tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 2, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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for a possible outbreak and how vulnerable is the nation's most popular city? that is "outfront," "ac360" begins right now. good evening, thank you for joining us, tonight, on "ac360," the fast-moving and deeply troubling story of ebola. the story on the woman who he was staying with when he fell ill. she and mr. duncan have a child together, when we spoke to her she agreed to only use the name louise. some of what we found were surprising. the public health officials were put on their heels. you will hear all the details in a moment. particularly the fact that the sheets that thomas duncan used, sweated on, was sick in, in the bed they shared together, even though this woman, louise, is in quarantine, the towels that he used she still has in the apartment. she was told to put them in a
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plastic bag, which she did. she said they have not been collected. she doesn't know what to do with the sheets, that the first ebola patient in the united states slept in and used. we'll have more on the background with louise, she accompanied mr. duncan to the hospital and took him home when doctors discharged him. she slept beside him, saw him break out in sweats and run repeatedly to the bathroom. tonight, louise and three others are under county-mandated quarantine, not in a hospital ward either. she is in quarantine in the east dallas apartment. meanwhile, health officials are tracing possibly up to 100 people in all whom mr. duncan may have come in contact with. all of this raising a lot of serious questions, questions that will not be answered by the officials involved. we invited them all on the program, they declined.
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here is part of my exclusive interview with louise. so louise, tell me what happened. when did you first realize that thomas was sick? >> it was tuesday. tuesday -- he had headaches. the fever. so that is how i realized that he was sick. >> and how long had he been here, about five days, is that right? >> saturday -- saturday night, sunday, monday, tuesday, i noticed that he was not feeling well. >> so when he came saturday did you talk at all about ebola? i mean, he was coming from liberia, had he had any contact with anybody with ebola? >> no, he didn't tell me he had contact with any people. he did not. >> because there was a report maybe he had had contact with somebody or he had helped a woman who had ebola, do you know
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anything about that? >> no, not that i was concerned about. i have no idea. >> how high was his fever when you took him to the hospital? >> when we checked his fever, it was i think -- it was 100.1. >> so the first time you went there they -- you told them twice that he had come from liberia. when did they -- how quickly did they discharge him the first time? >> he was not there for maybe around four hours, there about three and a half hours or four hours. yeah. >> and what prescriptions did they give him? >> they just gave him antibiotics for prescription. >> so just to be clear that first time you went and twice you told them he is from liberia nobody said anything to you then about well, has he had any contact with somebody who may have had ebola? they didn't ask him about ebola? it didn't seem to register, the fact that he had come from
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liberia? >> no, they did not ask. >> so he was having a lot of diarrhea when he got back from the hospital? >> yes, at the hospital, he was in the bathroom until when he started taking the antibiotic. that is when he started to have diarrhea. >> okay. and he still had a fever? >> yes, a fever, running a fever. >> and so that was friday, you came home -- how was he over the weekend? >> friday, when he came home. saturday he had diarrhea. >> what day did you end up going to the hospital again? >> it was sunday, sunday morning when i went to work my daughter came back to bring him, he was sick, she called the ambulance. >> so your daughter called the ambulance, what made her call the ambulance? >> she said he was shaking, really shaking. >> right, so did you go to the hospital? >> i went to the hospital right away. >> and were you able to see him
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there? >> through the glass. >> through the glass. and they told you at that point, what, what did they say to you then? >> they say they were doing his blood tests, getting blood from him. and his labs, they were going to send it to check for ebola. >> so that was the first time they mentioned to you ebola? >> yes. >> when you heard that what did you think? >> i was scared. i was so scared. >> how did you find out he had ebola? >> they called me, the cdc health department called me and told me he had ebola. >> so what did they tell you that you needed to do? >> to stay home, stay home and monitor my family, take the temperature, they're going to be monitoring all of us. my family should stay home, my nephew, everybody should stay home for 21 days. and we should not have to come
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outside, if we have to come outside, not further -- >> what did you think when you heard that? >> scared. >> and have you gone outside? >> no, i'm inside, they did not bring food here, they're going to take us to court. that we have committed a crime. they have not offered us any food, any food. >> and again, you're going to hear this in the next part of the interview. the sheets that mr. duncan used, sweated on, those sheets are still on the bed in her apartment. the pillow cases are still there, the soiled towels are in a plastic bag, not in a biohazardous containment bag, just that louise put them in. she is waiting for word for somebody to collect them. she didn't know what to do with them. one welcome note, about the
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food, we're told that food did arrive. this cannot be overstated. cleanup crews have not paid a visit to take the soiled items out of her apartment. part two of our discussion, i want to bring in our chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta, and dr. irwin, at columbia university, and author of many books -- sanjay, thomas duncan's visit to the hospital, you heard her describe how clear it was when he arrived at the hospital. the person asked for a social security number, she explained he didn't have one because he was from liberia. by her account, the hospital didn't understand, they just didn't seem to consider that this could be ebola. >> yes, i think you're absolutely right. and you know we've heard that same sort of thing from the hospital as well. that judge with her version of
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events, at first you remember anderson, we couldn't quite figure out what happened here. and we heard the hospital had not asked and mr. duncan had not disconclusi disclosed he was from liberia. that is not true, because one representative said we were told he was from liberia, and the team, that got misdirected. that is a miss, low-hanging fruit, you should be able to address these things if you adequately take care of patients with infectious diseases. so that is a miss, it should have raised some flags, and for whatever reason, human error, anderson, it just didn't get done. >> it seems strange that louise didn't mention the possibility of ebola. she is from liberia and certainly knows what is
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happening in liberia. and mr. duncan, who certainly knows what is happening in liberia, you would think he might mention that to the people at the hospital as well. but apparently that didn't happen either. >> i never heard that ebola was mentioned by mr. duncan. that was not anywhere. obviously, it is a consideration given what is happening in the world right now. but to your point, anderson, somebody comes in with a fever, 100.1. sounds like the first time he came in he was not having the other symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, things like that. that could be a lot of things even if you returned from liberia. in west africa you have a lot of diseases that could cause fever. but still that was not the pattern of events here. they just kind of missed this important part of his travel history and didn't investigate it further. so while they may have been right in thinking about other things as a possibility here the fact that they did not consider ebola as a possibility was the crucial mistake. >> doctor, you mentioned
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yesterday to me i mean there have been big cutbacks in public health, and disaster preparedness, what do you make of what louise has said so far. and also what does this mean for other potential outbreaks out there, outbreaks that are airborne? >> yes, we may have had a different problem with these outbreaks, even though 100 people could have been potentially exposed. but the point is this is a window in our health care system in general. the only good news in this story is that hopefully it got enough attention from you and others so that we don't have any hospital in the country that sends someone away who has history of being in west africa. that is the trigger. you come in with any fever, and like sanjay says, it could be a number of other things, but right now, ebola until proven otherwise. >> should this be a wake-up call
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for the public, even if it is going through hospital drills to check their own procedures? because again if it is not this now it will be something else down the road. >> when we start to get hospitals ready, we were paying about $5 million a year to all the hospital nes in the country get themselves prepared. that number dropped in the past several years. hospitals simply don't have the money or the resources to do the ongoing training. and by the way, it is not just a one-shot deal, you have to train and re-train the new staff coming in. we're now suffering some consequences of the cutback and these funds to that level. >> and louise described how her son stayed in the apartment, and her nephew, who is 20 years old. stayed in the apartment. how her daughter made him tea. she was not in the ambulance with him necessarily, maybe she
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took her car. health officials discussed that as many as 100 people that they had contact with, louise and her family are not showing symptoms. but you start to get a sense of how fast a disease can spread, how much effort it takes to contain it, even this disease, which is airborne. >> that is right, this disease, we know it transfers by bodily fluids, direct contact. but i just reviewed tonight, a cdc report from the outbreak of ebola in zaire back in 1995, and they were studying the risk factors and the people who had gotten infected with that. and a couple of the risk factors they mention is sharing a hospital bed or sharing hospital meals with a patient during the terminal phase of the illness. turned out to be risk factors for other people becoming infected. >> that is definitely a concern. we'll take a quick break and continue the conversation shortly with our experts and also louise, set your dvrs, so
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when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. before the break you heard thomas duncan's partner, louise, say how he fell ill with ebola, and how doctors sent him home until his condition became worse, until the ambulance took him away. his body may have been shedding virus on the towels and sheets. as you hear from part two of the conversation, she told the cdc about it, saying right now the towels are just steps away in the apartment that she and three others can no longer leave. who are you home with? >> with my son, my 13-year-old son, and [ bleep ], and
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[ bleep ]. >> just so i'm clear. the three kids you have with you, how old are they? >> 13 years old, 22 years old and eight years old, nephew. >> so the three kids who were there when he was there are quarantined with you? >> yes. >> and what about your daughter? >> my daughter lives here, she is 35, she is on her own. >> was she in the ambulance with thomas? >> no, she has her own car, i don't think she went with him on the way. she drove her car. >> but is she quarantined as well? >> i guess so. >> have you -- you haven't talked to her? >> yeah, she is indoors, waiting for them over there, i think so because they took her kids to school. >> because she came in contact with thomas when he was sick, correct? she was helping to care for him,
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too, when she called the ambulance? >> she brought him some tea. she brought him tea. she fixed him tea, that is how she saw him and called the ambulance. >> there was a report that maybe thomas got sick outside the apartment. did you see that? or did you hear about that? >> no, thomas since he came he was always indoors. he was indoor. >> when you were caring for him did you get in contact with any fluids? >> not that i know of. >> did the cdc recommend that you clean your apartment? >> i told them i just -- my daughter brought me some clorox, and we put it on the mattresses, on the bed, and on the clothes, the plastic bags. but they said we should not throw anything away until they can get back with me.
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>> so the sheets that thomas used and the towels that he used, what have you done with those? >> yeah, in the plastic bag. >> in your apartment? >> uh-huh. >> so you took them off the bed. and then you put them into a plastic bag? >> no, under the shower in the plastic bags. on the bed, everything is on the bed. >> so the sheets that he used, that he slept on is still on the bed? >> yeah. >> did the cdc talk to you about that at all? >> they told me they're going to get back with me. i told them that we are not going to use this stuff anymore. neither the bed, we're not going to use any of those things. and if they're going to come back and tell me how to get rid of them. >> so is anybody sleeping in the bed right now?
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>> no, sleeping in the living room. >> in the living room. so those are the sheets that you were using too. that was the bed you were using, when did you stop using that bed? >> on tuesday. >> how are you coping with this? >> i'm just hanging in there, depending on god to save our lives. >> depending on god to save your lives. >> yes, at the time let us be free. because people are telling lies. >> so you feel like people are not informed about how you get ebola, you actually have to come in contact with the bodily fluids of somebody that is not only infected but is sick with ebola. >> yeah, we are not sick with ebola. >> and at this point, even if you had ebola, you are not showing any signs so you would not be able to infect anybody else and you want to get that message across?
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>> yes, for them to leave me alone, leave my kids alone. >> and you're -- how often are you checking yourself for fever? >> every hour. >> every hour. wow. and does the cdc come to check you or is that something you just do yourself because you're a caregiver? >> yeah, they tell me yesterday, they say they will come every day until the 21 days is over. >> have you been able to talk to thomas at all? >> yes, i speak with him every day. i called him this morning. >> how is he doing? >> he is trying, he slept well last night. >> well, i can't imagine how scary this is for you and for your whole family. >> we can't wait to get over with everything. we can't wait. >> well, louise, thank you so much for talking to us. and please, you know, tell thomas that we are thinking of him and praying for him. and for your whole family and we
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will continue to do so. thank you. >> okay. thanks. >> back with our panel, sanjay gupta, what did you make of that? louise describing the waste in her apartment, how can health officials have left it that way? >> you know, i hate to keep talking about missteps with this whole situation. but it is another one here. you have the situation where this guy was clearly very sick. it is essentially almost active like a hospital room, this bedroom where he was staying. and you know, we know ebola as a virus can live outside the body. so the fact these sheets, towels can be contaminated. they were not cleaned. she had no instruction what to do with it. in the hospital where patients are treated, emory, biocontainment bags would have been brought in here, and they
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would have been incinerated. but just the lack of humanity with it overall, she is already dealing with the sickness of mr. duncan, it is hard to imagine. >> yeah, doctor, i am not in any way blaming louise here with this. she is coping as best as she can. does it surprise you that somebody is not coming in, telling her what to do with the dirty clothes, the sheets, you point out that stuff it is anything he used. >> of course, it is paper goods, silverware, anything he came in contact with or his bodily fluids came in contact with. this whole thing is actually hair-raising. on one hand, she said somebody from the cdc came to visit every day. didn't they ask about the sheets, the towels, what is happening, how to handle those and so forth. and the fact they were still on the bed as of this afternoon is just absolutely remarkremarkabl.
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and you know the department of transportation said it is illegal for a typical waste hauler to take this stuff. it has to be people with appropriate training and very specific protocols that they have to follow. so this whole thing is increasingly bizarre as you think about how it is unfolding. if in fact there was a health care worker there every day, what exactly were they doing other than just taking a temperature and leaving. there should have been a whole lot more that she should have been and could have been expecting from the local health department. >> and she talked about neighbors reacting badly when they talk about ebola case. she knows they can't catch ebola from her unless they show symptoms. but her neighbors seem not to have gotten that message. but louise is concerned about her son in college, concerned about people pointing the finger at him even though she says he had no contact with his father, mr. duncan. >> you're right, it is repeating the patterns that we've seen in african villages. people who have loved ones who are infected, people who survive
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get ostracized in certain cases. there is so much fear and lack of understanding, that they face social reinjectij rejection. but anderson, there is one thing, it is not just an urgent thing to test him, just as kent brantly and nancy writebol. we don't really know yet as far as i have heard up to recently, we don't really know exactly how ebola kills people. about exactly how it destroys the human body. and we need to learn more about that. carl johnson, one of the great infectious disease pioneers, the fellow who led the first outbreak response against ebola in 1976. carl johnson told me six years ago, we don't understand how this disease works. people are afraid to study it
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and we won't understand how it affects the human body until we have it in captivity. until we have a patient in a good research hospital under control conditions to treat that. this is that opportunity. >> we have breaking news right now, nbc news reported that one of their freelancers in africa diagnosed with ebola. he was hired as a second cameraman. he has been flown back for treatment. nbc news reporting that one of their freelance cameramen has tested positive for ebola, is being flown back to the united states. sanjay, doctor, we'll continue talking about this further, including how liberian officials say that thomas duncan managed to board a flight out of liberia, even though he had been
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work with chief medical correspondent dr. nancy snyderman in liberia. he first showed symptoms yesterday and is being flown back to the united states for further treatment. tonight's other breaking news cnn exclusive for the first time we're hearing from the friend thomas duncan has been staying with. the mother of his son who is now under quarantine. and new revelations on how he fell sick. there are questions if mr. duncan lied if he was exposed to liberia. experts say he flagged a no, witnesses say he helped ebola patients, including a pregnant woman who later died. >> he has gone there, instead of waiting, put some americans in a state of fear. and put them at some risks. so i feel very saddened by that and very angry with him, to tell you the truth. the fact that he knew and he
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left the country is unpardonable, quite frankly. >> the president said she would consult with lawyers to decide what to do with him when he returned honeme. today, we learned the military is sending troops to help contain the ebola epidemic. 200 troops have already been deployed. so elizabeth, you trained with these troops before they left for liberia, what exactly did they test you for? >> reporter: right, i left liberia about a week after duncan did. they don't test you for anything because there is no ebola test. but they take your temperature three times before you leave. they ask you a series of questions. you're handed a clip board with questions on it. they want to know if you feel sick, vomiting, all those questions. then there is a series of what they call exposure questions.
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and one of those questions is, have you had contact with somebody who has ebola or in contact with their bodily fluids. and that is what we're hearing that mr. duncan said no to that question, even though there appears to be quite a bit of evidence that he actually did have contact with an ebola patient. >> what is interesting, elizabeth, we hear they're tightly screening and taking the temperature three times. but the reality is, it is really self-purporting. they're essentially relying on the passengers to tell the truth. and if somebody has come in contact with ebola and wants to get out of liberia or wants to get on a plane just because they have business to tend to, there is a high likelihood that somebody is not going to tell the truth. >> reporter: absolutely, it is completely the honor system. once you have symptoms they will catch you because the nurses are looking at you, taking your
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temperature. but if you're in the incubation period, anderson i was on your show in august, i said the nightmare scenario is that somebody is infected with ebola. but has no signs yet. they hop on a plane and a couple of days later they get sick in the u.s. and i hate to say -- i don't mean to sound like i have a crystal ball. and the other layer of it is that hospitals were really not prepared for it. you have a liberian man walking into a hospital with a fever and nobody catches it. >> and let's be honest, it is likely to happen again, somebody not showing symptoms is likely to come here again. thank you, elizabeth cohen, the question is will all hospitals learn from it, will the next time somebody presents will it be handled differently. more breaking news, united airlines is voluntarily reaching out to passengers who were on two flights that thomas duncan took, the flight from brussels
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to washington, dulles, flight 822 from washington dulles to dallas, ft. worth. according to authorities duncan had no symptoms when he left liberia. that is important. because as you heard now ebola is only infectious from somebody who has symptoms, on the aircraft he apparently was not showing symptoms on the aircraft. so if that was true, and louise says he was not showing symptoms until several days after he arrived then there is no way to transmit it. but what if somebody is fine and then they start to show symptoms of ebola when they're on the aircraft. how much danger would they be in? >> reporter: dr. suzanne donovan is ab expert on ebola, recently completing a month-long stint in sierra leone, treating ebola victims. >> what made you go there? >> well, this is what i do. >> reporter: she has come with us on a jet, now describing the risk that ebola could have to
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the flying american public. >> let's say somebody has ebola and is showing symptoms and you're sitting next to them, any chance you can get it? >> i can understand passengers' concern about being exposed but this is something that is transmitted with direct contact of body fluids. >> if saliva or bodily fluids gets on a tray or arm rest and you touch it and then touch your nose or mouth? >> in a very rare scenario, then i would say -- >> had a problem there with dan simon's piece, we apologize for that. still, quite a bit to talk about, and more on contagious diseases coming our way. we'll take up panel, how prepared are we for airborne viruses.
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diagnosed with ebola and will head back to the united states for treatment. also, the person that thomas duncan was staying with, the mother of his son, i spoke to her exclusively. and united airlines are reaching out to passengers who were on flights that duncan was on. the fact he was able to fly from liberia to dallas with the ebola virus incubating inside him has raised a variety of questions. i want to ask you about the cameraman working for nbc just diagnosed with ebola. you have been reading more details. what do you make of this? >> well, you know, this is an american who has been living and working in liberia for the past three years on various projects. so he has been there for sometime. what is interesting, this past tuesday he worked for nbc probably on this new project with dr. nancy snyderman. and wednesday, he noticed that he had a fever. he was getting a routine fever check. while he was getting a routine
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fever check, unclear, maybe he was already worried about an exposure. but regardless, the fever check showed he did have a slight fever, and at that point he went to "doctors without borders" camp and he was tested. took about 12 hours for the test to come back and it came back positive for ebola. don't know how sick he is certainly at this point but he is flown back to the united states to get treatment as you heard. >> doctor, you and i talked about this before the break. again, the health care system relies on people at the airport to self-report. and somebody who -- if it is true that mr. duncan had been in contact with an ebola patient who died, a woman who he had been helping it is very possible he just wanted to get out of liberia in order to get to a place where there was better medical treatment and it is possible he wanted to get out, and not tell the truth. or somebody could not tell the
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truth because they wanted on the flight. >> he actually was helping a person who was rejected from the hospital because they wouldn't take her. he knows the hospital won't take him. he says i'm exposed, perhaps, where would i rather be, in liberia or the united states or some other western country, and i think that would be a big motivator, and would be for most of us if we were facing the dilemma of having ebola. but we're depending on a lot of self-reporting in making the determination on what needs to happen. >> david, there are those who say there should not be flights accepted from liberia to the united states. or even flights that have connected through europe. that is not even really possible. i mean, given -- first of all i don't think there are flights that directly connect from monrovia to the united states. it is virtually impossible from a town like that to track somebody. >> it is virtually impossible to
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track somebody, and impossible really to seal off the connections. isolation is very important for dealing with this disease. but that means isolation of individual cases. you can't isolate neighborhoods or nations. it doesn't work. and people talk about well, we should not allow any flights in from liberia. i mean, we in america, how dare we turn our backs on liberia given the fact that this is a country that was founded in the 1820s, 1830s because of american slavery. we have a responsibility to stay connected with them. and help them see this through. >> doctor, i want to ask you a question that comes from one of our viewers. she asks, can you only get it once like chicken pox or can you get it more than once like the flu? >> they get the antibody built up -- i'm actually not sure about that. >> sanjay, do you know the answer to that? >> so there are five different
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strains, one is the zaire strain, so if you get it you are immuni immunized. you still have to protect yourself from the other strains if you're back in one of those endemic areas. >> and sanjay, since they look like the flu for people who have been in africa, ken wants to ask if dr. sanjay gupta recommends ebola hospitals that have a standard testing for people with flu symptoms this coming season? >> no, no, we're not at that point by any means, you know, certainly somebody who has flu-like symptoms but also has the very pertinent history. and has traveled through one of the countries where ebola is circulating. we're talking about guinea, sierra leone, you have to put a bunch of pieces of the puzzle together. and even after that if you have a fever and are coming from one
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of these countries there are still other parts of the pieces you put together. have you had ebola, attended a public funeral? there are certain blood values, they indicate your ability to clot the blood is decreasing. there are many components to this history. the travel and symptoms are two big ones. >> the scary part of this, doctor you talked about this a lot. depending on people to be honest, depending on people to self-report and to be honest. and it -- you know, i mean -- >> there are so many links in the chain, anderson, even when the person is triaged in the hospital in the united states, the information that i have traveled to in one of these countries that has to go someplace and be absorbed into the diagnostic procedures that are happening there. because if somebody says oh, yeah, i've been there and it is written down and nothing happens to it, again there are many, many human realities in this chain. >> dr., great to have you on
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again, thank you, up next, a 13-year-old boy caught in the middle of this ebola scare. he is in quarantine, because he was in the apartment where duncan became sick. he is in the apartment with louise, tonight his father speaks out. >> he can't leave the house. >> because he had contact with the man who has ebola. >> right. >> it must be very scary for you as father. >> i'm scared. er a new energy s. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves. get more clean water to everyone. who's going to take the leap? who's going to write the code? who's going to do it? engineers. that's who. that's what i want to do. be an engineer. ♪ [ male announcer ] join the scientists and engineers of exxonmobil in inspiring america's future engineers. energy lives here. sea captain: there's a narratorstorm cominhe storm narrator: that whipped through the turbine which poured...
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we continue to follow breaking news from our colleagues at nbc who have confirmed that one of their colleagues working in liberia has been flown back to the united states for treatment. and as we reported earlier, thomas duncan is in quarantine. and two of louise's sons were there when duncan became sick. her 13-year-old son was there when duncan was there, and can't play with his friends or go outside to see his dad. his father spoke with gary tuchman. >> reporter: peterson wayne on the telephone with his 13-year-old son who is now in quarantine amid this ebola scare. >> how are you doing? >> are you okay? >> uh-huh. >> where is your mommy? >> huh? >> is your mom home too? >> uh-huh. >> is she okay? >> yes. >> peterson wayne moved to texas
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from liberia in the early '90s. his son's name is timothy. timothy's mother, louise, is in quarantine with this child in this apartment because the ebola victim, thomas duncan, was a guest in the apartment until a few days ago. >> timothy is a nice boy, a smart little boy. respectful. smart in school and stuff. >> so he is a good kid. >> he is a good kid. i love him. >> peterson has talked to his kid several times since timothy has been told he can't leave the apartment. timothy has told you he is in quarantine, that he can't leave the house. >> he can't leave the house. >> because he had contact with the man who has ebola. >> right. >> it must be very scary for you as father. >> i'm scared right now. >> but peterson says when he talks to his son on the phone he doesn't want to let on that he is frightened. >> i believe he knows everything. so no need for me to go and talk about ebola.
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>> you don't want to scare him. >> exactly, just to encourage him. >> timothy is in eightth grade at the middle school. and although he timothy's mother are not together, he still worries about his son. >> are you angry at him? >> no, i'm fine. >> not angry at the woman who you spent all of those years with, but angry that unintentionally he left your son in this situation. he says before the shock of all of this changed their lives he was about to buy his son new sneakers he asked for. >> so when timothy gets out of the house after 21 days, you see him in person, what would you like to do? >> give him a big hug, i'm ready to go buy his shoes. >> buy the shoes he wants? >> yeah. >> peterson says he wants his son and his son's mom to feel
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they will be just fine. before we left, i asked if i could say hello to timothy. good luck to you, we hope to see you at school soon, your dad is aupgs to see you at school. your dad said i'm going to tell you a secret, he will buy you sneakers when you get out. does that sound good? >> okay, yes. >> okay, good. peterson cannot wait for that to happen. and gary joins us from dallas, how did peterson find out that his son was quarantined? >> peterson did not find out, anderson, in any official way. he learned about it on the news that there was an ebola diagnosis, he didn't overthink it because he didn't hear the name of the victim. then he found out the name was duncan, duncan, he said that is the name of the guy staying with louise, he got panicked, he called the school, they said timothy was no longer in school. and tim said he had to stay in
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the apartment for three weeks. >> all right, gary, thank you so much for that. we'll be right back with more ahead. to help entertain some friends at the beach. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. all with no hoops to jump through.
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