tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN October 2, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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work. follow us on twitter. tweet me at wolf blitzer and tweet the show at cnn sit room. and watch us live or drv not to miss a moment. thank you for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. >> up next, breaking news. major questions about the man at the center of america's ebola scare. it is said he lied to board a plane. >> and i man who quit his job two weeks before coming to the u.s. what else do we know about thomas duncan. >> and his brother on how he is doing and the question of his arrival in america. let's go "outfront." good evening. i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, breaking news on ebola in america.
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a massive system failure. thomas eric duncan, the first person with a confirmed case of ebola in the united states, answered no when filling out this passenger screening format the liberia airport. he had to answer a crucial question right here on the document. have you taken care of an ebola patient? mr. duncan checked no. the associated press has seen the very questionnaire he filled out before leaving liberia. they say he checked no. that answer is not true. cnn learned that he helped an ebola patient days before boarding a flight for the united states. a patient living in the same home as mr. duncan. and here in the united states, growing outrage. today we're learning new details of what can only be called obvious mistakes. the sweaty sheets and soil towels he used while at his relatives apartment. and the cdc will remove them.
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but duncan's brother said that has not happened yet. shocking considering it was seven days since he went to the hospital with symptoms of ebola. and united airlines is, quote, reaching out to all passengers on the two legs of duncan's trip. they are doing this voluntarily but the cdc chairman tom frieden said this yesterday. >> at this point, there is zero risk of transmission on the flight. >> elizabeth cohen is a cnn correspondent, outside of the dallas hospital where duncan is staying. and when we talk about the soiled sheets and towels, we're talking about from the brother, they are still not removed from the apartment where the family is quarantined. what else can you tell us that has gone wrong? >> reporter: what is interesting is several things have gone wrong. and two of them they have attempted to fix it because cnn brought it to the authority's attention, which is disconcerting they didn't do
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something on their own. first of all the sheets and towels that were soiled, once we put that on air, the cdc said we'll go get those. we have a contractor lined up. that hasn't happened. but why did it take cnn going on the air to get something to happen. and another thing on your show just the other night. i just came back from liberia and nobody asked me anything. nobody asked me if i was exposed to an ebola patient or who i saw or what i was doing there or what symptoms i should watch out for even though this is known to be an issue for months and months now and then all of a sudden the cust omz and border people say we have a pamphlet and we'll start handing this out. why does it take us on television saying these things to have action taken. you are sort of wondering, what is going on and what is up with
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this? >> and our understanding is -- and we're finding out right now, cnn reported those soils sheets and towels there and they said they are sending something and we heard from the father in the apartment with the children, he said they are still there. >> reporter: i talked to experts who said public health time is a little bit slower than on the ground time. that there is this feeling when this kind of thing is happening, they need to move much more quickly than they usually do. >> and of course everyone sees every mistake made that is amplified around the country. thank you so much to elizabeth cohen. and these developments today are causing fear and fury in dallas. martin savage is out front with that part of the story. >> reporter: in dallas there is no sign ebola is spreading. but the fear of ebola definitely is. >> cbs 11, continuing coverage.
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>> reporter: the first case dominated on tv and radio. >> government and health officials in dallas are trying to reassure the public -- >> reporter: and online, like this post on twitter. everybody in dallas should get to their nearest hospital and quick. i don't care if you feel fine. i want this contained. news that several children had been in contact with the ebola patient and then attended school, frightening parents. >> my question is whether i'm going to let him go. i'm heading towards not letting him go to school today. >> reporter: she's not alone. the attendance is down. >> for those schools it is about 50% and it is usually around 95% attendance. >> reporter: you would think people are flooding emergency rooms and clinics and officials say that hasn't happened, so far. >> do you worry it could spread? >> yes. i'm worried about a spread,
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because everybody goes to the market. >> reporter: and in this community closest to the patient being treated is mostly immigrants, they're fears is what if there is a stigma with the disease, and what if they were banished and quarantined, how would they go to work and make money. that scares them. dallas operated the emergency center reserved for disasters but it got off to a rough start with reporters. fear has even come to the fair, as in the state fair of texas. triggering concern it could hurt attendance. extra hand sanitizer has been put out for visitors and even iconic big tex has added a line. >> always wash your hands before
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eating zblrvel eating. >> reporter: and the greatest fear is with parents, because the children that may have been exposed in some way to the dallas school district. yesterday they reported there were five patients that had been pulled from class. well no, there is an attend um to the statement. one of the students did a half day on wednesday. but now it is just reported that there are three other schools at a totally different elementary school that may have been exposed to the ebola patient and they were only pulled from class today. the anxiety is only going to rise, erin. >> thank you very much. and joining me now is the mayor of dallas, mr. rawlings. you were saying that one of the child that had contact with mr. duncan went to school and others had stayed home. how could that have happened? >> i don't understand your question.
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what student? >> one of the districts said there were five students who potentially had contact with mr. duncan stayed home and they say one of the students did end up going to school. obviously that shouldn't have happened. how could something like that have happened. i know it sparked fear abelong parents to hear -- it sparks fear among parents to hear that. >> it is very clear those students shouldn't have gone to school. we talked to them on tuesday. i don't know what decision had that kid go to school. we got him out and got him home. i do push back on the question of fear. there is say lot of anxiety here but i don't sense a lot of fear in this city on this issue. >> you heard the mom, and again in the piece martin savage just reported, and she said i'm heading toward not letting him go to school today. and you can understand the anxiety. >> no question. >> and other kids being pulled out. if you are a parent that is something that makes you afraid.
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if it was your child, would you be thinking about pulling them out of school? >> there is no question they would be in school. it is one of the safest places that are there. there is zero chance that any of these kids can bein fektsed with this -- be infected with this disease. we are throwing a very big net over this and taking every precaution to make sure that anybody that contacted somebody that was contacted are this isolation and monitoring period. and i think we're doing the right things there. we're jumping out to the ivy. we just had a huge storm that came through here. >> right, i understand. yes. >> the electric company, the first place they went was the apartments, getting the electricity back up within the hour. the company to remove that waste is going to be there. and she told us two days ago
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that she had taken all bed linens and put them in a plastic bag. >> and let me ask you about that. because i just talked to -- one of the young men in that apartment. 20 years old, i talked to him about 40 minutes ago. saying the lights have gone out. you say they have been fixed. >> no. they are on sight right now working on it. >> and what about the soiled sheets and towels that haven't been removed. seven hours ago the cdc said someone will take care of that and that is imminent? >> yesterday. we made a decision to get those out. this lady had been talked to and told us that everything was in a plastic bag. several state and federal procedures had to be implemented and within the hour someone will be there to take those and remove them. but she was very clear to us and said that she had done everything we asked her to do. >> the associated press saw
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duncan's screening form and i was holding it up to our viewers. and it asked have you taken care of an ebola patient or come into body fluids of an ebola patient. he checked no. but cnn learned he did care for an ebola patient and he lived until the same home of the patient he took for help. and do you think the government is trusting this questionnaire in liberia, that ended up causing this problem for you, the mayor of dallas? >> it was a matter of time before we had a case in the united states. i'm sorry it was in dallas, but we're working hard to make it happen. there is an issue about how we let folks into our country. i'm a very open -- believer in openness throughout this world. we have a lot of great partners in business and tourism. this will happen from time to time. we've got to make sure we catch this as quickly on the ground as
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we can. and in this case, we're doing it now. there was a misstep and -- they'll debate that at the higher levels, our job is to focus on the safety of the dallas sites. >> and i know that and obviously it is hard when you are in a crisis situation to deal with it but there are other things, like the has mat suits seen cleaning one of the elementary schools last night but mr. durngan went to the -- mr. duncan went to the hospital on wednesday night so a few days went by. and the family said they were faurn teened, but -- quarantined but then they went out to get food. some of these things are out of control, but does it concern you? >> it does concern me. and but what is being talked about is there is zero chance anyone could be contaminated because the people did not show any effects or any symptoms. >> yep.
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>> and so while it is a concern, it is not something we believe is going to cause the spread of this. what is necessary right now is that we contain this as much as possible, get a big net on this, and make sure that if anything happens in the future, that we contain it and focus on the safety. >> better prepared. >> exactly. >> you spoke to president obama today. what did he say? >> i did. he said the hearts and the prayers of the united states are with us and with dallas and he wants to make sure that he provides any resources to dallas he can. and the cdc will do whatever they can. the cdc has been great. we finally got the team together, really yesterday morning for the first time and all of the plans, the decisions that were made, even before your reports about what we needed to do. and we needed to kind of get those things implemented and i think we're up to speed now. so i said thank you, and we'll
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keep working hard. >> and before we go, did he say he would come visit you down there? >> he did not. he comes and visits every once in a while and i always love to him have and i spoke to the governor, he said the same thing, governor perry and president obama are linked arm and arm on this to make sure this happens. >> that is a first. all right. thanks very much to you. i appreciate it, matt rawlings. >> thank you. and looking up next, where duncan came from and the woman he shared a home with in liberia. and some people have visas to get on a plane, should the united states stop those visa holders from getting in. and are u.s. hospitals woefully unprepared for ebola? work in your body in ho just 5 minutes. (vo) theraflu breaks you free from your worst cold and flu symptoms.
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breaking news tonight, the man at the center of the ebola scare, we are learning he shared a home with a woman who died of ebola. "outfront" on who exactly thomas eric duncan is. >> thomas eric duncan is the first patient diagnosed with ebola in the united states. but in his native liberia, community leaders said he was sharing a house with a woman killed by the disease. duncan rented this room in her home in liberia and came into
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contact with the woman who was 7 months pregnant and too sick to walk as recently as september 15th where he carried her to a taxi, according to "the new york times." >> in liberia, we help each other. this pregnant woman was falling and he ran to help her. >> richard smallwood said his half brother duncan didn't come to the states seeking treatment. he planned for the trip for two weeks and didn't even know he was sick. and the 42-year-old was screened three times before leaving liberia and was permitted to board the plane showing no signs of the virus. but now authorities say he was asked if he cared for an ebola patient and touched the body of someone who had died in an area where there is ebola. he answered no. >> but the fact that he knew and he left the country is
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impossible, quite frankly. i just hope that nobody else gets infected. >> reporter: duncan traveling 8,000 miles from monrovia, to brussels to washington, d.c. a three-hour layover and on to dallas to visit his son and his son's mother. he was greeted when he arrived with a large cookout, according to the washington post. four days later he turned up this hospital and was sent home, even after telling them he had just traveled from africa. the hospital admits this information was not fully communicated to the full medical team. he later returned when his condition worsened. duncan has family across the country, from arizonato north carolina. his condition is so serious, they can't talk to him. >> i just want to let you know that we're still here and we're feeling the pain here too. >> we'll hear more from duncan's brother later in the show.
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but this questionnaire when he checked no if he was in contact with a ebola patient, what are the line earn government doing about that? >> well this is alarming. we are hearing from the authorities that he knowingly lied, they could prosecute him. and the president of the country is seeking into this and she spoke with passion that she was angry and saddened by his coming to the united states and the fear he cre created in this country and what the u.s. has been in the help against ebola. >> and it certainly would be upsetting and humiliating to that country. thank you for that report. it is concerning when you hear more and more about this page -- passenger.
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last year ore 17,000 people have come from liberia to the u.s. and on a united states carrier. but if a questionnaire and quick medical check isn't enough to stop thomas eric duncan, does the united states need to restrict passengers from the ebola hot zone. mark hud is with me and mark core korean and julia keim. and phil, you know you can go 21 days before you get symptoms. so theoretically you can get on a plane and if you are not honest on a questionnaire, that opens the door to what happened right now. does that mean anyone getting on that plan should be quarantined for 21 days or travel should be banned altogether? >> no. not at all. i spent my career searching issues like this. let's get away from hysteria and talk about facts.
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a country of 300 million people, last year 170 people in this country died from the common flu. the issue is people are lying every day on immigration forms, lying about flu and hi.v. aids and we have to talk this approach on diseases and hiv. >> mark, you disagree? >> what hist aria. there is no excuse to having stopped travel from liberia, sierra leon and guinea. what is the risk? say there is a foreign student who wants to come here, he'll have to wait a few months before he comes here. frankly, i'm okay with that. the point is that the borders of the united states are to protect americans. nothing is going to be perfect, stuff will go wrong and this is why you have multiple layers.
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you prohibit travel from there because stuff will go wrong if you just let people on the honor system say i don't have ebola and you let them into the united states. >> and julia, i know you've been thinking about this and now you are believing that restrictions are worth considering. what has changed in your mind? >> i think at any stage -- let's say if this heats up and we get more patients, we should put everything on the table. but just -- as phil said, we have a patient -- we have one patient. and so when we talk about lines of defense, you don't want to go the most extreme one immediately. what i would do right now is ensure that the u.s. line of defense is strong enough, so we should have more interrogation and surveillance on the receiving end. and there was a complete breakdown on the public health side. if people are feeling fear, it is not because of the airplanes because a guy walks in from
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central casting for ebola and every symptom suggested this is what he had and they didn't catch it. so we need to pick up at the border and our public health community. i won't put the restrictions off the table. we have one case. it is just one case. so we need to put that in perspective. >> but erin, what is the risk here? these are three small countries. it is no skin off our nose prohibiting travel. they may not like it, i understand. but it is not permanent. and the job of the american government is to protect the american people, period. >> phil, here is the question -- >> well the job -- >> sorry. we'll get right back to you. but phil, we don't know, this might stop exactly where it is right now. but if even one american citizen dies and it could have been prevented, isn't that too many? >> i suppose so -- >> look, i mean. >> go ahead, phil. and then i will go to juliette. >> we fail to look at the problems in perspective. you look at them in isolation.
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if you look back 20 years, i was sitting in paris with the headlines of magic johnson hiv infected and i would say if people didn't look at that, we should have shut down borders for anybody hiv positive. mistake. we can't as americans take an analytic approach, we have to take the crisis approach. we don't have to shut down america. >> and juliette, african countries have tougher restrictions than the united states. kenya has suspended anybody coming from those countries and they have more restrictions in place now than the united states, which is kind of surprising, isn't it? >> well it is not, just given the quantity of people from those countries who are traveling to a place like kenya. it is a airport hub for africa
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so they'll have many more numbers. so why i think this is manageable on the u.s. end so long as our systems are working. so i could sit here for the next couple of weeks but if we keep having incidents like in texas, it is going to be harder for people like me to say we have a system in place. i recognize a big mistake was made in texas and we need to fix that. but given the number of people who do travel here there are ways that we can ensure both surveillance and detection at the airport on our end and better surveillance in the public health community throughout the country. and that is what one patient justifies at this stage. >> thanks to all three of you and everyone let us know your thoughts, i know people feel passionately on this particular topic on both sides. up next, the hospital where duncan sought care is said to be one of the best at handling ebola but completely misdiagnosed him at first and sent him home for the first 48
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hours to infect others. and i'll talk to duncan's half brother and what he said happened in the days leading up to duncan's diagnosis. just as fe proven to taste better than tums smoothies assorted fruit. mmm. amazing. yeah, i get that a lot. alka seltzer heartburn reliefchews. enjoy the relief. ameriprise asked people a simple question: in retirement, will you have enough money to live life on your terms? i sure hope so. with healthcare costs, who knows. umm... everyone has retirement questions. so ameriprise created the exclusive confident retirement approach. now you and your ameripise advisor.... can get the real answers you need. start building your confident retirement today. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars.
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breaking news tonight, the first person diagnosed with ebola in the united states lied on a health screening form before leaving west africa, according to officials. he answered no when he was asked if he touched anyone with ebola, despite helping an infected woman who was dieing from his home. and he went to a texas hospital last thursday and he had a fever and pain and told a nurse he was from liberia and was sent home. and that hospital was to be ready for ebola. and that begs the question, what about other hospitals around the country? >> reporter: it is supposed to work like this. the patient admits into the e.r. and the nurse asks the
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questions, if your sim poms match ebola, where have you been in somewhere in that process there was a breakdown. the man was sent home instead of placed here in a secure, separate isolation room where hospital staff could know for sure if the patient has ebola. >> obviously there was a misstep. what do you do at your hospital to make sure that the communication is flowing between the staff, the patient and everybody knows what is going on and do you rehearse this, do you drill this? >> we do. and part of that drill is general disaster preparedness and part of the drill is gearing up when we know an infectious disease is heightened in our area, whether it is a flu or a virus, the screening process again starts in triage. >> this doctor said since the first of this year, this hospital miles from texas
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presbyterian has been trained how to isolate a patient and protect itself with masks gloves and protective gear and to only allowed to enter by a warm room. >> this is an isolation room for any kind of in infectious disease, ebola included? >> correct. and we have more than one of these rooms and we can use them in day-to-day operations. >> he said his hospital is ready, but infectious disease experts say this level of readiness across the u.s. is only now being addressed. >> we've seen that hospitals now are downloading paper-based guidance plans from the internet and working out how to do the management and the implementation and how to make she's things happen to make sure if they do get an ebola patient, everybody in the hospital is safe. >> and it is not just hospitals that need to improve the
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response. this december 2013 study but the robert wood johnson foundation and trust for america found a majority of states scored poorly in their ability to control infectious diseases. the study's executive director quoted as saying, the bad news is that we found major gaps in the ability to prevent and control and treat outbreaks. leaving americans at an unacceptable and level of unnecessary risk. >> it is unthinkable when you hear about that. dallas is supposed to be a state certified to conduct ebola testing but it seemed like they weren't ready? >> reporter: well they have all of the bells and kwhiftles to -- whistles to handing the problem. but this was about human error. and the hospital is trying to pass off that much of the information wasn't effectively communicated but this is about training. a guy comes in symptomatic of ebola and says he's from
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liberia. there smud be flare guns -- should be flare guns going off in this hospital and whisked away to isolation and instead they sent him home to essentially infect other people. and so when this is all said and done, this hospital will be prepared to pass information to the next person with the information it needs. >> and now dr. sanja gupta joins me and former cdc director of public preparedness and response, he treated ebola patients during the die ear outbreak. clearly the hospital was not ready but texas is one of the states certified by the cdc to conduct ebola testing. it is supposed to be the best of the best. if this hospital isn't ready, what about hospitals across the country? >> well, look there is significant gaps as drew said in
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the end of the piece in the way we are able to communicate about infectious diseases about this country and that is a problem for a long time. and i would be careful. there was a human error here to say that the entire hospital is not ready. that is tough. there has been missteps here. and this is going to be the first patient and the one history will record. but he is getting care now and how he does in the future and in how these people around him will be cared for, the contact so to speak, very important as well. but there has been a need for a wake-up call i think for a long time regarding infectious diseases. we talk about ebola. tens of thousands of people die from the flu every year and from a numbers standpoint a much more dangerous concern. >> and with the enterovirus. >> and just now they were
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looking at the statistics and download guidance on how to deal with a ebola patient. which is a wake-up call but frightening that the hospitals are just waking up now and going to download the information. >> i agree. and drew was spot on when he said it is not about bells and whistles, it is about training and good practice. so cdc is clear that any hospital with meticulous infection control in a single room with a private bathroom can take care of the patients, but i think what this experience teaches us, is that if you have an option, you are better served in a meticulous infection control that has drilled for that for years is concerned about the safety of the patients, employees and community and link not the infection control, but think about meticulous case management. you need to protect the community and the patient and
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the employees, but also give the patient the best possible care. and similar to the experience we had here at the university of nebraska medical center. >> and the general of the northeast bio defense center he said 1.2 million people could die all-in with this before it is over and that was the worse case scenario. but that is what he said. that means it needs to get under control in west africa where it is the center right now. how can the world contain this that point? >> that's a great question. and it is very challenging. we're so used to thinking about ebola as being relegated to these remote forests in central africa and not making its way out but that has changed. it is a brand new world now with regard to ebola. i think ebola -- you and i talked about this in app when i got back from guinea, predicted that today or the last couple of days would happen, that it would come here. and it will travel all over the
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world. i think that ultimately, like any doctor that wants to treat the root cause of the problem as opposed to the symptoms, the root cause is still in west africa where they have to flood the zone in terms of stopping that outbreak over there. everyone said it can be done. i asked that to the head of the cdc behind me, no question he said, this outbreak can be stopped. and he said there is no question that this will not turn into an outbreak in the united states. those are optimistic words but they have some precedent to say that. but right now this is the worst ebola outbreak in the history of the world. we've never seen anything like this. >> thanks very much to both of you. and more on the ebola coverage, including sanjay's reporting from earlier this year in guinea, go to front. and next up, duncan brother, who said he didn't know he had
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ebola when he left liberia. plus anthony bourdain, what happened when he tried to take his cameras into the hot zone? when a pro at any 2014 pga tour event sinks a hole-in-one, quicken loans will pay your mortgage for an entire year. that is how it's done. truly amazing! get in the hole-in-one sweepstakes. enter today at and you could have your mortgage paid for an entire year. e financial noise
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breaking news tonight, four relatives of ebola patient thomas eric duncan are under quarantine in the dallas apartment you see there. authorities searching for up to 100 people that may have had contact with duncan and are at risk with ebola. joining me now is thomas eric duncan's half brother, eric smallwood and he is one of those quarantined in dallas. thank you for joining us tonight. i know this has to be a stressful or fearful time for you. are they getting food? and i understand your brother's sheets and towels were still in the apartment and no one had even removed them? >> yes, when i called and talked to my son, they said those things will stay there even though they heard that the cdc would go there but they haven't been. >> so as of 40 minutes ago your
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son said the cdc had not come to remove the sheets and the towels? >> yes. >> you have spoken to your brother since he went in the hospital? >> well according to him, he was announced an ebola patient. we tried to call the hospital but they won't allow us to talk to him. we have not heard to him, they will not allow us at all. we can't talk to him. >> and we know he was trying to help a pregnant woman with ebola and has he told you he was afraid he would get sick from that. >> well liberia is a country where [ inaudible ]. i don't know where this information came from. but if he had done, because a pregnant woman who is falling and if they are falling, and he is helping them to get on their
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way, we have a general people that want to help people at all. >> i know your brother had a visa to visit the united states. do you know when he decided he was actually going to fly? >> that is why i'm concerned, when my brother got his visa, he called us, oh, i got my visa. and i said they give me my visa. and i said when are you coming? he said when i get my ticket, i'll be there. and when he got his ticket, oh, yeah, my ticket and maybe i'll come next week. he said next week. i'll be here next week. and then he called and said i'm here. i'm in dallas. >> well thank you so much for talking to me tonight. >> and thank you so much too. and we spoke to the mayor of dallas who assured me that the soiled sheets and towels from thomas duncan will be removed from that apartment where the family is quarantined within the hour. "outfront" next, anthony bourdain on when he tried to
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sicker and saw him break out with sweats and run repeatedly to the bathroom. tonight, she and two nephews are in quarantine inside her apartment she shared with thomas duncan. she said the sheets he slept on are still on the bed. she is still living with the plastic towels and bags, she is not sure what to do with it. you will hear about the story from her. also the boy inside the apartment was there with louise. we'll get a chance to talk to her son, more coming up at the top of the hour. all right, anderson, really looking forward to hearing your conversation with louise. and bourdain is back, we are thrilled about it as are you all. this week he is going to vietnam and tanzania, and now anthony bourdain joins me now, thrilled to have you with us. i have to talk about the ebola
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situation, we talked a lot about it. you were going to shoot parts of bourdain in sierra leone. >> we were developing a show there. >> one of the hardest hit countries, but you decided not to because of the ebola. >> yeah, we take risks on the show but this seemed foolish to go further with it. and having been next door in liberia, i was not optimistic. >> because you knew the medical care system? >> not the best. unfortunately. >> as you know, people talk about whether to take this seriously and whether not. it is important you made that decision to go someplace else because of it. >> you know, i hope people realize the situation on the ground there is pretty bad. their infrastructure is sub-par. and they're going to need a lot of help to get on top of this. >> and we just have to hope they can get that help for the whole world's sake now. so you have gone to other countries, you start with the bronx, very close to home. all right, what did you find in
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the bronx that you did not know about before? >> just enormous borough of dozens and dozens of communities from people all over the world who brought their food and culture with them. really a wonderland of food and cultures and personality and alcohol. you know, we love brooklyn, we explore it. we invaded it, i guess. we talk about the brooklynization of the world. the bronx deserves a little love, i think, and i hope to give it to them. >> i can't wait to see that, you don't hear a lot about food. you have been to a couple of other amazing places, one of them, i actually had a really good meal in iran. it was amazing, a very quick lunch, but it was amazing. what was some of the most unexpected things you found when you were in iran? >> the kindness of strangers
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everywhere. the open smiles and warm greetings from people everywhere. often under a giant mural saying death to america. i mean, the contrast between official policy and -- geopolitical military relationship and what it is like to walk down the street, it is really deeply, deeply confusing. and it is -- it felt at times, as people will see, like i said very confusing show. you could be forgiven for thinking for a few minutes at a time that you were in southern california or barcelona, only friendlier. i think people will be shocked by what they see. >> in a world, any favorite dish? >> well, all their rice dishes that go back to persian times, fantastic, of course the national dish, really, as good as it gets. >> i can't wait to see that one. but i am excited to see the
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bronx and all the places to explore. thank you, anthony. >> thank you. >> all the episodes start sunday night at 9:00. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] tomcat bait kills up to 12 mice, faster than d-con. what will we do with all of these dead mice? tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. hey, ulfrik! hey, agnar! what's up with you? funny you ask. i'm actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. summer camp is over. ♪ [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] [ male announcer ] engineered to kill. but when we start worrying about tomorrow, we miss out on the things that matter today.
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vulnerable is the nation's most popular city? that is "outfront," "ac360" begins right now. good evening, thank you for joining us, tonight, on "ac360," the fast-moving and deeply troubling story of ebola. the story on the woman who he was staying with when he fell ill. she and mr. duncan have a child together, when we spoke to her she agreed to only use the name louise. some of what we found were surprising. the public health officials were put on their heels. you will hear all the details in a moment. particularly the fact that the sheets that thomas duncan used, sweated on, was sick in, in the bed they shared together, even though this woman, louise, is in quarantine, the towels that he used she still has in the apartment. she was told
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