tv The Situation Room CNN October 2, 2014 2:00pm-4:01pm PDT
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generational age. and in terms of her economic message, she's still figuring that out but she would be the first woman president and that is certainly something new. >> maggie, thank you so much. i turn you over to wolf blitzer. he's in "the situation room." >> ebola quarantine, locked down in the texas apartment where the first person in the united states was diagnosed ebola was staying. also, isis at the gate. thousands of people are fleeing for their lives. and twist in the case. convicted murderer says they need to look at the suspect in the disappearance of hannah graham. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room."
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>> this is cnn, breaking news. four people quarantined, up to 100 others being contacted by health officials right now as concern grows over the first case of ebola diagnosed in the united states. some dallas schools are being disinfected by people in haz-mat gear after it was revealed that thomas eric duncan came into contact with at least five children. and there are new allegations that duncan may have lied about his contact with ebola victims as he left liberia for the united states. we're covering all angles of the breaking news with our kron correspondents and our guests. martin savidge is at the hospital where duncan is being treated. what's the latest there, martin? >> reporter: authorities are indicating that there is no indication that the ebola disease has spread beyond the one patient being treated here and that's thomas duncan.
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they've expanded the number of people that they are talking to to about 100 and they are merely trying to see if they had any physical contact with mr. duncan. but an indication at how seriously they are taking the case here, dallas today activated its emergency operations center that is usually not done unless there is some kind of natural or major disaster. that's how serious they are here. the patient, thomas eric duncan is in serious but stable condition tonight at texas presbyterian hospital. health officials are reaching out to as many as 100 people who may have come in contact with duncan, including the ambulance medic who is transported him to the e.r., hospital staff, family, and friends and their children. according to dallas' mayor, duncan came into contact with as many as 20 people. his girlfriend and her children are under quarantine.
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she has no symptoms at this point but is very worried. >> we have delivered several days of food to that apartment. those people in the apartment and they are going to be treated with the upmost respect in this unusual situation. >> reporter: duncan was screened three times before boarding his flights to brussels and each time showed no temperature and no other symptoms. the airport official says duncan answered "no" to questions about whether he had carried for an ebola patient or touched the body of someone who had died in an area infected by ebola. however, people in the community where he was visiting, say he helped lead a pregnant woman to the hospital who later died of the disease. his half-brother says he was unaware that she was infected
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with ebola. back in dallas, his girlfriend says that the sheets that duncan used in her apartment have yet to be removed. >> although all of the contacts will be monitored, when you quarantine someone, you feel that the risk is high enough. you want to make sure that you don't miss the development of symptoms and have them have contact with somebody else. >> reporter: dallas independent school district mike miles said duncan came in contact with five students who attended four different schools in the area. dallas area schools, however, remain open. >> there's no reason to close the schools down. these students have not exhibited any signs of contracting the disease. furthermore, the time and incubation time could not have mathematically happened. >> reporter: although schools that might have been exposed have been disinfected, parents are taking every precaution. >> i don't think i'm going to
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bring him until, you know, i go to the doctor, check him and then see if he's okay. >> i'm worried for my son and my daughter and me. >> reporter: the cdc is now giving out information cards to everyone arriving from west africa, the epicenter of the outbreak. >> this is very likely to happen again so we have to be prepared to react here and contain this in west africa. that's the only way of stopping it from happening. >> reporter: as health and government officials scramble to inform the public, questions remain about how this could have happened. when duncan began feeling sick, the hospital in dallas didn't isolate or add mit him. even though he told a nurse had he just traveled from africa. >> this was just a simple, you know, faulties of human nature. it was a miss stake. they dropped the ball. >> reporter: getting back to the dallas schools, wolf, new numbers saying that attendance at a few of the schools was down
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slightly today. that's probably no surprise. and another piece of information that might surprise you. you would expect perhaps with all of this news that the ebola people would be flocking to emergency rooms and clinics. health officials say that has not happened, at least so far. wolf? >> martin savidge, thanks very. a dallas official says sheets from the apartment where duncan was staying is being removed along with his personal belongings and contractors have been hired to clean the apartment and appropriately dispose of the items. i spoke to his half-brother. >> everybody is spectacle and he was sweating all along and the quarantine there to everybody. that worries we now, yes. >> let's go to our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta
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at the centers for disease control and prevention. to this quarantine, has it been done correctly ofr the last few days, sanjay? i think the answer is no. >> reporter: well, clearly the situation that this family is in that is being quarantined, it's not humane. you have contaminated sheets and towelled and all of that. we know the ebola virus can live on objects like those sheets and towels. to be fair, it's unlikely that someone else would get infected by touching those sheets and towels but the fact that it's still there in that apartment for so many days now, it's just not dignified at all and it's a bit of a fumble, it's something that should have been addressed. i would say that the goal of the quarantine, we understand with this particular family, is to make sure that they stayed in one place so they can be monday a monitored.
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there is no sickness among these people who are being quarantined, these four people. so it's not like they are actually at risk to the general public if they left their apartment. it was more so that they could be kept an eye on. but it hasn't gone smoothly, i would say, wolf, really at all. we hear it's going to get better. we hear there was not any medical contracting companies that they could find to clean up the sheets and towels, nobody would volunteer for that sort of position but they are apparently getting it done. >> take a look at this video. it's a man with absolutely no protective clothing, housing down the sidewalk right outside the apartment where the liberian man is said to have --
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>> when you look at the guidelines, any time you're dealing with contaminated bodily fluids, which is what this is in this case, you should have somebody trained to do this. they should probably be wearing droplet protection so none of the virus would spray back on to their bodies and it doesn't look like that's the case here. i don't know how much risk he's at but that's not the way it should have been done. this should have been coordinated and handled in a very specific way which is known. they know how to actually clean up this sort of mess. the second question is, how much of a risk is it to the public? we asked about that a few times now and it really seems to be that once this virus, which is not a particularly hearty virus, meaning that it's fragile, once it gets into a water treatment system, which it sounds like this sewer is, it's going to be deactivated so it's not a threat to the public water supply or dallas or anything like that.
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you can see how that exact same situation in west africa where there are open sewers and not a system like they have in dallas could be a much bigger problem. wolf? >> sanjay, we'll get back to you later. students may have been in contact with thomas eric duncan. let's get more now from mike miles, superintendent of the dallas school district. thank you for joining us. i wish we were discussing matters under different circumstances but you're saying that duncan came into contact with his girlfriend's five children who came into contact with four public schools in dallas area. what do you know about the condition of these five kids? >> i'm not sure of the relationship of the children but we know that five dallas students have come into contact with patient zero. those students don't have any
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symptoms of being ill, of having the ebola virus. and so there's zero chance that the school system is not safe. the school system is safe and the schools are safe. these five children are at home. >> and here's what worries all of us. the mother, the girlfriend of duncan says the sheets that he slept in where he was sweating all night, where he was vomiting in the bathroom, no one really came over to disinfect or to clean up that area. those sheets, those pillow cases, they are still there and those kids are still in that apartment as well. that's pretty alarming as well, isn't it? >> well, i can't speak to what's going on at the apartment. i know that in the school system we have put additional custodial staff on and they are doing an extra cleaning. the ebola virus is not a heart pea virus. so if you use regular disinfectant or hospital
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disinfectant, you're going to do what you need to do to protect that environment. we had additional custodians today and through the weekend. >> how many days did these kids wind up going to school after they came into contact with mr. duncan? >> we believe they have been in school earlier this week. and so i believe mr. duncan was admitted on monday and the children have been in school monday and tuesday. >> and have you been monitoring those kids with whom the other children were in contact with? >> no. we're working closely with the dallas county health and human services department at the cdc. they are monitoring the students and people who came into contact with patient 0. for our part, we have additional nurses on staff and they are, of course, monitoring students like they always do. they are doing additional
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rounds, though, not just to see how it kids are doing but also to have explain what this virus is, whether kids can contract it or not and just to make sense for the parents in the community and to reassure them that it's safe to come to school. >> let's hope that it is. i know the schools are still open for the kids right now. mr. miles, thanks very much for joining us. good luck to you. >> you're welcome. thank you. more of the breaking news coming up, including other important stories we're following. fear of an isis massacre as terrorist forces close in on a town right near the syrian turkish border. and police make a surprise announcement in the suspect of the disappearance of hannah graham. we have new details of dna tests. when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs.
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breaking news. a dire situation along the turkey/syrian border where thousands of kurds are fleeing, said to be only a few miles from kobani. it's displaced thousands of people. jim sciutto is following all of these horrific developments for us. jim, what sells going on? >> wolf, the u.s.-led air campaign is settling into a rapid pace. seven strikes in iraq and four inside syria, one around the embattled town of kobani but still not yet measure blee
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changing the situation on the ground. even u.s. warplanes cannot keep them at bay. isis fighters now a little more than a mile away from a key town on the turkish border. the militants proudly posting this video showing kobani's welcome sign. >> translator: we've won this position and we'll go all the way to their homes. >> if isis overruns the town, residents are now fleeing by the thousands. helping fight back against isis at least one american. jordan, a 28-year-old army veteran from wisconsin, believed to be shown here, has joined the fight along the iraq/syria rd o border and say he was injured in combat. for days, this has been fighting out like a war game. and now turkey may join the
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fight. with isis on its doorstep and tens and thousands of refugees, turkey's parliament voted against military action in isis in both syria and iraq. turkey, with the second largest military in nato after only the u.s., could provide both its air power and ground troops. u.s. and coalition forces may also fly strike missions from turkish air bases. >> if the turks decide to conduct operations in syria, they are far, far stronger than they are going to face and they could set up a security buffer south of the border. that would put a lot of pressure on isis and also create a safe haven for the kurds. >> reporter: today, the architect of the u.s. 2007 troop surge, david petraeus says he believes the war against isis is winnable.
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>> it comes down to prime minister abadi performing tasks that we had to do in 2007 because of places on fire. we should not underestimate the ability of this new government to reach out to the sunni/arab community and make them part of the fabric of society again. >> it allows foreign troops to conduct foreign operations from turkey. but wolf, what it does not mention, any immediate military action of any kind and only mentions isis once in there. talks about a lot of different groups in syria so it allows for room for turkey to decide to take action or not to. >> taking action in syria but there's no decision as far as taking action against isis and iraq? >> it mentions both of those countries but does not require them to take action in either place? growing questions about isis and
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social media to find them. cnn's brian todd is, working this part of the story. what are you finding out, brian? >> wolf, these images behind me are all posted by isis followers in america, people who have praised and glorified the group on social media and made threats. they are proving to be a growing challenge as they find out how many isis supporters like these there are in the u.s. the pictures aren't hard to find on social media. this man, whose facebook profile says he's from chicago, posts with a picture of isis on his map. >> the social media certainly demonstrates that there are certainly growing levels of support in the united states. >> reporter: dozens of americans who openly support isis online were profiled by a website vocative. there is propaganda videos and
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portraits of isis leader baghdadi. an fbi spokeswoman tells cnn the bureau is aware of this and looking into it. and then there's this supporter, who tweeted, we are here america, near our target. >> it's done to kind of playoff that isis is everywhere. they can reach their enemy. >> reporter: but this analyst points out that many of these people could be posers. >> it doesn't mean that they are going to go and launch an attack. it could mean that they are what referred to people who follow social media circles. we kind of call them fan boy. >> reporter: but there are social media connections, the most popular facebook page in syria is ran by an imam in dearborn, michigan. this man giving a sermon on
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youtube. the kings college report says that he's not an isis member and does not encourage his followers to follow jihad. we could not reach debril for comment. law enforcement officials tell cnn they are grappling with how to pursue isis media connections in america. >> it's very difficult. i mean, you have to monitor every account. you have to monitor every social media post, every treat, and then you have to basically investigate and see, is this for real or is it not? >> the analyst says the online isis supporters in america who he's worried about are not worried about the messages online but the ones remaining quiet, quietly contacting recruiters and clerics who they may have social access to on the media. this has hit the radar of u.s. intelligence officers.
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wolf? >> what's the latest, brian, that you're hearing about potential isis cells, cells inside the united states? >> the continuing worry, wolf, among the officials i spoke with, i spoke with them recently on this, they have no indications right now of any isis cells inside america. they have told us recently of isis cells inside europe but it is something that they are constantly watching for. >> brian todd, thank you. let's dig deeper now with david ignatious who is just back from the seyrian border. >> wolf, we know that isis has been a magnet for would-be jihadists around the world. it's not surprising that it gets some attraction on social media and the u.s. the question is, as your correspondent rightly said, it's the people you don't know about, the people who don't surface who
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should be most worrying. >> there may be a lot more dangerous clearly than those on twitter or facebook or whatever. >> the sleeper cells really are invisible, they are asleep, the ones that are dangerous. >> you're just back if the syrian turkish border. the parliament said that they are going to help. not clear what they are going to do. did you get a sense what is going on over there as far as turkey and on the boots ground activity? >> it's not clear what turkey will do. i was further west of the area around kobani where the heavy fighting is going on now. i was in a border town and i spoke with the commanders who described a situation of some disorganization within the opposition inside syria.
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that's the worry for me. there isn't a strong free syrian army that can do the fighting there. it's going to come down to bombing by the u.s. whatever action turkey takes. there are going to be some syrians to fight this fight. >> we saw demonstrations last week, supporters of the free syrian army, opposition to bashar al assad who was shouting death to america because of the isis positions but not bashar al assad's positions. >> you have pointed out exactly what these rebel commanders warn me about. the people killing their friends and relatives by and large are assad regime army elements. if the policy is only to attack isis, i fear we're going to lose the support of the people we most want as allies. >> and john allen told cnn yesterday, this is going to take years to train that opposition.
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this is a long, drawn-out process. they are not ready to battle these guys. >> they are not ready to hold the ground that they take and the problem with u.s. bombing is that there is not to come in and fill the vacuum and that's why it's urgent to get this training started so you have a force that can go in and stable this area. >> david ignatius, thank you. a surprising twist in the uva student missing case. will he be linked to a 2013 murder? ♪ want to change the world? create things that help people. design safer cars. faster computers. smarter grids and smarter phones. think up new ways to produce energy. ♪ be an engineer. solve problems the world needs solved. what are you waiting for? changing the world is part of the job description. [ male announcer ] join the scientists
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there is new and surprising breaking news in the case of the missing university of virginia student hannah graham. officials have just announced the suspect's dna will, in fact, be tested to see if he's connected to a 2013 murder. let's get the latest from cnn athena jones in charlottesville. what's the latest? >> reporter: the lawyer in that murder case asked for and is getting the review because of the disappearance into hannah graham. this is called extraordinary, one of the biggest search efforts in virginia's history. >> there are many unanswered questions in the alexis murphy case. >> reporter: a lawyer for a man serving two life sentences for killing alexis murphy who went missing in a neighboring county last year wants the commonwealth attorney to re-examine that case in light of the jesse matthew investigation.
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he wants unidentified samples compared to matthew's dna. he hopes it will lead to freedom for their client. >> they don't have to do any more forensic. all they have to do is take the samples and compare it. michael's client, randy taylor, was convicted with the help of forensic and video evidence in murphy's murder but her body was never found. he now wants the prosecutor to review murphy's social media activity to determine if there was any contact with matthew. >> maybe it's him, maybe it's not. doesn't hurt to check. >> reporter: anthony martin said in a statement, there is no credible evidence linking matthew to the murder case but said the commonwealth will make sure that scientific testing is done in order to bring closure to the speculation. this comes at police in newport news, virginia, take a look at two unsolved missing women's cases there with possible connections to matthew.
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24-year-old ought tim win day was last seen july in 2013. sophie was last seen september 7th, 2003. while there's no indication that jesse matthew has anything to do with these two missing girl cases in our city, both cases will be reviewed. he attended there from october to 2003 and the school says he was accused of sexual assault in september 2003. no charges were filed and matthew left the school a few weeks later. still, it was the second time in a year that matthew faced such allegations. he is accused of rape in october 2002 while attending liberty university in lynchberg. matthew said that the girl consented. meanwhile, the search continues on the ground and in the air. >> most of what we have found has been discounted.
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i think the greatest thing is that we have determined a whole lot of areas where she's not. >> reporter: flyers some now across the campus. graham has been missing now for nearly three weeks. >> now, keep in mind that the lawyer in the randy taylor case says in this letter asking for this review that this is not a fishing expedition but he sees the jesse matthew case as a potential opening for his client. wolf? >> athena jones in charlottesville for us, appreciate it. let's get more perspective on this new dna testing, the latest clues in the overall investigation. joining us here in "the situation room" is our law enforcement analyst, tom fuentes, former assistant director of the fbi and we're also being joined in virginia. all of these other cases are
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being reopened. they are going to try to check to see if there's any evidence linking this individual to any of those other cases. how unusual is that? >> it's not always that unusual. you have a number of open case where is a suspect wasn't developed where they could do a comparison, whether it be for fingerprints or dna or other physical evidence. once you develop something to compare, they can go back to the evidence that was obtained at the time of those investigations and if they obtained dna evidence, they now have a possible suspect to compare it to you a especially in the case where someone is incarcerated and would like it to be verified as is the case here. we asked the commonwealth of virginia, please look at this case and see if it's possible that matthew was involved. >> corey, what's been the reaction there in charlottesville and the area to this development, the reopening of this one case?
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>> wolf, i think most people here believe that it is smart and it is responsible and it is good police work to take everything that we are learning in the search for hannah graham and use that new information to explore some of the critical unknowns in the cases of morgan harrington, alexis murphy, and other cases of missing young women in the last few years. thomas jefferson left here. the university of virginia is less than a mile from where i'm standing and jefferson wrote, here we are not afraid to follow truth wherever it may lead. so, yeah, do the tests and let the science speak. >> i want both of you to stand by. we've got to take a quick commercial break. much more from charlottesville as they are searching for this missing woman. stay with us. we asked people a question
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we're following the case of the missing university of virginia student hannah graham. the state will test the suspect's dna to see if he's connected to a 2013 murder. we're back with cnn law enforcement analyst, tom fuentes, and our investigative journalist coy barefoot joinerijoining us from charlottesville. the reckless driving charge is being expended until december. coy?
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>> he's not going to get bond. you can't get bond if you've been charged with abduction with intention to defile. this time is going to buy everyone involved, the lawyers, police, investigators, nearly two months, just over two months to spend more time with this. this kind of police work is slow, it's meticulous, it's methodical, deliberate. that's how good police work and investigation works. and i think they will make good use of that time on both sides. >> tom, as you know, he could potentially face the death penalty. if prosecutors were take the death penalty off the table, offer him some sort of plea deal, he pleads guilty, he cooperate if he's involved with the disappearance of killing of other women, whatever, he comes clean but gets life without the possibility of parole, do you think that's something the prosecutors are considering even as early as right now? >> oh, of course. they are considering it. but what they want to do is resolve these issues with the
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other earlier cases because if he's facing multiple murder charges rather than just one in another case, that gives them so much leverage for him to want to make that deal. and the deal would include probably -- and i'm going to speculate here -- but probably would include you please tell us what happened to hannah graham that night and then maybe we'll take the death penalty off the table. >> how will the community react to such a plea deal, if you will? >> i know right now, wolf, that this entire community is taking the abduction and the disappearance of hannah graham personally. we're outraged. hannah was stolen from this community and we bring to every day the hope that today's the day. that today will be the day. we will find her and we'll bring her home and we're absolutely committed to doing everything that we can to find her and bring her home and we will keep looking and we will allow the justice system to do what it
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does despite its faults. there are ideals in that justice system that we believe in and we will let this process move forward. >> yesterday we spoke about drones now being used, coy, to look for her. anything come of that? >> not that i'm aware of. the very latest, of course, is the true drones continue to be used. there's also a plane taking high resolution pictures of the terrain. so much of central virginia is incredibly rural. especially the places down in nelson county, which is southwest of charlottesville along the blue ridge mountains. they were down there yesterday and today with multiple search warrants. they are sealed so i don't know if it's residences but that's the latest and the guys are out on atvs. i was out there with them this morning searching the roads and roadsides going in and out of
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charlottesville. we will keep looking, wolf. she's out there and we're going to find her. >> coy, thank you very much. tom fuentes, thanks very much. coming up in the next hour of "the situation room," an ebola patient's family is now quarantined. health authorities say up to 100 people may have been infected by the man. and then to the streets of hong kong, pro-democracy protests are expected to grow even larger. many of my patients still clean their dentures with toothpaste. but they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident is designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why i recommend using polident. [ male announcer ] polident.
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tensions rising in hong kong between police and pro-democracy demonstrators. the top official refuses to step down and police are warning the demonstrators not to surround government buildings and the protests are expected to grow with daylight, which is now approaching. our senior international correspondent ivan watson is joining us in hong kong right now. what's the latest, ivan? >> reporter: wolf, right now we have a potential confrontation building here. you can see demonstrators locking the entrance of if top official to his office in hong kong. police are urging them to get out of the way to allow two trucks through that the police say are carrying food and water, breakfast essentially. and the protesters are
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suspicious that the police have been moving in tear gas and anti-riot supplies. so they're not letting the trucks through right now. and here we have this here. so there is some tension here right now and both sides face off. the bigger picture, there have been some developments just in the last six, eight hours where, after more than five days of this pro-democracy sit-in, the hong kong government has agreed to a meeting with student leaders. now, this is a request that's been in now for a week and a half, and the government, until today, has called the protesters illegal and now finally -- you can hear the chanting here. it is getting a little more tense.
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finally the government has agreed to hold talks. it's with student leaders. again, it's taken shutting down the downtown of this city and occupying it for five days to get that agreement to at least sit down and hold talks. wolf? >> no signs of water cannon or anything like that, right? >> reporter: at this stage, no. what happened is over the last weekend, the police around places, used pepper stray and that swung a lot of sympathy to the demonstrators. these demonstrators have been barricading the entrance to the chief executive's office here for more than 24 hours. there's been no real government
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work here. the question is, will the number one man in hong kong be able to come to his office today? the hundreds of young protesters here, they don't seem to want to let that man get to his office, as you can see right here. and they're not even letting two trucks in that the police say are carrying breakfast for the police officers. >> we'll stay on top of this story. be careful over there. thank you very much. other breaking news coming up. an ebola quarantine in dallas. family members of the first patient diagnosed in the united states are under lockdown as health officials look for dozens of people he may have had contact with in the united states. plus, the new claim of misconduct in the michael brown case. the woman at the center of the controversy speaks exclusively to cnn. the year's largest variety of shrimp flavors! like our coconut shrimp bites or our creamy shrimp alfredo...
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happening now. urgent ebola hunt. health officials scrambling to find up to 100 people who may have had contact with the u.s. ebola patient and face a possible infection risk. i'll talk to the nation's point man on infectious diseases. the ebola patient flew on three planes enroute to dallas, texas. he wasn't contagious at the time, but what about the next infected traveler? a ferguson traveler. a shocking claim of misconduct in the grand jury investigating the michael brown shooting. i'll speak with the woman whose
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twitter account suggests an il sell leak. and we'll share this video with you of the white house fence jumper. we want to welcome our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm wolf blitzer. you're in "the situation room." health authorities are making an urgent effort to reach up to 100 people in the dallas area who may have had contact with the ebola patient, thomas eric duncan. officials say that number is expected to drop, but they're monitoring more than a dozen schoolchildren who did have direct contact with him. duncan's girlfriend and three family members are in quarantine. they have been ordered to stay home until the danger of the infection can be ruled out. but still, inside that home with them, the patient's contaminated
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sheets and belongings. officials say those will be moved. duncan was not contagious when he flew from liberia to the united states. but liberian authorities say he lied about being exposed to ebola patients when he left that country and became ill on september 24. our correspondents and our guests are all standing by with complete coverage this hour. even as health workers scramble to stay ahead of the ebola threat in the united states, the director of the cdc says, and i'm getting now, we cannot make the risk zero. let's begin with dr. sanjay gupta. let's talk about this quarantine. is it being done properly? >> you have to ask yourself what the objective of quarantine is. one of the objectives is to keep the public safe. we've said over and over again, unless you are sick yourself,
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you are not going to be able to transmit the virus and make other people sick. we know the people in quarantine are not sick, so this isn't so much about keeping the public safe, this is more about keeping them in one location so that they can be monitored. apparently the health officials were concerned that they might not stay in one location, they would be difficult to monitor. quarantine was the way they chose to enforce this. but anderson's reporting earlier today about the conditions inside this apartment where they're being quarantined, that's troubling. you have areas of the apartment that have been contaminated with the sheets and the towels contaminated by this man, mr. duncan. we don't know how much of the virus is on those sheets and towels or how much could cause an infection. but it hasn't been cleaned. it's not a very good place for quarantine. it's not very dignified or humane. it may achieve the purpose but i
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don't think in the way anybody anticipated it. >> it sounds like there was blunder after blunder, beginning with the fact he goes to the hospital, just came to the united states from liberia, tells authorities there he just came from liberia and he's got a fever and they say go home, here's some antibiotics, and then we're learning about these sheets and everything else. it looks like -- and look at this video. we're going to show it to viewers. just before he was taken to the hospital, he was vomiting on a sidewalk outside the apartment. and some guy goes over there to clean it up with no protective gear whatsoever and washes it down the drain. that's not supposed to be done that way, is it? >> no, it's not. there are protocols for this sort of thing. there are two issues here. one is, what is the risk to this man that is not protected in any way, just drying to keep droplets off of his body? and the second is, you know, is
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there a concern to the general public? i will say that in the united states, you know, because of water treatment facilities and the fact that this ebola virus is a fragile virus, it doesn't seem like the general public, that there's any risk to them. i don't know what the risk is to him. but what you're witnessing there, that's not the way it should be done. there's ways to clone this up. some of that is well known and well documented. frankly in the building behind me, they've been going over some of those protocols for months just in anticipation of this. so we have sewer systems here. many times it's open sewage in africa. so it's a much bigger risk to the general public there. it just seems haphazard, this patient being sent home, given antibiotics for a viral infection.
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antibiotics don't treat viral infections. and this rudimentary cleanup it doesn't seem very well coordinated. >> everyone knows they were preparing for this possibility for months. you would have thought authorities would have had a better handle when the first ebola patient shows up in the united states. sanjay, stay with us. this ebola patient developed symptoms only after arriving in dallas. he was sent home the first time he went to the hospital. in a cnn exclusive, anderson cooper has spoken with the patient's girlfriend in dallas, who is under quarantine with three relatives. anderson is joining us now. tell our viewers what you heard. >> her name is louise. she's very concerned about safety and how other people are going to react to her and her family. she is under quarantine. i spoke to her several hours ago on the telephone. this was the first time we had heard directly from her.
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significantly, and the headline is, though the cdc had been to her house the previous night, today when i talked to her this afternoon, she still had the towels that thomas duncan had used and the sheets he had slept on in the bed with her, and that she had sweated through the night in, also he had gotten -- she was ill. she had stomach issues. he was running to the bathroom a lot. but those shoots are still on the bed. she has been sleeping on the couch in the living room since tuesday, but that is the situation that needs to be dealt with. they need to figure out how to get rid of those. she put them in a plastic bag. i talked to her about bringing thomas duncan to the hospital that first time. she accompanied him the first time. she did not accompany him the second time when he was brought by ambulance. but the first time, she brought him to the hospital, this woman,
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louise, brought him to the hospital. she didn't think about ebola, she said. mr. duncan didn't mention anything about ebola. and the people at the hospital certainly didn't raise any red flags when she says she twice mentioned liberia. listen to what she said. so just to be clear, that first time you went and twice you told them he's from liberia, nobody said anything to you then about, well, has he had any contact with somebody who may have had ebola, they can't ask him about ebola, it didn't seem to register the fact that he come from liberia? >> no, they did not ask. >> how was he over the weekend? [ indiscernible ] >> so it's your daughter who
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called the ambulance. what made her call the ambulance? >> he was shaking. >> louise isn't sure if her daughter is under quarantine. apparently she didn't know or didn't want to say. but louise is quarantined with one of her children, a 13-year-old and two nephews, both in their 20s. all four in that apartment. >> i would have thought that as soon as they diagnosed that he did in fact have ebola, the second time they brought him to the hospital that the medical professionals, cleanup crews would have immediately gone to that apartment and started throwing away stuff that could have been contaminated, but they clearly didn't. did this woman tell you what happened? >> she indicated that did not happen. she said some people from the cdc came to the hospital, informed her that she was not
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allowed to leave the apartment, said that she would face legal action if she did leave the apartment. the next day, last night, wednesday evening i called her on the phone for the first time. she said some other health officials were actually at that apartment right then. she seemed to indicate they were either local or state health officials from texas or dallas, but she was anticipating the cdc coming. she said the cdc would come by every day. they hadn't been there when i talked to her several hours ago. she said she had some bleach, some clorox, but the towels were just sit thing in a plastic bag, not a secure plastic bag, not anything she had been given, and the sheets were still on the bed, the sheets that the patient had slept in, and clearly sweated through and had difficulty in throughout the night. >> what a horrific situation.
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hard to believe stuff like this can happen in the united states of america. anderson, thanks for your reporting. you can see anderson's exclusive interview later tonight on "ac 360." that's 8:00 p.m. eastern only here on cnn. the fact that the texas ebola patient flew to the united states just before he came ill is making some travelers jittery right now about the possible spread of the virus. another concern, a liberian official says the patient lied about ebola exposure when he left liberia. our aviation correspondent renee marsh is joining us from right now from dulles international airport, one of the stops he made on his way to dallas. what's the latest? what are you hearing over there, renee? >> reporter: that's right. this was one of the stops, wolf. he had a three-hour layover here. what we know is that united airlines, he was on two united airline flights. the airline is reaching out to
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all of the passengers who were on board these two flights. we also know that the airline tells us that both planes were thoroughly cleaned with heavy duty disinfectant. all three planes he flew are still in operation. u.s. customs officers are giving this flier to passengers arriving from ebola impacted countries. it warns what to do if they develop symptoms. officers are trained to identify passengers showing signs of sickness. but if there are no symptoms, they will be able to enter the u.s. without being stopped. >> we will have patients, people, who come over from west africa. they're healthy, but then become ill while they're here and present to a hospital.
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>> reporter: experts say that means there's a reasonable chance another ebola patient will enter the u.s. >> the most important thing they're doing is asking them questions about contact. that's important. but could be faked. then they're also taking their temperatures. >> reporter: in 2012, cnn went behind the scenes on a united airlines plane and saw a routine cleaning. during quick flight turn around, the priority is visible dirt. >> we can have as little as 40 minutes, as much as maybe an hour and a half sometimes, but usually more of the lesser kind. so when the planes come in, everybody has to work as quickly as they can. >> reporter: longer layovers allow for more cleaning, which includes disinfectants. there's also special protocols for more hazardous cleanups. disinfecting after an event is also critical. the u.s. government has not told
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airlines to stop flying to ebola impacted countries, and united, which has a flight to nigeria, says they will hd490(cc1) #1257 until the government says otherwise. >> i don't think people should be concerned about hd490(cc1) #1257 in fact, i would hope that the airlines continue to fly to west africa. those country's economies are fragile enough. we need business people going in. we need goods coming in. >> reporter: brussels airline, which is the carrier, which flew this man from liberia to belgium, says they will continue to fly to the area. they say it is their humanitarian duty to continue to flew supplies, medicine, and health care workers to the region. >> renee, just quickly. a seven-hour layover in brussels before boarding that united night and another three-hour layover where you are at washingto washington-dulles, is that
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right? >> reporter: we know it took him six hours to get to brussels. then eight hours on that united flight here to dulles. he was laid over for three hours here at dulles. then he got on a 2 1/2 hour flight to dallas. and that was the final destination, wolf. >> renee marsh at dulles international airport, thank you. joining us now, one of the great experts on infectious diseases, dr. anthony fouchy at nih, the national institutes of health. doctor, what do you make? you're a blunt guy and understand what's going on. the fact that no one went into that apartment and got rid of the sheets and rid of the contaminated material, if you will, just allowed it to linger there while there were children and this woman that were living there, what do you make of that? >> well, obviously if that indeed happened, that should not have happened. so that needs to be corrected,
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not only for this particular situation here, but for any possible future situations. i don't know, wolf. i'm not familiar with why that happened and why the capability of being able to remove that was not implemented. so i can't comment on it except to say hopefully that gets corrected. >> how long can that virus, for example, be contagious if it's allowed to linger from the sweat let's say on a sheet or pillow case or towel? >> it's not a very hardy virus. it's pretty fragile. we do know from experience of people getting infected at funerals that a dead body, when you have materials such as body fluids still on the body, when you're touching the body during a funeral ceremony, that it can be transmitted there. but it's not something that stays for days and days. it's probably a matter of hours
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or so. that has not been specifically tested, so there's no definitive data on that, except to know that it's a particularly hardy virus. it's rather fragile. >> i'm sure this woman who was left in that apartment, those little kids in the apartment, the older people, how worried should they be right now? and we won't know for up to 21 days whether or not they were infected. but realistically how worried should they and their loved ones be? >> well, they certainly constitute someone that is a contact. they were in the apartment with mr. duncan, so they are a primary contact. so what will happen is that hopefully they'll get the room cleaned up so any further danger is eliminated. but they'll have to be watched as a primary contact for at least 21 days to make sure they don't get a fever or symptoms. and if they do, then they would have to be isolated in the sense of making sure that the people
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who take care of them do so with the proper protective equipment if they get ebola. so hopefully they'll get through this without having gotten infected. >> hopefully indeed. i want you, dr. fouchy, to stand by. we have much more to discuss. the breaking news unfolding on this ebola crisis, unfolding in dallas, texas right now. more with dr. fouchy right after this.
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a hunt to find up to 100 people who may have had contact with an ebola patient in texas. he and his family members are in a lockdown situation in a dallas home right now. we're back with dr. fouchy. i spoke earlier in the day with mr. duncan's half brother, wilford smallwood. he lives in phoenix but he has a 21-year-old son who was in that apartment with mr. duncan when he got ill from ebola. he's clearly very, very concerned about his son and the other people in that apartment. listen to what he told me. [ indiscernible ] >> "that worries me now," he says. how worried should they be about
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his 21-year-old son who is in that apartment? >> well, wolf, when you say how worried should they be? they clearly are at a risk because of the contact with mr. duncan when mr. duncan was actively very ill in that apartment. so there is a risk. you can't quantitate it and give a percentage, but the person will have to be monitored for symptoms over a period of at least 21 days, which is the outer limit of the incubation period. so you don't want people to get overly worried. but there is a concern he may have been infected that's the reason you can monitor people. either under a quarantine situation, or if you monitor them when they're on their own and they report back to you with a temperature determination or symptoms. >> i want to play another clip for you, dr. fouchy, from the director of the centers for disease control and prevention in atlanta.
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this is what he said about how many people may be involved. they have been in some sort of contact with mr. duncan after he came down with ebola symptoms. listen to this. >> i think handful is the right characterization. we know that there are several family members. there may have been one or two or three other community members and we're investigating to find any other possibilities. >> here's the problem i have. it went from a handfall. yesterday they were saying 18 or 20. today maybe 100 plus people. what's going on here? >> well, there's nothing that's really incompatible. what he was saying was that the people who are really the absolute contacts are probably going to be about 18 to 20. the 80 to 100 number is a much wider net that isn't necessarily
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everybody that you're going to follow on a daily basis for 21 days. but you want, out of an abundance of caution, identify people and determine if they really are a true contact or not. so they're not saying there are 80 to 100 absolute verified contacts. they're going to throw the net out to make sure they don't miss anybody. and out of that 80 to 100, it is very likely there will be a much smaller group that are true contacts. so he didn't say anything that was inconsistent. >> let me ask you one final question, dr. fouchy. this experimental ebola drug, zmapp, it was given to those two americans brought back from west africa with ebola. it may or may not helped in saving their lives. they're both okay right now. why aren't they giving this experimental drug to mr. duncan?
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>> because there isn't any left, wolf. it's as simple as that. this is a drug that there were very few doses that were available. the company is now trying to manufacture and is manufacturing more. but there won't be any available for at least a month and a half to two months. the fact is, there's just no zmapp available to give to mr. duncan. >> do you believe zmapp works? >> it looked pretty good in an animal model and it was given to people just on an emergency basis. when you have so few people getting it and nobody to compare them with, it's very difficult to say. anecdotally, people say you felt good. but a couple people who got zmapp died. so at this point, it's impossible to say whether zmapp is very effective, slightly effective, or not effective at all. we just can't say. >> we know in west africa
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there's been almost 7,000 cases of ebola and at least half of the people who came down with the disease are now dead. those are pretty awful odds. are there reasons that younger people, kids may be more vulnerable to death than older people, is that a factor? >> we don't know that for sure. but like any other viral illness, if you have infants who don't have a very well developed immune system or the elderly who have an immune system who is getting old and is now as efficient as in a young, healthy person, those are the kinds of people that generally do more poorly with serious viral infections. we see that clearly every year with the flu, and that spills over into other viral infections. >> dr. fouchy, we appreciate having you with us here in "the situation room." thank you very much. >> good to be with you. just ahead, a cnn exclusive. prosecutors are investigating new allegations of misconduct by
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the ferguson, missouri grand jury and the woman at the center of the probe is now speaking out to cnn. the interview is coming up next. our panel is standing by to weigh in on her comments and debate what happens next in the michael brown investigation. ♪ who's going to do it? who's going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who's going to take the leap? who's going to write the code? who's going to do it? engineers. that's who. that's what i want to do. be an engineer. ♪ [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers.
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switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. prosecutors in ferguson, missouri, they're now investigating a shocking new claim of misconduct in the grand jury that's hearing the michael brown case. there are now new allegations that a juror actually discussed evidence in the case with a friend, who then posted those details on twitter saying there isn't enough evidence to indict the police officer who shot and killed michael brown nearly two months ago. sarah, tell us what you learned. >> reporter: well, we did talk
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to the woman. we found her before the prosecutor's office found her. this is what she told me when we knocked on her door. this is the tweet that's prompted an investigation into the grand jury deciding whether or not to indict ferguson police officer darren wilson, who shot and killed unarmed teenager michael brown. the tweet was sent from a st. louis woman's account and says, i know someone sitting on the grand jury of this case. there isn't enough at this point to warrant an arrest. the tweet sparked suspicion that someone on the grand jury had broken the law and leaked information from proceedings that are supposed to be secret until a decision is made. the prosecuting attorney's office wouldn't give details of the investigation, but we found the owner of that twitter account. she's denying to cnn she sent the tweet and doesn't want to be identified. was that your account that the tweet was sent from? >> right, it was my account, but i haven't used it.
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someone hacked into it. because it had been hacked before. >> did you know someone on the grand jury? >> no, i didn't. >> have you talked to the prosecuting attorney's office? >> i left a message with his assistant. when i called, i got the voice mail. >> reporter: have they contacted you and said anything to you and told you how important this is? >> no. no, they haven't. >> reporter: both the sweet and twitter account before deleted by wednesday night. the st. louis county court administrator told cnn, the matter has been referred to the prosecuting attorney for investigation. the court will hear the matter and take appropriate action if the prosecutor finds cause to believe misconduct has occurred.
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but the tweet itself has already done some damage. enflaming suspicions whether the justice system will be fair and impartial in a case that inspire protests which continue nearly two months since the shooting of michael brown. >> police shot this boy outside my apartment. >> reporter: we have to tell you before that tweet was deleted and before the page was deleted, hundreds of people shared that tweet and people are talking about it here. the only thing that's keeping the protests from getting bigger is the rain, wolf. >> sara, thank you. let's dig a little deeper right now with our panel. joining us, don lemon, sunny hostin, and john gaskin, a board member of the naacp. thank you very much. don, what's your reaction to this? you're active on twitter. do you believe her twitter account was hacked?
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>> i believe it in the same way that anthony weiner's twitter account was hacked, and that it wasn't anthony weiner's private parts on the internet. anything is possible, but everything that i've heard her say seems a bit suspicious to me. that's been the problem the whole time. >> sonny, if this is true, does that mean the whole grand jury has to be officially investigated right now? >> no question about it. the court will make a determination as to whether or not it's true. you really have to err on the side of being very careful, because grand jury proceedings are supposed to be secret. that's the nature of the grand jury. so yes, they will have to be polled, each grand juror. and if this is true, if one of the grand jurors sitting there, talked to someone else about the proceeding, that means you have to start from scratch. you don't just bounce that grand juror and bring in another one.
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it means the entire process has been tainted. but what has bothered me, this is not a case that needed to go in front of the grand jury. this is a case that a prosecutor, if anything, can just make the charging decision, as prosecutors do often. remember, in the zimmerman case, angela cory did not bring that case in front of a grand jury. she charged george zimmerman and it went to trial. >> john, how concerned are you that this could stoke tensions within the community? >> we're very concerned. we think the prosecutor's office should proceed with an abundance of caution, because as tension as things are in ferguson, as leery as people are about the justice system, and this process, they don't have very much confidence if any at all in it. this is very volatile. it has the potential to be dangerous. we can't afford for this type of process to be compromised.
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i hope that they can get to the bottom of what happened, and if necessary, take the necessary steps to ensure that this investigation moves in the proper direction, because people are very impatient. we're looking for answers, and we need this thing to head in the right direction. >> wolf, why not start another anonymous twitter account from an indisclosed location from a computer that no one uses? why hack a random person's twitter account? that, to me, is what doesn't make sense here. there are many ways that you can put out this information on twitter without hacking. as i said, it is possible but it sounds odd. >> sonny, members of the grand jury, they're not supposed to discuss the case with each other, let alone with outsiders, right? >> that's correct. they shouldn't be speaking to each other about it until they have -- until the decision needs to be made as to whether or not they will indict. and they certainly shouldn't be
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speaking to anyone. and wolf, they're not supposed to be watching television. they're not supposed to be reading the newspaper. this is a secretive process on a very high profile case. i think what is just so odd about it, again, is the fact that this prosecuting attorney is bringing so many witnesses in front of the grand jury. it's taking a very, very long time to put all this evidence in front of the grand jury. this is just simply not how it is done. i have prosecuted, you know, many, many cases and presented cases in front of the grand jury. basically you just put one investigating officer in front of the grand jury, and ask the grand jury to decide on whether or not there is enough information, probable cause to go forward with an indictment. the way this is being done is so highly unusual that i'm not surprised that people have lost confidence in the system. it's just simply not done this way. >> and this grand jury apparently only meets once a week. and if they have to start from scratch, right now they were
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saying it was going to be january they might come up with a decision. if they have to start from scratch, who knows when they'll come up with a decision. very, very worrisome development. guys, thank you very much. don lemon will be back later tonight, 10:00 p.m. eastern. you want to catch his show only here on cnn. just ahead, much more coverage of the breaking news out of dallas, including the urgent search for up to 100 people who may have been exposed to the ebola patient. a stunning report that the agencies meant to protect all of us from an outbreak like ebola may be wholly unprepared to handle one after years of budget cuts. stand by. we have new information for you. ♪ the last four hours have seen... one child fail to get to the air sickness bag in time. another left his shoes on the plane... his shoes! and a third simply doesn't want to be here. ♪
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authorities are hunting for up to 100 people that may have been exposed by a patient who may have been ill with ebola. and new concern that federal spending limits are hampering the urgent ebola public health effort. chris, what are you discovering? >> reporter: lawmakers and public health officials say that years of budget cuts have hurt their ability to respond to threats like ebola. as officials race to contain the threat of ebola, a top lawmaker says years of budget cuts have made the job harder than it should be. >> there's no doubt that the deep health care cuts we've seen have made it more difficult to respond in a rapid and comprehensive way to the ebola outbreak. they're doing everything they can with the resources they have now.
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but the cuts they've seen in past years, they were like eroding the foundation and it clearly meant that they were starting from behind. >> reporter: two of the main players in the fight against ebola have seen hundreds of millions of dollars cut from their budgets in the last few years. the centers for disease control and prevention saw their discretionary funding cut by $580 million between 2010 and 2014. and the nih saw their budget slashed $446 million. when budget cuts in 2013 slashed the cdc's budget, officials say the impacts included reduced ability to ensure global disease protection. in alarming testimony on capitol hill, a top nih official spelled out in stark terms how dire the situation has become.
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>> in my institute particularly that's responsible for responding on the dime to an emerging infectious disease threat, this is particularly damaging. >> wolf, when i talked to the congressman, he said to expect a big battle next year over these spending cuts. you can be sure that the ebola crisis and how we respond to it will be part of that. >> they spend money for a lot of other stuff. this is urgent. let's dig deeper now with gloria borger. how much of this is congress' fault? >> a lot of it, but there's plenty of blame to go around. in 2011, you remember that congress couldn't make the tough decisions on the budget. so they decided to punt and come up with a plan that they felt was so draconian that congress couldn't possibly keep it going, and that is across the board spending cuts. so social welfare, defense,
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whatever it was, gets cut the same amount. they were like, even in congress, we couldn't possibly keep this going. guess what? they did keep it going, because it's the path of least resistance. it's the easiest thing to do. until you come up against a crisis like this with ebola, and you dig deeper and you realize wait a minute, we don't have the resources that we would have had, had we been able to go over the budget line by line the way they're paid to do. >> the president delivered a speech today on the economy trying to tout how it's improved over the past six years in a whole different range of categories. but when you have these other problems, people aren't focusing on what the message he's trying to do five weeks before the midterm elections. this is video, this is omar gonzalez, he was running in the white house, he's the fence jumper, running in the white house. you can see there he's -- he gets into the east room. take a look at this. look at that arrow. you can see it. he get suppose the east room.
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so you have issues like the secret service scandal, issues like ebola and isis that's distracts from the president's message. >> sure. let me point out that the president's message today, part of his economic message is that the deficit is going down. one of the reasons it's going down is because of these draconian cuts that nobody wanted and nobody says that's a great idea. however, wolf, taking a step back, this is a president, second term, thinking about his legacy, wanted to do things like immigration reform, wanted to tackle energy issues in a big way. instead, he has all these other issues, not to mention iraq and syria, in addition to these issues on the home front with ebola, questions with the secret service, that go right to the question of, what's your legacy going to be? and the and he sees his popularity
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flatting out and having difficulty in the mid-term election s and not being asked to campaign and raising money and probably not out there as much as he would like to be. >> he has some political problems. thank you, gloria borger. just ahead, he's been all over the world, but anthony boardain finally checks out one country on his bucket list. which one is it? we'll tell you. anthony boardain standing by live. he'll join us right here in "the situation room." this is the first power plant in the country to combine solar and natural gas at the same location. during the day, we generate as much electricity as we can using solar.
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anthony bourdain is back. the emmy and peabody award winning show is returning with places from shanghai to the bronx and a stop in one of the most isolated societies, iran. the host of parts unknown, anthony bourdain here in "the situation room." let's talk about iran. we're going to see it in a few weeks. you spoke with two iran journalists, what happened to them? >> one of them is an irany american, a washington post correspondent, jason resson. shortly after we left iran they
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were both arrested or have not been seen or heard from since. and two lovelier two people you could hardly imagine, two people more proud of iran, who they identify with their country very closely, in no way did by word or deed did they say or do anything that reflected badly on the country. they were happy to have me and talk about this little known culture, an ancient empire of misunderstood country and culture. it is beyond logic that they should not be with us and free. >> it is so frustrating because these are excellent people and excellent journalists and they didn't do anything against iran, trying to help iran, but they simply speak to a american reporter who goes there to speak
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about iran and they are picked up and disappear. what do other people say, european authorities, who i know have tried to intervene on their bee half? >> there has been no accounting of why they were arrested or what they've been accused of. it is unmanageable to me. two better ambassadors isn't understanding. and our time in iran was shocking, surprising, confusing. people were lovely to us everywhere. seldom have i walked down the street with a group of other americans and being treated so well by other members of society. it seemed like a hopeful time. people were happy to see us and we were happy to see them. the food was fantastic and jason and his wife supportive and
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enthusiastic that the world would get to see. what's happened and why, i will leave to smarter people than me to speculate. but i'm -- i hope that our time there was not just a blip in a moment of history. it felt like an opening of a window and i hope that window hasn't shut. >> we hope so too. and know this has deeply impacted you. you usually come back from someplace impacted by the food but in this case it is a very, very serious issue and we hope these two journalists are freed and freed quickly. tony, thank you very much. >> thank you. and to our viewers, important notes, catch anthony bourdain, parts unknown at 9:00 p.m. eastern. his episode on shanghai. and all new this sunday night at 9:00 p.m. eastern and pacific only here on cnn. and he goes of all places, to the bronx in new york city.
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you want to catch that amazing work. follow us on twitter. tweet me at wolf blitzer and tweet the show at cnn sit room. and watch us live or drv not to miss a moment. thank you for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. >> up next, breaking news. major questions about the man at the center of america's ebola scare. it is said he lied to board a plane. >> and i man who quit his job two weeks before coming to the u.s. what else do we know about thomas duncan. >> and his brother on how he is doing and the question of his arrival in america. let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, brein
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