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tv   New Day  CNN  October 7, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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is near death this morning, elizabeth, what do we know? >> what we know is that this, that duncan started receiving this experimental drug ten days after he became sick. now it may not sound like much, but that's quite a bit of time for ebola, which moves very quickly. his family is praying that the drug will still work. >> i consider this a top national security priority. >> u.s. efforts to keep ebola out of the country now ramping up. with president obama announcing the development of new screenings at u.s. airports to detect those who may be carrying the virus. >> the procedures and protocols put in place must be followed. >> what those protocols are, yet to be determined. a federal official tells cnn it could include temperature readings for passengers arriving from infected countries. this, amid a frightening new development, a spanish nurse's assistant becomes the first person to contract ebola outside
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of africa in this outbreak. the woman helped treat a spanish missionary and priest, both contracting ebola in west africa, and dying after returning to spain. an investigation now under way to find everyone the assistant came into contact with while contagious. this as thomas eric duncan, the ebola patient seen here when he arrived in dallas on september 20th, is being given an experimental drug called brincidofovir, originally developed to treat viruses like smallpox. he couldn't be given zmax, another drug used on two emory patients who survived. he remains in critical condition, but his family hopes for the best. >> we know he is going to be okay. after he receives the drops, he'll be fine. >> the fifth american to contract ebola, nbc camera m&a, ashoka mukpo strong enough to walk off a plane when he arrived in nebraska.
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>> in most cases, the symptoms tend to progress over a period of time. >> now 48 people who were contacts of duncan's when he was ill are being monitored by health authorities, that includes family members, hospital workers, ambulance workers, they'll be followed until october 19th, to see if they, too, come down with signs of the disease. allison? >> thanks so much for the update. chris? >> we're going to follow the cases we know about. and now information as well. let's bring in cnn aviation analyst, marian sciavo, alexander van tullican, director for international affairs. doc, you said on the show, this is going to happen. but we did not anticipate seeing another case of someone catching ebola from outside of africa, this nurse is in spain.
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she wasn't in africa. she was just treating someone with ebola. is that a new concern? >> i think this is something we definitely have to worry about. and what i mean by that is not the average person in the street should be panicked by ebola. if you're running a hospital, or an airplane or airport, you should have a i had high threshold for saying there are going to be more people coming in and we got to know what to do. it means drill, running every possible contingency. this means that there has been some failure. equipment has failed or some protocol wasn't followed. >> this isn't a sign of some type of mutation. >> the ebola will be mutating. what is the case with this strain of ebola, it is a bit more contagious and virulent than other strains of ebola we've seen. we don't know what that mutation is. and what we shouldn't be worried about, is that it's going to go
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airborne, no virus has ever changed its mode of transmission in all of human history. >> no virus has ever changed its mode of transmission in history. the idea of this going airborne, like h1n1, don't worry about it. >> that isn't the thing to worry about. what we should worry about is dealing with the ebola we know. and this kind of ebola definitely responds to these measures. >> we want to be prudent. but not panic. mary that takes me to you. the main argument of don't panic is seen in not banning flights to or from africa. west africa. which is where the united states is right now. the argument is this -- if you cut off the place, you isolate it, it makes it harder to treat things. we heard from the head of the cdc, you hurt their commerce, and that is going to just make things worse, not better. however, as you know, ten
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airlines have banned travel there what's your counterargument? >> well i think they banned travel because it makes more sense to stop the small population of transmission, rather than monitor a large population of potential exposure. the decision has been made, we're going to do the monitoring route, i think the problem there is that to me will spread more fear than just banning the flights and the travelers from the ebola-infected countries. but that being said, the nurse in spain is exactly the literally the example of why we have to have this screening. it's not just the first cases, it's not just the people with the ebola infection, it's those who can transmit it to others. the nurse case really explains why we have to have the screening in place. it's going to be harder than just banning the travelers from west africa, but it's very important. >> let's look at it logistically
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and in terms of its medical impact. do you believe that the faa, the tsa, the cdc, can they do this type of screening effectively because one getting through is too many? >> well you hit it right on the head there are so many agencies that are going to have to be involved first and foremost, the faa because they are the responsible agency for regulation of airlines. and the airlines are going to be very important. they're going to have to cooperate every step of the way and be trained. they're going to be the front-line responders. and an airline is trained to do things very fast, turn those planes around, get these people through this line. don't let them stand and wait. this is going to take a lot of dedication on their parts. and it's going to have to be the cdc to carry it out. the faa says it's up to the cdc. the biggest thing is to find the pen personnel to do this. we have 547 airports and 176 are
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international entry points. >> let's say we get the logistics down, they start pointing thermometers at your head and start taking temperature. is that worth it when you have this x factor of these 21 days, meaning, i'm in west africa, god forbid i get sick with ebola. i'm not showing symptoms, but i have it. i fly to europe, i fly somewhere else, i now come to the u.s. i'ming with the 21 days, you point the thing at my head, it says 98 degrees, i come in and three days later i start to show. isn't that the problem? >> first of all, you want people to be confident getting on planes. >> why would you be confident based on what i just said? >> anyone who doesn't have a temperature. is not contagious with ebola. >> what about three days later? >> very clearly to see what you're getting for your money. what you're getting is the confidence of air passengers they're not going to catch ebola off the person next to them. that's what we can prevent with
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the screening. what we can't prevent is people coming to the u.s. or any other city outside africa with ebola. we should be confident that this will happen again. we have to be prepared. i think it would be reasonable to say there are people in africa who will be seeking to get care in western hospitals. >> so if you don't have a fever, you cannot give me ebola. >> to the very best of our knowledge, that's true. and i think we can say that quite confidently. it's hard to be confident 100% in anything. that does seem to be true to the best of our knowledge. get off, everyone on the plane and track them all down. at that point, no one gets on planes any more. >> mary, look into your crystal ball, one of the titles is that you know how to read a crystal ball. when you look into it, what do you think happens with these screenings three months from now? >> well i think it's inevitable that some are going to get through. because you know, what's a temperature, what's a good read? i mean there are so many
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variables here. and i think what's going to happen is we're going to have a lot of false positives. we're about to hit flu season, there are lots who won't get their flu shots, there are people who are sick with fevers for other reasons, it will be the false positives that bog the system down. if ebola is not contained in africa, we will ban the flights that will be an easier option than this one. we're the united states, we don't always take the easy course, sometimes we take the hard one. for now this will help. i don't know if it will calm passengers' fears, we do have to find the people who are sick. >> the two key phrases to keep in mind as we analyze the screenings going forward is false positives and what you said, doctor, to the best of our knowledge. the gray area here is the probably the scariest. mary sciavo, dr. van tullekin, back to you. this morning, kobani, a key
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syrian town is on the verge of being overrun by isis, you can see it here on the map. on the border of turkey. fighters have planted two of their black flags at positions overlooking this town. cnn's phil black is live at the turkey/syria border. what's the latest? >> what we believe we are seeing across the border from here, are in fact coalition air strikes, the sounds of aircraft overhead followed by large explosions around the perimeter of kobani. the kurdish fighters in that city are resisting isis, they are thrilled. they believe that these are effective strikes that are hitting isis at the perimeters, of the city. and hitting them in ways that are really making a difference. for them, those kurdish fighters, this is important. because their situation is, increasingly dire. the facts on the ground suggest it is only a matter of time before this city falls. isis is in the city, there is intense street-to-street
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fighting. heavy casualties on both sides. they tell us isis still has superior numbers and more advanced weaponry and equipment, including for example, night vision equipment. but those kurdish fighters say they know the territory, that gives them advantage. they think they've still got thousands of fighters in the city. resisting, as desperately and strongly as they can. they know they can't hold out forever. they're asking for more help on the outside. believe if they don't get it, if isis wins, they say what happens inside the city will be a massacre. alison, back to you. >> let's go to michaela for the other news. >> the veterans administration is cracking down and firing four senior executives in the wake of the scandal over long wait times for medical care. these firings include directors of va hospitals in pennsylvania, and georgia. and a regional hospital director in alabama. these dismissals are the first since congress passed a law
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making it easier for the va to fire officials suspected of wrongdoing in that scandal first exposed by cnn. to hong kong, thinning crowds of protesters and government officials are keeping the door open for talks to end the standoff that's gripped the city. a far cry from where the two sides were just days ago when officials called the demonstrations illegal and pro democracy protesters threatened to occupy government buildings. a surprise move by the supreme court could pose a major setback to legal challenges against same-sex marriage. the high court decided not to weigh in on the debate, despite appeals from several states this move now clears the way for gay couples to legally wed in oklahoma, utah, wisconsin, indiana and virginia. those voice-activated devices that you use behind the wheel, they may distract you more than you think. studies out today from aaa and the university of utah show that voice activated smartphones and the ones on the dash board
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systems, they increase your chances of losing focus on the road. i could have told you that. the study find that they're more complicated to use than using your hands. i can attest to that as well two separate drivers trying to use siri while driving a simulator rear-ended another car. because you're getting -- it's not working and you're calling grandma and trying to call aaa and it's -- yes. >> are you a, i don't use anything ever when i'm driving? >> i don't drive now. >> that was a good comeback. >> you're supposed to put it in the glove compartment. you will touch it. >> you can put it in the boot of the car. >> the boot of the car, canada. what do you do? are you a hands-free-er? >> i try to resist it. except if the light is too long, i catch it then. is that allowed? >> i went up to connecticut, "consumer reports" and we tested
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these things. and i was like, listen, one thing i know how to do is drive. i was hitting everything that they put in front of me. everything that they wanted me to see, i didn't see. >> because you were distracted. even changing the radio significantly can distract. >> who in the car is a distraction? >> eating in the car is a distraction. >> so is putting on mascara. try it. >> like i don't know. all right. so latest on the front, in the war against terror here at home. a teenager arrested at chicago's o'hare airport. why? for trying to join isis. new details on how the feds napped him and what he thought he was about to do. plus president obama's former secretary of defense, leon panetta, with strong words for his former boss, criticizing his syria policy, his leadership, even saying he's quote lost his way. the two got bin laden together, so what's going on now?
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after allegedly trying to join isis. he is 19-year-old mohammed hamzah khan, and he was nabbed in chicago's o'hare airport. next stop was supposed to be turkey. what he thought he was going to do was equal parts naive and
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frankly shocking. we have complete coverage starting with cnn's ted rollins from the teen's hometown of bowlings brook, illinois. >> according to federal investigators, in the house behind me they found notes, drawing and a letter explaining why the american teenager wanted to leave his home and go to the middle east to fight with isis. according to investigators, 19-year-old mohammed hamzah khan was on his way to join isis when he was arrested over the weekend after going through security at chicago's o'hare airport in a three-page letter allegedly left for his parents and signed, your loving son, khan according to a criminal complaint, wrote that he was obligated to migrate to the islamic state and that he couldn't bear the thought of his taxes in the u.s. being used to kill his quote muslim brothers and sisters. the western societies are getting more immoral day by day
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he allegedly wrote. i do not want my kids being exposed to filth like this. investigators say khan was expecting that a contact he met online would meet him in turkey and take him to join isis in iraq or syria. but details about who bought his plane ticket and who he would meet were not revealed. relatives declined to speak outside the family home in the chicago working-class suburb of bowling brook. neighbors say khan lived with his parents and a brother and sister and spent time at an islamic center across the street. >> it's horrible, man. and it's in our back yard. you know, it's literally in my back yard and it's bad, it's bad. >> next-door neighbor steve moore said he's known the family for about two years. >> i was surprised. the kid was polite. you know, i didn't expect anything like that in the least bit. >> what's unclear is how the teenager was radicalized, or if his family knew what he was planning.
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the criminal complaint mentions pro isis writings and drawings found in common areas of the house. suggesting his views may have been known to members of his family. khan made an appearance in federal court on monday. members of his family were present, but had nothing to say after the hearing. and chris, khan is being held without bail, he has a detention hearing scheduled for thursday morning. chris? >> all right, ted, thank you very much. allison over to you. let's investigate this further with tom fuentes, a cnn law enforcement analyst and a former fbi assistant director and daveed ross, a senior at the fellow for the center of democracies, with you do you think the 19-year-old got a $4,000 round-trip ticket to turkey? >> we know that isis has a lot of money. we've heard about the income that they have had from selling oil on the black market. as well as ransoms being paid,
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especially by european countries for some of their hostages. they have money, they're paying their fighters various amounts in the field to fight and would have money to probably send to him and do it. they have quite a sophisticated logistical support network to get people into syria and iraq. >> so daveed, authorities arrested this kid at o'hare airport before he ever boarded a plane, which seems like great police work. how do you think he was even on their radar? >> that's a good question. it's most likely that he was on the radar because he was communicating online with basically someone who seems to have been a recruiter. someone who is referred to as the individual c in the complaint. if that's the case, the u.s. has excellent electronic surveillance and would have been likely especially if the communication was only crudely encrypted, to pick up on the discussion. >> the teenager left this note
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for his parents, he said he felt compelled to migrate to isis because he wanted, he said to do some kind of public service. he said he wanted to provide some sort of humanitarian work. over there. what part of the isis message is he missing? how could he, if he's online, think that they're doing humanitarian work, rather than their barbaric attacks? >> i don't know how he could possibly think it's humanitarian, you're right. you know what they, delusionally think in a situation like this, we don't know. isis, al qaeda, most analysts believe that the terror groups have killed about 85% of their victims being muslim. so including isis. if you're, yes, isis is going after yazidi and kurds and a few others, but their predominant victims, intentionally are shia muslims and then moderate sunni muslims are also considered infidels by them if you're going to join a group like isis,
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you're going to kill muslims. >> daveed, is it possible we're missing some of the message and this kid had it right, at least in the pr, in other words, the propaganda that they're putting out that they claim that you will get stability, you'll get family values, you'll be able to do important works. is that all online? >> yeah, they absolutely claim. that it's a group that has very mixed messages. in addition to seeing the photos of beheadings and other atrocities that they're committing. you can see photos online of them setting up for example, fun day for kids where they have inflatable slides and things like that. you also have a number of photographs and demonstrations of them carrying out charitable works, when khan is talking about taking part in humanitarian activities, he means it in a different way than we do him, most like loi given his radicalization, he thinks this harsh imposition of sharia law, in itself is a humanitarian good being given as a gift to
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the population. >> he was going to fly in and out of turkey. we've heard that westerners trying to join the fight are using turkey as the entrance point. is istanbul now a red flag for law enforcement here in the u.s.? >> i think so. you know, particularly you know, 19-year-olds don't typically take a vacation in istanbul. you know on a regular basis, this is what we're seeing is that many of the people that have gone to join have traveled through turkey to get there. and isis has again a logistical network set up there. once he's there, they'll arrange the transportation to get him into syria or iraq. >> daveed, quickly, is this kid going to get 15 years in prison? >> well 15 years is what is sought. often you'll have a plea bargain and he'll get some sort of reduced sentence, my guess is he won't get 15 in this case. >> great to talk to you guys. blistering friendly fire,
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the president's former secretary of defense calling president obama a complainer who has lost his way and that's not all that leon panetta is saying, the vice president's response to it, ahead.
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just about half past the hour. the white house is planning to ramp up airport screenings in the u.s., and west africa to try to keep another case of ebola from reaching our shores. this, as doctors in dallas are using an experimental smallpox drug to try to save the life of an ebola-stricken liberian man, thomas eric duncan remains in critical condition. meanwhile, a spanish nurse has become infected after treating two ebola patients in madrid. she is the first person to contract the deadly disease outside of africa. new details in a manhunt for suspected cop killer eric frein. authorities in pennsylvania tell cnn that a handwritten letter thought to have been written by frein details how he shot two officers then escaped. officials say the letter does not offer a motive in the shooting. they are unsure whether the letter was left behind on purpose or rather by accident. breaking news for you, this year's nobel prize in physics
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being shared by three scientists, two from japan and one from uc santa barbara who represented create an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly l.e.d. the committee says the trio succeeded where everybody else failed with the blue light emitting diode. another situation for apple, they find themselves in a hairy situation. yes, i'm talking about hair-gate. the phenomenon where the iphone 6 tends to catch the air when you're on it, and pull it. apparently guys are even, guys with beards, even saying the phone is doing a number on their stubble. the issue not surprisingly spotting these fake ads on the subject. some are saying it's all just a ruse. try to see if you -- apparently it's between the glass and the case. >> is this the 6? >> i brought it out as a prop. >> i was going to say -- >> i thought were you devoted to another maker. >> i am. >> you know what the problem is?
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>> i have no hair on my face, as an insult to ought italians. >> hello, boom. >> what people are laughing at are if you just used texts, you wouldn't have a problem. phones are so old-school if you're using them as phones. >> clearly it's not true. we'll have to commit it to science, meteorologist indra petersons, her map is swirling with colors. >> we're talk prg east to west. even the threat for severe weather into the northeast. we'll start with what's going on out west and keep in mind we have tropical storm simon out there. we have the concern that we could see some flooding as the system gets close near the desert southwest. all the way to the northeast. look at the elements coming together. we have the jet stream, we have the cold front, we have the low. we have the warm air. we know what that means, it's a concern for severe weather today. including new york city, guys, long island, down through atlantic city also including the threat for even an isolated tornado. something we're going to be
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seeing most likely through the overnight hours, 2:00 to 5:00 a.m. otherwise, mississippi valley, it's been busy, still looking at lightning and thunder throughout the day, heavier amounts of rain into your region. but temperaturewise, very easy to see where it's going to be cool and where it will be warm. to the north. close to canada, down to the south, definitely warm, easy to see the divide. notice the temperatures in minneapolis, 58 is your high, looking for mid 90s down south. just keep in mind tonight, more like tomorrow morning, we have the blood moon out there definitely send us pictures at cnn or between me, @indra petersons. >> the moon last night was also impressive. >> beautiful, big. >> it gets even better. >> red glow comes from light bent from all sunrises, sunsets on earth.
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>> going at it passing through the shadow of the earth. all the sunrises and sunsets at once make it look orange. a former top aide is turning on president obama. leon panetta, questioning the president's passion to lead, and insisting the commander-in-chief has lost his way. >> speaking of politics, bill clinton out on the hustings, hitting the campaign trail. does he still have the touch? can he keep a key democrat senate seat safe? ♪ there's confidence... then there's trusting your vehicle maintenance to ford service confidence. our expertise, technology, and high quality parts means your peace of mind. it's no wonder last year we sold over three million tires.
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the first four years in the time i spent there, i thought he was a strong leader on security issues. but these last two years, i think he kind of lost his way. you know, it's been a mixed message, a little ambivalence in trying to approach these issues and kind of clarify what the role of the country is all about. >> and that is the nice part from leon panetta.
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he has had some of the heaviest friendly fire that we've seen in the obama administration. this comes from a friend and a respected one at that. in new memoir, the former c.i.a. chief and defense secretary slams the president on iraq, syria and his stomach for leadership on foreign policy issues. >> coming up in our 8:00 a.m. hour, cnn's gloria borjer sit down with panetta. let's discuss it with kevin madden and cnn political commentator and democratic strategist paul begala, a senior voyeur to the super pac priorities usa action. gentlemen, thank you so much for being with us. kevin, let me start with you. panetta says that president obama lost his way. i mean panetta was a trusted insider, obviously this has to hurt the president. >> that's what is so difficult about this type of criticism. it's going to make it hard for the white house to dismiss, they're good at dismissing him when it comes to an obvious
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republican partisan. this is somebody who was inside the cabinet, well-versed in this president's approach to making decisions. so that is, that type of criticism from someone so close is really devastating for the white house to dismiss. it seems to me that panetta is making this criticism because he's a public servant. he believes that this type of information has to get out to the public. but secondly, it seems to me that he's trying to get the president to change his course. over these next two years. given that he's going to be, he's going to have to continue to face these decisions. >> kevin madden is loving himself some panetta this morning, begala, this is what his guys have been saying all along. it's better to hear it from the side he's actually attacking. yes, he's selling a book. yes, he's trying to define his legacy. this is someone who was heavily respected. put in key positions, you got iraq wrong, you got syria wrong. and the reason you got it wrong
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is you don't have the stomach for it how do you deal with that, mr. begala? >> i'm a little conflicted, leon is an old friend of mine, former colleague. i hope he sells a million books. i think if i were advising the white house, i think they're doing it i would say just lay low. hope some other news crisis takes it over. you don't want to attack a man like panetta who has got a great reputation. second, a man you had such confidence in his judgment that you you put him in charge of the c.i.a. and in charge of the pentagon. i would never advise them to go after leon. i think you can argue the merits of the criticism. but kevin is right, this is going to hurt, there's no fire like friendly fire. >> listen to this, this is one of the issues, the democrats and republicans have always sparred over and it's the status of forces agreement. why president obama didn't leave more u.s. forces behind in iraq and there's always been a debate about it. because the administration always said well al maliki wouldn't let us do it.
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in panetta's book he writes to my frustration the white house coordinated the negotiations, but they never really led them. officials there seemed content to endorse a agreement if state and defense could reach one, but without the president's active advocacy. al maliki was allowed to slip away. paul, i want to stick with you for a second. it sounds like he's agreeing with republicans' take on this. >> it does, i would like to hear from other voices involved in it. i do think it's wrong for americans to blame our country for al maliki's collapse in iraq. i wasn't there, i don't know. so this is again, it would be easy if it was kevin's old boss, mitt romney. i could say, it's politics, this is not there could be some bureaucratic cya, which is a technical term i learned when i was in the government. i think you got to take it seriously. i want to hear from other voices. i do think fundamentally maal maliki was a terribly flawed leader and that's why we don't have a status of forces agreement. >> let me try to prevail upon
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your sympathies for a moment here, do you remember leon panetta, being an outspoken advocate to keep troops in iraq? do you remember him being an outspoken advocate for really arming syria? for backing the president's decision or being against the president's decision to bomb in syria last year? >> well, i think that there are two ways that the defense secretaries do that they fight those battles internally, inside the administration and there has been reports, people have said that leon panetta was somebody who was a very active proponent of making sure we didn't pull out of iraq too soon. but then there's the public part of it and publicly, he has to remember, his job is not to set policy. but to execute on the policy that the president makes. think that's why you see this criticism now. i think that leon panetta believes as a public servant, it's important that the public knows about these internal debates and that it seems like he and other cabinet officials, even hillary clinton and even
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robert gates, have also tried to, tried to, it seems like they have tried to change the course of the president's decision-making by making these charges public. >> that's the nice spin. that's the nice timing spin. >> i want to ask paul, is this out of altruism and the goodness of his heart? why couldn't he have waited two years to write this book? >> we do what we do for a multitude of motives and leon is a very altruistism servant. i don't like these chris cal kiss-and-tell memoirs while the president is still serving. when i worked for president clinton, i don't know if you remember, there was this tiny little greek guy i used to work with. one of my very best friends, i didn't like it when george wrote a book attacking his former boss and mine, president clinton. and i didn't like it when scott mcclellan, bush's former press secretary, wrote a book attacking bush. >> usually you stick with your
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own until they're out of office, that's not that unusual. >> or even more, at least wait until the guy finishes his term or wait until he writes his memoir. >> that doesn't sell as many books, though, kevin. >> full disclosure, to begala's point. i criticized scott mcclellan as well when he did it think when leon panetta, the reason he's doing it is because of the nature of the threat we're choosing and the president just seems disinterested. he's too cautious, too academic to these threats and he feels he needs to change the course of the president's actions. >> he's hitting him with a jab and then a hook. he talks about hillary clinton. almost as a point of contrast, paul, right? i mean and she would be a good president, because she does, those clintons get things done. it was the one-two he's giving him here. >> this calls to mind my uncle george's rule, which is, god gave us family, so we wouldn't have to fight with strangers.
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i would hate to see the family fight going on here because the clinton wing and the obama wing. i don't think it's helpful, politically. >> the reason he can't go after him. he ran the c.i.a. and the pentagon -- >> he knows where paul lives? >> he knows where everybody lives and he's got to be respected. we're going to have later in the show, we're going to hear from leon panetta on the president's isis strategy. hear from him what the president got wrong, what he got right and what he believes needs to be done. it's a significant one-on-one interview with cnn's gloria borger. does bill clinton still have the magic touch? the former president hitting the campaign trail. can he keep a closely watched senate seat in arkansas from turning red in november? and these tougher screenings going to dom at the airports to try to keep ebola out. if passengers have still allowed to flight here from west africa
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is it going to make a difference? travel bans, some big airlines are doing them, certainly out of other countries, what about here? dr. anthony fauci from the national institutes of health joins us with that debate next. when it comes to good nutrition...i'm no expert.
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e financial noise financial noise financial noise financial noise
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chief business correspondent, christine romans in our money center, she knows what's going on with the markets. you've been cautious and, the waves are starting to pick up a little bit on wall street. >> it looks like a down day on wall street this morning, u.s. stock futures are lower. big decline in europe this morning. markets falling disappointing data out of germany. that's europe's largest economy. so some concerns about weakness in europe and that's spilling over here. a big banks may face another round of charges, "the new york times" this morning reporting that u.s. prosecutors aim to file against at least one bank by the end of the year. maybe more. the charges? they conspired with foreign banks to alter the price of currencies. more trouble for u.s. banks.
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and new york city is the most innovative city in america. a cording to a new project on cnn money that tracks urban innovation. also in the top five, boston, portland, chicago and detroit for the complete list, check out the most innovative cities at guys? >> thanks so much. former president bill clinton is heading home to arkansas or a rescue mission of sorts, he'll be headlining rallies and campaign stops to help top democrats in the state keep their jobs on election day. senior political correspondent, brianna keilar is in little rock with more. >> and president bill clinton! >> it's bill clinton's biggest mid-term push, a four-stop, two-day swing through his home state. >> ladies and gentlemen, the 42nd governor of arkansas, bill clinton. >> as republican challengers hammer democrats, as proxies for
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president obama, clinton is pushing back. >> they want you to make it's a protest vote. all three of their races they're saying you may like these guys, but you got to vote against the president, be faithful to the true heritage of your state. don't vote for what they tell you you have to be against, vote for what you know you should be for. >> your next word is prior. >> with obama's popularity hovering around 30% here, the gop and outside groups are capitalizing on it. >> prior, o-b-a-m-a. >> close enough. >> arkansas's november 4th ballot reads like cards from bill clinton's 1980s rolo dex. mark pryor, one of the most vulnerable democrats in the senate was just a boy when he first met clinton. >> can i get a selfie? right? let's do it! let's do it! >> former congressman mike ross now running for governor was clinton's driver when he ran for governor in 1982.
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these democrats are hoping droindroi clinton's popularity rubs off on them. a clinton endorsement is the most important democratic nod when it comes to running. >> the republican successes here are so recent that one cannot say that the worm has turned. the work is still alive. >> but the political climate is definitely trending red in this state. as democrats hang their hopes on an unreliable voting block. >> how do democrats win in arkansas? >> we need more of this. if young people vote -- >> these people will win. they got a good poll today. >> brianna keilar, cnn, conway, arkansas. so there you have it, bill clinton back in his home state, the people love that for sure. the impact? we'll see. >> he loves it. he loved being on the campaign trail. >> and hopefully they love him, at least for the senate democrat
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seat. one of the many stories we're following this morning. a lot of news to get to, so let's do it. >> as i've said from the start of the outbreak, i consider this a top national security priority. >> thomas eric duncan is now getting experimental treatment that doctors hope might save his life. >> we want to do anything possible to increase his chances of survival. a nurse's assistant in spain has become the first person to contract ebola outside of west africa. >> no one is safe in america, no one is safe anywhere else until that outbreak in west africa is gotten under control. >> 19-year-old mohammed hamzah khan was on his way to join isis. >> other americans that are being recruited. they've been trained to fight and kill and that's a serious situation. good morning, welcome back to "new day," i'm allison cam rota, joined by chris cuomo, great to be working with you. we begin with critical new developments in the battle
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against ebola. president obama promising enhanced new screenings for the virus at airports here in the u.s. and in west africa. no specifics, though, yet. as we learn more about the first person to contract ebola outside of africa. that's a nurse in spain. testing positive for the virus after treating two ebola patients in madrid. >> now in dallas, we're still watching the situation with mr. duncan. the liberian man infected with ebola, reportedly at death's door this morning. doctors are pinning their hopes on an experimental drug originally manufactured for diseases like smallpox. let's go live to dallas and bring in senior medical correspondent, elizabeth cohen. there had been talk, elizabeth, about where's the zmap, where are the treatments, how hopeful are they that this drug could work? >> as you mentioned they ran out of the drug given to other patients, there's, there's a tentative hope here, he didn't get this other experimental drug until ten days after getting
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sick. that doesn't sound like much, but for ebola, that's kind a long time. because the disease moves so quickly. his family is praying that it's still not too late. >> i consider this a top national security priority. >> u.s. efforts to keep ebola out of the country now ramping up with president obama announcing the development of new screenings at u.s. airports to detect those who may be carrying the virus. >> the procedures and protocols that are put in place must be followed. >> what those protocols are, yet to be determined. a federal official tells cnn it could include temperature readings for passengers arriving from infected countries, something that takes place now as passengers leave those countries. this, amid a frightening new development -- a spanish nurse's assistant becomes the first person to contract ebola outside of africa, in this outbreak. the woman helped treat a spanish missionary and priest, both contracting ebola in west africa and dying after returning to
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spain. an investigation now under way to find everyone the assistant came into contact with while contagious. this, as thomas eric duncan, the ebola patient seen here when he arrived in dallas on september 20th, is now being given an experimental drug called brincidofovir, originally developed to treat viruses like smallpox. duncan couldn't be given zmap, because there's no more left that drug was used on two emory university patients who survived. duncan remains in critical condition, but his family hopes for the best. >> we know he's going to be okay. once they're theeting him with the drugs, he'll be fine. >> the fifth american to contract ebola, ashoka mukpo, strong enough to walk off a plane from liberia. health officials at the nebraska medical center where he's being treated say they're preparing for the worst as the disease runs its course. >> we'll keep watching, the we hope the best for mr. duncan.
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in the spirit of optimism, elizabeth, what do we know about the contacts of mr. duncan? you said nine days is a long time for ebola, because usually it would show, it moves quickly. they haven't had contact with him for at least nine days and they're healthy. is this a good sign at least? >> you know what, chris, it is, actually a really good sign. so on average, people when they get sick, they get sick about eight to deny days after having contact with an infected person and it's been about nine days since these people have had contact with him. so they are getting out of that most dangerous period. now they will be followed for 21 days, just to be sure. but they are getting out. again as i said at that most dangerous period. chris? >> all right. elizabeth, thank you very much. we'll check back in with you. allison? >> joining us is dr. anthony fauci, the director of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases at the national institute of health. dr. fauci thanks so much for making time for thus morning. we want to start with the
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enhanced travel screenings that president obama talked about yesterday. he said he wants increased airport screenings at the source, and here at u.s. airports, can you help us understand realistically, what that would look like? at u.s. airports? >> sure. right now currently we have chas called exit screening, namely if you or i went to an airport in monrovia, liberia and we wanted to board a plane, we would have our temperatures taken and we would have a questionnaire that would ask certain questions like have you ever had contact with someone who you felt or knew had ebola. we don't have much at all what's called entry screening here. what the president was talking about was considering the possibility of giving an extra layer of entry screening upon arrival in the united states. what that would look like is under discussion. but likely retaking the temperature and asking some additional questions. so that you have screenings both at the exit and at the entry end.
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that's the thing that's on the table right now. >> the temperature is an interesting suggestion. because we've been told that if you don't have a temperature, you are not contagious. so if you get on the plane without a temperature theoretically everyone on board should be safe. even if you are somehow carrying already the virus. so what would taking the temperature at the tail-end do? >> well, that would close that gap of time that if you were negative or maybe mistaken temperature let's say at the exit level or even if it was quite correctly not febrile as you got on the plane. let's say you're coming from liberia, a typical pattern would be you would go from liberia to brussels, you would have a layover in brussels for a few hours and would you go from brussels to whatever airport in the united states. let's say dulles in washington, d.c. what we're say something that if in fact you at that point, that
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12, 13, 18 hours, however much it is to go through that trip, you start to develop a fever, you would be picked up. so it just closes that window of the time from getting infected, to having the first manifestation with a fever. it just adds an extra slight layer of cover for the asymptomatic period. >> that makes sense. then let's say somebody had spiked a fever during that time period, then everybody else on board is monitored? >> no. well -- if the person has fever, they have to have come into -- that means the person actually is now symptomatic. but if there is not direct contact with bodily fluids of the person. what you would do is that you would likely get the people on the plane and say, this person was on the plane, he had ebola. they document he had ebola. what you need to do is just have the contact of those people. so you'll get information for them. you won't quarantine them
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necessarily at all. but you say, what's your cell phone number, your home phone, where are you going to be for the next couple of days. you would let them go. >> you know, ten international airlines have now banned travel to and from i believe liberia and sierra leone. ebola-infected places. at some point, would that just be easier? >> banning? no. i mean i've said that many times. and other health officials have said, to shut off a country from in and out of passengers, would be nothing but counterproductive. i mean obviously you could understand how people think that that increases the safety. but that isolates the countries to the point where it makes it very difficult for them to control the epidemic. and if that happens, it will spread to other african countries and then you'll magnify the problem and make it even worse than it is. so virtually all health officials feel that essentially closing off a country is not a
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productive endeavor at all. >> okay. so let's talk about the nurse's assistant in madrid. who has contracted ebola. so let's assume that she was trained in all of the standard precautions that doctors and nurses are. how would she have contracted it? >> well obviously there was some breech bra etch in protocol and that happens. when you're taking care of someone in an intensive care setting, not everyone is perfect. there are protocols, that if you follow it carefully. you diminish greatly the likelihood that you're going to get infected. if you look where there are so many patients being cared for in west african countries, experienced groups like doctors without borders, very rarely, if ever, get an infection. but somehow protocol is sometimes inadvertently broken. and someone exposes themselves. >> if somebody is wearing a face mask, is this what protocol is, a face mask, protective gloves.
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is that how people are handling infected patients? or is it a full suit? >> it's a full suit. you've seen the pictures and everyone has seen the pictures of people caring for those who are infected. with ebola. and who are actually having body fluids that you could get exposed to. it's more than just goggles and gloves. it's a hood, it's a gown, it's a rubber apron that you put around, it's covering for your shoes. it's everything that can keep any splash of body fluid away from you. it's important to wear it. but it's important also when you take them off, to take them off properly. because it's conceivable, that you could be protected while you do whatever you need to do with the patient and then as you remove the protective material tlarks could be a point of vulnerability. we don't know how that nurse got infected. but obviously there had to be some likely inadvertent break in
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the protocol. >> last, dr. fauci, do we know the status of the nbc freelance photo journalist who is now being treated in nebraska, how his condition is this morning? >> i don't. i don't have knowledge of his condition. >> dr. anthony fauci, thanks so much for taking the time. you gave us a lot of great information, we really appreciate it. let's go over to michaela for more news. >> lots of headlines to get to. thanks so much, allison. new developments in the veterans administration scandal over the long wait times for medical care first exposed by cnn. four senior executives have been fired, including a regional hospital director in alabama. the firings are the first since congress passed a law making it easier for the va to fire officials suspected of wrongdoing. abortion providers in texas, they are appealing to the supreme court to scale back structure new regulations that they claim run constitutional. an appeals court ruling allowed
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enforcement of a state law requiring clinics meet hospital surgery standards. abortion advocates say the law serves no medical purpose and has left nearly one million women, hundreds of miles from the nearest clinic. a former top member of president obama's cabinet with harsh words for the president, in a new memoir, leon panetta served as c.i.a. chief and secretary of defense. lashing out. he says the president has lost his way. to hear more of what panetta had to say in a one-on-one interview in our next hour. the '90s, those of you who were of age to wash "the fresh prince of bel-air" will remember the carleton dance made famous by alfonso ribeiro.
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naturally, the video has gone viral. i want to use it as an opportunity here to -- i think i thought were you going to bust out. when you are known for something, you might as well embrace it as he has here. i'm not saying you got to bust out on the streets, every time somebody sees you, but i appreciate he can laugh at himself and know that this what people love about him. >> he's only gotten better. >> he raises an interesting issue -- when it comes to "dancing with the stars." >> does he now? >> a dissertation on this now? >> he can obviously dance. does that skew the competition when someone is actually dance-trained and they get in as -- >> i don't know that he's dance-trained, is he? >> i think he knows how to dance. i remember back in the day, they're like wow he can really move around well. does that skew your idea about who should win? >> it helps when you can dance. >> i'm saying, is it different between being a star who is just trying to learn how to dance --
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>> then could you make the argument that skaters have an advantage or a ballerina or a football player who essentially has to kind of -- fast beat -- >> i don't think a football player has an advantage. >> some would do who is the fellow that won? >> jerry rice won. emmett smith won. >> come on now. >> part of the reason they won is it seemed like they were overcoming -- >> chris is trying to distract us. >> it's like they tune you out. >> moving on -- >> did you say something? >> what drove a chicago-area teenager to allegedly try to join up with isis, that's say that's where he was headed when they arrested him at o'hare airport, we're live with details. go ahead and put your bag right here.
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welcome back to "new day," isis appears on the verge of a major land grab of kobani. a chicago-area teenage another allegedly planned to join isis is now in federal custody and faces up to 15 years in prison. cnn's ted rowlands is live in
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bowling brook, illinois with the details. >> mohammed hamzah khan was arrested at o'hare airport. after he was arrested, he did talk to federal officials and said he was planning on staying in the middle east indefinitely and fighting for isis. most of the information and evidence frankly against him at this point came from this home here, out in the chicago suburbs. that according to a federal complaint filed earlier this week. in this complaint it details a letter found inside the house, from khan allegedly to his parents which basically spells out why he would want to leave his home here in the united states and go to the middle east to fight for isis. he said you couldn't bear the thought of being 19 now and contributing to the u.s. tax system and having his tax money go to kill his quote muslim brothers and sisters. they also invited his parents to come join him. what is unclear, allison is who paid for his plane ticket and whether or not his parents knew that he had become so radicalized. he's in federal custody, he has
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a hearing later this week. thursday in chicago. >> chris? >> obviously that's lot of fascination about who this kid is and why he did it equally interesting is going to be how this investigation was approached and what the goal of it was, what it tells us about the threat here in the united states. let's get insight, shall we? mr. phillip mudd, former c.i.a. counterterrorism official. good to have you, professor mudd. tell me, how big a risk, how big a threat do you think this 19-year-old kid is? >> i know, chris, i'm supposed to be the guy who says this kid is a huge threat. you got to follow cases like this. i don't think he was and this is why. most of these kids, 19 years old at this stage are going over to places like iraq, turkey, syria. because they're very emotionally motivated. by joining a bigger cause. in cases like this he's going to go over and want to fight
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immediately and most likely he's not coming back, he's going to die. if he ever showed up back in chicago, i would have been worried about him. he would have gone over there and taken one in the head, eid be dead. >> very often when people come from america to join up with the cause, they're put on the front right away. they're put in the most dangerous situations right away. even though they may be muslim they're not southeast as trust worthy for a long time. so point taken. in terms of lone wolves and home-grown terror, is that why this investigation was sensitive. is that a major source of concern. >> you could talk about lone wolves, but there are some clues here that we haven't figured out and that is, this is a spider in the middle of the spider web. what you want to do in this case is put the kid aside, where did the money come from? who did he talk to online? you got to talk to the turkish service, who is he going to talk to when he got to the airport? he wasn't going to go there and make his way to the front line.
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there's about 15 questions you got to ask when this guy shows up on the radar and the identification of him and who he is is just the first step in the process. this is a group at the bureau who took him down. so i'm sitting here saying, game on, what's going on behind the scenes? that's the interesting story here. >> well let me ask you something, then, because my main question is why didn't they follow this guy? why did they stop him at the airport. why didn't they string him along and see where he went to get answers to many of these interesting questions that you raise? you can't do that chris, first of all, he's already violated a federal law, so he is going to prison. but the more interesting part of this is you're going to lose him if you let him go. so the choice is, do i take the money and run, or do i face the risk that he goes out there, maybe gets some false documents and shows up back in the united states and we can't figure out who he is any more? one of the interesting aspects of the case is they got him at
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the airport. why would you wait at the airport. two reasons, number one if you're a prosecutor, you want to say it wasn't just a kid looking at isis, it was a kid acting on his intentions, he was at the airport. second and final is, you want to map the entire spider web as long as you can. money, radicalizers, you want to wait until the last second before you take him down and spook the rest of the spider web. >> what insight does it give you into how the process works? he was given tickets from chicago to vienna and turkey and back three days later. he would have been radicalized there quickly and returned immediately? how do they radicalize them that quickly? or are they already half in the bag when they make the trip? >> i think there's a prospect that he was going out for some sort of radicalization. can you radicalize someone very quickly. i've seen it in europe and the united states. i suspect the story is different. that they chose a return ticket, because a one-way ticket open-ended for a single
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19-year-old kid traveling to turkey looks really suspicious. so someone who is smarter than this kid says we're going to get you a round-trip ticket, because the chance you're going to trigger somebody at the department of homeland security and transportation security to say something is wrong here is lower with a round-trip than a one-way. i don't think he was coming home. >> you got two competing interests here and say he's going to be put in a dangerous situation. the other side is somebody thought he was valuable enough to come up with this sophisticated way to get him somewhere else. what does that suggest? >> this is the same kind of model that we've seen in other fights and places like somali or yemen. you find somebody who has got some money. you find somebody who knows the radicalization and recruitment networks to take you through europe. it looks like one kid at a unique situation at o'hare airport, it's not. i looked at this and my first reaction is same stuff i saw in
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2006, 2007, 2010. wherever the fight is, there's going to be somebody behind the scenes, who has got the ideological commitment and money to find some stupid 19-year-old who is easily affected. it doesn't look much different to what i saw for years at the bureau. >> assuming it is isis, you said that the beheadings and all these other horrible things that they're doing would actually be a deterrent to recruitment over time. but this young kid and maybe as you say, many others are out there still feeling the need to join. are we too early in the process for all this ugliness to work against isis? >> we're too early in the process. let me differentiate between a fringe, like this kid, somebody who is easily influenced by ideology and the 99.9% who are sitting on the sidelines or starting to get into the fight. what i'm more interested in is not whether isis can recruit among fringe in places like
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germany or uk or chicago. i'm interested in when the 99.9, the sunni kurds and the those in anbar province start to say we may not like baghdad, or the government. but we're tired of these guys and we're taking fight to them. we're seeing it among syrian and iraqi kurds. the problem is that's going it take years to sort itself out because isis is pretty well funded and organized. >> as long as you have disenfranchised populations abroad you'll have a pool of potentials. professor mudd, thank you for the clarification and perspective. when we come back we'll talk about this breaking news out of spain as the first person to contract the virus outside of africa is identified there. how did this happen? and does it mean that the virus could be changing? we have a live report with those developments and moments. bill clinton back on the hustings in his home state of arkansas. he's on the campaign trail. trying to keep a key senate seat
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for the democrats, can he do it? >>
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. breaking nous out of spain, three people being monitored for ebola after a nurse assistant was diagnosed with the virus in madrid. she is the first case of the disease being contracted outside of west africa and diagnosed. spanish medical authorities are looking at 22 contacts made by that nurse who is diagnosed with ebola. the head of the hospital said
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today, that nurse had been treating a priest, two priests in fact. two of them had died from ebola. she had been treating them, been wearing protective gear. there's concerns as we mentioned from dr. fauci as he mentioned on the air, about how the removal of the protective gear goes in terms of how transmission could possibly in mistake, occur. but they're looking at 22 contacts of that woman who went on vacation, we're told she became sickened on that vacation, she's being treated in hospital. that's our breaking news from spain. we'll continue to monitor that as we get more information. calls for tighter security at sporting events after two brutal fan beatings in california on sunday. a san francisco 49ers fan hospitalized in serious condition following this an assault in a bathroom at levi stadium in santa clara. police have made two arrests, another incident. authorities are searching for three suspects who brutally beat a former lapd officer in the parking lot at angels stadium in
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anaheim following friday's playoff game against the royals, alex aredondo has been upgraded from critical to serious but stable condition. he is expected to survive. all right. check out this hard-hitting web video. a pair of kangaroos duking it out in the middle of the street. set to a a lovely lush soundtrack. the two kicked and punched each other for the better part of five minutes. >> those are people dressed in kangaroo suits. one youtube comment says they are just messing around. >> don't the males do this to vie from attention from the female roo or something? >> they're lucky they've got those big strong legs, you see the defense is terrible. all they do is hold their heads back. >> he's going to criticize the way kangaroos fight. what kind of defense is that? >> they have little t-rex arms, what are they supposed to do.
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>> i like how yahoo, said that's the most australian thing you'll see all day. >> the legs are no joke. but up top, the defense is lacking. >> they got to work the upper body a little bit more. >> we'll take you john king "inside politics," the defense up top was lacking. >> i got to go home now, that was our lead story. we could maybe in politics we should settle things like that. settle there's a segue there, i'm sure. >> good morning to you guys, let's go "inside politics," four weeks from election day, 28 days from today, you decide who controls the united states senate. a lot of governors races, house races, with me to share reporting and their insight, julia pace of "associated press," ron fournier of the national "journal," i met fournier back in 1991, when he was the a.p. guy in little rock, i was the a.p. guy covering bill clinton this guy is back in his home state, trying to save the
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democrats, there's a tough senate race that the democrats need to hold onto the senate seat. listen to bill clinton on the campaign trail telling people to vote and reject the republican argument. >> you cannot afford to do what their opponents want. they want to you make it's a protest vote. all three of these races they're saying you may like these guys, but you know what you got to do, you got to vote against the president, i promise it's your last shot. it's pretty good scam, isn't it? >> start with you, ron. usually i'm a ladies first guy. but does this make you feel yong or make you feel old? there's nobody like him, the raspy voice hasn't changed. >> covering him for as long as i have, i got paid for a advanced degree in politics, he's the best. he did a typical clinton. he took the best argument, the best argument that the republicans have against voting for democrats and he slowly took it apart. he's -- the master. >> the question, there's no question, let's show the pictures as we go through this,
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here's bill clinton on the rope line. he's taking selfies with people as he goes through. he came to age in the pre-internet days, i shudder to think about it. you see him on the rope line here shaking hands. and mark pryor, in the senate race, he takes a selfie with the candidate. anything you can do to get your name and face out there. jonathan martin, our "inside politics" friend has a great piece in "the new york times." sent this picture out, bill clinton posing with governor mike beebe, the current governor of arkansas, who is also quite popular with the cheerleaders and the mascots. the question is as ron says, there's nobody like him. he can generate a crowd, can he make an argument, can he change votes is the question. settle that's the big question. certainly they're hoping in arkansas. also kentucky, he's been on the rooed for allison grimes a couple of times, i think the
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argument that he made is actually very compelling, though. if you're the white house, you probably cringe a little bit. because eventually what he's really saying is you know, barack obama is not popular, but you have to put that aside, voters, you have to forget about the fact that he's not popular. i think ha can be effective for people who can say, i might not like barack obama any more. i may have changed my opinions on this white house, but i'm still a democrat, i believe in democratic values and i feel comfortable in taking this vote for whatever senate candidate. >> the democrat who is most relevant to that race is mike beebe, an incredibly effective democratic governor who all the democratic candidates are trying to tie themselves to. >> will we see it in two years when hillary clinton is likely running for president, does he have to step back to let her be presidential or like when we first met in early 1991, two for the price of two. they backed off of that argument because of popularity questions
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about her. >> we saw that in 2008. >> there's nobody like him. one of a kind on the trail. there was a great senate debate in another critical senate contest in colorado. politico's raj, who was the moderator. last week the president said i'm not on the ballot, but my policies are. his political team thinks that was a mistake. cory gardner, the republican candidate on the right seized on it. >> the policies of this campaign that are on debate now, the president just said it yesterday -- his policies are on the ballot. that's what we're going to be discussing today. the policies of the president. and the fact that mark yudall voted with him 199% of the time. >> congressman gardner has the 10th most partisan record. out of the mainstream and that's the contrast you have in this race. >> if you believe in republican moment numt mid-term year, cory
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gardner wins. if mark udall can get the obama base, it is one of the states, when you look at most of the competitive senate contests, you don't have a large african-american population. but you do have a growing latino population, suburban women. there's pieces of the obama coalition. the question is, can udall get them to vote? >> colorado is an interesting state, it's become the perfect battleground state in presidential elections, in mid-terms. what you heard gardner do is pick up on the obama line about my policies being on the ballot. the reason that makes the obama political team cringe is it's the exact counter to what bill clinton said. one of the interesting things to watch in colorado going to be hispanic turn-out. there's a sense that the hispanic community has a little bit less enthusiasm this time around mostly because obama is out sitting on the sidelines on the executive actions on immigration, not only does the hispanic community believe in very strongly. but it would be a motivating
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factor. something to bring them to the ballot box and give a stamp of approval to the democrats. >> republicans are in a ditch nationally when it comes to the latino vote. we've seen it in the last two presidential elections. one guy that a lot of republicans think could help with that. listen to jeb bush, listen to jeb bush urging latino voters, come to the republican side. [ speaking spanish ] >> people are going to look at this for two reasons. jeb bush's wife is colombian. his spanish is damn near perfect. does it help republican candidates this year in the races they use these spanish language ads, does it help them on the margins and is jeb bush trying to tell us something about his future. >> i think jeb bush understands more than any politician in the country, certainly more than any republican politician. that it's not just about
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speaking spanish or having spanish in your ads, that's seen as pandering. jeb bush has a record that appeals to hispanic voters on education, on bread-and-butter issues like the economy and education with choice. he understands that the republican party is in danger of being extinct in our lifetime. if they don't get right on immigration and bread-and-butter issues that appeal to hispanics. >> there's a lot of speculation about him right now because he's more visible. he's been visible in past campaigns, but didn't run for president, but because of 2016 and the crisis among republicans with the latino vote. he was in north carolina and then kansas and now cutting these ads, chamber of commerce ads they're airing for republican candidates. and? >> to be visible in had this kind of way in the lead-up to a presidential race, leads to you believe he's at least considering this strongly. the question, when, about jeb bush on immigration, education is even though his policies may appeal to a larger percentage of
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the country in a general election, can he get through a republican primary. >> republicans can't win the presidential election unless they take care of immigration. hispanics won't even listen to them. >> has education issues, governor bush feels strongly about. we'll see if he stays that way. as we get back to new york, jimmy fallon making notes of the national's lost a big game, they won last night. lost a big game in d.c. over the weekend. and jimmy fallon found it appropriate. >> on saturday, the san francisco giants beat the nationals, in washington. after 18 innings. ooh. 18 innings, the longest postseason game in baseball history. proving even in sports it takes forever to get something done in washington. >> the reason most things are funny, allison is because they're also true. >> yes that had more than a germ of truth to it, i believe. thanks so much. well airport screenings for ebola are being considered by president obama. we will speak with the former
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head of los angeles airport security, who has worked through the threats of swine flu and sars on how to deal with this. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern. ♪ who's going to do it? who's going to make it happen? discover a new energy source. turn ocean waves into power. design cars that capture their emissions. build bridges that fix themselves.
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welcome back to "new day," three new possible cases of ebola being monitored in spain after a nurse assistant was diagnosed with the virus there. contracted it in spain. now the fight to keep more cases of ebola out of the united states focuses on our airports. the white house says extra screening is being weighed now. so what new procedures could be put into place, the bigger question, could they actually work? we want to ask randy parsons, the director of security for the port of long beach in california and spent 20 years at the fbi before a tenure at the tsa federal security director for los angeles international airport. he's up early for us on the west coast. randy, thanks for joining me. i want to play awe little sound about what the president of the
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united states said about the ebola crisis. take a listen. >> i know that the american people are concerned. about the possibility of ebola outbreak. and ebola is a very serious disease. the ability of people who are infected to carry that across borders is something that we have to take extremely seriously. as i've said from the start of this outbreak, i consider this to be a top national security priority. >> a top national security priority. randy you've had your share of outbreaks, you've had to deal with as the head of l.a.x. how do you feel about the president and how responds to the crisis? >> i think ha we're hearing is drently on point. we hear that the government is moving with a sense of urgency, but not a sense of panic. it helps a little bit. we've been down this road before with h1n1, sars, so we do have
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some experience with it. >> a keer here with h1n1 and sars, is a coordinated effort on behalf of all of the agencies, the administration, the government, correct? >> that's correct, yeah. >> so let's talk about this -- go ahead. >> i was going to say, what you just mentioned, collaboration, is the key. the key words are collaboration and information. and from past experience those are a couple of areas where we've really improved with some new partners. airline security, maritime security, it's been typically focused on explosives and weapons. this is kind of a new playing field for us. we've learned to establish points of contact. that are routine with centers for disease control state and local health officials. so it's a new playing field. but we have some familiarity. >> give us a sense of that, i
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think the american public is needing some comfort in knowing that the agencies are well equipped and have a plan in place. you said that in a way this is new territory for us. we haven't dealt with a disease that is so highly contagious, like ebola. given with a we have learned in the past, give us some insight into how the presences are. >> the preparations have been more robust planning for this kind of event. and the plans talk about such things as how do we identify potential problem travelers, whether it's tsa for example, our mission is observe and report. they're not medical professionals. they do have a sense of what might look a little odd at an airport. and if they do, knowing about symptoms is helpful. knowing who to call. is a key and who the response agencies are going to be.
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and what their parrot kols are going to be at an airport. >> you talked about the fact that they have to watch and understand and have a gut feeling about what could appear wrong. when you think about the airport. so much of this relies on self-reporting and you know how we humans can be. >> it is, it's a balancing act and it's not unfamiliar in the airport environment, either. something like this, it is different from h1n1. and we all know we're global travelers now and what can be brought in to an airport can be pretty scary stuff. so knowing how to handle travelers and we're the united states. so typically, we don't pluck somebody out of an airport, sequester them, quarantine them, take them into custody. sometimes in a situation like and your program mentioned it
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earlier, some of the busiest airports are international travelers. health professionals can be prestaged at those locations to help with triage when reports of potential troubled passengers. >> one final question for you, i'm curious what your stance is on all-out ban for flights coming from west africa, dr. fauci, the head of the nif said he essentially sees that as counterproductive. it would isolate nations and potentially magnify the problem. do you agree with him or do you support a ban? >> i can tell you it's very difficult to do something like that. again, for me, that's a medical call. and quarantining and banning travel to a specific location. you do have to put that on balance, with as i said, we're global travelers. people from these countries have already been all over the world.
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so this is a global issue and a global problem, that we've got to go to our plans, we've got to look at how we drill and we exercise and we've got to implement the things that we know to date. the other key piece to this and i believe the government is doing this, disseminate information, not just to health professionals and our partner countries. but to the traveling public. really it's a fear of the unknown, that can have a negative impact. so getting the information that we do have out, as quickly and completely as possible, is critical. >> key to this issue for sure, randy parsons, joining frus california. thank you for your expertise, we appreciate it. we want to tell but the friendly fire of the worst kind comes from a respected friend. former c.i.a. director and defense secretary leon panetta coming at president obama in his new memoir on key foreign policy decisions. our gloria borger picks his
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brain, ahead. and woe canada. a patriotic wipeout going viral. what this guy says we could all learn about going down singing. ♪ ♪ meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only a! la quinta! ring ring! ...progresso! you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well vegetables... shh! taste better in our savory broth. vegetables!? no...soup! oh! soup! loaded with vegetables. packed with taste.
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as the old adage says, the show must go on, that was certainly the case for one skater in canada who fell down, whoops. >> whoops. >> while performing the national anthem on ice. it's not the first time, jeanne moos has the highs and the lows.
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>> reporter: mark donnelly was doing what he always does, singing canada's national anthem at a hockey game. ♪ o canada >> reporter: when he found himself skating on thin carpet. ♪ our home and native land true patriot love >> reporter: true to his nickname mr. o canada, mark kept swinging, leading some to sing his praises, a lesson in showmanship. >> the carpets were supposed to be up by the time i started skating around. >> reporter: did it hurt? >> i landed pretty hard on my left knee. >> reporter: but nothing a little extra strength pain reliever and icing couldn't cure, though he did have to skip his own hockey league game, he plays goalie. even his chair almost fell. >> whoops. >> reporter: as he sat down for our interview, an icy fall hasn't gotten this much attention. ♪ >> i'm sorry. >> reporter: since a canadian
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singer forgot the words, left and then came back to her downfall, twice in recent years we've seen miss usas hit the deck. we've seen jennifer lawrence trip over traffic cones and conan o'brien bang his head while racing actress teri hatcher, conan suffered a concussion, pion say caught her heel in her hem and took a dive but like a diva came up swinging her hair. even lulu bell the camel fell into the pews at a christmas pageant rehearsal and when carmen elektra went down on the runway her would-be rescuer also wiped out. mark thinks there's a message in his mishap. it could have been worse. there could have been a lot more of mark to fall. he used to weigh 370 pounds, then managed to lose more than half his body weight. >> if i went down, i don't think
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i would have been coming up. >> reporter: perseverance and weight loss, perseverance in performance, that's what mark hopes will be the takeaway from being taken down. do you have a message for the guy who laid the carpet? >> thank you. >> reporter: jeanne moos, cnn. ♪ true patriot love >> reporter: new york. ♪ in all thy sons command >> great message, perseverance. >> you have to honor the hair. >> he did have the business up front. >> that's not hockey hair, that's just long hair. >> it looked like it was up over his ears. falling is funny, that's what the title of that piece should have been. you don't like it because you don't want people to get hurt. i never saw the video of conan, that looks scary but falling is funny. >> and getting back up divine. >> i do it every day. >> that's terrible. we'll be talking to you about these new and possible cases of ebola emerging from spain, where a nurse wassing
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canned diagnosed with the virus. the u.s. is implementing measures to keep ebola from entering the u.s. again. and harsh words for president obama from leon panetta, what he has to say about the president's foreign policy in a one-on-one interview you don't want to miss. ... but i don't want to talk about "regularity." i don't even want to even think about the "r" word, much less say it. benefiber conveniently helps support good digestive health and... maintain the "r" word.. benefiber is clear, taste-free, and dissolves completely. you know what benefiber tastes exactly like when you put it in water? water! the only way you'll know you're taking fiber is by how great you feel. and by how little you're thinking about the "r" word. benefiber. now available in stick packs. the setting is perfect.
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[ --ecaptions by vitac --pak via fwww.vitac.comsaver® stopping the spread. president obama announces new steps to keep ebola out of america. what will these new screenings at the airports be and will they be enough, this as the deadly disease infects someone outside of africa for the first time. we have the very latest. speaking out, president obama's former secretary of defense, leon panetta, goes one on one with cnn, what he says the president got wrong on iraq and syria and the new criticism he levels at his boss. happening now, isis on the verge of taking a key syrian city, as we learn new details about an american teenager arrested for trying to join the terror group. what was he planning to do? >> your "new day" continues right now.
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>> announcer: this is "new day" with chris cuomo, kate bolduan, and michaela pereira. good morning, welcome back to "new day." it's tuesday, october 7th, 8:00 in the east. joined my alby alisyn camerota. new person in spain first to contract the disease outside of africa as the u.s. is weighing tighter screenings at airports to keep another case of ebola from entering the united states. we have complete coverage so let's begin in madrid with al goodman. al, we want to distinguish between possible cases and people known to be infected but what's the latest? >> hi, chris. we're at the entrance to the carlos federal hospital for infectious diseases where this nurse's assistant is now a patient with the ebola virus. she used to work here on the
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medical team that took care of two other ebola patients. they got the disease in africa. spanish missionaries, came back here, one died in august, another one in late september. she became ill shortly after that, did not immediately go into hospital but that has now happened in the last day or so. in terms of the other potential cases you just mentioned officials here saying three other people are in hospital, two considered suspicious cases, one of those is the husband of this nurse's assistant, another is a man who recently traveled to spain from africa, and the third is another nurse who worked on that medical team for those missionaries. now, there are about 50 people overall under observation who have contact with this nurse's assistant between her medical colleagues and other people that she knew and was close to in madrid. officials here saying that all of the proper procedures were followed but certainly some health care unions and many people in the public are saying something went terribly wrong here. chris? >> there's obviously a learning
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process involved, al, you can only do so much. nothing is 100%, but a tough reminder of how difficult this disease is that the two people the nurse was working on both lost their lives and another nurse involved. we'll monitor the situation. al, thanks for the reporting. alisyn? >> the screenings will involve airports in major american cities as well as west africa. elizabeth cohen is live from dallas where doctors are treating that liberian man with an experimental treatment. tell us more, elizabeth. >> reporter: it will be interesting to see what the u.s. comes up with. more than two months ago a spokesman was saying people were being carefully monitored as they came in from airports from west africa. my experience and others that wasn't the case, we weren't carefully monitored at all, let in with basically no screening at all. screening could range from being asked were you in contact with anyone with ebola to actually
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having your temperature taken to having a team of nurses looking at you to see if you appear ill because well people don't always tell the truth so right now we don't know what form it will take. we who ento hear from the white house from the customs and border protection folks soon. >> thanks so much for that update. let's bring in the chair of the department of preventative medicine at vanderbilt university, dr. william schatner and cnn national security analyst and former bush homeland security adviser fran townsend. when we get information we have to match it up with perspective. the first idea to bring up here, doctor, is the idea of the disease spreading outside of africa. obviously we're hearing about what's going on in spain. what does it mean to you that a nurse there who was treating somebody with ebola wound up catching the disease? now there are other potential cases. does that mean this virus is mutating? is this just about the gaps in
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safety protocol? >> it's more likely to be gaps in the safety protocol, the infection control precautions. health care workers are at great risk when they take care of patients with ebola. we anticipated from time to time there may be one or perhaps even a few more cases of transmission in the united states, in western europe from patients with ebola during health care to their health care providers. that's a possibility. >> fran, tell us what's going on at the white house this morning when they get the news there has been this case now in spain, contracted outside of africa. >> well, look, the president and the white house were clearly anticipating this move. they understood this was likely to happen because of global travel and the exposure, and so what they're talking about now is this global screening both at the point of exit, that is from an exit from a contagious area and at the point of entry. the problem is, and you'll hear
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dr. tony fauci, somebody who has advised multiple white houses talks about it closes at least a little bit of the gap and will help you identify those during that period of travel maybe 18 to 20 hours have begun to exhibit symptoms but it's not foolproof, right, because if you managed to enter before you are asymptomatic and don't have a fever you'll still get in. you're trying to mitigate the risk of further spread but it's not foolproof and americans ought to understand that. >> it's far from foolproof and almost to the point being more cosmetic than it is a practical thing. the practical thing, doctor, would be treatments and vaccines. we novak seens take a longer time but you know, we're out of zmapp, okay? now they're trying an experimental drug on it. where are we in terms of knowing what may work against ebola? we've heard about someone using an hiv drug in africa, maybe with success in a couple of cases. what do you know? >> the first thing i'd like to
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do is reinforce the fact that screening is a need until a haystack activity and as tony fauci says, it's not foolproof. we all ought to understand that. in the meantime, research on treatment, research on vaccines is mushing ahead absolutely as rapidly as possible. we have nothing definitive yet but a number of products are being evaluated clinically, as we speak, and we all have our fingers crossed that in the next several months, we'll know much more both about treatments and vaccines, do they work and are they safe? both of those have to be determined, of course. >> doctor, i want to stick with you for a second about that pipeline that you're talking about, how it might take several months but one of the drugs in the pipeline i believe an experimental drug is bricidofovir. >> that's an anti-aids drug. >> that would do what for ebola? >> well it's designed to
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interrupt its multiplication in the body and so as with aids patients, that would slow down the progression of the disease. i'm not sure that's going to work and neither are the people who are trying it. >> so what can we do? first let's take one step backwards, fran? should we be doing anything? how much of this is false panic, how much of this is something we have to deal with because you have two different sides. one is this is fine, you can't catch this, it's very hard. there will never be an outbreak in the u.s., we're too good at fighting it and the other side is don't let people travel from that part of the world into the u.s. until you have it under control. where do you fall? >> as in most things, chris, i think what you're going to find is the truth is in the middle. you can't do nothing, be like saying we're not going to try to prevent the next 9/11 because it's so unlikely they're going to knock down another building. you don't not do something because it's hard or may not
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produce the results you want. on the other hand people have to understand as the doctor describes how does this actually mutate, how do you catch it? it's not an airborne virus like h1n1 which is easily gotten and can mutate easily. this is by body fluids, much more difficult to catch, likely a slower spread but i think we can't be unrealistic that because of global travel you are going to see cases here but we do have kind of the protocols and the medical capability in place that we ought to be able to with the right process contain. >> not just that, seems like one of the places we could be most effective is our troops in liberia, helping them get organized enough to figure out how to dispense all of the needed equipment and everything. >> not only that, alisyn but because the army medical research infectious disease collects samples there, that allows researchers to get the right drugs to be effective against it. >> fran townsend, dr. william
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schaffner, thank you for the information. over to michaela. thanks so much, let's look at your headlines at eight minutes past the hour. despite coalition air strikes, cobabbie is in danger of falling into isis hands. more than 00 fighters and civilians from both sides have been killed in the battle for kobani, this according to a human rights group. back here at home a chicago area teenager is facing up to 15 years in prison for allegedly trying to join isis. 19-year-old mohammad hamzakhan was arrested at chicago's o'hare airport. two planes clipped each other as the aircraft were taxiing on the runway in ireland. one of the wing tips of the airplanes seen lodged into the tail of the other plane. thankfully no one was hurt. officials say the incident caused minor delays at the airport there in dublin.
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quite a strange discovery in new york central park, a bearcub was found dead in the city's famed park. the question now is, where did it come from? a dog spotted the carcass of the animal under bushes monday morning. officials at the central park zoo are sure the cub did not belong to them. police say the three-foot cub showed signs of trauma. they're not sure if it wandered into the park which begs many questions to be asked or if someone perhaps dumped him there. i have to show you this, the most special walk down the aisle for a bride in iowa, 26-year-old woman is paralyzed from the waste down after an accident but underwent intensive therapy and determined to use a brace specially designed to go under her wedding dress. she said she wanted to fulfill her childhood dream and commitment of walking down the aisle with her dad. it turned out to be a beautiful surprise for everyone at the
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wedding. she and her father worked very hard to make that happen. how beautiful. >> it's wonderful, what a great story. >> we needed to show that to you today. >> what a special day. jafaloni, great name. >> thanks so much, michaela. leon panetta attacks obama in his new book on foreign policy and leadership. find out what else he has to say about the command in a stunning one-on-one interview.
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welcome back. president obama is getting criticized from a former top member of his cabinet. in his new memoir "worthy fights" former cia director and defense secretary leon panetta criticizes the president on foreign policy and leadership style. he's just the latest former obama staffer to vent after leaving the president's administration. chief political analyst gloria borger had a chance to sit down with panetta to get more insight. what an interview. >> well, he's a fascinating character particularly now that he's out of the administration and the washington power grid, leon panetta was among the biggest players in this obama administration and he's now written this memoir that is full of respect and administration for his former boss, but also contains some very blunt criticism. i asked panetta about the war against isis and whether the president should have ruled out ground forces. >> i take the position that when
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you're commander in chief that you really ought to keep all options on the table, to be able to have the flexibility to do what is necessary in order to defeat this enemy. but to make those air strikes work, to be able to do what you have to do, you don't just send planes in and drop bombs. you have to have targets. you've got to know what you're going after. to do that, you do need people on the ground. >> panetta argues president obama is making up for lost time and going after isis now, because of the complete withdrawal of u.s. forces from iraq in 2011. would isis be as much of a threat today, had we left some force behind? >> i do think that if we had had a presence there, it might not have created the kind of vacuum that we saw develop in iraq. >> blames former iraq ear prime minister nuri al maliki and a passive white house. you describe a white house that, and this is your word that
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"frustrated" you, that didn't use the "leverage" that is your word, too, leverage that we had in the united states to try and keep a force in iraq. >> what i'm saying that maliki was the kind of leader that you had to constantly put pressure on to direct him in the right direction. we had with iraq made a commitment with regards to military assistance, f-16, fighter planes, other types of military aid, that i think if we had said, look, you know, if you're not going to give us the agreement that we need to maintain our force there, you know, we may not provide this kind of assistance. in other words -- >> a threat. >> trying to push him, of course. you need to threaten guys like that who won't come along, and everybody knew that. >> but you wrote that the president's active advocacy was missing. so are you saying he didn't give it the push?
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>> i think the kind of push and direct involvement that i think would have had an impact simply never developed because the sense was if they don't want it, then why should we want it? >> panetta describes a similar scenario on the question of arming the syrian rebels in 2012. as defense secretary, he made the case to do it, as did most of the national security team, but the president never signed off, arguing the weapons could wind up in the wrong hands. >> it's understandable, but at the same time, if we're going to influence the rebel forces, if we're going to try to establish a moderate element to those forces that it was important to provide this kind of assistance in order to have some leverage over what they were going to do. >> reporter: there was honest disagreement, but then -- no decision. >> to a large extent it wasn't that the president kind of said no, we shouldn't do it.
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the president kind of never really came to a decision as to whether or not it should happen. >> reporter: what do you mean, never came to a decision? >> i think it basically sat there for a while and got to the point where everybody just kind of assumed that it was not going to happen. >> reporter: is that the right way to do things? >> i think it would have been far better had he just made the decision we're not going to do it, so that everybody kind of knew where we stood but we all kind of waited to see whether or not he would ultimately come around. >> reporter: and? >> and it didn't happen. >> reporter: and you talk about hesitation and half steps. is that what you're referring to? >> yes, i mean it was that kind of just hesitation to really, you know, do what needed to be done. now, you know, don't get me wrong, i think he was very strong in terms of the war on terrorism, and he made some tough decisions, but there were these decisions that basically never were confronted that i think in many ways contributed to the problems we're facing
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today. >> reporter: finally the president is taking action, panetta says, albeit a bit late. >> made the decision to put troops on the ground in iraq to try to help the security forces. he's made the decision to arm and train rebel forces in syria, and he's made the decision to conduct air attacks. so in many ways, he's made the right decisions now. i think those decisions should have been made two years ago. >> reporter: the portrait panetta sketches of barack obama sometimes looks more like a professor than a president. >> he relies on the logic of his presentation, the hope that ultimately people will embrace that logic and then do what's right. you know what? in 50 years my experience is, logic doesn't work in washington. you got to basically go after people and make them understand what they have to do, and that means you create a war room, you go after votes, you have to push people. >> reporter: so did you have a sense that the president found that distasteful or that it wasn't something he wanted to do, or was comfortable doing
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or -- >> i think it offended him that people would not really get serious and work on the issues, and i think as a result of that, he just felt, you know, how can i deal with people that simply won't want to do the right thing for the country? well, the reality is, if you want to govern in this country, you have to deal with people you don't like. >> and you have to keep your word, which, he argues, the president did not do when syria used chemical weapons against its own people, violating the president's clearly drawn red line. >> the president very clearly should have said you have crossed that red line and we're not going to allow that to happen and i think initially my sense was they were going to do exactly that, but somehow they backed away from it. i think that was a key moment in time in terms of sending a message to the world that there was a question mark as to whether or not the united states
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could stand by its word. >> pa net ta tries to reconcile the president who vacillated over syria with the decisive obama who gave the bin laden raid a green light. >> a president that made the decision to go are bin laden and made a gutsy decision to do that, and i really respected that decision. i just could not have imagined him not making the same decision when it came to credibility of the united states on drawing that red line in syria. >> reporter: to no one's surprise, the white house has not warmly welcomed this version of history. >> former administration officials as soon as they leave write books which i think is inappropriate, but anyway. >> reporter: does he have a point there? >> you know, i'm of the view that you don't put a hold on history. history is what it is. you know, and i would say right now, i recommend the president and vice president biden take the time to read the book, because i think you know, when
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you read it, it's a pretty balanced presentation of what happened. >> wow. gloria, what an interesting window into the president's decision-making or lack thereof. i mean it's the first time we get a real primary source about how those things were being considered in the white house. >> well, and i think pa net ta himself is conflicted. he thinks the president made, for example, as he pointed out on osama bin laden a tough call, he was getting conflicting advice on that and he made what pa net ta calls a very gutsy decision. on the other hand he says on the red line in syria, he was kind of scratching his head saying you know, you drew a red line, you stepped up to it and then you kind of backed away and that damages american credibility. >> i know everybody's going out of their way to say he's a veteran and respectable he is, we did the interview with the president about the crossing of the red line. he started his position we don't know what happened yet and within three, four days he said
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he was going to bomb. it's not somehow they backed away. congress wouldn't support him. >> that's right. >> and a wake-up call to america, congress declares war, not the president. that's how that happened. >> and i think, and i think pa net ta's answer to that would be that pa net ta's answer to that would be the president's leadership style is not go to congress, saying i need this, you have to do this for me and perhaps more with the give and take on congress. pa net ta was also chief of staff to bill clinton and we chatted a little bit about the difference between bill clinton and barack obama, and bill clinton was somebody who loved the combat of politics, and was right in there cutting deals, telling you why this deal was good for you, right? this deal is good for you, and president obama doesn't do that. that's not his style. >> that is certainly ruffling feathers but axelrod over the weekend, pa net ta doing this. he's a sitting president with
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two years left in his term, it's interesting to see the timing of this. you brought that up. >> right, and there are people in this administration who are very upset about this, because this president does have two years left and you know, this is not the first book that's been written, his former defense secretary gates also wrote a book, so i think they're feeling just like joe biden is, you know, why didn't you just hold off a little bit and wait. >> great interview, thanks so much for sharing it with us, gloria, great to talk to you this morning. >> a lot more than just the president and the vice president will be reading the book, that's for sure. always good to have you here, gloria. >> thank you. we've been covering ebola for you all morning and now, we have to kind of get a little perspective on it. first there were no measures being taken dwensagainst ebola e airports, now they're saying we should have extra screenings. what about banning travel all together from the ebola hot zones? other big carriers are doing it out of other countries.
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officials here say it's not a good idea but one congressman has a different idea he says will be very effective, we're going to talk to him about it. and the terror in the homeland an american teenager charged with trying to join isis. we'll have a live report from his hometown.
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i know that the american people are concerned about the possibility of ebo la outbreak and ebola is a very serious disease and the ability of people who are infected to carry that across borders is something that we have to take extremely seriously. as i've said from the start of this outbreak, i consider this a top national security priority. >> according to polls only about a third of you believe there's a very good chance that you could or someone you love could get ebola, but the numbers are moving and that's why president obama is saying all hands are on deck against the virus, but is enough really being done specifically at the airports? there are now plans for
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additional screenings taking temperature of certain passengers, we're not sure how they're going to do that yet but what about just banning travel from the hot zones all together? let's bring in congressman tim murphy, chairman of the house energy commerce and subcommittee oversight on investigations. he's called a hearing on these very questions, what are you look fog find out, congressman? thank you for joining us on "new day." >> good morning, well we want to find out what sort of things the cdc will really do to help protect the american public. few years ago the cdc asked for the authority to have some quarantines of travel from countries specifically looking at the ebola virus, and now they're backing away from that. it doesn't seem to make sense. recent investigations that i conduct with the cdc looked at their sloppiness in handling the anthrax in their laboratories and a couple years before that they said they'd make some changes and they didn't. right now the public is concerned about how the cdc is handling this. i should say dr. frieden has said if we restricted flights to
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and from liberia that would harm things. no one is saying you shouldn't be able to fly supplies and medical equipment in, et cetera, but this idea they have of saying if we just take people's temperature at the airport, it will be enough, well that's not according to cdc's own information that it could be incubeating for 21 days before you see signs and symptoms so simply asking people to tell the truth, have you been near ebola and what's your temperature now i don't think is going to be enough. >> so let's unpack it a little bit. mr. duncan in dallas, we want him to get better obviously but he lied, says liberia, on his form so there is that factor that you have to deal with and the legitimacy of who you get to screen. we'll look at passports. we don't do that well now but then if we do identify it, we'll take the temperature, you mentioned the incubation. it does seem that screenings while it's something may be more a band-aid than anything else maybe at best, agreed? >> agreed. well that reminds me of the old way they used to screen you at
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the airport saying anybody could put a bomb in your luggage and that won't work and let's face it, chris, who can blame someone for lying to get into the united states to have their possible ebola treated? there could be more sophisticated verbal screenings, ask for questions. the ids israelis will interview at the tel aviv airport to get more information from you, do a little more screening and in some cases people have come from africa, you have to put them in a holding period for a few days to check them on this, do regular temperature taking. once they come to the united states and trying to keep track of everybody you have had contact with that's a grave concern and something even the cdc says can be pretty daunting, so why put the american public at that risk? we want to know what they intend to do. >> here is the pushpacback, fro them, one, you are pretending that this is something that it is not, the chance of getting it is so small that you don't want to do something too extreme especially if it creates more of
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a problem down the road like isolating these west african countries. the risk doesn't justify that type of potential xenophobia and closing off of areas. >> they set up a phony argument. no one is saying restrict travel into this country. we're sending 3,000 american soldiers in there to help. we're sending health workers in to help and we want to and should help because that's the place you need to contain this and the president said this is a security risk, it's serious, this is the highest priority, so you can't say it's very serious on one hand and dismiss it on the other. it's pretty clear by what epidemiologists tell us that simply saying take a temperature and ask questions is going to be enough, that will not be enough. >> so you've come out in favor of imposing travel restrictions from these countries that are suffering the outbreak right now. what do you do about the fact that you don't have to come here
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directly from west africa? you could go somewhere else and come here. that's what people would naturally do if they want to come to the united states for treatment or for whatever reason it's easy enough to circumvent a direct restriction. >> there's technology available to ask people questions on more serious ways and train workers, our custom agents, et cetera, to do more serious verbal screening and i don't know if the cd skrrks discu c is discussing that with borders and customs agents. they've traditional not n aally able to screen well in the past. for them to be dismissive saying we can't isolate the countries they're going down the wrong rabbit hole and trying to give the american public a false sense of security. the chance of getting this, spreading across 300 million americans is certainly very small, but the american public is certainly also saying we don't want this disease streding at all and what if cases begin
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to appear in the u.s. now like they did in spain where other people are picking it up. >> false panic leads you to a slippery slope that ebola is such a low threat, what about when it's something that's an actual threat like the bird flu and h1n1 and all of these other things that come into the news cycle from time to time? if you're going to shut off africa, does it lead to shutting off asia, shutting off this place, that place and putting us all in quarantine banks. are you worried about that, if you do too much too soon you wind up creating a basis for real extremism down the road? >> we want -- look, again, no one is saying quarantine an entire continent. >> right. >> what we're saying is more sophisticated screening, look at travel restrictions for individuals, continue to send aid there. we're not saying isolate everything from that, but right now, the cdc is saying it's okay for people to come and go, we'll ask them questions, it is not enough. i don't think the american public is comfortable with that. we need to know more about this and i hope in the next few days the cdc is going to ramp up
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other ways of screening folks and having more restrictions on people coming out of africa. >> congressman, i appreciate you being on "new day" and it's good to have you guys in d.c. doing the business of the people. >> you bet, good to be with you, chris. >> alisyn? abamerican teenager busted for allegedly trying to join isis. how was he caught and what was he planning to do? we'll give you the details. ment intense fighting in syria, isis is pushing for control over kobani as air strikes rain down on the region. we'll discuss what's at stake. (receptionist) gunderman group.
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welcome back. an illinois teenager faces up to
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15 years in prison after he allegedly tried to join isis. he is 19-year-old mohammed hamzha khan and he was nabbed at chicago's o'hare airport on his way to turkey after leaving a damning letter at his home. we have cnn's ted rowlands live in the teen's hometown of bolingbro bolingbrook, illinois. what do we know, ted? >> reporter: good morning, chris. according to federal investigators they found inside this house notes, drawings and that letter you're talking about, which spells out why this american teenager wanted to go fight with isis. according to investigators, 19-year-old mohammed hamzha khan was on his way to join isis when he was arrested over the weekend after going through security at chicago's o'hare airport. in a three-page letter allegedly left for his parents and signed "your loving son" khan accordingly wrote to a criminal complaint he was obligated to migrate to the islamic state and
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couldn't bear the thought of his taxes in the u.s. being used to kill his "muslim brothers and sisters." the western societies are getting more immoral day by day. i do not want my kids being exposed to filth like this." investigators say khan was expecting that a contact he met online would meet him in turkey and take him to join isis in iraq or syria, but details about who bought his plane ticket and who he would meet were not revealed. relatives declined to speak outside the family home in the chicago working class suburb of bolingbrook. neighbors say khan lived with his parents and a brother and sister and spent time at an islamic center across the street. >> it's horrible, man, and it's in our backyard. it's literally in my backyard and it's bad. it's bad. >> reporter: next door neighbor steve moore says he's known the family for about two years. >> i was surprised, really
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surprised. the kid was polite, you know? i didn't expect him in the least bit. >> reporter: what is unclear is how the teenager was radicalized or if his family knew what he was planning. the criminal complaint mentions pro-isis writings and drawings found in common areas of the house, suggesting his views may have been known to members of his family. khan made an initial appearance in federal court monday, members of his family were there in the courtroom, but had nothing to say after the hearing. and khan is currently being held without bail. he has a detention hearing scheduled thursday morning, chris, in chicago. >> our understanding is for all the intrigue about who this kid is that the authorities are very tuned in who was talking to, where he was going to understand the recruiting model being used by terrorists. thank you for the reporting. mick? here we go with the five things you need to know for your "new day" at number one, three more possible cases of ebola emerged in spain after a nurse
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assisting contracted the disease in madrid, this come as the u.s. weighs tougher airport screenings to keep another case from entering the u.s. despite five overnight air strikes in kobani isis closer to capturing the syrian town along the border of turkey. 13 strikes were launched overnight in syria and iraq. leon pa net ta slamming president obama in a new memoir. pa net ta says obama lost his way and questions his handling of troop withdrawal in iraq and delay in entering syria. four senior executives are out of job, fired over a crackdown over veterans long wait times for medical care, a scandal first exposed by cnn. the supreme court with a surprise move that could spell the end to legal challenges of same-sex marriage. we update the five things to know so visit for
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the latest. alisyn? air strikes are pounding iraq and syria this morning but isis keeps advancing. does that mean the air strikes are not working? our military analyst has that answer.
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13 coalition air strikes overnight against isis targets nine of them in syria, five of them around the town of kobani alone, but despite these air strikes, isis seems to be moving
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ahead full steam as it attempts to take the town right on the turkish border. it begs the question, is the coalition strategy against isis proving effective? we want to put the question to retired lieutenant colonel rick francona, military analyst for cnn. you know the area well and know the intricacies. good to have you here. talafar, learning word this morning of air strikes reports of 29 isis members killed. you look at the strategic placing of that attack, those air strikes over near mosul near the border, overall is it helping the strategy? >> it does. this is the main supply route between mosul and where they keep a lot of stuff in syria. they have a lot of supplies in syria, they move them into mosul as they need it. hitting talafar is a good example. the british started doing reconnaissance a few days ago, we're doing it as well, you load up the aircraft and go out hunting for targets. when you see troops that you can attack without putting other people in danger, then you go
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ahead and take them on. >> that brings us into kobani, andily' get to that in a second, there are civilians that we're concerned about, kobani on the turkish border. air strikes overnight there again, i almost can predict what you're going to say. are air strikes enough here? >> no. kobani is going to fall, i'm surprised it held out so long because of the tenacity of the kurdish fighters in the city. they're outgunned, outmanned, surrounded. isis controls the whole area. this is the remaining pocket of resistance. it's only a matter of tile. the air strikes can slow it down but i think it's inevitable they'll take it. >> the inevitability there. what is concerning we're hearing reports up to some 12,000 civilians trapped there, trying to flee to turkey. >> this is a humanitarian nightmare. the turks are being difficult in letting these people across. they're slowing it down and unfortunately the holdouts in that town will probably be treated very badly, i'm being
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generous, by isis when they take it over. the kurdish fighters if they don't evacuate will probably all be caught. >> help us understand the turks not wanting to assist in that. that is concerning, they should open the border and let them in, most would say. >> i don't understand. the turks have kind up to be part of the coalition. >> right. >> yet we've not seen them really do anything. lot of troops on the border, they beefed up their defensive presence but not done anything. i don't know if they're waiting for icise to present themselves as a threat directly. >> at the border, right. >> they certainly should be allowing these people to escape because leaving them in that city after isis takes over is almost a death sentence. >> we're fighting this on several fronts or when i say "i" it's not me but coalition forces are fighting on several fronts. i don't want to neglect baghdad. we're paying attention to syria but baghdad this is a front that is a real concern here, too >> this is a real problem because over the last couple of days, iraqi army and iraqi security forces tried to
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dislodge isis from some of their strongholds, rah maddie, fallujah, these cities we know well to the west of baghdad, anbar province. with american air strikes and abatchie helicopter gunships involved in the mix they can't seem to dislodge it. i don't know what happened to the iraqi army. >> where are they? >> they're not capable of doing this. they're on the outskirts of baghdad within artillery range of baghdad airport. we know how important the airport is. >> vital. >> and able to get mortar rounds into the green zone. >> the airport is key here. >> i talked to some of my contacts at the pentagon and the situation around baghdad now is becoming dire. that's the word they used, dire. >> so overall if we were to talk to but your strategy, if you were in charge, since we're standing on the world here what would you do? you talked to me time and time again talking about the limited capability of air strikes alone. you talked about the importance of ground troops. >> go big or don't go.
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these small numbers of air strikes puzzle me, why aren't we putting more air power into this? five air strikes? we should be doing 50 air strikes. the problem i'm seeing -- >> half-hearted, too. >> maybe we don't have the targets we need, maybe we're not being able to designate the targets or find the targets. what i would do in a perfect world i would have some either u.s. air force or u.s. army air controllers on the ground to help guide the air strikes in. air power can be effective in this situation. >> it's the key of guiding them in. >> if you get the weapons on the targets. we did this effectively in afghanistan in the initial phases of the war. we could do it here. >> all right, lieutenant corn retired rick francona, always a pleasure to have you give us this perspective. we'll obviously have you back a couple of times at least this week. alisyn, over to you. listen to this, a 5-year-old roaming around the back seat of a car, not in a car seat, while the car was moving, but it's what the responding officer did that's the story. that's "the good stuff" and it's coming up. when it comes to good nutrition...i'm no expert.
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we have a quick programming note for you, it's been seven months since malaysia airlines flight 370 vanished. on monday they officially began the search of the floor of the indian ocean. so tonight tune in for cnn special reported "vanished: the
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mystery of malaysia flight 370" at 9:00 p.m. eastern. so with all the news about ebola developments and only relief from that is a war that's going on against isis and terror, you know it is time for "the good stuff." in today's edition, protect and serve and action. this cop goes above and beyond the call of duty for a child's safety and for a family that's fallen on hard tiles. officer ben hall is in michigan, makes a traffic stop, you know, not one of my favorite experiences, i'm sure it's not yours either. good thing comes out. something's not right in the back seat. take a listen. >> there was a young child that didn't have a car seat, and was standing around in the vehicle. >> that's a ticket but it turns out young mom alexis dilorenzo. hcy booster seat in her old car that had been repo cessed. needless to say she could not afford her another seat. so he gives her the ticket.
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no, he doesn't. he says hey, meet me at walmart. >> a ticket doesn't solve the situation. what solves it is the child being in a booster seat like she should be, it is the easiest 50 bucks i ever spent. >> i'm really almost at a loss for words because he really didn't have to do that. he did his job and above and beyond that to protect a little girl and help a family that can't help themselves right now. >> good cop, protect and serve. dilorenzo plans to pay it forward when she gets back on her feet. >> isn't that an interesting note, a ticket is not going to fix the problem. so true. it's a deterrent we know but still >> it's a great point and we talk in the media about police bad behavior often. this happens every day, every day police officers doing god's work out there. it's great to talk about it. >> he could have given you a ticket and -- >> never get pulled over, i'm perfect, that's all i'm saying. >> i knew it. >> back to reality, there's a lot of news this morning, let's get you to "the newsroom" with carol costello.
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carol? >> sounded so tidire, back to reality. thanks chris cuomo. you guys have a great day. "newsroom" starts right now. -- captions by vitac -- worthy fight. former big leaguer leon pa net ta criticizing the president on isis, iraq and syria says he avoids the battle and lost his way. this morning's "post" headline the stunning disloyalty to obama. recruited for isis a chicago teenager's terrifying letter to his parents, why he wanted to join isis calling american filth. who bought his plane ticket and who was he going to meet in turkey? spain now investigating an infected nurse's assistant. this is the first person known to have contracted the disease outside of west africa. so why aren't we hearing the complete story of where she was and who that nurse came into contact with?


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