tv The Situation Room CNN September 29, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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addressed adequately. so all of this is going to be an issue tomorrow when julia pearson testifies in front of the house oversight committee. part of that testimony will be in closed session. >> jim, thanks so much. that's it for "the lead." i'm jake tapper. i turn you over now to wolf blitzer in "the situation room." happening now, breaking news, the white house intruder, a new report says the man who jumped the fence and ran inside actually made it further inside than previously known. how deep into the executive mansion did he go? isis closing in, militant forces now just about two miles from a terrified town right near the turkish border. will it fall to the terrorist onslaught? violent clashes, dozens of people injured as thousands of pro-democracy protesters take to the streets of hong kong. can their movement survive a fierce police crackdown? and cases linked?
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the arrest of a man suspected in the di appearance of a virginia college student yields what police call a significant break in the killing of another young woman. are police dealing with a serial killer? i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." we're following multiple breaking news stories right now. isis forces are right now on the verge of capturing a key kurdish city in the northern part of syria just across the border from turkey. we're also looking into a brand-new report that the man who jumped the white house fence and made it inside the white house actually went much further into the president's home than previously known. we're covering all the breaking news with our reporters, our guests this hour, including state department deputy spokesperson marie harf. let's go to brian todd first who has more on the white house intruder. shocking on what we're discovering.
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>> reporter: the white house intruder, omar gonzalez, made it much further into the white house than previously known. "the washington post" reporting new details of this incident. "the post" citing three people familiar with the incident as saying that omar gonzalez not only got into the front door but made it much further inside the white house than previously thought. according to "the post" and its sources, gonzalez made it all the way to the east room of the white house, that he ran into that, ran past a stairway that led up toward the first family's living quarters. he ran past that stairway and then into the east room and was not subdued until he had gotten to the far southern end of the east room of the white house. "the post" reporting he barreled past a secret service officer then made it into the east room of the white house. this is the entrance hall here. he barreled past the officer somewhere here, made it past a stairway. got into the east room of the white house and was tackled -- finally tackled by secret service agents on the southern end of the east room much
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further into the white house than we had previously been led to believe. the secret service had previously indicated that he had been captured just after getting into the entrance. now we're learning from "the washington post," citing three sources familiar with the incident, that omar gonzalez, the intruder, got into the east room before he was subdued by secret service officers. i just spoke to the secret service spokesman on the phone. he said they are not commenting right now because of an ongoing investigation. >> sprpretty shocking. brian, stand by. i want to get more. our law enforcement analyst, tom fuentes, is with us. you think about that, tom, that he not only gets up the stairs at the north portico, runs into the lobby there, if you will, but also at the same time manages to get all the way into the east room. he's armeded with a knife. the secret service didn't know it at the time. he has a lot of rounds of ammunition in his vehicle. this is amazing when you think about it. >> this story is incredible if
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it turns out to be true. so many layers of security were breached ant didn't work as they should have worked that night. first of all, a lot of people have breached the fence, jumped over it and ran across the yard. that's not an uncommon occurrence. but the dog's not released, the officers don't run close to intercept him in the grass. then he gets to the door. he gets through the door. and we're told originally that he's stopped at the door. then we find out he's run all around on the first floor of the white house, the main floor, and that the red alarm button that they have for the officer to hit to sound the warning of an intruder being loose inside the building is disabled because other staff employees complained about the noise. so that also fit turns out to be true is incredible all by itself. so multi levels of security are breached and they're chasing an individual through what should be the most secure building in washington. >> what are the rules of
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engagement for secret service personnel at the white house? they see a guy running into the executive mansion with a knife. at one poi at what point do they try to shoot this guy? >> what we know is he wasn't shot at the door. he runs past them so quickly that they couldn't get a clear shot and had to literally run after him. and eventually tackle him in the east room of the white house. that will have to be determined also. but again, the fact that the dogs aren't released. he's not stopped at the front door or shot at the front door. the alarm bell isn't sounded and he's on the loose through the first floor of the white house, all of that's incredible. >> what concerns me and a lot of other folks, especially secret service personnel and people at the white house, does this embolden terrorists when they hear these kinds of reports, that someone could not only jump over the fence, run all the way into the white house, the door is unlocked, get inside and roam around in there until eventually
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he's stopped? it sends an awful message out there to bad people. >> it certainly could embolden terrorists and just the copycats. we could have an onslaught of people trying to outdo him to see if they could get to multiple floors of the building or other parts of the building. and we also have the possibility of people trying to do this who are more heavily armed than just carrying a small folding knife. someone could be carrying explosives. >> you could only imagine if the first family or other guests were in the east room of the white house then this happened. fortunately that wasn't the case. a lot more later in "the situation room." republican congressman jason chaffetz will be joining us life. thank you very much, tom fuentes. let's go to the white house right now. our senior white house correspondent jim acosta is joining us. what if anything are you hearing about this latest, very
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worrisome development? >> reporter: well, at this point, as you might imagine, this story caught a lot of people by surprise over here at the white house. i touched base with a couple of spokespersons for the u.s. secret service. they were flat-out not commenting at this point. the only thing a spokesperson would say is the director of the secret service will be testifying about this tomorrow in front of the house oversight committee. it was a previously scheduled hearing on this fence jumper incident. sounds as if they're trying to sync up what the white house knows versus what the secret service knows. but this white house official said he made it inside the building, referring to omar gonzalez, but we don't want to comment how far at this point. some people here at the white house are trying to get to the bottom of exactly what the secret service knows at this point. >> it's amazing that someone could -- not amazing that someone could jump over the fence.
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because that happens all the time. what's amazing is that a person could get all the way into the white house, the door is unlocked and not only get into the white house but into the east room. if you've been through the main floor of the white house, you know that's a very, very worrisome development. >> reporter: past the entrance to the residence of the white house, which is very, very concerning. >> the residence is up on the second floor. but this is a very disturbing development. we'll have a lot more on this story. jim, the other major story, the breaking news you're following involves isis and the president admitting the u.s. misjudged the threat. what are you hearing about that? >> reporter: aides to the president say he wasn't throwing the intelligence community under the bus in his comments on "60 minutes" last night and when it comes to protecting the american people from isis, the white house aides say the buck stops with the president. asked whether the rapid rise of isis took him by surprise, president obama punted to his director of national intelligence on "60 minutes,"
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the moment was hard to miss. >> well, i think our head of the intelligence community, jim clapper, has acknowledged that they underestimated what had been taking place in syria. >> reporter: white house press secretary josh earnest insisted the president was not fixing any blame. >> that is not what the president's intent was. ultimately the president's commander in chief and he's the one who takes responsibility for ensuring that we have the kinds of policies in place that are required to protect our interests around the globe. >> reporter: does the president have confidence in the intelligence he's receiving now from the intelligence community with respect to isis? >> absolutely. >> reporter: the intelligence community has been sounding the isis alarm for nearly a year. last november, a key state department official testified isis has definited from a permissive operating environment due to inherent weaknesses of iraqi security forces, a warning echoed by the head of defense
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intelligence in february. >> the level of killing they're doing inside that country is just terrible. >> reporter: gop critics say it's the president who underestimated the threat. >> intelligence people are pushing back hard. we predicted this and watched it. it's like watching a train wreck and warning every step of the way. >> reporter: white house officials say the president's comments are hardly new, noting what he said in august. >> their advance, their movement over the last several months has been more rapid than the intelligence estimates. >> in january, president obama refers to the islamic state as a j.v. team. >> reporter: the president's handling of isis could become a key issue in the race for the senate. consider north carolina where the gop challenger's new ad ties incumbent kay hagan to mr. obama. >> the price for their failure is danger. >> reporter: now, the white house was asked for a response to that ad but declined. white house press secretary josh earnest said when it comes to isis, he'll continue to praise
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republicans who support the president's strategy adding, our national security trumps local politics. >> jim, thanks so much. there's more breaking news. isis forces now on the verge of capturing a key kurdish city in the northern part of syria just across the border from the nato ally turkey. residents of kobani say they feel helpless and terrified and they fear a massacre if their town falls to the isis terrorists. our pentagon correspondent barbara starr is joining us now. what are you picking up? >> reporter: one of the key questions is, how well are the u.s. air strikes really working? the latest isis video from syria claims to show a coalition air strike, and isis firing at the jet from the ground. the video cannot be independently confirmed. when it comes to air strikes, the u.s. is not promising instant results. >> the campaign against isil will be a persistent and sustained campaign and it's
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going to take time. >> reporter: this u.s. military video showing another air strike, this time hitting an isis compound near kobani, a syrian kurdish city close to the turkish border where the latest isis move is desperately being fought. one resident of the city tells cnn isis fighters are advancing and may be as close as two miles away. if they take the city, isis would have free rein all the way from raqqa to the turkish border. but there have been just a handful of air strikes here, a stark example of the limits of airpower. pentagon officials tell cnn so far the military does not have orders from president obama to protect the kurds in syria, so strikes are few for now. hitting only at isis targets the u.s. wants to destroy while refugees are trying to escape by the thousands. from the defense secretary, a chilling warning about
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anticipating success. >> i also want to emphasize that no one is under any illusions that air strikes alone will destroy isil. they are one element of our broader comprehensive campaign against isil. >> reporter: there are other limitations to what airpower can accomplish. >> air strikes don't work if you don't have good intelligence. we have long passed the idea of carpet bombing an area, going after an area without having precision intelligence about the targets in that area. >> reporter: but there's been an impact in the areas where bombs have fallen, according to a top u.s. military official. >> airpower has been decisive in a couple of key areas, preventing the mass, massing of forces on large scale, degrading isil's command and control capabilities and then working to impact isil's financing.
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>> reporter: u.s. officials say that u.s. aircraft will continue to patrol the skies over syria continuing to look for isis targets. >> barbara, thanks very much. let's dig a little bit deeper. joining us, marie harf. thanks for coming in. i guess what the president said on "60 minutes," the intelligent community basically got it wrong. the intelligence community is coming back and saying for at least a year they were warning that isis was on the move, getting stronger, gaining territory. they don't think they got it wrong. >> the president said, for a long time we've known about the serious threat from isil. but everyone, us, the iraqis, even isil itself, was surprised by how quickly earlier this summer they were able to take territory in iraq. they moved more quickly than anyone could have imagined. assessing the will of a force to fight, the capability is one thing you can assess. but the will is a tough thing to assess. i know these are challenging
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assessments to do. >> you worked at the cia. you know that usually they're pretty good in their intelligence assessments. maybe they got it right on isis. but i hear you saying they got it wrong in underestimating how strong the iraqi military might be, that the iraqi military which was trained, funded, armed by the united states would simply collapse in the face of a bunch of isis terrorists moving in? >> we knew what the capabilities of the iraqi forces were. but what's hard to predict is the willingness of forces that have those capabilities to stand up and fight. many people, including us and the iraqis, were surprised by how fast isil was able to take really large parts of iraq early this summer and what we're focused on now is what we do about it. >> hold on for a moment. after the break, i have a lot more questions for you. we'll get in-depth on what's going on right now as this u.s. airpower, is it working? has isis moved all their equipment, their top leadership to secure locations? are they hiding among civilians?
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let's get more on the breaking news. isis forces are now just about two miles away and they're closing in on the northern syrian city of kobani, right near the turkish border. thousands of people have already fled and they're fearing there could be a terrorist massacre. so far, no direct coalition air strikes on these isis forces closing in on this northern syrian town near the nato ally that we call turkey. let's get back to marie harf. you've heard these worries, that
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despite the coalition air strikes against isis targets, they seem to be moving, they're gaining territory in syria right now. >> i don't think i would say that overall they're gaining territory. the u.s. military has said our air strikes are effective in hitting the targets they're intended to hit. but this is going to be a long fight. no one week of air strikes is going to completely destroy their capabilities. >> they're still moving ahead. this is going to be a long, drawn-out process. >> it is. >> here's what was worrisome over the weekend. these are images of people in syria. these are people protesting in various parts of syria. these are not haters of america. these are the people who want u.s. support. they're shouting "death to america" right now. these are the people who want to be trained by the united states and they're saying they hate these air strikes because the u.s. is not going against bashar al assad's regime, they're going after their ally, the terrorist group, nusra, after isis.
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they're saying they hate these air strikes because they're not killing bashar al assad's regime, which they consider their major threat. >> well, the president has said that assad has lost all legitimacy to lead. there's not a role for him in the future of syria. and the moderate opposition that we work with, the people we've vetted and we're working to train and arm, they are fighting not just isis but also the assad regime. so long term we know assad cannot have a place in syria. that's why we're working with -- >> there's no intention to bomb bashar al assad's positions, his military positions, as these free syrian army types, the ones who are protesting on the streets over the weekend, are calling for the u.s. to do? >> no, because what we're focused on with this air campaign in syria is degrading and ultimately destroying isil's capabilities. isil, the khorasan group, the president's first responsibility is protecting america, american citizens. those groups pose a threat to us. that's why in terms of what he actually has to do, going after
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them is our focus right now. >> why should the u.s. arm and train elements in syria whose supporters are shouting "death to america" on the streets there? >> the people we are working with in the free syrian army and the syrian opposition coalition, these are vetted members of the opposition that we work with. they are supportive of our actions. we're constantly talking to them about the way forward. >> you've heard the fear that comes from some u.s. intelligence analysts as well. these guys could turn very quickly from being pro-american to anti-american. >> there's always a risk that when you arm these kind of oppositions groups that the weapons could fall into hands that we don't want them to. but the boots on the ground are going to be syrian. that's why we're arming and training them. that's what needs to happen going forward in syria. >> there are reports saying these air strikes, they've been pounding away 60 air strikes
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over the past few days, that a lot of civilians have been killed. what are you hearing about that? >> the pentagon takes care to avoid civilian casualties. i know that when we undertake counterterrorism operations, we take extraordinary care to avoid civilians. >> you think the uae fighter jets and their pilots, the saudi fighter pilots are doing the same thing to avoid civilian casu casualties? >> i have no reason to believe that they're not. >> isis was well warned these air strikes were coming and moved their leadership and their equipment and you're basically hitting empty buildings. >> i don't think that's the case. my colleagues at the pentagon have spoke about this in great deal. but if they move, we have ways of finding them. all of the targets that we have looked at, our air strikes have been very effective in hitting those targets but this is part of a longer campaign. if they move, we will find them. >> one of the reports suggesting they're moving into heavily
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civilian populated areas which would further complicate these air strikes. marie harf, deputy spokeswoman for the state department, thanks for coming in. much more coming up, including other breaking news we're following out of hong kong where protesters haven't left the street despite police crackdowns. hundreds of thousands of pro-democracy protesters. what's going on? and today's bombshell revelation in the case of that missing university of virginia student. new information is m cooing in. stay with us. you're in "the situation room."
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following breaking news in hong kong. despite a heavy-handed police crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators, many remain on the streets even at this hour. let's go to hong kong. cnn's andrew stevens joins us now with the very latest. hundreds of thousands of protesters wanting democracy. what's the latest? >> reporter: hundreds of thousands. this is a full-blown crisis for the hong kong government and by extension for the beijing government as well. in the past 24 hours, it's been a real roller coaster here. there's been violent reaction from the police to the protesters. at the heart of this protest is the democracy movement in hong kong. we saw students turning out by the thousands outside the government offices here 24 hours ago to demand changes that
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beijing has approved to the way the next leader of hong kong will be elected. pepper spray and teargas was used by police. that shocked the people of hong kong. it's led to a lot more people coming into the streets. it's 5:30 in the morning now. you'll see thousands and thousands of people still out here camped out on the street. this is completely blocking the main road into the center of hong kong, the financial district. people in front of me sleeping. they have their gear on just in case there is another gas attack. basically covering themselves with plastic and goggles and facemasks just to try to deal with those issues. it has been peaceful, all sides are calling for peace over the past 24 hours. but at this stage, no resolution in sight. there is a very, very clear divide between the people on the street who woant more democracy hong kong gathering who says this is illegal and the beijing government.
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>> a lot of people making comparisons to tiananmen square 25 years ago. andrew, we'll check back with you. thanks very much. andrew stevens on the scene for us in hong kong. still ahead, an arrest in the disappearance of a university of virginia student leads police to what they're calling a, quote, significant break in another unsolved killing. we also have more on this hour's breaking story, cnn has confirmed this month's intruder made it much further into the white house than we've been led to believe. we'll talk live with a top u.s. congressman who's been investigating the secret service. sea captain: there's a narratorstorm cominhe storm narrator: that whipped through the turbine which poured... surplus energy into the plant which generously lowered its price and tipped off the house which used all that energy to stay warm through the storm.
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air travel in the united states disrupted again today and will be apparently for at least a few more weeks. it's all because of the damage caused by one deeply troubled man. police say before he unsuccessfully tried to kill himself, the man vandalized a crucial air traffic control center right near chicago. let's bring in our aviation correspondent, renee marsh, who's working the story. what's the latest? >> one man successfully targeting critical faa communications equipment bringing one of the nation's busiest airports to a standstill. three days later, the system still has not fully recovered. tonight, several lawmakers say this incident reveals a critical vulnerability in the air traffic control system. cables caught and fire ignited inside this faa facility, silencing air traffic control radios and crippling travel. >> i was really frustrated.
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>> i'm upset. >> i'm so mad right now. >> reporter: one of the country's busiest airports forced to a halt. thousands of flights canceled since friday and the numbers are growing. >> what we didn't have was an equipment failure. we had an apparent sabotage of equipment. >> reporter: the faa administrator tells cnn he's heightened security and ordered a 30-day review into how one man, brian howard, a contracted field technician, could walk into a building with a suitcase and disrupt travel for hundreds of thousands of flyers. should someone have been able to get into the facility with a suitcase unchecked without raising any questions? >> that's all stuff that i've asked our folks to look at. what i first need to understand is what are the facts of what actually happened on friday? >> reporter: illinois senator mark kirk says this incident reveals a security weakness that could be exploited. >> now that we've seen one wacko
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bring the system to its knees, we have told terrorists around the world, this is how to hit the united states. >> reporter: senator kirk has also called for a review of the screening process for employees like howard. the administrator says that's already under way. >> the backgrounds and reviews that were done did not identify any kind of potential problem. we need to dig into that. was there something that might have been an indicator that was missed as part of this vetting process? >> we know that the suspect's brian howard. he was in court this afternoon. he is charged with destruction of aircraft facilities. as for travelers, some encouraging news. we've gone from thousands of cancellations in a day at the peak of all this down to hundreds of cancellations, still a significant number. the faa says that the equipment will not be fully repaired and that facility will not be fully
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operational until october 13th. >> that means there will continue to be some air traffic disruptions at least until october 13th? >> absolutely. >> thanks very much for that report. we'll watch what happens. also standing by here in "the situation room" for a live report from charlottesville, virginia, where investigators are looking into the case of missing university of virginia student hannah graham. today police said the arrest of a suspect provided what they're calling a, quote, significant break in another unsolved killing. first, hp mp shmichaela per sho shows us "the science of work". >> reporter: matt came to america when he was just a year old. >> my parents fought on the side of the united states during the vietnam war. i'm the product of two refugees that endured a lot of hardships to get me here to america. >> reporter: but chasing the
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american dream wasn't always easy. >> i grew up in a pretty bad neighborhood in oakland when we were living there in apartments. my mom was robbed with a gun to her head. >> reporter: his escape was to play video games and taught himself how to write computer code. the youngest of six, he sees his siblings struggle. >> my brothers worked two jobs and my sisters worked all day at a nail salon. >> reporter: at 21, he is on a different path, he joined hack the hood this summer, a non-profit that teaches young people from low income families how to build websites for small businesses. >> we work with youth of color, folks who have historically been left out of the technological conversation. >> when i first came, i was lost. i had the skills to code. i didn't have an outlet to put my work out there. >> reporter: he designed several websites. >> the whole process is seamless. in a week or so, we had this amazing website. >> reporter: he's studying
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computer science at u.c. davis. he's the first in his family to go to college. >> when i graduate, i'm planning on maybe starting a start-up company. my first real investment is going to be buying a house. that's going to make my parents proud. >> cnn's michaela pereira reporting. coming up, we're learning the white house fence jumper made it deeper into the president's home than previously known. i'll speak about that with congressman jason chaffetz.
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let's get to the breaking news now in the search for the missing virginia college student, hannah graham. a possible link between that case and the unsolved killing of another young woman. cnn's athena jones is joining us from charlottesville, right now. what's the latest, athena? >> reporter: that unsolved murder you just mentioned, that happened five years ago. so this is a big break. while it's too soon to say, this new development has a lot of folks asking whether police around here may have a serial killer on their hands.
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police are calling it a, quote, significant break. evidence that could link the suspect at the center of hannah graham's disappearance to another missing female college student, morgan harrington, who was later found murdered. >> there's a suspect and possibility of a link to morgan's murder. and i am so pleased that that has happened. but it doesn't change a lot for us. >> reporter: state police say forensic evidence found in the course of three separate searches linked jesse matthew who's facing charges in the graham case, to morgan harrington, found dead in 2010. >> cops have confirmed that human remains found on a charlottesville, virginia, farm are indeed those of the beautiful 20-year-old coed. >> reporter: a 20-year-old virginia tech student, harrington went missing after a metallica concert on the university of virginia campus in october 2009. the pair among several young women who have disappeared in the area in recent years,
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raising questions about whether the cases are linked, including from harrington's mother. >> i really don't know if it's a cluster phenomenon that just is kind of a coincidence or if it's actually a pattern of a predator. >> reporter: but until now, police resisted making the connection. >> it's easy for me to understand why people would ask that question and have their mind go in that direction. i just don't have enough facts before me to make that determination. >> reporter: now virginia state police are pursuing unspecified forensic evidence linking harrington and matthew. this as matthew's father insists his son wouldn't hurt anyone. >> the only thing i can see him maybe trying to give the girl a ride home or help her out. to kill or hurt somebody, that's not my son. >> reporter: authorities are still looking for hannah graham.
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meanwhile, jesse matthew is due to appear in court on thursday for a bond hearing. >> athena jones, thank you very much. joining us our law enforcement analyst tom fuentes, also joining us coy barefoot in charlottesville, virginia. if this is true, that there could be some forensic link between these two cases that would be a huge development. >> it is a huge development, because forensic means science. it's not an eyewitness account or someone that might have seen them together five years ago or a video camera that's blurry from a store or something. but in this case, science is science. if they have a link between the two events between matthews himself and the young lady, harrington, that's a huge development. >> if there is forensic evidence linking matthew to morgan harrington, that moves this case in a whole new direction, and i
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guess it provides some critically important evidence to the law enforcement authorities there. >> it certainly does. i'll tell you, wolf, in charlottesville today, it's a cloudy, misty, rainy day, and everybody's head is spinning. since we learned this news a few hours ago, it is amazing that we could be looking at one man who might be responsible for the disappearance of hannah graham on september 13, for the abduction and murder of morin harrington in october of 2009. and don't forget that morgan's case is linked by dna to another rape and beating in fairfax that took place in september of 2005. could he be responsible for four of these find of cases? it just blows the mind. >> so the suspicion there, correct me if i'm wrong, there may be a serial killer in that area? >> that is absolutely the suspicion, and i should add,
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we've learned a lot today by confirming there is some type of forensic link between jesse l.j. matthew and the disappearance and the abduction and murder of morgan harrington. what we still want to know is one question -- there is hannah? there is hannah graham? >> tom, take us inside what the law enforcement authorities are doing, and the fbi, your former organization, they've been brought in, as well. walk us through, now that they have this potential possible link, what's going on? >> first of all, the investigation itself is predominantly charlottesville police and the virginia state police are working on this and who did the forensic work and the earlier work to link this together. but it gives law enforcement authorities and prosecutor's office potential leverage on matthews to be negotiating for his life. if they can bring murder charges
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in the harrington case and one or two other cases, it may induce him to cooperate to save his life and identify if he did it to hannah graham, if he took her and put her somewhere, where is that? lead to the body, if she's alive, lead the authorities to her. >> in other words, give him life in prison without the possibility of parole in exchange for pleading guilty and cooperating. >> right. >> is that something the folk there is in virginia do you think would realistically given the passion involved would be willing to do? because virginia, as all of us know, have a strict death sentence over there. >> we do. but i'll tell you, we have a system of justice in this country, wolf. everyone is presumed innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law with competent counsel. those are values that we as americans depend on and we will defend them. and mr. matthew will discover
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our commitment to those ideals, to our system of justice. >> well said. and in fact, he is obviously innocent until proven guilty. these are suspicions, allegations right now. nothing has been proven. we'll see what happens. guys, thank you very much. straight to politics. an exclusive cnn poll shows another democratic senator in trouble, even though senator mary landrieu of louisiana leads a crowded field of challengers in her own state, her state's unusual election laws require her to get 50% plus one to avoid a december runoff. in that case, our poll shows she would lose to republican congressman bill cassidy. more politics coming up in the next hour of "the situation room." but coming up, how deep inside president obama's home did the white house fence jumper actually go? we'll talk about a very troubling new revelation with a congressman who released the information.
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coalition warplanes. they're closing in on a key syrian city. insiders are revealing to cnn how isis is beating back the u.s.-led attacks. a new bombshell about white house security. just days after a man got much further into the building than we realized. plus this -- [ gunfire ] >> a new shooting incident here in washington, d.c. just a little while ago. it's only adding to questions about potential danger to the first family. is the secret service keeping the obamas safe? and this -- >> these are our streets. these ain't your streets, these are our streets. >> fresh anger and arrests in ferguson, missouri. the tensioned stoked by new incidents of police officers. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." >> this is cnn breaking news.
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>> we're following two breaking news stories this hour. isis fighters are closing in on a kurdish city near syria's border with turkey. terrorist forces are only about two miles from kobani. and shocking details about the intruder that jumped the white house fence. a security breach much more dangerous than all of us originally realized. we have our analysts and correspondents standing by. first, let's go to jim sciutto with more on the isis threat. jim? >> reporter: wolf, tonight, there are panicked calls from syrian kurds under assault from isis fighters on the turkish border where there have been no new coalition air strikes today. as isis is on the advance again in syria, there are new questions here at home after the president laid blame for underestimating the group firmly on the intelligence community.
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the message was clear -- the president seeming to place responsibility for underestimating isis' rise firmly and solely on the intelligence community. >> well, i think our head of the intelligence community, jim clapper, has acknowledged that i think they underestimated what had been taking place in syria. >> reporter: listen to the public testimony of intelligence and administration officials in recent months, however, and the early warnings appeared clear as well. here's the administration's point man on iraq from february 11 this year, four months before isis' offensive in iraq. >> its current leader is a designated global terrorist under u.s. law and is based in syria we believe. his mission is clearly stated in his own statements, carve out his over territory from baghdad through syria to lebanon. >> reporter: and here's the head of the defense intelligence
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agency one week earlier. >> how imminent of a threat does al qaeda insurgents pose for the region there? >> it's an increasing concern we're going to have to pay close attention to. >> reporter: and again last november, a full seven months before isis' advance. >> the more that this al qaeda network gains strength and gains roots in western iraq, the greater the threat will be. that's why we have to go after that in a very serious way. >> reporter: officials tell cnn that the agencies issued multiple reports warning of isis' rise in the months before it expanded from its base in syria to iraq. detailing its growing capability and its growing ambitions to take over territory as far as baghdad. the threat to the capital highlighted the very month before isis stormed across the border from syria. just last week, the cia director said the cia also issued a broader strategic warning about
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isis. >> i certainly think that the intelligence community did a very good job on both of those issues as far as trying to ensure the policymakers were informed. >> the white house defended the president's statement today. >> everybody knew that there was a threat that was posed by isil. but what nobody could predict, as the director said, is the willingness of the iraqi security forces to stand up and fight for their own country. >> reporter: where all sides were surprised was the lightning fast dissolution of the iraqi army in the face of isis militants. there are numerous intelligence reports about numerous threats. so it's one thing to say there is a report, another to say out of a mountain of threats, wolf, that this particular threat is one you have to allocate your limited resources to. that seems to be the question
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here. there were certainly warnings. were they severe enough that it should have changed administration policy? the administration made two decisions, one, withdraw troops from iraq and two, not get involved in syria earlier, contributing to an intelligence black hole there regarding isis. >> jim sciutto, thank you very much. let's get an update on the bloody march by isis. terrorist fighters are closer than ever to a key city. let's bring in our pentagon correspondent barbara starr. what are you hearing? >> reporter: the name of the town you want to remember is kobani. this the a town of syrian kurds close to the turkish border. this brings isis close to turkey, a nato ally, right to the southern flank of nato. citizens in the city, at least one of them, is reporting that isis may be as little as two miles away. it's continuing its advance on
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that city. if isis is able to take kobani, this will give them really free reign from raqqa, which is their self-declared capital in north central syria all the way to the turkish border. again, a new frontier, if you will, controlled by isis all the way to nato's southern flank. wolf? >> so why isn't the u.s. doing more, the u.s., saudis, uae, more air strikes in that specific area going after these isis targets? >> we asked that question today. and pentagon officials are saying, remember, there is no stated u.s. mission to protect the kurds in syria. president obama would have to authorize that specifically. they don't have the authorization to do that. they are going after isis targets. they have had a very small handful of strikes near kobani, near these border crossings. but right now, that is not a u.s. mission. remember, iraq welcomed participation inside their
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country. syria has not. wolf? >> barbara starr, thank you very much. a cnn exclusive now, isis insiders revealing how the terror group prepared for the air strikes, hiding their fighters and equipment before the u.s. started launching attacks. let's go to arwa damon, joining us live now in turkey near the border with syria. you've got some exclusive interviews, arwa. tell us what you've learned. >> reporter: wolf, we spoke to two men, both with very close ties to isis. one who continues to maintain those ties. these conversations provided a significant level of insight into how the organization operates and how it has managed to morph to avoid being impacted, or at least significantly impacted by coalition air strikes. when coalition air strikes blasted the isis strong hold of
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raqqa, a target of opportunity. he called the only person he could trust. >> translator: he was a relative. he was always telling me to defend. >> reporter: defect from isis. he shaved his beard and crossed into turkey, visibly anxious as we speak. now wanted by all sides. the organization he refers to as the islamic state he tells us relies heavily on foreign fighters. he says, isis was well prepared for coalition air strikes. moving their fighters and equipment. >> translator: they almost entirely emptied out the headquarters. some equipment they hid in civilian neighborhoods, some they hid underground. >> reporter: we're interviewing an isis fighter by skype. he won't directly speak to a woman, so that's why he's asking the questions. since the coalition air strikes in syria, isis banned all
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communications from raqqa. with permission, he traveled closer to the border with iraq, to be able to access the internet for this interview. >> translator: we've been ready for this for some time. we know that our bases are known because they're tracking us with radars and satellites, so we had backup locations. they thought they knew everything. but thank god they don't know anything. and god willing, we will defeat the infidels. >> reporter: he says he was with the fighters that overran mosul and knew how easy it would be to push out the iraqi army and seize their weapons and armor. much of it american made. >> translator: it was all planned and prepared. there was nothing by chance. it was all organized. >> reporter: and wolf, we spent most of the day watching isis fighters along kobani's eastern front, moving with complete impunity and seemingly very
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confident that they weren't going to be targeted by coalition air strikes. the argument that the u.s. mission is not to protect the kurds, well, that's one that many people here will tell you is simply unacceptable. they will tell you that the coalition has a moral obligation to prevent a massacre from happening. >> we saw some of those pro american syrians protesting on the streets of syria, calling death to america. they don't like these air strikes paubecause they're not going after assad's regime. arwa, thank you very much. let's talk more about isis and the terror threat. joining us, phillip mudd, and retired lieutenant general mark hurtling and paul crookshank. phil, you just heard arwa's report. these isis guys, you have to take what they're saying with a grain of salt, they're saying these air strikes are not having much of an impact because they moved their equipment, they hid their top commanders.
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they knew what was coming and they went into heavily populated civilian areas. what do you make of this in >> this underscores the importance of the u.s. mission. when you look at the degradation of al qaeda in pakistan and afghanistan, we're 13 years into that. but that took years. i remember sitting in the chair four years after 9/11 wondering how much damage we had done to the al qaeda infrastructure. what we're seeing here is an embedded terrorist organization taking advantage of civilians. but if we don't stick around for months or years, they will succeed in avoiding us. >> what do you make of what these two isis terrorists told arwa? >> this is consistent with a whole stream of reporting coming out of syria, that isis has embedded fighters into civilian areas. that's going to make them much more difficult to target them. in pakistan and afghanistan,
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those were remote mountainous areas. so this is going to be very difficult to target them. there's also concern that this group could train western operatives to come back and target the west. h >> general, over the weekend, we saw video, protests throughout syria. these were not from anti-american elements, these are people that want to cooperate with the united states but they were protesting the u.s.-led air strikes, shouting "death to america." it's shocking when you think about it, because the u.s. was not going after bashar al assad's regime. take a look am this video. these are the people the u.s. wants to train to fight assad's regime and to fight isis, if you will. what do you make of this? >> i don't think all of those are people we're going to train to fight either isis or the assad regime, wolf. some of those are members of the
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nusra organization. some of those are members of khorasan. again, whenever you're dealing in this part of the world, you're dealing with multiple groups, all with their separate interests. i would suggest that nibble who is shouting death to america because we haven't gone after assad is not understanding the situation that we find ourselves in, with interests of the american people behind us. everything paul and phil have said is exactly right, and i would add to what you said as well that we've got to take a lot of the comments by people in this part of the world with a little bit of a grain of salt. just the fact that these terrorists, the terrorists that were talking to arwa have gone underground and doesn't want to use communication tells me the air strikes we've conducted in syria have been effective in terms of turning isis on their ear a little bit. >> here's what worries a lot of u.s. officials, phil.
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the fact that these free syrian army, these pro-u.s. elements the u.s. is about to train and fund and arm and all of that, they are now increasingly apparently aligning themselves with these el nusra terrorists, they have one thing in common, they hate assad's regime. >> this is going to be a real problem, because what you're seeing, and mark talked about this, we have different objectives. let's be clear here. our objective is not regime change. we did that without a great deal of success in iraq. saddam is not there, but we have chaos. we're not talking about using force for regime change in syria. we're talking about going after isis. we're going to have to have some conversations saying if we're training folks to go after isis, why aren't we training them to go after assad? this has to be resolved. >> right now the u.s. is training them specifically to go after isis.
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paul, we haven't confirmed these reports, but the al nusra terrorist front may be aligning itself with isis. >> well, there have been some defections to isis. perhaps a couple hundred people have gone over. but the two leeds are still very much at war with each other. the last few days, they have said they're still at war with isis. but the concern is, if these air strikes continue and they intensify, you could, in the future, see some cooperation between the two groups. some of the hard liners may be arguing for that, wolf. >> we're going to leave it right there. we'll continue the breaking news. thank you very much, appreciate it very much. still ahead, shocking new information we're learning about that white house intruder who not only got inside the white house, he ran through much of the main floor of the white house. got into the east room of the
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white house. there's also been a new shooting here in the nation's capital. secret service agents moved in. how safe is the first family right now? congressman jason chaffetz is here. he's a key member of congress investigating all of this. congressman, we'll talk to you in a moment. so get a seat. "the situation room" will be right back. narrator: this is the storm sea captain: there's a storm comin narrator: that whipped through the turbine which poured... surplus energy into the plant which generously lowered its price and tipped off the house which used all that energy to stay warm through the storm. chipmunk: there's a bad storm comin! narrator: the internet of everything is changing how energy works. is your network ready?"
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this is cnn breaking news. >> let's get right to the breaking news. we're getting alarming new information about a major security breach at the white house. we're learning the man who jumped the fence and stormed the presidential residence overpowered an officer and actually made it a lot further into the white house than we previously knew. brian todd has been investigating. what are you learning? >> reporter: we learned the fence jumper, omar gonzalez, got into the east room of the white house before he was taken down
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by secret service officers. this is part of the new details we're getting on two major security incidents at the white house, which have put the secret service on the defensive. the white house fence jumper swept past a secret service officer and ran around the main floor of the white house according to congressman jason chaffetz, who is part of an investigation into the incident. the intruder, omar gonzalez, was in the east room of the white house when he was finally taken down. until now, the secret service claimed the man had been captured right after entering the front door. contacted by cnn, the secret service would not comment. this comes on the heels of an earlier report from "the washington post" claiming the white house came under attack in november 2011. seven bullets hit the white house. one smashing a window a few feet from the first family's living room. the president and first lady was
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not home. but the younger daughter sasha and the first lady's mother were inside. what if they had been on the balcony? >> clearly had they been on the balcony, it could have been a very dangerous situation, and would have put them in harm's way. >> reporter: the shooter sped off, crashed his car and arrested five days later in pennsylvania. according to the new reporting, secret service supervisors told agents to stand down immediately after the incident, claiming no shots fired. and it wasn't until the cleaning staff discovered the bullets four days late they are the secret service realized this had been shots fired. critics are blasting the secret service. >> they are not safe. the agents i talked to say it's a miracle there's not been an assassination so far. >> reporter: the secret service is pushing back far, saying the agency did not bungle the sponsor the investigation. they claim agents were told to stand down immediately afterward
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because of the confusion of the moment. witnesses had reported people from two cars fired at each other. as for not finding the bullets for four days -- >> while the bullet pierced the historical glass, it didn't go through the protective coating of the white house. so when you're examining the white house from the inside windows, there were no breaks in that protective glass. >> reporter: "the washington post" reports that first lady michelle obama was furious with the secret service over this incident we just detailed. a former white house official who was there at the time says the first family was concerned about the incident and unhappy with the slow response. but not furious as "the post" says. >> brian, the post also reporting there had been a
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shooter and reluctant to tell her supervisors. >> reporter: that's right. she was told to stand down. she did not want to tell her superiors for fear of being criticized. an official pushed back saying to us, that is not true. that agents are not punished for reporting security lapses. also, the former director told us the same thing, they are not punished. >> very worrisome developments. thank you very much. another security incident causing alarm here in washington. [ gun fire ] >> the secret service has now arrested this man after he brandished a gun, fired one shot outside the ethiopian embassy in the nation's capital. it occurred near the school attended by the obama daughters, putting the school on lockdown. congressman jason chaffetz is joining us, chairman of the house oversight subcommitty on
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national security. what is going on here, congressman? >> i've got deep concerns that the president is not as safe as we want. i have questions about leadership and protocol and about the training at the secret service. >> where is your question of leadership, for example? >> these incidents seem to be getting worse, not better. there are lots of redundancy around the white house, but to have such an epic failure degrees the question why did they decrease the number of trainings going on that the white house was appropriating more money? what is the protocol? why is it that the secret service issues a statement saying that the intruder, the guy who hopped the fence, had no weapon and he did have a weapon? why did they say he stopped at the door but he went much further into the white house? why do they brag about or tout the idea that there is tremendous restraint by these
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officers. i want to see overwhelming force, repel anybody who is trying to get into the white house. i don't think that's good leadership. >> what's shocking to me is someone i spent almost eight years covering the white house, going there almost every day during the clinton administration. there were always fence jumpers. they come on the lawn and they arrest them. but someone got through the lawn, ran all the way to the front door on the north side of the white house. the door was unlocked. got inside and we thought that person was stopped right inside. but what you're saying, based on what you're hearing, that person not only ran through the white house, got into the east room of the white house, where the president hosts state dinners. >> and to the doorway to the green room. there's an audible alarm supposed to be there. one whistle blower indicated that the audible alarm was muted because the ushers thought it was disruptive. it begs the question of leadership. are we going to put security as the number one issue or are there going to be some political
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considerations like making sure it doesn't get too noisy on the first floor? >> what are the rules of engagement? when can a secret service officer actually use force? they're all armed. when can they shoot an intruder? >> again, when the secret service punts out a statement saying that the officers showed tremendous restraint, i've got a problem with that. i don't want restraint. safety and security of the president and first family is priority one and securing the white house. you don't know what this person has underneath them in this day of isis and isil and terrorists and all this. you don't know if the person has an improvised explosive device, a dirty bomb. what if there were 12 people came over the fence, then what? i want to see overwhelming force to deter somebody. when you have a situation where you have the apparent lack security, you're going to invite more attacks. that's the concern. >> is it true that the threats against this president, president obama, that they're
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much more than previous presidents? >> unfortunately, i think that is true. i've got to see some more solid stats. the world situation, the historic nature of this president. he's under constant attack. there's a reason why we have such an elaborate security force surrounding the president and first family. great men and women who served there, but they can never, ever, ever make a mistake. it just can't happen. >> the secret service says they're not providing all this information because there's an ongoing investigation and as a result they'll share the information down the road. i think sharing the information with congress, with you. >> we're going to have a hearing tomorrow. i appreciate the director coming and answering the questions in the light of day. just because something is embarrassing doesn't mean that it's classified. so it will be interesting to see. in the united states of america, we are self-critical. this is how we make things better and why congress needs to get involved.
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>> if you don't learn from the mistakes -- do you have confidence in the relatively new director of the secret service? >> i've got real questions for her. great men and women, but i question their training and the protocol, and i question the leadership. >> but she's got a lot of experience there, but you think she comes from what, the same culture, is that the problem? she really hasn't made many changes that you want to see? >> long-term, we need to evaluate after 9/11 when they moved secret service and put it into homeland security, did it become too political? a real question about the structure and how they make these decisions, the protocol. i would like to see more force, lethal force if necessary. if you didn't put a dog or person in between an intrulder into the white house, i would like to see lethal force.
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newlywed discount. new college graduate and retiree discounts. you could even get a discount when you add a car. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. we're covering the breaking news, the man who jumped the fence overpowered an officer, made it further into the white house than we previously knew. this information comes from congressman jason chaffetz, who is still with us. congressman, we spoke about that, and it's pretty alarming. but in 2011, shots are fired at the white house, in the residence, and for four days nobody knew that shots were fired at the white house? how could that happen? >> what's concerning to me is we
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had a relatively young agent, she heard what she thought were shots. she called it out but it gets to a supervisor and the supervisor says no, no, just stand down. that's the word i heard, stand down. that's of deep concern. when you have somebody who hears shots fired, what is the protocol? what are the alarm bells that go off? then secret service finds a vehicle that crashed and had some information in there that would lead you to believe that perhaps the two were connected. again, that was dismissed. it wasn't very far from the white house. then you had local law enforcement detain somebody who ended up being the person they were looking for but they let him go because the secret service didn't put anything out. that person is then detained again in another setting. and again, nothing out from the secret service, so they let him go again.
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it was four days that they knew the white house had taken seven rounds. i thought that the secret service would at least walk around a little bit. anybody who would have walked up on that second floor would have noticed broken glass on the ground. >> you're going to have a hearing tomorrow. the director of the secret service will be there. what needs to be donesome >> questions about strange and protocol. what is their true objective? i don't buy the notion they're supposed to offer tremendous restraint as the secret service touts. i don't think that's the right message. i want the secret service to know we've got their back. you can never let something happen to the white house or the president. if they have to take more adeprea aggressive measures, we've got their back.
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>> you've heard morale is not high there. >> particularly at the secret service, it's demoralizing to have gone through these incidents. they had problems with their inspector general that hopefully has been cleaned up. the training levels have come down. they have pay issues. there are lots of things the secret service is dealing with. then to pat somebody on the back for offering restraint, i don't think that's the message you want to be sending. >> let's not lose sight of the fact that these are the secret service. they do an excellent job. they risk their own lives to protect the president and others. >> absolutely. what they do day in and day out i'm sure is mundane and all of a sudden everything breaks loose. i could not be more proud of the individual agents, but i worry that the leadership there at the secret service is failing them and i question the training and the protocol. how are we going to recognize these people for the tough work that they do? it's just not happening. >> you've got a hearing
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ferguson, missouri after another chaotic wmd of demonstrations. police arrested eight people after rocks and bottles were thrown at officers outside the police station. what is the latest, sara? >> reporter: it doesn't matter what happens, people here do not trust the police, especially in the black community. we're seeing just about every night some type of protest erupt here. tensions in ferguson boiling over again. several people arrested sunday. a community on edge. >> these ain't your streets, these are our streets. >> reporter: saturday, protests during a manhunt after a ferguson police officer was shot in the arm. there was concern the officer was targeted. a reaction to the killing of unarmed teenage er michael brow. but authorities say that is not
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the case. >> is this related to the protests? >> you know, i don't think it is. >> reporter: but there is mistrust between the black community and police here. >> as long as this memorial is standing, people will be reminded who the enemy is. >> reporter: is that police? >> exactly. they are the number one enemy. they are the protectors of those who seek to do people injustice. >> reporter: the ferguson police chief insists his officers do not target people based on race. but david still feels they are treated differently. a sentiment echoed by president obama in a speech this weekend. >> too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement. guilty of walking or driving by black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness. >> reporter: in ferguson, the racial divide isn't just limited to police and protesters. residents say they feel it between one another. what are you experiencing now? >> yelling, screaming.
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>> a lot of anger wherever you go. manners seem to have gone out the window when you're going to the grocery store. it could be on both sides of the fence. you don't know where anybody stands. >> reporter: since brown's death, police and protesters are watching the streets like never before. not long after the michael brown shooting, police here began wearing body kamras. in fact, the officer that was shot was wearing one, but police say he didn't turn it on. and that just heightens mistrust here. now it isn't just police wearing cameras, but citizens are donning them, too. both trying to protect themselves in the eyes of the law with indisputable proof. and tomorrow, there's going to be another town hall meeting here. this time between people here in the community and the leaders where they can ask any question they want. we have talked to the mayor. the mayor saying that he hopes they are working towards a
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better ferguson. the department of justice is mediating that. wolf? >> thank you very much, sara. let's big deeper. joining us john gaskin and tom fuenets. john, how long are these protests going to continue? >> you know, you have a community that is very upset, that does not trust local law enforcement, that feels the local leadership there is incompetent. you've got a police chief that has really irreparable relationship with the community. i believe the protests will remain until they see justice. people want answers. there is a very large level and amount of distrust. so as we saw this weekend, people are on edge. i feel as though we're almost working with borrowed time. tensions are very high, so people want answers, and they want them now. >> tom, how does law enforcement
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there calm these tensions? because it is very, very potentially dangerous. >> wolf, i'm starting to believe they can't calm it. i think the attempted apology by the chief of police was probably a mistake and the way it was presented, and hiring a pr firm to put it out made it look insincere all by itself. but the fact that these protests are going on in such a strong way, so long after the event, and we're not going to have a result of the missouri grand jury for a long time, we're not going to have the results of the federal investigation for a longer time. i don't see an end in this any time soon. >> over the weekend, john, two police officers were shot in and around ferguson. apparently no connection at all to the protests. what was your reaction when you heard about it? how did the community react? >> well, when i heard about it, i was very concerned, because one thing that the naacp and
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everyone in the community should know is that all life matters. whether it's black or white, it doesn't matter. all life is valuable. so we don't want anyone to get hurt. but the police chief said that he doesn't feel as though it was in relation to the protests, and it may not have been. but the fact of the matter is, you have policemen that are on edge. they're probably very agitated, watching really every move. but you have a community that is really outraged, that the steps we've been encouraging they're not taking. they're not wearing their name badges, the officer that was shot his camera wasn't on. it's my understanding the policemen are still wearing the bands that say "i am dan wilson," which the department of justice asked them to stop wearing. so people are wondering why protesters are remaining angry. but it appears to be almost no progress. >> we'll see what happens.
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let's hope it stays calm. guys, thank you very much. just ahead, as the u.s. takes the fight toisis with air strikes in syria and iraq, there's growing support in the american public. but is the campaign doing anything for the president's public image? stand by. we have details. finally get in shape. not to be focusing, again, on my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis. so i finally made a decision to talk to my dermatologist about humira. humira works inside my body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to my symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance on humira. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and
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the president is still at just 44% of the job he's doing. about the same as it was earlier this month. suggesting he is not necessarily getting what's called that war time rally effect. let's bring in john king. our political commentator, he is the washington correspondent for the new yorker and our chief political analyst. why isn't he getting the increase? normally the president takes the country to war. the public generally supports the public. >> the public tends to view this as air strikes because the president has said over and over and over again that there are no boots on the ground. we may call it a war but they regard it pretty differently. while the president has gotten an uptick on his handling of isis and foreign affairs, there is one big number that stands out. less than 50% of the american public believes he is a really good commander in chief.
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so that keeps a level on his ratings. so this isn't like at all like george w. bush post 9/11. >> the president doesn't have to worry about politics or getting reelected but there are a lot of democrats, five weeks from now, to have run for re-election. the majority in senate. his job approval nationally might be 44%. you go to the key states, in arkansas, his job approval is at 33%. 38% in new hampshire. 40% in louisiana. that generally hurts the democratic candidate, the incumbent who is not that popular. >> there will be some exceptions where they have their own quirks and dynamics, but as a general rule, the the north star is the president's approval rating. if the president goes up, his party goes up with him. and he has mostly been in a rut. somewhere in the 30s or low 40s and that has been a pretty flat line. with the president in a rut,
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democrats are in a rut. can they overcome that dynamic and turn out their voters. you look at the president's approval rating. if you look at the difference between urban areas where the president tends to do fairly well, that's where you find the african-americans and latino voters. you get into the rural areas, he sinks even more. if you take a look at what's going on between now and the november mid-term elections, presumably the u.s. air strikes against isis and iraq and syria will be continuing. how is that likely toim pact? >> why are not we seeing that traditional rally. we have went been at war in one way or another at war since 9/11. and i'm not sure they are processing the air strikes the same as the invasion of afghan or iraq. >> no boots on the ground. a lot of the images are not available to the press.
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and so i think this is, if there is no rally around the president now, i doubt we'll see that increase as we get closer to the elections. people are, we've been dropping bombs on middle eastern countries since 9/11. i think people are a little bit immune. and it is very polarized, very hard to get conservatives to say anything nice about the president. >> but this could be a motivator for republican voters. a lot of candidates in these battleground states are saying the democrats were asleep at the switch on isis. why the democrats keep quiet about isis? why were not they there before? couldn't this have been avoided? that's something you will see play out. >> i want to quickly get to this new article you have in the new yorker about senator randal paul. you entitle it the revenge of ran paul. by all accounts, he is seriously thinking of running for 2016.
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>> his top political staffers said unless his wife says no, he is running. >> that's a big if. ted cruz. a lot of people are waiting for some others like jeb bush, for example. or even mitt romney. you're going to have this tug-of-war since george w. bush left office. and it is front and central. and you have the more libertarian. rand paul is less interventionalist. now we're waiting on chris christie. we'll watch to see -- >> we're just getting some video. gloria, watch this video. >> the first video we're seeing. this is chelsea clinton, mark, her husband. they're achieving the hospital with the clintons right behind them. baby charlotte.
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>> it looks reminiscent of kate middleton leaving. >> this is our royalty. >> did they get a shot of the baby at least? >> adorable. proud grand ma and grandpa behind. >> this is video. i was there when chelsea clinton was 8 years old. just a smile stone. this is a wonderful moment for the family. good for chelsea and mark and yes, the woman behind her, grand ma thinking of running for president. she will spend a little time with that baby first. >> is she running for president, do you think? >> why would she not? no democrat has been as dominant as she is. >> if her spouse gets a vote, the vote is yes. >> chelsea and mark ask baby charlotte. the cleanses. mark's mother, let's wish them
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all congratulations and good luck. a wonderful, wonderful scene. that's it for me tweet me at wolf blitzer. you can tweet the show. please be sure to join us. you can watch us live and you can dvr the show so you won't miss a moment. thanks for watching. -- captions by vitac -- up "outfront." a link between the case of hannah graham and one other case. and new details about the white house fence jumper. he actually made it well past the front door of the white house. evening knocking down an agent. we have that report coming up. plus the man accused of beheading a woman in oklahoma. now reports that he waxed beheading videos online. let's go "outfront."
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