tv CNNI Simulcast CNN October 2, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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hello and welcome to our viewers in the u.s. and all around the world, i'm errol barnett. >> and i'm rosemary church. ahead this hour, the streets of hong kong are calm right now, but it may not stay that way for long. ahead, protest leaders threaten drastic new action. but first, tough questions following the diagnosis of the first ebola case in the u.s. were warning signs overlooked? >> thanks for joining us. officials say hospital workers in dallas, texas, seemed to have missed a glaring red flag on the
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first person diagnosed with ebola in the united states. >> people are wondering how this could happen and they're wondering why he wasn't admitted the first time he showed up in the emergency room. he told a nurse he had just come from west africa. >> reporter: healths officials in dallas are working to identify every person who's been in contact with the infected man, now identified as thomas eric duncan. he had multiple interactions over more than a week. they're monitoring more than a dozen people for symptoms, including five school-age children from four schools. but so far, none has been confirmed to be infected. >> every step, every contact where he might have had direct niz cal contact with somebody, and for each one of those contacts, we will monitor them for 21 days after exposure. >> the patient flew from liberia on september 19th and landed in dallas.
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four days later he developed symptoms. went to the dallas emergency room on the 26th. but he was sent home with antibiotics. on sunday the 28th, his condition worsens, he returns tots hospital by ambulance, and is placed in isolation. tuesday the 30th, lab results confirm ebola. a failure to communicate among hospital staff led to the patient's release after his initial visit. >> he volunteered that he had traveled from africa, in response to the nurse operating the check list and asking that question. regretfully that information was not fully communicated throughout the full team. >> today the patient is in serious, but stable condition. >> he remains critically ill, but what we'll do is make sure we get him any support and treatment that might help. >> to curb infections, the texas doctors insist every precaution
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is now being taken. >> the people caring for the patient have a buddy watching them to ensure that they're doing all the things proper for their own protection. it happens to be a segregated area away from any other patients by convenience, and we have put restrictions so that there's no traffic coming through that area. it's an ideal location, in fact. >> this is all hands on deck. >> with the mortality rate of approximately 50%, state and federal officials are in full force to prevent more ebola victims. >> i have no doubt we'll stop this in his tracks in the u.s. but as long as the outbreak continues in africa, we need to be on our guard. >> dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, atlanta. >> well, the world health organization says there are more than 7,000 cases of the virus, and almost half of them have resulted in death. the majority of those are in liberia, where nearly 2,000 people have died. giny and sierra leone have also
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been hit hard. these numbers have some asking about the safety of air travel from west africa. aviation correspondent rene marsh has more on that part of the story. >> reporter: the liberian government tells cnn the infected passenger, thomas eric duncan, stopped in brussels on his way back to the u.s. we now know he boarded united airlines flight 951 to washington dulles, connecting to united to dallas, 822. local government in ebola hot spots screen passengers with temperature scanners and look for obvious signs of illness. >> we've made sure that every traveler who leaves that country is tested to see if they have a fever before they get on the plane. if they have a fever, they don't get on the plane. >> cnn medical correspondent elizabeth cohen and her crew were checked at liberia's airport as they prepared to
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leave. when passengers arrive on u.s. soil, customs and border patrol officers are supposed to question their whereabouts and visually scan for symptoms. but cohen was surprised there wasn't more thorough checks. she says one officer was unsure of what symptoms she would experience if she was infected. >> to bolster that screening effort, the cdc has been involved in training officers who are on the front lines of this, to make sure they understand, and that they have been trained on the symptoms of this illness. >> most important thing to do is ask every patient with a fever, have you traveled, and if so, where? if they tell you they have come from west africa, put them in isolation immediately. >> reporter: and while duncan was not showing symptoms, which experts say means he was not contagious, the "new york times" reports he had just helped a pregnant woman who died of ebola
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hours later. rene marsh, cnn, washington. >> we will of course have more on this story later this hour. but we want to turn to hong kong now where protesters are raising the stakes in their complaint for what they call true democracy. their main goal remains the same, to win the right to pick hong kong's next chief executive without beijing screening candidates. we are looking at live pictures there. doesn't look like a lot of people at this stage, because it's 3:00 in the afternoon. it's hot there. but once the sun goes down, as it cools off, the numbers swell again. >> this is just one perspective. there are thousands of people spread around hong kong. these protesters going beyond the demand -- their initial demand. they're now saying they want the chief executive to step down by the end of the day. otherwise they will move in, they say, to occupy government buildings. let's get the latest from the ground now and connect with our andrew stevens who's been covering this for us. andrew, what have you seen?
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what are people detelling you n? how are things changing hour upon hour? >> reporter: the change really is in just the number of people to come every day to join the protesters. the contradiction on this occupy movement is they keep on saying, the protest leaders keep on saying they want to occupy peacefully. moving into a government building, confronting police, assuming the police are not going to want them to occupy the building, does not necessarily make a peaceful movement. where i am at the moment, if we look down this road, that is where the main bulk of the protesters gather each day. if you move slightly to the left, you'll see a university professor speaking to students and protesters. people are coming out, giving their opinions and basically letting the protest leaders speak. if you swing this way, this is the government building that was
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the scene of the attempt to push beyond that gate by activist leaders, by student leaders, to stage a sit-in there. and that led to the arrest and detention of joshua wong, who has become one of the faces, if you like, of this movement. joshua wong was kept in custody for two days. he has been released now. but when we spoke to him yesterday, he said he's planning to lead another occupation into this building when that deadline expires. we have the lawyer for joshua wong. you've been representing him. he was released by police. is he likely to have to be pulled back in? >> he was released by the court after 40 hours of detention and after an application for habe yas corp us. there's an issue what they are going to do. they told the court they are going to charge him.
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it would seem they're contemplating summonsing him, which is perceived to be a less serious matter. and also seemed to indicate they're intended to summons him for invading government premises, rather than disorderly conduct. >> reporter: he's become a focal point of this occupy movement. do you sense that since his detention there's been a change in the attitude of police to dealing with this demonstration, these protests? >> from an observers point of view, there's been a change in the way they're policing in terms of use of force. use of tear gas and the threat to use rubber bullets. they've clearly backed away from that. and certainly in relation to the way that the police are handling joshua seems to be a more mellow approach. and perhaps a recognition of the fact that perhaps the tactic of
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beheading scholars and taking them out of action, that that was a misstep, one that the high court judge alluded to in the proceedings themselves. >> but we could be going back to square one with yet another occupy attempt? >> conceivably. i'm the mere lawyer to arrested people. i'm not told in advance what's going to happen. but clearly, this is not going to be, as far as i can understand, the end of it today, tomorrow, or the next few days. you know, this is going to be a rolling event. >> i was just wondering, do you get the sense, as his lawyer, in listening to him speaking, because there's a suggestion from many of these protesters, they would be happy to walk away with the resignation of c.y. lung and live to see another day. do you get the sense they share
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that view, or is this a longer haul? >> i would suspect it would be more than his resignation. the call for his resignation, there's the perception he hasn't fought hard enough for the political reforms for hong kong that will bring in democracy, universal suffrage with international standards. not democracy with chinese, north korean or iranianist characteristics. i think it will be more than just has resignation. it would be welcome. but the idea is he has to be replaced by someone who is prepared to stand up for hong kong and argue the case properly, that hong kong will not accept anything less than proper democracy. and not a compromised idea of democracy. >> and if that was the case, if they replaced c.y. with someone
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who was more amenable, if you like, that would be a victory for scholarism and others and they could accept it and deescalate this? >> certainly it's something that would help to deescalate the situation. because he is the figurehead, and he's seen as the person responsible for failing to fight for hong kong. >> okay, all right. michael, we'll leave it there. thank very much. >> sure. >> he's the lawyer for the student leader who has been arrested, and has said he'll be back down here on occupy hong kong government buildings to push for the resignation of c.y. lung, but also for a change to have democratic elections in 2017. errol? >> andrew stevens live for us in hong kong, thanks. all right, a quick break now, but just ahead here on cnn, the director of the u.s. secret service has resigned after being
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observatory for human rights says 41 of the victims were children. state media says a car bomb exploded before a second blast. [ screaming and chaos ] >> horrifying to watch. that second detonation was set off by a suicide bomber. appeared timed to inflict even more destruction. syrian media says the twin attacks happened just as the children were leaving class for the day. so far no claims of responsibility for the bombings. u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon calls the attacks an act of utmost depravity. >> we move across the border and show you pictures of the grim clean-up in baghdad after a deadly car bomb attack there. 14 people were killed wednesday night when the bomb exploded in a predominantly shi'ite neighborhood. 51 people were wounded. the attack followed one of the
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bloodiest days in the iraqi cap tail stins the u.s. led air strikes against isis began back in august. >> coalition forces launched another eight air strikes against isis in syria and iraq on wednesday. >> and just minutes ago, mosul general hospital in northern iraq told cnn it had received the bodies of 45 suspected isis militants. health officials say most were killed in strikes west of mosul this week. but despite the casualties, there's no compelling or dramatic evidence that air power alone is turning the tide in the fight against isis as jim sciutto explains. >> reporter: it is a fight for their lives and their homes. syrian kurds battling isis militants in the town of kobani on the turkish border. u.s. and coalition aircraft unleashed the biggest day of the air campaign so far tuesday, with many strikes targeting
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here. but isis is holding ground, and even advancing. >> the fact that isis can still move under this american air power is very surprising. it tells me they're very resilient, they're adapting their tactics. so they move when they think they can. >> reporter: in iraq, mortars rain down on baghdad's green zone, home of the u.s. embassy. and on the streets of the capital, a devastating series of bombings in baghdad's shi'ite neighborhoods. at least nine people killed, 40 wounded, following two car bombs and seven motor attacks. outside the capital, isis militants are testing baghdad's defenses from several directions. the u.s.-led air campaign, adding more french warplanes, is coming under increasing scrutiny, with the first reports of civilian casualties. the obama administration now acknowledges that the high standard that is applied to drone strikes, the near certainty of no civilian casualties, does not apply over
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syria and iraq. the pentagon says it is at times foregoing targets to minimize civilian deaths. however former commanders say a broad air campaign is fundamentally different from relatively isolated drone strikes. >> a drone strike will be a single piece of munition, directed against a target that's been there probably for a while. and it's just very different from a fast-moving aircraft. >> this is now day 53 of the u.s. led campaign over iraq, and still no significant ground taken back from isis. pentagon officials say, however, that it was never the expectations that a few weeks of bombing would turn back isis's momentum. they say, this is just the beginning. jim sciutto, cnn, washington. now, when the bombings against isis began, turkey's absence from the coalition was well noted. but the turkish military could soon step into the fray. in the coming hours, lawmakers
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will vote in a special session on whether turkish troops should go after isis in iraq and syria. also at issue, whether foreign troops will be allowed to use turkish territory to launch cross-border attacks. turkey has the second largest army in nato, and nato has said the alliance will fight on turkey's behalf if it's attacked. turkish troops are already amassed along the border with syria. still to come, the head of the u.s. secret service resigns after coming under intense fire. reaction from the white house next. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less.
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call now. welcome back. one of mexico's most wanted alleged drug lords has been captured by the nation's military. authorities say he was captured wednesday without any shots being fired. dna testing is under way to confirm his identity. >> the arrest happened at a seafood restaurant in a popular tourist town. mexican police say they had been tracking him for 11 months. he's suspected of trafficking drugs and weapons into the united states. the head of the agency protecting the president has resigned after a series of very public security breaches. julia pierson says it's in the best interest of the agency for her to leave. she was appointed last year to
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clean up the agency which had been hit by a string of scandals. >> even as the white house was publicly backing her, it was a speedy departure for julia pierson. president obama and his homeland secretary quickly accepted her offer to step down. >> they agreed with that assessment because of the recent and accumulating reports that raise legitimate questions about the performance of the agency. >> and the questions were snowballing, well beyond the stunning security breach involving accused white house intruder omar gonzalez. during a presidential visit to the cdc in september, a security contractor, armed with a gun, rode an elevator with mr. obama, a blatant violation of secret service protocol. a lapse the white house didn't know about until 24 hours ago. >> did director pierson brief the president on that incident? >> i can tell you that the white house first learned of that incident yesterday afternoon
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shortly before it was reported -- before it was publicly reported by news organizations. >> when the president tapped pierson to become the first female director of the secret service 18 months ago, her mission was to fix the agent's culture. >> breaking the mold in terms of directors of the agency and i think that people are extraordinarily proud of her. i couldn't be placing our lives in better hands than julia's. >> pierson took over in the wake of an embarrassing scandal. a slew of secret service agents fired for cavorting with profit stutes in colombia in 2012. >> i am disappointed and i apologize for the behavior of these employees. >> pierson's testimony appears to have backfired. >> this is unacceptable, and i take full responsibility, and i will make sure that it does not happen again. >> her appearance sent key
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democratic leaders into open revor revo revolt. >> i want her to go if she cannot restore trust in the agency and get the culture back in order. >> retired secret service agent joseph clancy has been named interim director until a permanent replacement can be found. in the meantime, jay johnson plans to name an independent panel to reviews the lapses at the secret service. all right, still to come here on cnn, u.s. health officials say before this man was diagnosed with the ebola virus, he may have come into contact with up to 20 people. after the break, what's being done to make sure everyone's okay. ♪
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>> warm welcome back to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm rosemary church. >> i'm errol barnett. headlines this hour, crowds continue to grow as the day wears on in hong kong. these are live pictures as demonstrators demand the city's chief executive step down by the end of the day. they say if he doesn't, they will escalate their protests by occupying government buildings. >> a car bomb attack in baghdad has killed at least 14 people. it happened late wednesday in a shi'ite section of the iraqi capital, according to police. they also say at least 51 people were wounded in that attack. u.s. authorities are looking into how a texas hospital handled the first known case of ebola diagnosed in the u.s. the man came into the emergency room and told staff he had just arrived from west africa, one senior official said workers dropped the ball by not escalating the case. indeed the mayor of dallas
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texas says the patient, thomas eric duncan, he came into contact with as many as 20 people before he was diagnosed with ebola. >> health officials say they're monitoring those people to make sure they don't show any signs of the disease. senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen reports now. >> reporter: the family of 42-year-old ebola patient thomas eric duncan says he's in pain and hasn't eaten for a week, now in serious condition at texas presbyterian. health authorities are mon storing 12 to 18 people, including five children, who all had contact with duncaduncan. authorities want to make sure they don't develop the signs of ebola. >> the public can be assured, you're going to be safe. this virus will -- is isolated, is being contained, will be contained. >> reporter: but there are safety questions here in dallas
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and in the united states. duncan arrived in the united states on september 20th. five days later he went to the hospital for care, but was sent home. an official saying that in response to a nurse's question, duncan volunteered he traveled from africa. >> that nurse was part of a care team, a complex care team, taking care of him in the emergency department. regretfully, that information was not fully communicated throughout the whole team. and as a result, the full import of that information wasn't factored into the clinical decision-making. >> two days later, duncan returned to the hospital. a close friend says the hospital wasn't moving fast enough, so the friend called the cdc. the cdc directed them to the texas department of health, leading to a phone call to the hospital. duncan was then isolated and after tests, the ebola was confirmed. he's called friends and family,
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prayed with them and cried. while there are questions about the hospital's handling, there are concerns about screening at u.s. airports. >> we have our feet sprayed. >> i came back from liberia four days ago with two colleagues. we told them we'd been covering ebola. no one took our temperature or asked if we had been near patients. only i was told to monitor my health for 21 days. but no one told me what to look for. >> the children, relatives of the patient, have been advised not to go to school. >> we have custodians cleaning the buildings every day, we're adding custodial staff to those buildings. it's not a hearty virus. >> health officials say everyone who has had contact with duncan are feeling fine and are not in quarantine. >> individuals who do not have symptoms are not going to transmit this disease to individuals. the chance of them transmitting it is zero.
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>> health officials say even with this first case diagnosed in america, the u.s. will never be like west africa where poverty and a weak health care system have led to chaos and misery. >> health officials are working to trace all the people thomas eric duncan came into contact with during his time in the u.s. gary tuckman reports from dallas. >> reporter: we've learned this is where thomas eric duncan was staying during this is first trip to the united states, an apartment complex in north dallas, where authorities say the liberian citizen may have had contact with five children. those five children, says the liberian community leader in dallas, are the children of duncan os girlfriend, who duncan was visiting. stanley gay said he has talked to duncan's girlfriend. >> they are home, they are doing well. >> the children as well? >> the children as well, are doing fine. all she asks is for her prayers. >> the five children go to four
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different schools in the neighborhood. sam tasby middle school is one of them. natalie heard on the news that at least one of the child exposed to ebola went to her child's school. she came early to get here child. >> i just got scared because i thought the kid came to school and probably got contact with him. i know it doesn't get contact by the air, but you never know. >> all five of the children who may have had contact with the man diagnosed with ebola are now staying out of school. but many of these parents were told these five children were in school on monday and tuesday. maria gallardo has a son and daughter in another one of the four schools. >> i'm scared. i'm worried. i worry for my son and my daughter and me. >> more than 3,500 children are enrolled as these four schools. there are a lot of concerned families.
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nobody can offer any gancuarant. but the school sdrik has told parents children are not in imminent danger. all four schools are being cleaned and sanitized but will remain open. students say they were given the paper explaining the situation in english and spanish. >> does that worry you? were you scared? >> yes. and i don't feel like going to school tomorrow. >> okay, i want to tell you and your mother, you don't need to be scared, because the person in your school doesn't have ebola. they were just near someone who had it. so you don't have to worry. >> okay. >> when you heard about this ebola stuff, what did you think? >> we got scared. >> we got scared. >> you're twins and you talk at the same time. but are you okay now. >> yes. >> yes. >> the students here don't have
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ebola, you know that, right? >> yes. >> are you coming back to school tomorrow? >> yes. >> authorities say the schools will operate as normally as possible the rest of the week. still to come, hong kong protesters are pressing beijing for democratic reforms, but how likely is it that china's central government will back down? we'll explore that question next. @j
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take a look at this. a very interesting, different perspective of the protests in hong kong by way of a drone camera. this really gives you a sense of the size of the crowd over the past few days, the pro-democracy activists demanding that the chief executive step down by thursday night or they'll begin to occupy government buildings. that's their threat anyway. and you see the size of this force. these are tens of thousands of people. they're kaling for the right to vote for chief executive without beijing approving the slate of candidates. they also had their cell phones up, as a symbol of unity. it's been something to behold. >> it really is. you do get an idea of just how many people have made the efforts to get on the streets there. that deadline, the protesters have called for the chief executive to step down. that's leas than nine hours away now. we'll see what happens.
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they've said if that doesn't happen, they're going to occupy those buildings nearby. we'll see. but if the demonstrators make the move to occupy government buildings, what will beijing do? that's the big question everyone's asking. >> david mckenzie reports recent history suggests compromise isn't an option. >> reporter: national day in china. ♪ pomp and patriotism for the communist party state. in hong kong, democracy protesters turn their back on the flag. ♪ for many, the occupy movement looks eerily familiar. to this student democracy movement of '89 in teen anman square. 1989, the protesters know their true opposition is in beijing and few believe he will give in
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easily. because the president there is perhaps china's most powerful leader in decades. >> he has been careful to project a non-compromising, very hardline posture. so for him to make a compromise on hong kong would be a tremendous loss of face. >> reporter: compromise also risks dissent spreading to the mainland. let the protests drag on, could tap into 6,000 troops in hong kong to restore order. in '89, they chose that route, and killed hundreds, if not thousands when the tanks rolled in. but even today, the party is still living with the ghosts of tinaman. >> deep divisions in the communist party and hurt china's reputation for decades. it's the specter hanging over
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the senior leadership. some supporters of the party say the real lesson of '89 is that china is tired of turmoil. >> people in hong kong should draw a lesson from what we have learned. turmoil is bad. stability is a premium. people benefit from having stability. >> still those fearing the worst know that in 65 years in party, the communist party is hard to predict. if pushed too hard for too long. david mckenzie, cnn, beijing. and robert ahdieh joins me in the studio, the vice dean of emory university school of law. thanks so much for talking with us. essentially we have this stand-off on the streets of hong kong. there are no good outcomes here really for the chinese president. if he cracks down on these students, the world will be appalled. they're watching.
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if he backs down, then he loses face. what is the compromise position here? >> remember, this is a fairly complex electoral process question. at the margins, we could imagine him finding ways to make certain concessions to the students in terms of the electoral process, without giving up the game, without turning over the electoral process of hong kong to the general population. marginal changes may be one way to get there. the other question, whether he externalizes the failures or the issues that are on the table with the chief executive of hong kong, forcing him to step down, forcing him to acknowledge that these are errors that he caused and then that opens the door to a new phase of not quite negotiations, but shifts in the discussion. >> so he may become the fall guy. the students have threatened to occupy the buildings.
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they've asked for their chief executive to step down by thursday. what happens if they do occupy those buildings? how would you expect china to respond to that? >> i think the strategy they have taken in the last several days, since the crack down, use of tear gas, that brought out more protesters, is kind of a wait and see attitude. it's a busy commercial city, they're in a national holiday. there's every reason to believe that within days or a week or two, interest will begin to fade. even the students will go back to work and classes and the like. and it may sort of go by the wayside. to the extent to which the city can continue to function, it may be that their approach will be, even if they occupy certain building, we let them do that. we let it pass. on the other hand, the likelihood they give in to the demand of resignation by the end of the day today seems very small. that would be very damaging to the reputation of the regime, that they gave in to this demand. it might be they do it two or
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three days later, but the likelihood of that happening immediately seems to be quite small. >> depends on what the students are doing in that interim period. there was one student in the crowd holding a sign saying, you can't kill us all. an apparent reference to teeian anman square in 1989. do you foresee a repeat of that? is it possible? >> it's hard. if you think about the dynamic in hong kong, it's really very different. chynna has created a dynamic of one country, two systems. these protests revalve around what that means in practice. it's also a very different time. the regime has learned a great deal since the teen anman crack down. it's integration with the global economy has changed. so hard to imagine, given that in some ways, the ultimate audience for what happens in kong hong is taiwan, the
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regime's sensitivity to whether they can eventually convince taiwan to embrace the idea of one country, to systems. to crack down on the protesters would setback that goal. so it's hard to imagine that. >> we'll be watching closely. the world is watching. robert ahdieh, thank you. >> thank you. >> man who negotiated with the british on 1997's handover to china is speaking out. he spoke with china's former vice minister of hong kong affairs about what's going on right now. >> translator: i think the occupy central movement is the hong kong version of street politics and color revolution we've seen in other countries. it's very dangerous. it's an obviously illegal movement. it has caused great harm to hong kong in the past few days.
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democracy and the rule of law are the pillars of economic prosperity and social stability in hong kong. occupy central has attacked both pillars. >> what is your message to the protesters? >> translator: the passion of hong kong's people is commendable. they care about current affairs and politics, care about the future of hong kong and china. but they tend to be gullible and excitable as their class boycott and peaceful sitting became occupy central. some adults show up in front of the youth to tell them what to do, what not to do, what should be done, what should be their goals. we're all shocked. >> will china consider sending the people's liberation army soldiers if this protest movement continue for a longer time? >> translator: the past few days, the central government has stated many times, we believe
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that the hong kong sar government has the ability to handle well the illegal acts of the occupation central. we fully believe so. >> some say there is a similarity between the ongoing protest in hong kong and tiananmen in 1989. do you agree? >> translator: you can't compare the two. >> he insists that china's significant progress toward s - democracy and matches up with what others have said. the protesters do enjoy a lot of freedoms already, it's just that they're not. >> clearly if they're out on the streets, in their world, they don't think they're getting that right. that's why they're there. we're going to have a short break. we'll be back right after this. don't go anywhere. amy cheese bey sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress.
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welcome back, everyone. brazilians head to the polls sunday. and some candidates will try just about anything to get noticed. >> and we mean anything. get ready to dance. here's cnn's shasta darlington. ♪ >> professional clown and congressman. and his new campaign ad. >> translator: i need your vote for reelection. >> it's election season again in brazil, a time for oddball
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campaigns, featuring a super hero with laser beam eyes and a call-out to legalize marijuana. in a bid to stand out, candidates in the october 5th ballot dress up and even get their names legally changed. ♪ vote for jez jesus. or wonderwoman. a handful of barack obamas. and in a country where people went to protest against politics against usual, many candidates hope to take advantage of legally required free air time to tap into that frustration. most brazilians get their entertainment on television. low education levels mean elections are just a joke. >> people are simplistic.
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they think everyone is corrupt, so they vote for some guy because it's funny. but it's not funny. he has to work for the people. >> reporter: everyone we've talked to says they're voting on issues. and no one admits to voting for a clown or a bin laden. >> years ago, tiririca was the main candidate. you want to know what the roll of a politician is, he asks, holing up a roll of toilet paper. >> well, the clown, not one of my favorites. who would you vote for there? >> well, let's see. i've always liked wonder woman. i think i would go for someone a little more serious myself. >> like jesus perhaps. >> great choice. >> good to have universal or mandatory voting. i think that's something that forces people to pay attention. >> it happens in australia too. >> fantastic. >> you get fined if you don't
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vote there. >> international weather forecast. derek joins us now. >> you think if i danced in my weather bulletin, we'll get more viewers? >> there we go. >> that's all i got. i'll be signing autographs later. let's change gears, because we have some severe weather, focusing on the central plains of the united states. we have a couple different watch boxes, particularly across missouri, as well as south central nebraska. storms moving at quite a clip as well. 60 miles an hour. reports of stronger winds, frequent cloud-to-ground lightning and heavier rainfall as they continue to move eastward. we have this storm system to thank, a deepening low pressure system across the midwest, bringing a slash in the temperatures. some are along the east coast and late autumn infill freighting the northern parts of the united states. wait until you see the
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temperatures, a significant drop. with the contrast, we see severe weather with this set-up. 40 million people plus under the slight risk of severe weather this thursday, bringing the possibility of large hail, severe winds and can't rule out an isolated tornado. from chicago to dallas. i want you to something something on the precipitation, that's a mixture of rain and snow near minneapolis. pay attention to the temperatures. i'm from the midwest originally. i like to see reds on the weather map this time of year. but it's not going to last long. talking about a 25-degree fahrenheit temperature difference from thursday to saturday for chicago. 15 degrees celsius and well below average for this time of year. we saw from brazilian politicians do to get on tv. this is what weathermen do. have you seen this? these walruses, their habitat is
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under threat. 35,000 in mass, just congregating along the coast of alaska. normally they'll use the sea ice to rest and give birth, but without this ice intact, they are forced to go to the land. those pictures, have the walrus distributions along the coast of russia as well. you can see the difference in the sea ice from 1989 to present. quite a difference. >> wonder how they'll adapt to their new eco-system. >> it will continue to retreat as long as the temperatures stay above average. >> all right, derek, moves and all, appreciate it. >> of course. you've been watching cnn's special coverage. i'm rosemary church. >> i'm errol barnett. that does it for us. cnn newsroom is next for our international viewers. and if you're watching in the united states, "early start" begins after this short break.
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and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. alarming. new information about a man sick with ebola in texas. the hospital mistake that left him untreated, contagious and in the general population for days. and the many people he may have exposed to the virus before being taken in isolation. the secret service director stepping down after a series of blunders that could have put the first family in danger. who now will be charged with keeping the president safe? there could be new help in the war on isis. turkey deciding today on whether to send in troops as the
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