tv Wolf CNN September 29, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PDT
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demonized with the apartheid level and charges of genocide. genocide. in what moral universe does genocide include warning the enemy civilian population to get out of harm's way or ensuring that they receive tons, tons of humanitarian aid each day even as thousands of rockets are being fired at us, or setting up a field hospital to aid their wounded? well, i suppose it's the same moral universe where a man who wrote a dissertation of lies about the holocaust and who insists on a palestinian free of jews, can stand at this podium and shamelessly accuse israel of genocide and ethnic cleansing. in the past, outrageous lies against the jews were the
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precursors to the slaughter of our people. but no more. today we the jewish people have the power to defend ourselves. we will defend ourselves against our enemies on the battlefield. we will expose their lies against us in the court of public opinion. israel will continue to stand proud and unbowed. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, despite the enormous challenges facing israel, i believe we have an historic unit. after decades of seeing israel as their enemy, leading states in the arab world increasingly recognize that together we and they face many of the same
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dangers and principally this means movements gaining ground in the sunni world. our challenges to transform these common interests, to create a productive partnership, one that would build a more secure, peaceful and prosperous middle east. together we can strengthen regional security, we can advance projects in water, agriculture, transportation, health, energy, in so many fields. i believe the partnership between us can also help facilitate peace between israel and the palestinians. now, many have long assumed that an israeli palestinian peace can help facilitate between israel and the arab world. but these days, i think it may
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work the other way around. namely, that a broader between israel and the world may help facilitate an israeli palestinian peace. to achieve that peace, we must not only look to jerusalem and ramala but elsewhere. i believe those that are willing to provide political, material and other indispensable support. i'm ready to make an historic compromise. not because israel occupies a foreign land. the people of israel are not occupiers in the land of israel. history archeology and
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commonsense all make clear that we have had a singular attachment to this land for over 3,000 years. i want peace because i want to create a better future for my people but it must be a general went peace, one that is anchored in mutual recognition and enduring security arrangements, rock solid security arrangements on the ground. because, you see, israel withdrawals from lebanon and gaza created two militant islamic enclaves on our borders from which tens and thousands of rockets have been fired at israel. and these sobering experiences heighten's israel's security concerns regarded potential territorial concessions in the future. now, those security concerns are even greater today.
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just look around you. the middle east is in chaos. states are disintegrating and militant islamists are filling the void. israel cannot have territories from which it withdraws taken over by islamic militants yet again, as happened in gaza and lebanon. that would place the likes of isis within mortar range, a few miles of 80% of our population. now, think about that. the distance between the 1967 lines and the suburbs of tel aviv is like the distance between the u.n. building here and times square. israel is a tiny country. that's why in any peace agreement, which will obviously necessitate a territorial compromise, i will always insist that israel be able to defend itself by itself against any
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threat. [ applause ] and yet despite everything that has happened, some still don't take israel security concerns seriously. but i do and i always will. because, as prime minister of israel, i'm entrusted with the awesome responsibility of ensuring the future of the jewish people and the future of the jewish state. and no matter what pressure is brought to bear, i will never waver in fulfilling that responsibility. [ applause ] i believe that with a fresh approach from our neighbors, we can advance peace, despite the difficulties that we face.
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see, in israel we have a record of making the impossible possible. and with very few natural resources, we've used the fertile minds of our people to turn israel into technology and peace, of course, would enable israel to realize its full potential and to bring a promising future not only for our people, not only for the palestinian people, but for many, many others in our region. but the old template for peace must be updated. it must take into account new e realities and new roles and responsibilities for our arab neighbors. ladies and gentlemen, there is a new middle east. it presents new dangers but also new opportunities. israel is working with arab
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partners and international community to confront those dangers and to seize those opportunities. together we must recognize the global threat of militant islam, dismantling iran's nuclear weapons' capability and the indispensable role of arab states in advancing peace with the palestinians. all this may fly in the face of conventional wisdom but it's the truth. and the truth must always be spoken, especially here in the united nations. [ applause ] issiaha, a great prophet of peace, taught us nearly 3,000 years ago in jerusalem to speak truth to power. [ speaking in foreign language ]
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i will not be silent. for the sake of jerusalem, i will not be still. until justice shines bright and salvation glows like a flaming torch. ladies and gentlemen, let us light a torch of truth and justice to safeguard our common future. thank you. [ applause ] >> so there you see the israeli delegation warmly applauding benjamin netanyahu. a very, very strong statement there at the united nations general assembly. strong statement basically equating isis and hamas, going after the united nations itself saying israel's ready to engage in the peace process but very strong words against the
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palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas for suggesting the other day in new york that israel was engaged in genocide against the palestinians. jim sciutto is here, erin miller, peace process negotiator for the state department is here as well. jim, i want to play a little clip. the prime minister saying that israel has a problem with hamas and gaza but they are basically the same thing. listen to this. >> to protect the peace and security of the world, we must remove this cancer before it's too late. last week, many of the countries represented here rightly applauded president obama for leading the effort to confront isis. and yet weeks before some of these same countries, the same
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countries that now support confronting isis, opposed israel for confronting hamas. they evidently don't understand that isis and hamas are branches of the same poisonous tree. >> strong words from the prime minister of israel and clearly addressing an american and european audience and making that connection between hamas and isis. >> no question. he also made a comparison between iran and isis. this is something that we heard during the gaza war, boko haram, et cetera, to say that you have this global alliance of islamic and you have to respond with force and at the same time undermining, as he has done since the beginning of the nuclear talks with iran, negotiating a solution on iran -- iran's nuclear program.
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the problem with that if you paint all of these things with the same brush, you're basically saying you can't negotiate with anybody, whether it's iran or hamas or elsewhere, which takes away chances for a peaceful negotiation with the israeli palestinian problem, iran's nuclear problem. and i wonder if aaron agrees but isis is a particular kind of thing and hamas is a particular kind of thing. both of them use tactics but do they still have the same mentality? i think a lot of folks would question that. >> and he made a strong point, tried to make a strong point, the prime minister of israel, that the u.s. and other permanent members of the u.n. security council, to eliminate the nuclear weapons capability, he says there can't be any finessing as this part of the deal. it's got to be resolved. iran cannot have any capability whatsoever. clearly making israel's position very clear. it seems to be pretty concerned what the u.s. and others are
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engaged in right now as this end of november deadline approaches. >> i mean, that's right. netanyahu has drawn his own red line and that has said no enrichment. i suspect if you did get to the point where he have a serious deal that would fundamentally undermine the capacity, that red line would turn pink. this was vintage benjamin netanyahu. one of my former bosses compared netanyahu to the american newt gingrich. whether she was paying him a compliment or not, i don't know. but he's very good at what he does. he's articulate and let's be clear, this is the world that he feels most comfortable in. the world is in threat of security, even invoked the nazis as -- and this conf lclation between the master race and it's extremely compelling as he describes the challenge. one additional point, he's siding, in effect, with some of his key arab indirect allies who
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also see the conflation between hamas. and in that respect -- and i heard stop applause, netanyahu's message coming when it does has much more resonance. >> because when it comes to iran, they seem to be on the same page as far as that sensitive issue is concerned. richard roth is over at the united nations. we're going to speak to him in a moment. we'll take a quick break. the prime minister condemning the united nations for a double standard when it comes to israel. we'll have more of our special coverage. i'm wolf blitzer here in washington. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. we'll be right back. [ female announcer ] we lowered her fever.
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gold bond. ultimate lotion. ultimate skin. we're getting reaction to the prime minister of israel benjamin netanyahu, a very strong speech at the united nations general assembly. you saw it live here on cnn and cnn international. bobby ghosh is joining us. bobby, i guess as we heard from aaron miller, vintage netanyahu. what jumped out at you? >> well, as is often the case with -- although this is an international audience, this is often the case that the speakers are directing their attention to that domestic audience and the sense i got was that netanyahu was talking more to israelis, more to shore up his own credibility withize sees because that sort of suffered a little bit during the gaza campaign. do the rest of the world what he said, which sounds awfully
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familiar, he said it before and others from his administration have said it before. >> i want to play a little clip. let's listen to this. this is what the prime minister said. >> make no mistake, isis must be defeated but to defeat isis and leave iran as a threshold nuclear power is to win the battle and lose the war. to defeat isis and leave iran as a threshold nuclear power is to win the battle and lose the war. ladies and gentlemen, the fight against militant islam is indivisible. when militant islam succeeds anywhere, it's emboldened everywhere. >> he's basically making the point that iran is a much
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greater threat to the region and to the world than even isis is right now. and i know -- and we were talking about this earlier, bobby, saudi arabia, uae, to the coalition partner of the united states have assembled in these air strikes against isis who will agree with him on that. >> the arab leader certainly will. they have slightly more mixed reactions to that. he's tried this before. they have been doing this for months, the israeli position is that isis equals hamas equals iran. it's a hard sell. hamas is a different kind of terrorist group from isis. iran is a different kind of threat from isis and to a different group of people. so it's a little bit of a hard sell. i don't think anybody would argue that iran represents a threat, hamas represent as tremendous threat to israel but to conflate all of these into one pile and say a shiite state and a sunni terrorist group are
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all part of the same problem, that's a little bit of -- that's a little bit of overkill, i think. >> let me bring in richard roth, our senior correspondent in. we heard him condemning the human u.n. council for what he called a double standard, especially what happened over the past several months in gaza but ignoring, he says, palestinian human rights launching targets in israel and then hiding behind civilians in gaza. >> yes, using photos and he's used props before, benjamin netanyahu strongly returning power to what abbas and the palestinians said last week here at the u.n. he said in effect, these are the war crimes you should be investigating, referring to the photos of hamas rockets being fired right near children and civilians. not just throwing out accusations that israel is
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committing war crimes. he said rather bluntly, defiantly and raising his voice inside the hall, we did not target civilians. we sought to avoid anything like that. he also added the usual israeli criticism of the human rights council based out of geneva. he said in effect, don't get me started, when talking about that group which tends to intend israel for war crimes and in gaza and elsewhere. and as you may have heard, wolf, he brought up the name derek je jeter saying that if iran really preaches that it is not favoring terrorism, derek jeeter is not the shortstjeter is not a short player. >> if you listen to the prime
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minister today, those of us who would like to see the peace process resumed, the two-state solution reserved, it sounds like that is really, really unlikely any time soon given this rift that has developed between the palestinian authority mahmoud abbas, the president and prime minister of israel. >> i've been pretty negative in my own assessment of the chances of this thing. but success in life is not just showing up, it's showing up at the right time and right now you have a set of distractions. abbas actually didn't reiterate his normal call for commitment to negotiations. in fact, he said going back to the table would be a mistake. you've got isis, iran, the obama administration is focused else where, perhaps after the midterms, perhaps in 2015 there will be another opening but no one bet against the peace. >> pretty depressing when you think about it.
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from a u.s. perspective, jim, and you speak to these officials all the time, what's the likely reaction to -- i know he's coming to washington and he's going to meet with the president at the white house on wednesday. how does that conversation going to go because over the past six years they've worked together, the u.s./israeli military, the intelligence is good. i sense, though, that the personal relationship between the prime minister and the president is sort of businesslike, shall they say. >> not very warm and fuzzy. >> that's correct. >> i think they've come to expect this kind of speech from netanyahu. they know his point of view. i think it comes at a sensitive time during the nuclear talks of iran. things are not going great. there is still great distance and we're some two months away from the end of the extension of the interim deal. so you have a couple of months to work those differences out. and based on what's been leaking out, some of the solutions, israel we know not comfortable
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with at all. there's been talk about instead of destroying centrifuges, these kind of compromises is going to make israel, a close ally, very nervous. i'm sure in private when he speaks with the president and u.s. officials, they will hear more so. >> i'm sure they will. jim sciutto, thank you. bobby ghosh is going to stick around. up next, the streets of hong kong full of protesters. we'll have a live report. stay with us. want to change the world? create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy. ♪ be an engineer. solve problems the world needs solved. what are you waiting for? changing the world is part of the job description. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers.
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massive protests happening in hong kong. tens and thousands of protests are filling the street and demanding that the chinese government reverse a political decision that only allows candidates chosen from beijing to run hong kong's elections and dozens began as a peaceful student demonstration, but watch this. ivan is joining us now live. >> reporter: absolutely.
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it's well after 1:00 in the morning, wolf. for the second straight night in a row, demonstrators are occupying this eight-lane highway that has basically, you know, cut the city and paralyzed the financial hub in front of the headquarters of the government. there's a dramatic change in mood here compared to 24 hours ago. the footage that you just aired there, where there was a heavy presence of security forces, of riot police, they were using pepper spray occasionally and tear gas and there were confrontations, scuffles with the demonstrators. the security forces have pulled back. we've heard from the dozens of demonstrators held over the weekend. some of them were released it and what you've got now is a pretty festive scene, even this late at night on what is a very sweltering, hot night here in
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hong kong. they do not look like they are going anywhere soon. they have been stockpiling supplies supplies here, anything from toilet paper to water and towels to wipe away the perspiration. look at this banner in the background and people say they want more democratic freedoms. they are afraid that the communist party on mainland china are whittling away even though they say their actions, this sit-in is completely illegal. wolf? >> at least the tear gas has stopped for now. ivan, be careful over there. we'll stay in close touch with you. how far will these protests in hong kong go? let's bring in gary la, the
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ambassador to china under president obama, former secretary of commerce. mr. ambassador, thank you for joining us. were you surprised at how ugly these demonstrations got, the reaction from the chinese police in hong kong? >> well, i think that's very surprising because once tear gas and pepper spray was deployed, the other people in hong kong, people who might have been sympathetic or am pathetic to the issue joined force because it's completely unprecedented in hong kong and i think the reactions by the police have actually generated more sympathy for the protesters. >> because we all thought that the chinese government was going to allow hong kong to have this autonomous government, if you will, but it looks like severe restricts are being imposed and people in hong kong are not happy about it. >> well, this is a very -- what's happening in hong kong is of great concern to the chinese
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leaders. that's why there is censorship of any broadcast news, even photographs using social media back into the mainland about what is happening there because the last thing the leaders of beijing want is any type of democr democratization and they don't want another tiananmen square to occur. the chinese government is going to try and stay out of it. they are calling the shots in close coordination with the hong kong authorities but want to keep their hands off of it, keep their fingerprints off of what is happening. >> the whole world is watching given what is going on in china, certainly in hong kong specifically. what would be the wise u.s. reaction to what we're seeing on the streets of hong kong? >> well, the u.s. government has never taken a position on some of the details of the
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democratization, the timing and voting of the leaders, by the citizens, how they are actually chosen. but the position of the united states government is very clear, that people have a right to express their views. there should be no censorship. this he want to express their views and obviously democracy and freedoms are part of the universal rights that all people around the world should be able to enjoy. >> i think the blunder that the chinese government made was, if these demonstrators were protesting peacefully, students and others, let them protest. but once they come in with the tear gas, the pepper spray, that really, as you pointed out, energizes so many others in hong kong and that's why at least for now they've stopped with the tear gas and pepper spray. this was 24 hours ago, some of the images that we're seeing right now. >> this has escalated to a situation to a level which neither side can back down, neither the students, protesters, the organizers of
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the pro-democracy movement. at the same time, the government of beijing cannot allow a group of citizens to force them to change their policies, especially as it affects the political system. the people of hong kong have long believed and expected and this was part of the hand-over from the british government to the chinese government, the so-called mayor or governor of hong kong, the leader of hong kong. right now it's chosen by a group of 1,200 people, in many way influenced by beijing, the chinese government but representing different constituency groups, labor groups, political groups and so forth. the people of hong kong want direct elections where they can actually vote on the candidates. and beijing recently said, yeah, you can have direct voting but only a slate of people that we essentially choose and that's really raised the hackles of
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these protesters in the pro-democracy movement. >> we'll see what happens in the coming hours. ambassador, gary locke is the former ambassador to china. coming up, americans approve of air strikes against isis but disapprove of the commander in chief, as far as job approval numbers are concerned. we'll take a closer look at what is behind the apparent contradiction. veeno®. [ female announcer ] only aveeno® positively radiant has an active naturals® total soy formula. it helps reduce the look of brown spots in just four weeks. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results™. ♪ aveeno®. i remember when i wouldn't give a little cut a second thought. when i didn't worry about the hepatitis c in my blood. when i didn't think twice about where i left my razor. hep c is a serious disease. take action now. go to or call 1-844-444-hepc
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people living in the syrian town are fearing a massacre as isis closes in on kurdish forces. witnesses near kobani say air strikes against isis is not enough to slow their momentum. cbs news saying u.s. intelligence underestimated the rise of isis in syria. >> well, i think our head of the intelligence community, jim clapper, has acknowledged that they underestimated what had been taken place in syria. >> the president also said they overestimated the capability of the iraqi military which simply collapsed. a new poll out today shows the american public overwhelmingly supports the air strikes in iraq and syria. you can see it there, 73% say they favor the air strikes. let's go to michelle kosinski who is joining us live.
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the white house press secretary addressed these issues moments ago. what did he say? >> reporter: getting tough, tough questions. hearing the president last night talk about the underestimation of isis and overestimation of iraqi forces and referring back to what the director of national intelligence said. that raises questions of its own, of course, how was that able to happen and what does that say about the confidence we all should have now in assessments that are currently shaping the u.s.' response to isis. but there are some problems with what the white house has been saying, well, we just didn't know to just today, in fact, the white house just said when asked who underestimated isis? they said everyone underestimated isis. the problem is that now all of these people, former pentagon officials, intelligent officials and diplomatic officials are coming out and saying, wait a minute, i warned everybody. i warned the administration. i spoke before congress and told them about isis gaining ground and the dangers that it posed
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nearly a year ago. and then months after that and months after that and months after that. they are alleging that that information was out there. so today we see the white house kind of relying lesson what it called the underestimation of isis, possibly because of all of this information that people are now talking about very publicly and relying more on the overestimation of iraqi security forces saying it's very difficult to predict someone's will to fight. there are problems with that, too, because people are saying, here are the dire warnings i gave. some of that includes their worries about whether or not the iraqis could handle the advance of isis. so there are clearly lots more questions out there. in fact, the press secretary of was asked very directly just now, did the president listen to this information? and we didn't really get an answer to that, wolf. >> michelle kosinski, i think you're absolutely right. they were surprised at the
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growth of isis but really flabbergasted at how quickly the iraqi military crumbled even after defending the second largest city of iraq, mosul, a city of 2 million people, they simply ran away when these isis terrorists came in. that was shocking to u.s. analysts, even though they knew there were major problems with the iraqi military despite the years of u.s. training, funding and arming those iraqi military personnel. michelle, thanks very much. into meanwhile, the commander in chief almost always gets a significant boost in the polls when he takes to war against the enemies. but not this time. while those approve the u.s. air strikes against isis, the approval rate is flat at only 44% approve of the job that the president is doing, compared to 43% before he ordered the air strikes. basically negligable. uncomfortably high disapproval
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rate is at 52%. let's bring in gloria borger. usually when the u.s. goes to war, the american public sides with the president in increasing numbers. >> the american public doesn't think we're at war because the president keeps saying over and over again we're not going to send in ground troops. they think air strikes is very different from boots on the ground, number one. number two, if you look at the president's numbers on the handling of terrorism, on isis, on foreign affairs, you'll see that he gets a bit of an uptick. i think we have some of those numbers here. he's up to 46% now on terrorism. you see the uptick, particularly on the handling of isis. certainly, certainly up higher. but the problem for the president, also with our numbers, is that less than 50% of people in this country, about 48%, trust him as commander in chief. when you have that kind of a problem, it's not going to translate into a huge uptick in the polls particularly even at
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this time. and the public is also ambivalent, wolf. they want these air strikes. they don't want boots on the ground. so it's very different from what sort of george w. bush had post 9/11. >> the president doesn't have to worry about getting re-elected. >> no. >> but in five weeks there are midterm elections. the state of the u.s. senate, whether it stays democratic majority or becomes republican majority. if you take a look at those key battlegrounds, the president's job approval numbers in some of those states where it's very, very close is below the national average. >> particularly those red states where mitt romney won and if you look at our polling, a state, for example, that's really being contested, like alaska, like arkansas, the president's approval rating is in the low 30%. and that's a terrible range if you're running for re-election. also -- and nobody expected this, wolf. the whole issue of national security is playing into come of these campaigns because
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republicans are charging that democrats were asleep at the switch, the president was asleep at the switch and therefore some of these candidates were asleep at the switch. in north carolina, you see the republican opponent to kay hagan running an ad on that trying to put a dent in her popularity there. so in an odd way, national security, another way to tie democratic candidates in red states with a very unpopular president. >> that explains that nally his numbers are 44 and if you go to these other states, he's in the mid-30s, some places high 20s. that's why they don't want the president going into those states. >> they are happy for him to raise money. >> to raise money and stay in washington. >> they are not going to give him a hug on the tarmac. >> thanks very much for that, gloria. up next, the streets of hong kong once again full of protesters. bobby ghosh has spent a lot of time over there. he's got some important thoughts when we come back.
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thousands of demonstrators in hong kong are showing no signs of backing down. our correspondent on the scene says it's in response to a decision by china in regards to the 2017 elections in china. only candidates approved will be allowed to run for election in hong kong. our cnn global affairs analyst
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and managing editor of the digital news outlet is joining us. you spent a lot of time in hong kong over the years. where is this heading? >> i did live there for eight years, wolf. i was there in 1997 when hong kong was handed over from the british to the chinese. i'm astonished at these turn of events. the chinese made a promise that hong kong people would get more and more democracy and they created a system called one country, two systems. they created the environment in which hong kong was allowed to have a separate political system. i don't see the reason why china chose at this point to change that bargain but they clearly overplayed their hands. hundreds of thousands of people tell you that i have spoken to friends in hong kong over the last few days and it's amazing how many people are apolitical
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are joining in these protests helping out by giving these protesters food and shelter but also coming out and marching in the streets. this has become -- this is no longer just a group of radical students. if it was ever simply that. it is now a mass movement and beijing finds itself pressed against a corner off their own making and that's really quite mystifying about how clumsy beijing was about this. >> they're afraid this pro democracy movement in hong kong will spread over into china proper and they don't want to see that happen. >> those fears are real. when the protests began as peaceful, they could have headed it off at the pass. they created the outline that they could turn -- if other chinese cities or citizens demanded freedoms, they could
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tell them, look, we made a deal with hong kong and we're keeping our deal. hong kong and mainland are not the same thing. having given themselves deniab e deniability is a bad move. i am paying close attention to the media and you hear unpleasant things. you hear reference to a black hand. the students are described as radicals, as trouble makers. this is the sort of language used 25 years ago this year in tiananmen square and that's something to be concerned about. >> first thing i thought of was tiananmen square when i see what's happening on the streets of hong kong. thank you very much. how a shooting at the white house was discovered not by the secret service but by a housekeeper. this is charlie. his long day of doing it himself starts with back pain... and a choice. take 4 advil in a day or just 2 aleve for all day relief.
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less than two weeks after a man scaled a fence at the white house made a dash and got inside the white house, there's more trouble for the u.s. secret service. a new report paints a troubling picture over a 2011 incident also at the white house. several bullets hit the windows outside of the upstairs residence while the president's daughters and his mother-in-law were inside. at least one of the daughters was inside. the gunman later admitted he wanted to shoot the president. this report says it took agents
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four days to realize what had happened. let's bring in brian todd who has been going through all of the evidence that we're now learning. it's pretty shocking when you think about it. >> it is, wolf. it's a disturbing incident but the secret service is pushing back hard on the charge that they mishandled this. shots were fired at the white house november 11th, 2011. that night one of the bullets you see there at least one of them hit one of the windows there and smashed one of them in the second floor residence fired from 700 yards away on constitutional avenue northwest. after scanning the premises, "the washington post" is reporting that secret service supervisors said no shots had been fired. stand down. and the post is reporting and the secret service has acknowledged it took them about four days to find the first bullets and it was only because a housekeeper noticed broken glass and a chunk of cement on the floor. one former secret service officer told me the bullet may
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have pierced the glass. the secret service pushing back hard on this. they said stand down in the first moments after the shots were fired because there was a lot of confusion that night as to whether shots had been fired, where shots were coming from. they had witness reports saying two cars had fired shots at each other nearby and so the secret service is saying we didn't bungle this. there was a lot of confusion. we had to sift through that confusion in those first moments. >> and they originally thought that maybe some cars were backfiring and that was the noise that people had actually heard because they heard something. >> they heard something. one secret service officer was on the premises on that side of the white house and did believe the white house had been hit. but again in their scanning of the premises they were told that they didn't think there were shots fired at that time. we'll have more on this in "the situation room" at 6:00 p.m. the secret service is on the defensive over this and over the fence jumping incident recently. but they are saying, look, we have a 100% safety record here
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in protecting the president. >> let's hope it stays like that. obviously a very disconcerting story. we'll stay on top of that for our viewers. thanks for watching. for our international viewers, christiane amanpour is next. for u.s. viewers, "newsroom" with brooke baldwin is next. >> great to be with you. i'm brooke baldwin. we have to begin with breaking news into the days peerisappear university of virginia sophomore hannah graham. he could be linked to the disappearance of a virginia tech student some five years ago. we told you the story of hannah graham. she went missing september 14th. this is surveillance video. combing through different cameras and different pieces of video trying to find this man. this is the last man seen can her jesse matthew,
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