tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 1, 2014 5:00pm-7:01pm PDT
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training there is no guarantee of results. because certainly the iraqi army has been set up to be ready for this fight today and they're not. >> that of course is the unfortunate truth. thank you again, tom foreman. and thank you for joining us, we'll be back here again tomorrow night. "ac360" begins though, right now. good evening, thank you for joining us. it was just one security breach too many. this guy has run across the white house lawn and through the front door and hallways which caused a chain of events that caused a secret service worker her job. it did not end the dysfunction that could have cost the president his life. also tonight, new sexual assault allegations in regards to the missing university of virginia student hannah graham. tonight, we begin with more we've learned. some of it is troubling, ebola in the united states. we're devoting a good portion of this and into the next hour on
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"ac360." because people want to know, our doctors, health care officials, are they up to the challenge of a virus who kills more than half the people who catch it. so far, as thomas duncan arrived in dallas, at least part of the way on a united airlines flight and we're just learning possibly through washington dulles airport does not inspire complete confidence. there were some answers we would be getting from public health officials. first of all, why did this hospital where mr. duncan is quarantined, initially turned him away, where he showed up with fever and vomits. he told the nurse he just came from liberia. the question is, did people at presbyterian texas hospital drop the ball? that is just one of many questions tonight. seeking answers tonight, elizabeth cohen and dr. sanjay gupta, and recovered ebola patient dr. nancy writebol will
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join us later, as well. mr. duncan is in the hospital tonight. take us through how he ended up there, the series of events. >> all right, anderson, let's start with september 20th which is when mr. duncan arrived in the u.s. from liberia. he is a liberian national. he arrived, on september 25th, he is feeling ill at presbyterian hospital where i am and they sent him home. on september 28th, he visits again, this time in an ambulance and is isolated. on september 29th, a family friend feels things are not moving fast enough and they call the cdc. now, i'll tell you anderson, and i was talking to an official about this situation and he said look, this is clearly a screw-up, that was his term. clearly, somebody shows up with a fever and history of travel in liberia, you should immediately,
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do not pass go or collect $200, treat this person as an infection risk and don't let him out. and protect yourself. apparently a nurse at the facility asked if he had recent travel to liberia or any infected country and he said yes, but we're told that that sort of had gotten lost. that that piece of information was not passed on or got miscommunicated. and so his care team did not know about it. >> and moments ago, we're told that mr. duncan may have come in contact with 20 people. how much do we know about these people and if they had been tested for the virus. >> right, we know they are five children who go to elementary schools and high schools in the various area. we're heard that some of them are ambulance drivers, the folks who brought him here on the second visit to presbyterian. we don't know about the rest of them. as far as the children goes, an official told me they were kin.
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we don't know exactly how they're related but that they frequented the house often. >> and he was reportedly vomiting in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. and those -- have those people -- you said maybe that they had been tested. are they being isolated? >> well, here is the way that it works is that we're told that all the contacts, ambulance drivers, family, et cetera. they don't have symptoms, that no one is sick yet. and anderson, by definition, you don't give an ebola test to a healthy person, because even if they get ebola the next day, it is just a feature of the test. there is no reason to test a healthy family member or ambulance driver. they're going to test negative. what they're told to do is watch their health and take their temperature twice a day or perhaps even more frequently. >> let me just understand this, if you have contracted ebola, and are infected with ebola but
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are not showing the signs of it because it develops for sometime, you will test negative? >> right, and i'll tell you a personal story. i arrived from liberia, my husband said let's test you for ebola. let's just nip this in the bud, i want to know if you have it. i said i'm sorry, sweetie, i would love to get the test, but it doesn't exist. if you are healthy and the virus is growing, you will test negative. it is not sensitive enough to pick up the infection unless you have a lot of the virus in you. >> while you are healthy, if you are infected but you're not showing any signs you cannot then transmit the virus. it is not until you actually start to show the signs that you can start to transmit the virus. elizabeth, we'll have more on this in the program. the people who came in contact
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with duncan, five school age kids, gary tuchman has been pursuing that part of the reporting. he is talking to a city that at least fair to say parts of it were on edge. >> we learned this is where thomas duncan was staying, an apartment complex in north dallas, where authorities say the liberian citizen said the man may have had contact with five children. those children are duncan's girlfriend's children. they have talked to his girlfriend. >> they are home, doing well. >> the children as well, are doing fine. again, all she asks is for her prayers. >> the five children go to four different schools in the neighborhood. the sam tasby middle school immigrais one of them. one woman heard that at least some of the children could have been exposed to ebola, her son
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and daughter went to the school. so they went to pick them up. >> i got scared, i thought that the kid came to the school and probably has contact. i know it doesn't get contact by the air, but you never know. >> all five of the children who may have had contact with the man diagnosed with ebola are now staying out of school. but many of these parents, we're told, those five parents were in school on tuesday. maria garrado has children in the school. >> i'm worried for my son and daughter and me. >> more than 3500 children are enrolled in the four schools so there are a lot of concerned families. nobody can offer any guarantees. but the school district has told parents that the children are not in any imminent danger. all four schools are being cleaned and sanitized over the next four days but they will remain open.
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parents are given papers that explain the situation in english and spanish, saying this morning we're made aware that a student in your school may have had contact with an individual who was recently diagnosed with the ebola virus. did that worry you? are you scared? >> yes, and i don't feel like going to school tomorrow. >> well, i'll tell you and your mother, the person in the school doesn't have ebola, they were just near somebody who had it. so you don't have to worry, okay? >> okay. >> daisy and betsy are fourth grade twins. >> when you heard about this ebola, what did you think? >> we got scared. >> you're twins and you talk at the same time. they're taking good care of you. the students here do not have ebola, you know that, right? >> yes. >> okay, are you coming back to school tomorrow? >> yes. >> they really do talk at the same time. it sounds like a number of parents you talked to are at least thinking about keeping their kids home from school.
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>> none of the parents we talk to, anderson, say definitely they will keep their kids out of school tomorrow but many of them are on the fence. i mean, keep in mind, this is the first time this exact situation has played out in an american school. in addition, this situation, though, many of the parents at the schools speak little or no english. they're afraid that some of it could get lost in translation. they're bewildered like anybody would be, but because they don't speak english, it makes it more acute. >> we don't want to cause anymore panic or anything like that. the kids who went to the school at least they don't have signs of having ebola. they just came in contact with somebody who does, and unless they showed signs they wouldn't be able to transmit it to anybody else. there is no way they would have transmitted it if they were not showing signs. now, president obama expressed confidence that the public health system could meet the ebola challenge. >> we're working to help flight
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crews identify people who are sick, and more labs across our country now have the capacity to quickly test for the virus. we're working with hospitals to make sure that they are prepared and to make sure our doctors and nurses and medical staff are trained and ready to deal with a possible case safely. >> well, that confidence, that assessment now appears at best premature, at worst unfounded. chief medical expert dr. sanjay gupta has more. it seems like there were major missteps on how it was handled. you're at the cdc now, how did they handle this? >> reporter: this is an historic day, a patient being diagnosed in this country. this is the first time it ever happened outside of africa. and i'm sure when they look back on this, this is not how they expected or wanted it to go. the biggest misstep was a
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patient went in with very, very clear signs of concern about ebola. and was turned away, as you have talked about. i talked to dr. frieden about this exact scenario just a bit ago and asked him about it. take a listen closely to what he said. what is the guidance, should that person have been tested? >> we were not there, so i can't tell you exactly what that person said. >> you're advising the public health departments, last time i was here there was a call with many primary care doctors to educate them on this exact issue. that was a couple of months ago, should this person have been tested? >> we know that in busy departments all over the country, people may not ask travel histories, i need to make sure that it is done going forward. that is the bottom line. >> that is dr. frieden, the head of the cdc, anderson, they have been doing this drill for months, they said look, what is the united states doing to prepare? we know it will happen in some
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future time. what are you doing to prepare? one of the first things they say is figure out who is at risk and make sure they get tested. that was 101. >> clearly, he seems to be avoiding answering the question, being put on the spot. but a family friend of this patient said they informed the hospital he had been to liberia, clearly, somebody there dropped the ball. new information, the patient may have traveled to dulles, in washington, d.c. the patients there were not at risk, he was not showing symptoms on the plane? >> yes, that is right. in liberia they would do a screening ahead of time which involves a questionnaire. they would ask questions, somebody would develop a fever early on even before they develop significant symptoms.
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given that he didn't have a fever and was still healthy after he landed in dallas, it is unlikely that he would have actually had any kind of transmission to other passengers. let me just say, anderson, i was over in west africa, i cover a lot of these stories. i do a lot of homework, i come home, i have three kids in my house. i wanted to make sure professional and personally i wasn't going to transmit the virus to my family. i wanted to understand that unless somebody on the plane where i traveled was sick, i was not going to be at risk. you transmit the virus when there is enough virus to make you sick, then it is in the bodily fluids, then you start to excrete, somebody is not sick, they're not dispensing the virus. i felt comfortable with that fact on the plane and others should feel that way as well.
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>> make sure you set your dvr, coming up next, one of the only americans who contracted and survived the disease, nancy writebol, talks about the crucial days ahead for thomas duncan. she joins me with her husband. later, what could be the dress rehearsal for the big one, a leading expert next on ebola and similar diseases, we'll be right back. with the virtual freedom of wi-fi. chevrolet, the first and only car company to bring built-in 4g lte wi-fi to cars, trucks and crossovers. hi mom. you made it! anncr: it's the new independence. goodnight. goodnight. for those kept awake by pain
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the allegations were that the hospital dropped the ball, when duncan showed up and said he recently arrived from liberia. somehow, the information was never given out and mr. duncan was sent home. the hospital said there was no reason to admit him. if anyone knows what he is going through right now is nancy writebol. she contracted the virus in liberia and was treated successfully there in atlanta as she joins us tonight with her husband, david. nancy, you have been free of ebola for more than a month now, you look great, i understand you are still taking medication, how do you feel? >> i feel good, thank you. i'm getting stronger every day. and just continuing to regain my strength. >> when you heard that a patient had been diagnosed with ebola here in the united states, in texas, what was your reaction, what did you think?
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>> well, anderson, i was not surprised. you know, we live in such a small world that it is very easy to travel from one country to another. and so it didn't take me by surprise. i'm very thankful that he is here and that he could receive medical care and that our doctors know what they're dealing with. >> for you, as you look back on your treatment it was coming to the united states, you believe that really saved your life. and there was a lot of attention on the zmapp, on the serum that you got. but you're not clear that that is actually what did it. you think a lot of the follow-on care in the united states may have been what actually saved you. >> yes, you know, the medical care that we received was amazing at emory.
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and also, not only the care, i mean, they were able to check what was happening daily and hourly in our bodies. and so that is just not possible in a third world country where lab work takes sometimes hours to get back. and so you're right, the care that we received here was critical to us in our recovery. but you know, we don't know how much the zmapp played into that. >> david, what about for you, when you heard this. it must have brought back obviously scary memories when your wife was battling the virus. you yourself were quarantined, as well. >> well, yes, i was saddened to hear that. and our hearts and our prayers go out to the family concerning that condition. and yet we just wish them well
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and hope -- i hope for a speedy recovery and that the doctors and the nurses and his treatment will go well and that he will be able to survive. >> nancy, do you think it is inevitable that there will be more cases? and i bring this up not to sew fear, but we're learning now this patient exhibited symptoms of ebola, sought treatment at a dallas hospital. according to friends of his, they say they informed the doctors at the hospital he was from liberia. i ask the question, to know if doctors are really looking out for this situation as they should be. >> well, i think it has brought another awareness to the situation and to the problem of people presenting themselves at medical hospitals where doctors and nurses need to be on alert of the fact that patients are -- and that people are traveling.
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and that it is very possible for someone to walk into an emergency room or into a hospital to receive care and i think again, it's another way to bring awareness to the fact that we need to be on alert. do you think it is possible we might have more cases? i think it is possible. >> what do you want people to know about ebola, people in the united states. because there is a lot of fear, obviously, and a lot of it is understandable. but this is new in the united states. what do you want people to know about it? >> well, again, i think people need to recognize and to remember it is not airborne. and you know the way that it is transmitted is through bodily fluids. and so that is something that you know, even in our own minds we have to remember, okay, this is not airborne.
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and i think that that will help people to not have as great a fear. and i think, too, that if they know somebody that is exhibiting symptoms that look like ebola to get help immediately. don't wait thinking, oh, this is just the flu, i'm going to wait. or you know, i'm just not getting really any better. don't wait to seek out medical help. >> nancy writebol and her husband, dave. as always for more on these stories and others, go to coming up next, why some believe that ebola may not be the worst we face in the coming years, it is only a dress rehearsal. and now more on kids infected with a disease, and what you need to watch out for. people with type 2 diabetes
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thank goodness. and the question is how prepared are countries including the united states prepared against such a disease. and second, how does ebola mutate to a strain that can spread more easily from person to person? his upcoming book is ebola, the natural history of a deadly virus. david, thank you for joining us, this outbreak, was it just a matter of time before we saw infected people traveling to the united states on commercial airlines? >> i think it was just a matter of time, yeah. one of the things about this west african outbreak that was i believe a fateful circumstance was the fact that the outbreak began in the countryside. it always begins in the countryside, comes out of the forest. but the countryside in guinea, sierra leone, is not very far from the big cities with the international airports.
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so it is not surprising this case has arrived, other cases traveled. this virus doesn't fly particularly well, but we've seen that it can fly. and the closer to the original outbreak to the capital cities and the airports the more likely that is going to happen. >> i mean viruses mutate, is it possible for it to mutate to a form that does spread through the air or is there no way ebola can do that? >> well, it's not in the right sort of family to be highly likely to do that. there are families of viruses that are much more susceptible to airborne transmission. the flus, the corona virus, and sars and mrsa, ebola we've heard a hundred times is carried in bodily fluids. it is mutating, and there is a new scientific study that shows it is mutating.
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the more cases that occurs in west africa, the more it mutates, it could mutate perhaps into a form that allows it to be infectious in a human being before it causes symptoms, rather than the other way around. and that would be a scary thing. >> right, that would obviously be alarming. the good news is, even if somebody is infected as we said before, but it bears repeating. until they actually show symptoms they actually cannot spread the virus to others. so if somebody rides on a plane and feel fine, they're not showing other symptoms there is no danger to other passengers, right now. >> that is right, if you created a nightmare virus, you would create or imagine a virus that is shed from a victim. is excreted from a victim before the victim gets really sick so that a person is still walking around, interacting with people and riding the subway and
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airplanes at the point where he is not yet sick, but is shedding virus. that is the nightmare scenario. >> you said -- there is good news in that if they can stop ebola in the capital of nigeria, the cdc said they contained their outbreak, then they should be able to stop it in dallas. >> you would think so yes, they stopped it in nigeria because of a strong health care system apparently and a lot of help from bill and melinda gates who put a lot of money in there, and very quickly helped them convert a malaria treatment center into an ebola treatment center. that, plus contacts, allowed them apparently to stop it in nigeria. and if they can do it in nigeria we ought to be able to do it in texas. >> we did a lot of this reporting on viruses, in africa, gone out with hunters and shown how viruses were transmitted from animals to humans.
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you call this the dress rehearsal for the next epidemic or pandemic, what should we learn from this outbreak to prepare for the next one? and is your concern on the next one that the virus is transmittable before somebody shows symptoms? >> well, what we should be learning is that this is not a one-time event. assuming we can stop this in texas which i certainly take tom frieden's point, that can be done. it should not be a problem. assuming it can be stopped, this is not a one-time event. this year it is ebola, 2014, it even makes it to the u.s. next year it will be a different virus, the year after there will be a different virus, as you said anderson, there are a lot of these diseases spreading around the world because of bush meat and other practices
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disturbing the tropical ecosystems, if it is ebola this year, it could be nipa or a new flu or sars or mrsa, or a new corona virus we haven't heard about yet. >> david, thank you for joining us. he will be here next in our live edition. we'll devote our entire hour to the panel, and questions you may have about. tweet with the hash tag ebola question and answer or go to our facebook page, facebook/"ac360." coming up next, health officials have their hands full tonight. not just with ebola, but the respiratory virus has been sending kids to the icu, and they recently found four patients who died. the cdc is not sure what role the enterovirus could have played in the deaths. there could be complications including being paralyzed. in a small number of kids in the states. 500 cases of the virus have so
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far been confirmed. and dr. anthony fauci, the director of the nih told me this a short time ago. >> that particular virus is a bad actor. it is part of the broad category of enteroviruss. this one is a particularly bad actor for a number of reasons. first of all. the outbreak is significant, in 41 states, it attacks children, adults almost never get attacked. >> have you got new details on the young girl who died and her fight with the virus? >> yes, anderson, we're learning more about the victims, a 10-year-old from rhode island, one of four who tested positive for the enterovirus. one official said they're not sure if it contributed to their deaths. the 10-year-old girl was short
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of breath, she was having trouble breathing, they took her to the hospital. the state official said once she arrived at the hospital in his words, quote, everything fell apart within 24 hours. now this child had two health issues, not only did she have the enterovirus, she had a staph infection. that seems to be the cause of death -- >> and hospitals are also worried about a polio light form of the virus. >> this is surprising to everybody, colorado, boston, michigan, doctors have seen a handful of these cases of the mysterious neurological situation, that causes abnormal problems with gray matter. michigan, one child actually developed this partial paralysis after being hospitalized. right now in colorado the children are undergoing physical therapy.
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doctors are saying it is really not clear what the long-term effects of this partial paralysis will actually be. >> and the enterovirus, it is actually quite common, could the numbers go higher? >> yes, the cdc is prioritizing their testing, they're looking at children with severe respiratory illnesses. they're at the greatest risks. the numbers are expected to grow, the tests are not yet back on clusters of people with respiratory illnesses, the enterovirus, people get it usually late year, early summer or autumn. the majority experience it just as a cold. the difference this year, anderson, so many children, 500 in 42 states are actually being hospitalized. and that is to changer. >> scary stuff, deborah feyerick, thank you very much. more coming up on hannah graham, the story is linked to another sexual assault incident.
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matthew was never charged. randi kaye went to the university to sort out what happened. now we're learning about another investigation at another university. that is next. new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who's going to take the leap? who's going to write the code? who's going to do it? engineers. that's who. that's what i want to do. be an engineer. ♪ [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers. energy lives here. your customers, our financing. your aspirations, our analytics. your goals, our technology. introducing synchrony financial, bringing new meaning to the word partnership. banking. loyalty. analytics.
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breaking news tonight about the suspect in the disappearance of the uva student, hannah graham. linking him to yet another case. now, we know now of two different universities that matthews attended in 2002 and 2003 and he was accused of sexual assault at both of them. randi kaye has more. >> reporter: anderson, we are learning the latest case we just learned about took place at christopher newport, back in september of 2003, now, that university is not saying much. but they are telling us that jesse matthew was questioned relating to a sexual assault back in september of 2003. that is about all they're saying. but what is so interesting is that that took place just 11 months after he was questioned about an alleged rape here at liberty university just in october of 2002. so that was just 11 months
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later, which is really remarkable. now what that university is telling us, he was a student there in 2003, at christopher university. playing football there. now, suddenly he left. that was alarmingly familiar to what we learned about at the liberty university. >> reporter: liberty university, october, 2002, a female student calls police early in the morning to report a rape. officers respond immediately. the girl tells them she was raped at the vine center, the school's sports arena. >> according to the report she called the lynchburg police department. >> the lynchburg prosecutor didn't work the case but reviewed the file. he says the male student named as the attacker is jesse matthew, the same jesse matthew accused in the disappearance of uva student, hannah graham. now 12 years later liberty university confirms that, too. >> her complaint to the field officer identified him by -- as
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lj. >> lj appeared to be his nickname on campus where he was a student. doucett says that matthew cooperated with police and even gave them a statement. but was never charged due to no eyewitnesss, here at the arena. >> the issue became one of consent, one where she said she had not consented, one where he said she had n. >> doucett has not said she testified. the prosecutor at the time dropped the case. until then, jesse matthew had a good thing going here at liberty university. matthew was enrolled from 2000 to 2002, he reportedly had a football scholarship, playing defensive lineman for the liberty flames. why he left was still unclear. was he expelled or did he leave
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on his own? citing privacy laws, the university won't say. one source said matthew was child like awe qualified and didn't really know what was appropriate. that may be true, but if he was violent and capable of rape one person who survived his alleged attack is still refusing to come forward all these years later. >> randi, the alleged rape, could it impact the case, and if so how -- the case against matthew for the disappearance of hannah graham? because i mean, this witness has not come forward and so far was not willing to report or testify. >> right, that is the big question, anderson, the commonwealth prosecutor we spoke to today, mr. d oucett, said he sent the file to chief longo, where he has a long history with the chief of police. he didn't tell us everything in the file, but if they find
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anything in there that makes them want to take another case regarding the university of liberty, it is another case if the woman will come forward and talk to them. the secret service under fire, the director resigns, the accused white house fence jumper appears in court. and more details on yet another security lapse. that is next. ...we're going to need you on the runway. (vo) don't let a severe cold hold you back. sir? (vo) theraflu starts to get to work in your body in just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms. (vo) theraflu. serious power. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs.
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breaking news tonight, the director of the secret service has resigned as the agency deals with multiple security lapses, some of which we're hearing about in new details. calls for julie peterson to step down increased after she testified on capitol hill yesterday. julie peterson, the same day that we learned an armed security contractor was allowed to get into the elevator with president obama during a recent trip to the cdc in atlanta. meanwhile, the accused fence jumper pled not guilty today. a source said that gonzales was able to get over the fence on the grounds. i understand you learned more information about the guy who hopped the fence. >> that is right, we have learned gonzales had apparently been limping across the white house lawn and was still able to break through five layers of security. also tonight anderson, we're
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learning from a secret service source the entire incident from the time gonzales went over the fence to the time he went in the white house was all caught on tape by the secret service. that video is now in the hands of the officials. he was trying to close one of the mansion's double doors. the officer was able to get up, chase gonzales and eventually tackle him outside the east room, anderson. >> also we're learning more information about the security breach that took place at the cdc about the guy getting on the elevator with president obama and had a gun, which is incredible. >> yeah, we talked about it last night. you're right, a secret service official tells us the security contractor who the secret service allowed on the elevator with the president took his phone out and started taking pictures of the president. since he acted in an unprofessional manner, he was questioned.
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now, we understand they're not supposed to let anybody with a gun near the president without the prior approval. and despite the fact this suspect has a criminal background, he has no prior convictions, anderson. >> a lot to talk about with the congressional former candidate and a secret service agent. his brother is a current agent. dan joins me now, how does the breach happen? not only did the guy have a gun on him, he also had a criminal record although that is now being denied. >> yeah, that is an interesting piece of information, anderson. i was confused about that. because the secret service has a program, a special program for people within that inner, inner sanctum, close to the president. that program is an extra level of background check in addition to just the standard criminal check. so when i heard initial reporting about a criminal background, multiple felonies, it didn't make any sense to me. so that is a very important fact. now, how does he get in the elevator with a gun?
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clearly a security lapse, again, i'm not apologizing for them. i don't know because what we do in the secret service is we clear an entire floor out if the president is going to walk on the floor of all the employees, everyone there. and everyone comes back in through the metal detector, how he got through, i'm not sure. >> i read something about the arm's reach program which is supposed to prevent somebody with a criminal history from getting close to the president. >> that was the problem with the sign language translator at the mandela funeral, as well. the arms reach program, the inner, inner sanctum. you know, we'll always check these folks with an extra level of scrutiny. the distance buys you no time. the lack of distance buys you no options, as well. the story makes a little more sense if he did not have a criminal background. there is no way he would have been in that elevator, excuse me, with a felony history. no way.
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>> these revelations were only recently brought to light. the various news organizations reporting them, some people say there is just too much secret when it comes to the secret service or at least trying to cover their own mistakes. >> right, the first rule of crisis management. get the story out fast and accurate. neither was done. it was a slow roll and it was not accurate. you know, you can't have it that way when you deal with the security of the president of the united states. it is a bipartisan issue. and when both darrell eissa and steven lynch on both sides of the aisle are both going after you, you're in trouble. >> what do you make of the administration? is it a step in the right direction to get it right, has she just lost the confidence of the personnel there? >> anderson, there was a near mutiny of the agents and the uniform office of the secret service. it is not a coincidence that there are whistle-blower accounts appearing in a variety
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of places. the men and women are frustrated. they feel like management let them down. i feel she was part of the problem. it was a responsible move to step down. she said she wanted to take responsibility and it doesn't mean anything without consequence. you can't fire the uniform division officers in regard to the fence jumper, and say you had no part in it. a terrific work ethic, he is unanimously respected among the rank and file agents. >> you think he can make a difference? >> i said on your program, the outside director, they're not looking at the secret service, you can't prevent having come up through the agency. but if i had to pick a former insider he is my number one draft choice, no question about it. >> appreciate you being with us. our live coverage continues ahead.
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we're devoting the next entire hour to ebola. the questions regarding the health workers on the front lines, are america's hospitals ready? we're telling you more about the first patient, the fact that a texas hospital sent duncan home when he was feeling sick, that raised concerns, you can ask questions about ebola and tweet us your questions as well. sanjay gupta will join us next. we'll be right back. just take a closer look. it works how you want to work. with a fidelity investment professional... or managing your investments on your own. helping you find new ways to plan for retirement. and save on taxes where you can. so you can invest in the life that you want today. tap into the full power of your fidelity greenline. call or come in today for a free one-on-one review.
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. good evening, thank you for joining us, tonight on "ac360," ebola in america, the first case diagnosed here, we're devoting the next hour to this story, there are big questions how it was handled and by extension, how prepared as a country we are to meet the challenge of the virus that kills half of those who catch it and can cross on
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ocean liners, thomas duncan was already seriously ill. at the same hospital, they had sent him home, even though he had a fever and was vomiting and he had told the nurse he had recently been to liberia. we're taking your questions, as well. tweet us with the hash tag, ebola. and rene marsh, and "ac360's" gary tuchman, walk us through how he ended up at the hospital. >> all right, so let's go through this time line then anderson. so first of all on september 20th, mr. duncan arrives in the united states from liberia. on september 25th, he visits the new jersey room here at presbyterian and is sent home.
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now, while he is there, a nurse asks have you had recent travel to west africa and he says yes, but we're told by the hospital the information was not communicated to the rest of the care team. on september 28th, three days later he visits presbyterian again, this time brought in an ambulance. he is isolated. on september 29th, a family friend calls the cdc complaining that the hospital is moving too slowly. anderso anderson. >> how are the others doing, have they been tested? >> right, we're told that five of those people are children. some of those folks we're told are ambulance workers. i assume many of the others are family members. as far as we know, anderson, they have not been tested and we'll tell you why. we're told the contacts are healthy, none showing symptoms. the way the ebola tests work, it is not perfect.
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it is only going to work if you're already having symptoms. so let's say if we knew after looking in a crystal ball, i was going to get sick tomorrow, be ill tomorrow, if you tested me today i would be negative even though the virus is inside of me. you have to have the virus inside of you and you have to be sick in order to get a positive result. so there is no reason to test perfectly people who are not showing signs of the disease, there is no reason to do it. so as far as we know, no testing has been done. >> the good news is in all of that, it is not until somebody shows the signs, get sick, they may be positive for the virus. can't be tested but they're also not going to be able to transmit it. >> right, anderson, those two things go hand in hand, you don't have enough virus in you. when you're not showing symptoms you don't have enough virus in you to get someone else sick. you also don't have enough virus to make a test go positive. those two things go together.
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>> he was transported to the hospital by ambulance. reportedly got sick in the ambulance, was vomiting in the ambulance. i mean, were the ambulance crew -- are they okay? do we know? have they been tested or been quarantined at all? >> what we are told is that they are being monitored. we have been told there is sort of conflicting reports, some authorities say they have been tested. some authorities say they have not been tested. but again, if they're feeling well a test is not going to be helpful. it is always going to be negative. so there is really no reason to test them if they're feeling well. now, as far as the ambulance, we're told he was vomiting in the hospital. it was decontaminated as you would any time anybody vomits. an interesting question, well, when they decontaminated it, they didn't realize he had ebola. they didn't take proper
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precautions because they didn't know what they're dealing with. that is certainly a worry. >> this may be a question you can't answer, but if they don't dispose of that stuff properly how long is that -- could that actually infect somebody else? >> you know, ebola is actually a relatively fragile virus so i think there is not a lot of concern about that possibly getting someone sick. because first of all even though they didn't know it was ebola, it is vomit. it has germs in it. you would hope they would always dispose of it in a responsible way. so i don't think that is a concern. but certainly, i would want -- if i were the folks who cleaned up that vomit i would be thinking back gee did i protect myself properly? all of those questions would be top of my mind. >> all right, as you mentioned, thomas duncan came to here by air, and during the journey, he
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traveled with hundreds of people. what do we know about the flights he took? >> well, anderson we know that the man, he left liberia on september 19th, and arrived in belgium. we know that that flight was six hours. and then from belgium, he took a united airlines flight 951 to washington's dulles. we know that that was an eight-hour flight. he had a three-hour layover once he got to dulles and then he hopped on another united airline flight, 822, that flight we know was about two and a half hours. and then at that point he made it his final destination, which was dallas, anderson? >> so the passengers who traveled with him on these flights were they alerted at all? obviously these people would want to know, as elizabeth cohen points out because he was not sick on the flight or showing signs of the illness he would not be able to transmit anything
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to the passengers. >> absolutely, we know that during the flight, no one knew that this man was essentially carrying the virus because as you said he was not displaying any symptoms. not even the airline knew. but we do know that today the cdc alerted united airlines and the carrier voluntarily released the flight information. so now passengers know if you were on united airlines flight 951 or united airlines flight 822 during this time frame you were on the plane with this man. >> is there protocol for cleaning the aircraft? because obviously we know that the aircraft are not cleaned as much between flights and quick turn arounds. and again because he was he was not sick on flight he couldn't infect anybody on board the flight as long as he was not sick or showing signs of being sick. but do we know anything on the protocol what they do with the plane? >> right, we can tell you a little bit about the plane, we know that both planes are in
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use, per it is at dulles airport right now as we speak. and it is actually scheduled to fly out to frankfort in about another hour from now. the second plane was in service. as far as cleaning goes the planes are usually cleaned after situations like this. so we have no reason to believe that the planes were not cleaned, anderson. >> okay. so we don't really have confirmation one way or another. but again, we should just point out lest people completely freak out this guy was not sick on the plane or was not showing symptominsympto symptoms of the virus, therefore couldn't transmit the virus. appreciate that. back in the community we're told where duncan was staying, people as you can imagine are worried. our gary tuchman joins us with more on that. you have been in the town house where this man was staying. how concerned are people there? >> well, that town house community, anderson, is five minutes from this hospital.
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and most of the people who live there are immigrants mostly from africa, asia and latin america, and to be honest, most of the residents didn't know what was going on. they didn't know why police were there or why we were. it is fair to say that among the people we knew there was a lot of concern. >> what about in the liberia community, what are you hearing? >> there is a substantially sized liberia community here, there is a stigma to a dreaded disease like this. it is time, they're making a call to the liberians here, one pastor told us they are very tough, but now is not the time to be tough. if you have symptoms. >> and the victim may have had contact with his girlfriend's five kids. they have now been pulled out of school for the time being. what are the parents saying, as far as we know the kids are not showing any signs. >> exactly right, no signs
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whatsoever. and the five kids have no signs either. that is obviously good news. but keep this in mind. never in the history of the united states have parents ever had to deal with an ebola-related situation in the schools. so when parents came to pick up the children, many came very early. the schools will be open again tomorrow but some of the parents we talked to have not made a decision about whether to send their children back to the schools. we talked to one little girl who showed us a flier. all the children got a flier explaining the situation. that is in english and spanish, take a look. >> this morning we were made aware that a student in your school may have had contact with an individual who was recently diagnosed with the ebola virus. when you heard about this ebola stuff, what did you think? >> we got scared. >> you're twins and you talk at the same time. are you okay now? >> yes. >> they're taking good care. the students here didn't have ebola, you know that, right? >> yes.
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>> so are you coming back to school tomorrow? >> yes. >> the schools are cleaned every day after school but it is fair to say, anderson, that they will be much more tightly cleaned. and sanitized this evening, next evening, the evening after that school officials want parents to know that. >> and again, i just want to stress i know i'm repeating it. the kids who came in contact with mr. duncan are not showing signs of it. so therefore they could not have transferred it to other kids. and now, president obama expressing confidence that the public health system was up to the job of handling ebola. some of that confidence is called into question. our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta has more on that how do they explain it? >> i don't think they have a great explanation for this, anderson. and look, it is a very historic thing that has happened here.
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it never happened where a patient was diagnosed with ebola in this country. patients were flown to this country after they were already diagnosed somewhere else for treatment. but this is a first. obviously, it raises concerns. but it was not that unexpected. and as a result, they have been planning this for months talking about all kinds of things, everything from vaccine trials to experimental medications and contact tracing. asking for a travel history, that is sort of the most basic stuff. very, very important but very basic stuff. and as a result of not completely getting the right information here they probably delayed this guy getting into an isolation area and delayed starting to get him tested and that is a huge mistake. dr. tom frieden is the head of the cdc, sort of the tip of this thing. i asked him about this. what is the guidance, should that person have been tested? >> we were not there. so i can't tell you -- >> you're advising public health
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departments, leaast time i was here there was a call with primary care doctors to educate them on this exact issue, that was a couple of months ago, should that person have been asked? >> we need to make sure it is done going forward, that is the bottom line. >> this could be playing out in emergency rooms across the country, this exact situation where there could be somebody who has a fever but are not tested. as a result they have many, many contacts, that is why outbreaks occur. >> absolutely, it is a big country with extensive out reach, that is why we do extensive out reach where if all over the country people we ask if they have been in africa in the past 20 days, we fielded about hundred calls about patients from around the country who may fit that description,
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only 14 of them met the criteria. this is the first who has tested positive. >> and just to give you a history of the day to day. first we heard when the patient first went to the hospital, he didn't disclose that he was from liberia and he was not asked. that turned out not to be true later on we heard he was in fact asked, did disclose he was in liberia. but a nurse who took that questionnaire did not communicate it effectively to the rest of the team. again, this is low-hanging fruit and hopefully it sends a message to health departments around the country. this, we can't get wrong if we're going to be serious about stemming this outbreak. >> yeah, and you wish the cdc director would say what he thinks, which obviously this was a mistake. he didn't want to be critical of his hospital or whatever. sanjay gupta, we'll have more in just a bit. coming up next, given what you have just heard from the cdc director, and the apparent miscommunication that sent
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duncan home despite clear red flags the question is how prepared are hospitals in the united states? drew griffin joins us right after the break. ♪ want to change the world? create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy. ♪ be an engineer. solve problems the world needs solved. what are you waiting for? changing the world is part of the job description. [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil
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looking tonight at ebola and thomas duncan, and possibly more cases, he went to the hospital and said he had been to liberia and yet doctors sent him home. somehow, the information never got passed on. and when they do deal with an ebola case, what is the protocol for sanitation and waste? and allegedly, mr. duncan had vomited in the ambulance. >> when it comes down to it, whether or not american hospitals are willing to accept ebola patients the answer is really only a handful. emory accepted ebola patients
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but they knew they were coming in advance. they had a chance to prepare, prep the staff, this texas case is the first walk-in of an ebola patient. the hospital clearly stumbled, and that, say infectious disease experts, really needs to change. >> we have a lot of hospitals, what we've seen, we've seen that hospitals now are downloading paper-based guidance plans from the internet and now they're working out how to do the management and implementation, how is the how? how to make these things happen to make sure if they unfortunately do get an ebola patient everybody in the hospital will be safe. >> downloading stuff from the internet, that is not exactly comforting. are there guidelines at these hospitals and other hospitals about the medical waste that is generated by treating ebola patients? >> you know, that is a good question, it speaks to the vomit in the ambulance. there is a lot of waste, it has to be gotten rid of safely.
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you know at emory, they had the two patients here, they were generating up to 40 bags of medical waste a day when they had two patients. what then? every hospital has procedures, practically every hospital has contractors to take care of the trash. in the case of ebola, waste, however, the rules are still being sorted out. a washington-based trade group told us currently that federal regulations restrict transportation of this material. and -- >> are you willing to take away what is a level four category 8 disease, and disperse and get rid of that waste safely? and we believe that is not there at the moment because we haven't tested it. we have not visited hospitals or done risk assessments, done on-site assessments and made the
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capabilities. >> look, the waste is more of an administrative problem, really. you know what you have to do to prepare for this, you have to drill, drill, drill, these hospital staffs need to get their act together, anderson. they have to deal with the very real possibility that tomorrow one guy could walk in, say i've been to liberia and have a fever. right now this stumble in texas, as bad as it was, may have led to more people being exposed. it could be a great wake-up call for every hospital out there that has basically been putting off these kind of drills and are now downloading papers on how to help ebola patients. >> all right, drew griffin, thank you, dealing with the leader in the field, dr. anthony fauci. director of infectious diseases. dr. fauci, the fact the ebola patient went to the emergency room, and told the emergency room he was visiting from west africa, what do you make of
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that? >> well, that certainly was an example of something that should not have happened. you know, it fell between the cracks. the patient mentioned that he had come from liberia and it was not translated or transmitted to the people who were making the decision about what the disposition of the patient was. these things happen, unfortunately, under these circumstances. >> is there a national plan in place? because i know the cdc had warned and told hospitals and medical professionals to essentially be on the lookout to you know, to be alert for signs of ebola. that message clearly at least in this case didn't resonate. >> well, it didn't, but the cdc really has been stressing that. it was not for lack of trying. they have put out several announcements of communications to health care providers, to clinics, to emergency rooms, that taking a travel history when someone presents with a symptom complex that is
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compatible with ebola, you have to do a travel history and take the travel history under consideration when you make a clinical decision. unfortunately, it didn't happen this time. but the cdc has really been trying to get the message across. >> when you talk about contact with fluids, this is not airborne, that is important that people not panic about that. i got some tweets last night, one of the tweets i got was if you're on an airplane with somebody who was infected and they sweat a lot and leave sweat on say the arm rest of the seat, that you are then sitting next to it. you touch the arm rest or the next person that sits on the plane, could you contract it that way? >> well, i mean, obviously, when you have a hypothetical like that, you can never say no zero chance. but the one thing you want to put into contact that if a person is sick enough to be sweating and getti -- getting
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fevers or chills, that person was not going to be able to get on the plane. because if you or i were in monrovia and had a fever, we would not get on the plane. so the scenario that you put forth is extraordinarily unlikely to happen. just like this patient, when he got on the plane he had no symptoms or fever. in fact, he was well for several days after he got here to the united states. he arrived on the 20th and his symptoms did not start until the 24th. that is why officials are quite confident that the people on the plane are in no danger at all. >> so it is not until the person exhibits symptoms that they can actually transmit the virus through fluid or bodily contact? >> that is correct, anderson, there is no evidence that a person is not transmitting until
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they actually begin to have symptoms. that is the reason why taking a person's temperature and asking if they have symptoms is very important in the pre-flight screening when somebody is trying to get on a plane. >> all right, dr. fauci, i appreciate it very much. >> coming up, a woman that knows better than anyone what thomas duncan is facing. she survived the ebola virus, and we'll hear from her and her husband when this special hour continues. [ female announcer ] this is our new turkey cranberry flatbread
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ebola in america as we have been learning tonight, not everybody in america seems ready for. certainly not a lot of hospitals, however, if anybody knows what patient thomas duncan is going through, is nancy writebol, who contracted the ebola virus and was treated successfully in atlanta. i talked to her and her husband, david, tonight. >> what did it feel like, early on as it progressed? >> you know, i started out with a fever. and i felt really weak and achy.
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had a headache. and i thought i had malaria, which when i went to the hospital and was tested for malaria, the test was positive. and so -- >> when you say it felt like malaria, i mean, i've had malaria, but a lot of people have not experienced that. did it feel like kind of a flu to you? >> yes, it just makes you very weak, and the fever and the headache for me that was always a sign of feeling -- of malaria. and i think that is a sign for most people that you know, you get this fever, you get this headache, you're weak and your muscles ache everywhere. so you know, those are some signs of malaria, it is also signs of ebola. i mean, you are weak. you have got a fever.
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you might feel nauseous. as the disease progresses, there is diarrhea. there of course, you know, it is a hemorrhagic virus, and so there is the possibility of some bleeding. >> were you throwing up as well, because again it is fluids, which is the big concern. there is reports this person may have thrown up in the ambulance heading into the hospital. was that part of -- what you experienced? >> no. thankfully i never threw up. >> and one of the things, david, i remember you and i talked about, and one of the things i was thinking about with both you and nancy is just that feeling of isolation, and you know your faith certainly helped with that. you're not able to reach out and comfort your loved one. i know when you first told nancy
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that she had tested positive, you know, you wanted to hug her. she had to say to you no, no, don't touch me. >> yeah, it is isolating. and the patient feels alone and not able to reach out. the family o-- watching that certainly does. and so you know, the thing to do, the thing that is helpful is to verbally communicate as much as you can. and to put into words as best you can encouragement and support. and that is not always easy. >> i also understand dr. brantly's blood was used to treat at least one other patient with ebola here in the united states. is that something -- and that is a potential treatment. people who have been infected, their blood can be used. is that something -- and if it is too personal, but is that something you have been able to do? >> i have been asked but my
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blood type has not matched. so it has not been possible for me to donate. but i have been willing to donate. and -- >> you were willing to go back to libra to liberia and donate blood, it just testifies to the kind of the person you and david are. i guess nancy, if this man is listed in serious condition, if his family and friends are listening what would you say to him and advise them? >> well, in the first place we just want them to know we have been praying for them. and we know this is a very difficult time. i think one of the things that they should know about ebola, is that you know, you can have really good days, anderson, and then you can have really bad days. and it is an up and down disease.
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and so if they're having a really bad day don't give up. because it is very possible the next day is going to turn around and look better. >> well, nancy and david, it is always a pleasure to talk to you. i'm sorry for asking you if you vomited. it is sort of a personal question. i don't think i have ever asked a guess if they vomited before. it is not my usual lineup of questions but i think it is important for people to understand the symptoms. again, nancy and david, thank you so much. i just love talking to you both. >> they are just a lovely couple. ahead tonight, you have been asking questions on facebook and twitter. we have medical experts with answers about ebola. coming up next, elizabeth cohen and her crew learned about traveling to west africa when they went to report on liberia. we'll talk about the screening they got and some of the screening they did not get next.
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cnn's senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen just got back from liberia. and she will explain the scenario when they were traveling. but first, here is a quick look. >> we're taking you inside an ebola isolation unit in liberia. a worker carrying our camera, going deeper, still more sick patients. children. this is as close as i can get to the ebola patient area. i want to introduce you to four patients, they came here with ebola but they were given the hiv drug and now they're doing well. they're able to walk around and they will be discharged soon. >> elizabeth cohen joins me from dallas, what kind of screening did you undergo when you made it back to the u.s. and even when you left there? >> so i'll start when i left liberia, anderson.
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it was thorough, they check our temperatures not once, not twice, but three times. once when we drove to the airport, again, inside the airport, they asked if you're experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pain, et cetera. have you been close to any ebola patients. have you attended any burials? an what was interesting, there were a team of nurses there really looking at people's faces. because if you were going to lie and say no, i feel fine. they were really looking to see if you felt sick or not. now when i got to the united states i would have to say it was not so thorough. back in the united states, they said we're carefully monitoring people going back in the united states, but that was not found. i said i'm a journalist who was just covering ebola in liberia. he said well, okay, i think i got an e-mail i'm supposed to ask you something or tell you something. hold on a second, he left the
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desk, talked to colleagues, they said you're supposed to monitor your health for the next 21 days. i said what am i supposed to look for? my two colleagues i traveled with, they were not told to monitor themselves for anything. the only thing they got was worley was asked to show his boots to see if he had mud on them which had nothing to do with ebola. which is an agriculture issue. rise, that is an agriculture issue. >> lot of questions about ebola, a lot on twitter, how it is spread. you have been asking questions on facebook and twitter. we put together a brain trust, if you will, joining me now, the director of the national center for disaster preparedness at columbia university. and dr. sanjay gupta, and author
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of many books, doctor, let me start with you here. we're getting a lot of questions about travel with safety. christina said should the airlines be taking precautions to watch for bodily fluids in between flights, especially international ones. >> the key thing to remember, this has been reported a lot. before you have symptoms, even if you have the ebola virus incubating in your body you are not contagious. so i don't think people need to be concerned about that. the airline is doing what they need to do. if they're letting people on with symptoms that is a whole other story. that airplane would need to be taken away and properly cleaned and so forth. but for patients, for people, passengers who are getting on the airplane who do not have symptoms and are checked like elizabeth was just saying, we're not really worried about that. >> do you think it is inevitable that there will be more cases slipping through in the united
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states, more like things in dallas where they sent the guy away? >> yeah, i do think there is going to be inevitable slip-ins in the united states and other countries around the world. that is inevitable. but what i don't think we'll see is an epidemic. new york city has a pretty large population of people from west africa who are going back and forth visiting one another. and something is going to end up slipping up. but we have a very robust, theoretically, but they are able to track and identify people who might be at risk. so we'll depend on the symptoms, and as i say there are plenty of problems in the systems, still. but that will keep them from remotely getting anything that is happening in west africa. david, there is another question from beth. she asks why are we allowing commercial flights in from infected other areas? you travel all over, i am getting a lot of viewer tweets
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saying why not just stop all flights from monrovia or other places in west africa? >> well, for one thing, when we did that, would we be stopping flights carrying medical personnel, aide workers, volunteers into those areas. i think it would be really terrible if those countries became isolated. isolated either on the way in or on the way out that they were fighting this battle alone. it is really important for plane travel to continue taking supplies in, taking expert people in. taking brave and generous volunteers in. and on occasion, when it is time for them to rotate out bringing them home. >> and as we said, you know, even direct flights a lot of these places don't have direct flights through the united states. they're connecting in other places and that makes a whole other level of complications. sanjay, there are other questions about ebola, mark says can it be transmitted by a
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sneeze? obviously, a lot of sneezing on planes? >> well, yeah, theoretically, if a sneeze projected some bodily fluid and that bodily fluid got onto somebody else and caused an infection that way, perhaps. it is unlikely but possible. >> that would only be from somebody who sneezes who is not only infected but who is actually showing symptoms? >> well, that is an absolute. as you already mentioned and i think we've made pretty clear is that you're not transmitting this virus until you're sick. why? you could have the virus in your system but it is not a high enough load to make you sick yet. so two things sort of happening in concert. once it gets to a high enough load to make somebody sick, there is enough virus in your body to make you sick then there is enough concentration of the virus in your system to be excreted and possibly infect somebody. but sneezing not in the sense of
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this becoming airborne and sort of being out in the air and possibly infecting somebody else. it wouldn't possibly cause an infection that way because it is not an airborne virus. but if somebody were to sneeze on somebody else and that person had an open area on their skin or whatever, it could cause an infection, i think we're working on the fringe here with questions, when you look at blood, for example, it has exponentially more virus than fluid as compared to what somebody may sneeze up. while it is theoretically possible, it is highly unlikely. >> do we know how long when a person is infected with ebola, how long before they show symptoms? >> well, that is the incubation period ranging from two to 21 days. when you hear that people need to take the temperature for 21 days that is where the number comes from. the outer range, if you don't
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have symptoms for 21 days you're probably not going to get it. typically, between eight and ten days the most common time after an exposure somebody will develop symptoms if they're going to. >> all right, we'll take a quick break with our panel and get to more questions right after this. we'll be right back. ake it happ? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who's going to take the leap? who's going to write the code? who's going to do it? engineers. that's who. that's what i want to do. be an engineer. ♪ [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers. energy lives here. ♪ i remember when i wouldn't give a little cut a second thought. when i didn't worry about the hepatitis c in my blood. when i didn't think twice about where i left my razor. hep c is a serious disease. take action now.
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welcome back to this special hour of 360. dr. irwin is with us, the director for the nags mall center. david, author of "ebola, the deadly virus" and dr. sanjay gupta. this is a question from kerry. what would prevent the disease from being passed if a bed sheet is thrown in a public washing machine. somebody going into the water. >> not only is it a specific question, it's an important question. it's one the hospitals are facing. what are they doing with the bed sheets. >> it's a question i had. elizabeth cohen was talking about somebody vomiting. how long is the waste infectious
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for and what do you do with it? >> even a person deceased, it's going to live in the secretions, seven days, ten days. handling the corpus is important. here, in the united states, we have important technical issues about who can handle the bags of waste and where are they going. >> how are they dealing with it in dallas? >> i don't think they have resolved that, yet. the federal department of transportation has certain regulations. you have to have hazardous material transport training to touch the bags or move them. cdc has different ways. as far as i'm concerned, many don't have the capacity to figure out how to handle that waste. >> so, if you put it in a public
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washing machine, is that then dangerous -- i mean -- >> it's potentially dangerous. the water is heated to whatever level it is, it may or may not be dealing with that. we are hoping we don't have to encounter situations like that. >> david, a viewer named jacob asked, are there certain areas it will travel faster, cold or hot areas. is there a link to climate? >> well, there's certainly a link to tropical ecosystems. these diseases that come out of animals are more likely to come out of the tropical areas. there are more species there. the different kinds of creatu s creatures, the different viruses there are. as we disturb them. we see a lot of diseases coming out of the tropical forest. central african forest, the southeast forest.
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>> because of the growth of the trade or because of the increase of road travel, air travel. that's why we are seeing the viruses coming out of the forest areas that used to be isolated. sanjay we are getting questions about how it's spread. every time we exhale, we expel moisture in our breath. i believe that would be considered a bodily fluid. is it possible to be con tam natd by close contact? am i right or wrong? >> i wouldn't read too much into that, galen. what we are talking about, when it comes to ebola are more droplets and the moisture that comes out of your mouth is more of a gas. again, that could be something, if it was airborne, that could be a concern. when it comes to ebola, there's a couple different points. it doesn't behave like an
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airborne virus. it's heavy and going to drop to the ground. because of where the virus lives in the body, it doesn't live in the respiratory tract as much as the blood. even if you are quite sick with ebola, you have a small amount of virus in your upper respiratory tract. >> sanjay, i appreciate you be on. doctor, thank you very much. we'll be right back. turn the trips you have to take, into one you'll never forget. earn triple points when you book with the expedia app. expedia plus rewards. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions.
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the latest and other stories we are following. >> the suspect in the disappearance of hannah graham has been linked to another case. he was connected to a sexual assault investigation in 2003 when he atented newport university in virginia. he was accused of rape a year before. no charges were filed. a florida jury convicted michael dunn in the shooting death of 17-year-old jordan davis. deadlocked on the murder charge. dunn killed davis after an argument outside a jacksonville gas station. in japan, search teams discovered 12 more bodies on mt. ontake bringing the death toll
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to 48. seismologists are warning another big eruption may be days away. a sit in as part of continuing pro-democracy protests. some demonstrators say next step could be occupying government buildings. >> that does it for us. cnn tonight starts now. good evening. this is cnn tonight. i'm don lemon. >> great to be with you. a deadly disease hits home. a 42-year-old man flies to dallas to visit family and comes down with ebola. he's not hospitalized until days after he became ill and after having contact with at least five school children. how many people are at risk now? we are going to ask the experts. a mix up at a sperm bank causes a white woman
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