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tv   New Day  CNN  October 1, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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>> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate boldaun and michaela pereira. >> welcome to "new day," it's wednesday, october 1st, 6:00 in the east, ebola no longer just about west africa, it's about texas. the first diagnosis on american soil. the centers for disease control and prevention said the patient travelled from liberia to dallas last month. don't write it off because of that. he was here for days before showing symptoms, the race is on to find everyone he came in contact with after showing symptoms. >> a cdc team is now in texas to help try to locate anybody, anybody that may be impacted. the ambulance crew, they've been isolated. how concerned should we be about an outbreak in america? we begin our coverage with chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta live from the cdc in atlanta. how concerned should we be? >> this is an historic moment medically, what has happened has
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never happened before in the united states, frankly has never happened anywhere outside of africa. the first patient being diagnosed here. obviously other patients have been here with ebola, they've been diagnosed elsewhere and came here for treatment. there's also this idea that there's two sort of big objectives now, this is going to be a test of our public health system. how well are they going to be able to take care of this patient, who we hear is in critical condition, but in isolation in dallas and what about all the people over the four days after the person was sick? the contacts? that's the most important thing. they've got to find those contacts, that's how you stop an outbreak. this morning, the door-to-door investigation begins. health officials, including a crew from the centers for disease control, now in dallas, in search of anyone who may have come in contact with the first patient diagnosed with ebola in the united states. >> the patient admitted to this hospital has tested positive for
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ebola virus. the cause of ebola virus disease. >> according to the cdc, the unidentified patient travelled from liberia on september 19th, landing in the united states the following day, september 20th. doctors say he did not feel sick until the 24th. >> the patient was visiting family members and staying with family members who live in this country. >> ebola is a virus that can affect multiple organ systems and can sometimes cause internal bleedings, the symptoms don't appear for two to 21 days after infection, signs include sudden fever, weakness, muscle pain, headaches and a sore throat. the disease is also spread by direct contact. via bodily fluids, only after symptoms begin. >> this is not transmitted by the air. there's no risk to a person in this hospital who is walking or is a patient. there's simply no reason to be fearful of that. >> paramedics who transported the patient now quarantined. the ambulance used,
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decontaminated. it's cordoned off. there's some concern because ambulance 37 was used for two days after transporting the patient. though health officials saying -- it's okay. the city spokeswoman telling cnn the dallas county health department did follow proper guidelines to avoid contaminating additional patients, so far, none of the crew members are exhibiting signs of the disease, this as the cdc says fellow passengers on the same flight from liberia are likely not at risk. still, doctors warn to remain vigilant. >> i have no doubt that we'll stop this in its tracks in the u.s. but i also have no doubt that as long as the outbreak continues in africa, we need to be on our guard. >> so let me just accentuate again, on the 20th this person arrived in the united states without any symptoms. was not feeling sick. 24th, is when they started to get sick, but it wasn't until the 28th when the person went into the hospital and was put in
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isolation. person did go to the hospital once in between, chris. went to the hospital, seeking care. but for some reason, was not tested at that point, despite the fact the person had symptoms and had been traveled from liberia and there was a concern. that's going to be an open question, chris, we got to get answered, four days where the person was sick before they went into the hospital. >> certainly, this is the best reason so far for concern on the part of american citizens. thank you very much, doc, good to have you there for us. let's bring in another dr., alexander van tullican, a senior administrator at fordham university. i am a representative of america's panic, okay? when we hear days went by before this man was put into quarantine and being treated, we want him to be okay. there's fear about the rest of us, is this worthy of great concern? >> so there are people in the dallas region who have been
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exposed to ebola. and it may well be that transmission has occurred on american soil, there's no question about that. the reason not to panic if you're you in new york city is very different if you're in the dallas region, dallas region, they'll be tracking down every single person he's been in touch with, getting in touch with them, monitoring and supervising them. big job at doing this, but we're good at doing this. >> two head-shakers, when i say don't worry. one, part of it is coming from the government. not the greatest source of comfort these days. two head shakes, one, we're going to find everybody he was in contact with. that's not going to be easy. it's not going to be easy. and well how do you get it? we kept hearing it was body fluids. now it could be a cough. where's the confidence coming from you can find everyone he was in contact with and what it takes to transmit? >> i think the fear, so the line from the government, the line from all the expert doctors, this is quite a difficult virus to catch. and the arguments i have on
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twitter with people especially late at night is but the doctors are getting it are wearing their hazmat suits. the people who have caught ebola working with it in the field have been wearing personal protective gear, but they are working 20-hour shifts and are drenched in bodily fluids. >> if you cough on me and you have ebola, do i get it? >> no, neither is hand-shaking, neither is touching something. the main mode of transmission is exposure to bodily fluids, like blood or diarrhea, getting it into a cut or your eyes. >> then why all the push to find the people he's in contact with? >> if you don't panic, you know, you shouldn't panic, if you don't go to massive lengths to stop it, you end up with what's happening in liberia. this is what the cdc is good at. this is america, most people have a tv, most people listen to the radio. everyone can read, everyone
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knows this is going on. in the dallas region, everyone is looking out for those announcements, you may not be able to email them directly, can you make everyone aware, if they develop symptoms, they can seek treatment early, that improves their survival and it massively improves the chances of spread. >> when he hear how it's transmitted. versus find the concern for finding people he was in contact with, it gives me a source of confusion which is going to fuel my concern. if you need to be exposed to bodily fluids and there doesn't seem to be any indication he was, why are you people so nervous about it on the government and treatment side that fuels my insecurity. also, where was he when he went to the hospital and not diagnosed with that? was it here or was that in africa? >> no. that was here. he's had at least four days of being contagious and symptomatic. >> why didn't the hospital, when we hear the u.s. is so ready for this, how did he miss it when he went into the hospital in
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dallas? >> i just -- at the moment, we don't know, we don't know very much about the patient and we don't know his reasons for being here and we don't know what he was doing at that time. and i think what we'll find is they probably dropped the ball on this, which is bad. to say that all the tracking down of people. there's a big difference between panicking and employing precautionary principles. if i had been on the plane with him and i had no doubt he was contagious on the plane, i would want to know. i would want to be informed i wasn't at risk. you need to reach out to all the people on all of those planes and say you're not at risk but we're here for you if you develop anything concerning at all. >> he wasn't bleeding and he wasn't nauseated on the ambulance, but they hosed it down with bleach and put it behind walls. >> they have to do this. the guy who discovered ebola said he would confidently sit next to someone on the subway with ebola, it's that hard to catch. >> the concern is real, thank you for helping leaven that.
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twitter, at night, that's a virus that cannot be treated in any way. thank you. mci, over to you. >> you going to take your own advice, fella? >> no, i'm a horrible patient. let's turn it to the ongoing drama with the secret service. it would appear the hits keep on coming. the director julia pearson skewered by lawmakers over a series of embarrassing breaches and gaffes, she told the house committee that incidents like the one that happened at the white house where a disturbed iraq war vet will quote never happen again. yet, just hours after pierson finished her testimony, a new and quite disturbing security lapse surfaced. a contractor with a gun just steps from the president. let's turn to our white house
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correspondent, michelle kosinski. >> we're not sure director pierson was aware of that. >> this bothers congress, that's why they're launching this outside review from top to bottom of what's been going on inside the secret service. so clearly their own internal review and the lengthy testimony from its director wasn't enough. it was remarkable, as she was there, testifying before the house oversite committee, more details kept coming out from whistle-blowers, details she never mentioned. the latest known incident to plague the u.s. secret service, coming from whistleblowers, happened three days before omar gonzales jumped the white house fence. this one in atlanta at the cdc. a security guard was inappropriately taking photos of the president inside an elevator, who it turned out he had a gun in violation of secret service protocols. they're supposed to know who is armed on location and limit their access to the president.
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before congress even knew about this one, the disbelief over the fence jumper. >> omar gonzales reached at least five rings of security -- >> the verbal takedown. >> this is absolutely disgraceful that this has happened. >> went on for three hours. >> don't let them get in the white house, ever. >> from the secret service director, julia pierson. one year on the job -- >> many nonanswers. >> it is obvious that mistakes were made. >> she called it unacceptable, saying a thorough internal investigation would uncover the facts and make sure it never happens again. she said that evening after gonzales made it on to white house grounds, the officers stationed inside white house front doors began knocking them. when gonzales burst through knocking the officer backwards. the officer tried to stop him, but couldn't. both of them struggling down the hallway, into the east room, back out into the hall. >> another officer rendered aid and he was placed on the ground just outside of the green room. >> which she never mentioned,
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but emerged while she was on the stand. was that it was two off-duty secret service agents downstair who is heard the scuffle, ran up and finally helped stop gonzales. the firestorm of security gaps providing endless punchlines on late snit. >> an intruder got to the east room when the secret service said whoa, there's an east room? >> the wedding of george clooney had better security than the white house, are you aware of that? >> but the implication of these issues -- deadly serious. >> i wish to god you protected the white house like you protecting your reputation here today. i wish you spent that time and that effort to protect the american president and his family. >> so several members of congress said there were parts of pierson's testimony that didn't seem to mesh with reality. now the chairman of the house homeland security committee is announcing this blue ribbon commission to do an investigation. he said he's deeply concerned about the lack of transparency
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that seems to be surrounding the secret service right now. and said that the fence-jump certificate just one more in a long string of >> andrew stevens has more from hong kong. andrew? >> chris, day four now on this protest. and easily the biggest turnout. because it's a public holiday today, a lot of regular hong kongers have come out to join the students. what's unusual about this scene
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here, is not the size of the population who are involved, but the fact that they are so united on one issue. it's rare that you see hong kongers like this coming together on such a fundamental point. all they want, they say, is to see the system change, which allows hong kongers to choose who can run for the next leader of hong kong. so far, beijing has said no, we will have the final say. hong kong totally backs that point up. an enormously embarrassing moment from the leadership in beijing. that on their national day, they can have tens of thousands of what are fundamentally chinese citizens, their own citizens, absolutely protesting against a very fundamental rule that they have made. this is a very, very peaceful day here, chris. it's actually as i look around me, i cannot see a single police uniform. it's well behaved, it's self-policed here. don't underestimate the mood here for lack of commitment, though, they say they're going to stay until they see some sort of movement from hong kong.
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but you cannot imagine beijing is actually going to give up into a street protest that their policies have enabled. >> chris, what's making them applaud? >> say again, chris? >> what's making them applaud? >> okay, we just had a van running through here. every time that a security van or actually an ambulance or an emergency services van comes through or a supply truck comes through here, everybody applauds, this is interesting. it's peaceful, it allows or it basically what they're trying to do is not give police any reason to come in here and try to restore order. they are self-policing as i said. so when an ambulance needs to come through, the crowd parts so quickly and everybody applauds as it goes past. this is what they're trying to do is make sure there's no trigger point that the police can act on to try to impose
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their own will on this crowd. >> that's the big concern. even if it's peaceful now, there's so many people in such a small space that a if anything goes wrong, it's going to be magnified very quickly. andrew, thank you very much for the reporting this morning. thank you. we turn to the war on ice ice, u.s. central command calling tuesday the biggest day of air strikes on the terror group since the campaign began. u.s. fighter jets and drones keep pounding targets. isis still making advances on major cities in syria and iraq. all of this unfolding as turkish soldiers and tanks take up positions along syria's border, as turkey's border considers deploying troops to battle isis. our pentagon correspondent barbara starr has the latest. >> the move by the turkish military tanks and personnel along its border with syria now being closely watched. because everyone is waiting for the turkish government to make the decision to join the coalition. about 150,000 syrians alone in
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the last few days fleeing across the border, trying to get into turkey. in away from the isis advance on the town of co-banni in syria, away from the isis advance across northern syria. this of course as isis making advances in iraq. taking over another iraqi military base not far from baghdad. the heaviest day of strikes, 28 in total by the coalition. the question that many are asking, how is it that isis are advancing so much when the air strikes are ongoing? >> here at the pentagon, officials are adamant that they never expected air strikes to stop isis in its tracks. what they are saying is the air strikes are stopping isis when and where they can find them. but it will be a very long time before isis can be stopped. the air strikes are changing in how they're being conducted. what we are seeing now, is a number of air strikes of targets of opportunity, so to speak.
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aircraft patrolling the skies, looking for those isis personnel. isis weapons and dropping the bombs when and where they find them. michaela? >> those air strikes being conducted by as you mentioned, the brits getting involved, we know australia is deploying some of their first jets over isis. thanks for the latest on that, barbara. we appreciate it. let's turn to john berman with the other top stories. >> the mayor of bell gardens, a city just outside of los angeles has been shot and killed by his wife during an apparent domestic dispute. 45-year-old daniel crespa and his wife were arguing when their son began intervening. so far, police have not made any arrests. investigators in pennsylvania say they have recovered two fully functional pipe bombs in a wooded area. confirming they say that they are on the trail of suspected cop killer, eric frein.
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police believe the three-week manhunt may be taking a toll on frein, he is being sought now in the death of state trooper byron dixon in a september 12th ambush outside the state police barracks. no clear motive in tuesday's shooting at a kentucky high school. the suspect is in custody. he is believed to be in his teens, but police are not saying yet if he is a student at fern creek high school in louisville. one student was injured. fern creek and a nearby elementary school were in lockdown following the shooting. so actor tracy morgan said he can't believe that walmart is blaming him for the injuries that he suffered when a walmart truck rear ended his limousine on the new jersey turnpike back in june. you'll remember one person was killed, tracy morgan was 0 in rehab for a month for leg and rib injuries. the former "saturday night live" is suing walmart. but the retailer's lawyers are claiming in kwourt that morgan and his companions are
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responsible for their own injuries because they were not wearing seat belts. controversial to say the least. let us know what you think about this. go to is this a case of blaming the victim? maybe yes. but is this just normal legal proce proceedings? maybe also yes. >> there's the issue of practicality. it's not very common for people to wear seat belts in the limousine vans. i wonder if that will come up in court. >> it probably will. this is an argument based on the state, the law is comparative negligence, so they're trying to say how much, what percentage of 100% are they to blame? it's really about money. that's what's happening. all right so after the big break-in and the bullet fiasco, the secret service would be on top of their game, right? wrong, listen to this one, an armed contractor allowed on to an elevator with the president. are you kidding me? now the secret service director is under fire as well.
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can she survive this? we're going to be joined by one former agent who says -- nope. create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy. ♪ be an engineer. solve problems the world needs solved. what are you waiting for? changing the world is part of the job description. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers. energy lives here. i have $40,ney do you have in your pocket right now? $21. could something that small make an impact on something as big as your retirement?
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don't let somebody get close to the president, don't let somebody get close to his family. don't let them get in the white house, ever. >> i wish to god you, you protected the white house like you are protecting your reputation here today. >> we all are outraged within the secret service of how this, how this incident came to pass.
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and that is why i have asked for a full review. it's obvious, it is obvious that mistakes were made. >> obvious and certainly not overlooked. that was secret service chief, julia pierson getting grilled on capitol hill, she's been under fire since iraq war vet, omar gonzales, jumped the white house fence and made it into the east room. now with word of another apparent lapse during president obama's recent visit to the cdc. many are wondering, does pierson need to go? joining us is former secret service agent, dan bajino, author of "life inside the bubble." i should mention that he's running for congress and his brother is currently a secret service agent. good morning to you, mr. bongino. we've got to talk about the elevator incident. we've got the president and his detail in an elevator with an armed security contractor which
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had not been previous cleared. omg, how did this happen? >> we manifest he elevators like an airline manifests an airline flight. nobody gets on the elevator with the president without being on that manifest. my guess here and i'm guessing, i wasn't there on the incident, that this may have been an off-the-record movement. it wasn't planned, sew may have followed him on to the elevator. not an excuse or apology, just some context as to how it may have happened. there's no way it would have been part of the actual visit. >> it makes you wonder why somebody didn't say hey, hey, that's not happening here, you're not cleared. this comes out after julia pierson, the director of the secret service, is grilled on the hill. she does not acknowledge this. this is the latest in a string of embarrassments for the secret service. you said on our air, you said that you don't know that she can survive all of this. do you still stand by that this
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morning? >> you know, i do. i'll tell you why, you're going to see more of these incidents leaking out in the press, the elevator incident over the next few weeks. that i'm absolutely sure of. i'll tell you why -- the rank and file men and women of the secret service, the agents and the officers, two distinct divisions, have lost faith completely in the small cabal of managers, unfortunately the director being part of that at the top that have just decimated the agency. they're the ones putting this out there. because they want change. they love their jobs, they got into this for all the right reasons, and they just don't feel like they have a qualified group of managers to lead them to a better path forward here. and they're the ones putting this information out there to say this can't continue. >> let me understand more of this. because that sounds like a morale issue. we also heard a lot of questions about so-called -- >> secret service doesn't have a
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culture problem. what the secret service has is they have a management problem, they have a white house staff problem. they've had a problem with the staff for decades. >> what, is it a power struggle? what are we looking at? >> absolutely. well stated. there's always a friction between the staffs of a number of different presidents and the secret service. the staff wants the president to be everywhere, to jump into the crowds literally. the secret service wants him to be nowhere. understandable amount of friction, the problem is that power relationship has shifted and now the staff in my opinion, has almost completely taken over the operation. and we don't have strong management. and they feel like they've been abandoned. if they make a decision, they're going to be thrown under the bus, that's why you're seeing these leaks. >> is the staffing issue director pierson mentioned being down some 500 employees due to sequestration. i think something most people at home can relate to they've been downsized in their own offices
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and what have you. is there something to this? is the secret service running short-handed? especially at the white house? >> no, they've been given more money. and if they're going to get into the sequestration argument, they're going to have a difficult time. then it opens pandora's box. why does the secret service have a dual mission? why do they do criminal investigations and protection? you can't open that box without addressing some really difficult questions. they need money, they should forfeit away their criminal investigations and stick to protection and protective intelligence. these questions have to be handled wholistically, they can't be looked at in isolation. >> dan bongino, i appreciate your candor, we'll talk again, okay? >> you're welcome. >> that discussion just getting started. in the next hour we speak with former hout speaker, newt gingrich and white house spokesman josh earnest. stay tuned for that we have new developments in the casing of missen college student, hannah
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graham. the prime suspect in the case, is now being linked to a 5-year-old murder case. rs, our . your aspirations, our analytics. your goals, our technology. introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics. synchrony financial. enagage with us. faster than d-con. what will we do with all of these dead mice? tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. hey, ulfrik! hey, agnar! what's up with you? funny you ask. i'm actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. summer camp is over. ♪
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how many crimes may be solved by a single arrest? police say the prime suspect in the disappearance of virginia co-ed hannah graham could be connected to several other
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horrifying crimes. we're talking about the arrest of jesse matthew. now it's already led to a break in a 5-year-old cold case, now police are out in virginia, scrambling to find out how many other cases they can link to matthew using the suspect's dna. athena jones live from charlottesville, virginia this morning. this could be a very significant discovery. how much do we know now? >> that's right, chris. well authorities are looking into this forensic discovery, a discovery making headlines and raising a lot more questions about jesse matthew's past. investigators across virginia now have their eyes on jesse matthew. >> we're certainly poised to be cooperative and helpful in any way that we can with regard to cases in which other departments might have an interest. >> in addition to the disappearance of 18-year-old hannah graham, law enforcement sources say dna evidence also links matthew to the death of morgan harrington.
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she vanished in october 2009. her remains found months later on a farm outside charlottesville. authorities are now reexamining other cold cases in the state. to see if matthew is connected. like the case of cassandra morton found dead near lynchburg in 2009. she was reported missing the same day as harrington. police also investigating a potential link to the 2009 unsolved murder case of two virginia tech students. heidi childs and david metser, who were found shot to death near campus. and police in orange, virginia looking into any possibility connection to matthew in the disappearance of samantha ann clark who vanished after leaving her home in 2010. no links have been found in those cases yet. but the dna linking matthew to morgan harrington could also connect him yet another victim. in 2012, the fbi said the suspect in the harrington case matched the dna profile from a 2005 sexual assault case in
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fairfax, virginia. ever since hannah graham went missing more than two weeks ago, jill and dan harrington, have thought about their daughter's disappearance. >> we're not joyful, there's no celebration here, we're kind of stunned. we're devastated that it has come through hannah graham being missing. you know, we need to find hannah graham. that is front and center on our minds right now. >> as they fight for justice, they tell cnn's anderson cooper matthew is behind bars. >> i will be very relieved to know that he will be prevented from ever hurting another girl again. i don't have any desire or need to tear him limb from limb or hurt him or, i just want to prevent him from hurting anybody else. and that, i am vehement to do. >> and voiced strong words to the man they believe killed their daughter. >> how could you possibly be so
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awful to abduct someone and kill them? it's beyond me that that is just beyond a human understanding. >> while authorities continue their search for hannah graham, jesse matthew is due to appear before a district court judge tomorrow morning for a bond hearing, he'll do it via video link from the regional jail. and i spoke with jesse matthew's lawyer, he told me he met with his client client for two hours on monday and because court papers are under seal, he hasn't been provided with any evidence linking his client, jesse matthew, to either the hannah graham case or the morgan harrington case. >> the lawyer is going to work their case, that's their job in representing them. but to imagine that matthew started off in this situation as someone who is coming forward, supposedly to help. and now, all of these discoveries, we'll see where they lead. thank you for being down there for us, athena. it's been a week of allied pounding. why is isis gaining ground?
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welcome back, we're coming off the biggest day of air strikes against isis, with more than two dozen launched and britain now joining the fight. but the thing is, isis will not quit. they're still making surges on key cities in both iraq and syria. but this could be a big turning point. why? because turkey is now mobilizing along its border with syria and iraq. considering further action to battle isis. for the question is -- are the air strikes working? what is next? i want to bring in our military analyst, retired lieutenant colonel, rick francona. let me show you where isis is right now. the shape of the so-called islamic state. over iraq and syria. a big area, which by the way, hasn't changed very much over the last six weeks or so. in some cases growing even bigger particularly as they surge toward the turkish border,
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and the town of kobani. carishri o the fact is there may be plan t, which is turkey. i'm standing on the border with syria, 200-mile border with iraq. the turkish parliament will be voting whether or not to get involved with the battle against isis. that would be huge. >> this is major. the turks have the sixth largest army the in the world. if you look at nato, they're the second largest army in nato. second to the united states. the united states is deployed worldwide, if you're looking at the region, turkey has the largest armed forces in the region. they're very good, nato sta standar standards, they fly the f-16, air bases all over the area, they're a real player and they can bring a lot of force to bear. >> right now planes striking inside turkey and iraq, are taking off from down there, over there or there. if turkey gets involved, the planes can take off from turkish air bases. >> we're cutting the time from
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takeoff to target, from an hour, hour and a half to two hours in some cases, to minutes. >> that makes a huge difference. it lets you respond to much more quickly to situations developing in iraq and syria. >> that's been a problem in the kobani area. we know things are happening, but by the time we generate sorties and get them to the area, the action is over. >> i wonder if we have pictures from kobani. we have had reporters on the turk irside of the border looking out into syria where they can see the isis fighters, hundreds of meters away. it's not an issue of air strikes in some area. turkish troops can almost bunch them. >> people say the air strikes aren't blunting this part of the offense. the air strikes are limited to striking fixed targets or areas they can positively identify. concentration of isis fighters, vehicles, logistics. the problem is once the troops get in contact they're too
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close. and you can't drop bombs on troops in contact, unless you've got spotters on the ground to positively identify the targets. otherwise you end up with a lot of friendly casualties. >> the turks are talking about a possible buffer zone, the possibility of using ground troops when the isis troops move close to their border. >> and turkish ground forces are very well respected, very well led, they are the guerillas in the area. >> are these then the boots on the ground that so many analysts say have been missing? >> they could be the boots on the ground. it's very interesting, if you watch what isis has done along the border. they've taken great pains not to cross the turkish border. because two things, they don't want to trigger a turkish reaction and second, an invasion of turkey constitutes an invasion of a nato country and that triggers the nato charter. >> that's why isis hasn't crossed, why turkey hasn't crossed. there were hostages in isis hands that needed to be released, they've since been released.
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>> the turkish law, they have authority to fight the syrian government. but not this group called isis. >> and that could be changing over the next 24 hours. so stay tuned. i think, colonel, you agree, this could be a major development. >> i think this would be key to what's going on in syria. >> all right, colonel, thanks very much. so coming up, a side of chris christie you probably haven't seen before. the new jersey governor opening up to our dana bash. is there a run for the white house in the future? stay with us. doesn't work fast. you're on to the next thing. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair. it targets fine lines and wrinkles with the fastest retinol formula available. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. one week? this one's a keeper. rapid wrinkle repair. and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®.
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new jersey governor chris christie certainly does not mince words, despite a rocky political year, the governor has spoken out on a number of issues. now as he mulls a possible 2016 presidential run, christie is calling attention to a hot-button issue -- the war on drugs. dana bash caught up with him, sat down for a discussion on that and a whole lot more. >> a whole lot more. chris christie has a very definite persona. straight-talking, sometimes excitable garden state governor. but as he gets closer to potentially jumping into the presidential ring, he's trying to show us he has a different signed of him. >> here's something you don't see every day -- a republican governor at an inner city church trying to destigmatize drug adduction. >> we have to acknowledge the disease and treat the illness
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and we would never stigmatize someone who has cancer. yet, we feel free to stigmatize someone who may have tried, made one bad decision. and because of their makeup, they've become an addict. >> for chris christie, sitting em pathetically with former drug addicts could be a political antidote for a possible presidential run. especially after the bridge scandal. >> for the most part, the image of you is the tough-talking finger-wagging new jersey governor. and this is a different chris christie. is that intentional? >> it's always been there. the fact is that's the stuff that gets the most publicity, because it's the most entertaining on television. i i get that, as a leader you need to be compassionate and you need to listen. i have that ability to do that, too. >> is that what you think that this is, a showing that you are a compassionate conservative? >> you know, listen the term has been been used by a previous president. >> how would you define it? >> listen, i think this is just me being myself. i care about people. and i don't think no matter what
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stage of life they're at, no matter what circumstance they're confronted with. and by the way, when it's required to get into somebody's face and tell them off, i'll do that, too. >> let's just not make that right now. >> christie held this forum on drug addiction at the church where whitney houston, an addict who lost her battle, grew up. >> the reason we're here is because of whitney houston, i came here for the funeral. i that's where i met pastor carter. >> when houston died, christie lowered the state's flags and got blow-back for honoring aan addict. >> we're going to define her life not by her weakness. >> a close friend from law school died this year from an overdose. >> i can't tell you how many times all of us, friends of his, dear friends, intervened, got him to treatment and dealt with his wife and his children and
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tried to help him. we couldn't. >> christie wants to put nonviolent drug offenders in treatment. not jail. and make help accessible and acceptable. he says the war on drugs, failed. >> that's the republican war. richard nixon, nancy reagan famously said, just say no to drugs. do you risk angering the core traditional republicans, those who might vote for new 2016. >> i'll take whatever risk i need to take if i'm telling the truth as i see it the fact is that the war on drugs was well-intentioned, it has not worked. i'm not worried about turning anybody off. i want to tell people the truth. >> what about christie's own very different but very personal battle with his weight? >> what about the disease of obesity in this country? is that something that you think about in the back of your mind that you might want to talk about as a public policy platform as well? >> sure. i think at some point when appropriate, i would.
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because i know that struggle personally. and i know how difficult it is. but i want to be careful. because i don't want to process la advertise, i know how difficult it is to deal with this problem. i know also how difficult it is when people 0 who are struggling with this feel like they are being lectured to. >> due feel it's an addiction? >> i don't know, but i know it's a struggle the but i've had that struggle and continue to have that struggle. i'm doing well now. >> getting healthy is about his family, he says, not running for president, although that is on his mind. >> i'll make a decision after the first of the year. when i'll announce, i don't know. >> you haven't decided? >> i really haven't decided. >> now, i asked christie if his decision to run for president will be impacted by who else gets in, whether it's jeb bush or an outside chance is friend mitt romney makes a third run for it and he told me that no,
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it will be independent of all of that. >> i have to say it is remarkable to sew him looking, he really has done a good job. of getting healthy. lost a tremendous amount of weight. >> he says the reports, which we were told about him, is that he lost 85 pounds were wrong. because he doesn't talk about numbers. >> good for him. >> but it's pretty clear. >> seeing the video -- >> at least 85 pounds. >> credit to the comfort and the interview and the questions. john commented several times, sounds honest. >> he hasn't decided yet. i believe him for that one reason when he was talking about his weight, when you asked him, is it an addiction, he said i don't know, i think it's something he has thought of. he was giving you a genuine answer. >> a lot of people don't like to admit they feel this way, but saying addicts shouldn't be treated as criminals when they make a poor choice, as he said, very unpopular, not recognized in our justice system. you get no break for being an addict. >> which is what he's trying to
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change. >> that's brave. >> huge cultural stigma. >> instead of sending people to jail, nonviolent drug addicts, he wants to send them to treatment centers. what is interesting is he's tying that to being a conservative. and being a christian. saying that if you believe in life, like you say you do, then every life should matter, including those lives of addicts. >> absolutely. >> it is time for some of those stigmas to change. dana, it's such a delight to have you here. we'll cater next time. >> political interview off talking points. very impressive, dana bash and you didn't even have to chase someone. you didn't have your nikes on. >> thank you. that's a big story this morning about chris christie. we're following a lot of news for you, let's get to it. >> the centers for disease control in search of anyone who may have come in contact with the first patient diagnosed with ebola in the united states. >> i have no doubt that we'll
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stop this in its tracks. another shocking breach of security just a few feet from the president. >> it is obvious that mistakes were made. >> i wish to god you protected the white house like you are protecting your reputation. day four of the protests here in central hong kong and by far, the biggest turn-out. we have to do this movement because the government needs to hear what we are talking about. good morning to you, welcome back to "new day." health officials are on high alert this morning. because ebola has been diagnosed here on american soil for the first time. the patient, here's the history, they flew in to the u.s. from liberia, with the virus. more than a week ago. so now the race is on to find piece that he came into contact with. during that time. we begin our coverage with chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta live from the cdc in atlanta. sanjay, what can you tell us about this case? obviously the concern is the
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amount of time between being in the u.s. and being diagnosed. >> yes, and specifically, the amount of time that the person was sick in the united states before they went into the hospital and were isolated. what we're talking about just to tell you, chris, obviously you know this is historic, this has never happened before. no one has ever been diagnosed with ebola in the united states before. no one has been diagnosed with ebola really outside of africa ever before. it's quite historic. concerning for obvious reasons, but not entirely unexpected. we've been talking about for some time, that someone could get on a plane in west africa and travel anywhere around the world with the virus in their body. not yet showing any symptoms. two big priorities now. taking care of the patient, we hear the patient is in critical condition, in isolation in dallas. but then again as you point out, chris, finding all those contacts, and that's not an easy task. take a look. >> this morning, the door-to-door investigation begins. health officials including a
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crew from the centers for disease control now in dallas, in search of anyone who may have come in contact with the first patient diagnosed with ebola in the united states. >> the patient admitted to this hospital has tested positive for ebola virus, the cause of ebola virus disease. >> according to the cdc, the unidentified patient traveled from liberia on september 19th. landing in the united states the following day, september 20th. doctors say he did not feel sick until the 24th. >> the patient was visiting family members and staying with family members who live in this country. >> ebola is a virus that can affect multiple organ systems. and can sometimes cause internal bleeding. those symptoms don't appear for two to 21 days after infection. signs do include sudden fever, weakness, muscle pain. headaches and a sore throat. the disease is also spread by direct contact. via bodily fluids, only after symptoms begin. >> this is not transmitted by
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the air. there's no risk to a person in this hospital who is walking or is a patient. there's simply no reason to be fearful of that. >> paramedic who is transported the patient now quarantined. the ambulance used, decontaminated. it's cordoned off. there's some concern, because ambulance 37 was used for two days after transporting the patient. though health officials saying that it's okay. the city spokeswoman telling cnn the dallas county health department has confirmed that paramedics did follow proper guidelines to avoid contaminating additional patients, so far none of the crew members are exhibiting signs of the disease. this as the cdc says fellow passengers on the same flight from liberia are likely not at risk. still, doctors warn to remain vigilant. >> i have no doubt that we'll stop this in its tracks in the u.s. but i also have no doubt that as long as the outbreak continues in africa, we need to be on our
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guard. >> so i'll tell you again, chris, just that timeline, patient arrives on the 20th of september, we hear the patient has no symptoms at that time. 24th of september, four days later, they first get sick. the 26th they go into the hospital, try to seek care. but are not admitted to the hospital. not tested. and it wasn't until the 28th, four days after they got sick, before the person actually gets isolated and tested. so again, it's those four days, really you talk about the investigation going on in dallas, the cdc teams arriving there it's the four days, chris that they're going to need to target down. >> sanjay help me here, i think it may be a little bit of a mixed message in coming. not from you. but from the cdc and those dealing with it four days, very scarey, because you don't know who else could be infected. but it's hard to get infected because you have to be drenched in bodily fluids, which is just an unpleasant and unmorning-friendly phrase. so which is it, sanjay? is it hard to catch this, or can you get it by being coughed 0
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on, so there's a reason for this concern? >> well, here's how i would say it first of all, we say this is not particularly contagious, meaning it does not spread through the air. in part it's because when you cough or sneeze, you really don't have the viral particles in your coughing or sneezing. but you do have it in lots of other body fluids, including sweat for example. obviously blood, those types of things are going to be much more likely to transmit the virus. now it is infectious, highly infectious, that's different than contagious. by highly infectious, we mean it only takes a small amount of the virus, only a small amount of being exposed to bodily fluids to cause a potential infection. so you don't need to be bathed in it, as you say, even a small amount of fluid can cause it. but it does have to be body fluid that gets on your skin or gets into your body somehow. that's the distinction they make. share some of your concerns. this gentleman, based on his history, his symptoms, the fact that he was in liberia, the fact
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that there was some concern about ebola, exposures to ebola, probably should have been tested earlier. >> our greatest concern on the job is making sure that the urgency we translate is justified and not creating any false panic. that's why you, my friend, are gold, thank you very much for making it more understandable this morning, i appreciate it. >> you got it, chris, any time, thank you. coming up, we'll stay on this story. two men at the center of this situation, the cdc director himself, if anybody knows, he does. dr. thomas friedan and we also have dr. anthony fauci, a top official at the national institutes of health. we'll test both of them on how worried they are and why, and what the potential is, right here. just when you thought it couldn't get any worse for the secret service, it does. stunning new lapses, an armed contractor somehow was able to get on to an elevator at the centers for disease control,
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with president obama just last month. without proper clearance. now news of this security violation, breaking just hours after secret service director julia pierson testified before a house committee, house oversight committee. this he were furious, giving her tough questioning. she took full responsibility for the recent white house intruder. i want to turn to michelle kosinski live from the white house. so much attention on this agency right now. >> yeah, and some of it is just the way these details keep coming out. here you have the new director of the secret service, julia pierson testifying before the house oversight committee. just being slammed by their questions. for more than three hours. but at the same time, she's there, outside of the hearing, new details keep coming out. again from whistleblowers and these are details that she never mentioned. some of them having to do with the new security incident. this happened three days before the white house fence-jumper. just coming out now. it happened in atlanta, while
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the president was visiting the cdc. this contracted security guard was inappropriately taking pictures of the president while they were in an elevator and it turned out he a gun. in violation of secret service protocol. they're supposed to know everybody on location who has a weapon and limit their access to the president. now congress at the time didn't even know about this incident. but they let the director have it over the lack of transparency from the secret service. >> it is very disturbing to know that secret service agents in the most elite protective agency in the world feel more comfortable apparently what i'm hearing, coming to members of this committee, and telling things and coming to you and members in the agency.
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that i'm telling you, when i boil all of this down, that to me is dangerous. >> the chairman of the house homeland committee is announcing this commission, an outside review, now, that's going to be done of the secret service. he called the lack of transparency deeply concerning. so did the white house fence jumper incident. just one in a long string of failures. >> michelle, thank you very much. joining us to discuss further cnn "crossfire" and house speaker, mr. newt gingrich. i think you may have used the perfect word to sum up the situation with the secret service, this is weird. >> it is weird. >> and pierson yesterday, supposed to be a change agent. comes out and says i take full responsibility. but it sounded like one of those typical, i take full responsibility, as long as nothing happens to me because of the responsibility. do you think she has to go? >> yes.
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>> because? >> somebody has to be held accountable. an agency which apparently for four days didn't notice that seven shots had actually hit, not been fired at, had hit the white house? >> the house keepers found it. >> this is crazy. i understand that mrs. obama was deeply upset. she should have been. you have a situation where somebody breaks in gets all the way inside the white house, far deeper than the secret service initially said they did. >> which may be a bigger problem than the break-in. >> yes. >> how they reported it may be a bigger problem. >> all of these bureaucracies, you saw this, all of these bureaucracies start with how do i protect myself rather than how do i serve the public. >> how about an armed guy at the cdc, worried about ebola, you're at the cdc, you got a guy who is armed right next to the president, in a metal box. >> the whole notion, you're seeing a breakdown of the system. you see it across the whole government, it's not an obama problem, the whole underlying
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bureaucracy is decaying. sooner or later, somebody has to be held accountable and somebody has to say we're going to be serious about this. if you can't do your job you're not going to be here. and i think it has to start at the top. not the bottom. >> two questions as a leader in your party, one, to be honest this is not about president obama and his administration. that's a cheap political shot that really just further toxifies the situation. >> my sense in the hearing there was a lot of secret service. >> yeah, it was. you know it's been going on. >> it's very hard five weeks before an election not to have everything degenerate into partisan politics. we've all put the secret service on a pedestal for a long time. think it's important to get it back up on the pedestal. that was a totally nonpartisan pedestal. i worked with the secret service, when i was speaker, we hired the chief of staff of the secret service to profession
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professionalize the capital police. this needs to be fixed for the nation. i noticed a number of very conservative republicans who say i want the president protected. it wasn't president obama or president bush. it was the sense of the institution and the aura of the american president, has to be safe and has to be protected. >> absolutely. under the category of thinking outside the box, how do you fix it. there's a law that says, the u.s. military can't be active domestically in this kind of capacity. it's a protection law, which is probably antiquated at this point. do you think it's worth reconsidering who protects him? >> no. first of all, i think the military ought to do military things and the military as somebody once said specializes in breaking things. they're very good at it you want to keep them focused on war. second, the secret service has been an extraordinary institution since the civil war. it's been around a long time. it has a lot of people in it who
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risk their lives every day. who are quite prepared. they know what's what they're signing up for. i think fixing the secret service is vastly more important than trying to find a substitute for it. >> so do that, okay. that's one scenario. second scenario is what's going on with the war in isis. first, quick yes/no. we are at war? >> absolutely. >> okay. and in this war, at this point, would you do anything differently than the president is doing right now in terms of how he's waging it? >> i would do a lot of things differently. >> as of this morning, you need to recognize the belgians have, the belgians are trying 45 people in a mass trial. you need to recognize that isis and radical islamism is a virus, a lot like ebola in a sense. the guy in oklahoma city is not a card-carrying member, he is a manifestation. the fact that we have americans, two minnesotans killed in syria,
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this is not a geographic campaign. libya is decaying, somalia is decaying, yemen is decaying, northern nigeria is decaying, you have to think of a global campaign. and the biggest mistake the president makes, i understand where he's coming from and the pressure from the left. the biggest pressure is to say we're going to do this or we're going to do that this is a real war and our goal is to figure out how to win it or if it's not a war, what are we doing, why are we there? >> it's something that should be debated. if you were speaker of the house, wouldn't you call congress back today and say this matters too much to just abdicate to the president, we have to figure out what the hell we're doing here, because this is not geographical. this is huge? >> i'm going to surprise you. no. >> come on, why not? because of the mid-terms? >> because the fact is everything for the next five weeks is going to be so politicized. what you really need is you need the committees holding the hearings to set the stage.
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we're not even asking the right questions yet. we're in a situation where everybody is going to play gotcha and you're all going to be involved and -- >> when does that change, after the election? >> i think after the election, both house and senate have got to be hearings and the hearings have to lead to a vote. but to have everybody run back here and vote yes based on whatever they heard last week. >> just start talking about it, where is the leadership? this is supposedly an ex-is extension crisis. >> it's existential only in the threat that it's going to keep growing and become an enormous threat. >> think the president -- he would have been far better off to have asked congress to vote. then it becomes the american people's campaign, not the obama campaign. i said the same thing in 2001. i thought we would have been much better off to have had a declaration of war against al qaeda not just wandered off on some vague general assertion. >> given everything you say about the atmosphere down there and the plit sidesing
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everything. if you were president, would you have asked -- >> i think back when he made the first speech, when the congress is still in session, he could have said, i want you to vote, whether you're with me or not. the turks are doing that this week. all the people are out here campaigning. all of them are narrowly focused on their own survival. it would be barring something on the scale of 9/11 or pearl harbor, it would be extraordinarily difficult to get them to refocus. the country needs a real debate. the country is not going to get a debate in the next five weeks. the country needs much as the emergence of the cold war took a while and people had to talk about it and think it through, we're all going to have to confront how bad this is, how serious these guys are and the fact that they're mobile. trying to kill them -- >> that's absolutely true. that's why when you have the speaker of the house saying we're going to need u.s. boots, when everybody else is saying, we're not going to have boots. i question when you would have
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done when you were speaker. i can't believe you would have let yourself be absented from something that matters as much as what's going on right now. >> i wouldn't be absented, but i wouldn't call the house back. >> newt, good to see you. >> i appreciate having you here, always. lots of stories you need to store about as you start your "new day." let's get to john. israeli prime minister, benjamin netenyahu meets with president obama at the white house today. the two leaders plan to discuss the isis issues, the crisis in gaza and nuclear talks with iran. a spokesman for the president says the prime minister's visit is a demonstration of the enduring bonds between the two countries. it should be noted at times that relationship between the president and prime minister has been complicated to say the least. congressional leaders are holding a hearing this morning on the u.s. marine jailed in mexico. lawmakers are calling for the release of sergeant andrew tomaresi so he can receive treatment for pts, the hearing was called by an arizona lawmaker who visited the soldier in his prison cell.
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he was arrested in march after crossing into mexico with three firearms in his truck. what a game this was. nearly 30 years of waiting paid off big-time for the kansas city royals. the never say die royals mounted like three comebacks in this game. to beat the oakland as 9-8 in 12 innings, they get a big heaping serving of mike trout. face the angels in the american league division series. the game last night was an instant classic for fans of george brett, willie wilson. royals fans around the world, a long time coming. the pirates and giants battle for a spot in the national league division series tonight. >> imagine a kershaw/trout face-off. that would be awesome. just saying. all right. john, thank you. nobody seems to be backing down in hong kong. protests there intensifying. deadlines being threatened. the big question is china going
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to resort to violence to end the protest? we're going to speak to a former u.s. ambassador to china about his fears, coming up.
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breaking news out of hong kong, protesters say the chief executive needs to step down by
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tomorrow or they will quote escalate the situation. what could that mean? especially with thousands of protesters as you're seeing now, live picture, packing the streets. and they're not the only ones threatening to escalate matters. there are fears the government will use force if they do not disburse. andrew stevens live in hong kong with the latest. andrew, anything changing there right now? and where is the mood in terms of what happens next? >> well the mood here, chris, is still one of camaraderie and common purpose. let me get out of the way, just so you can see the scene down there. i would estimate this is well in the tens of thousands, if not the hundreds of thousands of people. that crowd goes way beyond my sight as well. and they're all chanting, they're all singing, they all have the common purpose that they want to see democracy moves here in hong kong. it's a very well-mannered crowd. there's no perceptible police
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presence, but we have in the past 30 minutes or so heard this new deadline being announced by the leaders of the students' union, they want the resignation of the head of the hong kong administration within the next 24 hours or they will escalate. we understand escalation could mean occupying government buildings in hong kong. that would take this process to a new and potentially very dangerous level. we did have those tear gas and pepper spray effects two days ago. on sunday, three days ago. because the police said some protesters had tried to get into government buildings. so if they are going to now do a policy of trying to occupy government buildings, it could mean a forceful police reaction. at the moment, as i say, no police here, or no police presence you can see very, very peaceful. but we now take it to a new level by the looks of it. chris? >> andrew stevens, thank you for the reporting. hopefully those in power are
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talking. so it does not come out to dealing with the people on the streets. thank you this morning. mick? >> let's continue the conversation with former united states ambassador to china, mr. gary locke. ambassador locke, what a pleasure to have you here today. i'm sure you've been watching the news and hearing the developments out of china. we're hearing that hong kong students union demanding the chief executive step down by thursday. or they're threatening to escalate the operation. how concerning is this to you, sir? >> well i think we all have to be worried about any further escalation, which then drives the different parties into, into corners that they can't retreat from. and the last thing we need is a violence, the last thing you need is are images of another tiananmen square. you know that the beijing authorities want to stay out of it. they don't want to get involved, yet much of the protest initially was focused on the new policies by beijing, which said that the chief executive in 2017
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would be chosen only from a slate approved by beijing, contrary to the expectations of full democracy in hong kong. >> we know that the students have said, look, we'll negotiate with hong kong, we'll negotiate with the chinese government, we do not want to negotiate with the chief executive. who they are calling for him to step down. how likely is it in your estimation, knowing some of the players in this situation, that the kpif executichief executive give into this demand? >> a lot of it is going to be decided by beijing. perhaps this is a face-saving way that the pro democracy movement protesters can be satisfied without having to change beijing's position of not allowing full democracy in terms of how the next chief executive is elected and chosen. >> for the most part we've
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noticed that it was save for the tear gas a couple of days ago, things have been fairly orderly. it's amazing to see the sheer number of people that have come out. but they talk about this escalation and occupying potentially key and important government buildings. i want to you go back to what you're saying about the danger. are you fearing that this has the potential of being a powder keg? >> it's very much a powder keg. first of all, many of the pro democracy leaders do not want to resort to violence, they're very concerned about confrontation, that's the last thing that hong kong needs. it could set back their efforts at full democracy. down the road. and of course, this is being watched on the mainland of china, the chinese leaders don't want this to get out of hand. because they do not want to encourage protest on the mainland. and it's even being watched in places like taiwan, many of whom on the island want a reunification with china. but they want to have democracy,
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too. and so if this thing isn't resolved peacefully, if beijing insists on controlling the election process, this could sour the potential reunification between taiwan and the mainland. we always hear of one government, two systems between hong kong and the mainland. a lot of people are talking about one country three systems. mainland chinese political system, hong kong freedom autonomy and perhaps taiwan autonomy. if there's a tiananmen square, if there's a massive crackdown with violence by the authorities, this could really set the democracy movement and reunification and independence back very, very far. >> you speak about more eyes watching this. the chinese government watching. i want to read awe quote from a shanghai columnist who spoke to the "associated press." he says quote the authorities see this as a matter of life and death. they don't see it as a local affair, but a fuse that can take down their world.
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do you think the chinese government is going to have to step in? do you think the chinese president is going to have to step in to prevent further escalation? to demand a change here? >> well first of all, the original intent of the protesters was to force beijing to change its policy on how the next chief executive would be chosen. and beijing has refused to do that. so beijing cannot agree for fear of looking weak and almost basically encouraging other protests on the mainland. to achieve other political objectives or economic objectives. and so they've got to make sure that this thing is resolved peacefully without caving in or making concessions to the protesters. at the same time the protesters aren't going to be satisfied with just some soft or small step. so both sides are actually dug in and how it's going to be resolved. is, is fraught with danger. >> it is fraught with concern for us, for sure as we watch the
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situation, it does appear that both sides have their heels firmly dug in. ambassador locke, really a delight to have you here to share your insight with us on this situation that continues to change by the moment. we'll watch it together. thank you. >> thank you. as a congressional committee grilled the head of the secret service over security lapses, republicans showed concern over the safety of the president. but were politics involved as well? john king is going to examine that, "inside politics."
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what if we finally had a back yard? that would be amazing. hey, what if we took down this wall? what if this was my art studio? what if we were pre-approved? shut up! from finding to financing, how'd you do that? zillow.
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welcome back to "new day," let's look at the headlines, the ebola virus diagnosed for the
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first time inside the united states. the cdc says the patient travelled from liberia to dallas on september 20th, but did not show symptoms for a few days. now the race is on to find people that he came in contact with after showing symptoms. it could be four days there in play. the paramedics who transported him to the hospital may have already been isolated. the u.s.-led coalition launched 28 air strikes on isis, the biggest barrage since the air campaign began. the strikes included two from britain, that's their first as part of the coalition. but isis still moving toward major parts of iraq and syria. now a big development, turkey has deployed soldiers and tanks along its border with syria and is considering further action against the terror group. so the nfl says a referee botched the call when he flagged kansas city safety hussein abdullah for unsportsman like monday night. hussein is a devout muslim who got on his knees in prayer after
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returning an interception for a touchdown. now the nfl prohibits players from excessive celebrating. pray something not really included in that. the league makes it clear that pray something permitted. remember tim tebow did it. after he was penalized he received complaints from the americans on islamic relations. had he just slid and not prayed, that may have been a penalty. you're not allowed to go to the ground in the end zone. can you spike the ball, jump up and down, but when you get on the ground, that's what nfl reps don't like. the no-fun league. but the minute they made that call, everyone on planet earth knew it was a bad call. >> it won't be the last. speaking of bad calls, you know what that takes us to? the world of politics, "inside politics" right now. >> when you're talking to john king, you can't use that. >> john king in his contract has a mandatory introduction. may i do it? let's take you "inside politics"
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on "new day" with, mr. john king. >> that game was no fun as a patriots fan, i'll leave it at that. >> it's called the future, buddy. >> let's go inside politics, with me to share the reporting and insight, molly ball of the "atlantic" and also the bloomberg news. the intruder was able to get into the east room of the white house, now questioning on capitol hill and the white house as to whether the director should stay in her job. let's listen to the outrage. two republicans at one democrat on capitol hill yesterday. >> why was there no guard stations at the front door of the white house. and yes, how much would it cost to lock the front door of the white house? >> someone opens a window, or a window is broken at my house, i have an alarm. have you heard of these guys? >> i wish to god you, you protected the white house like you protecting your reputation here today. >> at white house, do they see this as straightly a question of
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agency accountability? there are some suggesting these republicans perhaps in their outrage at the secret service are trying to have a two-fer and make the case that yes, we want to protect the president, but the president can't get anything right. and nothing in the government works. >> it's the only time these guys have ever carried about president obama's safety or well-being and if there's a move to privatize the secret service, head over to adt this is a real problem for the obama administration. forget about the politics, in terms of the security, he's the president, he's married, he has two young children in the house, they want to get this right, publicly they're standing by the secret service director. but privately there is a lot of tension inside the white house. >> how do they deal with that. she was just brought in not that long ago. her charge was to clean up the agency. agencies getting prostitutes, out drinking too much. that's a cultural issue perhaps. in those cases they say the president's safety was never at risk. this this case the president's
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safety or at least a member of his family's safety, he was out of the building, was at risk. the build something nearly 100 yards from the fence to the white house, there's several different layers to stop somebody. the east room? that's nuts. >> i think you raise a good point, when you are brought in as a reformer, when you're brought in to clean house and these things not only keep happening, but seem to get worse, that's a real problem. when it comes to the director of the agency. i think also, when you talk about lapses like the drinking, that can be ascribed to culture, but when you don't disclose an incident or mislead the public about an incident, like what was done with the recent intruder, that's a serious problem that goes to the top of the agency, that goes to how it's being run. so there's a real accountability issue here. i think after yesterday's testimony, the demands for some kind of accountability are going to continue. it doesn't seem particularly political. darrell issa and elijah cummings, the republican and democrat on the committee don't
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agree on very much but they're both outraged. >> when the people think republicans have some under-handed two-fer to raise questions about the administration, maybe a little paranoia there. governor chris christie made a big splash by outlining his policies on addiction and took questions from dana bash from the president's handling of isis and he put the blame on the intelligence committee. specifically the director james clapper. >> he's the president, he needs to be accountable. i hope he says that he corrects what i hope was a misstatement. it wasn't they who underestimated, it was we, he, his administration underestimated. as i've shown before, if i think the president is doing something well, i don't hesitate to say that he is. but i think the jury is still out on this because we shouldn't be in this position to begin with. >> woo shouldn't be in this position to begin with.
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meaning christie thinks they should have gotten after isis quicker, more earlier. to the idea he throws people under the bus? you're hearing that from republicans. >> the first thing i thought of was bridgegate. if this is the standard you're going to hold president obama then chris christie needs to be attuned to the standard he's holding the president accountable. >> he said i know about being accountable for something people under you do. that's why it was so damaging for him. he does have the reputation for the take-charge guy who makes things happen and so then to have something that he says he didn't know about. >> i had nothing to do with that, right. >> make an intellectual consistency argument. if he wants to comment on president obama if he'll take that question on isis, why won't he take questions about immigration. >> almost as if it's selective, isn't it? i think he's trying to sort of
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fwox out two spaces for himself. the one where he's critical of obama, maybe he can slide a little toward the center on some of these issues he may have trouble with in the primary. >> rand paul, the senator from kentucky is running for president, yes, he is already. he is trying to reach out to younger voters, he says the republican party needs to have a bigger tent. listen to his views on birth control and start thinking about how is this one going to play with social conservatives in iowa. >> i'm not opposed to birth control. that's basically what plan b is, plan b is taking two birth control pills in the morning and two in the evening, i'm not opposed to that i don't think there should be any laws a opposing that. >> that's his position on plan b. but many social conservatives consider plan b, the morning after pill to be abortion. >> that's right. i was talking with rick santorum last week at the values voters summit. he was criticizing republicans,
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who are trying to move away from the birth control issue and say why would we cede this fight. i think it's interesting that you're seeing rand paul and chris christie staking out the issues that are more centralist or libertarian. whether it comes to legal liesing drugs or birth control. trying to look ahead to preservation in a general election. understanding what the cost is in a primary. >> you see paul sort of relying on his medical expertise here and that sort of provides an out for him. i'm a doctor, an eye doctor, but as a doctor, i understand this is the same pill and this is what it does. i think he may hope there's a little bit of a loophole for him there, where he can make that case, this is a problem for republicans, because nobody is against birth control, very few people. and it always drove republicans crazy, in the 2012 debates when they got depicted that way. but there is gray area of some things where some people see it as birth control and others see
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it as abortion. that's a tough needle to thread. >> we've watch it on immigration and other issues, and have an interesting debate when it comes putting candidates up on the stage for debates. >> if we have any debates. >> we have a 2014 election sneaking up on us quickly. >> it's not really that sneaky. seeing how it's completely stalled the debate on the war ongoing right now. it's definitely being felt in terms of its impact. john king, thank you so much. great to see you and see you tomorrow. a big alert going on here is the ebola crisis. why is it a crisis? because it's here in the u.s. that's why. the first diagnosis has been made. the question is what are the risks, could it be an outbreak? are we going too far with that? we'll talk to the people who know, the director of the cdc is going to tell us about the real risks and dr. sanjay gupta, our chief medical correspondent. so stay with us. 3rd and 3.
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the centers for disease
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control has confirmed that a man in dallas has the first case of ebola, diagnosed in the united states. this patient came to the u.s. from liberia last month. he became sick after his flight. so the question is, is there a risk of a large-scale outbreak here in the united states? are the resources in place to keep this contained? let's ask dr. thomas friedan, the director of the centers for disease control. and cnn medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta. both doctors are there in atlanta. dr. friedan, since we have you here, let's jump into it and talk about the patient right now. obviously we understand there's patient confidentiality. can you tell us how the patient is and if his or her prognosis is good? >> well you have to refer to the hospital for that. our understand something that he remains critically ill. but what we'll do is make sure we get him any support and treatment that might help. if he ant the family want it.
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and do everything possible to insure that those caring for him minimize any risk they may have of getting infected. >> to that end, obviously there's a concern about anyone that has come into contact with that patient. talk to us about that contact tracing. what is being done to make sure that nobody came in contact with him and if they did, that they are tested. how big a group are we talking about here? this is a tried and true reliable public health strategy. we go from the moment he could have been infected, which is probably around the 24th, last wednesday and retrace every step, every contact where he might have had direct physical contact with somebody, and for each one of those contacts, we will monitor them for 21 days after exposure. in conjunction with the local and state health department and the hospital to see if they develop symptoms. that's how you stop an ebola outbreak. that's what we'll do in this case. there's no doubt in my mind that we can stop it in its tracks here.
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>> you feel confident that there are a lot of people waking up to this news this morning. realizing a patient has been diagnosed in the united states of america, he is on soil here in america, he is in a u.s. hospital and there's going to be concern. you can understand that. >> absolutely. but you know, the plain truth is, we've stopped this outbreak dozens of times in africa, in much more difficult conditions. in fact even in lagos, where there were almost 900 contacts identified and about 19,000 home visits to monitor, for fever, we were able it appears to contain the outbreak. there's no doubt we can contain it here. but really we need to continue to engage with west africa, because the most efficient and effective way in the long-term to make sure that we don't have to worry about this, is to stop it at the source and that's what we're doing. >> i do want to get to you in a moment about screening. and if there's a potential for
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doing that before people get on the plane from liberia. sanjay, i want to turn to you, i know one of the things you're concerned about as a medical professional, is the fact that this patient came to the u.s., felt ill, went to hospital and voiced concerns about ebola, yet was sent home. >> that's a concern. if you look at the timeline, the patient arrived on the 20th, by all reports, was doing fine at that time. four days later, this person became ill two days after that they went to the hospital seeking medical care. but it wasn't until two days later then, so four days total of sickness before the person came into the hospital. let me ask you, dr. friedan, this person goes to the hospital on the 26th, has this travel history, has symptoms at this time. should they have been tested? >> that's one of the things that we'll be looking at. we're reiterating the message for every health worker in this country, to think about travel
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history. if someone's been in west africa within 21 days and they've got a fever, immediately isolate them and get them tested for ebola. >> i appreciate this is an ongoing situation, but what is the guidance? should that person have been tested? >> we weren't there. so i can't tell you exactly what that person said. >> you're advising public health departments, the last time i was here, there was a call with many primary care doctors to educate them on this exact issue. that was a couple of months ago, should this person have been tested? >> we know in busy emergency departments all over the country, people may not ask travel histories. i don't know if it was done here. but we need to make sure it is done going forward. that's the bottom line. >> this could be playing out right now in other emergency rooms around the country. this exact situation where there could be somebody who has a fever. ends up having ebola, but they're not tested. as a result they have many, many more contacts. that's why outbreaks occur. >> it's a big country, a big health care system. so we do extensive outreach to
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provide information to all over the country people are thinking about that. if people come in, they get their history taken. have you been in west africa in the past 21 days? if they have a fever, immediate isolation and testing. we've already fielded about 100 calls about patients from around the country who may fit that description, only >> and again, i won't belabor that point, we've been covering the story for a long time and i imagine the fact, it sounds like somebody fell down on the job, to be perfectly frank, in dallas. this person came in with concerns about ebola themselves, had travel history and symptoms and was not tested. that meant for two extra days this person could have had more contacts. i imagine if you look at all the priorities that's the number one priority, the number one thing you would have hoped to have prevented. >> really there are three levels that we are protecting americans. the first is working to stop it at the source in west africa. we have the largest cdc response
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in cdc history on the ground doing that. the second is we've helped liberia and other countries screen every single traveler who leaves and michaela, you were asking about this before we've made sure that every single traveler who leaves that country is tested to see if they have a fever before they get on the plane, if they have a fever, they don't get on the plane, so the situation is essentially under control, the bigger challenge is when people come in and they have symptoms a few days later, they weren't infectious traveling but may have been while here, we have to do the tried and true public health contact tracing mechanism to find everyone who may have been infected and make sure if they develop symptoms they get isolated. >> dr. frieden can i -- go ahead, sanjay. >> with regard to contacts, say you identify these contacts, what happens to them? they're asked to take their temperature for 21 days twice a day. they're not quarantined so the
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family members of this person, for example, could be walking around dallas, not necessarily in any kind of quarantine. >> we make sure that their temperature is taken every day for 21 days and if they have any symptoms then they would be isolated. there are forms of isolation that are supportive, if we isolate people who are sick that protects their family, their caregivers. we don't want to ice late parts of the world or people who aren't sick. that's going to drive people underground and make it harder to control the outbreak. >> the ambulance drivers are in quarantine, who brought the patient to the hospital. they don't have any symptoms, presumably not infectious or contagious. >> i can't contact on individual -- >> does that follow scientific guide lines they are quarantined? >> we'll look at that situation closely. we might have them not come to, for that 21-day period. >> i asked this question because i want to make sure we're clear on this the fact that fwlaambul
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drivers are quarantined, whereas family members are not quarantined, they may not have protected themselves, had close contact. this is confusing. i want to be able to give this information to people so i want to make sure you're being clear on this as well. >> our recommendation is not to lock people up who have had an exposure. our recommendation is to make sure we can track them every single day to see if they have feef and the moment they have fever get them isolated. >> it's really important to reiterate because this is something you're making a clear point on with us all the time on the air, san yay, this is not a highly contagious infection or virus or disease. it is a highly infectious virus, and it's really important to clarify that, because i think when we hear ebola is in the u.s., people panic, so again, talk to us a little bit about that again, sanjay, for people that are tuning in now because that clarification might help people back away from a bit of
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the panic. >> we're not in contact, just talking to someone is not a way to get infected, not like the flu or common cold. it requires direct physical contact. >> if he sneezes on you it's a different story. >> this is really, i think there's a utility here because we're having this conversation but i am within three feet of you. wouldn't i be considered a high risk? my understanding reading your guidelines, sir, within three feet or direct contact if i were to shake your hand, for example, we'd both qualify as being contact. >> we look at each situation individually, and how sick the individual is and what the nature of the contact is. certainly if you're within three feet that's a situation we'd want to be concerned about. in this case we haven't shaken hands, we have not had any contact that would allow either of our body fluids to be in contact with the other person.
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>> so to michaela's point the reason we talk about coughing and sneezing not a concern, if you coughed on me you would say that would not be a concern in. >> we would look at that situation closely to see at what point in theer. 's illness and we're always going to err on the side of caution. >> that's what we have seen is that out of an abundance of concern, chris was even asking why then scrub down the inside of the ambulance. out of an abundance of caution, because we don't want to have any stone left unturned is what i can guess is what you're saying here, dr. frieden. >> absolutely. ebola does not spread nearly as readily as flu or common cold, but we are taking a very intensive effort to track every person who has been exposed and make sure that we stop it in its tracks here in the u.s. >> dr. frieden and dr. sanjay gupta, excellent -- >> we're going to shake hands. >> safely under your own
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advisement, doctors, shake hands. robust conversation there. we appreciate you hammering him a little bit and dr. frieden thanks for taking it because again it is the health of the american public we are very concerned about and obviously the health of those around the world. we appreciate it. we're going to turn to another story getting so much ground the secret service is trying to explain how an armed contractor without clearance was able to get into an elevator in atlanta with the president. talk about the fallout ahead. when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor
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an individual has been diagnosed with ebola in the united states. >> breaking news, the danger is real. ebola diagnosed in the united states. man in texas tested positive with the deadly virus. can health officials find everyone he made contact with to prevent it from spreading. the secret service facing another security lapse. how did an armed contractor ride an elevator with president obama, this news coming hours after she omitted that event. hannah gram gra ham's abduction linked by dna to a 2009 murder. police are looking at other unsolved cases for connections to jesse matthew. have they nabbed a serial killer? >> your "new day" continues >> your "new day" continues right now. -- captions by vitac -- >> announcer: this is "new day"
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with chris cuomo, kate bolduan, and michaela pereira. >> are you going to be okay on this? >> still don't. >> we'll work it out. welcome back to "new day." it is the first day of october, 8:00 in the east. congressional leaders are calling for an independent investigation of the secret service after another embarrassing security breach involving the president. secret service director julia pierson was torn apart by lawmakers tuesday following an incident involving an iraq war veteran who climbed the white house fence, was able to make it inside the executive mansion. hours after pierson finished her testimony an equally disturbing security lapse surfaced one involving a contractor with a gun who was somehow able to get into an elevator with the president. michelle kosinski tracke all the latest developments and gaffes. let's be honest. >> while this hearing was going on this is the new secret service director, hours of
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testimony before the house oversight committee outside of that hearing, new details kept coming out again from whistleblowers, details that she never mentioned. >> the latest known incident to plague the u.s. secret service again coming from whistleblowers happened three days before omore gonzalez jumped the white house fence. this one in atlanta at the cdc. security guard was inappropriately taking photos of the president inside an elevator who turned out had a gun in violation of secret service protocols. they're supposed to know who is armed on location and limit their access to the president. before congress even knew about this one, the disbelief over the fence jumper. >> omore gonzalez breached at least five rings of security. >> the verbal takedown. >> this is disgraceful this has happened. >> went on for three hours. >> don't let them get into the white house ever. >> reporter: from julia pierson,
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one year on the job -- >> ma'am, no, stop, please. >> reporter: many non-answers. >> it is obvious that mistakes were made. >> reporter: she called it unacceptable, saying a thorough internal investigation would uncover the facts and make sure it never happens again. she said that evening after gonzalez made it onto white house grounds the officers stationed inside the front doors began locking them, when gonzalez burst through, knocking the officer backward. that officer tried to stop him but couldn't. both of them struggling their way down the hallway into the east room, back out into the hall. >> another officer rendered aid and he was placed on the ground just outside of the green room. >> reporter: what she never mentioned, emerged while she was on the stand was that it was two off duty secret service agents downstairs who heard the scuffle, ran up and finally helped stop gonzalez. the firestorm of security gaffes providing endless punch lines on late night. >> intruder got all the way to the east room, got worse when secret service said whoa, there's an east room?
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>> the wedding of george clooney had better security than the white house. are you aware of that? >> reporter: but the implication of those issues deadly serious. >> i wish to god you protected the white house like you're protecting your reputation here today. i wish you spent that time and that effort to protect the american president and his family. >> clearly the secret service's own internal investigation and the hours of testimony from the director were not nearly enough. now the chairman of the house homeland security committee is announcing this outside review of the secret service. he said it was deeply concerning the lack of transparency. he said the white house fence jumper is just one more in what he called a growing list of failures. chris? >> all right, the problem seems pretty obvious. the question becomes what is the solution? congressman steven lynch a democrat from massachusetts, sits on the house oversight
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committee and was out front in yesterday's hearing and pretty heated up. congressman, the outrage and the need for it is obvious. however, it's what you do with it. what are the changes that are necessary? >> well i think we need to shake things up in a big way. god to be with you this morning, chris. i think the call for an independent investigation from stem to stern, look at the culture there at secret service, and maybe even removing them from homeland security and putting them either under a more military-based security team or trying to instill in them the esprit de corps and the excellence that we see in the special forces that we have in the military, the navy s.e.a.l.s, that type of operation.
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remember, this intrusion was one mentally ill person, and he was successful in breaching all of the provisions that we have in the current secret service security protocol at the white house. if this was an organized attempt, the results could have been much more severe. we could have had a complete disaster at the white house. >> yes. >> so they're not operating at the level of risk and vulnerability that we need to be operating with, and some of the assumptions i think go back to what the traditional objectives and mission of the secret service were. we're in a new world now and they need to step up and make sure their response is appropriate to the risks that exist today. >> look, this is legit criticism here you have an old organization doing things an old way, right? they're still involved with counterfeiting investigations and they're supposed to be protecting dignitaries and the president.
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almost their mandate doesn't make sense anymore so maybe there's a silver lining here you get a chance to do it right now. the bigger problem you have is at the top, right? because it's not just what's going wrong, it's they're not telling but it. you're not finding out about what depose wrong the way you're supposed to. does pierson have to go? >> well i think the president needs to have a long conversation with jay johnson and his security team but there is this pattern, as you've pointed out correctly, chris, of security lapse and then coverup. and it's gone on, this is multiple times. we have the incident in 2011 where you had a shooter shoot at the white house hitting the white house six or seven times, and then four days later, they discovered the white house had been attacked. we picked up mr. gonzalez back in july. he had 11 weapons including several sniper rifles and scopes
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and red light laser scopes, those were, you know, those were the ideal weapon to go after the president at the white house. they knew he had mental illness. they picked him up several weeks later outside the white house with a hatchet in his belt. >> right. >> and on both occasions they let him go. i mean, where do the red flags start? they don't have to incarcerate the person necessarily, and they discussed the problems dealing with people with mental illness. if they'd gone to court and saying we want a restraining order against this individual because this is the evidence that we have against him i think any court in the nation would have granted him that restraining order. >> congressman their authority and their mandate and ability to do things is clear. you don't need to change any of that. they have all the tools at their disposal. they get a lot of money and training and they're a big force. the question is how they're
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doing the job and how they're led. the problems obvious also our reporting reveals this isn't new. they've had problems for a long time. now is your opportunity to do something about it. you put in a change agent in pierson, things haven't changed, that's a decision you all are going to have to make, when do you think you're make one? how long are you going to talk about this? >> well, you know, we do want to make sure that we do it right. i think that first of all the internal investigation that the secret service is doing of themselves, that's not really credible. >> they're not even telling you when things happen. you think they're going to tell you what they investigated about themselves? they let a guy into an elevator with a gun with the president. the conversation's over about whether they're doing the job right at that point, isn't that fair? >> that's right. and we need to figure out what's the optimum configuration for the secret service, where should the buck stop? should they be taken out of the
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general homeland security department, should we set up a more rigorous paramilitary operation there to deal with the threats that we have? i think those are important questions, and we need to do it as soon as possible. >> congressman, i heard the advice that you gave to pierson yesterday, it was more of an admonition, protect the president as well as you're protecting your reputation right now. similarly, harness this outrage you have right now. the people want change. you have that on your side. you're going to get pushback, they'll say it's expensive, going to take time and so many levels of process and you have other priorities and this isn't a top priority. don't let it go because god forbid something happens and we have to learn this lesson a harder way than we have already. congressman, thank you for joining us on "new day." appreciate you being out in front on this. >> thank you, chris. coming up in a few minutes we'll get more on this situation, we'll have the white house spokesman josh earnest, ask where the administration is
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on this and of course what's going on with the war. mick, back to you. you're likely waking up to this, officials are scrambling after the first ebola diagnosis on american soil. the centers for disease control says the patient traveled from liberia in west africa to dallas, texas, last month, became sick once he was on u.s. soil. the race is on to locate everyone that that patient came in contact with. we know a cdc team is on the ground in texas. we also know an ambulance crew who transported that patient have been isolated, so the question remains how concerned do we need to be about an outbreak in america? we want to turn to chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta live from the cdc in atlanta at the heart of it, letting us know what we need to know. >> reporter: this is historic what is happening today, this has never happened before where someone has been diagnosed with ebola in the you state.
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it is concerning but wasn't entirely unexpected. we've been anticipating this for some time, patients getting on planes in west africa, flying anywhere around the world with the virus in their body not knowing it because they're not yet sick. two big concerns now, one is taking care of this patient who we hear is talking but still in critical condition, and two is figuring out who are all the people this person came in contact with before he was officially diagnosed? take a look. this morning the door-to-door investigation begins, health officials, including a crew from the centers for disease control now in dallas, in search of anyone who may have come in contact with the first patient diagnosed with ebola in the united states. >> the patient admitted this hospital has tested positive for ebola virus, the cause of ebola virus disease. >> reporter: according to the cdc the unidentified patient traveled from liberia on september 19th, landing in the united states the following day,
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september 20th. doctors say he did not feel sick until the 24th. >> the patient was visiting family members and staying with family members who live in this country. >> reporter: ebola is a virus that can affect multiple organ systems and sometimes cause internal bleeding. those symptoms don't appear for 2 to 21 days after infection. signs do include sudden fever, weakness, muscle pain, headaches, and a sore throat. the disease is also spread by direct contact via bodily fluids, only after symptoms begin. >> this is not transmitted by the air. there's no risk to a person in this hospital who's walking or is a patient. there's simply no reason to be fearful of that. >> reporter: paramedics who transported the patient now quarantined. the ambulance used deon it tam nated, cordonned off. there is some concern because ambulance 37 was used for two days after transporting the patient. though health officials saying
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it's okay, the city spokeswoman telling cnn the dallas county health department confirmed paramedics followed proper guidelines to avoid contaminating additional patients. none of the crew members are exhibiting signs of the disease this as the cdc says fellow passengers on the same flight from liberia are likely not at risk. doctors warn to remain vigilant. >> i have no doubt we'll stop this in its tracks in the u.s. but i also have no doubt as long as the outbreak continues in africa, we need to be on our guard. >> reporter: again, michaela, the patient arrived in the united states on the 20th, had no symptoms at that time. on the 24th this person became sick, two days later on the th they went to the hospital, but were not tested. they were sent home. that's a cause for concern, two days after that, they subsequ t subsequently came back to the hospital. there were four day this is person was sick and not diagnosed. who did the person come in
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contact with? that's what they're trying to do in dallas, the investigation, find those contacts. >> and we know this is so unprecedented here in the united states but that point of the fact that that patient who said i'm a little concerned about ebola. i just got back from liberia, the fact he was sent home is really an issue. dr. sanjay gupta at the cdc in atlanta, thanks so much. 15 minutes past the hour. i think it's time for some headlines. what say you? >> i say yea. >> protesters in hong kong say they will escalate their demonstrations unless the chief executive steps down by tomorrow. thousands of protesters marched, china's national day was another day of pro-democracy done insations. protesters argue the right is moot if the candidates are decided by government officials. the man being held in the disappearance of hannah graham may be linked to other unsolved cases. jesse math sue being investigated for links to the
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2009 murder of 23 ka sandra morton, as well as three other cases. matthew's arrest provided a dna link to the death of 21-year-old morgan harrington who went missing in 2009. the new choice for shoppers in california, paper or nothing? plastic bags will be banned in the state under new law signed by governor jerri brown. large grocery chains and pharmacies will have to make the change by next summer. convenience and liquor stores follow in 2016. 1 million plastic bags are handed out each year in california. there are those who say a lot of the stores not to mention the plastic bag manufacturers will take an economic hit because of this change. 13 million. that's a lot. >> got to think outside the box. >> think outside the bag. >> strong. breaking overnight, ebola has been diagnosed for the first time in the united states. the obvious question is how concerned you should be. we're going to discuss exactly how you can get this, and what
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the real risk is with white house secretary josh earnest. stay with us for that. ♪ who's going to do it? who's going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who's going to take the leap? who's going to write the code? who's going to do it? engineers. that's who. that's what i want to do. be an engineer. ♪ [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil
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000 is time to discuss two scary things we don't understand. ebola diagnosed for the first time in the u.s., how does it spread? how do you get it? hard to understand from the reaction we're seeing from the
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cdc and the government and also how do we keep our president safe? we're learning more and more from the secret service not just about what they do wrong but they don't tell people when things go wrong, letting a man with a gun in the same elevator with the president? all of this as the business of the world could not be more profound, a war going on amidst all of this. let's discuss the impact on the administrati administration, the message from the white house mr. press secretary josh earnest. let's start with ebola. dr. frieden seems controlled and confident, i don't get his message. if you can only get ebo lathrough transmission of bodily fluids like sweat and other things we understand, why are they taking all these people and quarantining them that didn't get that kind of exposure? >> it's my understanding what the cdc is doing is going back
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and trying to determine who had contact with these people. the reason they quarantine people who have symptoms is because when you start exhibiting these symptoms that's when you become contagious. >> i get that much, thank you for clarifying, josh. it seems that there's a little bit of a we don't know feel to this. the ambulance they took all the right precautions, did the right thing but cotton ball the ambulance. the family members who were all around this guy, not to blame him for his own illness but the family members are all around him, don't get quarantined but the ambulance does. how do you find all these people? it seems like a high degree of doubt here. >> you see the cdc responding with medical protocols. people can be confident in this country that we have the medical infrastructure in place to prevent the broad spread of ebola. it's important for people to
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understand here in the united states you cannot get ebola through the air. you can't get it through the water or food here in the united states. it can only be transmitted by individuals who are exhibiting symptoms and by having direct bodily contact with the bodily fluids of an individual that is displaying symptoms. so we know exactly what is necessary to prevent the spread of ebola and the cdc and local health officials in north texas are taking the responsible steps to ensure the safety of the broader public. we are qualify department we can snuff this out here in the united states and that's because we have medical professionals and professionals at the cdc on top of this. dr. frieden got a briefing and the president seems to be confident we are deploying all of the appropriate medical protocols to keep people safe. >> we'd rather have the government being overcautious instead of undercautious. in terms of things that we need to protect the president should be at the top of that list and
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right now it doesn't seem like we're getting the job done of keeping the president safe. do you stand by pierson, the head of the secret service? >> the president and everybody here at the white house stands solidly behind all of the men and women in the secret service including the director. these are professionals who have a difficult job and every day they wake up prepared to put their life on the line to protect the white house, to protect the president and the first family. it is clear that there are reforms that need to be implemented. the secret service is conducting review to determine what happened on the day of the incident that an individual jumped over the north fence at the white house, and to determine what security protocols were in place, determine whether or not the protocols were followed and to determine whether or not those security protocols should be changed and what you heard from the director yesterday she testified before congress and took full responsibility for the
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failures that were evident in the aftermath of this incident and took full responsibility for ensuring that the necessary changes are implemented in a way that the security around the president of the united states and first family is strengthened. >> josh, she was put in as a change agent, things seem worse a year plus later, by all accounts did not hold up well at the hearing yesterday, director pierson. the administration, the president known for loyalty to his appointments, sebelius, holder, sometimes it's the right call, sometimes it's the wrong call. do you have to be open to making changes to get progress? >> respectfully chris i think she performed well at the hearing yesterday. she was faced, she sat at that table and spent hours answering very difficult, challenging questions from members of congre congress. it is appropriate for them to ask tough questions and her responsibility to answer the questions and that's what she did. she acknowledged there are changes that need to be made and took responsibility for ensuring those changes are implemented. sure you that folks here at the
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white house are focused on making sure that those reforms that once they are recommended they are properly implemented. it's important for people to understand also that the men and women of the secret service have a unique role in providing security for the president of the united states. securing the white house and the. is the their top responsibility but the other responsibility they have is responsibility for providing security for what is essentially a large office building, people like me who come through the gates every day who show up to work here, they have the responsibility to protect the perimeter and give us regular access to the white house. there are thousands of tourists who visit the white house on a daily basis. we want to preserve the open access the tourists have to the white house and symbol of democracy while at the same time keeping it safe. this is not a matter of building a tougher fence or adding more farmed guards. standing behind me is the people's house and the secret service takes serious their their responsibility to protect the president and access to the american people to the people's
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white house. >> the house behind you got dinged up by bullets and the housekeepers noticed it and had to notify the secret service. as big as the war is, if you ask voters what's on their mind as they head into midterm elections 65/35 the economy, the middle class, the economy's coming back but not for them. what is the message from the president? >> the president will give a speech on this topic tomorrow at the kellogg school of management at northwestern university in the chicago area. the president will talk about how the strength of our economy is critical to our strength around the globe that our ability to lead the world's response to an ebola epidemic to lead the world's response to building an international coalition to confront, degrade and ultimately destroy isil to lead the international response to ensure that russia is respecting basic international norms in ukraine that if we're going to preserve our ability to lead the world, we also need to
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ensure we're leading the world's economy and we also want to make sure and this has been the focal point of the president's policy-making agenda since his first day in office ensure our economy remains strong by ensuring the middle class families benefit fit. our president believes the economy works best growing from the middle out. republicans in congress think we should offer benefits to those at the top and expect those benefits are going to trickle down to everybody else. we've tried that approach and it doesn't work. we need to invest in the kinds of policies that are good for middle class families because when middle lass families are able to grow and thrive our economy is able to grow and thrive and that is critical to our ability to lead the groebl xhund to respond to the many challenges that we face. >> josh earnest to be sure the need is great when you talk about the economy and the american family. thank you for joining us this morning and taking the opportunity on "new day." >> you bet, thank you, chris, have a good day. >> you as well. ebola, it's here.
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you just heard us talking with josh earnest the white house suppress secretary about it. what are we hearing from health officials? they say they're not worried. should you be? we have a panel of experts weighing in because this situation's confusing. stay with us. new york state is jump-starting business with startup-ny. an unprecedented program that partners businesses with universities across the state. for better access to talent, cutting edge research, and state of the art facilities. and you pay no taxes for ten years. from biotech in brooklyn, to next gen energy in binghamton, to manufacturing in buffalo... startup-ny has new businesses popping up across the state. see how startup-ny can help your business grow at
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good to have you back with us on "new day." the first case of ebola has been diagnosed in the united states. the patient is being treated in dallas after flying back to the u.s. from liberia. how big is the risk that it spreads and what are officials doing to prevent the spread? we are going to get perspective from a trifecta of astute medical professionals, dr. anthony fauci, director at the national institutes of health, a senior fellow at fordham university and cnn's chief medical corresponde enent dr. sy gupta. dr. gupta and i last hour had a good conversation with dr. tom frieden head of the cdc. do you get a sense the cdc has a
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strong understanding and a strong grasp and is giving strong guidance on how ebola is being transmitted? >> i think the science around this is fairly clear in that someone first of all has to be sick, does not have symptoms before they can spread the virus, that's when the vir's gets into the bodily fluids. i think what is less clear and very important to clarify now is when someone should be tested. this particular gentleman comes back from liberia on the 20th, on the 24th he starts getting sick, on the 26th this person goes to the doctor, to the hospital and at that point we know the person is sick, we know the person has just returned from liberia and the person has some concerns about exposure to ebola and despite all that, the person is sent home, not tested, not isolated. two more days go by before the person comes into the hospital
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and confirmed to have ebola. those two days are crucial crucial and important. >> they are. >> it's exactly what we're trying to do to prevent this disease from spreading. how many contacts did that person have during that time period? so important and when it comes to the guidance, what the cdc is saying, what local public health departments doing, the coordination between them, are we crystal clear on who should be tested? i don't think we are. the guidelines still say interim guidelines. that suggests they're evolve and changing. >> dr. fauci with nih, the concern is that a ball seemingly was dropped in dallas, fair enough, except for the fact that this is an infectious, highly infectious disease. how do we make sure the guidelines are clear for health care professionals across the u.s.? >> from the health care professional the cdc has been putting out announcements about the fact that when someone comes
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into an emergency facility with symptoms compatible with ebola, the important thing to do is a travel history. they have emphasizing that and doing a good job of it. we need to continue to do that. if someone comes into an emergency facility that happens thousands of times a day throughout the country but what we need to get the word out even more is a simple travel history. if the emergency room physician had asked this person do you have any recent travel outside of the country and if the person said i just came back from liberia, that would have been an enormous red flag for anybody given the publicity that we have. that's really the issue, to make sure that physicians are aware that we have a problem, there san outbreak in west africa and people will be coming to the united states who will be
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without symptoms. the issue about the plane dr. frieden said was correct, the person had no symptoms during the plane trip. so the danger of that is not a problem. once the person began to have symptoms that's when you have to take a travel history. >> again, here is an issue. there are so many steps and so many levels. in is a management issue, because you have to manage from the light departing africa, the arrival in the u.s. they can start showing symptoms thus infect all the people that come in close proximity. this person said i just came back from liberia, feeling poorly, went to the hospital and was released. that is concerning. >> you have to give doctors permission who aren't safe with
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low risk. somebody comes pack from west africa with a fever we'll take a look at you and send you home. to occupy a whole room to isolate them, roll out this big bunch of tests and big set of procedures is a difficult step for physicians in dallas who aren't used to dealing with this. you need to have protocols in place. the doctor isn't going what is the risk here. you need to have a clear decision that is a biary outcome. you are isolated until it's proven you don't have it. >> we're talking about the first steps here as we know what's going on overseas, we know the fight continues in africa, with he know some testing is going on before people get on a plane if they have a fever. we need to tighten things up stateside to make sure the messages are getting out. one of the other things i want to talk about is this notion and i want to keep repeating this because i think this is where the mistake is coming in from some people's understanding, highly contanlgous versus highly
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infectious. i know it's rudimentary but i think it is worth repeating. >> reporter: what that basically means is when you think about the threw or something that is highly contanlious, airborne, spread easily through the air so someone could infect lots around them without having direct contact with them. ebola is not highly contagious but it is highly infectious. meaning once somebody gets sick with ebow lae that excrete the virus through the bodily fluids. if that were to get on somebody else it could cause an infection. that's what it means to be highly infectious. it's not going to spread easily through the air. that's a very important point. this idea that people don't spread it until they are sick becomes crucially important. someone is walking through an airport shaking hands and indiscriminately spreading ebola, that doesn't happen.
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>> we know that the nih trialed the ebola vaccine in humans. how is that going snon zmapp and another company in canada producing another one as well, there will be more of those made available and used? >> we better make sure they're available within the context of a clinical trial to determine if they actually work or possibly and we hope that's not the says they might paradoxically harm people. i know everyone is anxious to get interventions out there but they need to be done in an orderly fashion where you get them to people as quicks will a possible but under the auspices of a clinical kril. at nih we injected people part of the 21-day trial, we'll
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observe them until the end of november, early december and if it looks like it is safe and induces the response you want, then we'll do a much larger clinical trial in the setting of west africa, where you can actually prove or not whether it works, and if it works, then you'd want to widely distribute it and if it doesn't work, or is actually dangerous, you wouldn't want to do that. >> we know there's urgency there for sure. last question to you, doctor, as you're here, this is not a highly contagious disease as dr. sanjay gupta pointed out. do you feel comfortable that the united states is prepared should a highly contagious disease come to our shores? >> i think the fact that we're seeing cases of ebola arrive here now, we're reaping the rewards of not to be month. one charity, doctors without borders has done the bulk of the work. for an international system that's not acceptable. if we want no more cases coming it has to be controlled in west africa. the administration stepped up now to do that,er other country
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needs to be putting resources in there as well. >> call to action from dr. van tulleken, dr. fauci, dr. sanjay gupta, thank you for the conversation had and it will continue on cnn. another story of great concern the man being held for the disappearance of hannah graham under the microscope. will jesse matthew be linked to other unsolved cases in virginia in we have new details for you ahead. a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here
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000 is time for the five things you need to know for your "new day." for the if, time a patient in the you state has been diagnosed
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with ebola. now the race is on to find people who had contact with this man as his symptoms emerged following his flight to the u.s. from liberia. another security breach plaguing the secret service, the agency really unable to explain how a cdc contractor managed to get on an elevator with the president while this guy was carrying a gun without being cleared. tuesday marked the biggest day of u.s.-led coalition air strikes against isis in syria and iraq. they came as a terrorist moved closer to crucial cities in both countries. the turkish parliament is debating whether to send ground troops in to help isis. congressional leaders on sergeant andrew tahmooressi, jailed in mexico. he's called on for release so can he receive treatment for pts. three in one game, they defeated the oakland a's 9-8 in
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12 innings, a classic wild card matchup, the royals now face mike trout and the angels in the division series. go to for the latest. the man being held in hannah graham's disappearance under investigation for connections to other missing person cases as the mystery unravels, why wasn't he stopped before now? eeeeeeeee financial noise financial noise financial noise financial noise ♪
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jesse matthew the man charged with abducting uva student hannah graham is connected to other unsolved crimes in virginia. he's been linked by dna or forensically to the 2009 murder of morgan harrington. the question now is have authorities maybe fallen upon a serial killer here? we want to bring in cnn commentator and legal analyst mel robbins and forensic scientist lawrence kobilinsky. mel, this guy goes into the police voluntarily, walks in with no lawyer. now ten days later it seems like investigators in virginia are emptying file after file all their case files finding possible links to him. how do we get from one place to
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another? >> basically he was wanted for questioning. he wasn't a suspect yet because he was the last person seen with hannah graham. and so he goes in to the police station as you said and presumably for questioning and says i want a lawyer. they made a decision at that point because the d.a. was there when he walked in that they didn't want to question him because if they heard anything they wanted to use it in court. i thought they thought if they followed him he'd lead them somewhere and they lost him in the chase. he's implicated in a string of crimes that span 12 years. larry and i think this is the tip of the iceberg. >> in terms of implicating the actual only liching they told us and a lot of this is based on leaks we get from the investigators, just be aware of that, take that into account. the only corn sick link is between the hannah graham case and the case of morgan
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harrington. we hear that forensic link, what does that mean? >> it probably means dna. i think what's breaking this case is the legal decision to have a search warrant of jesse matthew's home. toothbrush, hair brush, clothing, looking for trace evidence. by getting the item, a hair brush you can compare the dna evidence that they get from the home with the body of miss parentton. there's something there on the body or on the victim's clothing that can be linked through dna. >> how long does dna last before it starts to degrade? >> remember harrington was in the field for three months so that only certain types of dna would remain intact and able to be tested.
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so there might be semen on clothing or dna under fingernails. police need that to establish the linkage >> they might have found her dna at his house. we don't know yet. what they're going to be doing now is comb his house for any dna that links the women back to him in any way. there may be female dna that connects him to the cold cases and remember in all these cases, john, we don't have any preliminary. we have women that have gone missing, not women found like morgan and so there may not be much evidence to try to link him to those cases. they're also going to take a look, john, and run his dna through the national fbi database on cold cases on missing persons and one of the things to keep in mind is that
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if we know that this started presumably in 2002 with the alleged rape of the liberty university student and ends with hannah graham, that's 12 years of crimes. >> that's a long time. >> that's a very long time. >> you mentioned hannah graham but this case right now at least is about hannah graham, who is missing. if you're the investigators right now, if you're the police, how do you leverage all of this information to help find hannah graham? >> if i'm the d.a. in this case i'm hammering that defense attorney saying your window of time to get a deal that saves your client from being fried in the electric chair is narrowing with every day. you get your defendant to talk and come clean on the other victims, on where people are, what happened to hannah graham and maybe we'll cut a deal and then you hope what the defense attorney does is leverage this guy's family that he appeals -- this was a guy that remember has two personalities presumably. he's involved in a church, he's
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involved in football teams, he is by people that know him said he was a teddy bear, you appeal to that side of him but who knows? >> they're going to have to break him to find the body of hannah graham. >> let' hope this leads to some peace for the family. thank you for being with us. appreciate it. chris? >> good discussion, john, thanks for having it. another big question how can officials make sure ebola in the u.s. remains an isolated case instead of an outbreak? the very latest on that situation and other news going on in "the newsroom" with carol costello right after the break, please stay with us.
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happening in "the newsroom," four days and fear. >> patient admitted to this hospital has tested positive for ebola virus. >> the first patient diagnosed with epaola in the united states. >> it's a severe disease. we need to be on our guard. >> the cdc this morning sevening for anyone who came into contact with this person. why four days are so crucial. >> the only time you brief the president on perimeter security, the president's personal security f


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