> an issue of force i understand, mo, what you're getting at but it is different and let me point out -- >> no, the autopsy showing he was choke hold and that was the reason for his death. >> we're talking the video of the incident not the autopsy. >> we'll be watching to see what happens with this officer, here he was fired potentially could face 20 years in prison and this is also someone who received a medal of valor in 2012 from the state of south carolina. it's just incredible how one
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incident can change really the rest of your life for not just him but the victim here as well. mo ivory, thank you very much, paul callan, thank you. >> thank you. moving along this morning, new fears about terror plotsence the united states, new air strikes are launched in iraq and syria, what authorities are saying now and this sunday at 9:00 p.m. eastern right here on cnn, anthony bourdain, travels to shanghai in the season premiere of "parts unknown" and he realizes he has a lot to learn apparently about chinese culture and cuisine. >> shanghai. whatever you think of china, whatever you think you think of china, there's no way around it's one of the most dynamic, exciting, fast-changing places on earth. i'd like to know a lot about china. i'd like to know everything about china. if i've learned anything it's that there's not enough time to
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high alert, cities ramping up security across the country after the iraqi prime minister says subways could be attacked. the u.s., however, balking at the claims, but the fbi director's pointing to a far more real threat. we have the latest. breaking overnight the pentagon confirming more air strikes overnight. what were the targets this time this as britain's parliament is debating right now as to whether they want to join the fight. breaking overnight, protests and arrests in ferguson, missouri. the police chief arguing with protesters trying to calm the crowd, this just hours after his apology to the community. we'll have that dramatic standoff. your "new day" continues right now.
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>> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan and michaela pereira. >> good morning, welcome back to "new day." it is friday, september 26th, 8:00 in the east. brooke baldwin is here. >> oh, hello. >> great to have you here. >> because? >> an amazing morning for kate bolduan and her beautiful husband and now beautiful baby girl. it's going to be great stuff, we'll show you pictures and tell you what's going on. we have a lot of news to talk to you about first. breaking overnight a new round of u.s.-led air strikes targeting isis in iraq and syria, and here at home, u.s. officials say there is no evidence of an eminent attack but that isn't stopping officials from upping security in major cities after a warning from iraq's prime minister about an isis plot against mass transit. >> we have more on that for you this morning. also the fbi believes it has identified this masked terrorist seen speaking in these three
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different isis beheading videos, and in britain this morning, live pictures here of parliament. prime minister david cameron pressing members of parliament for approval to strike ice this iraq, iraq and iraq only so we have all angled covered this friday beginning with cnn's jason carroll. jason, good morning. >> good morning to you, brooke. iraq's prime minister had officials trying to sort out intelligence after the prime minister said there was a plot to attack subways in the united states. u.s. officials are downplaying that intelligence simply saying it is not credible. at subways in major cities across the country this morning, commuters can expect increased security after iraq's new prime minister blind-sided u.s. intelligence officials thursday telling reporters that "iraqi intelligence had uncovered an alleged plot to attack subways in the u.s. and paris." federal officials now say there is no credible threat.
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>> we're obviously in close consultation with the iraqi government. there is no specific credible threat whatsoever that they have uncovered to the united states. >> reporter: offering further clarification that the prime minister was referring to the general threat isis poses to the united states. new york city mayor bill de blasio and the city's police commissioner reassuring the public by taking the subway to a news conference to ease concerns. >> we are convinced that new yorkers are safe. we're convinced people should go about their normal routine. terrorists want to us live in fear. we refuse to live in fear. >> reporter: this latest headline coming on the heels of u.s. air strikes on targets in syria this week, aimed at destabilizing the terror group and an al qaeda offshoot. the khorasan group. fbi director james komi telling us the threat from the al qaeda cells are still out there saying
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he's not confident at all plotting on the khorasan group was disrupted. commercial passenger jets, testing explosive devices that could be hidden maskle as tooth pait tubes and other non-metallic items packed inside lug annual. >> we can't say with great definition or specificity that we know we disrupted that particular plot. we do know we hit the targets we were aiming at. >> reporter: on thursday fbi officials confirm they have finally identified the man heard in all three of those chilling isis execution videos. as for the alleged subway plot, security officials say while they do not believe it could be credible this time, they point out that since 9/11, there has been at least a dozen credible terror plots against new york city. >> jason, thank you very much. >> part of the reality post 9/11, we have to live with it and figure out how to be smart about it. another round of u.s.-led
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air strikes pounding syria and iraq. we bring in cnn washington correspondent joe johns monitoring the latest. >> u.s. central command confirming ten air strikes thursday and today in iraq as well as syria as part of the campaign to degrade and destroy isis capabilities in those two countries. u.s. military forces taking out targets of opportunity on the ground, making it more difficult for isis forces to operate freely and out in the open. five of the air strikes in iraq were south and southwest of kirkuk, damaging vehicles on the ground, including one minor resistant ambush protected vehicle and they took out a bunker west of iraq and command and control node and check point. there were three air strikes south of deir ezzor. these are inkremtal steps in the
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war against isis. the aim of the u.s. military is to make it difficult for isis to move assets and otherwise conduct their operations in those areas, chris. >> very complex, they have to work on their intelligence, going mainly with pop-up targets, what they see readily available. that's why they keep say it will be a long time. joe johns, thank you very much for the reporting this morning. brooke? >> let's have a bigger conversation here about what's happening in the uk in parliament, joined by former u.s. ambassador to the u.n., bill richardson and senior commentator jay carney, former white house press secretary. let's throw up the live pictures for the british part amount. they've been debating whether or not they join the u.s.-led coalition air strikes, specifically in iraq. gentlemen, good morning first to both of you and mr. ambassador first, i think to quote christiane amanpour the word she used in watching british parliament, riveting. give us a sense of what we're
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watching here first? >> what we're watching is a strategy unfolding by the administration, first you get the arab countries, the saudis, the uar, uae, qatar, jordan involved in the military operation. the next step, though, is our allies for the real serious air strikes. we are taking the lead but france is going to be needed, britain is going to be needed, and what is happening is the leaders of france and england are preparing their politics to make sure that they get the public support. i suspect because of the beheadings and the international coalition effort at the u.n., a very successful week at the u.n., that they'll get the support to conduct the air strikes so it's the politics, the dynamics, the internal work that is taking place. >> that's kind of what's at play there in london. jay, to you. just thinking of the president of course when we think of the usual suspects and allies, britain being one of them as far as helping the united states,
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all but perhaps assume they will vote yes on helping with the air strikes in iraq but perhaps no when it comes to syria, and that is not exactly how the administration would like to see that play out. >> no, that's right, brooke. the president has been very careful as ambassador richardson was saying in constructing this coalition in a methodical way so that he can present the best case both here at home and to our key allies in britain and france, not just the leaders who were with him but to the people of those countries. as you know, in the past, we have seen a critical vote in the uk not go our way and we need to, in order to make this a stronger case against isis not just in iraq but syria, we need all of our allies with us. i think the president will do everything he can to try to make that happen. >> jay just referenced the vote last year when the british parliament said no to the strikes in syria, that was over something entirely different but
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nevertheless it was a no. why not? why not have the uk get on board when it comes to syria? what is at stake for them? >> well, besides the dramatic show of that beheading, britain is a leader in nato. and they have a sophisticated air capability. the internal problem was such that tony blair took enormous grief for what happened in iraq. i think eventually, brooke, they will support what happens in syria. >> you do? >> i do think eventually. >> how long will it take? >> well, you know, it may take a little while but i think the sentiment i'm suspecting after talking to a lot of people here at the u.n. that this coalition is really a very strong and very
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forward-looking coalition, and we're going to see substantial military involvement. we don't want countries to join and say we're going to help but all they do is provide food and blankets. >> right, not to play that down but. >> not to put it down but we need air strikes. it can't be just the u.s. although we're taking the lead and we're the best at it, and it's showing results. >> okay, so here is the prime minister, and he basically said to these mps, these members of parliament, hey, you need to come back because we need to have this open debate and vote on this. you see where i'm going. the question is why is this not happening? we have hey members of congress on "new day" all week long and pressing them as far as why are you not back at work? why are you not having an open debate? why is the. the not saying to congress, we need to debate about this, we need to vote. >> well there's a bit of a conspiracy here in which both parties are involved, which is nobody wants to test that,
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because we have midterm elections coming up, you know, members of congress as i know ambassador richardson recalls can be allergic to tough votes especially when if the voters are about to go to the ballot box and the president would prefer at least for now not to have the potential for disruption in congress of this plan on the horizon. so at least for now i think there's a sort of quiet conspiracy between all sides to put this off. >> what are your thoughts on that? >> i agree with jay. right now politicians both parties they don't want to take a vote, so conveniently they're leaving to campaign, but i think eventually maybe after the recess is over and the campaign is over, they should take a vote. >> get on the record. >> this is a major war that the united states is involved in. but democrats have their progressive base that is not supportive of air strikes and activity like this, and then
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republicans, i think they're playing their politics. they don't want to give the president a vote on a national security issue that is the right thing to do. that's how i see it. >> okay, back to this bigger picture here, we'll let that go for now. turkey, to you. we know that the president called president erdogan yesterday from air force one, had some sort of conversation because i think it was "the wall street journal" said that their quote was erdogan has been conspicuously absent thus far, as far as this coalition goes. you have this nato nation, they are right there. you look at the geography and you can see the black isis flag from the border. if anything, helping stop the flow of foreign fighters in and out of turkey, but why aren't they doing more? >> well, that's very disappointing. erdogan just was made president, got elected, he got his hostages out. >> right. >> he's a member of nato. we really need them for humanitarian assistance, they're strategically located for their
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military operations. i think he's playing his muslim politi politics. i think he sees a vacuum in muslim leadership and he wants to go in there and, for instance it shouldn't be egypt. it shouldn't be the saudis. it's got to be me, and he has that internal strength right now, because he was reelected but it's disapointing because we really worked hard with turkey to make them part of nato. we pushed that. we pushed them getting into the european union, and if they want to be part of europe, the european union eventually, they have to join. i think eventually they will, but he's playing politics. >> jay, how does the president get them on board? >> i think he and erdogan have a longstanding relationship. they've spent a lot of time on the phone. whenever they get on the phone the call is lengthy and covers a lot of subjects, but i think there are complicated regional politics. turkey and turkey's leaders are being short sighted about how
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they view their regional influence, their opposition to assad, how they want to be players in what happens in syria, and it's cost the region already because of the way foreign fighters have been able to flood into the region, into syria, so i hope, i think the coalition should hope that this turns around, that with the election behind him, with the hostages freed that erdogan will come to the table here and do the right thing. >> jay carney in washington, thank you, sir, very much. mr. ambassador, bill richardson, thank you for the time this morning. i really appreciate it. and now to john berman who is in for michaela for some of the day's top stories. john, good morning. >> brooke, we have breaking news, all flights have been stopped at chicago's o'hare and midway airports because of a fire at an faa radar facility in aurora, illinois. the facility is a traffic control center. all the employees have been evacuated. one person was injured. pilots on the ground have been told to shut off their engines. o'hare, one of the busiest airports in the world, guys,
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this is going to be a mess. expect extensive flight delays out of chicago. happening now, pedestrian bridge has collapsed onto a busy detroit freeway snarling traffic and injuring one person. one car was crushed underneath when it collapsed. the driver was not seriously hurt. officials say a truck driving northbound may have struck the bridge with a hitch causing the entire bridge to collapse. it caused a major backup. jesse matthew, suspected of abducting a university of virginia student hannah graham is. ed to be extradited to virginia today after an arrest in texas. police are searching for graham, last seen with matthew before she disappeared 13 days ago. matthew was investigated in a 2002 rape case but never charged because of lack of evidence. it happened in the bronx but the ending pure hollywood. derek jeter in the final at-bat of his final home game of his career drove in the winning run,
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a walkoff single in the ninth as the yankees beat the orioles 6-5. derek jeter will play his final games in boston but he is not going to play short stop. he wanted his final games at short, the position he manned his entire career, he will dh for one or two games in fenway. the red sox and all the fans in boston are thrilled, very excited to see jeter head up there and play his final days. >> you were at the game last night. >> i was, great moment to be there, got to get mario his special jeter hat, it was cool. my buddy erica and adam, we've been to lots of yankee games together. i love derek jeter because of off the field. >> people were saying thank you, he was like for what? all i was doing was coming and do what i love every day. >> it's all about numbers and money and the vanity of the sport, he said his favorite thing in baseball is every time he touches his plate to help his team. >> his little boy called during
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the commercial break today is the day you have to wear the yankees hat to school. >> and then he hung up on me. >> bye-bye dad. iraq's prime minister making news this morning, he says he has intel indicating isis was planning to attack rail lines in europe and the u.s. including new york city's subway system, all at risk he says, but is that credible information? what we know about the chatter ahead. and we are keeping a close eye on what's been happening in ferguson, missouri. you see the protests. this isn't old video. this is just in the last 24 hours, happening again protesters, people upset, the ferguson police chief now has issued this public apology, so what happened when he was face to face with this crowd? we'll show you ahead. ♪
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we are convinced new yorkers are safe and people should go about their normal routine. terrorists want to us live in fear. we refuse to live in fear. >> the mayor there, the commissioner bill brattin over one shoulder, his deputy john miller over the other all agreeing there is no specific threat. however, we're hearing from a former head of -- head of state from iraq there could be a plot to attack the new york city subway system. who tubl? all our officials say they believe there's no indication of such a plot other than the warning from iraq's prime minister. he says his country uncovered the alleged plan.
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so we also then have to build into the picture the fbi, the director james comey. he says he's "not confident that air strikes in syria have stopped the khorasan group from carrying out an attack." state officials say they're not worried, the fbi says the khorasan threat is still alive. what does it mean? joining us cnn justice correspondent evan perez, cnn law enforcement analyst and former fbi assistant director tom fuentes and phil mudd, former cia counterterrorism official. evan, let me start with you. i mappingled my read there. let's get the reporting straight for us, okay? who thinks there is a threat? who thinks there is not? >> well, chris, it is very confusing. the iraqi prime minister said that they have intelligence developed locally that there was this plot to attack the subways in france and in the united states. now all day yesterday i made a dozen calls and even this morning i'm hearing from officials that there is no known
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plot against subways in the united states. now, given that obviously, you recall the 2004 madrid train bombings, 2005 bombings in london and thork is alwaysnew y always a top target for terrorists. u.s. officials say there is something they always keep in mind and they're always worried there might be these types of attacks and so you saw new york raise, add some more security to the subway stations, and that's their response today, simply we're going to keep watching this, but there's nothing, nothing indicating a plot. >> philip mudd, why would the iraqi prime minister lie, if he either has the information or he doesn't, it's not that it won't get carried out. he's just saying i have the information and you have the new york officials say yeah, we don't buy it. >> chris, finally i feel like after all the time i talked to you, i get to take you into my old life. let's sort the spaghetti.
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the prime minister got it backwards n my business you get a piece of information like that, apparently the information is from a detainee you've got to go through a validation process that might take months. i remember threats that we dealt with that took more than a year to resolve, and some threats i remember we never resolved. we could never quite figure out what the terrorists were talking about. so at the beginning of the process you get a vague threat like what the prime minister was talking about. you look at whether other security services or detainees are talking about the same thing, look whether informants who can validate it, tactical information where terrorists are referring to something like this and slowly the puzzle pieces come together. to close, chris, i suspect what happened the prime minister had one puzzle piece and laid it on the table too early. >> i've had more than one nightmare about being in your former life with you, philip mudd, i want to you know that, not a place i would ever want to be. fuentes, when they have your man, comey, the head of the fbi saying hey, we don't think we stopped the khorasan threat. we think something's going on which takes you back to this plausible scenario that
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something is afoot that we have to be worried about. what's your take? >> sorry, go ahead. >> that's all right, i don't like stopping you, mid, because of what i said before because i'm scared of but. tom go make your point. >> chris, i think the whole problem is that the military says that they hit what they were aiming at but there's no way to know our military doesn't know it, our intelligence people don't know that khorasan group was at that location and if they were at that location they were actually killed and if they were killed that was everybody involved in the plot that was under way. so there's too many questions for him to be confident that the khorasan group has been eliminated or that threat has been eliminated. i think that's all he was trying to say, that merely knowing that the military struck what it was aiming at it's one thing if you're talking about an oil refinery in the middle of the field and you can see the damage from aerial reconnaissance. it's another thing to say
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everybody was in a building you were aiming at and got the right people. they just don't know so he's not confident about that. >> evan perez, as a reporter, am i being too cynical when i suggest that well maybe they have to keep the idea that there could be a threat in the u.s. alive, because that's a big part of the justification of what they're doing against isis and khorasan and everybody else thisser' finding in iraq and syria. if there's no threat at home, how do you justify doing all this abroad? is that too cynical? you think there's something to that? >> i think perhaps a little too cynical but i think the fbi director's job is to worry about these things and so we don't know exactly who was killed in these air strikes, and what i'm told from talking to officials is what he was referring to is the fact that they believe that at least some of these officials, some of these high level people in the khorasan group did manage to evade this air strike. there has been some talk of al
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fadhli the leader of the group whether he was killed or not they don't know. some of the khorasan guys are still out there, they're master bombmakers. that's his job to worry about. >> fill immudd, i suggest the most pressing concern in dealing with this thread abroad is figuring out how to have islam take on the battle for its soul and put down extremism. you're not going to do it through just force. political and cultural change is the only thing that changes the dynamic we're all so worried about. how hard of an accomplishment will that be, based on what you see on the playing field today? >> it depends on how you measure time. if you think this debate within islam will be resolved within a short period of time that's crazy. we're talking about potentially decades. there is a debate that's been going on since 9/11 and before. the advantage we have, and if there's one sort of silver lining in the tragedy of loss of life out there, it is that in
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killing people, and beheading people, isis is sending messages to potential recruits across the islamic world that they are so extreme that the ideology they represent can never sustain itself, that is isis is the architect of their own demise, so i think this will take decades to resolve within islam but isis cannot win because the message they're sending is so extreme and so offensive to muslims that it will be rejected over time. i guarantee you. >> hopefully that's more than optimism, evan perez, philip mudd, tom fuentes, thank you for the intelligence on this topic and have a good weekend, gentlemen. >> thanks. we have been talking to you this morning and talk to you again because it need your attention. stunning video raising questions out of south carolina, a state trooper shooting an unarmed black man during a traffic stop, should have been routine. could argue the man was only following the directions of the trooper. we'll show you what happened. will you stye. in ferguson, site of another police shooting, the chief gives an apology, tries to march with
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demonstrators and this happens. you're looking at it right now, what set people off, what did he say in his apology and what's going to happen next? michael brown shooting still very much a controversy there. stay with us. osophy is, reynold? no. not exactly. to attain success, one must project success. that's why we use fedex one rate. their flat rate shipping. exactly. it makes us look top-notch but we know it's affordable. [ garage door opening ] [ sighs ] honey, haven't i asked you to please use the -- we don't have a reception entrance. [ male announcer ] ship a pak via fedex express saver® for as low as $7.50. to build something smarter. ♪ some come here to build something stronger. others come to build something faster... something safer... something greener. something the whole world can share. people come to boeing to do many different things.
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the announcement of attorney general eric holder's position is producing debate. it is welcome relief for republicans who he oftentimes clashed with. now president obama begins the challenging task of finding a replacement who can win the senate confirmation. cnn's michelle kosinski is live at the white house this more. good morning again. >> reporter: hi, brooke and the position of attorney general is such an important one. you think about the actions and decisions and investigations that you take on or don't take on can affect american life, but the president's next pick is also going to have to take on all of this ire from congressional republicans that was heaped on eric holder for such a long time. i mean, wow. some of their tweets yesterday really said it all and if republicans take the senate, you
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can imagine what kind of confirmation process this could be. some of the names out there as possibilities, kathy rumler left the white house counsel with accolades from colleagues and the president. not everybody loves the idea of someone close to the white house. there's donald verrilli, solicitor general of the united states, also deval patrick, governor of massachusetts although he's said he's not really interested. several other names circulating, you can see why the white house would want to get this done as quickly as possible. >> one thing's for sure, whatever name they come up with, not everybody will be happy. something that should make everybody's happy, this week's cnn hero, helping families keep up with the high cost of child care. did you know according to the usda it takes more than a quarter of a million dollars to raise a child. bridgette cutler is giving babies in new jersey a fair start.
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>> wow. >> a beautiful '55 chevy, beautiful no more. lost control and the drag race kept flipping over. this is not a fancy race car. you see his legs wound up out the windshield he walked away and he'll talk to you how it happened. all he had on was a lap belt and that helmet. look at him, amazing, hear the story from him. ♪ i thought it'd be bigger. ♪ ♪ (dad) there's nothing i can't reach in my subaru. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru outback.
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start your journey at breaking overnight, protests once again erupting in ferguson, missouri. remember, this is not tape you're looking at from six weeks ago. this was overnight. several residents there calling for the police chief's job, thomas jackson came out to address the crowd but the crowd in that situation escalated very, very quickly. several people were arrested. the incident happening just hours after jackson issued a public apology for his actions following the fatal shooting of michael brown, so he apologizes in the day and at night protests are up on the streets of ferguson. joining me now cnn legal analyst sunny hostin and danny cevallos.
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the videotaped apology in the day and night the unrest with the police chief in the crowd, a matter of too little too late? >> absolutely, it's been almost two months. to come forward and apologize and try to be a man of the people, a police chief of the people just rings untrue at this point. i think what's also fascinating about this police chief is that in his apology he talked about leaving michael brown's body out too long. well, that wasn't police protoc protocol. police weren't working on michael brown and working on the scene. that is untrue, and so there were untruths to his statement and i think what was also very concerning to many people is this is the same police chief that leaked out a lot of information about michael brown and sort of painted this narrative of a criminal, a victim who deserved to be shot, and at this point he has lost the trust of the community and the appropriate thing to do when you lose the trust of the community as a public official is to resign, and that is why i think you see this reaction to
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what the police chief said and did. >> let's play a little bit of what the police chief said right now so we know what we're talking about here. let's play that. >> sure. >> i'm also sorry that it took so long to remove michael from the street. it was just too long and i am truly sorry for that. for any mistakes i have made i take full responsibility. >> danny i want to get to you in one second. sunny, what is wrong with saying you're sorry? it took him a long time but if he is sorry isn't it right to say so? >> i think so. certainly it's appropriate. i think at this point to apologize for his actions and inaction s but let's face t the justice department is involved, there's a grand jury that's been convened and for the police chief now to apologize it just doesn't help the situation. >> danny cevallos you're a defense attorney. say you're defending darren wilson three months from now in a case for the shooting of
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michael brown. what does this videotape now of the police chief apologizing for what went on, what does that do to your case? >> i can't imagine that the police themselves are too thrilled at least the rank and file with their chief coming out and making apologies. you know, the thing that happens here is sometimes you have a playbook for a reason but when a high-profile case comes along sometimes government administrators throw out the playbook. now you have this youtube type apology video in a golf shirt, and i got to tell you, john, the thing that struck me the most is that ferguson police from the beginning have said we don't treat black people any differently than anyone else, and then the ferguson police chief comes out with a sheet of paper and says, greetings, of african-americans. in a way that was as divisive as what we've been talking about from the beginning, that if he doesn't view them as a different group, why address them differently? i think that is problematic, but
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ultimately in defending officer wilson, this is, once the race allegations simmer down, because if anything, he'll be quharnld a non-race crime i believe, then he's going to have to center his defense on the fact he was in reasonable fear of deadly body injury, serious bodily injury and that will warrant use of his firearm in stopping the threat, and if stopping the threat results in death, then it can still be a justified killing. >> let's talk about reasonable, what a reasonable threat might be and when a cop fires his gun. we have another case, amazingly, an amazing, stunning, shocking piece of video from south carolina. i want to show everyone what happened here, it was at a gas station, a cop stops a man in a car, look at this. >> may i see your license, please. get out of the car! get out of the car! [ gunshots ]
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get on the ground! get on the ground! >> i just got my license. i grabbed my license, right there. that's my license right there. >> put your hands behind your back. put your hands behind your back. >> why did you shoot? >>. you the your hands behind your back. >> what did i do, sir? >> are you hit? >> i think so. i can't feel my leg. i don't know what happened. i just grabbed my license. why did you shoot me? >> well you dove head first back into your car. >> i'm sorry. >> he dove back head first into his car because the police officer said to get your license. he was doing what the officer said and then he shot him for doing what the officer told him to do, sunny. >> he was trying to be compliant. it was just unbelievable and i think it showed a lot of things. one, these encounters happen so quickly, and the importance of the dash cam video i think is something that we all now know
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must be had for all police departments across the country and that really is the trend. one thing i want to mention when i see this, i teach a street law class and the bottom line is, when you are in a police encounter, yes, you have to be compliant but also have to announce to the officer, unfortunately what your intentions are in terms of your movements, so had he said officer, i'm not blaming the victim here but officer, my license is in my car. i'm going to reach in and get it, we wouldn't be seeing this video. >> not everyone is lucky enough to take sunny's class. we don't all know you're supposed to narrate out loud what you're doing to a police officer when you've been pulled over for not wearing your seat belt. that is nuts. we should say the? er has been fired and faces serious charges. do you think he's in jeopardy? >> the officer, yes, he probably is. in fact from what i'm hearing the charges are just ag assault. remember ag assault could potentially be a bar fight using a bottle. when you consider the range here, he probably could have been charged with more, but in
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this case, you know, i've said this for a while, dash cams overall i concede will ultimately in the long run be bad for defendants, because police are aware they're on, defendants are not. overall it won't be good for defendants as a whole, but sometimes it is, and in a case like this, it concerns me. i wonder what would that police report have said? how would he have written that up if. we never had this video of what actually happened. >> there you go. >> that's a great question and shows you how fast this all can go down. danny cevallos, sunny hostin, thank you. coming up a spectacular drag race catch involving a classic '55 chevy. chris cuomo crying over this. >> oh my god. >> what happens to the driver, that will shock you, we'll have that just ahead.
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the video is just outrageous. have you seen this? two cars, pike's peak international raceway in colorado, drag racing asphalt style and all of a sudden this beautiful '55 chevy starts rolling over at the finish line, sends driver kelly harvey threw the windshield. those are his legs you're looking at. important to note this was a controlled race. there was an ambulance, an emt crew on the scene. they take this sport seriously and harvey, look at that, walks away from the crash, joins us live this morning from ft. collins, colorado. it is so good to see you looking so well this morning. can you even believe your good
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luck? >> not really, no. it's kind of crazy that i walked away from that. >> you're in the car. you're whipping down there. what happens as you get near the finish line? >> just the car started slipping and sliding and the other car was slipping and sliding and we were just kind of trying to keep them under control until the finish line i knew the car was trumbling, i was bouncing around in the car and my seat belt had come loose and i really wasn't sure if the car was, you know, upside down or where i was at in the car. >> do you remember walking around? after the crash, when you got out of the car there? >> i do, yes, i was a little dazed and confused but i knew where i was at and you know, what had happened. i didn't first realize the severity of it until i saw that video the next day. >> does it make you think that you've got to increase the safety standards even in those
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streetable cars? >> in a streetable cars, if you're going to use them like i was using them definitely needs more safety gear if you're going to drive it around town and take it to a cruise night down at the drive-in or something, not so much. but if you're going to do what i was doing with it, definitely needs a little bit more for sure. >> i'm glad you can't see what's on our screen right now, but i'm only laughing because thank god you're okay and you got back to your family and i'm sure you're going to get back to racing but i got to tell you to watch it, kelly. i haven't seen many like that in drag racing where a guy got tossed around like that and wound up walking away. there musting some purpose here and i hope you willive to its fullest. >> i think so, too. >> kelly harvey thank you so much for being with us. good luck racing. >> all right, thank you. >> his legs were dangling out the windshield. he's lucky. coming up, we have a special "new day" surprise about someone who normally sits in this seat, it is "the good stuff" next.
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♪ ♪ ♪ oh cecelia i'm down on my knees ♪ we're playing this song
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because it is the name of the most beautiful baby in the world. the good stuff couldn't get g d good gooderer. kate and her husband michael welcomed cecelia eve, six pounds, 18 1/2 inches already has an iq of 447. look at kate. i've never seen her look more happy or satisfied and she just gave birth. beautiful. what do you think of the baby? >> i love the picture on the right, she's actually smirking. little sassy on day one. >> personality already. >> so peaceful, so cute. >> oh. >> such cheeks. oh. >> so uncle chris went to make sure -- >> everything's going to be all right. they're doing great, being left alone as they should be in this most private moment. i told kate there are very few things in your life before they happen where you say to yourself with certainly and you're right, this will be the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. they're rare moments but having a kid is exactly that.
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john you know that, too. >> yes, in that moment though looking at your wife and looking at this little precious thing, do you have any idea at the time what you're in for, you don't do you? >> no. i'm like seven years in and in a daze. the whole thing say blur. >> fear or joy? >> yes. the answer is yes. >> parenting is a mix of both but everything matters more after you have a baby and they've had a beautiful one, off to a great start. we miss you terribly but are so happy for you. >> congratulations. >> little cecelia eve, gorgeous. kate, michael, see you soon. see you soon. a lot of news this morning. time for "the newsroom" with carol costello. you see that baby, costello? >> i saw that beautiful baby girl but i didn't expect anything less of kate bolduan. >> that's true. always perfection. >> exactly. have a great, great weekend, guys. thanks so much. "newsroom" starts now. -- captions by vitac --
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and good morning, i'm carol costello. thank you so much for joining me. it is a busy morning of domements in the war on isis. right now, british lawmakers are going toe to toe in a debate on whether to join the coalition's offensive, but if approved british war planes would limit their strikes only to isis targets in iraq, not in syria. day four of the air strikes, u.s. and arab allies hammer ten targets all of them isis troops, weapons or facilities. most of the targets were in iraq, three in syria. and new this morning, police have broken up an isis sleeper cell, three different countries, britain, spain and morocco, brings the two-day total of 20 arrests adding to the fears the group is plotting revenge. let's begin in london and an emergency vote by america's closest ally, in just a few hours british lawmaker also decide whether to join the coalition strikes on isis. prime minister david cameron says the


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