tv The Situation Room CNN September 30, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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laws. so that's what that ad did. >> right. >> everything in the ad was accurate and it pointed out this candidate's position and when the candidate changed their position. >> they took it down. >> we took it down. >> mark kelly, say hi to your wife for us, please. that's it for "the lead." i'm jake tapper. i turn you over to "the situation room" and wolf blitzer. >> ebola in the united states. the first confirmed case diagnosed in this country. who and where is the patient? intruder indicted. a grand jury has just charged the man who ran into a store and beheaded a woman. isis battles back. can the u.s.-led coalition stop the terrorists' momentum? dna link. there's new evidence tieing the man in the disappearance to a
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virginia student to another student five years ago. could police have a serial killer on their hands? i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." the centers for disease control and prevention has just announced the first case of ebola. first case has been diagnosed in the united states. it's a troubling milestone in the spread of the disease which has now killed thousands of people in west africa. we're standing by for a news conference by the cdc, the centers for disease control and prevention. that's coming up in about half an hour. we'll have live coverage. we have correspondents, our guests, including president obama's senior adviser, dan pfeiffer, here in the situation room with me. first, let's bring in dr. sanjay gupta. what do we know about the first confirmed case of ebola in the united states? >> what we know is that this is a person who they had some
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suspicion, given where the person had recently traveled, west africa, and this person was having symptoms, high fever and symptoms consistent with ebola but also could be a lot of other things. what they did in this case and they've done in several cases in the past, they simply test the person's blood, sent the specimens over to the centers for disease control and waited till they got the results. this has happened in the past but all of the previous times the tests have subsequently come back negative or without any evidence of the ebola virus. within half an hour you'll hear from the cdc themselves but they are talking about the fact that this particular specimen did come back positive. so while we have had other people in the united states who have had ebola, keep in mind, they were diagnosed with ebola elsewhere and flown to the united states for treatment. this is the first payment who was, in fact, diagnosed here in the united states. as you said, wolf, this is a -- it's historic in some ways.
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it's a milestone but not unexpected, i think, given how much we've seen it spread over the last several months. >> and it's spreading by enormous rates in west africa. there's alarm going on. right now thousands and thousands of people have been affected and thousands have died. it could go up and up and up. the question everyone is asking in the united states, hearing you, sanjay, how concerned should we be in this country that ebola could come here? >> ebola is here. i think that's -- it's one of those things that is startling to here and now we've seen someone diagnosed here having travelinged from a place known to have ebola and then traveling to the united states. the question that people have is, is it going to start spreading within the united states? that's the big concern.
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the same thing we've been saying for months, the likelihood of that happening is still very, very low. this is not a particularly contagious disease despite the numbers and obviously some of what you've seen in west africa. this does not spread easily from person to person. typically people will spread this when they are very sick and their body starts to spread the virus. typically when someone is sick, they are not up and about, they are in a hospital. it's certainly concerning, not unexpected. but this idea that we're going to start to see these outbreaks in the united states, i still maintain, i think, is relatively low, wolf. >> sanjay, stand by. at the bottom of the hour, we'll have live coverage from the cdc. the first confirmed ebola case now in the united states, first case confirmed in the united states. sanjay, thanks very much. there's other breaking news we're following, including breaking news about the man who barrelled deep inside the white house carrying a knife.
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he has now been indicted on three charges just hours after outraged lawmakers grilled the secret service director. let's go to our justice correspondent pamela braun. she has more on the breaking news. what's the latest, pamela? >> wolf, tonight the grand jury indicted omar gonzalez on unlawfully entering a restricted building while carrying a deadly or dangerous weapon as well as two law violations. julia pierson apologized today for the botched security breach, this as we learn more details about the role that an off-duty officer played in the apprehending of gonzalez. >> reporter: the intruder seen here bolting across the white house lawn was stopped by just one on-duty secret service police officer and two off-duty agents who were on the lower level of the building and heard
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the commotion. one of the agents had been guarding the obama daughters four minutes earlier before they left with the president on marine one. >> we are all outraged with how this incident came to pass. that is why i have asked for a full review. it's obvious t. is obvious that mistakes were made. >> for nearly four hours today, the director of the secret service, julia pierson, was grilled on how omar gonzalez, was able to get inside. >> don't let somebody get close to the president and his family. i wish to god you protected the white house like you're protecting your reputation here today. >> i don't want anyone to imagine, imagine, imagining that they can pierce to protect the veil of the secret service. >> piersonned admitted that two
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secret service agents noticed him for some time before jumping the fence. >> he was not acting inappropriately or violating any laws. >> but they did not approach that and they did not report that? >> reporter: gonzalez dashed 70 yards across the iconic front lawn and went through the unlocked front door. inside, he overpowered an agent and made a left turn past the stairwell that leads to the first family's private residence before briefly running into the east room and finally being arrested. committee members pressed the director on why the secret service didn't disclose the struggle or lengthy choice and told the public gonzalez was unarmed. >> i know when mr. gonzalez was placed into custody he was found to have a folded knife in his right front pants pocket.
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>> do you consider that a weapon? >> that is a weapon. >> why would a press release be put out to "the associated press," did you ever correct them and call them back and say, you've got that wrong? >> i have no knowledge of that. >> reporter: through the contentious hearing, members of congress laid out a laundry list of secret service failures, including lack of training, failure to lock the front door and a decision not to use more force to get gonzalez. >> we could be easily sitting here today why an iraq veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder armed with only a pocket knife was shot dead on the north lawn. >> and today the white house came to her defense saying that she put new security rules in place to make sure it didn't happen again and one of those changes is a system that would automatically lock the white house front door. wolf? >> that sort of makes sense
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right now. thanks, pamela. let's move on to other breaking news we're following. this time involving isis. its forces are now making some significant advances, despite weeks of air strikes by the u.s. and a growing coalition. jim sciutto is, working this story for us. what's the latest, jim? >> wolf, the u.s.-led coalition is now 53 days into the campaign in iraq and eight days into syria and yet isis still holds the same amount of territory it did when the campaign began. no one was expecting a sudden victory but as isis continues to advance, the challenge and timeline of this war is becoming clearer. >> reporter: u.s. and coalition warplanes ruled the skies. but on the ground, isis remains on the offensive. in syria, kurdish forces are locked in a fight for their lives. surrounded by isis militants in a town of kobani on the turkish
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border. more than half of coalition air strikes in syria overnight targeted this area. but isis' relentless assault continues there. the second military base to fall since the start of the u.s. air campaign. dozens of isis militants overwhelming 180 iraqi soldiers, most of whom fled before the base was overrun. now a large cache of u.s. weapons are in the hands of isis. >> this is going to be a long struggle. this group will adapt and we're going to have to adapt right along with them. air strikes alone, you are not going to bomb them away. >> reporter: the warplane could include requests for u.s. ground troops. a point reiterated at the council on four ren relations today by robert work.
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>> was the pentagon keeping that option on the table? >> when and if general dempsey and chairman austin believe, hey, there's a point in which we might need to have troops, it will be up to the president to decide britain carries out its first air strikes in iraq today. but the u.s. remains in the lead and it's getting expensive. the first wave of u.s. military action against isis has cost nearly 1 billi$1 billion, accor one study. it will grow at $320 million per month amounting to $4 billion a year. >> the mounting costs come while the pentagon is still battling with sequestration, the obje
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obligatory tightening and he called sequestration ugly, stupid, and totally irresponsible. >> i guess he was blunt in telling us how he really feels about those mandatory spending. jim, thanks very. . we have a lot to talk about with dan pfeiffer who is here in "the situation room." thanks very much for coming in. >> certainly, wolf. >> on this ebola incident, the president was in atlanta at the cdc. i assume he's been briefed by the director of the cdc. what are you hearing about the first confirmed case in the united states? >> well, wolf, i think i'll let the cdc talk about this specific case and what it means. but what i will say is we've been preparing for this possibility for a long time. america has the best doctors and public health in the world so we're ready to deal with it but the cdc will have more to say shortly. >> and the plan is to dispatch troops to west africa and spend whatever it will cost to deal with it there, that's still the
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works and ongoing? >> absolutely. as the president announced at the cdc a few weeks ago, we're stepping up to the unique and unprecedented ability to the military in terms of command and control and logistics to help coordinate the response in africa and get this under control as we have in the past. >> this is a big issue for the president? >> absolutely. it's a threat to regional security. it's a public health threat. as we see here, it can have threats in america. >> let's talk about the secret service, this subject that is close to the president's heart. his family has to be protected. this is shocking, these developments. you've spent every day for the last six years, you've been walking around -- can you believe somebody jumped over the fence -- that happens all the time -- but then ran all the way to the north portico, not only got inside but roamed around in the foyer and made his way to the east room where the president hosts east dinners.
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you must have been shocked? >> well, as someone who has traveled with the president a lot, i'm incredibly grateful for the work they do to protect the first family. >> all of us are grateful to the secret service personnel. >> this is obviously very concerning to the president, as it would be to any parent if something like this were to happen in their home. the director has initiated a full review to figure out what went wrong and make sure it will never happen again. >> when was the president told the extent of what happened? >> i don't want to get into specific conversations between the president and secret service. rest assured, the secret service has been in contact with the president and white house staff essentially since right after this happened on a regular basis over the last week or so. >> because i'm sure the first lady -- and i'm sure both daughters, they must have been alarmed when they heard that someone actually penetrated the white house and got into the
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east room. >> well, i'm not going to get into the reaction of the first family but the president is very concerned about this and appreciates the efforts that the secret service has done to innegotiai initiate this review. >> does he feel safe? >> absolutely. >> does he still have confidence in julia pierson? >> he does. they are going to figure out what went wrong and they've taken steps in the short term to determine what happened on that evening. when we get to that review, i'm confident that they will implement measures so it never happens again. >> any thought to maybe build a bigger fence? >> i'll leave that to the security of the white house. >> and then i want to move on to other subs. in 2011, shots were fired at the white house penetrating a window but it took four days.
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secret service thought it was something else. it was a housekeeper who found these shots in the window in the white house residence. >> after that happened, the secret service did a review of that. what we know is what happened a week ago is not acceptable. >> the president still has confidence in the secret service director? >> yes, wolf. >> because some members of the committee today suggested that they will call for her resignation. >> i saw that in the testimony. he still has confidence in her. >> stand by. we have a lot more to talk about, including isis and other things on the president's agenda. we're also standing by for this live news conference from atlanta from the centers of disease control. the director about to tell us the first confirmed case here in the united states. stay with us. we'll be right back. when i had my first migraine, i was lucky. that sounds crazy, i know.
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. a new wave of air strikes by british fighter jets but the terrorists make significant gains, including an iraqi military base only 50 miles from baghdad where they received a large cache of weapons. once again, the senior presidential adviser dan pfeiffer is here with me in "the situation room." this is pretty alarming after all of these weeks of air strikes, isis continues to advance. they are on the move. they are not slowing down. what does that say to you? >> well, we said -- the president said from the very beginning this is going to take some time. it's going to be a long-term effort. we have made progress. the pentagon believes the air strikes that we've taken have
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been effective but it's going to take time because it's not just about u.s. air strikes and the strikes of the broad international coalition that the president has built, it's about building up the iraqi security forces, behind them being an inclusive government led by the prime minister. it's going to take some time. >> the u.s. spent ten years building up that iraqi security force, spending hundreds of billions of dollars, supplying them with the most sophisticated weapons, the isis guys come in, they drop their weapons and run away. >> when weest will, we left the iraqi government and people with a tremendous opportunity to move forward in a safe, security, and democratic way. >> and they botched it. >> absolutely by undertaking the sectarian -- >> do you like this new guy, abadi, the new prime minister?
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>> the president met with him in new york with the general u.n. assembly. very impressive. a lot of work to do. but he's saying the right things. >> is the president thinking -- there's about 1600 u.s. troops, advisers helping the iraqis and protecting the green zone where the embassy is in baghdad. >> our first priority is to protect our u.s. personnel, including the embassies. right now we believe we have the assets we need but if that changes, the decision will come to the president. >> have you heard anything about the evacuation of u.s. diplomats, other people, citizens, military personnel given the isis advances? >> no. but we'll monitor this very carefully because it's top priority here. >> this is high on the agenda right now. you say it's going to take a long time. you're not saying weeks or months. this is going to take years.
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>> absolutely. we're dealing with a broader sectarian region in the country and it's going to take time to build up a moderate position. the program was designed to equip and train them but it will take time and people need to be patient. >> what do you say to all of these people who say we told the white house a year ago that isis was gaining strength, gaining areas in syria, moving in iraq and the president, as you know on "60 minutes" the other night said the intelligence community underestimated what isis could do. >> you're referring to jim clapper, we've been tracking to isil for a long time, evaluating their threat. everyone was surprised at how fast isis advanced in iraq because of the lack or will to fight against the security forces. there's no intelligence tool to
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divine the will of the fight of fighting force somewhere in the world. the president is tremendously grateful for what the men and women do every day to keep america safe. >> i've spoke to some of these intelligence analysts and they didn't want to hear to which you said -- >> the president wasn't saying what i think the interpretation that you're reading back to me, he was referring specifically to their advances in iraq. we've obviously been -- the intelligence community has been tracking very carefully the rise of isil and the potential role it would play. >> and the president said he was surprised how quickly the iraqi military crumbled. >> that was the point he was originally making. >> the iraqi military, even though there were 2 or 300,000 troops, they couldn't deal with 10,000 or 20,000 of the terrorists coming in. >> in part because of the type of government that former prime minister maliki had, you need
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inclusive governance. hopefully we've turned the page and will be able to have a government that allows for a stronger iraqi military force. >> i know the economy right now clearly is a lot better today than it was six years ago when the president took office, as you point out. the american people, the united states was losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took office. the u.s. has been creating jobs ever since. here's the question. the stock market is so much better. it was 7,000 in the dow jones. now 17,000. all of these indicators are positive. unemployment has gone down. why isn't the president getting credit for the turn around in the economy? >> ebola, the fight against isil, these are the situations in the world that the president is fighting. it's the one essential power.
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when trouble comes, they don't go calling other countries. they call us. we have made tremendous progress. the housing market is coming back. real progress. now, the challenge is that the benefits of that progress are not be shared broadly enough across the middle class. the president is traveling to northwestern university to give a speech where will speak to the progress we've made and the strategy we need to undertake to move us so that the next -- so this entry is a great america in order to do that we'll have to make tough choices and work together. >> because this economist has a chart that just came out showing that the benefits over the past six years, the benefits of the economic recovery are really only going to the top 10% earners in the united states and 90% aren't feeling those benefits. >> wolf, you're speaking to a
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decades' long trend of increasing income and equality. we've made tremendous progress in dealing with that, in this administration by preserving tax cuts for the middle class, raising tax cuts on some of the wealthiest americans, passing the affordable care act. that's what we are focused on. >> dan pfeiffer, thank you for coming in. i want to go to sanjay gupta. we're standing by for the cdc news conference on the first case of ebola diagnosed in the united states. sanjay, you're there, on the scene for us and tell our viewers what we're about to hear. >> well, we're getting some more information about what likely happened here. this was a patient -- this was a person who was in liberia. we know that. this is someone who traveled from west africa back to the united states. what we're hearing is that the person was not sick on the plane, did not have any symptoms or cause for concern at that
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time. upon arriving to the united states, they started to get sick and they were concerned they have ebola. why exactly they were concerned if they were a health care worker, if they came in contact with people with ebola in liberia, we'll find that out shortly. nevertheless, the person was sick and went to the hospital and was placed in isolation. that's the standard protocol that we've been hearing about in the united states and his blood was drawn and sent over to the cdc and we know those results came back positive. so this the first feperson diagnosed with ebola. remember, wolf, they were diagnosed in west africa and brought to the united states after that diagnosis had already been confirmed. what we're talking about today, what you're going to hear about shortly from dr. tom friedman, director of the cdc, this is the first person diagnosed with ebola in the united states. we're going to have a lot of questions, obviously. we want to know who else may
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potentially have been exposed, how sick this person is and what is going to happen over the next days and weeks to try and help this person to recover. but oh obviously we're awaiting some of those details, wolf, just like everybody else. >> the director for the centers for disease control will speak shortly. as we wake for dr. frieden, how long was the period where he potentially could have spread this disease. what is his state right now, where is this individual, if it's a man or woman, we don't know, right? >> we know that the person left liberia on september 19th. it sounds like he arrived on september 20th. a long flight through there. but was not sick, at least according to our sources, was not sick during travel. at some point later, a few days
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later this person became sick and was concerned that he or she had ebola and why they had that concern if they had contact, we're not sure about that but concerned enough that they went to the hospital and we know the person is in isolation in a dallas hospital somewhere. blood was drawn. that blood was sent over to the centers for disease control in atlanta and now there's been confirmation that, in fact, they detected ebola in the blood. this is the first person diagnosed with ebola in the united states. but you ask good questions, wolf. how many days was the person possibly sick before they went to the hospital, who else may the person have come into contact with? i want to make clear something that we've talked about quite a bit, ebola is not contagious. it doesn't spread easily.
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it only spreads when someone is very sick and when they are sick, they are in the hospital, not usually up walking around. a scenario, for example, where someone who had ebola was walking through an airport, shaking hands and interacting with people, spreading ebola inadvertently, that doesn't happen. that's not the way it behaves. but family members could have been in close contact with him. those are the people that are going to be very, very important. >> last week the world health organization, sanjay, reported that there were 6,553 confirmed cases of ebola, mostly in west africa. as we know, a lot of the people assume the number is higher than that. but of those 6500, more than 3,000 of those people have died kbaus there really is no cure right now, right? >> there is no cure. there's no treatment for this. there is a vaccine and
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experimental medications that have been used, for example, on dr. kent brantly and nancy writebol. they were the first patients that came to the united states with ebola. but there is no specific treatment. when you look at those numbers carefully, wolf t. reflects about 50% or more mortality. meaning one in two people who get ebola die from ebola. the mortality rate has been as high as 90%. one thing to point out is that in the united states now, since the start it's unlikely to spread, patients can be put into isolation quickly and also simply treatments in the forms of fluids, giving back blood
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products of someone starting to bleed, those things make a big difference and can improve a chance of surviving. i've been to west africa and i saw basically converted into makeshift ebola camps. it's a very different sort of structure in west africa versus the united states. and when we talk about these mortality rates as high as they have been in west africa, i can't imagine that they would be anything like this here in the united states. >> and we're standing by for this news conference. the director of the centers for disease control, dr. thomas frieden will be speaking shortly. we got a statement from this patient traveled from west africa is in dallas. let me read this statement for you and then we'll digest what we heard as we wake for --
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announcement, a very worrisome development here in the united states. let me read to you what the texas department of state health services has just released. the statement they just released, that this patient diagnosed with ebola had traveled from west africa is now in a hospital in dallas. here's the statement, sanjay. a texas hospital patient has tested positive for ebola. making the patient the first case diagnosed in the united states. the test was conducted by the state public health laboratory in austin. the centers for disease control and prevention confirmed the positive result. the patient is an adult with a recent history of travel to west africa. the patient developed symptoms days after returning to texas from west africa and was admitted into isolation in dallas. they are working with the cdc, local health department and hospital to help prevent transmission of disease.
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the hospital has implemented infection control measures to help ensure the safety of patients and staff. all right. give me your quick analysis of that statement from the texas department of state health services. >> we know that the patient returned from west africa, specifically, liberia, on september 20th. it sounds like they went into isolation on sunday. i imagine it was this past sunday. that would be eight days later. so within those eight days, between september 20th and 28th, it sounds like the person started to become quite ill. it doesn't sound like they were sick already when they left west africa and they weren't sick during their travel but it was only after arriving here back in the united states. they became ill, we don't know what the sim om tomorrows were at that time but typically it's fever -- >> sanjay, hold on a minute. i want to go to the news conference. as you've been hearing from us, ebola is a serious disease. it's only spread by direct
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contact with someone who is sick with the virus. and it's only spread through body fluids. the incubation period is eight to ten days after exposure, can be as short as two days or as long as 21 days. it's a severe disease which has a high case fatality rate even with the best of care. but there are core tried and true public health interventions that stop it. today, we are providing the information that an individual traveling from liberia has been diagnosed with ebola in the united states. this individual left liberia on the 19th of september, arrived in the u.s. on the 20th of september, had no symptoms when departing liberia or entering this country but four or five days later, around the 24th of september, began to develop
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symptoms on the 26th of september, initially sought care and sunday the 28th of september was admitted to a hospital in texas and placed on isolation. we received in our laboratory today specimens from the individual, tested them and they tested positive for ebola. the state of texas also operates a laboratory that found the same results. the testing for ebola is highly accurate. it's a pcr test of blood. so what does this mean? the next steps are basically three fold. first, to care for the patient and we'll be hearing from the hospital shortly to provide the most effective care possible as safely as possible to keep to an absolute minimum the leakly hood
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likelihood that anyone would become affected and to maximize the chances that the patient might recover. second, we identified all people who might have had contact with the patient while he could have been infectious. and remember, ebola does not spread from someone who's not infectious. it does not spread from someone who doesn't have fever and other symptoms. so it's only someone who's sick with ebola who can spread the disease. once those contacts are all identified, they are all monitored for 21 days after exposure to see if they develop fever. if they develop fever, then those same criteria are used to isolate them and make sure that they are carried for as well as possible so that they maximize their chances and to minimize or eliminate the chance that they would infect other people. the bottom line here is that i
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have no doubt that we will control this importation or this case of ebola so it does nod spread widely in this country. it's certainly possible that someone who had contact with this individual, a family member or other individual could develop ebola in the coming weeks but there's no doubt, in my mind, that the ongoing spread of ebola in liberia and africa where there are ongoing cases and while we don't know how this current individual became infected, they undoubtedly had close contact with someone who was sick with ebola or who had died from it. in west africa, we are surging the response not only of cdc where we already have more than 130 people in the field but also throughout the u.s. government,
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the president has leaned forward to make sure that we're acting very proactively there and the defense department is on the ground already strengthening the response. we're working with usaid as well as with a broad global coalition to confront the epidemic there. but ultimately we are all connected by the air we breathe and we are invested in ensuring that the disease is controlled in africa but also in ensuring that where there are patients in this country who become ill, they are immediately isolated and we do the tried and true core public health interventions that stop the spread of ebola. >> thank you, dr. frieden. i'd like to next introduce our second speaker, dr. david lakey.
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>> good afternoon, everyone. thank you, dr. frieden. >> we're going to continue to monitor what is going on at the cdc. thomas frieden explaining what is going on. i think it's fair to say full transparency, sort of alarming to me that there could have been other people who were infected, if you will, over these days since this individual showed symptoms of what was going on now confirmed -- the first confirmed case of ebola here in the united states. >> yeah, i agree with you, wolf. i was putting that together myself. what we just heard is that this is someone who traveled from liberia back to the united states, arrived in the united states on september 20th. the person was not ill when they left liberia, was not ill when they arrived in the united states. what we heard after that, though, was on the 24th, four days later, they started to become ill. this person, i should say,
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started to become ill. two days after that, on the 26th, they went and sought out care, presumably at the doctor's office or the hospital. we're not sure where they went to try and seek care but it wasn't until two days after that that they were put on isolation. so from the 24th to the 28th, it sounds like someone who was sick and not in isolation. what is absolutely critical, other than taking care of this individu individual, is to go back over those four days and figure out somebody who they had contact with. it's absolutely critical and crucial to do that to prevent other people from spreading this virus. it's called contact tracing. and as dr. frieden stated, it's a mainstay in preventing the spread of this. there could have been many contacts that this person may have had. once they find those contacts, they've got to monitor those people for three weeks, 21 days,
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and make sure they don't develop any signs of fever because that could be one of the earliest signs of an ebola infection. so a couple of priorities, wolf, as the doctor laid out, as you said, transparently, first and foremost, you have the first person diagnosed with ebola in the united states. the care for that person obviously a paramount importance. but then going back and finding all of those contacts and really monitoring them closely. putting them in a situation where they can't possibly spread ebola and monitor to see if they develop any fever. so that's what's happening right now, wolf, here in the united states. this has not happened before. it's happening a lot in west africa, as dr. frieden pointed out. but from a medical standpoint, this is historic. >> and it's very worrisome. those people who had contact -- i want you to define contact, what that means. because it's not easy to spread ebola but they are going to be put in isolation now, as you point out, for three weeks themselves. >> that's right.
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and when we talk about ebola again, terms do matter here, it's not a particularly contagious disease. it doesn't spread through the air, for example, like a flu virus but it is infectious disease which means a small amount of the virus that you get >> let me interrupt. you shake hands with this individual during those four days between cement 24th, the time the first symptoms showed up and september 28th last sunday when he was finally admitted into a hospital. if he shook hands with you, you would have to go into isolation for three weeks? is that right? >> that is right. and i want to be very careful in how we describe this. keep in mine, this is something spread through bodily fluids. once somebody starts to get sick, it means the virus is being excreted in their bodily fluids. shake hands with somebody, we all have breaks in our skin. you look at your hands and you think i don't have breaks in my skin. we all have minor breaks in our
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skin. and there is a possibility that some of the virus can be transmitted that way. so any contact this person had over those four days between when they became ill and before they were in isolation, they need to be found, they need to be put in isolation. they need to be monitored for three weeks. that's a big task. maybe this person went home and had very little contact with anybody. we don't know. >> hold on for a second. i want to go back to thomas frieden. the director of the cdc. >> the dallas county health departments for their collaboration. cdc has a team of epidemioligists en route to texas now at the request of the texas department of health. and we work hand in hand, clabratily, to do what public health does best. protect people. we protect people by making sure we find the contacts. identify them and make sure they're traced every day for 21
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days. if they develop a fever, that they're immediately isolated and their contacts would be identified as well. first question in the room. >> fox 5. you were saying he started showing symptoms, went to a hospital, and then was released, sent home and then was not admitted until a day or two later? >> the initial symptoms of ebola are often nonspecific. they may be associated with many other conditions. so it may not be immediately identified as ebola. that's why we have encouraged all emergency department physicians to take a history of travel. within the last 21 days. that's something to reiterate. to do rapid testing. is there anything more that you would like to say about it? >> no. i think you summarized it very well. >> next question in the room. >> i know you're limited a little bit with patient privacy. can you tell us a little bit, was this person involved in
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fighting the ebola epidemic? and also, did they travel on a commercial aircraft? rach frel wsbt tv. >> from the information that we have now, it does not appear that the individual was involved in the response to ebola. but that is something that we will investigate more. in terms of the airlines flight, i really do want to emphasize, the focus here over the next period needs to be the patient and we're very focused on trying to get any assistance we can to the patient who we understand is critically ill at this point. and then identifying contacts in the community, family members or others. and then any possible contacts through the health care setting. then tracing those contacts. in terms of the night. i understand that people are curious about that and wonder about that. remember, ebola doesn't spread before someone gets sick.
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and he didn't get sick until four days after he got off the airplane. so we do not believe there is any risk to anyone who was on the flight at that time. >> so it was a commercial aircraft. >> he left on the 19th and arrived on the 20th. next question in the room? >> michelle alloy. how likely is this to be a concern with people coming back from the region who aren't showing symptoms then but may later and what is being done at airports and the first lines of people coming into the country to ensure that something like this doesn't continue to be an issue. >> as long as there continue to be cases in west africa, the reality is that patients travel, individuals travel. and as appears to have happened in this case, individuals may travel before they have any symptoms. one of the things that cdc has done in liberia, sierra leone, guinea and lagos is to work with
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the authorities. so 100% of the individuals getting on planes are screened for fever before they get on a plane. if they have a fever, they're pull out of the line. assessed for ebola and don't fly unless ebola is ruled out. this is one way to make sure the airplanes themselves are safe during transit and the airlines are willing to keep flying. but that doesn't rule out a situation like this one where someone was exposed and then came in while they were incubating the disease but not infectious with it. >> from abc, can you tell us where he was and do you know why he was in those countries? >> the details of the individual are things that we will investigate and some of that has to do with patient confidentiality. so we would defer to the hospital and to the family for any further information on those details. we have a question here. and then shall we go to the phone for the first question after this one? >> from nbc news, do you expect
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the patient to remain in texas and be treated there or transferred to facilities such as am reio or one of the other places around the country? >> one of the thing we want to emphasize is that virtually any hospital in this country that can do isolation can do isolation for ebola. although this is the first ebola patient in this country, we've had five patients with other forms of very deadly viruses. what are called viral hemorrhagic fevers. four of them, none of those five patients spread the disease to anyone who cared for them in the hospital. even though they weren't promptly diagnosed because it was such an unusual situation. so we don't see a need from either a medical or an infection control standpoint to try to move the patient. dr. goodman, is there anything more that you would like to say? >> no. i think that sull rises it very
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well. >> please press star one and record your name at the front. the first question is from cnn news. your line is open. >> reporter: thanks for taking the call. can you tell as you little more about how sick the patient is? how the patient is being treated? and how many contacts you are trying to reach? that might be something for the folks in texas. and also, will this patient be staying at the hospital in dallas? >> let me turn first to dr. goodman if any information that you can share about the patient's status and treatment. >> well, because of the patient privacy, we're unable to share any information about the patient's symptoms or his treatment at this time. i can say that he is ill. he is under intensive care. he is being seen by highly traitrai trained competent specialists and the health department is helping us trace any family members that might have been
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exposed. >> and director thompson, do you want to say anything further about contacts? >> i want to echo that our staff has been doing the public health follow-ups since day one. we'll continue to process and we'll have more details in the days to come. right now everything is going fine. thank you. >> as i mentioned earlier, we have a team en route to texas now. they will work hand in hand with state and local and hospital public health and he said deemological stal and monitor them for 21 days to see if they have fever. this is core public health work. this is what we do in public health and we're delighted to be doing it in partnership with texas. we're very concerned, obviously, about the status of the patient and very much hoping for his recovery. on the phone? >> the next question comes from the "wall street journal." your line is open. >> reporter: thanks. i wonder if i could ask a little
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more detail about potential exposures. do you have, is there anything that any of you could say more about what this patient was doing between the 24th when he had symptoms and the 28th when he was admitted? was he just at home so only family members were potentially exposed? or was he out? are we talking about a handful of people potentially exposed or more than that? or dozens. >> i think handful is the right characterization. we know that there are several family members. they may have been one or two or three other community members. and we're there to do additional investigations to identify any other possibilities. our approach in this kind of case is to cast the net widely. to ensure that we're identifying even people who may not have had direct contact so erring on the
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side of safety. >> i concur. our role is to look at suspected cases. we really appreciate you spending your cdc time to support us in this effort. we think again it is a small framework that we're looking at in terms of the number of people. once we get additional information -- -- captions by vitac -- >> you've been seeing it live here. the first ebola case diagnosed in the united states. we just got new information as you've been watching from the centers for disease control and prevention. we're also following breaking developmentes in other major stories right now including new developments involving that white house fence jumper, the war against isis and much more. first, let's go back to the news conference. thomas frieden, the director for the centers for disease control and prevention. >> they appear to have been able to stop the outbreak.
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i have no doubt that we'll stop this in its tracks. i have no doubt as long as the outbreak continues in africa, we need to be on our guard. other questions in the room? >> lauren from wsaa. can you give us a number or a scale of how big this team from the cdc will be? and who that directly entails? are these doctors who will be in the hospital or are these people who are actually single out into the community? >> i can get back to you with the exact size of the team. we provide disease detectives. we provide communications experts. we provide a hospital infection control and laboratory experts as needed in a situation. and every cdc staff who is there or the 130 who are in africa are tied tightly to our experts here who provide back-up 24/7.
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we defer to the local and state health departments. they're there on the ground. we're there to support. in the room? on the phone? >> the next question come from laurie from ap. your line is open. >> reporter: thank you. do we know, can you even say if this is an american or is this a visitor? and then has the health department already reached any of those contacts? has that contact tracing begun? >> what i can say is the individual was here to visit family who live in this country. further details i think are to be identified in the coming days. relevant or not. we'll see. in terms of contact tracing, we're just beginning the process since the investigation just began today.
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the health department had very forward leaning on that. so it has locating information for individuals so that can begin immediately. on the phone? >> the next question comes from maggie fox of nbc news. >> i know you have been extremely clear that people don't spread this virus unless they're showing symptoms. nonetheless i think everybody knows the reaction in the united states has been disbelieving of this. i'm wondering what steps you might take to reassure people who fear they may have traveled on the same may not with this patient and not at risk. >> people can always call us at cdc info. they can check on our website. the flight in question is a specific flight, departing liberia on the neenl and arriving in the u.s. on the 20th. that would be a very small number of people who would have that level of concern.
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but really, i think it is important that we understand a lot about ebola. ebola is a virus. it is a virus that is easy to kill by washing your hands. it is easy to stop by using gloves and barrier precautions. the issue is not that ebola is highly infectious. the issue with ebola is that the stakes are so high. that's why at the hospital in texas, they're taking all of the precautions they need to take to protect health care workers who are caring for this individual. people are infectious with ebola when they're sick. in fact, think of it this way. when we begin doing testing on people as they become sick, even in the initial phases of illness, when they have a fever, the most sense i have the tests in the world sometimes don't detect it because there is so little virus that they have. it is only as they become sicker that they become more infectious. if patients die from ebola, they
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can have very large quantities of virus there. so there is no risk from having contact with somebody who is either recovered from ebola, and i went to the region myself and embraced people who had recovered from ebola, or people who had been exposed but not yet sick from it. next question on the phone. >> the next question is from "newsweek." your line is open. >> hi. thank you. you've been saying he so i know you can't give any many details. i want to confirm that this is a male. and also, just wondering, is this the first ever case diagnosed in the united states? and if not, was when was the previous case diagnosed if ever? >> this is the first apparent diagnosed outside of africa to our knowledge, with this particular strain of ebola. and as i mentioned earlier, we
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have had other patients with hemorrhagic fever, including a patient in 2007 with a virus that is quite a bit like ebola. that individual in 2007 actually was hospitalized, went through surgery before being diagnosed and did not result in the spread to any other individual. so this is the first case of ebola diagnosed in the u.s. and as far as we know, this strain being diagnosed outside of africa. >> next question. your line is open. >> hi. thank you. i was wondering if you could tell me about a little more of the contact tracing process and how that's done and how you can assure that you have, i guess, reached all the people that that person was in contact with when they were sick. so contact tracing is a core public health function. we do it by a very systematic
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manner. we interview the patient, if that's possible. we interview every family member. we identify all possible names. we outline all of the movement that's could have occurred from the time of possible onset of symptoms, until isolation. then in a cascading manner, we identify every other individual who can add to that information. with that we put together a map essentially that identifies the time, the place, the level of the contact. and then we use a concent rick circle approach to identify those contacts who might have had the highest risk of exposure, those with intermediate risk and those who may have possibly had exposure even though we think that may be unlikely. we always err on the side of identifying more contacts rather than less. i mentioned earlier today in lagos with 20 cases, we at cdc and elsewhere are working with
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the nigerian authorities, identified nearly 900 contacts and monitored all of them every day for 21 days. in senegal we also identified a single patient who came in. had exposure at two different health care facilities and in the community. we monitored more than 60 contacts every day. none of them became ill. so this is core public health and it is what we do day in and day out and what we will be doing here to identify any possible spread and to ensure there aren't further chains of transmission. on the phone? two more questions. >> the next question is from reuters. your line is open. >> i have two questions. first, i want to confirm the time line. so my understanding is the patient arrived in the united states on the 20th, initially sought treatment on the 26th. i'm assuming was then sent home and came back again on the 28th
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of september and was admitted. the second question was will you be offering this patient any convalescent serum. >> you are correct about the time line. in terms of possible experimental therapies, that's something being discussed with the hospital now. and with the family and if appropriate, it would be provided to the extent available. the last question on the phone. >> the next question comes from denise grady of the new york time. your line is open. >> thanks very much. i think that people have touched on this but i would like to ask this any way just in case we can get any more clarity on it. was this, can you tell us if this person is an american citizen? will you be releasing the flight information? and is it correct to assume that he was staying at a home with family members rather than in a
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hotel? >> the patient was visiting family members and staying with family member who's live in this country. we will contact anyone who we think has any likelihood of having had an exposure to the individual while they were infectious. at this point that does not include anyone who might have traveled with him because he was not infectious at that time. and you asked a third question which i don't remember. i asked if he's an american citizen. >> he is visiting family who live in this country. do we have any other questions in the room? >> to follow up, will you identify the flight information? >> we will identify any context where we think there is a risk of transmission. at this point there is zero risk of transmission on the flight. the illness of ebola would not have gone on for ten days before
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diagnosis. he was check for fever before getting on the flight and there is no reason to think that anyone on the flight that he was on would be at risk. i want to end with a bottom line before we stop. ebola is a scary disease because of the severity of illness it causes. and we're really hoping for the recovery of this individual. at the same time, we're stopping it in its tracks in this country. we can do that because of two things. strong, health care infection control that stops the spread of ebola, and strong core public health functions that trace contacts, track contacts, isolate them if they have any symptoms and stop the chain of transmission. we're stopping this in its tracks. thank you very much. >> all right. that's dr. thomas frieden. the director of the centers for disease control and prevention in atlanta with very alarming
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news. the first case of ebola now diagnosed in the united states. he pointed out this individual, a male, left liberia on cement 19th. arrived in the united states cement 20th. showed no symptoms at that time. four days later he began showing symptoms. on december 26th, two days after that, some care was start. it was only last sunday, september 28th, when this patient was admitted into a hospital. he is in intensive care, showing severe conditions right now. dr. san did jay gupta monitoring what's going on. they say everyone who was in contact with him in the four days between the first symptoms september 24th and sunday, september 28th, now are in isolation because potentially they could have been infected with ebola. >> that's exactly right. and you know, that's probably the most concerning part of the
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whole story. we've been talking about what happened today is a first. it is very historic. the first patient being diagnosed in the united states with ebola. but it wasn't entirely unexpected. we knew for some time that there are people who could be carrying the ebola virus in their bodies and not have any symptoms at all. and they could travel around the world. and we knew at some point, one of those people would come to the united states. we know, just to be clear, there are patients who have come to the united states that have already been diagnosed with ebola but this is the first person who arrived here and was subsequently diagnosed with ebola. but wolf, i agree with you. i think the most important part baltimore he arrived on the 20th. on the 24th became sick. two days after that was seeking out care. but it wasn't until the 28th, four days after the person became sick that they went into isolation. i spent some time at the cdc
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reporting the story over the last couple months and they made it very clear. if someone was coming to the hospital that had symptoms. fever, flu-like symptoms. but if the travel history was also concerning. they were coming from west africa and specifically, sierra leone, guinea or liberia, that would raise the flag and possibly prompt testing. it does not appear that happened in this case. why the person was not tested on the 24th, why they were not placed into isolation on the 24th, given their travel history, given their concerns about ebola, that's a question that needs to be answered. i'm not sure we'll get a clear answer on that. but as a result of going into isolation at that point, that person had contact. over four days, we don't know how many people. maybe just a handful of people. family members, for example, close contacts. what about the health care professionals? on the 24th when this person went into the hospital. what about the health care team
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on the 26th when this person again sought out care. what sort of precautions did they take if they did not know that he could potentially have ebola? so that is a significant concern and that's exactly what they'll need to address in dallas. and i think what dr. frieden was at least trying to start to address tonight as well, wolf. >> what alarmed me, he said only a handful of people had that kind of contact. when you think about it, those four critically important days, the fact that he was getting some care but they decided wasn't necessarily ebola even though this individual was visiting family members, dr. frieden said, in the united states, in the dallas area, and had just come from liberia. you would think they would be a lot more cautious and bend over backwards to make sure there wouldn't be any contact. those symptoms, somebody coming from liberia, that could be a problem. >> that's exactly right. a few months ago, we weren't
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thinking about this at all. the idea of someone traveling to the united states with ebola. that was so far down the list that doctors would not have considered that. over the last few months things have changed. and i know for a fact, having done some reporting at the cdc in their command center, they were doing teleconferencing with doctors all over the country. basically sort of trying to reinforce these could not cements. if someone has symptoms that could be consistent with ebola and they had travel history that raised the concern. coming from these countries where ebola was spreading. that would really raise a flag for the doctors at that point and prompt testing. we've been talking about patients who have been tested all over the country. they were trying to make sure they didn't have ebola. that was the exact concern. all of those patients, their testing turned out negative. this person's testing turned out
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positive. but he was sick for four days before he was put in isolation. i think that's the situation they've been destroying to avoid. he probably should have been put in isolation initially to avoid further contact with people. >> we're showing the texas health presbyterian hospital in dams where the patient is in intensive care, right now isolated. we're told the president of the united states, president obama has been fully briefed by the cdc, the centers for disease control and prevention about this specific case. we'll have much more coming up later this hour. there's other breaking news we're following as well. right to that. that armed man who jumped the white house fence has now been indicted. the u.s. director was grilled about the case. as erased through white house,
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all the way to the east room. our justice correspondent pamela brown is joining us with the very latest. >> a lot of new developments. >> a grand jury indicted him on a charge of entering while carrying a dangerous or deadly weapon as well as two d.c. law violation. this after they grill on how the iraq war vet was able to make it deep inside the white house for the first time, pierson said that he overpowered a secret service officer at the front door and made it all the way across the first floor, into the east room. it was there a secret service officer an rehelened him. and the source briefed said two offduties officers heard the commotion and ran to help out. initially they gave no indication of a struggle and claimed he was unarmed when in fact he had a folded knife in his pocket. here's what one congress member
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and pierson had to say. >> i wish to god, you protected the white house like you are protecting your reputation here today. >> we are all outraged within the secret service of how this incident came to pass. that is why i have asked for a full review. it is obvious. it is obvious that mistakes were made. >> and after the hearing, she said she took responsibility for the breach and put new systems in place and one would automatically lock the front door in the event of an emergency. >> that makes sense. hopefully they'll learn lessons from this horrible, horrible blunder. thank you very much. i want to take all of our viewers through the fence jumpers' sprint through the white house step by step and how he nogd dodge the secret service for so long. pretty shocking stuff. >> certainly shocking. the director said today, she cannot explain why the intruder
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was not stopped right after he jumped the fence or even before he jumps it. now we know it was one of many security lapses committed within a matter of seconds the at 7:20 p.m., omar gonzales jumps the white house fence. sprinlts toward the entrance. that's the first major breakdown. why wasn't he stopped when he breached the fence? >> that's a great question. we have a number of assets, seen, unseen, manpower, technology. >> what about inside the fence? >> without giving out specific locations, there is a number of personnel on the inside that can engage from long range. >> one of those nonlethal options, according to the former secret service agent, an attack dog. it is supposed to be deployed when there is a jumper. gonzales sprinlts across the north lawn but no dog is released. >> he makes it across the fence, when that dog hits you, it is like getting hit by a truck.
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>> the video shows the secret service officer on the left but not by the door. that officer watches him enter. >> a better option may have been temperature point, if you aren't going to engage in lethal force, to attack before he makes it to the door. >> the door is not locked. inside an officer confronts gonzales but is overpowered. alarm boxes are near the front door. they're silenced because the white house staff xlanl they were too noisy you see it all the time. we don't want to bother the president. do you want to keep the president alive? >> he sprints past the stairways. then into the cross haul apparently with at least one officer in pursuit. he makes it into the east room. then back into the hall where he is tackled. reports by. say by agents. they are allowed to use lethal force to stop intruders. should that have been used at any point? >> it very easy after the fact
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to monday morning quarterback these guys. it is not easy to pull that trigger and take away the last breath of oxygen they will have because of a mental disorder. >> now he says you have to work on the nonlethal barriers first. one of the first changes has to be to that fence. take a look. has the 1960s era fenls. he call this a dance. this is only about seven 1/2 feet high. compared to the fence that protects buckingham palace in london, 12 feet high. he says that might make every bit of the difference here. they have erected a bike rack across the area in front of the fence on the outside. it is about eight feet away from the fence. you see the pictures. that is a temporary stop-gap measure to delay any potential intruders while the tactical teams respond. this is temporary. it is only going to be there until they figure out a
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permanent solution to that fence. >> thanks very much. we're joined by the delegate to the house of representatives from here in washington, the district of columbia. eleanor holmes norton. thank you for joining us. you were there. you took part in the hearing. you were a member of this committee. you have confidence in the secret service director, julia pierson. >> after hearing her testimony, it became clear to me this is not a personnel issue. it is much bigger than that. the secret service needs a makeover. the secret service, those who do such a normally wonderful job, in front of the white house and in back of the white house, are trained to deal with you and me. we're tourists. i want to fight the next war. the next war, not the war we just had, one demented veteran jumping over the fence. next time it could be in the age of terrorism, six or seven or
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12. is the secret service have today a 21st century secret service, able to confront what could be terrorists in an age of isil and domestic and international terrorism? while there are common sense thing that could be done, one of my favorites, you just mentioned. a higher fence. those become clear once we see what has already happened. but we've got to start planning for what could happen. both in front of the white house and in back of the white house, and that's where, that's why i believe that the secret service of today needs a 21st century makeover. >> it sounds to me like you don't have a lot of confidence in the current leadership there including the director. >> well, to tell you the truth, i think if you were to replace her and just put another compensate person. she's only been there 18 months, without a thorough top to bottom
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investigation of how to restructure that organization, to fit the age of terrorism, you might not come out any differently. they have also been punished terribly with resources. shem she was down 500 agents. how are you going to take care of the white house when you're moving people around just to fill gaps. >> is that because of the forced budget cuts? the so-called sequestration? is that why they cut spending? >> absolutely. >> you've studied this. the threats against this president of the united states, president obama, have increased compared to earlier presidents. >> initially, they were three time what other presidents had incurred. these budget cuts did not wave any police service, including the secret service. so i think congress has to take some of the responsibility. she by the way, didn't even
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mention. that i have looked at the figures. she did mention under questioning that she was down 500 agents. that tells you a lot right there. we need to look, wolf, at this agency which was men to make sure that tourists gnlt get to close to the fence, that they were hospitable to them. if the fence jumpers, and almost all were harmless, could you cart them off to st. elizabeth aisle emor wherever they take them. that's not who will start to think about coming over here. we have at least 100 americans hoofg over already to fight with isil. we know they are recruiting in this country. they don't have to go there. you can start here and go to the white house. that's how we have to start thinking if we want to make sure that we have dealt with the looming danger ahead. >> that's a pretty terrifying thought that you just conveyed.
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i think it is one of the great fears that so many u.s. eleanor holmes norton was at that hearing earlier today. thanks for joining us. >> other information we're getting including some new dna links. a source saying there is new evidence tying the evidence from to five years ago. could police have a serial killer on their hands? and a new stand-off between police and protesters in ferguson, missouri. citizens have a chance to vent their anger. ♪ ♪ ♪ abe! get in!
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semtcement. we're following dramatic news in the case of the missing student hannah graham. the suspect jesse matthew is now being looked at as a possible suspect in the unsolved murder cases and it is mg person cases in virginia. also, a law enforcement force now says dna evidence links matthew to the death of another student back in 2009. cnn's reporter spoke with the suspect's attorney. she is joining us now live from charlottesville with the very latest. what have you learned? >> reporter: well, jesse matthew's lawyer told me he met with him for two and a half hours yesterday. he said because court payments are under seal, he handle been provided with any evidence that links his client to either the hannah graham case or the morgan harrington case but of course this is not stopping a lot of people from asking a lot of questions about matthew's possible connections to other
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unsolved mysteries tonight law enforcement sources say the evidence links him to murdered college student morgan harrington. now authorities are reexamining other cold cases in virginia. like the case of smanlth a clark who vanished after leaving her home in orange county, virginia, in 2010. >> 19-year-old samantha ann clark's family prayed for a christmas miracle. >> reporter: the orange police chief told cnn, investigators are looking is that possible connections to matthew saying, quote, we would be derelict in our duties if we were not doing that. no link in that case has been found. the campbell county virginia sheriff tells cnn his office is investigating a potential link between matthew and cassandra morton found near lynchburg in 2009:00. morton was reported missing the same day as harrington. no link to matthew has been found in the mort only case either but the alleged dna link between harrington and matthew is significant. >> dna evidence is the single
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best evidence that you can have other than a videotape. it is like a genetic marker of the people that were there and what happened. >> reporter: the police are not elaborating on the evidence. if it holds up, there could be another victim connected to matthew. in 2005, a 26-year-old woman was grabbed while walking home from this fairfax, virginia grocery store. authorities say she was dragged to a grassy area nearby and sexually assaulted. police released this sketch of her attacker. in 2012 the fbi said the suspect in the harrington case matched the dna mark he. and the hannah graham case is not the first time matthew has been accused of praying on a young woman. he was accused of rape in 2002 when he was 20 years old and attending liberty university in lynchburg. matthew told authorities, the woman consented. she declined to press charges and investigators didn't have enough evidence to arrest him according to the local
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prosecutor. as these other investigations continue, hannah's parents praying she will be found. the charlottesville police have found no sign of graham but are not giving up. >> i'm not. nor is anyone on my investigative team going to be that thing, that person, that source, that enterprise, that organization, that snuffs out hope. >> reporter: now virginia state police and the department of homeland security officials are continuing the search for hannah graham. they're using canine team, ground teams, atvs. meanwhile, jesse matthew is due to appear before a judge. he'll do that via video link from the jail. >> thanks very much. let's dig deeper. joining us here, our cnn law enforcement analyst, the former stanl director of the fbi, and
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also joining us from charlottesville, virginia. what do you make of these developments? it seems so damage. >> it is very damming. they have evidence that links morgan harrington's mur to matthew. the next step will be whether they charge him in that crime. and if they have that kind of leverage with him, of whether he will give them the information about what happened to hannah graham that night. >> you're there on the scene. what do you make of these developments? >> the reaction to this news here, wolf, is shock. it is surprise. i'll tell you, here in charlottesville, there is a very palpable sense of outrage. hannah graham was stolen from this community. people are upset about that.
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they're mad. and they want to do everything they can do to make sure she is brought home and returned to her mom and dad. >> is it fair to say, and you're there in charlottesville, most of this new information is coming from family members, not from law enforcement. >> it was confirmed by jill harrington, whom i was conferring with, jill confirmed the news that there is a forensic link, as they say, between jesse matthew and the 2009 case of morgan's abduction, and morgan harrington's murder in 2009. if it does prove to be jesse's dna, then we know that the dna that was found on morgan's shirt the night she disappeared is the same dna that is linked to the attack and the rape and the brutal beating in fairfax on september 24th, 2005 we will could be looking at least at a
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serial rapist and a serial killer in charlottesville. >> at what point do the prosecutors start talking to his lawyer potentially about some sort of plea bargain, live in president without the possibility of parole, instead of going for the death sentence which is obviously available in the state of virginia. >> well, the prosecutors are not going to bluff. it will depend on how much evidence they have and how solid it is to link him to the previous crimes. so if they have that, that will give them a great deal of leverage. if the defense attorney ends up in the position that he is bargaining for his life, to have him look at life without parole as opposed to being executed. then they have something to bargain with. which would be, tell us where hannah is. that's the key thing. >> that's really, if in fact these allegations, we want to be precise. these are allegations. this is a suspect. he hasn't been convicted of
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anything. innocent until proven guilty. but if those allegations are true, the only thing he has to offer is the whereabouts potentially of hannah graham. >> that's exactly right. and that's what we all want. the abduction and the disappearance of hannah graham has touched lives around the world. there are so many people who have her and her family in their thoughts and their prayers. and i know they're thinking of her. and everyone in america lives in charlottesville, virginia tonight. we are all members of has nota graham's family and we want to find her and bring her home. >> i would like to add to what he said about the community being outraged. the outrage is worldwide. students come from countries all over the world to attend the university of virginia, to daniel virginia tech. my daughters were there when the first incident happened with morgan harrington. these schools are world famous. world which is a universities.
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parents everywhere are worried. if their children are going to that school, are they safe in charlottesville? >> what's going on there. give as you little flavor about the mood in the community right now. this is obviously a critical moment. >> it is. i can tell you that today we confirmed that law enforcement was on atvs, searching the stoney point road, route 20 north here in charlottesville. i know a few days ago they were on root 29 south. you can drive around the community and see these long tranls of atvs, searching the roadsides. maybe somebody thu something out the window. i know on the grounds of the university of virginia, i have never seen such a positive energized student reaction. students coming forward who were never involved in any students groups are stepping up and participating and making a
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commitment that they don't want to see anything hike this happen ever again. we need to get to a point where it is culturally reprehensible to allow a young woman to go walking off sue to have a city street by herself. that cannot happen again. we have to look out for each other. not just here in charlottesville but all across the great nation. >> certainly true. thanks very much. on the scene for us in charlottesville. i want to you stand by. we have other information that we're about to break including more information about a very tense night potentially in ferguson, missouri, after a new stand-off between police and protesters. we're monitoring town hall meetings that could get ugly potentially. we hope they won't at any moment. and our panel is standing by to talk about the latest developments. what it will take to put an end to the anger and the unrest. ♪
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we're monitoring the situation. two town hall meetings are underway to discuss failures in communication between local residence and leaders. they are part of the u.s. justice department's investigation into the police shooting of an unarmed teenager and the unrest that followed. there's still enormous anger within the community. we saw more protests overnight. police were on has not with shields and batons at the ready. both sides pulled back. police let the demonstrators remain on the streets as long as they were peaceful. let's talk about the developments with don lemon. all right. john, you're there. these two town hall that's are taking place right now, what do you hope emerges from them? >> well, i hope the people will
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remain peaceful. and hope any they get some answers. regarding the doj civil rights investigation. people have a lot of questions. they're reaching out to the naacp hoping they'll get answers. so i hope that tonight, they will get some of the answers that they're for, that people will remain calm. that they will be patient. but most of all, that people waiting in line, people at these meetings will be dealt with in a way that is respectful. in a way that is humane. because we would hate to see thing turn ugly after those meetings, as people get frustrated from waiting in line or they leave the meetings really let down because information has not been provided to them. >> you had an excellent interview. i warm to play a little clip from captain ron johnson from the missouri state highway patrol. he's played a really significant role in trying to ease the tensions in ferguson and the whole st. louis area. listen to this.
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>> there is a sense of distrust. i do think that we have started taking tiny steps toward that trust. we have a long way to go. >> he's obviously blunl. >> what do you make of his comments? >> the president has been mentioned, as he has been speaking around the country, a gulf of mistrust between the police department and ferguson, missouri and places in the country. they've had a tough time. the major news organizations for the most part. we're still there. we haven't left. but many people, it is not the top story anymore. so there is still unrest there. there are things still happening there that are being covered by bloggers and local people. so whether, however you feel about this particular situation, about the officer, about michael brown or whatever it is. the situation is happening. there is unrest in ferguson. there is a mistrust that they're trying to deal with. that's why they had these
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meetings. two of them scheduled tonight and scheduled for each tuesday night for three more tuesdays. that's the beginning of it but they have a lot of work to do. >> this is a tense situation. it could potentially get dangerous. >> i think so. the other thing about the town hall meetings, they won't have any answers. they don't control the grand jury investigation. they don't control or have knowledge of the fbi investigation for civil rights. so whatever they're going to talk about, i think will fail to satisfy the people who are in attendance and potentially can inflame them and make it worse. when they go to a meeting and expect answers and don't get any. >> but they do get a chance to vent. >> that's a good point. john, there are these reports out there. i'm sure you've seen them. some of these protesters think they're being arrested at random to gain some sort of negotiating power or leverage, if you will. what do you make of these
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reports? >> you know, i've heard that. i'm not sure if that's credible or not but i wouldn't be surprised. i've talked with people on the ground and it is really concerning, how protesters are being dealt with. it is my understanding that they're almost hog tying people on the ground. these are our neighbors. our citizens. these are people who and shed light on this, i know the scene hasn't left, you are committed to this. but many people are trying to share this story from a blogger or a media standpoint so i wouldn't be surprised at all if the local police department in ferguson is going out and targeting various protesters. >> don, you spent a lot of time there reporting from on the ground. what do you think they need to
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do to calm the tensions, because there won't be a decision from this grand jury, whether or not to indict the police officer who shot and killed michael brown, that could last or be several more months? >> yeah. so if you ask me what they really need to do, there needs to be some sort of movement with the police officer, whatever that is. you need to hear from the police officer, he needs to be arrested and questioned. there has to be a movement on that in order for the next step to happen. and there has to be a broader conversation and not just people yelling at officials at meetings and a change within the police department and the community. i don't -- listen, wolf, i don't have the answered but the police department or the police departments in that area have their work cut out for them when it comes to the relationships and regaining the trust of the citizens. that's tough. if i had that answer, i would have a gazillion.
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big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern.
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he just spoke to our chief congressional correspondent, joining us from newark, new jersey. so tell us what he said, dana. >> well chris christie has not been afraid in the past to hold hands and join forces with president obama when needed, like hurricane sandy and the aftermath, but when it comes to this issue in the headlines, isis and the president's role with regard to isis, he is not happy. listen to this. >> i was disturbed by the" 60 minutes" interview on sunday when he said they underestimated isis. it should be we, mr. president. you are in charge. so you have to be held accountable for what you do. so that makes people less uncertain on these things. he is the president. he needs to be accountable. i hope he corrects what was a misstatement. that it wasn't "they", it was
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"we." if and if the president is doing something well, i don't hesitate to say that he is. but we shouldn't be in this position to begin with. >> and i pointed out to the governor that the president has gotten at least five arab countries to fly with the united states in airstrikes that he is against isis in syria and iraq and whether or not that is proof that he has a plan, he would not back down. but what was very interesting, is this is a governor for whom foreign policy is not a daily part of his job unlike senators who will run for president as chris christie might. but he was very eager, it seems, to get his voice out there on this very, very big issue of national security right now. >> what is he is saying about possibly running for the presidential nomination? >> he told me he will decide after the first of the year. he said that is when he will
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decide. but maybe not announce it until later. i said, come on, you haven't decided yet? and he said no, i'm not kidding. i really haven't decided. we'll see, when history books are written, whether that turns out to be true. but i said to him, back on the isis question, what he would do if he was commander-in-chief and he was quick to say, i don't have to answer that yet because i'm not yet seeking to be in that role. >> does he have the whole bridge gate scandal is behind him? >> he is trying to get it behind him. and it was fascinating to watch him. i'm in newark, new jersey, he came here for a forum to try to destigmatize drug addiction. and he was a different chris christie. a passionate conservative and an attempt to show somebody different from perhaps the bully that came across during the bridge-gate scandal. >> dana, thank you.
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and you can see much more of dana's interview with governor chris christie tomorrow morning on" new day" only here on cnn. that is it for me. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in the situation room. erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. >> the first confirmed case of ebola in the united states. the patient tonight being treated in a dallas hospital. that patient went about his business for days before knowing that ebola was in his system. how many others could follow. and the biggest day of bombings against isis so far as they close in on bagdad. paul ryan is out front tonight. plus a suspect in the disappearance of uva student hannah gram. police are investigating possible links to four more cases. could this
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