tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN October 3, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT
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their sleeves. they say as mormons, it is very important to uphold this image. it is self-imposed, in many cases, but it is hard for them to come clean. when i went there i was really surprised that even people in the church, the leadership, they recognize it is an epidemic there now. >> epidemic, well, lisa ling, thank you. >> and this is life airs this sunday night at 10 eastern, thank you for joining us. "ac360" starts right now with john berman. good evening, we have breaking news tonight on the ebola story. we're waiting to hear from dallas mayor mike rawlings and county school officials who any minute are expected to announce late developments in the story. now, one of the late developments will almost certainly be that the family who hosted thomas duncan and maybe exposed to the virus that sickened him, has been moved.
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moved after spending days near the soiled linens that duncan was exposed to. hazmat crews removed the items, but it doesn't seem they removed them as a whole. and it was one of the signs that so far authorities had been struggling with a challenge of a single case of ebola. earlier i spoke with duncan's stepdaughter who was with him as he became worse. his story, is breathtaking. as we wait for officials i want to go to martin savidge with the latest at the apartment complex where the man was sickened with ebola. and the apartment is now at least empty of people who at least were living there? >> yes, that is right, john, all of this happening late in the
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afternoon, and much of it happening after it was reported it came on cnn, let's talk about the quarantined family. they now have been relocated somewhere. authorities will not say where, but somewhere in dallas county. it is interesting how this came about. earlier they said they wanted to move the family but didn't have a place to move them to. that seemed to be real frustration. and apparently some family in texas came forward and said we have a home. not just any home. but apparently a home that is isolated, gated, set away from the rest of the community that apparently they were willing to say this family could use, they wanted to make sure that the family in quarantine had a place. this is that place. again, they're not identifying where it is. but they are on that way to the location. as for the linens and mattresses and everything that may have been contaminated by thomas duncan, it is now said to be out of the apartment but not off the apartment property, per se. that transportation is still being organized. when it happens it is all
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supposed to be loaded into a trailer en masse, taken somewhere, and then burned. exactly when it is going to happen we don't know. the final cleanup in that apartment still expected to take several more days. that is the latest, john. >> is this a plan, a road map they're following, martin because it almost seems as if they're making it up as they go along. first the hazmat teams show up to take the towels, they're told they can't go in, then they can't leave the property, they're told where to go, then it almost seems like they're making it up. >> well, there is a plan, part of what you recognize, though, there is a plan that seemed to look very good on paper. but when it came to where the rubber meets the road those things that are important, the waste, what do you do with ebola waste when it is not on hospital property? suddenly that was like wow, we need to figure that out. and they have figured it out at this point. the quarantine, many people say
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why would you quarantine four people who apparently were very close to this ebola victim. maybe why not put them in a hospital facility and watch over them there? that never happened. apparently, the decision was left up to local authorities, and again, it was thought if they were moved today they would go to a medical facility. so they moved instead to a private residence that was donated. >> it is a fair point you make, martin, but essentially they were moved at the same time as the soiled linens that they had been living next to for days. we are waiting for the news conference from the mayor of dallas, any sense, martin, what he might say? >> well, i think what we're going to hear is of course what we sort of have been telling you. you're going to get it officially what has transpired. and this is why it has transpired this way. there is a lot of criticism. people say you keep trying to
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reassure the people of dallas that you know what you're doing and everything is going according to your plan, yet it seems that there have been nothing but a series of missteps ever since thomas duncan first presented himself at the hospital, said he was ill, from liberia, came from an ebola hot bed, seemed to have the symptoms. yet he was given an antibiotic and told to go back home, which of course was the very wrong thing to do. from there, why the linens took so long to clean up. on and off, the public said it doesn't look like you know what you're doing even though you tell us, rest assured we know what we're doing. >> martin savidge for us outside the apartment complex where over the last few hours there finally has been a lot of action, martin, our thanks to you. again, we're waiting to hear from the mayor of dallas any minute right now. we're told we'll hear from county administrators, there are several children affected by this. earlier today we heard from federal officials who said in so
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many words don't worry we have got this. >> i think it is very important to remind the american people that the united states has the most capable health care infrastructure and the best doctors in the world bar none. >> that is president obama's assistant for homeland security speaking at length about how well prepared the country is for ebola. it does to many people seem, though, still an open question. so joining us now with the fact check here our senior medical correspondent, elizabeth cohen, you have been covering this for months now here in the united states and in west africa, as well. the administration tells us everything is under control. all going according to plan. but is that really the case? >> you know, i think several things have not gone according to plan. so let's just take one, there are so many different details here. let's just look at one of them. so on august 4th, josh earnest at the white house says that customs and border patrol, they
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are carefully monitoring passengers who came in from west africa into the united states. well, i came in from west africa into the united states on saturday of last week. so less than a week ago, there was no monitoring at all. i told them that i was a journalist who was covering ebola and you would think that would have been like ding, ding, ding, they didn't ask me did you get near patients or dead bodies? instead, the official started to hand me my passport back and said oh, wait a minute, i got an e-mail, something about something i was supposed to tell passengers coming from places like librak liberia, they all ck and said you're supposed to be monitoring your health for 21 days. i said what symptoms should i look for? they couldn't tell me what symptoms to look for. what is even worse, the two colleagues i traveled with, they were not told to monitor for symptoms and none of us were
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asked about our exposure to people with ebola. that is not careful monitoring. once i said it on television, customs and border patrol is handing out materials regarding symptoms. but it should not have taken me to say it on television. >> no, you're right, but at least they did react, and thanks to you, elizabeth cohen, going there to see the epidemic firsthand and then coming back to explain to us what is going on. i want to bring in our senior staff writer of the dallas morning news. also, bonnie castillo, registered nurse, and because it crosses jurisdiction, we're joined by the former federal and state homeland security official who has dealt with a lot of these issues. ju juiliette, you served in the obama administration preparing for situations like these.
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we have one case of ebola diagnosed in the united states. and we have a whole lot of problems from this one case. is that concerning to you? >> it is, of course, i think in a contagious situation, as compared to a bomb, it is as much about competency as it is about the disease. people want the government to look and act competently. and we just saw slip-ups. today i thought lisa monaco was masterful about patrolling the different pieces. there are medical pieces, historical pieces, and military pieces, giving the vision of the response that is very important for the american public. the problem is, if we keep having these data points that suggest that whatever the plans are nobody seems to be following them, people will start to be worried. and they will start to think that they are sick. and they will be what we call the worried well.
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they will show up at hospital. there will be all sorts of paranoia and hysteria, there has been only one case, so otherwise, we'll have far more consequences than what the one case has brought forward. stick around here, we're waiting for dallas officials any second now. i want to talk to you about what they say and about a conversation i had with the last relative to see this ebola patient before he went to the hospital. we'll have that just ahead. stay with us. t. j.j. watt? you know there's a game on tonight right, amy? oh, i know, but it's my turn to chaperone. right, but you could do both. how? nfl mobile is now free with the more everything plan from verizon. i have verizon! download it, you can watch the game right here. come on, let's boogie! oh, helen. for the first time watch live local sunday games
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le liber . ebola in america, we're now waiting for a press conference from dallas. the mayor there. we're going to bring you that as soon as it happens. we do expect some more information about that family that had been quarantined. also some more information about the apartment where ebola patient thomas duncan spent several days before he was admitted to the hospital. i'm joined by bonnie castillo, bonnie, before the break, julie was saying this is a learning process. we have learned from what happened over the last few days and some of the struggles in dealing with thomas duncan, the first ebola patient diagnosed here in the united states. whatever has been learned at the top levels, though, in places like washington, do you believe
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the information is getting to the front line to the hospitals where people who may have been in contact with people, have been admitted? >> no, in fact we know it has not happened. there have been admitted failures. the disaster plan is only as good as the providers are educated and trained and aware of what should happen when our patients are admitted. and it was pretty clear that that was not the case. and in fact, it was missed and that patient was sent home. and potentially infected many others. so you know when we don't have adequate education training of all staff, it leaves all of us vulnerable. >> dr. yasmin, one thing i have wondered is i have looked at new york, from what is happening in dallas right now. is there a communication problem with the cdc, the federal coordinated agency that is
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supposed to oversee incidents like this. is there a coordination problem between those people and people in texas, the state officials who are supposed to have the hands-on involvement with the patients? >> i can tell you there is often a political situation when you go into an investigation like this. there has to be excellent collaboration at all levels. what is concerning to those of us in dallas, even though the cdc are here it still seems things that are going on are not according to the guidelines and protocols, the fact that the family stayed there and were staying there with the contaminated bedding and clothing, and perhaps not enough food or laundry equipment in order to be isolated. so a communication here is the key problem not just between the cdc and the state, though, we feel it is a problem between the state and the rest of the community. we feel there is a lack of transparency here. >> all right, hang on, dr.
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yasmin, we'll go to the news conference right here in dallas, let's listen in. >> we'll wait for everybody to get here. the family has been moved to an appropriate location, the sort of a location that would be acceptable for my family or mike rawling's family, or your family to be in. there is room to roam there. it is an area that is inside the city of dallas. and it is an area away from other people. and i want to -- i think everybody knows louise's first name. so i want to thank louise and
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her family for their perseveran perseverance, for their patience in a very difficult situation. for the bravery and the heroic way that they're going about dealing with this situation. they are good people, kind people. people who care about their community. and they're obviously worried about their own health, they're concerned about your health, as well. and our hope is that they can have some peace and that they can be left alone for a few days, at least, in that undisclosed location. and our hope is that the people who live around the apartment complex that they were in, that their lives can get back to normal. i want to thank the owner of the apartment complex for their understanding in this. the vickery meadow association,
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jennifer gates who went door-to-door and was out there for us, our health department. everyone who worked on this. our friends in the faith community who made the move that we were able to do today possible. as well as our state and our federal partners. an update on the house is the contractors are inside. they have finalized phase one probably by now or will in the next few minutes. they will finish up their work tonight and then they will secure the building. dr. laky and the estate are working on a court order for the apartment to keep it secure and quarantined until we can begin phase two. the materials will be moved to an undisclosed secure area by the dallas county fire marshal. i'm not sure if that is still correct because my understanding was dot was going to get the permit here so we could get that taken care of. either dot got the permit or
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we're going the take care of it. a separate vender has the federal permit required to move the materials to their final destination. and apparently, we have been working with them over the weekend on that process. our eoc will continue to be activated. they will continue to monitor these matters over the weekend. i want to thank my executive staff, as well, and our team in homeland security emergency management and dallas county health and human services, who we stood up that ics model. and took command of the situation at 8:30 a.m. yesterday, and people have worked very hard. it has not moved as quickly as i would like, but it moved as quickly as possible under the circumstances. so with that, you're brought up to speed. i'm going to turn the mike over
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to david. >> good evening, and thank you for having us. i'm afraid my update is very short. we just worked on contact today. i think you have seen the new numbers, what we call the contact tracing numbers that went from that list of a 100 what we call potential or possible cases down to 50 and ten that we are now tracing actively. and the teams were out today working with the county and state. and that is it for us today. >> thank you. >> we're making progress. the city and the county has stepped up at every opportunity to make sure this city is as safe as it can be. and i feel good about it. i feel that citizens are safe. and that we're doing everything possible to make it a reality. i want to say thank you to judge jenkins. his leadership in the last 48 hours has been remarkable. and we have been proud to serve
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on his team. the movement of this family was a moving moment for me. judge jenkins met them at their apartment. drove them in the car down to this location. and i welcomed them and we both saw them say thank you. and it was an important moment, i think, for this family, for the county and the city. and i think for the citizens of this town. we continue to work closely with cdc, thank you for your effort. they were out this afternoon talking to all of the residents and continuing the communication about the facts of this disease. remember, there is zero chance that you can get this disease if you don't have contact with somebody that is actively showing symptoms of this. there was only one person in
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this city of dallas that is actively showing. and they are at presbyterian hospital. and they are quarantined and safe. we're making sure we go through those 50 people to prioritize them in low and high risk in having the appropriate protocol to work with each of them. we want to make sure that you understand that we are educating and re-educating all the public with our 311 numbers. and to make sure that if anybody gets sick to please call 911. our paramedics have been trained on this and we'll get to you quickly and make sure that you are taken care of. now, the weekend is at hand. there is a lot going on. we just had the blessing of the animals in clyde warren park and a lot of people showed up.
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tonight is football season, tomorrow is state fair. i want everybody to get out and have a good time. on tuesday night, we're having the national night out and all the neighborhoods are going to get together. i spoke to cdc and said is that safe? and they said absolutely. we have got to get out and show the spirit of dallas, texas. i want to have a personal thank you to the dallas press. your professionalism and how you have handled this makes me proud. there have been these reports around the nation that dallas is fearful. and i have talked to a lot of people. we're all a little anxious. but there is no fear in our eyes. we will be safe. we will get this done in the appropriate way. and i'm proud of the professionalism that we have shown. it's very important that we get these kids to school and that is why superintendent miles is here to talk about it next week.
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>> thank you, mr. mayor. our priorities for the last week has been three-fold, safety of our students. information for our students and parents. good information about the virus, about the situation, and then of course, because we're in an educational institution, instruction of all of our kids, including the kids that had to stay home. and so we'll continue that. we think we're making progress too, with regard to the information. tonight, for example, we had a family and school meeting. anybody who wanted to come to find out more, anybody who had concerns. we had only 30 parents and community member there is tonight, which is a sign that information is getting out. we also had doctors on hand, and they fielded a lot of questions. and we have had that all week. and you can expect next week to be similar. we will have additional nurses still on hand. additional medical professionals coming in talking to our staff, talking to our parents and talking to the children.
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and it seems to -- the right information is getting out there. with regard to attendance, i know that was an issue, around 85. today was about the same with regard to the five schools. now, two of those five schools were closed. we also had had a huge thunderstorm come in, we had five dallas isd schools without power so we closed those schools, two out of 22. nonetheless, the district was in school. with regard to the instruction of the five students who are being monitored and are at home we sent to the health department today curriculum materials and computers and hot spots and those will be delivered tomorrow so that the students who are now enrolled in a home bound program can continue their education. so next week is more of the same. safety of our students, a lot more information or more information will keep the
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parents and students updated. and then finally, we'll keep our focus on instruction. >> we believe that is -- i don't have much time to look at all of this, yes, that is in fact it. so we'll take question and answers. why don't we do it this way, there could be a lot. let's start on this side with anybody -- that is not going to work, okay, ken, ask a question -- >> is there information about the materials, where were they stored, how will they be handled? we're told that there -- >> the materials are in sealed containers when they leave the building. i don't know if anybody -- you have probably seen footage of this, they're in sealed plastic barrels. those barrels are then in a truck that is sealed. then that truck is locked from
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the outside. then that truck is being stored because we lack the dot permit to dispose of the materials. and then once that permit -- that sealed truck and trailer with the sealed barrels inside of it will be guarded by deputies until such time as the permitting can be achieved and the disposal company can properly dispose of the product. so it causes no risk to the public. i want the public to understand this. i'm a married man with a little girl who will have her ninth birthday next week, okay? i am wearing the same shirt i was when i was in the car with that family. okay? i was in their house next to those materials visiting with them. listening to them. and assuring them last night.
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and again, of course today. and then i was in the car in close quarters with them for 45 minutes or so. and then mike and i you know, we're in close proximity to them as we showed them into their new home that they will be in for the time being. if there were any risk, i would not expose myself or my family to that risk. but there is zero risk. these people are asymptomatic. there is some risk from the materials because the materials can contain a risk from the infected person. we did not handle the mattresses or anything like that when i was in the building. but those are being taken care of. the risk of what is left on the materials is very small because this is not a hearty virus. and we're moving quite a ways away from when this person was
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taken to the hospital. and it is not that those materials have not been treated with bleach and put in garbage bags and some of the things that we can do, that our health department can do that were done immediately. i want to draw a picture. i have actually been in the house. what you have is the materials and the belongings of the man were placed into garbage bags, were covered with a bleach-like substance and closed up. so that is a longer answer than what you asked for. yes? >> explain how the house process came about. was it donated? i think yesterday, we said that you -- you said you were not really looking into moving them quite yet. >> well, mayor rollins and i used the personal contacts to find that. so my first call of the day was to a faith friend and i told my faith friend there is no room at
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the inn and we need your help. and mike called that faith friend and that same faith friend was able to call and secure something for this family. what i told louise last night is i don't want you to be treated any differently than i would want you to treat me and my family if i were the man in presbyterian hospital fighting for my life and my family were afraid that they might have contracted the disease and was also worried about me. and i apologize. things are moving kind of fast today. so the faith community stepped up once again just like they did with the refugee situation. and although i don't want to name them i will be praising them later, but i don't want to name them because that might give you guys an idea of where to park a truck and take pictures. yes, sir? >> it had to be a scary
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experience for them. i want you to categorize your conversation with them as you drove to the new house. the whole experience. >> well, i went to see them last night and explained what was going on. i explained frankly some of the challenges we were facing. i apologized to them that they were in the situation they were in. and that things had not moved faster as we would like. as everyone of us would like. and as every person standing behind me has washiorked their hardest to happen. then i talked to them on the phone. jennifer has been in contact with -- the councilwoman has talked with them regularly on the phone. i talked on jennifer's phone as the hazmat team was finishing some things up. had had them stop, went up to the family, assured them what
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was going on. explained why these people who were handling the mattresses were dressed differently than me and them. they were going to carve things up and put them in the barrels and dress differently. they were pretty understanding of that process. they have internet, i bet they have been looking. and so yeah, and they were very glad to be going and very pleased when they got there. >> what did they say when they got there? >> well, one of them whose name i can't tell you, mike asked him, what do you need? and he got a big grin on his face, and he said i wish somebody would get me a basketball. so we're going to see if we can't take care of that in short order. >> what orders are the family under? can they go outside, do you know how long they will be there? and have you notified anybody -- >> there is no one within any proximity of them. and yes, they are free to go outside. >> any question of the mayor?
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>> sure. >> mayor, you're tasked with this whole thing -- can you talk a little bit. i know you kind of made examples of the fair going on and the blessing of the animals. have you seen inside, any larger area of people worried? >> not large groups, i mean, most of the individuals i have talked to said i hate to say it that we're making a little bit too big a deal about this from a media standpoint. that is what i'm hearing, i'm not being critical. but that was their quote. from time to time you have people that are pregnant. you know, and key moments in their life and they are asking those questions. so those are natural questions to ask. but it is amazing to see how this city -- >> all right, this is the news conference from dallas, texas right now where they're dealing with the first patient diagnosed with ebola in the united states. that is the mayor, the big
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headline, louise, who we spoke to last night on this show and their family had been moved out of their contaminated apartment after days of living in uncertainty. thomas duncan's potentially dangerous bed sheets and other personal items. there are also some other really interesting details about how they were moved, where they were moved and with whom they were moved. when we come back we'll get the panel's take on this. so stay with us. the best investor you can be. you want to cut through the noise of an overwhelming amount of analysis. [ all talking ] you want the insights that will help you decide which ideas to execute and which to leave behind. you want your trades executed in one second or less, guaranteed, and routed with institutional-quality technology. look no further. open an account and find more of the expertise you need to be a better investor.
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trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients.
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save money and save lives. yes on 46. we're with breaking news, dallas officials just moments ago announcing that louise and her family had been moved out of their apartment. that is the apartment where thomas duncan fell ill from ebola. the family is now at an undisclosed location in dallas, where they have in the words of one official, more room to roam. we're back with our medical correspondent, elizabeth cohen, and dr. yasmin, you're in dallas. one of the headlines in the news conference seems to me to be they're now dealing with this family with compassion. they got them out of that apartment where they had been trapped really, under armed
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guard in quarantine right now with soiled linens where this ebola patient had been. they got them out of there and into the house and sent the ment message that they cared. why is that an important message. >> i think it is important, people are reaching out to the people, the gentleman suffering with ebola. it is also important in stopping the fears with the transmission of ebola. we are getting the key reminder that it can only be transmitted with infected fluids. the workers said we were not afraid, took them in an undisclosed location in the car with them. >> that jumped out at me. the mayor met this house, the family, the judge who is running the homeland security response,
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the response in the county, they actually took them in the car to the area. made a point of saying he was in the apartment, had not changed his shirt yet where he was not far from the linens. that is important to be clear about how this disease is transmitted. but that is also a separate question -- than do we have the right procedures in place to handle the presence of this disease? >> right, john, in thought it was really good communication when he said look, i'm wearing the same shirt i was in, in the car with them. i was in close quarters with them for 45 minutes in the car. i'm going home to my family, my 8-year-old daughter, that is a good way to get the message out. they have had real missteps in their communication. coming off as angry, angry even to the family. this is a change to the attitude. i feel like someone got to them and said hey, come on, guys, you have to fix this. and i think the message really matters. and i think what they're saying is, when they appear calm and
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compassionate that matters. >> and juliette, they actually thanked the press and the family involved here. they also announced over the next few days, they want to see as many people in the area as possible, going shopping, and disney area, i remember george bush saying that after september 11th. but it is an important message to send, keep calm and carry on. >> it is just a message about risk reduction. we know it is not airborne. people can walk near the neighborhood. there doesn't need to be complete isolation of the area. what we saw in the white house today and near the dallas area. they should be having this every single day. just this united front, all hands on deck, look if we go slightly overboard right now
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that is okay. because i mean, what the government is trying to do is stop this potential hysteria, just communicating honestly with compassion, because we'll get through this. it is only one patient, everyone needs to remember that, only one patient so far. >> only one patient, and his teraxpaye-- hysteria is never helpful. but bonnie, it seems the idea that was in place was not the right one in place. >> it seems the family was left in the apartment with contaminated waste. and so it is so important that they were relocated and relocated with compassion. this is not the time to criminalize patients or their families. it is the time to reach out and
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treat all people with compassion. and to allay, the way we can allay fears, though, is to be prepared. and that is what we're concerned about is that the hospital systems are taking it seriously and adhering to the strictest guidelines of cdc. the guidelines are wonderful to have. but we really need an enforcement mechanism to ensure that the highest, strictest standards are adhered to. >> all right, i want to thank all of you for being with me tonight. i really appreciate the information we have. thank you so much. and as elizabeth said, tonight's compassionate tone is one thing. but competence is another. and with that in mind, my conversation with the last relative to see thomas duncan before he was taken to the hospital. she is his stepdaughter, she watched him go down hill. she called 911, she warned emts
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that mr. duncan came from liberia. if anyone has reason to worry about being exposed to ebola, and carefully being monitored, it is yungor, and these two kids who also came in contact with mr. duncan, when i asked her how she was notified. who told her that her stepfather did in fact have ebola. she told me something that left me pretty speechless, and you might be, too. we spoke to her earlier. yungor, i want to start by asking you, are you under quarantine? >> no one told me i'm under quarantine. >> youngor, you were in contact with your stepfather who now has ebola, it is a very serious condition. do you feel like you're being given information you need? >> no one gave me instruction and no one is telling me nothing.
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>> they're not telling you that you should not go out for 21 days? >> when they came, they said they would be coming here for 21 days. but we asked them can we go outside to get our babies diapers, they told me no. you have to stay here until we can ask our boss if you guys can go out or come out of the house. so we were waiting for them, when they came today they came to care for us. >> so you have been waiting for more than a day for someone to give you an answer about whether you're under quarantine. you have been waiting for a day for any official to tell you whether it is safe for you to leave the house. you have been waiting for a day to tell you -- anyone to tell you really anything. ? >> yes, well, they're waiting. we can't go outside, we can't do nothing. we are just sitting in the house here. >> how did you find out that he had tested positive for ebola? >> i saw it on the news.
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the tv. >> you heard it on the news? >> yes. >> you, who called 911, who helped him get into an ambulance, who saw all of his symptoms, no one called to tell you he tested positive for ebola? you saw it on the news? >> i safe it on the news, no one called me and told me. bowling gre ebola, no one called me. i heard it on the news. >> did anyone call you and tell you your stepfather tested positive for ebola. you were with him. you need to start taking precautions, clean yourself and the apartment up. did anyone give you directions? >> no one gave me any direction. >> given what you know now that he had ebola, looking back at your contact with him, do you think you had any contact with any fluids? >> no, because when i was at the
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apartment, he was not throwing up when i went. he never went to the bathroom. he never throwed up. he never did anything. so i'm pretty sure, i never had contact with anything. >> are you scared? >> yes, i'm scared. >> and is anyone trying to help you deal with your fear right now? >> there is no one, we're on guard, just pray to god that he take care of us. >> how do you feel right now? any fever, symptoms at all? >> no, no fever, no symptoms, nothing. >> well, we certainly wish you all the best, to you and your family. it has to be incredibly difficult, we also hope you get some of the answers that you have been expecting and so badly need. >> thank you. >> youngor, thank you very much. and hopefully the officials there are starting to make
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progress in the communication department as well. coming up. three students pulled out of a dallas elementary school because they may have had contact with thomas duncan. next, why parents are doubly concerned about that. 3rd and 3. 58 seconds on the clock, what am i thinking about? foreign markets. asian debt that recognizes the shift in the global economy. you know, the kind that capitalizes on diversity across the credit spectrum and gets exposure to frontier and emerging markets. if you convert 4-quarter p/e of the s&p 500, its yield is doing a lot better... if you've had to become your own investment expert, maybe it's time for bny mellon, a different kind of wealth manager ...and black swans are unpredictable. hiwe just love scouring flea markets for special treasures. but with my type 2 diabetes, we now spend all our time at the pharmacy. with med-care, i don't have to! they deliver everything i need right to my door! with free shipping! plus, med-care takes private policies, medicaid, even my medicare!
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an automated call saying that three children were taken out of the school because they may have had contact with the ebola patient, thomas duncan. >> had you ever imagined this would have happen? >> they both love their school, on the pta board. the school was closed today because power was knocked out after a storm. but if it were open? >> were you going to send your children to school? >> in was probably not. no. >> the three children pulled out of the school are siblings. but parents are not told their names, their ages or the grades they're in. the district is following federal privacy guidelines, kept the information confidential. >> it is very disconcerting.
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if there is a child with lice, we got notice, i don't understand why we can know that about lice, are not ebola. >> and liz understands the three taken out of school have no symptoms right now. but thoughts run through her head. >> did my kids play with them at recess, rub their sweaty arms together? >> the lack of information forces parents to play detective. >> were you asked if kids were missing? >> yes, they were asked if kids were missing. >> one or more could have been in class with your children? >> many hope the school privately informs families whose children were in the classes with siblings. analyst, the school is being cleaned. both sandy and liz say they will send their children back on monday. >> typically, dallas public schools have a 95% attendance
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rate, daily attendance rate. but we're told by school officials that the last two days at those four schools the rate has been about 85%. that is a decrease, but not a huge decrease. the reason we should point out, school officials tell parents that such absences are considered unexcused. >> they want to see the children back in school on monday. just ahead, we'll end on a happy note. anthony bourdain in a place called "the bronx." produces up here e energy bp creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america.
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little closer to home, the bronx. he sat down to talk with the world's least adventureous eater. >> the bronx, the episode coming up. you lived in new york all your adult life. >> how often do you go to the bronx? >> hardly ever -- it is one of the places in new york that has not gentrified the way other places have. >> every hipster has headed out to brooklyn, looking for you know, the new ethiopia restaurant that nobody has been to yet. queens has certainly been explored. why not the bronx? >> what kind of food were you eating? >> food from honduras, bangladesh, old school eastern
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european jewish. italian, it is a wonderland. >> man's it looks good. tune in for anthony bourdain "parts unknown" right here on cnn. that does it for this edition of "ac360." this is life, with lisa ling, starts right now. ♪ it's 8:00 in midtown manhattan, and these 20-somethings are getting ready for a party that could turn their lives around. >> i was a completely different person. >> in an hour they'll be surrounded by wealthy men looking to mingle, but it won't be your average hook-up. >> you make money, you have a beautiful girl. that's what the american dream is. >> women have a certain value, and this party, that's how you do it. >> for as long as anyone can remember, moneyed older men
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