tv CNNI Simulcast CNN September 27, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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and your father. thank you. >> merci. next time my father make you drive the tractor. -- captions by vitac -- >> new air strikes pound isis targets in iraq and syria. the u.s. gains another partner, but with limitations. >> and buildings turned into rubble, loved ones killed. we'll be talking to civilians who have been caught in the cross hairs of the coalition air strikes. >> and north korea's leader has not been seen in media there is talking about it. hello to our viewers around the world. >> we begin with confirmation from the u.s. with a new round of air strikes on isis militants
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in syria. >> we are told warplanes are looking for targets of opportunity. >> as the air campaign continues, the coalition that's trying to carry them out is expanding. belgium, denmark, britain now sending fighter jets to iraq. >> now to a fierce firefight between isis militants who were advancing and local kurds trying to stop them. our phil black has the story. >> reporter: an extraordinary scene as dusk is falling here on the syrian border. isis fighters in action. we just saw tracer fire move across the skyline there. something of an ooh and ahh from the crowd here, this crowd of turkish kurds. when they've seen incoming fire, they've been cheering their kurdish brothers on the other side. we can see that they are still
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receiving incoming fire. it is at that position that our photo journalist has seen isis fighters take casualties, take hilts. isis has been making progress. a few more miles each day. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: what you are seeing is tracer fire moving into that ridge line currently occupied by isis forces. and around me, the kurdish crowd is cheering. take a listen. >> incredible video there from our phil black. leapt's get the latest now from the turkey-syria border where is crisis is fueling a humanitarian crisis. so arwa, 150,000 refugees fleeing the town, but you also
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have civilian casualties because of the air strikes. at this point, the people that you have spoken to, are the air strikes helping or hurting at this point? >> reporter: well, there's a lot of conflicting emotions and thoughts when it comes to that. we're in the same position where the fighting was taking place yesterday, and as you can see, it is significantly quieter. we have been hearing aircraft high overhead, whether it's coalition or turkish, we can't tell. but the isis fighters do seem to have been pushed back. when you're talking about terrain like this, the risk of civilian casualties is fairly low. that's why so many of the kurds fail to understand how it is that coalition aircraft is not striking at isis, because it effectively has the town of kobani under siege.
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there's close to 200,000 syrian kurds that have been forced across the border. so people calling for air strikes, unable to understand how it is that the coalition isn't doing anything to try to break a siege of kobani. but in other areas where the coalition has struck, there's been significant anger because of the civilian casualties caused by those air strikes. the two brothers point to their home. at least it was until the early hours of tuesday morning. it's the one with the collapsed roof. we were sleeping, we heard the sound of the plane the elder of the two says. they and their family are lucky to have survived. beneath the rubble, some of their neighbors perished. these are the survivors of the extended family. we were woken by 3:30 by an explosion to loud it blew my ears out. i opened by eyes and saw fire
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coming down on me from the skies. two floors collapsed on top of them, killing two of his daughters, one 14, the other 5. three of his children were wounded. in all he says, 15 civilians were killed. we're told the homes in the village were hit during the initial coalition air strikes. this is video from that night, as rez debting desperately try to dig through the rubble. here a body is being pulled out. through skype, we reached the syrian activists who filmed the videos. he says it was a woman among those killed. throughout the revolution, we never heard explosions like this he tells us. the coalition says they are targeting isis, but we saw the opposite he says. the u.s. says it launched air strikes against isis and other terrorist targets that night. so why this residential area which villagers say is far away
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from any rebel groups. the pentagon is looking into any civilian casualties. as you can tell, it is a complex battlefield with multiple front lines. the coalition air strikes being welcomed in certain parts of the country and on the other hand, the rising fear that there will be more civilian casualties, especially as isis continues to embed itself among the local population. en when it comes to isis' position among populated areas, it becomes riskier for these civilians, many of them who have fled violence in other parts of the country. >> some of the images in your piece were just heartbreaking.
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but you're in turkey. it's a bit of a complex problem for turkey. you have to deal with the refugee crisis and a lot of them are syrian kurds. turkey has a long, political history with the kurds. walk us through that. >> reporter: it is very long and complicated, although the dynamics have changed significantly, especially if one looks at turkey's relationship with iraqi kurdistan. but a lot of the kurds felt that turkey was complicit in what is happening across the border, especially the fact that isis has emerged and no one is coming to their assistance. they feel as if turkey was significant in facilitating the flow of foreign fighters. but we have seen turkey opening their gates to a flood of refugees. this is a very difficult situation turkey finds itself in. because it is to a certain
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degree being forced to provide assistance for the syrian kurds coming across, but the potential for even more unrest does exist within turkey's boarders as well. so turkey and the turks are watching the situation, the developments very closely. there is the sense of awareness that no matter what happens, the dynamicing of the region are going to be significantly and drastically altered. >> arwa, certainly a complicated situation. arwa damon live for us in turkey, thank you. this is a coalition which has been striking targets in syria as well as in iraq. the bulk of the heavy lifting is coming from the united states, and many of those jets are taking off from on board the "uss george h.w. bush" in the persian gulf. becky anderson is on board the carrier. becky, these operations are continuing. what's happening right now?
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>> reporter: i can't hear you very well with a helicopter coming in to land here. but the isis group is the target of the missions being flown by these striker jets from here on board this aircraft carrier. this is the "uss george h.w. bush." it's 4 1/2 acres of flight deck on this ship. only a very small area in which these planes land and take off. it's seven months of deployment, and it was redeployed from afghanistan to here about four or five months ago. it was in august on the 8th that the first problems from planes, from this aircraft carrier that dropped on isis in iraq. let me give you a sense of what we've been witnessing today.
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this is what happens when an f-18 hornet comes in to land 56 its sortie. it's around 3:00 in the afternoon here on the aircraft carrier, the "uss george h.w. bush." what you're witnessing are the f-18 hornets returning from either training or armed mission. [ inaudible ] it's incredibly noisy. it's quite something. and john, those jets hit the deck at 150 knots in what's
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known as an arrested landing, and they're sort of tugged back by three wires here. it's high precision stuff, very sophisticated, classic from the u.s. military, of course, where we've been talking to the admiral here. they're unwilling to give us specifics on where the fighter jets are flying to and what they're armed with. you can see bombs, you can clearly see precision ordinance on the side of these planes. i mean, there's thousands and thousands of tons of precision ordnance on this aircraft carrier, which is powered by two nuclear reactors. the represent now coming in to land. i'll just give you a sense of what happens here.
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>> reporter: that's not just jet fighters here, the f-18 hornets and super hornets. there are four types of planes like the one that is next to me, and clearly these helicopters, which are involved in our missions, of course, and involved in carrying personnel on and off this ship. john? >> okay, becky anderson live for us on board. the "uss george h.w. bush." many of these sorties over syria happening at nighttime. becky has been telling us exactly what's happening live on
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board. >> and those f-18 horn ets cost about $29 million each. not cheap. no coalition member is offering ground forces in the war against isis, but america's top general is repeating his position that boots on the ground might at some point become necessary. >> if you're suggesting i might at some point recommend that we need a large ground force to counter isil, the answer is also absolutely. but it doesn't have to be americans. >> joining me now from northern iraq, ben wedeman. ben, what are the chances that ice less launch some kind of attack on baghdad? they've made no secret of their aspirations to take the iraqi capital. >> reporter: they're not far from it. their latest push forward over the weekend brought them to within 45 kilometers of baghdad. but baghdad itself, let's keep in mind, is a very large,
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sprawling city with a shia majority. it's one thing to fight in this open land, this open terrain. another when you get inside a city that's inhabitated by poem defending their homes and livelihoods. so the chances that they can get that far and push into this city are light, and not impayable. but certainly they have been able to control those areas where there's a sunni-arab majority. but in areas where there's a resistance, noncompliant population. if you look at the situation of kurdistan, they got within 30 kilometers of irbil, but were not able to get any further. of course, the u.s. air strikes make a huge difference in blunting any isis push forward.
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certainly in baghdad, it would involve a lot more men and materiel and hardware and ammunition than isis has at the moment. john? >> with these air strikes, especially in iraq, we've seen that momentum slowed by isis. how are the isis fighters changing their tactics as a result of those air strikes? >> reporter: well, from kurdish commanders we have spoken to, they say whereas before, isis was driving out in the open, and i'm sure you have seen these videos, sort of convoys of four-wheel drive vehicles and hum veals going through the open terrain. that's no longer the case, according to these kurdish commanders. most of those looted hum veals and vehicles have been stowed away where they can't be spotted. at the moment, they're driving around in civilian vehicles,
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keeping a lower profile to avoid being detected by anybody. in the kurdish north, the advance has. been slowed. they've been pushed back in a variety of areas, certainly what we understand from kurdish military demanders ecommanders thinking of moving forward. >> you mentioned the sunni-shia divide there, that isis is doing better in areas where there is a sunni group. have they made a call on which side of this war they want to be on? >> reporter: they obviously have attracted a certain amount of sunni followers. by and harm, they're staying on
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the sidelines. they can't be seen as throwing their lot in with isis at this point. perhaps they're waiting for a better offer from the government of baghdad. the new prime minister, haider al abadi, is trying to reach out to those sunni tribal leaders. he's seen as somewhat more accommodating than nouri al malaki, but there's a long way to go, and a real reservoir of mistrust against baghdad. the last few years, the iraqi government under malaki has tried to put down or quash sunni grievances with military means. it simply didn't work and that's left a residue of bitterness that's going to take time.
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money has opinion an important ingredient of iraqi politics. >> ben, thank you. of course, so much there, the air strikes could become a recruiting tool for isis. >> of course, right now, the concern what is what is happening with the iraqi army on the ground? they have proven to be worthless. when we come back, why can't the americans just use joseph welling force to win this war? we'll put that to an expert about the challenges of taking out isis. we're back after this.
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welcome back to cnn's special coverage. >> 20 past 3:00 here on the east coast. iraq's president delivered this to the united nations on friday. >> translator: the huge humanitarian and military support that we have received from u.n. organizations, the united states, the european union and other friendly states played a vital role in facing up to this tyrannical group. this confirms to our people that we are not fighting terror alone. >> he's a consultant at the royal united services and joins us from london. we had this yesterday about the uk joining this coalition, but
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at the end of the day, uk air power isn't needed. the saudis have 700 planes. they can come whatever they want. to what's the point here? >> you don't even need the saudis. the u.s. has more than enough aircraft to do this job. in fact, this particular conflict is not about numbers. you don't need 700 planes from any nation. you don't need more than about 10 or 20 means on a purely offensive role. this is a conflict where precision is going to be the key. attacking leadership targets. there are only going to be a few occasions where we need to attack the convoice and even that you can do that with two or three aircraft. so the reason that the uk has come in is many fold, but there are political reasons.
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the uk has always seen itself as the usa's primary alliance of choice. it also feels that this threat that isis presents is a threat to the uk. many of the people involved from foreign countries are british and the chap that's been doing the beheadings is british. and the final point is, this is about precision. this is about intelligence. and the uk perhaps is the best nation outside the u.s. to work with the u.s. nobody can work with u.s. air forces as well as the royal air force. a lot of experience in working together. >> you mentioned the politics here, the diplomacy. there's a sense in the united states too that if britain thinks this is a bad idea, it probably is. if they're on board, here we go. >> that's a very interesting perspective from outside the uk.
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so yes, if it adds credibility, that's good. certainly the american administrations, whatever background, have always welcomed uk participation. >> one of the driving forces for this vote in the uk parliament to join this coalition, the high number of british foreign nationals fighting with isis. you mentioned the man in the mask doing the beheadings. i believe he came from london. what is the reality when it comes to the threat from those foreign fighters should they return home? >> as far as impact, this is where isis -- they are, i have to say, i'm sorry to use this word, they are a pretty dumb organizati organization. they had the most reluctant
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president as far as intervening, and their beheadingideos have forced president obama to intervene. the same thing happened in the uk. the uk is very reluctant to get involved after the experiences of iraq and afghanistan. as you probably know, prime minister cameron tried very good and failed to get parliamentary support for action against syria. so if it hadn't been for those beheading videos, then it's possible that that vote last night or yesterday wouldn't have been so clear cut and probably would have gone against the decision to get involved. that's a key factor. i think your other question was about the impact of returning fighters. i think that's an issue that needs exploring. there's a lot of myth around that. i'm not sure that many fighters
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will return. i don't think isis will allow them to concern. they represent a security risk. they don't want people to come out for public relations reasons, just like north korea and the soviet union. >> good point. >> it suspect as bad as it might seem, but there is a threat that we can't ignore. >> we appreciate it. thanks for coming in. slgz it's a pleasure. >> it is crucial that britain develops a concrete exit strategy if they get involved again in iraq. coming up, cancellations and delays made for a difficult friday at some u.s. airports. the troubling incident that police say impacted tells of thousands of travelers. that's coming up. why do we clean? to help keep our homes healthy. but not all cleaners are equal.
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if you're traveling by air on friday across the united states, life was pretty miserable. a fire in chicago air traffic control center, led to more than 2,000 cancellations. >> police say the fire was set deliberately and the fbi is investigating. >> extensive, kind of extensive. might be a while. >> reporter: 6:00 a.m. planes on the runway at o'hare get word to stop moving.
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>> never a dull moment, huh? >> that's right. >> reporter: over the next six hours, traffic at chicago area airports come to a virtual stop. inside frustration, even some tears as thousands of passengers are stranded for hours. >> just chaos mixed with outrage. that's not a good thing. >> reporter: the cause -- 36-year-old brian howard, a contract employee that was working at an air traffic control center 40 miles outside of chicago, who allegedly intentionally set fire to the basement communications area and also stabbed himself several times. >> maybe he used an excel rant. >> reporter: firefighters pulled the bleeding man to safety. he was later listed in stable condition. >> there are no indications of terrorism. there's no reason to believe
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that anyone else was involved at this time. >> reporter: the effect of the shutdown is clear on this flight tracker map, which shows a huge open hole above chicago and southern wisconsin. by evening, more than 2,000 flights were canceled or delayed, leaves thousands standed. >> we're back in line to get rebooked to leave tomorrow. >> one guy caused this all trying to get his 15 minutes of fame. it makes no sense. >> amazing that one man caused that much havoc. the british royal air force set to join the campaign in iraq. we' , you want them to last. so, why risk ruining the way they fit? try woolite. it has the right balance of cleaning and care. unlike other detergents, woolite won't cause stretching, keeping that perfect fit, wash after wash. don't take a chance. trust woolite.
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welcome back to our viewers in the united states and around the world. >> let's check the head loinls this hour. local residents cheered when isis fighters were hit. meantime, the u.s. says warplanes are on patrol looking for targets of opportunity. >> and the accomplish parliament voted to launch air strikes against isis targets in iraq, but not at this point in syria. britain will join france, belgium, denmark and the netherlands as the only nato members taking part. the prime minister says the world has an obligation to fight isis and its unmatched cruelty. >> more than 2,000 flights were canceled at chicago's major airports after a fire. police say an employee at the center started the for and tried
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to commit suicide in the basement. he's now been charged. some flights have resumed but is a limited schedule right now. britain's royal air force is expected to begin bombing missions at any time knockout over iraq. parliament debated more than six hours before voting to support the air strikes in iraq. >> prime minister david cameron explained why the uk is in a unique position to help. >> britain has unique assets that no other ally can contribute. the brimstone missile, which even the united states doesn't have. we have our high lit professional forces, wit are well used to working with our u.s. counterparts. these are some of the reasons that president obama made cheer to me that america wants britain to join america in the air campaign in iraq.
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>> we're joined live now from downing street. the house of commons voted overwhelmi iningly in favor to support air strikes in iraq. but it felt as though people were voting yes reluctantly. >> reporter: good morning. you can imagine why people were so reluctant. people pretty war weary here from prolonged wars in iraq and afghanistan. so you can seal why so many had so many doubts. i listened yesterday for more than seven hours about some of those exchanges. people had so many doubts, so many concerns regarding the cost, regarding the consequences as well. for example, on the consequences, will this increase the threat to britain?
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will this further radicalization in the uk to which the prime minister said radicalization is already here. and then there were also e exchanges and questions and concerns about the idea of prolonged battle. take a listen to one of those exchanges. >> two questions he's now put to himself, how long will this war last and will mission creep start many >> this is going to be a mission that will take not just months but years. >> reporter: there you go, not just months but years, and prime minister cameron said time and time again being very careful, setting out the strategy saying this requires patience.
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this mission requires patience and resistance. zane? >> it's certainly going to be a length yet campaign. thank you so much t. we appreciate it. british fighter jetting are and stand by in cyprus. max foster joins us live with the details. nat, six tornados from great britain. what role will they play? >> they've been described as the wingman of the u.s. but they do have stop unique capabilitie capabilities. the brimstone missiles which will useful in this mission. yesterday, the latest updates were they were targeting convoys. u.s. aircraft can only target one voehicle at a time. but the british aircraft can target multiple vehicles so they
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can take out a whole convoy. so they do have unique skills and work closely with the u.s. so linking up with the uk military has a bigger impact than it does with another military because they work so closely together and lit be a more cohesive team. it's really showing a united front against a common threat. it's very important for the u.s. to have countries like the uk on board to really sell this case to the u.s. people as much as anything else. and the u.s. wants to be involved, because they feel this is a personal threat to the uk, as well. >> max, the british defense secretary says he will authorize every strike personally. >> that seems like a lot of micromanaging. is that normal procedure? >> they did get huge support in parliament for this, but there
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were all sorts of assurances in the motion. it specifically doesn't include syria and ground troops. what he's essentially saying is there is not going to be mission creep here. but there's lots of soundings here starting to come from downing street about syria and the suggestion, if there's a humanitarian crisis, then the prime minister could authorize action in syria without going to parliament. he tnt have to go to parliament yesterday to get approval for iraqi air strikes. he can't go into syria on his own, so he'll monitor -- he is the prime minister that we've steen in recent years who wants parliamentary approval on everything. >> if you listen care any, you can hear the drum beating for
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us. david is a former u.s. state department official and now a partner at the international law firm patton and bogs and joins us live from washington via type. the uk is joining these air strikes. but what is the exit strategy here? how does britain make sure they're not in iraq in another ten years? >> the decision by britain to join is very important, especially for the u.s. it was a little awkward that britain was not with the u.s. from the beginning. but this shoals that they now support the objective and the coalition, and that's important for the u.s. and other coalition members. the exit strategy has not been determined. it's cheer that this is not just about containing isis but defeating isis and that's important. isis will keep attacking unless
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they are confronted and pushed out of iraq completely and decimated in syria. so i believe while the uk may say they don't want to have mission creep, and that's very important. certainly the u.s. doesn't want to have that either. and exit strategy hasn't been decided upon. >> david, just because you conduct these air strikes and kill terror risks doesn't mean you kill their ideas, right? >> that's certainly correct. isis has been able to appeal to islamic militants around the world. and that won't go away. but the real threat created by isis and their move into iraq is that they hold large areas and they hold cities and towns. they're able to get oil
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resources. that's much more of a threat than just the ideology. they need to be pushed out of these towns and defeated. >> certainly the ideology that needs to be changed. david, thank you so much for being with us early. >> thank you. >> he is up at 3:40 in the morning on the east coast. >> just for us. let's get a check of the weather now. there's a fire in northern california, raging for some time now. but there's been some much-needed rain. derek? >> the rain has pros and cons to it. on one hand it's helping contain the fire. but on the other hand, it's destabilizing the burned mountain sides. and the water -- authorities are
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talking about the area that needs to be rehabilitated being the ize of denver. so you can imagine the cleanup effort after this type of fire this size. it's going to take years, if not decades to completely rehabilitate the area that was burmed. you can see some of the rainfall that has taken place of the past 24 hours, we are expecting more rain over the next day or so. we are experiencing 30 to 50 millimeters of rain here, that's one to two inches. nice weather over the midwest and the new england coast. but you can see rainfall experted, a very wet weekend ahead of us near the gulf of
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mexico, florida panhandle and atlanta, georgia. you can just see some of that moisture developing across the gulf of mexico at the moment. here's a look 59 temperatures for your saturday. 25 in chicago, los angeles at 23. if you're near denver, temperatures just shy of 30 degrees. by the way, we're still monitoring what is tropical storm rachel just off the west coast of mexico. this storm, nothing too exciting with it, it stays far clear of cablo san lucas. that's all we have from the world weather center. back to john and zane at the news desk. >> those temperatures are in celsius for our viewers in the u.s.
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>> derek, thank you. coming up on cnn, the fbi's investigating a gruesome murder at a workplace in oklahoma. also, kim jong-un has not been seen in public for weeks. he has gout and it's not good. e. at lysol, we go beyond cleaning, we call it healthing. healthing is killing germs, and having more cleaning power than bleach without the harshness. it's being the #1 pediatrician recommended brand. and sharing healthy habits in 65,000 schools. lysol. start healthing.
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this is bizarre. it's very, very strange what happened. >> it's sickening. >> police say a man beheaded a co-worker, stabbed another after he was ceasefire efired from hi. >> martin savidge reports. >> sounds like he's running around up here. >> okay. >> and that's a gunshot. >> reporter: horror in oklahoma. police say a man stormed the offices of vaughn foods in moore killing 54-year-old colleen hufford, first stabbing her, then beheading her. >> he did kill colleen and did sever her head. >> reporter: according to police, the suspect then began attacking a second woman. when he was shot and stopped by an armed company executive. he's also a reserve sheriff's deputy.
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officials credit his actions with preventing more deaths. >> it could have gotten worse. this guy was not going to stop. >> reporter: initially the attack was described as a workplace dispute. 30-year-old alton nolan, seen here, had just been fired by the company that day. but the police investigation has turned up some red flags, causing some to wonder if there may be more to the attack. authorities believe he converted to islam and tried to convince others at work to join him. >> after conducting interviews with co-workers, information was obtained that he recently tried -- started trying to convert some of his co-workers to the muslim religion. >> reporter: recent calls by the islamic state asking sympathizers to strike back have law enforcement agencies across
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the country on alert. the fbi is trying to determine if this deadly rage was inspired by islamic extremism. meanwhile, in moore, residents would rather focus on the company exec who put his life on the line for his employees. he's been given a promotion from coo to h-e-r-o. in north korea, kim jong-un has been out of the public for several weeks and many are speculating about his detail. >> reporter: finally, an official acknowledgement on north crowi ikorean state tv, t
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leader is suffering from "discomfort." [ speaking korean ] >> reporter: the announcement came on thursday. the day kim skipped a session of the legislature. he hasn't been seen for three weeks. his absence soon after this inspecti inspection, spurred wide speculation to what's going on, from health problems to a power struggle. stop speculate his weight and family history of gout could be to blame. others think it could be a sports injury. he's known to love horse back riding and keen on watching basketball. he celebrating his 31st birthday in january, watching dennis
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rodman play a controversial game in pyongyang. ♪ happy birthday to you >> reporter: his birthday serenade came soon after kim shocked the world with the execution of his once powerful uncle, convicted by a military tribunal for plotting to overthrow the state. some north korea watchers took it as a stein of military power struggle and his absence could be due to on going tensions, for health or he could be on vacation. so little is known about north korea, it's hard to know what is going on. >> just in to cnn. japan's meteorological agent sisi is warning people to stay away from one of their mountains. it's believed to have been casualties in the eruption. more information as we get it. hollywood royalty is
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heart of hollywood's most eligible leading man. >> he's george clooney. >> don't you love him? >> no, not really. he's a good actor, but he's also a notorious bachelor. >> i love his new wife. i love her. >> okay. she's hot. they're getting married this weekend in italy. they have already been spotted in venice for the big day. zane is incredibly excited. rumors are swelling -- >> i live vicariously through her. >> do you want to do this? >> go ahead. >> let's get erin in here now. a personal friend of george clooney and joins us now live. i'm excited. i'm incredibly excited. how excited are you, erin? >> reporter: very excited, although i'm not a personal friend for the record of george clooney. good morning from spectacular
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venice where the stage is set for a wonderful wedding. we don't know exactly when the wedding is going to be taking place, but we do know that the happy couple has already arrived in true hollywood style. the screen writers couldn't have scripted their entrance any better. they arrived in venice friday on board a speedboat nicknamed amore. they were whisked away to a nearby hotel, one of george clooney's favorites. celebrations continued last night with his and her parties. celebrating with her close friends and family and george clooney celebrating at one of his favorite restaurants with some of his star-studded guests, which including the editor in chief of "vogue," rumored to have purchased rights to photos of the wedding. as i said, we don't know when they're going to happen,
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although the city of venice has put out a notice forbidding some traffic between the hours of 12:00 and 2:00 on monday, leading some to speculate they could be getting married in a civil service. george clooney often comes here on holiday. he's been to the film festival here many times. so people here know him and are very excited for him. >> as we all are. erin, enjoy the time in venice. you could be in irbil. venice is a lot better. i was reading "people" magazine, and they were breathlessly reporting this, because apparently clooney and his mates went out last night. here's the report, they dined on zucchini, figgs and ham, with fresh pasta and rice with
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mushrooms. clooney had two servings. >> and they stayed in a seven-star hotel. what is a seven-star hotel? >> much better than five. a former u.s. first department is now a mom. chelsea clinton has given birth and it is a girl. >> she's the 34-year-old daughter of former u.s. president bill clinton and the former u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton. >> chelsea clinton tweeted the following, mark and i are full of love, awe and gratitude as we celebrate the birth of our daughter. they waited for the birth to find out the sex of their baby. >> i don't know how anyone does that. that does it for this hour of our special coverage. >> stay right here. in our next hour, we'll be live at the turkey-syria border after a fierce battle between turkish and isis forces.
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new air strikes against targets in syria and iraq overnight. this after the united kingdom voted overwhelmingly to join the coalition in iraq. but how long will it take for them to join the fight? a battle between kurdish forces and i.s.i.s. militants are seen at the border. police and protesters clash in hong kong, as the week-long protist against the policies gains momentum. welcome to our viewers around the world. >> british warplanes are know ready for launch, after parliament gave its approval for air strikes in iraq. >> the air campaign is
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